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Abstract and Figures

A recent article in this journal claimed to assess the socio-technical potential for onshore wind energy in Europe. We find the article to be severely flawed and raise concerns in five general areas. Firstly, the term socio-technical is not precisely defined, and is used by the authors to refer to a potential that others term as merely technical. Secondly, the study fails to account for over a decade of research in wind energy resource assessments. Thirdly, there are multiple issues with the use of input data and, because the study is opaque about many details, the effect of these errors cannot be reproduced. Fourthly, the method assumes a very high wind turbine capacity density of 10.73 MW/km² across 40% of the land area in Europe with a generic 30% capacity factor. Fifthly, the authors find an implausibly high onshore wind potential, with 120% more capacity and 70% more generation than the highest results given elsewhere in the literature. Overall, we conclude that new research at higher spatial resolutions can make a valuable contribution to wind resource potential assessments. However, due to the missing literature review, the lack of transparency and the overly simplistic methodology, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) potentially mislead fellow scientists, policy makers and the general public.
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On the socio-technical potential for onshore wind in
Europe: a response to Enevoldsen et al. (2019),
Energy Policy, 132, 1092-1100
, R., Ryberg
, D. S., Staffell
, I., Hahmann
, A. N., Schmidt
, J, Heinrichs
, H.,
, S., Lilliestam
, J., Pfenninger
, S., Robinius
, M., Stolten
, D., Tröndle
, T., Wehrle
S., Weinand
, J. M.
Corresponding author: Energy Systems Analysis, DTU Management, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby,
Denmark,; School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Institute for Techno-economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany
Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London, UK
Resource Assessment Modelling Group, Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde,
Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,
Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany
Chair of Energy Economics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
A recent article in this journal claimed to assess the socio-technical potential for
onshore wind energy in Europe. We find the article to be severely flawed and raise
concerns in five general areas. Firstly, the term socio-technical is not precisely defined,
and is used by the authors to refer to a potential that others term as merely technical.
Secondly, the study fails to account for over a decade of research in wind energy
resource assessments. Thirdly, there are multiple issues with the use of input data and,
because the study is opaque about many details, the effect of these errors cannot be
reproduced. Fourthly, the method assumes a very high wind turbine capacity density of
10.73 MW/km
across 40% of the land area in Europe with a generic 30% capacity
factor. Fifthly, the authors find an implausibly high onshore wind potential, with 120%
more capacity and 70% more generation than the highest results given elsewhere in the
literature. Overall, we conclude that new research at higher spatial resolutions can
make a valuable contribution to wind resource potential assessments. However, due to
the missing literature review, the lack of transparency and the overly simplistic
methodology, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) potentially mislead fellow scientists, policy
makers and the general public.
Onshore wind; resource assessment; public acceptance; barriers; feasibility
1 Introduction
Resource assessments for renewable energy is an active field of research driven by the
worldwide push towards more sustainable energy systems. Significant attention has
been devoted to this area in research and literature over the past decades, leading to
substantial methodological improvements and more reliable resource estimates. One
area which has seen particular methodological focus is improving the ways in which
such studies account for non-technical (e.g. social) constraints for renewable resources
like onshore wind (e.g. Jäger et al. 2016, Höltinger et al. 2016, Harper et al. 2019,
Eichhorn et al. 2019).
Against this background, a recent paper in this journal seemed upon first impression
to be a welcome contribution. It presents a resource assessment for onshore wind in
Europe, purporting to evaluate the socio-technical potential for this technology
(Enevoldsen et al. 2019). Indeed, the article received intensive media attention upon its
publication in July 2019, partly due to the enormous European onshore wind potential
A closer reading of the article, however, reveals five severe shortcomings, which we
address in the following section:
1. Potential definitions: the paper employs the term socio-technical without clearly
defining or differentiating it from related terms (section 2.1).
2. Lack of a literature review of the state of the art: the paper fails to account for
substantial progress in this area and ignores the body of recent literature (section
3. Opaque and incorrect use of input data: the contribution lacks transparency in
its application of existing datasets and in some cases is demonstrably incorrect
For example a search on 26.11.19 for “wind potential Europe” revealed the following online articles amongst the top fifteen results
on Google: Wind it up: Europe has the untapped onshore capacity to meet global energy demand
(; Study shows huge potential of Europe’s onshore wind
(; Europe's 52.5TW onshore wind potential revealed
(; Europe could power the world with onshore wind
(; Europe Could Power The
Entire World With Onshore Wind Farms Alone (
onshore-wind-farms); Turning Europe into a giant wind farm could power the entire world
A recent corrigendum (Enevoldsen et al. 2020) corrects the citation and description of the data, but not its application as outlined in
section 2.3.2.
Given the incomplete description of how data were used, the full extent of the
error introduced by incorrect data usage is difficult to estimate (section 2.3).
4. Oversimplified methods without validation: the paper employs overly
simplistic methods which are substantially behind the state of the art, are not
validated and, in most areas, impose considerable bias on the results (section
5. No consideration of other recent results: the controversial results are only
compared with a single outdated study, and not put into the context of the larger
body of recent work on wind resource assessments (section 2.5).
The remainder of this response addresses these five points in turn before closing with an overall
2 The five weak points of Enevoldsen et al.
2.1 Potential definitions
In the field of resource assessments for renewable energies, it is common to distinguish
between different kinds of potential. For example, five different potential categories can
be defined as shown in Table 1 (Hoogwijk et al. 2004, Jäger et al. 2016). The table shows
these potential terms alongside possible definitions and examples of energy policy
Table 1: Overview of different potential definitions and examples of their policy relevance
Potential term
Defined as…
Policy relevance
, e.g.
…the total energy content of wind globally. Generally irrelevant
…(the amount of wind energy across) the total area
available for wind turbines
Generally irrelevant
…the electricity that can be generated from wind turbines
within the geographical potential with a given turbine
technology (e.g. current, future).
Wind industry R&D,
innovation and market
…a subset of the technical potential that can be realized
…reflecting non-technical constraints. Public acceptance,
market barriers, inertia
Within this context, it is difficult to situate Enevoldsen et al.’s (2019) approach combining
a “1) common wind atlas methodology centering on information about wind resources,
with 2) high resolution exclusion of areas where wind project development is hampered
by socially centered constraints to siting”. A problem with this second claim is that it blurs
technical constraints (e.g. exclusion criteria for infrastructure, as in the geographical
potential definition in Table 1) with some constraints relating to social acceptance (more
details in section 2.3). Enevoldsen et al. claim that “the erosion of public support and siting
increasing costs [sic] coupled with the emergence of promising innovations in offshore
foundations […] have tempered onshore wind growth projections” and call for a “more
qualitative, refined socio-technical dimension” in the assessment of wind power
potentials, which should consider that “public opposition is complex, and it often stems
from visual (aesthetic), environmental, and socioeconomic concerns, especially in regard
to onshore wind projects.” However, they fail to define exactly what their socio-technical
potential is and, based on the presented information, we must conclude that they do not
(attempt to) consider any of these complex social constraints in their approach; thus their
potential should be considered a technical one, despite the title of the paper.
2.2 Literature review and state of the art
Enevoldsen et al. (2019) contains 13 self-citations from a total of 29 references (i.e.
45%), which is extremely high for a peer-reviewed original research article (van
Noorden & Chawla 2019). The authors overlook more than a decade of research in
resource assessments for onshore wind. Instead they repeatedly stress the novelty of
their study, especially regarding its continental application and supposed use of high-
resolution data. The authors directly claim that “none [of the preceding literature] exhibit
the level of aggregation that [their] model represents.” Whilst Enevoldsen et al. (2019) is
indeed one of the first studies to employ the high-resolution Global Wind Atlas V2 (cf.
section 2.3), it is by no means the first to provide results at their level of aggregation for
the whole of Europe (cf. e.g. Ryberg et al. 2019a, Bosch et al. 2017, McKenna et al.
2015). Figure 1 gives an overview of the main results from other exemplary literature
with a similar spatial scope (large-scale international studies in a European context).
Selected studies have also recently attempted to frame social acceptance issues in
the context of wind power potential studies, which Enevoldsen et al. (2019) do not. For
example, Höltinger et al. (2016) present a participatory approach with key stakeholders
to consider the effect of socio-political and market acceptance on techno-economic
potentials for wind in Austria. In a study of the feasible wind energy potential for the
Baden-Württemberg region of Germany, Jäger et al. (2016) analysed the public’s views
with respect to their aesthetic appreciation of the landscape. Considering rules of local
planning and the level of social acceptance of wind in specific landscapes resulted in a
feasible potential at around 50% of the previously-determined technical potential and a
substantial shift in the location of this potential due to different wind park spacing and
size assumptions. Also, Harper et al. (2019) present a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
(MCDA) approach that considers technological, legislative and social constraints in a
British context. Finally, Eichhorn et al. (2019) developed a sustainability assessment
framework for possible wind sites, including environmental, social, technical and
economic asepects, and applied it to Germany.
Missing this literature means that Enevoldsen et al. (2019) fail to embed both their
methodology (section 2.4) and results (section 2.5) into the broader scientific discourse.
Especially during the last half decade, a thread of research has emerged that focuses
on developing and applying methods to assess the impact of social constraints on wind
resource assessments. For a contribution aiming to assess the socio-technical
constraints for onshore wind energy in Europe, these (or similar) studies are a
necessary point of reference.
2.3 Data
2.3.1 Geospatial data and land-use constraints
Enevoldsen et al.’s (2019) stated aim was to determine “how much wind power potential
[Europe has] after infrastructure, built-up areas, and protected areas are factored in”.
This implies that at least these three considerations (infrastructure, built-up areas, and
protected areas) must be addressed in detail for all of the countries included in their
analysis. However, such a detailed analysis is not possible without further geospatial
data sources not mentioned in the paper.
The first geospatial dataset of importance is OpenStreetMap (OSM), which the
authors have used to represent all infrastructure (including roads, waterways, airports,
and railways) as well as all buildings (including residential, industrial, military, public,
and existing wind turbines). The OSM database is constructed by means of user-
volunteered input, which naturally calls into question its completeness. Validation of
OSM data shows that, while the completeness of street data is high (>95%) for most
Western European countries, for other European countries such as Turkey (79%),
Albania (75%), and, most notably, Russia (47%) it is significantly lower (Barrington-
Leigh et al. 2017). In comparison, the completeness of buildings in OSM is often found
to be much less; example estimates include 23% for Saxony, Germany in 2013 (Hecht
et al. 2013) and 57% for Lombardy, Italy (Broveli & Zamboni 2018). In addition to
missing a large portion of real buildings, another issue with Enevoldsen et al.’s use of
OSM for building data is that of filtering. When using the same OSM extract source as
Enevoldsen et al. (geofabrik 2019), it becomes clear that 33% of buildings in Germany,
as an example, are unlabeled; meaning that without the use of additional data sources it
is impossible to distinguish buildings in the manner implied by the authors. Ultimately,
when evaluating geospatial exclusions from infrastructure and buildings across Europe,
Enevoldsen et al. (2019)’s reliance on OSM alone is not sufficient for a detailed wind
energy potential estimate.
The second geospatial data source employed by Enevoldsen et al. (2019) is the
Natura2000 dataset (EEA 2016), which the authors claim to have used to determine the
geospatial positioning of “castles, monuments, areas protected by Natura2000, Special
Protection Area, Flora Fauna Habitat, etc”. However, the Natura2000 (EEA 2016)
dataset describes itself as “a network of core breeding and resting sites for rare and
threatened species, and some rare natural habitat types … across all 28 EU countries”.
This raises two issues: firstly, the Natura2000 database only contains data for protected
areas relating to birds and endangered species, and thus is not suitable for locating
castles and monuments (EEA 2016); and secondly it only covers the EU28, and thus
has no representation in many of the countries that Enevoldsen et al. (2019) claim to
have evaluated, including Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova,
Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Turkey, Georgia, and Russia. In total, these missing
countries make up 59% of the area the authors evaluated. Once again, when evaluating
geospatial exclusions from protected areas and historical sites across the whole of
Europe, Enevoldsen et al. (2019)’s sole reliance on the Natura2000 dataset is far from
Furthermore, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) claim to exclude areas for wind turbine
siting with the vague concept of “socially centered constraints”. Yet the subsequently
applied constraints include a mixture of around 16 constraints (located using OSM and
Natura2000), which are largely of a technical or legal nature. Notably, they have not
included those factors contributing to social acceptance identified in their own previous
publication (Enevoldsen & Sovacool 2016, Tables 2 and 3). Additionally, missing or
contradictory descriptions of the buffer distances applied to the set of employed
constraints hinder understanding and reproducibility of the study. Enevoldsen et al.
(2019) write that “proxies of 200 m (infrastructure) and 1000 m (buildings)” are used,
while in the Supplementary Material (Figure 3) half of the width of waterways, rivers,
riverbanks and lakes is defined as the buffer distance. It remains unclear which buffer
was applied to castles and monuments, which belong to the restriction type “Protected
Areas” and for which only “longer distances from historical landmarks” is stated. Overall,
no explanation or comparison to literature is given for the chosen constraints or buffer
2.3.2 Wind data
As presented in Figure 1, many studies have analyzed the resource potential for
onshore wind in Europe and its sub-regions. All these analyses rely on high quality
meteorological datasets relating to both long- and short-term wind resource
availabilities. Common methodologies involve estimating wind turbine performance from
static wind-resource maps (e.g. NEWA Consortium 2019, DTU 2019) and from climate
model reanalysis products (Olauson 2018, Hersbach et al. 2019, Nuño et al. 2018).
Well-known advantages and challenges are associated with either approach (Ramon et
al. 2019, Sanz Rodrigo et al. 2016, Staffell & Pfenninger 2016), resulting in a recent
trend towards combining aspects of both for energy system modelling (Ruiz et al. 2019;
Bosch et al. 2018; Gruber et al. 2019, Ryberg et al. 2019b).
In comparison, the description of wind data sources in Enevoldsen et al. (2019) is
highly opaque and does not make any reference to these trends in the wind energy
. The source they reference when describing their input data analyzes wind
energy resources in western Iran (Noorollahi et al. 2016), with no apparent use of the
Global Wind Atlas that Enevoldsen et al (2019) seem to refer to when stating that their
dataset was created by the World Bank and the Technical University of Denmark. This
is surprising, as Enevoldsen and colleagues claim to have used a dataset with (a)
spatial resolution of approximately 1 x 1 km and (b) hourly temporal resolution. In
contrast, the GWA (GWA V2.1 at the time of the publication of the manuscript, since
updated to GWA V3: DTU 2019) had (a) a horizontal resolution of 9 km x 9 km, while
the microscale downscaling of the GWA2 was available at a spatial grid spacing of 250
m x 250 m. Moreover, the GWA is (b) not available in hourly resolution but represents
the wind climatology of the past decade reporting a 10-year means of hourly wind
speeds. This is also relevant in the context of the validation results reported in Table 3
of Enevoldsen et al. (2019). As information on the validation sample is largely missing,
validation might be compromised due to different underlying time periods. Finally, their
use of the dataset to estimate the energy outputs (by combining the power curve with
the site-specific wind speed distribution) is not described – instead a constant capacity
factor seems to have been employed as discussed in the following section.
In summary, the utilized datasets and/or their description are inadequate or
incorrect in parts. The completeness of the OSM database and the content of the
Natura2000 dataset make them inappropriate to be employed for wind resource
assessments over the spatial domain investigated by Enevoldsen et al. (2019) without
further analysis or validation, and the application exclusion zones and buffers on these
datasets are not well justified or described. Finally, the employed GWA2 wind data
provides high-resolution annual average wind speeds, but not hourly time series data as
stated in the paper. Without further assumptions, it is therefore not possible to estimate
energy yields from onshore wind turbines across this domain. In total, these points have
the following consequences: (a) resource potentials are estimated at too high levels
because availability of land-area is overestimated, as the incomplete coverage and
detail within the data sources will arbitrarily increase land availability, (b) due to partly
incomplete definitions of exclusion zones and buffers, it is hard to compare results to
other, similar studies, and (c) the confusion on the data sources used for estimating
wind power output makes validation through comparison with the results of others
impossible without further information.
2.4 Methodology
To determine the capacity potential, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) assume a single capacity
density value (in MW/km
) which is multiplied by the total available land of each country.
This is far simpler than the methods used elsewhere and demonstrably leads to errors
due to overlooking important techno-economic characteristics of turbines, especially the
dimensions, the power curve and the costs (McKenna et al. 2014).
The employed capacity density value is not stated in Enevoldsen et al. (2019),
but can be back-calculated from the Supplementary Material as 10.73 MW/km
. While
the implied capacity density is high, it is technically possible and similar capacity
densities have been used in other studies (e.g. Ryberg et al. 2019b, McKenna et al.
More problematic is the application by Enevoldsen et al. of one capacity factor of
30% for all of Europe. Global average capacity factors for onshore wind have indeed
increased from 27% in 2010 to 34% in 2018 (IRENA 2019), and will most likely continue
to do so. But these vary strongly by location: for example, in 2018 the 5-year running
mean capacity factor in Germany was 19% (Fraunhofer IEE 2018) compared to 25% in
the UK (BEIS 2018). Employing a single capacity would also seem to defeat the object
of using high spatial resolution wind speed data, as outlined in the preceding section.
The assumed capacity factor also stems from the specific power (ratio of
generator capacity to rotor swept area) of the chosen turbine, the Chinese Envision 4.5-
148, at 262 W/m
. There is a weak downward trend in the mean specific power of
European onshore turbines, from 300 W/m
in 2014 to 280 W/m
in 2018 (WindEurope
2018). So the selected turbine’s specific power is well below average for the European
For comparison, the 160 turbine power curves available in the
software (Pfenninger & Staffell 2016) have an average specific power of 380±88 W/m
A simulation using the WTPC model (Saint-Drenan et al. 2019) shows that the Envision
4.5-148 would yield a capacity factor of 26.1% for a location in central Germany,
compared to 17.5% for a more average turbine with 380 W/m
specific power. Scaling
this result to the whole of Europe would imply an energy potential one-third lower than
given by Enevoldsen et al. (2019).
The dense packing of wind turbines implied by the assumptions of Enevoldsen et
al. overlooks the negative relation between capacity density and capacity factor, as the
capacity factor depends on rotor size relative to nameplate capacity. Rotor size, in turn,
affects the distances at which turbines can be installed without causing array losses due
to wake effects. Using the proposed configuration (turbines in a large array spaced at
4.375D X 4.375D) would incur massive array losses (Volker et al. 2017), possibly even
up to around 90% (Gustavson 1979).
In addition, previous work has shown the importance of validating simulated
outputs against measured wind power production (the energy domain) rather than wind
speeds (the meteorological domain) (Staffell & Pfenninger 2016). It is laudable that the
authors validated their input wind data (the Global Wind Atlas) against meteorological
observations from wind masts (main manuscript, Section 3 and Supplementary
Material). However, it is unclear how this builds upon the validation already performed
by the creators of the atlas (DTU Wind 2019). It is also unclear how this validation is
relevant to the study, as it appears as though the Global Wind Atlas is not used to
derive any of the final results. As noted above, the authors simply assume 30% capacity
factor across the entire continent of Europe when calculating the energy production
potential (main manuscript, Table 4).
While there is potential for improving capacity factors, much of this is based on
moving to taller turbines and lower power densities, some technical improvements
moving turbine efficiency closer to the Betz’ limit and better locations offshore
(Caglayan et al. 2019, Staffell & Pfenninger 2016). There is a more limited potential for
improving onshore capacity factors as a result of restrictions on turbine height (due to
social constraints such as visual impact) and lower wind resource availability. The
combination of high turbine density and capacities with low specific power, without
accounting for the associated array losses, mean that Eneveldsen et al.’s (2019)
method greatly overestimates the generation potential.
2.5 Results
For the reasons outlined above, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) determine a very high
potential for onshore wind in Europe: a total area of almost 4.8 million km
(2.8 million
excluding Russia), an installed capacity of 53 TW (29 TW) and an annual
generation of 138 PWh (77 PWh). The Supplementary Material from Enevoldsen et al.
(2019) includes results at the country level, which can be employed for comparison.
Figure 1 illustrates some of these results in comparison with 13 other studies, for the
whole of Europe excluding Russia.
Overall, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) derive a potential for Europe that is at least
120% higher in terms of installed capacity and 70% higher in terms of generation, than
all previous results in this area (Figure 1). In their own discussion of the results, the
authors limit their comparison to those of the EEA (2009) study, which has a much
higher area (5.4 million km
) and the highest installed capacity across Europe (13 TW)
of all studies reviewed here. We note that in section 5 of the manuscript, the authors
also refer to the Natura2000 database as European Commission 2018 for a value of 39
PWh, but this reference must be incorrect (the cited database relates to protected
areas, cf. section 2.3.1 in this response) and also contains a dead link.
When compared to the mean of all 13 studies, the results from Enevoldsen et al.
(2019) suggest 35% more area, 150% more installed capacity, 266% more generation
and 17% higher full load hours. Their upper ceiling for wind power generation assumes
that wind turbines would cover 40% of Europe’s land area, which is surprising given that
this potential is supposed to reflect a socio-technically feasible one. More concerning is
the lack of contextualisation and critical discussion of these results, especially as
research in recent years (e.g. Jäger et al., 2016; Scherhaufer et al. 2018; Harper et al.
2019) has made progress in deriving more meaningful, feasible potentials for renewable
energies through integrated assessments that include some market, organizational and
social barriers. Instead the authors restrict their commentary on these findings to
questioning “the academic and industrial concern of land use being a major constraint
for renewable energy” and suggesting that “national scenarios ought to be recalibrated
Figure 1: Comparison of results from Enevoldsen et al. (2019) with 13 other studies for
the European continent excluding Russia. Dotted lines give the mean of the other 13
Available area (million km2)
Mean = 1.91
Installable capacity (TW)
Mean = 8.12
Annual generation (PWh)
Mean = 16.27
Full load hours (per year)
Mean = 2214
studies. Not all 13 studies report all results, which accounts for the different samples in
the four panels. For sources see text and references.
3 Conclusions and policy implications
In the sense that it is one of the first studies to employ the latest Global Wind Atlas to
assess European onshore wind potentials, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) is a valuable
contribution. However, as outlined in the preceding section, the paper suffers from
fundamental flaws. While we agree that a novel, social dimension needs to be included
in the assessment of wind power potentials, we fail to see how the chosen
methodological approach stands up to such demands. Even if it could, it remains
unclear whether a specific offset distance is effective in reducing social conflicts towards
the expansion of wind energy. Visibility is only partly related to distance; other
environmental or socio-economic concerns towards wind energy are much more
In terms of the employed data, the author’s claims to have evaluated the onshore
wind land eligibility of Europe with “a more qualitative [and] refined socio-technical
dimension” do not appear to be well-founded. The two datasets used to represent socio-
technical points of interest are not nearly complete enough to achieve the paper’s stated
objective across the whole regional scope. Moreover, the authors do not discuss the
suitability of the chosen datasets for use in their analysis and therefore seem unaware
of their limitations. The authors also employ the Global Wind Atlas as the main source
for their annual average wind speeds, but both refer to this dataset incorrectly
make a very simplified turbine capacity factor assumption of 30%, which demonstrates
a fundamental misunderstanding of onshore wind resources.
The paper overlooks more than ten years of research in this field and therefore
employs a methodology that is outdated, inaccurate, and in some cases simply
incorrect. The land use constraints are incomplete and rely on partly unreliable input
data. The one selected turbine is not representative of the European stock and the
assumed 30% capacity factor is unrealistic, both of which bias the results in a particular
direction. Finally, the employed method is neither validated nor accompanied by a
sensitivity analysis, both standard practice for a modelling exercise such as this one.
Due to the inferior method employed, the results are impractical. The authors
reach very large potentials for onshore wind energy in Europe, which require covering
around 40% of the continent’s area in wind parks with a very high capacity density.
These results are not only much higher than most other previous studies, they cannot
credibly be interpreted as “socio-technical”, even in the broadest sense.
In the context of energy transitions, wind potential assessments provide
indispensable inputs to energy modelling and energy policy development, and can
potentially contribute to a cost-efficient realization of climate and energy targets.
Research in this field that breaks new ground by improving methodologies, considering
additional aspects (e.g. public acceptance) and/or exploiting new datasets stands to
contribute to this ongoing scientific and energy-political discussion. As for any scientific
research, transparency, reproducibility and openness should be embraced as
cornerstones (Allison et al. 2016, Nosek et al. 2015), especially as energy modelling is
noted for lagging behind other disciplines (Pfenninger et al. 2017). Overall, then, we
conclude that new research at higher spatial resolutions can make a valuable
contribution to this field, but due to the missing literature review, the lack of
transparency and the inferior methodology, Enevoldsen et al. (2019) instead potentially
misleads fellow scientists, the general public and policy makers.
4 Acknowledgements
S.W. and J.S. received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (reFUEL, grant
agreement No. 758149). J.L. and T.T. received funding from the European Research
Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme (grant agreement no. 715132). The usual disclaimer applies.
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... However, results from the works of [17,[47][48][49] have demonstrated that the selection and application of various socio-technical constraints related to the deployment of renewable energy technologies can have a substantial impact on the eligible area, leading to significantly different assessments. Furthermore, the recent scientific debate between Enevoldsen et al. ( [50,51]) and McKenna et al. ( [52]) has highlighted the critical need for comprehensive evaluations of land eligibility constraints at local, regional, and international levels. Such evaluations should enable the replication of studies and facilitate the relative comparison of results. ...
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Solar photovoltaic capacities have experienced remarkable gains worldwide. The accelerated deployment of photovoltaic (PV) systems has emphasized the need for methods and tools that can assist in planning and investment decisions of utility-scale photovoltaic systems to ensure a sustainable energy transition. This study bridges the gap between research and current solar PV project evaluation practices by proposing a geographic information system (GIS)-based approach for analyzing land eligibility and performing techno-economic assessments of utility-scale photovoltaic systems. To tackle the issue of country-specific cost elements, the model incorporates a levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) breakdown often used by governmental and intergovernmental organizations. The proposed GIS-based model can assist in mapping the distribution of eligible land for utility-scale solar systems while considering exclusion constraints, estimating PV capacity and generation potentials, as well as determining the average LCOE of utility-scale solar photovoltaic systems at a spatial resolution of 100 m. The GIS-based approach is demonstrated through the case study of Poland. The model estimates that 3.61% of the total area of Poland is suitable for the installation of utility-scale solar PV systems. Implementing PV installations in these areas would result in solar capacities ranging from 394.64 to 563.77 GW. Furthermore, the findings of the case study indicate that the LCOE would range from €0.043/kWh to €0.049/kWh, with a national average of €0.045/kWh. The proposed approach can be utilized to develop national and regional strategies focused on large-scale PV installations, facilitating the attainment of renewable energy goals. The study fills a significant gap in the literature as it provides a GIS-based tool for planning the sustainable development of utility-scale PV systems at the regional scale. In addition, it is the first to comprehensively assess the capacity and generation potential of utility-scale solar photovoltaics in Poland at the NUTS-2 level.
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The German government aims to convert its energy system to renewable energy by 2045. This requires a comprehensive understanding of land eligibility for renewables, particularly land-intensive ground-mounted photovoltaics (GM-PV). Federal states must set aside at least 2% of their land for renewable energy. This target value was derived using a top-down energy demand approach. Georeferenced land use data can be used to make bottom-up estimates. This study investigates how the choice of data source influences the bottom-up evaluation of land eligibility for GM-PV installations in Germany. This study evaluates the quality of data sources and their applicability for GM-PV scenario assessment by comparing the official data source Basis-DLM as the reference with the open-access data sources OpenStreetMap (OSM), Corine Land Cover (CLC), and Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS). The intersection over union (IoU) and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) methods were used to analyse the differences in land use and eligibility due to the quality of the data sources and to compare their accuracy. The study’s results show the crucial role of data source selection in estimating the potential for GM-PV in Germany. The results indicate that open-access data overestimate land eligibility by 4.0% to 4.5% compared to the official Basis-DLM data. Spatial similarities and discrepancies between the OSM, CEMS CLC, and Basis-DLM land uses were identified. The CLC data exhibit higher consistency with Basis-DLM. These findings emphasise the importance of selecting the appropriate data source depending on the purpose and the use of official data sources for accurate and spatially differentiated decision-making and project planning at different scales. Open-access data sources can be applied for initial orientation and large-scale rough assessment as they balance data accuracy and accessibility.
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The assessment of rooftop photovoltaic potential has become increasingly accurate due to the expanding availability of satellite imagery and improvements in computer vision methods. However, the analysis of satellite imagery is impeded by a lack of transparency, reproducibility, and standardized description of the methods employed. Studies are heterogeneous, target different types of potential with redundant efforts, and are mostly not open source or use private datasets for training. With respect to the estimation of photovoltaic potential, this study proposes a conceptual frame of reference for clearly identifying tasks, their relationships, and their data. Additionally, the open-source workflow ETHOS.PASSION is introduced, which integrates the assessment of geographical, technical and economic potentials of regions under consideration along with the calculation of surface areas, orientations and slopes of individual rooftop sections. ETHOS.PASSION also includes the detection of superstructures, i.e., obstacles such as windows or existing photovoltaic installations. The novel two-look approach combines two deep learning models identifying rooftops and sections, and an additional model for the identification of superstructures. The three models show a mean Intersection Over Union between classes of 0.8478, 0.7531 and 0.4927 respectively, and more importantly display consistent results amongst randomly sampled real world images. The final results are evaluated for multiple datasets and compared against other studies, with a case study in the Aachen region of Germany being presented.
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Climate change impacts due to unprecedented rising concentrations of greenhouse gas (GHG) are intensifying and widespread, making extreme climate events more widespread, frequent, and severe. To mitigate the worst consequences of climate warming, in this study we investigated how the global community can collectively achieve a large‐scale, sustained reduction in GHG emissions, and how to effectively move away from a predominantly fossil fuel‐based economy to one dominated by renewable energy? This transition is necessary to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) of United Nations (UN) to ensure resilient and healthy environment for present and future generations, especially the SDG7 of UN, 'Affordable and Clean Energy', set up to achieve global development of modern renewable energy systems. Investment policies and patterns of developed and developing countries in transitioning to energy productions primarily from renewable sources and obstacles such as scale‐up challenges, innovations in new energy systems, policies, financing mechanisms, and implementation strategies are examined. Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of the present global status of hydropower, wind and solar, the three most significant renewable electricity technologies, as well as their basic operating principles, costs, and potential is conducted. Hydroelectric, wind and solar power had grown from 3429, 346 and 34 TWh yr ‐1 in 2010 to 4274, 1598 and 846 TWh yr ‐1 in 2020, a growth of about 1.25, 4.60, and 24.9 times in a decade, respectively. Strategies to achieve energy systems that are of or near net zero GHG emissions by 2050s through the deployment of renewable energy systems are also investigated. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The renewable energy transition is a priority for many researchers, policy makers, and political leaders because it is projected to stop the dependence of economic growth on increasing fossil fuel use and thus curtail climate change. This study examines how expert judgments affect development decisions to enable the renewable energy transition. Geospatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analyses (MCDA) are frequently used to select offshore wind energy (OWE) sites, however, they are often weak and/or often rely on limited judgement. The Analytical Hierarchy Process is used here with 25 diverse experts to assess the variability in priorities for OWE siting criteria. A geospatial MCDA is implemented using experts’ individual priorities, aggregated weights and Monte Carlo simulations. Case study results reveal large variations in expert opinions and bias strongly affecting MCDAs weighted by single decision-makers. A group-decision approach is proposed to strengthen consent for OWE, underpinning the renewable energy transition.
This chapter summarises the basic concepts to understand energy economics and the fundamentals of energy and power systems. First, physical and engineering basics are introduced, including the concepts of energy and power as well as the fundamental laws of energy conservation and thermodynamics. The role of energy in human societies and the development of energy use over the last decades and across the globe are discussed along with the major challenges of resource availability and environmental damage associated with energy use. In view of applied analyses, the energy transformation chain and the concepts used in national energy balances, such as primary energy and final energy, are introduced. The limitations of these statistics are shown, e.g. regarding the lack of data on useful energy and energy services. Finally, also the particularities of electricity and of the electricity sector are discussed, highlighting notably the relevance of its non-storability and its grid infrastructure.
A critical parameter in modeling studies of future decarbonized energy systems is the potential future capacity for onshore wind power. Wind power potential in energy system models is subject to assumptions regarding: (i) constraints on land availability for wind deployment; (ii) how densely wind turbines may be placed over larger areas, and (iii) allocation of capacity with respect to wind speed. By analyzing comprehensive databases of wind turbine locations and other GIS data in eleven countries and seventeen states in Australia, Canada, and the US; all with high penetration levels of wind power, we find that: i) large wind turbines are installed on most land types, even protected areas and land areas with high population density; ii) it is not uncommon with a deployment density up to 0.5 MW/km² on municipality or county level, with rare outlier municipalities reaching up to 1.5 MW/km² installed capacity; and iii) wind power has historically been allocated to relatively windy sites with average wind speed above 6 m/s. In many cases, allocation methods used in energy system models do not consistently reflect actual installations. For instance, we find no evidence of concentration of installations at the windiest sites, as is frequently assumed in energy system models. We conclude that assumptions made in models regarding wind power potentials are poorly reflective of historical installation patterns, and we provide new data to enable assumptions that have a more robust empirical foundation.
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Onshore wind development has historically focused on cost-efficiency, which may lead to uneven turbine distributions and public resistance due to landscape impacts. Using a multi-criteria planning approach, we show how onshore wind capacity targets can be achieved by 2050 in a cost-efficient, visually unobtrusive and evenly distributed way. For the case study of Germany, we build on the existing turbine stock and use open data on technically feasible turbine locations and data on scenicness of landscapes to plan the optimal expansion. The analysis shows that while the trade-off between optimizing either cost-efficiency or landscape impact of the turbines is rather weak with about 15% higher costs or scenicness, an even distribution has a large impact on these criteria. However, a more evenly distributed expansion is necessary for the achievement of the targeted south quota, a policy target that calls for more wind turbine additions in southern Germany. Our analysis assists stakeholders in resolving the onshore wind expansion trilemma.
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A wind turbine's power curve relates its power production to the wind speed it experiences. The typical shape of a power curve is well known and has been studied extensively. However, power curves of individual turbine models can vary widely from one another. This is due to both the technical features of the turbine (power density, cut-in and cut-out speeds, limits on rotational speed and aerodynamic efficiency), and environmental factors (turbulence intensity, air density, wind shear and wind veer). Data on individual power curves are often proprietary and only available through commercial databases. We therefore develop an open-source model for pitch regulated horizontal axis wind turbine which can generate the power curve of any turbine, adapted to the specific conditions of any site. This can employ one of six parametric models advanced in the literature, and accounts for the eleven variables mentioned above. The model is described, the impact of each technical and environmental feature is examined, and it is then validated against the manufacturer power curves of 91 turbine models. Versions of the model are made available in MATLAB, R and Python code for the community.
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Data on the potential generation of energy from wind, solar and biomass is crucial for analysing their development , as it sets the limits on how much additional capacity it is feasible to install. This paper presents the methodologies used for the development of ENSPRESO, ENergy System Potentials for Renewable Energy SOurces, an EU-28 wide, open dataset for energy models on renewable energy potentials, at national and regional levels for the 2010-2050 period. In ENSPRESO, coherent GIS-based land-restriction scenarios are developed. For wind, resource evaluation also considers setback distances, as well as high resolution geo-spatial wind speed data. For solar, potentials are derived from irradiation data and available area for solar applications. Both wind and solar have separately a potential electricity production which is equivalent to three times the EU's 2016 electricity demand, with wind onshore and solar requiring 16% and 1.4% of total land, respectively. For biomass, agriculture, forestry and waste sectors are considered. Their respective sustainable potentials are equivalent to a minimum 10%, 1.5% and 1% of the total EU primary energy use. ENSPRESO can enrich the results of any energy model (e.g. JRC-EU-TIMES) by improving its analyses of the competition and com-plementarity of energy technologies.
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Since global reanalysis datasets first appeared in the 1990s, they have become an essential tool to understand the climate of the past. The wind power industry uses those products extensively for wind resource assessment, while several climate services for energy rely on them as well. Nowadays various datasets coexist, which complicates the selection of the most suitable source for each purpose. In an effort to identify the products that best represent the wind speed features at turbine hub heights, five state‐of‐the‐art global reanalyses have been analysed: ERA5, ERA‐Interim, the Japanese 55‐year Reanalysis (JRA55), the Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications‐2 (MERRA2), and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Reanalysis 1 (R1). A multi‐reanalysis ensemble approach is used to explore the main differences amongst these datasets in terms of surface wind characteristics. Then, the quality of the surface and near‐surface winds is evaluated with a set of 77 instrumented tall towers. Results reveal that important discrepancies exist in terms of boreal winter seasonal means, interannual variability (IAV), and decadal linear trends. The differences in the computation of these parameters, which are mainly concentrated inland, reach up to the order of magnitude of the parameters themselves. Comparison with in situ observations shows that the ERA5 surface winds offer the best agreement, correlating and reproducing the observed variability better than a multi‐reanalysis mean in 35.1% of the tall tower sites on a daily time‐scale. However, none of the reanalyses stands out from the others when comparing seasonal mean winds. Regarding the IAV, near‐surface winds from ERA5 offer the values closest to the observed IAV.
Accepted Manuscript at NASA's MERRA-2 reanalysis is a widely used dataset in renewable energy resource modelling. The Global Wind Atlas (GWA) has been used to bias-correct MERRA-2 data before. There is, however, a lack of an analysis of the performance of MERRA-2 with bias correction from GWA on different spatial levels – and for regions outside of Europe, China or the United States. This study therefore evaluates different methods for wind power simulation on four spatial resolution levels from wind park to national level in Brazil. In particular, spatial interpolation methods and spatial as well as spatiotemporal wind speed bias correction using local wind speed measurements and mean wind speeds from the GWA are assessed. By validating the resulting timeseries against observed generation it is assessed at which spatial levels the different methods improve results – and whether global information derived from the GWA can compete with locally measured wind speed data as a source of bias correction. Results show that (i) bias correction with the GWA improves results on state, sub-system, and national-level, but not on wind park level, that (ii) the GWA improves results comparably to local measurements, and that (iii) complex spatial interpolation methods do not contribute in improving quality of the simulation.
Renewable energy sources will play a central role in the sustainable energy systems of the future. Scenario analyses of the hypothesized energy systems require sound knowledge of the techno-economic potential of renewable energy technologies. Although there have been various studies concerning the potential of offshore wind energy, higher spatial resolution as well as the future design concepts of offshore wind turbines have not yet been addressed in sufficient detail. This work aims to overcome this gap by applying a high spatial resolution to the three main aspects of offshore wind potential analysis, namely: ocean suitability, the simulation of wind turbines, and cost estimation. A set of constraints is determined that reveal the available areas for turbine placement across Europe’s maritime boundaries. Then, turbine designs specific to each location are selected by identifying turbines with the cheapest levelized cost of electricity, restricted to capacities, hub heights and rotor diameters ranges predicted by industry experts. Ocean eligibility and turbine design are then combined to distribute turbines across the available areas. Finally, levelized cost of electricity trends are calculated from the individual turbine costs, as well as the corresponding capacity factor obtained by hourly simulation with wind speeds from 1980 to 2017. The results of cost-optimal turbine designing reveal that the overall potential for offshore wind energy across Europe will constitute nearly 8.6 TW and 40.0 PWh at roughly 7 €ct kWh⁻¹ average levelized cost of electricity by 2050. Averaged design parameters at national level are provided in an Appendix.
Some highly cited academics seem to be heavy self-promoters — but researchers warn against policing self-citation. Some highly cited academics seem to be heavy self-promoters — but researchers warn against policing self-citation.
The continuous development of onshore wind farms is an important feature of the European transition towards an energy system powered by distributed renewables and low-carbon resources. This study assesses and simulates potential for future onshore wind turbine installations throughout Europe. The study depicts, via maps, all the national and regional socio-technical restrictions and regulations for wind project development using spatial analysis conducted through GIS. The inputs for the analyses were based on an original dataset compiled from satellites and public databases relating to electricity, planning, and other dimensions. Taking into consideration socio-technical constraints, which restricts 54% of the combined land area in Europe, the study reveals a nameplate capacity of 52.5 TW of untapped onshore wind power potential in Europe-equivalent to 1 MW per 16 European citizens-a supply that would be sufficient to cover the global all-sector energy demand from now through to 2050. The study offers a more rigorous, multi-dimensional, and granular atlas of onshore wind energy development that can assist with future energy policy, research, and planning.
When and where renewable energy sources such as onshore wind turbines generate energy depends heavily on their spatial distribution. This distribution, however, derives from the preferences and restrictions imposed by local stake-holders and dictates the overall onshore wind land eligibility. Unfortunately, due to inconsistent analysis methods and a shifting sociotechnical landscape, current understanding of land eligibility is insufficient. Therefore the Geospatial Land Availability for Energy Systems (GLAES) model, a general framework for land eligibility investigation, is used to conduct a uniformly-constrained pan-European investigation of onshore wind land eligibility in which 31 socially and technologically driven constraints are imposed. A detailed characterization of the average wind resource and current land usage within the eligible areas is then discussed. Constraint sensitivity is then evaluated at both the European and national levels including the construction of a detailed sensitivity trend for all constraints. Ultimately, it is found that 26.24% of land is eligible across Europe, with the highest shares possessed by Spain, France and Sweden. On average across Europe, onshore wind land eligibility is most sensitive to the minimal wind speed, the maximal terrain slope, the maximal distance from power lines, and the minimal distance from settlements.
Considering the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, onshore wind energy is certain to play a major role in future energy systems. This topic has received significant attention from the research community, producing many estimations of Europe's onshore wind potential for capacity and generation. Despite this focus, previous estimates appear to have underpredicted both the amount of available future wind capacity as well as its performance. Foremost in this regard is the common use of contemporary, or at least near-future, turbine designs which are not fitting for a far-future context. In response to this, an improved, transparent, and fully reproducible work flow is presented here, and applied to determine a future-oriented onshore wind energy potential for Europe. Within a scenario of turbine cost and design in 2050, 13.4 TW of capacity is found to be available, allowing for 34.3 PWh of average generation per year. By sorting the explicitly-placed potential installation locations by their expected generation cost, national relationships between cost and performance versus installed capacity are found, and it is also seen that all countries possess some potential for onshore wind energy generation below 4 ct€ kWh-1. Furthermore, it is unlikely for these costs to exceed 6 ct€ kWh-1 in any future capacity scenario.