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Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iebm20
Non-chemical signatures of biological materials:
Radio signals from Covid19?
Yogendra Srivastava , Elisabetta Sassaroli , John Swain , Allan Widom ,
Meenakshi Narain & Georges de Montmollin
To cite this article: Yogendra Srivastava , Elisabetta Sassaroli , John Swain , Allan Widom ,
Meenakshi Narain & Georges de Montmollin (2020): Non-chemical signatures of biological
materials: Radio signals from Covid19?, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15368378.2020.1803081
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with
license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Published online: 10 Aug 2020.
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Non-chemical signatures of biological materials: Radio signals from Covid19?
Yogendra Srivastava
, Elisabetta Sassaroli
, John Swain
, Allan Widom
, Meenakshi Narain
and Georges de Montmollin
Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy;
Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston,
Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA;
Physics Department, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA;
Cities Suisse Sárl, Neuchatel, Switzerland
All therapeutic methods dealing with coronavirus (past and present) are based on chemicals. We
test for it (positive or negative) chemically and hope to cure it with a future vaccine (some
complicated chemical preparation). If and when the virus mutates, another set of chemical proto-
cols for its testing and a hunt for new chemicals as a vaccine shall begin again and again. But the
history of modern (western) medicine tells us that our biotechnology is not so limited. Copious
scientic evidence for sonic and low energy electromagnetic signals produced by all biological
elements (DNA, cells, bacteria, parasites, virus) exists; in turn, the biological elements are aected by
these non-chemical signals as well. A careful analysis and a catalogue of the spectrum of these non-
chemical signals are proposed here as a unique biophysical signature.
Received 25 July 2020
Accepted 26 July 2020
Sonic & EM signals from life
forms; Covid19
Standard paradigm for intercellular communication is
via chemical reactions. However, physical non-chemical
means such as sonic and electromagnetic signals from
various life forms have been shown to exist for a long
time. The best-known example of a non-chemical com-
munication is of course via light signals. In fact, F. Popp
showed that ultra-weak bio-photon emission by living
cells is a universal phenomenon that is involved in cell
regulation (Popp 1998) (Light signaling is fairly com-
mon amongst plants and mammals). The intensity of the
emitted electromagnetic light signal is not necessarily
linear with number; for example, intensities of the
emitted radiation are remarkably different for cancer
versus normal cells (Alvermann et al. 2015; Popp 1998).
It is of obvious practical interest to investigate the
biochemical possibilities of producing and absorbing
sonar and electromagnetic signals from various life
forms at larger wavelengths. Sound (vibrational) waves
from cells of Bacillus subtilis were detected with sensitive
microphones, showing approximate peaks at frequen-
cies of [8.5, 19, 29 and, 37 kHz] (Matsuhashi et al. 1998).
Also, beaming continuous sine waves at similar frequen-
cies by a speaker or those emitted by B. subtilis, pro-
moted colony formation by another Bacillus
carboniphilus when the latter was under severe stress
such as high temperatures and high KCL concentra-
tions. Thus, it was deduced that physical (sound
waves) rather than chemicals can and do function as
a growth-regulatory signal between cells (Matsuhashi
et al. 1998), (Norris and Hyland 1997).
For an excellent review about when sonic and other
low-frequency EM signals (microbial conversations)
might become physical, see Reguera (2011).
In 2000, Babincov’a et al. (Babincov’a et al. 2000)
hypothesized that viruses could be inactivated by gen-
erating the corresponding resonance ultrasound vibra-
tion of viruses that is in the GHz region. Thus, began an
intensive theoretical and experimental research on the
vibrational modes of variously shaped virus in this fre-
quency range (Balandin and Fonoberov 2005; Dykeman
and Sankey 2008, 2010; Ford 2003; Saviot et al. 2004; Sun
et al. 2017; Tsen et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2015).
The proposal to do resonant energy transfer from
ultrasound for the destruction of HIV virus made in
(Babincov’a et al. 2000) was taken up to use efficient
energy transfer from microwave radiation against the
influenza A virus and it was mapped out in detail in
(Yang et al. 2015). The resonant peak frequency was
found to be 8.2 GHz with a width of about 4 GHz. As
microwave energy can be dangerous to humans and
animals, it is only thanks to resonant energy transfer
that the needed power was reduced by about a factor of
15 and be below the IEEE safety threshold value so that
microwave power could be employed to disinfest open
spaces from this virus (Yang et al. 2015). Sun et al. (Sun
CONTACT Yogendra Srivastava yogendra.srivastava@gmail.com Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd
/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon
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et al. 2017) have studied another rod-shaped virus
WSSV (white spot syndrome virus) that is dangerous
to marine life (shrimp, crab, crayfish, etc.) and find
a strong microwave absorption peak on WSSV at
a frequency (6:51) GHz. Termite (Termiditiae) con-
trol has been demonstrated with 2.45 GHz microwave
radiation (Yanagawa et al. 2020).
Direct electrical bio-signaling between communities
of bacteria have been studied in Yuzvinsky et al. (2011),
Prindle et al. (2015), Humphries et al. (2017), Liu et al.
(2017), where further references can be found. Through
these works, one can follow the natural evolution from
nanowire microbial connections (Yuzvinsky et al. 2011)
to wireless cellular communications (Humphries et al.
2017; Liu et al. 2017; Prindle et al. 2015). Just as our
home computers have evolved from an early hard wired
modem connection to present-day wireless communica-
tions from afar, so it would seem has been the fate of the
living state on earth.
To properly discuss and theoretically understand the
above experimental results, one is faced with an obvious
difficulty of large difference in the length scales involved
since the length of the emitter (say a bacterium) is so
much smaller than the length of the emitted signal (that
is, the wavelength of say a radio wave).
Consider a long thin biomaterial of (effective) length
L. The classical dipolar sonar radiation frequencies are
given by Sun et al. (2017)
νn;clðLÞ ¼ ðv
ν1:ν2:ν3...:¼1;3;5;7;. . . ::;(1)
where v is the speed of sound in the medium.
On the other hand, there are also quantum mechan-
ical-free electron motion along the effective perimeter of
the material. The quantum mechanical electromagnetic
(EM) transition frequencies are given by (Swain et al.
2013; Widom et al.)
νn;qmðLÞ ¼ ð π�h
ν1:ν2:ν3...:¼1;3;5;7;. . . ::;(2)
where m is the mass of the electron. The presence of the
Planck’s constant in the frequency tells us that this is
a truly quantum mechanical (and not a semi-classical)
effect. As emphasized in (Widom et al.), the electron can
skip rungs as it goes up and down the length of a DNA
say, thus Leff <L.
For the model in consideration, we have for the same
¼ ðvmL
1:1 ð v
2km=sec:Þ ð L
For densely packed bio-materials of interest, we expect
v ð1:52:5Þkm/s. The two frequencies become
equal (11:11:5 GHz) for a narrow length-band
around (180 25) nm. Thus, there should be an internal
balance between the two sets of mode for this length.
On the other hand, for L180nm, the EM transition
frequencies are higher than the internal sonar frequen-
cies, and vice versa, for L180 nm, the EM transition
frequencies are smaller than its sonar counterpart.
Let us consider the rod-shaped virus WSSV studied
in (Sun et al. 2017). If we assume its mean length to be
300 nm, and the mean speed of sonar propagation as
2km=sec:, its peak sonar frequency would be 6:66 GHz,
that matches very well with the peak frequency of 6:5
GHz observed in (Sun et al. 2017). For the internally
generated EM mode frequency for this virus to be the
same as the sonar frequency, we need to assume Leff
0:78L¼234 nm. The experimental data for this virus
seem to be amenable to a satisfactory theoretical analysis
using standard methods.
Unfortunately, such is not the case for the data pre-
sented in (Matsuhashi et al. 1998) for B. subtilis of length
L¼10 microns ¼104 nm. Using Eq.(1) with
v¼2km=sec:, the sonar frequency is 200 MHz and
through Eq.(2), the (internally generated) EM frequency
is estimated to be 3:64 MHz. These are several thousands
of times larger than the measured frequency range
(8 40) kHz (Matsuhashi et al. 1998) and the authors
themselves note that the mechanism producing such
frequencies is unknown. See also Norris and Hyland
(1997). Below we shall try to understand this
It is important to remember that the sonar and EM
radiations are not decoupled. The vibrational motion
that generates sonar frequencies implies a separation of
charges and thus a change in the dipole moments indu-
cing EM effects. So long as the coupling between the two
interactions is weak, they can be treated as independent
and the arguments presented above are adequate. But
when the coupling becomes large, there is a strong inter-
action between the two and in fact at a critical value of
the coupling, the system enters a super radiant Dicke-
Preparata phase and a zero frequency mode develops.
Let νs be the sonar frequency; νem the EM frequency
and νint the frequency with which the two are coupled.
After diagonalization, the (two) resultant frequencies
(ν) are given by
¼ ðν2
emÞ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
As νint is increased to a critical value
νint;νcritical ¼ ð1=2Þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
and a zero frequency mode develops. For νint >νcritical,
the system undergoes a phase transition and enters into
a super-radiant phase.
For the problem at hand, νs¼200 MHz; νem ¼3:64
MHz; so that νcritical ¼13:5 MHz. To obtain an experimen-
tal peak frequency say 40 kHz, νint νcritical ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ð 40
exceedingly close to the critical value. Optimistically, we
note that the measured frequencies seem to be consistent
with our selection rule for the ratios 1:3:5:7. If our
conjectured mechanism is valid, the system is very near
the critical phase and thus expected to be metastable.
At present, it is of great practical interest to investi-
gate into the nature of electromagnetic signals emitted
by the virus SARS-Cov-2 (the disease is technically
Covid-19, commonly called coronavirus). The physical
characteristics of this virus are well known, see, for
example Cascella et al. (2020). For our immediate inter-
est, we may recall that the diameter of the corona (cir-
cular or elliptic) D,ð60 140Þnanometers and that this
positive-strand RNA coronavirus typically contains
[(26 32) 103 bp], so that we may infer that in abso-
lute units they are [(8:84 10:8) 104 cm] long. The
mean length 10 microns of CV-19 virus is the same as
that of B. subtilis studied in Matsuhashi et al. (1998) and
theoretically discussed above. Were the length the domi-
nant factor fixing the value of the frequency, then to
a first approximation, there would be a clash between the
calculated sonar and internally generated EM frequen-
cies and the experimentally reported values in
Matsuhashi et al. (1998). Mutatis mutandis critical cou-
pling between the two modes would have to be invoked
with a resulting meta stability implied also for CV19. It
is difficult to estimate theoretically the resultant fre-
quency without further assumptions. In a later section,
we shall describe experimental methods for a future
determination of this important frequency.
Measurements of the characteristic frequencies
Here we briefly mention an ancient but tried method
(Houck and Gaw 1961) that could be readily adapted for
measuring the frequency spectrum of a biological speci-
men that is radiating at a low intensity. The device
sometimes known as gate dip meter measures the radia-
tion frequency of a specimen without disturbing it since
the meter is not directly coupled to the biosample.
The essential idea of how the meter works can be
stated in its simplest form as an LC-circuit with
a tunable (and thus known angular) frequency ΩM.
Suppose the meter is brought near the sample so that it
gets (weakly) inductively coupled to the sample. Then, as
one sweeps ΩM and it hits (one of the characteristic
frequencies) ωs of the sample, there would be
a resonance and the meter would lose power to the
sample and its own current would dwindle and hit
a minimum; this explains the word dip in the name of
the meter. A similar situation exists in the capacitative
coupling mode. The central point being that as ΩM gets
close to ωs there is the maximum dip in the current.
Modern-day instruments are properly calibrated so that
the data about the frequency spectrum can be digitally
It is natural to assume that as a virus (say) mutates, its
natural frequencies would change also. Thus, a careful
measurement of its time-dependent frequency spectrum
should provide a signature or fingerprint of the same in
real time. Ideally, we might hope that in parallel with the
highly useful (but static) biogenetic structural informa-
tion that the genome archive provides, in the future we
would also have biophysical (dynamical) information at
the genetic level through its frequencies and the latter’s
evolution in time. Hence, our proposal is to augment the
Genome with a Bio-digital frequency catalogue. We shall
return to this subject and present further details in
another study elsewhere.
Dielectric properties of water and of bacteria in
Water is quintessential to all life forms (certainly
those terrestrial). Biochemistry admits this fact but
does not explain it. In any event, both low-frequency
sonic and EM signals from biological materials such
as cells, bacteria, virus, etc., have been observed only
in the presence of water (Matsuhashi et al. 1998;
Reguera 2011). Thus, it is natural to ask whether
water possesses low energy excitations of its own.
In the following, we shall briefly discuss theoretical
considerations and experimental evidence supporting
their existence.
Insertion of transverse modes inherent in QED to
polar liquids – such as water – have led to remarkable
results such as a laser-like activity (Del Giudice et al.
1988; Preparata 1995) along with a ferroelectric domain
structure in water (of radius R,105cm) at room tem-
perature (Sivasubramanian et al. 2005). One implication
is the dramatic rise in the permittivity of water at low
frequencies (Angulo-Sherman and Mercado-Uribe,
2011; Rusiniak 2000, 2004). For example, the real part
of the dielectric constant at 100 Hz is ð3:54:5Þ 103,
whereas it falls to its traditional textbook value 80 when
probed at higher frequencies [10 kHz–10 MHz]. Also,
when sufficiently confined, water permittivity can attain
values even higher than 107 at say 5 Hz. In a phenomen-
ological fit of the data (Rusiniak 2000), two resonant
frequencies, one between (3:510) Hz (attributed to
oxygen) and a higher frequency mode (40 80) Hz
(attributed to hydrogen) were employed.
There are substantial changes in the permittivity of
water even for small additions of biomolecules. For
example, at a concentration of only 0:05%polymerized
DNA (of molecular weight 3 106), the static dielectric
constant of the solution reaches a high value of
40;000(Takashima and Schwan 1991). Because of the
large size of the biomacro-molecules, the dielectric dis-
persion occurs at very low frequencies (5 8) Hz.
An important message here is similar both for sonic
and EM resonance signals: a signal can be sympatheti-
cally excited by a nearby (external) system possessing
a common frequency and vice versa: the external system
can be excited by it provided a commonality of frequen-
cies exists.
Information capacity and memory of DNA and
The discovery of (small) ordered ferroelectric domains
in water (at standard temperature and pressure) clarified
the previously confusing role of memory in water
(Widom et al. 2010). Just as ferromagnetic ordering is
routine for storing memory information on computer
disks so does Nature use ferroelectric ordering in water
for data storage. Moreover, wireless connections are an
everyday living proof and reminder that information
can be manipulated via EM signals with sources far
removed from the information storage site.
To estimate the information capacity of water as well as
that of DNA, the polymer most studied with regard to
memory, we proceed first to relate information I to entropy
S (Khinchin 1957) and then use statistical thermodynamics
to relate S to other physically measurable quantities
(Widom et al. 2010). If Ω denotes the number of states in
a system, then the information memory capacity N in bits is
defined in information theory as follows (Khinchin 1957):
On the other hand, in statistical mechanics, the entropy
S is defined as (Landau and Lifshitz 1999)
ðBoltzmann0s constantÞkB¼3:80
1023 Joules=Kelvin;
Thus, the memory capacity of a system is related to the
entropy of the system via
bytesÞ ¼ ð S
where I denotes the memory capacity in bytes.
To illustrate thermodynamic reasoning about infor-
mation and entropy let us first consider a DNA mole-
cule. The normal coiled state of the DNA molecule can
become uncoiled. It is experimentally possible to hold
two points of a long molecule apart with optical tweezers
and measure the molecular tension τ.
If the length L denotes the distance between the two
points, then the DNA molecular-free energy F at tem-
perature T obeys
dF ¼ SdT þτdL ¼ ðkBln2ÞNdT þτdL;
@LÞT¼ ½ 1
A remarkable feature was discovered by two groups
simultaneously (Smith et al.) (Cluzel et al. 1996): that
at a force of about 65 picoNewton, the DNA lengthens
by a factor about two without any additional force
(Marko and Siggia 1995) (JPK instrument application
note). This is called an over-stretching transition. If we
model this phase transition regime as
τ ðTToÞτc;(7)
we may estimate the approximate DNA information
capacity per unit length (in units of bytes per meter) as
given by the right-hand side of Eq. (8) to be
for τc¼65 picoN;To¼300K;(8)
a satisfactory estimate.
We can also estimate the information capacity of one
water molecule (N) using a similar tactic (Widom et al.
2010). During the phase transition of liquid water into
steam at T¼100o Celsius (T¼373 Kelvin), the heat of
evaporation of steam is 2;260 Joules/gm. [This is equiva-
lent to a latent heat q¼6:79 1020 Joules/
molecule = 0.42 eV/molecule]. This anomalously large
latent heat is due to ordered domains. Water contains
electric dipole ordered domains of size (R,100 nm) due
to a condensation of photons interacting with the molecu-
lar dipole moments (Del Giudice et al. 1988)
(Sivasubramanian et al. 2002) (Del Giudice and Vitiello
The analogue of Eq.(8) is given by the vapour pres-
sure coexistence equation
¼ ð q
TΔvÞ ¼ ðkBln2ÞN
ðkBTÞln219 bits=molecule;(9)
showing that water has an exceedingly high degree of
memory storage capacity: about 6:31023 bits/cm3.
A evolution from nanowire microbial
connections to wireless cellular communications
In this subsection, we briefly note that just as our home
computers have evolved from an early hard wired modem
connection to present-day wireless communications
from afar, so has been the fate of the living state on earth.
In (Ntarlagiannis et al. 2007), using saturated sand
columns and a metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella onei-
densis MR-1, they showed electrically conductive appen-
dages called microbial nanowires that are directly
associated with electric potentials. Furthermore, SEM ima-
ging revealed a network of nanowires linking cells to cells
and cells to mineral surfaces, hardwiring the entire column.
They also show that these nanowires serve as conduits
for the transfer of electrons from bacteria in the anaero-
bic part of the column to bacteria at the surface that have
access to oxygen, thus functioning akin to a bio-geo-
battery. These results advance our understanding of
the mechanism of electron transport in subsurface
environments and of how microorganisms cycle geolo-
gic material and share energy.
Natural evolution has brought about the living state
from a previous hard nanowired set of biocommunities
to the later more evolved oxygen-rich biocommunities that
were able to communicate wireless with others at
a distance; both sonically and through EM signals of low
In this paper, we have tried to delineate non-chemical
signatures of a generic biological object. To be concrete,
in the present pandemic, when a chemical analysis is
mute about an asymptomatic carrier of CV19, our study
to hunt the identity of the virus through its non-chemical
expression(s) assumes a more than academic role.
To facilitate this enormous task, we have touched upon
a variety of related problems. For example, a model has been
presented that gives us a reasonable description of experi-
mental data on the frequency spectrum of Escherichia Coli
K 12. If we assume a simple scaling law, we should expect
CV19 to have its fundamental frequency around (35)
MegaHertz (By way of comparison). Obviously, an experi-
ment is needed to test this estimate.
This brings us to the sad fact that to this date no
generally agreed upon experimental procedure exists
that guarantees a uniform set of measurements of the
parameters that quantify the non-chemical signals. To
bring this to the fore, we have considered the impor-
tant case of the permittivity of water. Every textbook
tells us that the dielectric constant of water is
a constant and that its value is about 80. Of course,
this statement is only true if the water is probed at
a frequency of 10 kHz or higher: at 100 Hz its value is
about 4000 and when water is narrowly confined this
constant can be as large as 107 at very low frequencies
(the precise value depends crucially upon the state of
water). We can not overstress how important truly
confined water or excluded zone (EZ) water (Pollack
2013) (Widom et al. 2015) is for biology as all living
matter is in water that has also a large permittivity.
Since the manner of communication of any object is
obviously anchored upon the memory storage capacity
of the object, we have quantitatively estimated the infor-
mation capacity both of a DNA and a water molecule.
The astonishingly high value of the information capacity
of water is the true key to an understanding as to why
water is quintessential to life.
Evolution led life forms from nanowire microbial
connections to wireless cellular communications each
with a unique frequency spectrum in analogy to the
atomic spectrum, the nuclear data table or the compen-
dium of hyperfine structure.
Hence, our proposal is to augment the Genome that
is a purely (static) biochemical catalogue with
a catalogue or register of the frequency spectrum of
basic living forms. These may provide our only hope to
judge over cases classified asymptomatic through che-
mical analysis.
Yogendra Srivastava http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7293-
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medicine are employed with frequencies in the range of
(2÷15) MHZ.1000.
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