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Educational material supplied by The Case Centre Elevating Millennials' Experience for Enhanced Employer Branding A Background Note

  • Krupanidhi Group of Institutions Amity University

Abstract and Figures

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Elevating Millennials’ Experience for Enhanced Employer Branding
A Background Note
Nivedita Jha, Amity Business School, Amity University, Noida
Dr Puja Sareen, Amity Business School, Amity University, Noida
This background note is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion
rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a
management situation. The background note was compiled from published
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Elevating millennials’ experience for enhanced employer branding
It was a matter of high prestige for Amit Khurana, an engineering graduate in
information technology and to get selected for an internship project in 'Turtle Sprint
Technologies'. Amit was excited to work with the talent acquisition team of the firm. He
had worked on gaming projects as a software engineer before his post-graduation. He
also knew many of his colleagues who were in search of new opportunities. Hence, he
was highly optimistic about corroborating his calibre in talent acquisition by procuring
the best talents for Turtle Sprint.
Gaming Industry
Gaming occupies a major share in the entertainment industry. According to the American
Gaming Association, gaming is one of the major employment generating industries
which adds an average of 62,000 jobs every year. The market for gaming products is
growing exponentially. India is among the top five gaming businesses in the world. The
current value of the Indian gaming industry is estimated to be the US $ 290 million. It is
predicted to grow further to the US $ 1 Billion by 2021. The industry operates in a
volatile environment which is characterized by hostile and intense competition. The
majority of employees in the industry belong to the millennial generation.
The term millennial is referred to the individuals born between 1980 and 2000. This
generation is the largest working population in the present labour market. Compared to
the preceding generations, millennials hold different aspirations and attitude towards
their work. They value transparency, communication, continuous feedback, nonstop
learning and faster growth in the workplace. Characterized as job hoppers, they are
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always in search of the employer who can offer them experience according to their
expectations. They get attracted to the companies which are naturally innovative and do
not restrain their employees by strict rules and regulations. With rich knowledge in
technology and a better understanding of the business tools, the millennials are
influencing the world of work. They are redefining the culture of modern organizations.
Hence, irrespective of the individual goals and aspirations, the success of the
contemporary businesses depends upon their ability to attract and retain millennial
employees. However, attracting and retaining these employees in a competitive
environment is a big challenge for employers across the industries.
About the Company
Turtle Sprint Technologies is a mobile app and game developing company. It also
provides services in artificial intelligence, automation and web development. It is a mid-
sized Indian organization which aspires to expand its customer base across the globe. The
company is headquartered in Bangalore city in India and has its offices in Singapore and
Malaysia. The firm is planning to launch a new product and is hiring young enthusiastic
candidates for this venture. It is open for both lateral as well as fresh hires. In the past
few months, the organization has invested a huge amount of time and money in the talent
acquisition process yet unable to get the candidates with the required skill set. The
organization is in the search of innovative and proactive engineers and analysts in the age
bracket of 21 to 29 years.
The hiring of the employees is a rigorous process at Turtle Sprint. The recruits have to
go through various tests which include tests on creativity and analytics. These tests
identify the level of the technical skills required for the job and psychometrics are used to
judge the personality of the incumbent. The organization has a lavish office in the Silicon
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City of India with modern amenities such as a club, gym, smoking zone, and a library. It
offers free lunch, unlimited beverages and snacks to all its employees. At the same time,
the organization is very strict about the login and logout time of its staffs. Every day,
before leaving office, the employees are obligated to submit a report to their supervisor
regarding work completed for the day.
Problem statement
Within a couple of weeks, Amit's excitement turned into shock when five of his recruits
dropped at different stages of the selection. Disappointed with the happenings, Amit was
inquisitive about the reasons for such a fallout. To understand the situation, he began to
spend time with his colleagues. Very soon Amit found several HR-related problems
inside the company which were enough to keep the talented recruits (the kind of the
company was looking for) away from joining. The things were completely in contrast to
what he had thought.
He found low employee engagement and a high attrition rate in the company. Most of
the young employees had left the organization. The majority of the remaining employees
were in the middle of their career. These employees lacked engagement and spent most
of their time on social websites and in the smoking area. Many times Amit had heard
them expressing the desire to leave the company for a better opportunity. Amit began to
examine the issue deeply and investigated the exit interview reports and Glassdoor
ratings of the company.
The exit interviews revealed a lack of career development opportunities at Turtle Sprint.
An employee reportedly said, "whenever there was a new project or a new vacancy, the
company looked for the candidates from outside”. Glassdoor rating of the company was
low on all parameters such as work-life balance, career opportunities, the
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recommendation to a friend and the organizational culture. The salary was the only
parameter which had a positive rating. Amit made an extensive report on the challenges
of talent acquisition at Turtle Sprint. It highlighted the inconsistencies between the
company's aspirations, the external demands and the internal practices existing in the
The report began with the analysis of the expansion ecosystem in Turtle Sprint
Technologies (Figure 1). The report presented certain facts about the company which are
listed below:
1. The culture which is crucial for the attainment of any goal of a company was at stake
Figure 1: Expansion ecosystem in Turtle Sprint
Source: Prepared by the author
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Copyright encoded A76HM-JUJ9K-PJMN9I
2. The nature of the work at Turtle Sprint requires the acquisition of the millennial
workforce because youngsters can better understand the interest of young customers.
However, the company's HR strategies do not match with the expectations of this
generational cohort. Millennial employees expect something more than just engagement.
They expect an enriching experience at work which refers to anything that transforms the
employees' perception to build encouraging feelings. The present-day employees expect
their employers to provide them clear purpose at work with faster career progression and
skill development which align with their objectives.
3. The young employees are not motivated with a merely handsome salary and an
attractive office space; rather they expect a better work-life balance from their job. It is
difficult to attain the loyalty of the millennials with the old HR doctrines. To keep them
motivated, the organization must understand what each employee values.
4. Millennials do not like to be policed. They expect a relationship of trust with their
leaders and the subordinates. Over supervision in the form of strict login and logout
formalities affect the engagement level of the employee
The report concluded that the company's branding was at stake.
It also contained a proposal for improving the existing conditions. The suggestions are as
1. The company should emphasize on providing a human experience rather than
employee experience. Employee experience remains with the individuals only from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. (office hours) whereas the human experience makes an impact on the
individual as well as his family’s life. Continuous supervision and strict timings are the
major impediments towards the development of human experience at Turtle Sprint.
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1. 2. The employees at Turtle Sprint are young and ambitious. They expect their employers
to support in developing the skills which help them in the present job and promote their
future employability. Thus millennials' commitment can be gained by offering them a
career path in the organization.
2. 3. The organization should build talent management software to match the existing
vacancies / new opportunities with the skills available across the company.
3. 4. The organization must develop a culture to which the employees can relate themselves.
With the report, the management was convinced that it was essential for Turtle Sprinter
to focus on understanding the needs of its workforce. There was an urgent need to design
the tactics that gave a better experience to the employees. However, the question of the
feasibility of implementing the suggested strategies remained unanswered.
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