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Yogyakarta is one of the large cities in Central Java, located on Java Island, Indonesia. The city, and the Pleret sub-district, where the study has taken place, is prone to earthquake hazards, because it is close to several seismically active zones, such as the Sunda Megathrust and the active fault known as the Opak Fault. Since a devastating earthquake of 2006, the population of the Pleret sub-district has increased significantly. Thus, the housing demand has increased, and so is the pace of low-cost housing that does not meet earthquake-safety requirements, and furthermore are often located on unstable slopes. The local alluvial material covering a jigsaw of unstable blocks and complex slope is conditions that can amplify the negative impacts of earthquakes. Within this context, this study is aiming to assess the multi-hazards and risks of earthquakes and related secondary hazards such as ground liquefaction, and coseismic landslides. To achieve this, we used geographic information systems and remote sensing methods supplemented with outcrop study and existing seismic data to derive shear-strain parameters. The results have revealed the presence of numerous uncharted active faults with movements visible from imagery and outcrops. show that the middle part of the study area has a complex geological structure, indicated by many unchartered faults in the outcrops. Using this newly mapped blocks combined with shear strain data, we reassessed the collapse probability of buildings that reach level >0.75 near the Opak River, in central Pleret sub-district. Classifying the buildings and from population distribution, we could determine that the highest risk was during nighttime as the buildings susceptible to fall are predominantly housing buildings. The secondary hazards follow a slightly different distribution with a concentration of risks in the West.
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Geo-spatial Information Science
ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:
Preliminary identification of earthquake triggered
multi-hazard and risk in Pleret Sub-District
(Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Aditya Saputra , Christopher Gomez , Ioannis Delikostidis , Peyman Zawar-
Reza , Danang Sri Hadmoko & Junun Sartohadi
To cite this article: Aditya Saputra , Christopher Gomez , Ioannis Delikostidis , Peyman Zawar-
Reza , Danang Sri Hadmoko & Junun Sartohadi (2020): Preliminary identification of earthquake
triggered multi-hazard and risk in Pleret Sub-District (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), Geo-spatial
Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/10095020.2020.1801335
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© 2020 Wuhan University. Published by
Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor &
Francis Group.
Published online: 07 Aug 2020.
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Preliminary identication of earthquake triggered multi-hazard and risk in
Pleret Sub-District (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Aditya Saputra
, Christopher Gomez
, Ioannis Delikostidis
, Peyman Zawar-Reza
Danang Sri Hadmoko
and Junun Sartohadi
Faculty of Geography, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia;
Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Laboratory
of Volcanic Risks at Sea Kobe University, Kobe, Japan;
Geography Department, School of Science, University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand;
Geography Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia;
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta is one of the large cities in Central Java, located on Java Island, Indonesia. The city, and
the Pleret sub-district, where the study has taken place, is prone to earthquake hazards, because it is
close to several seismically active zones, such as the Sunda Megathrust and the active fault known as
the Opak Fault. Since a devastating earthquake of 2006, the population of the Pleret sub-district has
increased signicantly. Thus, the housing demand has increased, and so is the pace of low-cost
housing that does not meet earthquake-safety requirements, and furthermore are often located on
unstable slopes. The local alluvial material covering a jigsaw of unstable blocks and complex slope is
conditions that can amplify the negative impacts of earthquakes. Within this context, this study is
aiming to assess the multi-hazards and risks of earthquakes and related secondary hazards such as
ground liquefaction, and coseismic landslides. To achieve this, we used geographic information
systems and remote sensing methods supplemented with outcrop study and existing seismic data
to derive shear-strain parameters. The results have revealed the presence of numerous uncharted
active faults with movements visible from imagery and outcrops. show that the middle part of the
study area has a complex geological structure, indicated by many unchartered faults in the outcrops.
Using this newly mapped blocks combined with shear strain data, we reassessed the collapse
probability of buildings that reach level >0.75 near the Opak River, in central Pleret sub-district.
Classifying the buildings and from population distribution, we could determine that the highest risk
was during nighttime as the buildings susceptible to fall are predominantly housing buildings. The
secondary hazards follow a slightly dierent distribution with a concentration of risks in the West.
Received 28 August 2019
Accepted 23 July 2020
Earthquake multi-hazard and
risk; coseismic landslide;
outcrop study; liquefaction
1. Introduction
Cascading hazards have received relatively little atten-
tion in disaster and risk studies, as the majority of
hazard and disaster risk studies have concentrated on
one single hazard. The reality of scientific funding and
projects often leads researchers to pay less attention to
the possibility that one incident can cascade to other
secondary hazards. Consequently, the interactions
between hazards are still relatively ignored (Budimir,
Atkinson, and Lewis 2014), especially because as scien-
tists we are often trained in one discipline and it is still
problematic to work across boundaries. As a particular
area may be exposed to more than one type of hazard,
even if each hazard can lead to a given type of disaster
with different magnitudes (Westen 2011), each single
incident can trigger secondary hazards that cannot be
encapsulated by the magnitude approach from the ori-
ginal hazard (Ren and Liu 2013). An example of this
such disaster chain-reaction occurred in Beichuan,
China, due to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The
Wenchuan earthquake generated a complex disaster
chain that caused important damage to towns in the
Beichuan county. The earthquake had a shallow focal
depth of about 19 km, and the magnitude of the earth-
quake was 7.9–8.0 Ms. It caused ~90% of the buildings
in the area to collapse. They had also triggered coseis-
mic landslides upstream the township, generating in
turn a dammed lake, which collapsed with the heavy
rainfall a month after the earthquake. The water from
the Tangjiashan Lake mixed with the rubbles of the
earthquake and washed away the ruins of the collapsed
buildings. Fortunately, during the event, the Beichuan
county town was off-limit due to the expected cascad-
ing effects triggered by the earthquake.
Another similar situation occurred in
Christchurch, New Zealand between September 2010
and February 2011, Christchurch – the second largest
city in New Zealand – experienced two large series of
earthquakes. The first earthquake (6.3 Ms) took the
lives of 185 people, making this event the second dead-
liest disaster that ever occurred in New Zealand.
Amidst numerous aftershocks, a second earthquake
(7.3 Ms), just underneath the city, caused significant
damage in the central city of Christchurch. Afterward,
CONTACT Aditya Saputra
© 2020 Wuhan University. Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
in March 2014, Christchurch experienced more flood-
ing due to the impact of the Canterbury Earthquake
and the general lowering of the ground level (Gomez
et al. 2019). Some researchers concluded that this
extraordinary flood occurred not just due to the
heavy and prolonged rainfall but due to ground defor-
mation, liquefaction, subsidence, narrowing of chan-
nels, and uplifting of river beds after the earthquake.
Coastal plains are therefore particularly at risk,
especially for earthquake-prone island coastal plains
of New Zealand, Japan or Indonesia. In Indonesia, the
study location is situated approximately 300 km north
of the Java Mega thrust. The study area, in Central Java
(the west flank of Baturagung Escarpment) is particu-
larly prone to earthquakes. Having a total subduction
segment of 840 km, the Java Mega thrust can poten-
tially generate earthquakes with maximum recorded-
magnitudes up to 8.1 Mw (Figure 1) (Irsyam et al.
2012). Link to this activity, one of the main active
fault of Java, the Opak Fault, passes through the
research area along the west flank of the Baturagung
Escarpment. According to (PUSGEN 2017), which is
the National Center of the Earthquake studies, with
a total fault length of approximately 45 km and a slip
rate of about 2.4 mm per year, the Opak fault can
potentially generate shallow earthquakes with
a maximum magnitude of 6.2 Mw. According to the
same agency, such an earthquake would have
a devastating impact on the study area and the south-
east part of Yogyakarta City.
Administratively, the west flank of Baturagung con-
sists of several sub-districts, including Kretek,
Pundong, Imogiri, Dlingo, Pleret, and Piyungan. As
a pilot study, the present work has focused on the
Pleret sub-district, Bantul Regency, of Yogyakarta
Province. Pleret sub-district is located approximately
10 km southeast of Yogyakarta Central City. Located
near to subduction zone and over the active Opak
Fault makes this area very prone to earthquake
hazards. Furthermore, high seismicity is expected to
be amplified due to unconsolidated river and marine
sediments, which could lead to liquefaction in the
center lowland, while to the west, amplified movement
is expected due to the unstable slope of the Baturagung
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)
(Ashadi and Kaka 2015), Deterministic Seismic Hazard
Analysis (DSHA) (Chopra et al. 2012), liquefaction
(Civico et al. 2015), ground motion, landslide
(Hadmoko et al. 2010), and tsunami studies have been
developed worldwide. However, earthquakes can trigger
other related hazards that increase the impact on society
(Marano et al. 2010) and studies of multi-hazards and
risks in this area are still limited. Thus, the study of
earthquake triggers and other related secondary hazards
is needed in Pleret Sub-District, Southeast Yogyakarta
The primary objective of this study was to con-
struct a multi-hazard risk assessment in Pleret Sub-
District using remote sensing and a Geographic
Figure 1. The segmentation model of subduction earthquake source (Megathrust) in Indonesia. Source: Irsyam et al. (2012)
Information System (GIS). The primary objective
can be divided into several sub-studies with the
objectives of (1) identifying the potential area of
coseismic landslide, (2) conducting an outcrop
study in order to better understand the fault con-
figuration, (3) identifying the liquefaction zonation,
(4) assessing the vulnerability level of some ele-
ments at risk, and (5) describing the multi-
hazards and risks in the study area.
2. Overview of the study area
Pleret sub-district is located 10 km southeast part of
Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The study area is the part
of Bantul Graben. This graben was formed by two con-
vergent normal faults, which generated two horst zones
in the east and the west and a graben zone in the middle.
Two normal faults, Progo and Opak Faults, formed the
Bantul Graben. Based on the difference in gravity, Progo
fault is located near the Progo River in the west, and
Opak Fault is located in the border area of the Southern
Mountain (Baturagung Escarpment) to the east
(Nurwihastuti et al. 2014). The study area is located in
the transition zone between a flat area and the escarp-
ment zone in the Eastern part of Bantul Graben (Figure
2). Saputra et al. (2018) stated that Pleret sub-district is
located in the Eastern Horts of Bantul Graben, which has
experienced step faults due to the complexity of specific
geological structure.
Geographically, the study area can be divided into
three major zones: east, middle, and west. The west
and the middle part zones are dominated by extensive
flat areas, while the Eastern zone is dominated by
undulating and mountainous areas. The extensive
flat area mainly consists of Young Volcanic Deposits
of Merapi Volcano (Qmi) and few of them consist of
alluvium (from the denudational process in the
Eastern mountainous areas), which is located in the
foothills, near the undulating areas. The Eastern part
consists of mainly tertiary deposits of Semilir
Formation (Tmse). Only a few areas, including the
summit of the Baturagung Escarpment, belong to the
Nglanggran Formation (Tmn). Tmse formed approxi-
mately 27.82–23.03 million years ago. Tmse consists of
mainly interbedded layers of breccia pumice, tuff-
breccia, dacite tuff, andesite tuff, and tuffaceous clay,
whereas the Tmn was deposited in early Miocene
approximately 23.03 to 11.608 million years ago.
Tmn was deposited in parallel on the top of Tmse.
Tmn is mainly distributed in the summit of
Baturagung Escarpment in the Eastern part of the
study area. Both formations were generated from the
eruption of a nearby ancient volcano (Bronto et al.
2008; Winarti and Hartono 2015; Pandita, Sukartono,
and Isjudarto 2016). Bronto et al. (2018) found that
both Tmse and Tmn can be classified as pyroclastic
density flow from the ancient volcano that might be
located in the east part of the study area.
In terms of geomorphology, three major groups of
landforms can be identified in the study area: structural,
fluvial, and denudation. The structural landforms are
indicated by the existence of the Baturagung
Figure 2. The location of study area and relationship with the east horst of Bantul Graben.
Escarpment in the east part. The intensive denudation
process occurred in the middle to upper slope of the
escarpment. Some triangle facets formed due to the
strong erosion processes in the middle to upper slope
of the escarpment. The fluvial process occurs in the
middle part of the study area along the Opak River and
in the narrow flat area near the undulating area and
Baturagung Escarpment. The fluvial process along the
Opak River and narrow flat area produced an extensive
alluvial plain and a colluvial plain, respectively. The
alluvial plain consists of Qmi, whereas the colluvium
consists of Qa (denudation material from Semilir and
Nglanggran Formation). Figure 3 depicts the geomor-
phological aspect of the study area.
3. Method
3.1. Scope of the analysis
Situated in a complex geological and geomorphological
zone, the study area is prone to several hazards, with
frequent and strong seismic activity. Pleret Sub-District is
located approximately 250 km north of the active Sunda
Megathrust and intersected by an active inland fault
namely Opak Fault. The middle part of the study area
is prone to soil amplification because this area is domi-
nated by the dense quaternary material from the Merapi
Volcano. The abundance of shallow groundwater in this
area can also potentially generate liquefaction.
Furthermore, the mountainous area in the east part of
the study area is also prone to slope stability issues and
coseismic landslides due to the type of lithology and
intensive erosion. Based on these considerations, the
multi-risk study several types of hazards such as earth-
quake, soil amplification, liquefaction, and coseismic
landslide aspects.
3.2. Data
The study mainly used the historic earthquake data from
the United States Geological Survey (USGS) between
1900 and 2019 to support the probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis and liquefaction analysis. The fieldwork
data of the outcrop study (Saputra et al. 2018) and
seismic vulnerability index (kg) from micro tremor mea-
surement (Daryono 2011) were used in the earthquake
and liquefaction analysis, respectively. The direct mea-
surement data of groundwater were obtained from
household well measurements. Some boreholes and geo-
electric data were used to support the analysis of ground-
water condition in the middle part of the study area. The
rainfall data from surrounding weather stations,
a 1:25,000 topographic map, and detailed geology map
based on remote sensing analysis were used to determine
the coseismic landslide-prone area (Saputra et al. 2015,
2016). Furthermore, detailed land use data and building
damage were used to analyze the vulnerability level. The
land use data were generated using the visual interpreta-
tion of the latest QuickBird image (Saputra et al. 2017).
The data for the building damage caused by the 2006
Yogyakarta earthquake were obtained from previous
Figure 3. The general landform of study area and surroundings.
research conducted by Kerle (2010). The list of data used
in this study is provided in Table 1.
3.3. Peak ground acceleration (PGA)
As much as 4,593 earthquake data from USGS were
used to obtain the PGA of 320 observation points
which were distributed entire study area. Kanai
(1966) (Douglas 2019) attenuation was used to gener-
ate the peak ground acceleration. Kanai attenuation
was used because this formula considers the funda-
mental period of the site, which is closely related to the
local site effect that can amplify earthquake shaking.
We calculated the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) in
the study area as follows:
whereα is peak ground acceleration, α1 is the first
constant value (5), α2 is the second constant value
(0.61), T is the fundamental period of the site, M is
the earthquake magnitude, R is the hypocenter (km),
and P and Q are the values from equations 2 and 3,
P¼1:66 þ3:6
Q¼0:167 þ1:83
Thus if the equations 2 and 3 are substituted in equa-
tion 1, the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) can be
calculated using equation 4 below.
p10 0:61Mð Þ 1:66þ3:60
ð ÞLog10Rþ0:1671:83
ð Þ
3.4. The outcrop study
The outcrop study was conducted to get better under-
standing of geological condition in study area as only
geological map of Yogyakarta (scale 1:100,000) was
available in study area. The outcrop study was divided
into three main stage: pre-fieldwork analysis, fieldwork
activities, and post-fieldwork analysis. The pre-
fieldwork analysis included geological data (lithological
and geological structure) extraction from mainly
Yogyakarta Geology map scale 1:100,000 and Landsat
8 interpretation (Saputra et al. 2018). The visual inter-
pretation of QuickBird imagery was conducted in the
pre-fieldwork analysis of the outcrop study. The pri-
mary purpose of the interpretation was to identify the
location of the outcrop and determine the location for
outcrop observation. The aims of the fieldwork activ-
ities were to characterize the outcrop (identify the litho-
facies and qualitative grain size of each rock layer),
identify the micro fault, and to record the three-
dimensional (3D) surface model of the outcrop using
the structure from motion technique. The brief work-
flow of the outcrop study stage is provided in Figure 4.
3.5. Coseismic landslide assessment
The method proposed by Mora and Vahrson (1999)
was adopted to generate the coseismic landslide sus-
ceptibility (Saputra et al. 2016). There were two main
parameters, site characteristic factors and trigger fac-
tors, that could cause coseismic landslide occurrence.
The site characteristics consist of physical parameters
which are related to slope stability analysis such as
relief, geology, and soil humidity. Meanwhile the trig-
ger factors consist of seismic and rainfall intensity.
As shown in Table 1, other spatial data, such as
relief and lithology, were derived from contour and
geology maps, respectively. The contour map resolu-
tion was about 12.5 m. The geology map scale was
1:100,000. Saputra et al. (2016) interpreted some
remote sensing data and completed fieldwork observa-
tions to increase the scale of the geology map and
provided more detailed geology and lithology infor-
mation. The other parameters, such as natural humid-
ity of soil and rainfall intensity, were derived from
monthly average rainfall and annual rainfall intensity,
respectively. The detailed work flow of the coseismic
landslide assessment that was conducted by Saputra
et al. (2016) is provided in Figure 5.
3.6. The liquefaction assessment
Liquefaction is a secondary earthquake hazard that
often causes the worst damage to cities around the
world. In 1999, a 7.6 Mw earthquake occurred in
Chi-Chi and Taiwan, China. This earthquake gener-
ated massive liquefaction throughout Taiwan, China
and especially in Nantou, Wufeng, and Yuanlin pre-
fectures (Chu et al. 2004). In New Zealand, two strong
sequential earthquakes in September 2010 and
December 2011 in Christchurch caused massive lique-
faction across Christchurch (Morgenroth, Hughes,
and Curbinovski 2016). On 28 September 2018,
a strong earthquake struck Palu City, Central
Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Palu-Koro strike-slip fault
generated inland earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4
on the Richter scale at an earthquake depth of 10 km.
This earthquake mainly affected Palu Central City.
A 1.5-m tsunami occurred in Palu and Donggala
coastal areas. Massive liquefaction also occurred in
some parts of Palu, causing severe damage.
Liquefaction is closely related to geological and
geomorphological characteristics, as liquefaction
often reoccurs in the same locations (Youd and
Perkins 1987; Yasuda and Tohno 1988; Tatsuoka
et al. 1980). For instance, for the case of the 2006
Table 1. The data used in this study.
Data Scale Format Source Use
The earthquake data history year 1900–2019
Magnitude greater than 5
Earthquake surrounding
Tabular data .csv
United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) To generate PGA in earthquake hazard assessment and liquefaction
Predominant frequency of soil Bantul Regency Tabular data .xml
(Daryono 2011) To generate PGA and support liquefaction analysis
Rainfall data* Yogyakarta Province Tabular data .xml
Weather stations To determine coseismic landslide hazard
Geology map of Yogyakarta 1:100,000 Raster .jpg format Geological Research and Development Center,
Bandung Indonesia
To determine coseismic landslide hazard, outcrop distribution, and support
outcrop study
Contour map 1:25,000
Contour interval 12.5 m
Vector shapefile
Indonesian Geospatial information agency To generate coseismic landslide hazard
Outcrop distribution 1:35,000 Vector shapefile
Quick bird imagery interpretation Support outcrop study and earthquake susceptibility based on the
proximity of faults.
Micro faults and rock-layer characteristics of the
1:25,000 Vector shapefile
Fieldwork Support outcrop study and earthquake susceptibility based on the
proximity of faults.
3d surface of the outcrop Unit outcrop Raster, format geo
Structure from motion Support outcrop study
Microtremor data Regency level Tabular .xml format (Daryono 2011) Liquefaction analysis
Groundwater table depth Sub-district level Vector shapefile
Household well survey
Geo-electric survey
Liquefaction analysis
Building damage data due to 2006 Yogyakarta
Provincial level Vector shapefile
(Kerle 2010) Deterministic model of building damage
Type of occupation Sub-district level Tabular report form Statistics Indonesia Population modeling.
Note: *Derived from the rainfall data (1983–2013) of 10 rainfall stations surrounds the study area (Barongan, Dogongan, Jatingarang, Karangploso, Piring, Tanjungtirto, Terong, Umbulharjo, Wates, and DPU Yogyakarta station).
Yogyakarta, Indonesia earthquake, the liquefaction
occurred in a flat area, with shallow ground water
table, not too far from the earthquake source, and
has a high seismic vulnerability index (Kg). Thus, an
area with these same characteristics are highly suscep-
tible to liquefaction. Using a similar approach (Yasuda
and Tohno 1988; Tatsuoka et al. 1980), the liquefac-
tion assessment was conducted in the study area. We
also analyzed the liquefaction from the share-wave
velocity and seismic vulnerability index point of
view. By knowing the share-wave velocity and seismic
index vulnerability, the sites exposed to liquefaction
risk can be identified (Daryono 2011; Yasuda and
Tohno 1988). The higher the value of ground share-
strain, the more easily the ground deformation occurs,
leading to a crack, liquefaction, and coseismic land-
slide (Huang and Tseng 2002; Ishihara 1982). The
relationship of the shear-strain value and the potential
liquefaction is outlined in Table 2.
Based on this concept, we combined Probabilistic
Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) and the Ishihara
concept to analyze the potential liquefaction area in the
study area. Thus, the first step of this analysis was to
determine the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) based
on the historical earthquake data. The PGA value was
used to assess the ground shear strain based on the
earthquake vulnerability index (Kg). The ground shear
strain value in the study area was calculated using follow-
ing equation (Daryono 2011; Ishihara 1982):
Ground Shear strain ¼Kg106PGA (4)
The complete workflow used to assess the potential lique-
faction area in the study area is provided in Figure 6.
Figure 4. The general work flow of outcrop study.
Figure 5. The general workflow of coseismic landslide susceptibility zone [19].
3.7. Multi-vulnerability assessment
The multi-vulnerability assessment used in this study
followed the previous research conducted by Saputra
et al. (2017). We applied logistic regression analysis to
predict the damage level of the residential buildings
based on the 27 May 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake
damage data. The main data used in that research were
earthquake damage data, QuickBird images, geologic
maps, and building footprint data. The earthquake
damage data were obtained from Kerle (2010), which
included building damage data (low, medium, and col-
lapsed) in impacted area (Jetis, Pleret, Imogiri, and
Bantul Sub-Districts). The QuickBird imagery was used
to obtain the land use data in more detail (the year 2012,
scale 1:25,000) based on the modified Anderson system
2002. Saputra et al. (2017) used the geology map of
Yogyakarta to extract additional data such as the lithol-
ogy, type of material, and distance from the epicenter of
Yogyakarta earthquake (27 May 2006).
In general, there were two main elements at risk
used in the analysis: population and building collapse
probability. The population data were obtained from
the local statistics agency (Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
or Statistics Indonesia), and the building collapse
probability was generated from the logistic regression
analysis. We followed four steps to conduct the multi-
vulnerability assessment. The first step was to extract
the land use data via the visual interpretation of
QuickBird imagery. The second step was to conduct
the probability of building collapse. The third step
involved creating a population distribution model
and the last step involved combining the building
collapse probability and population distribution into
multi-vulnerability analysis. The steps of the multi-
vulnerability analysis are provided in Figure 7.
We used 15 parameters to calculate the probability
of building collapse based on the 2006 earthquake
damage data. The parameters consist of dependent
variable (Y), which refers to the building damage,
and independent X variables (X1–X15) (Table 3). We
applied logistic regression based on the binary model
(0 and 1 for No or Yes, respectively). The input data
(the spatial building damage data) were converted into
the binary system. For instance, the building ID 505
has the characteristics of wood structure, asbestos or
zinc roof material, located within 8 km of the earth-
quake epicenter, has a Semilir geological condition,
and experienced moderate damage, was converted
into binary code as shown in Table 4.
3.8. Multi-hazard and risk assessment
The approach to generate the multi-hazard and risk
assessment followed the general concept of risk assess-
ment and reduction. Risk is the function of hazard and
vulnerability, which can be expressed as follows:
Table 2. The shear-strain value and soil dynamic.
Size of strain 10
Phenomena Wave, Vibration Crack, Diff Settlement Landslide, Soil Compaction, and liquefaction
Dynamic Properties Elasticity Elasto Plasticity Repeat-effect Speed-effect of Loading
Source: Ishihara (1982)
Figure 6. The potential liquefaction assessment.
where R is risk, H is hazard, and V is vulnerability.
For the multi-hazard and risk scheme of this study,
we referred to Alkema et al. (2018) who considered
hazards as the combination of ground motion, soil
amplification, liquefaction, and coseismic landslide.
In terms of vulnerability, we focused only on building
block (building collapse probability) and the popula-
tion (the population distribution). The multi-hazard
Figure 7. The general workflow of multi-vulnerability analysis.
Table 3. Variables used.
No Variable Type data Value Other name
Dependent variable (Y)
1 Building damage
Not damaged (Y1)
Moderately damaged (Y2)
Collapsed (Y3)
Ordinal 1
Independent variable (X)
1 Wood structure (X1) Binary (0 or 1) Structure = 0
2 Unreinforced masonry (X2) Binary (0 or 1) Structure = 1
3 Reinforced masonry (X3) Binary (0 or 1) Structure = 2
4 Asbestos or zinc roof (X4) Binary (0 or 1) Roof = 0
5 Cement tile roof (X5) Binary (0 or 1) Roof = 1
6 Clay tile roof (X6) Binary (0 or 1) Roof = 2
7 Concrete slap roof (X7) Binary (0 or 1) Roof = 3
8 Within 8 km of the epicenter (X8) Binary (0 or 1) Distance = 1
9 Between 8.1 and 10 km (X9) Binary (0 or 1) Distance = 2
10 Between 10.1 and 15 km (X10) Binary (0 or 1) Distance = 3
11 Greater than 15 km (X11) Binary (0 or 1) Distance = 4
12 Semilir Formation (Tmse) (X12) Binary (0 or 1) Geology = 0
13 Alluvium (Qa) (X13) Binary (0 or 1) Geology = 1
14 Young Merapi Volcanic deposit (Qmi) (X14) Binary (0 or 1) Geology = 2
15 Nglanggran Formation (Tmn) (X15) Binary (0 or 1) Geology = 3
and risk assessment of earthquakes and other related
secondary hazards applied in this study are provided
in Figure 8.
Thus, based on Figure 8, equation 5 was modified to
accommodate the multi-hazard aspect in this study.
Equation 6 shows how the multi-hazard and risk were
generated in this study:
Multi Risk ¼Multihazard PþSA þLþCLð Þ:
Multivulnerability BV þPVð Þ (6)
where P is PGA value, SA is soil amplification, L is
liquefaction, CL is a coseismic landslide, BV is build-
ing vulnerability, and PV is population vulnerability.
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) results
Based on the Kanai attenuation, we used the historical
data of over 3,481 earthquakes with a magnitude
greater than 5 on the Richter Scale, which occurred
between 1900 and 2017, to determine that the peak
ground acceleration of study area ranges from 531.04
to 967.66 cm/s
. Theoretically, the higher the PGA
value in a particular area, the higher the degree of
damage probability when an earthquake occurs
(Yamazaki and Matsuoka 2018; Walter et al. 2008).
Based on this attenuation, we found higher PGA
values in the middle part of study area, extending to
northeast and southeast along the Opak River, which
is closely associated with the location of the Opak
Fault. Lower PGA values were found in the northwest
part in the Yogyakarta City direction. This distribu-
tion of PGA values is inversely related to the dominant
period of the soil. The direct microtremor measure-
ments that were recorded by Daryono (2011)
explained that the highest (0.84) predominant period
of soil in the study area is located in the northwest
area. The predominant soil period and PGA are pro-
vided in Figure 9(a,b), respectively.
4.2. Results of outcrop study
Based on the outcrop study that was conducted by
Saputra et al. (2018), the study area has a complex
geological structure condition. We found significant
evidence of fault displacement including the great
normal fault in this area the Opak Fault. Saputra
et al. (2018) found the same rock of the Nglanggran
Formation (Tmn is described as a volcanic breccia,
lava flow containing breccia agglomerate rock and
tuff). The main location of the Nglanggran formation
is at the summit of Baturagung Escarpment. However,
based on the field observation, the authors found an
isolated hill of Nglanggran Formation located in the
center of study, separated by approximately 4.24 km
from the main location of the Nglanggran Formation.
Saputra et al. (2018) found that the middle parts of the
study area are more vulnerable to ground amplifica-
tion. At least 30 fault displacements were found in the
middle part of the study area, with a maximum dis-
placement of 2.39 m. Most of the faults are typically
normal faults, and only a few of them are strike-slip
faults. The direction of most of the micro faults is
similar to the direction of the Opak Fault. The outcrop
study conducted by Saputra et al. (2018) revealed that
the Segoroyoso Village, Srumbung Sub Village, the
middle part of Bawuran Village, the middle part of
Pleret Village, and the middle part of Wonolelo
Village are vulnerable due to the complex geological
structure and ground amplification. The map of the
fault evidence derived from the outcrop study and an
example of maximum fault displacement in Srumbung
Sub-Village are provided in Figures 10 and 11,
4.3. Liquefaction results
4.3.1. The groundwater condition
Based on the integrated direct measurement of house-
hold wells during the 2015 rainy season, some geo-
Table 4. An example of the binary model for the variables. Building ID 505 = wood structure, asbestos roof, within 8 km, and
Semilir Formation.
ID X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 Y
505 - - - - - - - - - - - 2
505 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Figure 8. The multi-hazards and risk assessment. Source .Alkema et al. (2018)
electricity observations, especially fluvial plains and local
people drilling activities in South Segoroyoso, the study
area is dominated by shallow groundwater areas (less
than 10 m). This abundance of groundwater is concen-
trated in the middle part of the study area (Wonokromo,
Pleret, middle Segoroyoso, middle Bawuran, and middle
Wonolelo). Geomorphologically, this area is dominated
by fluvial and colluvial plains, which consists of Alluvium
from the Young Merapi Volcanic Deposit (Qmi) and
Colluvium from the denudational material of Semilir
and Nglangran mountainous area (Qa), respectively
(Figure 12).
In line with the household wells observations, the
geo-electricity observation showed that the study area
has abundant groundwater. Shallow groundwater can
be found at depths of 2.5–15 m in the colluvial plain in
the narrow plain in the east part of the study area.
From the borehole data, we determined a similar var-
iation in groundwater depth. In alluvial and colluvial
plains, shallow groundwater can be found at depths of
1–15 m. This shallow aquifer is known as a confined
aquifer. Deep aquifers can be found at depths of
approximately 80–110 m.
4.3.2. The liquefaction
Based on the ground-shear strain and the potential lique-
faction by using Ishihara method, we determined that the
areas more prone to liquefaction are the middle part of
study area, especially in Kerto, Keputren, and Kanggotan
Villages (Figure 13). This area has the highest ground-
Figure 10. Fault reconstruction and lineament in study area.
Figure 9. (a) The predominant period of soil and (b) PGA in the study area.
shear strain of 9,221.43 × 10
, found on the alluvial plain
of young Merapi volcanic deposits with a sediment thick-
ness of 130 m and groundwater depth of around 2.31 m.
4.4. Coseismic landslide
Based on previous studies (Saputra et al. 2015, 2016),
the study area could be classified into four Coseismic
Landslide Susceptibility Levels (CLSLs): negligible,
low, moderate, and medium. The negligible zone is
the safest area in the study area. This zone is mainly
distributed in the west to the middle part of the study
area. This zone is located in a flat to gentle slope area
and in the alluvial plain zone, colluvial plain, and
natural levee of the Opak River. The low CLSL zone
is associated with the narrow plain that is located in
the border area between the flat and mountainous area
in the east part study area. The moderate zones are
mainly located in the middle slope of Baturagung
Escarpment, which features weakly to strongly eroded
denudational hills of Semilir Formation. The medium
zone – the most unstable areas – are located along the
upper slope of Baturagung Escarpment, which consists
of Semilir Formation. This result is in line with that
reported by Samodra et al. (2016), who found that the
middle slope a greater probability of rock fall occur-
rence in the Sewu Mountainous Area, which is in the
west part of Yogyakarta. The complete coseismic land-
slide susceptibility map is shown in Figure 14.
4.5. Multi-vulnerability results
The first element at risk used in this study was resi-
dential buildings. The vulnerability of residential
buildings was determined from the logistic regression.
There were two datasets used in this study. The first
dataset was the building damage data due to the
Yogyakarta earthquake. These data include some
Figure 11. Fault displacement in outcrop number 15, Srumbung Sub-Village.
Figure 12. The groundwater depth (left); Groundwater characteristic of location 2, 3, and 4 based on the drilling data (right).
information about attributes such as location (x and
y), the owner, the building structure, the roof material,
geology, the distance from the epicenter, and the level
of damage. These data were obtained from field obser-
vations right after the disaster occurrence. The second
dataset was the building footprint data of existing
buildings after rehabilitation and reconstruction pro-
cess. These data were generated from a visual
interpretation process. These data included the same
attributes such as location (x and y), the type of build-
ings structure, roof materials, geology, and the dis-
tance from the epicenter.
The other examined element at risk was popula-
tion density. We used the dasymetric technique to
determine the population density per unit land use.
Several scenarios, such as the population of each
Figure 13. Potential liquefaction model in study area.
Figure 14. The potential Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Level (CLSL) in study area.
land use unit in daytime and nighttime both on
weekdays and holidays, were applied to determine
the real population condition. The land use units
were generated from visual interpretation based on
the Anderson classification. The vulnerability
results of each element at risk are explained
below. The results of multi-vulnerability are pro-
vided in Figure 20.
4.5.1. Land use based on visual interpretation of
Quick bird imagery
Based on the modified Anderson system, we found 29
land use units in the study area. This land use unit
covers the classification level III, which is suitable for
interpretation of QuickBird or medium-altitude data
captured between 3100 and 12,400 m or 1:20,000 to
1:80,000 map scales. Based on this classification, we
classified the study area into 29 land use units: aban-
doned mining sites, agricultural wetlands, canal, cem-
etery, cemetery on wetland, commercial strip
development, educational institution, government
centers, harvested cropland, health institution, inac-
tive cropland, light industrial, not built up, open areas,
other agricultural, other institutional (mosque), pas-
tureland, poultry farm, residential high density, resi-
dential low density, residential medium density, rural
single unit, road, shrub land, specialty farm, stone
quarries, stream, traditional market, and wetlands.
The distribution and the total area of the land use
units are provided in Figure 15.
4.5.2. Building unit collapse probability
There were three main results based on the logistic
regression: the model fitness results, pseudo R
, and
estimated parameter values. The model fitness shows
that the models (binary coding) for both independent
and dependent variables were significant, that the models
fit, and can be used for further analysis (Table 5). The
pseudo R
result provides information about how far the
model can explain the results. Based on the logistic
regression, the model can explain at least 33.20%,
which was indicated by the Nagelkerke value (Table 6).
This means 66.80% of the dependent variables cannot be
explained from this model. Thus, some additional para-
meters need to be added in future research.
The estimated parameter values (Table 7) show that
the threshold values of the damage categories are 1.529
and 2.426 for damage categories 1 and 2, respectively.
This means the predicted response value (Y*i) were
categorized as follows:
(1) Damage category 1 (low damage) if Y*i ≤ 1.529
(2) Damage category 2 (moderate damage) if
1.529 < Y*i < 2.246
(3) Damage category 3 (high damage or collapsed)
if Y*i ≥ 2.246
Figure 15. The land use map and its total area.
The Y*i value can be calculated from the for-
mula that was derived from the value of each
parameter in Table 7. The formula followed the
general regression equation. Therefore, from Table
7, the general equation of damage category is
expressed as:
Yi¼ 0:255 X1ð Þ þ 0:685 X2ð Þ þ 0X3ð Þ
þ0:43 X4ð Þ þ 0:749 X5ð Þ þ 1:634 X6ð Þ
þ0X7ð Þ þ 2:265 X8ð Þ þ 0:949 X9ð Þ
þ0:744 X10ð Þ þ 0X11ð Þ 1:413 X12ð Þ
0:64 X13ð Þ þ 1:507 X14ð Þ þ 0X15ð Þ (7)
where the Y*i is the prediction value of damage cate-
gory, X1 is wood structure, X2 is unreinforced
masonry, X3 is reinforced masonry, X4 is asbestos
and zinc, X5 is cement tile, X6 is clay tile roof, X7 is
concrete slap roof, X8 is distance within 8 km of
epicenter, X9 is distance between 8.1 and 10 km of
epicenter; X10 is distance between 10.1 and 15 km of
epicenter, X11 is distance greater than 15 km from
epicenter, X12 is Semilir formation (Tmse), X13 is
alluvium (Qa), X14 is young volcanic deposits of
Merapi Volcano (Qmi), and X15 is Nglanggran
Formation (Tmn).
Based on the visual interpretation of 17,512 build-
ings, there were only 33 combinations of house char-
acteristics. Each combination has specific building
attributes and damage category. For instance, the
combination number 5 (Table 8) wood structure,
clay tile roof, distance more than 15 km from the 2006
epicenter, and young volcanic deposit of Merapi
Volcano. Based on the equation 7, the combination 5
has damage category as follow:
Y*i = −0.255 (1) + 0.685 (0) + 0 (0) + 0.43 (0) +
0.749 (0) + 1.634 (1) + 0 (0) + 2.265 (0) +
0.949 (0) +0.744 (0) + 0 (1) – 1.413 (0) – 0.64
(0) + 1.507 (1) + 0 (0)
Y*i = −0.255 + 1.634 + 0 + 1.507
Y*i = 2.886
This means that combination of building attribute
number 5 has damage category 3 (high damage or
collapsed). The results of damage category calculation
using equation 7 of all building unit entire study area
can be seen in Figure 16.
The building damage probability of each building
unit was obtained by applying the damage category
resulted from equation 7 into equations 8, 9, and 10
below (Agresti 1990; Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000).
Probability of no damage Y1ð Þ ¼ 1
1þeYithreshold1ð Þ
Probability of moderate damage Y2ð Þ
1þeYithreshold2ð Þ Y1 (9)
Probability of high damage or collapsed Y 3ð Þ
1þeYithreshold2ð Þ ;(10)
Thus, for example, combination number 5 (wood
structure, clay tile roof, distance more than 15 km
from the 2006 epicenter, and young volcanic deposit
of Merapi Volcano) was categorized to damage cate-
gory 3 or collapsed. By using equations 8,9, and 10, the
building damage probability can be determined. For
Table 5. Model fit information.
–2 Log
Degree of
freedom (df)
Significance prob-
ability (sig)
Final 707.190 2347.813 11 0.000
Table 6. Pseudo R
Model Value
Cox and Shell 0.264
Nagelkerke 0.332
McFadden 0.194
Table 7. Parameters estimation.
Estimate SE Wald df Sig.
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Threshold [Damage = 1] 1.529 0.478 10.247 1 0.001 0.593 2.465
[Damage = 2] 2.426 0.478 25.761 1 .000 1.489 3.363
Location [Structure = 0] (X1) –0.255 0.107 5.647 1 0.017 –0.465 –0.045
[Structure = 1] (X2) 0.685 0.070 95.306 1 0.000 0.547 0.822
[Structure = 2] (X3) 0 . . 0 . . .
[Roof = 0] (X4) 0.430 0.610 0.497 1 0.481 –0.766 1.627
[Roof = 1] (X5) 0.749 0.484 2.390 1 0.122 –0.201 1.698
[Roof = 2] (X6) 1.634 0.461 12.541 1 0.000 0.729 2.538
[Roof = 3] (X7) 0 . . 0 . . .
[Distance = 1] (X8) 2.265 0.236 91.712 1 0.000 1.801 2.728
[Distance = 2] (X9) 0.949 .106 80.173 1 0.000 0.742 1.157
[Distance = 3] (X10) 0.744 .084 78.154 1 0.000 0.579 0.909
[Distance = 4] (X11) 0 . . 0 . . .
[Geology = 0] (X12) –1.413 0.122 134.395 1 0.000 –1.652 –1.174
[Geology = 1] (X13) –0.640 0.145 19.402 1 0.000 –0.925 –0.355
[Geology = 2] (X14) 1.507 0.117 165.861 1 0.000 1.278 1.737
[Geology = 3] (X15) 0 . . 0 . . .
instance, the combination number 5 has a Y*i value of
2.886. Therefore, the building damage probability is:
Y1 (no damage)_ = 1
1þ2:718 2:8861:529ð Þ
Y1 (no damage) = 0.011
Y2 (moderate damage) = 1
1þ2:718 2:8862:246ð Þ 0:011
Y2 (moderate damage) = 0.334
Y3 (high damage or collapsed) = 1 1
1þ2:718 2:8862:246ð Þ
Y3 (high damage or collapsed) = 0.655
Based on the calculation above, the building com-
bination number 5 has a predicted damage category of
3 (collapsed) with a probability of high damage or
collapsed of 0.655. The safest building type in the
study area is the building with the attributes of rein-
forced masonry structure, asbestos or zinc roof mate-
rial, located between 10.1 and12 km from the
earthquake source, and located above the Semilir
Formation. This buildings unit have the probability
of collapse only 0.07. The most vulnerable buildings
are those with a combination of reinforced masonry
structure, clay tile roof material, located between 8.1
and 10 km from the epicenter, and located above the
young volcanic deposits of the Merapi Volcano. The
probability of collapse of this type reached 0.84.
Building block probability of collapse was deter-
mined from converting the probability of collapse
of a building unit to the block or land use scale.
The average value was applied to convert the col-
lapsed probability of building unit to the building
block. The illustration of how to convert the col-
lapse probability of building units to building block
is provided in Figure 17. Based on the results,
residential blocks located in the western part of
the Opak Fault are rated as high probability of
collapse between 0.60 and 0.73. The middle part
of a study area, to the left and right of the Opak
River, scored the highest values (very high) of
building collapse probability, ranging from 0.74 to
0.84. The Eastern part tended to have very low to
moderate probability of collapse (0.08–0.59)
Figure 16. Illustration of how to classify the buildings existence into several damage categories.
because this area is mountainous areas consisting
of compact lithological characteristics. The distri-
bution of building collapsed probability in the
study area are provided in Figure 18.
4.5.3. Population distribution model
The distribution of the population in several scenarios
(day time, night time, both on weekends and week-
days) was defined based on dasymetric analysis
through the simple percentage of the occupation of
the local people. Based on the data, the people of Pleret
Sub-District are predominantly casual workers, stu-
dents, unemployed, entrepreneurs, and farmers, at
17.92%, 20.51%, 18.86%, 20.16%, and 23.99% of the
population, respectively. Thus, based on the dasy-
metric analysis, the population distribution on each
block of land use was estimated. For instance, during
work hours, the population in Wonokromo Village,
the densest village in the study area, tends to distribute
into three major land use units: settlements, schools,
and commercial areas. The population can be esti-
mated as 27.7% staying in commercial areas, 16.65%
in schools, and 16.47% in settlement areas. The rest of
the population distributes into other land use units.
Similar to this condition, the population in other vil-
lages, such as Pleret, Segoroyoso, Bawuran, and
Wonolelo, mainly distribute into commercial areas,
school, settlements, and agricultural areas. The popu-
lation distribution in all villages in the study areas
showed no significant difference among the scenarios
used. The population distribution under several sce-
narios is provided in Figures 19 and 20.
4.6. Multi-risk results
The multi-hazard zonation was generated by applying
the summation function of all hazard parameters (PGA,
the proximity of the faults, liquefaction, and coseismic
landslide). The summation function was determined
based on the consideration of the selected hazards
being secondary earthquake hazards that can amplify
the earthquake impact. Based on the analysis, we found
that the index of multi-hazard in the study area is
between 0.46 and 0.85, with minimum and maximum
values of 0 and 1, respectively. Based on this analysis,
the study area is dominated by the multi-hazard value
0.61, which can be classified as a moderate multi-hazard
zone. Most of this zone is located in the flat area in the
middle part of the study area. These areas are located
near Opak Fault, have a complex geological structure,
and soft surface sediment of alluvium or colluvium. In
terms of PGA, this zone has PGA values around
Figure 17. The example of converting the building unit collapse probability to block unit.
676.59–822.12 gal and low ground shear strain, which
means vulnerable to ground motion and liquefaction
occurrence. The total area of this zone is 39.12% of the
study area (Figure 21).
The multi-risk value was obtained by adding the
multi-temporal information of the population distri-
bution. The results show that both in daytime or night
time on weekdays, the middle part has the highest
multi-risk value because this area has a higher multi-
hazard index value, high population density, and most
of the buildings inside the block have a higher prob-
ability of collapse. The holidays scenarios produced
different results. Based on the holiday scenarios,
during both daytime and night time, the population
tend to distribute within the residential blocks. For
example, Segoroyoso Village has a slightly higher
multi-hazard risk assessment value at night. The com-
plete multi-risk value picture is provided in Figure 22.
The multi-risk models produce slightly different
results between weekday and holiday multi-risk
index and produce distinctive results for daytime and
night time. On daytime, both on weekdays and holi-
days, the high multi-risk index is mainly distributed in
the southern part of Wonokromo village, in the mid-
dle part of Pleret village, and some areas of Wonolelo
village. During the night time both on weekdays and
Figure 19. Population distribution during (a) holiday day time, (b) night time, (c) work day day time, and (d) work day night time.
Figure 18. The collapse probability for building blocks in study area.
holidays, high multi-risk index values are mainly dis-
tributed in most of the residential areas, as almost all
people stay in residential area at night both on holi-
days and weekdays. This model shows (Figure 22, left
picture) that the south part of Wonokromo village, the
middle part of Pleret village, the middle part of
Bawuran, Segoroyoso, and Wonolelo villages scored
high multi-risk index values.
Figure 20. Multi-vulnerability during (a) holiday daytime, (b) night time, (c) work day day time, and (d) work day night time.
Figure 21. Multi-hazards zonation in study area. Hazards information: PGA was derived based on Kanai attenuation by using USGS
earthquake historical data (1900–2019). Liquefaction was generated based on the ground shear strain value of USGS earthquake
historical data (1900–2019). Soil amplification was assessed based on the proximity to active faults which was generated from
outcrop study. Coseismic landslide resulted from the coseismic landslide model grade 2 proposed by Mora and Vahrson (1999) and
the multi-hazard index was generated from raster overlay function with benefits standardization method.
5. Conclusions and recommendations
Based on the results above, the multi-risk index of the
study area for earthquakes and other secondary
hazards differs, being influenced by PGA, ground
motion, liquefaction, coseismic landslide, population
distribution, and building collapse probability. Based
on the CLSL analysis, the study area includes negligi-
ble, low, moderate, and medium zones. The negligible
and low CLSL areas are mainly distributed in the
extensive flat region in the west part of the study
area. The more vulnerable areas are mainly distributed
in the mountainous area in the middle part of the
study area. This study also shows that the middle
slope of Baturagung Escarpment is more prone to
coseismic landslide occurrence. These findings are in
line with the landslide study that was conducted in the
western part of Yogyakarta (Walter et al. 2008).
The study area has a complicated geological struc-
ture. Based on the lineament analysis, we found var-
ious lineament features of valleys, ridges, river, sudden
changes of river direction, ridge lines, scarp face, and
straight drainage segments. All these lineaments are
associated with the existence of faults (Samodra et al.
2016; Gannouni and Gabtni 2015). Based on the earth-
quake fracture displacements recorded on the outcrop
surface, the middle part of the study area, around the
north to the middle part of Segoroyoso and the middle
part of Pleret and Bawuran, has a complex fault con-
figuration as indicated by the dense area of faults and
highest displacement. Additionally, based on the
lithostratigraphic analysis, the outcrop deposits are
ignimbrite type that originated from the ancient vol-
cano (tertiary) in the east part of study area.
Based on the shear strain analysis that was derived
from the PGA analysis, the study area, and especially
the extensive flat area in from middle to west parts, is
dominated by shallow groundwater up to 10 m deep
with high ground shear-strain values. This means this
area is vulnerable to liquefaction occurrence.
In term of vulnerability analysis, we concluded that,
statistically, buildings with reinforced masonry struc-
ture (RM), clay tile roof material, built above Young
Volcanic Deposits of Merapi Volcano (Qmi), and
8.1–10 km from the epicenter of the 2006 earthquake
have a higher probability of collapse. In terms of popu-
lation distribution, there is no significant difference in
population density on each land use unit between holi-
days and weekdays. However, we found that the popu-
lation density on each land use unit is different between
daytime and night time. Thus, population density
affects the multi-risk index, which demonstrated
a different pattern in daytime and night time.
The multi-hazard risk results show that residential
houses that are located in the center part of study area,
including the center of Wonokromo, Pleret, Bawuran,
and Wonolelo, and the north part of Segoroyoso
Villages, have a high multi-hazard and risk index
(>0.60) both during daytime and night time on both
weekdays and holidays. This means this area is more
Figure 22. Multi-risk value in study area.
prone to earthquake hazards and other related second-
ary hazards.
This study shows the general characteristic of
multi-hazard and risk in study area. This study is
a preliminary assessment before conducting more
detailed investigation. This study has some limitations
and we have recommendations for future research.
Longer-term earthquake occurrence data are needed
to accommodate the longer reoccurrence period of
larger earthquake. The amplification due to the
micro fault was only based on the proximity analysis;
thus, further detailed investigations are required to
calculate the size the amplification for complex geolo-
gical structures when earthquakes occur from sur-
rounding sources. A good inventory of landslide and
coseismic landslide is needed to improve the coseismic
landslide hazard result. Additionally, several site-
specific observations need to be recorded to support
the coseismic landslide data. A deterministic seismic
hazard analysis model needs to be created to obtain
a better understanding of the type of fault and
mechanism that might trigger coseismic landslides
when the earthquakes occur. Some limitation of lique-
faction analysis was also found in this study such as
this study was still used Ishihara model to approach
the liquefaction which is only suitable for preliminary
assessment. We need to conduct some Standard
Penetration Tests (SPT) and cone Penetration Tests
(CPT) for verification and for detail site investigation.
Pore-water pressure, seasonal effects on groundwater,
and storm and heavy rainfall need to be considered as
parameters in future research. The statistical analysis
of building collapse vulnerability needs to be
improved by adding more parameters as independent
variables, such as soil type, the shape of buildings, and
the age of buildings. In terms of multi-hazard and risk
analysis, the cascading effect of earthquakes and other
related secondary hazards need to be examined to
better explain multi-hazard and risk aspects. The
effects of earthquakes also need to be considered on
the karst landform located in the southeast part of the
study area. Strong earthquakes can cause sinkhole
collapse, which leads to rock fall and block gliding.
Lastly, the further analysis such as loss estimation is
required to support the risk evaluation, management,
and reduction process.
The author is thankful to University of Canterbury New
Zealand and Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
Indonesia who provided adequate reference for this project.
Notes on contributors
Aditya Saputra is an assistant professor in Dept.
Geography, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
Indonesia. He received the PhD degree from Dept. of
Geography, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His
research interests are hazard modeling by using remote
sensing and GIS. He collected the data and carried out the
analysis in this paper, also he was drafted this manuscript.
Christopher Gomez is professor in Graduate School of
Maritime Sciences, Laboratory of Volcanic Risks at Sea
Kobe University, 5-1-1 Fukaeminami-machi, Higashinada-
ku, Kobe, Japan. His research interest are tsunami processes
and hazards at the coast, applied subsurface geophysics,
debris flows, lahars, and landslides, sediment transfers and
related hazards in mountain and volcanic terrain. He sup-
ported AS collecting the data and interpreting the results.
Ioannis Delikostidis is a senior lecturer in Dept. of
Geography, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His
research interest are pedestrian context-aware navigation,
crowdsourced data applications, human geography, and
geographic information system. He supported AS to inter-
preting the results and revising the manuscript.
Peyman Zawar-Reza is professor in Dept. of Geography,
University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His research inter-
est are earth systems science, air pollution climatology/
meteorology, mountain meteorology. He supported AS to
revise the manuscript.
Danang Sri Hadmoko is associate professor in Dept. of
Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. His research interest
is Landslide Hazard, Natural Hazard Study, Volcanic
Hazard. He supported AS to interpret the results and revise
the manuscript.
Junun Sartohadi is professor in Department of Soil Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
He is expert on earth sciences, disaster mitigation, physical
geography and environmental geoscience. His research
interest are geohazard from soil science perspective, land
resource development planning, pedogeomorphology, soil
and water conservation. He supported AS to revise the
Aditya Saputra
Christopher Gomez
Ioannis Delikostidis
Peyman Zawar-Reza
Danang Sri Hadmoko
Junun Sartohadi
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... The five techniques developed are based on the internal and external circumstances of the Kerinci Volcano area. The strategies that might be used in Mount Kerinci as a result, while considering the necessity of their application, including (18) making a master plan for the growth of Kerinci Volcano tourism while paying attention to conservation areas, (19) creating natural adventure ecotourism, (20) developing tourism-supporting facilities and infrastructure, (21) forming POKDARWIS groups at each tourist location, and (22) investing in technology and human resources in agriculture to develop post-harvest coffee yields. The five major approaches were selected as the most effective means of maximizing the Kerinci Volcano's potential. ...
... A picturesque tour of the tea gardens and the summit of Mount Kerinci was created as part of this tourism development, and it was built on the plains of the mountain's foothills. (21) Specialty travel. This unique journey takes the form of trekking trails that go to Mount Kerinci's summit. ...
... The non-medical risk of the COVID-19 pandemic was approached following the general concept of risk assessment and reduction. Risk can be expressed by considering the hazard and vulnerability (Westen 2011, Saputra et al. 2020. The general equation used in this research can be expressed as follows: ...
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The impact of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic varies as each country has a different capacity to stop the virus transmission and apply social distancing. A densely populated country, such as Indonesia, tends to face challenges in implementing social distancing due to population characteristics. The Indonesian government focuses on the medical aspect as this virus is new and has been deadly with a high transmission rate. Meanwhile, the non-medical risk during the pandemic is still unclear. The main objective of this study is to assess the non-medical risk at the village level in two agglomeration cities of Central Java: Greater Surakarta and Surabaya. The methodologies use a risk index, derived from the risk reduction concept. The hazard refers to the death toll, while the vulnerability relates to parameters such as disaster, social and public facilities, health facilities, economics and demography. Further, the parameters were weighted based on expert judgement derived using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The study found that the disaster aspect had the highest weight (0.38), followed by health facilities (0.31), economics (0.17), social-public facilities (0.11) and demography (0.04). The standard deviations of those parameters were relatively low, between 0.12 and 0.25. A low vulnerability index (0.05–0.36) was observed to be dominant in both study areas. There are 11 villages in Greater Surakarta and 30 villages in Greater Surabaya with high vulnerability index. Disaster-prone areas, low economic growth, lack of health facilities and aged demographic structure significantly added to this vulnerability. Further, a high-risk index (0.67–1.00) is observed in three villages in Greater Surabaya and one village in Greater Surakarta. These villages are relatively close to the city centre and have good accessibility. Furthermore, these four villages experienced the severest impact of the pandemic because the furniture and tourism sectors were their primary industries.
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Introduction On November 21, 2022, a magnitude Mw 5.6 earthquake struck Cianjur Regency in the West Java Province of Indonesia. It was followed by at least 512 aftershocks that persisted from November to June 2023. This seismic event occurred in an area previously unrecognized as an active fault zone. The consequences of this earthquake in Cianjur were severe, leading to both loss of life and extensive structural damage. The substantial damage to buildings was likely a result of abrupt alterations in the local topography due to surface deformation effects. Objectives This research endeavor aims to spatially determine the patterns of ground surface deformation and its relationship with local geomorphological setting due to earthquakes in Cianjur in 2022. Methods In this study we conduct seismological analysis of 45 seismic stations, statistical analysis of mainshock and aftershocks data, RADAR Sentinel-1 imagery and employed the DInSAR methodology. Field survey was also conducted to determine the geomorphological characteristics in the study area. Results The outcomes disclosed that the deformation encompassed both subsidence and uplift. The results signify that there was subsidence deformation in the vicinity of Cianjur and its environs during the primary earthquake on November 21, 2022, with an average deformation value of approximately -5 cm. In contrast, the measured deformation during the aftershocks exhibited uplift deformation, with an average value of 10 cm. The examination of deformation patterns amid the 2022 Cianjur earthquake sequence detects elevated deformation values in the vicinity of Cugenang district, with an orientation running from northwest to southeast. The geomorphological investigation conducted indicates that the region of Cianjur encompasses a variety of landforms, such as volcanic, structural, fluvial, and denudational. These landforms exhibit distinct responses to seismic activities. Co-seismic hazards, such as landslides frequently occur as a consequence of seismic events in mountainous terrain. Main Conclusions Spatio-temporal variation of ground deformation could arise from various causes, such as the number and distribution of aftershocks, stress redistribution, fault interactions, secondary effects, and local geological settings. The mainshocks release accumulated stress along a fault, resulting in particular types of deformation, whereas aftershocks may redistribute stress exhibiting on adjacent faults. Secondary effects triggered by aftershocks, coupled with local geological and geomorphological conditions, further contribute to the diverse patterns of ground deformation observed during seismic events. The results of the study revealed that ground deformation had the greatest impact on fluvial, volcanic, and denudational processes, resulting in notable subsidence and uplift in specific regions. The occurrence and magnitude of co-seismic landslides were triggered by both mainshock and aftershock events, which occurred on weathered geological materials. These effects were further amplified by the simultaneous presence of the rainy season. Implications The knowledge gained from this research can be applied to evaluate the impacts of earthquakes and to proactively reduce future risks.
Yogyakarta in Indonesia is on the south flank of the Merapi Volcano and is bordered by the Southern Mountain, West Progo Mountain, and the Indian Ocean. Many geological and archaeological phenomena are found here, making geological and cultural diversity part of the wealth of Yogyakarta. One of these was Hindu-Buddhis temples developed during the 8th-10th century that were buried by volcanic materials dated between 1910 y BP and 2010 AD and resulted in cracks, wavy paleosols, liquefactions, and bumpy buildings. The catastrophe eruption of 4 VEI in October 2010 and the earthquake with 6,2R on May 27th, 2006, took thousands of lives. Apart from the disastrous effects, the natural disasters built unique geodiversity with education and utilization potentials. Using the values of education, conservation, early warning, utilization, uniqueness, and the improvements of the economic community developments, 15 geoheritages have been appointed, to be an Aspiring Jogja Geopark. This paper aimed to assess qualitatively and quantitatively whether the geological, biological, and cultural diversities can be prepared. The method used was questionnaires filled by visitors, local people, academicians, local tourist managers, small and medium enterprises (UMK), and micro small and medium enterprises (UMKM). The data was processed using RapidMiner software for clustering. The results discovered that people around the 15 destinations did not know about the Aspiring Jogja Geopark, but the academicians, local governments, POKDARWIS (local tourist managers), and the UMK and UMKM knew. Because of their limited knowledge, the local people were unaware of the park. However, they were surprised and enthusiastic about the geopark. Visitors very happy and proud of it. The community had been waiting for a geopark. It is a symbol of the unity of Yogyakarta’s people and the ruler, an embodiment of the slogan of “life in harmony with disasters”, and the optimisation of the geoheritage’s utilization to improve the local economy. Keywords: disaster management, geopark tourism, Yogyakarta
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On December 22, 2018, a catastrophic tsunami struck Anyer Beach in Banten, Indonesia, resulting in numerous casualties and extensive damage to the region. A flank collapse in the southwest sector of Anak Krakatau primarily triggered this tsunami. Intense eruptions and subsequent lava discharges precipitated this collapse. Indonesia’s Vulcanology Geological Hazard Mitigation Center has reported heightened activity at this location since June 2018. Comprehensive field studies, bolstered by remote sensing data, have been pivotal in enhancing our understanding of the behavior of Anak Krakatau over recent years. This research strives to pinpoint lava’s presence in Anak Krakatau during its eruptions. The methodologies employed include the Normalized Hotspot Index (NHI) transformation index combined with the SWIR-1 and SWIR-2 channels of the Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The goal is to elucidate the intense lava flow patterns associated with the flank collapse. Our findings indicate that the NHI can detect elevated lava flow activity in Anak Krakatau. Within the 13 datasets from 2018, lava flow was discerned on seven occasions between July 29 and December 20, predominantly directed towards the southwest sector of the volcano.
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Lightweight materials will reduce the earthquake forces received by the structure. Interlock lightweight brick is a new innovation in the building industry that functions as wall material. Utilization of local materials in Central Java-Yogyakarta, namely Merapi sand, needs to be developed to maximize its potential utilization as an aggregate of lightweight interlock brick. In many research, lime and gypsum as additives have been shown to improve the quality of concrete. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the addition of gypsum and lime as an added material for lightweight interlock bricks with fine aggregate of Merapi sand. The standard of test object and the test refers to SNI 8640-2018. The results showed that in dry weight all the mixed variations were categorized in the 900 kg/m3 and 1100 kg/m3 classes. All variations also complied with water absorption requirements in SNI 8640-2018, but only variations of 2.5% gypsum addition and 5% lime addition meet the compressive strength requirements. This mixture has the highest average of compressive strength value compared to other mixtures. Based on SNI 8640-2018 lightweight interlock bricks with the addition of 2.5% gypsum and 5% lime can be used as wall bricks.
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This research also discusses the relationship and influence of each geomorphic index on the research area’s tectonic activity. In addition to the geomorphic index, geological parameters in the form of geological structures, rock types, and river terraces are used to complete this research analysis. The research objective was to determine tectonic activity based on geomorphological appearance through the geo�morphic index approach.
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Karangsambung, located in Central Java, Indonesia has complex geological conditions of the tectonic evolution of Java Island due to the subduction process of the India-Australia plate with the Eurasian plate in the Cretaceous-Paleocene. The tectonic movements in the subduction zone have resulted in diverse geological structures and rock types and impact the morphological shape of the study area. The level of tectonic activity in the study area can be determined using a tectonic geomorphological approach. A digital elevation model and geographic information systems are used for geomorphic data processing. Geological data observations were also carried out in the form of river terraces. Seven geomorphic index parameters have been calculated to determine the youngest tectonic activity through the relative tectonic activity index (IAT) of the study area: the ratio of the valley floor width to the valley height, the drainage basin asymmetry, the river gradient-length index, the basin shape index, mountain front sinuosity, drainage density, and the hypsometric integral/hypsometric curve. The IAT score is divided into four classes which are class 1 (0%) very highly, class 2 (13%) highly, class 3 (56%) moderately, and class 4 (31%) low. The IAT shows that the research area is categorized as an active tectonic area so that the morphology formed is more influenced by tectonic activity than erosion. Geological data analysis on uplifted and deformed river terrace outcrops shows that the study area is affected by neotectonic activity.
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The question of whether or not we agree with the term Anthropocene becomes inconsequential when examining coastal environments. With few exceptions, anthropogenic encroachment on, and reshaping of, the global coastal zone is evident from space via multiple spectral views. Humans have become one of the dominant agents of coastal system change during the latest part of their relatively short existence, and nowhere is the humanization of coastal landscapes more evident than on islands. Using three island nations characterized by different stages and styles of coastal development – New Zealand, Japan, and Indonesia - we investigate the role of anthropogenic activity in coastal evolution, geomorphology and sediment records. Using field investigations, Geographical Information System (GIS) analyses, and mathematical and conceptual models, we reveals how anthropogenic activity influences processes at multiple time and space scales, with enduring effects. Our first anthropogenic impact investigation focusses on the potential effects of sea level rise (SLR) due to anthropogenic climate change. Using the earthquake-induced land-subsidence experienced in Christchurch, New Zealand, as a relative SLR example (‘Laboratory Christchurch’), evidence shows that coastal settlements are likely to be impacted not only at the shore but further inland via coast- connected waterways, where drainage is impeded due to an increase in the base level of that is the sea. Relative SLR makes it more difficult to evacuate water from subaerial and subsurface hydrosystems, and simulations show that future SLR is also likely to temporarily reduce some rivermouth sediment discharges, creating the potential for accelerated erosion in river-coast interface environments. In addition to flow-on effects from waterways, coastlines themselves have been highly affected by human activity over recent decades to centuries. In Tokyo, the shoreline has undergone artificial progradation, in places by more than 2 km, where concrete has supplanted mudflats, often at elevations above the hinterland of reclaimed areas. In addition to changes in Tokyo’s unconsolidated shores, consolidated coastal cliffs have been modified with the removal of natural talus buffers, again increasing the potential for erosion acceleration. Finally, in our third example, studies of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku tsunami show that anthropogenic activities and structures play an important role in controlling the erosion and depostion of sediments during extreme events. A chronology of tsunami deposits from the Tohoku coast shows that sedimentary records from tsunami events have become thinner in recent centuries, independent of the incident tsunami wave hydrodynamics, and in relation to increasing levels of coastal plain, shoreline and nearshore development. In light of these multi-scale and multi-process effects, we argue that the Anthropocene is clearly distinguishable from the Holocene in coastal environments due to the significantly stronger signatures of human influence that characterise the former time period.
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Located approximately a hundred kilometres north of Java Subduction Zone, Java Island has a complicated geology and geomorphology. The north zone is dominated by the folded area, the centre is dominated by the active volcanic arc and the south of Java including the study area (Southeast part of Yogyakarta City), is dominated by the uplifted southern mountain. In general, the study area is part of the Bantul’s Graben. In the middle part of study area flows the Opak River, which is often associated with normal faults of Opak Fault. The Opak Fault is such a complex fault system which has a complex local fault which can cause worst local site effect when earthquakes occur. However, the geology map of Yogyakarta is the only data that gives the characteristics of Opak Fault roughly. Thus, the effort to identify unchartered fault system needs to be done. The aims of this study are to conduct the outcrop study, to identify the micro faults and to improve the understanding of faults system to support the earthquake hazard and risk assessment. The integrated method of remote sensing, structure from motion (SfM), geographic information system (GIS) and direct outcrop observation was conducted in the study area. Remote sensing was applied to recognize the outcrop location and to extract the nature lineament feature which can be used as fault indicator. The structure from motion was used to support characterising the outcrop in the field, to identify the fault evidence, and to measure the fault displacement on the outcrops. The direct outcrop observation is very useful to reveal the lithofacies characteristics and to reconstruct the lithostratigraphic correlation among the outcrops. Meanwhile, GIS was used to analyse all the data from remote sensing, SfM, and direct outcrop observation. The main findings of this study were as follows: the middle part of study area has the most complicated geologic structure. At least 56 faults evidence with the maximum displacement of 2.39 m was found on the study area. Administratively, the north part of Segoroyoso Village, the middle part of Wonolelo Village, and the middle part of Bawuran village are very unstable and vulnerable to the ground motion amplification due to their faults configuration. The further studies such as geo-electric survey, boreholes survey, and detail geological mapping still need to be conducted in the study area to get better understanding of Opak Fault. Additionally, the carbon testing of charcoal that found in the outcrop and identification of exact location of the ancient eruption source also need to be done.
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Background The Southeast of Yogyakarta City has had the heaviest damages to buildings in the 2006 of Yogyakarta Earthquake disaster. A moderate to strong earthquake of 6.3 Mw shook the 20 km southeast part of the Yogyakarta City early in the morning at 5:54 local time. On top of extensive damage in Yogyakarta and Central Java, more than 5700 people perished; 37,927 people were injured in the collapse of more than 240,396 residential buildings. Furthermore, the earthquake also affected the infrastructure and local economic activities. The total damages and losses because of the earthquake was 29.1 trillion rupiahs or equal to approximately 3.1 million US dollar. Two main factors that caused the severe damages were a dense population and the lack of seismic design of residential buildings. After reconstruction and rehabilitation, the area where the study was conducted grew into a densely populated area. This urbanistic change is feared to be potentially the lead to a great disaster if an earthquake occurs again. Thus, a comprehensive study about building vulnerability is absolutely needed in study area. Therefore, the main objective of this study has been the provision of a probabilistic model of seismic building vulnerability based on the damage data of the last big earthquake. By considering the relationship between building characteristics, site conditions, and the damage level based on probabilistic analysis, this study can offer a better understanding of earthquake damage estimation for residential building in Java. ResultsThe main findings of this study were as follows: The most vulnerable building type is the reinforced masonry structure with clay tile roof, it is located between 8.1-10 km of the epicentre and it is built on young Merapi volcanic deposits. On the contrary, the safest building type is the houses which has characteristics of reinforced masonry structure, asbestos or zinc roof type, and being located in Semilir Formation. The results showed that the building damage probability provided a high accuracy of prediction about 75.81%. Conclusions The results explain the prediction of building vulnerability based on the building damaged of the Yogyakarta earthquake 2006. This study is suitable for preliminary study at the region scale. Thus, the site investigation still needs to be conducted for the future research to determine the safety and vulnerability of residential building.
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Earthquake is one of the unpredicted natural disasters on our earth. Despite of the absence of high-accuracy method to precisely predict the occurrence of earthquake, numerous studies have been carried out by seismologists to find it. One of the efforts to address the vulnerability of a region to earthquakes is by recognizing the type of rock as the source of the earthquake. Opak Fault is an active fault which was thought to be the source of earthquakes in Yogyakarta and adjacent areas. This study aimed to determine the seismic source types of rocks in Yogyakarta and adjacent areas. The methods were by measuring stratigraphic sections and the layer thickness in the western part of Southern Mountains. Field study was done in 6 (six) research sites. Results of stratigraphic measurement indicated the sedimentary rocks in the Southern Mountains was 3.823 km in thick, while the bedrock was more than 1.042 km in thick. Based on the result, the rock types as the seismic source were thought to originate from the continental crust rocks formed of granite and metamorphic complex.
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Background Indonesia is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world. More than 14,000 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5 occurred in Indonesia between 1897 and 2009. Earthquakes are a major cause of slope instability eventually triggering coseismic landslides, which cost 1.5 million US$/ year in Java: one of the most densely islands in Indonesia. This paper aims to assess coseismic landslide susceptibility using Geographic Information System (GIS) on the western flank of Baturagung Escarpment, 8 km southeast of the Yogyakarta City, a data sparse area. Therefore, we have used a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis to calculate the peak ground accelerations, while the coseismic landslide susceptibility analysis was done by the scoring method in the GIS adopted from Mora and Vahrson model (Costa Rica), which is well adopted for data sparse areas. ResultsThe west flank of Baturagung Escarpment is dominated by moderate level of coseismic landslide with an average Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Level (CLSL) of 33–162. The upper slope of Baturagung Escarpment, which consists of Semilir Formation has the CLSL of 163–512, corresponding to medium level CLSL (Mora and Vahrson model). The low level CLSL is mainly located on the foot slopes of Baturagung Escarpment, while the alluvial and colluvial plains located along the Opak River have very low CLSL (0–6). ConclusionsBased on the mapped landslide occurrence, the landslides tend to occur in the zone of moderate CLSL and they are distributed along the border between moderate and low coseismic landslide zone, meaning that the change on local condition could be playing an important role in triggering coseismic landslide.
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We report a case study from the Po River plain region (northern Italy), where a significant liquefaction-related land and property damage occurred during the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence. We took advantage of a 1 m pixel LiDAR Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and of the 2012 Emilia coseismic liquefaction dataset to: (a) perform a detailed geomorphological study of the Po River plain area, (b) quantitatively define the liquefaction susceptibility of the geomorphologic features that experienced different frequency of liquefaction. One main finding is that linear topographic highs of fluvial origin, together with crevasse splays and abandoned riverbeds, acted as preferential location for the occurrence of liquefaction phenomena. Moreover, we quantitatively defined a hierarchy in terms of liquefaction susceptibility for fluvial environments. We observed that a very high liquefaction susceptibility is found in coincidence with fluvial landforms, a high-to-moderate liquefaction susceptibility within a buffer distance of 100 and 200 m from mapped fluvial landforms and a low liquefaction susceptibility outside fluvial landforms and relative buffer areas. LiDAR data allowed a significant improvement in mapping with respect to conventional available topographic data and/or aerial imagery. These results have significant implications for accurate hazard and risk assessment as well as for land-use planning. We propose a potentially simpler approach for liquefaction susceptibility assessment with respect to in situ geotechnical investigations. Our findings can be applied to areas beyond Emilia, characterized by similar fluvial-dominated environments and prone to significant seismic hazard.
Full-text available lava flows of pyroxene basalt containing 50 wt.% SiO are exposed at Opak River, west of Watuadeg Village, Sleman - Yogyakarta. The length of flow structures is between 2 – 10 m, with diameter of 0.5 – 1.0 m and it has a glassy skin at the surface body. Flow directions vary from N70E in the northern side, through N 120E in the middle to N 150E in the southern side. About 150 m away from the river to the west, there is a small hill about 15 m high, that has a similar composition with the pillow lavas. Both lava flows and the small hill are composed of pyroxene basalt, dark grey in color, hypocrystalline vitrophyre to porphyritic texture, with fine-grained phenocrysts of pyroxene (10 %) and plagioclase (25 %) set in glassy groundmass. These data indicate that the small hill was the eruption source of the basaltic pillow lavas. The lavas are overlain by pumice-rich volcaniclastic rocks, composed of tuff, lapillistones and pumice breccias, that are known as the Semilir Formation. Near the contact with lavas, the volcaniclastic rocks contain some fragments of pyroxene basalt, similar composition with the pillow lavas. This fact, together with analyses of petrology, volcanology, and radiometric dating show that the basaltic pillow lavas are unconformably overlain by the Semilir Formation.
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Earthquake-induced liquefaction poses significant risks to the urban environment and infrastructure lifelines. Following significant liquefaction, surface ejecta can impact facilities, impede transportation systems and complicate emergency response. Few studies have applied remote sensing technologies to map the spatial extent of liquefaction ejecta across entire affected urban areas. Here, we use object-based image analysis (OBIA) of aerial photography and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to map the occurrence of liquefaction ejecta following the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The OBIA achieved an 81.8 % overall accuracy for an initial classification that identified the presence or absence of liquefaction ejecta. The overall accuracy decreased to 74.8 % when attempting to distinguish between liquefaction ejecta deposited over differing land covers; this was due to the spectral and textural variation amongst these being insufficiently unique. We suggest that OBIA is useful for efficient determination of the spatial extent of post-disaster liquefaction ejecta in urban environments. This is significant for its potential to support emergency response and clean-up operations as well as longer-term ground performance and infrastructure impact assessments.
A rockfall susceptibility based on trajectory-energy/velocity approach needs release area or rockfall source. However, identification of rockfall source is not always possible for some areas in Indonesia. This paper presents a rockfall susceptibility zoning based on back analysis technique of rockfall deposit inventory in Gunung Kelir, Java. There were several steps in the rockfall susceptibility zoning: (1) rockfall deposit inventory, (2) rockfall simulation based on back analysis of rockfall deposit inventory, (3) sensitivity analysis, and (4) rockfall susceptibility zoning. The result suggests that the travel distance is affected by the spatial distribution of rockfall source, lithology or surface material, and topography (angle of slope and angle of aspect). Final trajectories were employed to generate landslide susceptibility map which may allow a policy maker to have an advanced consideration to achieve specified risk measures and evaluation of their cost efficiency to optimize budget and design. Application of rockfall susceptibility zoning based on back analysis of rockfall deposits is efficient where rockfall source information is unavailable.