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Animal abuse is considered a significant marker of violence towards humans, and understanding its determinants is important. In this first large-scale survey on adolescent animal abuse carried out in France, we introduced and tested the relative explanatory power of a new variable potentially involved in animal abuse: speciesism, defined as the belief that humans are intrinsically more valuable than individuals of other species. In a school sample composed of 12,344 participants aged 13-18, we observed that 7.3% of participants admitted having perpetrated animal abuse. Consistent with existing studies, cats and dogs were the animals most often abused. Animal abuse was a solitary behavior approximately half of the time, and in 25% of instances it involved only another person. A multivariate logistic regression revealed that animal abuse was more frequent among males, and that it occured more often among adolescents with less positive family climate, lower support from friends, lower attachment to school, and with higher anxio-depressive symptomatology. As implied by the generalized deviance hypothesis, animal abuse was related to more deviant behavior like drunkenness and bullying. Moreover, this study showed for the first time that animal abuse was higher among adolescents who endorsed speciesist attitudes. These results suggest that beyond psychopathological factors, normative beliefs regarding the value of animals and their human use may also be involved in animal mistreatment.
2022, Vol. 37(7-8) NP5187 –NP5207
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
© The Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0886260520959643
Original Research
Explaining Animal Abuse
Among Adolescents: The
Role of Speciesism
Laurent Bègue1
Animal abuse is considered a significant marker of violence towards humans,
and understanding its determinants is important. In this first large-scale
survey on adolescent animal abuse carried out in France, we introduced
and tested the relative explanatory power of a new variable potentially
involved in animal abuse: speciesism, defined as the belief that humans are
intrinsically more valuable than individuals of other species. In a school
sample composed of 12,344 participants aged 13–18 years, we observed that
7.3% of participants admitted having perpetrated animal abuse. Consistent
with existing studies, cats and dogs were the animals most often abused.
Animal abuse was a solitary behavior approximately half of the time, and
in 25% of instances it involved only another person. A multivariate logistic
regression revealed that animal abuse was more frequent among males and
that it occurred more often among adolescents with less positive family
climate, lower support from friends, lower attachment to school, and with
higher anxio-depressive symptomatology. As implied by the generalized
deviance hypothesis, animal abuse was related to more deviant behavior
such as drunkenness and bullying. Moreover, this study showed for the
first time that animal abuse was higher among adolescents who endorsed
speciesist attitudes. These results suggest that beyond psychopathological
factors, normative beliefs regarding the value of animals and their human use
may also be involved in animal mistreatment.
1Universite Grenoble Alpes, 621 Avenue Centrale, Saint-Martin-d’Heres, France
Corresponding Author:
Laurent Bègue, LIPC2S, Grenoble Alpes University, 621 Avenue Centrale, 38400 Saint-Martin-
d’Heres, France.
NP5188 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(7-8)
2 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
animal abuse, cruelty, adolescence, speciesism, deviance
I crucified frogs and birds, I had also invented another torture to put them to
death. It was to attach them to a tree with three sharp nails through the belly
(…). I took the children with me to do it sometimes and sometimes I did it all
by myself.
—Foucault, I, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister,
and My Brother: A Case of Parricide in the 19th Century.
Animal abuse is defined as a “socially unacceptable behavior that intentionally
causes unnecessary pain, suffering, or distress to/or death of an animal”
(Ascione, 1993, p. 228). Because of its obvious implications for animal welfare
as well as its significant connection with human interpersonal violence, it has
attracted attention from various research fields, such as psychiatry and psychol-
ogy (Gullone, 2012; Vaughn et al., 2009), criminology (Agnew, 1998), social
work, forensic research (Ascione et al., 2018; Johnson, 2018), and veterinary
science (Monsalve et al., 2017). The idea of a link between cruelty to animals
and violence towards humans suggested by the life of a Normandy peasant
called Pierre Rivière (see above), sentenced to death in 1836 for multiple mur-
ders, was proposed in many previous writings. For example, it appeared in
ancient philosophy through the works of Pythagoras, as well as in the medieval
writings of the theologian Aquinas and the philosophers Montaigne and Locke.
According to Locke, when children torment and kill an animal, it “hardens their
hearts towards men; and they who delight in the suffering and destruction of
inferior creatures, will not be apt to be very compassionate or benign to those
of their own kind” (Locke, 1693/1989, quoted by Gullone, 2012, p. 5). More
recently, the psychologist Anna Freud and the anthopologist Margaret Mead
have endorsed a similar view: that abusing animals represents a potential pre-
cursor of antisocial behavior. Since 1987, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders has included this behavior as a diagnostic criterion for
conduct disorder, and the relationship between psychiatric disorders and ani-
mal abuse has been investigated in many studies (Ascione et al., 2018; Febres
et al., 2014; Gleyzer et al., 2002; Stupperich & Strack, 2016).
Cruelty Towards Animals and Violence
The association between cruelty to animals and other forms of violence is now
well documented in children, adolescent, and adult samples (Beirne, 2009;
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DeMello, 2012; Flynn, 2012; Longobardi & Badenes-Ribera, 2018), and also in
multiple sample categories such as incarcerated offenders (Kellert & Felthous,
1985; Tallichet & Hensley, 2004; Trentham et al., 2018), school shooters
(Verlinden et al., 2000), public mass shooters (Arluke et al., 2018), serial killers
(Ressler et al., 1988; Wright & Hensley, 2003), as well as in the general popula-
tion (Baldry, 2005; Lucia & Killias, 2011; Vaughn et al., 2009). While the two
main etiological interpretations of the phenomenon are still being debated (the
“graduation hypothesis,” which posits that cruelty towards animals occurs at a
specific chronologic stage and prepares violence towards humans, and the “gen-
eralized deviance hypothesis,” in which animal cruelty is a marker of a general
propensity towards deviance), there is global consensus that violence towards
animals is related to violence towards humans. As recent meta-analytic reviews
have indicated, the available data confirming this link are well developed
(Longobardi & Badenes-Ribera, 2018; Monsalve et al., 2017). Forensic veteri-
nary as well as social work practitioners are developing guidelines to take this
phenomenon into account in their diagnosis tools (Merck, 2012; Monsalve et al.,
2017), and since 2016, the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System in
the USA has included data on acts of animal maltreatment (Levitt, 2018).
Animal Abuse and Psychological Deficits
Since the pioneering studies in the 1960s devoted to the phenomenon of ani-
mal abuse, most research has deciphered the correlates of this behavior, with
a major focus on the psychological deficits and frailties of perpetrators. For
example, according to MacDonald (1961, 1963), a child’s proneness to delin-
quency and violence could be predicted by a triad of characteristics compris-
ing enuresis, fire setting, and cruelty to animals (see also Hellman &
Blackman, 1966). While this triad was criticized years later in subsequent
studies (Felthous & Kellert, 1986; Hannah & Alleyne, 2020; Slavkin, 2001),
the general idea remained that animal abuse was a marker of problem behav-
iors (Arluke, 2006; Gullone, 2012; Levin & Arluke, 2009), and this view was
later supported by many other studies. For example, a comparison study of
141 children with at least one symptom of conduct disorder with a commu-
nity sample of 36 children showed that 28% of the children belonging to the
first group committed animal abuse, whereas only 3% did in the community
sample (Luk et al., 1999). More recently, an epidemiological study based on
a sample of 43,093 individuals indicated that many of those with a lifetime
history of animal cruelty showed psychological issues such as conduct disor-
der, histrionic personality disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and path-
ological gambling (Vaughn et al., 2009). Other studies have linked animal
abuse to alcohol and drug use (Arluke et al., 1999; Knight et al., 2014; Mowen
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& Boman, 2020; Vaughn et al., 2009), narcissism, machiavellianism, and
psychopathy (Kavanagh et al., 2013), callousness (Dadds et al., 2006; Gupta,
2008; Hartman et al., 2019; Stupperich & Strack, 2016; Walters, 2014), and
empathy deficits (Hartman et al., 2019; Kotler & McMahon, 2005; Raine et
al., 2006). Moreover, studies have also shown that people who had exhibited
cruelty to animals were more likely to have witnessed to family violence
(Baldry, 2005; DeGue & DeLillo 2009; Flynn, 2012), or to have been physi-
cally or sexually abused as a child (Ascione et al., 2007; DeGue & DeLillo,
2009; Duncan et al., 2005; McEwen et al., 2014).
The Role of Ideologies and Cultural Norms
As illlustrated by this short literature review, many prior studies on animal abuse
have adopted an individualistic and psychopathological orientation. This domi-
nant perspective was noted by Arluke, who observed that “understanding vio-
lence towards animals remained the sole province of psychologists and animal
welfare advocates. Their approach sees animal abuse as an impulsive act that
reflects psychopathological problems in the offender” (2002, p. 405). As Nurse
(2013) also suggested, thinking of animal offenders as inherently cruel reflects a
common sense logic that may miss a major structural features of animal cruelty.
First, animal abuse is also perpetrated by nonpathological individuals who have
been influenced by their situational context or temporary affective states. Some
proximal emotional states potentially motivating abuse by laypersons such as
frustration (e.g., in response to an animal’s inappropriate behavior) or negative
emotions (causing triggered displaced aggression towards an animal target)
have been pinpointed (Kellert & Felthous, 1985; Patterson-Kane, 2012).
Moreover, beyond these individual and proximal factors, some cultural norms
may also contribute to mistreatment by ordinary and nonpathological individu-
als. Animal harm is not independent of the attitudes of individuals and groups
towards animals (Nurse, 2013). At a global level, most animal mistreatment and
killing is not actually performed by isolated and deviant individuals but is, rather,
instutionalized through various human activities, and therefore represents a rou-
tine, normative, and globalized practice (Cudworth, 2015) such as in state therio-
cide (e.g., the use of animals to test the effectiveness of weapons), factory
farming, hunting and blood sports, lethal trade in wildlife, animal experimenta-
tion, and environmental pollution, among others (Beirne, 2018; see also Sollund,
2017). As has also been underlined by Cudworth (2015), institutionalized vio-
lence towards animals coexists with forms of violence that are considered illegiti-
mate even if these forms have identical painful consequences on animals.
In some studies, a causal junction has been proposed between institution-
alized violence and socially unacceptable violence. For example, using a
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panel analysis of 1994–2002 data in 581 counties in the USA, Fitzgerald
(2009) showed that slaughterhouse employment increased total arrest rates,
arrests for violent crimes, arrests for rape, and arrests for other sex offenses
in comparison with employment in other industries. Another study examined
attitudes towards animals and the propensity for aggression within a sample
of farmers and meatworkers, and confirmed that the latter appeared to be
more desensitized to violence (Richards et al., 2013; see, however, Flynn,
2002; Richards et al., 2013).
Support for institutionalized abuse can be found in the higher-order repre-
sentations of the value granted to animals that shape the frontiers of human
consideration. Speciesism is a form of categorical thinking which attributes a
higher value and a hierarchic position to humans than animals (Ryder, 2000;
Singer, 1975). It is empirically related to the acceptance of the various ways
in which humans instrumentalize animals in the food, clothing, leisure, or
biomedical industries (Caviola et al., 2019) and also predicts behavioral pref-
erences towards humans and “superior” animals in relation to allocating
money or investing time (Caviola et al., 2019), and to animal mistreatment in
biomedical research (Bègue & Vezirian, 2020).
In the current study, we reasoned that because of the legitimization of
animal use for human purposes and the fundamental animal objectification
inherent to speciesism, this attitude would be also related to cruelty towards
animals. It has therefore been shown that people who endorse dominionistic
attitudes, that is, those who agree with sentences such as “Humans are a
‘higher order species, therefore it is our right to use animals to satisfy our
needs and desire” expressed less punitive attitudes towards animal cruelty
(Vollum et al., 2004). However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous
studies have explored the relationship between a speciesist attitude and ani-
mal cruelty. The present research intends to fill this gap.
Criminological Perspectives on Animal Abuse
In order to demonstrate the unique relevance of speciesism in predicting ani-
mal cruelty, we also introduced a large range of other variables which have
been shown to be related to animal cruelty. In doing so, we relied on two
major criminological perspectives on delinquency (Akers & Sellers, 2017)
that are considered relevant to understanding animal abuse (Agnew, 1998):
general strain theory (Agnew, 2001a) and social bonding theory (Hirschi,
2001). We also included a less theory-driven perspective, the “generalized
deviance hypothesis,” which suggests that animal cruelty is a marker of gen-
eral propensity towards deviance, and represents a symptom among a host of
maladaptative behaviors (Petersen & Farrington, 2007).
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6 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Because there is currently no available data on the correlates of animal
abuse in France, we included a wide spectrum of potentially relevant vari-
ables pertaining to these groups of etiological factors in contemporary crimi-
nological research. We also extended the scope of this study to the social
context of the abuse because there is a lack of data on the situational factors
involved in animal cruelty (Vaughn et al., 2009; see however Henry, 2004;
Hensley et al., 2012; Hensley et al., 2018; Tallichet & Hensley, 2009). The
role of group processes has been underlined in criminological research as an
important component during adolescence (Emler & Reicher, 1995), but this
has barely been studied in relation to animal abuse. In one of the only studies
focusing on this dimension, Arluke and Luke (1997) showed that in a sample
of animal abusers, abuse was perpetrated in presence of others in half of the
cases of adolescent abusers, but only in 13% of the adult abusers. In the pres-
ent study, we investigate the social context of abuse and explore whether the
perpetrator was alone or with peers when performing this behavior.
Animal Abuse and Strain
General strain theory posits that individuals facing certain sources of strain and
stress sometimes cope by engaging in criminal behavior (Agnew, 2001b,
p. 88). This theory identifies three main categories of criminogenic strain: fail-
ure to achieve a desired goal, the removal of positive stimuli (i.e., losing some-
thing good), or being subjected to negative or aversive stimuli (see Brezina,
1996; Hoffman & Cerbone, 1999; Paternoster & Mazerolle, 1994). When ani-
mals destroy property, cause injury, or interfere in some way with valued goals,
they represent a source of strain (Kellert & Felthous, 1985). However, even
strain which has not been caused by the animal themselves may lead to their
abuse. Adolescents sometimes face strain within the educational system (e.g.,
negative school experiences, unjust treatment by authorities, bullying, etc.).
Previous studies have linked animal abuse to traditional bullying and also to
cyberbulling (Baldry, 2005; Gullone & Robertson, 2008; Sanders & Henry,
2017; Signal et al., 2013). Some authors have also suggested that animal abuse
serves a mood enhancement function, being potentially a consequence of
depression (Ascione, 2001). Finally, a common source of strain in Agnew’s
model is financial frustration, and some studies have suggested that poverty
may increase the chance of animal abuse (Levinthal, 2010).
Social Bonding Theory
Social bonding theory is another major criminological approach explaining
animal abuse, as suggested by Agnew (1998). This theory is grounded in
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works initially developed by the sociologist Emile Durkheim, who argued that
people conform to societal norms only to the extent that they are restrained by
their various attachments (see Durkheim, 1951). According to this perspec-
tive, social order is based on conventional moral beliefs and values that are
internalized and upheld by society at large. A conventional belief in societal
laws and norms is assumed to be the primary motivational factor that regulates
deviant behavior (Benda, 1997). Individuals conform to conventional norms
to the extent that they are attached to others who accept the legitimacy of such
norms; conversely, individuals deviate from conventional norms to the extent
to which they lack such attachments (Hirschi, 2001; Stark & Bainbridge,
1996). Attachment is another key component in social bond theory. It describes
the psychological and emotional connection a person feels towards other peo-
ple or groups and the extent to which they care about others’ opinions and
feelings. Studies have indicated that animal abuse was more frequent among
adolescents who had weaker bond with their parents (Alleyne & Parfitt, 2017).
Deviant Behavior
According to a third and less theory-driven perspective, the “generalized
deviance hypothesis,” animal cruelty represents a single marker of general
propensity towards deviance and is a symptom of a host of maladaptative
behaviors (Petersen & Farrington, 2007). In that vein, cruelty towards ani-
mals has been related to alcohol and drug use (Knight et al., 2014; Mowen &
Boman, 2020; Vaughn et al., 2009), to the commission of violence and bully-
ing (Baldry, 2005; Sanders & Henry, 2017), and to many other psychiatric
comorbidities (Vaughn et al., 2009).
Aims of the Study
The present study represents the first large scale survey carried out in France on
animal abuse. It had two goals: (a) to describe the prevalence of animal abuse in
a sample of adolescents and its social context; and (b) to analyze the unique con-
tribution of speciesism to animal abuse and the role of adolescent social strain,
social bond, and deviance in an extensive model of multidimensional correlates.
Sampling Procedure and Participants
The sample was composed of 12,344 participants, 49.6% female aged 13–18
years, living in the French department of Isère. All junior high schools in the
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8 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
department were eligible and were contacted and 59 schools (56%) partici-
pated. The survey was proposed to all pupils in the 8th and 9th grades of these
schools. Parental consent was requested through the home liaison diary,
which is the usual means for communication between the school and the fam-
ily. Children could orally refuse to participate to the survey even if their par-
ents had approved their participation in the survey. The anonymous
questionnaire was filled out in a classroom on paper under the supervision of
a research assistant. Missing data were imputed using a straightforward linear
interpolation method. Participants who did not indicate their gender (N = 31)
were not included in the analysis.
Social Bonding Variables
Positive family climate.
The assessment of a positive family climate was based on four questions from
Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC Survey, Currie et al., 2010).
A 4-point Likert-type survey was proposed, with options ranging from 1 (not at
all) to 5 (very much). The following items were proposed: In my family, when
I speak, someone listens to what I’m saying; In my family, I believe that we talk
about important things; In my family, we ask questions when we misunder-
stand each other; In my family, when there is a misunderstanding, we talk until
everything is cleared up (M = 4.06, SD = 0.71, Cronbach’s alpha = .73).
Social support from friends.
Support from friends was assessed based on two items from the HBSC
Survey (Currie et al., 2010). A 4-point Likert-type survey was proposed, with
options ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). The following items
were proposed: I can count on my friends when things go wrong; I have
friends with whom I can share joys and sorrows (M = 4.45, SD = 0.75,
Cronbach’s alpha = .78).
School climate.
School climate was based on three items from the HBSC Survey (Currie et
al., 2010). A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed, with options ranging
from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). The following items were proposed:
Most of the students in my class(es) are kind and helpful; Other students
accept me as I am; The students in my class(es) take pleasure being together
(M = 3.88, SD = 0.73, Cronbach’s Alpha = .70).
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Attachment to school.
Attachment to school was based on three items from the HBSC survey (Currie
et al., 2010). A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed, with options rang-
ing from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). Example items: I feel that my profes-
sors accept me like I am; Generally, I feel that my professors congratulate me
when I achieve and encourage me when I face difficulty; I can confide in at
least one adult at school (M = 3.64, SD = 0.82, Cronbach’s alpha = .62).
School deviance.
This measure was based on three items from the HBSC Survey (Currie et al.,
2010). A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed, with options ranging from 1
(completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). The following items were pro-
posed: During the three last months, have you skipped school? During the three
last months, have you been in detention? During the three last months, have you
been excluded from your class? (M = 3.88, SD = 0.72, Cronbach’s alpha = .70).
Strain Variables
Perceived economic affluence.
The perceived economic affluence of the family was based on a single item
from the HBSC Survey (Currie et al., 2010): How well off do you think your
family is? A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with options ranging
from 1 (not at all well off) to 5 (very well off) (M = 3.66, SD = 0.78).
Anxiety and depression.
The anxiety and depression measure were based on three items from the HBSC
Survey (Currie et al., 2010): During the last six months, how often have you
been depressed? During the last six months, how often have you been irritable?
During the last six months, how often have you been nervous, stressed, anxious?
A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with options ranging from 1 (rarely
or never) to 5 (nearly every day) (M = 2.57; SD = 1.01, Cronbach’ s alpha = .72).
Life satisfaction.
The life satisfaction measure was based on the adaptation by Levin and Curie
(2014) of the single-item measure originally developed by Cantril (1965).
The Cantril Scale is considered an important indicator of adolescent health
(Mazur et al., 2016). The following sentence introduces the scale: Here is a
picture of a ladder. The top of the ladder “10” is the best possible life for you
and the bottom “0” is the worst possible life for you. In general, where on the
ladder do you feel you stand at the moment? An 11-point Likert-type survey
was proposed, with options ranging from 0 (worst life possible) to 10 (best
life possible) (M = 6.12, SD = 1.85).
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10 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Victimization at school was measured based on a single item from the HBSC
Survey (Currie et al., 2010). Participants were introduced to the question using
the following sentence: We say a student is being bullied when another student,
or a group of students, say or do nasty or unpleasant things to him or her. It is also
bullying when a student is teased repeatedly in a way he or she does not like, or
when he or she is deliberately left out of things. In the past two months, how often
have you been bullied at school? A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with
options ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (many times a week; M = 1.52, SD = 0.93).
Deviance Variables
In order to evaluate their experiences of drunkenness, participants were asked
the following question: Have you ever drunk alcoholic beverages up to being
completely drunk? A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with options
ranging from 1 (no, never) to 5 (more than 10 times; M = 1.15, SD = 0.53).
Participants were asked the following single question: In the past two months,
how often have you bullied one or several classmates at school? A 5-point
Likert-type survey was proposed with options ranging from 1 (never) to 5
(many times a week; M = 1.52, SD = 0.93).
Participation in fights.
Participation in fights was measured using the following single item: In the
past three months, how many times have you participated in a fight (with
exchange of blows, and the intention of harming) in school or elsewhere? A
5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with options ranging from 1 (never)
to 5 (four times or more; M = 1.44, SD = 0.95).
General speciesism was measured by the single-item question: The life of a
human being has more value than animal’s life, adapted from Caviola et al.
(2019). A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed with options ranging from
1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree; M = 2.57, SD = 1.26). We also mea-
sured domain-specific speciesism, that is, the participants’ attitudes towards
animal experiments, via the following two items: When it comes to finding
the best treatments for illnesses, doing experiments on animals is justified,
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even if this can make them suffer and sacrificing animals such as mice or rats
for scientific research is normal. A 5-point Likert-type survey was proposed,
with options ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree; M = 2.58,
SD = 1.08, Cronbach’s alpha = .68).
Dependent Measure: Animal Abuse
Following many prior studies (Hensley & Tallichet, 2009; Hensley et al., 2006;
Tallichet & Hensley, 2004, 2005, 2009), we relied on a single item to measure
animal abuse. Participants were presented with the following question: Have you
ever harmed or wounded an animal on purpose? Possible responses were coded
1 (Yes) or 0 (No). If the answer was 1, three additional questions were then asked
about the frequency of the behavior: First, How many times did this occur? 1
(Once), 2 (Twice), 3 (Three times or more); then a question asking which species
were involved on the last occasion—1 (A dog), 2 (A cat), 3 (A fish), 4 (A bird), 5
(A rodent, rabbit, mouse, hamster, or guinea pig), 5 (Other); and lastly, a question
asking for details of the social context in which it occurred on the last occasion: 1
(Alone), 2 (With another person), 3 (With two people or more).
Descriptive Analysis
We observed that 7.3% of the participants (N = 899) declared that they had
harmed or wounded an animal on purpose. Among them, 44.0% indicated
that they had performed this behavior once, 14.7% had done so twice, and
41,3% had done so more than twice. The following percentages were observed
for each category of animal presented: dog: 13.9%; cat: 22.5%; fish: 6.4%;
bird: 11.6%; rodent, 8.2%; and other, 37.3%. Finally, regarding the social
context, most of the time the abuse was reported to have been committed
alone (54,9%); in 25% of the cases, it involved another person, and in 20.1%
of the cases, two other people or more were involved.
Main Results
Statistical analyses.
We first compared animal abusers (AA) to animal non-abusers (ANA) based
on Chi-squares and t-tests applying Bonferroni corrections (see Table 1). The
results showed that at a bivariate level, all the hypothesized differences
between animal abusers and animal non-abusers were observed in the
expected direction, except for perceived affluence, which did not show any
significant variation between the two.
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Table 1. Univariate Comparisons Between Animal Abusers and Animal Non-abusers.
Animal Non-abusers Animal Abusers Statistical Tests
Age (Mean, SD) 14.53 (0.63) 14.56 (0.67) t(12235) = 1.03, ns
Gender (% Males) 48.8 % 67.7 % χ2 (1) = 119.64, p < .000
Social bond variables
Positive family climate (4 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 4.08 (0.71) 3.88 (0.74) t(12235) = 7.94, p < .000
Support from friends (2 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 4.47 (0.74) 4.28 (0.83) t(1014,19) = 6.59, p < .000
School climate (3 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 3.89 (0.76) 3.78 (0.74) t(12235) = 4.18, p < .000
School deviance (3 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 1.38 (0.76) 1.67 (1.00) t(974,88) = 8,44, p < .000
Attachment to school (3 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 3.66 (0.81) 3.37 (0.88) tcor(1021,35) = 9,46), p < .000
Strain variables
Perceived affluence (1 item, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 3.66 (0.78) 3.63 (0.88) tcor(1012,90) = 0.79, ns
Anxiety and depression (3 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 2.56 (1.01) 2.76 (1.03) t(12235) = 5,51, p < .000
Life satisfaction (1 item, 0 to 10, mean, SD) 6.14 (1.84) 5.86 (1.98) t(1024,555) = 4.13), p < .000
Bullying (victim) (1 item, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 1.52(0.93) 1.61 (0.93) t(1023, 372) = 2.76, p < .006
Drunkenness (1 item, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 1.14 (0.50) 1.32 (0.83) t(950,41) = 9.92, p < .000
Bullying (perpetrator) (1 item, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 1.27 (0.61) 1.61 (0.92) t(961.194) = 15.13, p < .000
Participation in fights (1 item, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 1.41 (0.92) 1.77 (1.24) t(977,81) = 8.50, p < .000
General speciesism(1 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 2.63 (1.25) 2.97 (1.33) t(12234) = 7,64, p < .000
Specific speciesism (2 items, 1 to 5, mean, SD) 2.55 (1.07) 2.96 (1.17) t(1019,273) = 10,19, p < .000
Bègue NP5199
Bègue 13
Then, a logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the odds
ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of every variable in order
to predict the commission of animal abuse (coded 1) contrasted with the
noncommission of this behavior (coded 0). Age and gender were entered
into block 1 of a multivariate analysis. In block 2, each potential predictive
factor was added stepwise to the model using an automated forward selec-
tion procedure. The significance level used to select variables that would
remain in the model was p < .05. The results confirmed that beyond the
variables known to differentiate animal abusers from animal non-abusers in
previous studies (males with less positive family climate, lower support
from friends, lower attachment to school, higher anxio-depression, and more
deviant behaviors (drunkenness and bullying), attitudes regarding the
(lower) value of animals (general speciesism) and attitudes supporting ani-
mal experiment (specific speciesism) were significantly related to animal
abuse (see Table 2). The overall model accounted for 10.2% of the variance
(Nagelkerke pseudo R2).
Table 2. Multivariate Logistic Regression Predicting Animal Abuse.
Odds Ratio CI P
Age 1.06 0.95–1.19 .25
Gender 1.88 1.60–2.22 .000
Positive family climate 0.87 0.78–0.96 .01
Support from friends 0.85 0.78–0.93 .000
School climate 0.93 0.83–1.03 .17
School deviance 1.06 0.97–1.16 .17
Attachment to school 0.84 0.77–0.92 .000
Anxiety and depression 1.22 1.13–1.33 .000
Life satisfaction 0.98 0.94–1.03 . 59
Perceived affluence 1.06 0.96–1.16 .20
Bullying (perpetrator) 1.42 1.30–1.55 .000
Bullying (victim) 0.95 0.88–1.03 .25
Drunkenness 1.22 1.10–1.34 .000
Participation in fights 1.06 0.98–1.13 .098
General speciesism 1.16 1.09–1.24 .000
Specific speciesism 1.22 1.13–1.32 .000
Constant 0.01 .000
NP5200 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(7-8)
14 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
In this first large-scale survey on animal abuse carried out in France, we
observed that 7.3% of participants in our adolescent sample declared having
perpetrated animal abuse in the past. This represents a rather lower percent-
age compared to some other studies which have previously been carried out
in samples of children and adolescents aged 12–17, in which the percentages
of participants reported as having abused animals at least once has ranged
from 11% to 50% (Baldry, 2003, 2005; Lucia & Killias, 2011; Pagani et al.,
2010). Consistent with existing studies (e.g., Arluke & Luke, 1997), cats and
dogs were the animals most often victimized. Animal abuse was a solitary
behavior approximately half of the time, and in 25% of the time it involved
only one other person. This study confirmed many of the observations made
in previous studies carried out in other countries: that animal abuse was pre-
dominant among males (Arluke & Luke, 1997; Flynn, 2000; Kellert &
Felthous, 1985; Rigdon & Tapia 1977; Vaughn et al., 2009). It also occurred
more frequently among adolescents with less positive relationships with their
parents and weaker attachment to their friends and to school and with higher
anxio-depressive symptomatology. As implied by the generalized deviance
hypothesis, animal abuse was related to more deviant behavior such as drunk-
enness and bullying.
In addition to these factors, we showed for the first time that animal abuse
was higher among adolescents who endorsed speciesist attitudes. More spe-
cifically, we observed that our two measures of speciesism were both signifi-
cantly related to animal abuse. Such results suggest that beyond
psychopathological factors, some distal macro-level ideologies and cultural
norms may also be linked to animal mistreatment among adolescents. It is
interesting to note that in our sample, the weight of anxiety and depression
was similar to the weight of specific speciesism to predict animal abuse.
Contrary to most predictors of animal abuse, speciesism is not an expression
of deviance or a psychiatric issue; on the contrary, it represents a normative
attitude. For example, in European countries, acceptance of animal experi-
mentation is positively linked in the public mind with information on new
medical discoveries, participation in public discussions on science, and a
general support for science and technology (Crettaz von Roten, 2013).1
Several limitations of the present study should be noted. First, even if research
on the validity of self-reported data has concluded that young people are
sincere about sensitive matters when appropriate precautions are taken (e.g.,
Bègue NP5201
Bègue 15
Hindelang et al., 1979; Winters et al., 1990), it is not possible to estimate of
the possible bias in under or overreporting animal cruelty. Second, the cross-
sectional design of our study prevents any causal inference to be drawn
regarding the measured variables. Third, we did not investigate the underly-
ing motives for animal abuse. According to Patterson-Kane (2012), three
main causal categories for animal abuse should be differentiated: expressive,
instrumental, and abnormal. A more thorough specification of the underlying
nature of animal abuse may represent an important improvement for future
research. Finally, the issue of generalizability outside the present sample
remains to be clarified. There may be some significant variations in animal
abuse in other geographic places in France as well as in French overseas
departments. In a comparative perspective, the inclusion of additional vari-
ables (e.g., economic, social, and cultural dimensions) could provide critical
insights regarding factors related to cruelty towards animals, as it is the case
regarding other forms of delinquency. Further studies should include this
diversity issue.
In conclusion, this study, which was carried out on a large sample of French
adolescents, showed that social bond and strain variables were relevant in
analyzing animal abuse. In addition, we found that general attitudes regard-
ing the intrinsic value of animals and the acceptance of their instrumental use
in legitimate social practices (animal experimentation) were also signifi-
cantly related to self-reported abuse. This suggests that even when it comes
to explaining deviant and rare behaviors such as animal cruelty, widely held
beliefs regarding animals’ value are an important factor explaining the vic-
timization of animals.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi-
cation of this article.
1. Moreover, in our sample, the ancillary analysis indicated that attachment to
school was slightly related to support for animal experimentation (R = .08, p <
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16 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
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Author Biography
Laurent Bègue, PhD, is full professor of Social Psychology at Grenoble Alpes
University, France. He is currently the Head of the House of Human Sciences and is
member of the University Institute of France. He was also visiting professor in
Stanford University (USA) and Brock University (Canada). He is mainly interested in
the determinants of aggressive behavior, deviant behavior and justice beliefs, and
published in journals such as Psychological Bulletin, Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Cognition, and
Neurosciences and Biobehavioral Reviews.
... Relying on retrospective accounts of aggressive criminals and limited abusive behaviors are the main research limitations in this field because study subjects may underreport some cases regarding past animal cruelty (Levitt et al., 2016). Previous research have found that the prevalence of animal abuse ranges from 3% to 7% in public population (Bègue, 2020;Degue & Dilillo, 2009;Knight et al., 2014), but the rate was higher, ranging from 16% to 48%indetected and undetected aggressive offenders and people who witnessed violence (Febres et al., 2014;Hartman et al., 2019;Hensley et al., 2018). The first section of this review discusses the relationship between animal abuse and interpersonal violence as well as the possible risk and protective factors explaining this relationship. ...
... Retrospective studies have examined the history of childhood animal cruelty in criminals (e.g., Henderson et al., 2011;Hensley et al., 2018;Kellert & Felthous, 1985;Merz-Perez et al., 2001;Wright & Hensley, Animal Abuse and Interpersonal Violence in Turkey4 2003) or noncriminals (e.g., Alleyne & Parfitt, 2018;Boat et al., 2011) and tried to find a connection with any aggressive behaviors toward humans. On the other hand, studies that focused on examining current relationships have extensively examined the co-occurrence of animal abuse with intimate partner violence in adults (e.g., Barrett et al., 2020;Febres et al., 2014;Fitzgerald et al., 2020) and with bullying, and aggression in children and adolescents (e.g., Baldry, 2005;Bègue, 2020;Lucia & Killias, 2012). Even though the findings of earlier retrospective studies are limited due to sample size and lack of standardized measures, it is necessary to note that they promoted further studies examining the current link between animal abuse and interpersonal violence. ...
... The first risk factor is gender. Previous research has repeatedly reported that males were more likely to engage in animal abuse (Bègue, 2020;Bright et al., 2018;Lucia & Killias, 2011;Plant et al., 2019). The reason for such difference between genders might suggest that men are more prone to be socialized through the power and physical aggression than women. ...
... These studies analyze offenders histories and profiles (Levitt, Hoffer, & Loper, 2016), how violence may escalate, and reveal the way animal abuse relates to human aggression (Levin & Arluke, 2009;Monsalve, Ferreira, & Garcia, 2017) toward various targets like spouses, children, or other victims (Gullone, 2012). Animal abuse is therefore considered to be an expression of mental illness, a sign of psychopathology, or at least of some socioemotional deficits (Bègue, 2020). Dozens of psychological correlates have been investigated, including callousness, lifetime alcohol use disorders, conduct disorder, antisocial, obsessive-compulsive, and histrionic personality disorders, pathological gambling, and family history of antisocial behavior (Vaughn et al., 2009). ...
... According to , speciesism is a form of intergroup bias that is linked to variables known to form part of generalized prejudices such as outgroup discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism; see Caviola et al., 2019, study 3) or hierarchical ideologies . A previous cross-sectional study on speciesism among 12344 french adolescents showed that this dimension predicted self-reported harm inflicted on animals (Bègue, 2020). ...
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As a general rule, we care about animal welfare, and we consider animal suffering to be morally unjustified. However, in certain circumstances animal exploitation and suffering appear to us as necessary to meet certain goals, and this could represent a real moral dilemma. This is particularly the case for medical and pharmaceutical animal experimentation, which involves the use of animals to assess the toxicity and ensure the safety of drugs intended for human consumption. Animal experimentation perfectly contrasts the considerations we have for an in-group (i.e., humans) to the ones we have for an out-group (i.e., animals) and although the inter-individual differences in opinion about this practice are not yet truly understood, they may simply reflect broader attitudinal and behavioral tendencies in intergroup relations. In addition, the health benefits of this practice come at the expense of animals that we would normally be motivated to protect from suffering, and therefore strategies should exist to streamline and facilitate the conduct of experiments. The aim of this work is to examine what are the individual and contextual determinants of attitudes and behaviors toward animal experimentation and laboratory animals. We hypothesize that individual dispositions (i.e., personality) effectively predicting interpersonal and intergroup relations may also guide attitudes and behaviors toward animal experimentation and laboratory animals. We also hypothesize that mechanisms that facilitate the conduct of harmful behaviors toward others may also appear in the context of animal experimentation and legitimize the use of laboratory animals. Thirteen studies using a wide and diverse range of data collection methods have been conducted and are displayed within six manuscripts. Results confirm that individuals’ characteristics and dispositions, such as gender, social dominance orientation, speciesist and empathic dispositions, predict not only the attitudes toward animal experimentation and laboratory-animals, but also the behavioral commitment to use them in the context of a harmful pharmaceutical research. Furthermore, our results also highlight the use of a motivated moral disengagement strategy such the denial of mind of laboratory animals to cope and rationalize with the paradox that represent the use of animals for research inquiries. Finally, in line with Milgram’s work, our results also demonstrate that scientific mindset, whether as a trait or experimentally induced, leads to a greater support for animal-experimentation in both in self-reported and behavioral measures. This thesis argues that the attitudes toward animal experimentation and laboratory animals merely reflect the way people perceive the social world in which they live and the way they perceive others. The study of animal experimentation thus seems heuristic for the analysis of humananimal relations and the intergroup dynamics that run through them.
... According to Caviola et al. (2019), speciesism is a form of intergroup bias that is linked to variables known to form part of generalized prejudices (Allport, 1954) such as outgroup discrimination (e.g., sexism, racism; see Caviola et al., 2019, study 3) or hierarchical ideologies (Dhont et al., 2014;Graça et al., 2018). A previous cross-sectional study on speciesism among 12,344 French adolescents showed that this dimension predicted self-reported harm inflicted on animals (Bègue, 2020). ...
... Audelà des formes d'association de la drogue et des violences, l'élucidation de la nature causale de ce lien est fondamentale pour la santé publique. Par exemple, s'il s'avère que l'association observée entre l'alcool et les violences domestiques [1] , envers les minorités [2] ou les animaux [3] n'est pas strictement causale, toute diminution de leur disponibilité et/ou de leur consommation ne saurait être un gage de diminution corollaire des violences. À l'inverse, une indication de causalité peut informer utilement la prévention, voire infl uencer de manière signifi cative les politiques publiques. ...
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Synthèse bibliographique consacrée aux liens entre les violences et l'usage de psychotropes
... Animals are cared for, fed, invited to play, and even sleep together. (Bègue, 2022) However, some people actually use animals, exploit them, abuse them, and even kill them for certain purposes. Currently, the problem of the mistreatment of animals is increasingly apprehensive. ...
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Islam as the majority religion in Indonesia teaches us to be a mercy to the universe, including taking care of animals on earth. However, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of downloaders of animal abuse content in the world. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze these problems from the perspective of jurisprudence. The research method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach and analysis of Islamic legal theories. The results of this study indicate that the crime of mistreatment of animals in Indonesia is regulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP) Article 302 and Article 540, as well as Law Number 18 of 2009 as amended by Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Health. Animal abuse in jinayah fiqh is included in the ta'zir finger, in which the level and punishment are determined by the government ( ulil amri ).
... Finally, one study, in a community sampling of adults who self-reported antisocial and illegal behavior, found that low self-esteem, along with low animal-oriented empathy, distinguished animal abusers from offenders who engaged in other antisocial behaviors . Using a large sample of French adolescents, Bègue (2020) found a link between animal abuse and variables relating to social bonding and strain, including negative family climate, poorer support from friends, lower attachment to school, and higher anxio-depressive symptoms, as well as the link between animal abuse and deviance, including drunkenness and bullying. Furthermore, they found that speciesist attitudes played a significant role in predicting adolescent animal abuse, as measured by items such as "The life of a human being has more value than animal's life." ...
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Several perspectives inform research on Childhood Animal Cruelty (CAC), but these perspectives are poorly integrated with each other and there is little dialogue with the rest of the child–animal interaction (CAI) literature. This study reviews the current empirical and theoretical literature on CAC to explore issues regarding research definitions and methodologies. Following the RAMESES guidelines, we performed a meta-narrative review of the CAC literature from 2010 to 2020, including theoretical papers and original research published in English. Four databases (OVID, Web of Science, PubMed, and EBSCOhost) were searched for terms relating to children, animals, and harm in the title and keyword fields. This generated 416 results, and 69 publications were reviewed here. We explore theories of CAC in relation to the historical research strands and discuss how well they are supported by existing empirical evidence. We thematically classified empirical study findings, which showed that (1) environmental factors that predict CAC include exposure to childhood adversity, especially experiences of violence and witnessing animal cruelty, (2) CAC is recurrent or has extreme links to later interpersonal violence, (3) psychological risk factors linked to CAC include externalizing disorders, lower empathy, lower self-esteem, poorer family functioning, and attitudes accepting of cruelty, (4) witnessing animal cruelty is a serious risk factor for a range of internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and (5) a range of psychosocial barriers exist in measuring and reporting CAC. Issues with measures, population selection, and definitions focusing only on more severe forms of CAC are factors which potentially constrain the generalizability of results. We highlight the need for developmentally appropriate definitions of CAC and methods of measurement and argue that the CAC literature is not well aligned with animal welfare legislation. We propose that CAC should be integrated into a broader spectrum of childhood behaviors toward animals.
... Children's attitudes to animals is another predictor of later animal abuse. Adolescents who hold a world view of intrinsic human superiority, one that is implicit in the government teaching resources reviewed above, are more likely to be animal abusers (Begue, 2020). Conversely, a study in Scotland found that an education programme teaching children about animal minds led to improved knowledge about the sentience of animals, and their ability to feel emotions. ...
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Guidelines for sustainability linked to the government-approved National Curriculum for education in New Zealand emphasise values of empathy and respect for all life. These instruct educators to discuss different values around sustainability and conservation. I reviewed educational resources published or endorsed by government agencies to determine compliance with these sustainability Guidelines. The resources reviewed promote the view that non-native mammals should be killed. Some resources go further in giving instructions to children on how to do this, and how to source kill traps. Children are provided with material designed to engender dislike towards non-native mammals, particularly possums. Resources conflate issues of conservation by tying it in with protection of tourism, ornamental plants and primary industries. This encouragement of killing in environmental educational resources appears unique to New Zealand. It is discussed in light of increasing evidence that performing or witnessing animal abuse is a causal factor for future violence towards human and non-human animals.
... We should not continue to consider animals as simple inert objects for research but rather rethink our research and its scientific value in comparison with the number of animal lives we take (Costello et al., 2016;Webb et al., 2019a;Patter and Blattner, 2020;Soulsbury et al., 2020). Importantly, whatever the role of animals in our societies (pets, research, farm, etc.), their abuse is linked with psychopathological factors (Bègue, 2020), and respecting animals could lead us to see ourselves in a better light. ...
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The mistreatment and abuse of animals is a significant indicator of violence towards humans, up to and including intimate partner abuse, sexual assault, rape, murder. All too often mental health professionals and prosecutors miss the seriousness of any cruelty towards animals and the significant role animal cruelty plays in the perpetuation of violent and non-violent criminal behavior. The literature supports that animal cruelty is one of the earliest markers for future acts of both violent and nonviolent criminal behaviors. Whether animal cruelty occurs prior to or subsequent to witnessing or experiencing any type of abuse is unknown. What is known is the connections between experiencing abuse, witnessing domestic abuse, and animal cruelty. This means that the directionality of cruelty to animals is not always clear, that is, which occurs first, the negative environmental factors (abuse) or animal cruelty.
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Psychiatrists define cruelty to animals as a psychological problem or personality disorder. Legally, animal cruelty is described by a list of behaviors. In Just a Dog, Arnold Arluke argues that our current constructs of animal cruelty are decontextualized-imposed without regard to the experience of the groups committing the act. Yet those who engage in animal cruelty have their own understandings of their actions and of themselves as actors. In this fascinating book, Arluke probes those understandings and reveals the surprising complexities of our relationships with animals. Just a Dog draws from interviews with more than 250 people, including humane agents who enforce cruelty laws, college students who tell stories of childhood abuse of animals, hoarders who neglect the welfare of many animals, shelter workers who cope with the ethics of euthanizing animals, and public relations experts who use incidents of animal cruelty for fundraising purposes. Through these case studies, Arluke shows how the meaning of "cruelty" reflects and helps to create identities and ideologies.
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Researchers have extensively studied the tendency of certain violent criminals to hurt or torture animals, primarily focusing on domestic abusers and serial killers. However, little is known about the extent or nature of prior animal abuse among active shooters and public mass shooters. Public mass and active shooters essentially represent a single offender type: they are people who commit rampage attacks in public places and attempt to harm multiple victims beyond a single target. The only difference is that “mass” shootings are traditionally defined as cases resulting in the death of four or more victims, while “active” shootings have no minimum threshold. This study aimed to identify all publicly reported cases of active and mass shooters who engaged in animal cruelty, describe the nature of their violence toward animals and humans, and examine how they differ from other perpetrators without this history. Overall, this study found 20 cases of offenders with a publicly reported history of animal abuse. Comparisons between offenders with and without this history indicated that animal‐abusing offenders were more likely to be young and White, less likely to die at the crime scene, and more likely to kill and wound a large number of victims. While this finding supports the idea that animal abuse might be a warning sign for a small but deadly minority of mostly youthful offenders, it is likely not a robust signal of future shooters in general because animal abuse is rarely reported in this population of offenders at large.
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The MacDonald triad posits that animal cruelty, fire setting, and bed wetting in childhood is indicative of later aggressive and violent behavior in adults. Researchers refer to this phenomenon as a precursor to later antisocial behaviors including serial and sexual murder; while practitioners cite the triad in clinical formulations and risk assessments. However, there is yet to be a critical review and consolidation of the literature that establishes whether there is empirical support. This article explores the validity of the triad. We conducted a narrative review of the relevant studies examining the MacDonald triad and its individual constituents. There is evidence that any one of the triad behaviors could predict future violent offending, but it is very rare to find all three behaviors together as predictors. Thus, the empirical research on the MacDonald triad does not fully substantiate its premise. Rather, it would appear that the triad, or its individual constituents, is better used as an indicator of dysfunctional home environments, or poor coping skills in children. Future research is needed with robust and rigorous methodologies (e.g., adequate control groups, longitudinal designs) to fully establish the MacDonald triad’s validity. Finally, further consideration is needed as to whether the triad behaviors are more indicative of other problematic outcomes (e.g., maladaptive coping to life stressors).
Concern over animal abuse among policy-makers, law enforcement officials, and the general public remains high. Although research has marked animal abuse as an indicator of a variety of deviant outcomes, fewer projects have examined the correlates of cruelty towards animals. In this study, we apply Agnew's theory of animal abuse to explore how a wide-range of characteristics relate to deviance towards animals. In support of Agnew's theory, results reveal that a combination of individual traits and behaviors, socialization experiences, and mechanisms of social control significantly relate to animal abuse. However, measures of strain do not appear to relate to animal abuse, providing only partial support to the theory.
Despite the widespread belief among the public and an increasing number of law enforcement personnel that individuals who harm animals often harm other people, the subject of animal maltreatment has received little attention from behavioral scientists. Advances in comparative neuroanatomy have highlighted the ability of animals to feel physical and emotional pain, including complex psychological reactions to traumatic events. These advances, and recent studies (however sparse) that support the notion that perpetrators of crimes against animals often commit other crimes, have arguably created an ethical and practical imperative for behavioral scientists to undertake a serious examination of animal maltreatment and potential mechanisms for responding to it. In addition, the close and complex relationships many Americans have with animals and the advancements in animal protection law in the past two decades necessitate expertise on the part of forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, who will increasingly be called upon to evaluate animal maltreatment offenders and consult on related policy and legislation.
The confluence of developments in the assessment of animal abuse, the evolution of psychiatric nosology for the diagnosis of conduct disorder, legislative changes involving crimes against non‐human animals, and the recent inclusion of crimes against animals in the FBI's National Incident‐Based Reporting System, highlights the critical need for examining the forensic dimensions of animal abuse cases. We provide an overview of the research literature on these topics in the hope that forensic evaluators will have an evidence‐based framework for assessing cases they encounter that include perpetration of violence against animals.