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1. Singh, M., VK Bhatnagar, and HS Sur (1984). Loss of nitrogen in surface runoff from agricultural land as
influenced by soil management practices. Bull. Indian Soc. Soil Sci., 13: 418-422.
2. Hadda, MS and HS Sur (1987). Effect of land modifying measures on erosion, nutrient, water storage and yield
of pearl-millet fodder. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 35: 480-486.
Kukal, SS, SS Bawa, KL Khera and MS Hadda (1998) Rill characteristics in relation to land parameters and ground
cover. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 26: 202-204.
3. Hadda, MS and HS Sur (1986). Erosion related characteristics of rainstorms in Submontanes of Punjab. Indian
Journal of Ecology, 16: 21-24.
4. Hadda, MS and HS Sur (1989). Effect of mulch rates on runoff, sediment, and nutrient losses from a sandy soil
under untilled and tilled conditions. Journal of Research, Punjab Agriculture University 26 (1): 37-46.
5 Hadda, MS, HS Sur and KS Sandhu (1991). Relationship between daily rainfall depth and erosivity. Journal of
the Indian Society of Soil Science 39: 37-39.
6. Hadda, MS and, SS Kukal (1991). Relationships among rainfall, runoff, and soil loss for the design of soil and
water conservation works in submontane Punjab. Soil Use and Management 7: 45-47.
7 Hadda, MS., S.S. Kukal, and, H.S. Sur (1991). Effect of rates and modes of mulch application on size distribution
of eroded sediment. Journal of Research, Punjab Agriculture University 28(3): 333-339.
8 Sur, HS, PS Mastana, and MS Hadda (1993). Effect of rates and modes of mulch application on runoff, sediment
and nitrogen loss on cropped and uncropped fields. Tropical Agriculture 69 (4): 319-322.
9 Hadda, MS, SS Kukal, and HS Sur, (1993) Distribution of rainfall erosivity in north western submontaneous tract
of India. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 41: 331-333.
10. Kukal, S.S., H.S Sur, MS Hadda, and S.S. Bawa (1994). Soil conservation strategy based on morpho-
conservation mapping of an area in submontane of Punjab. Indian Journal of Hill Farming 2: 151-157.
11. Kukal, SS, SS, Bawa, KL Khera, and MS Hadda, (1998). Rill characteristics in relation to land parameters and
ground cover. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 26(3): 202-204.
12 Hadda, MS, K L Khera and SS Kukal (2000) Soil and water conservation practices and soil productivity in north-
western submontaneous tract of India: A review. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 28(3): 187-192
13. Hadda, MS, HS Sur and BS Sandhu, (2001) Runoff and soil loss in foothills of Shivaliks. Indian Journal of
Soil Conservation. 29 (1): 14-17.
14. Hadda, MS and BS Sandhu, (2001) Evaluation of erosivity factor of USLE for predicting soil loss from
individual storms in watersheds in submontane Punjab. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 29 (1): 69-72.
15. Hadda, MS, BS Sandhu, and Tejwant Singh (2002) A runoff hydrologic model in north-western tract of India.
Journal of Punjab Academy of Sciences, 1(N.S.):1-8
Arora Sanjay and MS Hadda (2002) Soil moisture and nutrient management practices in maize-wheat cropping
system in rainfed north-western tract of India. Indian Journal of Dry land Agricultural Research and Development
18 (1): 70-74.
16. Hadda, MS and DD Bhardwaj (2004) Empirical and parametric approaches to study loss in soil productivity
through soil erosion. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 32(3):247-250
17. Hadda, MS, Arora Sanjay and Khera, KL (2005) Evaluation of different soil and nutrient management practices
on moisture conservation, growth, and yield of maize (Zea-mays) in rain-fed submontaneous tract of Punjab. J of
Soil and Water Conservation, India 4 (1&2):101-105.
18 Hadda, MS and Dapinder Pal Singh (2005) Effect of management practices on soil properties and yield of maize
on slopy lands. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 33(2):178-179.
19 Bharat, Bhushan, KL Khera and MS Hadda (2005) Appraisal of productivity potential of soils of micro-
watersheds in North-Western tract of India. Indian Journal of Dry land Agricultural Research and Development 20
(1): 81-85.
20 Hadda MS and S Arora (2006) Soil and nutrient management practices for sustaining crop yields under maize-
wheat cropping sequence in sub-mountain Punjab, India. Soil and Environment 25(1):1-5.
21 Sukhwinder Singh, MS Hadda and KS Gill (2007) Peak runoff rate and sediment yield in relation to rainfall and
runoff characteristics in foothills of Shivaliks. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 35 (2): 112-115.
22 Hadda MS, Sanjay Arora and DD Bhardwaj (2007) Assessment of erosion risk of a catchment using soil and
rainfall information in foothills of Punjab. Indian Journal of Dry land Agricultural Research and Development 22
(2): 228-231.
23 Arora Sanjay and MS Hadda (2008) In-situ soil moisture and nutrient management in relation to performance of
rain fed wheat in submontane region of Punjab. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation 36 (2): 94-96.
24 Hadda MS, Arora, S., Bhardwaj, DD, and Mohan, Narinder (2008) Soil Characteristics and productivity in
relation to water erosion on sloping lands in foothills of Shivaliks. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 7(4): 14-
25 Hadda MS, Sanjay Arora and DD Bhardwaj (2008) Erosion risk assessment through soil erodibility, rainfall
erosivity and catchment characteristics in submontaneous tract of N-W India. Journal of Soil and Water
Conservation 7(2):17-22.
26 Arora, Sanjay, MS Hadda and Rajan Bhatt (2008) Tillage and mulching in relation to soil moisture storage and
maize yield in foot-hill region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 7 (2): 51-56.
Singh, CB, NK Sekhon , KS Sandhu , MS Hadda , HS Uppal and JS Brar ( 2008) Improving water use efficiency
in wheat through plot size and irrigation schedule . Journal of Research, Punjab Agriculture University: 22-29.
27 Arora, Sanjay, and MS Hadda (2008) Research note: Optimizing wheat productivity through improved
techniques for in-situ moisture conservation in a micro-watershed under sub-tropical region of North-Western India.
Annals of Tropical Research, Vol 30(1) :113-124.
28 Hadda MS, KB Thapa, M Vashistha and Sanjay Arora (2009) Productivity and soil quality as affected by
anthropogenic activities in mixed sub-catchment in NE tract of Punjab. ICFAI University Journal of Soil Water
Sciences Vol II 9 (2) 66-76.
29 Hadda MS and RP Yadav (2009) Impact of small water harvesting tanks on agriculture and livelihood of
farmers: a case study from submontane region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 8(1): 33-36.
30 Hadda MS, Sukhwinder Singh, and M Vashistha (2009) Effect of slope position on some soil physical
characteristics in an agricultural sub-catchment in N-W tract of India. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 8(2):
31 Hadda MS and Sanjay Arora (2009) Rainwater harvesting and management technology for new livelihood of
submontane N-W tract zone farmers of India. IUP Journal of Soil and Water Sciences. Vol 2 (4): 64-73.
32 Hadda MS and S Arora (2010) Water productivity through rainwater harvesting and land treatment in rain-fed
submontane region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 19 (2):109-113.
33 Hadda MS, Dapinder Pal Singh, M Vashistha and Narinder Mohan (2010) Effect of Fencing on Morphological
Chemical and Physical attributes of Soils in an Agricultural Catchment in N-W tract of India. IUP Journal of Soil
and Water Sciences. Vol 3(4):34-43.
34 S Arora, RD Gupta and MS Hadda (2011) Natural resource conservation through watershed approach vis-à-vis-
economic sustainability in the foothills of North west Himalayas, India. Natural _
35 Hadda, MS, Sanjay Arora, and M Vashistha (2012) Runoff assessment through effective models in micr-
watersheds of foot-hill region of India. Journal of Soil Water and Conservation 11(3): 205-209.
36 Hadda, MS, Jagdish-Singh and Narinder Mohan (2014) Soil related constraints and their remedial interventions
in north-western tract of India. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol 32: 227-234.
37 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Phenology and thermal indices of maize ( Zea mays L.) influenced by
subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi arid irrigated conditions . Journal of Applied and Natural
Science 6(2): 349-355.
38 Hadda, MS, Vivek Pal Singh, Sumita Chandel and Narinder Mohan (2015) Soil Characteristics in relation to soil
erosion and crop productivity in submontane Punjab. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol 33 (3): 2205-
39. Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Phenology and thermal indices of maize (Zea mays L.) influenced by
subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Journal of Applied and Natural
Science 6: 349-355.
40. Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Soil and plant response to subsoil compaction and slope steepness under
semi-arid by subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Inter J Food and
Agric Vet Sci. 4: 95-104.
41 Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) Maize (Zea mays L.) response to sub-soils compaction and nitrogen
fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Journal of Applied and Natural Science Vol 7:493-500.
42 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) Physiological growth indices of maize under semiarid irrigated conditions
as influenced by sub-soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization. Proc. National Academy of Science, India Sect. B
Boil. Sci. 10.1.1007/S40011-015-0533-X.
43 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2016) Water productivity of maize as influenced by sub-soil compaction and
nitrogen fertilization in Indian Punjab. Journal of Agrometeorology 16:11-17.
44. Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2018) Soil physical environment and performance of maize as influenced by
subsoil compaction and N fertilization in a sandy loam soil. Chem Sci. Rev. Lett17:566-567.
45. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2017) Quantification of surface runoff in Patiala-Ki-Rao watersheds using
modified NRCS model: a case study. Journal of Applied and natural Science 9:1573-1581.
46 Hadda MS, Sumita Chandel and Sandeep Singh ( 2017) Assessment of soil loss tolerance through statistical
and fuzzy techniques in submonatne Punjab . Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 16:133-141.
47. Chandel Sumita , MS Hadda , Pratima Vaidya and AK Mahal (2017) Performance evaluation of different runoff
estimation methods in north-western tract of India . International journal of Current Microbiology and Applied
Sciences 6: 649-662.
48. Chandel Sumita, MS Hadda and AK Mahal (2018) Soil quality assessment through minimum data set under
different land uses of submontane Punjab. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
49. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2019) Soil loss tolerance assessment under different land uses in submontane
Punjab. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 17: 303-310.
50. Hadda MS, Gurwant Singh, Sumita Chandel and Narinder Mohan (2020) Soil Organic carbon and soil physical
characteristics as affected by land uses under semiarid irrigated conditions. Communications in Soil Science and
Plant Analysis DOI:10.1080/00103624.2020.1763386.
51. Singh Jagdish , MS Hadda and Dhanwinder Singh (2020) Soil chemical environment of alluvial sandy loam
soil influenced by subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under maize cultivation . Chem. Sci. Rev.Lett.
1. Hadda, MS, Khera, KL and HS Sur (2000) Soil erosion productivity relations and resource conservation in
submontaneous tract of Punjab. In: Fifty Years of Research on Sustainable Resource Management in Shiwaliks (eds.
Mittal, S.P., Aggarwal, R.K. and Samra, J.S.) Pp. 295-300. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and
Training Institute, Research Centre, Chandigarh.
2. Sur, H.S., Grewal, S.S. and MS Hadda (2001) Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation. In: Recent
Advances in Agronomy (Eds. GurIqbal Singh et al.), Indian Society of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi. Pp. 543-569.
3 Hadda, MS, Bhardwaj, D.D., Kukal, S.S. and Mukhopadhyay, S.S. (2002) Studies on some characteristics and
soil erodibility of pedons in the foothills of Shivaliks. In: Resource Conservation and Watershed Management,
Technology Options and Future Strategies. (eds. Dhyani et al.) Indian Association of Soil and Water
Conservationists, CSWCRTI, Dehradun, Pp. 350- 358
4. Hadda MS, S.S. Kukal and K.L. Khera (2002). Soil productivity in relation to soil erosion and its restoration
through conservation practices in submontaneous tract of Punjab. In: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable
Hill Agriculture (eds. S.K. Ghabru, R.M. Bhagat and A.C. Kapoor), Sood Enterprises, Palampur Pp 44-49.
5 Hadda, MS, and Sur, H.S. (2002) Land modifying measures and vegetative barriers in relation to soil erosion in
Submontane Punjab. In: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Hill Agriculture (eds. S.K. Ghabru, R.M.
Bhagat and A.C. Kapoor), Sood Enterprises, Palampur Pp 27-31.
6 Hadda, MS, Dapinder Pal Singh and Sanjay Arora (2003). Effect of anthropogenic activities on morphological,
chemical and physical attributes of soils in an agricultural Catchment in N-W tract of India.
7. Arora S and MS Hadda ( 2005) Soil and nutrient management practices for sustaining crop yields under maize –
wheat cropping in rainfed Submontane Punjab . In. eds : MB singh , VK Kumra, RPB Singh, Jagdish Singh , Ram
Bilas and BN Singh ) In: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Land , Water and Forest ),Tara Printing
Works , Varanasi Pp 322- 328 .
8 Hadda, MS, KB Thapa and Monika Vashistha (2005) Anthropogenic and bio-physical factors in relation to soil
erosion in the foot-hills of Shivaliks In : Resource Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment ( eds VN Sharda,
KS Dadhwal, SK Dhyani , GP Juyal , P Dogra , A. Raizada and OPS Khola) Pp: 296-299 , Indian Association of Soil
and Water Conservationists , Research and Training Institute, Dehrdun ,Uttaranchal .
9 Hadda, MS (2005) Water productivity in rainfed Agriculture: Small holder farmers. In: Resource Conserving
Technologies for Social Upliftment ( eds VN Sharda, KS Dadhwal, SK Dhyani , GP Juyal , P Dogra , A. Raizada and
OPS Khola) Pp: 542-547, Indian Association of Soil and Water Conservationists , Research and Training Institute,
Dehradun ,Uttaranchal .
10 Sanjay Arora and MS Hadda (2005) Indigenous technical knowledge for soil and water conservation and soil
fertility restoration in foothill region of the Himalayas in North-West India. Proceedings of the 14 th International
Soil Conservation Organisation Conference on Water management and Soil Conservation in Semi-arid
Environments. Marrakech, Morocco, May 14-19, 2006 (ISCO2006) Pp1-5.
11 MS Hadda, SS Kukal, R Khera and GS Hira (2005) Opportunities for increasing productive water use from
water harvesting tanks, dams, and treated lands in rain-fed submontane region: a case study. In eds: MB Singh, VK
Kumra, RPB Singh, Jagdish Singh, Ram Bilas and BN Singh) In : Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
(Land , Water and Forest ) ,Tara Printing Works , Varanasi Pp 469-477 .
12 Hadda, MS (2006) Rainwater management to improve soil health and crop productivity in foot-hill region. In:
Sustenance of soil and water resources for food security and healthy environment (Eds IM Chibba , DK Benbi and
GS Hira) , Centre of Advanced Studies , Department of Soils , Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana Pp207-
212 , Jammu Chapter.
13 Hadda, MS (2006) Measuring and harvesting runoff water in the catchments of submontane Punjab. Workshop
Strategies for Efficient Gully Erosion Management, Instruction Manual (Eds: SS Kukal and M J Singh ) held from
8-10 August , 2006 , Department of Soils , Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana.Pp : 17-22.
14 Arora Sanjay, Hadda MS and Vikas Sharma (2007) Water and soil resource management in upper catchments on
sloping lands of N-W India. In: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Hill Agriculture, (Eds Sanjay Arora,
SS Kukal and Vikas Sharma) Soil Conservation Society of India, Jammu Chapter, Chapter 22, Pp 181-191
15 Hadda, MS, RP Yadav, Sanjay Arora, KL Khera and M Vashistha (2009) Cost effective rainwater harvesting and
management technology for new livelihood for farmers of Submontane N-W tract of India, Pp 365-374. In
Conservation Farming (Editors: Suraj Bhan, RL Karale, Shamsher Singh, VK Bharti and Bali JS), Soil
Conservation Society of India, N Delhi.
16 Arora Sanjay, MS Hadda, R Bhatt (2009) In–situ soil moisture conservation for improving maize yields through
participatory micro-watershed approach in foothills of Shiwaliks. Pp57-62. In Conservation Farming (Editors: Suraj
Bhan, RL Karale, Shamsher Singh, VK Bharti and Bali JS), Soil Conservation Society of India, N Delhi.
17 Sanjay Arora, MS Hadda and A Kohli (2009) Soil moisture conservation for sustainable agriculture in rain fed
submontane region Pp 194-206. Geo-environment Challenges Ahead, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd , New Delhi (
Editors : Bhat , GM , SK Pandita , Yudbir Singh , Bashir Ahmad Lone )
18 Hadda MS, Dapinder Pal Singh and Monika Vashistha (2010) Effect of anthropogenic activities on some soil
attributes from a mixed sub-catchment in Submontane Punjab, Chapter 29, Pp 363-373. In: Emerging Trends in
Watershed Management (Editors: RP Yadav , AK Tewari , Pawan Sharma , Pratap Singh , Swaran Lata Arya , PK
Bhat , Ram Prasad and VN Sharda ) , Satish Serial Publishing House, New Delhi .
19. Hadda MS, KB Thapa and Sanjay Arora (2010) Effect of fencing on soil quality in N-E tract of Punjab, India,
Chapter 40, Pp 505-510. In: Emerging Trends in Watershed Management (Editors: RP Yadav, AK Tewari , Pawan
Sharma , Pratap Singh , Swaran Lata Arya , PK Bhat , Ram Prasad and VN Sharda ) , Satish Serial Publishing
House, New Delhi.
20. Hadda MS and RSS Hopper (2013) Success story of community managed bio-industrial watersheds for
sustainable use of natural resources and enhanced livelihood Pp. 109-126. In (Eds Suraj Bhan, Sanjay Arora, VK
Bharti, B Rath and Neeraj Srivastava). 24th National Conference on Sustainable Farming Systems and Bio-industrial
Watershed Management for Food Security and Enhancing Income of the Farming Community, 16-17 April 2013
held at Lucknow. Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi.
21.Arora, Sanjay and Hadda MS (2016) Diversifying Land Use: Case of Shiwaliks in Indian Himalayas. Pp: 81-92.
In: Land –Use and Environmental Resources Methods and Management (Eds: AK Gupta, Sreja S Nair and M Yunus
) Associated Publishing Company , New Delhi
22. Hadda, MS and Arora Sanjay (2016) Impact of Integrated watershed management on sustainable use of natural
resources and livelihoods in bio–industrial watershed: A case- study. Pp: 113-130.In: Natural Resource Management
in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystem for Climate Resilient Agriculture (Eds: N.K. Pareek and Sanjay Arora), Soil
Conservation Society of India, New Delhi.
23. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2017) Estimation of curve number from small watersheds in north-western
tract of India. Pp: 382-342. In: Natural Resource Management for Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture (Eds:
Sanjay Arora, Sanjay Swami and Suraj Bhan ) , Soil Conservation Society of India , New Delhi.
1 Hadda, MS (1997) Estimating single storm erosion index in submontane Punjab, India. Vol 2 Pp 83. In:
Proceedings 3rd Agricultural Science (Eds: Bajwa MS, Dhillon JS, Dilawari VK and Chahal SS) held from March
12-15, 1997 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
2 Kukal SS, MS Hadda and, KL Khera (2002). Indigenous Soil and water conservation practices for sustained
Eco-balance in Foothills of Shivaliks. Proceeding International Conference on Eco-balance and Life Cycle
Assessment held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai Pp 188-90.
3. Hadda, MS, Sanjay Arora, Monika Vashistha and KL Khera (2004). Water management in upper watersheds:
some key opportunities and challenges in N-W tract of India. In: Proceedings of creativity in water management
(Eds: SK Pathak) held at WALMI, Bhopal from 27-2-2004 to 28-2-2004. Pp 331-349.
4 Hadda, MS, Monika Vashistha and Romesh Khera (2003) Some models to simulate runoff in micro-watersheds of
north-western tract of India: A discussion. Proceedings of International Conference on GIS and Remote Sensing in
Hydrology, Water Resources and environment held at Three Gorges Dam site, China from Sept 16-19, 2003. P 152:
5 Hadda, MS and KB Thapa (2005) Assessment of soil quality through principal component analysis in North-
Eastern tract of Punjab, India. Proceedings International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Quality Attributes in
Arid and Semiarid Regions to be held at ISFAHAN, IRAN September 12-16, 2005.
6 Arora Sanjay and MS Hadda (2006) Indigenous technical knowledge for soil and water conservation and soil
fertility restoration in foot-hill region of the Himalayas in North-West India. Proceedings of the 14 th International
Soil Conservation Organization Conference on Water Management and Soil Conservation in Semi-arid
Environments. Marrakech, Morocco, May 14-19, 2006 pp 1-5.
7 Hadda MS, KR Sharma and Rajan Bhat (2009) Soil moisture conservation for improving maize yields through
participatory micro-watershed approach in foothills of Shiwaliks Pp 527-530. In: Maize for Asia: Emerging Trends
and Technologies. Proceedings of the 10 th Asian Regional Maize Workshop (Edited by PH Zaidi, M Azrai & K
Pixley) Makkaser , Indonesia.
8 Hadda, MS, S Arora, and Jaspreet S Khera (2010) Sustainable agricultural development in rain -fed submontane
region: the case for a paradigm shift in land husbandry. IN: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Food Security in the
South Asia Region (Eds Neelima Jeerath, Ram Boojh and Gurharminder Singh) Pp: 259-268. PSCST and UNESCO,
New Delhi.
9 Hadda, MS and RSS Hopper (2013) Success story of Community managed bio-industrial watersheds for
sustainable use of natural resources and enhanced livelihoods. Proceedings of the 24 th National Conference on
Sustainable farming systems and bio-industrial watershed management for food security and enhancing income of
the farming community held at Indira Gandhi Prathisthan Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow April 16-17, 2013.
1. Sur, HS and Hadda, MS (1985) Effect of tillage practices on runoff, sediment and nutrient losses from a loamy
sand soil in submontanes of Punjab. National Seminar on Advances in Soil Research: 50th Annual Convention,
Indian Society of Soil Science, Anand, Gujarat from Nov. 4-7, 1985.
2. Hadda, MS and Sur, H.S. (1987). Formation of gullies and ravines in lower Shiwaliks of Punjab and their control
measures. Paper presented during National Symposium, Agra from March 19-27, 1987.
3. Hadda, MS and Sur, H.S. (1990). Estimation of erosivity and runoff from daily rainfall depth. Paper presented
during International Symposium on Water Erosion, Sedimentation and Resource Conservation, Dehradun, India
from October 9-13, 1990.
4. Kukal, SS, Hadda, MS and Sur, H.S. (1990). Problem of water erosion and its control in submontaneous tract of
Punjab. Paper presented during International Symposium on Water Erosion. Sedimentation and Resource
Conservation, Dehradun, India from Oct. 9-13, 1990.
5.Kukal, SS, Sur, H.S. and Hadda, MS (1990). Assessment of soil erosion hazard through aerial photointerpretation
and research needs. Paper presented during National Symposium on Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications,
New Delhi from Nov. 8-10, 1990.
6. Hadda, MS,Kukal, S.S. and Sur, H.S. (1990). Distribution of rainfall erosivity in submontaneous tract of Punjab.
Paper presented during 55th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil Science, Udaipur from Dec. 22-25, 1990.
7. Hadda, MS., Kukal, S.S. and Khera, K.L. (1991). Relationship between non break point EI to break point EI
through the use of fixed time and depth resolutions. Paper presented during 56th Annual Convention of Indian
Society of Soil Science, Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra from Dec. 12-15, 1991.
8.Hadda, MS., Sandhu, B.S. and Khera, K.L. (1995). Some models to simulate runoff in north western
submontaneous tract of Punjab, India: A discussion. Paper presented during 60th Annual Convention of Indian
Society of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Nov. 2-5, 1995.
9. Hadda, MS and BS. Sandhu (1995). Evaluation of rainfall-runoff erosivity factors in relation to soil loss from
individual rainstorms in submontaneous tract of Punjab, India. Paper presented during 60th Annual Convention of
Indian Society of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from Nov. 2-5, 1995.
10. Hadda, MS and Kukal, S.S. (1995). Rainfall erosivity for pragmatic planning of soil and water conservation
works in North-Western submontaneous tract of India. National Symposium, Navsari, Gujarat w.e.f. Oct. 5-7, 1995.
11. Hadda, MS and Sur, H.S. (1996). Managing runoff, soil and nutrient losses in North-Western submontaneous
tract of Punjab, India. Paper presented during International Conference on Sustainable Crop Production in Fragile
Environments, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar from Nov. 25-28, 1996.
12. Khera, KL and Hadda, MS ((1996). Managing rainwater in relation to soil productivity in submontaneous tract
of Punjab, India. Paper presented during International Conference on Sustainable Crop Production in Fragile
Environments, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar from Nov. 25-28, 1996.
13. Hadda, MS and Khera, K.L. (1997). Soil and water conservation practices in relation to soil productivity in
North-Western Tract of India.Paper presented during National Conference on Soil and Water Conservation for
Sustainable farming systems, Nagpur, Maharastra from Feb 6-8, 1997.
14. Hadda, MS and Sandhu, BS (1997). Estimating single storm erosion index in submontane Punjab, India. In:
Bajwa, M.S., Dhillon, J.S., Dilawari, V.K. and Chahal, S.S. (ed.) Proc. 3rd Agril. Sci. Congress, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana, Vol 2. pp. 83 w.e.f. March 12-15, 1997.
15. Hadda, MS, Sur, H.S. and Singh, Tejwant (1997). Storm erosivity using intensity distributions in North-Western
tract of Punjab, India. 32nd Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, College of Agricultural
Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana w.e.f. April 16-18, 1997.
16. Hadda, MS and Kukal, SS (1997). Nature causes and management of soil erosion on arable lands of
submontane Punjab, India. Ist Punjab Science Congress, Punjabi University, Patiala w.e.f. April 28-30, 1997.
17. Hadda, MS (1997) Runoff curve numbers as affected by vegetative barriers. 62nd Annual Convention of Indian
Society of Soil Science, Science City Campus, Calcutta.Oct. 18-21, 1997
18.Hadda, MS., Sandhu, B.S. and Duggal, I.S. (1997). The I15 T(a)2 Index as an alternative to EI15 erosivity index
in North-Western Submontane Punjab. 62nd Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil Science, Science City
Campus, Calcutta, Oct. 18-21, 1997.
19. Hadda, MS and Kukal, S.S. (1997). Problem of Soil Erosion and its control on arable lands of submontane
Punjab: A case study. International Conference on Ecological Agriculture towards sustainable developments,
CRRID, Chandigarh, w.e.f. Nov. 15-17, 1997.
20. Bawa, SS., Kukal, S.S. and Hadda, MS (1998) Soil slope relations of selected catchments in submontane
Punjab. 2nd Punjab Science Congress, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar w.e.f. April 2-4, 1998.
21. Hadda, MS., Kukal, SS and Khera, KL (1998) Soil productivity in relation to soil erosion and its restoration
through conservation practices in submontaneous tract of Punjab.International Symposium on Sustainable
Agriculture in Hill Areas, HP KVV, Palampur w.e.f. Oct. 29-31, 1998.
22. Hadda, MS and Sur, HS (1998). Land modifying measures and vegetative barriers in relation to soil water
storage, runoff and soil erosion in submontane Punjab. International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture in Hill
areas, HPKVV, Palampur w.e.f. Oct. 29-31, 1998.
23. Hadda, MS, Sur, HS and Kukal, SS (1998) Runoff, soil and nutrient losses in foothills of Shiwaliks and their
management strategies. 28th Annual Convention of Indian Society for Technical Education and National Seminar on
Environment and Development, College of Agricultural Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
from Nov. 21-23, 1998.
24. Hadda, MS (1998) Runoff measurement and prediction on micro-watersheds in submontane Punjab. 7th
International Congress of Soil Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan from Dec. 9-12, 1998.
25. Hadda, MS (1998) Soil and water management: A Sustainable approach. International Conference on
Environment and Health, IISC Campus, Bangalore, India, from Dec. 14-16, 1998.
26. Bhardwaj, DD, Hadda, MS and Mukhopadhyay, SS (2000) Soil properties and productivity in relation to soil
erosion in the Shiwalik Himalayas. Paper presented during National Symposium and 13th Annual Convention on
Clay Research in relation to Agriculture, Environment and Industry held at Calcutta w.e.f. September 8-9, 2000.
27. Hadda, MS and Uppal, RS (2000) Soil management in drylands of developing countries. Paper presented
during International Conference on Land Resource Management for Food, employment and Environmental Security
held at New Delhi w.e.f. November 9-13, 2000, Pp 58-59.
28. Hadda, MS, Sur, HS and Singh, T. (2001) Modeling Runoff and soil losses in submontane Punjab: A PAU
Experience. Paper presented during Fourth Punjab Science Congress held at P.A.U., Ludhiana w.e.f. February 9-10,
29. Bhardwaj, DD and Hadda, MS (2001) Soil physical and chemical characteristics in relation to water erosion on
upper versus lower slope transects in the foothills of Shiwaliks. Paper presented during Fourth Punjab Science
Congress, P.A.U., Ludhiana w.e.f. February 9-10, 2001, Pp.63.
30 Hadda, MS, Bhardwaj, DD. and Kukal, SS (2001) Erosion induced changes in some characteristics of pedons in
the foothills of Shivaliks. Paper presented during National Conference on Resource Conservation and Watershed
Management held at Dehradun w.e.f. May 23-25, 2001, Pp.174-175.
31 Bhardwaj, D.D. and Hadda, MS (2001) Assessment of erosion risk of a catchment using information on rainfall
erosivity, aggressiveness, soil erosion survey and soil erodibility. 66th Annual Convention, Indian Society of Soil
Science, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur from Oct. 30- Nov. 2, 2001 (Submitted).
32 Bhardwaj, DD and Hadda, MS. (2002) some models to study loss in soil productivity through soil erosion. In :
Proceedings of 89th Session of Indian Science Congress held at Lucknow w.e.f. Jan. 3-7, 2002. Pp.63.
33 Hadda, MS and Arora, Sanjay (2002) Effect of moisture conservation and integrated nutrient management
practices on growth and yield of maize (Zea-mays) in foothills of Shiwaliks. Paper presented during 5th Punjab
Science Congress held at TIET, Patiala from Feb. 7-9, 2002.
34 Dapinder Pal Singh and Hadda MS (2002) Effect of anthropogenic activities on some chemical and physical
attributes of soils in North –Western tract of India. Paper presented during 67th annual convention of ISSS held at
JNKVV, Jabalpur from Nov 11-15, 2002 Pp: 80-81.
35 Hadda, MS and Singh, Dapinder Pal (2003) Effect of soil and land management practices on some soil attributes
and maize yield. Paper presented during 6th Punjab Science Congress held at SLIET, Sangrur w.e.f. Feb. 7-9,
2003.pp. 47.
36 Hadda, MS and Singh, Dapinder Pal (2003) Selection of important soil quality attributes through principal
component analysis. Paper presented during 6th Punjab Science Congress held at SLIET, Sangrur w.e.f. Feb. 7-
9, 2003.pp. 57-58
37 Arora, Sanjay and MS Hadda (2003) Soil moisture conservation and nutrient management practices in maize-
wheat cropping system in rainfed north-western tract of India. Paper presented during 6 th Punjab Science
Congress held at SLIET, Sangrur w.e.f. Feb. 7-9, 2003, pp. 65-66.
38 Hadda, MS, Dapinder Pal Singh and Sanjay Arora (2003). Effect of anthropogenic activities on morphological,
chemical, and physical attributes of soils in an agricultural Catchment in N-W tract of India. Proceedings of
International conference on GIS and Remote Sensing in hydrology, Water Resources and Environment held at
Three Gorges Dam Site China from Sept 16-19, 2003, P237: A4-7.
39 Hadda, MS, Monika Vashistha and Romesh Khera (2003) Some models to simulate runoff in micro-watersheds
of north-western tract of India: a discussion. Proceedings of International conference on GIS and Remote
Sensing in hydrology, Water Resources and Environment held at Three Gorges Dam Site, China from Sept 16-
19, 2003, P152: A 5-6
40 Hadda, MS and Sanjay Arora (2003) Evaluation of soil and nutrient management practices on moisture
conservation, growth and yield of maize in submontaneous tract of Punjab. Paper presented during 68th Annual
Convention of I.S.S.S. held at Kanpur from November 5-9, 2003.
41 Hadda, MS, Singh Dapinder Pal and Monika Vashistha (2003) Some morphological characteristics of A- horizon
of moderately and severely eroded profiles in relation to water erosion in the foothills of Shiwaliks. Paper presented
during 68th Annual Convention of I.S.S.S. held from November 4-8, 2003, Kanpur Pp: 4.
42 Hadda, MS, Arora Sanjay and KL Khera (2003) Evaluation of soil and nutrient management practices on
moisture conservation, growth and yield of maize in Sub-montaneous tract of Punjab. Paper presented during 68th
Annual Convention of I.S.S.S. held from November 4-8, 2003, Kanpur Pp: 86
43 Singh, Sukhwinder, Arora, Sanjay and Hadda, MS (2004) Land and hydrologic parameters in relation to soil
erosion from agricultural sub-catchments in N-W tract of India: A case study. Paper presented during 7th Punjab
Science congress, GNDU, Amritsar held from February 7-9, 2004 pp: AP-3.
44 Thapa, K.B., Vashistha, Monika and Hadda, MS (2004) Effect of anthropogenic activities on some soil chemical
attributes on upper, middle and lower slope transects in N-E tract of Punjab. Paper presented during 7 th Punjab
Science congress, GNDU, Amritsar held from February 7-9, 2004 pp: Ap-26.
45 Hadda, MS, SS Kukal and, GS Hira (2004) Opportunities for increasing productive water use through in-situ
moisture conservation, water harvesting tanks and dams in rainfed submontane north-western tract of India. Paper
presented during International Conference on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Land, Water and
Forest) held at B.H.U.,Varanasi from 11-14, February, 2004. Pp 58-59.
46 Arora, Sanjay, and MS Hadda (2004) Soil and nutrient management practices for sustaining crop yields under
maize-wheat cropping in rainfed submontane Punjab. Paper presented during International Conference on
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Land, Water and Forest) held at B.H.U., Varanasi from 11-14,
February 2004, Pp 49.
47 Hadda, MS and KB Thapa (2004) Soil chemical, physical characteristics and resilience as affected by fencing
in the foothills of Shiwaliks in N-E Tract of Punjab, India. Paper presented during 10th International Congress of
Soil Science held at Sindh Agricultural University, Tandojam, Pakistan “Management of Natural Resources for
Food Security” held from March 16-19, 2004. Pp 41.
48 Arora Sanjay and MS Hadda (2004) Integrated nutrient management practices for sustainable maize–wheat
yields in rainfed Punjab, India. Paper presented durilg 32nd Annual Conference held at Saskatoon, SK, Canada,
GC98/II -3F.
49 Hadda, MS, Krishna Bahadur Thapa and Monika Vashistha (2004) Effect of fencing on some soil attributes
from upper , middle and lower slope transects in mixed sub-catchments in N-W tract of India . Paper presented
duping 5th international symposium on Eco-hydraulics held at Madrid (Spain), September 12-17, 2004, Pp 37.
50 Hadda, MS, Thapa, K.B.and Vashistha, Monika (2004) Extended abstract on Soil physico–chemical attributes
and productivity as affected by anthropogenic and bio-physical factors in relation to soil erosion in the foothills of
Shiwaliks. Paper presented at National Conference on Resource Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment
(RCTU-2004) held at New Delhi from December 07-09, 2004 Pp: 44-46.
18. Hadda, MS Thapa, KB and Monika Vashistha, (2004) Soil physico–chemical attributes and productivity
affected by anthropogenic and bio-physical factors in relation to soil erosion in the foothills of Shiwaliks. Presented
paper at National Conference on Resource Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment (RCTSU-2004) held at
New Delhi from December 07-09, 2004 Pp: 44-46.
51 Hadda MS (2004) Extended abstract on Water in Rain- fed Agriculture of North–West Tract of India: Some
Challenges and Opportunities for Small Holders Farmers. Paper presented at National Conference on Resource
Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment (RCTSU-2004) held at New Delhi from December 07-09, 2004
52. Hadda, MS, Bhardwaj, DD and S S Kukal (2005) Assessment of Erosion Risk of a Catchment Using
Information of Rainfall Erosivity, Aggressiveness, Soil Erosion Survey and Soil Erodibility Paper presented during
first International Symposium on the Management of Tropical Sandy Soils for sustainable Agriculture, a holistic
approach for0sustainable development of problem soils in the tropics to be held at Khon Khae, Thailand, November
28 to December 2, 2005.
53. Hadda, MS and Dapinder Pal Singh (2005) Soil characteristics and maize yield as affected by soil management
practices in the foothills of Shiwaliks, India. Paper presented during International Conference on Human Impacts on
Soil Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions to be held at ISFAHAN, IRAN September 12-16, 2005.
Quality Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions to be held at ISFAHAN, IRAN September 12-16, 2005.
54 Hadda MS and KB Thapa (2006) Productivity and soil quality as affected by fencing in mixed sub-catchment
in North- east tract of Punjab, India in Session 3.1B Translating Soil Science into Agricultural and Environmental
55 Hadda, MS and Singh, Sukhwinder (2005) Relationships among rainfall, runoff, sediment yield and watershed
characteristics on an agriculture sub-catchment hn N-E Submontane Punjab, India .Paper to be presented during
River Basin Management Conference 2005, to be held from 6-8 , September at Bologna, Itlay.Policy / Paper
presented during`18th World Congress of Soil Science , July 9-15 , 2006 , Philadelphia , Pennysylvania, USA .
56. Arora, Sanjay and MS Hadda (2006) In-situ rainwater management and performance of wheat in foothill region
of north-western India. Paper presented in oral Session, 3rd APHW Conference (#8221). Wise Water Resource
Management towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction held from 16-18 October 2006 at Bangkok,
57 Singh, CB, NK Sekhon, KS Sandhu, MS Hadda and JS Brar (2007) Irrigation water saving in wheat through
plot size and irrigation schedule. Presented paper during conference on environment and livelihood security through
resource management in Northern India (ElSTROM-2007) p 32.
58 Singh Avtar, Rajneet Kaur, MS Hadda and JS Kang (2007) Effect of first and subsequent irrigation schedule on
zero till and bed planted wheat . Presented paper during conference on environmental and livelihood security
through resource management in Northern India (ELSTROM-2007) p 25.
59 Hadda MS, Dapinder Pal Singh and M Vashistha (2007) Effect of anthropogenic activities on some soil
attributes from a mixed sub-catchment in Submontane Punjab. Presented paper during conference on environmental
and livelihood sec through resource management in Northern India (ELSTROM-2007) p 55.
60 Sekhon, NK, CB Singh, KS Sandhu, MS Hadda and JS Brar (2007) Alternative cropping sequence for rice –
wheat to reduce ground water withdrawal. Presented paper during conference on environmental and livelihood
security through resource management in Northern India (ELSTROM-2007) p 70.
61 Hadda, MS, KB Thapa and Sanjay Arora (2007) Effect of fencing of soil quality in North-Eastern tract of
Punjab, India. Presented paper during conference environmental and livelihood security through resource
management in Northern India (ELSTROM-2007) p 82.
62 Hadda MS (2008) Low-cost rainwater harvesting technology for new livelihood of N-W tract submontane zone
farmers of India. Paper presented during second world Acqa Congress held at new Delhi from 26-28 December
2008 held at habitat cuntre , New Delhi .
63 Hadda, MS, S Arora, KL Jhera and Jaspreet S Khera (2008) Sustainable agricultural development in rainfed
submontane region: the case for a paradigm shift in land husbandry. Paper presented during International conference
on Climate change, Biodiversity and Food Security in the south Asia region held at Chandigarh November 3-4, 2008
64 Hadda, MS and Tejwant Singh (2008) Curve numbers for Bhadiar watershed of North-west tract of India. Paper
presented during International conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Food Security in the South Asia
region held at Chandigarh November 3-4, 008 p 97.
65 Hadda MS (2008) Participatory approach- an important component for implementing soil and water
management and conservation programs in rain-fed submontane region. Paper presented during International
conference on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Food Security in the South Asia region held at Chandigarh
November 3-4, 2008, p100.
66 Hadda, MS, Tejwant Singh and Jaspreet S Khera (2009) Time of concentration estimated using empirical
equations and watershed parameters determined by automated and manual methods. Paper presented at 12 th Punjab
Science Congress held at PAU, Ludhiana from Feb 7-9, 2009, p11.
67 Hadda, MS, Tejdeep Singh, Bijay Singh and HS Sur (2009) Effect of tillage and residue management practices
on some soil physical properties in rice-wheat cropping system. Paper presented during 4th World Congress on
Conservation Agriculture held at New Delhi from February 4-7, 2008, p59.
68 Hadda, MS, KB Thapa and M Vashistha (2009) Soil-quality productivity relationships and resilience in a semi-
arid to sub-humid environment of rain-fed submontane region. Paper presented at 12 th Punjab Science Congress held
at PAU, Ludhiana from Feb 7-9, 2009, p 67.
69 Hadda, MS, N Mohan and M Vashistha (2009) Rainwater harvesting technologies suitable for agro-systems of
rain-fed submontane region for improving productivity potential. Presented paper during State Level Seminar held at
Soil Conservation Institute, Mohali on 27th February 2009.
70 Sanjay Arora, KR Sharma and MS Hadda ( 2009) Precipitation Variability and Water Resource Management
for Agricultural Productivity in Foot-hills of North-West Himalayas in Session , Water: A Vital Resource Under
Stress - How Science Can Help ? Paper presented from September 6-12, 2009 at Joint International Convention
during 8th IAHS Scientific Assembly & 37 th IAH Congress held at Hyderabad, India.
71 Sanjay Arora, K.R Sharma and MS Hadda (2009) Precipitation Variability and Risk Management for Water Use
Using Water Demand Scenarios in the Han River Basin, Knrea. Paper presented from September 6-12, 2089 at Joint
International Convention during 8th IAHS Scientific Assembly & 33 IAH Congress to be held at Hyderabad, India.
72 Hadda MS and S Arora (2009) Micro-watershed enhances rainwater use efficiency and productivity of wheat
under rain fed Submontane region. Paper presented during 3rd World Aqua Congress held at India Habitat Centre,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 2-4 December 2009.
73 Hadda, MS, KL Khera, MJ Singh and MS Kahlon (2010) Resource flows, crops and fertility management in
rain-fed submontane region of North-West tract India (AI-P033), Pp 43-44. Paper presented during 13 th Punjab
Science Congress (Climate Change: Concerns & Solutions) held at Punjab University, Chandigarh, February (7-9,
74 Arora S and MS Hadda (2010) Coping with precipitation variability and soil moisture stress for agricultural
productivity in rain-fed foothills region of North-west Himalayas Pp23. Paper presented during International
Conference on Food Security and Climate Change in Dry areas from February 1-4, 2010, Amman, Jordan.
75 Mriganka De, Romesh Khera and MS Hadda (2010 Characterization of soil moisture retention parameter and
runoff prediction on a sloping land in North-western tract of India (AI- P033), Pp43. Paper presented during 13th
Punjab Science Congress (Climate Change: Concerns & Solutions) held at Punjab University Chandigarh from
February 5-9, 2010.
76 Hadda MS (2010) Potential effects of climate change on rainfall erosivity in catchments of rain- fed submontane
region. Paper presented during International Conference on Climate Change and Developing Countries (CCDC-
2010) held at Kottayam, Kerala from February 19-22, 2010.
77 Arora Sanjay and MS Hadda (2010) Indigenous practices of soil and water conservation for Sustainable Hill
Agriculture and improving livelihood security. Abstracts of ICERD –International Conference on Environmental and
Rural Development, March 2010, P53.
78 Hadda, MS and RSS Hopper (2013) Presented lead paper on success story of community managed bio-industrial
water sheds for sustainable usage of natural resources and enhanced livelihoods. Lead paper in session II theme:
Bio-Industrial Water Shed Management for Rural Livelihood and Profitable Farming during 24th National
Conference on Sustainable Farming Systems and Bio-industrial Watershed Management for Food Security and
Enhancing Income of Farming Community held from 16-17 April 2013 at Lucknow. Published in Lead papers and
Hadda Abstracts (Eds. Suraj Bhan, Sanjay Arora, Bharti VK, B Rath and Neeraj Srivasatva) Pp. 109-126, Soil
Conservation Society of India, New Delhi.
79. Sharma, Veena, Prabhakara, A Samanta, MS Hadda, and Sanjay Arora (2013) Presented paper on Performance
of Basmati 370 under water saving SRI method of rice cultivation in clay loam soils of Jammu. 24th National
Conference on Sustainable Farming Systems and Bio-industrial Watershed Management for Food Security and
Enhancing Income of Farming Community held from 16-17 April 2013 at Lucknow. Published in lead papers and
Abstracts (Eds.Suraj Bhan, Sanjay Arora, Bharti VK, B Rath and Neeraj Srivastva) Pp. 370, Soil Conservation
Society of India, New Delhi.
80 Singh- Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Impact of soil compaction on soil health. Presented paper during National
Seminar on Reorientation of Agricultural Research to Ensure National Food Security held from Jan 6-7 at CCS
HAU Hissar .
81 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Water productivity as affected by soil management interventions under
rice –wheat cropping. Presented paper during National Seminar on Reorientation of Agricultural Research to
Ensure National Food Security held from Jan 6-7 at CCS HAU Hissar .
82 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Soil management interventions for enhancing water productivity under rice
–wheat cropping sequence during ISTS-IUFRO Conference on Sustainable Resource Management for climate
Change Mitigation and Social Security held from March 13-15 at Chandigarh.
83. Singh- Jagdish, MS Hadda and Singh Dhanwinder (2014) Conservation tillage in wheat cultivation for soil
carbon sequestration during International Conference on Crop Productivity and Sustainability –Shaping the Future
held from March 20-21 at Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
85 Hadda, MS, S Singh and S Chandel (2015) Assessment of soil loss tolerance in north-western tract of India.
Paper presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and Rural
Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
86 Hadda, MS and MS Sidhu (2015) Simulating rainfall change effects on runoff and soil erosion in rainfed
submontane region. Paper presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food
Security and Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
87 Hadda, MS and Balbir Singh (2015) Aggregate stability of sandy loam and loamy sand soil as influenced by
land use. Paper presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and
Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
88 Singh- Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) The influence of sub-soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization on yield of
maize–wheat cropping system under semi arid irrigated conditions. Paper presented during International Conference
on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC
complex, New Delhi.
89 Hadda, MS, Singh Vivek Pal and Chandel Sumita (2015) Soil characteristics in relation to soil erosion and crop
productivity in submontane Punjab. Paper presented during 49 th Annual Convention of the ASAE held at PAU on
Feb 29.
90 Hadda, MS (2016) Assessment of soil quality through statistical and fuzzy techniques in north –western tract of
India. Lead Paper presented during National Seminar on Soil Health Management held at Bihar Agricultural
University, Sabour , Bahgalpur from January 28-29 , 2016 .
91 Hadda, MS and Arora Sanjay (2016) Presented lead paper Impact of integrated watershed management on
sustainable use of natural resources and livelihoods in bio-industrial watershed: A case study p1-18. In: Natural
Resource Management in Arid and Semi- arid Ecosystem for Climate Resilient Agriculture. Soil Conservation
Society of India, New Delhi.
92 Chandel Sumita and Hadda, MS (2016) Soil quality assessment through minimum data set under different land
uses of north-western tract of India. Paper presented during 81st Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil
Science organized by Gwalior Chapter of ISSS at Raj mata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidalya, Gwalior, MP
from October 20-23, 2016.
1. Bhambota, VK, Singh, Avtar and Hadda, MS. (1988). Fertilize maize and soybean intercrop. Intensive
Agriculture: 86-87.
2. Uppal, R.S. and Hadda, M.S. (1999) Nadeen ateh unahan the rok tham. Kheti Sanjha. Oct-Dec & 14- 15.
3 Uppal, R.S. and Hadda, M.S. (2000) Kanak wich choade tatahan the khat. Kheti Sanjha. Jan-March 5-8.
4.. Kukal SS and Hadda, MÓ (2002) Reducing soil erosion by water for higher crop yields in foothills of lower
Shivaliks. Indian Farming 52 (9): 25-26
5. Hadda, MS and Avora, Sanjay (2003). Conserve every drop for meeting the challenges of water shortages in
Punjab. India Grains, June 2003, Pp 3-5.
6 Vajan Aggarwal, Samanpreet Kaur and MS Hadda (2010) Ground water recharge: harvesting rainwater and using
village ponds. Progressive Farming. June Issue, Page 9.
1. Kukal, SS, Khera, KL and Hadda, MS (1993). Soil erosion management on arable lands of submontane Punjab,
India: A Review. Arid Soil Research Rehabilitation 7(4): 369-375.
2. Kukal, S.S. and Hadda, MS (1999) Assessment of water erosion and its management in submontane Punjab,
India- a case stwdy. Pakistan. J. Soil Sci. 17:79-82.
3. Hadda, MS, Khera, K.L.and Kukal, SS (2000) Soil and water conservation practices in relation to soil
productivity in north-western submontaneous tract of India. Indian Journal Soil Conservation. 28(3): 187-192.
4. Hadda, MS and Uppal, R.S. (2001) Soil management in dry lands of developing countries. India Grains. Vol 3
(5): 11-18.
5. MS Hadda, Sanjay Arora and M Vashishta (2006) Resource management for soil and water conservation in
relation to crop productivity. Journal Soil and Water Conservation 5 (4): 1-8.
1. Sur, HS and Hadda, MS (1989) Practical Manual of Soil and Water Conservation (Ist Draft), Department of Soils
College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
2. Hadda, MS, Sur, H.S., Narda, N.K., Kukal, S.S. and Khera, K.L (1999) Practical Manual on Soil erosion and
conservation (Soils 427 end Soils 428), Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
3 Hadda, MS, Romesh Khera and HS Sur ( 2016 ) Practical skills in soil conservation ( Ist draft ) , Department of
Soil Science , Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana , 42 P.
Television talk
1 Hadda MS (2004) Kandi ilake vich bhoomi khurn de samaseya ate oos de rok tham. Delivered television talk on
6-07-2004 from Doordarshan Kendar Jalandhar in programme Saavi Dharti from 5.30 pm to 6.00 pm.
Extension Bulletin
Hadda MS and SS Aulakh (2011-12/1) Success story of community managed bio-industrial watersheds for
sustainable use of natural resources and enhanced livelihoods. Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana 21 p.
Lectures delivered
1. Hadda. MS (1989) Analysis of rainfall data. Delivered lecture during workshop-cum-seminar on Kandi
Watershed Management including Horticulture, held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from July 17-21,
2. Hadda, MS (1989) Soil Conservation and Afforestation. Delivered lecture to P rogram Officers NSS (Training)
held at Punjabi ᄃ University, Patiala on September 28, 1989.
3. Hadda, MS. (1997) Soil and land characteristics in relation to soil erosion of Shiwalik region. Delivered lecture
during training course on Drainage line treatment in watershed held ad ZRSKA, Ballowal- Saunkhri, Nawanshaher
on Sept. 15, 1997.
4. Hadda, MS (1999) Soil erosion management on agricultural lands. Delivered lecture during training program on
Management of Soil Physical Environment for High Productivity, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana w.e.f. March 21-30, 1999. pp. 202-207.
5. Hadda, M.S. (1999) Characterization of soils for physical properties. Delivered lecture during training programs
from March 21-30 (1999) Management of soil physical environment for high productivity held at Department of
Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, pp. 160-168.
9. Hatda, MS (2001). Soil erosion control on arable lands. Delivered lecture during training course on Water
Management for Sustainable Rice-Wheat Production System in Indo-Gangetic Plains held from Feb. 12 to March
13, 2001, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludliana.p38-44.
10. Hadda MS (2002) Techniques of measurement and estimation of runoff and soil loss. Delivered lecture during
Training Program on Problem Soils and Their Amelioration for Crop Production held from Feb. 21- March 13,
2002, Department of Soils, P.A.U., Ludhiana, Pp. 89-102 in Training Course Instruction Manual.
11. Hadda, MS. (2002) Soil erosion productivity relations and resource conservation. Delivered lecture during
Training Program on Problem Soils and Their Amelioration for Crop Production held from Feb. 21- March 13,
2002- Department of Soils, P.A.U., Ludhiana. Pp. 117-124, in Training Course Instruction Manual.
12. Hadda, MS. (2002) Measurement of rainfall depth, their intensities, frequency analysis and estimation of
erosivity. Delivered lecture during Training Program on Problem Soils and Their Amelioration for Crop Production
held from Feb. 23- March 13, 2002, Department of Soils, P.A.U., Ludhiana, Pp. 293-304 in Training Course
Instruction Manual.
13. Hadda, MS (2003) Soil erosion control on agricultural lands. In: Water Management for Sustainable Rice-
Wheat Production System in Indo-Gangetic Plains. (eds G S Hira, H S Haer and Aneesh Chawla ) Technical
Bulletin No1/2003 Pp: 63-69, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
14. Hadda,12MS (2005) Resource conservation in dryland agriculture. Delivered lecture during Summer School on
Resource Conservation for Higher productivity and Sustainability from June28-18 July, 2005 held at Department of
Agronomy,PAU, Ludhiana .
15 Hadda, MS (2004) Methods of soil and water conservation. Delivered lecture to farmers at SBI training centre
Panchkula December 2, 20°5.
16. Hadda, MS (2006) Rainwater management to improve soil health and crop productivity in foot-hill region. In:
Sustenance of Soil and Water Resources for Food security and Healthy Environment (Eds IM Chibba , DK`Benbi
and GS Hira) , Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of Soils , Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana
17. Hadda , MS ( 2006) Measuring and harvesting runoff water in the catchments of submontane Punjab .Delivered
lecture during training workshop Strategies for Efficient Gully Erosion Management, Instruction Manual ( Eds : SS
Kukal and M J Singh ) held from 8-10 August ,2006 , Department of Soils , Punjab Agricultural University ,
Ludhiana.Pp : 17-22.
18 Hadda, MS (2009) Watershed management in submontane Punjab. Delivered lecture in Winter School on
Efficient Water Management in Intensive Cropping Systems from Feb 10- March 2, 2009 held at Department of
Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
19 Hadda MS (2008) Delivered lecture on rainwater harvesting in rain-fed areas during training course on
Integrated Water Management including Poor Quality Irrigation Water for Efficient Field Crops from 4-11 August,
2008 held at Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana .
20 Hadda MS (2009) Resource conservation technologies in Maize-Wheat cropping system. Delivered lecture
during training programme on Sustenance of Ground Water Resources for Higher Water and Crop Productivity held
from 15-01-2009 to 28-01-2009 held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
21 Hadda MS (2008-09) Conjunctive use of tube-well water with canal water for improving the productivity.
Delivered lecture during training programme held at Regional Research Station, Bathinda.
22 Hadda MS (2009) Controlling soil erosion for efficient water use and sustainable crop productivity in Shivalik
region. Delivered lecture during training course under the auspices of Centre of Advanced Studies on Efficient
Management of Soil, Water and Nutrients for Sustained Productivity and Environmental Quality from January 7 to
27, 2009 held at Department of Soils, Punjab agricultural University, Ludhiana.
23 Hadda MS (2009) Watershed management in submontane Punjab during ICAR sponsored Winter School on
Efficient Water Management in Intensive Cropping Systems held from 7 to 27, 2009 held at Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
24 Hadda MS (2010) Soil moisture conservation through tillage and straw mulching. Delivered lecture on 22-02-
2010 during Training Programme for State Officials held at Regional Research Station Bathinda.
25 Hadda MS (2010) Soil erosion and its control. Delivered lecture during training programme on Environmental
Pollution and Mitigation Strategies held at Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana from
March 9-29, 2010
26 Hadda MS (2010) Rainwater Harvesting and Management. Delivered lecture during Research –Extension
Workshop held at Wheat auditorium on May 4, 2010 organized by the Directorate of Extension, PAU, Ludhiana.
27 Hadda, MS (2015) Delivered lecture on Land use and land cover management for ecological sustainable systems
for watershed on Feb 27 during training programme on Watershed Management from February 4 to March 5 held at
department of Soil and Water Engineering, PAU, Ludhiana.
28 Hadda MS (2015) Role of soil and water conservation strategies in submontane Punjab. In: Natural Resource
Management vis –a -vis Climate Change Pp 155-161 (Eds: O P Choudhary, BB Vashist, Sandeep Sharma, MS
Kahlon and H S Thind ) Centre for Advanced Faculty Training , Department of Soil Science , Punjab Agricultural
University , Ludhiana held from November 17 to Dec 7 , 2016.
1. Hadda, MS (1986). Soil and water management and conservation. 24th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
2. Hadda, MS (1987). Soil and water management and conservation. 25th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
3. Hadda, MS (1988). Soil and water management and conservation. 26th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
4. Hadda, MS (1989). Soil and water management and conservation. 27th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
5. Hadda, MS (1990). Soil and water management and conservation. 28th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
6. Hadda, MS (1991). Soil and water management and conservation. 29th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
7. Hadda MS (1996). Soil and water management and conservation. 34th Annual Report, Department od Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
8. Hadda, MS (1997). Chapter Editor, Soil and water management and conservation, 35th Annual Report,
Department of Soils, Pufjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
9. Hadda, MS (1998). Chapter Editor, Soil and water management and conservation, 36th Annual Report,
Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
10. Hadda, MS (1999) Soil and water management and conservation, 37th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab, Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
11. Hadda, MS (2000) Soil and water management and conservation. 38th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
12. Hadda, MS (2001) Soil and water management and conservation. 39th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
13. Hadda, MS (2002) Chapter Editor Soil and water management and conservation. 40 th Annual Report,
Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
14. Hadda, MS (2003) Chapter Editor Soil and water management and conservation. 41st Annual Report,
Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
15. Hadda, MS (2004) Soil and water management and conservation. 42nd Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
16. Sandhu, KS, Hadda, MS, Sekhon, NK and Singh CB (2003-2004). Management of water resources through
efficient utilization of water and thereby reducing ground water withdrawal. Ist Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 25p.
17. Sandhu, KS, Hadda, MS, Sekhon, NK and Singh CB (2004-2005). Management of water resources through
efficient utilization of water and thereby reducing ground water withdrawal. Six Monthly Report, Department of
Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 25p.
18 Hadda, MS (2006) Chapter Editor Teaching .44th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
19 Hadda, MS (2007) Chapter Editor Teaching .45th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
20 Hadda, M.S. (2007) Soil and water management and conservation. 45th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
21 Hadda, MS (2008) Chapter Editor Teaching. 46th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
22 Hadda, MS (2009) Chapter Editor Teaching. 47th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
23 Hadda, M.S. (2009) Soil and water conservation. 47th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
24 Hadda, M.S. (2010) Soil and water conservation. 48th Annual Report, Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
25 Hadda, MS, Raj Kumar, SC Sharma, MJ Singh, SS Aulakh and Tarun Gupta (Jan 2009-Dec2010). Project report
Community managed bio-industrial watersheds for sustainable use of natural resources and enhanced livelihoods.
Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
26 Hadda, MS (2011) Chapter Editor Soil and water conservation. 49th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
27. Hadda, MS (2012) Chapter Editor. Soil and water conservation 49th Annual Report, Department of Soils,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
28. Hadda, MS (2013) Chapter Editor Soil and water conservation. 50th Annual Report, Department of Soil
Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
32 Hadda, MS (2013-14) Soil and Water Conservation. 53rd Annual Report, Department of Soil Science, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
33 Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS, Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S and Singla Chetan (2013 ) Annual Report, Ground
water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and Haryana . Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana.
34 Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS, Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2014 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
35.Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS , Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2015 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
36.Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS , Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2016 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
37 Hadda, MS (2015) Soil and Water Conservation. 54rd Annual Report, Department of Soil Science, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
38 Hadda, MS (2016) Soil and Water Conservation. 55th Annual Report, Department of Soil Science, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
List of Publications of MS Hadda last 6 years (From 2014 to 2020)
Research Papers
1 Hadda, MS, Jagdish-Singh and Narinder Mohan (2014) Soil related constraints and their remedial interventions in
north-western tract of India. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol 32: 227-234.
2 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Phenology and thermal indices of maize (Zea mays L.) influenced by
subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Journal of Applied and Natural
Science 6(2): 349-355.
3 Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Phenology and thermal indices of maize (Zea mays L.) influenced by
subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Journal of Applied and Natural
Science 6: 349-355.
4 Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Soil and plant response to subsoil compaction and slope steepness under
semi-arid by subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Inter J Food and
agric Vet Sci. 4: 95-104.
5 Hadda, MS, Vivek Pal Singh, Sumita Chandel and Narinder Mohan (2015) Soil Characteristics in relation to soil
erosion and crop productivity in submontane Punjab. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol 33 (3): 2205-
6 Singh –Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) Maize (Zea mays L.) response to sub-soils compaction and nitrogen
fertilization under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Journal of Applied and Natural Science Vol 7:493-500.
7 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) Physiological growth indices of maize under semiarid irrigated conditions as
influenced by sub-soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization. Proc. National Academy of Science, India Sect. B Boil.
Sci. 10.1.1007/S40011-015-0533-X.
8 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2016) Water productivity of maize as influenced by sub-soil compaction and
nitrogen fertilization in Indian Punjab. Journal of Agrometeorology 16:11-17.
9. Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2018) Soil physical environment and performance of maize as influenced by
subsoil compaction and N fertilization in a sandy loam soil. Chem SCi. rev. Lett17:566-567.
10. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2017) Quantification of surface runoff in Patiala-Ki-Rao watersheds using
modified NRCS model: a case study. Journal of Applied and natural Science 9:1573-1581.
11 HaddaMS , Sumita Chandel and Sandeep Singh ( 2017) Assessment of soil loss tolerance through statistical
and fuzzy techniques in submonatne Punjab . Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 16:133-141.
12. Chandel Sumita , MS Hadda , Pratima vaidya and AK Mahal (2017) Performance evaluation of different runoff
estimation methods in north-western tract of India . International journal of Current Microbiology and Applied
Sciences 6: 649-662.
13. Chandel Sumita , MS Hadda and AK Mahal ( 2018) Soil quality assessment through minimum data set under
different land uses of submontane Punjab. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
14. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2019) Soil loss tolerance assessment under different land uses in submontane
Punjab. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 17: 303-310.
15. Hadda MS , Gurwant Singh, Sumita Chandel and Narinder Mohan (2020) Soil Organic carbon and soil physical
characteristics as affected by land uses under semiarid irrigated conditions. Communications in Soil Science and
Plant Analysis DOI:10.1080/00103624.2020.1763386.
16. Singh Jagdish , MS Hadda and Dhanwinder Singh (2020) Soil chemical environment of alluvial sandy loam soil
influenced by subsoil compaction and nitrogen fertilization under maize cultivation . Chem. Sci. Rev.Lett. 9:342-
Book Chapter
1. Arora, Sanjay and Hadda MS (2016) Diversifying Land Use: Case of Shiwaliks in Indian Himalayas. Pp: 81-92.
In: Land –Use and Environmental Resources Methods and Management (Eds: AK Gupta, Sreja S Nair and M Yunus
) Associated Publishing Company , New Delhi
2. Hadda, MS and Arora Sanjay (2016) Impact of Integrated watershed management on sustainable use of natural
resources and livelihoods in bio–industrial watershed: A case- study. Pp: 113-130.In: Natural Resource Management
in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystem for Climate Resilient Agriculture (Eds: N.K. Pareek and Sanjay Arora), Soil
Conservation Society of India, New Delhi.
3. Chandel Sumita and MS Hadda (2017) Estimation of curve number from small watersheds in north-western tract
of India. Pp: 382-342. In: Natural Resource Management for Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture (Eds: Sanajay
Arora, Sanjay Swami and Suraj Bhan ) , Soil Conservation Society of India , New Delhi.
1 Singh- Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Impact of soil compaction on soil health. Presented paper during National
Seminar on Reorientation of Agricultural Research to Ensure National Food Security held from Jan 6-7 at CCS
HAU Hissar .
2 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Water productivity as affected by soil management interventions under rice
–wheat cropping. Presented paper during National Seminar on Reorientation of Agricultural Research to Ensure
National Food Security held from Jan 6-7 at CCS HAU Hissar.
3 Singh Jagdish and MS Hadda (2014) Soil management interventions for enhancing water productivity under rice
–wheat cropping sequence during ISTS-IUFRO Conference on Sustainable Resource Management for climate
Change Mitigation and Social Security held from March 13-15 at Chandigarh.
4. Singh- Jagdish, MS Hadda and Singh Dhanwinder (2014) Conservation tillage in wheat cultivation for soil
carbon sequestration during International Conference on Crop Productivity and Sustainability –Shaping the Future
held from March 20-21 at Baba Farid College, Bathinda.
5 Hadda, MS, S Singh and S Chandel (2015) Assessment of soil loss tolerance in north-western tract of India. Paper
presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and Rural
Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
6 Hadda, MS and MS Sidhu (2015) Simulating rainfall change effects on runoff and soil erosion in rainfed
submontane region. Paper presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food
Security and Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
7 Hadda, MS and Balbir Singh (2015) Aggregate stability of sandy loam and loamy sand soil as influenced by land
use. Paper presented during International Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and
Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at NASC complex, New Delhi.
8 Singh- Jagdish and MS Hadda (2015) The influence of sub-soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization on yield of
maize–wheat cropping system under semi-arid irrigated conditions. Paper presented during International
Conference on Natural Resource Management for Food Security and Rural Livelihoods during Feb 10-13 held at
NASC complex, New Delhi.
9 Hadda, MS, Singh Vivek Pal and Chandel Sumita (2015) Soil characteristics in relation to soil erosion and crop
productivity in submontane Punjab. Paper presented during 49 th Annual Convention of the ASAE held at PAU on
Feb 29.
10 Hadda, MS (2016) Assessment of soil quality through statistical and fuzzy techniques in north –western tract of
India. Lead Paper presented during National Seminar on Soil Health Management held at Bihar Agricultural
University, Sabour , Bahgalpur from January 28-29 , 2016 .
11 Hadda, MS and Arora Sanjay (2016) Presented lead paper Impact of integrated watershed management on
sustainable use of natural resources and livelihoods in bio-industrial watershed: A case study p1-18. In: Natural
Resource Management in Arid and Semi- arid Ecosystem for Climate Resilient Agriculture.Soil Conservation
Society of India, New Delhi.
12 Chandel Sumita and Hadda, MS (2016) Soil quality assessment through minimum data set under different land
uses of north-western tract of India. Paper presented during 81st Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil
Science organized by Gwalior Chapter of ISSS at Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidalya, Gwalior, MP
from October 20-23, 2016.
Delivered lectures
1 Hadda , MS ( 2015 ) Delivered lecture on Land use and land cover management for ecological sustainable
systems for watershed on Feb 27 during training programme on Watershed Management from February 4 to March
5 held at epartment of Soil and Water Engineering , PAU , Ludhiana.
2 Hadda MS (2015) Role of soil and water conservation strategies in submontane Punjab. In: Natural Rresource
Management vis –a -vis Climate Change Pp 155-161 ( Eds : O P Choudhary , BB Vashist , Sandeep Sharma , MS
Kahlon and H S Thind ) Centre for Advanced Faculty Training , Department of Soil Science , Punjab Agricultural
University , Ludhiana held from November 17 to Dec 7 , 2016.
1 Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS, Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2014 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
2.Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS , Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2015 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
3.Aggarwal Rajan, Hadda, MS , Pal Som , Gill KK , Brar A S , Singla Chetan and Kaur Saman Preet (2016 )
Annual Report, Ground water resource management to mitigate the impact of climate change in Punjab and
Haryana. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
4 Hadda, MS (2015) Soil and Water Conservation. 54rd Annual Report, Department of Soil Science, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
5 Hadda, MS (2016) Soil and Water Conservation. 55 th Annual Report, Department of Soil Science, Punjab
Agricultural University, Ludhiana