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Celastrus paniculatus is commonly known as “Malkangani”, widely distributed in the Maldives, Australia, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Nepal, Thailand as well as in the Pacific Islands and all over India mainly Maharashtra, Orissa and Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands on an altitude of 1800m. It climbs up to over 10m. The leaves are ovate or elliptic in shape with dentate margin. Seeds are ellipsoid or ovoid, yellowish-brown in color and grow inside the capsules. Celastrus paniculatus (Malkangni) is used in Ayurveda as a nervine tonic, tranquilizer and diuretic and in rheumatism, gout, leprosy and asthma. Different Parts of Celastrus paniculatus after extraction and fractionation give different active constituents such as sesquiterpene esters-malkanguinol, malkangunin, sesquiterpene alkaloids-celapanin, celapanigin, alkaloids-celastrine, paniculatine, fatty acids-oleic acid, palmittic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid, crystalline substance tetracasanol and sterol. Different pharmacological activities are anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, nootropic activity, antimalarial activity, anti spermatogenic effect, anti-anxiety and anti-atherosclerotic effect. In the present review, our target is to search, bring together and compile the data of Celastrus paniculatus, which have less side effects and very valuable for the treatment of rheumatism. Related information is procured from various scientific publications using online, seek out engines such as Google scholar, Pubmed and Science Direct. A total of 200 articles was reviewed out of which 55 articles are selected to review for the description of the plant, parts used, chemical constituents, traditional uses and for reported activities.
Kaur et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 8, 15-20
Review Article
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur,
RKSD College of Pharmacy, Kaithal
Received: 27 May 2020, Revised and Accepted: 30 Jun 2020
Celastrus paniculatus is commonly known as “Malkangani”, widely distributed in the Maldives, Australia, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Nepal,
Thailand as well as in the Pacific Islands and all over India mainly Maharashtra, Orissa and Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands on an altitude of
1800m. It climbs up to over 10m. The leaves are ovate or elliptic in shape with dentate margin. Seeds are ellipsoid or ovoid, yellowish-brown in
color and grow inside the capsules. Celastrus paniculatus (Malkangni) is used in Ayurveda as a nervine tonic, tranquilizer and diuretic and in
rheumatism, gout, leprosy and asthma. Different Parts of Celastrus paniculatus after extraction and fractionation give different active constituents
such as sesquiterpene esters-malkanguinol, malkangunin, sesquiterpene alkaloids-celapanin, celapanigin, alkaloids-celastrine, paniculatine, fatty
acids-oleic acid, palmittic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid, crystalline substance tetracasanol and sterol. Different pharmacological activities are
anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, nootropic activity, antimalarial activity, anti spermatogenic effect, anti-anxiety and anti-atherosclerotic effect. In the
present review, our target is to search, bring together and compile the data of Celastrus paniculatus, which have less side effects and very valuable
for the treatment of rheumatism. Related information is procured from various scientific publications using online, seek out engines such as Google
scholar, Pubmed and Science Direct. A total of 200 articles was reviewed out of which 55 articles are selected to review for the description of the
plant, parts used, chemical constituents, traditional uses and for reported activities.
Keywords: Celastrus, Rheumatism, Celapanin, Leaves, Malkangunin
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
DOI: Journal homepage: index.php/ijpps.
Herbal medicinal plants are used for the treatment of various
diseases and it will not be an overstatement that use of these
medicinal plants is as old as the mankind [1]. In USA, Australia and
Canada, Market of herbal medicine has a turnover of about US$ 30
billion in 2000 which was increased up to 5-15% by the turn of the
century [2]. Worldwide annual market of herbal medicine has
reached to $60 billion. The industrialized societies have been
discovered to the extraction of active constituents and the
development of several drugs and chemotherapeutic from these
plants as well as from traditionally used rural herbal remedies.
Celastrus paniculatus is one of the plants which has a rich source of
therapeutically and medicinally potential active constituents.
Search strategy used
The review of literature related to the present study was done in
the period from March 2018 to till date. The search terms used
were ‘Celastrus paniculatus’, ‘Malkangani’, ‘Biological activities of
Celastrus paniculatus’, ‘Traditional uses of malkangni’, ‘Descr iption
of jyotishmati’. The present search and study were done by
referring various textbooks, journals containing peer review and
research papers. The electronic databases used were Science
Direct, PubMed, which provides free access to Medline, Google.
Only published articles with different languages from 1970 to till
date were used for the more elaborated study to make the latest
review article on Celastrus paniculatus. Reference lists of articles
were also cross-checked.
Description of Celastrus paniculatus
Binomial name
Celastrus paniculatus Wild.
Celastrus dependens Wall.
Common Indian Name
Malkagni, Malkakni
Black-oil tree, Climbing staff tree
Malkangani, Velo
Jyotishmati, Svarnalota
Jyotishmati, Svarnalota
Scientific Classification
Sub kingdom
Division Tracheophytes
Genus Celastrus
C. paniculatus
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Print ISSN: 2656-0097 | Online ISSN: 0975-1491 Vol 12, Issue 8, 2020
Kaur et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 8, 15-20
Seeds of Celastrus paniculatus (Source-Wikepedia and India mart)
Parts used
Seeds, leaves, root and stem
Genus Celastrus
Celastrus is a genus of woody, climbing shrub distributed over
China, Japan, Australia, Tropical North America and Pacific Islands.
There are seven species of Celastrus in India one of which is
Celastrus serratus Hoechst present in Indian Botanical Garden
Howrah. It is commonly known as Bittersweet or Staff tree. It is
grown on almost each type of soil and situation [3].
Celastraceae family is found in tropical and subtropical regions of the
world, including North Africa, South America and many parts of East
Asia, mainly in China [4, 5]. Celastraceae is a family having 96 genera
and 1350 species of herbs, wine and small tree. Celastraceae has five
subfamilies Celastroideae, Hippocrateoideae, Parnassioideae,
Salacioideae and Stackhousioideae. Some of the genera of Celastraceae
are Celastrus, Kokoona, Salacia, Gymnosporia and Euonymus. Leaves
are simple with an alternate pattern. Flowers are hermaphrodite and
cymene. Seeds have fleshy endosperm with large embryo and
dicotyledon. In the last thirty years, a number of secondary
metabolites are isolated from Celastraceae, of which main constituents
are sesquiterpenoids, phenyl alkyl amine and flavonoids [6].
Geographical distribution
Celastrus paniculatus grow in different variety of climates and
environments. It is mainly found in India, especially in Punjab,
Kashmir and hilly area at an altitude of 3000m and abundantly
found in Simlipal Biosphere Reserve Forest, Karlapat Sanctuary and
Niyamgiri hills [7]. It is also widely distributed in Sri Lanka,
Maldives, Philippines, Australia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia,
Taiwan, Nepal, Thailand as well as in the Pacific Islands.
Organoleptic evaluation
Color: Green
Shape: Oval or elliptic
Texture: Leathery and smooth
Arrangement: Alternate
Margin: Toothed
Apex: Acute, acuminate
Base: Obtuse or rounded
Color: Outer bark is pale or reddish-brown while the inner bark is
light yellow in color
Surface: Rough and cracked
Color: Greenish White or yellowish-green, hermaphrodite, pubescent
Fruits are globose, yellow in color with three to six seeds
Color: Reddish brown
Shape: Ellipsoid in shape enclosed in orange, red fleshy aril and
grows inside the fruits
Odor: Unpleasant
Taste: Bitter
Chemical constituents
Sesquiterpene alkaloids
Celapanin, Celapagine, Celapanigine
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
Sesquiterpene ester
1α, 6β, 8β-triacetoxy-9β-benzoyloxydihydro beta-agarofuran along
with the some known compounds which are 1α, 6β, 8α-triacetoxy-
9α-benzoyloxydihydro-beta agarofuran angulatueoid C, and 1α, 6β,
8β, 14-tetra acetoxy-9α-benzoyloxy dihydro beta-agarofuran from
the carbon tetrachloride-soluble fraction of Celastrus paniculatus
methanolic seed extract [8].
Pristimerin [9]
Fatty acids
Palmittic, Oleic, Linoleic and Linolenic acid.
80% of the methanolic extract of seed oil contain Malkanguinol,
Malkangunin, Paniculatadiol.
Polyalcohol esters
Malkagunuin, Polyalcohol A, B, C and D [10, 11]
Vitamin C, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins are also found in
the seeds [12, 13].
Kaur et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 8, 15-20
Alkaloid such as Wifornine F, Paniculatine A and B are isolated from
the stem [14].
Root bark
Petroleum ether extract of the root bark of Celastrus paniculatus
shows alkaloids such as n-triacontanol and pristimerin, benzoic acid,
uncharacterized quinine and golden-yellow oil. Zeylaseral,
zeylasterone, celastrol found as qunione, methide and phenolic
triterpenoids in outer root bark [15].
Ethanolic extract of Celastrus paniculatus shows the presence of
Leaves contain an alkaloid, a glycoside and a coloring matter. It
contains dulcitol.
Traditional uses
Plants are used in the treatment of various ailments from the
prehistoric times. Ayurveda is the ancient traditional system of
medicine, which includes a large number of medicinal plants for the
treatment of diseases. Celastrus paniculatus is one of the plants
which are used in Ayurveda as a nervine tonic, tranquilizer and a
diuretic, in treatment of rheumatism, gout, leprosy and asthma [16,
17]. Charka Samitha and Sushruta Samitha describe its roots uses in
headache, depression, as laxative, purgative and in urinary
disorders, skin problems and in neurologic disorders [18]. In Unani
and Siddha medicines, it is used for gout, lumbago and to relieve
fatigue [19]. It is used in Chinese medicine to treat fever, joint pain,
edema and rheumatoid arthritis [20, 21]. Powdered root bark is
used in the treatment of malaria [22]. In an Indian traditional system
of medicine Celastrus paniculatus is used as emetic, aphrodisiac, in
treatment of anorexia, constipation, cough and skin infections [23].
Ethnobotanical study
In traditional Himalayan medicines Celastrus paniculatus is used to
reduce the swelling of the veins of the anus and rectum, which causes
discomfort and bleeding, in treatment of rheumatism, diarrhea and
leprosy [24]. Crushed roots are used for pneumonia in folk medicines
[25]. A Gond tribe of Uttar Pradesh uses the powdered root in the
treatment of cancer [26]. In the Chendwara and Betul district of
Madhya Pradesh powder of the root and decoction of seeds of
Celastrus paniculatus used to treat rheumatism [27, 28]. The oil of
seeds of Celastrus paniculatus is used by herbal therapist for hair
growth and to make the hair silky [29]. Tribes of Purandhar [30] and
tribes of Jalgaon and Nandurbar districts of Maharashtra [31, 32] use
the seed oil on joints for the treatment of rheumatic pain. They also
use the oil orally and topically for the treatment of paralysis in the
morning and evening [33]. In the Mayurbhanj district of Odisha it is
used for joint diseases, gout and rheumatism. Codified literature of
Himachal Pradesh shows its uses as cardiotonic, carminative,
anthelmintic and in the treatment of skin infections.
Reported activities of Celastrus paniculatus
Tranquilizing effect
Karanth et al., 1980 evaluated seed oil of Celastrus paniculatus at the
dose of 200 mg/kg for its tranquilizing effect on mice [34]. The study
revealed that it decreased the spontaneous motor activity,
amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and consumption of oxygen in
mice. It increased the effect of hexobarbitone and produce
hypothermia in mice.
Antimalarial activity
Celastrus paniculatus extract from the root bark and stem was
evaluated by Pavanand et al., 1989 for antimalarial activity against
Plasmodium falciparum by in vitro method. In comparison to stem,
root bark showed better antimalarial activity [9]. Further a
quinonoid triterpene was isolated from a chloroform extract for in
vitro antimalarial activity, but this was less active than conventional
antimalarial drug tested.
Antifertility activity
Antifertility effect was studied on the liver and testis of rats by using
the oily extract of seeds of Celastrus paniculatus by Bidwai et al.,
1990. Intraperitoneal treatment of 0.2 ml of Celastrus paniculatus oil
for 30 d showed vacuolization, cell depletion and arrest of
spermatogenesis [35].
Singh and co-workers, 2018 reported antifertility efficacy of
ethanol extract of Celastrus paniculatus seed in male rats [36]. When
a dose of 250 mg/kg was given orally to the rats for 45 d, the
reproductive organ weight, sperm count and motility were
decreased. Biochemical estimation showed that testicular enzymes
lactate dehydrogenase and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase activity
was increased while sorbitol dehyrogenase activity was decreased.
Anti-inflammatory activity
Inflammation is a defense mechanism of a tissue reaction to
infection, injury or a foreign substance. Ahmad and his colleagues,
1994 used the methanolic extract of the flowers of Celastrus
paniculatus for anti-inflammatory activity by using hot water tail
immersion test in mice and carrageenan-induced edema in rats [37].
Results revealed that flowers have both analgesic and anti-
inflammatory activity.
Alcoholic and methanolic extracts of Celastrus paniculatus seeds
were used by Parimala et al., 2009 for evaluating their anti-
inflammatory activity [38]. Screening was done on rats of 150-250
gm by a carrageenan paw edema method using plethysmograph. The
standard drug used was diclofenac sodium. Mean increase in the
paw volume and percentage inhibition of inflammation revealed that
Celastrus paniculatus seeds possess good anti-inflammatory activity.
Kulkarni and his coworkers, 2015 prepared the absolute alcoholic
extract of seeds of Celastrus paniculatus and gave it to 120-150g
male Wistar rats [39]. Experimental evaluation showed a significant
anti-inflammatory effect of the alcoholic extract of Celastrus
paniculatus seeds which may be related to inhibition of
prostaglandin synthesis and IL-1β.
Cognitive enhancement activity
Gattu et al., 1997 studied that chronic administration of Celastrus
paniculatus seed oil when given orally reversed the declension of
spatial memory produced by a central musurinic receptor blockade
in rats [40]. While the acute administration did not significantly
reverse this effect.
The same effects were evaluated by Bhagya et al., 2016 using Celastrus
paniculatus oil in Wistar rats [41]. They recorded the behavior of rats
in the open field and then behavioral test was conducted in dimmed
room, after that anxiety test was studied in elevated plus maze,
partially baited radial arm maze and t-maze rewarded alteration task
methods. Observations made by them showed that chronic dose of
Celastrus paniculatus seeds oil exhibit neuroprotective effects on
chronic stress induced cognitive impairment.
Nootropic activity
Gupta and Kumar, 2002 investigated aqueous, methanolic,
chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of Celastrus paniculatus
seeds at the dose of 200 mg/kg for nootropic effect in male Wistar
rats by using a shuttle box, step through, step down and elevated
plus maze paradigms [42]. After experimentation, it was observed
that only aqueous extract improved the memory of rats.
Celastrus paniculatus is also reported as a nootropic drug by
Bhanumathi and coworker, 2010. Methods used for nootropic activity
were elevated plus maze and passive avoidance test [43]. In elevated
plus maze method, they gave the aqueous extract of seed of Celastrus
paniculatus by using doses of 350 and 1050 mg/kg and in passive
avoidance test they gave the doses of 500 and 1500 mg/kg for the
mice. The standard drug used was piracetam with a dose of 100
mg/kg and sodium nitrite was used to induce amnesia. Results
obtained showed that the Celastrus paniculatus seed extract
enhance the memory power by inhibiting acetyl cholinesterase
enzyme, and thereby increase the acetylcholine level in the brain.
Kaur et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 8, 15-20
Raut and Colleagues, 2015 evaluated the same activity using
Celastrus paniculatus seed oil and an equal amount of ghee at a dose
of 200 mg/kg/day orally in mice [44]. Evaluation demonstrated that
Celastrus paniculatus oil with ghee has a potential drug in the
treatment of dementia.
Similar activity was evaluated by Jakka, 2016 by using whole plant of
methanolic extract of Celastrus paniculatus using elevated plus,
morris water maze on scopolamine and aluminum-induced amnesia
and estimation of acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity [45]. After
experimentation Jakka observed that Celastrus paniculatus extract
significantly improved learning and memory power of rats as
transfer latency in elevated plus maze and escape latency in the
morris water maze model showed a declined. Further acetyl
cholinesterase enzyme concentration in the brain was decreased
and % of inhibition of acetylcholine activity in rat brain increased
which shows the nootropic effect of Celastrus paniculatus.
Antioxidant activity
Gupta and Kumar, 2002 evaluated cognitive property of the seeds of
Celastrus paniculatus in rats by using petroleum ether, chloroform,
methanol and aqueous extracts and founded that only the aqueous
extract show improvement in learning and memory power. As we
know that memory loss is associated with oxidative stress they
further tested the aqueous extract for antioxidant activity by using
doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg, out of that only 200 and 300 mg
doses lead to a significant decrease in malanodialdehyde and the
increase in glutathione and catalase level in the brain. Thus gave
confirmation of memory-enhancing and antioxidant effect.
Alama and Haque, 2011 studied the antioxidant activity of seeds of
Celastrus paniculatus by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free
radical scavenging method [46]. They done the extraction of seed
with methanol and further fractioned it with water, chloroform and
ethanol. The evaluation showed that ethanolic fraction shows
highest activity in DPPH free radical scavenging activity and also
inhibit activity of authentic proxy nitrite and total reactive oxygen
species. The chloroform extract showed a moderate and aqueous
extract had no activity in DPPH method.
In vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Celastrus
paniculatus leaves was evaluated by Sharma and Shrivastava, 2013
by reducing power assay. In this method, there was an increase in
absorbance of the reaction mixture, which may be due to the active
constituents present in the Celastrus paniculatus leaves extract and
total phenolic content present was 125.6 mg/gm equivalent to gallic
acid in 1 mg/ml of the extract [47].
Celastrus paniculatus fruit seed oil showed good antioxidant activity
when performed by the DPPH method by Ramadan, 2019.
Antibacterial activity
Harish et al., 2007 reported that ethanolic extract higher than 100μg
and the isolated, purified constituent celapanin higher than 50μg per
100μl of Celastrus paniculatus leaves exhibited a better zone of
inhibition when screened by agar well diffusion method against
Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive bacteria). Against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia (gram-negative
bacteria) ethanolic extract and celapanin showed reasonable activity
compared to the standard drug Ciprofloxacin (50μg/100μl). The
dissimilarity in the activity may be due to differences in the cell wall
because in gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall is a single layer while
in gram-negative bacteria, it is multi-layered [48].
Hypolipidemic effect
Hypolipidemic effect of Celastrus paniculatus seeds was evaluated by
Patil and coworkers, 2010 by extracting seeds with methanol and
then testing the dose of 65 mg/kg in experimentally induced hyper
cholesterolemia rats orally. Results showed that Celastrus
paniculatus decreased the total plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) level comparable to standard hypo
cholestrolemic drug and induced hyper cholestrolemic rats. There
was an increase in High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level,
lipoprotein lipase activity and less deposit of cholesterol in aorta of
rats that were fed with seed extract.
Antifungal activity
Singh et al., 2010 investigated the antifungal activity of methanolic
extract of roots and aerial parts of three plants, namely Acorus
calamus, Tinospora cordifolia and Celastrus paniculatus against
Curvularia lunata, Fusarium, Bipaloris and Helminthosporium species
[49]. They used the doses of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and
5000μg/ml. The result showed that Celastrus paniculatus at the dose
of 5000μg/ml had better activity against Celastrus lunate and
Antifungal potential of Celastrus paniculatus mother plant leaves and
in vitro raised clones was also investigated by using chloroform and
methanolic extracts against Phytophthora capsici and Rhizoctonia
solani by Sasidharan and Elyas, 2019 [50]. Growth of fungi and its
percentage was checked on the dextrose agar medium. The brine
shrimp lethality assay was done to check the cytotoxicity of extracts
of Celastrus paniculatus leaves. After experimentation, it was clear
that the methanolic extract of both mother plant and in vitro raised
clones showed 100 percent of inhibition of Phytophthora capsici
while chloroform extract of mother plant had very less activity and
in vitro propagated plants showed 40 percent of inhibition and
against solani, the methanolic extract showed maximum activity and
chloroform extract showed 77.77% and 86.66% respectively.
Neuromodulating effects
Sumathi et al., 2013 investigated the alcoholic seed extract of Celastrus
paniculatus (ASECP) to prevent aluminium induced neurotoxicity in the
cerebral cortex and the cerebellum of the rat brain. They gave the
aluminium chloride
at a dose of 4.2 mg/kg/day i. p. for 4 w to male albino
rat. Experimental rats were given two different doses of 200 and 400
mg/kg/day orally of Celastrus paniculatus seed extract 1hr prior to the
aluminium chloride
administration for 4 w. At the end, results showed
that aluminium administration significantly decreased the level of
glutathione and the activities of superoxide dismustase, glutathione
peroxidase, Na
ATPase, Ca
ATPase and Mg
ATPase and increased
the activities of alkaline phosphatase, acid phophatase, alanine
transaminase and aspartate aminotransferase in all the brain regions
when compared with control rats. Aluminium induction also caused
histopathological changes in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of rat
brain, which was reverted by pretreatment with ASECP. The result
clearly indicates the potential of the seed extract of Celastrus
paniculatus prevents the damage inflicted by aluminum on rat brain
regions [51].
Iron chelating activity
Nakhva and colleagues, 2015 evaluated that the methanolic extract of
seeds of Celastrus paniculatus for in vitro iron-chelating activity by
using various reagents like ferrous sulphate, potassium thiocynate
and desferrioxamine [52]. Further, in vivo activity was also done that
decreased the serum iron level in the test group as compared to the
disease treated control group. SGPT, SGOT and Creatinine levels
were reduced as compared to iron overloaded rats. So the
methanolic seed extract can be used to treat thalassemia and
Anti-arthritic activity
Kothavade et al., 2015 used the petroleum ether extract of Celastrus
paniculatus seeds to study the anti-arthritic effect in adjuvant-
induced arthritis in rats [53]. After evaluation of arthritis score, paw
volume, body weight, climbing ability and thymus and spleen index,
it was clear that Celastrus paniculatus seed extract alleviated all
these parameters that were due to suppression of overproduction of
inflammatory cytokines, cellular enzymes. It also restored the
decreased level of superoxide dismustase, catalase and glutathione.
The results suggested that the anti-arthritic effect may be due to
cytokine regulation, immune-suppressive effects, and bone
protective activities. In vitro anti-arthritic activity of Celastrus
paniculatus was also studied by Thangaraj, 2016 [54].
Antidepressant-like activity
Behavioral and biochemical evidences for antidepressant-like
activity was evaluated by Valecha and Dhingra, 2016 by using the
Kaur et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 8, 15-20
seed oil of Celastrus paniculatus [55]. Seed oil at the dose of 50, 100
and 200 mg/kg and the drug fluoxetine were given to mice for
fourteen days. On the fourteen days after the drug administration
tail suspension test and force swim test were performed that
showed decrease in an immobility period of mice and plasma
corticosterone level and inhibition of monoamine oxidase-A activity,
thus responsible for the antidepressant-like activity.
Celastrus paniculatus is a well-known plant in Indian traditional
medicine with different medicinal uses and negligible side effects. In
this review, we concluded traditional uses, ethnobotanical study,
organoleptic characters, chemical constituents and pharmacological
uses in a descriptive manner. Best use of seeds of drugs with
memory-enhancing activity or as nervine tonic. Other traditional
uses are as sedative, tranquilizer, in paralysis, rheumatism, leprosy,
bacterial infection and as wound healing agents. Literature review
showed that most of the reported activities like anti-arthritic,
antioxidant, hypo lipidemic, iron chelating, nootropic and cognitive
enhancement activity are by different extracts of Celastrus
paniculatus seeds which may be due to celapanin, celapagine,
celapanigine, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, stigmaserol, malkanguinol,
malkangunin and paniculatadiol. Only a few activities are reported
with the use of leaves, roots and flower extract. So there is a need to
explore the other parts of Celastrus paniculatus also for the
beneficial effects as they also contain active constituents like n-
triacontanol, pristimerin, benzoic acid, quinine and golden yellow
oil, zeylasterol, zeylasterone, celastrol, phenolic triterpenoids and
tannins. This review will be useful as the scientific story of Celastrus
All the authors have contributed equally.
Declared none
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... Traditional functional feature: Celastrus paniculatus, often known as Malkangani or Jyotishmati, belongs to the Celastraceae family. Celastrus paniculatus is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a nervine tonic, tranquilizer, and diuretic, as well as to treat rheumatism, gout, leprosy, and asthma [64] . It is an Indian medicinal plant that plays an important role in the Ayurvedic medical system. ...
... Pristemerin [64,65,66,67] ...
... Free radicals, which are responsible for the formation of oxidative stress, are the key contenders for causing the neural alterations driving these behavioral abnormalities (28,29). In order to avoid oxidative damage and enhance memory, there is growing interest in the biochemical activity of natural antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants (30). ...
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Background: Stress most certainly plays a significant role in everyday life. The natural biological balance is disrupted by stressful events, which has a negative impact on normal physiological and psychological function. In the last 20 years, there hasn't been much advancement in the creation of medications, efficient drug delivery systems, or treatments for Central Nervous System (CNS)-related issues. The ancient Ayurvedic herb Celastrus paniculatus (CP) has been used for millennia as a memory booster, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, and antiepileptic drug. The neuropharmacological effects of the seed extract have been thoroughly studied in a variety of laboratories, and there are numerous findings that support their nootropic function. Aim: To investigate the effects of Celastrus paniculatus against restraint stress, induced behavioral and biochemical changes in male Wistar albino rats. Methods: The animals were divided into five groups. Each group includes six animals. Group I: Control, Group II: Restraint stress (6hrs for 21 days), Group III: Celastrus paniculatus (400mg/kg, orally) and restraint Stress, Group IV: Celastrus paniculatus alone, Group V: Vehicle. The behavioral changes are assessed by Place Preference test, Elevated plus Maze. Animals were euthanized and the discrete regions of the brain were homogenized for biochemical estimation, such as Catalase, SOD, LPO, GPX, GSH, Vitamin C. Animal’s cognitive and anxiety-related behavior and antioxidants were examined the following day after the stress procedure and treatment. Results: Following a period of 21 days of being subjected to restraint stress, the behavioral changes were reduced in stress group when compared to control group, and also the levels of Lipid peroxidase significant (P<0.05) increased in the restraint stress group as compared to the control group. Enzymatic antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), Vitamin C, Glutathione experienced a significant (P<0.05) reduction in the restraint stress group as opposed to the control group. Conclusion: Chronic restraint stress has adverse effects on the animal’s cognition, memory, and learning abilities as well as anxiety-related behavior. However, Celastrus paniculatus treatment shows enhanced performance in anxiety-related Behavior and antioxidant properties.
In summary, neurodegenerative diseases are multifactorial disorders marked by the degeneration and eventual death of nerve cells, leading to structural and functional deterioration. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and Multiple Sclerosis are notable examples of such diseases, impacting quality of life and often progressing rapidly. While there is currently no definitive cure for these conditions, treatment strategies focus on enhancing quality of life by slowing disease progression. However, chronic use of existing therapeutic interventions and medications can cause serious side effects. This situation has led patients to turn to alternative medicine practices.A prominent approach among complementary medicine practices is the use of medicinal plants with neuroprotective properties. These plants can aid in brain injury recovery and enhance learning and memory functions through the stimulation of new synapse formation. These plants containing phytochemicals may be effective in the developmental mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and may favourably affect the prognosis of the disease. Therefore, phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical research on medicinal plants may make promising contributions to the development of naturally derived drugs for neurodegenerative diseases.
Several rural Moroccan people depend on natural remedies such as Smen (ghee) before visiting a health center due to their low cost and accessibility. However, knowledge of Smen traditional medicine is not documented but rather transferred orally from generation to generation. This is the first qualitative ethnomedicinal study that provides and documents information about the medicinal use of Smen in Northern Morocco. The present study aimed to investigate and gather information on the traditional medicinal practices of using Smen among rural people in Northern Morocco for a document and suggest the exploration of this product and its bioactive compounds in medical applications. The investigation was carried out by conducting individual semistructured interviews with 630 elderly people from March to April 2022. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and expressed as a percentage of responses to each question in the survey. The study revealed that 66.5% of the people surveyed were aware of the medical benefits of Smen, which had been passed down from their ancestors. It has been used to treat hemorrhoids, common colds, detoxification, rheumatism, and wound/burn injuries. This study showed that Moroccan's ethnomedicinal knowledge is closely related to Ayurveda, ancient Indian traditional medicine. For centuries, Smen has been used traditionally for medical purposes, just as it has been used in cooking. The diversity of ghee medicinal use in Northern Morocco could contribute to the discovery and development of ghee-based drugs, which have fewer side effects.
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Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani are well-known traditional Indian medicinal systems. Ayurvedic medicine/Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic therapeutic systems. Between 250 and 500 bce, almost 3000 years ago, this form of thinking initially evolved in India. It includes tens of thousands of treatment ideas and concepts. Ayurveda means “science of living” and provides a comprehensive approach to living a long and healthy life. Plants have long been used as a source of medicine in India's healthcare system. Approximately 90% of Ayurvedic medications are made from plants. Single herbs have been demonstrated to be less effective over time than polyherbal mixes. It is past time to explore the ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicinal system, which recommends a range of herbs for a variety of mental illnesses such as migraines, epilepsy, convulsions, paralysis, memory loss, depression, and so on. More than 60 million Indians suffer from mental disorders, and the country lags far behind the rest of the world in terms of treatment and hospital spending for mental health. Nearly 1–2% of Indians suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar diseases, whereas 5% have common mental disorders like depression, anxiety, convulsions, and so on. For mental disorders, a range of herbs and perennial trees with a variety of plant roots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are administered. This chapter aims to examine the impact of Ayurvedic medicine on schizophrenia treatments. Chemical structures of major compounds found in these plants range from straight-chain fatty acids to terpenoids, steroids, and flavonoids, among others. The biochemical characteristics of several therapeutic plants are discussed.
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. (Celastraceae) commonly known as Jyothishmati, bittersweet is a rare, endangered woody medicinal climber believed to sharpen the memory and used to cure number of diseases. The overexploitation from natural resources, low seed viability, lack of vegetative propagation methods, and insufficient attempts for replenishment of wild stock have contributed to its threatened status. Cryopreservation has proved to be the most efficient and cost-effective strategy for conserving rare and endangered medicinal plants. Pollen conservation can be adopted as a strategy to conserve and utilize the genetic diversity of this species. Pollen cryopreservation of C. paniculatus involves pollen collection, extraction followed by viability assessment, cryopreservation of viable pollen in liquid nitrogen, subsequent post storage viability assessment and field pollination. This chapter describes a detailed protocol for the successful pollen cryopreservation in C. paniculatus.Key words Celastrus paniculatus CryopreservationPollenViability assessmentLiquid nitrogen
The Celastrus paniculatus wild belongs to family Celastraceae. In Ayurveda is known as ‘Tree of life’ and ‘Elixir of life’. It is commonly known as Malkangani and Jyothishmati in Hindi and Sanskrit respectively. The plant contains bioactive compound such as Alkaloids, Tannins, Flavonoids, Saponins, Steroids, Terpenoids, Phlobatannins, Cardiac Glycosides and Phenolic Compound. seed oil are the most used parts of this deciduous plant and oral and intranasal routes are most preferred for delivering this drug in Ayurveda. Different studies have show that it has various pharmacological activities which involve neuroprotective activity, rejuvenative activity, cardiovascular activity, analgesic activity, anti-inflammatory activity, anti-infertility activity, antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging activity anti-arthritic activity etc. Mainly oil from seeds is used for stimulating intellect, sharpening memory and in the treatment of brain related disorder of all the age category. It also reported as a potential nervine tonic, rejuvenator and an anti-depressant. Celastrus paniculatus Willd is one of the medicinal plant having its importance in health care system as a indegenous medicinal plant also. The seed involve steroid alkaloids and bright natural coloring matter, celapanine, celapanigine, celapagine, celastrine, and paniculatine are the important alkaloids.
Celastrus paniculatus is a traditional herb belonging to the family Celastraceae and is widely used for a number of medicinal activities in the Indian Unani and Ayurvedic systems. In this study, the extensive literature search was carried out on phytochemistry, ethnobotanical uses and pharmacological activities of C. paniculatus (Willd.) in various scientific databases as well as patents. Research on phytochemical investigation has shown the presence of monoterpenes (linalool, α‐terpinyl acetate, nerol acetate), sesqueterpene esters (such as malkanguniol, malkangunin, valerenal, globulol, viridiflorol, cubenol and agarofuran derivatives), diterpenoids (such as phytone, isophytol), triterpenoids (such as lupeol, pristimerin, paniculatadiol, zeylasteral, zeylasterone, β‐amyrin, squalene), alkaloids (celapanin, celapanigin, celapagin, paniculatine, celastrine, maymyrsine), fatty acids, steroids (β‐sitosterol, carpesterol benzoate), flavonoids (paniculatin), benzoic acid, and vitamin C in this plant. All the reported pharmacological activities of this plant could be due to the presence of these phytochemicals. This plant possesses strong antioxidant activity which includes total flavonoid content, total phenolic content, nitric oxide scavenging activity and free radical scavenging activity. This plant possesses multiple pharmacological activities including cognition‐enhancing, neuroprotective, antipsychotic, anti‐depressant, antibacterial, anti‐arthritic, anti‐malarial, analgesic, anti‐inflammatory, anti‐fertility, cardiovascular, locomotor, anxiolytic, wound healing activity, anti‐spasmodic, hypolipidemic, anti‐cancerous and iron‐chelating activity with different extracts of this plant as well as various phytoconstituents present in this plant. The objective of this review article is to discuss in detail the reported ethnopharmacological uses, phytochemistry and various pharmacological activities of C. paniculatus.
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Objective: Several studies report that chronic stress results in impaired spatial learning and working memory and enhanced anxiety-like behavior. However, not many studies have looked into the possible ways of reversing stress-induced deficits. Celastrus paniculatus (CP), a traditional ayurvedic herbal medicine, was used to treat cognitive deficits in mentally retarded children. CP oil has been reported to have neuroprotective and antioxidant activities. However, the effects of CP oil on chronic stress-induced cognitive deficits are unclear. In the present study, we intended to analyze the neuroprotective effects of CP oil on stress-associated cognitive dysfunctions. Materials and Methods: Chronic stress was induced by subjecting rats to restrainers for 6 h a day for 21 days. CP oil (400, 600 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) after stress protocol once a day over the next 14 days. Groups used in the present study: normal control, stress, stress + vehicle, stress + CP oil at 2 different doses (400 and 600 mg/kg, i.p.). After the drug treatment, open field and elevated plus maze (EPM) were used to analyze anxiety-like behavior, and partially baited radial arm maze (RAM) and T-maze were used to evaluate spatial learning and memory capabilities. Analysis has been done using two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test and one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test. Results: Stressed rats showed enhanced anxiety-like behavior in EPM (P < 0.001) and impaired performance in RAM (P < 0.001) and T-maze tasks (P < 0.001) compared to normal animals. In contrast, CP oil treatment to these rats improved their performance in both RAM (P < 0.001) and T-maze (P < 0.001). In addition, CP oil significantly reduced stress-induced anxiety behavior (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Chronic treatment with CP oil is to improve cognitive abilities in chronically stressed rats. The current study provides a novel perspective on beneficial effect of herbal therapy on stress-induced cognitive dysfunctions.
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The seeds of Celastruspaniculatuswere collected and pulverized to fine powder and the powder was extracted by Soxhlet (continuous Hot Extraction) apparatus using methanol as solvent. In-vitro studies were carried out using various reagents like Ferrous Sulphate, Potassium thiocynate, Ferrozine, Desferrioxamine, purified water and methanolic extract of crude drug. The % iron-inhibition of standard and test drugs were measured. Animal studies were done using Iron intoxicated rats and Albino Wistar rats were subjected for iron dextrose injection (i. p.) six times in 21 days to all the groups (except normal control) and after treatment duration, Serum iron level, SGOT, SGPT, CKMB & Creatinine levels were measured. The iron chelating activity of Celastruspaniculatus was confirmed by in-vitro evaluation. There was significant decrease in serum iron levels in test group as compared to disease control group animals. The organo-protective effects on liver, heart and kidney was confirmed by reduction in various bio-markers like SGPT, SGOT, Creatinine and CKMB levels as compared to iron overloaded rats. The results of the study has shown that the methanolic extract of Celastruspaniculatus have significant iron chelating activity. It also has beneficial effects on hematological parameters and organo-protective effects were observed during study. So it can be useful in the management of iron overload disorders like thalassemia and hemochromatosis like conditions. © 2015, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. All right reserved.
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Objective: Celastrus paniculatus (CP) Willd. is a plant indigenous to India with medicinal properties. It is used in the ayurvedic treatment of inflammatory ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis. The present study was designed to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of the petroleum ether fraction (PCP) obtained from CP seeds on adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats. Methods: Arthritis was induced in Sprague–Dawley rats by immunization with Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA). Arthritis severity was evaluated by arthritis score, paw volume, tibiotarsal joint thickness, body weight, dorsal flexion pain, motility test, stair climbing ability and index of thymus and spleen. Moreover, histopathology of knee joints supported by haematological analysis was used to assess the anti-arthritic action of PCP. The levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver were also assessed. Serum samples were collected for estimation of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). In addition, cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were estimated in plasma. Results: PCP significantly alleviated arthritic progression with regards to paw swelling, arthritic score, immune organ indices, hyperalgesic effect and body weight. This phenomenon was correlated with significant suppression of overproduction of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6), oxidant stress markers (MDA and NO) and cellular enzyme (AST, ALT and ALP) levels versus arthritic rats without treatment. Moreover, PCP restored the decreased levels of SOD, CAT and GSH. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the anti-arthritic properties of PCP may be due to immunosuppressive effects, cytokine regulation, antioxidant effects and bone-protective activities.
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Introduction: Celastrus paniculatus seed oil, commonly known as Malkangni or Jyotishmati, was in use from time immemorial to treat brain related disorders. Celastrus paniculatus seed oil has significant antidepressant-like activity in chronic unpredictable stressed mice. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antidepressant-like effect of Celastrus paniculatus seed oil in unstressed mice and to explore its mechanism of action. Methods: The seed oil (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, PO) and fluoxetine per se were administered for 14 successive days to Swiss young albino mice. On the 14(th) day, 60 min after drug administration, animals were subjected to Tail Suspension Test (TST) and Forced Swim Test (FST). The mechanism of action was also studied. Results: The oil significantly decreased immobility period of mice in both tail suspension test and forced swim test, indicating its significant antidepressant-like activity. The efficacy was found to be comparable to fluoxetine (P<0.0001). ED50 value of celastrus seed oil using FST and TST were 17.38 and 31.62 mg/kg, respectively. The oil did not show any significant effect on locomotor activity. It significantly inhibited brain MAO-A activity and decreased plasma corticosterone levels. Sulpiride (selective D2-receptor antagonist), p-CPA (tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor), and baclofen (GABAB agonist) significantly attenuated the oil-induced antidepressant-like effect, when assessed during TST. Discussion: Celastrus paniculatus seed oil produced significant antidepressant-like effect in mice possibly through interaction with dopamine D2, serotonergic, and GABAB receptors; as well as inhibition of MAO-A activity and decrease in plasma corticosterone levels.
Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the nootropic activity of Celastrus paniculata Willd whole plant methanolic extract (CPPME) using different models. Methods: Nootropic activity in rats with the treatment of CPPME (100, 200, 400 mg/kg, oral.) and piracetam (200 mg/kg, i.p.) were administered to different groups of rats. Effect of drugs on learning and memory of rats was evaluated using elevated plus maze, morris water maze on scopolamine, and aluminum-induced amnesia models, and also estimated the brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) concentration and the percentage of inhibition of AChE. Results: CPPME shows significantly improved in learning and memory of rats, as indicated by the decline in transfer latency using elevated plus maze and also decrease in escape latency during training and retrieval using morris water maze. Memory-enhancing activity of CPPME (100, 200, 400 mg/kg, oral.) was comparable to piracetam (200 mg/kg, i.p.). CPPME, Mentat (Nootropic Herbal formulation), and piracetam also notably reduced brain AChE concentration and increased the percentage of inhibition of AChE activity in rat brain. Conclusion: Thus, CPPME showed nootropic activity in rats probably by inhibiting brain AChE activity. © 2016, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. All rights reserved.