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Are Smart Contracts and Blockchains Suitable for Decentralized Railway Control?

  • DB Systel GmbH (subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG)
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University & Member of the Management Board for Digitalization and Technology at Deutsche Bahn


Conventional railway operations employ specialized software and hardware to ensure safe and secure train operations. Track occupation and signaling are governed by central control offices, while trains (and their drivers) receive instructions. To make this setup more dynamic, the train operations can be decentralized by enabling the trains to find routes and make decisions which are safeguarded and protocolled in an auditable manner. In this paper, we present the case study findings of a first-of-its-kind blockchain-based prototype implementation for railway control, based on decentralization but also ensuring that the overall system state remains conflict-free and safe. We also show how a blockchain-based approach simplifies usage billing and enables a train-to-train/machine-to-machine economy. Finally, first ideas addressing the use of blockchain technology as a life-cycle approach for condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance in train operations are outlined.
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
Are Smart Contracts and Blockchains
Suitable for Decentralized Railway Control?
Michael Kuperberg,
Daniel Kindler,
Sabina Jeschke
Abstract. Conventional railway operations employ specialized software and hardware to
ensure safe and secure train operations. Track occupation and signaling are governed by
central control offices, while trains (and their drivers) receive instructions. To make this setup
more dynamic, the train operations can be decentralized by enabling the trains to find routes
and make decisions which are safeguarded and protocolled in an auditable manner. In this
paper, we present the case study findings of a first-of-its-kind blockchain-based prototype
implementation for railway control, based on decentralization but also ensuring that the
overall system state remains conflict-free and safe. We also show how a blockchain-based
approach simplifies usage billing and enables a train-to-train/machine-to-machine economy.
Finally, first ideas addressing the use of blockchain technology as a life-cycle approach for
condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance in train operations are outlined.
1. Introduction
Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and blockchains are well-suited for trust networks
without a single, all-powerful central authority. When it comes to auditability and tamper
resistance, the underlying cryptography promises an integrated approach that includes
traceability, fault-tolerant consensus mechanisms, and verifiable timestamped signatures.
Additional functionality is provided by chain-stored executable rules, known as smart contracts,
which can be executed by network participants. The results of smart contract execution are again
stored on-chain, providing a seamless framework for distributed applications.
When collaborative decision-making of multiple parties is used to form consensus,
decentralization is achieved: state changes are agreed upon directly by the involved and affected
parties. The objective of decentralization is to minimize the use of monopolizing intermediaries
and to avoid undesired asymmetric power settings. Decentralization mechanisms provide
competing (or mutually non-trusting) players with a cooperation platform where trust is
established through auditability and transparent consensus.
Legacy IT solutions for resource control and scheduling often suffer from a lack of
transparency and trust, and they are based on fragmented architectures with lacking access to
data. Additionally, these solutions often do not provide built-in facilities for metering and
billing, and they are built for human operators rather than for self-aware (or
automated/autonomous) devices and vehicles.
Michael Kuperberg ( is the Chief Blockchain Architect of DB Systel GmbH, the IT provider
of Deutsche Bahn AG.
Daniel Kindler ( is the Managing Partner Blockchain & DLT Solutions DB Group Business
Segment Infrastructure of DB Systel GmbH.
Sabina Jeschke ( is a Member of the Management Board Digitalization & Technology (T) of
Deutsche Bahn AG.
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
DLTs and blockchains are candidate technologies to remedy some of these shortcomings.
The business domain of railway operations constitutes an example of resource control and
scheduling where (for historical reasons) the centralized solutions are often based on multiple
information sources, as the overall complexity could not be handled in a single data source.
Evolving the solution design for this domain must account for the changing organizational
circumstances: for example, many countries are shifting away from a vertically-integrated
monopolies and towards a close-knit network of independent companies, including
infrastructure providers, mutually-competing train operators, and independent oversight
agencies (governmental and international).
However, the suitability of DLTs for reliably replacing traditional, centralized top-down
rail control systems with a large number of participants is still an open research topic. This topic
is relevant to those DLT researchers who are interested in the specific real-life challenges of
decentralized control systems, where individual goals and systemwide goals may conflict.
Specifically for the safety-sensitive domain of railway control, a trusted distributed datastore
with consensus-based (decentralized) process execution has a significant potential for
improving flexibility and cost efficiency when compared to traditional implementations based
on point-to-point integration, assuming that the conflicting interests are properly balanced. For
the railway domain, integrating trains and infrastructure as first-class participants (without
human intermediaries) can help streamline the operations. While a lot of research for DLTs is
focused on business-to-business (B2B) scenarios (such as supply chains, elimination of
middlemen, micropayments, etc.), machine-to-machine (M2M) scenarios are mostly focused on
“Internet of Things” (IoT) and edge device economy such as monetization of sensor data.
Application of DLTs to multi-agent systems has been studied as well, but no research has been
undertaken to integrate safety and security aspects (such as interlocking in train operations).
The relevance of decentralized traffic control reaches beyond railways: it can provide
benefits to other transportation modes (such as unmanned vehicles for goods and passengers),
including water transportation and warehouse logistics. Application of DLTs to platooning and
car economy (beyond simple billing of energy and services) is emerging,
and the long-term
vision of decentralized applications (DApps) will benefit from previous research in multi-agent
systems and autonomous/self-learning systems.
Before a fully-fledged decentralized implementation of a given control system is started, the
overall viability of decentralization for a specific scenario needs to be studied and prototyped.
Some limitations of the DLTs are well-known (such as throughput, constraints from the CAP
theorem, data growth, and the need for oracles), while others are only uncovered by
implementing a use case as close as possible to the real-world situation.
The contribution of this paper is a systematic case study of the applicability of
decentralization to a real-life control system, exemplified by the railway domain and backed by
a prototype implementation. We derive research questions and a research hypothesis, based on
high-level requirements. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides the very first analysis
of such a decentralized control system.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the context and the
foundations of rail control systems. Section 3 presents our work goals and research setting,
leading to the requirements and the problem statement in Section 4. Section 5 discusses our
research hypothesis and how it can be validated. Section 6 analyzes related work and how it
compares to our results.
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
Section 7 presents the architecture of the solution and explains the choice of the used
technologies (including the use of the Ethereum blockchain stack). Section 8 describes some
important implementation aspects and the lessons learned that we gathered during the proof
of concept. Section 9 concludes and provides an outlook, together with the planned next steps.
2. Foundations
Unlike car traffic and streetcars (trams), most mainline railway operations have strict access
control measures to prevent accidents such as train collisions. To safeguard operations, railways
utilize technical frameworks to constantly enforce strict safety procedures. These frameworks
are designed and implemented to withstand an operator’s failure or even an operator’s death.
While the scope of the frameworks differs between countries, the state-of-the-art
implementations such as ETCS include the constant upkeep of “safe blocks” (to prevent
collisions in case one of the trains comes to an unexpected stop or even derails),
braking if a red signal is passed (or if the human operator does not react within a specified time),
detection of train decomposition, and variable speed control. Trainside and lineside IT
components work together to achieve these goals. The resulting functionality is often called
Automatic Train Protection (ATP), and it consists of several hardware and software parts.
Figure 1 shows a high-level view of these core components.
Beyond the safety-guaranteeing frameworks, railway operation requires live dispatching: in
addition to schedule-based passenger/freight trains, dispatching must accommodate ad-hoc
traffic, deviations, construction-caused alterations, equipment failures, and so on. Despite
advances in conventional and AI-supported decision making, a lot of this work is still performed
by humans, i.e. experienced dispatchers. Dispatching and safety frameworks are usually
partially decomposed for large railway networks: they are split into regions so that size and
complexity are manageablevery similar to air traffic control operations. Over time, such
operations have been electrified, electronic equipment has been introduced, and the newest
equipment generation relies on digital, semi-detached infrastructure elements (switches, signals,
occupancy sensors) as well as on in-cab signaling.
Dispatching and safety frameworks are complex, heterogeneous and very costly (with an
invest of between 100,000 and 300,000€ per km),
developed over many years and with
lifecycles of several decades. Despite attempts at standardization, both interoperability and
vendor lock-in pose an ongoing challenge. Additionally, such frameworks have historically
been nation-specific; international standards such as the European Train Control System
(ETCS) require substantial investment in hardware and software during a transition phase.
Ultimately, this should help overcome the heterogeneous patchwork of country-specific
standards in place throughout the EU: cross-border train operation often requires additional
training, multi-system vehicles (at a higher cost), or changing trains/staff at the border.
Still, railway traffic management (which includes timetabling, capacity management and
other concerns beyond dispatching and safety) is not part of ETCS; such functionality is being
designed as part of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS),
which is the
overall initiative that encompasses ETCS and the international wireless communications
standard GSM-R. Infrastructure utilization is the key to lower operating costs, and customer
satisfaction is strongly correlated with punctuality and density of service. Thus, some progress
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l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
has been made on improving track utilization (e.g. using flexible-length “moving blocks”),
addition to improvements in safety. Despite these advances, the principles of railway operations
remain largely the same: control center is the authority” and the train is the subject. In most
mainline railway control implementations, train-to-train coordination is only possible for the
staff in the control center; train drivers act as human intermediaries that operate the train
This top-down, hub-and-spoke pattern remains in place even for cutting-edge “autonomous
train operation.
Most mainstream upgrade programs also follow the “slow evolution” path,
mandated by the backward compliance in large networks but also by the intrinsic interests of
the manufacturers and investors. However, there are situations where the authority-subject
hub-and-spoke” pattern presents a bottleneck and becomes too restrictive, and where seamless
train-to-infrastructure and train-to-train contracting would lead to improvements: trains could
dynamically negotiate and “sell” a timeslot, automating redispatching in a rational, market-
driven way. Potentially, passengers can request unscheduled stops (and bid/pool for them), and
unpredicted construction or extension of maintenance shutdown periods could be propagated
across the network. Additionally, trains could self-report operation-impacting defects (such as
overheated axle bearings or derailments).
Another potential for improvements exists in the back office area: many national rail
networks provide “open access” to competing passenger and freight railways, which pay
regulated fees for infrastructure usage (tracks, stations, energy supply). Likewise, the back
officesells ahead-of-time access rights since network access is strictly controlled to enable
timetabled train operations to maintain their quality of service. Using a blockchain, both the
sale/allocation of access rights/usage rights and the actual payment for them would happen
transactionally and instantly, in one system rather than in several.
In the area of maintenance and servicing, the current state-of-the-art is to design
maintenance windows, maintenance intervals, and maintenance plans in such a way that the
safety of the system is ensured. The use of blockchain technology (coupled with the
continuously evolving sensor technology of trains or infrastructure components) can be seen as
the basis of modern maintenance, in which the individual components independently register
their requirements. The rollout of such on-demand maintenance then includes for example also
the automatic ordering of spare parts or the provision of special teams.
In Figure 1, we show the most essential parts of this railway “ecosystem.” Each shown part
exists in several instances: there are sovereign rail networks both at the national and regional
levels. In reality, there are additional layers (e.g. procurement, malus/bonus processing, HR,
maintenance planning and management, construction, governmental oversight, insurance)
which we do not detail here.
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ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
3. Research Setting and Work Goals
As our long-term goal, we are working towards the vision of a modular, API-driven, multi-
modal and multi-player “Transportation Operating System” with the central requirement to
improve overall system performance in terms of capacity, efficiency, availability, and
punctuality. One key property of the envisioned system is the systematic management of
business processes and data, specifically in the way that all interactions (from ticket purchases
to subcontractor payments) are handled on the basis of a consistent, trusted, resilient, and
replicated “data base.
Thus, the core technological requirement for the underpinning of this vision is to provide a
platform where competitors can collaborate, and where decisions are made by finding consensus
among participants. This also means that the platform itself is run in a collaborative way, and
no single company can monopolize the operations or the decision making. The design of the
platform shall also enable government oversight and intervention where appropriate.
As our mid-term work goal, we want to build a core module out of the envisioned
“Transportation Operating System”: a novel control system for railway operations with “open-
access” operations, i.e. for settings with multiple competing train operators. The control system
shall include safety control logic (reusing existing infrastructure where appropriate) and
dispatching logic (replacing legacy, centralized control centers). Train localization technology
and train integrity checks (detection of decomposition) that are needed for safe operations are
assumed to be available; there exist established technologies for this (such as trackside
equipment, GNSS, Differential GPS, and axle counters).
This first core module shall be built and operated in the same collaborative manner as the
overall platform and shall also lead to better metrics in the operations phase. We believe that
building such a novel railway control system will also positively affect the technology support
networks (especially maintenance and privately-owned infrastructure) and improve the
efficiencies and the cash flow between the involved parties. To automate the cash flow,
machine-to-machine (M2M) payments shall be supported, using IoT identities and wallets.
The potential for disruption includes opening the railway infrastructure to non-rail vehicles
by including them into the safety frameworks of the railway control: for example, low-traffic
track stretches in congested areas could be equipped with a road surface and emergency vehicles
or construction equipment could co-use these stretches, provided that they have software and
hardware to become part of the decentralized control system and of the “automatic vehicle
protection” (which would be built similarly to the existing “automatic train protection”
patterns). As the on-board IT of road vehicles becomes more powerful, cars are beginning to
feature reliable duplex communication channels; this enables binding safety rules such as
“vehicle cannot enter an occupied block.” Also, maintenance staff could devise safety measures
(such as speed reductions or temporary traffic halts) directly and “on the spot, visible to all
Our make-or-buy analysis has shown that there is no product on the market which
implements the business logic of the aforementioned control system, and it has led to the
decision to design such a system in-house, using technology and components from the market.
One of the core design decisions is the selection of the underlying runtime platform, which is
also subject to the requirements in the following section.
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
Our research objective is to create a decentralized control system with the above properties
and to enable trains (and train operators) as well as infrastructure elements to be first-level,
active, and self-aware participants in railway control systems. Active participation by vehicles
includes wayfinding (both ad-hoc and in-advance), booking, and actual usage of the
infrastructure, as well as interaction with lineside equipment (e.g. setting a switch into the
correct position) and with other vehicles. Such active participation builds on controlled access
to a trustworthy, up-to-date view of the network usepast, current, and planned. As part of our
objective, we want to establish an authoritative data repository that is audit-proof/tamper-proof
(for example through write-once-read-many semantics, also known as WORM) and which relies
on open-source, security-assessed, consumer, off-the-shelf (COTS) software components rather
than on proprietary technology.
4. Requirements, Assumptions and Constraints
Safety-wise, the proposed architecture shall thus be at least on par with the current situation:
The interlocking logic (algorithms+data) as mandated by the railway operating rules
shall be kept (but they would run on a new platform, and may be reimplemented in
another programming language): trains must not “overwrite” data that is the base
for enforcing safety measures.
The trackside infrastructure (e.g. switches, magnets/balises) that obeys the
interlocking logic shall be kept (but a new generation of it might be capable of
receiving direct payments, see Section 5).
The trainside infrastructure which obeys the “orders” from the trackside
infrastructure (e.g. speed controls, blocked section, etc.) shall remain in place, unless
it is replaced by communication-based train control (CBTC).
Trains, train-operating personnel, and train-operating companies shall gain insight
into overall system state (current and future), enabling them to adjust their behavior
and to react to emergencies (for example, a train can use “heartbeats” and other
trains can subscribe to the “heartbeat feeds” of other trains in proximity, so that
derailments or pending head-on collisions can be detected quickly).
As our approach is targeting efficiency improvements rather than safety improvements, it
shall also support the “moving block” paradigm which increases train density and track usage.
To simplify safety assessments and certification, the system implementation shall be
modularized, with well-defined interfaces and protocols between the functional building
blocksbut still building on a single, uniform, and authoritative data layer. Certification is
especially important in the context of hardware failures, and EU laws mandate the
corresponding norms such as EN 50126
(IEC 62278
), DIN/EN 50128,
DIN/EN 50159,
and DIN/EN 61508.
With regards to our scope, we assume that the trainside safety aspects of the train operation
are maintained (whether a train is operated automatically or by humans). For example, trainside
emergency stop shall be auto-activated if a train enters an occupied block. However, the
information such mechanisms rely upon is not provided by the centralized control center, but
rather by the new control solution. Trainside safety measures (such as a forced emergency stop
when trying to enter an occupied block) would be based on the state information (e.g. block
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
occupancy) stored in the proposed, new system. Currently, such information is transmitted by
trackside equipment/IT (e.g. LZB, magnets in PZB/Indusi) or by GSM-R (as in ETCS Level 3).
Therefore, our control system assumes that the physical reality and the IT representation are
matched: the infrastructure elements and the trains have “IoT digital twins.It is imperative that
a physical element and its “digital twin” are “mutually reliable” for both state representation
and state changes. For example, the physical switch must be reliably “locked” except during
state changes, and may not change its position without having been instructed by the digital
twin to do so. If a switch position is modified by brute force (e.g. through sabotage), the
malfunction must be detected (e.g. by an appropriate circuitry) and the disruption must be
represented in the IoT digital twin, preventing an accident. We assume in the following that
infrastructure elements and the synchronization between the IT representation and the physical
entity is available and reliable, i.e. solved outside of our work.
5. Initial Research Hypothesis and How It Is Being Verified
We believe that modern, enterprise-grade implementation of distributed ledger technology (e.g.
decentralized blockchains) is most suitable for the requirements in Sections 3 and 4, because
blockchains/DLTs bring the desired platform, consensus functionality, and quality attributes
out-of-the-box. We also believe that DLT/blockchains and software modularization (separation
of concerns, e.g. through microservices) are complementing each other, and do not conflict.
Therefore, the work presented in this paper seeks to support the following research hypothesis:
the complex resource, conditions, and constraints of railway control systems can be mapped to
blockchain-level assets and smart contracts in such a way that decentralized bookings of
resources can be performed while the safe and secure state of the entire system is maintained
at any step.
Note that proving this hypothesis does not impose a qualitative or a quantitative evaluation
as a precondition. A quantitative comparison between the proposed approach and existing
(centralized) approaches/implementations can only be done once the new system is
implemented beyond a prototype. However, this paper’s scope is to describe the prototype
implementation; therefore, we do not yet have suitable data that could be used for such a
quantitative comparison. Consequently, we leave both the comparison and the formulation of
the underlying metrics to future work.
Technically, a DLT becomes the trusted “single truth” for both the current state of the
networks (today, this is done in the control layer) and for the “future infrastructure reservations”
which are the results of pre-scheduling and ad-hoc planning (today, this is done within separate
systems, in the context of the traffic management layer). The ledger data is replicated across
ledger nodes, providing fault tolerance and reliability. Furthermore, smart contracts serve as
“gatekeepers” to the state changes (e.g. new reservations or cancellations) and the participating
nodes cross-verify these changes, implementing a consensus mechanism that ensures
consistency with specified rules across nodes.
It is a part of our approach that a train can pay the infrastructure usage directly to the
infrastructure element (e.g. to a switch, or to a gated railway crossing). This means that the
infrastructure element has a way to receive payments, and its owner can administrate those
payments. Payments can also be bonuses (or fines), or “back office” tasks as in Figure 1. To
enable such a M2M economy, we propose to use blockchain wallets (which are effectively PKI
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
keypairs, cf. Ethereum), where the balance of a wallet is stored on the blockchain ledger. In this
paper, we do not discuss how the payment is integrated into the planning/management/control
A major implementation aspect for testing this hypothesis is to restrict the write access to
the data repository: it is to be protected by “gatekeepers,” which ensure that only secure entries
can be inserted (e.g. no two trains are located in the same block at the same time). The WORM
semantics mean that data cannot be overwritten (not even by consensus). If an entry needs to be
corrected, a new transaction (“compensation”) is written and it shows the latest state. Some
nodes may choose to store only a certain, regulation-imposed backlog of past data to keep the
data amount manageable.
To test the hypothesis, we implemented a prototype of the control system and tested it on a
real-world dispatcher training facility, i.e. under conditions which are closely paralleling those
of full-scale operations. For the initial stage, we do not perform formal verification of the
implementation. The implementation case study is described in the following section.
Some of the further functionality of the “Transportation Operating System” has already been
showcased by us in previous works: e.g. blockchain-based station usage billing and blockchain-
based revenue sharing.
We have also studied how network partitioning can be detected and
avoided at the consensus level in blockchain implementation. Throughout these modules,
privacy, reliability, and performance (throughput, latency) remain an ongoing challenge.
6. Related Work and Literature Review
Decentralization in railway control has been addressed in multi-agent research, including
comparisons of performance between centralized and decentralized scenarios.
these approaches have neither used a tamper-proof, transparent ruleset (as the Ethereum smart
contracts that we used), nor did they use a tamper-proof “full history” approach (as we do with
the Ethereum-based distributed ledger/blockchain). Beyond the concepts, none of these
approaches has been validated in a real-world training facility.
Outside the railway industry, autonomous vehicles are currently not able to pay for their
infrastructure usage (such as tolled highways, bridges, or parking facilities) “on their own” (in
an unsupervised manner). While there are proofs-of-concepts and interest groups with the focus
of car-to-infrastructure payments, they are neither targeting ahead-of-time reservations nor do
they cover the kind of limited-access, restricted-capacity infrastructure that is the cornerstone
of railway operations.
Our approach includes enabling trains to establish trade relationships with each other, e.g.
to enable unsupervised monetary compensation from a delayed express train to a freight train
when the latter yields its priority so that the express train can reduce its delay. The
communication part of this vision can be compared to “car-to-car communication,
relies on technologies such as 5G. In contrast to such work, our contribution focuses on the
protocols and on the contents of such M2M communication; strictly speaking, the blockchain
and its consensus introduces an intermediary layer.
Using blockchains (or distributed ledgers) for machine-to-machine payments has been
studied and demonstrated on several occasions. This is encouraged by the native (crypto-)
currency capabilities and token concepts of the underlying technologies, such as ERC20 in the
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
Ethereum ecosystem or NEP-5 in NEO.
Still, none of these approaches proposes or even
implements the solution to the systemic constraints of mainline railway operations.
Non-DLT solutions for WORM data storage include dedicated hardware and software/cloud
modifications of existing file systems,
or data archiving.
Some database
products support replication and “hot standby”/“cold standby” modes,
usually with a cluster-
based distribution. In a similar way, Master Data Management systems are concerned with data
replication and synchronization.
These solution types incur a vendor lock-in (due to
proprietary software) and are subject to the “deleted by the master administrator” problem.
Additionally, they do not scale across enterprises, across thousands of nodes, and do not provide
the auditability of the “rule source code” and “rule execution” as is the case with
Our vision includes “sovereign” infrastructure elements such as switches which are adhering
to the ledger rules and events (from smart contracts). There are different approaches to build
railway IT infrastructure in a more networked/peer-to-peer way.
However, none of them
covers M2M payments and train-to-train economy.
More modern paradigms to switch controls and automated dispatching are to be found in
“turnkey” systems for urban/suburban networks,
often with CBTC (communication-based
train control).
These networks have modularized management facilities which control both
trains and infrastructure in an integrated way, including peak traffic management and ad-hoc
addition of trains. However, so far, no such system has been applied as an “in-place upgrade”
to a mainline network, as this would require large-scale adaptation of trains and infrastructure
and also the (costly) coexistence of the “old” and “new” systems, as larger networks cannot be
upgraded in one “big bang” step.
A certain overlap with our approach can be found in newer signaling and control systems
such as ETCS,5 where the train is more aware of its surroundings. However, even with ETCS,
the physical train is obtaining certain constraints (for example, maximum speed) in a passive
way, and for safety reasons the human train driver can only operate within those constraints.
From the economist’s perspective, our proposal can be classified as a “decentralized
transparent free market economy with strict rule enforcement,whereas the existing mainline
approach is more of a “centralized market economy with central resource allocation in a non-
discriminatory manner” (in Germany, the deregulated railway ecosystem includes a
regulatory/oversight authority which is tasked with ensuring the open-access policy set forth by
law). There is a substantial body of work investigating the (dis-)advantages of central
coordination in comparison with decentralized, “peer-to-peer” trading. However, such research
is rarely applicable to the allocation of scarce resources (as it is the case in mainline railways)
in combination with safety constraints that are inherently complex and challenging to include
in a market model/simulation.
7. Case Study Architecture and Employed Technologies
Conventional train control systems are usually centralized in two ways: logically and
technically. Logically, there is just one business entity (the “infrastructure operator”) running
the control system, and it is the only party that has full access rights (including writing
permissions); it may or may not allow read-only access for train operators at its own discretion.
Technically, the control system is usually centralized because cost factors do not encourage a
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
multi-node/multi-location setup. Additionally, a “hot standby” or even “active-active” setup
means that data must be replicated successfully and completely before it can be considered as
written through; this may increase latency and strain the data links between the locations.
Increasingly, infrastructure malfunctions are leading to compensation claims from the train
operators, which themselves have to pay compensations for delays to customers. This forms a
monetary driver for further fault tolerance in railways operations; additionally, the ongoing
progress in hardware performance-to-cost ratio encourages the “design for failover” approach
with additional hardware elements for fallback, even in the light of the additional
implementation costs compared to the simple setup.
Therefore, our architecture (as shown in Figure 2) is primarily based on technical
decentralization, i.e. on multiple nodes. The blockchain identity of the train is the actor which
orders paths (i.e. performs reservations of an infrastructure element for a given timeframe); it
interacts with the blockchain identity of the infrastructure element via the smart contract which
LEDGER VOL 5 (2020) 3661
l e d g e r j o u r n a l . o r g
ISSN 2379-5980 (online)
DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
is the gatekeeper (ensuring consistency and a safe global state). The smart contract is the entity
which changes the “should be” part of global state. When it comes to the “is” global state, the
physical world is the “leading truth; the state on the blockchain is mirroring the “physical
truth. The train protection component does rely on the is-state but consults the required
(“should be”) future state as well.
When it comes to logical decentralization, the situation is more intricate. Logical
decentralization means that the nodes belong to multiple parties. This immediately poses the
questions of authority, agreements, responsibility, and liability. When it comes to safety and
human life, strong authorities are the traditional choice. Implicitly, a single authority means a
single (central) responsibility. In aviation, the pilot and the co-pilot are an example where strict
rules of authority in a multi-party setup are used to prevent a stalemate (standoff), as there is no
arbiter to act as an intermediary between the parties.
Logical decentralization is inherently more complex than logical centralization, as it needs
to address the situation with failing/unreachable nodes, the meaning of dissenting minorities,
party splitting and unstable behavior (cf. the “Byzantine generals” problem and the associated
body of research). At the same time, large-scale networks with decentralized decision-making
have appeared and maintained operation, e.g. the public Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains.
Such networks succeed in horizontal scaling, a working set of rules for consensus (which is a
systematic decision-making using defined majority rules), and in fault tolerance. At the same
time, achieving suitable quality of service and performance (latency, throughput, predictability)
while maintaining scalability remains challenging in decentralized DLTs and blockchains.
Ultimately, our solution architecture is technically suitable for both logically-centralized
and logically-decentralized setups: since we use a private-consortial (non-public) blockchain
as the “engine” to run our algorithms and store our data, additional nodes can be added, and
additional parties can be onboarded. Note that for our architecture, there is no need for separate
“oracles” that supply externally-sourced information. For timer-triggered events (e.g. checking
whether a reserved element can be released since the reservation has expired and the train has
vacated the element), reliable solutions are rather straightforward to implement.
It is important to stress that reservations (and payments) are handled in a peer-to-peer
fashion between trains and infrastructure elements (such as switches); the IoT twin of the
infrastructure element is in control of the element’s blockchain wallet. A blockchain, on the
other side, is the event bus and the recording ledger, but it is not a first-level, self-aware,
individually-acting entity with own interest. At the same time, the participants of the blockchain
network safeguard the outcome of the peer-to-peer transactions, because these transactions (e.g.
admitting a train into a track section) are safety-relevant and affect all peersnot just two.
State changes on a blockchain consist of several steps. Independently of the technology
used, the three core steps on the “happy path” (in the absence of errors) are transaction proposal,
transaction validation, and the replication of the validated transaction; there might also be
technology-specific steps such as ordering of the transactions. The transaction validation is the
most intricate step: it is where “mining” could be included to combat spamming and to introduce
incentives to “compute” the block. In our situation (private network), transaction validation is
the trust-intensive step. The important design question to answer here is: how many network
participants have to vote in favor of a transaction to validate it? The possible answers are “at
least n” (n1), “at least 51% of all participants, etc. Our architecture is very flexible with regard
to the validation algorithm, and we have used Proof-of-Authority while also experimenting and
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adjusting the consensus thresholds with Proof-of-Work (with minimal complexity) and also
For the initial implementation, we have chosen Solidity as the programming language for
smart contracts and the open-source Ethereum blockchain (geth and Parity) as the DLT product,
deployed in a private/consortial setup. As our work progresses beyond prototyping and as other
ledger technologies (e.g. Quorum, R3 Corda, Hedera Hashgraph, Hyperledger Fabric,
Hyperledger Burrow, IOTA, Neo, etc.) improve, we will re-evaluate this choice. It is outside
the scope of this paper to provide another extensive comparison of Ethereum with other
blockchain technologies; for such work, see e.g. Kapsammer et al. “The Blockchain Muddle,
(2018), and Valenta and Sandner, “Comparison of Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and Corda,”
The following arguments have led us to the choice of Ethereum over other technologies. In
our view, none of the competing products is as good as (or better than) Ethereum for all of the
Ethereum is an open-source set of technologies, based on a community-driven
ecosystem and powered by a large active audience of developers and researchers.
There are multiple ready-to-use implementations of Ethereum (e.g. geth, Parity,
Hyperledger Burrow,
and others) which support Proof-of-Authority
(PoA), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), and Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithms.
The core Ethereum technology (EVM, P2P networking, cryptographic
underpinnings) has matured significantly and powers a large, self-stabilizing
unpermissioned public network (mainnet) with different implementations.
Ethereum networks can be both unpermissioned (by default) and permissioned
(using the aforementioned Quorum implementation).
There exists a large codebase of security-checked contracts and templates written in
Solidity (e.g. OpenZeppelin),
and automated tooling to check Solidity code for
errors and bugs.
The built-in wallet functionality, the established “wallet contract” mechanisms, and
the token contracts lay a solid foundation for M2M payments and contracting.
There is an abundance of libraries to interface Ethereum networks/nodes and
deployed contracts from a variety of programming languages (e.g. from JavaScript
using the official web3.js API/library, from Java using web3j,
from .NET using
etc.), in addition to native RPC/JSON communication.
So-called “light nodes” can interact with the network without downloading the
entire blockchain;
Ethereum implementations can run on very constrained
The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the EVM bytecode are subject to
intensive research into formal verification,
theorem proving,
and security
The by-design ability to write smart contracts not only in Solidity, but in any
language for which a compiler to the EVM bytecode exists (e.g. in Vyper or
offers a similar potential as the Java VM/bytecode: beyond Java itself,
other programming languages (e.g. Kotlin, Scala) can step in and integrate.
Using Quorum, it is possible to utilize an equivalent to the privacy-preserving
concepts of “channels” and “private data” in Hyperledger Fabric.
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The concept of “gas” to pay for processing of transactions, which incentivizes
economical and performance-oriented code and ensures that the execution duration
is bounded.
At the same time, it should be mentioned that blockchain-native tokens and assets can be
added to most ledger implementations, though with the risk of “reinventing the wheel.Other
products may also provide more choices with regard to mainstream programming languages for
smart contracts (e.g. Hyperledger Fabric, which supports Go, Java, and JavaScript), while
Solidity is complex and the dominant smart contract programming language available in
Ethereum, so it has to be learned no matter which other languages are already known to a person.
In this context, an often-cited disadvantage of using Ethereum is that, “out of the box,” it is
an unpermissioned (permissionless) blockchain: theoretically, everyone (within the consortium)
is free to set up one or several nodes and to participate and potentially every participant (and
every node) is equal-righted. Technically, there is no PKI-based authentication and
authorization in Ethereum (e.g. unlike in Hyperledger Fabric), leading to
anonymity/pseudonymity. However, there are two levels of protection in place for our
implementation of the rail control prototype: at the network level, protection consists of
restricting access to nodes based on a whitelist. Additionally, at the level of smart contracts and
assets, Ethereum’s concepts and the Solidity language for smart contracts provide built-in
mechanisms of ownership, delegation, and custom-defined permissions for custom-defined
assets and contracts.
8. The Prototype Implementation of the Blockchain-Based Control Core
To validate our approach, we looked for a physical system that would be as close as possible to
a real-life mainline railway. At the proof-of-concept stage, using a real railway would incur
risks that could affect human lives, and a “secluded” full-scale test setup was not available. As
a replacement, the Darmstadt training facility for infrastructure operators
(“Eisenbahnbetriebsfeld Darmstadt” near Frankfurt am Main, known as EBD, cf. Figure 3) was
a very good opportunity:
The facility is a long-standing joint venture between a research university (Technische
Universität Darmstadt) and the Deutsche Bahn AG (through its DB Netz AG
EBD is actively being used for academic teaching and railway research, having been
employed in a significant number of projects.
The EBD includes different generations of railway control equipment (from mechanical
to electronic), so it is clear which functionality of it our approach would replace.
The facility includes a large, complex model railway layout that is fully digital and
includes a variety of train material, working signals, and switches, as well as “section
occupation” information and “vehicle location” functionality (both can be used through
documented APIs and over established network protocols).
The existing localization software and hardware in the EBD, as well as the existing
implementation of train protection aspects (both trainside and trackside), would remain
as-is for our undertaking.
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The train control, dispatching, and interlocking were to be engineered using blockchain
technology, following the architecture described above and controlling the train
protection elements of the EBD.
We have decided in favor of the ready-to-use EBD and against a custom-made scale model
railway even though the model railway would be transportable and thus better suitable for on-
premise demonstrations. The reason to start with the EBD is that the reproducibility and
trustworthiness of our results from the perspective of domain specialists (both non-IT and IT)
is strengthened when using a validated, established third-party setup as a foundation. Our
implementation supplies train control and dispatching functionality that works “on top of” the
EBD-provided interfaces. Our contribution includes additional detailed checks not performed
by the EBD software itself: e.g. we ensure that switches are in the correct position and locked
also for the “converging” direction of travel (and not only in the “diverging” direction of travel,
which is naturally mandatory), at any speed of the train.
In particular, our implementation takes care of ensuring safety: it controls switches and
signaling, and ensures that a train’s right of way is secured against the effects of other trains.
While our system controls the trackside equipment of the EBD, it is the EBD’s proven interplay
between trackside and trainside hardware and software which ensures that an EBD train is
brought to a halt if the train were to try to violate safety rules (e.g. by trying to enter a section
blocked by other train). In other words, our implementation controls the ATP provided by the
As the EBD is a scale model of the current, centralized mode of railway operations, the
EBD’s model locomotives cannot be active participants of the blockchain-based approach: they
do not have computing power or communication facilities, even for lightweight API-based
access to blockchain nodes. In fact, even the trainside safety aspects (such as emergency full-
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stop if a red signal is passed) are virtualized inside the EBD by the central control logic of the
model railway. To enable humans (i.e. train drivers) to “reserve” paths (i.e. necessary sequences
of infrastructure elements for the specified time), we provide a graphical UI which visualizes
every step, from wayfinding over payment to the actual usage. For automated operation, the
underlying input (departure and arrival points and times) may be provided by passengers or by
operators from the train-owning railway undertaking.
The UML sequence diagram in Figure 4 shows the steps involved in a successful reservation
of a multi-resource travel path. The release of the infrastructure elements can be “as quick as
possible” (as soon as the train has passed them, which increases availability), or can be triggered
later (including “implicit release” when the reservation expires, provided that there is no active
usage of the infrastructure element).
The route-finding on throughput-constrained, weighted/priced and time-aware graphs is
already solved by several libraries and products. In our approach, the current and future
reservations are stored on a distributed ledger; at the time of writing, there were no libraries that
would expose such route-finding functionality directly on ledger-stored graphs. Thus, we have
used a rather simple JavaScript library for finding potential routes, but JGraphT is one of the
more elaborate candidates.
Available routes (a subset of potentially possible routes) are then
determined on the basis of the ledger-stored reservations.
Both the graph search and the subsequent reservation are subject to transactional concerns
such as atomicity, consistency, isolation, and optimistic/pessimistic locking. For example, if the
set of the potential routes (which are found by a train) is not locked, there is a probability that
another train will book a part of that potential route. Then, by the time that the initial train
decides to book a potential route, it may have become unavailable.
Such problems are not DLT-specific and are solved in different ways (optimistic,
speculative, pessimistic, time-constrained locking) in existing systems. To keep our prototype
implementation simple, we did not implement pessimistic transaction locking but instead act in
an optimistic way: we accept the possibility of a “booking failure” if the selected potential route
has become unavailable in between (some or all segments, that is). In such a case, the
wayfinding and reservation attempts are simply repeated.
Likewise, for the initial implementation iteration, we chose to live with possible side effects
of non-atomic behavior, when a route with multiple resources is booked: if the first resource
booking(s) succeed but a following resource booking fails, the already-booked segments of the
chosen route are “released” (un-reserved). Then, the train has to try again.
Including locking and transactionality into the booking contract is of course possible, but
we decided to do it once the technology stack for the next version of the approach has been re-
evaluated: we are investigating ledgers such as Quorum, Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda and
others because they offer sub-groups (“channels”) so that not all information is broadcast to
every node in the network.
Railway-operating software is subject to strict norms (e.g. EN 50128, 50129) and safety
integrity level (SIL) procedures. In addition to rigorous testing, formal verification may be
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required to prove the suitability of both platform components and application components, as a
prerequisite to certification. These tasks will be part of our future work.
Some Blockchain implementations do not prohibit or (as Ethereum) even explicitly support
forks: branches which make the ledger a non-linear, tree-like structure. A fork marks a “split”
where state changes are non-serialized and two branches can contain two conflicting statements
about the same item. Forks can be intentional,
but fork-like situations can also happen if the
network splits in two parts with no interconnections between them: each network part develops
Fig. 4. Sequence diagram of the path reservation logic (excerpt, simplified view).
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DOI 10.5915/LEDGER.2020.158
its own version of the ledger. Obviously, forks (or a nonlinear blockchain without consistency
checks) bring the risk of ambiguitysomething that must be avoided in train control.
When we chose Ethereum for the prototype implementation, we were aware of the
possibility of forks on the public ledgerand even as we are using a consortial, non-public
setup, network partitioning cannot be fully excluded. As part of our future work, we plan to
conduct a deeper evaluation of other DLT technologies and products, and avoidance of forks as
well as the detection/avoidance of network partitions will be a key evaluation criterion.
While the Ethereum blockchain has the “replicate everything on each full node” principle,
it is possible to reduce the data load (e.g. through sharding)
and participants can use
asymmetric cryptography to encrypt private information passed over an unencrypted medium
(DLT), given that the public keys (for the encryption part) are already available as part of the
wallet. Other enterprise-grade DLT/Blockchain stacks (such as Hyperledger Fabric from the
Linux Foundation) offer further facilities for privacy scoping, e.g. channels.
9. Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we have introduced blockchain-based decentralized railway control and the case
study of its prototype implementation, which combines traditional safety mechanisms (train
control and protection, interlocking) with cutting-edge IT. As a result, trains can determine
possible routes and book them directly (both ad-hoc and in advance), based on transparent and
binding smart contracts which ensure conflict-free resource booking. At the same time, our
approach coexists with centralized batch planning that produces long-term timetables, and
which integrates pre-planned construction sites across railway undertakings. For our case study,
the prototype implementation has proven that the concept is viable, as demonstrated in the EBD
training facility control center in Darmstadt.
As the ledger lists all binding recordings of the current status and of the advance
reservations, a train-to-train economy without the risk of double-spending, deniability, or
repudiation can be established. The trains, infrastructure elements, and other vehicles can
participate in the asset exchange in an autonomous way, or using “human proxies” from the
train-operating companies, train drivers and administrative staff; the machines become
proactive members of the transportation network. Essential parts of the specialized hardware,
software and infrastructureinterlocking, signals, and control centerscan be streamlined,
slimmed, merged, and redesigned to be more fault-tolerant through replication and failover.
In combination with the ledger immutability and the unambiguous assignment of actions
and assets to an identity, a virtual but trusted identity and a trusted curriculum vitae (CV) can
be created and traced. Every part of the ecosystem (whether static or moving) becomes
identifiable and possesses a history. Such data opens up new opportunities, e.g. in digital and
predictive maintenance and in cross-enterprise asset exchange. Also, certain necessary
administrative processes can be greatly simplified by using the virtual wallet for immediate
monetary transactions. Vehicle usage and infrastructure services can be billed automatically;
charges and reservation fees are paid seamlessly step by step, in the same system. Switches and
other track elements as participants of the blockchain can receive payments.
Future research work will perform a quantitative comparison between the classic
(centralized) and the novel (decentralized) solutions. The approach and the case study presented
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in this paper are not yet fully featured or fully implemented to executed comparative
experiments and to measure metrics.
To enable a quantitative comparison, we will first scale our feasibility study to real-world
railway operations, starting with a “shadow” mode (non-authoritative, passive mode) in a
constrained operation scopewe target small branch railways with legacy control technology,
which are due for upgrade but where the costs and complexity of contemporary, conventional,
and centralized technology are prohibitive.
At this stage, it is not possible to quantify cost savings, or to predict a cost-benefit ratio. As
the work progresses, we will address this question, and calculate business cases both for low-
volume lines with legacy technology and for larger networks with intensive traffic. We hope
that an open architecture and a collaborative approach (including vendors and railway operators)
will spread the development costs over many shoulders.
From a scientific point of view, we plan to employ the blockchain in combination with multi-
agent systems (MAS) and IoT middleware to study the effectiveness of our blockchain-based,
autonomic peer-to-peer economy for railway operations. Efficiency, flexibility aspects such as
the trading of priorities, additional stops for ensuring trip connections and passenger transfer,
and surge pricing or seamless on-demand offers in passenger and freight transport are on our
agenda, up to macroeconomic effects (e.g. modal split shift).
From the implementation point of view, we will start with overcoming the limitations of
Ethereum: other frameworks and consensus mechanisms will be evaluated and, if necessary,
integrated based on specific requirements (such as robustness against network partitioning and
against forks). Also, we plan to study whether using sidechains or state channels (to reduce the
workload on the chain) would be suitable without compromising safety, security, and
From the deployment point of view, we are considering a trial with full-scale real-life
equipment, e.g. in marshalling yards with remote-controllable unmanned mini-shunters or on
secondary lines with manageable complexity and little traffic. The focus would be to bring the
entire approach into an operational state and to investigate scalability, resilience and
performance (latency, throughput, resource usage). Likewise, interaction and coexistence with
ETCS and earlier signaling/safety systems would be studied. For this scenario, we aim at a close
interaction and collaboration with the government-devised regulation authorities.
In parallel to the use of blockchain for decentralized control models for dispatching, the
power of the method in railway operation lies in the field of maintenance and service. These
tasks are highly labor-intensive, cost-intensive, and time-consuming. A huge number of existing
delays and other shortcomings are directly or indirectly attributable to this area. A
comprehensive digitization of this field includesin addition to the sensory recording of the
states of all components in real timethe proof of the execution of repairs and maintenance as
well as the documentation and traceability of the individual steps. The digital twin of a train or
the digital twin of a component of the infrastructure is therefore time-dependent. Its dynamics
can be understood as an autogenerated CV of the corresponding component realized by
blockchain technology.
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Malte Plescher provided improvement suggestions and contributed to several rounds of
extensive paper reviews. Michael Leining, Michael Ziemek, and Christian Klug provided
valuable specialist feedback and helped set up the project. Karl Schöpf organized the funding
for the project and contributed to the project scoping. Holger Kötting and Jan Niklas Dornbach
were very helpful in making use of the software and hardware of the Eisenbahnbetriebsfeld
Darmstadt (EBD) and also provided us with documentation and code samples. Niklas
Armbruster, Simon Dosch, Christoph-Samuel Pitter, and Frank Polster contributed to the
implementation. Steffen Ortolf contributed to resource planning and project management.
Patrick Charrier challenged the design and provided valuable assistance at different stages.
Author Contributions
MK designed the architecture, led the implementation, researched related work and prepared
the manuscript (80%). DK supplied additional domain knowledge and research material (10%).
SJ contributed the aspects of maintenance and trusted CVs for the trains and their parts (10%).
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... Through real-time data collection, analysis, and communication, railway systems can exploit more informed decision-making, reducing congestion, minimizing errors, and improving overall outcomes. Blockchain technology introduces major advantages from conventional systems by providing a decentralized solution for ticketing [41], and also railway control [42]. Our approach empowers the system with Digital Twin capabilities, establishing a bi-directional connection with the real environment, as shown in Figure 2. Starting from the bottom, the figure depicts the scenario in which various actors participate and interact with the system accordingly. ...
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Digitalization triggered a transformation in our society, leveraging recent innovations introduced by digital technologies to empower real systems with advanced capabilities. Blockchain emerged as a disruptive technology to advance trustless scenarios by enforcing data immutability and change traceability. Deployed in the Blockchain, smart contracts support such transformation, enhancing the application logic toward a trust scenario. Bug in the smart contract can lead to irreversible consequences, producing faulty transactions or unexpected behaviors. Furthermore, the immutable nature of the Blockchain restricts the ability to make updates if unforeseen circumstances or necessary modifications arise. For these reasons, smart contracts' continuous inspection and improvement are fundamental to prevent and react to such issues. In this context, Digital Twin is an emerging approach for creating virtual replicas of assets, processes, or systems. By establishing a bi-directional connection, Digital Twin reflects the twinned entity state while simulating its behavior to enable an iterative evolution. In this paper, we propose an approach that exploits Digital Twin capabilities to support dynamic smart contract improvements. By monitoring and analyzing transactions, Digital Twin can suggest possible refinements to the developers by discovering smart contract inconsistencies or deviations from the expected behavior. Those improvements can refer to a change in logic or parameter optimization. These change proposals are then evaluated in the Digital Twin approach, which eventually updates the smart contract on the Blockchain. We assess the feasibility of the proposed approach using a train management application related to the smart transportation domain.
... Blockchain technology can address challenges in the hiring process and enhance trust in Human Resource Management (HRM) [17]. Blockchain-based CVs store employees' CVs on the blockchain as certificates, record every change or addition to the CV, create an auditable trail of corrections and valuations, provide future employers with a verifiable CV, automate workflow management, address platform integration issues, and monetize legacy data [18]. In the public sector, where job security is high, blockchain can enhance transparency and trust in HR processes. ...
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Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize HRM procedures, but its impact on hiring, onboarding, and performance reviews remains unknown. This study uses a quantitative research approach, involving an employee, organizational leader, and HR professional survey, to quantify the influence of blockchain on HR productivity, assess its protection of confidential HR information, and improve personnel management transparency. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) are used to examine data from businesses that have integrated blockchain technology into their HRM systems. The results show that blockchain effectively protects HR data, ensures privacy, and enhances transparency in employee records, certifications, and career advancement tracking. Transparency is the second most important factor correlated with blockchain adoption, after privacy. These findings provide valuable advice for businesses considering or navigating the use of blockchain technology in HR administration. Future research should focus on off-boarding procedures, such as updating employment records, managing payroll, and conducting exit interviews.
... In addition, part of the literature focuses on the transversal applications that blockchain can have across the railway systems. Blockchain is expected to support operations through improved information-driven alternatives to current traffic management, signalling, and maintenance systems (Easton, 2021;Kuperberg et al., 2020;Mu et al., 2019), while its application to identity authentication process can provide benefits to Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) systems (Zhu et al., 2021). In the context of urban rail transit, the technology can provide the framework for accurate prediction of rail transit passenger flow (Shen et al., 2020) and reduce the supervision and management costs associated (Xiaodong et al., 2020). ...
... This survey only contained a small number of people involved. Machine to machine, WORM semantics, EBD software 206 This paper has stressed the monitoring of the life-cycle approach in railway control operations using BC technology. ...
As an emerging technology, Blockchain (BC) has been playing a promising role in today's Software Defined-Networking (SDN)-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Because of the salient feature of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) techniques, SDN can ensure an IoT system runs efficiently and smoothly in a cloud-driven ecosystem. When cloud-enabled systems encounter immense security and operational challenges caused mainly by third-party dependency, large-scale data communication, and maintenance, BC offers effective and robust data transfer solutions without incorporating intermediaries over the distributed network. With the increased SDN-BC convergence in the IoT domain, the underlying challenges and perspectives deserve proper attention methodically and structurally. From the motivation of addressing such issues, this study provides necessary insights to combine those for successful plug-and-play. Therefore, the study includes purposefully investigating current state-of-the-art to extract the research trends, future directions, and perspectives in this domain. This study provides a comprehensive survey of IoT, SDN, NFV, and BC-enabled emerging technologies. More importantly, the authors intelligently integrated the four different technologies-IoT, SDN, BC, and NFV based on characteristics, scopes, challenges, taxonomies, and tables in numerous areas. Initially , the authors introduce the SDN-IoT ecosystem in brief and address the features and applications. We took a close look at the SDN's overall taxonomy based on security , environment, scopes, and challenges. We also briefly describe the integration of SDN-IoT with the NFV ecosystems. Moreover, we review the prospect of BC technology from security perspectives, its extent, challenges of practical implementation, and the possible integration of IoT regarding smart applications. Finally, this study highlights several future directions based on these technologies.
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Today, the majority of rail vehicles are still controlled by locomotive or motor train drivers. Although the advantages of the tracks are clearly evident in this process, the human factor and the resulting errors can have an impact on the safety of the sub-sector. Different but interdependent safety levels are intended to reduce the number of incidents coming from such errors. Advances in engineering science can raise safety standards, but the question arises as to how far this can reduce human error in the driving process and what additional safety factors can play a role in increasing safety. This article seeks to answer these questions. / A vasúti járművek többségének mozgását ma még mozdony-, illetve motorvonatvezetők irányítják. Bár a kötött pálya előnye ebben a folyamatban kifejezetten jelentkezik, ugyanakkor az emberi tényező és az ebből eredeztethető hibák kihatnak az alágazat közlekedési biztonságára. Az ilyen hibákból bekövetkező rendkívüli események számát hivatottak csökkenteni a különböző, de egymásra épülő biztonsági szintek. A műszaki tudományok fejlődésével a biztonság színvonala emelhető, kérdésként merül fel ugyanakkor, hogy ez által az emberi hibák mennyire csökkenthetők a járművezetés folyamatában, illetve milyen plusz biztonsági tényezők játszhatnak szerepet a biztonság növelésében. A cikk ezekre a kérdésekre próbál választ adni.
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As an emerging technology, blockchain (BC) has been playing a promising role in today's software‐defined networking (SDN)‐enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Because of the salient feature of the network function virtualization (NFV) techniques, SDN can ensure an IoT system runs efficiently and smoothly in a cloud‐driven ecosystem. When cloud‐enabled systems encounter immense security and operational challenges caused mainly by third‐party dependency, large‐scale data communication, and maintenance, BC offers effective and robust data transfer solutions without incorporating intermediaries over the distributed network. With the increased SDN‐BC convergence in the IoT domain, the underlying challenges and perspectives deserve proper attention methodically and structurally. From the motivation of addressing such issues, this study provides necessary insights to combine those for successful plug‐and‐play. Therefore, the study includes purposefully investigating current state‐of‐the‐art to extract the research trends, future directions, and perspectives in this domain. This study provides a comprehensive survey of IoT, SDN, NFV, and BC‐enabled emerging technologies. More importantly, the authors intelligently integrated the four different technologies—IoT, SDN, BC, and NFV based on characteristics, scopes, challenges, taxonomies, and tables in numerous areas. Initially, the authors introduce the SDN‐IoT ecosystem in brief and address the features and applications. We took a close look at the SDN's overall taxonomy based on security, environment, scopes, and challenges. We also briefly describe the integration of SDN‐IoT with the NFV ecosystems. Moreover, we review the prospect of BC technology from security perspectives, its extent, challenges of practical implementation, and the possible integration of IoT regarding smart applications. Finally, this study highlights several future directions based on these technologies.
Autonomous Train is increasingly attracting the interest of researchers and industrials due to its numerous advantages regarding security and safety, service improvement, and costs reduction. Nonetheless, the Autonomous Train still faces many challenges including safety and security, fleet coordination, interoperability, and traceability. In this paper, the disruptive technology Blockchain is explored for a potential adoption for Autonomous Train deployment in order to overcome some of the Autonomous Train challenges. Finally, an illustrative example of a potential Blockchain application in the Autonomous Train domain is presented.
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India had undertaken several logistics development agendas.Initiatives were aligned to improve the logistics infrastructure in India. Advancement in technology had also benefited the logistics sector. Logistics Performance Index (LPI) has been a multi-dimensional evaluation criterion developed by the World Bank to assess logistics capabilities of countries. The LPI score of India had been low. Regarding this, present research study aimed to analyse the poor performance of India in LPI and how the deployment of emerging technologies could help improve it. The findings were based on a questionnaire shared with five experts. Delphi technique was applied for this study. The prioritization was identified through Analytical Hierarchy Process. The key findings in this study were prioritization of application of emerging technologies for various sub-dimensions of infrastructure like roadways, railways, ports, airports, warehouse, and institution. Emerging technologies like cloud computing, blockchain, internet of things were emphasized by experts to improve the infrastructure of India.
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This paper reports a formal symbolic process virtual machine (FSPVM) denoted as FSPVM-E for verifying the reliability and security of Ethereum-based services at the source code level of smart contracts. A Coq proof assistant is employed for programming the system and for proving its correctness. The current version of FSPVM-E adopts execution-verification isomorphism, which is an application extension of Curry-Howard isomorphism, as its fundamental theoretical framework to combine symbolic execution and higher-order logic theorem proving. The four primary components of FSPVM-E include a general, extensible, and reusable formal memory framework, an extensible and universal formal intermediate programming language denoted as Lolisa, which is a large subset of the Solidity programming language using generalized algebraic datatypes, the corresponding formally verified interpreter of Lolisa, denoted as FEther, and assistant tools and libraries. The self-correctness of all components is certified in Coq. FSPVM-E supports the ERC20 token standard, and can automatically and symbolically execute Ethereum-based smart contracts, scan their standard vulnerabilities, and verify their reliability and security properties with Hoare-style logic in Coq.
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In recent publications, we presented a novel formal symbolic process virtual machine (FSPVM) framework that combined higher-order logic theorem proving and symbolic execution for verifying the reliability and security of smart contracts developed in the Ethereum blockchain system without suffering from standard issues surrounding reusability, consistency, and automation. A specific FSPVM, denoted as FSPVM-E, was developed in Coq based on a general, extensible, and reusable formal memory (GERM) framework, an extensible and universal formal intermediate programming language, denoted as Lolisa, and a corresponding formally verified interpreter for Lolisa, denoted as FEther. However, our past work has demonstrated that the execution efficiency of the standard development of FEther is extremely low. As a result, FSPVM-E fails to achieve its expected verification effect. The present work addresses this issue by first identifying three root causes of the low execution efficiency of formal interpreters. We then build abstract models of these causes, and present respective optimization schemes for rectifying the identified conditions. Finally, we apply these optimization schemes to FEther, and demonstrate that its execution efficiency has been improved significantly.
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The capability of executing so-called smart contracts in a decen- tralised manner is one of the compelling features of modern block- chains. Smart contracts are fully fledged programs which cannot be changed once deployed to the blockchain. They typically implement the business logic of distributed apps and carry billions of dollars worth of coins. In that respect, it is imperative that smart contracts are correct and have no vulnerabilities or bugs. However, research has identified different classes of vulnerabilities in smart contracts, some of which led to prominent multi-million dollar fraud cases. In this paper we focus on vulnerabilities related to integer bugs, a class of bugs that is particularly difficult to avoid due to some characteristics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the Solidity programming language. In this paper we introduce Osiris – a framework that combines symbolic execution and taint analysis, in order to accurately find integer bugs in Ethereum smart contracts. Osiris detects a greater range of bugs than existing tools, while providing a better specificity of its detection. We have evaluated its performance on a large experimental dataset containing more than 1.2 million smart contracts. We found that 42,108 contracts contain integer bugs. Besides being able to identify several vulnerabilities that have been reported in the past few months, we were also able to identify a yet unknown critical vulnerability in a couple of smart contracts that are currently deployed on the Ethereum blockchain.
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Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) technology is widely used for the development of intelligent distributed systems that manage sensitive data (e.g., ambient assisted living, healthcare, energy trading). To foster accountability and trusted interactions, recent trends advocate the use of blockchain technologies (BCT) for MAS. Although most of these approaches have only started exploring the topic, there is an impending need for establishing a research road-map, as well as identifying scientific and technological challenges in this scope. As a first necessary step towards this goal, this paper presents a systematic literature review of studies involving MAS and BCT as reconciling solutions. Aiming at providing a comprehensive overview of their application domains, we analyze motivations, assumptions, requirements, strengths, and limitations presented in the current state of the art. Moreover, discussing the future challenges, we introduce our vision on how MAS and BCT could be combined in different application scenarios.
This paper analyses the literature to identify ideas which may be applied to decentralized real-time railway traffic management. This system represents a new way for dealing with railway traffic perturbations in absence of a central decision maker. Specifically, we are interested in identifying techniques that may constitute suitable automatic mechanisms for the emergence of an effective system behaviour. In this literature review, we discuss the possibility of exploiting the existing research works on other transport modes. The analysis of these works makes it clear that real-time railway traffic management is very peculiar. Hence, we consider different approaches: hierarchical self organization, task allocation, reinforcement learning, consensus, auction and coopetition techniques. Some promising possibilities emerge, which we analyse proposing ideas for modelling decentralized real-time railway traffic management.
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Since the emergence of Bitcoin, blockchains (BCs) have been applied not only in the finance sector, but also in various other domains like health care, education or Industry 4.0 resulting in numerous different BC platforms and substantial research work. This plenty of efforts yielded to several valuable scientific surveys classifying and evaluating existing BC platforms. Although each of them puts forward a somewhat consolidated view on the field, it is still challenging to get rid of the "blockchain muddle" preventing even a common perception of the core functionality of BCs. Instead of providing yet another BC overview we conduct a meta survey of existing BC studies and report on lessons learned in this paper, being the basis for our vision towards a UML-based reference model considering both, structural and behavioral aspects of BCs and thereby identifying the nucleus of BCs.
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In this paper, we present a formal verification tool for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode. To precisely reason about all possible behaviors of the EVM bytecode, we adopted KEVM, a complete formal semantics of the EVM, and instantiated the K-framework's reachability logic theorem prover to generate a correct-by-construction deductive verifier for the EVM. We further optimized the verifier by introducing EVM-specific abstractions and lemmas to improve its scalability. Our EVM verifier has been used to verify various high-profile smart contracts including the ERC20 token, Ethereum Casper, and DappHub MakerDAO contracts.
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One of the fundamental challenges that hinder further adaption of decentralized cryptocurrencies is scalability. Because current cryptocurrencies require that all transactions are processed and stored on a distributed ledger -- the so-called blockchain -- transaction throughput is inherently limited. An important proposal to significantly improve scalability are off-chain protocols, where the massive amount of transactions is executed without requiring the costly interaction with the blockchain. Examples of off-chain protocols include payment channels and networks, which are currently deployed by popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. A further extension of payment networks envisioned for cryptocurrencies are so-called state channel networks. In contrast to payment networks that only support off-chain payments between users, state channel networks allow execution of arbitrary complex smart contracts. The main contribution of this work is to give the first full specification for general state channel networks. Moreover, we provide formal security definitions and prove the security of our construction against powerful adversaries. An additional benefit of our construction is the use of channel virtualization, which further reduces latency and costs in complex channel networks.
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As blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies increase in popularity, their decentralization poses unique challenges in network partitions. In traditional distributed systems, network partitions are generally a result of bugs or connectivity failures; the typical goal of the system designer is to automatically recover from such issues as seamlessly as possible. Blockchain-based systems, however, rely on purposeful "forks" to roll out protocol changes in a decentralized manner. Not all users may agree with proposed changes, and thus forks can persist, leading to permanent network partitions. In this paper, we closely study the large-scale fork that occurred in Ethereum, a new blockchain technology that allows for both currency transactions and smart contracts. Ethereum is currently the second-most-valuable cryptocurrency, with a market capitalization of over $28B. We explore the consequences of this fork, showing the impact on the two networks and their mining pools, and how the fork lead to unintentional incentives and security vulnerabilities.