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The Negative Impact of Blockage on Storm Water Drainage Network


Abstract and Figures

Storm water drainage system in urban areas became a deterministic system, especially in light of the current climate changes. This system eliminates the excess water resulting from heavy rainfall, which leads to disruption of daily life. Irregular maintenance of the network system, problems appear, especially the blockage of the covers or network pipes, which affects the efficiency of the network. This study deals with the experimental investigation of blockage on storm network system and the relationship between efficiency of the system and blockage parameters. Many scenarios of blockage within grate and pipe were studied and its impact on storm system efficiency calculated. For the pipe system, two scenarios were studied; the first one is the blockage of end main pipe with relative blockage height (15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). The second one is the blockage through the main pipe with relative blockage height (25%, 50%) and relative blockage length (33%, 67%, and 100%). For grate, the blockage is investigated with the blockage area ratio (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%). In addition, the combined blockage of grate and pipe was studied. Finally, an equation has been created to estimate the system efficiency as a function of blockage ratios and system discharges. The results indicated that for surface blockage (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%), the discharge efficiency decreased as the amount of blockage increased with different grate blockage by (17.8%, 19.3%, 21%, and 24.6%), respectively.
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The Negative Impact of Blockage on Storm Water
Drainage Network
Ismail Fathy 1, Gamal M. Abdel-Aal 1, Maha Rashad Fahmy 1, Amira Fathy 2and
Martina Zele ˇnáková3, *
1Department of Water and Water Structures Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University,
Zagazig 44519, Egypt; (I.F.); (G.M.A.-A.); (M.R.F.)
2Engineer, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Sharkia 44519, Egypt;
3Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice,
042 00 Kosice, Slovakia
Received: 30 May 2020; Accepted: 8 July 2020; Published: 12 July 2020
Storm water drainage system in urban areas became a deterministic system, especially in
light of the current climate changes. This system eliminates the excess water resulting from heavy
rainfall, which leads to disruption of daily life. Irregular maintenance of the network system, problems
appear, especially the blockage of the covers or network pipes, which aects the eciency of the
network. This study deals with the experimental investigation of blockage on storm network system
and the relationship between eciency of the system and blockage parameters. Many scenarios of
blockage within grate and pipe were studied and its impact on storm system eciency calculated.
For the pipe system, two scenarios were studied; the first one is the blockage of end main pipe with
relative blockage height (15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). The second one is the blockage through
the main pipe with relative blockage height (25%, 50%) and relative blockage length (33%, 67%,
and 100%). For grate, the blockage is investigated with the blockage area ratio (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%,
and 50%). In addition, the combined blockage of grate and pipe was studied. Finally, an equation has
been created to estimate the system eciency as a function of blockage ratios and system discharges.
The results indicated that for surface blockage (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%), the discharge eciency
decreased as the amount of blockage increased with dierent grate blockage by (17.8%, 19.3%, 21%,
and 24.6%), respectively.
Keywords: storm grate; pipe blockage; drainage system; discharge eciency; surface flow
1. Introduction
Blocked storm network is the main element that aects system overall eciency and has a negative
impact on the surrounding area. Storm network systems carry water from ranking water in grassy
areas and other places in which leaves, twigs, pebbles, and soil can get washed through the grate
inlets of a storm system and potentially block the outlet pipe or actually fill up the catch basin itself.
Material items can appear on top of the grating and stop water flowing through the slats of grate inlet;
a dierent blockage view can be seen in Figure 1. Thus, the eciency of drainage system will decrease,
so that storm drain checks and sometimes routine maintenance is needed on a semi-regular or annual
basis. In fact, just checking and removing a foreign object from the grate is needed to keep a storm
network working at 100% eciency.
Water 2020,12, 1974; doi:10.3390/w12071974
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coefficient is solely dependent on the dimensionless drop parameter for free surface outflow without
a downstream backwater effect. Based on experimental results, empirical equations for different
outflow conditions are proposed for practical applications.
Several studies used the dimensional analysis technique to get the empirical equations that relate
their studied parameters together; see Čarnogurská et al. (2016) [15], Zeleňáková et al. (2012) [16] and
Zeleňáková et al. (2013) [17].
Tu and Traver (2018) [18] used ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) to inspect the clogging
influence with flow rate plotted next to the actual pipe length times the square root of the mean
pressure head and found that it was important during little or no rainfall. During larger storms,
clogging had a slight effect on pipe performance because larger storms might also move the debris,
thus exposing the orifices. The study concluded that the recent maintenance schedule was adequate
to keep the distribution pipe at an acceptable performance even though partial clogging can exist.
Vani et al. (2019) [19] presented a plan for using flow sensor and ultrasonic sensor in pipe
network system to detect leakage and overflow, respectively, with the help of Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) which is based on ZigBee technology and Internet of Things (IOT). The system
problem, which can be detected by an alert, is sent through the mobile app to the authorities in the
Municipal Corporation prior overflow or any blockage to avoid leakage.
Hesarkazzazi et al. (2020) [20] elaborated on the significance of owning severance (e.g., different
flow paths as in loops) under simultaneous hydraulic design in storm networks. An innovative
approach based on complex network properties is introduced to analytically and sequentially
minimize the number of loops and, therefore, the level of redundancy, from a given grid-like (street)
network. A procedure based on hydrodynamic modelling is utilized to find the ideal design costs for
all shaped structures while satisfying a number of hydraulic design limitations. The results indicated
that having loop and introducing extra capacity without determining suitable added pipes positions
in the system (flow direction) can even worsen the efficiency of water discharge.
This paper aims to study the effect of blockage ratio on the efficiency of storm drainage systems.
Three scenarios were considered through this study. The first scenario studied the effect of pipe
blockage for two ratios (the first at the end of pipe and the second along the pipe). The second scenario
studied the effect of surface blockage at grate inlets. The third scenario investigated the effect of
combined blockage (pipe and grate blockage). Finally, an empirical equation was created to calculate
system efficiency as s function of blockage ratio and system discharge.
Figure 1.
Dierent ratios of blockage. (
) blockage through grate cover (
) blockage through storm
pipes (2019).
Woo and Jones (1974) [
] carried out experiments to make suggestions on both the hydraulic
capacity and safety of the inlets for bicycle riders by trying inlets with dierent tilting angles.
Forbes (1976) [
] presented a numerical procedure to calculate the flow into both depressed and
under-pressed curb inlets. Assuming steady flow, he divided the flow field into several intermediate
cross-sections and studied the flow over a succession of short intervals for which the flow conditions
could be assumed to remain constant. At the end of each time step, the quantity, direction, and velocity
of the flow at each cross-section were recomputed. In this way, he was able to calculate the amount of
water that flowed over the inlet lip between cross-sections.
Hotchkiss (1994) [
] and Soares (1991) [
] studied the eects of altering a curb inlet’s entrance and
exit transitions with the hope of improving inlet eciency. Their experiments tested several sharp
and smooth entrance and exit transitions, yet none had any significant eects on inlet eciency or
reducing the oblique standing wave. Pezzaniti et al. (1999) [
] presented an investigation on street
hydraulic capacity. It was found that the street storm water capacity at a sump is in fact dictated by the
storage capacity rather than the conveyance capacity.
Russo and G
mez (2009) [
] studied experimentally four types of grates found typically in Spain
and diering in the alignment and distribution of the slots, under dierent longitudinal slopes and
five approaching flows. They formulated four linear relations, one for each grating type, which link
the hydraulic eciency to some particular flow conditions (Froude number and water depth) and
the grating length. The eciency of Portuguese gullies was numerically studied by Patil and Patil
(2011) [
]. Talking about eects of bad drainage on roads, they explained that the eect of poor drainage
condition on roads is very adverse. It causes the failure of the road in dierent ways. A proper drainage
system provided to the road increases its life, but an improper drainage system causes the failure of
the road at its early age.
Water 2020,12, 1974 3 of 20
Comport and Thornton (2012) [
] examined a curb inlet and two combination inlets in accordance
with the dierent road conditions by means of designing a one-third Froude-scale model of a two-lane
road section, and they developed equations for practical applications.
Beniamino et al. (2013) [
] studied the hydraulic eciency of continuous transverse grates, despite
the importance and the general use of this type of surface drainage structure. They used flume with
dimension 1.5 m wide and 5.5 m long with a platform able to simulate road lanes with transverse
slopes up to 4% and a longitudinal slope up to 10%. With the available system capacity, it is possible to
test inlet grates and study their hydraulic capacity for a large set of flows (0–200 L
s). Linear equations
relating to hydraulic eciency, E, and Froude number, F, were presented.
Sezenöz et al. (2014) [
] conducted a numerical study to analyze a recently planned grated inlet
system for small roads. For this reason, Flow 3D software was used to model the physical conditions of
the setup including a rectangular channel of 0.9 meters’ width and continuous transverse grate system,
which was located based on the setup. The results obtained in this study were compared with the
previous ones that had been based on the experimental data collection.
Cumhur et al. (2015) [
] observed that there is a close interdependence between the total flow
rate and the grate eciency. The results indicate that hydraulic eciency increases when the total
flow increases as well. Nevertheless, after a certain point, degradation of eciency occurs despite
the progressing increase in the total flow rate. Grate opening areas ratio is taken into consideration;
the inlet having 1 cm bars and 2 cm spacing is hydraulically the most ecient grate, and it corresponds
to an opening area ratio of 49.5%. Hydraulic performance of the grate systems and the corresponding
grate eciency is influenced by various configurations of the grates such as location, number of grates,
and the distance between the two successive grate inlets.
Manuel et al. (2016) [
] studied grate eciency numerically and experimentally. The results
indicate that the comparison is acceptable in most cases. Therefore, inlet grates that cannot be tested
in a laboratory can be studied with the 3D model, to approach its eciency. Veerappan R. and Le
(2016) [
] studied the eect of dierent type of grates on the hydraulic eciencies in terms of flow
interception by using a network of overhanging pipes. The results indicated that the existing grate
inlet designs can intercept up to 96% of the surface run-o. Feidong et al. (2017) [
] found that drop
manholes are eective energy dissipaters widely employed in urban drainage networks. The hydraulic
performance of circular manholes was investigated experimentally concerning their energy dissipation
in three models of dierent drop heights. It was concluded that the local head loss coecient is
solely dependent on the dimensionless drop parameter for free surface outflow without a downstream
backwater eect. Based on experimental results, empirical equations for dierent outflow conditions
are proposed for practical applications.
Several studies used the dimensional analysis technique to get the empirical equations that relate
their studied parameters together; see ˇ
et al. (2016) [
], Zeleˇn
et al. (2012) [
] and
Zeleˇnákováet al. (2013) [17].
Tu and Traver (2018) [
] used ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) to inspect the clogging influence
with flow rate plotted next to the actual pipe length times the square root of the mean pressure head
and found that it was important during little or no rainfall. During larger storms, clogging had a
slight eect on pipe performance because larger storms might also move the debris, thus exposing
the orifices. The study concluded that the recent maintenance schedule was adequate to keep the
distribution pipe at an acceptable performance even though partial clogging can exist.
Vani et al. (2019) [
] presented a plan for using flow sensor and ultrasonic sensor in pipe network
system to detect leakage and overflow, respectively, with the help of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
which is based on ZigBee technology and Internet of Things (IOT). The system problem, which can be
detected by an alert, is sent through the mobile app to the authorities in the Municipal Corporation
prior overflow or any blockage to avoid leakage.
Hesarkazzazi et al. (2020) [
] elaborated on the significance of owning severance (e.g., dierent
flow paths as in loops) under simultaneous hydraulic design in storm networks. An innovative
Water 2020,12, 1974 4 of 20
approach based on complex network properties is introduced to analytically and sequentially minimize
the number of loops and, therefore, the level of redundancy, from a given grid-like (street) network.
A procedure based on hydrodynamic modelling is utilized to find the ideal design costs for all shaped
structures while satisfying a number of hydraulic design limitations. The results indicated that having
loop and introducing extra capacity without determining suitable added pipes positions in the system
(flow direction) can even worsen the eciency of water discharge.
This paper aims to study the eect of blockage ratio on the eciency of storm drainage systems.
Three scenarios were considered through this study. The first scenario studied the eect of pipe
blockage for two ratios (the first at the end of pipe and the second along the pipe). The second scenario
studied the eect of surface blockage at grate inlets. The third scenario investigated the eect of
combined blockage (pipe and grate blockage). Finally, an empirical equation was created to calculate
system eciency as s function of blockage ratio and system discharge.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis based on Buckingham (1914) [
] theory is used to develop a functional
relationship between the system eciency (£), which is the “ratio of intercepted discharge and total
discharge through the flume”, and the other physics quantities involved in the phenomenon as shown
in Figures 24. Figure 2shows the horizontal plan of the flume, arrangement of grates and spread
width of water along flume length. Longitudinal section of flume and main pipe system can be seen in
Figure 3. Blockages through grate and pipe (end pipe blockage and through pipe length) can be seen
in Figure 4. By applying the Buckingham theory, Equation (1) can be written in dimensionless form as:
£=ƒ (Q, Lo, Wo, Hg, HB, LB, AB) (1)
in which
hg: water depth at upstream grate; Q: the total inlet discharge;
g1, g3, g5: refers to the grate’s number; £: eciency of discharge =(q/Q);
nag: net area of grate; L: the length of the flume;
ab: blockage area of grate; Lg: the length from the beginning of flume to the grate;
AB: relative blockage area (ab/nag); Lo: relative grate length =(Lg/L);
hU: water depth at flume upstream; hb: height of blockage;
Hg: relative water height =hg/hU; rp: radius of main pipe;
Wg: the water spread beside every grate; HB: relative blockage height within pipe (hb/2rp);
W: the flume width; Lb: length of blockage;
Wo: relative water spread width =(Wg/W); Lp: length of main pipe;
q: intercepted discharge; LB: relative blockage length within pipe (Lb/Lp).
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 20
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis based on Buckingham (1914) [21] theory is used to develop a functional
relationship between the system efficiency (£), which is the “ratio of intercepted discharge and total
discharge through the flume”, and the other physics quantities involved in the phenomenon as
shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2 shows the horizontal plan of the flume, arrangement of grates
and spread width of water along flume length. Longitudinal section of flume and main pipe system
can be seen in Figure 3. Blockages through grate and pipe (end pipe blockage and through pipe
length) can be seen in Figure 4. By applying the Buckingham theory, Equation (1) can be written in
dimensionless form as:
£ = ƒ (Q, Lo, Wo, Hg, HB, LB, AB) (1)
in which
hg : water depth at upstream grate; Q: the total inlet discharge;
g1, ,g3, ,g5: refers to the grate’s number; £: efficiency of discharge = (q/Q);
nag: net area of grate; L: the length of the flume;
ab: blockage area of grate; Lg: the length from the beginning of flume to the grate;
AB: relative blockage area (ab /nag); Lo: relative grate length = (Lg/L);
hU : water depth at flume upstream; hb: height of blockage;
Hg: relative water height = hg/hU; rp: radius of main pipe;
Wg: the water spread beside every grate; HB: relative blockage height within pipe (hb /2rp);
W: the flume width; Lb: length of blockage;
Wo: relative water spread width = (Wg/W); Lp: length of main pipe;
q: intercepted discharge; LB: relative blockage length within pipe (Lb /Lp).
Figure 2. Plan of flume and arrangement of grates.
Figure 3. Longitudinal cross section of flume and main pipe system.
Figure 2. Plan of flume and arrangement of grates.
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2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis based on Buckingham (1914) [21] theory is used to develop a functional
relationship between the system efficiency (£), which is the “ratio of intercepted discharge and total
discharge through the flume”, and the other physics quantities involved in the phenomenon as
shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2 shows the horizontal plan of the flume, arrangement of grates
and spread width of water along flume length. Longitudinal section of flume and main pipe system
can be seen in Figure 3. Blockages through grate and pipe (end pipe blockage and through pipe
length) can be seen in Figure 4. By applying the Buckingham theory, Equation (1) can be written in
dimensionless form as:
£ = ƒ (Q, Lo, Wo, Hg, HB, LB, AB) (1)
in which
hg : water depth at upstream grate; Q: the total inlet discharge;
g1, ,g3, ,g5: refers to the grate’s number; £: efficiency of discharge = (q/Q);
nag: net area of grate; L: the length of the flume;
ab: blockage area of grate; Lg: the length from the beginning of flume to the grate;
AB: relative blockage area (ab /nag); Lo: relative grate length = (Lg/L);
hU : water depth at flume upstream; hb: height of blockage;
Hg: relative water height = hg/hU; rp: radius of main pipe;
Wg: the water spread beside every grate; HB: relative blockage height within pipe (hb /2rp);
W: the flume width; Lb: length of blockage;
Wo: relative water spread width = (Wg/W); Lp: length of main pipe;
q: intercepted discharge; LB: relative blockage length within pipe (Lb /Lp).
Figure 2. Plan of flume and arrangement of grates.
Figure 3. Longitudinal cross section of flume and main pipe system.
Figure 3. Longitudinal cross section of flume and main pipe system.
Figure 4. Definition sketch for blockage through pipe and grate.
2.2. Experimental Work
The experimental work was carried out in the hydraulics and water engineering laboratory, Faculty
of Engineering, Zagazig University. The Flume was made from glass reinforced plastic. The dimension
of this flume is 0.63 m width, 0.10m depth, and 6.00m length as shown in Figure 5. The longitudinal
slope and cross-section slope were 0.3% and 2%, respectively. The total discharge is measured using
a pre-calibrated orifice meter. The point gauge with mobile bed was used for measuring the water
depths. There were three grates at the bottom of the flume through a distance of 1.08 m, which was
far away from the edge of flume (2 cm). The grates are connected by a pipe with a diameter of 5 cm
through which it has disposal to a large tank with dimensions 1.20, 0.60, and 0.60 m, as shown in
Figure 6. In addition, the radius of grate was 5cm with net area 51%. Blockage of grates with various
dimensions will be investigated. Moreover, the end of pipe blockage with height 0.75, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5,
and 4.5 cm was studied as shown in Figure 7, as well as blockage along the main pipe at three lengths
(108, 216, and 324 cm) with blockage height (1.25 and 2.5cm). On the other hand, surface blockage was
examined for a dierent blockage area of grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%), as shown in Figure 8.
A total of of 156 runs were done; each run took 30 min time. Water surface level along the flume in
two directions and the amount of water that drained from grates are measured.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20
Figure 4. Definition sketch for blockage through pipe and grate.
2.2. Experimental Work
The experimental work was carried out in the hydraulics and water engineering laboratory,
Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University. The Flume was made from glass reinforced plastic. The
dimension of this flume is 0.63 m width, 0.10m depth, and 6.00m length as shown in Figure 5. The
longitudinal slope and cross-section slope were 0.3% and 2%, respectively. The total discharge is
measured using a pre-calibrated orifice meter. The point gauge with mobile bed was used for
measuring the water depths. There were three grates at the bottom of the flume through a distance
of 1.08 m, which was far away from the edge of flume (2 cm). The grates are connected by a pipe with
a diameter of 5 cm through which it has disposal to a large tank with dimensions 1.20, 0.60, and 0.60
m, as shown in Figure 6. In addition, the radius of grate was 5cm with net area 51%. Blockage of
grates with various dimensions will be investigated. Moreover, the end of pipe blockage with height
0.75, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 cm was studied as shown in Figure 7, as well as blockage along the main
pipe at three lengths (108, 216, and 324 cm) with blockage height (1.25 and 2.5cm). On the other hand,
surface blockage was examined for a different blockage area of grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%),
as shown in Figure 8. A total of of 156 runs were done; each run took 30 minutes time. Water surface
level along the flume in two directions and the amount of water that drained from grates are
Figure 5. The flume of experimental tests.
Figure 5. The flume of experimental tests.
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Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
Figure 6. The outfall of the experimental flume.
Figure 7. Different blockage heights at the end of pipe.
Figure 8. Different sizes of grate blockage. (A) surface blockage 12.50%, (B) surface blockage 25%,
(C) surface blockage 37.50%, (D) surface blockage 50%,
3. Results and Discussion
The experimental work studied the effect of blockage on storm water drainage system efficiency
with passing discharge from (1.00 L/sec to 6.00 L/sec). The scenario of this study was divided into
three groups. Each group has been studied to see its effect on storm system efficiency, relative grate
water height, and relative water spread width. The first scenario studied the effect of main pipe
blockage for two ratios (the first at the pipe end and the second along the pipe length with end pipe
blockage). The second scenario studied the effect of surface blockage at grate. The third scenario
investigated the effect of combined blockage (pipe and grate) on the efficiency of storm discharge.
Finally, a comparison was made between previous blockage ratios to study their effect in reducing
discharge efficiency.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Figure 6. The outfall of the experimental flume.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
Figure 6. The outfall of the experimental flume.
Figure 7. Different blockage heights at the end of pipe.
Figure 8. Different sizes of grate blockage. (A) surface blockage 12.50%, (B) surface blockage 25%,
(C) surface blockage 37.50%, (D) surface blockage 50%,
3. Results and Discussion
The experimental work studied the effect of blockage on storm water drainage system efficiency
with passing discharge from (1.00 L/sec to 6.00 L/sec). The scenario of this study was divided into
three groups. Each group has been studied to see its effect on storm system efficiency, relative grate
water height, and relative water spread width. The first scenario studied the effect of main pipe
blockage for two ratios (the first at the pipe end and the second along the pipe length with end pipe
blockage). The second scenario studied the effect of surface blockage at grate. The third scenario
investigated the effect of combined blockage (pipe and grate) on the efficiency of storm discharge.
Finally, a comparison was made between previous blockage ratios to study their effect in reducing
discharge efficiency.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Figure 7. Dierent blockage heights at the end of pipe.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20
Figure 6. The outfall of the experimental flume.
Figure 7. Different blockage heights at the end of pipe.
Figure 8. Different sizes of grate blockage. (A) surface blockage 12.50%, (B) surface blockage 25%,
(C) surface blockage 37.50%, (D) surface blockage 50%,
3. Results and Discussion
The experimental work studied the effect of blockage on storm water drainage system efficiency
with passing discharge from (1.00 L/sec to 6.00 L/sec). The scenario of this study was divided into
three groups. Each group has been studied to see its effect on storm system efficiency, relative grate
water height, and relative water spread width. The first scenario studied the effect of main pipe
blockage for two ratios (the first at the pipe end and the second along the pipe length with end pipe
blockage). The second scenario studied the effect of surface blockage at grate. The third scenario
investigated the effect of combined blockage (pipe and grate) on the efficiency of storm discharge.
Finally, a comparison was made between previous blockage ratios to study their effect in reducing
discharge efficiency.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Figure 8.
Dierent sizes of grate blockage. (
) surface blockage 12.50%, (
) surface blockage 25%,
(C) surface blockage 37.50%, (D) surface blockage 50%.
3. Results and Discussion
The experimental work studied the eect of blockage on storm water drainage system eciency
with passing discharge from (1.00 L/sec to 6.00 L/sec). The scenario of this study was divided into three
groups. Each group has been studied to see its eect on storm system eciency, relative grate water
height, and relative water spread width. The first scenario studied the eect of main pipe blockage
for two ratios (the first at the pipe end and the second along the pipe length with end pipe blockage).
The second scenario studied the eect of surface blockage at grate. The third scenario investigated the
eect of combined blockage (pipe and grate) on the eciency of storm discharge. Finally, a comparison
was made between previous blockage ratios to study their eect in reducing discharge eciency.
Water 2020,12, 1974 7 of 20
3.1. First Group: Blockage in Storm Main Pipe
The eect of blockage was investigated within two ratios. The first ratio at the end of main pipe
had five relative blockage heights (15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). The second ratio was along the
main pipe and had relative blockage length (33%, 67%, and 100%) with two relative blockage heights
(25%, and 50%).
3.1.1. End Pipe Blockage
The blockage was investigated at the end of the main pipe with five dierent relative heights
(15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). In general, the negative eect on the eciency of discharge increased
by increasing the relative height of the blockage. This can be explained by the pre-obstruction zone
becoming a dead zone once it is filled with water. Reducing the size of the pipe needed to discharge the
water has an eect on drainage eciency. Figure 9shows the end pipe blockage in experimental work,
which indicates the minimized disposal area. Figure 10 shows the relationship between eciency of
system and passing discharge, using 5 relative blockage heights. From this figure, it was concluded
that as the relative blockage height increased by 90%, the eciency of the system decreased by (46.5%).
Moreover, the eect of blockage-relative heights (15%, 30%) on eciency was not very impressive.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20
3.1. First Group: Blockage in Storm Main Pipe
The effect of blockage was investigated within two ratios. The first ratio at the end of main pipe
had five relative blockage heights (15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). The second ratio was along the
main pipe and had relative blockage length (33%, 67%, and 100%) with two relative blockage heights
(25%, and 50%).
3.1.1. End Pipe Blockage
The blockage was investigated at the end of the main pipe with five different relative heights
(15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). In general, the negative effect on the efficiency of discharge increased
by increasing the relative height of the blockage. This can be explained by the pre-obstruction zone
becoming a dead zone once it is filled with water. Reducing the size of the pipe needed to discharge
the water has an effect on drainage efficiency. Figure 9 shows the end pipe blockage in experimental
work, which indicates the minimized disposal area. Figure 10 shows the relationship between
efficiency of system and passing discharge, using 5 relative blockage heights. From this figure, it was
concluded that as the relative blockage height increased by 90%, the efficiency of the system
decreased by (46.5%). Moreover, the effect of blockage-relative heights (15%, 30%) on efficiency was
not very impressive.
Figure 9. End pipe blockage with HB = 90%.
Figure 10. Relationship between £ and Q for different relative blockage heights.
The water depth along the flume was measured at upstream each grate to investigate the effect
of end pipe blockage on water surface profile and redistribution of water along the flume. Figures 11
and 12 show the relationship between relative grate water depth and relative grate length with
Q (L/S)
without pipe end b lockage
pipe end blockage 15%
pipe end blockage 30%
pipe end blockage 50%
pipe end blockage 70%
pipe end blockage 90%
Figure 9. End pipe blockage with HB =90%.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20
3.1. First Group: Blockage in Storm Main Pipe
The effect of blockage was investigated within two ratios. The first ratio at the end of main pipe
had five relative blockage heights (15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). The second ratio was along the
main pipe and had relative blockage length (33%, 67%, and 100%) with two relative blockage heights
(25%, and 50%).
3.1.1. End Pipe Blockage
The blockage was investigated at the end of the main pipe with five different relative heights
(15%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). In general, the negative effect on the efficiency of discharge increased
by increasing the relative height of the blockage. This can be explained by the pre-obstruction zone
becoming a dead zone once it is filled with water. Reducing the size of the pipe needed to discharge
the water has an effect on drainage efficiency. Figure 9 shows the end pipe blockage in experimental
work, which indicates the minimized disposal area. Figure 10 shows the relationship between
efficiency of system and passing discharge, using 5 relative blockage heights. From this figure, it was
concluded that as the relative blockage height increased by 90%, the efficiency of the system
decreased by (46.5%). Moreover, the effect of blockage-relative heights (15%, 30%) on efficiency was
not very impressive.
Figure 9. End pipe blockage with HB = 90%.
Figure 10. Relationship between £ and Q for different relative blockage heights.
The water depth along the flume was measured at upstream each grate to investigate the effect
of end pipe blockage on water surface profile and redistribution of water along the flume. Figures 11
and 12 show the relationship between relative grate water depth and relative grate length with
Q (L/S)
without pipe end b lockage
pipe end blockage 15%
pipe end blockage 30%
pipe end blockage 50%
pipe end blockage 70%
pipe end blockage 90%
Figure 10. Relationship between £ and Q for dierent relative blockage heights.
Water 2020,12, 1974 8 of 20
The water depth along the flume was measured at upstream each grate to investigate the eect of
end pipe blockage on water surface profile and redistribution of water along the flume. Figures 11
and 12 show the relationship between relative grate water depth and relative grate length with dierent
relative blockage heights using three grates at passing discharge (1.20 and 6.00 L/sec), respectively.
These figures show that as relative blockage height increased, the water surface profile was increased
along the flume due to the negative eect on the drainage eciency. In addition, relative blockage
height, 90%, was the worst one, which increased the relative grate water depth by (16% and 19%) for
discharges (1.20 and 3.30 L/sec), respectively.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20
different relative blockage heights using three grates at passing discharge (1.20 and 6.00 L/sec),
respectively. These figures show that as relative blockage height increased, the water surface profile
was increased along the flume due to the negative effect on the drainage efficiency. In addition,
relative blockage height, 90%, was the worst one, which increased the relative grate water depth by
(16% and 19%) for discharges (1.20 and 3.30L/ sec), respectively.
Figure 11. Relationship between Hg and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.20L/sec.
Figure 12. Relationship between Hg and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 3.30L/sec.
Moreover, the water spread width was observed along the flume according to end pipe blockage
Figures 13 and 14 show the relationship between relative water spread width and relative grates
distance for various relative blockage heights at passing discharge 1.00 L/sec and 1.20 L/sec,
respectively. The relative water spread width tends to increase at higher blockage height by about
16% and 21% at Q = 1.00 L/sec and Q = 1.20 L/sec, respectively. Based on the figures below, it can be
concluded that the small relative blockage height has minimal impact on the relative water spread
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1. 00
Lo (grate position)
Witho ut pipe en d blockage
Pipe end blockage =15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage =50%
Pipe end blockage= 70%
Pipe end blockage=90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3
0.00 0.10 0. 20 0.30 0. 40 0.50 0.60 0. 70 0.80 0.90 1. 00
Lo (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
Pipe end blockage =15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage =50%
Pipe end blockage= 70%
Pipe end blockage=90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3
Figure 11. Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent relative blockage heights at Q =1.20 L/sec.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20
different relative blockage heights using three grates at passing discharge (1.20 and 6.00 L/sec),
respectively. These figures show that as relative blockage height increased, the water surface profile
was increased along the flume due to the negative effect on the drainage efficiency. In addition,
relative blockage height, 90%, was the worst one, which increased the relative grate water depth by
(16% and 19%) for discharges (1.20 and 3.30L/ sec), respectively.
Figure 11. Relationship between Hg and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.20L/sec.
Figure 12. Relationship between Hg and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 3.30L/sec.
Moreover, the water spread width was observed along the flume according to end pipe blockage
Figures 13 and 14 show the relationship between relative water spread width and relative grates
distance for various relative blockage heights at passing discharge 1.00 L/sec and 1.20 L/sec,
respectively. The relative water spread width tends to increase at higher blockage height by about
16% and 21% at Q = 1.00 L/sec and Q = 1.20 L/sec, respectively. Based on the figures below, it can be
concluded that the small relative blockage height has minimal impact on the relative water spread
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1. 00
Lo (grate position)
Witho ut pipe en d blockage
Pipe end blockage =15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage =50%
Pipe end blockage= 70%
Pipe end blockage=90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3
0.00 0.10 0. 20 0.30 0. 40 0.50 0.60 0. 70 0.80 0.90 1. 00
Lo (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
Pipe end blockage =15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage =50%
Pipe end blockage= 70%
Pipe end blockage=90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3
Figure 12. Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent relative blockage heights at Q =3.30 L/sec.
Moreover, the water spread width was observed along the flume according to end pipe blockage
Figures 13 and 14 show the relationship between relative water spread width and relative grates
distance for various relative blockage heights at passing discharge 1.00 L/sec and 1.20 L/sec, respectively.
The relative water spread width tends to increase at higher blockage height by about 16% and 21% at
Q=1.00 L/sec and Q =1.20 L/sec, respectively. Based on the figures below, it can be concluded that the
small relative blockage height has minimal impact on the relative water spread width.
Water 2020,12, 1974 9 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
Figure 13. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.00L/sec.
Figure 14. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.20 L/sec.
3.1.2. Effect of Blockage along the Pipe Length
The effects of different blockages along the main pipe with three relative lengths (33%, 67%, and
100%) combined with two relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) was investigated. Figure 15
indicates the blockage along pipe length and end pipe blockage.
Figure 15. (A) The blockage along main pipe length and (B) end pipe blockage.
0.00 0.50 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
pipe end blockage15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=4 8% Lo= 74% Lo
g1 Ig2 g3 I6
0.00 0.25 0. 50 0.75 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
pipe end blockage15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3 I6
(A) (B)
Figure 13. Relationship between WO and LO for dierent relative blockage heights at Q =1.00 L/sec.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
Figure 13. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.00L/sec.
Figure 14. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.20 L/sec.
3.1.2. Effect of Blockage along the Pipe Length
The effects of different blockages along the main pipe with three relative lengths (33%, 67%, and
100%) combined with two relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) was investigated. Figure 15
indicates the blockage along pipe length and end pipe blockage.
Figure 15. (A) The blockage along main pipe length and (B) end pipe blockage.
0.00 0.50 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
pipe end blockage15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=4 8% Lo= 74% Lo
g1 Ig2 g3 I6
0.00 0.25 0. 50 0.75 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
pipe end blockage15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3 I6
(A) (B)
Figure 14. Relationship between WO and LO for dierent relative blockage heights at Q =1.20 L/sec.
3.1.2. Eect of Blockage along the Pipe Length
The eects of dierent blockages along the main pipe with three relative lengths (33%, 67%,
and 100%) combined with two relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) was investigated. Figure 15
indicates the blockage along pipe length and end pipe blockage.
Figures 16 and 17 show the relationship between the discharge eciency and passing discharge,
using relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) with dierent relative blockage lengths (33%, 67%,
and 100%). From these figures, it can be noted that with the increased relative blockage height,
the eciency of discharge decreases for dierent relative blockage lengths. From these figures, it is
clear that the eciency of discharge dropped about 4.8% to 8.1% with relative blockage heights of
25% and 50% respectively, due to the volume’s reduction of the main pipe. It is a matter of fact that
increasing the blockage length will automatically decrease the eciency of discharge; the reduction in
eciency is equal to about 1.6%, 3.1%, and 5.1%, for three relative lengths, respectively.
Water 2020,12, 1974 10 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
Figure 13. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.00L/sec.
Figure 14. Relationship between WO and LO for different relative blockage heights at Q = 1.20 L/sec.
3.1.2. Effect of Blockage along the Pipe Length
The effects of different blockages along the main pipe with three relative lengths (33%, 67%, and
100%) combined with two relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) was investigated. Figure 15
indicates the blockage along pipe length and end pipe blockage.
Figure 15. (A) The blockage along main pipe length and (B) end pipe blockage.
0.00 0.50 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blo cka ge
pipe end blocka ge15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=4 8% Lo= 74% Lo
g1 Ig2 g3 I6
0.00 0.25 0. 50 0.75 1.00
o (grate position)
Without pipe end blockage
pipe end blockage15%
Pipe end blockage=30%
Pipe end blockage=50%
Pipe end blockage=70%
Pipe end blockage 90%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% % Lo=74% Lo
g1 Ig2 I4 g3 I6
(A) (B)
Figure 15. (A) The blockage along main pipe length and (B) end pipe blockage.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
Figures 16 and 17 show the relationship between the discharge efficiency and passing discharge,
using relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) with different relative blockage lengths (33%, 67%,
and 100%). From these figures, it can be noted that with the increased relative blockage height, the
efficiency of discharge decreases for different relative blockage lengths. From these figures, it is clear
that the efficiency of discharge dropped about 4.8% to 8.1% with relative blockage heights of 25% and
50% respectively, due to the volume's reduction of the main pipe. It is a matter of fact that increasing
the blockage length will automatically decrease the efficiency of discharge; the reduction in efficiency
is equal to about 1.6%, 3.1%, and 5.1%, for three relative lengths, respectively.
Figure 16. Relationship between £ and Q for different LB with HB 25%.
Figure 17. Relationship between £ and Q for different LB with HB 50%.
The effect of pipe blockage on water surface profile was studied, as shown in Figures 18 and 19.
In general, as relative blockage ratio increased, the water surface profile increased within 5.50 % and
6.20% at Q = 6.00 L/sec, for relative blockage heights 25% and 50%, respectively.
Q (L/S)
without blockage
pipe blockage= 25% , L(b)= 33%
pipe blockage = 25% , L(b)= 67%
pipe blockage = 25% , L(b)= 100%
Q (L/S)
without blockag e
pipe blockage= 50% , L(b)= 33%
pipe blockage = 50% , L(b)= 67%
pipe blockage = 50% , L(b)= 100%
Figure 16. Relationship between £ and Q for dierent LB with HB 25%.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
Figures 16 and 17 show the relationship between the discharge efficiency and passing discharge,
using relative blockage heights (25% and 50%) with different relative blockage lengths (33%, 67%,
and 100%). From these figures, it can be noted that with the increased relative blockage height, the
efficiency of discharge decreases for different relative blockage lengths. From these figures, it is clear
that the efficiency of discharge dropped about 4.8% to 8.1% with relative blockage heights of 25% and
50% respectively, due to the volume's reduction of the main pipe. It is a matter of fact that increasing
the blockage length will automatically decrease the efficiency of discharge; the reduction in efficiency
is equal to about 1.6%, 3.1%, and 5.1%, for three relative lengths, respectively.
Figure 16. Relationship between £ and Q for different LB with HB 25%.
Figure 17. Relationship between £ and Q for different LB with HB 50%.
The effect of pipe blockage on water surface profile was studied, as shown in Figures 18 and 19.
In general, as relative blockage ratio increased, the water surface profile increased within 5.50 % and
6.20% at Q = 6.00 L/sec, for relative blockage heights 25% and 50%, respectively.
Q (L/S)
without blockage
pipe blockage= 25% , L(b)= 33%
pipe blockage = 25% , L(b)= 67%
pipe blockage = 25% , L(b)= 100%
Q (L/S)
without blockag e
pipe blockage= 50% , L(b)= 33%
pipe blockage = 50% , L(b)= 67%
pipe blockage = 50% , L(b)= 100%
Figure 17. Relationship between £ and Q for dierent LB with HB 50%.
Water 2020,12, 1974 11 of 20
The eect of pipe blockage on water surface profile was studied, as shown in Figures 18 and 19.
In general, as relative blockage ratio increased, the water surface profile increased within 5.50 % and
6.20% at Q =6.00 L/sec, for relative blockage heights 25% and 50%, respectively.
Figure 18. Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent LB at HB 25% at Q =6.00 L/sec.
Figure 19. Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent LB at HB 50% at Q =6.00 L/sec.
On the other hand, Figures 20 and 21 show the relationship between relative water spread width
and relative grate distance, using dierent relative blockage heights (33%, 67%, and 100%) for relative
blockage heights (25% and 50%), respectively. The results indicated that as relative blockage height
increased, the relative width increased within 7.3% to 9.8% at Q =1.00 L/sec.
Water 2020,12, 1974 12 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20
Figure 20. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 25% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
Figure 21. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 50% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
3.2. Second Group: Surface Blockage on Grate
Hydraulic efficiency was obtained for different ratios of surface blockage, as shown in Figure 22.
The effect of surface blockage on drainage efficiency was examined for different blockage areas of
grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%).
Figure 22. Surface blockage.
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=25%, RBL=33%
RBH=25%, RBL=67%
RBH=25%, RBL=100 %
Lo = 2 3% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=50%, RBL=33%
RBH=50%, RBL=67%
RBH=50%, RBL=100%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
Figure 20. Relationship between WO and LO for dierent LB at HB 25% at Q =1.00 L/sec.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20
Figure 20. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 25% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
Figure 21. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 50% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
3.2. Second Group: Surface Blockage on Grate
Hydraulic efficiency was obtained for different ratios of surface blockage, as shown in Figure 22.
The effect of surface blockage on drainage efficiency was examined for different blockage areas of
grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%).
Figure 22. Surface blockage.
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=25%, RBL=33%
RBH=25%, RBL=67%
RBH=25%, RBL=100 %
Lo = 2 3% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=50%, RBL=33%
RBH=50%, RBL=67%
RBH=50%, RBL=100%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
Figure 21. Relationship between WO and LO for dierent LB at HB 50% at Q =1.00 L/sec.
3.2. Second Group: Surface Blockage on Grate
Hydraulic eciency was obtained for dierent ratios of surface blockage, as shown in Figure 22.
The eect of surface blockage on drainage eciency was examined for dierent blockage areas of
grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%).
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20
Figure 20. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 25% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
Figure 21. Relationship between WO and LO for different LB at HB 50% at Q = 1.00 L/sec.
3.2. Second Group: Surface Blockage on Grate
Hydraulic efficiency was obtained for different ratios of surface blockage, as shown in Figure 22.
The effect of surface blockage on drainage efficiency was examined for different blockage areas of
grates (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%).
Figure 22. Surface blockage.
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=25%, RBL=33%
RBH=25%, RBL=67%
RBH=25%, RBL=100 %
Lo = 2 3% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
0.00 0.50 1. 00
o (grate position)
RBH=50%, RBL=33%
RBH=50%, RBL=67%
RBH=50%, RBL=100%
Lo = 23% Lo=48% Lo=74% Lo
g1 g2 g3
Figure 22. Surface blockage.
Water 2020,12, 1974 13 of 20
Figure 23 shows the relationship between discharge eciency and passing discharge for various
relative blockage areas of grates. It is obvious that by increasing surface blockage to 50% the eciency
decreases by (17.9%).
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
Figures 23 shows the relationship between discharge efficiency and passing discharge for
various relative blockage areas of grates. It is obvious that by increasing surface blockage to 50% the
efficiency decreases by (17.9%)
Figure 23. Relationship between £ and Q for different surface blockages without pipe blockage.
3.3. Third Group: Combined Blockage (Pipe and Grate Blockage)
A combined grate and main pipe blockage was investigated. A comparison between no
blockage, grate blockage, and pipe blockage with relative height blockages of 25% and 50%,
combining various surface blockages (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%) was shown in Figures 24 to 27.
From these figures, it is clear that the discharge efficiency decreased as the amount of blockage
increased with different grate blockages of 17.8%, 19.3%, 21%, and 24.6%, respectively. From the
previous discussion, the blockage on the grate’s screen reduces the capture of surface water as well
as the blockage within the main pipe reduces the size of the pipe needed for the transfer of excess
water, which negatively affects the efficiency of the drainage system.
Figure 24. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Q (L/S)
scre en blockage 0 %
scre en blockage 1 2.5 %
scre en blockage 2 5%
scre en block age37.5%
scre en blockage 5 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 12.5%
pipe blockage 25% sc reen blockag e12.5%
pipe blockage 50% sc reen blockag e12.5%
Figure 23. Relationship between £ and Q for dierent surface blockages without pipe blockage.
3.3. Third Group: Combined Blockage (Pipe and Grate Blockage)
A combined grate and main pipe blockage was investigated. A comparison between no blockage,
grate blockage, and pipe blockage with relative height blockages of 25% and 50%, combining various
surface blockages (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%) was shown in Figures 2427. From these figures, it is
clear that the discharge eciency decreased as the amount of blockage increased with dierent grate
blockages of 17.8%, 19.3%, 21%, and 24.6%, respectively. From the previous discussion, the blockage
on the grate’s screen reduces the capture of surface water as well as the blockage within the main
pipe reduces the size of the pipe needed for the transfer of excess water, which negatively aects the
eciency of the drainage system.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
Figures 23 shows the relationship between discharge efficiency and passing discharge for
various relative blockage areas of grates. It is obvious that by increasing surface blockage to 50% the
efficiency decreases by (17.9%)
Figure 23. Relationship between £ and Q for different surface blockages without pipe blockage.
3.3. Third Group: Combined Blockage (Pipe and Grate Blockage)
A combined grate and main pipe blockage was investigated. A comparison between no
blockage, grate blockage, and pipe blockage with relative height blockages of 25% and 50%,
combining various surface blockages (12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, and 50%) was shown in Figures 24 to 27.
From these figures, it is clear that the discharge efficiency decreased as the amount of blockage
increased with different grate blockages of 17.8%, 19.3%, 21%, and 24.6%, respectively. From the
previous discussion, the blockage on the grate’s screen reduces the capture of surface water as well
as the blockage within the main pipe reduces the size of the pipe needed for the transfer of excess
water, which negatively affects the efficiency of the drainage system.
Figure 24. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Q (L/S)
scre en blockage 0 %
scre en blockage 1 2.5 %
scre en blockage 2 5%
scre en block age37.5%
scre en blockage 5 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 12.5%
pipe blockage 25% sc reen blockag e12.5%
pipe blockage 50% sc reen blockag e12.5%
Figure 24. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage 12.5%.
Water 2020,12, 1974 14 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20
Figure 25. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Figure 26. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Q (L/S)
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 25%
pipe blockage 25% scree n blockag e25%
pipe blockage 50% scree n blockag e25%
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
pipe blo ckage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 37. 5%
pipe blockage 25% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 50% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 50%
pipe blo ckage 25% sc ree n blockage50%
pipe blo ckage 50% sc ree n blockage50%
Figure 25.
Relationship between £ and Q for dierent ratios of blockage height at surface blockage 25%.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20
Figure 25. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Figure 26. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Q (L/S)
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 25%
pipe blockage 25% scree n blockag e25%
pipe blockage 50% scree n blockag e25%
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
pipe blo ckage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 37. 5%
pipe blockage 25% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 50% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 50%
pipe blo ckage 25% sc ree n blockage50%
pipe blo ckage 50% sc ree n blockage50%
Figure 26. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage 37.5%.
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20
Figure 25. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Figure 26. Relationship between £ and Q for different ratios of blockage height at surface blockage
Q (L/S)
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 25%
pipe blockage 25% scree n blockag e25%
pipe blockage 50% scree n blockag e25%
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
pipe blo ckage 0% scr een blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% scr een blockage 37. 5%
pipe blockage 25% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 50% sc reen blockag e37.5%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 0%
pipe blockage 0% screen blockage 50%
pipe blo ckage 25% sc ree n blockage50%
pipe blo ckage 50% sc ree n blockage50%
Figure 27.
Relationship between £ and Q for dierent ratios of blockage height at surface blockage 50%.
Water 2020,12, 1974 15 of 20
Figures 28 and 29 show the relationship between relative grate water heights and relative grate
length according to pipe blockage of 25% and 50%, with dierent grate blockage at Q =6.00 L/sec.
From these figures, it can be noted that as surface blockage increased, the relative grate heights
increased within 6.15%, 8.6%, 10%, and 12%) due to shortage in discharge eciency, which lead to
increased water surface profile.
Figure 28.
Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent ratios of grate blockage with pipe blockage
25% at Q =6.00 L/sec.
Figure 29.
Relationship between Hg and LO for dierent ratios of grate blockage with pipe blockage
50% at Q =6.00 L/sec.
Water 2020,12, 1974 16 of 20
3.4. Summary of Results
Results of all blockage ratios through storm water drainage system can be summarized according
to the following tables and figures:
Table 1shows the reduction of overall discharge eciency of system according to pipe height
blockage. The table also demonstrates the eciency of system for discharge of 6.00 L/s and 1.00 L/s.
Moreover, the table shows the average eciency of discharge (AEOD) of discharges Q =1.00 L/s to
6.00 L/s.
Table 1. The results of eciency reduction for dierent blockage heights.
HB(%) £
For Q =6.00 L/s and 1.00 L/s, Respectively
AEOD Eciency Reduction %
15% 34.9%–76.6% 59% 0.93%
30% 34.2%–76.5% 58% 0.93%
50% 27.9%–72.8% 53% 6.53%
70% 15.44%–71.7% 37% 16.77%
90% 4.7%–29.8% 12% 46.49%
Table 2shows the reduction of overall discharge eciency for combined pipe blockage (end and
length blockage).
Table 2. The results of eciency reduction for dierent relative blockage lengths and heights.
HB(%) LB(%) £
For Q =6.00 L/s and 1.00 L/s, Respectively
AEOD Eciency Reduction %
25% 33% 35.38%–77.56% 71% 0.89%
25% 67% 34.96%–76% 56% 3.52%
25% 100% 25.16%–75.56 49% 10.02%
50% 33% 34.96%–75.11% 58% 2.49%
50% 67% 33.78%–71.78% 53% 6.60%
50% 100% 20.96%–71.56% 44% 15.11%
Finally, Table 3illustrates the overall reduction eciency by combined pipe and grate blockage.
Table 3. Experimental results for various ratios of blockage.
HB(%) LB(%) Relative Blockage Area (AB)£
For Q =6.00 L/s and 1.00 L/s, Respectively
AEOD Eciency Reduction %
0 0 12.5% 25% to 66.22% 57.67% 2.27%
0 0 25% 34.09% to 63.7% 55.16% 4.78%
0 0 37.5% 31.56% to 60.36% 50.24% 9.70%
0 0 50% 24% to 54.75% 42.06% 17.88%
25% 100% 12.5% 24.47% to 63.86% 48.14% 11.80%
25% 100% 25% 22.87% to 59.87% 45.96% 13.98%
25% 100% 37.5% 20.13% to 56.78% 42.15% 17.79%
25% 100% 50% 20.1% to 51.25% 38.29% 21.65%
50% 100% 12.5% 20.49% 64.56% 42.19% 17.75%
50% 100% 25% 19.96% to 61.67% 40.66% 19.28%
50% 100% 37.5% 19.11% to 59.22% 38.99% 20.95%
50% 100% 50% 18.36% to 50% 35.34% 24.60%
Moreover, Figure 30 shows discharge eciency for dierent remaining ratios of blockages.
Water 2020,12, 1974 17 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 20
Figure 30. Reduction in efficiency tor different ratios.
Relative blockage height (RBH) = 50%
RBH = 50%, relative blockage length (RBL) = 33%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 66%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 100%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 100%, relative blockage of grate area (RBGA) = 12.5%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 100%, RBGA = 25%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 100%, RBGA = 37.5%
RBH = 50%, RBL = 100%, RBGA = 50%
3.5. Prediction of Efficiency
By analyzing measured data, Equation (2) was developed to correlate the water discharge
efficiency (£) with relative blockage height, relative blockage length, relative area blockage, and flume
£ = 0.916 + 0.0268 𝐿− 0.085𝑄 − 0.381𝐻− 0.352
LB = relative blockage length (decimal)
HB = relative blockage height (decimal)
AB = relative blockage area (decimal)
Q = flume discharge (L/s)
£ = system discharge efficiency (decimal)
The correlation coefficient and the standard error of estimate for Equation (2) are 90% and 0.07
respectively. Figure 31 shows the relationship between the predicted values of £ using Equation (2)
versus the measured ones, while Figure 32 shows the distribution of the residuals around the line of
zero error. Both figures indicate that Equation (2) represented the measured data very well and hence
could be used safely to predict the discharge efficiency of storm system for system discharge ranging
from 1.00 to 6.00L/sec.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Reduction in efficiency
Different cases of blockage
Figure 30. Reduction in eciency tor dierent ratios.
Relative blockage height (RBH) =50%
RBH =50%, relative blockage length (RBL) =33%
RBH =50%, RBL =66%
RBH =50%, RBL =100%
RBH =50%, RBL =100%, relative blockage of grate area (RBGA) =12.5%
RBH =50%, RBL =100%, RBGA =25%
RBH =50%, RBL =100%, RBGA =37.5%
RBH =50%, RBL =100%, RBGA =50%
3.5. Prediction of Eciency
By analyzing measured data, Equation (2) was developed to correlate the water discharge eciency
(£) with relative blockage height, relative blockage length, relative area blockage, and flume discharge.
£=0.916 +0.0268 LB0.085Q 0.381HB0.352AB(2)
LB=relative blockage length (decimal)
HB=relative blockage height (decimal)
AB=relative blockage area (decimal)
Q=flume discharge (L/s)
£=system discharge eciency (decimal)
The correlation coecient and the standard error of estimate for Equation (2) are 90% and 0.07
respectively. Figure 31 shows the relationship between the predicted values of £ using Equation (2)
versus the measured ones, while Figure 32 shows the distribution of the residuals around the line of
zero error. Both figures indicate that Equation (2) represented the measured data very well and hence
could be used safely to predict the discharge eciency of storm system for system discharge ranging
from 1.00 to 6.00 L/sec.
Water 2020,12, 1974 18 of 20
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 20
Figure 31. Measured £ versus Predicted ones from Equation (2).
Figure 32. Residuals versus Predicted £ from Equation (2).
4. Conclusions
The conclusions, which are valid within the experimental study, could be summarized as
Maintenance of storm network is an important process that should be taken into account every
time period, which may be a year, or after the end of rainstorms. The maintenance process depends
on two main factors: the first is raising the network’s efficiency, and the second is reducing
maintenance costs. It is known that the design of storm networks will be done for the worst rainstorm
conditions, but in normal case conditions, there is no need to increase its efficiency; thus, the network
will be operating in low efficiency mode to save costs and reduce the number of maintenance
intervals. The research provides engineers interested in designing and maintaining a storm network
with important information for this purpose by identifying the efficiency of a storm system for most
blockage ratios. Finally, an empirical equation was developed to estimate the discharge efficiency of
the storm drainage system as a function of relative blockage height (H
), relative blockage pipe length
), relative blockage area (A
), and system discharge.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.F.; Data curation, G.M.A.-A. and A.F.; Formal analysis, M.Z.;
Investigation, G.M.A.-A.; Methodology, A.F.; Project administration, I.F. and M.Z.; Resources, G.M.A.-A.;
Software, M.R.F.; Supervision, M.Z.; Validation, M.R.F.; Visualization, M.R.F.; Writing – original draft, I.F.;
Writing – review & editing, A.F.
Figure 31. Measured £ versus Predicted ones from Equation (2).
Water 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 20
Figure 31. Measured £ versus Predicted ones from Equation (2).
Figure 32. Residuals versus Predicted £ from Equation (2).
4. Conclusions
The conclusions, which are valid within the experimental study, could be summarized as
Maintenance of storm network is an important process that should be taken into account every
time period, which may be a year, or after the end of rainstorms. The maintenance process depends
on two main factors: the first is raising the network’s efficiency, and the second is reducing
maintenance costs. It is known that the design of storm networks will be done for the worst rainstorm
conditions, but in normal case conditions, there is no need to increase its efficiency; thus, the network
will be operating in low efficiency mode to save costs and reduce the number of maintenance
intervals. The research provides engineers interested in designing and maintaining a storm network
with important information for this purpose by identifying the efficiency of a storm system for most
blockage ratios. Finally, an empirical equation was developed to estimate the discharge efficiency of
the storm drainage system as a function of relative blockage height (H
), relative blockage pipe length
), relative blockage area (A
), and system discharge.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.F.; Data curation, G.M.A.-A. and A.F.; Formal analysis, M.Z.;
Investigation, G.M.A.-A.; Methodology, A.F.; Project administration, I.F. and M.Z.; Resources, G.M.A.-A.;
Software, M.R.F.; Supervision, M.Z.; Validation, M.R.F.; Visualization, M.R.F.; Writing – original draft, I.F.;
Writing – review & editing, A.F.
Figure 32. Residuals versus Predicted £ from Equation (2).
4. Conclusions
The conclusions, which are valid within the experimental study, could be summarized as follows.
Maintenance of storm network is an important process that should be taken into account every
time period, which may be a year, or after the end of rainstorms. The maintenance process depends on
two main factors: the first is raising the network’s eciency, and the second is reducing maintenance
costs. It is known that the design of storm networks will be done for the worst rainstorm conditions,
but in normal case conditions, there is no need to increase its eciency; thus, the network will be
operating in low eciency mode to save costs and reduce the number of maintenance intervals.
The research provides engineers interested in designing and maintaining a storm network with
important information for this purpose by identifying the eciency of a storm system for most
blockage ratios. Finally, an empirical equation was developed to estimate the discharge eciency of
the storm drainage system as a function of relative blockage height (H
), relative blockage pipe length
(LB), relative blockage area (AB), and system discharge.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, I.F.; Data curation, G.M.A.-A. and A.F.; Formal analysis, M.Z.;
Investigation, G.M.A.-A.; Methodology, A.F.; Project administration, I.F. and M.Z.; Resources, G.M.A.-A.; Software,
Water 2020,12, 1974 19 of 20
M.R.F.; Supervision, M.Z.; Validation, M.R.F.; Visualization, M.R.F.; Writing—original draft, I.F.; Writing—review
& editing, A.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
This work was supported by projects of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
VEGA 1/0308/20, Mitigation of hydrological hazards—floods and droughts—by exploring extreme hydroclimatic
phenomena in river basins.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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... According to the investigation (Chebbo et al. 1996;Hannouche et al. 2014), it is found that there is different degree of sediments in the drainage pipe network, which makes the drainage system difficult to operate normally. The presence of sediment deposits reduces the flow capacity due to the reduction of flow area and increased hydraulic resistance (Gent et al. 1996;Banasiak & Verhoeven 2008;Fathy et al. 2020;Zhou et al. 2021). The phenomenon of overflow in drainage pipelines occur frequently during storm events. ...
... For example, Camp (1944) believed that the roughness coefficient was affected by the water depth in the pipe through the study in the drainage pipe. Etzel (1978) showed that the hydraulic slope was the main hydraulic factor affecting the roughness coefficient in experiments in plywood channels. In addition, Hey proposed that the shape of cross-section of the open channel also had a significant influence on the roughness coefficient (Griffiths 1981). ...
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The deposition of sediments with different roughness increases uncertainty in the prediction of effective Manning's n (also known as composite roughness). In this paper, the changing rules of composite roughness and the influence on the discharge capacity of drainage pipes under different flows and slopes were studied by experimental measurement and numerical simulation. When the Froude number is less than 1, the composite roughness decreases gradually with the increase of flow. When the Froude number is more than 1, the composite roughness increases at first and then decreases with the increase of flow. It also showed that the different bed roughness has a great influence on composite roughness, which affects the hydraulic characteristics of flow. The composite roughness of the drainage pipe increases as the bed roughness increases. The water surface rises and the average velocity decreases under a certain slope and flow. The formulas for calculating the composite roughness are obtained by analogy analysis, which can provide theoretical support for the design of the drainage pipeline. HIGHLIGHTS The roughness coefficient is not constant when hydraulic conditions change.; When a sediment deposit is present in a pipe, the overall resistance consists of two components.; The changing rules of composite roughness are related to the flow regime.; The particle size of the sediment in the pipeline will affect the composite roughness.; Bed roughness can be separated from the composite roughness.;
... Blockage in the conduit reduces the discharge carrying capacity of the conduit. Fathy et al. (2020) calculated the reduction in the carrying capacity of the conduits based on the percentage of reduction in the discharge volumes from the conduits as an experimental study. In this study, the percentage reduction in the carrying capacity of the conduits were calculated from the percentage reduction in the volume of discharge from the conduits using the following equations. ...
... Conduit C3 has a blockage of about 55% of its area and the carrying capacity was reduced by 28.09%. Experimental study carried out by Fathy et al. (2020) shows a reduction in the efficiency of the conduits from 2.27 to 24.06% which is similar to the reduction in conduit efficiency estimated in this study. ...
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Urbanization and climate change increase the frequency of urban floods worldwide which in turn poses a great challenge in the management of the urban stormwater drain system. This study investigated the impact of climate change and surface imperviousness in the urban stormwater runoff and the impact of washed off pollutants load in the conduit efficiency for two census wards Triplicane (ward 116) and Valasaravakkam (ward 152) in Chennai City. The climate change data for the study area wards were taken from the regional climate model (RCM) of Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5. Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) with quality and quantity scenarios were developed and the results of the present year scenario were validated using a questionnaire survey. Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curves were generated to forecast the observed rainfall and climate model data for various return periods, i.e., 2, 5, 10, 50, and 100 years for future climatic scenarios (2030s and 2050s). The model results show that infiltration is only 3–7% of the total rainfall in the study areas and the maximum blockage and reduction in conduit capacity were estimated to be 65 and 40%, respectively. This paper presents the observations and suggestions for improving the conduit efficiency from an Integrated Water Management Approach (IWMA). HIGHLIGHTS Imperviousness of the study area was calculated based on LULC classification using Google Earth.; Bias correction was carried out for the climate data using observed rain gauge data.; Evaluation of the impact of pollutants load in the conduit carrying capacity using the SWMM.; Questionnaire survey outcomes were used to understand the past extreme events and also used in conjunction with the model outputs to derive suggestions.;
... Operational resilience is aimed to assess the agreed performance of a component when subjected to structural failure or functional deterioration, such as conduit collapse and blockage, pump damage, and sediment deposition (Fathy et al., 2020;Wang et al., 2021). Mugume et al. (2015) suggested replacing the Manning coefficient (n) of the conduit with an abnormal value of 100 to imitate structural failure. ...
... [23][24][25] The siltation of the drainage pipe will affect the inlet and outlet velocity of the fluid and the pressure around the pipe, 26 resulting in a large change in the hydraulic characteristics of the fluid from the absence of siltation, and indirectly affecting the transport pattern of the silted particles. Therefore, to study the hydraulic characteristics of water flow with different siltation thickness, siltation length, and siltation position in the pipeline, and to evaluate the influence of siltation degree on the flow capacity of the pipeline network system, 27 it is helpful to understand the sedimentation of silt particles and hydraulic transport laws. 28,29 In a word, the transport law of silted particles in drainage pipelines and the hydraulic characteristics of the fluid are influenced with each other. ...
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During urban flood events, the effect of urban rainwater pipeline siltation on overflow and stagflation intensifies the severity of flood disaster. However, the dynamic coupling mechanism of pipeline sedimentation and water flow is still unclear. To investigate the influence of two-phase flow on the hydraulic transport of siltation particles in rainwater pipelines, the numerical simulation model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) is constructed. Then, the transient continuity governing equation and conservation equation of momentum are formulated to provide dynamic guidance and boundary constraint for CFD-DEM simulation. On this basis, the optimal drag force model and measurement method of equivalent siltation degree of pipeline are proposed and nested with CFD-DEM, and then, a high resolution numerical simulation model of pipeline sedimentation is formulated. The results show that the siltation degree affects the efficiency of drainage pipeline to a degree of 47%, which is much greater than the degree of influence of 33% for siltation length and 18% for slope. When the siltation degree is 0.1, the thickness of the silted bed surface under the influence of water flow scour is reduced by 33%. It revealed that the influence degree of siltation degree and flow rate was 168% and 20%, respectively, which was much larger than that of siltation length and slope. This study can provide technical support for subsequent pipeline cleaning and maintenance as well as flood prevention and mitigation.
... However, the stormwater drainage system is highly susceptible to blockages when improperly used and maintained. Fathy et al. 34 conducted experimental studies to investigate the discharge capacity of trunk pipes under different levels and lengths of blockages. They found that the discharge capacity of the trunk pipes decreased by 15.11% under conditions where the blockage fill ratio along the pipe was 0.5. ...
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The process of dike-break flood propagation in typical urban street blocks is highly complex. The presence of buildings and trees groups in urban street blocks profoundly alters the flood dynamics, impacting the drainage capacity of the area. In this study, a generalized sink model representing a typical urban street block was established, including trees groups, buildings, sidewalks, and stormwater drainage systems. The study measured the fluctuation of water levels within the street block and the pressure variation in the pressurized stormwater drainage network during the dike-break flood propagation. Furthermore, it conducted a comparative analysis to assess the influence of different arrangements of trees groups on the maximum water depth in buildings and the discharge capacity of the pressurized stormwater drainage network. Dike-break floods give rise to large-scale water leaps and the formation of thin layer water sheets near the buildings under the influence of buildings, water tank sidewalls, and tree groups. The water leap zones exhibit lateral migration and superposition on the sidewalks during the flood propagation, gradually dissipating and disappearing in the longitudinal direction of the street block. In the presence of tree groups, the water levels significantly decrease in buildings and downstream street blocks, while the discharge capacity of the pressurized stormwater drainage network shows a slight improvement as the road's flood-carrying capacity increases. The pressure in the main pipes fluctuates due to the switching of the grate inlet drainage mode and the hydraulic transition process in the branch pipes. The research findings not only provide valuable validation data for numerical simulations but also offer theoretical guidance for urban flood management and landscape design.
... Research results confirmed that solid wastes are major drainage failure causes and common problems in developing countries, especially in rapidly sprawling urban environments such as Addis Ababa city. Research conducted by [36] indicates that the issue of solid waste is more critical in developing countries than in developed countries. The following photos (Figure 11a, b) show that solid wastes and debris are critical challenges for drainage structures by blocking waterways partially or fully, reducing the discharge efficiency and exposing the roadways to surface flooding. ...
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Urban drainage infrastructures are facing critical challenges due to a lack of integrated asset management, periodic maintenance, improper design, and construction methodologies. The objective of this study is to understand the urban drainage challenges and assess the failure causes and their impacts to recommend possible mitigation measures. Drainage failure causes and impacts are analyzed using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) qualitative multicriteria decision model after conducting technical group discussions, interviews, and technical field surveys. The assessment was performed by taking representative samples from both cross-and longitudinal drainage infrastructures. The AHP analysis results showed that approximately 35.5% and 28.6% of failure causes are debris and various solid wastes for cross-and longitudinal drainage structures with correlation coefficients of 0.93 and 0.95, respectively. The result showed that design and construction defects are the second major failure causes. The research results showed that urbanization has a direct relationship with major drainage failure causes, resulting from man-made debris and solid waste clogging. On the other hand, drainage failure caused by siltation, drifts, and vegetation is higher in newly developing semi-urban and agricultural areas. The number of barrels in cross-drainage structures also contribute significantly to cross-drainage failure by creating a flow barrier due to the intermediate columns. The drainage failure impact assessment result showed that both cross-and longitudinal drainage failures primarily impact road pavement following transport disruption and traffic accidents, accounting for 38.5%, 18%, and 16%, respectively. Our research recommended that the mitigation measures for drainage failure are proper asset management and maintenance, appropriate construction supervision, and awareness creation, with weights of 36.3%, 15.5%, and 15.3%, respectively. As a drainage problem mitigation measure, the longitudinal drainage analysis results showed that the provision of a combination of cross-fall slopes, gutter slopes, and local depressions at the inlets can contribute to an increase in the trapping efficiency of the drainage system by 50%, which can reduce surface flooding substantially.
... Leitão et al. (2017) combined a stochastic model, a hydraulic model, and Monte Carlo simulation to generate probabilistic flood maps under different inlet blockage scenarios. Fathy et al. (2020) and Hao et al. (2021) conducted laboratory experiments to quantify the reduction of drainage efficiency caused by the blockages of street inlets and sewer pipes. As for cleaning strategies, the proactive cleaning of gully pots has been demonstrated to be more cost-effective than reactive maintenance in reducing drainage blockage (ten Veldhuis and Clemens 2011), gully failure (Chen et al. 2017), or runoff pollutants (Memon and Butler 2002). ...
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The blockages in gully systems increase the flood risk in urban areas because less surface water can be drained into the sewer pipes beneath. Since a gully system comprises three components of street inlets, gully channels, and lateral tubes, it has been challenging to study the cleaning strategies when multiple gully components are simultaneously blocked, especially when considering the complex interactions in hydraulics and optimization. In this study, we adopted a sophisticated hydraulic model to simulate water transportation across surface, gully, and sewer layers under 16 scenarios with different blockage ratios of gully components for a rainstorm event in 2017 in Taipei City, Taiwan. The results are regressed and served as objective functions in nonlinear programming to obtain optimal cleaning strategies for each gully component that minimize surface floodwater volumes under different frequencies and budgets. The regression results show that floodwater volumes increase the most with the blockage of gully channels compared to the blockages of other components; however, the optimization analysis indicates that street inlets should be cleaned first for having the lowest cost. Compared with the increase of budget, the increase of cleaning frequency is more cost-effective because it prevents the nonlinear increase of floodwater volume at high gully blockage ratios. This research provides a guideline for the cleaning of a gully system in which the blockages of different components must be removed in a sequential manner in order to minimize flood risk.
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The process of dike-break flood propagation in typical urban street is highly complex. The presence of buildings and trees groups in urban street profoundly alters the flood dynamics, impacting the drainage capacity of the area. In this study, a generalized sink model representing a typical urban street was established, including trees groups, buildings, sidewalks, and stormwater drainage systems. The study measured the fluctuation of water levels within the street block and the pressure variation in the pressurized stormwater drainage network during the dike-break flood propagation. Furthermore, it conducted a comparative analysis to assess the influence of different arrangements of trees groups on the maximum water depth in buildings and the discharge capacity of the pressurized stormwater drainage network. Dike-break floods give rise to large-scale water leaps and the formation of thin layer water sheets near the buildings under the influence of buildings, water tank sidewalls, and tree groups. The water leap zones exhibit lateral migration and superposition on the sidewalks during the flood propagation, gradually dissipating and disappearing in the longitudinal direction of the street. In the presence of tree groups, the water levels significantly decrease in buildings and downstream street, while the discharge capacity of the pressurized stormwater drainage network shows a slight improvement as the road’s flood-carrying capacity increases. The pressure in the main pipes fluctuates due to the switching of the grate inlet drainage mode and the hydraulic transition process in the branch pipes. The research findings not only provide valuable validation data for numerical simulations but also offer theoretical guidance for urban flood management and landscape design.
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Early detection of drainage leakages are utmost important to avoid mixing with pure water. Leaving a clogged pipe unattended can prompt expanded pressure inside pipes, which would then be able to split and blast. This leads to an expensive problem that can cause significant damage. The other major problem faced mostly during rainy season is breeding of pests at roads due to drainage overflow which causes several waters borne diseases. Besides the traditional methods of identifying a leakage which incurs a high cost but low efficiency, this project presents with flow sensor and ultrasonic sensor which detects leakage and overflow respectively with the help of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which is based on ZigBee technology and Internet of Things (IOT) and an alert is sent through the mobile app to the authorities in Municipal Corporation prior overflow or any blockage to avoid leakage.
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As environmental change is happening at an unprecedented pace, a reliable and proper urban drainage design is required to alleviate the negative effects of unexpected extreme rainfall events occurring due to the natural and anthropogenic variations such as climate change and urbanization. Since structure/configuration of a stormwater network plays an imperative role in the design and hydraulic behavior of the system, the goal of this paper is to elaborate upon the significance of possessing redundancy (e.g., alternative flow paths as in loops) under simultaneous hydraulic design in stormwater pipe networks. In this work, an innovative approach based on complex network properties is introduced to systematically and successively reduce the number of loops and, therefore, the level of redundancy, from a given grid-like (street) network. A methodology based on hydrodynamic modelling is utilized to find the optimal design costs for all created structures while satisfying a number of hydraulic design constraints. As a general implication, when structures are subject to extreme precipitation events, the overall capability of looped configurations for discharging runoff more efficiently is higher compared to more branched ones. The reason is due to prevailing (additional) storage volume in the system and existing more alternative water flow paths in looped structures, as opposed to the branched ones in which only unique pathways for discharging peak runoff exist. However, the question arises where to best introduce extra paths in the network? By systematically addressing this question with complex network analysis, the influence of downstream loops was identified to be more significant than that of upstream loops. Findings, additionally, indicated that possessing loop and introducing extra capacity without determining appropriate additional pipes positions in the system (flow direction) can even exacerbate the efficiency of water discharge. Considering a reasonable and cost-effective budget, it would, therefore, be worthwhile to install loop-tree-integrated stormwater collection systems with additional pipes at specific locations, especially downstream, to boost the hydraulic reliability and minimize the damage imposed by the surface flooding upon the metropolitan area.
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The performance of flow through orifices on a perforated distribution pipe between periods with and without partial clogging (submersion of part of the distribution pipe) was compared. The distribution pipe receives runoff and delivers it to an underground infiltration bed. Clogging appeared in winter but was reduced in summer. Performance of flow delivery was found to be defined by the effective pipe length and the pressure head. ANCOVA (ANalysis of COVAriance) was used to examine the clogging effect with flow rate plotted against the effective pipe length times the square root of the mean pressure head, and found that it was significant during low or no rainfall. During larger storms, clogging had little effect on pipe performance. Clogging might be caused by leaves and other trash accumulating in the lower section of the pipe in winter and its effect was insignificant when the water level rose in the pipe, utilizing significantly more orifices on the distribution pipe. Larger storms might also move the debris, thus exposing the orifices. The current maintenance schedule was sufficient to keep the distribution pipe at a satisfactory performance even though partial clogging can exist.
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Performance of flow through orifices on a perforated distribution pipe between periods with and without partial clogging (submersion of part of the distribution pipe) was compared. The distribution pipe directly receives runoff and delivers it to an underground infiltration bed. Partial clogging appeared in winter but reduced in summer. Performance was defined as flow rate divided by l_eff (h_(d,mean)^0.5) where h_(d,mean) is the mean pressure head that drives flow and l_eff is the effective pipe length (length of water column with pipe water volume and the pipe cross-sectional area). ANCOVA (ANalysis of COVAriance) was adopted to examine the clogging effects with flow rate plotted against l_eff (h_(d,mean)^0.5) . Partial clogging had a significant effect on pipe performance during periods of low or no rainfall. However, if only data during larger storms was considered, little evidence showed that partial clogging had effects on pipe delivery performance. Partial clogging might be caused by leaves accumulated in the lower section of the pipe in winter, and its effect was insignificant when water level rose in the pipe, utilizing significantly more orifices on the distribution pipe, thus the effect from the clogged portion had negligible impact on system performance. Larger storms might also provide the required flow rate to move the debris block thus exposing the orifices. Partial clogging did not increase the tendency of overflow; therefore, current maintenance schedule was sufficient to keep the distribution pipe at satisfactory performance even though partial clogging can exist.
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Circular drop manholes have been an important device for energy dissipation and reduction of flow velocities in urban drainage networks. The energy dissipation in a drop manhole depends on the manhole flow patterns, the outflow regimes in the exit pipe and the downstream operation conditions, and is closely related to the hydraulic and geometric parameters of the manhole. In the present work, the energy dissipation of a drop manhole with three drop heights was experimentally investigated under free outflow conditions and constrained outflow conditions. The results demonstrate that the local head loss coefficient is solely related to the dimensionless drop parameter for free surface outflow without a downstream backwater effect, whereas it depends on the dimensionless submerge parameter for constrained outflow. Moreover, it is concluded that the energy dissipation is largely promoted when outlet choking occurs.
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Drainage is an important feature in determining the ability of given pavement to withstand the effects of traffic and environment. While planning and executing the work the contractor shall take all adequate precautions against drainage system to keep the road free from water. Even though many roads are of poor conditions due to different reasons .Poor drainage is one of those reasons. An increase in moisture content decreases the strength of the pavement. Bad drainage causes the premature failure of the pavement. The paper discusses the various effects of bad drainage on road conditions.
Inlet efficiency is a requirement for characterizing the flow transfers between surface and sewer flow during rain events. The dual drainage approach is based on the joint analysis of both upper and lower drainage levels, and the flow transfer is one of the relevant elements to define properly this joint behaviour. This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical investigation about the inlet efficiency definition. A full scale (1:1) test platform located in the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) reproduces both the runoff process in streets and the water entering the inlet. Data from tests performed on this platform allow the inlet efficiency to be estimated as a function of significant hydraulic and geometrical parameters. A reproduction of these tests through a numerical three-dimensional code (Flow-3D) has been carried out simulating this type of flow by solving the RANS equations. The aim of the work was to reproduce the hydraulic performance of a previously tested grated inlet under several flow and geometric conditions using Flow-3D as a virtual laboratory. This will allow inlet efficiencies to be obtained without previous experimental tests. Moreover, the 3D model allows a better understanding of the hydraulics of the flow interception and the flow patterns approaching the inlet.
Draining storm water quickly and efficiently from highways is an essential part of any highway program. Laboratory experiments were conducted to develop curb-opening and grate inlet efficiency curves for the Nebraska standard inlet (single and in series), the city of Lincoln canted inlet, a new grate inlet (single and in series), and an inlet affected by resurfacing. Experiments were performed for the on-grade inlets on a full-scale roadway surface that was treated with sand-imbedded paint to produce an average Manning's n-value of 0.016. The constant longitudinal and cross slopes were 3 and 2 percent, respectively. Supercritical flow prevailed over the flow range of 0.5 to 5 ft3/sec. Results show that the Nebraska standard inlet provides about 20 percent greater efficiency than the equivalent AASHTO-type inlet. Canted inlet performance was only marginally better than that of the Nebraska standard inlet. The new grate inlet performance was very similar to that of curb-opening inlets. Inlets in series increased efficiencies by almost 20 percent over the efficiencies of single inlets. Finally, roadway resurfacing that covers inlet transitions reduces efficiency by about one-half.