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Synthesis and characterization of PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite by using laser ablation technique


Abstract and Figures

The PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite have been synthesized effectively by pulsed laser ablation liquid (PLAL) as a considered to be environmentally friendly and free of residues from chemical reactions. The high excellence silver plate (99.99%) and graphite plate (99.99%) was immersed in the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution and irradiated with the Nd-YAG laser at wavelength 1064 nm, power 160 mJ for the silver plate and 80mJ for graphite plate, reiteration rate 6 Hz, 10 ns pulse width and 300 pules for graphite plate and 700 pulse for silver plate. The pure of PVA, PVA-Graphene and PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite were investigated using UV-VIS spectroscopy, FTIR and SEM. The absorption spectra of PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite show the presence of two peaks one 0.4 at 272 and second 0.47 at 403 nm. The optical energy gap (Eg) decreased from 5eV of a pure PVA to 4.6eV of a PVA-G-Ag for indirect allowed transition and therefore, decreased from 4.4eV of a pure PVA to 4.1eV of a PVA-G-Ag for indirect forbidden transition. The transmittance and absorption coefficient have been determined. The SEM images confirmed that homogenous composite without aggregation of the components. The average size of nanoparticles of GNPs and AgNPs for PVA-G and PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite was 130 and 115 nm respectively. The FTIR has demonstrated that the connection between the graphene, silver and polymer network was enough to have stable nanocomposite. This investigation demonstrates that the pulse laser ablation decent instrument to decorated metals on the graphene with the presence of the polymer.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Synthesis and characterization of PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite by
using laser ablation technique
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
Synthesis and characterization of PVA-Graphene-Ag
nanocomposite by using laser ablation technique
Musaab Khudhur Mohammed, Ghaleb Al-Dahashand Amer Al-Nafiey
University of Babylon, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Physics,
University of Babylon, College of science for women, Department of Laser Physics, Iraq
Abstract The PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite have been synthesized effectively by pulsed laser ablation liquid
(PLAL) as a considered to be environmentally friendly and free of residues from chemical
reactions. The high excellence silver plate (99.99%) and graphite plate (99.99%) was
immersed in the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution and irradiated with the Nd-YAG laser
at wavelength 1064 nm, power 160 mJ for the silver plate and 80mJ for graphite plate,
reiteration rate 6 Hz, 10 ns pulse width and 300 pules for graphite plate and 700 pulse for
silver plate. The pure of PVA, PVA-Graphene and PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite
were investigated using UV-VIS spectroscopy, FTIR and SEM. The absorption spectra of
PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite show the presence of two peaks one 0.4 at 272 and
second 0.47 at 403 nm. The optical energy gap (Eg) decreased from 5eV of a pure PVA to
4.6eV of a PVA-G-Ag for indirect allowed transition and therefore, decreased from 4.4eV
of a pure PVA to 4.1eV of a PVA-G-Ag for indirect forbidden transition. The
transmittance and absorption coefficient have been determined. The SEM images
confirmed that homogenous composite without aggregation of the components. The
average size of nanoparticles of GNPs and AgNPs for PVA-G and PVA-G-Ag
nanocomposite was 130 and 115 nm respectively. The FTIR has demonstrated that the
connection between the graphene, silver and polymer network was enough to have stable
nanocomposite. This investigation demonstrates that the pulse laser ablation decent
instrument to decorated metals on the graphene with the presence of the polymer.
Keywords: graphene, AgNPs, PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite, Laser ablation
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
1. Introduction
The graphene structure has been one of the remarkable discovery in modern physics over the past 14
years. The graphene has been prepared for the first time by the Geim A. K in 2004 which opened many
application [1]. Since that time, there has been a lot of research on this discovery [2]. Because the
graphene has been discovered as a result, Geim A. K. and et. al. acquired the Nobel Prize in Physics in
2010 [3-4].
Graphene is define as a monolayer of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms structured in a honeycomb lattice.
The hybridized orbitals form strong -bonds in the plane and un-hybridized p-orbitals overlap with
neighboring atoms to form -bond. While the -bond is responsible for the most of the structural integrity
of graphene, the -bond determines optical and electronic properties. The interaction of graphene with
electromagnetic wave is attractive because of the excellent band structure of graphene and the two-
dimensional confinement of electrons [5]. It has other fundamental highlights, comprising of wonderful
optical transmittance ( 97.3%)[6]. Graphene has been prepared in several methods like, chemical vapor
deposition CVD [7], micro-mechanical exfoliation [8], epitaxial growth of silicon carbide pyrolysis [9],
and reduction of the oxidized graphite [10], graphite intercalation [11] and electrochemical technique [12].
These techniques aren’t eco-friendly, including multi-steps and needed strong reducing agents. On the
opposite hand, the pulsed laser ablation liquid (PLAL) it’s a few benefits like cleanness, simplicity, and
easily synthesis particle in nanoscale [13].
In view of low Young’s modulus esteem, that a few polymers show can be expanded essentially upon
the homogeneous joining of graphene, in this manner making polymer/graphene nanocomposites
appealing for a scope of utilizations. Polymer- graphene (reduced graphene oxide) nanocomposites as an
important materials form for photonic and optoelectronic devices, like graphene-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
nanocomposite films were fabricated by different techniques like, solution cast method [14], simple
solution method [15], a facial aqueous solution[16], while many efforts have been accomplished, which
include graphene and diverse metallic nanoparticles, like gold(Au) [17], silver(Ag) [18] and copper (Cu)
In this paper, we proposition a novel method to fabrication PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite by the pulsed
laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) with the less pulse laser energy and short ablation time.
2. Experiment
.1 Preparation of graphite (G) plate
The measure of graphite powder (5g) (99.99% quality; Interchimiques SA, France) it was a compressed
with a hydraulic piston after cleaning the cylinder with ethanol, under pressure 20 MPa with width 2 cm
and thickness (2 mm), after that it was annealing for 4 hours at 450°C, for strengthening. A graphite plate
was cleaned utilizing a cleaned paper, to evacuate the debasements and afterward washed with ethanol and
refined water.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
2.2 Preparation of silver (Ag) plate
The measure of silver powder (5g) (99.99% quality; Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) was pressured with a
hydraulic piston after cleaning the cylinder with ethanol, under pressure 22 MPa with width 2 cm and
thickness (2 mm), after that it was annealing for one hour at 500°C, for strengthening. A silver plate was
cleaned utilizing a cleaned paper, to evacuate the debasements and afterward washed with ethanol and
refined water.
2.3 Preparation of solvent of Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA)
0.5 g of Polyvinyl alcohol that (molecular weight 18000 g/mol, temperature of glass 75oC and density
1.18g/cm3) has been solvent in 30 ml of deionized water with magnetic stirrer and temperature 50oC for
30 minute.
2.4 Syntheses of PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite by laser ablation in liquid
The prepared graphite plate was immersed in 2 mm under the liquid surface on a bracket in a glass vessel
filled with 5 ml of the PVA solution and then, the graphite plate was exposed by (300) pulses using a
pulsed Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser. The pulse duration of 10 ns and 6 Hz repetition rate at wavelength
1064 nm with an energy of 80 mJ per pulse as shown in Figure.1. This colloid solutions PVA-G
nanocomposite will redecorate with Ag NPs by immersed Ag target in this nanocomposite solution and
exposed by (700) pulses and energy of 160 mJ from the same Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser..
The optical properties have been determined by utilizing a UV-VIS-NIR (UV/1800/Shimadzu
spectrophotometer) in the wavelength range of (200-1100) nm for the colloid straight and for the scanning
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses the samples
were prepared as a thin film by spin coating method with speed 500 rpm/sec for 20 seconds on a silicon
3. Result and discussion
The absorption spectra of a pure PVA, PVA-Graphene and PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite are
shown in Figure.2. The figure shows that the absorption peak 0.29 at 274nm for the PVA-G
nanocomposite due to –* transition of C=C band [20]. These absorption peaks are observed due to
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) in the free electron cloud of carbonaceous material  electrons [21].
The absorption peak at 274 nm in oxidized graphite is a characteristic feature of graphene [22], while
PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite displays two peaks, one 0.4 at 272 nm and another 0.48 at 403 nm.
The main peak of graphene (G) has a violet shift 2 nm, this shift of absorption peak toward shorter
wavelength (violet shift) indicates the decreased particle size and vice versa [23]. This result agree with
the authors [24].
The optical transmittance of a pure PVA, PVA-Graphene and PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite, has
been determined by using the relation (1) [25]:
T = 10-A (1)
where A: is the absorbance
The transmittance are appeared in Figure 3. The figures show that the transmittance decreased from 98%
of a pure PVA to 94% of PVA-G nanocomposite. This decreased was attributed to the presence of the
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
monolayer graphene, while the transmittance decreased to 88% for the PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite. This
influence due to some absorption in that wavelength range (272 and 403nm). This result is agreement with
the authors [26].
To determine the absorption coefficient spectra () for the three samples by using the relation (2) [27]:
 (2)
Where A: is absorbance and t: is film thickness.
So, Figure.4 show that the absorption coefficient of the three samples. This figure show that the absorption
coefficient of PVA-G and PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite increased compared to the pure of PVA. The values
of  is less than 104cm-1, this indicate that the composites have indirect energy gap [28].
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
By using the following relation (3) to calculated optical energy gap (Eg) [29].
 = A ( h E g)r/h (3)
To determine the (Eg) is to scheme a chart between (h)rand photon energy (h) and find the value of the
r which provides the best line diagram are shown in Figure.5. The estimations of optical band hole are
chosen by extrapolating the straight pieces of these relations to the h axis and recorded in Table.1. The
(Eg)‘ decreased with the increasing of graphene and graphene-silver respectively. The variety of the
determined estimation of the energy hole may reflect the role of graphene and graphene-silver in a
variable the electronic structure of the polymeric grid because of the presence of different polaronic and
defect levels. Expansion the graphene and graphene-silver substance may bring about the restricted
conditions of different shading communities to stretching out in the versatility hole. This association may
demonstrate the decline in the energy hole when the including graphene and graphene-silver respectively
to the PVA. This result is agreement with the authors [30]
(a) (b)
Table 1. The value of energy gap for a pure PVA, PVA-G and PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite
Component Allowed Eg(eV) Forbidden Eg(eV)
Pure PVA 5 4.4
PVA-G 4.8 4.2
PVA-G-Ag 4.7 4.1
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) used to show the morphologies for a pure PVA, PVA-Graphene
and PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite are appeared in Figure.6. This Figure. a show that the image for a
pure PVA was homogenous due to the spin coating method. The SEM images of PVA-G and PVA-G-Ag
nanocomposite in Figure. b show that the GNPs are uniformly spread inside the PVA matrix and the
average size nanoparticle was 130 nm, while the adding of AgNPs and GNPs to the PVA matrix was
apparently noticeable from Figure. c and the average size nanoparticle was 115 nm. From this images of
the SEM has been confirmed the incorporation for the PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite that deal with the result
of the absorption spectra of this nanocomposite. The microstructural attributes of their materials
demonstrated that the G was fairly scattered consistently in the grid even at higher focus because of the
solid interfacial communications with the lattice and the turn drying strategy which was utilized during
their answer mixing system are appeared in Figure.7
(a) (b)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
(a) (b)
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was utilized to show data about the compound holding
in the recently created nanomaterials. Figure.8 shows FTIR for pure PVA, pure graphite and PVA-G-Ag
nanocomposite individually.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
In the pure PVA, there are peaks at (3295, 2937, 1713,1240,1140,1086 and 832) cm1 clearly observed,
but is missing in the graphite spectra that have only strong peak at 1086 cm-1 has observed and for PVA-
G-Ag nanocomposite spectrum, peaks at (3292, 2895,2359,1660,1200 and 1086) cm1 observed without
four peaks are missing (1713, 1240, 1140 and 832) cm1 , additionally, the peaks 3295 cm1 and 2937
cm1 had been shifted for lower wavenumber and new peaks at (2359, 1660 and 1200) cm1 has been
In all spectrums, the 3295 cm1 and 3292 cm1 due to O–H stretching vibration of carboxyl groups and the
absorbed water this absorption peak is shifted to 3292 cm-1[31], a lower wavenumber with the addition
of graphene. Meanwhile, the stretching vibration at 2937 cm-1 and 2895 cm-1 belonging to C–H2[32,33].
The vibration at 1660 cm-1, 1200 cm-1 and 1086 cm-1 are allocated to C=C stretching, and C–O
stretching[34,35], respectively with higher intensity in the PVA-G-Ag nanocomposite spectrum than in
pure PVA and graphite spectrums, indicating that carbon bond between C, C and O has been established.
The above results prove the strong interfacial interaction between graphene and PVA.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (2020) 012012
IOP Publishing
In summary, we have utilized pulsed laser ablation liquid technique to fabricate PVA-G-Ag
nanocomposite using with less laser power and small laser beam spot sizes and less time ablation close to
2 minutes. The UV-Vis spectrum of PVA-Graphene-Ag nanocomposite show that two main peaks one 0.4
around 272 nm for G and second 0.48 around 403 nm for AgNPs which indicates that the formation PVA-
G-Ag nanocomposite. The energy gap decreased from 5 to 4.6 eV for allowed indirect transition and also
decreased from 4.4 to 4.1eV for forbidden indirect transition. The optical parameters such as transmittance
and absorption coefficient have been calculated. The SEM images confirmed the homogenous shape
without aggregations of prepared samples for pure PVA, PVA-Graphene, and PVA-Graphene-Ag
nanocomposite. The FTIR studies also gave the evidence regarding the formation of the nanocomposites,
where, FTIR has shown that the interaction between the graphene, silver and polymer matrix. This
investigation demonstrates that the pulse laser ablation a good instruments to decorated metals on
Praise be to Allah Lord of the World, and best prayers and peace upon him best messenger Mohammed,
his pure descendants, and his noble companions. Then, I would like to express my deep gratitude and
appreciation to my supervisors, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Dahash, Dr. Amer Al-Nafiey for their guidance,
suggestions, and encouragement throughout the research work.
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... The absorption coefficient (α) has been calculated by [21]: ...
... where A is the absorbance and d is the thickness. The band gap energy (Eg) is given by [21]: ...
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In this work, casting method was used to fabricate the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/ poly ethylene glycol (PEG) nanocomposite with different content of titanium nitrate nanoparticle (TiN NPs). This nanocomposite was analyzed to use a Spectrophotometry with a spectral region of 200-800 nm. The absorption enhances when the added TiN NPs to the polymeric matrix which may be used for various applications such as optoelectronic detector. The optical energy gap for indirect transition (allowed and forbidden) decreased as TiN NPs content increases. Moreover, all optical constants have been determined.
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The prevalence of bacterial infections has witnessed a notable rise in recent years, primarily attributed to the emergence of treatment-resistant strains of bacteria. Nanoparticles have emerged as a viable alternative for various medical procedures due to their nanometric size, which is strongly associated with a high antibacterial capacity. Polymer nanocomposite specimens were fabricated using the solution casting process. The specimens consisted of a polymer combination composed of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as the organic host matrix. These specimens were supplemented with varying amounts of silicon dioxide ( SiO2) and tin dioxide ( SnO2) at varied weight percentages (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%). This study investigated the morphological, structural, optical, and antimicrobial properties of (PVA-CMC-SiO2-SnO2) nanocomposites (NCs). Fourier transform infrared ray (FTIR) exhibits alterations in peak position and variations in shape and size. The findings derived from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements demonstrate a satisfactory level of distribution and uniformity in the surface morphology. The optical microscope images demonstrate that the dispersion of nanoparticles within the blend was homogeneous, forming a cohesive network throughout the polymer matrix. The energy gap for permissible and impermissible transitions decreases from (4.25 to 2.30) eV and (3.56 to 0.82) eV, respectively. The findings suggest a positive correlation between the concentrations of ( SiO2-SnO2) nanoparticles and the observed absorbance values, absorption coefficient, refractive index, dielectric constant (real and imaginary), and optical conductivity. The optical parameters: absorption coefficient(α), refractive index(n), extinction coefficient(k), real(ε1) and imaginary(ε2) parts of dielectric constants and optical conductivity(σop) for PVA-CMC enhanced about 110%, 13%, 114%, 29%, 100% and 84% respectively, with adding of the SiO2- SnO2 nanostructures(8 wt%) at a wavelength(λ = 400 nm), These results indicated that the (PVA-CMC-SiO2-SnO2) nanostructures may be promising materials for optoelectronics nanodevices. The (PVA-CMCSiO2- SnO2) nanocomposites were lastly investigated for antibacterial purposes. The antimicrobial activity of S. aureus and E. coli increased as the ratio of SiO2- SnO2 nanoparticles to PVA-CMC increased, resulting in inhibition zone values of 19 and 17 mm, respectively. Therefore, the findings of this study demonstrate the applicability and potential of nanocomposites for utilization in optoelectronics and medical fields.
... From this figure, the ԑ1, ԑ2 of the nanocomposite are rise with the rises of Ag NPs content. The rise in electrical polarization related to the influence of nanoparticles content in the sample caused this finding [24]. The ԑ1, ԑ2 of nanocomposite change with wavelength. ...
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A nanocomposite (PVA/PAA/Ag) was prepared by casting method in different concentration of the nanomaterial (Ag) represented by (2,4,6 and 8(%wt. the structural, optical and antibacterial characteristic were studied. The optical microscope (OM) proved the silver nanoparticles form a continuous network within the blend at a concentration of (8wt.%). SEM measurements reveal the surface morphology of the (PVA/PAA/Ag) nanocomposites films, which are homogeneous and coherent with aggregates or chunks scattered at random on the top surface. Optical measurement showed an increase in the absorbance with an increase in the concentration of the nanomaterial, while the transmission and gap of energy decreased, also the coefficient of absorption, coefficient of extinction, index of refractive, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants and optical conductivity are rising with the rise of the content of Ag NPs. The inhibition zone for gram-positive and gram-negative was increased with increase the content of Ag nanoparticles.
... The effect of nanoparticles on the properties of a polymer matrix has to be further studied in order to improve predictions of the final features of the composite [3]. Recently, composites of polymer and ceramic filler have drawn attention because of their appealing electronic and electrical properties [4]. Poly (methyl methacrylate, or PMMA) is distinguished by its ease of synthesis, electrical act, high transparency, small index of refractive, inflexibility, good mechanical assets, and favorable thermal parameters. ...
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A nanocomposite consisting of (PMMA/PS) polymeric blend was prepared with the nanomaterials (Al 2 O 3) by the casting method. The structural and dielectric characteristic were studied. The optical microscope photos demonstrated high homogeneousness and fine dispersal of Al 2 O 3 NPs inside the blend polymer films, as well as the formation of charge transfer complex. The FTIR indicate to a physical interference between the polymer matrix and nanoparticles. SEM images showed agglomeration of small and close packed group of elliptical particles on the surface of the polymeric matrix as a result of adding different number of Al 2 O 3 NPs. The insulator constant and the insulator loss of the (PMMA-PS/Al 2 O 3) nanocomposites reduce with the rise in frequency, while the A.C electrical conductivity increases with increase of the frequency. The insulator constant, insulator loss and A.C electrical conductivity of (PMMA-PS/Al 2 O 3) nanocomposites rises with raising of Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles concentrations. The dielectric constant, dielectric loss and A.C electrical conductivity after irradiation have high values compared before irradiation which attributed to the plasma interact with the molecular of these nanocomposites. As a results of their improved electrical conductivity after irradiation, polymeric nanocomposites have been proposed for use in electronic devices, sensors, and batteries.
... Graphene can act as an efficient support for dispersing the metal nanoparticles and preventing agglomeration [23][24][25].This is because the abundant surface functional groups (-OH, C-O-C, and -COOH) on graphene can provide reactive sites for the nucleation and binding of metal nanoparticles [26]. At present, various approaches have been developed for the fabrication of graphene-based materials [27][28][29][30][31]. The Electrical Explosion for Wire (EEW) method is a top-down approach that involves the application of a large amount of energy stored in a capacitor to a metal wire within a few microseconds to produce nanoparticles [32][33][34]. ...
Silver/graphene core/shell nanocomposites were synthesized through a one-step electric explosion of wire method using only silver wires and ethanol. The morphology of the graphene shell structures can be easily formed by alternating the solvent from deionized water to ethanol. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the size of the prepared silver/graphene core/shell nanocomposites was in the 10–110 nm range. The Raman spectra showed the formation of graphene shells on silver. A possible formation mechanism of the silver/graphene core/shell nanocomposites is proposed in this study. The crystallinity of the nanoparticles was investigated via X-ray diffraction. The graphene on the surfaces of the nanocomposites containing functional groups was analyzed through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses. Zeta potential and dynamic light scattering analyses were performed to determine the dispersion characteristics of the nanocomposites when redispersed in other solvents.
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In this paper, the ferrite Cux Ni1-x FeO3 when (x=0.1) has been prepared by the co-precipitation method and examined through the XRD -diffraction and confirming the face center cubic spinel phase (FCC) which attributed to the ferrite and found that these materials was Nano-scale. Then with different content of ferrite nanoparticle (1, 3and 5 wt.%) additive to the (PVP/PVA) polymer matrix to synthesis (PVP/PVA/ferrite) nanocomposite by using casting method and study the Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR), (FE-SEM) and UV-Vis. Spectrophotometer. The FTIR confirming that there is no interactions between (PVP/PVA) polymer matrix and ferrite nanoparticles for all the sample prepared. From FESEM, the uniform morphology dispersed of ferrite inside the PVP/PVA blend with spherically shaped nanoparticles and the average grain size increased with increasing of concentration of ferrite. The absorption, absorption coefficient, transmittance and indirect energy band gap has been investigate.
This work has demonstrated the preparation of graphene oxide (GO) using the hummer method, as well as the reduction of GO and the formation of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) using electron beam irradiation (EBI) treatment. Potential polymeric nanocomposite films are prepared from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and implanted with Ag NPs, GO, and reduced graphene oxide (r GO). X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the purity of the phase and the structure of the crystals. The functional groups and molecular vibration were clarified through Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis was used to determine the glass transition temperature, melting temperature, and heat enthalpy of the material. Furthermore, the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that the observed improvement in thermal stability is attributed to the strong interfacial interaction contacts between r GO and PVA caused by hydrogen bonding between the two materials. The optical bandgap of polymeric nanocomposite films was calculated using a UV-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer; it decreased from 5.7 eV of a pure PVA to 4.5 eV of a PVA/r GO at 100 k Gy for indirect allowed transition. Further, the dielectric characteristics of nanocomposite films are discussed in this study. Based on our results, the prepared PVA/r GO at 100 k Gy and PVA/r GO/Ag NPs at 50 kGy nano-composite films can find promising applications in optoelectronic devices.
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Polymethyl methacrylate films are prepared by casting method with various content of InCl3 (2, 4%). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical microscope are used to determine the structural properties. Transmittance that determined using UV-Visible spectrophotometer and optical parameters also calculated. Urbach energy values increase with the increasing of InCl3 and energy gap decreased from 3.849 eV of pure PMMA films to 3.230 eV of PMMA-4% InCl3. Dispersion parameters are determined using Wemple-DiDomenico model. Refractive index data at infinite wavelength was found to obey single oscillator model.
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In this study, the effect of adding antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) on optical properties of (PVA-PVP) has been studied. Samples have been deposited by adding different concentration Sb2O3 by using casting method. Absorbance and transmittance spectra has been recorded in the wavelength range 250-1100 nm. The outcome display that the transmittance decreased as Sb2O3 content increased. Optical constants of PVA-PVP-Sb2O3 composites increase with the increasing of Sb2O3 content. The energy band gap of PVA-PVP-Sb2O3 composites decreased as the Sb2O3 content increased.
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Pristine films of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) polymer blend filled with gradient contents of (MWCNTs) multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been prepared using ordinary casting technique. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) revealed the existence of main characteristic peaks corresponding to vibrational groups that characterized the synthesized samples. The interaction between nano-composite components was indicated by variation of main vibrational bands in the spectral range 1500-1750cm⁻¹. X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirms the structural modification in PVA/PVP matrix due to MWCNTs filling. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM (shows the presence of MWCNTs with a diameter between 80 and 30nm and length of about several micrometers. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) used to approve the homogenous nature of prepared samples. The absorption coefficient spectra show the appearance of two absorption peaks at 290 and 620nm attributed to n→π* and π→π* electronic transitions. The optical energy gap (E g) have been obtained from the indirect allowed transition. It was found that, E g decrease with increasing MWCNTs content. Analysis of refractive index n showed a normal dispersion in the wavelength range 866-2500nm, as well as an anomalous dispersion in the wavelength range 190-866nm. The oscillator parameters (oscillator energy and dispersion energy) were calculated. The decrease in optical energy gap and the increase in refractive index due to filling with MWCNTs suppose the possibility of their use in optical devices. © 2018 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association.
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Graphene is known as a wonder materials that can be used to enhance the properties of nanocomposites. In this work, PVA/Graphene nanocomposite was fabricated using simple solution method. The photograph of the nanocomposite samples shown the transparency of the sample reduced as the graphene content increase. The photograph also shown the PVA and the modified graphene are miscible and compatible. The XRD of the samples proved the exfoliation of graphene in the nanocomposite and the result of the thermal property improvement for the sample is confirmed by the TGA.
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In this article, a typical ultra-thin and super-flexible hybrid electrode was developed by integrating the encapsulation of silver nanowires (AgNWs) network between a monolayer graphene and polymer film as a sandwich structure. Compared with the reported flexible electrodes based on PET or PEN substrate, this unique electrode exhibits the superior optoelectronic characteristics (sheet resistance of 8.06 Ω/□ at 88.3% light transmittance ). Meanwhile, the specific up-to-bottom fabrication process could achieve the super-flat surface (RMS=2.58 nm), ultra-thin thickness(~8 μm thickness), high mechanical robustness and lightweight. In addition, the strong corrosion resistance and stability for the hybrid electrode were proved. With these advantages, we employ this electrode to fabricate the simple flexible organic light-emitting device (OLED) and perovskite solar cell device (PSC), which exhibit the considerable performance (best PCE of OLED=2.11cd/A2 ; best PCE of PSC=10.419%). All the characteristics of the unique hybrid electrode demonstrate its potential as high-performance transparent electrode candidate for flexible optoelectronic.
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The paper reports on the preparation of reduced graphene oxide/silver nanoparticles (rGO/AgNPs) nanocomposite through the reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and silver nitrate (AgNO3) using environmentally friendly L-arginine (Arg). The chemical composition of the resulting nanocomposite has been analyzed using transmission infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results indicated that Arg was incorporated in the rGO matrix. The morphology of the rGO/Arg/AgNPs composite has been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ag NPs with an average diameter of 20 nm are homogeneously distributed on crumpled graphene nanosheets. The electrocatalytic activity of the rGO/Arg/AgNPs hybrid nanomaterial has been investigated for the nonenzymatic detection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in PBS solution. The sensor displayed a detection limit of ≈50 μM over a wide linear range from 0.2 to 2.5 mM with a sensitivity of 1.34 mA mM-1 cm-2. In addition, the sensor also showed good selectivity for H2O2 detection and long-term stability.
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The use of graphene nanocomposites in advanced applications has attracted much attention in recent years. However, in order to substitute traditional epoxy reinforcements with graphene, there are still some issues like dispersion, homogenization, and reaggregation. In this paper, graphene bundles dispersed in two-component epoxy system by bath sonication, dispersion state, and reaggregation behavior of graphene in this system have been studied. Light transmittance in ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy has been used to quantify the reaggregation by a series of controlled experiments. After 18 mins sonication of 0.005 wt% graphene dispersion at 20°C, the light transmittance decreased from 68.92% to 54.88% in liquid epoxy and decreased from 72.80% to 46.42% in hardener; while increasing the temperature from 20°C to 60°C, the light transmittance in liquid epoxy decreased from 65.96% to 53.21% after 6 mins sonication. With the incorporation of 0.3 wt% graphene, the tensile strength of nanocomposites increased from 57.2 MPa to 64.4 MPa and the storage modulus increased from 1.66 GPa to 2.16 GPa. The results showed that the dispersion state depends on the function of sonication time and temperature, and graphene has a significant reinforcement effect on epoxy.
In this work, the effects of liquid environments on the characteristics and optical properties of carbon nanostructures-in particular, Graphene Oxide (GO)-prepared by pulsed laser ablation were studied experimentally. The second harmonic beam of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser of 532 nm wavelength at 6 ns pulse width and 0.7 J/cm 2 fluence was employed to irradiate the graphite target in liquid nitrogen, deionized water, and 0.01 M CTAB solution under the same initial experimental conditions. Produced nanostructures were characterized by Raman scattering spectrum, FE-SEM and TEM images, Photoluminescence, and UV-Vis-NIR spectrum. TEM and FE-SEM images show sheet-like morphology with few square micrometer area graphenes in all samples. Raman and UV-Vis-NIR analyses show that graphene is oxidized due to the presence of oxygen molecules in ablation environment. Results demonstrate that the graphene nanosheets produced in deionized water are multilayer, contains the largest sp 2 domain size, the least defects and the lowest possibility of aggregation.
A simple and green strategy is presented to decorate graphene with nanoparticles, based on laser ablation of targets in graphene auqeous solution. Ag and graphene oxide (GO) are chosen as model materials. The surface of GO sheets is strongly anchored with spherical Ag nanoparticles. The density and size of the Ag nanoparticles can be easily tuned by laser ablation conditions. Further, the GO sheets can be decorated with other nanoparticles from simple metals or semiconductors to multicomponent hybrids. Additionally, the Ag nanoparticle/GO sheet colloids can be utilized as blocks to build three-dimensional structures, such as sandwich membranes by evaporation-induced self-assembly. These graphene-based composite materials could be very useful in catalysis, sensors and nanodevices. Particularly, the Ag nanoparticle/GO sheet sandwich composite membranes exhibit excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering performance and possess the huge potential in trace-detecting persistent organic pollutants in the environment.