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Influence of Binder Type on Performance of Dense Bituminous Mixture Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate


Abstract and Figures

Conventional stone aggregates are becoming scare and costly because of huge infrastructure activities going on since last three decades in India. On the other hand, wastes such as that resulting from old concrete constructions are abundantly available. Many attempts have already been made to utilise these wastes referred to as recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in various constructions including in bituminous paving layers. All types of bituminous binders commonly used in paving mixes in India may not be compatible with RCA. This experimental study aims to study the influence of binder type on the performance of dense graded bituminous mixtures containing RCA replacing the coarse fraction of conventional stone aggregates. In order to achieve this main objective, dense bituminous macadam (DBM) mixtures as per the relevant Indian specifications were prepared using three different types of bituminous binders commonly used in India, namely conventional VG 30 and VG 40 bitumens, and crumb rubber modified binder (CRMB). Separate Marshall samples were prepared using RCA and natural aggregate (NA) and either of the above three binders. As per the main scope of this study, the mixtures thus prepared were evaluated in terms of their engineering properties such as Marshall characteristics, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility characteristics, resilient modulus and rutting resistance. It is observed that all mixtures considered in this study, in general satisfy the requirements in terms of Marshall and moisture susceptibility characteristics. Considering all engineering properties studied, the CRMB/VG40 bitumen offer superior and satisfactory results for mixtures containing either NA or RCA, with NA showing slightly better result as compared with RCA in the mixtures.
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Influence of Binder Type on Performance of Dense Bituminous Mixture
Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate
Jagadeesh Gopalam, Jyoti Prakash Giri, Mahabir Panda
PII: S2214-5095(20)30085-1
Reference: CSCM 413
To appear in: Case Studies in Construction Materials
Received Date: 3 December 2019
Revised Date: 2 August 2020
Accepted Date: 3 August 2020
Please cite this article as: Gopalam J, Giri JP, Panda M, Influence of Binder Type on
Performance of Dense Bituminous Mixture Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete
Aggregate, Case Studies in Construction Materials (2020),
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Influence of Binder Type on Performance of Dense Bituminous
Mixture Prepared with Coarse Recycled Concrete Aggregate
Jagadeesh Gopalam1*, Jyoti Prakash Giri2, Mahabir Panda3
1 P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering ,GMR Institute of Technology, Civil
Department, Rajam, India, Email:
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering ,GMR Institute of Technology, Civil
Department, Rajam, India, Email:
3 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,National Institute of Technology, Civil
Department, Rourkela, India, Email:
Conventional stone aggregates are becoming scare and costly because of huge infrastructure activities going on
since last three decades in India. On the other hand, wastes such as that resulting from old concrete constructions
are abundantly available. Many attempts have already been made to utilise these wastes referred to as recycled
concrete aggregate (RCA) in various constructions including in bituminous paving layers. All types of bituminous
binders commonly used in paving mixes in India may not be compatible with RCA. This experimental study aims
to study the influence of binder type on the performance of dense graded bituminous mixtures containing RCA
replacing the coarse fraction of conventional stone aggregates. In order to achieve this main objective, dense
bituminous macadam (DBM) mixtures as per the relevant Indian specifications were prepared using three different
types of bituminous binders commonly used in India, namely conventional VG 30 and VG 40 bitumens, and
crumb rubber modified binder (CRMB). Separate Marshall samples were prepared using RCA and natural
aggregate (NA) and either of the above three binders. As per the main scope of this study, the mixtures thus
prepared were evaluated in terms of their engineering properties such as Marshall characteristics, indirect tensile
strength, moisture susceptibility characteristics, resilient modulus and rutting resistance. It is observed that all
mixtures considered in this study, in general satisfy the requirements in terms of Marshall and moisture
susceptibility characteristics. Considering all engineering properties studied, the CRMB/VG40 bitumen offer
superior and satisfactory results for mixtures containing either NA or RCA, with NA showing slightly better result
as compared with RCA in the mixtures.
Keywords: Recycled concrete aggregate, Crumb rubber modified bitumen, Moisture susceptibility, Resilient
modulus, Flow number.
1. Introduction
For construction and maintenance of bituminous pavements there is a huge requirement of aggregates
which are normally processed from natural stone resources. As these resources are fast depleting and hence
becoming costlier, highway engineers and researchers are looking for waste and locally available materials to
replace the natural stone aggregates to the extent possible. One of the waste materials which have been tried in
road construction replacing aggregates, is concrete waste. The construction and demolition (C&D) waste from
concrete structures when processed and reused as aggregates in new construction works are referred to as recycled
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concrete aggregates (RCA). A number of studies [1] have been made to understand the potential of RCA for use
in bituminous mixes. Though the applications of RCA in different works are wide, till date limited works are
available on the use of RCA as an aggregate in bituminous mixtures for paving applications. This is because of
the fact that the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of RCA are quite different from that of the
conventional stone aggregates. Basically, RCA is rough, porous and irregular in shape, having lower specific
gravity and higher water absorption value as compared with conventional aggregates [2]. Further, with
heterogeneous sources and variant crushing process, the composition of RCA varies widely and the resulting
bituminous mixtures incorporating RCA offers controversial characteristics [3]. However, some studies report that
the performance characteristics of HMA mixtures containing RCA, such as resistance to moisture induced damage,
rutting resistance, fatigue life and low temperature cracking resistance have similar trends of improvement as that
with the conventional bituminous mixture [4, 5, 6]. One drawback of using RCA in HMA is that the mixture has
higher bitumen requirement as compared with conventional bituminous mixtures with NA [3]. However, this
difference of consumption of bitumen was more apparent when RCA was used in finer fraction in the mixture [7].
To counteract the above problem of high bitumen requirement and at the same time maintain required performance
standards, Bhusal et al. [8] suggested to incorporate only coarse fraction of RCA in hot mix asphalt (HMA).
The performance characteristics of bituminous mixtures are linked with aggregate properties like
strength, and stiffness. Further, it is necessary to understand the aggregate characteristics appropriately with
bitumen in a bituminous mixture [9]. Kok et al. [10] concluded from their experimental investigation that, when a
bituminous mixture was prepared with conventional aggregate and crumb rubber modified bitumen (CRMB), it
was more suitable for combating low-temperature cracking in colder climates because it reinforced immediately
after crack initiation. In this respect, the use of crumb rubber (CR) was preferred over styrene-butadiene-styrene
(SBS) for modification of bitumen. The use of CR in modification of virgin bitumen also offers environmental
benefits (waste utilisation) as well as a significant cost savings due to the high cost of SBS. Similarly, Moghaddam
et al., [11] observed that, the bituminous mixtures made with modified bitumen offered better results in terms of
stability, durability, workability, compaction and resistance to deformation compared to mixture compacted with
conventional bitumen and natural aggregate. Hence, generally it is observed that the performance of bituminous
mixture is significantly affected due to the aggregates and binder types used for preparing a mixture.
Based on the above facts, the main objective of this experimental work is to study the performances of
bituminous mixtures prepared with RCA in conjunction with different types of bituminous binders normally used
in the field. In this study, RCA fully replaces the coarse aggregate fraction in the dense bituminous macadam
(DBM) mixture and cement has been used as filler. The binders used in this study are conventional VG 30 and
VG 40 bitumens and one modified binder CRMB, to study the effects of binder types on the mixture performances.
For comparison purposes, the DBM mixes were also prepared using conventional natural aggregates (NA).
2. Experimental Program
In the present study, in order to study the effects of aggregate and bitumen types on the performance of
dense bituminous macadam (DBM) mixes, six combinations (with two types of aggregates, i.e., NA, and RCA,
and three types of bitumens, i.e., CRMB, VG 40, and VG 30) were tried. As mentioned earlier cement (CM) was
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used as filler for preparation of the paving mixtures. For each mixture type, performance tests such as Marshall
characteristics, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility in the form of tensile strength ratio (TSR) and
retained stability (RS) and resilient modulus test, were conducted. A flowchart of the present experimental
investigation is presented in Fig. 1.
Fig 1. Flowchart of the present experimental investigation
2.1 Materials
In this study, two types of aggregates namely NA and RCA were used. The demolition concrete was
collected from the campus of GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT), Rajam resulting from the specimens cast
for testing and research purposes in the concrete laboratory. Then the concrete debris were first crushed with a
jaw crusher and appropriately sieved out to obtain the required size fractions of RCA. The natural aggregates were
collected from a local government approved stone quarry for the preparation of bituminous mixtures. The physical
properties of RCA and NA were determined in the laboratory and these results were summarised in Table 1. From
this table it may be observed that RCA has a relatively low specific gravity with high water absorption value
compared to natural aggregate. The reason behind this may be the thick cement mortar adhering to the aggregates
of the RCA which create a porous structure, as may be observed from the SEM images given in Fig. 2. It can be
noticed from this figure that, there was presence of a large amount of voids and microfractures on the surface,
which may lead to lower strength, higher water absorption and poor adhesion with bitumen. Though other physical
properties like impact value, aggregate crushing value, and Los Angeles abrasion value were found to be
satisfactory for RCA according to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) specifications [12], these
were somewhat inferior compared to NA.
Preparation of bituminous mixtures
Natural aggregate (NA)
Demolition concrete waste (RCA)
Crushed and converted to required
coarse aggregate fraction ( > 4.75mm)
Coarse aggregates
(RCA and NA )
Fine aggregates (NA)
Filler (Cement, stone dust,
fly ash and carbon black)
Bitumen (VG 30)
Marshall mix design
(DBM gradation, MoRTH,2013)
Determination of OBC
(eight mixtures)
Performance test
of DBM mixtures
Determination of physical
properties of different used materials
Indirect tensile strength Moisture susceptibility Resilient modulus Flow number
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Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy images of (a) NA and (b) RCA
For preparation of DBM mixtures with 26.5 mm nominal maximum aggregate size, the mid-point grading
as per MoRTH given in Fig. 3 was adopted [12]. The Portland slag cement having specific gravity of 3.01,
procured locally was used as filler.
Three types of bituminous binders such as, two conventional bitumens, i.e. named as CRMB, VG 40
bitumen, and VG 30 bitumen were used as binder material for preparing the bituminous mixtures. The latter two
were used in this study as these are commonly used in India for construction of bituminous paving layers according
to IRC 37 [13] and MoRTH specifications [12]. The basic physical properties of the three types of bituminous
binders used are presented in Table 2.
Table 1. Physical properties of NA and RCA
(a) NA
(b) RCA
Test method
Test Results
Recommended value
Aggregate impact value (%)
Aggregate crushing value (%)
Los Angeles abrasion value (%)
Flakiness index (%)
Elongation index (%)
Water absorption (%)
Specific gravity
Stripping value (%)
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Fig. 3. Gradation curve for DBM mixture [12]
Table 2 Physical properties of different binders used
Test Method
Test Results
Recommend value
VG 30
VG 40
Specific gravity (27oC)
> 0.99
Penetration at 25°C (0.1
> 50
Ductility at 27oC (cm)
> 75
Softening Point (27°C)
> 47
Absolute viscosity at
60°C (Poise)
Kinematic viscosity at
135°C (cSt)
> 350
2.2 Preparation of Bituminous Mix Sample
Marshall test as per ASTM D1559 [24], is a basic and low-cost standard laboratory test adopted in many
parts of the world including in India for design of bituminous mixtures and using the same in construction. The
same procedure has been considered in this study to determine the optimum binder content (OBC) of different
mixtures considered and also to evaluate the mixture. In this experimental study, six different mixture
combinations of DBM were considered containing RCA and NA for coarse aggregate fraction, with CM as filler
and three types binders such as CRMB, VG 40 and VG 30 bitumen. In all these six mixtures, stone dust was used
for the fine aggregate fraction. These six bituminous mixtures have been designated in this study as RCA CRMB,
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RCA 40, RCA 40, NA CRMB, NA 40, and NA 30 where the preceding word represents the material of the CA
fraction and the succeeding one represents the type of binder used. Three specimens were prepared for each trial
bitumen content for a particular mixture.
2.3 Indirect Tensile Strength test
Indirect tensile strength (ITS) test is generally considered for observing the tensile strength properties of
bituminous mixture which can further be related to rutting and cracking properties [11]. This test method is
performed according to ASTM D6931 [25] at three test temperature of 15oC, 25oC and 35oC in the present study.
In this test the cylindrical Marshall specimens are placed between two loading strips and subjected to compressive
loads, in a vertical diametric plane. The ITS value of a specimen can be calculated by using Eq. (1).
ITS 
 (1)
ITS - Indirect tensile strength (kPa)
P - Maximum load (N)
H - Specimen thickness (mm)
D - Specimen diameter (mm)
2.4 Tensile Strength Ratio Test
Moisture induced damage is generally a primary cause of distress in bituminous mixtures, particularly in
areas where water remains stagnant for a considerable time. In order to assess the possibility of moisture induced
damage to bituminous mixtures, tensile strength ratio (TSR) is generally used. The tensile strength ratio is the
ratio between indirect tensile strength of the water-conditioned specimens to that of dry specimens, expressed as
percentage. The samples were conditioned in the laboratory and tested according to AASTHO T283 [26]. These
conditioned specimens are tested for their tensile strength and the TSR value of the bituminous samples is
calculated by using Eq. (2).
TSR (%) 
  (2)
2.5 Retained Stability test
This retained stability test (RS) is another test to assess the moisture susceptibility properties of
bituminous mixtures. The test is conducted on the conventional Marshall samples using Marshall test as per
ASTM D1075 [27]. In this test, the Marshall stability is determined before and after the moisture conditioning
process of the compacted specimens. The specimens are considered as conditioned when they are immersed in
water at 60°C for 24 hrs, and are said to be unconditioned when they are as usual kept in water bath at 60°C for
about half an hour. To determine the resistance of mixtures to loss of adhesion in the presence of moisture, the
retained stability is evaluated by using Eq. (3).
RS    
   (3)
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2.6 Resilient Modulus Test
The resilient modulus of a bituminous mixture is an important parameter used in the analysis and design
of a pavement [28]. In this test, a repeated load is applied to the Marshall samples (prepared at their respective
OBC) in an indirect tensile test set-up, and the resilient horizontal and vertical deformations are measured. For
this purpose, a repeated load customized test setup is used in the laboratory and the test is conducted as per ASTM
D 4123-82 [29]. In the present laboratory study, resilient modulus test is done at the most prevailing test
temperature of 25ºC and the loading frequency is selected as 1 Hz with loading time and rest period of 0.1s and
0.9s respectively. The repeated load considered for this test was about 25% of static ITS test result obtained for a
particular bituminous mixture at that particular test temperature.
2.7 Flow Number
The flow number test is conducted using Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT). According to
specification AASHTO TP79 [30], the bituminous mixture is tested at temperature of 25 to 60°C. The resulting
permanent axial strain is measured as a function of time and is numerically differentiated to calculate flow number
values [2]. NCHRP Project 933 suggests an axial stress of 600 kPa for the unconfined flow number test on
specimens with a target air void of 7% [31]. The flow number test specimens were prepared using Superpave
Gyratory Compactor (SGC) at 7% air void content having a size of 150 mm diameter and height of 170 mm. Then
the same was cored out from the 150-mm-diameter specimens and then trimmed on both sides. Two replicate
specimens were prepared for each bituminous mix with 100-mm diameter and 150-mm height and the specimens
were tested at 54°C.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Marshall Characteristics
The results of the Marshall tests including volumetric characteristics are presented in Table 3. From
Table 3, it is observed that the mixture containing RCA has resulted in higher stability value, whereas the unit
weight is found to be higher for the conventional bituminous mixture (with NA). The reason behind the higher
Marshall stability value in case of RCA sample may be due to rough surface of RCA resulting a good bonding
between aggregate particles in the mixture. The lower unit weight of mixture containing RCA is obviously due to
lower specific gravity of RCA itself. It is seen that all these mixtures satisfy the Marshall criteria required as per
MoRTH specifications [12]. The OBC is determined at 4% air void content in the mix according to MoRTH [12]
specifications and the observed OBC values for the six different bituminous mixtures are presented in Table 3. It
can be observed from this table that, there is more bitumen requirement for mixtures prepared with RCA. This is
because of the fact that the porosity of the mortar attached to the RCA surface tends to absorb some extra amount
of bitumen. Pasandín and Pérez [32] also reported that HMA containing RCA requires more binder as compared
to the mixture containing NA, thus corroborating this research finding.
Table 3 also presents the Marshall ratio values of the mixes. The Marshall ratio, a ratio of Marshall stability to
flow value of a Marshall sample. As per Pasandín and Pérez [33], this parameter is used to relate the stiffness of
the mix, and the mixtures with higher Marshall ratio offer greater resistance to permanent deformation. It is
observed in this study that the mixtures prepared with RCA result in higher Marshall ratio, which is an advantage.
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Table 3. Marshall characteristics of different DBM mixtures
Mix type
Unit Weight
VFB (%)
OBC (%)
NA 30
RCA 30
NA 40
RCA 40
3.2 Indirect Tensile Strength Test
The effects of aggregate and bitumen type on ITS value of the mixtures are presented in Fig. 4. It is found
that as usual the ITS value decreases with increase in test temperature for each type of mixture considered. The
samples prepared with NA and VG 40 bitumen showed lower ITS values at the lower test temperature, but offered
higher ITS value at higher test temperature. Similar trend is also followed for the mixture prepared with RCA and
CRMB. However, the mixture with NA and VG 30 bitumen resulted in higher ITS value at lower test temperature
and lower ITS value at higher test temperature. The results of ITS of the mixes with NA and VG 30 bitumen
almost match with the study by Giri et al. [2]. The reason behind the result of mix with NA and VG 40 bitumen
may be due to the fact that VG 40 bitumen having higher stiffness produces higher resistance at higher
temperature, however at lower temperature this bitumen may be somewhat brittle to resist the tensile stress
developed. CRMB on the other hand might not have completely coated the rough porous RCA as compared with
VG 30 bitumen causing its inability to resist the tensile stress at lower temperature, though it has higher stiffness
at higher temperature to result in higher tensile strength of the mix.
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Fig. 4. Indirect tensile strength test for DBM mixes at various test temperatures
3.3 Tensile Strength Ratio
The results of the tensile strength ratio (TSR) of the mixes are presented in Fig. 5. It is observed that, the samples
prepared with NA and VG 40 bitumen offered highest TSR values among all mixtures, whereas the mixtures
prepared with RCA also offered good moisture susceptibility characteristics. However, all the six mixtures are
found to satisfy the TSR requirement of 80% as recommended by MoRTH [12]. In general, for a particular binder
used, NA offers higher TSR value as compared with RCA. This may be because of higher porosity and lack of
complete coating around RCA particles. Therefore, it can be concluded that the RCA may be effective in
satisfactorily resisting the moisture induced damages. The results are consistent with the findings of Pasandín and
Pérez [32] where they observed that the hot mix asphalt containing construction and demolition waste is quite
satisfactory in respect of the stripping resistance.
Fig. 5. Tensile strength ratio value for DBM mixes
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3.4 Retained Stability Test
The results of the retained stability tests are presented in Fig. 6 and similar trends were observed as in
case of the TSR test results. As in case of TSR test result, because of higher aggregate crushing value of NA and
better stiffness characteristics of VG 40 bitumen at higher temperature, the samples prepared with NA and VG 40
bitumen resulted in somewhat higher RS values compared with other types of mixtures. The similar trends were
also reported by Giri et al. [2].
Fig. 6. Retained stability value for DBM mixes
3.5 Resilient Modulus
The results of the resilient modulus test conducted at test temperature of 25o C are presented in Fig. 7. It
is observed that samples prepared with NA and CRMB resulted in higher resilient modulus followed by mixture
made with NA and VG 40 as compared with other mixtures. Overall, the mixture prepared with CRMB as binder
material offered higher resilient modulus value as compared with the mixtures with other two types of bitumen
considered in the study. This may be due to a known fact that CRMB contributes to higher modulus because of
the effect of rubber in the binder (Behl, [33]. RCA in general contributes to somewhat lower resilient modulus
of a mix with a particular binder, as compared with NA possibly because of lower strength of RCA.
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Fig. 7. Resilient modulus value for DBM mixtures
3.6 Flow number
Fig. 8 shows the results for flow number for the six selected DBM mixtures. The test is run for 10,000
loading cycles or until an accumulated permanent strain of 50,000 micro strains is reached. Test results represented
in the Fig. 8 represent the average of the flow number values of two specimens of a particular selected mixture.
From the figure it may be observed that the mixture prepared with RCA and VG 30 results in the lowest flow
number and the mixture made with NA and CRMB offered highest flow number. The interesting fact is that when
CRMB is used, there is a dramatic increase in flow number, indicating much better rutting resistance for the
mixtures. This may be attributed to the properties of CRMB at higher temperature such as higher softening point
and viscosities as presented in Table 1. Use of CRMB in paving mixes for better rut resistance has been reported
by Kok et al. [10] and Behl et al. [34] which justifies the present finding.
Fig. 8. Flow number value for DBM mixtures
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4. Conclusions
From the experimental investigations carried out in the present study on effects of binder type on the DBM
mix characteristics the following important conclusions are drawn.
RCA in general contributes to highest Marshall stability value as high as 19 kN. Both VG 40 bitumen
and CRMB as binders also contribute to substantial Marshall stability value. All types of mixtures
considered including that containing RCA result in satisfactory Marshall characteristics as per
MoRTH specifications.
The mixtures prepared with NA and VG 40 offer higher ITS values as compared with other types of
mixtures at a particular test temperature.
In respect of moisture susceptibility characteristics, in general the mixture with NA and VG 40
bitumen contributes the best result in terms of TSR value and retained stability value. However, all
types of mixtures considered in the study including that made with RCA satisfied the minimum
requirements for the same as per MoRTH specifications.
The mixture prepared with NA and CRMB results in much higher resilient modulus value slightly
followed by the mixture with RCA and CRMB.
Similar trend is also observed for the mixtures in the flow number test indicating much superior
resistance to rutting in respect of mixtures made with NA and CRMB. RCA offered slightly less
flow number as compared with NA in respect of mixture with any particular binder used.
From the above summary of test results, it is concluded that the recycled concrete aggregate which is available
in huge quantities as a waste material, in conjunction with CRMB or conventional VG 40 bitumen in general
offers superior test results, and hence can be utilized as an alternative to fast depleting and costly natural stone
aggregates for sustainable development of bituminous road infrastructure.
Conflict of interest
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.
Acknowledgement and Funding information
Not Applicable.
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... As for the asphalt mixture containing recycled concrete aggregates and a modified binder with rubber crumbs, it exhibited less fatigue life in the controlled stress test, while it gave better resistance to rutting [10]. Gopalam et al. also studied the effect of using asphalt binder modified with rubber crumbs on the performance of asphalt mixtures containing recycled concrete aggregates as a substitute for natural aggregates for the coarse part of the grain gradient, and the results showed that these mixtures show less tensile strength and greater resistance to rutting compared to conventional asphalt mixtures [5]. ...
The accumulation of huge amounts of rubble and the worn-out tires that resulted from the severe damage to Syrian facilities because of the current war in Syria poses a serious environmental problem. In this research, therefore, asphalt mixtures containing recycled concrete aggregates and an asphalt binder modified with tire rubber crumbs were designed. It also determines the loading cycles until failure on fatigue and rutting of these mixtures by following numerical modeling and using the 3D-Move Analysis program. The results showed an increase in the optimal asphalt ratio, the proportion of air voids and flow with the increase in the proportion of recycled concrete aggregates in the asphalt mixture. Contrastingly, it showed a decrease in both volumetric density and stability with the increase in the proportion of these aggregates in the mixture. With modifying these mixtures with tire rubber crumbs, both of the percentage of air voids and stability increase, while the volumetric density and flow decrease. The results also showed an increase in the fatigue strength of the asphalt mixture with an increase in the proportion of recycled concrete aggregates, while the rutting resistance increased when the mixture was modified with tire rubber crumbs.
... Several studies reported that the higher Marshall stability exhibited a higher resilient modulus (stiffness) and resistance to permanent deformation (Cai et al. 2018;Gopalam et al. 2020;Xiao et al. 2020). This finding is similar to the present test result in that the resilient modulus and the resistance to permanent deformation of the mixtures with basalt aggregate were higher than those of the mixtures with granite and limestone aggregates. ...
... Instead of this, if these wastes can be recycled with a best technique in the form of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) shown in Fig. 1, resulted benefits by providing alternative sources of construction aggregate to minimise the dependency on the natural resources. However, it requires proper investigation for its use in bituminous layers as in general, it having rough, irregular and high porous surface resulting low specific gravity and high-water absorption compared to conventional aggregate [1][2][3]. ...
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In the present study, an effort has been made to utilise recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a replacement for the traditional coarse fraction in paving mixtures, for addressing the issue of dumping space. Additionally, waste materials such as fly ash (FA) and rice husk ash (RHA) were utilized as fillers in bituminous mixtures. The research aimed to comprehensively evaluate the performance of these non-conventional bituminous mixtures with VG 30 grade bitumen as the binder at a concentration of 5% by weight of the dense bituminous mixtures. Various performance characteristics of these mixtures, including Marshall parameters, indirect tensile strength, and moisture susceptibility, were carefully observed and analyzed. To assess the moisture susceptibility characteristics in the form of tensile strength ratio (TSR), a probabilistic approach was employed based on experimental results. Fifteen distributions were considered, and three goodness-of-fit tests were conducted to confirm the suitability of its use in flexible pavement. The experimental results indicated that mixtures prepared with natural aggregates exhibited better performance compared to other combinations. Nevertheless, the mixture containing RCA with other considered waste materials as a filler also met the codal provisions and showcased promising results. The probability analysis revealed that the lognormal distribution is the best fit for experimental data, further supporting the findings. Overall, the study highlights the potential of using waste materials as alternatives in bituminous mixtures while considering their performance characteristics and environmental benefits.
... Gopalam et al. [153] also developed an experimental study to evaluate the influence of the binder type on the performance of dense graded asphalt mixtures that included RCA replacing NA in the HMA coarse fraction. They produced different Marshall samples of dense asphalt macadam (DBM) mixtures under the Indian technical specifications, using three binders, conventional VG 30 and VG 40 bitumen's, and a crumb rubber modified binder (CRMB), all of them with RCA or NA. ...
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Various researchers are developing efforts to integrate waste and by-products as alternative materials in road construction and maintenance, reducing environmental impacts and promoting a circular economy. Among the alternative materials that several authors have studied regarding their use as partial or total substitutes for natural aggregates in the asphalt paving industry, the steel slag aggregate (SSA) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) from construction demolition waste (CDW) stand out. This paper reviews and discusses the characteristics and performance of these materials when used as aggregates in asphalt mixtures. Based on the various studies analyzed, it was possible to conclude that incorporating SSA or RCA in asphalt mixtures for road pavements has functional, mechanical, and environmental advantages. However, it is essential to consider some possible drawbacks of these aggregates that are discussed in this paper, to define the acceptable uses of SSA and RCA as sustainable feedstocks for road paving works.
... The anti-cracking property of asphalt pavement at low temperatures is a crucial technical index to judge whether the mixture is applicable in cold regions. Literature indicates that mortar is a brittle cementitious composite material at low temperatures (Gopalam et al., 2020;Wu et al., 2013). Regarding the use of RCA in asphalt pavement, the potential risk of low-temperature cracking is one of the first considerations due to the existing defects caused by adhered mortar. ...
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With the continuous paving of roads around the world, the huge consumption of natural aggregate (NA) obtained through widespread excavation and extraction is now an inevitable part of highway construction. To alleviate this phenomenon, the use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) is considered beneficial to potentially substitute these aggregates in asphalt mixtures while concurrently providing secondary environmental, economic, and societal benefits. Nevertheless, engineering asphalt mixtures containing RCA to meet desired performance properties still poses several challenges and uncertainties for practitioners. Based on this, the present work reviews the previous relevant literature on this topic and summarizes the potential use of RCA for asphalt pavement related applications. An important characteristic of RCA is that it consists of various interfacial transition zones (ITZs) and voids caused by adhered mortar which leads to higher water-absorption and crushing characteristics as compared to NA. The treating methods used such as mechanical processing, calcium carbonate bio-deposition, and pozzolanic materials incorporation have been shown to be effective to improve the quality of RCA. The structural and material durability of RCA-asphalt pavement is closely dependent on its mix design, moisture-induced damage, and high and low temperature properties, which is in direct relation to the overall properties of RCA. Moreover, the shape variability of RCA during mixture preparation leads to the change in design gradation and its influence on the properties of RCA-asphalt mixtures should be carefully considered. The total substitution of coarse NA by RCA in asphalt pavement can be reached as long as the engineering properties, particularly the moisture susceptibility, are satisfactorily addressed. Overall, the potential application of RCA is a promising candidate to replace the excessive use of NA for the construction of high quality and sustainable asphalt pavements of the future.
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The architecture, engineering, construction, and operations industry faces an urgent need to enhance construction and demolition waste management in urban areas, driven by increasing demolition and construction activities and a desire to align with sustainable practices and the circular economy principles. To address this need, a systematic literature review on the building information modelling methodology was conducted, employing a structured protocol and specific tools for the analysis of academic studies, based on PRISMA guidelines and StArt software (version 3.4 BETA). Ninety relevant studies published between 1998 and 2024, were analysed and selected from the Web of Science, Scopus, and Engineering Village databases. Findings indicate that China leads in publications with 34%, followed by Brazil (8%) and the United Kingdom (7%). The analysis emphasises the use of drones and LiDAR scanners for precise spatial data, processed by 3D reconstruction tools like Pix4D and FARO As-Built. Revit excels in 3D modelling, providing a robust platform for visualisation and analysis. Visual programming tools such as Dynamo automate processes and optimise material reuse. The study presents a conceptual framework that integrates these technologies with the principles of the circular economy, clarifying the interactions and practical applications that promote the sustainable management of demolition waste from urban buildings and process efficiency. Although the approach promotes material reuse and sustainability, it still faces barriers such as the need for waste segregation at the source, the adaptation of innovative technologies, like the iPhone 15 Pro LiDAR and thermal cameras, as well as associated costs. These factors may limit its adoption in larger-scale projects, particularly due to the increased complexity of buildings.
Rapid growth in the construction sector in India is leading to the scarcity of natural materials required for construction. In the process, construction and demolition waste is also generated. Disposal and management of C&DW are posing as major issue in the construction sector. In construction activities, use of recycled concrete aggregate can help in addressing these issues. For suitable and sustainable applications of recycled concrete aggregate, its properties and performance in concrete are studied in this research work. Particle size distribution and water absorption of recycled concrete aggregate extracted from construction and demolition waste are determined. High water absorption of 4.62% of RCA is obtained. Compressive strengths of concrete with various mix proportions using recycled concrete aggregate are studied. Recycled aggregate concrete made with full substitution of natural coarse aggregate with coarse-recycled concrete aggregate achieved characteristic compressive strength of 30 MPa. A numerical analysis is performed on experimental values of strength. Single-factor ANOVA method is used for test results after 28 days of curing. ANOVA results show that 100% replacement of natural aggregate with cRCA using IS design is fully acceptable as a sustainable alternative to conventional concrete.KeywordsRecycled concrete aggregateRecycled aggregate concreteCompressive strengthConstruction and demolition wasteANOVA
The proportion of India’s population living in urban regions has climbed from 14 per cent at the time of Independence to roughly 31 per cent at now. Demand for housing and transportation infrastructure in metropolitan areas is also similarly expanding. Rising environmental challenges has enforced the stakeholder to utilize the construction and demolition waste with more efficacy in the road and other building construction. Incorporation of C&D waste for manufacturing of aggregates is a step towards efficient management and consumption of this material. This yet, takes appropriate attention when generating aggregates to maintain their efficiency in their usage as part of concrete and roadway pavements. These aggregates may be of two kinds namely Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) and Recycled Aggregate (RA). Recycled aggregate is manufactured from demolition waste that may consist brick, concrete, tiles, glass etc. and RCA is obtained from concrete following mandatory processing. The purpose of this research is to analyse the morphological and physical properties of C&D waste. Also, the study covers the effective utilisation of this waste in the building sector along with its benefits and limits. Previous research have demonstrated that the usage of secondary sustainable material not only offer an effective waste disposal approach but also minimise demand for virgin material and lower overall building cost. Construction and demolition waste characteristics vary based upon nature of waste, strength attributes of original elements, age of the destroyed structure, etc. Hence each sample of processed C&D waste should be examined to identify its physical and engineering strength attributes before employing it in any road project. This study also presents an outline of functioning of C&D waste processing plant with the aid of schematic flowchart.
The blending behavior of aged and virgin asphalt binder is one of the most critical problems in the mixing process of hot recycling. To accurately measure the participation degree of aged asphalt and optimize the mixing process of hot recycling, a series of laboratory tests were designed by using magnetite aggregate and thin-layer chromatography with flame ionization detection (TLC-FID) for the first time. In this study, 24 different lab-mixing conditions were deliberately adopted to investigate the impact on the DoB of aged and virgin asphalt binders, including mixing amount of RAP, mixing amount of rejuvenating agent, mixing time, mixing temperature, mixing orders and the thickness of asphalt film. The results indicated that the aged and virgin asphalt cannot be completely blended in the mixing process and DoB is only about 40% ~ 60% in general. The DoB decreases with the increase of asphalt film thickness and it decreases by 30% when asphalt film thickness is 9μm. DOB increased with the content of RAP and rejuvenating agent up to 70% which same as mixing sequence. Although the mixing time and temperature can promote DOB, the mixing time and temperature should be controlled within 240 s and 170°C, otherwise the accuracy of DOB will be affected.
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Considerable usage of natural aggregates for road construction, and at the same time, the increasing amount of solid wastes, have attracted the attention of many researchers in the pavement industry to investigate the feasibility of the application of some of the waste materials in pavement construction. Construction and demolition wastes, including Recycled Construction Aggregate (RCA) constitute a major part of the municipal solid wastes. Using RCA in asphalt mixtures generally results in significant economic and environmental benefits. However, in spite of such promising potentials, insufficient and inconclusive data and information on the engineering properties of RCA had limited the reliability and design specifications of RCA to date. In light of this, this paper aims to investigate the feasibility of the application of RCA in asphalt mixtures. As the suitability of aggregates for using in asphalt mixtures is determined based on the aggregate characteristics, an experimental program is set up to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of RCA. This laboratory investigation included the measurement of RCA compressive strength, particle shape, water absorption, flakiness index, crushing value, weak particles, wet/dry strength variation, and particle density. Based on this research, it was observed that RCA has a lower value of flaky and misshapen particles in comparison with basalt, implying that asphalt mixtures containing the certain amount of RCA can have better workability, deformation resistance and compaction. However, the test results show higher water absorption and wet/dry strength variation for RCA compared to natural materials, emphasizing on the necessity of an appropriate mix design.
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To guarantee sustainable construction, we investigated the reuse of construction and demolition waste (CDW) as recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for the manufacture of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) in place of natural aggregates. The use of waste tire rubber as a bitumen modifier could be a means of improving the water resistance of these mixtures. In this investigation, moisture damage resistance of HMA for binder course, type AC 22 bin S, was analysed. Percentages of 0% (control mixture), 35% and 42% RCA were used in place of natural aggregates. Two types of bitumen have also been used: a conventional B35/50 penetration grade bitumen and BC35/50, a crumb rubber modified bitumen. Volumetric properties and water resistance were determined by means of indirect tensile tests. The results indicate that contrary to expectations, mixtures made with BC35/50 do not display better water resistance than mixtures made with B35/50. Nevertheless, a mixture made with B35/50 or BC35/50 does comply with Spanish requirements. Additionally, reversibility of moisture damage resistance was clearly demonstrated in this research. This research may help to better understand the performance of HMA made with RCA and the drawbacks of using waste tire rubber as a bitumen modifier.
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The objective of this research was to assess the possibility of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in asphalt mixtures. The experimental research included 10 asphalt mixtures with partial natural aggregate substitution by RCA, which ranged from 15% to 45% of fine (⩽4 mm), coarse (4/22.4 mm) and both fine and coarse aggregate. The optimum bitumen content increased with increasing RCA content. The use of RCA had no significant influence on the permanent deformation, while the stiffness modulus of asphalt mixtures with RCA was lower compared with the control mixture, especially at high frequencies. The results indicate that RCA can be successfully used in asphalt mixtures.
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Asphalt mixture stiffness is an important parameter used during pavement design and for pavement performance evaluation. The resilient modulus (MR) test (ASTM D7369) was used in this study to measure the stiffness of several types of asphalt mixtures and various specimen types. Five types of asphalt mixtures were studied: virgin mixture without recycled materials, control mixture with recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) and Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) additive, and three other mixtures with RAP and RAS and different types of recycling agents. The specimen types used in the study were field cores, on-site plant mix laboratory compacted (PMLC) specimens, and reheated plant mix laboratory compacted (RPMLC) specimens. The objectives of the study were to assess the effect on MR values of: 1) smoothness of field core surfaces and 2) measurement angle in field cores and laboratory compacted specimens. In addition, a comparison of MR results was done for the various mixture and specimen types. Results indicate that smoothness and measurement angle had no statistical significant effect on MR with a 95% confidence level. The test, however, was able to identify statistically significant differences between mixture and specimen types. Finally, a comparison between MR and dynamic modulus (DM) test (AASHTO TP79) results showed
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In this study, the performances of bitumen and asphalt mixtures modified by crumb rubber (CR) were compared with those modified by styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS). The resultant mixtures were evaluated for their rheological and mechanical performances by different experimental techniques such as rheological bitumen tests, i.e., dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), bending beam rheometer (BBR), and hot mixture performance tests, that is, indirect tensile stiffness modulus, fatigue, semicircular bending, and toughness index. Experimental studies show that it is necessary to use twice as much CR as SBS to reach the same performance attained by SBS. CR modification at high additive content exhibits higher elastic response, i.e., recoverable strain, than the SBS-modified mixture. While the resistance to crack initiation of CR-modified mixtures increases with increasing additive content, the resistance to crack propagation decreases dramatically according to fatigue and semicircular bending tests. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000590. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
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Rising energy costs and increased awareness of emission problems in the production of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) have brought attention to the potential benefits of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) in India. Warm-mix asphalt is the generic term for a variety of technologies that allow the producers of hot-mix asphalt pavement material to lower the temperatures at which the material is mixed and placed on the road. Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB) is a popular binder in India. CRMB is composed of bitumen binder and tyre rubber. Tyre rubber, at various percentages, is added to the binder, addition of tyre rubber into binder results in a new product, which requires higher mixing temperatures compared to the conventional one, as well as increased mixing time, so as to get the uniformity of the product.
Application of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in hot mix asphalt (HMA) is a sustainable alternative to natural aggregate. However, the increased asphalt consumption and decreased mechanical properties induced by the incorporation of RCA limit the extensive substitution of natural aggregates with RCA in HMA. In this paper, an experimental program was carried out to investigate the potential of recycled concrete aggregate pretreated with waste cooking oil residue (WCOR) with the expectation of reducing asphalt consumption and enhancing performance of HMA. The optimum pretreatment process for coarse and fine RCA in terms of content of WCOR, curing time and curing temperature was determined by an orthogonal design method and the grey correlation analysis. Subsequently, a laboratory characterization of HMA incorporating 40% coarse RCA, 40% coarse RCW (RCA pretreated with WCOR), 20% fine RCA and 20% fine RCW was further conducted in terms of optimum asphalt content, resistance to permanent deformation, cracking resistance at low temperature, fatigue performance, moisture sensitivity and dynamic modulus. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) test and fluorescence microscope (FM) test were performed to provide insight into the mechanism of WCOR-induced performance alteration. The experimental results showed that the pretreatment of RCA with WCOR decreased the optimum asphalt content from 5.4% to 4.5% for HMA incorporating 40% coarse RCA, from 5% to 4.5% for HMA incorporating 20% fine RCA. Moreover, RCA pretreated with WCOR enhanced significantly fatigue life and low temperature performance of HMA, while had a slight adverse effect on moisture sensitivity, permanent deformation resistance and dynamic modulus. Based on the SEM and FM tests, WCOR was observed to penetrate into tiny voids of cement mortar attached on RCA, which contributed to the reduction of optimum asphalt content and enhancement of fatigue life and low temperature performance of HMA.
Waste utilization in the form of recycling is important for sustainability in the transportation construction industry. In this study, an attempt was made to explore the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and waste polyethylene from milk packaging (WPMP) in bituminous paving mixes. RCA was pretreated with bituminous emulsion to reduce its water absorption, and in this paper is referred as pretreated recycled concrete aggregate (PRCA). Dense bituminous macadam (DBM) paving mixes were prepared individually using PRCA, RCA, and natural aggregate (NA) representing the coarse aggregate fraction, each being modified with WPMP. The performance of the different bituminous mixes was investigated in terms of Marshall test parameters, indirect tensile strength, moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus, flow number, resilient modulus, and rutting. It was observed that the PRCA and RCA mixes in general satisfy the requirements in terms of Marshall test parameters and moisture susceptibility. Also, from the other performance tests, it was observed that the mixes containing PRCA with WPMP produce better results compared with DBM mixes prepared with conventional aggregates.
This paper evaluates the replacement of natural aggregate coarse fraction for recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete production, an area in which studies are recent and scarce. Crushed stone coarse aggregates (CSCA) were replaced by RCA with a 30 MPa compressive strength in the following percentages: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%, and mixed with asphalt cement (AC) 50-70. Volumetric and mechanical properties resulting from the Marshall mix design method, along with permanent deformation and durability by the moisture-induced damage test (Lottman), were analyzed. The results indicate that, although RCA shows higher absorption, higher Los Angeles abrasion, and lower density than the crushed stone aggregates, the mixtures showed satisfactory results for use as an asphalt concrete surface layer on low-volume roads. Wheel tracking tests presented permanent deformations ranging between 4.4 and 9.3%. It was also perceived as an adhesiveness improvement in the RCA mixture. The results reinforce the need to seek alternatives to reduce the binder consumption when coarse RCA is used in HMA production.
The influence of demolition waste (DW) on the performance of asphalt mixture was investigated in this paper. DW was processed into recycled aggregate of different sizes which can be divided into recycled coarse aggregate (RCA, particle size of>4.75 mm) and recycled fine aggregate (RFA, particle size of≤4.75 mm). Three types of AC-25 asphalt mixture were prepared: RCA asphalt mixture prepared with RCA and limestone fine aggregate; RFA asphalt mixture prepared with RFA and limestone coarse aggregate; and the ordinary asphalt mixture prepared with natural limestone coarse and fine aggregate. A series of laboratory tests on recycled aggregate and asphalt mixture were carried out, including scanning electron microscopy test, immersion Marshall test, freeze–thaw split test, bending test at low temperature and rutting test at high temperature. Results showed that RCA asphalt mixture has higher optimal asphalt content and greater rutting resistance than the other two types. The cracking resistance of RCA asphalt mixture at low temperature is better than that of RFA asphalt mixture; while the water damage resistance of RFA asphalt mixture is better than that of RCA asphalt mixture. However, all these performances can meet the requirements of China's technical specifications. It can be seen that DW can be used in preparing asphalt mixture with satisfactory performance, especially for application in hot and dry environments. RCA asphalt mixture has lower temperature sensitivity while RFA asphalt mixture has lower water sensitivity.