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Matters arising
1Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK. 2Department of Physics and Astronomy,
California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA, USA. 3Centre for Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
4Science and Operations Department, ESA, Greenbelt, MD, USA. 5Italian Space Agency (ASI), Rome, Italy. 6INAF-OAR National Institute for Astrophysics,
Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy. 7Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 8Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University
of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. ✉e-mail: d.jess@qub.ac.uk
In our paper1, we studied a fully formed active region that was
approximately halfway through its evolutionary lifecycle, and exam-
ination of the Fourier-derived spectral energies of the sunspot umbra
revealed a spectral ‘bump’ at ~20 mHz. Furthermore, the spectral
gradients following the ~20 mHz energy enhancement changed
progressively across the umbral diameter, implying that they may
reflect the intrinsic characteristics of the underlying umbral atmo-
sphere. Numerical simulations of the sunspot atmosphere, harness-
ing the Lagrangian–Eulerian remap2 (LareXd) code, also revealed
spectral energy variability at ~20 mHz (including changing spectral
slopes). These results were consistent with the pioneering theoreti-
cal work of Botha etal.3 and Snow etal.4, allowing us to interpret
these as a signature of wave resonance arising from the temperature
gradients naturally occurring in the solar photosphere and transi-
tion region. At the time of publication, we recognized that we had
observed strong evidence of resonance behaviour in a single, iso-
lated sunspot structure. As a result, in the supplementary informa-
tion of our paper1, we openly posed a number of key outstanding
questions, and requested that the community examine sunspot
wave phenomena on a statistical basis to verify how commonplace
resonance signatures are.
The Matters Arising by Felipe5 highlights the observational and
modelling challenges facing solar physicists in the modern era of
high temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions. We welcome this
particular side of his communication, as it directly reflects the open
questions we posed in the supplementary information of our Letter.
Considering our paper, Felipe remarks that: (1) the observational
power spectra of sunspots do not always demonstrate consistent sig-
natures that can be used as an indicator for the presence of a reso-
nance cavity; (2) theoretical time series can generate spectral energy
enhancements that are not solely linked to resonance effects; and (3)
the interplay between linear and nonlinear effects is likely to play a
role in the features observed in both simulated and observed power
spectra. In the following, we address the points raised by Felipe to
highlight the importance of ongoing research in this challenging
scientific field.
10830Å sunspot observations
Felipe highlighted that the observations we presented were
“extraordinary”. The quality of the atmospheric seeing can be esti-
mated by the root mean squared (r.m.s.) fluctuations required to
co-align (on a sub-pixel level) successive image from our time
series. For this task, the contemporaneous 4170 Å blue continuum
imaging observations obtained with the Rapid Oscillations in the
Solar Atmosphere6 (ROSA) instrument were employed, as these
were acquired with short exposure times (5 ms) to prevent any
seeing-induced smearing from effecting the cross-correlations, and
the highest cadence (2.11 s after image reconstruction). In total,
there were 2,468 ROSA frames, spanning 5,207.48 s (~87 min).
Figure 1 documents the absolute sub-pixel shifts in both solar
north–south and east–west directions, calculated from the
cross-correlation coefficients. At a time of ~2,835 s into the observ-
ing sequence, there is a degradation of the image quality caused
by a passing cirrus cloud. However, the original adaptive optics
(AO) lock point was restored once this had completely passed (at
~3,060 s) and the pointing accuracy continued to be excellent until
5,100 s, when the seeing degraded and we terminated the observa-
tions. On the basis of the raw (sub-pixel) shifts, the r.m.s. fluctua-
tions are 0.070″ and 0.073″ for the solar east–west and north–south
directions, respectively. These r.m.s. pointing fluctuations are less
than half of our He 10830 Å pixel sampling (0.15″ per pixel),
showing the high image stability achieved during our observations.
We believe that the excellent seeing conditions are responsible for
the clarity of the heightened spectral energy bump at ~20 mHz. To
test this hypothesis, we generated time- and wavelength-dependent
point spread functions (PSFs) corresponding to 0.75″, 1.00″ and
1.50″ seeing conditions. The PSFs model the AO residual aberra-
tions at the Dunn Solar Telescope focal plane for the three different
seeing conditions. These were obtained from simple closed-loop
AO numerical simulations carried out with the PAOLA simulation
code7. These PSFs, specific to the He 10830 Å line, were convolved
with the original spectra to degrade its spatial resolution, before
recomputing the corresponding spectral energy densities. Figure 2
reveals the importance of seeing conditions when exploring the
high-frequency regime, with the secondary bump at ~20 mHz
reduced with 0.75″ seeing, barely visible with 1.00″ seeing and com-
pletely suppressed with 1.50″ seeing conditions. Furthermore, it can
be seen from Fig. 2 that the steepness of the spectral slope following
the dominant peak at ~6 mHz is dependent on the quality of the
local seeing conditions, with higher frequency fluctuations heavily
damped (by more than an order of magnitude) as the seeing con-
ditions degrade. Therefore, spectral energy spectra showing very
steep gradients immediately after the universal ~6 mHz dominant
peak may not be suitable for such resonance studies, which require
prolonged periods of excellent seeing conditions. Hence, the impor-
tance of spatial resolution, which is often intrinsically coupled
Reply to: Signatures of sunspot oscillations and
the case for chromospheric resonances
David B. Jess 1,2 ✉ , Ben Snow 3, Bernhard Fleck 4, Marco Stangalini 5,6 and Shahin Jafarzadeh 7,8
replying to T. Felipe Nature Astronomy https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-020-1157-5 (2020)
NATURE ASTRONOMY | VOL 5 | JANUARY 2021 | 5–8 | www.nature.com/natureastronomy 5
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