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Bridging the Gap Between Agility and Planning

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Abstract and Figures

This paper describes the Milestone Driven Agile Execution (MDAX) framework. MDAX is hybrid development approach, in which the just-in-time planning of tasks and the empirical control of the agile methods are retained, but the prioritization of the backlog is done according to a milestone plan that drives the execution of the project. Selecting work items from the backlog according to a plan, instead of the weekly or biweekly, sometimes haphazard, concerns of the team or the product owner, adds visibility, predictability, and structure to the work of the team while preserving the adaptive advantages of current agile methods. MDAX takes a collaborative and visual approach to planning which promotes participation, communication and buy-in into the plan. It uses large canvasses and the direct manipulation of planning artifacts to generate engagement .
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Bridging the Gap Between Agility and Planning1
Dr. Eduardo Miranda
Jan 16th, 2023
Any team or ensemble of teams, whether traditional or agile, working in a project of any size or
consequence, needs a shared understanding of the work to be done to guide everybody’s
contribution towards the desired outcome. This understanding will typically include [1] a vision
for what the end product should look like from a user as well as from a technical perspective, the
work strategy, and a schedule with dates for key events such as conferences, press announcements,
for when major product capabilities must come together, and target metrics such as performance,
scale, or participation, must be reached. The work strategy together with the key dates constitute
the project’s high level or strategic plan. Without such a plan, project members struggle with what
to do next and stakeholders with what to expect, when. Cohn [2], for example, suggests the use of
a release plan, without which teams move endlessly from one iteration to the next; Cockburn [3],
a coarse-grained project plan, possibly created from a project map or a set of stories and releases
to make sure the project is delivering suitable business value for suitable expense in a suitable
time period; Highsmith [4], a Speculate Phase, in which a capability and/or feature-based release
plan to deliver on the vision is developed as well as a wave (or milestone) plan spaning several
iterations used as major synchronization and integration points; and the Scaled Agile Framework
[5] [6], a Program Increment Planning, in which all teams and wherever possible, all team
membersattend PI Planning, where they plan and commit to a set of PI objectives together. They
work with a common vision and Roadmap, and they collaborate on ways to achieve the objectives.
What all these approaches have in common, is that the proposed plans are collaboratively
formulated by the team, not in terms of the tasks to be performed, but in terms of the outcomes the
project must deliver, e.g. a basic version of the app is released, and the relevant states the project
must go through on its way to achieve its objectives, e.g. the website information architecture is
approved, a necessary piece of hardware is made available to the project, and so forth. In other
words, the plan outlines the chosen strategy but does not dictate the myriad of tasks that ought to
be executed to realize it, which will be decided as work progresses. As outcomes and relevant
states synthetize the results of the, usually many, tasks necessary to produce or reach them, there
will be fewer of them than tasks, making milestone plans more robust, easier to produce and
communicate than traditional activity based plans.
The Milestone Driven Agile Execution (MDAX) [7] described in this paper, see Figure 1, is a
hybrid software management framework [8] [9], where the empirical process control and the
just-in-time planning of tasks advocated by agile methods are retained, but the prioritization of the
backlog is done according to a milestone plan [10] [11], instead of the biweekly or monthly
reactive concerns of the product owner or the development team. Selecting work items from the
backlog according to a plan adds visibility, predictability, and structure to the work while
1 How to cite this paper: Miranda, E. (2020). Bridging the Gap Between Agility and Planning; PM World Journal,
Vol. IX, Issue XI, November.
preserving the adaptive advantages of agile development. MDAX is method agnostic in the sense
that the development approach, much like an app running in a Java Virtual Machine, is not encoded
in its mechanics, but rather in the plan that drives it.
MDAX has three advantages over other methods. First, the above mentioned method
independence, which allows those adopting MDAX to choose the development approach that suits
them best. Second, the explicit consideration of the team capacity and availability in the planning
process that results in feasible sequences of work not only from a dependency perspective, but also
from a resource point of view. Third, a step by setp process requiring explicit inputs and estimates,
makes the process more traceable, teachable and repeatable, as the reader will have the opportunity
to appreciate.
MDAX also mandates a light risk management process, which includes the deliberate
identification, assessment, response planning and monitoring of conditions that might, somehow,
harm the project. The word deliberate is used to differentiate the intentional identification and
follow up of risks, from the serendipitous realization that something might go wrong. This is in
contraposition with the prevailing belief among agile practitioners, that simply selecting an agile
method, like Scrum or Xp, suffices to manage risk. This is certainly not the case for agile projects,
least for hybrid ones, that aim to bring predictability to the development process. Risks are
evaluated during project formulation, which is outside MDAX scope, to select the preferred
development approach and during execution, which is included within MDAX, to monitor
circumstances that could deviate the project from its selected approach.
Since MDAX is basically a planning superstrucutre on top of a Scrum loop, in what follows, we
will focus on what is novel or unique about the approach, assuming the reader has a basic
understanding of Scrum, which allows him or her to fill in the blanks in the cases where we have
borrowed a established practice or concept from it. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
In the Milestone Plans section, we will introduce the concept of planning in terms of milestones instead
of tasks. In the Work Package Schedules section will explain how to depict the work spaces in which, the
yet to be defined tasks, associated to a milestones will be executed. In the MDAX Framework section, we
will provide a detailed description of MDAX in terms of its roles, activities, meetings, and artifacts. In the
Visual Milestone Planning section, we will explain the planning technique at the core of the MDAX
approach. In the Milestone Planning Example section, we will walk the reader through the entire planning
process, and in the last section, Conclusion, we will provide a summary of the framework and its
Figure 1. Milestone Driven Agile Execution. Adapted from [7]
In Planning Extreme Programming [12], Beck and Fowler, state “Any software planning technique
must try to create visibility, so everyone involved in the project can really see how far along a
project is. This means that you need clear milestones, ones that cannot be fudged, and clearly
represent progress. Milestones must also be things that everyone involved in the project, including
the customer, can understand and learn to trust”.
This view, is in concert with that of Andersen [10], who defines a milestone not as the completion
of an activity, usually an especially important one, but as a result to be achieved, a description of
a condition or a state that the project should reach by a certain point in time. A milestone describes
what is to be fulfilled, not the method to fulfil it. This is what makes milestone plans suitable to act
as guide posts while preserving the just-in-time task planning nature of agile methods.
Figure 2 shows a typical milestone plan. As can be observed, a milestone plan is short, typically
confined to a size that will allow it to be aprehended at once and written using a vocabulary all
project stakeholders can understand. The plan comprises the sequence of states the project will go
through, from its inception to its successful conclusion, and not the activities the team needs to
perform in order to achieve those states. For example, the “UX Concept approved” milestone
defines a state where the project team has presented an idea that satisfies the needs of the sponsor
and he or she has acquiesced to it. This is a relevant state because once achieved, the team would
have reduced the project uncertainty for itself and for the client. Notice however, the plan does not
stipulate how the team will get there. Will it build wireframe diagrams, develop paper or
high-fidelity prototypes, make a PowerPoint presentation, perform user testing, or employ focus
groups? At some point, these issues will certainly have to be addressed by the team, but they have
no place in a milestone plan. This focus on states is what makes the plan robust, since independent
of what tasks are performed to get there, when, and by whom, it is unlikely, the project sponsors’
desire to approve the design concept before it is implemented, will change.
The dependencies between milestones are “Finish to Finish”, also called “End to End” relations,
meaning that if “Milestone B” depends on “Milestone A”, “Milestone B” cannot be completed
until “Milestone A” has been completed. Finish to Finish relations are easy to identify and provide
great freedom, as to when the activities leading to the realization of the milestone could start.
Milestones can be hard or soft. Hard milestones are milestones that, if not accomplished by a set
date, lose all or most of their value, result in severe penalties or might induce irrecuperable delays
in the project itself . For example, the date a government resolution that the system under
development is supposed to address goes into effect, and the start of the holiday shopping season,
would be hard milestones a project might need to satisfy. The provision, by an external party, of a
critical item necessary for development beyond a certain due date, would be an example of an
event causing an irrecuperable delay to a proyect. Soft milestones, on the other hand, have
completion dates that result from the planning process. They might be associated with penalties or
other liabilities after a statement of work is agreed upon, but in principle they are discretionary.
Figure 2. A typical milestone plan showing due dates, responsibilities, and milestones’ descriptions.
Adapted from [13]
Associated with the milestone plan will be a work packages schedule (see Figure 3), which defines
a number of time boxes within which, all the work associated with a given milestone, called its
work package, will have to be executed for the plan to hold.
Within the constraints imposed by the hard milestones’ due dates and the dependencies identified
in the plan, the work packages schedule will be decided by the team according to its technical,
business and staffing strategies, such as we need to do this before that, do as much work as possible
at the earliest, start slow to minimize risk and then aggressively ramp up, maintain a constant
workforce, do not exceed six months, do not use more than five people, and so on. In constructing
it, we will assume, the distribution of competencies in the plan matches the work’s needs. This is
a sensible assumption in an agile context that assumes either generalists or balanced, cross-
functional, teams. In cases where this assumption would not hold, it would be possible to break
the resource dimension into competency lanes and assign the corresponding effort to each lane.
The same approach could be used to scale up the method to be used in projects with multiple teams.
To execute the milestone plan, the project team progressively refines the elements of the work
package into the tasks necessary to realize them within the time boxes established by the work
packages schedule. The work to be taken on in a given iteration is thus dictated by the work
packages schedule derived from the milestone plan the product owner helped to create and not by
biweekly or monthly, sometimes whimsical, concerns. As work progresses, the plan is updated to
reflect new circumstances arising from the work completed or from changes in the project context,
but since milestones are basically states or goals to be attained, and the plan does not specify when
tasks must begin, how long they should take, nor who should perform them, it tends to be pretty
Figure 3. Work Packages Schedule. This represents one possible arrangement of work packages
corresponding to the milestone plan in Figure 2. Each shaded area corresponds to the work associated
with the milestone immediately to its right. The resource-time frame enclosing the work package is its
time box. During iteration 1 and part of iteration 2, two members of the team will work on UX Design
and the selection of infrastructure. From iteration 2 to 6, the team will mainly work on the items included
in the first release; from iteration 7 to 9, the team will work on the features included in the second release
and in Beta testing. Adapted from [13]
This section describes the MDAX framework (see Figure 4) and explain its working in terms of
its roles, artifacts, activities, meetings, and workflow. Activities are tasks performed once at the
start of the project or whenever new knowledge or circumstances require it, while meetings are
recurring tasks that must be carried out every iteration or at other predefined cadence.
In MDAX, there are four fundamental roles to consider: stakeholders, product owner, project
leader, and team member.
A stakeholder is anyone who does not work for the project but could be affected by its planning
and outcomes and must be consulted regarding one or more project decisions. A non-exclusive list
of stakeholders [14] include: project sponsors, other development teams that need to coordinate
their work with the team, users, beneficiaries, aggrieved parties, operators, regulators, and support
The product owner is the person accountable for building the right thing. Specifically, he or she
defines, prioritizes, and approves the work performed.
Project leader is a generic term used to encompass the project manager and the Scrum master roles,
as some organizations prefer to have an indivual with overall responsibility for the project, while
others resort to self-organizing teams. MDAX accepts both styles of governance, as long as the
project manager works collobaratively with, and empowers the team. Autocratic behaviors are
discouraged. Basic responsibilities of the project leader include serving as point of contact between
management and the team, enacting the MDAX framework, coordinating with external actors,
following up on action items, ensuring the team is fully functional and productive, and shielding
the team from external interferences.
Figure 4. Detailed MDAX workflow. Adapted from [7]
A team member is any person working on the project on a regular basis who is directly involved
in the creation, maintenance, or disposition of the projects artifacts and deliverables. Collectively,
team members are referred to as the development team. This definition aims to include all the
people that need to have a shared understanding of the project goals and how to realize them, e.g.
architect, developers and testers; but excludes people such as experts or others whose participation
tends to be ephemeral.
The contribution of each of the roles to the activities and meetings in the MDAX framework is
outlined in Table 1.
Table 1. Responsibility assignment in MDAX
Look Ahead
Work Item
Daily Meeting
s hard
of work, re
has final
word, works
next WIs
within plan
WIs for
within plan
work, review
Must concur
Has final
works with
Drives and
follow up
on issues
report progress
s the
As needed
s WI
into tasks,
ways of
new ones
As needed
In adition to the Milestone Plan and the Work Packages Schedule described above, MDAX defines
six other artifacts that support its execution: the Project Backlog, the Look Ahead Backlog, the
Iteration Backlog, the Iteration and Project Earned Value Charts, and the Milestone Slip Chart.
In MDAX, the Project Backlog is implemented by means of a Work Breakdown Structure (see
Figure 5), which is a hierarchical enumeration of all the outputs, e.g. functionality, documentation,
infrastructure, gadgets and services, to be delivered to the customer to meet the project objectives,
and the work necessary to produce them.2 These items, whether outputs or work, are generically
called work items (WIs). The hierarchical nature of the Work Breakdown Structure is mandated
by the need to facilitate the comprehension of the project’s scope and to support both the
progressive refinement of the identified items, their estimation and the collective assignment of
WIs to milestones. This arrengement, closely resembles the SAFe Requirements model [15] in the
sense that its elements are composed of outcomes (epics, capacities, features, stories) and tasks
(enablers, technical stories), but unlike SAFe’s, the MDAX Project Backlog is not limited to a four
level hierarchy.
2 This type of Work Breakdown Structure is called a product-oriented Work Breakdown Structure. See Haugan [17],
for an excellent description on the process for creating them.
Figure 5. A Work Breakdown Structure and its relation to the project’s outputs and the work necessary to
realize them. Adapted from NASA [16]
Also, in contrast with the traditional Product Backlog, the Project Backlog is not open ended, but
bounded. This means that although its items do not need to be completely specified at the
beginning of the project, for the purpose of planning, we will make a budgetary allowance for
them, in the understanding that when the time comes and they are refined, either we will
circumscribe our level of ambition to the available budget, or the plan will need to be revisited.
The first level of the hierarchy in the Project Backlog will define a set of outcomes and activities
that collectively and exclusively represent the entirety of the project scope. This is called the 100%
rule [17] Each subsequent level in the hierarchy represents an increasingly detailed definition of
the project work. The WIs can be defined from the bottom up, for example, aggregating the results
of a brainstorming or requirements elicitation session, or through a process of decomposition,
starting from the top and working downward. Outputs can contain lower-level outputs and work
elements as descendants, but work elements can only be decomposed into othrer work elements.
This convention assures consistency in the determination of which work applies to which outputs.
The decomposition will stop as soon as we reach iteration-sized WIs, that is, outputs or work
elements that could be realized by the team in the course of an iteration. This approach is satifies
the negotiable, the valuable and the estimable and small criteria in the INVEST framework [18].
Notice that, as defined, WIs at different levels of the Work Breakdown Structure map nicely to
agile concepts such as epics, features, user stories, enablers, and technical stories, and although
these terms might be favored by agile practitioners, we will limit their use to the Milestone
Planning Example section of the article to minimize the need to enumerate them all the time.
The Project Backlog is jointly controlled by the product owner and the development team. Before
introducing a change, the product owner needs to consult with the team to determine what is
feasible within the confines established by the project’s budget and time frame, reciprocally, the
team cannot change the committed scope, without first notifying and seeking approval from the
product owner.
The Look Ahead Backlog is a precedence ordered list of all the WIs that are ready, or are in the
process of being readied, to be executed in upcoming iterations. The Look Ahead Backog, will
typically contain from one to three iterations worth of work, but more precisely, how far ahead
should the backlog go, will depend on the lead time required to ready the WI. For example, in a
context where the product owner needs to consult with many stakeholders before making a
decision, the lead times will be longer than in a case where the product owner makes the decision
by itself. The Look Ahead Backlog does not need to be a separate entity from the Project Backlog,
but rather a different view of the same data. The Look Ahead Backlog is managed by the project
The Iteration Backlog is a list of all the WIs to be worked on in the present iteration, plus the tasks
required for their realization. Although the Iteration Backlog does not need to be a different entity
from the Project Backlog, the incorporation of the implementation tasks will add an extra
dimension not present in the latter. Furthermore, if we add information about the tasks’ status, such
asto be done”, in progress”, “blocked”, and “done”, and we use it as an information radiator,
the Iteration Backlog becomes a task board. The Iteration Backlog is developed and managed by
the development team.
The progress and the cost of the work done are two fundamental indicators in every project. In
MDAX, we propose to communicate these by three charts: the Iteration Earned Value chart, the
Project Earned Value chart, and the Milestones Slip Chart (see Figures 6, 7, and 8). Although other
represenatations are possible, the reasons to use earned value like charts instead of the most
common burndown charts are: first, changes in scope are clearly shown by corresponding changes
in the horizontal Planned Work curve; second, the slope of the Accomplished Work curve is not
affected by said changes, allowing for a more accurate appreciation of the team’s rate of progress;
and third, the Actual Effort curve shows the actual number of hours that were required to achieve
whatever progress was achieved, facilitating a more realistic diagnostic of the project health. The
Milestone Slip Chart is a high-level tool to communicate stakeholders the overall state of the
project in terms of the committed dates.
Figure 6. Iteration Earned Value Chart. Shows the amount of work planned for the iteration, the number
of days left, the progress so far, and the number of hours worked. The difference between the Actual
Effort and the Accomplished Work clearly indicates the team underestimated the difficulty of the work.
The uptake in the Planned Work curve indicates the team missed some work during the Iteration Planning
Meeting. Adapted from [7]
Figure 7. Project Earned Value Chart. Shows the amount of work planned for the whole project, the
number of iterations left, the progress so far, and the number of hours worked. The projection of the
Accomplished Work shows that the team will likely deliver all the work planned as of today, while the
projection of the Actual Effort shows the team is putting in more effort than anticipated. If the
organization is paying for overtime, the project will be much costlier. The Planned Work curve shows
that between iterations 4 and 5 the product owner increased the scope, but seeing the projections at the
end of iteration 6 convinced him to lower his expectations. Adapted from [7]
Figure 8. Milestone Slip Chart. Shows the planned and currently forecasted dates for each milestone.
Dates with a round ending have been completed. The first three milestones were completed on time or
ahead of schedule. Currently, we are anticipating that the cloud infrastructure will not be available on
time and that the launch of the Beta Testing will also be delayed. The rest of the milestones are still
scheduled as planned. Adapted from [7]
Activities and Meetings
The numbers in the steps refer to the numbers in the Detailed MDAX Workflow (See Figure 4)
Step 1: The Release Planning activity implements the process of deciding what features, user
stories, etc., will be released together, such that the delivery has value to one or more stakeholders.
The delivery dates are not decided at this point but during the Milestone Planning Activity.
Although MDAX does not prescribe a method to do this, given that releases are prime milestone
candidates, the use of a variant of the MoSCoW [19] [20] method to guarantee a minum content,
is highly recommended. The process is executed at the beginning of the project or upon changes
in the number or content of existing releases.
Step 2: Milestone Planning is the process of identifying relevant project milestones and scheduling
the work packages necessary to realize them. Albeit, there are many ways to construct a milestone
plan, we recommend a technique called Visual Milestone Planning [13], which will be discussed
in a later section, because of its collaborative nature. The milestone planning activity is executed
at the outset of the project and whenever changes to the scope that cannot be accommodated within
current allocations, project strategy or performance deviations, demand it. The process must take
into consideration the availability of appropriate resources as well as any other constraints that
might condition the execution of the work packages.
Steps 3 & 4: As WIs exist at different levels of specificity and readiness, they need to be readied
before they can be selected for execution. This readying process involves: 1) breaking down those
WIs whose realization efforts do not fit comfortably within the confines of an iteration into smaller
WIs that do, 2) completing any details that might be needed to implement the WIs, 3) addressing
external dependencies and preconditions that left unsettled could disrupt the work on the WI once
this is started, and 4) “moving”3 the resulting WIs into the Look Ahead Backlog.
The readying function is accomplished through the Look Ahead Meeting, also called the Rolling
Lookahead [21] in other processes, and the Work Item Refinement Meeting. Both meetings are
part of the recurrent activities performed in each iteration, together with the work on the WIs
scheduled for it. At the Look Ahead Meeting, the product owner and the project leader select the
WIs that will need to be executed two or three iterations down the road, raising any issues that will
need to be addressed prior to their execution; the product owner and project leader also follow up
on previously risen items. The purpose of this is to make sure there is enough time to make ready
the upcoming WIs. The decision as to which WIs to consider is informed by the Work Packages
Schedule and the project status, but as the Schedule only specifies order at the work package level,
there is considerable leeway regarding which WIs to select. During the Work Item Refinement
Meeting, the team addresses issues raised during the Look Ahead Meeting and responses from the
product owner or the project stakeholders. The rationale for unfolding the readying function over
two distinct meetings is efficiency, as the selection of items and their expedicting, does not requires
the participation of the whole team as does the Work Item Refinement Meeting.
Step 5: The Iteration Planning Meeting is the first activity of every iteration. Its purpose is to select
the WIs to be worked on in accordance with the Work Packages Schedule and prepare a task plan
3 “moving” is just a metaphor for showing the WI in the Look Ahead Backlog, it only implies the physical
movement in the case of a physical implementation. In the case of a digital implementation, it will suffice with the
change of a state variable indicating the WI must now be included in the Look Ahead Backlog view.
for the iteration that is about to start. The meeting starts by selecting candidate WIs from the Look
Ahead Backlog, based on what the Work Packages Schedule mandates, the WIs’ readiness state,
and what was accomplished during previous iterations. Once the candidate WIs have been selected,
it is recommend the team performs a quick agile modeling session [22] to get an understanding of
how to approach the work, before embarking in the decomposition of the WI into the tasks required
for their realization and their estimation. This kind of engagement has shown to have a positive
effect in reducing the number of unplanned tasks found during the iteration [23]. The estimates are
then aggregated and its total compared with the team availability to determine a feasible set of
WIs. The decomposition of WIs into tasks is documented in the Iteration Backlog.
Step 6: The Daily Meeting serves two purposes: coordination and control. At this meeting, which,
as it names implies, takes place every day of an iteration, team membes discuss the work done, the
obstacles faced, and the tasks to be undertaken next, by whoever becomes available. From the
control perspective, the fact that each team member has to report his or her progress to the group
on a daily basis serves to mitigate the social loafing effects that might otherwise arise because of
the self-paced rhythm of the pool mechanism employed for task assignment and the lack of a strict
supervisory role, characteristic of agile methods.
Step 7 & 8: Every iteration concludes with an Iteration Review Meeting and an Iteration
Retrospective Meeting. The first consists of two distinct activities: the deliverables demonstration
and a performance review from the perspective of the product owner and the stakeholders, and the
second of an analysis of the team health and work practices followed by the development team.
The goal of the deliverables demonstration activity is twofold: to get approval and feedback on the
work done and to maintain stakeholders’ engagement through their continued involvement. The
goal of the performance review is to assess what was done and how much it took to accomplish it,
so that this information could be used in the planning of new iterations. Finally, the goals of this
meeting are to assess what was done and how much it took to accomplish it, so that this information
could be used in the planning of new iterations and to reflect on what worked well, what did not
work, and to give team members the chance to change it. Having a say over its way of working,
gives team members a sense of ownership, out of which grows a greater commitment to the project
and a lesser need for bureaucratic control. During the retrospective meeting, the team also
evaluates the evolving system, review areas that may be lagging behind, and discuss areas with
problems and concerns regarding the remaining work to be done. New project risks are identified
and existing ones reevaluated.
Step 9: The purpose of the Project Review Meeting is to go over the progress of the team against
the plan, keeping all interested parties abreast of any change in the milestones’ due dates and
triggering a replanning or termination in case of major deviations or changes in the business
context. The meeting frequency would be half or a quarter of that of the iteration review meetings,
at the discretion of the stakeholders.
This section introduces an adaptation of the Visual Milestone Planning (VMP) Method [13] for
use with MDAX. VMP, (see Figure 9), is a participative planning method, which uses a number
of large physical canvases to promote team members’ involvement in the planning process [24].
In VMP, team members collectively build the plan by manipulating milestones and work packages,
reified through sticky notes, to construct a dependency diagram and create the work packages
schedule by accommodateding them in a resource and time-scaled canvas, much like pieces in a
puzzle or in a Tetris game. The process creates a playful environment, which energizes the willing,
yet exposes loafing behaviors, nudging the reluctant.
Agile processes are largely based on tacit knowledge and consensus decision making, so
participation in the planning process, as a means to develop a shared understanding and the
willingness to embrace the plan by those who will be executing it, is key. Lewis [25] expresses
this forcefully: When a few people work on a vision and then try to communicate it to others, it
just never has the same impact. People to whom the vision is communicated either (1) don’t get it,
(2) don’t agree with it, or (3) don’t buy into it, because ‘it is their vision, not ours’.
When the people responsible for doing the work are included in its planning, they develop better
and more comprehensive plans as a consequence of the involvement of a mixture of backgrounds,
which contribute different perspectives to the process. They also develop a better appreciation of
what to do and become more committed to it because they had the opportunity to be heard, and
understand how their efforts fit in into the larger picture. Successful examples of participative
planning in industry, beside those cited in the introduction, are numerous: the pull planning process
in the “Last Planner System” used in the construction industry [26], visual planning [27] and Cards
on the Wall [28] [29].
We assume here that all WIs to be considered for inclusion in the milestone plan have an estimate
of the effort required for its realization and that releasescontent has been defined by the release
planning process but not yet scheduled. In this and the following sections we will use
interchangeably the generic term WI and its more concrete agile counterparts: epics, features, user
stories and technical stories to make the examples more tangible.
Figure 9. Detailed milestone planning workflow. Adapted from [13]
At the core of the process we find the Milestone Planning Matrix (MPM) (See Figure 10). The
MPM matrix maps WIs to the milestones they help realize.
The mapping of WIs to milestones is done at the highest possible level, that is, if all descendants
of aWI contribute to a single milestone, we will map the WI, and not each descendant, to it, but if
some of the descendants contribute to one milestone, such as a release, and others to another, such
as a second release, the highest level will be each of the descendendant WIs (See Figure 11).
Most of the time, WIs will map naturally and entirely to a single milestone, but this will not always
be the case. Assume, for example, that at the beginning of the project we define and assign a
number of hours to a refactoring activity. This activity will possibly contribute towards different
milestones in different proportions. One solution to model this, could be to create dummy
descendants for the refactoring WI, assigning the corresponding effort to each of these and
mapping them to their corresponding milestones. While this would solve the problem, the creation
of dummy WIs, just to satisfy the choice of notation, seems artificial, and unnecessarily
complicates the Project Backlog. To address this type of situations, without creating dummy WIs,
the proposed approach, as illustrated by row “r” in Figure 10, is to allocate a fraction of the total
effort to each milestone to which the WI contributes.
Figure 10. Milestone Planing Matrix. Adapted from [13]
Another special case is when we have a milestone originated in a commitment made to the team
by the sponsor or another party, for example, the provision of a special hardware or software, the
approval of a document, delivery of training, and so on. In this case, there is no work package
associated with the milestone, so, as illustrated by column λ in Figure 10, the column will be
The beauty of the MPM approach is that it provides a straightforward mechanism to make visible
the relationship between WIs and milestones to everybody involved in the planning process, which
is key in preventing gaps and overlaps in the plan and in the achievement of its shared
understanding by stakeholders.
Figure 11. Mapping of the highest WI in the hierarchy
The numbers in the following steps refer to the numbers in the Detailed Milestone Planning
Workflow (See Figure 9) above. They are numerated 2.x since this is a decomposition of Activity
2 in Figure 4.
Step 2.1: The team starts by defining the milestones the plan will be based on. Milestones are
chosen for its relevance to the sponsor and the team, to signal, for example, the making of a major
decision, the completion of a release, or the achievement of an important process step, or to mark
a commitment made to the team, such as a customer makes proprietary technology or equipment
required by the project available to it. The name of each identified milestone is written on a
separate sticky note, using color or some other marker to distinguish between hard and soft
Notice that in the diagram there are arrows back and forth between the definition of milestones
and the product backlog. This is so, because sometimes, the definition of a milestone might trigger
the creation of a new WI that must be accounted for.
Correctly identifying the set of milestones to include in the plan is vital to its acceptance, as these
milestones will become the vocabulary that will be utilized to explain the work logic to
stakeholders as well as to gauge its progress. A good milestone set will include, as a minimum, the
things the sponsors care about and things that mark a material reduction in the project risk. For
example, if the project sponsor wanted to have the software released in increments rather than in
one shot, it would make sense to include one milestone for each of the desired releases. As for the
team, having an architecture defined would make an excelent milestone, in the sense that a great
deal of uncertainty goes away, once the team has settled on the way forward.
Typical sources of milestones are the project contract, the team’s know how, the chosen process,
risks, seasonal sales, trade shows, external commitments, and so on. Milestones tend to fall in one
of three categories: the realization of an output, the attainment of a relevant project state, or the
satisfaction of a commitment made to the project team by an external party. The first two types of
milestones are achieved upon the completion of all work items included in the milestone’s work
package. In the case of a commitment to the team, the milestone is achieved when the party
responsible for it, fulfils its obligation with the team. Milestones corresponding to external
commitments tend not to have a work package associated with them and are an excellent tool to
synchronize work across multiple teams, each working according to its own plan.
The following are examples of the different types of milestones:
Outputs: a document, a partial or total system capability, a prototype, the results of an
Desired states: a major decision; an approval; an attainment of some kind, such as
number of transactions per second or number of users trained
Satisfaction of commitment: delivery of proprietary equipment necessary to test the
software under development, a special hardware is delivered to the project team,
publication of an API specification by another team
The criteria by which to judge the realization of a milestone is called its completion criteria.
Typically, a completion criteria would include the list of work items to be finished, a description
of its state and, if applicable a quantity of items to be delivered, demonstrated performance such
as transactions per second or power efficiency, and a definition about the quality those things need
exhibit at, e.g. defects counts, tolerances, weight limits, power consumption levels, level of
coverage, etc. The important thing is that the completion criteria provides an objective test to
determine whether the milestone has been reached or not.
Often, writing the completion criteria for a milestone, will bring up the need to introduce new WIs
or force the break down and re-estimation of existing ones. This is not a bad thing, because the
early identification of work gaps will help prevent uncovering unplanned tasks and problems later
in the project. Working on completion criteria also contributes to the development of a shared
understanding of the work to be taken on by the team.
The number of milestones chosen must balance visibility with robustness and ease of
understanding. Depending on the size of the project, 10 to 50 milestones will satisfy the needs of
most small to midsize projects. Given the visual nature of the method, every effort should be made
to confine the plan to a size that allows it to be grasp on its entirety at a glance.
Step 2.2: The goal of this second step, is to understand and document dependencies between
milestones, such as which ones must be completed before a successor milestone could be reached.
Defining the logical sequence of milestones’ completion is a prerequisite for the formulation of
any project strategy. One way to document such a sequence is by means of a Milestones
Dependency Diagram. Notice that the diagram contains no dates, with the exception of those
associated with a hard milestone. This is to permit the consideration of different staffing and timing
strategies later in the process.
The process for the creation of the Milestones Dependency Diagram starts with a quick ordering
of the sticky notes containing the identified milestones, according to their most obvious sequence
of completion, and follows with a discussion of specific dependencies, the connecting of the
corresponding milestones, and, if necessary, the reordering of the original sequence. The initial
ordering of milestones according to their most obvious sequence saves the team from drawing
dependencies that are implied by the transitivity of the “depends on” relationship. It is worth
repeating here that the dependencies between milestones are finish to finish, and not the most
common finish-to-start dependencies, so the question the team needs to answer for each milestone
is what milestones should be completed to be able to reach this one. A simple example of a finish-
to-finish dependency is that between coding and testing. One could start writing test cases before
coding begins, but one cannot finish it until the coding is done.
Two alternatives to the Milestone Dependency Diagram, the author has considered to capture the
pairwise dependencies between milestones are: the use of a tilted matrix similar to the “roof of a
house on quality” on top of the Milestone Planning Matrix and the use of a design structure matrix
[30], followed by a partition operation to obtain a dependency rank order. The first approach is
very good at quickly capturing the pairwise dependencies but does not provide visibility into the
overall structure of the problem; the second, which is also good, specially in large projects, requires
the introduction of knowledge and a tool, which some practitioners might deem foreign to an agile
Step 2.3: In this step, the header row of the Milestone Planning Matrix is populated with the name
of the milestones. Although not strictly required by the process, listing them chronologically from
left to right greatly contributes to the matrix readability and ease of work.
Step 2.4: In this step, WIs are associated with the milestones they help realize via the body of the
Milestone Planning Matrix. The association is informed by the milestone definition, for example,
a “Vendor Selected” milestone would be associated with all WIs leading to the selection of said
vendor. The association is done by labeling a row in the planning matrix with the name of the top-
most WI element whose descendants all contribute to the same milestone and recording the effort
required by it at the intersection of the row with the column corresponding to the milestone with
which the element is being associated. A milestone can have multiple WIs associated with it, that
is, several WIs must be completed to realize the milestone. In most cases, a WI would be associated
with a single milestone; there are, however, a few instances in which as previously discussed, it is
convenient to allocate fractions of the total effort required by the WI to multiple milestones. As
said before, the set of WIs associated with a milestone is called its work package.
Step 2.5: In this step, the team will black out known non-working periods such as the holidays,
training, and mandatory vacations, since in principle, there would be no work carried out during
that time.
Step 2.6: In this step, the team marks hard milestones in the work package scheduling canvas.
Hard milestones will act as anchor points for the plan.
Steps 2.7, 2.8, & 2.9: In these steps, the team iteratively builds the Work Packages Schedule by
posting sticky notes on an empty space in the work package scheduling canvas, according to its
domain, technical and process knowledge and its timing and staffing strategies, such as the project
must be completed in six months, do not use more than six people, and so forth.
Figure 12 below shows a typical Work Packages Schedule. The Work Packages Schedule is a key
piece of the process since it is there that the plan materializes. As the planning involves the physical
positioning of sticky notes representing the effort required by a work package on a scheduling
canvas, there has to be a correspondence between the work hours represented by each note and the
canvas’ physical dimensions. If, for example, we choose each 3”x 3” sticky note to represent 40
hours of work, each three-inch span on the date axis of the canvas will correspond to a week, and
three inches on the resources axis will correspond to a full-time equivalent (FTE) resource. Had
we chosen the sticky note to represent 150 hours of work, for example, for a larger project, each
three inches on the time axis would correspond to a month instead of a week. Whithin reason,
sticky notes might be ripped off to express fractions of effort or time.
The first thing to do when creating the Work Packages Schedule, is to account for the effort
required by process meetings and background work, which, might have been listed as WI or not,
but in any case, will consume between 10 and 20% of the total hours available.4 The team does
this by laying the corresponding number of sticky notes at the bottom of the scheduling canvas,
along the makespan of the project. After doing this, the team lays on sticky notes that correspond
to the effort required by the milestones’ work packages, starting with those corresponding to the
hard milestones followed by those corresponding to the soft ones. All the effort required by a
milestone’s work package should be fitted in a time box to the left of it while respecting the
milestones’ order. The shape of a time box does not need to be regular. As much as possible, its
contour should reflect the nature of the work performed, such as front loaded, back loaded, flat,
early peaked, late peaked, and so forth. At not point, should the time box’s height surpass the
amount of resources available that could reasonably be applied to the execution of the work
package, nor can the cumulative height of any stacked time boxes go above the total number of
resources available for the project. The time box’s length would be such that the area enclosed by
it is equal to the work package’s effort. Time boxes cannot overlap, as this would imply that
somebody is actually performing, not switching, between two tasks at the same time. If judged
necessary, the team can leave some white space to buffer scope changes, or other vicissitudes.
The leftmost side of the time box will indicate the time at which work on the milestone is planned
to start, and the rightmost will mark the date by which they should be reached at risk of delaying
other milestones or the whole project. If somehow the plan is not feasible, for example, if there are
not enough resources or the hard milestone dates cannot be met, the project scope should be
renegotiated, the work approach changed, or the schedule constraints lifted.
4 ~   
Figure 12. Work Packages Schedule. Adapted from [13]
Step 2.10: In this step, the plan is completed by sprucing the milestone sequence diagram,
assigning due dates to the soft milestones, adding responsibility information, and integrating all of
them in a common document. The approximate due date for each soft milestone is found by
looking in the Work Packages Schedule for the date aligned with the right edge of the time box
associated with the milestone. Hard milestones have, by definition, a set date.
The example presented here corresponds to the development of a milestone plan for a fictitious
restaurant chain called RestoLight and is organized around the method’s steps shown in Figure 9.
In practice all these activities will be performed by the team using sticky notes and large-sized
papers, which will be physically manipulated and drawn upon.
RestoLight, a famous restaurant chain, has asked your company to develop a tablet-based order-
taking system for its franchises. Following several conversations with its executives, you sketched
the notes below and identified the functionality described in Table 2.
The project must include a beta testing period to validate the app design.
RestoLight will not accept deployment until a system-wide acceptance test is
satisfactorily completed.
Sign-off will follow satisfactory deployment of the system.
There must be at least three software releases: one to collect users’ feedback via beta
testing, another one to confirm the progress of the system towards the launch date, and
the final one to complete the system with minimum risk to the launch date.
RestoLight is preparing to launch a new menu in June of next year, so it would like the
system to be ready at least one month before that.
For its part, your company:
Cannot start the project until the end of September.
Will assign four developers to work on the project.
Based on the requirements above and its professional knowledge, the development team produced
the Work Breakdown Structure shown in Figure 13, describing its understanding of the project’s
scope and the estimated effort required for its execution. As part of the MDAX process, the
customer and the team conducted a release-planning session where they agreed on the content for
each of the three releases. Release 1 will include all menu browsing, adding and removing items
from an order, ordering, clearing an order, adding a tip, paying with card, paying with cash and
publishing updates to all devices. Release 2 will include the following user stories: customizing an
ordered item, and adding and removing items from the menu. Finally, Release 3 will include
paying with loyalty points and modifying menu items.
Step 2.1: After considering what was important to communicate to the customer about the advance
of the project, the team chose the milestones listed in Table 3. Beware that the solution is not
unequivocal. While there are self-evident milestones like project kick-off, software releases, and
the client request for a beta test, others are created by the team, based on its best judgment as to
what is important and what is not. The completion criteria associated with each milestone define
its meaning and help identify which WIs should be mapped to them.
Steps 2.2: To construct the Milestone Dependency Diagram, we start by organizing the milestones
identified in the previous step in what seems like the most logical sequence, and then we identify
and connect them using finish-to-finish dependencies. Figure 14 shows one possible Milestone
Dependency Diagram for the project. The way to read the diagram is as follows: milestone x cannot
be completed until all its direct predecessors have been completed. For example, the platform
cannot be made available until the it is selected, and the Beta testing cannot be launched until
Release 1 is completed. Notice that the dependency chart says nothing about when the work for it
ought to start.
Table 2. Required functionality for the RestoLight Project
Step 2.3: In this step, we read the milestones in order from the milestone dependency diagram and
list them from left to right as headers of the MPM. If two milestones have a similar due date, it
doesn’t matter which one you list first, since the sole purpose of the ordering is to increase the
matrix’ readability.
Step 2.4: In this step, we assign WIs to their corresponding milestones. Although this tends to be
a pretty mechanical process whose value resides on the transparency it brings to the planning
process, there are a number of points worth highlighting (see Table 4). The first is that the
milestone “Platform Available” has no WI associated with it. This is so because, although the work
to select the most adequate tablet is part of the scope of the project, the effort to provision it, is
not. The reason to include it as a hard milestone is that it represents a commitment made to the
project team by the customer, so they can start developing, and to signal that a delay in fulfilling
this promise could affect the completion date of the whole project. The second is the case of the
“Refactoring & Feedback” WI, in which a certain number of hours were allocated to Release 2
and others to Release 3. We did not allocate any effort to Release 1, because it was assumed the
refactoring would be the result of introducing new functionality and feedback from beta testing in
the later releases. There are multiple criteria on how to allocate effort to each milestone. In this
case, we thought it would be best to allocate more hours to Release 3 because in it we will remove
all technical debt, and we will have to accommodate any changes resulting from beta testing. The
third point of interest is the “Browse Menu” WI. In this case, we could have included instead the
individual WIs: “Browse Drinks”, “Browse Savoury”, “Browse Sweets” and “Browse
Promotions”, but in accordance with the recommendation to list the highest level element that
contributes on its entirety to a milestone, we did not which resulted in a simpler matrix. That being
said, if one wanted greater visibility of the allocations, listing all individual WIs would be perfectly
acceptable as well.
Figure 13. Work Breakdown Structure for the RestoLight project
Step 2.5: In this step, we black out any known non-working periods involving the whole team,
such as holidays, closings, and special vacation periods.
Step 2.6: By definition, to be successful, a plan must satisfy its hard milestones, so they tend to
act as anchoring points for the whole project. The accommodation of the work elements in the
scheduling canvas starts by marking on it any hard milestones the project might have
Steps 2.7, 2.8 & 2.9: The goal of these steps is to establish a time frame in which the work
corresponding to each work package should be executed. Notice that these are relatively big
chunks of work, and not the smaller tasks commonly associated with a detailed activity plan. To
do this, the team tags a number of sticky notes proportional to the effort required by the work
package with the name of the milestone, a distinctive pattern or any other visual mark that allows
this work to be distinguish from other work and accommodates them in an appropriate empty space
on the work packages scheduling canvas. The team starts by accommodating the effort
corresponding to MDAX recurring activities, followed by the work packages connected to hard
milestones, and finally those corresponding to the soft milestones, in the order dictated by the
milestone dependency chart, and using the team’s best judgment. If necessary, the team
intersperses buffers to protect critical milestones.
Figure 15 shows a possible Work Packages Schedule for the RestoLight project constructed
following the process described. Notice the holiday period extending from late December to early
January. Should the plan had not been feasible, e.g. not meeting its hard deadline (in this case, the
deployment in early April), the team could have asked for additional resources; reorganize the
work, for example, relax the condition of not doing development work before the design concept
has been approved; negotiate the scope; change the completion deadline; or just take its chances.
Table 3. Potential project milestones
Step 2.10: In this step, the milestone plan is completed by reading the approximate date the work
associated with each milestone will be completed from the Work Packages Schedule and assigning
it as the due date for the milestone.
Figure 14. Milestone Dependency Diagram for the RestoLight project. Adapted from [7]
Figure 15 One possible allocation of work packages to realize the plan. Adapted from [13]
Table 4. Milestone planning matrix for the RestoLight project
Executing any, but the smallest of the projects without a guiding vision, is a receipe for unnecesary
change, frustration and waste, while developing a complete activity plan at the outset of it, has
been demonstrated to be, at least, ineffecient, and at worst, misleading. This means, we need to
find a balance between the structure necessary to organize and guide the work, with the need to
adjust it, as project progresses. This is the essence of the hybrid approaches. The MDAX
framework described in this paper does that by combining a visual and participative apporoach to
milestone planning, with a Scrum-like execution approach, in a seamless way.
MDAX has been taught, and successfuly applied, by over two years at the Master of Software
Engineering Program at Carnegie Mellon University by students working in groups of four or five,
on year-long, real-world projects.
The author would like to thank Raul Martinez, Gaetano Lombardi, and Diego Fontdevila for their
advice, contributions of knowledge, and more important the investment of their precious time to
discuss earlier versions of the manuscript.
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About the Author
Dr. Eduardo Miranda
Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Eduardo Miranda is Associate Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University where he
teaches courses in project management and agile software development at the Master of
Software Engineering Program and at the Tepper School of Business. Dr. Miranda’s areas of
interest include project management, quality and process improvement.
Before joining Carnegie Mellon, Dr. Miranda worked for Ericsson where he was instrumental in
implementing Project Management Offices (PMO) and improving project management and
estimation practices. His work is reflected in the book “Running the Successful Hi-Tech Project
Office” published by Artech House in March 2003.
Dr. Miranda holds a PhD. in Software Engineering from the École de Technologie Supérieure,
Montreal and Masters degrees in Project Management and Engineering from the University of
Linköping, Sweden, and Ottawa, Canada respectively and a Bachelor of Science from the
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has published over fifteen papers in software
development methodologies, estimation and project management.
Dr. Miranda is a certified Project Management Professional and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
He can be contacted at mirandae @
For more, visit the author’s website at
... Creating what is commonly defined as a hybrid approach [8]. The execution aspects of the project are only cursory covered due to page count limits and the interested reader is directed to [9] and [10] for an indepth treatment. ...
... They might be associated with penalties or other liabilities after a statement of work is agreed, but in principle are discretionary. Miranda [10], supplemented Andersen's original technique, with the concept of "Work Packages Schedule" (see Figure 2). A Work Packages Schedule consists of a number of timeboxes within which all the work associated with a given milestone, called its work package, will have to be executed for the plan to hold. ...
Full-text available
This paper explains the Visual Milestone Planning (VMP) method using an agile vocabulary to facilitate its adoption by agile practitioners as a front end for a hybrid development process. VMP is a visual and collaborative planning approach which promotes a shared understanding of the work approach and commitment through the direct manipulation by team members of the reified planning constructs involved in the development of the plan. Once the product backlog has been established and relevant milestones identified, a novel construct called the milestone planning matrix is used to document the allocation of product backlog items to milestones. The milestones due dates are later determined by grouping sticky notes representing the work to be performed into timeboxes called work packages and accommodating them on a resource and time scaled scheduling canvas very much as it would be done in a Tetris game.
Conference Paper
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Software and system development faces numerous challenges of rapidly changing markets. To address such challenges, companies and projects design and adopt specific development approaches by combining well-structured comprehensive methods and flexible agile practices. Yet, the number of methods and practices is large, and available studies argue that the actual process composition is carried out in a fairly ad-hoc manner. The present paper reports on a survey on hybrid software development approaches. We study which approaches are used in practice, how different approaches are combined, and what contextual factors influence the use and combination of hybrid software development approaches. Our results from 69 study participants show a variety of development approaches used and combined in practice. We show that most combinations follow a pattern in which a traditional process model serves as framework in which several fine-grained (agile) practices are plugged in. We further show that hybrid software development approaches are independent from the company size and external triggers. We conclude that such approaches are the results of a natural process evolution, which is mainly driven by experience, learning, and pragmatism.
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"The best thinking in the agile development community brought to street-level in the form of implementable strategy and tactics. Essential reading for anyone who shares the passion for creating quality software."-Eric Olafson, CEO Tomax"Crystal Clear is beyond agile. This book leads you from software process hell to successful software development by practical examples and useful samples."-Basaki Satoshi, Schlumberger"A very powerful message, delivered in a variety of ways to touch the motivation and understanding of many points of view."-Laurie Williams, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University"A broad, rich understanding of small-team software development based on observations of what actually works."-John Rusk"A superb synthesis of underlying principles and a clear description of strategies and techniques."-Géry Derbier, Project Manager, Solistic"Alistair Cockburn shows how small teams can be highly effective at developing fit-for-purpose software by following a few basic software development practices and by creating proper team dynamics. These small teams can be much more effective and predictable than much larger teams that follow overly bureaucratic and prescriptive development processes."-Todd Little, Sr. Development Manager, Landmark Graphics"I find Cockburn's writings on agile methods enlightening: He describes 'how to do,' of course, but also how to tell whether you're doing it right, to reach into the feeling of the project. This particular book's value is that actual project experiences leading to and confirming the principles and practices are so...well...clearly presented."-Scott Duncan, ASQ Software Division Standards Chair and representative to the US SC7 TAG and IEEE S2ESC Executive Committee and Management Board and Chair of IEEE Working Group 1648 on agile methods"Crystal Clear identifies principles that work not only for software development, but also for any results-centric activities. Dr. Cockburn follows these principles with concrete, practical examples of how to apply the principles to real situations and roles and to resolve real issues."-Niel Nickolaisen, COO, Deseret Book"All the successful projects I've been involved with or have observed over the past 19 or so years have had many of the same characteristics as described in Crystal Clear (even the big projects). And many of the failed projects failed because they missed something-such as expert end-user involvement or accessibility throughout the project. The final story was a great read. Here was a project that in my opinion was an overwhelming success-high productivity, high quality, delivery, happy customer, and the fact that the team would do it again. The differing styles in each chapter kept it interesting. I started reading it and couldn't put it down, and by the end, I just had to say 'Wow!'"-Ron Holliday, Director, Fidelity Management ResearchCarefully researched over ten years and eagerly anticipated by the agile community, Crystal Clear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams is a lucid and practical introduction to running a successful agile project in your organization. Each chapter illuminates a different important aspect of orchestrating agile projects.Highlights include Attention to the essential human and communication aspects of successful projects Case studies, examples, principles, strategies, techniques, and guiding properties Samples of work products from real-world projects instead of blank templates and toy problems Top strategies used by software teams that excel in delivering quality code in a timely fashion Detailed introduction to emerging best-practice techniques, such as Blitz Planning, Project 360ᄎ, and the essential Reflection Workshop Question-and-answer with the author about how he arrived at these recommendations, including where they fit with CMMI, ISO, RUP, XP, and other methodologies A detailed case study, including an ISO auditor's analysis of the projectPerhaps the most important contribution this book offers is the Seven Properties of Successful Projects. The author has studied successful agile projects and identified common traits they share. These properties lead your project to success; conversely, their absence endangers your project.© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a participatory milestone planning method called the Visual Milestone Planning (VMP) Method. VMP promotes involvement and commitment, through the embodiment of planning artifacts: time boxes and work packages and their direct manipulation by team members who collectively create the plan. The method proposes the use of a novel construct dubbed the milestone planning matrix to map WBS elements to the milestones they help realize. The milestones’ due dates are later determined by accommodating sticky notes embodying the work to be done on a resource-time scaled milestone scheduling canvas. The method is applicable to traditional as well as to agile projects.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of software processes, covering in particular the following essential topics: software process modelling, software process and lifecycle models, software process management, deployment and governance, and software process improvement (including assessment and measurement). It does not propose any new processes or methods; rather, it introduces students and software engineers to software processes and life cycle models, covering the different types ranging from “classical”, plan-driven via hybrid to agile approaches. The book is structured as follows: In chapter 1, the fundamentals of the topic are introduced: the basic concepts, a historical overview, and the terminology used. Next, chapter 2 covers the various approaches to modelling software processes and lifecycle models, before chapter 3 discusses the contents of these models, addressing plan-driven, agile and hybrid approaches. The following three chapters address various aspects of using software processes and lifecycle models within organisations, and consider the management of these processes, their assessment and improvement, and the measurement of both software and software processes. Working with software processes normally involves various tools, which are the focus of chapter 7, before a look at current trends in software processes in chapter 8 rounds out the book. This book is mainly intended for graduate students and practicing professionals. It can be used as a textbook for courses and lectures, for self-study, and as a reference guide. When used as a textbook, it may support courses and lectures on software processes, or be used as complementary literature for more basic courses, such as introductory courses on software engineering or project management. To this end, it includes a wealth of examples and case studies, and each chapter is complemented by exercises that help readers gain a better command of the concepts discussed.
Systems engineers have often paid too little attention to the nature of the so-called “users” of products under development. These are better called Stakeholders, as many roles are involved, and few of those are in direct contact with the developed products. A simple and robust conceptual framework for classifying development stakeholders – a taxonomy – is proposed. The taxonomy is product-centric, with concentric ‘Circles’ denoting broad categories of stakeholder. Within these, generic ‘Slots’ describe typical classes of stakeholder; these are subdivided into ‘Roles’ which are expected to vary at least in name with the domain. Examples are given, and a popular template is reanalysed using the framework. The taxonomy has immediate value in identifying and validating stakeholder roles in requirements elicitation. This helps to ensure that key viewpoints on requirements are not missed. That in turn reduces the risk of instability and failure during development.
Context The planning, estimation and controlling mechanisms of agile process models rely significantly on a fixed set of tasks being established for each sprint. These tasks are created as refinements of product backlog items at the beginning of each sprint. However, a project team's understanding of the backlog items' business implications and dependencies may often not be deep enough to identify all necessary tasks this early, so in addition to the tasks defined in the beginning of the sprint, more necessary tasks might be discovered as the sprint progresses, making any attempt at progress estimation or risk management difficult. Objective We strive to enable software teams to achieve a deeper understanding of product backlog items, which should help them to identify a sprint's tasks more reliably and comprehensively, and avoid discovering the need for extra tasks during sprint execution. Method We introduced a project team in a medium-sized software development company to the Interaction Room method, which encourages interdisciplinary communication about key system design aspects among all stakeholders. We observed the team's conduct in the sprint planning meetings, and tracked early- vs. late-identified tasks across several sprints. Results Before the introduction of our method, the team used to discover on average 26% of a sprint's tasks not at the beginning of the sprint, but later during the course of the sprint. Using the Interaction Room in two separate projects, this ratio dropped to an average of 5% late-discovered tasks. Conclusion Our observations from these projects suggest that increased communication among all stakeholders of a project leads to a more reliable identification of the tasks to be performed in a sprint, and that an Interaction Room can provide appropriate guidance to conduct this team communication in a focused and pragmatic way.
From the Publisher: "XP is the most important movement in our field today. I predict that it will be as essential to the present generation as the S.E.I. and its Capability Maturity Model were to the last." —From the foreword by Tom DeMarco The hallmarks of Extreme Programming—constant integration and automated testing, frequent small releases that incorporate continual customer feedback, and a teamwork approach—make it an exceptionally flexible and effective approach to software development. Once considered radical, Extreme Programming (XP) is rapidly becoming recognized as an approach particularly well-suited to small teams facing vague or rapidly changing requirements—that is, the majority of projects in today's fast-paced software development world. Within this context of flexibility and rapid-fire changes, planning is critical; without it, software projects can quickly fall apart. Written by acknowledged XP authorities Kent Beck and Martin Fowler, Planning Extreme Programming presents the approaches, methods, and advice you need to plan and track a successful Extreme Programming project. The key XP philosophy: Planning is not a one-time event, but a constant process of reevaluation and course-correction throughout the lifecycle of the project. You will learn how planning is essential to controlling workload, reducing programmer stress, increasing productivity, and keeping projects on track. Planning Extreme Programming also focuses on the importance ofestimating the cost and time for each user story (requirement), determining its priority, and planning software releases accordingly. Specific topics include: Planning and the four key variables: cost, quality, time, and scope Deciding how many features to incorporate into a release Estimating scope, time, and effort for user stories Prioritizing user stories Balancing the business value and technical risk of user stories Rebuilding the release plan based on customer and programmer input Choosing the iteration length Tracking an iteration What to do when you're not going to make the date Dealing with bugs Making changes to the team Outsourcing Working with business contracts In addition, this book alerts you to the red flags that signal serious problems: customers who won't make decisions, growing defect reports, failing daily builds, and more. An entire chapter is devoted to war stories from the trenches that illustrate the real-world problems many programmers encounter and the solutions they've devised.