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Ābzan (Sitz bath) -An effective mode of treatment in ʹIlāj bit Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy)



Unani System of Medicine has four modes of treatment and these are; ʹIlāj bil Ghizā (Dietotherapy), ʹIlāj bit Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), ʹIlāj bid Dawā (Pharmacotherapy) and ʹIlāj bil Yad (Surgery). Ilaj bit Tadbīr is a mode of treatment which works on the principle of modification or modulation in Asbāb sitta ḍarūriya (Six Essential Factors) for gaining health in sick persons or preventing from diseases in normal individuals. ʹIlāj bit Tadbīr includes a number of therapeutic interventions such as Hijāmah (Cupping Therapy), Irsal-i-ʹAlaq (Leech Therapy), Fasd (Venesection), Dalk (Massage), Nutūl (Irrigation), Ābzan (Sitz bath) etc. Among these, ābzan is a novel, simple, safe, economic, non-invasive and effective external mode of treatment for various disorders. It is basically a type of bath in which only buttock and hips are immersed in the water, either plain or medicated (Joshānda or Khaisānda) for therapeutic purposes. Sometimes, a whole body upto shoulder is immersed into the water. This regimen is used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower as well as upper parts of the body, for example, haemorrhoids, uterine cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, an episiotomy, infections of bladder, prostate, vagina etc. Ābzan also provides relief from itching in genital area. Even though no scientific evidence is available to indicate that ābzan can promote faster healing but it is widely described in unani system of medicine for various body ailments.
The Pharma Innovation Journal 2016; 5(12): 45-49
ISSN: 2277- 7695
TPI 2016; 5(12): 45-49
© 2016 TPI
Received: 11-10-2016
Accepted: 12-11-2016
Mohd Nayab
Lecturer, Department of ʹIlāj bit
Tadbīr, National Institute of
Unani Medicine, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Mohd Nayab
Lecturer, Department of ʹIlāj bit
Tadbīr, National Institute of
Unani Medicine, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Ābzan (Sitz bath) - An effective mode of treatment in
ʹIlāj bit Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy)
Mohd Nayab
Unani System of Medicine has four modes of treatment and these are; ʹIlāj bil Ghizā (Dietotherapy), ʹIlāj
bit Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), ʹIlāj bid Dawā (Pharmacotherapy) and ʹIlāj bil Yad (Surgery). Ilaj bit
Tadbīr is a mode of treatment which works on the principle of modification or modulation in Asbāb sitta
arūriya (Six Essential Factors) for gaining health in sick persons or preventing from diseases in normal
individuals. ʹIlāj bit Tadbīr includes a number of therapeutic interventions such as Hijāmah (Cupping
Therapy), Irsal-i-ʹAlaq (Leech Therapy), Fasd (Venesection), Dalk (Massage), Nutūl (Irrigation), Ābzan
(Sitz bath) etc. Among these, ābzan is a novel, simple, safe, economic, non-invasive and effective
external mode of treatment for various disorders. It is basically a type of bath in which only buttock and
hips are immersed in the water, either plain or medicated (Joshānda or Khaisānda) for therapeutic
purposes. Sometimes, a whole body upto shoulder is immersed into the water. This regimen is used to
relieve discomfort and pain in the lower as well as upper parts of the body, for example, haemorrhoids,
uterine cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, an episiotomy, infections of bladder, prostate, vagina etc.
Ābzan also provides relief from itching in genital area. Even though no scientific evidence is available to
indicate that ābzan can promote faster healing but it is widely described in unani system of medicine for
various body ailments.
Keywords: Ilaj bit Tadbīr, ābzan, joshānda, Khaisānda, Sitz Bath, Harārat, Barūdat
Ābzan (Sitz bath) is a simple, safe, economic, non-invasive and effective external regimen for
various disorders. It is basically a type of bath in which only buttocks and hips are immersed
into the water with the upper body, legs and feet out of the water. Plain or medicated water
(Joshanda & Khaisanda) may be used for the therapeutic purpose. Sometimes, a whole body
upto shoulder is immersed into the water [1, 2]. This regimen is used to relieve discomfort and
pain in the lower as well as upper parts of the body, for example, haemorrhoids, uterine
cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, an episiotomy, infections of bladder, prostate, vagina etc.
Ābzan also provides relief from itching in genital area [2]. Even though no scientific evidence is
available to indicate that ābzan can promote faster healing but it is widely described in unani
system of medicine for various body ailments.
Historical Background
The therapeutic use of water, Joshānda, Khaisānda has long history dating back to ancient
cultures. Ābzan has been included in the most popular and effective therapies.
Ali Ibn-i-Abbas Majoosi describes in his book Kamil-us- sana that when the time of delivery is
near or the female is in labour pain advise her to take Ābzan ḥār (Hot Sitz Bath) [3].
Ibn-i-Sina has mentioned in his book Alqanūn-Fi-ib that if the female is suffering from Usr-
e-wiladat, suggest her to take Ābzan ḥār (Hot Sitz Bath) [4].
Ābzan is a type of bath in which hips and buttocks are immersed in water, either plain or
medicated (Joshanda, Khaisanda), for the therapeutic effects.
1. Ābzan ḥār (Hot Sitz Bath)
2. Ābzan bārid (Cold Sitz Bath)
3. Ābzan mo’tadil (Neutral Sitz Bath)
4. Ābzan murakkab (Alternate Hot and Cold Sitz Bath)
The Pharma Innovation Journal
Ābzan Ḥār (Hot Sitz Bath)
Ābzan ḥār is one of the easiest and effective ways to ease the
pain and discomfort caused by various diseases. Hot water,
Joshanda/Khaisanda of specific drugs is used for the purpose
of ābzan ḥār resulting in increased tissue temperature. The
temperature of the warm water should be between 950F-
1050F/35 41 0C. The level of water in the bath tub should
not be above the navel. This type of ābzan is mostly used
worldwide with promising therapeutic effects in various
Physiological effects of arārat on the body
1. Systemic
A. Vasodilatation
2. Local
A. Temperature sensitive nerve endings send impulse to
hypothalamus and make the centre aware about the local
temperature changes
B. Increased capillary permeability
C. Increase blood flow
D. Increased metabolism
Therapeutic uses of arārat
a) Increases blood flow
b) Softens exudates
c) Decreases pain
d) Relaxes muscle
e) Psychological relaxation
f) Decreases muscle contracture
g) Improves joint range of motion
h) Decreases joint stiffness
Physiological effects of arārat include pain relief, increases
in blood flow and metabolism, and increased elasticity of
connective tissues. Increasing tissue temperature stimulates
vasodilatation and increases tissue blood flow, which is
thought to promote healing by increasing the supply of
nutrients and oxygen to the site of injury. The rate of Istehāla
(metabolism) in local tissue is also increased by arārat,
which may further promote healing as Tabi’at Mudabbira-e-
Badan works on healing instead of Istehāla. arārat also
induces changes in the viscoelatic properties of collagen
tissues which can be demonstrated in the mechanism of
improvement of range of movement [5].
Ābzan Bārid (Cold Sitz Bath)
When ābzan is done with cold water, either medicated or
plain, it is called ābzan bārid. The temperature of this water
should not be too low to bear except few conditions where
ice-cold water is recommended for the procedure. In such
conditions where ice-cold water is indicated, the length of
immersion into water should be decreased. Burūdat is
basically useful in the management of acute injury/trauma,
chronic pain, muscle spasm, inflammation, and oedema.
Physiological effects of burūdat on the body
1. Systemic
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Piloerection
C. Shivering
2. Local
A. Temperature sensitive nerve endings send signals to
B. Local vasoconstriction
C. Decreased capillary refill
D. Decreased cellular metabolism
Therapeutic uses of burūdat
A. Decreases inflammation
B. Relaxes muscles
C. Decreases the pain by numbing the area
D. Local anaesthetic effects
E. Decreases bleeding
F. Slows bacterial growth
Burūdat has multiple physiological effects on injured tissues.
Decreasing temperature of the skin and muscle reduces blood
flow to the bārid tissues by activating a sympathetic
vasoconstrictive reflex. The decrease in blood flow, induced
by burūdat, reduces oedema and slows the delivery of
inflammatory mediators, reducing inflammation of the
affected area. Decreasing tissue temperature also reduces the
metabolic demand of hypoxic tissues, potentially preventing
secondary hypoxic damage in inured tissues. Burūdat also
induces a local anaesthetic effect by decreasing the activation
threshold of the tissue nociceptors and the conduction velocity
of nerve signals. Burūdat also reduces muscle spasm via
inhibition of a spinal cord reflex loop [5].
Ābzan Mo’tadil (Neutral Sitz Bath)
Normal water in term of temperature, either plain or
medicated, is used sometime for the treatment of various
diseases. Patients with diabetic neuropathy can use this type
of ābzan safely.
Ābzan Murakkab (Alternate Hot and Cold Sitz Bath)
Several variations of the procedure can be used with different
therapeutic effects depending upon the temperature of water
and the length of time spent immersed. Ābzan murakkab is a
combination of ābzan ḥār and ābzan bārid, taken into use
alternatively. In this procedure, a patient stays in ābzan ḥār
for 5 minutes followed by ābzan bārid for less than one
minute only. The cycle is repeated for atleast five times and
finished in ābzan bārid. This type of ābzan is considered
having a soothing effect. A towel soaked in ice-cold water
may be used in place of cold water.
Effects of Ābzan Murakkab
It has been suggested that ābzan murakkab causes a “pumping
effect” due to the cycle of vasoconstriction and vasodilatation,
therefore facilitating Imala-e-Mavad resulting in removal of
the oedematous conditions. Ābzan murakkab increases the
venous and lymphatic flow of fluids. It is very important to
achieve the adequate deep tissue vasoconstriction in order to
get the results because any mādda which has been stagnant in
the tissues, after absorption, needs vasoconstriction to be
diverted. Constriction increases the intramural pressure in the
blood vessels, causing the fluid to move with the valves in the
veins, thereby preventing the backflow of the fluid. This
would produce a beneficial effect of minimising the influence
of accumulated morbid material at the injured site while the
healing process is taking place.
Manual Operating Procedure (MOP)
Ābzan is frequently prescribed but proper instructions as how
to perform it are seldom given to patients. In general, the
The Pharma Innovation Journal
water is expected to cover only the perineum and lower
pelvis. Immersing other parts of the body in warm water may
lead to systemic vasodilatation and decrease circulation to the
perineal area. Following are the instructions which should be
followed for the procedure of ābzan.
1. Take an appropriate sized bath tub and clean it with
lukewarm water mixed with bleaching powder followed
by rinsing thoroughly.
2. Fill the tub with prescribed liquid upto 2-3 inches.
3. In case of ābzan ḥār, the water should be warm and not
too hot to cause burns or discomfort.
4. In case of ābzan bārid, the water should be cold, but not
too cold to cause discomfort to the patients.
5. Ask the patient to remove the cloth and get into the tub to
immerse his perineum into water, bend his legs or dangle
them over the side of the tub to keep them out of the
water and ensure the perineum is submerged.
6. Ask the patient to stay in water for atleast 15-20 minutes
in case of ābzan ḥār.
7. Ask the patient to stay in water for atleast 5-10 minutes in
case of ābzan bārid.
8. In case of ābzan murakkab, ask the patient to stay in hot
water for 5 minutes followed by a stay in cold water for
less than one minute alternatively and the cycle is
repeated upto 5 times finishing on ābzan bārid.
9. Ask the patient to dry himself with a clean cotton towel
10. Instruct the patient not to rub or scrub the perineum, as
this may cause pain and irritation.
11. The procedure is completed by rinsing the bath tub
Fig 1: Ābzan
Indications and Specific Formulations [6]
No. Indications Name of Drugs Method
1 Bawaseer-e-Baadi
(Haemorrhoids) Post-e-Anar, Maazu, Sirka
Boil Post-e-Anar and Maazu in water and
filter it. Mix Sirka in the filtered water and
use it for the patients of bawaseer-e-baadi
2 Bawaseer-e-Damvi
(Bleeding Piles) Zaj, Sibr, Kundur, Dam-ul-Akhwain, Gulnaar, Mameesa
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
3 Istirkha-e-Maq’d Abhal, Qust, Joz-us-Saroo, Sumbul, Mur, Izkhar
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
4 Khurooj-e-Maq’ad
(Rectal Prolapse)
Gul-e-Surkh, Adas, Makoh, Simaq
Post-e-Anar, Juft Baloot, Gulnaar, Maazu, Berg-e-Moorad
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
5 Qillat-e-Haiz
(Oligomenorrhoea) Fotanj, Suddab, Mushktaramasheeh
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
6 Warm-e-Raham
Roghan-e-Gul Mix Roghan-e-Gul with water and use for
Aabzan in case of Warm-e-Raham
Lukewarm Water Use lukewarm water for the Aabzan in the
patients of Warm-e-Raham
Marzanjosh, Berg-e-Maroo (Kanocha), Parsiyaosha, Makoh, Abhal,
Mushktaramasheeh, Tukhm-e-Khatmi, Tukhm-e-Kharpaza, Qaisoom,
Tukhm-e-Kasoos, Tukhm-e-Halyoon, Tukhm-e-Karafs, Tukhm-e-
Khubbazi, Gul-e-Khatmi, Adas Muqashshar, Gul-e-Surkh, Berg-e-
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
7 Sartan-e-Raham: Berg-e-Khatmi, Karnab, Banafsha, Tukhm-e-Katan
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
8 Shiqaq-e-Raham: Maazoo, Shaa-e-Baloot, Gulnar, Gul-e-Surkh
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
9 Nafakhat-ur-Raham: Baboona, Nakhoona, Shibbat, Marzanjosh, Mastagi, Pudina, Suddab,
Tukhm-e-Karafs, Baadyaan, Baranjasif, Zeera, Nankhwah
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
10 Ikhtenaq-ur-Raham
Kashim, Tukhm-e-Hulba, Tukhm-e-Katan, Marzanjosh,
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
11 Inzilaq-ur-Raham
(Uterine Prolapse): Izkhar, Aas, Gul-e-Surkh
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
12 Waja-ur-Raham
(Uterine Pain), Lukewarm Water Take lukewarm water and use it for
Aabzan in case of Waja-ur-Raham
The Pharma Innovation Journal
13 Kharish-e-Miq’ad
(Pruritus in Ano): Lukewarm Water Take lukewarm water and use it for
Aabzan in case of Kharish-e-Miq’ad.
14 Ehtibas-e-Tams: Shibbat, Marzanjosh, Pudina, Suddab, Baboona, Nakhoona, Sa’tar
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
15 Kasrat-e-Tams: Jau Muqashshar, Biranj Biryan, Post-e-Anar
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
16 Kasrat-e-Isqaat: Sandal Safaid, Beg-e-Neelofar, Habbul Aas, Aqaqiya, Gulnaar, Gul-e-
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
17 Zof-e-Kulliya: Shibb Zaj
Mix all the medicine in water and warm it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
18 Reeh-ul-Kulliya: Berg-e-Qinnab, Karam, Shibbat, Hulba, Bazar katan, Baadyaan, Khaar-
e-Khasak, Nakhoona, Baboona
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
19 Waja-ul-Kulliya: Baboona, Shibbat, Tukhm-e-Khatmi, Berg-e-Karnab, Podina
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
20 Warm-e-Kulliya: Baboona, Nakhoona, Tukhm-e-Khatmi, Saboos-e-Gundum, Jaw
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
21 Qurooh-e-Kulliya:
Gul-e-Baboona, Berg-e-Neem, Berg-e-Anar, Pamba, Fanj Kusht,
Tukhm-e-Khurtum, Khaar-e-Khasak, Parsiyaosha, Tukhm-e-Khubbazi,
Bazar-ul-Banj, Shibbat, Baadyaan, Tukhm-e-Kharpaza, Berg-e-Karnab,
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
22 Hisaat-e-Kulliya: Khaar-e-Khasak, Baboona, Marzanjosh, Karafs, Karnab, Shibbat, Berg-
e-Khatmi, Parsiyaosha
Boil all the medicine in water and filter
it.Use this filtered water for the patients of
23 Warm-e-Masana
Haar (Cystitis):
Dar-e-Sheeshan, Qaroomana, Shibt, Sa’d, Izkhar, Hamama, Tukhm-e-
Shaljam, Gokhroo, Karnab
Banafsha, Berg Neelofar, Baboona, Nakhoona [7]
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Warm-e-Masana Haar
24 Hisaat-e-Masana ():
Bazar-ul-Banj, Shibbat, Katan, Khaar-e-Khasak, Nakhoona, Hulba,
Habbul Qilt, Berg-e-Qinnab, Aftimoon, Berg-e-Neem, Berg-e-
Sambhaloo, Gul-e-Palas
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Banafsha, Neelofar, Tukhm-e-Khatmi, Makoh
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
asana Haa
Adas Muqashshar, Post-e-Anar, Beehi, Maazu, Asbatur Ra’ee
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
28 Zaheer-e-Wabai Ice –Cold water Use ice-cold water for the Aabzan in the
patients of Zaheer-e-Wabai, (Antaki)
29 Is’hal-e-Wabai: Ice –Cold water Use ice-cold water for the Aabzan in the
patients of Is’hal-e-Wabai (Antaki)
Amraz-e-Asbi Yaabis
Berg-e-Baid, Kahu, Kaddu, Khayar, Berg-e-Kunjad, Berg-e-Khashkhash,
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Amraz-e-Asbi Saada
31 Tashannuj-e-Yaabis:
Banafsha, Gul-e-Neelofer, Khatmi, Gul-e-Surkh
Gul-e-Gulharh, Berg-e-Baid, Jau Muqashshar, Gul-e-Hina, Aab-e-
Tarbooz, Aab-e-Khayar, Aab-e-Kaddu
Mix Banafsha, Gul-e-Neelofer, Khatmi,
Gul-e-Surkh, Gul-e-Gulharh, Berg-e-Baid,
Jau Muqashshar, Gul-e-Hina in Aab-e-
Tarbooz, Aab-e-Khayar, Aab-e-Kaddu and
warm it lightly.
Use this lukewarm liquid for Aabzan in
cases of Tashannuj-e-Yaabis.
Kuzaz: (Aabzan
Hakeem Alwi Khan)
Paicha-e-Buz, Kallah Barrah, Chooza-e-Murgh, Jau-Muqashshar, Lu’ab-
e-Sapistan, Kaddu, Baboona, Gul-e-Khatmi, Berg-e-Khurfa, Palak,
Ispaghol, Behdana, Aab-e-Baid mushk, Aab-e-Gulab, Aab-e-Anar
Sheerein, Aab-e-Beehi Sheerein, Roghan-e-Kaddu, Roghan Tukhm-e-
Tarbooz, Roghan-e-Badaam
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
33 Su-e-Tanaffus: Banafsha, Khatmi Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
The Pharma Innovation Journal
Use this filtered water for the patients of
34 Zeequnnafs, Lukewarm water Use lukewarm water for Aabzan in the
patients of Zeequnafs.
35 Takhaluss-e-Hijab: Lukewarm water Use lukewarm water for Aabzan in the
patients of Zeequnafs
36 Jau-ul-Kalb, Ice –Cold water
Use ice-cold water for the Aabzan in the
patients of Jau-ul-Kalb, Zaheer-e-Wabai,
and Is’hal-e-Wabai (Antaki)
37 Fuwaq:
Milk Use milk for the Aabzan in the patients of
38 Yarqan-e-Bohrani:
Gul-e-Neelofar, Gul-e-Kasni, Gul-e-Sada Bahar, Gul-e-Gulharh, Gul-e-
Khatmi, Berg-e-Hina, Berg-e-Baid Saada, Berg-e-Kasni, Berg-e-Tamar
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Patient should be merged in to the water
upto neck.
39 Zaheer-e-Baarid
(Dysentery): Khatmi, Shibbat, Nakhoona, Baboona, Bazar Katan, Makoh
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
40 Ailaoos: Baboona, Nakhoona, Karnab, Shibbat
Boil all the medicine in water and filter it.
Use this filtered water for the patients of
Contraindications [8, 9, 10]
1. Acute profuse bleeding
2. Open wounds
3. Pressure sores
4. Acute fever
5. Acute skin infections
6. Contagious skin rashes
7. Diabetic patients with diabetic neuropathy
8. Hypotensive patients
9. Sciezure
10. Thermal nerve deficiency
11. Raynaud’s disease
Complications [8, 9, 10]
Numbness sensation after Aabzan bārid when skin
temperature decreases below 590 F, Frostbite (white, waxy,
mottled blue skin), Burn, Palpitation, Bleeding
The indications and specific formulations mentioned by
eminent unani physicians shows the extensive use of ābzan
for the management of various disorders since time
immemorial. On the basis of theoretical description, it can be
concluded that ābzan seems to be a very effective as well as
safe and patient friendly mode of treatment but it is the
demand of the hour to validate the claims of ancient unani
physicians about the effectiveness of ābzan therapy on
scientific basis.
Source of data was library of National Institute of Medicine,
Author’s Statement
Competing Interests
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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... It is based on the concept of equilibrium and balance of natural body humors, the imbalance in the quality and quantity of these humors leads to diseases, whereas restoration of this balance maintains the health of a person (Peerla, 2019).Ilaj Bit Tadbīr (Regiminal therapy) is defined as intervening and modulating the six essential factors of life to preserve and to restore health. Regiminal therapy is one of the main methods of treatment through which the altered temperament is normalized or morbid matter is either eliminated or resolved by some special techniques and hence restores the humoral equilibrium (Nayab, 2016). These are simple, and time-tested methods used to treat various disorders, and thus serve as a complete detoxification process if used both for preventive and therapeutic purposes (Peerla, 2019). ...
... Not only it is excellent for therapeutic purpose, even the activity engages the patient in a unique way making her accountable for the progress of care. (Nayab, 2016;Peerla, 2019; Sitz bath in gynaecology ( ...
... Weakness is the only absolute contraindication for it; other contra indications include acute profuse bleeding, open wounds, pressure sores, acute fever, acute skin infections, contagious skin rashes, acute PID. (Nayab, 2016, Peerla, 2019 Complications Numbness after Ābzan bārid when skin temperature decreases below 59 0 F, frostbite, burn, palpitation, bleeding. 2 Patients can feel dizzy or experience rapid heartbeat due to vasodilatation. ...
Full-text available
bzan(sitz bath or hydration therapy) is one of the important and widely practised methods of regimenal therapy used for local evacuation or diversion of morbid humours described for various diseases in Unani system of medicine. Itis a type of bath in which hips and buttocks are immersed in water, either plain or medicated for therapeutic effects. Thus, it serves as an important and effective external mode of treatment. It has been successfully practised by Greeko-Arab physicians in the management of almost all types of gynaecological disorders like genital prolapse, leucorrhoea, pruritus vulvae, menstrual disorders, infertility, pelvic inflammatory diseases etc, but its efficacy has been proved in very few gynaecological diseases only. Hence, there is a need for systemic review to investigate the effectiveness of sitz bath in gynaecological disorders to generate scientific based evidence for the clinician as well as for common public. Based on the available literature, this review article suggests that the sitz bath has a scientific evidence-based effect in treating gynaecological diseases.
... (19). Aabzān (Sitz bath) It is one of the types of bath in which lower part of the body especially buttocks and hips are immersed into plain or medicated water [41]. This regimen is very much useful in the treatment of intestinal, rectal, anal, prostate, kidney, urinary bladder, urethral, testicular, vaginal, and uterine diseases [20]. ...
... hot, cold, moderate, and compound (alternate hot & cold) along with decoction or infusion of herbs are commonly given for treatment purposes. The possible mechanism of action in case of hot sitz bath is increased blood flow and metabolism of the affected area which causes diversion of morbid humours, and promotes healing, whereas in case of cold sitz bath, the effect is vasoconstriction which causes decrease oedema in case of inflammatory condition and may also cease external haemorrhages [41]. (20). ...
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Since antiquity, the Unani system of medicine has been participating in health care system. Usually, four modes of treatment viz. regimenal therapy, dietotherapy, pharmacotherapy and surgery are applied for the treatment of diseases. Regimenal therapy is an important mode in which the morbid matter present in the body is either dispersed/excreted or its unnecessary production is blocked or its flow is restricted and the diseases are cured by natural healer of the body, consequently bring back the humoural stability. Nearly 30 regimens have been mentioned in classical Unani literature. Commonest regimenal procedures such as fasd (venesection/phlebotomy), hijāma (cupping), ta‘līq al-‘alaq (hirudotherapy/leech therapy), ishāl (purgation), qay’ (emesis), idrār-i-bawl (diuresis), huqna (enema), ta’rīq (diaphoresis), riyādat (exercise), dalk (massage), hammām (bathing), tadhīn (oiling), natūl (irrigation), sakūb (douching/spraying), inkibāb (steam/vapour application), takmīd (fomentation) etc. are usually applied for the management of various ailments. These regimenal procedures are completely based on holistic approach and are potential but needs to be explored scientifically. This review outlines the therapeutic applications of various regimens of regimenal therapy used in Unani medicine.
... A sitz bath, or Abzan, is an immersion bath in which an individual will sit in a tub with water covering the hips, buttocks and lower abdomen (Wardle, 2013). This regimen activates the organs of the abdomen and pelvis by increasing circulation and thereby reducing muscle congestion and inflammation (Baig et al., 2014;Nayab, 2016). Evidence exists that Avicenna indicated the use of sitz bath in various diseases, and also used the bath as a means to deliver local application of herbal medicines (Madinah, 2009). ...
... Clinical applications. Examples of herbs used in conjunction with the bath include olive oil, yarrow and milk (Baig et al., 2014;Nayab, 2016). Other decoctions used in a sitz bath include preparations of chamomile, yellow sweet clover, celery, leaves of common marshmallow and maidenhair fern (Hussain, Ahmed, Jahan, & Abida, 2016). ...
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Applied therapy is a commonly utilized method of treatment for preventive and therapeutic measures. Avicenna, a significant physician of the Islamic golden age, described 36 methods to restore balance of patients’ elements, humors and faculties. We propose a categorization of these methods within a single theory and framework, as this has previously been lacking. To be considered under the rubric of TAIM applied therapies, the procedures must have: 1) proof of use in the Arab and Muslim world; 2) considered an essential component of Avicenna’s compendium of regimental therapy; and 3) historical lineage according to regional, cultural or Islamic healing practices. We developed a taxonomy of applied therapies by denoting each as a primary or supportive method and providing a definition for each category of methods. We define applied therapy as techniques or procedures involving physical and manual contact with the individual that are aimed at restoring health and preventing illness. Primary methods describe therapies which when used individually can impact the vital force of the body in order to preserve or restore health, while supportive methods describe therapies used in conjunction with primary methods intended to augment or create a synergistic and enhanced effect, exceeding that of primary methods alone. Our work provides a fundamental step in continuing the evolution of the TAIM conceptual model and advancing our understanding of the diverse practices under the rubric of applied therapy. Researchers can use this comprehensive TAIM taxonomy for investigating the respective elements, and systematically exploring the theoretical and therapeutic applications.
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Musculoskeletal conditions are the leading contributors to disability worldwide, typically characterized by pain, decreased mobility, dexterity, and functional ability. After back pain, neck pain is the most frequent musculoskeletal cause of consultation in primary care worldwide. Cervical spondylosis is a chronic degenerative process of the cervical spine characterized by pain in the neck, degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc, and osteophyte formation. This condition is known as wajaʹur raqaba in the Unānī system of medicine. Its rate is 3.3 patients per 1000 people in the general population. Its increasing prevalence is drawing the attention of the medical fraternity. Due to the limited efficacy of conventional treatment and potential side effects of long-term use, patients seek alternative treatment options. Unānī physicians claimed the management of various joint disorders with the help of several tadābīr. The objective of this critical review is to address the claims of Unānī physicians and clinical studies conducted on the efficacy of various Regimenal modalities in the management of joint pain. Classical Unānī literature, peer-reviewed journal articles, and RCTs that predominantly focused on the use of Regimenal modalities in joint pain were included in this review. It was extracted that several Regimenal modalities are effective in the management of various joint disorders including cervical spondylosis. Despite the long history of the use of various Regimenal modalities in several painful conditions, more systematic, well designed, rigorous, randomized, controlled clinical trials are needed to determine which approaches have merit.
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Cryotherapy and thermotherapy are useful adjuncts for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Clinicians treating these conditions should be aware of current research findings regarding these modalities, because their choice of modality may affect the ultimate outcome of the patient being treated. Through a better understanding of these modalities, clinicians can optimize their present treatment strategies. Although cold and hot treatment modalities both decrease pain and muscle spasm, they have opposite effects on tissue metabolism, blood flow, inflammation, edema, and connective tissue extensibility. Cryotherapy decreases these effects while thermotherapy increases them. Continuous low-level cryotherapy and thermotherapy are newer concepts in therapeutic modalities. Both modalities provide significant pain relief with a low side-effect profile. Contrast therapy, which alternates between hot and cold treatment modalities, provides no additional therapeutic benefits compared with cryotherapy or thermotherapy alone. Complications of cryotherapy include nerve damage, frostbite, Raynaud's phenomenon, cold-induced urticaria, and slowed wound healing. With thermotherapy, skin burns may occur, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, poor circulation, and spinal cord injuries. In individuals with rheumatoid arthritis, deep-heating modalities should be used with caution because increased inflammation may occur. Whirlpool and other types of hydrotherapy have caused infections of the skin, urogenital, and pulmonary systems. Additionally, ultrasound should not be used in patients with joint prostheses.
Achilles peritendinosis is common in running and jumping sports and can present with or without Achilles tendinosis itself. Several authors describe this condition as associated with over-use syndromes. This article describes an Achilles peritendinosis subsequent to frostbite in an elite runner who eventually underwent surgical treatment and was able to resume running 3 weeks postoperatively.
We briefly review the physiology of cold exposure, the spectrum and prevention of common cold-induced injuries (especially in athletes participating in outdoor sports), and the potentially harmful side effects of localized cryotherapy. Severe cold affects all organ systems and especially the central nervous and cardiovascular systems; many biochemical reactions and pathways become distorted or slowed at low body core temperatures and can thus affect athletic performance. Low body shell temperature, too, can interfere with athletic ability by weakening and slowing muscle contractions, by delaying nerve conduction time, and by facilitating injury. Cold-induced injuries may be local or systemic, but they can usually be prevented by knowledge, good physical condition, appropriate nutrition and equipment, and avoidance of moisture.
To understand better the frequency and type of complications encountered by athletic trainers. A descriptive questionnaire. Athletic training facilities at the high school, college, and professional levels, as well as physical therapy clinics. A total of 3012 certified athletic trainers employed in above-mentioned settings. Not applicable. Frequency and types of complications encountered for different modalities were computed. Primary modality type used and frequency of complications in different settings were explored. Of the 3012 surveyed, 905 (30%) responded, 26% of whom reported a complication; 362 total complications were documented. Cryotherapy accounted for 42% of complications, with allergic reactions (n=86), burns (n=23), and intolerance/pain (n=16) most commonly listed. Electric stimulation accounted for 29% of complications, with skin irritation (n=41), burns (n=40), and intolerance/pain (n=18) most commonly listed. Therapeutic heat accounted for 22% of complications; therapeutic exercise accounted for 7% of complications. Compared with documented complications in the peer-reviewed literature, our survey results differed vastly with regard to the complications encountered. This may reflect a learning phenomenon, a shift in modality usage, or a general underreporting of complications.
  • M A Jamal
  • M A Khan
  • Kita
  • Tadbeer
Jamal MA, Khan MA, Kita but Tadbeer, Al-Farooq. Educational Society and Trust Indore, India. 2013, 14-19.
Urdu Translation by -Kintoori Gulam Hasnain), Idara kitab-us-shifa
  • Ali Ibn-E-Abbas
  • Kamilussana
Ali Ibn-e-Abbas. Kamilussana, Jild 2, (Urdu Translation by -Kintoori Gulam Hasnain), Idara kitab-us-shifa, New Delhi. 68-69.
Kitab ul Mukhtarat fit tibb, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine
  • Ibn Hubbal
  • Baghdadi
Ibn Hubbal Baghdadi, Kitab ul Mukhtarat fit tibb, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi. 2004; 3:329.