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Factors Affecting the discrimination of international students in South Africa



Since 1994 when it embraced a democratic state, South Africa, has become known as the Rainbow Nation. Thanks to massive efforts and focused programs, it has emerged as an important destination for business but more importantly for the purpose of this research for International students. According to the Science Guide (2011:8), more than 6000 International students were enrolled in South African universities, and of those, nearly 4000 studied on campus. However, for this trend to continue, a major challenge needs to be addressed. In the words of Thevi (2002), while there are considerable investments and efforts devoted to attracting International students, far less attention is being paid to the students’ experiences once they arrive at the host institution. There is reason to be concerned about how well these International students are being integrated on campuses and ensure that their issues relating to discrimination are properly addressed. These challenges need to be effectively addressed so that this great trend can continue. Given the recent changes in the South African higher education system and the growth of International scholars from within the continent, it is befitting to consider the various factors influencing discrimination and take into consideration the challenges faced by International scholars (Thevi 2002). South Africa is known as the economic engine of Africa and will have so much more to offer – for everyone in Africa - once this is resolved. Across the world, there are strongly held beliefs that foreign students must learn to fit into their new environment of their own volition. Thus the responsibility is put entirely on them when it comes to achieving positive outcomes. According to Church (1982) & Swami (2012), research shows that International students must conform to their host country and gain skills that permit them to temporarily and successfully adapt to what is an unfamiliar context for them. At the base of this research – well represented by Bevis (2002), is the assumption that International students are entirely responsible for outcomes. No blame is ever ascribed to host institutions or host societies. At the same time opposing researchers contend that International students can’t be blamed for all matters of adaptation. For instance, according to other researchers such as Lee and Rice (2007), some of the gravest challenges can be blamed on the host society’s inadequacies with perceived cultural discrimination, verbal insults and physical assaults experienced by International students, both inside and outside the University, as prime examples As such it represents major missed opportunities! Research also shows that foreign students from specific countries such as Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America typically experience more prejudice than their counterparts from other nations. According to Lee and Rice, as well as Poyrazil and Lopez (2007), foreign students of color in the US report more perceived discrimination and more culturally-based verbal and physical assaults than their white counterparts.” Sex also comes into the picture. According to Bomazzo and Wong (2007) there is a growing body of evidence on the discriminatory and racist experiences faced by International female students from Africa and Asia studying in Western nations. According to Poyrazli and Grahame (2007), Hays and Lin (1994), Olivas and Li (2006),although many factors impact on International student’s ultimate success at an institution, two of the most commonly cited are the types and quality of interactions with faculty and staff as well as the types and quality of interaction with other students The Victoria University study, (2006) by (Poyrazli & Grahame (2007), highlights the fact thatinteraction between International students and faculty, both formally and informally, has had a positive effect on educational achievements. The Victoria University study (2006) presents a fascinating look at the role that culture plays on the perceptions that faculty friendliness and quality of interaction have on outcomes. As previously mentioned and in Hadassah’s research (2006) a mounting body of evidences indicates that people from specific cultures had more discriminatory experience with their professors, than their counterparts.
SOC 8X01
Title: What are the factors influencing discrimination against
International students in South Africa?
Prepared by: VICTORIA MODUPE OLABOYE (217066651)
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1 .Introduction
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2 Problem Statement
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     >H   
,Literature Review
3.1 Definition of Discrimination
 9     C    
   /!             
3.2 International Students
   (@# "432472%             
            /  "433172-%  
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3.3 Historical overview of discrimination against International students in higher education
* "2183*< 2186%!+
         C  ! "43387 2-6% J     
                
)$C"433-%! $"433-%!$"4323%! "H433-%!
."4336%H!/ C"4330%
9  !; 9 
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         ;  
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3.4 Sex and Discrimination
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 +     "*! 4332%
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 :"'4331%!
3.5 Race and Discrimination
    ;            
  &)"4335G-21%!
         
3.6 Religiosity and Discrimination
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.G.G' 
  G    9   G )   ;  
      *! ( "4335%!        
"2111%!          >& 
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*          C   
 9+!(!"4335%!+<
  7 .          " #! 2165%G
.    !     4 G
.   " *! 2180  ! 2108%G &     
3.7 Languages and Discrimination
 $ "4332%              
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' "211-%  $ "4332%              
               
 & ) "  24   ;   <  :   * 
 +!; !!  
3.8 Socioeconomic factors and Discrimination
)     9   )) "4332%! 
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= !   =   (! &/ "216-%!
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            )  !  
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 +    <       *A
"4323%!     ;  A       
!      )!     
              9    
/      )     
!       )  
  +        !     =
3.9 Conclusion
  +      
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+           $ !    
  =   )     +     
!          +
 !9+
! +! ! !  9            
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4 Hypotheses
1 Sex is an independent variable and discrimination of International students in South Africa is a dependent
4 Race is an independent variable and discrimination of International students in South Africa is a dependent
Religiosity is an independent variable and discrimination of International students in South Africa is a dependent
-         &
Language is an independent variable and discrimination of International students in South Africa is a dependent
5 There&
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Socioeconomic is an independent variable and discrimination of International students in South Africa is a
dependent variable.
5Research Design and Methodology
52Study Design
   +    =         >H 
" <$!4331740,% $
          >H )  E  
                  
)         )     =    
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 ;== ; ' 
5.2 Ethical issues
           !     
   $ !             
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6Profile information
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Image 1 Q               
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Image 2 ) )
O)    3,2M !       >H & 9
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,important of religious belief
Image 3
Image 3 -8,4M!4328M
45 |
Image 4           !     
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Image 5 Socioeconomic status
Image 5 $       =    ,538M   !  
      ,3-6M    
O9               
7 Hypothesis Testing
40 |
=   + 4    9  
  !!  
 +! !"%!;
  ;=!   !E;  .! 
7.1 Sex and UJ undergraduate sociology students’ perception towards factors influencing discrimination of
international students in South Africa.
/ 2     +      >H   
/7       9 +      
/7       9 +      
48 |
/2#;&=A 
    +             
 ';=
 "@ <>!432076,%A+ 
   +  = 462 "   & )    + 
Sex * Use of South African languages excludes international students
>&)+ 
 
 
 
 
 
&+ $ # 26 ,3 ,4 25 20 223
M&+ 2-5M 40,M 412M 2,6M 255M 2333M
* # ,, ,5 82 ,6 ,2 426
M&+ 25,M 264M ,05M 260M 2--M 2333M
 # -1 65 22, 52 -8 ,46
M&+ 253M 211M ,-0M 256M 2-0M 2333M
41 |
) 2   "S,46   =    & )  +
 S426 S223412M9  
Table 2
Chi-Square Tests
D 
& "4;
#;&= 6-83- 266
'. 6,41 - 206
524 2 -0-
D# ,46
 3  "33M%  +    5  
)4;;=3266T335we do not reject
7.2 Race and UJ undergraduate Sociology students’ perception towards factors influencing discrimination of
international students
,3 |
/47            >H  
   &) This hypothesis was tested using chi –square because race is a nominal
category, which means that it mutually exclusive. Queson 2 (indicate your race) and queson 26.2 (There is signi"cant "nancial support
available for internaonal students) was used to test this hypothesis.
/7    9      &
/7             
=  +43M!"@<>!4320765%
    =464 "     
,2 |
Race1 * There is financial support for foreign students (eg: bursary) Crosstabulation
.2 ) # ,- -1 85 63 -2 461
M.2 246M 284M ,26M 44,M 254M 2333M
) # - 23 4, 2, , 5,
05M 281M -,-M 4-5M 50M 2333M
 # ,8 51 238 0, -- ,44
M.2 228M 28,M ,,5M 440M 2,0M 2333M
),!S,44!S461) S5,O)!
C   ,,5M    +   
-Chi-square tests
Chi-Square Tests
D 
& "4;
#;&= 5814- 430
'. 650- - 263
';;') 203 2 683
D# ,44
 3  "33M%  +    5  
 ;  ;=    430  T 335  we do not reject 
,4 |
7.3 .   >H 9       
Hypothesis 3: There is a relationship between religious affiliation of the undergraduate students, Sociology
students at UJ and factors influencing discrimination of international students.
/7   9    
/7     9       
/,; =       A     
! =   =46,
,, |
Religious Afiliation * I am open to being friends with foreign students Crosstabulation
+ +
+ +
.) ;# # - - 1 26 48 62
M.) 66M 66M 2-8M 464M -51M 2333M
# # 26 4, -, 86 16 46-
M.) 62M 80M 26,M ,46M ,6-M 2333M
 # 43 40 54 234 24- ,45
M.) 64M 8,M 263M ,2-M ,84M 2333M
      #  ; # 
;#  "-51M%      !  #
Chi-Square Tests
,- |
Chi-Square Tests
D 
#;&= 4280- 032
'. 4201 - 03,
';;') 606 2 -22
D# ,45
! the null hypothesis is not;335!
  9  
Hypothesis 4 /     >H  
,5 |
  ;
! =   =46-
  "@ < >!4320765%  /  @  !
,6 |
/79   
/7      9     
/ @ # 48 2, 24 4 , 58
M/ -8,M 44-M 430M ,-M 54M 2333M
) # 2 , - , 3 22
M/ 12M 40,M ,6-M 40,M 33M 2333M
# 02 02 56 40 40 454
M/ 484M 484M 444M 230M 230M 2333M
 # 233 80 04 ,4 ,3 ,42
M/ ,24M 402M 44-M 233M 1,M 2333M
,0 |
 &)!,24M)
Chi-Square Tests
D 
#;&= 283-38 342
'. 28836 8 326
';;') 0333 2 338
D# ,42
342T335!we do not reject the null hypotheses ;
335!   9    
Hypotheses 5:        >H    
/7      9 ;     
,8 |
/7      9      
* ;
 
 
 
 
ENU * ;
## 2333 314V
&"4;% 3-6
,45 ,42
  
   
   
## 314V2333
&"4;% 3-6
,42 ,4,
,1 |
&N * ;
## 2333 22-V
&"4;% 3-4
,45 ,42
  
   
   
## 22-V2333
&"4;% 3-4
,42 ,4,
&9  E9;   ;2W2! ;2 
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  &9  "3-6%  E9 ; "3-4%       
;E9;3-63-4&9. ;E9
   "% >H 9  
      !      9
8Interpretations of the findings
C "432,%!
-3 |
   $   =        
                
!!     
   !  9    
              
                ; <
+ ;   +  <  
 $ "4332%              
' "211-%  $ "4332%              
23Limitation of the study
-2 |
       >H   
 =!          $!     
23 Recommendation
22 Conclusion
$+ >&)
-4 |
) A ;  $!
+ +!   A  !
! +!!;'
)!&)H.4332#Quality in Higher Education0"2%755:6,
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