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City Metro Network Expansion with Reinforcement Learning
Yu Wei
School of Electronic and Information
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
Minjia Mao
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi Zhao∗†
School of Management, Xi’an
Jiaotong University
Jianhua Zou‡
School of Electronic and Information
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
Ping An
School of Management, Xi’an
Jiaotong University
City metro network expansion, included in the transportation net-
work design, aims to design new lines based on the existing metro
network. Existing methods in the eld of transportation network
design either (i) can hardly formulate this problem eciently, (ii)
depend on expert guidance to produce solutions, or (iii) appeal
to problem-specic heuristics which are dicult to design. To ad-
dress these limitations, we propose a reinforcement learning based
method for the city metro network expansion problem. In this
method, we formulate the metro line expansion as a Markov deci-
sion process (MDP), which characterizes the problem as a process
of sequential station selection. Then, we train an actor-critic model
to design the next metro line on the basis of the existing metro
network. The actor is an encoder-decoder network with an atten-
tion mechanism to generate the parameterized policy which is used
to select the stations. The critic estimates the expected cumula-
tive reward to assist the training of the actor by reducing training
variance. The proposed method does not require expert guidance
during design, since the learning procedure only relies on the re-
ward calculation to tune the policy for better station selection. Also,
it avoids the diculty of heuristics designing by the policy for-
malizing the station selection. Considering origin-destination (OD)
trips and social equity, we expand the current metro network in
Xi’an, China, based on the real mobility information of 24,770,715
mobile phone users in the whole city. The results demonstrate the
advantages of our method compared with existing approaches.
∗Xi Zhao is the rst corresponding author of this paper.
Also with the Key Lab of the Ministry of Education for Process Control & Eciency
Engineering, Xi’an, 710049, China.
‡Jianhua Zou is the second corresponding author of this paper.
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KDD ’20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USA
©2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7998-4/20/08. . . $15.00
•Computing methodologies →Planning and scheduling
Reinforcement Learning;
•Transportation network design →
Metro network expansion.
Metro network expansion; Reinforcement learning; Actor-critic
model; Social equity
ACM Reference Format:
Yu Wei, Minjia Mao, Xi Zhao, Jianhua Zou, and Ping An. 2020. City Metro
Network Expansion with Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the 26th
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD
’20), August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
11 pages.
The city metro network plays an important role in the public trans-
portation system. As the city has developed, new transportation
demands have led to the expansion of the metro network. The last
few years have witnessed a tremendous expansion of the metro
network [
]. Meanwhile, the expansion of the metro network in
turn has a profound impact on the city. Expanded lines may change
the mobility trend of city population. Metro network expansion
and city dynamics are mutually inuenced, therefore it is more
reasonable to expand the metro network by gradually designing
new lines according to the latest city dynamic. In this study, we
design the next metro line, consisting of stations and line routing, to
expand the existing metro network. This process can be conducted
repeatedly to achieve a multi-line metro network expansion [
Metro network expansion is included in the transportation net-
work design. Usually, the objective of transportation network de-
sign is mobility-based, such as maximizing satised OD trips [
As society progresses, sustainability has increasingly become the
demand of city development. The need for sustainability prompts
governments to realize other impacts of the transportation system,
and thereby inuences their transport policy [
]. Among these
impacts, the importance of social equity [
] has been acknowl-
edged, and there have been several realistic transportation plans
considering social equity [
]. The metro network, an important
city transportation system, has a great inuence on social equity.
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Therefore, in this work, we consider both OD trips and social equity
to expand the city metro network.
There are various studies dealing with transportation network
design problems [
], and they can be mainly divided into two
categories. One category is based on mathematical programming.
Several studies [
] formulate transportation network
design problems as non-linear integer programming models, and
adopt solvers to obtain solutions. However, their formulations call
for an exponential number of shape constraints to ensure the ra-
tionality of the transportation network, which hinders solving the
problem eciently [
]. Besides the formulations, their solution
technologies are intractable for a realistic sized problem. To make
large-scale problems solvable, they predene corridors based on
expert knowledge to limit the search space, and only consider de-
signing the transportation network in these corridors. Their results
depend on expert guidance, and the best solution may be left out.
In summary, these studies can hardly formulate the transportation
network design problem appropriately [
], and their solutions
heavily depend on expert guidance, which lacks reliability.
Another category alternative to mathematical programming is
based on heuristics. Owais et al. [
] utilize Genetic Algorithm
to generate a bus route network from an existing transportation
network. Dufourd et al. [
] design a tabu search heuristic for lo-
cating a rapid transit line. Yang et al. [
] propose an ant colony
algorithm to design a bus network, with a specication of origin
and destination by experts. For dierent transportation network
design problems, these studies design problem-specic heuristics
to obtain the solutions. However, the problem-specic heuristics
can be dicult to design, especially in cases like a metro network
with rigorous shape constraints. The commonly used operators in
Genetic Algorithm [
] and Tabu Search [
], which focus on the
connectivity of the route, are likely to lead to an infeasible metro
line, which makes these methods inecient for designing a metro
network, and provides no guarantee as to the quality of solutions.
Therefore, designing methods without heuristics is an urgent need.
Considering all of the above, existing methods in transporta-
tion network design can hardly be applied to the metro network
expansion problem. Instead, we need an ecient formulation and
a generic method to solve the metro network expansion problem
without expert guidance.
In this paper, we propose a RL based method to solve the city
metro network expansion problem. We consider the metro line
expansion as a process of sequential station selection, and then nat-
urally formulate this process as a Markov decision process (MDP).
To ensure reasonable connection patterns between stations of a
metro line, we also design feasibility rules based on the selected
station sequence for the next station selection. This formulation
eciently characterizes the expansion of the metro line, without
heavy constraints like existing studies [30].
Following this formulation, we propose an actor-critic model
] to generate the next metro line. The actor adopts an encoder-
decoder network with an attention mechanism to represent the
parameterized policy, which maps the current metro network state
to a probability distribution for station selection. Specically, in
the actor, an encoder characterizes the timely metro station infor-
mation in the expansion process, an RNN decoder characterizes
the sequence information of the selected stations, and an atten-
tion layer [
] integrates these two sets of information to produce
a probability distribution over feasible candidate stations. In the
critic, a neural network is used to estimate the expected cumulative
reward. Only requiring the reward calculation, we employ a policy
gradient algorithm [
] to train our network to nd a high-priority
metro line. Without expert guidance, the learning procedure drives
the policy to keep track of superior solutions during the search and
to nd better solutions. Its natural exploration mechanism deter-
mines that our method is suitable for large scale solution space.
The parameterized policy formalizes the station selection, avoiding
the diculties of heuristics design.
Using the real city-scale human mobility information of
24,770,715 mobile phone users obtained from a citywide 3G cel-
lular network, we expand the existing metro network in Xi’an,
China. The results demonstrate the eectiveness of our method.
Our contributions are as follows:
We incorporate social equity concerns with mobility de-
mands into metro network expansion. By proposing a
weighted sum reward construction, our RL method can take
multi-factors into consideration.
We formulate the metro line expansion problem as a Markov
decision process, and design feasibility rules based on the
selected station sequence to ensure the reasonable connec-
tion patterns of the metro line, which is a more ecient
formulation method than integer programming models.
We are the rst to propose a RL based method to solve the
city metro network expansion problem. With the exploration
mechanism of RL, our method can generate solutions with-
out expert guidance.
We use real city-scale human mobility information to expand
a metro network. The experimental results demonstrate the
eectiveness of our method.
2.1 Transportation Network Design
Several studies [
] have reviewed the transportation network
design literature, and these existing methods mainly fall into two
categories, mathematical programming methods and heuristics
methods. Mathematical programming methods formulate this prob-
lem as nonlinear integer programming models, and usually obtain
the solutions using a solver. Gutiérrez-Jarpa et al. [
] rst select
a set of corridors with higher passenger trac by using greedy
generation heuristics, and then consider designing metro lines in
these predened corridors. Wei et al. [
] predene corridors and
introduce a bi-objective model to expand the metro network in
Wuxi, China. However, their huge constraints, which ensure the
rationality of the transportation network, lead to an ineective solu-
tion method in a large-scale space, unless based on expert guidance
to predene the corridors.
As for the second category, search-based heuristic methods, such
as Simulated Annealing [
] and Tabu Search [
], rst generate the
initial solutions, and then modify the initial solutions with the help
of heuristics to get better solutions. Genetic Algorithm [
] ran-
domly generates initial routes, and then design operators to evolve
routes for better solutions. However, the commonly used heuristic
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
operators in transportation networks may lead to infeasible solu-
tions for the metro expansion problem. It is hard to come out with
appropriate heuristics for problems with heavy constraints like
metro expansion.
2.2 Reinforcement Learning
The strength of RL lies in its powerful decision-making ability. RL
has made great progress in complicated tasks like playing Atari
games [
], recommender systems [
], combinatorial optimiza-
tion [
] and so on. Existing RL methods can be divided into three
categories [
]: actor-only, critic-only, and actor-critic methods.
With regard to metro network expansion, we nd that it can be
formulated as a sequential decision-making process. Then, through
technology combing, we nally employ an actor-critic method to
expand the metro network.
In this paper, we design the next metro line to expand the current
metro network in a target city. The metro line is determined by
stations and arcs connecting the stations, and is allowed to intersect
with existing lines to form transfer stations. We dene the metro
expansion problem as follows.
For a target city, we divide it into
grids in a two-dimensional
. Each grid
is a square with a width of
, and
its center is a candidate station
. We dene the expansion of
the metro network on an undirected graph
, where
N=0,1, .. ., n2−1
contains all candidate stations and
contains all edges which directly connect the sta-
. Among the
, several nodes and the edges connecting
these nodes form the existing metro network, and these nodes
are the candidate transfer stations connecting existing lines and
the newly-built line. Each grid
is associated with a compound
index of development
, and any two candidate stations
are associated with a travel ow capture, which contains the total
OD trips starting at one of the two stations
and ending at
another. We denote the travel ow capture between station
as odi,j(=odj,i).
We present the expanded metro line as an ordered station se-
Z=(z1,z2, . . . , zT),zi∈N
, where the adjacent stations are
directly connected. In practice, the expanded line
should satisfy
the following constraints:
The consecutive stations must follow the minimum-
maximum distance rules [22]. That is to say, the separation
between two consecutive stations
must satisfy
dmi n ≤d(zi,zi+1) ≤ dma x ,i∈ {
, . . . , T−
, where
dmi n
are the minimum and maximum separation
between any two consecutive stations.
The line shape should ensure reasonable connection patterns
between stations, avoiding sub-tour and squiggly lines [
•The number of the stations Tis limited by N.
•The budget for construction is limited by B0.
Based on the above, the newly satised OD trips by the expanded
line Zare dened as follows:
Rod (Z)=Õ
are the stations on the expanded line
is the station on existing lines and not on
, and
is set to 1
if there is a path connecting the two stations
along the
metro network; otherwise it is set to 0. In Equation (1), the rst
term presents the direct OD trips achieved by
, and the second
term presents the OD trips between
and existing lines through
transfer stations.
As to the social equity, we consider the distributable benets for
the grids traversed by the expanded line
. According to Appendix
C, the social equity indicator of Zis calculated as:
Rac (Z)=Õ
are the stations on the expanded line
, and
to Equation (15) is the accessibility index of grid дi.
In our study, the objective is to design the next metro line
based on the current metro network to maximize the satised trans-
portation demands which are dened as the weighted sum of newly
satised OD trips and social equity
ω(Z|G)=α1×Rod (Z)+α2×Rac (Z),(3)
is the underlying network that denes the problem,
are the weights of added OD trips
Rod (Z)
and social equity
Rac (Z), and α1+α2=1.
According to the denition in Section 3, along a metro line, a pre-
ceding station determines the area to locate its succeeding station,
and the preceding section determines the layout of the succeed-
ing section. The subsequent station locating is inuenced by the
previous stations, so that the generation of a metro line can be
viewed as a process of sequential decisions about where to locate
the stations. In our study, we consider metro line expansion as a
sequential station selection process, and leverage RL to optimize
the sequential decisions to obtain the next metro line.
4.1 RL Formulation
In this section, we formulate the metro line expansion as a MDP.
Taking an ordered station sequence
Z=(z1,z2, . . . , zT),zi∈N
generated during an episode as an example, the elements of this
MDP are as follows:
State space
. A state
st∈ S
is dened to characterize the
selected station sequence
Zt−1=(z1,z2, . . . , zt−1)
step t, where t={1, ..,T,T+1}and Z0is an empty set.
Action space
. The action
at∈ A
is dened as the station
zt∈Nselected at step t.
A deterministic state transition function
. When
the agent selects an action
at state
, the transition func-
tion determines the next state st+1:Zt=(z1,z2, . . . , zt).
Reward function
. We expect the expanded metro line
to achieve more transportation demands, thus we restrict
our attention to the objective value
of a complete
sequence (refer to Equation (3) for more details). In our study,
the reward function is set to 0 if
is not a terminal
state; otherwise it is set to
at the terminal step
Within the MDP, a parameterized policy
S → P (A)
, which
maps states to a probability distribution over the actions, is used
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Figure 1: Framework. The bule (orange) line in the input is the existing (expanded) metro line.
to select actions. Here
is the set of probability of selecting
each action and θis the adjustable parameters.
In addition to the policy
, in order to ensure the metro line
achieves the constraints in Section 3, we also design feasibility rule
, which is based on the agent selecting station sequence and
the existing metro network, to determine the optional actions in
(see Appendix A for more details about agent interaction
with the environment). Thus, based on the policy
feasibility rules
, the agent interacts with the environment
to select the action as follows:
represents the generalized operator of two functions (see
Section 4.3 for more details).
Now, for a metro line
, its generating probability, according to
the probability chain rule, is
(calculated as Equation (4)) presents the prob-
ability of selecting the next station
based on selected station
at step
. This metro line
is associated with a
cumulative return
, based on the denition of our reward
function r(st,at).
Our goal is to nd a policy
to maximize the expected cumu-
lative reward which, given a network G, is dened as
4.2 Framework
According to the RL formulation in Section 4.1, the dimension
of the action space in our metro network expansion problem is
related to the number of stations. For a realistic size problem, the
high-dimensional action space causes value-based methods, such
as DQN, to be less suitable [
]. Thus, we employ policy-based
technology to solve the problem, which directly parameterizes the
policy. Figure 1 depicts our actor-critic framework. The actor takes
the metro network as input, and outputs the expanded metro line.
Its core component is a policy network, which maps metro network
states to the action space for the station selection, one station at each
step. By concatenating these selected stations in order, the expanded
metro line is generated. The reward is calculated with the generated
metro line. The critic estimates the expected cumulative reward to
assist the training of the actor by reducing training variance. Next,
we elaborate the policy network in the actor.
4.3 Policy Network Architecture
During the generation of a metro line, the selected stations aect the
subsequent optional stations, which is guaranteed by the feasibility
rules in Section A. We expect the policy to capture the dependencies
between stations that can coexist to generate a feasible metro line,
and give high probability to the dependent station sequences that
achieve more transportation demands.
Figure 2: Policy network. It takes the state stas input, and
generate the probability distribution to select a station.
To achieve the above requirements, we employ an encoder-
decoder neural network coupling with an attention layer to pa-
rameterize our station selection policy, as shown in Figure 2. The
policy network takes the metro network state as input, and outputs
the selected station, one station at a step. Specically, the encoder
creates the representations for the metro network, one represen-
tation at a step. The decoder employs an RNN to characterize the
sequence information of the selected stations during the generation
of a metro line. Taking these two sets of information, an attention
layer [
], which is able to exibly model the dependencies between
stations without regard to their distance in a station sequence [
generates a probability distribution over all stations to guide the
station selection, one station at a step. Next, we elaborate on how
our policy network works.
At each step
, the state
characterizes the timely metro network
information, aiming to distinguish the state changes caused by
agent actions. To achieve this, we represent each station
by a tuple
, where
is the two-dimensional coordinates of station
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
in the grid space, and the natural number
this station
is selected at step
0means that this station has
not been selected before step
). Then, the state
is the sequential
concatenation of the tuples of all stations
1, . . . , Xt
which consists of the location feature and the station selection
feature. Here the station number starts at 0 and ends at n2−1.
With this input state
, the encoder computes the embeddings
for the stations through two 1-dimensional convolutional neural
networks respectively, each with
lters, one for the location
feature and another for the station selection feature. We denote
these two embedded features as
, and these two embedded
features have a common dimension dfor each station.
Next, the decoding happens. The decoder consists of a Long
Short Term Memory (LSTM) [
]. Again, we use the ordered station
Z=(z1,z2, . . . , zT),zi∈N
in Section 4.1 as an example.
At step
, it takes its own hidden state
at step
1and the
embedded location feature
of the last selected station
as inputs to generate the current hidden state htas follows:
ht,ct=LST M Lt
presents the cell state of LSTM itself at step
. When
h0and c0are initialized to the zero tensor with dimension d.
After decoding, the attention layer takes the embedded features
of stations as reference and the hidden state
as query to generate
the probability distribution over total stations. Specically, at step
t, the attention mechanism is modeled as follows:
atanh WaLt
i,:+ht ,i∈0,1,· · · ,n2−1(8)
p(zt|Zt−1,G)=sof tmax ut,(10)
where softmax normalizes the vector
to generate a probability
distribution over total stations,
are the embedded fea-
tures of station
is the hidden state of the decoder, the vector
is the sequential concatenation of attention score
is a huge
constant, the binary vector
reects the feasibility rules,
represents the element-wise sum operator, and the matrix
the vector vaare training parameters.
At step
, the agent selects the station
according to the proba-
bility distribution in Equation (10). Then, the metro network state
and the feasibility rules change accordingly. The policy network
takes these as inputs for the next station selection. The process of
choosing stations is repeated until any termination condition is
reached (see Appendix A for more details about the agent interac-
tion with the environment). The generation process of a metro line
is presented in Algorithm 1.
4.4 Actor-Critic Training
In this section, we aim to train the policy network which is param-
eterized with parameters
to maximize the expected cumulative
reward in Equation (6). We use the policy gradient based actor-critic
algorithm [
], in which the actor is synonymous with our policy
network to generate a probability distribution over actions and the
critic is used to estimate the expected cumulative reward of the
next metro line for reducing the training variance. Specically, the
Algorithm 1 Gener ation (G,N,B0)
Metro network graph
, the maximum number of stations
N, budget B0
Output: A metro line ZT=(z1,z2,· · · ,zT)
1: Initialize the metro network state s1
2: for t=1, ..., Ndo
3: Update the feasibility rules vector F(st,G)
4: Update the cost b0
5: if F(st,G).any() and b0<B0then
Compute embedded features
of the current
state by the encoder
Update hidden state
based on the decoder according
to Equation (7)
Generate a probability distribution over total stations by
the attention mechanism according to Equation (8), Equation (9)
and Equation (10)
Select the station
with the probability
Equation (10)
10: Updata the metro network state st+1
11: else
12: Terminate the metro line expansion
13: end if
14: end for
15: return Solution =ZT
gradient of Equation (6) according to the study [31] is
∇J(θ|G)=EZ∼πθ[(ω(Z|G) − b(G))∇θlogpθ(Z|G)],(11)
presents the transportation demands achieved by
the metro line
is the estimated expected cumulative reward
of the next metro line, and
is the generating probability of
. According to Equation (11), during the interaction between the
agent and the environment, if a generated metro line
more transportation demands than the current estimated expected
cumulative reward
, the policy network is trained to increase
the probability of this line
, and more transportation demands lead
to larger increases. In our study, the critic is a neural network which
consists of three convolutional layers and two fully-connected lay-
ers. It takes the initial state of the metro network as input, and
outputs a scalar to estimate the expected cumulative reward of the
next metro line. The training details are shown in Algorithm 2.
In this section, we conduct a case study to demonstrate the eec-
tiveness of our RL method. Our codes are available online1.
5.1 Data and Pre-processing
The case study is conducted based on the metro network in Xi’an,
Shaanxi Province, China. Its rst line started operation on Septem-
ber 16, 2011, and four lines were in operation by January 2020. Our
experimental data, coming from a citywide 3G cellular data net-
work, records the location information of 24,770,715 mobile phone
users in Xi’an from October 1, 2015, to October 31, 2015. With the
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
(a) The CDF of the radius of gyration (b) Metro network (c) House price (RMB)
Figure 3: The current city operational status. (a) presents the cumulative distribution function of the radius of gyration. (b)
shows the four metro lines currently operating in Xi’an, of which the two red lines were opened before our experimental data,
and the two green lines were opened later. (c) presents the distribution of grid average house price in 2015, which is used to
characterize the index of development of grid.
Algorithm 2 Actor-Critic Training
Metro network graph
, batch size
, training epoch
buer R, the maximum number of stations N, budget B0
1: Initialize actor parameters θ
2: Initialize critic parameters θc
3: Initialize buer R
4: for epoch =1, .. ., Edo
5: for instance =1, . .., Bdo
6: Zi=Generat ion (G,N,B0)
Calculate the satised transportation demands
8: Store the generated metro line Ziand ω(Zi|G)in R
9: end for
10: Calculate the b(G)by critic
Update the actor parameters using the sampled gradient:
∇J(θ|G) ← 1
i=1(ω(Zi|G) − b(G))∇θlogpθZi|G
12: Update critic by minimizing the loss:
13: Lc←1
i=1(ω(Zi|G) − b(G))2
14: Update the parameters of actor θ←Adam(θ,∇J(θ|G))
15: Update the parameters of critic θc←Adam(θc,∇Lc)
16: end for
help of a Hadoop cluster with 3 master nodes and 10 slave nodes
we process each user’s original location records to a sequence of
stay points that represents this user’s space activity trajectory, re-
ferring to study [
]. Each stay point corresponds to a semantic
location with exact latitude and longitude.
Our metro network expansion is conducted on a city represented
by grids. To determine the grid size, with the above user trajectory
data, we calculate each user’s radius of gyration which is a met-
ric to distinguish users’ mobility patterns, and chose the distinct
geographic distance which separates total users equally into two
main groups as the grid size [
]. Figure 3(a) depicts the cumulative
distribution function of the radius of gyration, in which users with
the radius of gyration less than 1094 meters account for 50.2% of
the total. Finally, we set each grid as a square with 1000 meters
Each master node uses a dual Intel E5-2680 v4 CPU @ 2.4GHz with 14 cores. Each
slave node has a dual Intel E5-2650 v4 CPU @ 2.4GHz with 12 cores. The total RAM
is 1.5 TB and the total storage is 260 TB. The nodes run on CentOS release 6.8 with
Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.5.0.
width and divide the study area into 29
29 grids. Correspondingly,
we set the size of the lter in Appendix A as 5
5according to
study [
], which means that the distance between the adjacent
stations is between 1000 meters and 2000 meters.
With the above in mind, the realistic metro network with 4 lines
in Xi’an is presented in Figure 3(b), where the red lines represent the
2 lines that existed before October 2015, the green lines represent
the subsequently opened 2 lines, and the dots represent stations.
Mapping the above user stay points into grids, we calculate the OD
trips between any two grids. Figure 3(c) presents the distribution
of the average house price in 2015. The average house price of grid
is used to characterize its index of development
, which is
applied to the calculation of social equity in Appendix C.
In this study, we use only the two red lines opened before the
experimental data as the existing metro network, and then design
the next metro line. As for the cost of construction, we set 5 billion
RMB for each station, and 1 billion RMB per kilometer line referring
to the study [30].
5.2 Baselines and Performance Evaluation
We compare our RL method with the following baselines. The
implementation details of each method are in Appendix B.
•Mathematical Programming Method (MP)
]. This
method formulates the metro network expansion problem
as a mathematical integer programming model. With pre-
dened corridors and specied end stations, this method
adopts a solver to obtain solutions.
•Greedy Strategy Method (GS)
]. This method rst se-
lects the edge that satises the maximum objective, such as
OD trips, and then gradually extends the current metro line
by adding the surrounding stations, yielding the maximum
•Genetic Algorithm Method (GA)
]. This method rst
generates the initial population (the set of feasible metro
lines), and then selects individuals (metro lines) to conduct
crossover and mutation for better generations.
•Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA)
]. This method rst in-
troduces a pheromone related probabilistic rule to guide the
station selection. Then, according to the objective satised
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
(a) The rst predened corridor (b) The second predened corridor (c) The third predened corridor.
Figure 4: The predened corridors and the specied end stations. The areas between two yellow lines are the predened
corridors, and the green triangles are the specied end stations. In this experiment, the metro lines are only allowed to be
built within these corridors, and the metro lines of MP need to end at the specied end stations.
by the newly generated metro lines, this method updates the
pheromone of each edge for better station selection.
Existing study [
] employs the satised OD trips to evaluate the
solution performance. Our study also uses satised OD trips, but
also considers the social equity factor to expand the metro network
as shown in Equation (3). Therefore, setting the weights
to dierent values, we use the following three objective functions
to evaluate the performance of dierent methods:
ω1=Rod (Z),(12)
ω2=0.5∗Rod (Z)+0.5∗Rac (Z),(13)
ω3=Rac (Z),(14)
Rod (Z)
is the added OD trips by metro line
(refer to Equa-
tion (1)) and
Rac (Z)
is the social equity indicator of
(refer to
Equation (2)). Before metric calculation, we rescale the OD trips be-
tween grids and the house price of each grid into
by dividing
them by their respective maximums.
5.3 Comparison with Baselines
5.3.1 Comparison with MP in predefined corridors. To make a com-
parison between the MP and our RL method, we predene 3 corri-
dors, and utilize both methods to build a new metro line in each
corridor. Except for the corridors, we specify the end stations and
enumerate all the edges that satisfy our constraints in Section 3
for MP, as these are an essential part of MP. Figure 4 presents the
3 corridors and the corresponding end stations, and Table 1 illus-
trates the performance. The performance of the expanded metro
line varies greatly from corridor to corridor, which indicates that
expert guidance seriously aects the performance of metro lines.
Even within a single corridor, the poor performance suggests that
specifying end stations may have a bad impact on the performance
of the metro line. The results of the MP must go through the spec-
ied end stations. Due to budget limitations, the areas satisfying
more transportation demands may not have the opportunity to
build a metro line, which can explain this poor performance. When
the budget is small, this situation is more obvious. Therefore, while
the MP can get an optimal solution on a small scale, its results
rely heavily on expert guidance, which lacks reliability. On the
contrary, our RL method requires no expert guidance and obtains
near-optimal solutions. In the next section, we will demonstrate
the advantages of our RL method over the whole city space.
Table 1: Performances of MP and our RL method in prede-
ned corridors.
Budget=210 Budget=270
ω141.043 44.161 45.899 44.888
Corridor1 ω242.53 46.820 50.053 50.393
ω344.162 49.430 54.842 54.772
ω151.404 54.376 59.160 58.694
Corridor2 ω248.217 54.406 60.014 58.575
ω345.501 55.495 65.189 64.541
ω139.858 39.222 42.186 39.623
Corridor3 ω238.826 40.574 42.240 42.259
ω339.724 42.123 43.724 44.431
5.3.2 Comparison with heuristic methods in the whole city space.
In this section, we conduct both heuristic baselines and our RL
method to design the next metro line, using the whole city rather
than specied corridors. Each method is executed ve times, and
the average performances are shown in Table 2. Our RL method
achieves signicant performance improvements in all cases. The GS
only focuses on the local information. It cannot consider the remote
transportation demands to make a better decision, and naturally
achieves a poor performance. For the GA, its heuristic operators are
likely to lead to invalid solutions during the crossover and mutation,
due to the shape constraints of the metro line. The low eciency
of heuristic operators hinders the evolution of better solutions.
For the ACA, without the specied initial station, its strategy of
randomly selecting the initial station makes no guarantee for a
good performance. The statistical comparison results are shown in
Appendix D.
In addition to satisfying transportation demands, the stability of
the solution is also important, since a method with large solution
dierences cannot provide convincing results for city decision mak-
ers. According to Table 2, our RL method has a relatively steady
performance over the GA and ACA (small standard deviation). To
intuitively perceive the dierences between the results, we further
map the solutions of each method on the city grids. As shown
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Table 2: Performances of heuristic methods and our RL method in the whole city space. Each entry is the nal average objective
±standard deviation across 5 trials.
Budget =210 Budget=270
GS 19.082±0.000 26.718±0.000 24.333±0.000 19.082±0.000 28.614±0.000 35.319±0.000
GA 25.672±2.013 20.969±3.703 20.793±2.529 28.904±0.547 25.160±1.476 27.666±1.318
ACA 29.957±0.949 39.611±0.700 48.836±2.236 30.264±1.129 40.476±1.332 50.830±1.761
RL 59.268±0.161 56.177±0.320 57.765±0.062 64.306±0.582 62.106±0.088 65.775±0.166
(a) GA (b) ACA (c) Our RL method
Figure 5: The expanded metro lines achieving the maximum and minimum OD trips of dierent methods with a budget of 270
billion RMB across 5 trials. The blue (violet) line achieves the maximum (minimum) OD trips. Our RL method has a relatively
steady performance over GA and ACA.
in Figure 5, the solutions of our RL method dier relatively little
in shape, while the solutions of GA and ACA are quite dierent.
Therefore, considering the satised transportation demands and
the stability of the solution, our method has great advantages.
5.4 Comparison with Realistically Planned
Metro Line
In this section, we explain our solutions from a realistic perspective.
After using estimation to make multiple plans within a reasonable
cost range, we will use the most practical one, which uses a budget
of 270 billion RMB, as an example. The results are shown in Figure 6.
When considering only the OD trips, the expanded metro line
starts from the Xi’an Nan Railway Station at the lower left corner,
passes through the city center, and then goes in the direction of the
Terracotta Army at the upper right corner, as shown in Figure 6(a).
When considering OD trips and social equity as equally important,
the expanded metro line is more like a partial combination of two
lines planned in reality: its lower left part is similar to the real-
istically planned line 6, and its upper right part is similar to the
line 3 currently in operation, as shown in Figure 6(b). This case
shows the rationality of considering social equity in transportation
planning. Figure 6(c) is the result of considering only social equity.
By comparing with Figure 3(c), we nd that this metro line has
passed through the grids with a high development level, which
intuitively demonstrates the eectiveness of our method.
Dierent objectives lead to dierent metro networks. The ob-
jectives of metro expansion vary with dierent cities and stages,
which may require existing methods, whether heuristics or pre-
dened corridors, to be revised. By changing the reward function,
our method can be easily extended to dierent objectives without
problem-specic knowledge. Therefore, our method is generic, and
suitable for metro expansion.
5.5 Multiple Lines Expansion
Considering OD trips and social equity as equally important, we
sequentially design the second metro line with our expanded line
in Figure 6(b) as existing. The violet line in Figure 7 represents
the expanded line. Its shape is like a partial combination of the 2
subsequently opened lines after October 2015. In this gradual way,
we expand the metro network with multiple lines.
This paper presents a RL based method to solve the city metro
network expansion problem. By formulating metro line expansion
as a process of sequential station selection, we train an actor-critic
model to design the next metro line. Through a case study, our
method shows great advantages over baselines, achieving higher
transportation demands and showing better stability, even with-
out expert guidance. In addition, compared with the realistically
planned metro lines, the eectiveness of our method is further
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(a) ω1(b) ω2(c) ω3
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Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Figure 8: Action direction rules.
Table 3: Bootstrap mean and 95% condence bounds for the experiments. 10K bootstrap iterations and the pivotal method are
Budget =210 Budget =270
GS 19.082
GA 25.672
(28.505, 29.335)
(24.017, 26.288)
ACA 29.957
(29.396, 31.118)
(39.384, 41.474)
(49.346, 52.143)
RL 59.268
(55.917, 56.408)
(63.755, 64.762)
(62.035, 62.171)
(65.667, 65.910)
In this section, we present the feasibility rules
in Equa-
tion (4), which constrains the agent’s action, to ensure that the
expanded metro line satises the constraints in Section 3. For the
rst constraint, we use a certain lter with the current selected
station in the center to limit the selecting range of optional stations
for the agent. The lter is a square shape with
grids, and
the agent can only select the next station within this lter. For the
second constraint, in terms of shape assurance, we design the action
direction rules based on historical actions to determine the optional
action in the next step as shown in Figure 8. Except for this action
direction rules, the existing metro network also aects the action
selection. During the expansion, the expanded metro line is allowed
to connect with existing lines to form transfer stations, but it cannot
coincide with the existing lines. To achieve the above, we present
the feasibility rules
as a binary vector with dimension
where the element is set to 1 if this station is optional; otherwise
the element is set to 0.
In addition to the feasibility rules
, for the third constraint,
once the number of selected stations reaches the upper limit
, the
expansion process is terminated. For the fourth constraint, per unit
length of the metro line and per station consume a certain cost.
During the interaction between the agent and the environment,
once the cost of construction exceeds the budget
, the expansion
process is terminated.
With these above, the agent interacts with the environment as
follows. Initially, all of the elements of the vector
are 1,
and the agent selects a station based on the parameterized policy
. Then, the
is updated according to the lter and the
action direction rules. From this time on, the agent is only allowed
to select a station with the element as 1 in the
according to
the policy
. This process will be repeated until all the elements of
the vector
are 0, or the number of selected stations reaches
the upper limit
, or the cost of construction exceeds the budget
An example is shown in Figure 9.
This section describes the implementation details of our RL method
and the compared methods in Section 5.2. All the experiments are
conducted on a desktop with an E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz CPU and a
For our RL method, we set the two 1-dimensional convolutional
neural networks in encoder with 128 lters, and the LSTM in de-
coder with a state size of 128. The parameters in our network are
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
Figure 9: An example of metro line expansion.
initialized with Xavier initialization [
]. We adopt the Adam op-
timizer [
] with learning rate 10
to train our network. During
the training, the batch size
is 128, and the training epoch
3500. After training, we employ the parameters which achieve the
maximum objective in the training process to generate the metro
For the MP, we predene the corridor and end stations, and
employ Gurobi to obtain the new metro line. The newly constructed
metro line must stay in the predened corridor and end at the
specied end stations.
For the GA, its tness function is the objective in Equation (3).
After our parameter tuning, we set the initial population size as 500,
and the maximum number of iterations as 3500. The crossover is
conducted at the common station of two selected metro lines, and
each station on a metro line is allowed to mutate. After crossover
and mutation, the original metro lines that fail to evolve and the new
metro lines that satisfy our constraints in Section 3 are preserved.
Considering the low eciency of heuristic operators, we set both
the crossover probability and mutation probability as 0.9. At last, the
metro line with the maximum tness during the evolution process
is output as the nal solution.
For the ACA, we set the maximum number of iterations as 3500,
with each iteration containing 128 instances. All the other parame-
ters are the same as study [
]. In each iteration, the initial station
for each instance is randomly selected, and then the subsequent sta-
tion selection is guided by the probabilistic rule. At last, the metro
line with the maximum objective during the evolution process is
output as the nal solution.
In the phase of mapping the solution on the city grids, the nal
solutions of all methods are modied using gurobi to be more
As an important transportation system, the metro network benets
the areas traversed by it for convenient access to other areas, which
may be reected in people’s access to education, economic activity,
and other aspects. Referring to [
], we consider an accessibility
variable as each area’s distributable benet obtaining from the
metro network, and adopt a utilitarianism theory to aggregate each
area’s distributable benet to measure the social equity.
For an area i, its accessibility index Aciis calculated as:
DjFcij ,(15)
ci j
is the generalized travel cost between area
and area
represents the function of resistance against traveling
between area
and area
, and
represents the compound index
of development of area j. Specically, Fcij is dened as:
Fcij =Fti j =e−βti j ,(16)
ti j
is the travel time between area
and area
, and
is an
adjustment parameter. Djis dened as:
is an economic variable of type
for area
the weight. In our study, we consider that
ti j
is proportional to the
distance between
, and take the house price of area
as its
index of development Dj[18].
Then, under a utilitarianism theory, the social equity indicator
Rac in the transportation network planning is dened as:
Rac =Õ
measures the total benets the transportation network brings
to society. We prefer the metro network to achieve greater social
equity indicator Rac .
In order to make our experimental results more convincing, we em-
ploy the bootstrap and signicance testing to evaluate the methods’
performances in Section 5.3.2, referring to study [
]. Table 3 shows
the bootstrap mean and 95% condence bounds on our experiments,
which demonstrates that our method performs best in a statistical
sense. In fact, we have conducted power analysis for the choice of
the sample size, and the analysis demonstrates that 5 trials in our
experiments are enough.
We further conduct a dierence test to compare the performances
of dierent methods, referring to study [
]. Limited by space, we
only present the comparison of our RL method with ACA under
a budget of 270 billion RMB and the same objective
. Assuming
the null hypothesis
, that there is no dierence in performance
between these two methods, the bootstrap condence interval test
estimates the condence interval for the dierence between the
mean performances of these two methods as [33.1925, 34.927] at
signicance level 0.05. The condence interval does not include
0 and both bounds are positive. Thus the null hypothesis
rejected, and we can be condent at 95% that the performance of
our RL method is superior to that of the ACA method.
Applied Data Science Track Paper
KDD '20, August 23–27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA