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A central factor in research guided by the Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is the mental effort people invest in performing a task. Mental effort is commonly assessed by asking people to report their effort throughout performing, learning, or problem-solving tasks. Although this measurement is considered reliable and valid in CLT research, metacognitive research provides robust evidence that self-appraisals of performance are often biased. In this review, we consider the possibility that mental effort appraisals may also be biased. In particular, we review signs for covariations and mismatches between subjective and objective measures of effort. Our review suggests that subjective and most objective effort measures appear reliable and valid when evaluated in isolation, because they discriminate among tasks of varying complexity. However, not much is known about their mutual correspondence—that is, whether subjective measures covariate with objective measures. Moreover, there is evidence that people utilize heuristic cues when appraising their effort, similar to utilization of heuristic cues underlying metacognitive appraisals of performance. These cues are identified by exposing biases—mismatch in effects of cue variations on appraisals and performance. The review concludes with a research agenda in which we suggest applying the well-established methodologies for studying biases in self-appraisals of performance in metacognitive research to investigating effort appraisals. One promising method could be to determine the covariation of effort appraisals and objective effort measures as an indicator of the resolution of effort appraisals.
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Looking at Mental Effort Appraisals
through a Metacognitive Lens: Are they Biased?
Katharina Scheiter
&Rakefet Ackerman
&Vincent Hoogerheide
#The Author(s) 2020
A central factor in research guided by the Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) is the mental
effort people invest in performing a task. Mental effort is commonly assessed by asking
people to report their effort throughout performing, learning, or problem-solving tasks.
Although this measurement is considered reliable and valid in CLT research,
metacognitive research provides robust evidence that self-appraisals of performance are
often biased. In this review, we consider the possibility that mental effort appraisals may
also be biased. In particular, we review signs for covariations and mismatches between
subjective and objective measures of effort. Our review suggests that subjective and most
objective effort measures appear reliable and valid when evaluated in isolation, because
they discriminate among tasks of varying complexity. However, not much is known
about their mutual correspondencethat is, whether subjective measures covariate with
objective measures. Moreover, there is evidence that people utilize heuristic cues when
appraising their effort, similar to utilization of heuristic cues underlying metacognitive
appraisals of performance. These cues are identified by exposing biasesmismatch in
effects of cue variations on appraisals and performance. The review concludes with a
research agenda in which we suggest applying the well-established methodologies for
studying biases in self-appraisals of performance in metacognitive research to investigat-
ing effort appraisals. One promising method could be to determine the covariation of
effort appraisals and objective effort measures as an indicator of the resolution of effort
Keywords Instructional design .Metacognitive monitoring and control .Mental effort .Self-
regulated learning .Cognitive load measurement
*Katharina Scheiter
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027
Published online: 1 August 2020
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
While performing daily cognitively demanding tasks, like navigating, designing, decision
making, solving problems, and learning new information, people constantly regulate their
mental effort, that is, the amount of cognitive resources they allocate to achieve their goal of
performing the task. They might invest a lot of effort because the task is highly challenging but
carries important implications. Alternatively, they might invest only little effort either because
the task appears easy or because it looks impossible to solve and they give up right away (e.g.,
when facing a new type of task, a student may announce we did not learn how to do itand
give up immediately). In all these situations, people must assess their chances of success and
ongoing progress, either implicitly or explicitly, and based on this subjective assessment, take
regulatory decisions, such as whether to invest additional effort, change a strategy, seek for
external help, or just give up on the task.
In the context of educational research, appraisals of effort and task performance are important
sources for researchers to understand how people acquire new information and perform on
problem-solving tasks. People do so not only by executing cognitive processes but also by
reflecting upon and regulating their cognition (Nelson and Narens 1990). These appraisals can
refer to the person performing the task (i.e., self-perceptions), to the task itself, and to the ongoing
process of learning new information or solving problems (i.e., momentary experiences, see
Ackerman 2019, for a review). Two prominent research areas where student appraisals play a
major role are informed by Cognitive Load Theory (CLT; Sweller et al. 2011; Sweller et al. 1998)
and Metacognition (see Bjork et al. 2013; Fiedler et al. 2019, for reviews). The latter has been a
major theoretical backbone for research on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL).
The goal of the present review is to consider whether peoples appraisals of the effort that
they invest into a task (i.e., their momentary effort experience) are reliable and valid in that
they reflect the cognitive resources they allocated.
The accuracy of effort appraisals is
fundamental from a learning and instruction perspective, because they are pivotal to explaining
instructional design effects discussed within the CLT as well as to designing effective
interventions and training programs (e.g., Mirza et al. 2019; Raaijmakers et al. 2018;van
Gog et al. 2020). Whereas mental effort appraisals are considered reliable and valid in CLT
research, metacognitive research suggests that self-appraisals of performance are often biased.
In the present review, we adhere to a call by De Bruin and van Merriënboer (2017) and Seufert
(2018) to link CLT and metacognition research. In particular, by borrowing well-established
methods and concepts for determining the accuracy of subjective appraisals from metacogni-
tion research (cf. Ackerman and Thompson (2017); Bjork et al. (2013) for reviews), we shed
light on the question of whether mental effort appraisals may also be biased and suggest
methodologies to investigate this question.
The Role of Appraisals within Cognitive Load Theory and Metacognition
The CLT deals with the cognitive processing induced by the design of educational tasks and
how this processing affects studentsperformance. The manner in which a task is designed can
In the remainder of the paper, we use the term mental effortto refer to the construct as referred to within CLT,
whereas we use effortwhen referring to the allocation of cognitive resources more generally speaking.
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027
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either hinder task performance by overloading the cognitive system with unnecessary cogni-
tive processing (i.e., extraneous cognitive load, Sweller et al. 1998) or foster performance by
stimulating cognitive processes relevant for learning (i.e., germane cognitive load, Sweller
et al. 1998). In addition, intrinsic cognitive load is caused by features inherent to the task (i.e.,
task complexity) and the person working on it (i.e., prior knowledge). Thus, cognitive load
research focuses on the way task (design) characteristics relative to a persons skills and
knowledge level affect cognitive load. That is, cognitive load is the total demands that
performing a particular task imposes on the learners cognitive system(Paas et al. 2003,
p. 64).
As an instructional design theory, the CLT focuses on effects on learning outcomes,
while the balance of load types (i.e., extraneous, germane, and intrinsic cognitive load) serves
as a mediating variable to explain learning outcomes.
One common way to estimate cognitive load is to ask people to report on the mental effort
they invested into task accomplishment. We will elaborate on the relation between cognitive
load and mental effort below. A fundamental assumption underlying the use of effort
appraisals in CLT research is that they are reliable and validreflect the cognitive resources
allocated to the taskand that effort appraisals are therefore good predictors of learning
Metacognitive research,
on the other hand, emphasizes the fact that task-related cognitive
processing and peoples judgments of their performance stem from fundamentally different
processes. It focuses on how people assess their own chance of being successful throughout
performing cognitive tasks (e.g., learning). Nelson and Narens (1990) identified four
metacognitive judgments: Ease of Learning judgments take place before learning, reflecting
a preliminary impression of task difficulty (or ease); Judgments of Learning during and
immediately after learning a particular item (e.g., term, new vocabulary word); Feeling of
Knowing is a prediction regarding ones ability to answer a particular knowledge question
before searching memory; and Confidence is a retrospective assessment of the chance of a
provided answer to be correct. Ackerman and Thompson (2015) paralleled to these four
judgment types judgments which take place throughout solving problems: Judgment of
Solvabilitybefore solving a problem; Feeling of Rightnessregarding the first solution that
comes to mind; intermediate confidence while considering potential solutions; and final
confidenceafter choosing which solution to provide.
Central to metacognitive research is the massive body of empirical evidence demonstrating
biases in peoples appraisal of their own chance for success. The source for such biases is well
agreed upon to stem from utilizing heuristic cues as bases for these judgments (cue utilization,
There is an ongoing debate in the CLT research community regarding the types of load and the relation of these
load types. Because this discussion is not pertinent to the current paper, we refer to the classical notion of CLT,
according to which extraneous, germane, and intrinsic cognitive load are considered to be separable types of
cognitive load that when added make up total cognitive load. Readers interested in recently introduced
alternatives to this assumption are referred to Sweller et al. 2019
We refer in this review to the body of Metacognitive research dealing with monitoring and control ofregulatory
decisions. It includes Meta-Memory research, dealing with memorizing and knowledge retrieval (e.g., Koriat
1997), Meta-Comprehension, dealing with reading comprehension tasks (e.g., Thiede et al. 2003), and Meta-
Reasoning, dealing with the unique monitoring and control decisions employed when facing reasoning, problem-
solving, and decision-making tasks (see Ackerman and Thompson 2015 2017, for reviews and comparisons
among the subdomains). In this review, we refer to metacognitive principles common across these three sub-
domains. A large body of metacognitive research focuses on strategies people employ, peoples explicit
awareness of factors affecting their performance, and for planning their self-regulated learning activities (e.g.,
Azevedo et al. 2010; Winne and Hadwin 1998). These aspects are out of the focus of the present review.
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1005
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Koriat 1997; see Ackerman 2019, for a review; e.g., fluencyease of processing, familiarity,
concreteness). These cues are sometimes valid, in that they predict changes in performance (high cue
diagnosticity, e.g., Koriat et al. 2006;Thompsonetal.2013), but also often not tightly associated
with performance fluctuations (low cue diagnosticity, e.g., Metcalfe and Finn 2008; Rabinowitz
et al. 1982;Sidietal.2017). Typically, biases in metacognitive judgments are reflected in
overconfidence, which has been found across samples of children, adolescents, and adults, and in
various domains (see Bjork et al. 2013; Destan and Roebers 2015; Dunning et al. 2004; Fiedler et al.
2019, for reviews). Moreover, people distinguish only to a moderate extent between their own
successes and failures (e.g., Koriat et al. 2006;Thiedeetal.2003). Regarding the timing of
metacognitive judgments, it has been shown that the later they are required (i.e., the more experience
a person has acquired with the task), the more accurate they are; nevertheless, even retrospective
judgments are prone to biases (Leonesio and Nelson 1990; Siedlecka et al. 2016).
Importantly, despite this moderate and sometimes even low appraisal accuracy,
metacognitive judgments guide regulatory decisions that people take regarding withholding
or providing answers and regarding further investment of effort for restudying, seeking help, or
giving up (e.g., Koriat and Ackerman 2010;KrebsandRoebers2010; Metcalfe and Finn 2008;
Thiede et al. 2003;Undorfetal.2020).
In the present review, we propose that effort appraisals are, in fact, a type of metacognitive
judgment. Their least common denominator is that they are both subjective as compared to objective
measures of effort or performance (cf. Baars et al. 2020). As a working hypothesis, we suggest the
possibility that also effort appraisals may hence be prone to biases, but nevertheless guide peoples
actions. This notion has been by-and-large overlooked in the vast research based on CLT, where
effort appraisals serve as a tool to explain effects on learning outcomes. We situate our review within
the Effort Monitoring and Regulation (EMR) Framework (see De Bruin et al. 2020). The goal of the
framework is to integrate CLT and SRL theory by guiding and stimulating research with respect to
three fundamental questions: (1) How do people monitor effort? (2) How do people regulate effort?
(3) How do people optimize cognitive load while performing self-regulated learning tasks? The
present paper delves into the first question by considering the possibility that effort appraisals used in
CLT may not always accord objectively measured effort.
To address this question, we draw an analogy between CLT and metacognitive research, as
illustrated in Fig. 1. We suggest that both areas of research use subjective measures (appraisals,
upper part of the figure) and objective measures (lower part of the figure) to gather insights on
constructs related to a persons cognitive state (middle part of the figure). In line with Nelson
and Narens (1990), we argue that both judgments of performance as well as of effort are
metacognitive appraisals in that they are based on the way a person thinks about his/her
cognition, rather than on the cognition itself. According to metacognitive research, the
accuracy of these metacognitive appraisals (i.e., monitoring accuracy) can be determined by
examining the relation between subjective and objective measures of the same construct. An
important assumption underlying this approach is that objective measures of knowledge and
skills, namely test performance, are reliable and valid. Hence, a lack of correspondence
between subjective and objective measures (i.e., low monitoring accuracy) can be attributed
to biases in metacognitive appraisals.
In CLT research, there are only a few studies addressing
In metacognitive research, an underlying assumption is that test outcomes reflect the knowledge it was designed
to assess. In fact, clearly, each test outcome reflects whether an individual expresses in his/her answers the
particular knowledge the test examines. For instance, it is possible that a particular test is easy for a person who
does not know much beyond the exact knowledge included in the test.
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027
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the reliability and validity of both subjective and objective measures of effort or considering
associations among them. The goal of the present review is to discuss whether and how
researchers can assess the extent in which judgments of effort are accurate (or biased), by
relying on the analogy to metacognitive research.
In the remainder of this paper, we first review the literature regarding subjective and
objective measures of effort within CLT research. Second, we discuss available research
indicating that there might be biases in effort appraisals. Finally, we propose an agenda for
future research to investigate the processes that underlie effort appraisals and potentially
misguide peoples regulatory decisions.
Mental Effort from a Cognitive Load Perspective
Within CLT, the notion of mental effort and cognitive load are closely related. Cognitive load
is defined as a multidimensional construct that represents the load that performing a particular
task imposes on the cognitive system of a particular learner(Paas and van Merriënboer
1994b, p. 122). It is characterized by two types of factors: those causing cognitive load,
namely, task features, individual characteristics, and their interaction; and assessment factors
affected by cognitive load (see Paas and van Merriënboer 1994a,b; Paas et al. 1994). With
respect to the latter, the CLT literature discusses three types of load indicators, mental load,
mental effort, and task performance, which differ in the factors causing them.
First, the term Mental Load refers to the demands a task imposes on a persons cognitive
resources, most importantly, working memory capacity (i.e., Paas and van Merriënboer
1994a). The more complex a task, the higher the mental load. This positive relationship
between complexity and mental load is seen as independent of a persons characteristics. In
the metacognitive literature, this is called data-driven effort (Koriat et al. 2006). Data-driven
effort is required by the task in a bottom-up manner, and the person has little role in guiding
this effort (assuming sufficient level of motivation for engaging in the task). It means that an
easy task (e.g., remembering a short list of words) requires less effort than a more challenging
Knowledge and skills Mental effort
Judgments of learning and
performance Mental effort ratings
Test performance
Physiological and behavioral
data (e.g., EEG, pupil
dilation, response time)
Measurement level:
Measurement level:
Construct level
metacognitive appraisal
Fig. 1 Parallels between Metacognitive and Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) concepts. Note: dashed lines reflect
the assumption that the relations between concepts may be subject to metacognitive inference processes; in
contrast, solid lines reflect more direct relationships
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1007
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task (e.g., remembering a long list of words). Similarly, a clear presentation of stimuli requires
less effort than a less legible presentation (e.g., straight vs. ).
Second, the term Mental Effort addresses the human-centered dimension of cognitive load.
According to Paas and van Merriënboer (1994a), mental effort refers to the amount of
capacity or resources that is actually allocated to accommodate the task demands(p. 354).
Mental effort is affected by features of the task, individual characteristics, and their interaction.
Effort is assumed to result from controlled (as compared to automatic) processing of task-
relevant information (cf. Shiffrin and Schneider 1977). Effort has a motivational aspect to it
(Feldon et al. 2019;Paasetal.2005;seealsoEiteletal.2020). In the metacognitive literature,
this type of effort is called goal-driven effort (Koriat et al. 2006). It is invested by using top-
down regulatory processes (e.g., decision to answer Idonotknowor to allocate additional
time) guided by the persons self-assessment of performance (Nelson and Narens 1990;see
Ackerman 2014, for a review). By the metacognitive approach, data-driven effort and goal-
driven effort are combined while working on each task item, reflecting the combination
between task requirements and peoples motivation for success (Koriat et al. 2006). In contrast,
CLT is commonly conceptualized as a cognitive theory that does not address student motiva-
tion; rather, the theory is assumed to apply to situations where students are highly motivated so
that they invest all their available resources into accomplishing a task (Schnotz et al. 2009).
Nevertheless, from a motivational perspective, influences of motivation on effort are likely
(e.g., Paas et al. 2005). For instance, a person may decide to allocate fewer resources when task
complexity leads to low expectancy of goal achievement or when the task is seen as not
sufficiently relevant to warrant high effort investments (i.e., low task value).
According to both theoretical frameworks, Task Performance results from the accumulation
of all effort types. Accordingly, similar to mental effort, performance is affected by task
features, individual characteristics, and their interaction. If a person decides to invest a lot of
effort into a complex task, then task performance may be similar to that achieved in a less
complex task after investing less effort. Hence, effort moderates the relationship between
mental load and task performance.
To conclude, CLT and metacognitive research distinguish between similar dimensions
when discussing how cognitive resources are invested into task accomplishment, with mental
load corresponding to data-driven effort and mental effort corresponding to goal-driven effort.
Measuring Effort
In line with the multidimensional nature of cognitive load, various measurement methods have
been used in CLT research. These methods can be characterized by the dimension of cognitive
load they aim to measure, whether they are subjective or objective, and when they are
First, measures used under CLT can be more or less explicitly linked to any of the three
dimensions discussed above: mental load, mental effort, and task performance. Since the
present review is focused on effort appraisals, we do not discuss measures that are unambig-
uously related to the two remaining load dimensions, mental load, and task performance. Thus,
we do not address dual task performance, which is used for measuring mental load in the main
task in the presence (relative to the absence) of a secondary task (e.g., Brünken et al. 2002), or
subjective appraisals of task difficulty (Ayres 2006).
Second, as discussed in detail below, effort measures are typically based on either subjec-
tive self-reports or objective behavioral (e.g., response time) and physiological measures (e.g.,
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eye tracking, EEG; see Brünken et al. 2003; Sweller et al. 2011, for reviews). The focus of the
present review is on the question of whether subjective effort appraisals are biased. To answer
this question, it is important to gauge how they relate to objective measurements when
performing the same task.
Third, the majority of measures can be administered throughout performing the task (van
Gog and Paas 2008). When effort is assessed during or after performing a task comprised
several items (e.g., exam), it refers to the global knowledge and skills. On the other hand, it can
be assessed in proximity to solving each task item, for measuring ongoing fluctuations which
differ among items with different characteristics and for examining ongoing changes (e.g.,
getting experience with the task). In that case, the assessment reflects the ease by which
knowledge necessary to solve the task items is retrieved and applied. Knowledge that is easier
to access and apply (e.g., related to existing knowledge) has been consolidated better and
requires less effort for retrieval and use. Typically, effort measures administered during task
performance provide an index of the quality of knowledge acquisition.
Subjective Effort Measures
The most prominent way for assessing effort is by eliciting subjective appraisals. Using this
method relies on the assumption that when asked to introspect on cognitive processes, people
can provide a reliable estimate of effort expenditure (Paas 1992). Accordingly, Paas proposed
the effort item, which (with some variability in its formulation and scaling) is used in the
majority of CLT research (van Gog and Paas 2008). It asks people to rate on 9-point Likert
scale the mental effort that was invested to accomplish a task (e.g., I invested very, very low
mental effort very, very high mental effort).
A reanalysis of data reported in Paas (1992) and Paas and van Merriënboer (1994b)is
reported in Paas et al. (1994) to deliver insights into the reliability of the mental effort rating.
Internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha) of the rating was determined by administering
multiple test problems and asking students to rate their effort after each problem. Cronbachs
alpha across these multiple effort ratings was .90 (Paas 1992) and .84 (Paas and van
Merriënboer 1994b), respectively. However, it has to be kept in mind that internal consistency
is actually a reliability measure that can only be meaningfully interpreted when there are
multiple items that assess slightly different aspects of the same construct. If items are too
similar (or in this case identical), this homogeneity of items yields artificially high reliability
scores (cf. reliability-validity dilemma, Lord and Novick 1968). At the same time, the concept
of retest reliability cannot be applied to mental effort, becausein contrast to personality
traitseffort is assumed to fluctuate (e.g., because of training effects or fatigue). Accordingly,
determining the reliability of the single-item effort appraisal is problematic.
A major benefit of effort self-appraisals is that they are easy to administer, cost- and time-
efficient, sensitive to variations in task complexity (see below), and cause only minimal
interference with task accomplishment. The self-report question about effort has been used
successfully to delineate instructional conditions that yielded corresponding differences in
learning outcomes. For instance, students have reported less effort and were more successful
when working on completion problems or learning from worked examples compared with
solving the same problems without instructional support (Paas 1992; Van Harsel, Hoogerheide
et al. 2019; van Merriënboer et al. 2002). Nevertheless, there have also been misalignments
where instructional conditions affected effort ratings, which were not accompanied by corre-
sponding changes in task performance though (e.g., van Gog et al. 2006).
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1009
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The exact delivery of the effort appraisal question is hardly discussed in CLT research. One
issue to consider is scaling. It is yet an open issue in CLT research whether a person can really
discriminate between nine different levels of effort, and from what age on (cf. Sweller et al.
2019). Moreover, one may wonder how people interpret the question regarding the amount of
effort they invested into the task. Effort can have a negative connotation referring to the strain
imposed by a task or it can have a positive connotation referring to the engagement a person
shows with the task (Fisher and Oyserman 2017). These connotations, moreover, differ in the
associated perceived agency: the origins of effort as something that is either required by a task
or invested based on a voluntary decision of the person. Whereas the original item suggested
by Paas (1992) emphasizes the latter, different variants translated into different languages have
been used, which may have different connotations (cf. Sweller et al. 2019). Unfortunately,
most studies, including the ones introducing the mental effort item (e.g. Paas 1992;Paasand
van Merriënboer 1994b), do not report the exact wording of the question about effort. Within
CLT research, little is known about how students interpret the effort item and there is no
systematic research addressing the impact that differences in wording may have.
Recent metacognitive research suggests that students associate higher effort with study
strategies that they perceive as less effective (while in actuality they are not), indicating
negative connotations of effort. In particular, in the study by Kirk-Johnson et al. (2019),
learners were asked to provide effort appraisals using four items (e.g., How tiring was the last
exercise?) and to judge their expected learning outcome after using one of two study strategies
(blocked vs. interleaved practice). In addition, learners had to indicate which of the two study
strategies they would choose for future learning. Research has shown consistently that
interleaved practice is more effective than blocked practice (see Yan et al. 2016, for a
review). Although learners gave higher effort appraisals to interleaved practice, as expected,
they evaluated interleaved practice as being less effective, and chose it less often as the
preferred strategy for future study (see also Carpenter et al. 2020,regardingthe
interpretation of higher effort associated with retrieval practice as indicating ineffective
learning). It is important to note that at least the question provided as an example in the paper
emphasized strenuous task aspects compared with the effort item typically used in CLT
research. Nevertheless, this study nicely illustrates that we know very little about how learners
interpret effort appraisals.
Koriat et al. (2014b) succeeded in manipulating the way people interpret their effort, to be
called for by the task item or stemming from their inner motivation. They achieved this by only
changing the phrasing of the question on the appraisal scale to be 1 (The paragraph required
little study) to 9 (The paragraph required a great deal of study) for activating assessment of
data-driven effort (or mental load) versus 1 (I chose to invest little study) to 9 (I chose to
invest a great deal of study)for activating assessment of goal-driven effort (or mental effort)
(see also Fisher and Oyserman 2017;Koriat2018). This malleability of effort interpretation
suggests that people can take the two sources of effort into account and rely on hints in the
environment regarding which interpretation to employ when the question is presented.
Another point to consider is that there may be individual differences in how people interpret
questions regarding their effort investment. According to Dweck and Leggett (1988), students
differ in their implicit theories of intelligence (or mindsets), in that some perceive ability as
malleable (growth mindset), whereas others perceive it as fixed. Notably, these differences in
mindset have been shown to have an effect, though small, on a variety of motivational and
cognitive aspects related to learning and achievement (Peng and Tullis in press;Sisketal.
2018). In particular, students with a growth mindset see effort as positively related to
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performance, whereas people with a fixed mindset do not believe that trying harder improves
task performance. It is likely that these mindset differences also have an effect on how people
assess their effort.
In line with this reasoning, in the context of metacognitive research, people with different
mindsets have been shown to differ in how they use encoding fluency (i.e., perceived effort
during learning) as a heuristic cue for making judgments of learning. In the study by Miele
et al. (2011), students with a fixed mindset were more likely to apply the easily learned =
easily remembered heuristic (Koriat 2008). Accordingly, they tended to interpret effortful
encoding (as evidenced by longer study times for difficult as compared with easy items) as an
indication that they had reached the limits of their ability, and, in turn, expected to achieve less
successful recall (i.e., low judgments of learning) of items that they found more effortful to
learn (see also Kirk-Johnson et al. 2019). This interpretation is in line with data-driven
interpretation of effort associated with the bottom-up mental load. Students with a growth
mindset, however, interpreted effortful encoding as suggesting greater task engagement.
Accordingly, they adapted a top-down, goal-driven effort interpretation and expected better
memory (i.e., higher judgments of learning) for items they invested more effort in. Because in
this study encoding fluency was a valid cue, mindset also had a systematic effect on the
studentscalibration. Entity theorists were well calibrated regardless of task difficulty, whereas
students with a growth mindset were underconfident for easy items, but overconfident for the
most difficult items.
In sum, most CLT research measured effort with the subjective effort item of Paas (1992)or
a variant thereof. This effort measure is easy to use and minimally intrusive. Importantly, it is
typically sensitive to instructional design variations. However, because it is a single-item
appraisal, its reliability is difficult to establish. Moreover, a persons interpretation of effort
assessments may vary depending on the exact formulation and framing of the question as well
as on interindividual differences.
Objective Effort Measures
Effort can also be assessed using objective behavioral and physiological indicators. Time-on-
task (i.e., the amount of time a person invests into accomplishing a task) is probably the most
intuitive effort measure. Having said so, there are hardly any studies in the context of CLT that
have used time-on-task explicitly as a measure of effort. Note that this point demonstrates a
stark contrast to metacognitive research, where learning and answering time is discussed
extensively as an indicator of effort among adults and children (e.g., Koriat et al. 2014a;see
Baars et al. 2020) and was even manipulated for leading people to believe that the task
required more or less effort (Topolinski and Reber 2010).
Physiological effort measures reflect that when a person modifies his or her engagement
with a task, this is typically accompanied by a physiological response. Physiological effort
indices that have been discussed in the CLT literature are heart rate variability, skin conduc-
tance, brain activity, and pupil dilation (cf. Paas et al. 1994). These measures have their origin
in cognitive and neuroscientific research fields, where they serve as indicators for cognitive
processing demands. Differently from subjective appraisals, physiological measures hardly
interfere with task accomplishment once the apparatus has been prepared for recording and
calibrated to the individual. Physiological measures allow for a continuous assessment of effort
and areto varying degreeshighly sensitive to fluctuations of effort (Paas et al. 2003). This
fine-tuned sensitivity has been applied in CLT research both for tracking effort fluctuations in
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shortly-performed task items (e.g., Scharinger 2018) and as a mean over time when applied for
lengthy tasks (e.g., Richter and Scheiter 2019).
Heart rate variability reflects changes in the interval between two heartbeats and can be
measured using either electroencephalogram (ECG) or blood pressure. Notably, there are a
number of health-related physical and cognitive conditions that affect interindividual variabil-
ity and responsiveness of the heart rate and that may occlude intra-individual changes due to
task demands (see Forte et al. 2019).
Electrodermal activity (EDA) or skin conductance measures make use of the fact that the
skin becomes a better conductor of electricity with increasing physiological arousal (e.g.,
Hoogerheide et al. 2019; Nourbakhsh et al. 2017). EDA consists of phasic EDA, short-term
changes (peaks) in response to stimuli, and tonic EDA, longer changes in autonomic arousal
(Braithwaite et al. 2013). EDA measurements are affected by room temperature, movement,
and bodily actions such as coughing and talking (see Braithwaite et al. 2013). Moreover, about
10% of the population is non-responsive. Nevertheless, research has shown that phasic EDA
can be a reliable indicator of cognitive load (e.g., Ruiz et al. 2007).
Brain activity measures can be obtained by using EEG (electroencephalogram) or NIRS
(near-infrared spectroscopy). EEG measures immediate electrical activity at various brain
locations while a person is performing a task. Changes in theta and alpha waves have been
validated as indicators of cognitive processing demands (cf. for reviews Antonenko et al. 2010;
Scharinger 2018). NIRS is an optical-imaging technology for measuring brain activity used for
learning and instruction research (Brucker et al. 2015). Its application is easier than EEG, since
it does not require attaching electrodes to a persons head. Rather, it uses infrared light to
detect changes in the concentration of oxygenated and de-oxygenated hemoglobin in the
blood, which are indicative of cognitive activity. However, whereas EEG can record brain
activity in all brain regions, NIRS only works for brain regions located close to the scalp.
Finally, pupil dilation has been used as an objective effort measure. Pupil size can be
assessed with most commonly available video-based eye trackers. Starting with the seminal
paper by Hess and Polt (1964), it has been shown repeatedly that the pupil dilates with
increases in cognitive processing demands (e.g., Richter and Scheiter 2019;Scharingeretal.
2015; Szulewski et al. 2017;Zuetal.2019).
To conclude, several objective measures have been used to assess effort during task process-
ing. With technological advances, many technologies have become cheaper, easier to use, provide
more information (e.g., multimodal sensors), and allow administration in less controlled environ-
ments and with more complex stimuli. The physiological measures diverge in their responsive-
ness. Whereas changes in heart rate, brain activity measured by EEG, and pupil dilation occur
immediately after stimulus onset, brain activity measured by NIRS and tonic EDA reveal changes
in effort after a delay. Thus, for the latter measures, it can be difficult to synchronize their
fluctuations with behaviors of a learner or changes in the stimulus. Furthermore, because there
is interindividual variability in physiological responses, all physiological measures require con-
trolling for an individuals response under baseline conditions. If properly applied, they can also
be used in between-subjects designs despite their interindividual variability.
Do Subjective Effort Appraisals Measure Invested Effort?
In general, CLT research is based on the assumption that the subjective appraisals of effort are
an accurate measure of invested mental effort (Paas 1992). Before turning to the question of
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whether this is the case by reviewing the literature, we first take a methodological view on this
assumption by discussing how the accuracy of mental effort appraisals could be determined.
Methodological Considerations
From a psychometric perspective, determining whether effort ratings are accurate requires
establishing their construct validity, which can be done analytically and/or empirically. From
an analytical perspective, a measure is valid if it represents the to-be-measured construct in a
comprehensive (content validity) and plausible (face validity) way. From an empirical per-
spective, the measure has criterion validity if it correlates highly with another measure of the
same construct for which validity has already been established (concurrent validity) and/or if it
predicts an external criterion based on theory or previous research (predictive validity).
As done with metacognitive assessments of success, concurrent validity of subjective effort
appraisals should be established by relating them to objective measures of effort. Research on
metacognition typically examines concurrent validity of metacognitive assessment of success
by investigating to which degree self-assessment of performance is related to actual task
outcome. High correspondence suggests that people are accurate in monitoring their knowl-
edge and performance, whereas low correspondence suggests low monitoring accuracy (see
Fig. 1). There are two prominent measures of monitoring accuracy, calibration and resolution
(see Ackerman et al. 2016; De Bruin and van Merriënboer 2017, for reviews).
An examination of calibration distinguishes between a well-calibrated assessment, a
positive bias (overconfidence), and a negative bias (underconfidence) (e.g., Finn and
Metcalfe 2014;Sidietal.2017). Calculating calibration regarding assessments of success
and task outcomes is relatively straightforward, because both can use the same metric (e.g., %
correct). That is, let us consider a case in which Jims mean confidence judgment across
answers reflects being 80% sure about his success. If indeed 80% of his answers are correct,
Jim is well calibrated. If in fact only 65% of his answers are correct, he is overconfident.
Applying calibration as an accuracy measure of effort appraisals means that a person is
biased if s/he reports either higher or lower effort than was actually invested as indicated by an
objective measure. There are at least two challenges here. First, calculating calibration requires
an objective standard to which the subjective appraisal is compared to. As mentioned earlier,
for metacognitive research, performance is what people are asked to assess and thus it is
reliable by definition. On the other hand, the validity of objective measures of effort should be
considered in depth, as there is no concrete and well-agreed upon objective measure which
people are requested to adjust their appraisals to. In particular, objective effort measures only
indicate that there is a change in physiological arousal (alertness). Moreover, physiological
arousal is not specific to cognitive processes, but is also associated with emotional responses,
for instance. Accordingly, the interpretation of physiological effort measures is affected by
what has been called the reverse inference problem in neuroscience (Poldrack 2011). This
neuroscience problem arises when trying to identify which brain activation measure can be
considered an indicator of a certain mental process. Such identification can be done only if
activation of this brain area is linked to this specific process and does not occur for other
processes as well. Following the same inference logic, the interpretation of physiological
arousal as effort requires a sound understanding of the task and its requirements as well as
triangulating it with other indicators. From this perspective, the validity of objective effort
measures can be determined only by accumulating evidence that the measures fluctuate as one
would expect if they indeed reflected effort. For instance, effort measures should react to
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1013
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manipulations of task complexity, as discussed in the Direct Comparisons between Subjective
and Objective Effort Measuressection. Importantly, this challenge is true for the validation of
any psychological construct. A second challenge with applying the calibration logic to effort
appraisals is that objective measures do not have an absolute minimum and maximum score
and clear meaning to any terminology people tend to use in daily language. This limitation
precludes using calibration for measuring the accuracy of effort appraisals.
Resolution is the second monitoring accuracy measure commonly used in metacognitive
research. Resolution is calculated as a within-participant correlation between judgment (e.g.,
confidence) and success (e.g., answer correctness, yes/no) across items (e.g., a question) within
a task (e.g., an exam). It is reported as a numerical value on the continuum between 1 and 1
and statistically compared to zero for assessing its strength. This correlation reflects the extent
of correspondence between judgment and success in each itemthat is, whether higher
judgments (e.g., confidence ratings) are attached to correct responses rather than to wrong
ones. Good resolution allows the person to make effective choices by distinguishing among
those items where no further effort should be invested and those that should be reconsidered.
For instance, when learning towards an exam, the student must choose which items to restudy
on the day before the exam in order to make the best out of the remaining time. Metacognitive
studies have shown that conditions that support better resolution yield better restudy choices
than conditions with weaker resolution (Thiede et al. 2003).
Resolution is highly relevant for effort measures, as it is relative in nature, and considers
whether fluctuations in one measure are reflected in the other measure and vice versa.
Applying resolution to effort ratings requires administering subjective and objective effort
measures simultaneously for several items, allowing for statistically robust enough within-
participant correlations. In most metacognitive studies, resolution is applied with at least ten
items per participant (e.g., Ackerman 2014;Koriatetal.2006; Metcalfe and Finn 2008).
However, there are studies with lengthy reading comprehension tasks which applied it with
only six items that varied in difficulty (e.g., Thiede et al. 2003).
Moreover, under the assumption that the motivation to solve a series of tasks is kept
constant, a person should invest more effort into the task items that are more complex
compared with easier ones. This is at least true for tasks that do not become so hard that
people give up on them. In the psychometric literature, a measuresability to discriminate
among situations is called sensitivity. We will refer to sensitivity as a proxy for resolution as
determined in metacognitive research. Why a proxy? As mentioned above, in metacognitive
research, the subjective appraisal associated with each item and the objective success measure
refer to the same well-agreed upon construct (cf. Fig. 1).
In the Sensitivity to Variations in Task ComplexityA Proxy for Resolutionsection, we
review CLT studies aimed at determining whether effort measures can discriminate between
items with different characteristics, namely, their complexity, as a proxy for resolution. In the
Direct Comparisons between Subjective and Objective Effort Measuressection, we discuss
the few CLT studies that have applied both types of effort measures within one study and that
hence in principle would allow to determine resolution the way it is done in metacognition
research, namely as the degree of covariation between subjective and objective effort
Finally, predictive validity of subjective effort appraisals can be determined by relating
them to other constructs that are assumed to be strongly related to effort. Most importantly, in
CLT research, effort is assumed to be causally related and hence to predict performance. Thus,
in experimental studies, predictive validity may be accounted as biased when effort appraisals
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and performance do not align, that is, if one measure shows variations while the other does not.
Moreover, such a finding supports dissociation between subjective and objective measures of
effort and indicates that there is room to understand what aspects of the objective measure are
ignored and what heuristic cues within the situation are taken into account when assessing
effort, but in fact do not affect success in the task.
Sensitivity to Variations in Task ComplexityA Proxy for Resolution
In this section, we review findings that suggest that effort measures are sensitive to manipu-
lations of task complexity for the following purposes: First, if subjective effort appraisals
allowed to discriminate between items of varying task complexity, this would constitute a
proxy for resolution in metacognition research. Second, if objective measures were sensitive to
task complexity variations, this would point towards their validity as effort measures. Thus,
triangulating object and subjective measures with complexity may be useful as a proxy for
resolution in metacognitive research. We are not aware of any study that considered full
triangulation of these measures. However, a few studies associated either subjective appraisals
or objective indications of effort with task complexity.
When considering subjective effort appraisals, in several studies, students were asked to
work on multiple task items for which task complexity varied within participants, which
accords with the requirements for calculating resolution. These studies provide empirical
evidence that variations in task complexity are reflected in the task-related subjective ap-
praisals of effort. Several studies have found effort ratings to be higher for complex tasks than
for simpler ones (e.g., Paas et al. 1994; Schmeck et al. 2015;vanGogetal.2012).
Complementing these studies, several studies employing physiological measures have
shown objective indicators of effort to be sensitive to variations in task complexity. In
particular, EEG studies have revealed decreases in EEG alpha frequency band power at
parietal electrodes and increases in frontal-central EEG theta frequency band power with
increasing task complexity (see Scharinger 2018, for a review). Moreover, Aghajani et al.
2017 found evidence that combining EEG parameters with markers simultaneously obtained
with NIRS significantly improved discrimination between tasks complexity levels compared
with using EEG alone. Using eye tracking, Scharinger et al. (2015) demonstrated increases in
pupil dilation as a function of increasing task complexity. Finally, Nourbakhsh et al. (2017)
used learnersskin response (EDA) to distinguish between arithmetic learning tasks of
different complexity. Based on a number of EDA features, they could classify four levels of
cognitive load with up to 80% accuracy. In contrast, Haapalainen et al. (2010)aswellas
Larmuseau et al. (2019) found no differences in EDA as a function of task complexity.
Similarly, Paas et al. (1994) were unable to find evidence that heart rate variability could
detect variations in task difficulty.
To conclude, the few studies that (indirectly) investigated resolution of effort measures with
several tasks within participants reveal that both subjective and objective measures are quite
sensitive to varying complexity. The only exception constitutes skin conductance and heart
rate variability measures for which conflicting results were obtained. In contrast to
metacognitive research, the degree of resolution is not quantified in terms of within-
participant correlation. That is, while in metacognitive research the extent of within-
participant correlation between metacognitive judgments and performance is determined and
statistically examined, in CLT research, researchers have looked at the general alignment by
determining whether more complex tasks also yield higher effort appraisals. This approach
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leaves open how well effort appraisals are aligned with variations in effort as indicated by
objective measures. It also leaves open questions about potential biasing factors which
generate more fine-tuned variations for identifying conditions, individual characteristics,
global task and situation characteristics, and item characteristics that support better
sensitivity to effort variations than others.
Direct Comparisons between Subjective and Objective Effort Measures
In the previous section, we focused on studies analyzing either subjective or objective effort
measures as a function of task complexity. This association may be interpreted as a proxy for
the resolution measure in metacognitive research. In this section, we review studies that
compared results obtained from simultaneously applying subjective appraisals and objective
effort measures within one study. Notably, none of the studies attempted to analyze the
correspondence between the measures by calculating resolution on a continuum. Moreover,
some of the studies used mental load ratings instead of, or in addition to, effort appraisals.
Paas et al. (1994) compared fluctuations in the subjective effort ratings, as suggested by
Paas (1992), and heart rate variability as a function of cognitive demands elicited by several
task designs. While the subjective effort ratings reflected differences in task design, the
analysis of heart rate variability revealed only differences between active and resting states,
but reflected no more fine-grained sensitivity (see also Nickel and Nachreiner 2003).
Antonenko and Niederhauser (2010) used EEG to investigate cognitive demands while
learners studied two versions of the same hypertext article. They found differences in alpha
and theta-activity measures: A hypertext whose links were augmented with leads (i.e.,
previews of the target page) yielded better learning outcomes and less effort investment as
indicated by the EEG measures than a version without leads. Notably, though, subjective effort
appraisals did not reveal a difference between the hypertext versions, suggesting that the
subjective measure was less sensitive to the processing differences induced by the hypertext
Korbach et al. (2017) applied subjective and objective effort measures in the presence of
seductive details. The addition of interesting but irrelevant details to the multimedia instruction
decreased learning outcomes as expected. Eye-tracking analyses showed that materials were
processed differently when seductive details were present. High task difficulty appraisals (i.e.,
ratings of mental load) were linked to lower performance. In contrast, effort appraisals and
pupil dilation were unrelated to learning outcome. This finding highlights potential differences
between subjective appraisals of difficulty and of effort. It suggests that there is better
correspondence between subjective and objective measures of effort than between difficulty
appraisals and objective measures of effort, at least with regard to pupil dilation. Future
research is called to examine this difference further.
Richter and Scheiter (2019) documented signs for a dissociation between subjective
appraisals and objective effort measures. They studied the effects of signals to highlight
text-picture correspondences (e.g., color coding) for students with either low or high prior
knowledge. Consistent with previous research (Richter et al. 2016 2018), students with low
prior knowledge, but not those with high prior knowledge, showed better learning outcomes
when text-picture signals had been included rather than excluded in the multimedia materials.
A corresponding, albeit weak interaction was observed for pupil size suggesting that low prior
knowledge students had larger pupil sizes in the condition without signals (hence investing
more effort) than in the condition with signals. No differences were observed for subjective
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027
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appraisals of task difficulty. Unfortunately, subjective effort measures were not used in this
To conclude, the few studies that collected both subjective appraisals and objective effort
measures suggest that there are dissociations among them. Interestingly, the authors of the
aforementioned studies interpret it either as an issue concerning the validity of the subjective
appraisals (e.g., Antonenko and Niederhauser 2010) or of the objective measures (Paas et al.
1994). At this point, it seems that measurement issues regarding both indices contribute to the
different effects on the various indices. Both the subjective and objective measures do not
show the pattern of results that one would expect based on performance, thereby suggesting on
limited predictive validity for both, and also on the merit of studying the underlying mecha-
nism for these complex associations among all sorts of measures. Notably, in contrast to
metacognitive research, statistical measures quantifying their degree of association are not
provided. Rather, interpretations are made based only on the presence/absence of differences
between experimental conditions in the effort measures and their correspondence. Hence, no
conclusions can be drawn as to the degree to which the measures do (not) align beyond the
mismatch of effects across measures.
Heuristic Cues Underlying Effort Appraisals
As mentioned briefly above, in metacognitive research, it is well established that people do not
have access to their actual knowledge. They assess their chance of success by utilizing
heuristic cues which are both experience-based (gut feeling, mainly based on fluency) and
theory-based (based on beliefs and lay theories; Koriat 1997). Referring to effort appraisals as
metacognitive judgments brings to the fore the heuristic cues people may utilize to infer their
effort assuming that they cannot sense reliably their effort. Heuristic cues are valid as long as
they have high cue diagnosticity (Koriat 1997). Appraisal biases occur when people make use
cues with low diagnosticity. As a result, the methodology for exposing utilization of heuristic
cues is based on identifying factors that affect metacognitive judgments while having no effect
(or even an opposite effect) on objective measures (see Ackerman 2019,forareview).
Within CLT, an interesting question related to the accuracy of effort appraisals refers to the
anchors people use when judging effort to be high or low. Xie and Salvendy (2000) discussed
how cognitive load fluctuates during task performance, while we in the following apply their
reasoning to mental effort (see also Paas et al. 2003). Following Xie and Salvendy (2000),
there are several ways of conceptualizing effort variations during performing the task. There is
the effort that fluctuates during performing a task on a moment-to-moment basis (instanta-
neous load), accumulated load is the total amount of effort for one task, average effort is the
effort experienced during one task on average, and peak effort is the maximum effort
experienced during performing the task. When asking people to provide an effort appraisal
after working on a task, it is unclear what type of anchor is used as a reference point when
making the appraisal. This unique aspect calls attention to the timing and frequency of effort
Van Gog et al. (2012) investigated how immediate effort ratings provided after each task
item relate to a single rating provided at the end of the task sequence (i.e., a delayed rating).
They found that single delayed estimates of effort were higher than the average of all the
immediate ratings. Nevertheless, the delayed rating was not as high as the effort students
reported to have invested in the most complex task. When the complexity of the items within a
task sequence was kept homogenous, a delayed rating was higher than average ratings for task
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sequences containing only complex problems, but not for those containing only simple
problems. Another experiment showed that informing students beforehand that they would
have to provide effort ratings resulted in lower delayed ratings. These findings suggest that
itemized appraisals are more sensitive to effort fluctuations. This is also in line with
metacognitive research in which itemized judgments are used for examining judgment reli-
ability and heuristic cues that underlie them. Summative (or aggregated) judgments are
accounted as a different kind of judgment. Such summative judgments can be used for
examining individual differences in correlation with other global measures, as done regarding
psychometric tests (e.g. Dentakos, Saoud, Ackerman, and Toplak 2019). Comparisons be-
tween itemized and summative metacognitive judgments of success are scarce (e.g., Dentakos
et al. 2019; Rivers, Dunlosky, and Joynes 2019).
Notably, van Gog et al. (2012) interpreted the results of their experiments as suggesting that
monitoring effort requires cognitive resources and is not done spontaneously, which is
problematic especially in the case of complex problems. This conclusion means that future
empirical studies focused on effort appraisals should have a control group which does not rate
their effort, for exposing potential reactivity of the appraisals on other measures. In metacog-
nition, the issue of judgment reactivity is under a lively debate in the recent years because of
mixed results, with no satisfactory theoretical understanding regarding the conditions that
make judgments reactive (see Double et al. 2018, for a meta-analysis regarding judgments of
learning; see Double and Birney 2019, for a review of effects on problem solving).
Schmeck et al. (2015) followed up on van Gog et al. (2012) by looking more closely into
what predicts delayed effort ratings. They conducted two studies in which they investigated the
role of task complexity on effort, task difficulty, interest, and motivation ratings. Students were
asked to solve six reasoning problems. The results revealed that irrespective of how tasks were
sequenced, delayed effort and difficulty ratings were higher than the average ratings, thereby
replicating findings from van Gog et al. (2012). No corresponding differences between average
and delayed ratings were found for either interest or motivation. Immediate ratings of more
complex problems were best suited to predict delayed ratings, at least when presented in a
simple-to-complex sequence, whereas the results for a complex-to-simple sequence were less
clear. This again suggests that there may be memory biases involved in delayed subjective
ratings (cf. Tsang and Wilson 1997). That is, experienced high peaks in effort and task
difficulty as well as serial position both seem to contribute to later appraisals given after the
end of the experience (cf. peak-end effect, Kahneman et al. 1993). Research has indeed shown
that sequencing learning experiences to end with the most pleasant (i.e., least effortful) partly
improved the valence of childrens memories of learning vocabulary or receiving peer
feedback (e.g., Hoogerheide and Paas 2012; Hoogerheide et al. 2018). Ending on a pleasurable
note also influenced childrens behavioral preferences (e.g., which task to repeat), thereby
affecting their regulation of future study behavior.
Another way of assessing the accuracy of subjective effort appraisals is to investigate
whether they are affected by experimental manipulations that are unrelated to the effort
invested. Raaijmakers et al. (2017) had students work on problem-solving tasks. Before they
rated their effort at the end of the task sequence, in some conditions, they were given (fake)
feedback regarding their task performance, which was either positive or negative. In three
experiments with different tasks and study populations, the authors showed that students rated
their effort higher after negative feedback than after positive feedback. Effort ratings in the no-
feedback conditions fell in between. These findings show that feedback affects perceptions of
effort investment, thereby serving as an invalid cue for estimating ones effort. Moreover, they
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suggest that people tend to associate high effort with ineffective learning (cf. Kirk-Johnson
et al. 2019).
Taken together, there are a few studies that identified heuristic cues that people use to base
their effort appraisals on. The existing studies suggest that subjective effort appraisals reflect
more than just the effort invested in a task, as the effort measurement is influenced by factors
that do not have anything to do with the tasks themselves, such as provision of feedback or
task position. This suggests that in their effort appraisals learners also make use of cues that are
invalid in terms of effort expenditure.
Directions for Future Research
In this review, we raise the possibility that effort appraisals do not necessarily reliably reflect
the invested effort. Following metacognitive research, we assume that effort appraisals are
nevertheless used as bases for peoples regulatory decisions and are thus important for
understanding learning. Clearly, questioning the accuracy of effort appraisals is a trigger for
numerous future research directions. Inspirations for such examination can be taken from
seminal studies that provide evidence for such regulatory role in metacognitive research (e.g.,
Metcalfe and Finn 2008;Thiedeetal.2003).
Our approach to this possibility was to review relevant empirical findings obtained within
the research tradition of CLT and enrich this review with insights obtained from metacognitive
research, where subjective judgments of ones own performance have been shown to be
informed by various heuristic cues and thus potentially biased. Relating these two research
fields allowed us to identify gaps in the literature. In the following paragraphs, we suggest
future research directions with regard to three aspects: (a) characteristics of effort appraisals
within CLT and their interpretation, (b) measuring resolution of effort measures, and (c)
identifying heuristic cues that underlie and might bias effort appraisals.
Characteristics of Effort Appraisals within CLT and their Interpretation
CLT research has deployed a variety of appraisals that differ in focus (task difficulty vs. effort),
wording (effort as engagement vs. strain), scaling (5-, 7-, or 9-point Likert scale), timing of
administration, and target detail level (itemized vs. summative). We list here potential research
directions that will contribute to understanding and improving elicitation procedures of effort
First, there is the issue of scaling discussed above, questioning whether people are sensitive
enough to their effort for using Likert scales to rate it. Raising this point calls for a systematic
investigation of the instruments and their administration. Such research should involve both
quantitative analyses, as discussed above, and qualitative analyses (e.g., think aloud studies)
for addressing how people reason and which cues they use when making effort appraisals.
Respective quantitative and qualitative studies should also take into account individual
characteristics, such as a persons implicit theories of ability (e.g., intelligence) and perfor-
mance, prior knowledge, and age, which are likely to influence how a person interprets effort
and discriminates between different levels of effort.
Second, our review suggests that administration aspects may affect effort appraisals in
various ways. For instance, as reviewed above, priming of mindset (Fisher and Oyserman
2017) and the wording of the question by which effort appraisals are elicited (Koriat et al.
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1019
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2014b) were found to affect peoples perceptions of effort as being either data-driven or goal-
driven. These findings demonstrate the malleability of effort appraisals and call researchers to
pay attention to these seemingly negligible details which in fact may cause predictable biases.
Third, as mentioned above, calibration, in terms of under- and overconfidence, cannot be
calculated without common units agreed between the participants and the researchers for both
appraisals and objective measures. As a bypass, in an attempt to allow researchers to use
methodologies, they typically use for their CLT-inspired studies, we suggest considering
standardizing both subjective and objective measures into z-scores. However, the use of z-
scores should be done with awareness that the participants cannot have this relativity in mind.
While relative, rather than an absolute measure as calibration should be, comparing relative
subjective and objective measures across conditions might be useful for identifying conditions
in which people tend to be biased upwards or downwards. This methodology is expected to be
particularly useful when the factors have a differential effect on the two types of measures (one
goes up while the other goes down or unaffected). Notably, in order to calculate z-score and/or
resolution, it is recommended to use effort appraisals scales with at least 9 levels, with more
being better. This seems to contradict the issue of scaling and sensitivity of people to fine-
tuned differences. However, in metacognitive research, researchers typically use 0100%
scales. Some people do anchor to a particular level and move around it, but still research
shows that most people do use the entire scale and their judgments reflect calibration and
resolution variations across conditions and populations (e.g., Dentakos et al. 2019;Koriatetal.
2014a; Metcalfe and Finn 2008).
Resolution of Effort Measures
This review suggests that subjective and objective indicators of effort are sensitive to variations
in task complexity, which can be interpreted as a proxy for good resolution of these measures.
However, there are a number of caveats to this interpretation. First, studies investigating this
issue are scarce and have also produced conflicting results as in the case of skin conductance
and heart rate variability measures. Second, these few studies did not quantify the degree of
resolution or investigate whether measures differ in their sensitivity to subtle changes in
complexity. Here, we call for future studies to control for potential confounding factors, such
as individual or contextual factors, and to use sufficiently large item collections and sample
sizes. These studies should aim to deploy a variety of task complexity levels for allowing to
investigate sensitivity. Finally, more than just one effort measure should be deployed to also
allow for judging the relative sensitivity of these measures. Moreover, using several measures
allows investigating the covariation of multiple effort measures across a series of multiple
tasks, which could potentially provide a reliable measure of appraisalsaccuracy (see below).
A central challenge concerns measuring effort objectively. The physiological effort mea-
sures reviewed above are all known to be prone to being affected by individual and contextual
characteristics. Thus, they need to be carefully administered to reduce potential artifacts. In
particular, there is a need to assess baseline measures for all of them so that effects on the effort
indicator can be determined as a change relative to the baseline. Moreover, it is important to
keep in mind that objective measures are just an approximation regarding the true value of
mental effort invested into a task. The only way to validate these measures is to accumulate
evidence that they behave in line with what would be expected from a measure assessing
effort, since there is no other way to generate ground truth for any psychological construct.
However, we believe that it is important to keep in mind that the same critique also applies to
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027
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metacognitive research. Performance observed in a learning outcome test is, if the test is well
designed, a highly valid instrument for assessing a learners mental representation, but
performance in this test is not identical to the learners knowledge and skills. Thus, in both
research fields, we can only hope for approximating true values as a basis for determining the
accuracy of subjective appraisals. The difference between the domains lies in using terminol-
ogy participants can understand. In metacognitive research, we can ask participants to assess
concretely how many questions they answered correctly, or what is the chance of each of their
answers to be correct, and sum up these appraisals across the exam. When asking participants
to assess effort, the terminology is abstract. This is a fundamental difference that no method-
ology can overcome. Thus, CLT research plans should be even more careful in interpreting the
results and attempt to triangulate more measures to increase researchersconfidence in the
Importantly, research designs aiming to look into the correspondence between subjective
and objective effort measures should be planned rigorously, while employing critical thinking
in light of considerations we brought in this paper and probably others. For instance, subjective
appraisals and physiological measures should be collected at the same time points during task
performance. This practice should reduce differences in the anchors that people use to make
various appraisals (Tsang and Wilson 1997; Xie and Salvendy 2000). In particular, measuring
subjective and objective effort multiple times during performing a lengthy or complex task will
allow investigating the co-variation of the indicators across time, as done in metacognitive
research when using resolution for assessing judgment accuracy.
Identifying Heuristic Cues for Self-Assessment of Effort
Metacognitive research has provided a plethora of insights regarding the heuristic cues that
people utilize when evaluating their own cognition. As mentioned above, the central method
for identifying heuristic cues people take (or fail to take) into account in judgment of their
performance is to generate dissociation between judgment and actual success in the task in
their response to variations in a potentially misleading factor. Our review pointed to initial
indications for such dissociations within the CLT literature. This is clearly only a hint that
should call attention of researchers to a potential gold mineof research topics. Clearly, this
research agenda depends heavily on having acceptable indications for effort. However, even
using the current methods for pointing to factors that affect differently effort appraisals and
objective indications of effort is highly valuable for pushing our theoretical understanding
forward. In particular, Ackerman (2019) presented a taxonomy for considering heuristic cues
and explained methodologies for doing so in Meta-Reasoning researchmetacognitive pro-
cesses associated with reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. She pointed out cues
at three levels, self-perception of the individual, task-related factors, and ongoing experiences
people have while performing each task item. Overall, people tend to underestimate in their
metacognitive judgments effects of individual differences and task-related characteristics on
performance, and reflect more upon perceived difficulty variations across task items (e.g.,
Rabinowitz et al. 1982). This analysis highlights that within CLT studies, we should distin-
guish effects on effort in cases of between-participant variations (e.g., Antonenko and
Niederhauser 2010) and within-participant variations (e.g., Paas et al. 1994). Future studies
are called for to consider which level of cues are taken into account more strongly in effort
appraisals and what can we learn from it regarding conditions that support valid effort
appraisal. Confirmatory evidence regarding biases in effort appraisals would come from
Educational Psychology Review (2020) 32:10031027 1021
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experiments that reveal effects of heuristic cues on subjective appraisals even though they
should not impact effort, whereas objective measures remain unaffected, and vice versa. Such
double-dissociation research does not exist so far.
Moreover, subjective sense of effort is a key item-level experience-based heuristic cue in
metacognitive research. Typically, this cue is operationalized by response time, as reviewed
above and by Baars et al. (2020). Following this review, CLT researchers may find it useful to
add response time to their toolbox of objective measures of effort (see Fig. 1). Similarly,
metacognitive researchers should become aware that response time is clearly not the sole basis
for subjective effort experiences, as it seems plausible that people have varying levels of
perceived effort in the same invested time and vice versa. Thus, understanding better the
mechanisms underlying subjective effort appraisals will also inform back metacognitive
theorizing and provide it with better research tools for examining judgments of performance
and the following regulatory decisions. Interestingly, associations between subjective effort
ratings and metacognitive judgments have shown to be stronger than those between objective
effort measures and metacognitive judgments (Baars et al. 2020), suggesting that the prior may
share a common denominator, namely, the subjective appraisal process, that eventually yields
higher correspondence between them. Accordingly, there may be common mechanisms
underlying both types of appraisals that are interesting for coordinated empirical investigations
and theory building alike.
The effort people invest in performing cognitive tasks is a driving factor of a humans
achievements. The possibility that subjective appraisals of effort might be based on heuristic
cues and thus might not be tightly associated with the cognitive resources allocated to
accomplish the task demands may be astonishing for some researchers and absolutely not
surprising for others.
Importantly, we do not claim in the present review that there already is a definite answer to
the question of whether effort ratings are biased. Rather, we highlighted in our review that
there are initial indications in this direction, although clearly not enough to support answering
the question. Moreover, addressing the question of whether effort appraisals are biased is not a
trivial task. The methodological and conceptual toolbox borrowed from metacognition re-
search can be useful to refine research on mental effort appraisals as demonstrated above;
however, like all analogies, there are limitations to its applicability. A major contribution of
this review is in delineating a research agenda that relies on linking CLT research with
metacognitive research. With this research agenda, we would like to take the opportunity to
raise the flag and call researchers from both research domains to address the challenges
highlighted in this review either separately or, even better, collaboratively for maximum
benefit to learning sciences. Importantly, we do not expect an answer to the question of
whether effort appraisals are biased any time soon. Thus, we fully agree with De Bruin and van
Merriënboer (2017,p.2):It has cost 25 years to bring CLT and SRL research to where they
are now. Development of a combined theoretical approach and research paradigm and
generation of robust insights will probably take at least a similar amount of time.Thus, we,
as a community of researchers, better pave our ways within this forest sooner than later.
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Katharina Scheiter
&Rakefet Ackerman
&Vincent Hoogerheide
Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Schleichstrasse 6, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Department of Education, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
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... Concerning monitoring of mental e!ort, de Bruin et al. (2020) state that it relies on the perception and interpretation of cues (e.g., perceived demand characteristics or speed and fluency of task performance; Raaijmaker et al., 2017) resulting in e!ort appraisals (de Bruin & van Merriënboer, 2017;Scheiter et al., 2020). Cues arise from actual learning processes on the object level, and looking for valid cues is essential for monitoring both required and invested mental e!ort. ...
... Our measure of metacognitive regulation of mental e!ort relies on subjective ratings of both required and invested mental e!ort. Although these ratings might be biased (Scheiter et al., 2020), we consider the adaptation of invested mental e!ort to the subjectively experienced required mental e!ort to be an important aspect of metacognitive regulation. ...
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Training of self-regulated learning is most effective if it supports learning strategies in combination with metacognitive regulation, and learners can transfer their acquired metacognitive regulation skills to different tasks that require the use of the same learning strategy (near transfer). However, whether learners can transfer metacognitive regulation skills acquired in combination with a specific learning strategy to the regulation of a different learning strategy (far transfer) is still under debate. While there is empirical evidence that learners can transfer metacognitive regulation between different learning strategies of the same type (e.g., from one cognitive learning strategy to another), whether transfer also occurs between learning strategies of different types is an open question. Here, we conducted an experimental field study with 5th and 6th grade students (N = 777). Students were cluster-randomized and assigned to one of three groups: two experimental groups receiving different training on the metacognitive regulation of a cognitive learning strategy and one control group receiving no training. After training, students worked on two different tasks; after each task, we measured their metacognitive regulation of a resource management strategy, that is, investing mental effort. Results (based on data from 368 students due to pandemic conditions) indicated far metacognitive regulation transfer: After training, students in the training groups were better able to metacognitively regulate their mental effort than students in the control group. Although effect sizes were small, our results support the hypothesis of far transfer of metacognitive regulation.
... Mental load is commonly seen as learners' cognitive resources, which are required to meet the task affordances in a bottom-up manner and is usually independent of learners' characteristics such as prior knowledge or expertise, increasing with task complexity. This is often also referred to as data-driven effort (Koriat et al., 2006) which learners experience passively (Seufert, 2018; for an overview, see Scheiter et al., 2020). Mental effort involves the active investment of learners' resources to fulfill the demands of a task, and this is shaped by the learner's attributes, the nature of the learning task, the context of the learning environment, as well as the interplay among these factors (Choi et al., 2014;. ...
... Mental effort involves the active investment of learners' resources to fulfill the demands of a task, and this is shaped by the learner's attributes, the nature of the learning task, the context of the learning environment, as well as the interplay among these factors (Choi et al., 2014;. Additionally, mental effort can have a motivational component (Feldon et al., 2019;Paas et al., 2005;Scheiter et al., 2020) and is also referred to as goal-driven effort (Koriat et al., 2006). For example, based on learners' estimated success in reaching certain learning outcomes they might be willing to invest more or less effort when working on a task. ...
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Accurately monitoring one’s learning processes during self-regulated learning depends on using the right cues, one of which could be perceived mental effort. A meta-analysis by Baars et al. (2020) found a negative association between mental effort and monitoring judgments (r = -.35), suggesting that the amount of mental effort experienced during a learning task is usually negatively correlated with learners’ perception of learning. However, it is unclear how monitoring judgments and perceptions of mental effort relate to learning outcomes. To examine if perceived mental effort is a diagnostic cue for learning outcomes, and whether monitoring judgments mediate this relationship, we employed a meta-analytic structural equation model. Results indicated a negative, moderate association between perceived mental effort and monitoring judgments (β = -.19), a positive, large association between monitoring judgments and learning outcomes (β = .29), and a negative, moderate indirect association between perceived mental effort and learning outcomes (β = -.05), which was mediated by monitoring judgments. Our subgroup analysis did not reveal any significant differences across moderators potentially due to the limited number of studies included per moderator category. Findings suggest that when learners perceive higher levels of mental effort, they exhibit lower learning (confidence) judgments, which relates to lower actual learning outcomes. Thus, learners seem to use perceived mental effort as a cue to judge their learning while perceived mental effort only indirectly relates to actual learning outcomes.
... That requires concentration, focus, and the use of problem-solving strategies to effectively tackle the demands of the task (Paas & Van Merriënboer, 1994). As long as the task is not too easy or too difficult, perceived task difficulty correlates strongly with invested mental effort, but individuals who perceive the task to be too easy or too difficult may invest less mental effort in it (Paas et al., 2005;Scheiter et al., 2020). ...
... The existing research suggests that subjective effort appraisals reflect more than just the effort invested in the task, as they are influenced by factors unrelated to the tasks themselves (Scheiter et al., 2020). That could mean that in their effort appraisals learners also make use of cues that are invalid in terms of effort expenditure. ...
University students often employ generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT in resolution of ill-defined problem-solving tasks. However, the experimental evidence about effects of ChatGPT on complex problem-solving performance is still missing. In this preregistered experiment, the impact of ChatGPT on performance in a complex creative problem-solving task was investigated in 77 university students solving a task with ChatGPT in comparison to 68 students solving a task without it. ChatGPT use significantly improved self-efficacy for task resolution (d = 0.65) and enhanced the quality (d = 0.69), elaboration (d = 0.61), and originality (d = 0.55) of solutions. Moreover, participants with ChatGPT assistance perceived task as easier (d = 0.56) and requiring less mental effort (d = 0.58). However, use of ChatGPT did not make task resolution more interesting (d = 0.08), and the impact of ChatGPT on metacognitive monitoring accuracy was unclear. Although there were no significant differences in absolute accuracy between students solving the task with and without the assistance of ChatGPT, the absence of correlation between self-evaluation judgments and performance suggests that participants struggled to calibrate their self-evaluations when using ChatGPT. Notably, the perceived usefulness of ChatGPT appeared to inform self-evaluation judgments, resulting in higher inaccuracy. The implications for hybrid human-AI regulation (HHAIR) theory are discussed. To regulate effectively, students using AI tools should focus on valid metacognitive cues instead of the perceived ease of ChatGPT-assisted problem-solving.
... The assessment of cognitive load is not free of bias as is the case with all judgments that a person must make (Pronin, 2007). Similarly, from a metacognitive perspective, it has been argued that self-appraisals of mental effort may be biased Scheiter et al., 2020). In this context, different explanatory approaches come into play. ...
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In research practice, it is common to measure cognitive load after learning using self-report scales. This approach can be considered risky because it is unclear on what basis learners assess cognitive load, particularly when the learning material contains varying levels of complexity. This raises questions that have yet to be answered by educational psychology research: Does measuring cognitive load during and after learning lead to comparable assessments of cognitive load depending on the sequence of complexity? Do learners rely on their first or last impression of complexity of a learning material when reporting the cognitive load of the entire learning material after learning? To address these issues, three learning units were created, differing in terms of intrinsic cognitive load (low, medium, or high complexity) as verified by a pre-study (N = 67). In the main-study (N = 100), the three learning units were studied in two sequences (increasing vs. decreasing complexity) and learners were asked to report cognitive load after each learning unit and after learning as an overall assessment. The results demonstrated that the first impression of complexity is the most accurate predictor of the overall cognitive load associated with the learning material, indicating a primacy effect. This finding contrasts with previous studies on problem-solving tasks, which have identified the most complex task as the primary determinant of the overall assessment. This study suggests that, during learning, the assessment of the overall cognitive load is influenced primarily by the timing of measurement.
... Besides the passive load demanded by a learning task, learners can regulate how much effort they actively invest (Klepsch and Seufert, 2021;Scheiter et al., 2020;Sweller et al., 1998). Additionally, extraneous cognitive load depends not only on the provided instructional design, but also on how it is handled by learners; that is, even with suboptimal instructional designs, cognitive load can be managed by engaging in compensatory processing (Eitel et al., 2020;Mirza et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction Worked examples support initial skill acquisition. They often show skill application on content knowledge from another, “exemplifying” domain (e.g., argumentation skills have to be applied to some contents). Although learners’ focus should remain on the skill, learners need to understand the content knowledge to benefit from worked examples. Previous studies relied on exemplifying domains that are familiar and contain simple topics, to keep learners’ focus on skill acquisition. Aim We examined whether using a relevant exemplifying domain would allow learners to acquire both skills and content knowledge simultaneously, or whether relevant content distracts from the main learning goal of skill acquisition. Methods and results In a training study with 142 psychology students, we used example-based learning materials with an exemplifying domain that was either relevant or irrelevant for participants’ course outcomes. We assessed cognitive load, declarative knowledge about skills and course-related content knowledge, and argumentation quality. Incorporating relevant content knowledge in worked examples did not reduce learning outcomes compared to a condition using an irrelevant exemplifying domain. Discussion Contrary to previous research, the results suggest that worked examples with a relevant exemplifying domain could possibly be an efficient teaching method for fostering skills and content knowledge simultaneously.
... These assumptions are essential when using a subjective rating scale, and future research should control and test them to ensure accurate results (Ouwehand et al., 2021). Objective behavioural measures, such as response time-on-task, and physiological measures, such as eye-tracking or EGG, can be used to supplement the findings of the subjective measures (Scheiter et al., 2020). ...
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This mixed-method quasi-experimental study compares the impact of two different kinds of virtual reality environments on the willingness of English as a Second Language (ESL) students to engage in communication. Twenty high-level ESL graduate students were recruited for the research and organized into 10 pairs. Each pair of students completed two separate speaking tasks. One task took place in a low-immersive virtual reality environment, while the other task took place in a high-immersive virtual reality environment. The study was counterbalanced, with half completing the two tasks in one order, while the other half completed them in the reverse order. The study found no statistically significant differences between the modality conditions on willingness to communicate. Task order and action-oriented instructional methods were found to have greater impact than the modality. However, a significant difference was found between participants' affective-cognitive experiences, with participants reporting higher cognitive load and greater enjoyment in high-immersive condition. Speaking anxiety was also reduced after participation in two virtual reality tasks, leading to an increase in self-confidence. Additionally, qualitative analysis identified relationships between various technological, affective-cognitive, and individual factors that can affect the student's willingness to communicate. Empirical and theoretical implications are discussed, along with limitations and directions for future research.
... The lack of strong correlations may also not be surprising given that subjective reports are limited by an individual's ability to accurately remember and reflect on their effort (Scheiter et al., 2020) and appear to be more tightly related to an individual's own perceived performance, rather than effort (Moore & Picou, 2018). Stronger associations, however, have been observed between subjective effort and later epochs of the pupil response, as participants were holding responses in memory before responding (Russo et al., 2020). ...
Listening can require substantial mental effort, even for those whose hearing thresholds are within normal limits. For individuals with hearing loss, listening-related effort and fatigue can be especially detrimental to their communication and, more broadly, to their quality of life. Without a standard metric of effort, hearing healthcare providers are limited in their ability to quantify these common patient complaints and to track changes in them over time and with intervention. This chapter provides an overview of the factors that impact listening effort, the importance of its quantification from a clinical audiology perspective, and the evidence that an objective physiological response – pupillometry – may be particularly well suited to measure it. Changes in pupil dilation are sensitive to the acoustic, linguistic, and cognitive challenges that occur in real-world listening situations and can reveal individual and group differences that may otherwise go missed using intelligibility scores alone. Pupillometry can furthermore provide insight into how effort unfolds across different timescales, indexing not only engagement in a listening task but also baseline levels of arousal and fatigue. Thus, research suggests a role for pupillometry in enhancing audiology assessments, counseling, and treatments. Ongoing advances in technology have created the possibility for pupil dilation to be recorded inexpensively and unobtrusively during a clinical session. Coupled with an improved understanding of its reliability and sensitivity within patient populations, there is increasing potential for pupillometry to be integrated into audiological batteries, device fittings and configurations, and intervention outcome assessments.
... Another potential limitation of this study is that the measures of neurodiversity and cognitive load both rely on survey data, which are prone to self-report bias, for instance, due to memory recall errors and acquiescent responding [96][97][98]. Retrospective evaluation of cognitive load through subjective cognitive load surveys may also be biased [99,100]. Those biases may be exacerbated in neurodiversity studies, as the presence of self-perceptual biases among people with ADHD and reduced self-reference effect in ASD could interfere with accurate assessment [101,102]. ...
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Working memory impairments are common in neurodevelopmental conditions, potentially impacting how neurodivergent students experience cognitive load during learning. We conducted a survey with 231 participants focused on students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and dyslexia. Parametric tests and a regression analysis were used to investigate the relationship between neurodiversity and perceived cognitive load in online learning. Neurodivergent students reported significantly higher extraneous cognitive load (ECL) in online learning compared to their neurotypical peers. However, no significant differences in perceived intrinsic and germane cognitive load were found between the two groups. Neurodiversity, and specifically ADHD, positively predicted perceived ECL in online learning. This study provides novel insights into the association between neurodiversity and cognitive load in online learning, suggesting a need for targeted support to help neurodivergent students reduce ECL in online learning environments and highlighting the importance of promoting inclusive educational practices that meet the needs of all students.
The Dunning-Kruger effect refers to the tendency of unskilled individuals to overestimate their abilities while skilled individuals tend to underestimate themselves. The purpose of this study is to investigate the existence of the Dunning-Kruger effect in creativity and identify its key determinants. Using the cue-utilization framework, we explored how inaccurate metacognitive judgments result from creative self-concept, compared to those who can accurately evaluate themselves. Two hundred and ten university students completed an Alternative Uses Task (AUT) and evaluated their performance with self- and comparative judgments, then they reported the creative self-concept. The study conducted a two-step clustering analysis based on individuals’ creative performance, judgments, and Bias Index of metacognitive judgments, and identified four distinct groups: ’skilled but underestimate’ (SU group), ’unskilled but aware’ (UA group), ’skilled and aware’ (SA group), and ’unskilled and overestimate’ (UO group). The SU and UO groups were typical examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Using binary logistic regression analysis, we found that high creative self-concept enabled skilled individuals to assess their creativity accurately, while it caused unskilled individuals to overestimate their creativity. This study identified the Dunning-Kruger effect in creativity while also offering new insights into the underlying mechanism of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
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An exponential increase in the availability of information over the last two decades has asked for novel theoretical frameworks to examine how students optimally learn under these new learning conditions, given the limitations of human processing ability. In this special issue and in the current editorial introduction, we argue that such a novel theoretical framework should integrate (aspects of) cognitive load theory and self-regulated learning theory. We describe the effort monitoring and regulation (EMR) framework, which outlines how monitoring and regulation of effort are neglected but essential aspects of self-regulated learning. Moreover, the EMR framework emphasizes the importance of optimizing cognitive load during self-regulated learning by reducing the unnecessary load on the primary task or distributing load optimally between the primary learning task and metacognitive aspects of the learning task. Three directions for future research that derive from the EMR framework and that are discussed in this editorial introduction are: (1) How do students monitor effort? (2) How do students regulate effort? and (3) How do we optimize cognitive load during self-regulated learning tasks (during and after the primary task)? Finally, the contributions to the current special issue are introduced.
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Cognitive load theory was introduced in the 1980s as an instructional design theory based on several uncontroversial aspects of human cognitive architecture. Our knowledge of many of the characteristics of working memory, long-term memory and the relations between them had been well-established for many decades prior to the introduction of the theory. Curiously, this knowledge had had a limited impact on the field of instructional design with most instructional design recommendations proceeding as though working memory and long-term memory did not exist. In contrast, cognitive load theory emphasised that all novel information first is processed by a capacity and duration limited working memory and then stored in an unlimited long-term memory for later use. Once information is stored in long-term memory, the capacity and duration limits of working memory disappear transforming our ability to function. By the late 1990s, sufficient data had been collected using the theory to warrant an extended analysis resulting in the publication of Sweller et al. (Educational Psychology Review, 10, 251–296, 1998). Extensive further theoretical and empirical work have been carried out since that time and this paper is an attempt to summarise the last 20 years of cognitive load theory and to sketch directions for future research.
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Research has shown a bi-directional association between the (perceived) amount of invested effort to learn or retrieve information (e.g., time, mental effort) and metacognitive monitoring judgments. The direction of this association likely depends on how learners allocate their effort. In self-paced learning, effort allocation is usually data driven, where the ease of memorizing is used as a cue, resulting in a negative correlation between effort and monitoring judgments. Effort allocation is goal driven when it is strategically invested (e.g., based on the importance of items or time pressure) and likely results in a positive correlation. The current study used a meta-analytic approach to synthesize the results from several studies on the relationship between effort and monitoring judgments. The results showed that there was a negative association between effort and monitoring judgments (r = − .355). Furthermore, an exploration of possible moderators of this association between effort and monitoring was made. The negative association was no longer significant when goal-driven regulation was manipulated. Furthermore, it was found that the type of monitoring judgment (i.e., a weaker association for prospective judgments) and type of task (stronger association for problem-solving tasks relative to paired associates) moderated the relation between effort and monitoring. These results have important implications for future research on the use of effort as a cue for monitoring in self-regulated learning.
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Retrieval practice has been widely studied as an effective strategy for enhancing memory. In this review article, we discuss how its effects on learning complex problem-solving procedures are less straightforward, however, with repeated studying of worked examples sometimes more effective than problem-solving practice. This worked example benefit has been interpreted within the framework of cognitive load theory. In both memory-based tasks and problem-solving tasks, students rate retrieval as more effortful, and less effective for learning, than repeated study. Self-regulated learning decisions do not align with the evidence about the effectiveness of retrieval, as students often avoid using retrieval in memory-based tasks but frequently use it in more complex problem-solving tasks. Patterns associated with self-report survey data and self-regulated learning decisions suggest that retrieval may be used primarily as a means of checking knowledge, and the effort experienced during retrieval may drive subsequent study decisions (i.e., the choice to engage in retrieval vs. further study) to the extent that the experienced effort is interpreted as a sign that learning has been ineffective. We discuss implications of students’ views about the purpose of retrieval for effective monitoring and regulation of effort during learning, and propose interventions that may improve students’ optimal use of retrieval in their study decisions.
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The main goals of this paper are to exemplify and further elaborate on the theoretical connections between cognitive load and self-regulated learning. In an effort to achieve this, we integrate the concepts of self-control and self-management within the effort monitoring and regulation (EMR) framework laid out by de Bruin et al. (Educational Psychology Review this issue). More specifically, we argue that (1) cognitive load results from how the instruction is processed and not just from how it is designed (cf. self-management effect). (2) How instruction is processed by students (also) depends on their skill and will to self-control. For instance, high self-control may reflect compensatory processing of poorer instructional designs so that these designs may not lead to higher extraneous cognitive load. As soon as students’ willingness to self-control declines (e.g., with increasing study durations or previous demanding tasks), there is a closer link between (poorer) instructional designs and (higher) extraneous cognitive load in self-regulated learning tasks. Combining (1) and (2), we consider cognitive load to be influenced by self-control; (self-)control, in turn, is one central process of the monitoring-control cycle that characterizes self-regulated learning. We support these theoretical arguments by referring to empirical research in the domain of learning with multiple representations—with a particular focus on learning with and without seductive details during extended study episodes. We conclude with suggestions for further research.
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Problem-solving tasks form the backbone of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curricula. Yet, how to improve self-monitoring and self-regulation when learning to solve problems has received relatively little attention in the self-regulated learning literature (as compared with, for instance, learning lists of items or learning from expository texts). Here, we review research on fostering self-regulated learning of problem-solving tasks, in which mental effort plays an important role. First, we review research showing that having students engage in effortful, generative learning activities while learning to solve problems can provide them with cues that help them improve self-monitoring and self-regulation at an item level (i.e., determining whether or not a certain type of problem needs further study/practice). Second, we turn to self-monitoring and self-regulation at the task sequence level (i.e., determining what an appropriate next problem-solving task would be given the current level of understanding/performance). We review research showing that teaching students to regulate their learning process by taking into account not only their performance but also their invested mental effort on a prior task when selecting a new task improves self-regulated learning outcomes (i.e., performance on a knowledge test in the domain of the study). Important directions for future research on the role of mental effort in (improving) self-monitoring and self-regulation at the item and task selection levels are discussed after the respective sections.
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In a previous study, DeLeeuw and Mayer (2008) found support for the triarchic model of cognitive load (Sweller, Van Merriënboer, & Paas, 1998, 2019) by showing that three different metrics could be used to independently measure 3 hypothesized types of cognitive load: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane. However, 2 of the 3 metrics that the authors used were intrusive in nature because learning had to be stopped momentarily to complete the measures. The current study extends the design of DeLeeuw and Mayer (2008) by investigating whether learners’ eye movement behavior can be used to measure the three proposed types of cognitive load without interrupting learning. During a 1-hr experiment, we presented a multimedia lesson explaining the mechanism of electric motors to participants who had low prior knowledge of this topic. First, we replicated the main results of DeLeeuw and Mayer (2008), providing further support for the triarchic structure of cognitive load. Second, we identified eye movement measures that differentiated the three types of cognitive load. These findings were independent of participants’ working memory capacity. Together, these results provide further evidence for the triarchic nature of cognitive load (Sweller et al., 1998, 2019), and are a first step toward online measures of cognitive load that could potentially be implemented into computer assisted learning technologies.
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The purpose of this study was to shed light on the cognitive processes underlying the expertise reversal effect related to multimedia signaling. Multimedia signals highlight correspondences between text and pictures, which is supposed to support text-picture integration and thus learning from multimedia. Previous research suggests that learners’ prior knowledge moderates the multimedia signaling effect in that they only aid learners with low prior knowledge (LPK). We conducted an eye tracking study with students in secondary education who learned with a digital textbook in one of the two versions: (a) a basic version with mostly text signals only (e.g., bold face), or (b) an extended version with additional multimedia signals that aimed at supporting text-picture integration (e.g., color coding of corresponding text and picture elements). In addition to learning outcomes, we assessed students’ cognitive load and gaze behavior as process measures. Results revealed that only LPK learners were supported in learning whereas HPK learners were not affected by multimedia signals (partial expertise reversal). A moderated mediation analysis revealed that multimedia signals affected gaze behavior of LPK students in that they looked earlier at pictures. For high prior knowledge students multimedia signals lead to a higher subjective germane cognitive load. Thus, multimedia signals affected processing of materials. However, the process measures did not explain the expertise reversal of the signaling effect regarding learning outcome.
How do learners make decisions about how, what, and when to study, and why are their decisions sometimes ineffective for learning? In three studies, learners experienced a pair of contrasting study strategies (Study 1: interleaved vs. blocked schedule; Studies 2 & 3: retrieval practice vs. restudy) and rated their perceptions of each strategy before choosing one for future use. In all three studies, mediation analysis revealed that participants who perceived a strategy as more effortful rated it as less effective for learning and, in turn, were less likely to choose it for future study. Further, choosing the more effortful strategy was associated with better long-term retention (Study 3), contrary to participants' judgments. A final fourth study suggested that these relationships were not driven by the mere act of providing ratings. Our results thus support a misinterpreted-effort hypothesis in which the mental effort associated with many normatively effective learning strategies (desirable difficulties; Bjork & Bjork, 1992) leads learners to misinterpret them as ineffective for learning and consequently not to employ them in self- regulated learning.