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High-speed Light-weight CNN Inference via Strided Convolutions on a Pixel Processor Array


Abstract and Figures

Performance, storage, and power consumption are three major factors that restrict the use of machine learning algorithms on embedded systems. However, new hardware architectures designed with visual computation in mind may hold the key to solving these bottlenecks. This work makes use of a novel visual device: the pixel processor array (PPA), to embed a convolutional neural network (CNN) onto the focal plane. We present a new high-speed implementation of strided convolutions using binary weights for the CNN on PPA devices, allowing all multiplications to be replaced by more efficient addition/subtraction operations. Image convolutions, ReLU activation functions, max-pooling and a fully-connected layer are all performed directly on the PPA's imaging plane, exploiting its massive parallel computing capabilities. We demonstrate CNN inference across 4 different applications, running between 2,000 and 17,500 fps with power consumption lower than 1.5W. These tasks include identifying 8 classes of plankton, hand gesture classification and digit recognition.
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High-speed Light-weight CNN Inference via
Strided Convolutions on a Pixel Processor
Yanan Liu12
Laurie Bose2
Jianing Chen3
Stephen J. Carey3
Piotr Dudek3
Walterio Mayol-Cuevas24
1Bristol Robotics Laboratory
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK
2Visual Information Laboratory
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK
3School of Electrical & Electronic
University of Manchester
Manchester, UK
4Amazon, Seattle, USA
Performance, storage, and power consumption are three major factors that restrict
the use of machine learning algorithms on embedded systems. However, new hardware
architectures designed with visual computation in mind may hold the key to solving
these bottlenecks. This work makes use of a novel visual device: the pixel processor
array (PPA), to embed a convolutional neural network (CNN) onto the focal plane. We
present a new high-speed implementation of strided convolutions using binary weights
for the CNN on PPA devices, allowing all multiplications to be replaced by more effi-
cient addition/subtraction operations. Image convolutions, ReLU activation functions,
max-pooling and a fully-connected layer are all performed directly on the PPA’s imaging
plane, exploiting its massive parallel computing capabilities. We demonstrate CNN infer-
ence across 4 different applications, running between 2,000 and 17,500 fps with power
consumption lower than 1.5W. These tasks include identifying 8 classes of plankton,
hand gesture classification and digit recognition.
1 Introduction
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) already play a significant role in modern computer
vision tasks such as image classification and object recognition. With the ever increasing
prevalence of mobile and embedded devices, such as smartphones and mobile robots, there
is a strong motivation to enable CNNs on portable lightweight devices [6,14,27].
However, state-of-the-art CNN-based methods are typically heavily GPU reliant, and
difficult to deploy on the embedded systems without optimisation or modification [39]. Three
main issues are the lack of parallel computation power, memory, and battery life, all of
2020. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.
It may be distributed unchanged freely in print or electronic forms.
Figure 1: Left: the SCAMP-5d vision system used in this work. Right: SCAMP-5d’s hard-
ware architecture. The SCAMP-5d incorporates a 256 ×256 PPA array of pixel-processors,
each containing light sensor, local memory registers and other functional components. A
standard ARM processor provides overall program control.
which are required by computationally demanding CNN algorithms. Two potential solutions
are (1) hardware acceleration [1,2,10] and (2) data compression in terms of storage and
complexity using techniques such as network pruning and low-bit quantization of network
weights [25,41].
Rather than using a conventional approach in which a camera streams video frames
to processing hardware, this paper focuses on implementing CNNs upon a novel, general-
purpose, Pixel Processor Array (PPA) (Figure 1). Our approach takes advantage of the PPAs
massively parallel architecture to efficiently execute a binary CNN. Image convolutions, ac-
tivation functions, max-pooling and fully-connected layer are implemented upon the PPA.
By adopting an "in-pixel" weight approach such as [5], our implementation is significantly
faster than many existing works [4,18,37] and does not rely on external processing. Training
is performed offline upon a standard PC while inference experiments are performed entirely
upon the PPA. This work seeks to illustrate the potential high speed CNN applications that
can be achieved upon such PPA devices.
Contributions: The main contributions of this work are: 1: A new image convolution im-
plementation for PPAs, incorporating variable convolution stride to allow for faster inference
times compared to previous works [3,37], increasing the inference speed across various tasks
depending upon the task’s level of complexity. 2: Demonstration of our fast SCAMP-5 CNN
implementation across a wider and more complex set of tasks than previous works, which
had predominately focused upon only demonstrating MNIST classification. We demonstrate
real-time hand gesture recognition, plankton classification from the National Data Science
Bowl plankton dataset [22] along with digit recognition. PPA inference speed for our ap-
proach is extremely fast across all tasks, ranging from 2000 to 17500 fps.
2 Related Work
To achieve high performance CNN inference on embedded devices, a great amount of work
has been carried out on network compression, hardware accelerators and unconventional
visual sensors.
Network Compression: There are many types of quantization methods to compress the
trained weights to binary or ternary values which significantly reduce the size of the model
and speed up computation, such as the BinaryConnect [12], XNOR-Net [33], BinaryNet
[11] and Ternary Weight Networks[24]. Another method, network pruning [20,38] reduces
the storage requirement of deep neural networks by getting rid of unimportant connections
among neurons.
Hardware Accelerators: The on-going work on implementing hardware accelerators for
efficient execution of CNN on edge devices has resulted in numerous architectures and pro-
totypes proposed in recent years by academic groups, for example [2,10,19,35,40], as
well as commercially available NN accelerator IP blocks [16] or dedicated hardware devices
[21,36]. The need for co-optimisation of the architecture, from image sensor, through image
signal processing, to NN acceleration is recognised as an important aspect of vision system
design for embedded systems [42].
Unconventional Visual Devices: Recent works using unconventional visual devices for
CNNs have mainly focused on Dynamic Visual Sensors (DVS) and PPAs. DVS sensors
produce data in the form of sparse contrast-change events, that facilitate low-latency visual
processing using external computational hardware [26,28,29]. PPA devices enable sensor-
level computation. Bose et al. proposed a CNN for digit classification [4] implemented using
binary computations in the PPA, and a CNN using in-pixel weights and analog computation
[5]. The AnalogNet2 [18] extends the earlier work in [37], implementing a CNN which
reaches 96.9% accuracy on the MNIST dataset at a speed of 2260 fps, but which requires all
fully connected layers to be performed externally to the PPA array. CNN implementations
on PPAs can be also found in [13] where automated code generation for efficient convolution
kernels is presented.
3 SCAMP-5 Vision System
In this work, we implement our algorithms on the SCAMP-5 Pixel Processor Array (PPA)
device [7]. Different from a conventional image sensor where images are read out and then
processed externally to the sensor, the SCAMP-5 features on-board parallel processing, out-
putting computation results directly to a high-level controller. This on-board processing
enables a range of potential applications, such as visual odometry [3], mobile robot tracking
[17], proximity estimation [9], real-time depth estimation [30] and CNN inference [4].
Figure 1illustrates the main hardware components within the SCAMP-5 system. The
vision chip integrates 256×256 Processing Elements (PE). Each PE includes a light sensor,
7 analogue registers (A - F), 13 digital registers (R0 - R12), and arithmetic and logic opera-
tion units. All PEs execute identical instructions synchronously on their registers, enabling
parallel image processing on both gray scale analogue and digital binary images. Data stored
in one PE in the array can be accessed directly by its 4 neighbours (east, west, north, south).
Moreover, some operations like event readout, flooding, Gaussian blur, and area summation
are implemented in hardware to accelerate their operations. Instructions for the vision chip
are dispatched by an ARM-based microcontroller with a Cortex M0 processor core. The sys-
tem also integrates an additional ARM Cortex M4 core, providing IO services and running
additional user programs. Serial IO buses, such as USB2.0, SPI, and UART, allow the output
from the vision system to be sent directly to a variety of other devices [8]. The peak power
consumption of the entire SCAMP-5d camera system is 2.3 W (The PPA chip consumes
below 1.3 W and provides up to 655 GOPS performance [7]).
4 Approach
To achieve high-speed CNN inference, both the computation and weight-storage should be
contained within the PEs of the processing array itself to fully exploit the PPA’s parallelism
and minimise data transfers. To this end, it is necessary to find a way to train the CNN with
binary weights that can fit entirely within the PPA’s array. This section describes the network
training and implementation of high-speed CNNs for the SCAMP-5d PPA.
4.1 Convolutional Neural Network with Binary Weights
In our work, the BinaryConnect scheme [12] is adopted and used to train binary weight
networks. This produces simplified binary neural networks, whose weights can be stored
Figure 2: Parallel inference process by combining different registers and operations.
entirely within the memory registers of the PPA array, but which still achieves acceptable
accuracy. Additionally these binary networks are trained without neuron bias, further sim-
plifying the CNN implementation [31].
This training scheme generates 1-bit weights representing values {−1,1}for both con-
volutional layers and fully connected layers. This allows rapid inference of various CNN
layers to be performed using only native PPA arithmetic operations (additions/subtractions).
The weights for convolutional and fully connected layers are directly stored in 1-bit digital
registers on the array. This in-pixel weight approach first proposed in [5] allows for parallel
and efficient implementation of CNN layers compared to methods which sequentially read
weights from the controller [4,18,37].
Figure 2shows the inference process of a CNN on SCAMP-5, with each step executed
upon the image plane. First, input images are uploaded or directly captured into the PEs of
the array. To execute many convolution filters in parallel, this input image is pre-processed
at runtime on the array, being down-scaled and then replicated to fill all 256×256 processing
elements. In Figure 2the input image is shrunk to 32×32 and replicated 64 times across
the array. Each replicated image is associated with a different kernel filter, with 64 kernel
filters arranged in-line with the 64 replicated image blocks. From this the convolutional layer
generates 64 feature maps in parallel, followed by parallel activation function (ReLU) and
max-pooling. Weights for the fully-connected layer are stored upon digital registers similar
to that of the convolutional layer and are multiplied in parallel with their associated activation
data. Finally, approximated sums of all pixels associated with each label are calculated
by using ’sparse global summation’ on the SCAMP-5 array, with the largest resulting sum
representing the CNN’s understanding of the image.
4.2 Implementation of Convolutional Layer
This paper implements the image convolution in a way that takes full advantage of the speed
offered by the PPA parallel processing resources. Each kernel filter is replicated to the size
of each input image block (Figure 2). Then the source image is "multiplied" by the corre-
sponding kernel filters coefficients (+1 or -1) in parallel, with the convolution result obtained
by the summation of pixels in the filter block. Moreover, strided convolutions (i.e. stride
1, 2, or 4) can be applied here for different applications to speedup inference process. This
method allows the convolutional layer to be performed entirely on the PPA array using only
native addition, subtraction, and image shifting operations.
Referring to Figure 3, 4×4 binary kernel filters for the convolutional layer are stored in
4×4 PE blocks using digital registers. Efficient multiplication of stored data by these binary
weights can then be performed. The detailed layout of the 4×4 kernel filters is illustrated in
Figure 3: The parallel implementation of
multiplication. Each pixel of source im-
age either remains unchanged or becomes
negative according to the binary weights
stored directly in registers.
Figure 4: The layout of 64 binary ker-
nel filters in a digital register. Each filter
can extract corresponding features from
the initial input images to the downstream
Figure 5: The parallel implementation of image convolution process. Only useful informa-
tion is stored at the right bottom corner in every 4×4 block. The final result in this example
can be regarded as a CNN with a stride = 4. Stride can also be set to 1 or 2 according to the
requirements of different applications considering efficiency and accuracy.
Figure 6: Left: 64 feature maps generated in parallel by the convolutional layer on PPA.
Right side: left to right: input images, images after convolution, images after activation
function ReLU, images after max pooling.
Figure 4, showing how each of the 64 kernels is replicated multiple times to fill the 32×32
block of PEs holding the image it will operate on. Following the result of image multipli-
cation, image convolutions (of stride 4) on the PPA are calculated by iteratively performing
image shifting and addition a total of 6 times. As shown in Figure 5, the convolution results
are stored in the bottom right corner of each 4×4 block. Convolutions of stride 1 and 2 can
be calculated by simply repeating this process for stride 4 multiple times (×16 for stride
1, ×4 for stride 2. The second and third rows in Figure 5) illustrate this, using a different
shifted copy of the kernel filter for each iteration. It should be noted, for each iteration, only
one pixel out of 4×4 block stores the correct value for image convolution. Hence, some de-
gree of power efficiency is sacrificed compared to calculating 16 valid convolutional results
for once. Despite this, even at stride 1 our implementation is still significantly faster at per-
forming convolutional layers than many previous works [4,18,37] as multiple convolutional
filters are executed in parallel across the array rather than sequentially.
4.3 Activation function and Max-pooling layer
We make use of the rectified linear unit (ReLU) as it is both a common choice of activation
function and can be efficiently performed in parallel across the SCAMP-5d array, using a
short sequence of native operations. Max-pooling can similarly be implemented in an effi-
cient parallel manner on the PPA array, using simple shift and addition operations. Specif-
ically 2×2 is achieved by comparing each PE to is north neighbour in parallel, overwriting
each PEs data with the larger of the two values. This process is then repeated for each east
neighbour, resulting in every PE containing the greatest value in its local 2×2 block.
Algorithm 1 Parallel 2×2 max-
INPUT: Register B
OUTPUT: Register F
D = Move B to the north for one pixel
WHERE (E >0)
D = Move B to the east for one pixel
WHERE (E >0)
return B
Figure 7: The parallel implementation of fully-
connected layer.
4.4 Parallel Fully-connected Layer
The first step in performing a fully-connected layer is multiplication between max-pooled
image data and the fully-connected weights as shown in Figure 7. The image on the right
visualises the binary weights of the fully-connected layer, encoded in 1-bit digital registers.
The key to this part lies in the layout of the fully-connected weights and max-pooled image.
In this schematic diagram , the fully-connected weights for 4 labels are stored in the 2×2
blocks. After multiplication, pixels that contain information for each label are spread in
a checkered pattern. The native global sum sparse function can return the approximated
summation of values from a given selection of analogue registers. This can then be used
to get the approximated sum of pixels associated with each label. The biggest value out of
these global summations gives the final prediction of the neural network.
5 SCAMP-5 Inference, Experiments, and Evaluation
This section demonstrates four experiments1: plankton classification, real-time hand-gesture
recognition, rock-paper-scissors and digit recognition. Each is demonstrated using a differ-
ent CNN network running upon SCAMP-5, using either 64 4×4 or 16 4×4 kernel filters in
the convolutional layer.
5.1 Plankton classification
Figure 8: CNN inference performing plankton classification on SCAMP-5d. Plankton im-
ages are normalised in size and centred before being input into the PPA array as shown in the
top row for each class. The second row shows the max-pooled data fed into the following
fully-connected layer. Rows three and four show the final predictions for each class and an
example image from the correct class.
Plankton organisms are at the bottom of the food chain in the marine ecosystem, real-
time monitoring of which can be used to determine ocean health levels [32]. Due to the
capacity of the proposed neural network, we select 8 of the most numerous plankton species
(0:chaetognaths, 1:coppods, 2:echinoderm, 3:hydromedusae, 4:pelagictunicate, 5:protists,
6:siphonophores and 7:trichode-smium) from an imbalanced scale plankton database con-
sidering the number of samples for each species2, to show the performance of the proposed
class 0.chaetognaths 1.coppods 2.echinoderm 3.hydromedusae 4.pelagictunicate 5.protists 6.siphonophores 7.trichodesmium
0.chaetognaths 188 0 1 2 1 0 8 0
1.coppods 3 176 1 0 14 2 4 0
2.echinoderm 0 3 182 0 1 1 4 0
3.hydromedusae 1 3 5 181 0 3 7 0
4.pelagictunicate 0 26 2 1 138 10 23 0
5.protists 0 0 1 1 6 183 8 1
6.siphonophores 52 12 9 8 24 9 85 1
7.trichodesmium 0 0 17 1 0 20 2 160
Table 1: Confusion matrix for plankton classification with 200 samples for each label.
As shown in the Figure 8, we utilise 64 4×4 kernel filters, acting upon 32×32 input
images with 2×2 max-pooling. After training with binary weight neural network on a com-
puter, the validation accuracy is 83.6% and 80.5% on the PPA. The reason for the accuracy
gap lies in the inevitable computation error on analogue registers[15] and approximated ana-
logue summation used in the fully-connected layer. Moreover, Table 1 visualises the perfor-
1Experimental video:
2Dataset available at
Component Plankton Hand Gesture Roshambo 0 or 1
Image capturing and thresholding (µs) - 6 6 -
Character duplication (µs) 28 28 28 28
Image convolution(µs) 165 165 52 12
Activation function (µs) 5 5 5 5
Max pooling (µs) 4 36 12 -
First fully-connected layer (µs) 47 213 18 12
Second fully-connected layer (µs) - 24 - -
Total running time (µs) 249 478 121 57
Inference speed (fps) 4,016 2,092 8,264 17,543
Accuracy (Computer/SCAMP-5d) 83.6%/80.5% 98.7%/- 97.73%/- 99.7%/99.1%
Number of binary weights 100,608 921,664 43,264 29,056
Table 2: Computation time, performance and weights for different neural networks. Notice
that all the live demos are demonstrated with a fixed distance between the SCAMP-5d and
the hand.
mance of the proposed CNN in SCAMP-5 on 1600 samples. The accuracy for siphonophores
and pelagictunicate is lower due to their visual similarity with chaetognaths and coppods re-
spectively, which, as a whole, is in line with the bar chart shape in Figure 8.
5.2 Real-time hand gesture recognition
Figure 9: Samples of eight common hand gestures for classification with PPA device.
Hand gesture recognition is increasingly used in human-computer interaction, human-
robotics interaction and computer games[34]. This section demonstrates real-time hand ges-
ture recognition as another potential application of the proposed CNN framework. The ex-
periment demonstrates real-time recognition of 8 types of hand gesture (Figure 9) with image
capturing, pre-processing and CNN inference performed on the PPA in a parallel manner.
5.2.1 Data collection and Training
We created a hand gestures dataset by capturing commonly used 8 types of hand gestures3.
Each hand gesture class in the dataset is collected by capturing a dynamic left hand moving
randomly within the view-field of the SCAMP-5. More than 1000 images are captured for
each class in this way. The CNN used for classification consists of a single 4×4 kernel
convolution layer using 16 filters with an input image size of 64×64, followed by a 4×4
max-pooling layer and two fully-connected layers. The choice of two fully connected layers
was taken to boost accuracy, with the first performed upon the PPA array and second on the
ARM controller. There are 32 intermediate neurons in the first fully-connected layer and 8
in the second. The training with the binary CNN shows the validation result has an accuracy
of 98.7% .
5.2.2 SCAMP-5d Inference and Evaluation
Inference evaluation is performed by a hand randomly changing poses in front of a SCAMP-
5d. Figure 10 illustrates the prediction results of the proposed neural network. The frame
3Dataset available at
Figure 10: Examples of high-speed hand gesture classification by CNN inference on
SCAMP-5d. From left to right for each column: (1) Experiment set up showing SCAMP-5d
capturing hand gestures while the monitor in the background displays results from the CNN
inference being performed on-board. (2) Captured images pre-processed and fed into the
CNN, (3) Convolutional layer results, (4) Feature maps after activation and max-pooling, (5)
Outputs of the first fully-connected layer and the height of each bar represents value for each
neuron, (6) Prediction of the CNN, (7) Visualisation of predicted class.
Figure 11: Rock-paper-scissors recognition inference process. The image at the bottom is
the real hand gesture. Image on the top left is the input for the CNN and the prediction results
can be seen at the bottom left for each 4×4 block at the top.
rate of the CNN inference for hand gesture recognition reaches 2092 fps (478 µs) (Table 2).
5.3 High-speed CNN inference on the PPA
To show the high-speed performance of the parallel embedded CNN on SCAMP-5, we im-
plemented a rock-paper-scissors recognition and digit 0/1 recognition with stride = 2 and 4
Rock-Paper-Scissors recognition: For this application with 3 labels, a stride = 2 (Figure 5)
with a single convolutional layer and a fully-connected layer is utilised to achieve a trade-off
between the efficiency and robustness. We train a binary neural network with 16 kernel filters
on SCAMP-collected hand gesture dataset and get an accuracy of 97.73% (Table 2). Figure
11 shows the inference process for 12 frames sampled from a 0.3 second period which in-
cludes all the time of intermediate result transmission and displaying on the SCAMP-5 host
interface for visualisation purpose. Our network can operate with latency of 121 microsec-
onds (from image acquisition to classification result available in the micro-controller), and
the frame rate of over 8,200 fps.
0/1 recognition: We trained another network to classify the digits 0 and 1 from the MNIST
[23] dataset, to explore how fast CNN inference speed could be pushed for simple tasks.
This network uses a single convolutional layer (of stride = 4) followed directly by a fully-
connected layer. This approach requires only 12 µsfor convolutional layer and fully con-
nected layer respectively, achieving a total inference time of only 57 µs(Table 2) equivalent
to 17,543 fps, and an accuracy of 99.1%.
6 Discussion
Our new implementation of convolutions allows more flexibility (different strides and dif-
ferent max-pooling setup) to modify a CNN for different tasks and achieves higher speeds
2,000-17,000 fps. Compared to works [4,18,37] which only test on MNIST, we expand to
Plankton and 2 live hand gesture tasks. [4] uses ternary-weighted CNNs and achieves 94.2%
at 210 fps. [18] claimed it reaches 2260 fps and quoted an accuracy of 96.9% on MNIST,
but only uses 3 convolutional filters which may be insufficient to generalise to other tasks.
Moreover, its frame rate drops to around 1000 fps with 7 convolutional filters indicating the
nature of parallelism on the PPA is not fully exploited. [18] implemented both max-pooling
and fully-connected layers in Micro-controller and the maximum inference reaches 3000 fps
with a sacrificed accuracy of 90.2%.
The bottleneck that limits further performance improvement on SCAMP-5 in terms of
accuracy and speed is due to the insufficient engineering resources available to academic
research. If the PPA is built with state-of-the-art technology (current PPA device is manufac-
tured with 180 nm CMOS silicon technology [7]), these limitations will be greatly mitigated.
Finer silicon process implementation will provide more digital storage per pixel and an ex-
panded ALU, while silicon stacking technology allows extra advantages of analogue pixel
computing to still be exploited (e.g. low power, global sum, blur, etc).
7 Conclusion and Future Work
In this work we demonstrated performing CNN inference upon a PPA sensor-processor de-
vice across various tasks. Our implementation exploits the parallel computation of the entire
PPA array, compared to various previous work which only utilised a small area. As a result
our CNN inference is shown to be significantly faster than these works. Further our pro-
posed convolution approach allows convolutions of stride 1,2 and 4 enabling extremely high
inference speeds over 17500Hz on certain tasks to which stride 4 is applicable. The range of
tasks demonstrated illustrate the potential such PPA devices may hold for future embedded
applications. Though the current limitations of PPA hardware restrict us to smaller networks,
it is reasonable to assume that future devices will see a significant increases in PE memory,
power efficiency, and processing speed. The work presented here could quickly be adapted
to take advantage of such improvement and thus can be used as a stepping stone towards
more complex computational vision applications.
8 Data Access Statement and Acknowledgements
This work was supported by UK EPSRC EP/M019454/1, EP/M019284/1, EPSRC Centre
for Doctoral Training in Future Autonomous and Robotic Systems: FARSCOPE and China
Scholarship Council (No. 201700260083). The nature of the task and PPA means that the
SCAMP-5 images in this work are not recorded.
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... In 2019, Bose et al. created "A Camera that CNNs" -one of the first works to implement a deep convolutional neural network on the sensor [6]. Since then, there have been a number of other works in CNNs on programmable sensors [47,14,51,21,7,32,34,33]. These works extract features in the spatial domain, but miss a huge opportunity in failing exploit temporal information. ...
... As discussed in the previous section, RNNs require a CNN-based feature encoder as part of their architecture. In-pixel CNNs have been described in prior work [7,32,34], albeit not in the context of video processing with RNNs. Table 1: Comparing CNN Feature Encoders. ...
... The two works have the same architecture but differ drastically in the sensor-processor implementation. Liu et al. [32,34] describes 1-and 3-layer CNNs with binary weights using a different architecture than Bose while using similar sensor-processor implementations concepts. Our feature encoder is a binary 2-layer variant of Bose et al.'s CNN. ...
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Conventional image sensors digitize high-resolution images at fast frame rates, producing a large amount of data that needs to be transmitted off the sensor for further processing. This is challenging for perception systems operating on edge devices, because communication is power inefficient and induces latency. Fueled by innovations in stacked image sensor fabrication, emerging sensor-processors offer programmability and minimal processing capabilities directly on the sensor. We exploit these capabilities by developing an efficient recurrent neural network architecture, PixelRNN, that encodes spatio-temporal features on the sensor using purely binary operations. PixelRNN reduces the amount of data to be transmitted off the sensor by a factor of 64x compared to conventional systems while offering competitive accuracy for hand gesture recognition and lip reading tasks. We experimentally validate PixelRNN using a prototype implementation on the SCAMP-5 sensor-processor platform.
... There exist a few algorithms aiming at running neural networks on SCAMP-5, paving the way for visual odometry and SLAM algorithms that utilise deep neural network. Examples include convolutional neural networks (CNN) with approximated weights (Wong et al. 2020;Debrunner et al. 2018;Stow et al. 2022b), ternary weight CNNs , and binary weight CNNs (Liu et al. 2020;Bose et al. 2020). Accelerating such networks for on/near sensor implementations will benefit not only odometry and SLAM applications, but also other vision-based AI and robotic applications such as navigation (Stow et al., 2022a). ...
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Robotics faces a long-standing obstacle in which the speed of the vision system’s scene understanding is insufficient, impeding the robot’s ability to perform agile tasks. Consequently, robots must often rely on interpolation and extrapolation of the vision data to accomplish tasks in a timely and effective manner. One of the primary reasons for these delays is the analog-to-digital conversion that occurs on a per-pixel basis across the image sensor, along with the transfer of pixel-intensity information to the host device. This results in significant delays and power consumption in modern visual processing pipelines. The SCAMP-5—a general-purpose Focal-plane Sensor-processor array (FPSP)—used in this research performs computations in the analog domain prior to analog-to-digital conversion. By extracting features from the image on the focal plane, the amount of data that needs to be digitised and transferred is reduced. This allows for a high frame rate and low energy consumption for the SCAMP-5. The focus of our work is on localising the camera within the scene, which is crucial for scene understanding and for any downstream robotics tasks. We present a localisation system that utilise the FPSP in two parts. First, a 6-DoF odometry system is introduced, which efficiently estimates its position against a known marker at over 400 FPS. Second, our work is extended to implement BIT-VO—6-DoF visual odometry system which operates under an unknown natural environment at 300 FPS.
... In this section, we discuss the capabilities of the next generation camera technology SCAMP-5, and give an overview of the functionality used by Cain. SCAMP-5 has been demonstrated in many different computer vision applications, ranging from Visual Odometry systems Bose et al., 2017;Debrunner et al., 2019a), an end-to-end neural sensor which performs learnt pixel exposures (Martel et al., 2020), to Convolutional Neural Networks (Wong et al., 2020;Bose et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2020). Its distinctive ability to perform computation on the focal-plane reduces power consumption and data transfers, making the device promising for edge computation. ...
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Focal-plane Sensor-processors (FPSPs) are a camera technology that enables low power, high frame rate computation in the image sensor itself, making them suitable for edge computation. To fit into the sensor array, FPSPs are highly resource-constrained, with limited instruction set and few registers - which makes developing complex algorithms difficult. In this work, we present Cain, a compiler for convolutional filters that targets SCAMP-5, a general-purpose FPSP. Cain generates code to evaluate multiple convolutional kernels at the same time. It generates code that avoids the need for hardware multipliers, while orchestrating the exploitation of common sub-terms—leading to a large reduction in instruction count compared to both straightforward and prior optimized approaches. We demonstrate the capability enabled by Cain on SCAMP-5 with robotic navigation for near-sensor high-speed and low-power computation, by using Cain to implement a neural network on the focal plane.
The traditional machine vision systems use separate architectures for perception, memory, and processing. This approach may hinder the growing demand for high image processing rates and low power consumption. On the other hand, in-sensor computing performs signal processing at the pixel level, directly utilizing collected analogue signals without sending them to other processors. This means that in-sensor computing may offer a solution for achieving highly efficient and low-power consumption visual signal processing. This can be achieved by integrating sensing, storage, and computation onto focal planes with novel circuit designs or new materials. This chapter aims to describe the proposed image processing algorithms and neural networks of in-sensor computing, as well as their applications in machine vision and robotics. The goal of this chapter is to help developers, researchers, and users of unconventional visual sensors understand their functioning and applications, especially in the context of autonomous driving.
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Conventional machine vision systems have separate perception, memory, and processing architectures, which may exacerbate the increasing need for ultrahigh image processing rates and ultralow power consumption. In contrast, in-sensor visual computing performs signal processing at the pixel level using the collected analog signals directly, without sending data to other processors. Therefore, the in-sensor computing paradigm may hold the key to realizing extremely efficient and low power visual signal processing by integrating sensing, storage, and computation onto focal planes using either novel circuit designs or new materials. The focal-plane sensor-processor (FPSP), which is a typical in-sensor visual computing device, is a vision chip that has been developed for nearly 2 decades in domains such as image processing, computer vision, robotics, and neural networks. In contrast to conventional computer vision systems, the FPSP gives vision systems in-sensor image processing capabilities, thus decreasing system complexity, reducing power consumption, and enhancing information processing efficiency and security. Although many studies on in-sensor computing using the FPSP have been conducted since its invention, no thorough and systematic summary of these studies exists. This review explains the use of image processing algorithms, neural networks, and applications of in-sensor computing in the fields of machine vision and robotics. The objective is to assist future developers, researchers, and users of unconventional visual sensors in understanding in-sensor computing and associated applications.
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Many types of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models and training methods have been proposed in recent years aiming to provide efficiency for embedded and edge devices with limited computation and memory resources. The wide variety of architectures makes this a complex task that has to balance generality with efficiency. Among the most interesting camera-sensor architectures are Pixel Processor Arrays (PPAs). This study presents two methods that are useful for embedded CNNs in general but particularly suitable for PPAs. The first is for training purely binarized CNNs, the second is for deploying larger models with a model swapping paradigm that loads model components dynamically. Specifically, this study trains and implements networks with batch normalization and adaptive threshold for binary activations. Then, we convert batch normalization and binary activations into a bias matrix which can be parallelly implemented by an add/sub operation. For dynamic model swapping, we propose to decompose applications that are beyond the capacity of a PPA into sub-tasks that can be solved by tree networks that can be loaded dynamically as needed. We demonstrate our approaches to various tasks including classification, localization, and coarse segmentation on a highly resource constrained PPA sensor-processor.
Event cameras are an exciting, new sensor modality enabling high-speed imaging with extremely low-latency and wide dynamic range. Unfortunately, most machine learning architectures are not designed to directly handle sparse data, like that generated from event cameras. Many state-of-the-art algorithms for event cameras rely on interpolated event representations - obscuring crucial timing information, increasing the data volume, and limiting overall network performance. This paper details an event representation called Time-Ordered Recent Event (TORE) volumes. TORE volumes are designed to compactly store raw spike timing information with minimal information loss. This bio-inspired design is memory efficient, computationally fast, avoids time-blocking (i.e. fixed and predefined frame rates), and contains "local memory" from past data. The design is evaluated on a wide range of challenging tasks (e.g. event denoising, image reconstruction, classification, and human pose estimation) and is shown to dramatically improve state-of-the-art performance. TORE volumes are an easy-to-implement replacement for any algorithm currently utilizing event representations.
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This paper presents a monocular vision based proximity estimation system using abstract features, such as corner points, blobs and edges, as inputs to a neural network. An experimental vehicle was built using a vision system integrating the SCAMP-5 vision chip, a micro-controller, and an RC model car. The vision chip includes image sensor with embedded 256×256 processor SIMD array. The pixel processor array chip was programmed to capture images and run the feature algorithms directly on the focal plane, and then digest them so that only sparse feature description data were read-out in the form of 40 values. By logging the vision output and the output from three infrared proximity sensors, training data were obtained to train three fully connected layer-recurrent neural networks with fewer than 700 parameters each. The trained neural network was able to estimate the proximity to the level of accuracy sufficient for a reactive collision avoidance behaviour to be achieved. The latency of the control system, from image capture to neural network output, was under 4 ms, enabling the vehicles to avoid obstacles while moving at 0.64 m/s to 1.8 m/s in the experiment.
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Smartphones are widely used today, and it becomes possible to detect the user's environmental changes by using the smartphone sensors, as demonstrated in this paper where we propose a method to identify human activities with reasonably high accuracy by using smartphone sensor data. First, the raw smartphone sensor data are collected from two categories of human activity: motion-based, e.g., walking and running; and phone movement-based, e.g., left-right, up-down, clockwise and counterclockwise movement. Firstly, two types of features extraction are designed from the raw sensor data, and activity recognition is analyzed using machine learning classification models based on these features. Secondly, the activity recognition performance is analyzed through the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model using only the raw data. Our experiments show substantial improvement in the result with the addition of features and the use of CNN model based on smartphone sensor data with judicious learning techniques and good feature designs. © 2018, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications. However, deeper CNN models, which are usually computation consuming, are widely required for complex artificial intelligence (AI) tasks. Though recent research progress on network compression, such as pruning, has emerged as a promising direction to mitigate computational burden, existing accelerators are still prevented from completely utilizing the benefits of leveraging sparsity due to the irregularity caused by pruning. On the other hand, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been regarded as a promising hardware platform for CNN inference acceleration. However, most existing FPGA accelerators focus on dense CNN and cannot address the irregularity problem. In this article, we propose a sparsewise dataflow to skip the cycles of processing multiply-and-accumulates (MACs) with zero weights and exploit data statistics to minimize energy through zeros gating to avoid unnecessary computations. The proposed sparsewise dataflow leads to a low bandwidth requirement and high data sharing. Then, we design an FPGA accelerator containing a vector generator module (VGM) that can match the index between sparse weights and input activations according to the proposed dataflow. Experimental results demonstrate that our implementation can achieve 987-, 46-, and 57-imag/s performance for AlexNet, VGG-16, and ResNet-50 on Xilinx ZCU102, respectively, which provides 1.5×1.5\times 6.7×6.7\times speedup and 2.0×2.0\times 6.0×6.0\times energy efficiency over previous CNN FPGA accelerators.
Deep-learning is a cutting edge theory that is being applied to many fields. For vision applications the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are demanding significant accuracy for classification tasks. Numerous hardware accelerators have populated during the last years to improve CPU or GPU based solutions. This technology is commonly prototyped and tested over FPGAs before being considered for ASIC fabrication for mass production. The use of commercial typical cameras (30fps) limits the capabilities of these systems for high speed applications. The use of dynamic vision sensors (DVS) that emulate the behavior of a biological retina is taking an incremental importance to improve this applications due to its nature, where the information is represented by a continuous stream of spikes and the frames to be processed by the CNN are constructed collecting a fixed number of these spikes (called events). The faster an object is, the more events are produced by DVS, so the higher is the equivalent frame rate. Therefore, these DVS utilization allows to compute a frame at the maximum speed a CNN accelerator can offer. In this paper we present a VHDL/HLS description of a pipelined design for FPGA able to collect events from an Address-Event-Representation (AER) DVS retina to obtain a normalized histogram to be used by a particular CNN accelerator, called NullHop. VHDL is used to describe the circuit, and HLS for computation blocks, which are used to perform the normalization of a frame needed for the CNN. Results outperform previous implementations of frames collection and normalization using ARM processors running at 800MHz on a Zynq7100 in both latency and power consumption. A measured 67% speedup factor is presented for a Roshambo CNN real-time experiment running at 160fps peak rate.
Conference Paper
This paper describes a hand symbol recognition system that can quickly be trained to incrementally learn to recognize new symbols using about 100 times less data and time than by using conventional training. It is driven by frames from a Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) event camera. Conventional cameras have very redundant output, especially at high frame rates. Dynamic vision sensors output sparse and asynchronous brightness change events that occur when an object or the camera is moving. Images consisting of a fixed number of events from a DVS drive recognition and incremental learning of new hand symbols in the context of a RoShamBo (rock-paper-scissors) demonstration. Conventional training on the original RoShamBo dataset requires about 12.5h compute time on a desktop GPU using the 2.5 million images in the base dataset. Novel symbols that a user shows for a few tens of seconds to the system can be learned on-the-fly using the iCaRL incremental learning algorithm with 3 minutes of training time on a desktop GPU, while preserving recognition accuracy of previously trained symbols. Our system runs a residual network with 32 layers and maintains 88.4% after 100 epochs or 77% after 5 epochs overall accuracy after 4 incremental training stages. Each stage adds an additional 2 novel symbols to the base 4 symbols. The paper also reports an inexpensive robot hand used for live demonstrations of the base RoShamBo game.
Focal-plane Sensor-Processor Arrays (FPSPs) are new imaging devices with parallel Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) computational capabilities built into every pixel. Compared to traditional imaging devices, FPSPs allow for massive pixel-parallel execution of image processing algorithms. This enables the application of certain algorithms at extreme frame rates (>10,000 frames per second). By performing some early-stage processing in-situ, systems incorporating FPSPs can consume less power compared to conventional approaches using standard digital cameras. In this article, we explore code generation for an FPSP whose 256 × 256 processors operate on analogue signal data, leading to further opportunities for power reduction—and additional code synthesis challenges. While rudimentary image processing algorithms have been demonstrated on FPSPs before, progress with higher-level computer vision algorithms has been sparse due to the unique architecture and limits of the devices. This article presents a code generator for convolution filters for the SCAMP-5 FPSP, with applications in many high-level tasks such as convolutional neural networks, pose estimation, and so on. The SCAMP-5 FPSP has no effective multiply operator. Convolutions have to be implemented through sequences of more primitive operations such as additions, subtractions, and multiplications/divisions by two. We present a code generation algorithm to optimise convolutions by identifying common factors in the different weights and by determining an optimised pattern of pixel-to-pixel data movements to exploit them. We present evaluation in terms of both speed and energy consumption for a suite of well-known convolution filters. Furthermore, an application of the method is shown by the implementation of a Viola-Jones face detection algorithm.
Conference Paper
We demonstrate the Scamp5d integrated vision system and its development framework. The sensor of the camera is the SCAMP-5 vision chip, which provides sensor-level SIMD parallel processing capability, embedding a processor in each of its 256 x 256 pixels. A dual-core ARM micro-controller is used to operate the vision chip and provide additional computation capability and IO interfaces. The vision system is programmed using the C++ language. Common IO buses, as well as a USB2.0 port, allow the Scamp5d to be connected to micro-controllers, single board computers, or other hardware. The vision system can be remotely debugged, configured and re-programmed over the network. The open design of Scamp5d's software interface allows for easy integration with other software systems, such as ROS. As a self-contained vision system, Scamp5d can output highly processed data instead of video streams, which is suitable for applications such as miniature robots and distributed sensor networks. Simulation of the vision chip is provided through cross-compiling. Documentation, tutorials, and the simulation software are available for download.