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Abstract and Figures

While performing aerobic exercise during chemotherapy has been proven feasible and safe, the efficacy of aerobic training on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy has not yet been systematically assessed. Therefore, the objective of this work was to determine (a) the efficacy of aerobic training to improve CRF; (b) the role of aerobic training intensity (moderate or vigorous) on CRF response; (c) the effect of the aerobic training mode (continuous or interval) on changes in CRF in women with breast cancer (BC) receiving chemotherapy. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted as per PRISMA guidelines, and randomized controlled trials comparing usual care (UC) and aerobic training in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy were eligible. The results suggest that increases in CRF are favored by (a) aerobic training when compared to usual care; (b) vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise (64–90% of maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max) when compared to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (46–63% of VO2max); and (c) both continuous and interval aerobic training are effective at increasing the VO2max. Aerobic training improves CRF in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy. Notably, training intensity significantly impacts the VO2max response. Where appropriate, vigorous intensity aerobic training should be considered for women with BC receiving chemotherapy.
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Aerobic Exercise-Induced Changes in
Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Breast Cancer Patients
Receiving Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis
Guilherme Maginador 1, Manoel E. Lixandrão2, Henrique I. Bortolozo 1, Felipe C. Vechin 2,
Luís O. Sarian 1, Sophie Derchain 1, Guilherme D. Telles 2, Eva Zopf 3, Carlos Ugrinowitsch 2
and Miguel S. Conceição1,2,4,*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Campinas, Campinas,
São Paulo 13083-881, Brazil; (G.M.); (H.I.B.); (L.O.S.); (S.D.)
2School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-030, Brazil; (M.E.L.); (F.C.V.); (G.D.T.); (C.U.)
3Department of Exercise Oncology, Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research, Australian Catholic
University, Melbourne 3000, Australia;
4Faculty of Physical Education, University of Campinas, Campinas 13083-851, Brazil
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +55-11-3091-8733
Received: 21 June 2020; Accepted: 30 July 2020; Published: 11 August 2020
While performing aerobic exercise during chemotherapy has been proven feasible and
safe, the ecacy of aerobic training on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in women with breast cancer
undergoing chemotherapy has not yet been systematically assessed. Therefore, the objective of this
work was to determine (a) the ecacy of aerobic training to improve CRF; (b) the role of aerobic
training intensity (moderate or vigorous) on CRF response; (c) the eect of the aerobic training
mode (continuous or interval) on changes in CRF in women with breast cancer (BC) receiving
chemotherapy. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted as per PRISMA guidelines,
and randomized controlled trials comparing usual care (UC) and aerobic training in women with BC
undergoing chemotherapy were eligible. The results suggest that increases in CRF are favored by
(a) aerobic training when compared to usual care; (b) vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise (64–90% of
maximal oxygen uptake, VO
) when compared to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (46–63%
of VO
); and (c) both continuous and interval aerobic training are eective at increasing the
. Aerobic training improves CRF in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy. Notably,
training intensity significantly impacts the VO
response. Where appropriate, vigorous intensity
aerobic training should be considered for women with BC receiving chemotherapy.
Keywords: aerobic fitness; breast cancer; exercise rehabilitation; VO2max
1. Introduction
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer was the leading cause of death
worldwide in 2018. Two million new cases and over 600,000 deaths were attributed to breast cancer
(BC) alone [
]. In BC patients, anticancer therapy most commonly involves chemotherapy and
is considered crucial in improving survival [
]. Despite its positive clinical eect, chemotherapy
has been associated with debilitating side eects [
], such as muscle atrophy [
], cancer-related
fatigue [
], and cardiotoxicity [
]. Further, a 31% impairment in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF),
Cancers 2020,12, 2240; doi:10.3390/cancers12082240
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as measured by the peak/maximal oxygen consumption (VO
), has been observed in women with
BC undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy [
]. This is a concern, given that emerging evidence suggests
that CRF is a significant prognostic marker, with data indicating that a poor VO
is associated
with a poorer quality of life, treatment-induced cardiotoxicity, and an increased risk of cancer-related
mortality [1316].
Aerobic training has been shown to improve CRF and other cancer-related health outcomes in
cancer patients [
], which has led major health organizations to include aerobic exercise in their
physical activity guidelines for cancer patients [
]. However, the ecacy of aerobic training on CRF
specifically in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy has not yet been systematically assessed,
and it remains unclear what the most eective training protocols are with regard to training intensity
and mode. For instance, Segal et al. (2001) [
] compared a continuous aerobic exercise guideline-based
training group (chemotherapy +150 min of moderate (50–60% of VO
) continuously walking)
versus an usual care (UC) non-exercising group. The authors showed that, after 26 weeks of training,
the VO
decreased by 0.3 mL
in the training group and increased by 0.2 mL
in the UC group. Conversely, Jones et al. [
] showed that 12 weeks of moderate/vigorous-intensity
aerobic training (55–100%-VO
20–45 min-, 3 times/week) increased the VO
(from 19.5
7.6 to
7.0 mL
) in women with BC undergoing chemotherapy. Taken together, these results
suggest that aerobic training intensity may play a role when aiming to improve VO
in women
with BC undergoing chemotherapy. Considering aerobic training mode, both continuous and interval
aerobic training have shown to successfully impact cardiac function and hence CRF in BC patients
undergoing chemotherapy [
]. Thus, identifying the most eective aerobic training protocols to
increase VO
, a strong predictor of symptom burden; cardiac function; [
] and mortality, may help
to mitigate short- and long-term health issues in BC survivors.
In order to account for dierences in aerobic training protocols between studies and factors
such as low statistical power (small sample sizes) in randomized controlled trials, we conducted a
meta-analysis. A meta-analysis summarizes data from dierent studies and allows testing for the
eects of moderator variables (e.g., exercise intensity, mode of aerobic training), thereby improving
the estimated precision of the factors aecting the changes in VO
. The purpose of this systematic
review and meta-analysis was to determine: (a) the ecacy of aerobic training to increase CRF
(measured by VO
); (b) the role of aerobic training intensity (moderate or vigorous) on the VO
response; (c) the eect of the aerobic training mode (continuous or interval) on the changes in VO
in women with BC receiving chemotherapy.
2. Methods
2.1. Protocol and Registration
The systematic review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42019134584), and the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines for systematic review reporting
were followed [25].
2.2. Search Strategy and Information Sources
A systematic literature review was performed using three major databases (PubMed, Scopus,
and Web of Science). The last search was performed on November 1st, 2019. This search
was applied with no limits to publication year, type, and status. The MeSH terms were
combined as follows: ((((“breast carcinoma” [Title/Abstract] OR “breast neoplasm” [Title/Abstract]
OR “breast tumor” [Title/Abstract] OR “breast cancer” [Title/Abstract] OR “mammary cancer”
[Title/Abstract] OR “mammary carcinoma” [Title/Abstract]))) AND ((chemotherapy [Title/Abstract]
OR “adjuvant chemotherapy” [Title/Abstract] OR “neoadjuvant chemotherapy” [Title/Abstract] OR
chemoradiotherapy [Title/Abstract] OR radiochemotherapy [Title/Abstract] OR “neoadjuvant therapy”
[Title/Abstract] OR “adjuvant therapy” [Title/Abstract]))) AND ((“exercise training” [Title/Abstract] OR
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 3 of 14
“aerobic exercise” [Title/Abstract] OR “training exercise” [Title/Abstract] OR exercise [Title/Abstract]
OR “physical exercise” [Title/Abstract] OR “endurance exercise” [Title/Abstract] OR endurance
[Title/Abstract] OR “high-intensity interval training*” [Title/Abstract] OR HIIT [Title/Abstract] OR
“sprint interval training*” [Title/Abstract] OR “physical activity” [Title/Abstract])). Two researchers
conducted the review independently (GM and HB). Discrepancies between researchers were discussed
and, if necessary, a third researcher was consulted (MSC). Reference lists of identified articles were also
searched for additional relevant articles on the topic.
2.3. Eligibility Criteria
Only English-language studies, Pilot Studies (PS), and Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT)
comparing the eects of aerobic training (continuous or interval; home-based or under professional
supervision) and usual care on the VO
of women with BC undergoing chemotherapy (adjuvant
or neoadjuvant) were included. Studies that included participants of any age with histologically
confirmed BC undergoing chemotherapy in combination with other treatments were considered (e.g.,
radiotherapy or hormonal therapy). Studies that evaluated dierent types of cancer (e.g., breast, ovarian,
rectal, etc.) were only included if data from a breast cancer-only group were provided. The primary
outcome for this systematic review and meta-analysis was CRF, measured by the maximum oxygen
uptake (VO2max or VO2peak). Training intensity and mode were used as moderator variables.
The exclusion criteria were as follows: (i) duplicated articles; (ii) duplicated data; (iii) articles
without original data (e.g., comments, reviews, case reports, and technical reports); (iv) studies with
dietary counseling or intervention; (v) studies involving metastatic breast cancer patients; and (vi)
studies with no usual care-only group.
2.4. Study Selection and Data Extraction
To reduce the selection bias potential, the titles and abstracts of all studies were independently
evaluated by two investigators (GM and HIB). Duplicated studies were excluded, and the remaining
ones were screened, assessed for eligibility criteria, and then forwarded to data extraction.
Data extraction was performed by three independent reviewers (GM, HIB, and MSC) for the following
variables: authors, year of publication, sample size, treatment protocol, exercise protocol, and pre
and post-intervention mean
standard deviation (SD) values of the VO
. The data
extraction procedures were standardized using a pre-piloted Excel spreadsheet. To test for possible
coding drift, we randomly selected 30% of the studies for recoding following procedures outlined by
Cooper et al. [26]. The mean agreement between coders was 95%.
2.5. Assessment of Risk of Bias within and across Studies and Quality
The risk of bias of the included studies was independently assessed by two authors (CU and
MSC) using the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for Randomized Trials (RoB2) [27]. The following
five domains were assessed: {1} bias arising in the randomization process; {2} bias due to deviations
from intended interventions; {3} bias due to missing outcome data; {4} bias in the measurement of the
outcome and {5} bias in the selection of the reported result. Each domain was classified as having
{1} LOW risk of bias; {2} SOME CONCERN of risk of bias and {3} HIGH risk of bias. The Revised
Cochrane risk-of-bias data is presented in Figure 1.
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Figure 1. Risk of bias assessment for the studies included in the meta-analysis. Footnotes: AE =
Aerobic Training; UC = Usual Care.
2.6. Training Protocol Classification
Each study was reviewed regarding the prescribed aerobic training protocol. Some studies
implemented a periodized aerobic training protocol (i.e., progressive increase in training load), while
others used a constant relative training intensity throughout the experimental period. To determine
the predominant training intensity, we identified the intensity in which patients performed most of
the training sessions. Training intensities were classified as moderate or vigorous. We used the
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) equivalence table to determine the relative training
intensity [28] of all the studies (Table 1). Further, the training protocols were classified as either
interval or continuous training, and the total minutes of training were determined. Warm-up and
cool down minutes were not included when computing the total training minutes.
It is important to highlight that seven out of nine studies measured the VO2max directly. Mijwel
et al. 2018 [29] estimated the VO2max using a submaximal cycle ergometer test. Ma 2018 [23] indirectly
measured VO2max using a treadmill exhaustion protocol. Seven studies measured VO2 directly using
an exhaustion protocol on a cycle ergometer (Jones et al. 2013 [22]; Lee et al. 2019 [24]; Moller et al.
2015 [30]; Mowafy et al. 2016 [31]) or treadmill (Al-Majid et al. 2015 [32]; Courneya et al. 2007 [33];
Kim et al. 2006 [34]). It is also necessary to report that five studies conducted the VO2max measurement
and the training on the same device [2224,31,32], while four other studies measured the VO2max and
conducted the training on different devices [29,30,33,34].
Figure 1.
Risk of bias assessment for the studies included in the meta-analysis. Footnotes: AE =
Aerobic Training; UC =Usual Care.
2.6. Training Protocol Classification
Each study was reviewed regarding the prescribed aerobic training protocol. Some studies
implemented a periodized aerobic training protocol (i.e., progressive increase in training load),
while others used a constant relative training intensity throughout the experimental period.
To determine the predominant training intensity, we identified the intensity in which patients
performed most of the training sessions. Training intensities were classified as moderate or vigorous.
We used the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) equivalence table to determine the relative
training intensity [
] of all the studies (Table 1). Further, the training protocols were classified as either
interval or continuous training, and the total minutes of training were determined. Warm-up and cool
down minutes were not included when computing the total training minutes.
It is important to highlight that seven out of nine studies measured the VO
Mijwel et al. 2018 [29]
estimated the VO
using a submaximal cycle ergometer test. Ma 2018 [
indirectly measured VO
using a treadmill exhaustion protocol. Seven studies measured VO
directly using an exhaustion protocol on a cycle ergometer (Jones et al. 2013 [
]; Lee et al. 2019 [
Moller et al. 2015 [
]; Mowafy et al. 2016 [
]) or treadmill (Al-Majid et al. 2015 [
]; Courneya et al.
2007 [
]; Kim et al. 2006 [
]). It is also necessary to report that five studies conducted the VO
measurement and the training on the same device [
], while four other studies measured the
VO2max and conducted the training on dierent devices [29,30,33,34].
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 5 of 14
Table 1. Descriptive data of the studies included in the meta-analysis.
Al-Majid et al. [32] Courneya et al. [33] Jones et al. [22] Kim et al. [34] Lee et al. [24] Ma [23] Mijwel et al. [29] Moller et al. [30] Mowafy et al. [31]
YEAR 2015 2007 2013 2006 2019 2018 2018 2015 2016
USUAL CARE 52.7 ±10.7 49 46 ±11 48.3 ±8.8 44.7 ±11.2 43.5 ±6.3 52.6 ±10.2 46.95 ±9.19 45
TRAINING 47.9 ±10.4 49 51 ±6 51.3 ±6.7 49.1 ±7.9 44.2 ±5.7 54.4 ±10.3 48.49 ±8.41 45
USUAL CARE 7 73 10 19 15 33 51 10 20
TRAINING 6 71 10 22 15 31 70 10 20
FE100C, CE120F Y
(weeks) 12 18 12 8 8 16 16 12 16
(min/week) 90 97.5 102 90 63 150 60 150 45
LIGHT 336 -
MODERATE 130 315 795 574 1800 -
VIGOROUS 1050 1170 400 720 960 802 -
MAXIMAL 30 168
PRE 23.8 ±2.9 * 24.8 ±6.2 * 17.5 ±4.8 * 1597 ±357 18.7 ±7.1 * 1210 ±258 2.19 ±0.53 30.5 ±5.0 * 21.1 ±2.5 *
POST 17.5 ±2.8 23.5 ±5.4 16.0 ±4.0 1630 ±351 16.1 ±6.0 984 ±157 1.94 ±0.52 27.7 ±6.8 21.0 ±2.4
PRE 26.1 ±2.6 25.2 ±7.2 19.5 ±7.6 1671 ±349 19.7 ±8.7 1134 ±268 2.10 ±0.47 27.1 ±6.4 21 ±2.5
POST 26.0 ±2.5 25.7 ±7.4 22.1 ±7.0 1810 ±369 19.4 ±6.6 1594 ±190 2.06 ±0.45 22.4 ±6.5 30.8 ±3.5
NEO =neoadjuvant; ADJ =adjuvant; TAX =taxane; AC =anthracycline; CYC =cyclophosphamide; TRAST =trastuzumab; CON =continuous; INT =interval; VIG =vigorous;
MOD =moderate
. LIGHT =37–45% of VO
; MODERATE =46–63% of VO
; VIGOROUS =64–90% of VO
91% of VO
. * Unit: mL
L·min1. It was not possible to identify the time that was performed at each training intensity; however, as the training was performed until exhaustion, it was classified as vigorous.
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 6 of 14
3. Statistical Analysis
Initially, pre- to post-training eect sizes (ES) were calculated according to Equation (1). Then,
the between-group dierence eect sizes (d) for the dependent variable (i.e., maximum oxygen uptake
)) were calculated according to Equations (2–5) for each study. We estimated the pre- to
post-correlation for VO
and its respective confidence interval using a bootstrapping approach
based on previously published [
] and unpublished data from our group. In order to be conservative,
we used the lower limit of the confidence interval obtained from the bootstrapping estimate of the
pre- to post-training correlation for all studies (r=0.611). The heterogeneity for between-study
variability was verified with the I
statistics, with thresholds set as I
=25% (low), I
=50% (moderate),
and I2=75%
(high) [
]. Due to the high between-study heterogeneity, the data were analyzed using a
random-eect model.
To investigate the potential eect of exercise intensity on the VO
, we converted the exercise
intensity into a categorical variable with two levels—I) low to moderate intensity; and II) vigorous
intensity—which was included as a moderator variable. Similarly, the training mode was included as
a categorical variable with two levels: I) continuous and II) interval training. The total volume (i.e.,
minutes per week) and training intervention period (i.e., the total number of training weeks) were
included as continuous moderator variables in the meta-regression models. A sensitivity analysis,
removing one study at a time and re-analyzing the summary eect, was performed to identify possible
highly influential studies. Studies were considered influential if the removal significantly changed
the summary eect (i.e., change going from significant to non-significant) [
]. Publication bias was
verified using the funnel plot, Kendall’s tau with continuity, and Egger ’s regression approaches.
In cases of significant publication bias, the fill and trim procedure was implemented. All the data were
analyzed using the rma and forest functions available in the metafor package for Rstudio (Version
3.6.3). The significance level was set at p<0.05. Data are presented as the mean
standard error or
standard deviation and confidence interval.
ES =Meanpost Meanpre
SDpre , (1)
d=CMeanposttreatment MeanpretreatmentMeanpostcontrol Meanprecontrol
, (2)
SDchangepooled =v
changetreatment +ncontrol1SD2
ntreatment +ncontrol2
, (3)
4ntreatment +ncontrol2, (4)
SDchange =qSD2
pre +SD2
post 2·rprepostcorrelation ·SDpre ·SDpost. (5)
4. Results
The initial search returned 1967 studies, and 998 duplicated studies were removed. For the
remaining studies (969), the titles and abstracts were screened and 919 were excluded. The remaining
50 studies were assessed for eligibility, considering our inclusion criteria. Forty-one studies were
excluded, and nine studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. The search and
study selection process is depicted in Figure 2.
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Cancers 2020, 12, x 7 of 14
Figure 2. Flow chart of the search process.
The present meta-analysis included nine studies that compared structured aerobic training vs.
usual care (i.e., no exercise), which resulted in nine treatment outcome measures. The overall number
of participants in the nine studies were 493. The average pre- to post-intervention change in the
VO2max was 9.97% (ES: 0.62 95%CI: 0.29 to 1.53) and 10.18% (ES: 0.54 95%CI: 0.99 to 0.10) for the
training and usual care groups, respectively. The overall between-group effect size difference for the
VO2max favored the aerobic training group (d: 1.19 ± 0.38 95%CI: 0.45 to 1.94) (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Forest plot for maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) between the structured aerobic
training groups and usual care (no exercise) groups. Footnotes: data are shown as between-group
effect size difference (d) and 95% confidence interval.
Figure 2. Flow chart of the search process.
The present meta-analysis included nine studies that compared structured aerobic training vs.
usual care (i.e., no exercise), which resulted in nine treatment outcome measures. The overall number
of participants in the nine studies were 493. The average pre- to post-intervention change in the VO
was 9.97% (ES: 0.62
0.29 to 1.53) and
10.18% (ES:
0.99 to
0.10) for the training
and usual care groups, respectively. The overall between-group eect size dierence for the VO
favored the aerobic training group (d: 1.19 ±0.38 95%CI: 0.45 to 1.94) (Figure 3).
Cancers 2020, 12, x 7 of 14
Figure 2. Flow chart of the search process.
The present meta-analysis included nine studies that compared structured aerobic training vs.
usual care (i.e., no exercise), which resulted in nine treatment outcome measures. The overall number
of participants in the nine studies were 493. The average pre- to post-intervention change in the
VO2max was 9.97% (ES: 0.62 95%CI: 0.29 to 1.53) and 10.18% (ES: 0.54 95%CI: 0.99 to 0.10) for the
training and usual care groups, respectively. The overall between-group effect size difference for the
VO2max favored the aerobic training group (d: 1.19 ± 0.38 95%CI: 0.45 to 1.94) (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Forest plot for maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) between the structured aerobic
training groups and usual care (no exercise) groups. Footnotes: data are shown as between-group
effect size difference (d) and 95% confidence interval.
Figure 3.
Forest plot for maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) between the structured aerobic
training groups and usual care (no exercise) groups. Footnotes: data are shown as between-group eect
size dierence (d) and 95% confidence interval.
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 8 of 14
The subgroup analyses revealed a significant eect favoring vigorous-intensity aerobic training
protocols in increasing VO
(Table 2). Regarding the training mode/type, both continuous and
interval aerobic training significantly increased the VO2max.
Table 2.
Eects of training intensity and training mode on the maximum oxygen consumption (VO
compared to usual care (no exercise) subgroup analyses.
Subgroup Nparticipants d(95%CI) pValue
Training intensity
Low- to moderate [22,30] 20 0.20 (1.44 to 1.85) 0.81
Vigorous [23,24,29,3134] 235 1.47 (0.60 to 2.34) 0.0009
Training mode
Continuous [22,2934] 209 1.01 (0.19 to 1.83) 0.0157
Interval [23,24] 46 1.79 (0.28 to 3.29) 0.02
lower to moderate: 40–59% of heart rate reserve; vigorous: 60–89% of heart rate reserve; d: between-group eect
size dierence; I2: heterogeneity for between-studies variability.
The meta-regression analyses did not produce significant betas for both continuous variables:
total session exercise volume and total intervention period (p>0.05). The sensitivity analysis
demonstrated that CRF was not highly aected by any of the individual studies. Visual inspection of
the funnel plot showed seven studies outside the funnel limits (five in the left and two in the right);
both Kendall’s tau with continuity correction (tau =0.55; p=0.04) and the Egger’s regression intercept
did not show significant bias (z=2.0019; p=0.04) (Figure 4). As the fill and trim procedure did not
change the eect size estimate, we maintained the initial analysis.
Cancers 2020, 12, x 8 of 14
The subgroup analyses revealed a significant effect favoring vigorous-intensity aerobic training
protocols in increasing VO2max (Table 2). Regarding the training mode/type, both continuous and
interval aerobic training significantly increased the VO2max.
Table 2. Effects of training intensity and training mode on the maximum oxygen consumption
(VO2max) compared to usual care (no exercise) subgroup analyses.
Subgroup N° participants d (95%CI) p Value
Training intensity
Low- to moderate [22,30] 20 0.20 (1.44 to 1.85) 0.81
Vigorous [23,24,29,31–34] 235 1.47 (0.60 to 2.34) 0.0009
Training mode
Continuous [22,29–34] 209 1.01 (0.19 to 1.83) 0.0157
Interval [23,24] 46 1.79 (0.28 to 3.29) 0.02
lower to moderate: 40–59% of heart rate reserve; vigorous: 60–89% of heart rate reserve; d: between-
group effect size difference; I2: heterogeneity for between-studies variability.
The meta-regression analyses did not produce significant betas for both continuous variables:
total session exercise volume and total intervention period (p > 0.05). The sensitivity analysis
demonstrated that CRF was not highly affected by any of the individual studies. Visual inspection of
the funnel plot showed seven studies outside the funnel limits (five in the left and two in the right);
both Kendalls tau with continuity correction (tau = 0.55; p = 0.04) and the Egger’s regression intercept
did not show significant bias (z = 2.0019; p = 0.04) (Figure 4). As the fill and trim procedure did not
change the effect size estimate, we maintained the initial analysis.
Figure 4. Funnel plot of studies comparing the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) between
the structure aerobic training and usual care (no exercise) groups.
Figure 4.
Funnel plot of studies comparing the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) between the
structure aerobic training and usual care (no exercise) groups.
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5. Discussion
Emerging evidence on the prognostic significance of CRF, measured by VO
, underpins the
clinical importance of developing eective strategies to prevent and/or recover low VO
in women
with BC. Given that aerobic training is the upmost recommended exercise intervention to improve
CRF, we conducted the first meta-analysis to assess: (a) the ecacy of aerobic training to increase
; (b) the eect of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic training on the VO
(c) the eect of the aerobic training mode (continuous or interval) on the changes in VO
in women
with BC receiving chemotherapy. Our main results show that: (a) aerobic exercise training significantly
increases the VO
compared with UC; (b) only vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise (64–90% of
) significantly increases VO
, with no eect for moderate-intensity aerobic protocols (46–63%
of VO
); and (c) both continuous and interval aerobic training are eective at increasing VO
Taken together, our results suggest that, where appropriate in clinical practice, vigorous aerobic training
performed with continuous or interval training mode should be considered to improve the CRF in
women with BC undergoing chemotherapy.
Previous studies [
] have demonstrated the feasibility, safety, and overall eectiveness of
aerobic training for patients with BC undergoing chemotherapy; however, there is no consensus
regarding the most appropriate training intensity and mode to optimize training-induced adaptations.
Most studies involving BC patients have prescribed aerobic training based on guidelines from the
Clinical Society of Oncology of Australia (COSA) [
], the American College of Sport Medicine
(ACSM) [
], and the American Cancer Society (ACS) [
]. These guidelines recommend that patients
with BC should perform 150 min of moderate or 75 min of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise per
week. Our data support this recommendation, and three out of seven studies [
] (Figure 3)
demonstrated that vigorous intensity aerobic training was eective in significantly improving the
compared to usual care. These findings are supported by a study that directly compared
dierent exercise intensities in patients undergoing chemotherapy and found that moderate to vigorous
intensity exercise led to more significant improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and physical
function and decreased the severity of adverse eects such as nausea, vomiting, pain, and physical
fatigue to a greater degree than low-intensity exercise [
]. Altogether, these results suggest that,
where appropriate, the prescription of vigorous intensity aerobic training should be considered for
women with BC; however, additional randomized clinical trials are still necessary to substantiate both
the safety and ecacy of these training protocols in larger cohorts.
Eight out of nine studies included in our review treated women with BC using anthracycline
(AC)-based chemotherapy, which commonly induces cardiotoxicity, one of the most debilitating
chemotherapy-related side eects [
]. To date, AC-induced cardiotoxicity most commonly presents
as a decrease in the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) [
] and, ultimately, heart failure
Cardiotoxicity can occur at any time during AC infusion and up to years or decades later, known as
late onset chronic cardiotoxicity [
]. A meta-analysis by Haykowsky et al. [
] showed that
vigorous-to-maximal aerobic exercise was more eective than moderate-intensity exercise at improving
the LVEF and VO
in patients with heart failure. A corollary from Haykowsky’s study is
that women with BC should be encouraged to perform vigorous aerobic training to prevent/treat
chemotherapy-associated decreases in LVEF. Accordingly, it has been shown that vigorous exercise can
prevent toxicity-related reductions in chemotherapy dose, which is critical in order to restrain tumor
growth [
]. Importantly, exercise protocols with vigorous intensities have shown to produce robust
increases in VO
when compared to moderate intensity protocols, regardless of the equalization in
training volume [
]. Additionally, the exercise intensity seems not to aect training adherence [
Accordingly, higher levels of physical fitness are associated with greater adherence [
] and inversely
associated with fatigue levels in women with BC [53].
Vigorous or high-intensity aerobic training is normally performed as interval training [
]. It is
well known that the longer an individual can exercise at intensities close to the minimum velocity
of VO
, the greater the gains in VO
appear to be [
]. Due to the nature of interval
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 10 of 14
training, which includes short sets of vigorous to maximal exercise (
90% of VO
) interspaced
by low-intensity recovery periods, the maintenance of training intensity during aerobic exercise is
possible. Our moderator analysis suggests that both continuous and interval aerobic training are
eective at increasing VO
. There is some compelling evidence that vigorous intensity continuous
aerobic training performed during chemotherapy counteracts cancer-related fatigue, which can last up
to 12 months after treatment completion, and reduces the time to return to work as compared with the
UC group [
]. However, we acknowledge that performing continuous aerobic training at vigorous
intensities is very demanding and may not be feasible for women with BC undergoing chemotherapy,
thus interval training should be considered as a viable alternative. Additionally, some studies have
demonstrated that interval training is more eective than continuous training to at increasing VO
in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction [
] or coronary artery disease [
], which may
be an important consideration for patients with chemotherapy-associated cardiotoxicity.
The present meta-analysis has some limitations. According to our classification, only two studies
assessed moderate-intensity aerobic training, and only two studies investigated an interval training
mode, which makes it hard to draw definitive conclusions. Moreover, the high risk of bias of the
included trials needs to be considered (Figure 1), which seems to be mainly related to the diculty of
blinding the interventions in eight out of nine included trials. It is therefore important to point out that
the bias assessment for those items does not reflect a low quality of study design, but expresses the
inevitable bias introduced by the lack of blinding. Another source of bias in the analysis is the CRF
assessment method. Two studies assessed VO
indirectly, thus there is a small chance of bias with
regard to the prescribed training intensity and training-induced increase in VO
. However, as the
magnitude of the eect size in Ma 2018 [
] was large and small in Mijwel et al. 2018 [
], one may
suggest that the likely bias is negligible or small. It is reasonable to suggest that the dierences in eect
sizes were due to the higher training volume and more intensive training regimen. Thus, larger and
better blinding-controlled trials should be conducted to properly resolve this issue.
The data of the present manuscript indicate that high-intensity aerobic training can be performed
by women with BC under chemotherapy regardless of the training method (continuous or interval
training), however there are several considerations that need to be taken into account in clinical
practice. High-intensity continuous training (walking/run, 5x week at 70% of VO
for 30 min) may
be very demanding for this cohort. Thus, performing high-intensity interval training (e.g., cycling 3x
of 3 min at 90% of VO
, with intervals cycling at 30% of VO
, 3x week) seems to be a more
feasible alternative, as it is less time-consuming and more enjoyable. Further, while several studies
prescribe exercise intensity based on heart rate, chemotherapy may influence a patient’s heart rate.
Although heart rate can be easily monitored on a daily basis, and heart hate reserve can be calculated,
the training intensity can be influenced. Hence, a watt-based training prescription represents a less
error-prone method. On the other hand, there is mounting evidence that breast cancer chemotherapy
protocols elicit high levels of fatigue, which can greatly decrease a patient’s ability to maintain a
target Wattage. Finally, when the training sessions are not performed with the same equipment
(e.g., stationary bike, treadmill) that is used for the CRF assessment, the training intensity may have
been a little under due to non-specific training-induced peripheral adaptations (i.e., at the skeletal
muscle level).
6. Conclusions
In summary, our findings indicated that aerobic exercise increases the VO
in women with BC
undergoing chemotherapy. We also showed that vigorous intensities (64–90% of VO
) performed
with continuous or interval aerobic training are eective at increasing the VO
in women with BC
undergoing chemotherapy. Performing continuous aerobic training at vigorous intensities is very
demanding and, thus, interval aerobic training should be considered as a viable option for women
with BC. While this work supports the benefits of aerobic exercise, additional clinical investigations are
warranted to determine the eects of dierent exercise modalities, timings, and durations and to identify
Cancers 2020,12, 2240 11 of 14
optimal aerobic training regimens to not only improve CRF but also counteract treatment-related
side-eects, such as cardiotoxicity, in women with BC.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization: G.M., E.Z., M.S.C.; Performed searches: G.M., H.I.B., and M.S.C.;
Data extraction: G.M., H.I.B., G.D.T., M.S.C.; Performed risk of bias assessment: C.U., F.C.V., M.S.C.; Methodology:
F.C.V., M.E.L., C.U.; Software: M.E.L., C.U., L.O.S.; Supervision: S.D., M.S.C.; Writing—original draft: G.M.,
M.E.L., C.U., S.D., M.S.C. All the authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Please turn to the CRediT taxonomy for the term explanation. Authorship must be limited to those who have
contributed substantially to the work reported. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: No external sources of funding were used in the preparation of this manuscript.
The authors would like to express gratitude to the S
o Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP;
Grant No. 2015/19756-3), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq grant
No. 303742/2018-6 and No. 303085/2015-0), and the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel-Brazil (CAPES grant #001).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Lack of physical activity and poor cardiorespiratory fitness in BC patients is well documented [15]. To date, some systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been published about this topic [16][17][18][19]. These studies have mainly focused on chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity and used VO 2 max and LVEF as the tools of measurement. ...
... These studies have mainly focused on chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity and used VO 2 max and LVEF as the tools of measurement. In addition, one systematic review [16] suggested that vigorous aerobic training performed with continuous or interval training mode should be considered. Furthermore, there are no reviews of body composition in previous literature. ...
... This is the first systematic evaluation and meta-analysis exploring the effects of AE intervention, particularly exercise design principles, on cardiovascular risk factors in female BC. Previous studies [16,18,68] have demonstrated the feasibility, safety, and overall effectiveness of aerobic training for patients with BC; however, there is no consensus regarding the most appropriate training mode to optimize training-induced adaptations. Most studies involving BC patients have prescribed aerobic training based on guidelines from the Clinical Society of Oncology of Australia (COSA) [69], the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) [66], and the American Cancer Society (ACS) [70]. ...
Full-text available
Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become the leading cause of competitive mortality in female breast cancer (BC). Regular aerobic exercise (AE) has been widely accepted as an effective intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk in a variety of different clinical conditions. This study is aimed at evaluating the efficacy and safety of AE on cardiovascular risk factors in female BC and assessing the quality of the synthesized evidence. Methods We searched five English databases (Cochrane Library, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science) from inception to January 2023. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort trials studying the effects of AE intervention on cardiovascular disease risk in female breast cancer were included. We used Stata 16 for data synthesis, Risk of Bias 2, and the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale for methodological quality evaluation and assessed the certainty of the synthesized evidence in the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) approach. Results Forty RCTs and 6 cohort trials involving 44,877 BC patients showed AE reduced the incidence of CVD events by 29.4% [risk ratio (RR) = 0.706, 95% confidence interval (CI) (0.659, 0.757), low certainty] and coronary artery disease events by 36% [RR = 0.640, 95% CI (0.561, 0.729), low certainty]. AE improved LVEF, and reduced weight and hip circumference. The subgroup analysis results showed that nonlinear AE increased VO2max by 5.354 ml·kg·min⁻¹ [mean difference (MD) = 5.354, 95% CI (2.645, 8.062), very low certainty] and reduced fat mass by 4.256 kg [MD = 4.256, 95% CI (-3.839, -0.094), very low certainty]. While linear AE reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by 8.534 mg/dL [MD = -8.534, 95% CI (-15.511, -1.557), low certainty]. The sensitivity analysis results showed that each trial did not affect the impact index of the highly heterogeneous outcomes. Conclusions Our study indicates that AE has a positive effect in reducing cardiovascular risk factors. The individualization principle of AE deserves more attention in the future. This will provide new ideas to reduce CVD events and improve the quality of life in female BC patients. However, further research on AE in female BC should take into account long-term and well-designed administration to draw definitive conclusions.
... Die Prävalenz der TK variiert innerhalb der verschiedenen Krebsarten: Während der Großteil (87 %) der Patient*innen mit Bauchspeicheldrüsen-und Magenkrebs sowie bis zu 61 ...
... Dabei gilt bereits eine Verbesserung der VO 2 max um 1,0 ml/kg/min als klinisch bedeutsam und ist mit einer Krebs-Mortalitätsreduktion um 16 % assoziiert [60]. Eine kürzlich publizierte Metaanalyse, in die 9 Studien mit Mamma-Ca-Patientinnen unter Chemotherapie eingeschlossen wurden, zeigte in diesem Zusammenhang, dass HIIT einem moderat intensiven, kontinuierlichen Ausdauertraining überlegen war, um die VO 2 max der Patientinnen zu steigern [61]. Die Effektivität und Machbarkeit verschiedener HIIT-Protokolle wurden auch in einer anderen aktuellen Metaanalyse bestätigt, in die insgesamt 25 Studien mit 22 unterschiedlichen Tumorentitäten inkludiert wurden [62]. ...
... Tumorkachexie Praxis zkm abgeraten wurde, haben sich die Bewegungsempfehlungen in den letzten Jahren deutlich gewandelt. Die Sport-und Bewegungstherapie ist mittlerweile eine zentrale Säule der Komplementärtherapie, und aktuelle Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass Menschen mit einer Krebserkrankung -sofern keine spezifischen Kontraindikationen dagegensprechen -durchaus auch ein körperliches Training mit höherer Belastungsintensität durchführen können und davon offenbar sogar in besonderem Maße profitieren [61]. ...
Die Tumorkachexie (TK), eine mit Inflammation assoziierte Mangel­ernährung mit dem Hauptmerkmal des Verlusts an Muskelmasse, -kraft und -funktion (= Sarkopenie), ist eine stark prävalente, die Lebensqualität einschränkende sowie prognoserelevante Komorbidität einer Tumorerkrankung. Eine supportive, kombinierte Ernährungs- und Bewegungstherapie, die möglichst früh im Krankheitsverlauf initiiert und individualisiert ausgestaltet wird, kann effektiv dazu beitragen, den Muskelstatus zu erhalten bzw. wiederaufzubauen. Dies kann den Krankheitsverlauf und die Prognose signifikant verbessern. Sie sollte daher immer als integraler Teil eines multimodalen onkologischen Behandlungskonzepts berücksichtigt werden. Ein frühzeitiger, individualisierter Ernährungssupport mit Sicherstellung einer adäquaten Energie- und Proteinzufuhr stellt die Grundvoraussetzung für den Erhalt bzw. Wiederaufbau von Muskelmasse dar. Neben der erhöhten Proteinmenge ist zur Überwindung der anabolen Resistenz, wie sie unter TK vorliegt, besonders auch die Proteinqualität, d. h. eine ausreichende Zufuhr unentbehrlicher ­Aminosäuren, zu berücksichtigen. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass Omega-3-Fettsäuren bei TK als antiinflammatorische Substrate dazu beitragen können, einen progredienten Muskelabbau zu stoppen und den Wiederaufbau von Muskulatur zu fördern. Aufgrund ihrer multifaktoriellen Genese lässt sich die Tumorkachexie allein durch konventionelle ernährungstherapeutische Maßnahmen nicht vermeiden bzw. umkehren. Vielmehr wird der frühzeitige Einsatz multimodaler Therapiekonzepte gefordert, um den drohenden Muskelschwund zu verhindern oder zu verzögern. Jede Ernährungsintervention sollte zum Aufbau der Muskelmasse von bewegungstherapeutischen Maßnahmen begleitet werden, um durch die synergistischen Wirkungen maximale Effektivität zu erzielen. Regelmäßige körperliche Aktivität kann die Muskelmasse und -kraft bei Krebspatient*innen steigern, immunologische Prozesse positiv beeinflussen sowie den funktionellen Status und die Lebensqualität verbessern. Unterschiedliche Trainingsmodalitäten werden diskutiert, darunter konventionelles Krafttraining und progressives Widerstandstraining mit elastischen Bändern, genauso wie innovative Ansätze wie die Ganzkörper-Elektromyostimulation (WB-EMS). Auch sollte die Verbesserung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems mittels Ausdauertrainings angestrebt werden. Bei der Erstellung des Trainingsplanes sind die individuellen Bedürfnisse, Gesundheitszustände und potenziellen Bewegungseinschränkungen (z. B. durch Knochenmetastasen oder Lymphödeme) der Krebspatient*innen zu berücksichtigen.
... However, it is associated with multiple adverse effects that encompass physical, emotional and social aspects of patients' quality of life. 1 Along with the detrimental effects of cancer therapies, other patientrelated factors, including sedentary lifestyle behaviors and aging constitute additional aspects affecting both physical and mental well-being. 2 The prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to physical deconditioning, resulting in fatigue, muscle atrophy, and diminished physical capabilities, thereby provoke the decline in quality of life. Moreover, the cancer treatment toxicity symptoms (eg, dyspnea, fatigue, pain) can last for months and years after the treatment completed. ...
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Women with breast cancer (BC) experience multiple symptoms related to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) treatment that impair their functioning and quality of life (QoL). This study aimed to explore the effect of high-intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) on quality of life and NAC side effects in women with BC. Methods: 56 patients (48.56 (7.84) years, range 35-64 years) diagnosed locally advanced (stage II-III) ER + BC receiving doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide-based NAC were randomly assigned to the HIIT group and a control group (CG) for 6 months. The HIIT group performed 2 to 3 HIIT sessions per week according to the study protocol (4 × 4 minutes at 85%-95% peak heart rate (HR)). The CG followed the standard of care instructions by the oncologists. To assess the QoL participants completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 with the additional BC module of QLQ BR-23. Weekly self-reports on NAC side effects were collected through online survey. Results: Study data were analyzed for 37 participants (nHIIT = 17, nCON = 20) who reported at least 14 (60%) weeks. HIIT was effective to reduce BC symptom scale outcomes (ES = 0.113, P = .048), and alleviate systemic therapy side effects (ES = 0.154, P = .020) and cancer related symptoms (ES = 0.124, P = .038). The most common side effect participants experienced at least 1 to 4 days/week was pain (average 50.9% and 56.8% for HIIT and CG, respectively), followed by sleep disturbances (average 50.9% and 49.9%, respectively). About 31% in both groups experienced sleep disturbances 5 to 7 days/week. The NAC induced physical, social and fatigue side effects had significantly lower incidence in HIIT group, while psychological side effects were significantly more common in training group. Conclusions: HIIT is an effective physical exercise program to maintain higher quality of life and help to reduce some of NAC induced side effects for women with BC.
... Similarly, AT undertaken thrice weekly for 8-19 weeks has been found to induce significant increases in cardiorespiratory fitness in both cancer patients undergoing treatment (i.e., chemotherapy) as well as in cancer survivors. 38,39 We also observed in a meta-analysis of women diagnosed or at high-risk for breast cancer that a similar frequency and duration of exercise resulted in improvements in lean mass (LM) following RT and enhanced loss of fat mass (FM) accompanying AT . 40 From a physiological perspective, chronic exercise training interventions can also impact circulating factors. ...
... This study reinforces the current association between markers of insulin resistance and body composition (27). Virto et al. showed that after 12-week combined exercise intervention resulted in a reduction in HbA1c levels, but this change was not associated with changes in body composition (28). Schmidt et al. (2017) reported significant reductions in HbA1c following a 24week walking training program (29). ...
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Keywords Breast cancer, diabetes type II, glucose homeostasis, combined exercise exercises, range of motion. Abstract Introduction: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of combined exercise training on body composition index (BMI), upper limb range of motion (ROM), shoulder pain, and glucose homeostasis in type II diabetic patients after breast cancer (BC) surgery. Material & Methods: The sample of the study included 30 individuals who underwent breast cancer surgery and were divided into two equal groups (n=15): the experimental (EG) and the control group (CG). The EG had resistance exercise training (with Pilates band) and aerobic exercise training with 50%-70% maximum heart rate, and CG had their usual life (n=15). The training sessions were planned as three days per week for 8 weeks. All individuals' BMI, ROM, pain, and glucose homeostasis were evaluated before and after training. Results: According to the measurements, the study showed that 8-week resistance-endurance exercise significantly reduced BMI (P <0.05). The results also demonstrated a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar, HOMA-ir, and HbA1C in EG (P <0.05). After 8 weeks of exercise, a significant improvement in flexion and extension of the shoulder, and elbow; the internal and external shoulder rotation was observed (P <0.05). However, the pain, weight, WHR, and subcutaneous fat were not significantly changed. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that 8 weeks of combined resistance-aerobic exercise training can reduce body mass index, and increase the upper limb ROM and glucose homeostasis in women with type II diabetes in BC survivors. Correspondence
... Physical training can also alleviate serious adverse effects following the treatment of breast cancer [62]. On the other hand, opinions regarding the best and most appropriate type of training for breast cancer remain unclear (including the best modality, time, and duration, among other aspects) [63]. According to a systematic review, women who have survived breast cancer have been shown to benefit from moderate-to high-intensity exercise sessions, and among the various exercise modalities, resistance exercise demonstrated effects of as high as 55% for one-repetition maximum exercises, either alone or in conjunction with other training regimens like impact, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or aerobics (48% of heart rate). ...
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Breast cancer (BC) presents a growing global concern, mainly for the female population of working age. Their pathophysiology shows challenges when attempting to ensure conventional treatment efficacy without adverse effects. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of magneto-hyperthermia (MHT) therapy associated with supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (w-3 PUFA) and engagement in physical training (PT) for the triple-negative BC (TNBC) model. First, we assessed the physicochemical properties of iron oxide nanoparticles (ION) in biological conditions, as well as their heating potential for MHT therapy. Then, a bioluminescence (BLI) evaluation of the best tumor growth conditions in the TNBC model (the quantity of implanted cells and time), as well as the efficacy of MHT therapy (5 consecutive days) associated with the previous administration of 8 weeks of w-3 PUFA and PT, was carried out. The results showed the good stability and potential of ION for MHT using 300 Gauss and 420 kHz. In the TNBC model, adequate tumor growth was observed after 14 days of 2 × 106 cells implantation by BLI. There was a delay in tumor growth in animals that received w-3 and PT and a significant decrease associated with MHT. This pioneering combination therapy approach (MHT, omega-3, and exercise) showed a positive effect on TNBC tumor reduction and demonstrated promise for pre-clinical and clinical studies in the future.
Breast cancer (BC) is the most prominent cancer amongst women, but fortunately, early diagnosis and advances in multimodality treatments have improved patient survivability. Cancer survivors, however, experience increased biological ageing which may accelerate other co-morbidities. Exercise intervention is a promising clinical adjuvant approach to improve BC patients’ physiological function, recovery from treatment, and quality of life. However, the effects of combined aerobic and strength exercise training on biological ageing in BC patients have not been studied. The Breast Cancer Exercise Intervention (BREXINT) Pilot Study will evaluate the effects of a 24-week combined aerobic and strength exercise intervention against usual care in 50 BC patients’ post-treatment randomised to either group. The primary outcomes include changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, cancer-related symptoms, and rate of biological ageing following exercise intervention period. The secondary outcomes include habitual physical activity measured with tri-axial accelerometery and supporting questionnaires, including physical activity, food diary, and quality of life questionnaires. This study will identify the effects of combined aerobic exercise strength training on biological ageing in BC patients from Singapore. Results from this study could further support the implementation of regular exercise programmes as routine care for cancer patients.
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Home-based exercise (HBE) programs can be a feasible strategy to enhance functional performance and promote physical activity (PA) in breast cancer survivors. A deeper analysis of the effects of HBE interventions, structured by HBE program type and treatment phase, is needed. This systematic review aimed to synthesize the evidence on HBE interventions’ impact on breast cancer survivors’ functional performance, PA levels, and program adherence rates, according to HBE intervention type and treatment phase. A comprehensive search of peer-reviewed articles reporting HBE interventions’ effects on the outcomes of interest was performed in Pubmed, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Web of Science, Science Direct, and B-ON until January 15th, 2024. Data were synthesized according to Denton’s domains to classify HBE interventions (prescription: structured vs. unstructured; Delivery method: supervised vs. facilitated vs. unsupervised) and treatment phase. Methodological quality appraisal was performed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool. Twenty-six studies were included. Most studies conducted structured/facilitated interventions and reported positive effects on functional performance (particularly aerobic capacity), increases in PA levels, and high adherence rates (> 70%) during and post-treatment. HBE interventions may be feasible to improve functional performance and promote physical activity among breast cancer survivors. Further studies are needed to confirm which HBE intervention type is more appropriate for each treatment phase. More evidence applying HBE interventions with different designs is required to allow the drawing of more solid conclusions. Studies exploring the effects of HBE interventions on the pre-treatment phase are needed.
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Purpose In this study, we investigated factors associated with program adherence and patient satisfaction with a home-based physical activity program (Onco-Move, N = 77) and a supervised exercise program with a home-based component (OnTrack, N = 76). Methods We assessed adherence via self-report (home-based program) and attendance records (supervised program). We used logistic regression analysis to identify sociodemographic, clinical and behavioural variables associated with program adherence. Patient satisfaction was assessed with self-report and is reported descriptively. Results Fifty-one percent of Onco-Move and 62% of OnTrack participants were adherent to the home-based program, while 59% of OnTrack participants were adherent to the supervised sessions. Higher baseline physical fitness was associated with higher adherence to home-based components. Higher disease stage and having a partner were associated with adherence to OnTrack supervised sessions. Overall satisfaction with the exercise programs was high, but ratings of coaching provided by professionals for the home-based components were low. Patients offered suggestions for improving delivery of the programs. Conclusions These findings point to factors relevant to program adherence and suggest ways in which such programs can be improved. Providing additional time and training for health care professionals could improve the quality and hopefully the effectiveness of the interventions. The use of online diaries and smartphone apps may provide additional encouragement to participants. Finally, allowing greater flexibility in the planning and availability of supervised exercise training in order to accommodate the variability in cancer treatment schedules and the (acute) side effects of the treatments could also enhance program adherence. Trial registration Netherlands Trial Register, NTR2159.
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Background Anthracycline-based chemotherapy is associated with reduced cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer patients. High intensity interval training (HIIT) induces greater benefits on cardiorespiratory fitness than moderate continuous aerobic exercise in patients with heart failure. The study purpose was to determine whether a HIIT intervention is a feasible exercise strategy for breast cancer patients undergoing anthracycline-based chemotherapy. Methods Thirty women were randomized to either HIIT or non-exercise control group (CON). Participants performed a maximal cycling fitness test to measure peak power output during maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The HIIT group participated in an 8-week HIIT intervention occurring 3 times weekly. Feasibility was calculated by computing (1) the average weekly minutes of HIIT over 8 weeks and (2) the number of sessions attended and multiplied by 100 (percentage of sessions). The intervention was considered feasible if more than 50% of participants completed both an average of 70% of weekly minutes (63/90 min) and attended 70% exercise sessions (17/24 sessions). Results Participants were 46.9 ± 9.8 (mean ± SD) years old, diagnosed with clinical stage II (30%) or III (63%) breast cancer. The average weekly minutes of exercise completed was 78 ± 5.1 out of 90 min. Twelve of 15 participants met both feasibility criteria, attending 19.2 ± 2.1 out of 24 sessions (82.3%). VO2max was maintained (19.7 ± 8.7 to 19.4 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min) in HIIT group (p = 0.94) while there was a significant decrease in VO2max (18.7 ± 7.1 to 16.1 ± 6.0 ml/kg/min) in CON group from baseline to 8 weeks (p = 0.001). Conclusions HIIT is a feasible exercise intervention to maintain VO2max in breast cancer patients receiving anthracycline-based chemotherapy. Trial registration The protocol and informed consent were approved by the institutional IRB (HS-12-00227) and registered ( NCT02454777; date of registration: May 272,015).
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Purpose Whether the benefits of exercise during chemotherapy continue into survivorship is not well-known. Here, the aim was to examine the effects of two exercise interventions on self-reported health-related and objectively measured physiological outcomes 12 months following commencement of chemotherapy. Methods Two hundred and forty women with breast cancer stage I–IIIa were randomized to 16 weeks of high-intensity aerobic interval training combined with either resistance training (RT-HIIT), or moderate-intensity aerobic training (AT-HIIT), or to usual care (UC). Primary outcome: cancer-related fatigue (CRF); secondary outcomes: quality of life (QoL), symptom burden, muscle strength, cardiorespiratory-fitness, body mass, and return to work. Results Compared to UC, both RT-HIIT and AT-HIIT significantly counteracted increases in total CRF (ES = − 0.34; ES = − 0.10), daily life CRF (ES=-0.76; ES=-0.50, and affective CRF (ES=-0.60; ES=-0.39). Both RT-HIIT and AT-HIIT reported significantly lower total symptoms (ES = − 0.46, ES = − 0.46), and displayed gains in lower limb (ES = 0.73; ES = 1.03) and handgrip muscle strength (surgery side ES = 0.70, ES = 0.71; non-surgery side ES = 0.57, ES = 0.59). AT-HIIT displayed significant reductions in body mass (ES = − 0.24), improved QoL: role (ES = 0.33) and emotional functioning (ES = 0.40), and a larger proportion had returned to work (p = 0.02) vs UC. Conclusion These findings emphasize the beneficial effects of supervised high-intensity exercise during chemotherapy to improve the health and to reduce societal costs associated with prolonged sick leave for patients with breast cancer several months following chemotherapy. Implications for Cancer Survivors These findings provide important information with substantial positive consequences for breast cancer survivorship. High-intensity exercise programs during chemotherapy and support to maintain physical activity can be a powerful strategy to manage or prevent many of the short- and long-term adverse effects of treatment for the increasing cohort of cancer survivors.
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Introduction: Low-intensity endurance training performed with blood flow restriction (ET-BFR) can improve muscle strength, cross-sectional area (CSA) and cardiorespiratory capacity. Whether muscle strength and CSA as well as cardiorespiratory capacity (i.e.:V˙O2max) and underlying molecular processes regulating such respective muscle adaptations are comparable to resistance and endurance training is unknown. Purpose: To determine the respective chronic (i.e.: 8 weeks) functional, morphological and molecular responses of ET-BFR training compared to conventional, unrestricted resistance training (RT) and endurance training (ET). Methods: Thirty healthy young men were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: ET-BFR (n=10, 4 days/wk, 30 min cycling at 40% of V˙O2max), RT (n=10, 4 days/wk, 4 sets of 10 reps leg-press at 70% of 1-RM with 60 s rest) or ET (n=10, 4 days/wk, 30 min cycling at 70% of V˙O2max) for 8 weeks. Measures of quadriceps CSA, leg press 1-RM, and V˙O2max as well as muscle biopsies were obtained prior to and post intervention. Results: Both RT and ET-BFR increased muscle strength and hypertrophy responses. ET-BFR also increased V˙O2max, total COXIV abundance and VEGF mRNA abundance despite the lower work load compared to ET. Conclusion: Eight weeks of ET-BFR can increase muscle strength and induce similar muscle hypertrophy responses to RT while V˙O2max responses also increased post-intervention even with a significantly lower work load compared to ET. Our findings provide new insight to some of the molecular mechanisms mediating adaptation responses with ET-BFR and the potential for this training protocol to improve muscle and cardiorespiratory capacity.
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Background Sarcopenia refers to the reduction of both volume and number of skeletal muscle fibers. Lean body mass loss is associated with survival, quality of life and tolerance to treatment in cancer patients. The aim of our study is to analyse the association between toxicities and sarcopenia in early breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant treatment. Materials and Methods Breast cancer patients who have received anthracycline-based adjuvant treatment were retrospectively enrolled. CT scan images performed before, during and after adjuvant chemotherapy were used to evaluate lean body mass at third lumbar vertebra level with the software Slice Omatic V 5.0. Results 21 stage I–III breast cancer patients were enrolled. According to the skeletal muscle index at third lumbar vertebra cut-off ≤38.5 cm²/m², 8 patients (38.1%) were classified as sarcopenic before starting treatment, while 10 patients (47.6%) were sarcopenic at the end of treatment. A lower baseline L3 skeletal muscle index is associated with G3-4 vs G0-2 toxicities (33.4 cm²/m² (31.1–39.9) vs 40.5 cm²/m² (33.4–52.0), p = 0.028). Similarly skeletal muscle cross sectional area was significantly lower in patients with G3-4 toxicities (86.7 cm² (82.6–104.7) vs 109.0 cm² (83.3–143.9), p = 0.017). L3 skeletal muscle index is an independent predictor of severe toxicity (p = 0.0282) in multivariate analysis. Conclusion Lean body mass loss is associated with higher grade of toxicity in early breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy.
Importance Trastuzumab improves outcomes in patients with ERBB2-positive (formerly HER2) breast cancer but is associated with treatment-induced cardiotoxicity, most commonly manifest by an asymptomatic decline in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Little is known to date regarding the long-term effects of treatment-induced cardiotoxicity on cardiopulmonary function in patients who survive trastuzumab-treated breast cancer. Objective To determine whether treatment-induced cardiotoxicity recovers or is associated with long-term cardiopulmonary dysfunction in survivors of ERBB2-positive breast cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants This cross-sectional case-control study enrolled patients with nonmetastatic ERBB2-positive breast cancer after completion of trastuzumab-based therapy (median, 7.0 [interquartile range (IQR), 6.2-8.7] years after therapy) who met 1 of 2 criteria: (1) cardiotoxicity (TOX group) developed during trastuzumab treatment (ie, asymptomatic decrease of LVEF≥10% from baseline to <55% [n = 22]) or (2) no evidence of cardiotoxicity during trastuzumab treatment (NOTOX group [n = 20]). Patients were treated at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Fifteen healthy control participants (HC group) were also enrolled for comparison purposes. All groups were frequency matched by age strata (<55, 55-64, and ≥65 years). Data were collected from September 9, 2016, to August 10, 2018, and analyzed from November 20, 2018, to August 12, 2019. Main Outcomes and Measures Speckle-tracking echocardiography and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing were performed to measure indices of left ventricular function (including LVEF and global longitudinal strain [GLS]) and peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2). Results A total of 57 participants (median age, 60.8 [IQR, 52.7-65.7] years) were included in the analysis. Overall, 38 of 42 patients with breast cancer (90%) were treated with anthracyclines before trastuzumab. Resting mean (SD) LVEF was significantly lower in the TOX group (56.9% [5.2%]) compared with the NOTOX (62.4% [4.0%]) and HC (65.3% [2.9%]) groups; similar results were found for GLS (TOX group, −17.8% [2.2%]; NOTOX group, −19.8% [2.2%]; HC group, −21.3% [1.8%]) (P < .001). Mean peak VO2 in the TOX group (22.9 [4.4] mL/kg/min) was 15% lower compared with the NOTOX group (27.0 [5.3] mL/kg/min; P = .03) and 25% lower compared with the HC group (30.5 [3.4] mL/ kg/min; P < .001). In patients with breast cancer, GLS was significantly associated with peak VO2 (β coefficient, −0.75; 95% CI, −1.32 to −0.18). Conclusions and Relevance Treatment-induced cardiotoxicity appears to be associated with long-term marked impairment of cardiopulmonary function and may contribute to increased risk of late-occurring cardiovascular disease in survivors of ERBB2-positive breast cancer.
Purpose: The number of cancer survivors worldwide is growing, with over 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States alone-a figure expected to double in the coming decades. Cancer survivors face unique health challenges as a result of their cancer diagnosis and the impact of treatments on their physical and mental well-being. For example, cancer survivors often experience declines in physical functioning and quality of life while facing an increased risk of cancer recurrence and all-cause mortality compared with persons without cancer. The 2010 American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable was among the first reports to conclude that cancer survivors could safely engage in enough exercise training to improve physical fitness and restore physical functioning, enhance quality of life, and mitigate cancer-related fatigue. Methods: A second Roundtable was convened in 2018 to advance exercise recommendations beyond public health guidelines and toward prescriptive programs specific to cancer type, treatments, and/or outcomes. Results: Overall findings retained the conclusions that exercise training and testing were generally safe for cancer survivors and that every survivor should "avoid inactivity." Enough evidence was available to conclude that specific doses of aerobic, combined aerobic plus resistance training, and/or resistance training could improve common cancer-related health outcomes, including anxiety, depressive symptoms, fatigue, physical functioning, and health-related quality of life. Implications for other outcomes, such as peripheral neuropathy and cognitive functioning, remain uncertain. Conclusions: The proposed recommendations should serve as a guide for the fitness and health care professional working with cancer survivors. More research is needed to fill remaining gaps in knowledge to better serve cancer survivors, as well as fitness and health care professionals, to improve clinical practice.
Assessment of risk of bias is regarded as an essential component of a systematic review on the effects of an intervention. The most commonly used tool for randomised trials is the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool. We updated the tool to respond to developments in understanding how bias arises in randomised trials, and to address user feedback on and limitations of the original tool.
Objectives: Since Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) first published its position statement on exercise guidelines for people with cancer, there has been exponential growth in research evaluating the role of exercise pre-, during and post-cancer treatment. Design and methods: The purpose of this report is to use the current scientific evidence, alongside clinical experience and exercise science principles to update ESSA's position statement on cancer-specific exercise prescription. Results: Reported in this position statement is a summary of the benefits accrued through exercise following a cancer diagnosis and the strengths and limitations of this evidence-base. An exercise prescription framework is then proposed to enable the application of cancer-specific considerations for individualisation, specificity, safety, feasibility and progression of exercise for all patients. Additional specific exercise prescription considerations are provided for the presence of haematological, musculoskeletal, systemic, cardiovascular, lymphatic, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and neurological disease- and treatment-related concerns, as well as presence of co-morbid chronic disease. Further, we also identify and discuss cancer-specific pragmatic issues and barriers requiring consideration for exercise prescription. Conclusions: While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients. Targeted exercise prescription, which includes the provision of behaviour change advice and support, is needed to ensure greatest benefit (as defined by the patient) in the short and longer term, with low risk of harm.
Background: The American Cancer Society (ACS) publishes guidelines on nutrition and physical activity to minimize health risks in cancer patients and survivors. Studies show that high adherence to such guidelines is associated with a decrease in overall cancer incidence and mortality. However, there are sparse data on adherence to the ACS guidelines in cancer survivors. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe adherence to the ACS guidelines in female cancer survivors who participated in an exercise intervention trial for 1 year. Methods: Perimenopausal and early postmenopausal female cancer survivors (n = 154) participated in a randomized controlled trial that examined the efficacy of an aerobic-resistance exercise intervention. In addition to body mass index and alcohol, diet and physical activity data were collected with 4-day diet records and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. A scoring system was used to determine adherence to the ACS guidelines, with scores ranging from 0 (no adherence) to 8 (highest adherence). Results: Mean total adherence scores for ACS guidelines for all intervention and control condition participants, most of whom had breast or gynecological cancers, were 4.2 (baseline), 4.9 (6 months), and 4.8 (12 months), suggesting moderate adherence. Physical activity levels improved in both groups; however, no significant change was observed for adherence to weight, dietary, or alcohol intake guidelines for either group. Conclusion: Findings indicate only partial adherence to the ACS guidelines, even for motivated cancer survivors participating in an exercise intervention study. Implications for practice: Further research is needed regarding strategies and interventions to improve adherence to ACS guidelines.