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Bioactive compounds and nutritional composition of Swiss chard ( Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla and flavescens ): a systematic review

Taylor & Francis
Critical Reviews In Food Science and Nutrition

Abstract and Figures

Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla or flavescens) is a green leafy vegetable whose bioactive compounds have been studied due to its effects on health. We systematically reviewed the nutritional profile and bioactive composition of Swiss chard and reported their concentrations. Four main databases were searched for studies analyzing the chemical composition of Swiss chard. Screening, selection of articles, and data extraction were carried out by two independent reviewers. Twenty-eight articles of 1102 records identified by bibliographic search met our inclusion criteria for final analysis. We found a total of 192 chemical compounds categorized into 23 groups. The cicla variety was the most studied, and nutrients and phytochemicals were reported mainly on leaves. Betalains with 20% of the reported data, fats (16%), flavonoids (11%), non-flavonoid phenolics (11%), terpenes and derivatives (8%), carbohydrates (7%), and minerals (6%) were among the most reported categories. Swiss chard leaves have the highest content of fiber, sodium, magnesium, flavonoids, and vitamin C, while stems are high in potassium. Swiss chard should be considered a source of nutrients and phytochemicals, and further research is needed on identifying and quantifying other bioactive compounds and understanding their impact on health.
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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:
Bioactive compounds and nutritional composition
of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla and
flavescens): a systematic review
Magda Gamba , Peter Francis Raguindin , Eralda Asllanaj , Francesco Merlo ,
Marija Glisic , Beatrice Minder , Weston Bussler , Brandon Metzger , Hua
Kern & Taulant Muka
To cite this article: Magda Gamba , Peter Francis Raguindin , Eralda Asllanaj , Francesco Merlo ,
Marija Glisic , Beatrice Minder , Weston Bussler , Brandon Metzger , Hua Kern & Taulant Muka
(2020): Bioactive compounds and nutritional composition of Swiss chard (Beta�vulgaris L. var.
cicla and flavescens): a systematic review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:
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View supplementary material Published online: 04 Aug 2020.
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Bioactive compounds and nutritional composition of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris
L. var. cicla and flavescens): a systematic review
Magda Gamba
, Peter Francis Raguindin
, Eralda Asllanaj
, Francesco Merlo
, Marija Glisic
Beatrice Minder
, Weston Bussler
, Brandon Metzger
, Hua Kern
, and Taulant Muka
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland;
Swiss Paraplegic Research, Nottwil, Switzerland;
Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands;
Public Health & Primary Care Library, University Library of Bern,
University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland;
Nutrition Innovation Center, Standard Process Inc, Palmyra, Wisconsin, USA
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla or flavescens) is a green leafy vegetable whose bioactive
compounds have been studied due to its effects on health. We systematically reviewed the nutri-
tional profile and bioactive composition of Swiss chard and reported their concentrations. Four
main databases were searched for studies analyzing the chemical composition of Swiss chard.
Screening, selection of articles, and data extraction were carried out by two independent
reviewers. Twenty-eight articles of 1102 records identified by bibliographic search met our inclu-
sion criteria for final analysis. We found a total of 192 chemical compounds categorized into 23
groups. The cicla variety was the most studied, and nutrients and phytochemicals were reported
mainly on leaves. Betalains with 20% of the reported data, fats (16%), flavonoids (11%), non-flavon-
oid phenolics (11%), terpenes and derivatives (8%), carbohydrates (7%), and minerals (6%) were
among the most reported categories. Swiss chard leaves have the highest content of fiber, sodium,
magnesium, flavonoids, and vitamin C, while stems are high in potassium. Swiss chard should be
considered a source of nutrients and phytochemicals, and further research is needed on identifying
and quantifying other bioactive compounds and understanding their impact on health.
Beta vulgaris; bioactive
compounds; minerals;
nutritional profile;
phytochemicals; Swiss chard
Green leafy vegetables (GLVs) have been recently recom-
mended for consumption in the everyday diet; they are low
in energy but relatively high in micronutrients. Experimental
studies show that increased consumption of green vegetables
can prevent coronary heart disease by inhibiting the develop-
ment of atherosclerosis (Sener et al. 2002; Adams et al. 2006).
Indeed, a meta-analysis of observational studies reported a
15.8% decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease
associated with high consumptions of GLVs (Pollock 2016).
Other epidemiological studies have shown a potential benefit
of GLVs in diabetes, cognitive decline and overall mortality
(Chen et al. 2018; Morris et al. 2018;Morietal.2019).
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris cicla, BVc and Beta vulgaris
flavescens, BVf), an edible plant of the Chenopodiaceae fam-
ily, is considered one of the GLVs. The plant has a thick,
crunchy stalk that can be white or colorful and wide fanlike
green leaves (Rana 2016). Leaves can be consumed raw as
part of a salad or cooked alone or along with the stems in a
similar way as spinach (Dietitians of Canada 2020). It is
commonly found in the Western diet and is rich in bioactive
chemicals such as phytopigments, flavonoids and minerals
with antioxidant and immunomodulating properties
(Ivanovic et al. 2019). Swiss chard is also rich in dietary
fibers, proteins and antioxidants such as alpha-lipoic acid,
which is linked to lower glucose levels and increased insulin
sensitivity (Ivanovic et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2014). Therefore,
Swiss chard has potential preventive and therapeutic effects
in diabetes, as seen in animal studies (Sener et al. 2002).
Among GLVs, Swiss chard has considerable levels of nitrate,
involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis (Freeman
et al. 2017). The available evidence suggests a possible health
benefit of GLVs, yet epidemiological studies are lacking on
the association of Swiss chard consumption with cardiome-
tabolic diseases and other health outcomes. Thus, it is
important to understand better the nutrient and phytochem-
ical content of Swiss chard since it may provide more clues
on its health effects. Therefore, a comprehensive quantitative
review is required, also given the global micronutrient defi-
ciency, increased incidence of chronic diseases and Swiss
chard being an easy to grow and inexpensive vegetable crop
available throughout the year (Ivanovic et al. 2019; Ninfali
and Angelino 2013). We conducted a systematic review of
studies evaluating the presence and levels of nutrients and
bioactive components in Swiss chard.
CONTACT Taulant Muka Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, 3012 Switzerland.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at
These authors contributed equally to this work.
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
ß2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Literature search
This review was conducted and reported following the
PRISMA 10 (eAppendix 1), as well as based on the system-
atic review approach designed by Muka et al. (2020).
Published studies examining the nutrient and bioactive com-
position of Swiss chard were identified from inception until
January 22, 2020 (date last searched) using four biblio-
graphic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and
Cochrane trials). Search terms were related to nutrient and
bioactive compounds (e.g., nutrients, metabolism, phyto-
chemical, carbohydrate, fatty acids) and the plant (Swiss
chard) (eAppendix 2). We did not apply any restrictions
concerning language and publication date. Conference
abstracts, cost-effectiveness studies, letters to the editor, con-
ference proceedings, literature reviews, systematic reviews,
or meta-analyses and, studies conducted in animals were
excluded. To retrieve further relevant publications, we
checked the reference lists of studies included in the cur-
rent review.
Study selection criteria
Studies were included if they met the following criteria: (1)
used samples of any part of Swiss chard or its seeds; and (2)
evaluated nutrient and bioactive compounds. We excluded
studies in which Swiss chard was genetically manipulated
and if the analysis included Swiss chard-based dietary sup-
plements or meals. Two reviewers independently evaluated
the titles and abstracts according to the inclusion criteria.
For each potentially eligible study, two reviewers assessed
the full-text for relevance. In cases of disagreement, a deci-
sion was made by consensus or, if necessary, a third
reviewer was consulted.
Data extraction
Two reviewers using a predesigned form including first
author and publication year, variety, cultivar (cv.), analyzed
part of the plant, compounds name, their concentrations,
and biological activity reported in the articles did data
extraction independently.
Classification and report of compounds
All compounds were classified into categories according to
their chemical structure. This cataloging was established
using the PubChem Database of the U.S. National Library of
Medicine (Kim et al. 2019), which provides several types of
chemical structure classifications. In our case, we used the
KEGG Phytochemical Compoundsclassification, if avail-
able. Otherwise, we categorized the compounds using the
MeSH treeclassification. The compounds not identified or
not included in the PubChem database were organized
according to the category reported by the authors. In case
the authors did not classify the compounds, we allocated
them in the other compoundscategory. All categories and
compounds are reported in alphabetical order or numerical
order if the name starts with numbers or words
denoting them.
The names of compounds were included as they were
originally reported in papers, and to allow easy identifica-
tion thereof, we tagged them with their respective
PUBCHEM Single Compound accession identifier
(CID) when possible. Compounds that were reported by
more than one author with different names or terms were
grouped under the same Pubchem CID. Authors report-
ing the same compound were listed according to the year
of publication (from earliest to latest). Regarding the con-
centrations of the compounds, we reported the original
units described in papers. However, we converted the ori-
ginal units to mg/100 g of fresh weight (F.W.) or mg/
100 g of dry weight (D.W.) when feasible, to make the
reports uniform and comparable across studies.
The systematic search in the electronic databases identified
1102 potentially relevant citations. After screening abstracts
and full-texts papers, cross-referencing and consulting other
sources, we selected 28 articles to include in this review
(Figure 1), from which 20 (71%) reported concentrations on
the compounds they were identifying.
Cicla was the most studied variety, while the flavescens
variety was described only in two papers, one reporting car-
otenoids and the other one flavonoids (Table 1). Twelve
authors did not state the cultivar they used for analysis.
Among those who did report, the most commonly used
were Bright light and Lukullus with three articles, each. We
found the leaf as the most studied part, with 21 authors
describing results on it alone or together with other parts,
mainly stems, stalks, or petioles (Table 1 and Supplemental
Table 1). Stems, stalks, or petioles were the second most fre-
quently reported part of the plant, with five articles report-
ing compounds on them also alone (two articles) or
together with leaves. Followed by three papers that described
seeds, one that studied roots, and one that used whole plant
(tissue). Two articles did not indicate the used part of the
Swiss chard for the analysis (Moyo et al. 2017; Ferland and
Sadowski 1992).
This systematic review found a total of 192 bioactive com-
ponents described in Swiss chard, which were categorized into
23 groups (Supplemental Table 2). Among the total com-
pounds, 20% were classified as betalains being this the largest
category, followed by 16% classified as fats, lipids and fatty
acids, 11% as flavonoids and derivatives, and 8% as terpenes
and derivatives (Figure 2). The concentration of the com-
pounds was available in 114 (59%) of the 192 nutrients and
phytochemicals included in this study (Supplemental Table 2).
compounds was enzymes (Dinc¸ler and Aydemir 2001;Gao,
Hian and Xiao 2009). All the categories were studied in leaves,
and five (betalains, flavonoids, minerals, non-flavonoid phe-
nolics, and vitamins) were also described in stems, stalks, or
petioles. In seeds, studies reported carboxylic acids, flavonoids
and non-flavonoid phenolics, which was similar to the find-
ings in roots except for the category of carboxylic acids. In
the tissue (leaves and stems together) of Swiss chard were
analyzed the Proximate composition, carotenoids, flavonoids,
minerals, pigments, non-flavonoid phenolics, and vitamins
(Supplemental Table 1). The specific results for Swiss chard
Proximate composition and the largest compounds categories
are presented hereunder.
Proximate composition of Swiss chard
Five authors reported compounds related to the Proximate
composition of Beta vulgaris in the cicla variety (Zeller,
Rudolph, and Hoppe 1977; Sacan and Yanardag 2010;
Colonna et al. 2016; Ivanovic et al. 2019; Mzoughi et al.
2019). Carbohydrates, fat and protein were reported in
leaves and the tissue. The concentration values in the tissue
Figure 1. Flowchart of studies reporting nutrients and bioactive composition of Beta vulgaris var. cicla/flavescens.
were up to 3.8 fold higher than in leaves, similar to the fat
content (Table 2a). Ash and total fiber concentrations were
studied only in leaves, and these results can be compared
with those reported in the FoodData Central (Swiss chard,
raw) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA 2019).
For total carbohydrates (3740 mg/100 g vs. 2158 mg/100 g)
and fats (200 mg/100 g vs. 99 mg/100 g, the value reported in
the FoodData central (2019) is higher than reported data by
Mzoughi et al. (2019). Regarding proteins, the amounts are
similar between FoodData Central (1800 mg/100 g) and the
amount reported by Colonna et al. (2016) (1500 mg/100 g).
The only value in our review that is higher compared to
those reported by the USDA is fiber, given that Mzoughi
et al. (2019) found 2430 mg/100 g vs. 1600 mg/100 g reported
by the USDA.
Betalains are water-soluble nitrogen-containing pigments
derived from betalamic acid and divided into two groups:
betacyanins (red to red-violet tonalities) and betaxanthins
(yellow-orange tonalities) (Esquivel 2016). Three articles
(Kugler et al. 2007; Kugler, Stintzing, and Carle 2004; Ali,
Khandaker, and Oba 2009) reported on this category in the
Swiss chard variety cicla, with two of them belonging to
Kugler et al. (Kugler, Stintzing, and Carle 2004; Kugler et al.
2007). The articles focused on the petioles or stems of the
cv. Bright Lights since this is the colored part of the plant.
Thirty-five compounds from both groups of betalains were
identified (Supplemental Table 2), but only the total concen-
trations of betacyanins, betaxanthins and betalains were
quantified in four different Swiss chard petioles colors of
the cultivar mentioned above (Table 2b). The highest con-
centration of betaxhantins was found in the yellow petioles
(10.74 mg/100 g F.W.), while betacyanins and the total con-
tent of betalains were higher in the purple-colored ones
(5.87 mg/100 g F.W. and 7.54 mg/100 g F.W., respectively).
The higher content of total betaxanthins than total betalains
could be due to different methods of analysis used by
Kugler et al. in his two papers (Kugler et al. 2007; Kugler,
Stintzing, and Carle 2004). Our review did not find any art-
icle reporting concentrations for any individual betalains.
Regarding the biological activity in the three articles
assessing betalains, only one paper analyzing this chemical
group (Ali, Khandaker, and Oba 2009) mentioned and
measured its antioxidant activity. The authors compared the
antioxidant activity of five leafy vegetables, where Swiss
chard ranked third among them.
Fat, lipids, fatty acids, and related compounds
After betalains, this category with 25 compounds described
in three papers (Zeller, Rudolph, and Hoppe 1977; Ivanovic
et al. 2019; Mzoughi et al. 2019) is the second-ranked list of
constituents, and the description was done exclusively in the
cicla variety. Authors identified seventeen fatty acids, five
lipids and three fat-related compounds (Supplemental Table
2) including the total concentration of monounsaturated
fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids,
and the unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio
(Supplemental Table 3). The quantitative analysis of this
group of compounds was available for 17 fatty acids and
three fat-related chemicals analyzed by Mzoughi et al.
(2019) in the leaves of an unknown cultivar. The results
indicate that linoleic acid is the most concentrated fatty acid
in Swiss chard leaves, with 26% of the individual fatty acids
in the lipid fraction (Table 2c). Palmitic acid has the
second-highest level with 23%, followed by oleic acid (19%),
stearic acid (8%) and palmitoleic acid (6%) (Figure 3). The
unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio reported by Mzoughi
et al. (2019) is 1.40, which is favorable to the prevention of
cardiovascular diseases. Among the three fat-related com-
pounds, (E)-3-octen-1-ol presents the highest concentration
(2.7% of the volatile fraction).
When comparing the concentrations of the fatty acids of
our review with those of the USDA FoodData Central
(2019), the values of the database for linoleic and oleic acid
(63 mg/100 g and 40 mg/100 g, respectively) are twice those
reported by Mzoughi et al. (2019) (26.5 mg/100 g and
19.1 mg/100 g, respectively). The concentration for palmitic
acid is similar between the two information sources (30 mg/
100 g for USDA and 22.9 mg/100 g for Mzoughi et al. 2019).
For both the stearic and palmitoleic acid, the USDA (2019)
reports no concentration (0 mg/100 g), while Mzoughi et al.
(2019) found 8.1 and 6.31 mg/100 g, respectively. These dif-
ferences could be related to the analyzed plants variety and
cultivar and the methods applied to quantify the
As for the functional properties of this category, only one
article (Mzoughi et al. 2019) mentioned the importance of
oleic acid, which is present in leaves of Swiss chard, for the
nervous cell construction and its fundamental role in cardio-
vascular disease prevention.
Flavonoids and derivatives
Flavonoids are secondary metabolites corresponding to poly-
phenols, which have varied structures and are distributed in
all the plants parts acting as pigments, defense, or growth
regulators (Hern
ıguez, Baquero, and Larrota
2019). Flavonoids are composed of a benzo-g-pyrone struc-
ture and three phenolic rings that can present various sub-
stitutions (e.g., the type, number, distribution and
orientations in space) leading to derivatives with distinct
structures and properties (flavonols, flavones, anthocyani-
dins, catechins, flavanones, and isoflavones) (Li et al. 2019).
Regarding this group of bioactive compounds, 20 phyto-
chemicals and the total flavonoid (TFC) and flavonols con-
centrations were found in eleven articles (Gil, Ferreres, and
an 1998; Kim et al. 2004; Pyo et al. 2004;
Ninfali et al. 2007; Sacan and Yanardag 2010; Gennari et al.
2011; Ninfali and Angelino 2013; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic
et al. 2019; Mohammed et al. 2019; Mzoughi et al. 2019)
that studied all the Swiss chard parts in the cicla variety
(Supplemental Table 2). The most-reported flavonoid was
200-xylosylvitexin, which was identified by three authors (Gil,
Table 1. General characteristics of the papers included in this review.
Author Variety Cultivar Leaves Stems Stalks Petioles Seeds Tissue Roots NR
No. of
Chemical structure
category reported
No. of included
Zeller, Rudolph, and
Hoppe (1977)
Cicla Glatter Silber x 5 Fat, lipids, fatty acids and
related compounds
Ferland and
Sadowski (1992)
NR Not reported x 1 Vitamins 1
Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
Cicla Green x 7 Flavonoids and derivatives 7
Yellow Vitamins
Dinc¸ler and Aydemir (2001) Cicla Not reported x 1 Enzymes 0
Pokluda and Kuben (2002) Cicla Bright Lights x x 5 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 5
y Vitamins
Fordhook Giant
Genfer Selma
y zelen
Lucullus - Semo
Lucullus - Semena
Rhubarb Chard
Swiss Chard
urcher Gelber
Kim et al. (2003) Cicla Not reported x 4 Carboxylic Acids 0
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Moreira, Roura, and del
Valle (2003)
Cicla Bresanne x 2 Pigments 2
Kim et al. (2004) Cicla Not reported x 4 Flavonoids and derivatives 0
Terpenes and derivatives
Kugler, Stintzing, and
Carle (2004)
Cicla Bright Lights x 31 Betalains 3
Pyo et al. (2004) Cicla Large w. ribbed x x 16 Flavonoids and derivatives 2
CXS 2550 Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Kugler et al. (2007) Cicla Bright Lights x 26 Betalains 1
Ninfali et al. (2007) Cicla Not reported x 5 Flavonoids and derivatives 1
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Dzida and Pitura (2008) Cicla Lukullus x 5 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 5
Ali, Khandaker, and
Oba (2009)
Cicla Not reported x 3 Betalains 0
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Gao, Han, and Xiao (2009) Cicla Red x 1 Enzymes 0
Kolota, Sowinska, and
Czerniak (2010)
Cicla Lukullus x x 5 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 5
Green White Ribbed Vitamins
Green Silver
Sacan and Yanardag (2010) Cicla Not reported x 4 Anthocyanins 4
Flavonoids and derivatives
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Proteins and aminoacides
Bozokalfa et al. (2011) Cicla Not reported x 9 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 9
Gennari et al. (2011) Cicla Not reported x 7 Flavonoids and derivatives 1
Table 1. Continued.
Author Variety Cultivar Leaves Stems Stalks Petioles Seeds Tissue Roots NR
No. of
Chemical structure
category reported
No. of included
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Ninfali and Angelino (2013) Cicla Not reported x x x 2 Flavonoids and derivatives 2
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Reif et al. (2013) Fla-vescens Berac x 2 Carotenoids 2
Miceli and Miceli (2014) Cicla Verde da taglio x 2 Pigments 2
Colonna et al. (2016) Cicla Agila x 7 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 7
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Proteins and aminoacides
Moyo et al. (2017) Cicla Fordhook Giant x 20 Carotenoids 2
Flavonoids and derivatives
Minerals/Trace elements/Metals
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Ivanovic et al. (2019) Cicla Verca F1 hybrid x 22 Ash 22
Carbohydrates, soluble sugars
and polyols
Fat, lipids, fatty acids and
related compounds
Flavonoids and derivatives
Proteins and aminoacides
Minerals/Trace elements/Metals
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Mohammed et al. (2019) Fla-vescens Not reported x 5 Flavonoids and derivatives 0
Mzoughi et al. (2019) Cicla Not reported x 98 Alcohols 98
Carbohydrates, soluble sugars
and polyols
Carboxylic Acids
Fat, lipids, fatty acids and
related compounds
Flavonoids and derivatives
Minerals/Trace elements/Metals
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Proteins and aminoacides
Terpenes and derivatives
Other compounds
Singh, Dunn, and
Payton (2019)
Cicla Magenta sunset x 2 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals 2
NR, not reported.
Ferreres, and Tom
an 1998; Gennari et al. 2011;
Ninfali et al. 2007) and is a derivative from apigenin.
Apigenin is a compound associated with several biological
functions like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial
(antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic) and cancer che-
mopreventive (anti-mutagenic, anti-proliferative, and inhibi-
tor of the cell cycle progression) (Wang et al. 2019; Patel,
Shukla, and Gupta 2007). It has beneficial effects on dia-
betes, and neuropsychiatric diseases, among others (Salehi
et al. 2019). Only five compounds were analyzed quantita-
tively by Gil et al. (1998) in leaves of green and yellow cv.
of Swiss chard. Table 2d shows 200-xylosylvitexin as the most
concentrated flavonoid with 193 mg/100 g F.W. in Green cv.,
while in the Yellow another derivative of apigenin, 600 -
Malonyl-200-xylosyl vitexin has the highest concentration
with 144 mg/100 g F.W. Concerning the TFC of Swiss chard,
seven papers reported concentrations in different units and
plants part (Sacan and Yanardag 2010; Ninfali and
Angelino 2013; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic et al. 2019;
Mzoughi et al. 2019; Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
1998; Pyo et al. 2004) (Supplemental Table 3). Two authors
described TFC in mg/100 g F.W. (Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an 1998; Pyo et al. 2004); however, the results show
big disparities because Gil et al. (1998) found a maximal
concentration of 276 mg/100 g F.W. in leaves of green cv.,
while Pyo et al. (2004) reported 28.2 mg/100 g F.W. as the
highest concentration in the tissue of the cv. CXS 2550
(red). These discrepancies could be due to several factors
like the cultivars, the form in which the plants part was pre-
pared for extraction, the type of extract studied, and the
methods used to quantify the TFC. The TFC was also
reported in catechin equivalents (CEs) in four studies (Sacan
and Yanardag 2010; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic et al. 2019;
Mzoughi et al. 2019). In this case, we are comparing only
those papers which described their results in the same units
of concentration. When the values were informed as mg
(CE)/mg extract, the highest concentration was found on
the tissue of the cv. Verca F1 hybrid (12.05), which is
slightly higher than the value obtained for the leaves of an
unknown Swiss chard cultivar (11.88). Finally, Ninfali and
Angelino (2013) was the only author studying TFC in leaves,
roots and seeds of an unknown cultivar and reported results
in mg/g D.W. The highest amount of total flavonoids was
recorded in leaves reaching 7.92 mg/g D.W., which is five
and nine times higher than in seeds and roots, respectively.
The above described biological functions associated with
apigenin were also mentioned as properties of the flavonoids
in six of the eleven reports analyzing this phytochemical
group (Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an 1998; Kim et al.
2004; Ninfali and Angelino 2013; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic
et al. 2019; Mohammed et al. 2019). The most studied prop-
erty was the antioxidant with four articles reporting it
(Sacan and Yanardag 2010; Gennari et al. 2011; Moyo et al.
2017; Ivanovic et al. 2019). Other reported analyses of the
Swiss chard flavonoids were related to their antidiabetic
(Mohammed et al. 2019; Mzoughi et al. 2019), anticancer
(Ninfali et al. 2007; Gennari et al. 2011), antibacterial
(Mohammed et al. 2019) and hepatoprotective (Kim et al.
2004) properties.
Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics
Phenolic compounds are a large group of chemical substan-
ces that possess an aromatic ring and a benzene ring with
one or more hydroxide groups, including functional deriva-
tives (esters, methyl esters, glycosides, among others). This
group of bioactives plays a role as secondary metabolites of
plants with various activities like plant growth, reproduction
and defense. The most common form of phenolics in nature
is glycosides, but they can also be found joined to carboxylic
Figure 2. Percentage of total reported compounds by categories of chemicals and bioactive compounds found in Beta vulgaris var. cicla/flavescens.
acids, organic acids, amines, lipids, and other phenolic com-
pounds (Barba, Esteve, and Fr
ıgola 2014).
Eleven papers (Kim et al. 2003; Pyo et al. 2004;Ninfali
et al. 2007;Ali,Khandaker,andOba2009; Sacan and
Yanardag 2010; Gennari et al. 2011; Ninfali and Angelino
2013; Colonna et al. 2016; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic
et al. 2019;Mzoughietal.2019) described 18 compounds
identified in the cicla variety(SupplementalTable2).
Only three phytochemicals (myricitrin acid, p-coumaric
acid and rosmarinic acid) were analyzed quantitatively by
Mzoughi et al. (2019) in leaves of a non-reported cultivar
(Supplemental Table 3). p-Coumaric acid is the most
reported compound of this category, with three articles
mentioning it (Mzoughi et al. 2019; Pyo et al. 2004; Moyo
et al. 2017). The total phenolic content (TPC) was studied
in all the parts of the Swiss chard and was measured
in F.W. as mg/100 g and D.W. as mg GAE/100 g (gallic
acid equivalents). The highest reported concentrations
were in the seeds of an unknown cultivar with 24,677 mg
GAE/100 g D.W (Gennari et al. 2011) and 157.8 mg/100 g
in the tissue of cv. CXS 2550 (red) (Pyo et al. 2004)
(Table 2e).
Table 2. Proximate composition of Beta vulgaris (Swiss chard) and most concentrated compounds in the largest chemical categories according to the reported
unit of concentration.
Table 2a. Proximate composition (mg/100 g F.W.)
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar
Mean concentration according to plants part
ReferenceTissue Leaves
11 Ash NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid 1810 NA Ivanovic et al. (2019)
28 Total carbohydrates NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid 6250 NA Ivanovic et al. (2019)
NR NA 2158 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
61 Fat NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid 380 NA Ivanovic et al. (2019)
NR NA 99 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
64 Total dietary fiber NAp Cicla NR NA 2430 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
95 Protein NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid 2350 NA Ivanovic et al. (2019)
Agila NA 1500 Colonna et al. (2016)
Table 2c. Most concentrated fatty acids in Swiss chard leaves (% of individual fatty acids in the lipid fraction).
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar Concentration (mean) Reference
44 Linoleic acid 5280450 Cicla NR 26.54 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
39 Palmitic acid 985 Cicla NR 22.92 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
43 Oleic acid 445639 Cicla NR 19.15 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
42 Stearic acid 5281 Cicla NR 8.17 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
40 Palmitoleic acid 445638 Cicla NR 6.31 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
Table 2b. Betalains content in Swiss chard petioles (mg/100g F.W.).
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar
Mean concentration according to cultivar color
ReferencePurple Red purple Yellow Yelloworange
12 Total betaxanthins NAp Cicla Bright lights NA NA 10.74 NA Kugler et al. (2007)
2.43 2.49 4.97 2.2 Kugler et al. (2007)
13 Total betacyanins NAp Cicla Bright lights 5.87 3.03 trace 1.37 Kugler et al. (2007)
14 Total betalains NAp Cicla Bright lights 7.54 5.06 4.97 3.36 Kugler et al. (2007)
Table 2d. Reported concentrations of flavonoids and derivatives in Swiss chard leaves (mg/100g F.W.).
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety
Mean concentration according to cultivar
ReferenceGreen Yellow
65 200-xylosylvitexin 101406315 Cicla 193 75 Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
66 600-Malonyl-200 -xylosyl vitexin 44257736 Cicla 34 144 Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
67 Isorhamnetin 3-gentiobioside 5488387 Cicla 39 ND Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
68 Isorhamnetin 3-vicianoside 44258010 Cicla 10 ND Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
69 Kaempferol 3-gentiobioside 9960512 Cicla Trace Not quantified Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
Table 2e. Total phenols/phenolics concentration.
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar
Mean concentration
ReferencePlants part Value
mg GAE/100 g D.W.
90 Total Phenols NAp Cicla NR Seeds 24677 Gennari et al. (2011)
90 Total Phenols NAp Cicla Agila Leaves 9658 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
90 Total phenolics NAp Cicla Fordhook Giant NR 1104 Moyo et al. (2017)
mg/100 g F.W.
90 Total concentration of phenolics NAp Cicla CXS 2550 (red) Tissue 157.8 Pyo et al. (2004)
90 Total concentration of phenolics NAp Cicla CXS 2550 (red) Leaves 128.1 Pyo et al. (2004)
90 Total concentration of phenolics NAp Cicla Large white ribbed Tissue 124.7 Pyo et al. (2004)
Seven papers (Pyo et al. 2004; Ali, Khandaker, and Oba
2009; Sacan and Yanardag 2010; Ninfali and Angelino 2013;
Colonna et al. 2016; Moyo et al. 2017; Mzoughi et al. 2019)
attributed to phenols a central role in the antioxidant prop-
erty seen in Swiss chard. One article has also assessed and
reported that these phytochemicals present anti-inflamma-
tory and anticancer properties (Kim et al. 2003).
Terpenes and derivatives
Terpenes are the largest class of compounds found in essential
oils and are made up of isoprene molecules that, according to
their structure, can be subdivided into acyclics (linear) or
cyclics (ring) (Bas¸er and Demirci 2007). Several terpenes and
derivatives are biologically active, and their effects have been
studied against cancer, inflammation, and a variety of infectious
diseases (Mbaveng, Hamm, and Kuete 2014). Among this cat-
egory, sixteen compounds were identified (Supplemental Table
2) by two authors (Kim et al. 2004;Mzoughietal.2019)who
analyzed only the leaves of the cicla variety. Mzoughi et al.
(2019) quantified the concentrations of fourteen terpenes and
derivatives as percentages of the total volatiles. As can be seen
in Table 2f and Figure 3,a-terpineol and b-Pinene are both
the most concentrated phytochemicals in this category, with
5.8% each of them. None of the papers analyzing this group
mentioned any functional properties or conducted assays where
terpenes from Swiss chard would play a role.
Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and total polyols
Soluble sugars, which are defined as mono- and disacchar-
ides, play a major role in plants physiological processes as
photosynthesis, transport and heterotrophic energy utiliza-
tion, and in the metabolic pathways related to the produc-
tion of reactive oxygen species (Cou
ee et al. 2006). Mzoughi
et al (2019) is the only author describing sugars and polyols
in leaves of an unknown cultivar of the cicla variety
(Supplemental Table 2). The total carbohydrate content was
already mentioned in the proximate composition section.
Regarding sugars, a total of nine compounds were reported
(Supplemental Table 3). Sucrose is the most concentrated
sugar (1115 mg/100 g F.W.) exceeding by far the amounts of
glucose (285 mg/100 g F.W.) and inositol (285 mg/100 g
F.W.) (Figure 3).
Table 2f. Most concentrated terpenes and derivatives in Swiss chard leaves (% of total volatiles).
No. Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar Concentration (mean) Reference
98 a-terpineol 17100 Cicla NR 5.8 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
102 b-Pinene 14896 Cicla NR 5.8 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
108 Limonene 22311 Cicla NR 5.6 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
107 Geraniol 637566 Cicla NR 3 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
104 Citronellol 8842 Cicla NR 2.8 Mzoughi et al. (2019)
Table 2g. Most concentrated minerals.
name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar
Mean concentration according to plants part
ReferenceLeaves Stalks/petioles Tissue
mg/100 g F.W.
81 K 5462222 Cicla Listov
y zelen
y 705.1 759.4 NA Pokluda and Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 366.2 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
84 Na 5360545 Cicla Listov
y zelen
y337.9 140.1 NA Pokluda and Kuben (2002)
urcher Gelber 236.6 179 NA Pokluda and Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 130.2 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
82 Mg 5462224 Cicla NR 307.1 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
y zelen
y 60.9 14.3 NA Pokluda and Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 91.8 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
76 Ca 5460341 Cicla NR 154.1 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
y 63.6 43.8 NA Pokluda and Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 168.9 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
85 P 5462309 Cicla Agila 19.1 NA NA Colonna et al. (2016)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 60.5 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
mg/100 g D.W.
81 K 5462222 Cicla NR 3685 NA NA Bozokalfa et al. (2011)
82 Mg 5462224 Cicla NR 542 NA NA Bozokalfa et al. (2011)
84 Na 5360545 Cicla NR 396 NA NA Bozokalfa et al. (2011)
85 P 5462309 Cicla NR 355 NA NA Bozokalfa et al. (2011)
76 Ca 5460341 Cicla NR 351 NA NA Bozokalfa et al. (2011)
Percentage (%) D.W.
81 K 5462222 Cicla Lukullus 9.23 NA NA Dzida and Pitura (2008)
Ribbed 6.24 8.43 NA Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak (2010)
76 Ca 5460341 Cicla Lukullus 1.3 NA NA Dzida and Pitura (2008)
Green White 0.1 0.18 NA Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak (2010)
85 P 5462309 Cicla Lukullus 1.19 NA NA Dzida and Pitura (2008)
Green White 0.45 0.43 NA Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak (2010)
82 Mg 5462224 Cicla Lukullus 0.94 NA NA Dzida and Pitura (2008)
Bresanne 0.67 0.43 NA Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak (2010)
NAp, not applicable; NA, not analyzed; NR, not reported; ND, not determined or traces.
Other compounds categories
Due to the nutritional and health importance of other com-
pounds categories that were not among the largest ones, we
describe here the results for carotenoids, minerals and trace
elements, and vitamins that include 16 compounds.
For the carotenoids category, we found four papers (Reif
et al. 2013; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic et al. 2019; Mzoughi
et al. 2019) analyzing b-carotene, lutein and lycopene, in
leaves of three different types of cultivars belonging to the
cicla and flavescens varieties (Supplemental Table 2). The
highest reported value in this category corresponds to lutein
(5.13 mg/100 g F.W.) detected in the cv. Charlotte of the fla-
vescens variety (Supplemental Table 3). The b-carotene con-
tent was highest in the cv. Charlotte of the flavescens variety
(4.48 mg/100 g F.W.) as reported by Reif et al. (2013); how-
ever, this concentration is five times higher than the one
found by Mzoughi et al. (0.05 mg/100 g F.W.) (2019). This
difference could be due to the plant varieties or the type of
solvents used to extract the chemicals (Methanol - acetate
solvent for flavescens variety and acetone solvent for the
cicla variety). We compared the values for the cv. Charlotte
with those referenced by the USDA (3.64 mg/100 g F.W.)
(USDA 2019), and found a minimal difference. It is import-
ant to mention that 100 g of Swiss chard leaves (cv.
Charlotte) contribute 47% (373 mg/100 g F.W.) of the mean
recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin A in
adults (800 mg Retinol Activity Equivalents) (Institute of
Medicine (US) Panel on Micronutrients 2001) making this
cultivar a significant dietary source of vitamin A.
Concerning the minerals, trace elements and metals
category, the concentrations of eleven elements were
determined in the leaves, petioles or stalks, and the whole
tissue in 21 cultivars of the cicla varietybynineauthors
(Pokluda and Kuben 2002;DzidaandPitura2008;
Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak 2010; Bozokalfa et al.
2011; Colonna et al. 2016; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic
et al. 2019;Mzoughietal.2019;Singh,Dunn,andPayton
2019) (Supplemental Table 2). Potassium was the most
reported mineral being described for all the authors
included in this category and followed by calcium and
magnesium with eight papers analyzing each of them. We
found that the concentrations were expressed in different
units, as showed in Table 2g. For those minerals reported
in mg/100 g of F.W., the highest amount corresponds to
potassium in the stalks of the cv. Listov
(759.4 mg/100 g), although the difference comparing with
the content in leaves of the same cultivar is not large
(705.1 mg/100 g). Sodium is ranked as the second most
concentrated mineral, followed by magnesium, calcium,
and phosphorous; all of them have higher levels in leaves
than in stalks (Figure 3). When comparing parts of the
plant with the tissue (leaves and stems together), concen-
trations are higher in the latter for calcium and phos-
phorus. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the
studies reporting for every part of the plant (Pokluda and
Kuben 2002;Mzoughietal.2019) or the tissue (Ivanovic
et al. 2019) are different, which implies dissimilarities in
the utilized cultivar, cultivation methods and chemical
assays on the plants. When reviewing the data described
in mg/100 g D.W. by Bozokalfa et al. (2011), who ana-
lyzed only leaves of an unknown cultivar, potassium
ranks first once more with 3685 mg followed in this case
Figure 3. Five main concentrated phytochemicals (mg/100 g) in the largest bioactive compoundscategories for Beta vulgaris var. cicla.
by magnesium with 542 mg; it is also worth noting that
the concentration of sodium in D.W. is quite close to the
one reported in F.W for the same element and in the
same plants part. Lastly, this category was also reported
in % of D.W. and analyzed in leaves and stalks. Again,
potassium is first among all the other studied elements
and likewise indicating that this one is the most concen-
trated mineral in Swiss chard. Similar to the results
reported in mg/100 g F.W., the higher concentrations in
% of D.W. occur in leaves. We calculated mean values of
the five most concentrated minerals reported per 100 g
F.W. in leaves to compare them with those of the USDA
(2019). Except for magnesium (mean 52.7 mg/100 g vs.
81 mg/100 g USDA) and phosphorous (mean 19.1 mg/
100 g vs. 46 mg/100 g USDA), all the values were
quite similar.
In the vitamins category, reports were done for vitamin
C and vitamin K or (Phylloquinone) (Vitamin A was ana-
lyzed as b-carotenoid; hence it is part of the carotenoids
category). These vitamins were analyzed in eight papers
(Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an 1998; Pokluda and
Kuben 2002; Moreira, Roura, and del Valle 2003; Dzida and
Pitura 2008; Kolota, Sowinska, and Czerniak 2010; Miceli
and Miceli 2014; Colonna et al. 2016; Ferland and Sadowski
1992) that studied leaves, stalks, and petioles of twenty culti-
vars in the cicla variety for vitamin C. For vitamin K the
analyzed cultivar and part are not stated in the article
(Supplemental Table 2). Regarding vitamin C, the mean
value in leaves is the highest one with 40 mg/100 mg F.W.,
which is almost two-fold the value found by Ivanovic et al.
(2019) in tissue (25.2 mg/100 g F.W.) and almost six-fold the
amount registered in stalks (mean 7.22 mg/100 g F.W.)
(Supplemental Table 3). Comparing the mean value for
leaves with the one from the USDA (30 mg/100 g F.W.)
(USDA 2019), the difference is not remarkable. On vitamin
K, we found only one author (Ferland and Sadowski 1992).
The described content in an unknown part of the plant is
0.917 mg/100 g of F.W., which is 11% higher than the shown
by the USDA (0.83 mg/100 g) (USDA 2019). When compar-
ing the content of vitamin K that we found to the mean
Adequate Intake (AI) for adults (Institute of Medicine (US)
Panel on Micronutrients 2001), one leaf of this plant,
equivalent to 48 g, provides four times the current AI value,
making the Swiss chard a valuable source of Vitamin K.
Highest concentrated bioactive compounds in Beta
vulgaris var. cicla
We have summarized the bioactive compounds with the
twenty highest concentrations reported in mg/100 g F.W. in
Table 3. In cases where a comparison among different parts
of the plant or the whole tissue was possible for a com-
pound, we included only the highest value reported between
all authors for every plants part. Macronutrients, fiber, and
some minerals (potassium, sodium and magnesium) are in
the ten most concentrated compounds. As expected, the
highest quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and fat are
found in the whole tissue of Swiss chard; however, a
comparison between the plants part is not possible since we
did not find any articles analyzing macronutrients in stalks,
stems or petioles. Minerals seem to be distributed among all
the parts of the Swiss chard with sodium and magnesium
being more present in leaves, calcium and phosphorous in
the whole tissue and potassium in stalks. The total content
of categories like flavonoids and phenolics are also among
the twenty most concentrated compounds, yet a comparison
for the TFC among the plants part would not be adequate
since the two authors describing the highest values for this
item (Pyo et al. 2004; Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
1998) present dissimilar results. Regarding the TPC, the
highest values quantified by the same author (Pyo et al.
2004) indicate that stalks are the richest part of the plant
containing this type of phytochemicals. Some other com-
pounds appearing in the top twenty most concentrated are
soluble sugars (sucrose, glucose, inositol, and raffinose), fla-
vonoids (200-xylosylvitexin and 600 -Malonyl-200 -xylosyl
vitexin), total chlorophyll and ascorbic acid. None of the
bioactive chemicals reported in the flavescens variety reached
the twenty most concentrated compounds.
We identified 192 compounds across 28 articles included in
this systematic review, which describes the nutritional and
phytochemical composition of Beta vulgaris, var. cicla or
flavescens. The most common chemicals reported in the
literature are betalains, fatty acids, flavonoids, minerals,
non-flavonoid phenols, and terpenes.
However, most of our findings are based mainly on
leaves of the cicla variety, since only two papers (Reif et al.
2013; Mohammed et al. 2019) studied the flavescens variety.
We also identified a lack of research using other parts of the
plants like stems/stalks/petioles and seeds for compounds
other than minerals, phenolics and flavonoids. Likewise, our
systematic search could not identify any article regarding
the nutritional and phytochemical composition of Swiss
chard sprouts, which are available for human consumption
in markets as microgreens. Regarding certain compounds
groups like flavonoids, further research is needed to better
understand its contribution to diet as part of Swiss chard
given that we only found one study (Gil, Ferreres, and
an 1998) identifying individual flavonoids, and
it was published more than twenty years ago. Anthocyanins
are an important group of phytochemicals since they possess
strong biological functions such as anti-inflammatory, anti-
tumor, antimutagenic and antioxidant activities (Kong et al.
2003); still, certain plants (order Caryophyllales) do not pro-
duce anthocyanin but betalains (Tanaka, Sasaki, and
Ohmiya 2008). The motive for this condition is unknown,
and according to some experts, no plant has yet been found
that produces both betalain and anthocyanin pigments
(Stafford 1994; Strack, Vogt, and Schliemann 2003). This
could be the reason why we only found one article (16)
reporting total anthocyanin content in Swiss chard leaves.
Furthermore, none of the papers identifying betalains quan-
tified them individually. Besides vitamin C, K, and vitamin
Table 3. Twenty most concentrated compounds reported in mg/100g F.W in Beta vulgaris var. cicla/flavescens (Swiss chard).
Rank No. Category Compound name PubChem CID Variety Cultivar
Concentration mg/100 g F.W. (mean)
ReferenceLeaves Stalks/stems Tissue
1 28 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Total carbohydrates NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 6250
Ivanovic et al. (2019)
NR 2158 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
2 65 Fiber Total dietary fiber NAp Cicla NR 2430
NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 770 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
3 96 Proteins and aminoacides Protein NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 2350
Ivanovic et al. (2019)
Agila 1500 NA NA Colonna et al. (2016)
4 23 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Sucrose 5988 Cicla NR 1115 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
5 82 Minerals/trace elements/metals K 5462222 Cicla Listov
y zelen
y 705.1 759.4
NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 366.2 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
6 61 Fat, lipids, fatty acids and
related compounds
Total lipids NAp Cicla Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 380
Ivanovic et al. (2019)
Fat NAp Cicla NR 99 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
7 84 Minerals/trace elements/metals Na 5360545 Cicla Listov
y zelen
y 337.9
140.1 NA Pokluda and
Kuben (2002)
urcher Gelber 236.6 179 NA Pokluda and
Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 130.2 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
8 93 Pigments Chlorophyll contents 6449992 Cicla Bressanne 321.3 NA NA Moreira et al. (2003)
9 82 Minerals/Trace elements/Metals Mg 5462224 Cicla NR 307.1
NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
y zelen
y 60.9 14.3 NA Pokluda and
Kuben (2002)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 91.8 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
10 18 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Glucose 5793 Cicla NR 285 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
11 70 Flavonoids and derivatives Total flavonoid content NAp Cicla Green 276
NA NA Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
CXS 2550 (red) 25.2 2.6 28.2 Pyo et al. (2004)
12 65 Flavonoids and derivatives 200 -xylosylvitexin 101406315 Cicla Green 193 NA NA Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
13 19 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Inositol 892 Cicla NR 182 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
14 76 Minerals/trace elements/metals Ca 5460341 Cicla Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 168.9
Ivanovic et al. (2019)
NR 154.1 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
y 63.6 43.8 NA Pokluda and
Kuben (2002)
15 90 Non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics Total concentration of phenolics NAp Cicla CXS 2550 (red) 128.1 157.8
29.7 Pyo et al. (2004)
16 66 Flavonoids and derivatives 600 -Malonyl-200 -xylosyl vitexin 44257736 Cicla Yellow 144 NA NA Gil, Ferreres, and Tom
an (1998)
17 20 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Mannitol 6251 Cicla NR 82 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
18 111 Vitamins Ascorbic acid 54670067 Cicla Verde da taglio 70.6
NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 25.2 Ivanovic et al. (2019)
Bright Lights NA 9.9 NA Pokluda and
Kuben (2002)
18 21 Carbohydrates, soluble sugars and
total polyols
Raffinose 439242 Cicla NR 61 NA NA Mzoughi et al. (2019)
20 85 Minerals/trace elements/metals P 5462309 Cicla Verca F1 hybrid NA NA 60.5
Ivanovic et al. (2019)
Agila 19.1 NA NA Colonna et al. (2016)
NI, not included in PUBCHEM; NR, not reported; NA, not analyzed; Nap, not applicable.
Higher content in tissue of Swiss chard.
Higher content in leaves among different Swiss chard parts.
Higher content in stems/stalks/petioles among different Swiss chard parts.
A (analyzed as b-carotene), our search did not find more
chemicals belonging to this group, demonstrating that meas-
ures for other types of vitamins in Swiss chard are lacking
in the scientific literature. Given the type of studies included
in this review, we could not assess their quality since there
are no validated tools for this purpose, and therefore our
results should be interpreted with caution.
Some of the included articles in this review have broadly
compared the nutritional and phytochemical composition of
Swiss chard with other leafy vegetables such as chicory,
green lettuce, red chard, spinach, and amaranth (Ali,
Khandaker, and Oba 2009; Colonna et al. 2016; Reif et al.
2013). In Table 4, we present the proximal composition of
Swiss chard leaves and its content of potassium, calcium,
magnesium, and total phenols and compare this information
with the leafy vegetables above mentioned as summarized by
Colonna et al. (2016). We also compare the b-carotene con-
tent reported for the same plants by Reif et al. (2013).
When the mentioned authors did not analyze the chemical
and nutritional profile of a vegetable, we used the data from
the USDA database (USDA 2019). Swiss chard has the low-
est values for carbohydrates (2158 mg/100 F.W.), and total
fat (99 mg/100 g F.W.) which makes it adequate for diets
attempting weight reduction. While protein had also the
lowest value (1500 mg/100 F.W.), the leaves of Swiss chard
ranked second in the fiber content after chicory leaves (4000
and 2430 mg/100 F.W., respectively). Regarding the mineral
content, the Swiss chard has the lowest values among the six
compared GLVs. However, the higher values reported for
potassium, magnesium and calcium in our review corres-
pond to those described by Mzoughi et al. (2019) and they
are at least three times larger than those founded by
Colonna et al. (2016). As for b-carotene, Swiss chard leaves
are positioned in third place after spinach and chicory (4.48,
7.28, and 4.88 mg/100 F.W., respectively). Lastly, Swiss chard
leaves have also the third-highest value of total phenols con-
tent (33.3 mg gallic acid/100 g D.W.) after red chard
(53.6 mg gallic acid/100 g D.W.) and spinach (49.3 mg gallic
acid/100 g D.W.) This comparison shows the potential of
Swiss chard as part of a healthy diet when consumed alter-
nately with other leafy vegetables.
There are several health benefits linked to the Swiss chard
bioactives found in this review. Experiments have shown
that flavonoids present in the extract of Beta vulgaris var.
cicla could have a hypoglycemic effect by inhibiting glucose
transporters, mainly through the action of quercetin (Song
et al. 2002). Vitexin and acacetin 8-C-b-D-glucopyranoside
showed superior antidiabetic activities in comparison with
Acarbose as a reference drug (Mohammed et al. 2019). An
alternative explanation for this property could be an inhibi-
tory effect on a-glucosidase and a-amylase activities
observed from an ethanol extract prepared from Swiss chard
leaves (Mzoughi et al. 2019). The antioxidant activity of
Swiss chard is well studied and similar to the conclusions by
Ali et al. (2009), it has been attributed to pigments present
in the leaves and stems like chlorophyll, betalains, and caro-
tenoids, but also to the flavonoids (Sacan and Yanardag
2010; Gennari et al. 2011; Moyo et al. 2017; Ivanovic et al.
2019) and non-flavonoids phenols/phenolics compounds
and to the ascorbic acid (Kim et al. 2004; Colonna et al.
2016; Ivanovic et al. 2019). Some of the specific actions
related to the antioxidant activity can be reviewed in beta-
lains, which have demonstrated an ability to protect human
red blood cells from oxidative hemolysis, to scavenge hypo-
chlorous acid produced by neutrophils during the inflamma-
tory response, to protect endothelial cells from the oxidation
processes related to inflammatory response and, to inhibit
lipid peroxidation of cell membranes in the blood (Ninfali
and Angelino 2013).
The phenolic amides present in the extract of Swiss chard
seeds have shown an anti-inflammatory effect demonstrated
in vitro by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase (Kim et al. 2003).
Betanin, a type of betalain, has also shown anti-inflamma-
tory activity throughout the inhibition of cyclooxygenase,
and prevention of the conversion of arachidonic acid into
chemical mediators of inflammation (Reddy, Alexander-
Lindo, and Nair 2005). Betalains also possess anticancer
activity by hindering the infiltration capacity of tumoral
cells, decreasing cell proliferation, and inducing apoptosis
(Ninfali and Angelino 2013; Esquivel 2016). Apigenin-
derived flavonoids found in leaves of Swiss chard, especially
vitexin, have proven to contribute to the anticancer activity
of this plant by inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells
and inducing apoptosis (Ninfali et al. 2007; Gennari et al.
2011). Since excessive nitric oxide production has been
linked with cancer, the inhibitory activity of phenolic amides
on lipopolysaccharide could be another pathway to exert a
protective effect on carcinogenesis (Kim et al. 2003). The
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities related with
Swiss chard, its adequate unsaturated/saturated fatty acids
Table 4. Nutritional and phytochemical composition of the leaves of Beta vulgaris (Swiss chard) and other commonly consumed leafy vegetables (mg/
100 g F.W.).
Plant nutrient/phytochemical (reference) Swiss chard Chicory Green lettuce Red chard Spinach Amaranth, leaves
Proteins (Colonna et al. 2016) 1500 2100 1700 1900 1600 2460
Fat (Mzoughi et al. 2019) 99 300
Total carbohydrates (Mzoughi et al. 2019) 2158 4700
Total dietary fiber (Mzoughi et al. 2019) 2430 4000
Not analyzed
Potasium (Colonna et al. 2016) 243.5 446.5 528.5 402 626.1 611
Magnesium (Colonna et al. 2016) 14.9 19.7 27.4 38.9 52.0 55
Calcium (Colonna et al. 2016) 12.1 29.9 22.9 16.4 25.4 215
b-Carotene (Reif et al. 2013) 4.48 4.88
Not analyzed
Total phenols
(Colonna et al. 2016) 33.3 34.9 21.7 53.6 49.3 Not analyzed
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture (2019).
Highest value reported by Reif et al., 2013 for the vegetable.
(mg gallic acid/100 g D.W.).
ratio and its high fiber, carotenoids, flavonoids, and potas-
sium content could play a role in the regulation of blood
pressure and of the lipid and glucose metabolism. Therefore,
the nutrients and phytochemicals present in Swiss chard
could contribute to the cardioprotective effect of this plant
as part of the leafy green vegetable family (Blekkenhorst
et al. 2018).
To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review on
the subject that critically appraised the literature following
an a priori designed protocol with clearly defined inclusion
and exclusion criteria. Using a systematic search in the data-
bases, we found only one classical review conducted by
Ninfali and Angelino (2013) evaluating the nutritional and
biological properties of Swiss chard. In contrast to system-
atic reviews, narrative reviews do not involve a systemic
search, and they are often focused on a subset of studies in
the chosen area based on the availability of the author selec-
tion. Therefore, they are more likely to experience selection
bias (Garg, Hackam, and Tonelli 2008; Uman 2011).
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla or flavescens) can be
considered a good source of fiber, betalains, flavonoids,
b-carotene, vitamin K, and minerals like potassium and
magnesium. Leaves and stems of the plant should be consid-
ered as part of a healthy diet. Further research is required
for sprouts as they are already being consumed as micro-
greens. It is also important to broaden the knowledge on
other phytochemical categories, like flavonoids, non-flavon-
oid phenols, minerals, terpenes, and vitamins, on all parts
that constitute the plant and in the flavescens variety.
Disclosure statement
H.K., W.B., and B. M. Metzger are scientists at Standard Process
Nutrition Innovation Center. Other authors have nothing to disclose.
This research was supported by Standard Process.
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... It is commonly consumed raw (e.g., in salads) or cooked in a manner similar to spinach. In their systematic review of the nutritional features of Swiss chard, Gamba et al. (2021) present evidence of antioxidant and immunomodulating properties that may contribute to the prevention and alleviation of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other positive health outcomes. With respect to nutritional composition, according to Anses-Ciqual (2020), the raw leaves of B. vulgaris reported to be rich in dietary fibres (1.8%), minerals as Ca (25 mg/100 g), Mg (17 mg/100 g), Fe (0.85 mg/100 g), Mn (0.16 mg/100 g), vitamins as tocopherols (0.12 mg/100 mg), pantothenic acid (0.2 mg/100 mg), or folate (0.0247 mg/100 g), while only providing 16.4 Kcal/100 g (expressed in wet weight of edible portion). ...
... Swiss chard powder was found to be significantly higher than that of wild plants, indicating the potential influence of in genetic factors on anthocyanin production. These results are in accordance with those reported by Mzoughi et al. (2019) and Gamba et al. (2021), who studied the composition in minerals, phytochemicals, and biological activities of B. vulgaris from Tunisia. It is important to note that differences in plant composition are highly variable due to a multitude of factors. ...
... It can be reasonably anticipated that the incorporation of this native culinary herb into mainstream bakery products will result in a positive impact on public health. This is due to the fact that the daily intake of green leafy vegetables will increase, while micronutrients are conveyed and the caloric apport is decreased (Gamba et al., 2021). According to Anses-Cinqual (2020), 100 g of the fresh, raw vegetable provides 16.4 Kcal. ...
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As societies undergo shifts in dietary patterns, there is often an increase in nutrition‐related issues. This is particularly evident in the case of wheat bakery products, which have evolved in an unsustainable way. The fortification of wheat flour with vegetables has emerged as a strategy to mitigate the imbalanced composition of white bread. The objective of this study is to address existing knowledge gaps regarding nutritional quality and technological characteristics of food‐to‐food fortified bakery products. A blend of Beta vulgaris powder (up to 5% of the total weight) was incorporated into commercial wheat white flour, and the resulting composition and technological parameters were analysed throughout the bread‐making process, using standard methods (e.g., AAAC, ISO). The sensory assessment of the tested fortified baking products formulations was conducted. The 178 volunteer consumers noted the differences conveyed by B. vulgaris, but scored the taste and colour as acceptable (6 out of 9). Formulations containing moderate amounts of chard (e.g., 2%) were most appreciated. This study demonstrates that B. vulgaris can be employed to enrich white bread, particularly in minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, in a readily actionable manner that is well accepted by consumers. Furthermore, the use of flour blends contributes to mitigate the impact of fluctuations in wheat availability, thereby enhancing food security.
... These results indicate that the EE has anti-inflammatory properties, mediated by the inhibition of NO production. anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and these compounds are more easily extracted from ethanolic extracts [65,68,69]. The flavonoids isolated from D. aspersa provide a theoretical basis for their potential medicinal applications. ...
... Nguyen et al. also showed that several flavonoids display cytotoxicity across six cancer cell lines [13]. Flavonoids, phenolic acids, and steroids are widely recognized for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and these compounds are more easily extracted from ethanolic extracts [65,68,69]. The flavonoids isolated from D. aspersa provide a theoretical basis for their potential medicinal applications. ...
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Disporopsis aspersa (Hua) Engl. ex K. Krause, locally known as kucai (bitter greens) or yexiahua, is a widely consumed wild vegetable and traditional herbal medicine in western Yunnan. Despite its local significance, its nutrient composition and bioactive properties have not been investigated. This study aims to determine the nutritional content and evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the aerial parts extracts of D. aspersa. The levels of protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals were measured and compared to those of common vegetables. The results showed that D. aspersa contains 16 amino acids, with a total content of up to 19.13 g/100 g, including 3.0 g/100 g of lysine. In vitro evaluations of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities demonstrated that the ethanolic extract exhibited low cytotoxicity against mouse RAW 264.7 murine macrophages cell line at concentrations of 0–120 µg/mL. The IC50 for nitric oxide (NO) scavenging activity was 72.7 ± 7.43 µg/mL, showing dose dependence. Additionally, the ethanolic extract also exhibited ABTS+· scavenging capacity and total antioxidant capacity. These findings suggest that D. aspersa is rich in carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, and amino acids. It also contains various bioactive substances, supporting its traditional practices for both medicinal and dietary purposes by local people. D. aspersa has the potential to be developed into a novel anti-hypertensive food, nutraceutical, or dietary supplement in western Yunnan and neighboring regions, promoting local development.
... The pharmacological activities of chard extracts are antioxidant, antitumor, hemostatic, and hepatoprotective effects additionally anti-acetylcholinesterase, hypoglycemic and antiinflammatory effects [8][9][10][11] . These effects are due to its vitamins such as C and E, flavonoids, phenolics, saponins, phospholipids, glycolipids, minerals, carotenoids, fatty acids, and folic acid content [12][13][14] . Previous studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of vitamin E 15 , vitamin C 16 , folic acid 17 and plant-derived flavonoids/phenolics such as quercetin 18 , caffeic acid 19 , and apigenin 20 in experimental cases of pancreatitis. ...
... The increase in pancreatic TF activity of chard given control and VPA groups, might suggest hypercoagulable conditions. Chard is high in vitamin K, which is essential for the synthesis of proteins belonging to the gamma carboxyglutamate-protein family comprising blood coagulation factors 13 . ...
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Valproic acid (VPA) treatment is known to potentially cause adverse effects, notably as the most common cause of drug-induced acute pancreatitis. It is crucial to balance the therapeutic benefits and potential major side effects of VPA administration. Complications associated with VPA may arise from toxic VPA metabolites and alterations in antioxidant levels. While chard is well-known for its anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant properties, there is a lack of research on its impact on the pancreas during VPA treatment. This study aimed to explore the possible protective effects of chard against VPA-induced complications in the pancreas using histological and biochemical approaches. Animals were separated into four groups: i) Control, ii) received chard (100 mg/kg), iii) received VPA (500 mg/kg), and iv) received VPA+Chard (in the same dosages and time). On the eighth day, the rats’ pancreatic tissue and blood specimens were collected. In the Chard and VPA+Chard groups, chard decreased blood glucose levels compared to the control and VPA groups. In comparison to the VPA group, the VPA+Chard group pancreatic glutathione level and catalase activity increased whereas malondialdehyde levels decreased. Furthermore, administration of chard to the control and VPA groups increased tissue factor activity and sialic acid level as compared to the VPA group. The histological findings confirmed the biochemical results. It is therefore concluded that chard has the potential to protect pancreatic tissue from VPA-induced complications by reducing lipid peroxidation and blood glucose while enhancing antioxidants and sialic acid levels.
Background and aims: Cerebral ischemia causes tissue oxidative damage and leads to cell death. Antioxidants can reduce the adverse effects of ischemia in the brain. This study was conducted to determine the effect of Beta vulgaris hydroalcoholic extract on learning and memory caused by transient cerebral ischemia. Methods: After preparing the herbal extract, the rats were divided into six groups: control, sham, ischemia, and 3 ischemic groups that received the extract. Ischemia was induced by bilateral carotid artery occlusion for 30 minutes. The control, sham, and ischemia groups received normal saline for two weeks. Three treatment groups received 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg B. vulgaris extract. After conducting behavioral tests, the antioxidant capacity and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of the rat’s serum and brain were measured. Results: The results showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of B. vulgaris leaves increases the antioxidant capacity of serum and brain. It also reduces the amount of MDA in serum and brain. B. vulgaris extract enhances learning and improves motor balance. Conclusion: This study showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of beet leaves firmly protects brain damage caused by cerebral ischemia. The antioxidant property of this extract may explain this effect.
This investigation on leaf lettuce and Swiss chard aimed to evaluate the effect of two different distances from the heavy traffic intensity road in two different roadside MS (Mevlanakapi-Silivrikapi) and SB (Silivrikapi-Belgradkapi) growing locations on some nutraceutical and hazardous properties. The total content of phenolic compounds was higher in leaf lettuce at far distances of both MS and SB locations, while it was higher in Swiss chard at close distances of MS and SB locations. The Hg contents of both vegetable samples exceeded the FAO/ WHOacceptable limits, highlighting potential health risks for human consumption. In contrast, the Cd, Pb, and Fe contents in both vegetable samples were in acceptable limits and were safe for human intake. Regarding the principal component analysis (PCA) results, each vegetable was categorized into four separate classes based on the effects of two different distances and two growing locations. Accordingly, the distances to the traffic intensity at the two growing locations significantly affected the phenolic compounds, antioxidant activities, and heavy metal contents of the two vegetables. To mitigate health risks, it is recommended the replacement of urban gardens outside the city center to avoid the heavy metal contamination of vegetables by traffic vehicles.
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Changing climates threaten crop growth and fodder yields in dryland farming. This study assessed two radish genotypes (LINE 2, ENDURANCE) under three water regimes (W1 = well-watered, W2 = moderate stress, W3 = severe stress) and two leaf harvesting options over two seasons (2021/22 and 2022/23). Key findings revealed that water regime significantly (P < 0.05) affected WUE, with W2 yielding (4.71 kg ha-1 mm-1) higher values. The combination of W3 and LINE 2 biomass were reduced by ≈ 60.09% in 2021/22 and ≈ 71.06% in 2022/23, whereas ENDURANCE declined by ≈ 63.9% and ≈ 53.33%. Tuber yield was highest under W1 and W2, with ENDURANCE yielding 59 t ha-1 (W1) and 48 t ha-1 (W2). Generally, W2 reduced micronutrient concentration (iron, zinc, β-carotene and vitamin C). For example, W2 improved vitamin E and key findings showed that human dietary for women and children can be met. The W3 exceeded vitamin E, iron, and zinc recommendations for all ages. The genotypes showed similar biomass and CP yield under W2 and W1, indicating moderate water stress can sustain yields. These findings highlight the importance of strategic water management for food and fodder security, while meeting nutritional needs in water-scarce regions.
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Superfoods, defined as foods of high nutritional and biological value with adequate bioavailability and bioactivity within the body due to extraordinary concentrations of nutrients and bioactive ingredients, can play an important role in a global arena where the identification of healthier and cleaner nutrient sources is practically mandatory. Superfoods are particular kinds of foods capable of demonstrating different positive benefits involving the avoidance of different ailments, providing impetus to the immune system, and important macro- and micro-nutrients in adequate quantities. These are currently garnering a lot of attention as customers become more health concerned. In contrast to their great health or even therapeutic benefits, which stem from their lengthy history of use, the concept of superfoods remains poorly understood. Superfoods, or more specifically superfruits, are often composed of exotic fruits that are not well known around the world. Many superfoods claim a wide range of different health benefits, including the effective activity of anti-oxidants; the presence of an extraordinary amount of bioactive components such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenolics, etc.; and/or potential impact on disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc., typically by effecting specific markers such as blood pressure, body mass index, or waist circumference, and fasting. This review offers light on the nutritional composition of some important superfoods, as well as their potential role in the prevention of many chronic diseases. This manuscript could help consumers incorporate superfoods into their diets more frequently and successfully.
Amiodarone (AMD) is an effective antiarrhythmic drug, but its long‐term usage strongly forms liver toxicity due to its accumulation tendency. The chard is a unique plant which has a blood sugar‐lowering effect and powerful antioxidant activity. The aim of the current study was to investigate the possible protective effects of chard on AMD‐induced liver injury. Male Sprague‐Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Control group, aqueous chard extract given group (500 mg/kg) day for one week, AMD given group (100 mg/kg) /day for one week, AMD+Chard given group (at the same doses and times). They were sacrificed on the 8th day. The blood and liver samples were taken. The serum and liver biochemical parameters were found to be changed in AMD treated group. Chard administration reversed these parameters in serum and liver. In histological experiments, necrotic areas, mononuclear cell infiltration, the endothelial rupture in central vein, sinusoidal dilatation, hyperemia, dark eosinophilic cells and picnotic nucleus were observed in liver tissues of AMD treated group. Chard treatment reduced liver tissue damage. Considering results, we can suggest that chard prevented AMD induced liver injury biochemically and histologically.
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To inform evidence-based practice in health care, guidelines and policies require accurate identification, collation, and integration of all available evidence in a comprehensive, meaningful, and time-efficient manner. Approaches to evidence synthesis such as carefully conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential tools to summarize specific topics. Unfortunately, not all systematic reviews are truly systematic, and their quality can vary substantially. Since well-conducted evidence synthesis typically involves a complex set of steps, we believe formulating a cohesive, step-by-step guide on how to conduct a systemic review and meta-analysis is essential. While most of the guidelines on systematic reviews focus on how to report or appraise systematic reviews, they lack guidance on how to synthesize evidence efficiently. To facilitate the design and development of evidence syntheses, we provide a clear and concise, 24-step guide on how to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and clinical trials. We describe each step, illustrate it with concrete examples, and provide relevant references for further guidance. The 24-step guide (1) simplifies the methodology of conducting a systematic review, (2) provides healthcare professionals and researchers with methodologically sound tools for conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and (3) it can enhance the quality of existing evidence synthesis efforts. This guide will help its readers to better understand the complexity of the process, appraise the quality of published systematic reviews, and better comprehend (and use) evidence from medical literature.
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Use of hydroponics is increasing because of its ability to be used for year round vegetable production using an environmentally sustainable system. Management of solution pH is an important challenge in hydroponics systems. Our objective was to quantify the effects of various pH modifiers on growth and nutrient uptake of leafy greens and stability of nutrient solution’s pH. Lettuce, basil, and Swiss chard were transplanted into an Ebb and flow system, and nutrient solution pH was maintained using three different pH modifiers (pH Down, lime juice, or vinegar). The nutrient solution’s pH was maintained between 5.5 and 6.5. pH Down resulted in the most stable solution pH and required the least amount of product used when compared to lime juice and vinegar. The cost of using phosphoric acid or lime juice was greater than that of using vinegar. Vinegar reduced the yield of all crops in comparison to pH Down. When compared to pH Down, lime juice reduced the yield of basil and Swiss chard but not that of lettuce. Therefore, growers can use lime juice as an alternative to pH Down in lettuce production but not for basil and Swiss chard, while vinegar would not be recommended for any of the crops studied.
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Apigenin is a flavonoid of low toxicity and multiple beneficial bioactivities. Published reviews all focused on the findings using eukaryotic cells, animal models, or epidemiological studies covering the pharmacokinetics, cancer chemoprevention, and drug interactions of apigenin; however, no review is available on the antimicrobial effects of apigenin. Research proves that dietary apigenin passes through the upper gastrointestinal tract and reaches the colon after consumption. For that reason, it is worthwhile to study the potential interactions between apigenin and human gut microbiota. This review summarizes studies on antimicrobial effects of apigenin as well as what has been reported on apigenin and human gut microbiota. Various levels of effectiveness have been reported on apigenin’s antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic capability. It has been shown that apigenin or its glycosides are degraded into smaller metabolites by certain gut bacteria which can regulate the human body after absorption. How apigenin contributes to the structural and functional changes in human gut microbiota as well as the bioactivities of apigenin bacterial metabolites are worth further investigation.
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Several plant bioactive compounds have exhibited functional activities that suggest they could play a remarkable role in preventing a wide range of chronic diseases. The largest group of naturally-occurring polyphenols are the flavonoids, including apigenin. The present work is an updated overview of apigenin, focusing on its health-promoting effects/therapeutic functions and, in particular, results of in vivo research. In addition to an introduction to its chemistry, nutraceutical features have also been described. The main key findings from in vivo research, including animal models and human studies, are summarized. The beneficial indications are reported and discussed in detail, including effects in diabetes, amnesia and Alzheimer's disease, depression and insomnia, cancer, etc. Finally, data on flavonoids from the main public databases are gathered to highlight the apigenin's key role in dietary assessment and in the evaluation of a formulated diet, to determine exposure and to investigate its health effects in vivo.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate both nutrient and phytochemical content of Swiss chard grown under different fertilization and irrigation treatments and the effect of these treatments on the tested parameters. Design/methodology/approach Samples of fresh Swiss chard were collected from the experimental field of Ljeskopolje, Montenegro, where chard was grown under different fertilization and irrigation treatments. Swiss chard samples were analyzed for nutritional and antioxidant parameters. Findings In this study, the authors found that 100 g of Swiss chard is a good source of total chlorophyll (47.13 mg), carotenoids (9.85 mg), minerals as well as vitamin C (26.88 mg) expressed as mean values. Total phenol and flavonoid compounds content were (138.59 µ g gallic acid equivalent (GAE) and 11.91 µ g catechin equivalent (CAE) per mg of water extract, respectively), also expressed as mean values. The total antioxidant capacity (IC50 values) determined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay ranged from 2.93 to 4.44 mg/mL of aquatic water extract. Different fertilization regimes affected the following parameters: phosphorous, protein content, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and vitamin C ( p <0.05), while different irrigation regimes did not have any effect on the tested parameters ( p >0.05), while interaction effect between fertilization and irrigation was found only for sodium and copper ( p <0.05). Originality/value Swiss chard produced in Montenegro on a sandy clay loam soil with acid reaction contains appreciable amount of minerals, crude fibers, vitamin C, chlorophylls, carotenoids and polyphenols. The nutrient and phytochemical content of chard is equal or superior to other green leafy vegetables which are considered as functional food. It was identified as a potentially rich source of essential nutrients and phytochemical compounds. The promotion of higher consumption and production of Swiss chard may represent a natural and sustainable alternative for improving human health.