In the present scenario, social media network plays a significant role in sharing information between individuals. This incorporates information about news and events that are presently occurring in the real world. Anticipating election results is presently turning in to a fascinating research topic through social media. In this article, we proposed a strategy to anticipate election results by consolidating sub-event discovery and sentimental analysis in micro blogs to break down as well as imagine political inclinations un covered by those social media users
This approach discovers and investigates sentimental data from micro-blogs to anticipate the popularity of contestants. In general, many organizations and media houses conduct prepoll review and expert’s perspectives to anticipate the result of the election, but for our model, we use twitter data to predict the result of an election by gathering twitter information and evaluate it to anticipate the result of the election by analyzing the sentiment of twitter information about the contestants.
The number of seats won by the first, second and the third party in AP Assembly Election 2019 has been deter-mined by utilizing PSS’s of these parties by means of equation(2),(3), and(4), respectively. In Table 2 actual results of the election and our model prediction results are shown and these outcomes are very close to actual results. We utilized SVM with 15-fold cross-validation, for sentiment polarity classification utilizing our training set, which gives us the precision of 94.2%. There are 7500 tuples in our training data set, with 3750 positive tweets and 3750 negative tweets.
Our outcomes state that the proposed model can precisely forecast the election results with accuracy (94.2 %) over the given baselines. The experimental outcomes are very closer to actual election results and contrasted with conventional strategies utilized by various survey agencies for exit polls and approval of results demonstrated that social media data can foresee with better exactness.
In the future we might want to expand this work into different areas and nations of the reality where Twitter is picking up prevalence as a political battling tool and where politicians and individuals are turning towards micro-blogs for political communicates and data. We would likewise expand this research into various fields other than general elections and from politicians to state organizations.