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This book review summarises the Ziva meditation technique. In meditation research, the issues of universality and secularity of a technique are not thoroughly addressed. Such streamlined meditation practice could be easily adapted by anyone who has struggled with commencement, commitment, and consistency. The current need is to give equal emphasis to study such techniques of “meditation for the ordinary.
published: 07 August 2020
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01830
Frontiers in Psychology | 1August 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 1830
Edited and reviewed by:
Adam B. Barrett,
University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Rashmi Gupta
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Consciousness Research,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 22 June 2020
Accepted: 02 July 2020
Published: 07 August 2020
Lodha S and Gupta R (2020) Book
Review: Stress Less, Accomplish
More: Meditation for Extraordinary
Front. Psychol. 11:1830.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01830
Book Review: Stress Less,
Accomplish More: Meditation for
Extraordinary Performance
Surabhi Lodha and Rashmi Gupta*
Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Keywords: meditation, stress, manifesting, mindfulness, Ziva meditation
A Book Review on
Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance
Emily Fletcher (New York, NY: William Morrow & Company), 2019, 272 pages,
While browsing through the Internet, the authors tried to find a brief meditation technique to
practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. They came across the videos of Emily Fletcher teaching
Ziva meditation online. It drove them to her book titled “Stress less, accomplish more.”
Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the creator of zivaONLINE, the world’s first
online meditation training program. A powerful meditation practice transitioned her from being
a young but anxious and insomniac Broadway actress to a dedicated practitioner and a flourishing
meditation professional. In this book, she introduces a new technique called “Z-technique, adapted
from her live, in-person Ziva meditation. This technique is specially designed for high-performing,
outcome-driven individuals, teaching them to be less stressed while increasing productivity and
achieving success.
The first chapter points out that people often cannot meditate because of super-busy schedules,
fear of failure (the meditation shame spiral), or vagueness about the practice. It educates on how
and how not to approach meditation. While introducing the Z-technique, the author argues that
investing only 25 min twice a day to this technique could significantly improve the remaining
hours qualitatively.
Chapters two and three explain that meditation gives us the control to regulate our response
to perceived stress. The long-term effect of stress from work, family, relationships, etc., is toxic
and debilitating, manifested in decreased work performance, reduced attention span, irritability,
mood swings, etc. The concept of adaptation energy is reintroduced here (Gorban et al., 2016) as
a psychological measure of one’s stress-coping capacity. This reservoir could be detoxified from
accumulated stress and abundantly replenished with energy by de-exciting the nervous system
through meditation.
The fourth chapter further argues that this Internet era, which equates rest or relaxation with
laziness and stagnancy, has seen a spike in sleep-related problems like insomnia and restlessness.
The author asserts that both sleep and meditation are equally crucial for a healthy life. While sleep
cleans our brain by cleaning out toxic by-products (Xie et al., 2013), meditation rests our entire
body, including the brain.
Adding to the further benefits of mediation, in the fifth and the sixth chapters, it is suggested
that meditation revamps the body by eliminating the built-up stress in the form of disturbed sleep,
organ inflammation, chronic acidity, dullness, and pain. Moreover, regular meditation practice
improves immune functions and treats disorders like burnout and chronic fatigue, depression,
anxiety, infertility, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, pain, etc. It improves
Lodha and Gupta Stress and Meditation
longevity and quality of life combined with Ayurveda—proper
diet, exercise and yoga practices, and environmental harmony.
The above claims are supported by providing neurological
evidence like changes in the right and left-brain, amygdala,
insula, corpus callosum, and telomere.
The seventh chapter posits that, unfortunately, contemporary
culture is built on the “I’ll be happy when syndrome,
which is an abstract idea that one’s happiness is based on
future achievements. This far-fetched pursuit is exhausting and
bewildering. But luckily, meditation helps us pull out of the
future, settles into the present, and instills the fact that bliss and
contentment are within us, independent of external situations.
The explanation of the harmful effects of stress and how
meditation eradicates them is followed by the description of
Ziva or the Z-technique in chapter eight. Ziva is born out
of Nishkam Karma Yoga of Indian spiritual traditions, which
requires no focused or effortful concentration or a forcible
mind clearing (Diwan and Kamra, 2018). The Z-technique is a
sequenced combination of three “Ms”: Mindfulness, Meditation,
and Manifesting. This simple 25-min technique begins with
mindfulness of 2–3 min (aware and completely present), similar
to the “open awareness meditation” style (Lutz et al., 2008). It
is followed by 14–16 min of meditation (healing from the past),
which includes the sub-vocalization of an impersonal word like
“one.” The author calls this “whisper of an echo, which lets our
body and mind drift into a deeply relaxed state spontaneously.
The technique ends with 2–3 min of manifesting (consciously
creating and planning our future). One offers gratitude to
everything, accompanied by seeing dreams as unfolding in the
present, and not merely magical thinking.
The ninth and tenth chapters further explain that the Z-
technique enables us to detect the subtleties and patterns in our
daily lives as it expands consciousness, making us more attuned
to the sensations, thoughts, and feelings. Hence, we become more
intuitive and insightful and able to enter the “flow state.” This
unveiling of full potential is termed as “up-leveling, marked by
extraordinary performance and fulfillment.
The subsequent chapters explore the prospect of meditation
as a tool for the development of collective consciousness. If
one individual consciously learns to break the old habits by
finding a gap between the trigger and impulsive reactions,
this transformation in consciousness permeates other beings.
Keeping these in mind, we must make the Z-technique a non-
negotiable daily practice. The author claims that, ultimately, this
helps us become good in every sphere of life.
For the contemporary fast-paced and stress-ridden society,
the book serves as a foundational and practical guide for people
who want to improve their physical and mental well-being but
don’t know where to begin. It is an amalgamation of ancient
meditation practices, modern neuroscience, and pop psychology
sans metaphysics or spirituality. It makes meditation accessible
and understandable to all, not just high-achievers. The repetitive
explanation of stress and lack of empirically investigated data to
validate the technique is a bit unsettling. However, the book is
simple, refreshing, and rewarding.
In conclusion, the book addresses how meditation could
remarkably improve productivity and efficiency in an overly
stressed modern world. It emphasizes that meditation is
much more than the austerity of a Himalayan Yogi. In
meditation research, the issues of universality and secularity
of a technique are not thoroughly addressed. Such streamlined
meditation practice could be easily adapted by anyone who has
struggled with commencement, commitment, and consistency.
The current need is to give equal emphasis to study such
techniques of “meditation for the ordinary.”
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual
contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
Diwan, S., and Kamra, M. (2018). The philosophy of “Nishkam Karma” in Arun
Joshi’s the foreigner. Galaxy 7, 28–33.
Gorban, A. N., Tyukina, T. A., Smirnova, E. V., and Pokidysheva, L. I. (2016).
Evolution of adaptation mechanisms: adaptation energy, stress, and oscillating
death. J. Theor. Biol. 405, 127–139. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.12.017
Lutz, A., Slagter, H. A., Dunne, J. D., and Davidson, R. J. (2008). Attention
regulation and monitoring in meditation. Trends Cogn. Sci. 12, 163–169.
doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2008.01.005
Xie, L., Kang, H., Xu, Q., Chen, M. J., Liao, Y., Thiyagarajan, M., et al. (2013).
Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain. Science 342, 373–377.
doi: 10.1126/science.1241224
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
Copyright © 2020 Lodha and Gupta. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the
original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original
publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.
No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these
Frontiers in Psychology | 2August 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 1830
... Previous studies have indicated that positive and negative emotional stimuli impact our scope of attentional resources differently (Fredrickson, 2004;Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005;Gupta & Singh, 2021;Gupta & Srinivasan, 2009;Srinivasan & Gupta, 2010;Gupta et al., 2016;Lodha and Gupta, 2020;2022;2023a;2024). For example, many studies have reported that the processing of happy emotions broaden the scope of attention (Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005;Srinivasan & Gupta, 2010;Summerell et al., 2019). ...
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Recent studies suggest that attentional bias towards emotional distractors depends on a task’s perceptual load. The specifics of the interaction of perceptual load in the context of conscious perception and the role of personality traits (i.e., anxiety and impulsivity) in this interaction have not been thoroughly explored. In the present study, we aimed to identify how personality traits affect the allocation of attention to irrelevant angry and happy emotional face stimuli under different attention conditions, which may affect perception. Participants performed a letter-search task, in which they searched for a target (X or N) in a low (circular non-target letters) or high (angular non-target letters) perceptual load condition in the presence of irrelevant emotional faces (happy or angry). Furthermore, in 25% of trials, a meaningless squiggle was presented in the periphery, and participants were required to detect the squiggle. The conscious perception of the squiggle was calculated using the d prime. We measured trait impulsivity with the UPPS-P Impulsive Behaviour scale and trait anxiety with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results showed that in highly impulsive participants, irrelevant angry faces presented during the high load condition significantly reduced their sensitivity to detecting the squiggle, compared with happy and neutral faces. The findings have theoretical implications for our understanding of the role of personality traits in the interaction between attention and emotions in shaping conscious perception.
... It has been suggested that a mindful state is associated with enhanced top-down executive control over behavior and attenuated bottom-up driven processes (Chiesa et al., 2013). Accumulating research supports the notion that mindfulness enhances cognitive control, such as response inhibition (Gallant, 2016;Lodha & Gupta, 2020. For example, expert meditators show better performance than non-meditators on Stroop interference tasks (Moore & Malinowski, 2009;Moore et al., 2012;Teper & Inzlicht, 2013), and so do novel practitioners on response inhibition tasks after a meditation retreat (Sahdra et al., 2011;Zanesco et al., 2013). ...
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Mindfulness enhances executive control and regulates emotion, but the role of mindfulness in response inhibition in emotional contexts remains unclear. The present study used a stop-signal task to investigate the interactive effect of mindfulness, response inhibition, and emotions. Individuals with prior experience in mindfulness meditation and no meditation experience participated in the study. In the stop-signal task, participants responded to the target stimulus using keypress on go trials and inhibited the response on stop trials. On each trial, an emotional face (prime; angry, happy, or neutral) preceded the target stimulus, but they were instructed to ignore the face. After the task, participants filled out self-report scales associated with attention and awareness, affect, mood, and impulsivity. No group differences were found on any self-report measure. The task results showed that happy face primes enhanced response inhibition in non-meditators, whereas angry face primes enhanced response inhibition in mindfulness meditators. The results are explained through functional perspectives of how mindfulness influences attentional resource deployment to emotional stimuli, affecting response processes over time. The study demonstrates the existence of emotional asymmetry in the inhibitory process arising from mindfulness practice. The findings contribute to understanding the temporally dynamic patterns through which mindfulness modulates the attention-emotion interface to promote meaning in the face of difficulty.
... Rooted in eastern meditation traditions (Gunaratana, 1993), the current literature describes mindfulness as a process of paying purposeful, moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental attention to thoughts, feelings, and body sensations (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). The infusion of mindfulness practices in non-clinical settings is receiving priority presently, and mounting evidence suggests enhanced cognitive and emotional functioning as a result of these practices (Brown & Ryan, 2003;Brown et al., 2007;Chiesa et al., 2013;Eberth & Sedlmeier, 2012;Guendelman et al., 2017;Lodha & Gupta, 2020;Tang et al., 2015). ...
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The booming research into mindfulness and associated practices have facilitated our understanding of its components, mechanisms, and outcomes. This review re-examines the current evidence regarding the effects of mindfulness on cognitive functions, especially attention and executive functions, in healthy individuals. Forty-three intervention studies and twelve studies of long-term meditation practice of mindfulness that measured the three attentional networks (alerting, orienting, executive control) and three executive functions (inhibition, updating, and shifting) were included. According to the findings, mindfulness interventions and long-term meditation practices lead to substantial improvements in the inhibition facet of executive functioning. The findings for the three attentional networks and other executive functions are limited and inconsistent. Long-term experience in meditation does not offer additional gains in any function than the relatively shorter mindfulness interventions. The review assisted in establishing the specific effects of mindfulness on the attentional networks and executive functioning and determining the impact of duration of training and practice in mindfulness on these functions. Based on the findings, the implications of mindfulness for non-clinical populations are discussed, and recommendations for future research in this domain of active investigation are provided.
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Mindfulness improves attentional control and regulates emotion. In the current study, two experiments were conducted to examine the role of sustained mindfulness practice in attentional capture by emotional distractors in different perceptual load conditions. Individuals with previous experience in mindfulness meditation and those without meditation experience participated. Participants were required to identify and respond to a target letter in a visual search task in high and low perceptual load conditions. They were instructed to ignore the distractors (Experiment 1: happy or angry faces; Experiment 2: pleasurable or unpleasurable IAPS images), which were present in 25% of total trials. Results indicated that distractors with positive emotional information captured the attention and interfered with the task performance of non-meditators in the high-load condition. However, mindfulness meditators reduced the interference from positive emotional information in the high-load condition. Moreover, mindfulness meditators processed negative emotional distractors more than non-meditators without compromising the visual-search performance in the high-load condition. Given that processing negative emotion requires more attentional resources than processing positive emotion, it may show that mindfulness meditators have more attentional resources. Additionally, those who practiced mindfulness meditation reported greater psychological well-being and fewer depressive symptoms. The findings suggest that mindfulness might improve attentional control for positive and pleasurable distractors. It reflects a diminished need in meditators to seek satisfaction from external pleasurable distractions. The findings have practical implications for managing hedonic compulsive behaviors and theoretical implications for understanding the interactive role of emotion and attention in mindfulness.
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Taking Out the Trash The purpose of sleep remains mysterious. Using state-of-the-art in vivo two-photon imaging to directly compare two arousal states in the same mouse, Xie et al. (p. 373 ; see the Perspective by Herculano-Houzel ) found that metabolic waste products of neural activity were cleared out of the sleeping brain at a faster rate than during the awake state. This finding suggests a mechanistic explanation for how sleep serves a restorative function, in addition to its well-described effects on memory consolidation.
Meditation can be conceptualized as a family of complex emotional and attentional regulatory training regimes developed for various ends, including the cultivation of well-being and emotional balance. Among these various practices, there are two styles that are commonly studied. One style, focused attention meditation, entails the voluntary focusing of attention on a chosen object. The other style, open monitoring meditation, involves nonreactive monitoring of the content of experience from moment to moment. The potential regulatory functions of these practices on attention and emotion processes could have a long-term impact on the brain and behavior.
The philosophy of “Nishkam Karma” in Arun Joshi's the foreigner
  • S. Diwan
  • M. Kamra
Diwan, S., and Kamra, M. (2018). The philosophy of "Nishkam Karma" in Arun Joshi's the foreigner. Galaxy 7, 28-33.