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Abstract and Figures

Purpose of the study: The main objective of the present work is to assess the efficacy of the restoration endeavour in Bengaluru lakes, Karnataka, India. Rapid urbanisation coupled with industrialisation in urban areas has greatly stressed the available water resources qualitatively and quantitatively. This has also resulted in the generation of enormous sewage and wastewater after independence. Method: Environmental monitoring of 40 restored lakes was carried out to identify the key issues and assessed water quality (physical, chemical and biological). Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) and Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was determined using data of physicochemical parameters of lakes. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using PAST3 software to identify the factors responsible for variations in water quality. Main Findings: The monitored forty lakes distributed across the three major watersheds namely Koramangala and Challaghatta valley, Vrishabhavathi valley and Hebbal valley were grouped under three different WQI status like good water quality (10%); poor water quality (37%) and very poor water quality (53%). Majority of these restored lakes has become polluted which indicates improper decontamination and poor maintenance of restored lakes. Application of this study: This study provides vital information for policymakers to understand the gaps which helps in the course correction while implementing further rejuvenation of lakes. Novelty/Originality of this study: The efficacy of rejuvenation was assessed through integrated cost-effective scientific approaches for the lake monitoring. Monitoring during the pre and post rejuvenation period has aided in assessing the efficacy of rejuvenation, which is done for the first time in India.
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Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
14 | © Authors
Ramachandra T.V a, b, c *, Sincy Va, Asulabha K.S a
a Energy & Wetlands Research Group, Centre for Ecological Sciences, b Centre for Sustainable Technologies (Astra),
c Centre for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India.
Article History: Received on 20th May, Revised on 10th July, Published on 18th July 2020
Purpose of the study: The main objective of the present work is to assess the efficacy of the restoration endeavour in
Bengaluru lakes, Karnataka, India. Rapid urbanisation coupled with industrialisation in urban areas has greatly stressed the
available water resources qualitatively and quantitatively. This has also resulted in the generation of enormous sewage and
wastewater after independence.
Method: Environmental monitoring of 40 restored lakes was carried out to identify the key issues and assessed water quality
(physical, chemical and biological). Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r)
was determined using data of physicochemical parameters of lakes. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed using
PAST3 software to identify the factors responsible for variations in water quality.
Main Findings: The monitored forty lakes distributed across the three major watersheds namely Koramangala and
Challaghatta valley, Vrishabhavathi valley and Hebbal valley were grouped under three different WQI status like good water
quality (10%); poor water quality (37%) and very poor water quality (53%). Majority of these restored lakes has become
polluted which indicates improper decontamination and poor maintenance of restored lakes.
Application of this study: This study provides vital information for policymakers to understand the gaps which helps in the
course correction while implementing further rejuvenation of lakes.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The efficacy of rejuvenation was assessed through integrated cost-effective scientific
approaches for the lake monitoring. Monitoring during the pre and post rejuvenation period has aided in assessing the
efficacy of rejuvenation, which is done for the first time in India.
Keywords: Lake rejuvenation, Water quality, Pollution, WQI, Multivariate analysis
Lakes and water bodies also referred to as wetlands are one of the most productive ecosystems contributing to ecological
sustainability thereby providing necessary linkages between land and water resources. The quality and hydrologic regime of
these lakes and wetlands are directly dependent on the integrity of its watershed. Urban lakes have been aiding in recharging
groundwater resources, microclimate moderation, floods mitigation, supported local livelihood (fish, fodder, etc.), local
water (irrigation and domestic) demand apart from recreation facilities. Washing, household activities, vegetable cultivation
and fishing are the regular activities in the lake for livelihood. In the last couple of decades, rapid urbanization coupled with
unplanned anthropogenic activities has altered the wetland ecosystem severely across the globe. Changes in land use and
land cover (LULC) in the wetland catchments influence the water yield and water quality of the lakes.
Reduction of wetlands in Bengaluru and the pollution load has increased over years due to population growth, urbanization,
industrialization, land use changes, encroachments, etc. (Ramachandra & Aithal, 2016). This has escalated greenhouse gas
(GHG) footprint of about 19796.5 Gg of CO2 equivalents from various sectors in Bengaluru (Ramachandra & Shwetmala,
2012; Ramachandra et al., 2015a), with significant share from waste sector, domestic wastewater sector emits 759.29 Gg
(15.42 and municipal solid waste emits 374.73Gg of CO2 equivalents (Ramachandra et al., 2015a). The sustained inflow of
untreated wastewater has increased the pollution levels which is evident from the nutrient enrichment and consequent profuse
growth of macrophytes, impairing the functional abilities of the wetlands. Reduced treatment capabilities of wetlands have
led to the decline of native biodiversity. Apart from this, prevailing unhygienic conditions with mosquito menace and
contamination of groundwater levels has been affecting the livelihood of wetland dependent population, which necessitated
rejuvenation of lakes in Bengaluru.
Lake restoration or rejuvenation endeavour is toward the recovery of lakes that has been degraded or damaged. Lake
restoration is very important as the pollutants in lake can cause serious problem for human health and the environment. In
Bengaluru, there are many para state agencies connected with the governance like BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara
Palike), BDA (Bengaluru Development Authority), BWSSB (Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Board), PCB (Pollution
Control Board) at Central and State Government and various departments including Revenue, Fisheries, Minor Irrigation,
Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Citizens, NGOs etc. Figure 1 illustrates the steps involved in lake rejuvenation
and conservation.
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
15 | © Authors
Figure 1: The major steps involved in lake rejuvenation and lake conservation
Different activities involved in lake rejuvenation process are:
a. Fencing around the lake helps to prevent land encroachment (due to construction of roads, infrastructure and
residential layouts, and other land uses) and dumping of garbage, loss of wetland area and shrinkage in water spread
b. De-weeding which involves regular harvesting/removal of macrophytes in lakes through manual
operations/machines that will improve the quality of lakes.
c. Accumulation of silt in lakes and loss of interconnectivity among lakes have been contributing to frequent floods
(Ramachandra & Mujumdar, 2009). Thus, dredging (dry/wet dredging) helps in enhancing the water storage
capacity of a lake. The removal of contaminated silt and sediments deposited at the lake bottom help in de-
contamination. Before initiating dredging in lakes, one need to consider the following points: amount of sediment
to be removed, a destined place to dump sediment after removal, feasibility and the associated transportation costs
and release of contaminants into lake water during dredging operation.
d. Creating islands for birds for their resting, roosting and nesting activities.
e. Creating walkway/jogging path for visitors, which provides opportunities for recreation and tourism.
f. Afforestation activities, which include planting trees of native species in lake area, provide nectar and fruits, attract
butterflies, bees, birds and other biotas. The trees will also provide shade and cool environment to visitors.
g. Construction of idol immersion tank (Kalyani) in lakes for the people to offer pooja and immerse idols during
festivals. The chemical paints used for idols generally contain heavy metals like lead, copper, cadmium, iron,
calcium, manganese, chromium, zinc, mercury, arsenic etc. that can leach into lake water and alter the water quality.
Thus, immersing idols at the designated locations like Kalyani will prevent the water pollution with heavy metals.
h. The construction of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in lakes will help in wastewater treatment and optimal reuse.
Raw sewage or industrial effluents should not enter the water bodies. In Bengaluru, sewage is treated to secondary
treatment standards and then the treated water may be allowed to flow into the lakes through constructed wetlands
to ensure nutrient removal. Construction of artificial wetlands in lakes to enhance their self-purification capacity.
i. Instalment of fountains/aerators in lakes to increase the dissolved oxygen level in water, which helps aquatic
organisms to survive.
Water quality refers to various physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Water pollution reduces the availability of
freshwater resources and hence, leads to an increase in water demand resulting in water crisis. Water pollution due to
anthropogenic and natural factors would result in (a) decrease in water transparency due to the presence of high
concentrations of organic matter, nutrients, micro-organisms and suspended matter; (b) change in water quality
characteristics; (c) depletion of oxygen due to accumulated organic matter, nutrients and high microbial activities; (d)
bacterial contamination that affects public health; (e) destruction to habitats, (f) loss of biodiversity and invasion of exotic
as well as pollution tolerant species; (g) obstructs recreational activities and (h) economic consequences ending in negative
externalities (Ramachandra et al., 2014; Vincon-Leite & Casenave, 2019; Ho & Michalak, 2017; Carmichael & Boyer,
2016; Watson et al., 2016). Consumption of polluted water causes cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, headache,
stomach ache, dizziness etc. Industrial waste contains toxins that can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure and
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
16 | © Authors
acute poisoning (Juneja & Chaudhary, 2013). The heavy metals release from industries pose serious threat to aquatic life
due to their toxicity, long persistence, bioaccumulation and biomagnification in the food chain (Ramachandra et al., 2018a).
This necessitates the water quality assessments to evaluate trends in water quality, identify the pollutants and their various
sources and augmenting certain mitigating measures/solutions.
RESEARCH PROBLEM: Most of the wastewater generated in the city is discharged directly into storm water drains that
ultimately link to water bodies. The pollution load on lakes in Bengaluru had increased over years due to population increase
with the rapid urbanization and industrialization, which resulted in land use changes, encroachments, loss of interconnectivity
among lakes, pollution from point and non-point sources etc. These in turn affected the aquatic biodiversity and contaminates
the surface and ground waters posing critical health problems to the citizens. Thus, it is necessary to monitor lakes in order
to assess the extent of pollution.
AIM OF THE STUDY: Main objective of the present work is to assess the water quality status and efficiency of restoration
endeavor of Bengaluru lakes. This study will help the different stakeholders to implement appropriate remedial measures to
enhance the ecosystem services to the society.
Prevalent restoration strategies adopted for lake management
Restoration methods for lakes need to focus on curtailing exogenous and endogenous pollution sources. Multiple restoration
approaches will enable to achieve better water quality and habitat conditions. Reduction in flow of nutrients to the lake can
reduce deterioration of lake water quality. The restoration methods proposed for Bielsko lake were phosphorus inactivation,
reconstruction of the food web, biomanipulation, filtration of treated municipal sewage through a 3-m layer of sand to
groundwater and treatment of stormwater in a two-part system consisting of a pond and constructed wetland, which will
function as a biofiltration and sedimentation system (Dondajewska et al., 2018a).
The concept of constructed wetlands in nutrient removal is widely accepted. Construction of surface and subsurface flow
artificial wetlands is essential to enhance the self-purification capacity of aquatic ecosystems (Wang et al., 2016).
Macrophytes have the capability to reduce nutrients in shallow eutrophic lakes (Srivastava et al., 2008; Quilliam et al., 2015).
Integration of constructed wetlands and algal ponds as in Jakkur lake, Bengaluru has helped in the removal of nutrients
(Ramachandra et al., 2018b). The concept of “wetlaculture” (integration of wetlands and agriculture) has been tried to protect
Lake Erie to achieve nutrient removal through restored wetlands and then recycling nutrients to agriculture to minimize the
use of additional fertilizers (Mitsch, 2017). Different restoration technologies tried in lakes across the world had successfully
achieved pollution abatement and re-established the pristine ecosystem (table 1).
Table 1: Different approaches of lake restoration and their efficiency
Name and location of
the Lake
Restoration method adopted
Results achieved due to
Jakkur Lake, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Treated water from STP send
through integrated system of
constructed wetlands and algal
Nutrient removal, increased algal
Ramachandra et
al., 2018b
Uzarzewskie Lake,
Western Poland
P precipitation from lake
water/sediments and nitrate
treatment for permanent P binding
in sediments
Suppressed internal P loading;
concentrations of P, chlorophyll-a
content and cyanobacterial biomass
Dondajewska et
al., 2018b
Swarzędzkie Lake, West
Aeration of lake water; phosphorus
inactivation using small doses of
iron sulphate and magnesium
chloride; biomanipulation with
removal of cyprinids and stocking
of pike fry
Increased secchi depth;
oxygenation improved; reduction in
nutrients; decreased phytoplankton
population; eliminated
cyanobacteria with increase in
number of chlorophytes,
chrysophytes, cryptophytes
Rosinska et al.,
Varsity Lake, University
of Malaya, Kuala
Stoppage of wastewater flow to the
lake; soil dredging; harvesting of
algae and Najas sp. and installation
of soil retainer
Reduced pollutant concentration;
reduction in NO3- (95.6%); PO43-
(96.8%); BOD (99.8%) and TSS
Mood et al.,
Sankey Lake, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India
Aeration of lake water using
Reduced cyanobacterial blooms
Ramachandra et
al., 2015b
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
17 | © Authors
Uzarzewskie Lake,
Supply of nitrates rich water from
small tributaries to the
hypolimnion of lake
Hydrogen sulfide disappeared;
redox potential in the hypolimnion
increased; phosphorus in the
hypolimnion and internal P loading
Goldyn et al.,
Durowskie Lake, Poland
Oxygenation of hypolimnetic
waters using wind aerators; iron
treatment with small doses of
coagulant and biomanipulation
Water quality improved; water
transparency and oxygen content
increased; chlorophyll-a decreased;
dominant cyanobacteria was
replaced by diatoms,
dinoflagellates and chrysophytes;
benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and
submerged macrophytes increased
Goldyn et al.,
Experiment with water
from Xiangjiang River
Basin, China.
A restoration-promoting integrated
floating bed (RPIFB) was designed
to combine the processes of water
purification and macrophyte
Best purification capacity; removal
efficiencies of RPIFB for TN, TP,
NH4+-N, NO3--N, CODCr,
Chlorophyll-a and turbidity were
74.45%, 98.31%, 74.71%, 88.81%,
71.42%, 90.17% and 85%,
Guo et al., 2014
Lake Yuehu, central
Wuhan, China
Sediment dredging
Reduction in phosphorus, organic
matter, total suspended solids,
chlorophyll-a and secchi depth;
reduced internal nutrient load and a
shift in zooplankton dominance by
less eutrophic species
Zhang et al.,
Lake Taihu, China
Enclosure experiment included fish
removal, stocking of piscivorous
fish, aquatic macrophyte planting,
shoreline reconstruction, benthic
macro-animal stocking and silver
carp cultivation in pens
Enhance water transparency in
spring and reduce algal bloom in
Chen et al., 2009
Finjasjon Lake, Southern
Food web manipulations through
cyprinid reduction; control of
external nutrient loading and
construction of 30 ha wetland
Nitrogen and phosphorus
reduction; increase in transparency
allowed the development of
submerged macrophytes; reduction
in phosphorus and phytoplankton
Annadotter et al.,
Restoration efforts in some lakes had only resulted in short term improvement in the water quality. For instance, water quality
of Lake Geerplas improved initially for four years after restoration. But later, increased internal loading was evident due to
an increase in bicarbonate concentration and high P:Fe ratio of the sediment (Van Duin, 1998). This emphasises the need to
decontaminate the lake completely by arresting external sources of pollution and the removal of endogenous elements, which
entails desilting, which helps in the removal of accumulated contaminants in sediments. Chemical treatment to reduce the
productivity of Lake Wolsztynskie water did not bring about permanent improvement of the water quality (Dunalska et al.,
2018). Rate and magnitude of recovery of Lake Okeechobee seems to depend on the residence time of lake and the available
P in sediments to drive internal loading (James & Pollman, 2011). Dredging can reduce internal P loading but the quantity
to be dredged out of the lake and the quality of dredged material influences lake restoration measures. Dredging the top 55
cm sediments would remove 123 g P/m2 approximately, when compared to 80 and 108 g P/m2 for 30 and 45 cm dredging,
respectively (Reddy et al., 2007). This underlines the fact that we need to choose multiple scientific restoration strategies to
achieve better wetland efficiency.
In India, lakes/wetlands are protected by various acts and rules which includes: The Indian Fisheries Act - 1897; The Indian
Forest Act - 1927; Wildlife (Protection) Act - 1972; Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act - 1974; Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act - 1977; Forest (Conservation) Act - 1980; The Environment (Protection) Act
- 1986; Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act - 1991; National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment
and Development - 1992; The Biological Diversity Act - 2002; National Water Policy - 2002; National Environment Policy
- 2006; Environment Impact Assessment Notification - 2006; Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules - 2010,
Government of India; National Water Policy - 2012; Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules - 2017, Government
of India; Karnataka Lake / Tank Conservation and Development Authority Act, 2014.
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
18 | © Authors
Lakes in Bengaluru are protected by Karnataka Tank Conservation and Development Authority Act - 2014. The main
functions are to protect, conserve and restore lakes to facilitate recharge of depleting ground water; to prevent and remove
encroachment of lakes; to conduct environmental impact assessment studies for lakes; environmental planning and mapping
of lakes with the help of geographical information system (GIS) and prepare database and atlas of lakes along with their
catchments; to prepare a plan for integrated development of lakes; to improve habitat quality by reducing point and non-
point sewage impacts; to promote research pertaining to lakes and conduct public awareness programs for lake conservation,
preservation and protection.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), India has categorized industrial sectors into Red,
Orange, Green and White based on the Pollution Index considering the levels of emissions (air pollutants), discharge of
effluents (water pollutants), generation of hazardous wastes and resource consumptions. It should be noted that none of the
industries in Red category shall be permitted in an ecologically fragile area or protected area. These rules/acts need to be
followed for the protection and conservation of lakes or wetlands.
Study area
Bengaluru landscape with undulating terrain forms three major watersheds namely Koramangala and Challaghatta Valley,
Vrishabhavathi Valley and Hebbal Valley. Bengaluru (Greater Bangalore or Bangalore) lies between the latitude 12°39’00”
to 13°13’00” N and longitude 77°22’00” to 77°52’00” E, covering an area of 741 square kilometres and located at an altitude
of 920 meters above mean sea level. The study involves monitoring of 40 lakes of Bengaluru spread over the 3 valleys (figure
2). The exploratory field survey was done for determining the location coordinates (longitudes and latitudes) and identifying
the key issues in and around the lakes.
Sample collection and water quality analysis
Water samples for determining the physicochemical characteristics were collected from the forty lakes in the clean and sterile
polypropylene bottles during the years 2016 - 2019. Various physicochemical analysis like water temperature (WT),
dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), total alkalinity (TA), chloride (Cl),
total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), nitrate (Nit), ortho-phosphate (OP), chemical oxygen demand (COD)
and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of lake water samples were analyzed using standard methods (APHA, 2005). Some
parameters like water temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO)
and turbidity (TB) were measured onsite while other chemical and nutrient parameters were estimated in laboratory. Each
experiment was carried out in triplicates to determine the overall water quality.
WQI estimation
Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) was computed for the monitored forty lakes using ten key water quality
parameters like total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, calcium, magnesium, total hardness,
chloride, total alkalinity and nitrate (Chaurasia et al., 2015; Sincy et al., 2016). Created distribution maps with water quality
data using QGIS software.
Data analysis
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was determined using data of physicochemical parameters of lakes. In order to identify
the main factors responsible for variations in water quality, multivariate analysis like Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
was done using PAST3 software.
Physicochemical characteristics of restored lakes
The variations in physicochemical characteristics of lakes during the study period are presented in figure 3. Water
temperature ranged from 23.6 to 34.2°C, which showed diurnal and seasonal variations. Water temperature affects the
physicochemical characteristics of lake water and accelerates the metabolic/biological activities of aquatic organisms. In the
present study, total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity ranged from 150.5 - 1230 mg/L and 311 - 2814 µS/cm
respectively. Less TDS in water indicates of lower pollutants and can be used for domestic purposes (Bhatia et al., 2018;
Ravikumar et al., 2013). pH is an important parameter which influences the availability and release of nutrients like ammonia,
phosphate, iron and trace metals into lake water. pH ranged from 7.08 - 9.43 in the monitored lakes. Total alkalinity ranged
from 102.6 - 595 mg/L and gives the measure of bicarbonates, carbonates, phosphates and hydroxides etc. in water samples.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) which represents the amount of oxygen present in water that supports aquatic life, varied from 0 -
16.53 mg/L. Oxygen enters water from the air and through photosynthesis by algae and aquatic plants. The increase or
decrease in DO depends on photosynthesis and decomposition activities in lakes.
Organic pollution in lakes represented by chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which
ranged from 8 - 164 mg/L and 4.07 - 99.59 mg/L respectively. Total hardness, calcium and magnesium in monitored lakes
ranged from 79 - 738 mg/L, 21.11 - 224.45 mg/L and 5.03 - 49.07 mg/L respectively. Chloride ions exist in natural waters
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
19 | © Authors
as the salts of sodium, potassium and calcium. In the monitored lakes, chloride ranged from 46.86 - 1586.14 mg/L. Polluted
lakes receiving sewage water, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off have higher amount of chloride. Basapura lake - 2
had higher values of water temperature, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and BOD, which indicated ionic and
organic pollution. Ambalipura Kelagina kere had higher ionic contents with chloride, total hardness and calcium. Lesser
ionic pollution was evident in Yediyur lake with lower values of chloride, total hardness, magnesium, electrical conductivity
and total dissolved solids. Handrahalli lake had lowest organic pollution compared to others evident from minimum values
of BOD and COD. Dorekere lake had high nutrient loadings of ortho-phosphate and nitrate. Domestic wastewater mainly
containing detergents, organic wastes, industrial effluents and agricultural run-off contribute to higher levels of phosphates
in surface waters (Iscen et al., 2008).
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) helped to identify the correlation among water quality parameters. In the current study,
strong positive correlation was found between EC - TDS (r = 0.95); COD - BOD (r = 0.98); total hardness - chloride (r =
0.81); calcium - chloride (r = 0.80); magnesium - total hardness (r = 0.90) and nitrate - orthophosphate (r = 0.73).
Figure 2: Restored lakes of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
20 | © Authors
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
21 | © Authors
Figure 3: Spatial variation in water quality parameters
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) aided in identifying the most important environmental variables that significantly
influence the water quality of lakes. PCA performed on normalized water quality data of forty lake samples described by
fourteen physical and chemical parameters (14 variables), yielded 4 PCs with eigenvalues >1. The eigenvalues were 5.75,
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
22 | © Authors
3.08, 1.60 and 1.49 and the % variance were 41.07, 22.02, 11.41 and 10.67% for PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 respectively and
these components explained the variability in water quality variables (table 2). PC1 has strong positive loading on pH,
dissolved oxygen, orthophosphate and nitrate whereas negative loading on total hardness. PC1 indicates non-point sources
of pollution due to the presence of nutrient and organic pollution. PC2 influenced by chloride which indicates pollution in
lakes through domestic sources. PC3 influenced by BOD and COD, which indicate domestic as well as industrial pollution
of lakes. PC4 influenced by water temperature and TDS, showed the influence of climatic factors. Thus, PCA revealed that
the physicochemical parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, orthophosphate, nitrate, chloride, calcium, BOD, COD, water
temperature and TDS played an important role in the present study.
Table 2: Loadings and eigenvalues of water quality parameters on significant principal components
PC 1
PC 2
PC 3
PC 4
% variance
Monitored lakes were grouped under three different WQI status like good water quality (10%); poor water quality (37%)
and very poor water quality (53%). WQI results revealed that only 4 lakes such as Jakkur, Devasandra 1, Ullal and
Handrahalli had good water quality. About 15 lakes fell under poor water quality i.e., Dasarahalli (Chokkasandra),
Kattigenahalli, Narsipura - 20, Kodigehalli, Kattigenahalli kere - 136 (Palanahalli), Narsipura - 26, Sowl kere, Dorekere,
Sankey, Yediyur, Rachenahalli, Ulsoor, Vijnanapura, Mangammanapalya kere and Yelahanka. Rest of the lakes such as
Ambalipura Melina kere, Kasavanahalli, Haraluru, Chinnappanahalli, Herohalli, Munnekolalu, Parappana Agrahara,
Garudacharpalya, J.P. Park, Sheelavanthakere, Kaikondrahalli, Seegehalli, Basapura - 2, Uttarahalli, Allalasandra, Malagala
(Ballehannu), Devarabisanahalli, Kowdenhalli (Gangadharkere), Ambalipura Kelagina kere, Deepanjali Nagara kere and
Puttenahalli lake had very poor water quality (figure 4).
Most of the restored lakes were polluted as they continue to receive pollutants in the form of untreated or partially treated
sewage from the catchment and dumping of industrial effluents. Inflow of sewage and industrial effluents resulted in
chemical pollution and microbial contamination of groundwater in Bengaluru city, causing health risks (Sheeba et al., 2017).
Rejuvenation is expected to improve the overall quality of lakes. Comparison of the status of Devarabisanahalli lake before
and after restoration activities, it was found that the water quality of Devarabisanahalli lake has not improved, evident from
the WQI of very poor water quality during the two scenarios. This shows a lacuna in the current restoration measures. This
also underlines an urgent need to maintain these restored lakes before further deterioration. Awareness programs and
implementation of environmental norms is required to arrest further deterioration (Ladu et al., 2018).
Bengaluru lakes are under stress due to the mismanagement with the uncoordinated and fragmented governance, which is
evident from the sustained inflow of untreated or partially treated sewage, untreated industrial effluents, dumping of
municipal solid waste including construction and demolition waste, encroachment of storm water drains and lake bed.
Despite the attempts to restore degraded lake to the original status has proved to be futile due to the lack of ecological
approaches in the restoration. Multivariate analyses showed that the physicochemical parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen,
orthophosphate, nitrate, chloride, calcium, BOD, COD, water temperature and TDS played an important role in determining
the water quality of these restored lakes. WQI results revealed only 4 lakes such as Jakkur, Devasandra 1, Ullal and
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
23 | © Authors
Handrahalli has good water quality. It was noted that Devarabisanahalli lake has very poor water quality before and after
restoration activities which shows a lacuna in the current restoration measures. Proper restoration measures should be
practiced to control and prevent pollution due to indiscriminate disposal of liquid and solid wastes from domestic and
industrial sources into water bodies for improving and maintaining their quality and there is an urgent need to maintain these
restored lakes before further deterioration.
Gaps in the current rejuvenation path are (i) lack of understanding of functional aspects of a lake ecological, hydrological
and remediation aspects in addition to recreation services; (ii) the focus of lake rejuvenation is only to utilize the allocated
funds (activities matching the allocated funds have been proposed and implemented) without any scientific evaluation of the
lake and the need assessment; (iii) not decontaminating the lake partial removal of contaminated silt (accumulated over a
period); (iv) reuse of contaminated silt shoreline stabilization, creation of ‘islands’. Contaminants in the silt leaches to the
lake and maintain the contaminated status of the lake; (v) not arresting fresh pollutants sustained inflow of partially treated
or untreated sewage and industrial effluents; (vi) removal of riparian vegetation and wetlands (which would have removed
the nutrients). Riparian vegetation also aids as breeding ground for dependent biota birds, butterflies, etc.; (vii) emphasis
of rejuvenation based on civil works than on ecological restoration; (viii) converting the lake to a ‘cement bowl’ than
restoring the ecology of the lake system; and (ix) the focus of rejuvenation is on creating jogging path and beautification of
the lake than ecological restoration.
Figure 4: WQI status of restored lakes
Restoration efforts should reduce pollution, improve the lake water quality and provide habitat, which supports maximum
aquatic biodiversity. The following measures need to be adopted to save these restored lakes (table 3):
Table 3: Rejuvenation protocol
Rejuvenation Protocol: Restore to enhance ecological integrity and not to fool public
Complete removal of accumulated contaminated silt in the lake. Desiltation not only enhances storage capacity but also aid
in removing contamination. Adopt latest state of the art technology - wet dredging to remove deposited sediments;
Scientific approaches in desilting; Remove all accumulated silt considering the original topographic contours;
Do not reuse the silt (removed from the lake) for shoreline stabilisation or for creating ‘islands’ as the contaminants get
leached to the water, impairing the chemical integrity of an ecosystem;
Ensure the complete removal of silt and verification of the achieved depth through scientific survey (total station survey);
Implementation of ‘polluter pays’ principle as per the water act 1974; Zero discharge from industries;
Stop dumping of solid waste and Construction & Demolition (C & D) wastes in the lake bed, storm water drain; Treat C &
D Waste as per C & D waste management rule 2016, GoI;
Stop Pollution only treated sewage shall enter the lake. Sewage treatment through integrated constructed wetlands (similar
to Jakkur Model Secondary Treatment Plant (STP) + Constructed Wetlands + Algae ponds, will remove nutrients, etc.);
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
24 | © Authors
No diversion of sewage from upstream to downstream regions and
Adopt de-centralized sewage treatment option (similar to Jakkur lake removal of chemical ions and nutrients) and reuse
of treated sewage in the locality.
Remove all blockades at outlets as well as inlets to prevent stagnation of water and enhance aeration in the water body;
Remove all encroachments without any considerations or political interventions (lake bed, storm water drains, buffer zone);
Remove the nexus of consultants, contractors and engineers.
Minimum 5 years maintenance of the lake by an agency (who implemented rejuvenation);
Remove macrophytes (covered on the water surface) regularly to (i) maintain the water spread area of lakes, (ii) minimise the
instances of nutrient re-release to the lake by decay of macrophytes, and (iii) to allow the photosynthesis of algae and
improving the trophic level performance.
Install fountains (with music and LED) to enhance surface aeration and recreation value of the ecosystem;
No introduction of exotic species of fauna (fish, etc.);
Identify Local NGO for regular maintenance and management;
Public Participation: Decentralised management of lakes through local lake committees involving all stakeholders - Involve
local stakeholders in the regular maintenance and management.
Regular surveillance through vigilant resident groups and a network of local education institutions;
Regular monitoring of treatment plant and lake water quality (physical, chemical and biological) and the dissemination of
information to the public through internet;
Online portal for all urban lakes (with the regular updation of information of water quality, photographic evidences, etc.)
Shun the path of rejuvenation to siphon off the public funds;
Ban on use of phosphates in the manufacture of detergents; will minimise frothing and eutrophication of water bodies;
Digitation of land records (especially common lands lakes, open spaces, parks, etc.) and availability of this geo-referenced
data with query based information system to public;
Implementation of ‘polluter pays’ principle as per water act 1974;
Planting native species of macrophytes in the buffer zone (riparian vegetation) as well as in select open spaces of lake
catchment area;
Restrictions on the diversion of lake for any other purposes;
NO construction activities in the valley zones.
Protect flood plains (buffer zones) to enhance the water retention capability of the lake. Enrich floodplains with riparian
vegetation so that water gets treated as it passes through riparian zones;
Maintain a minimum of 75 m buffer zone in urban lake and for larger lakes the buffer zone depends on the topography and
shape of the catchment;
Avoid comparisons with the neighbouring regions (who are in the clutches of land mafia) and reduce the buffer zone;
Single agency with the statutory and financial autonomy to be the custodian of natural resources [ownership, regular
maintenance and action against polluters (encroachers as well as those who contaminate through untreated sewage and
effluents, dumping of solid wastes)]. Effective judicial system for speedy disposal of conflicts related to encroachments;
Autonomous status to the agency to ensure minimal interference by the local politicians;
Legislators to legislate and ensure effective implementation through the executive mechanism;
Efficient decentralised administration through elimination of Land, Water and Waste Mafia.
Make bureaucrats and engineers of the respective para-state agencies accountable for the poor status of urban lakes.
The present work underlines the gaps in the current restoration of lakes in Bengaluru, which will be helpful for different
stakeholders and other government agencies who are involved in lake development and watershed management.
Implementation of the recommendations would help in improving the local environment conditions. Development of
environment health card for all lakes at regular interval would help in mitigating pollution of vital ecosystems.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND ETHICAL STANDRADS: We have no competing interests either financial or
RESEARCH ETHICS: The publication is based on the original research and has not been submitted elsewhere for
publication or web hosting.
ANIMAL ETHICS: The research does not involve either humans, animals or tissues
We thank (i) UNSD and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, (ii) The ENVIS
Division, The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India and Indian Institute of Science
for the sustained support to ecological research.
Green Chemistry & Technology Letters
eISSN: 2455-3611, Vol 6, No 1, 2020, pp 14-26
25 | © Authors
i. Ramachandra T V: Conceptualization and design of experiments; data analysis and interpretation of data, article
revision and final editing.
ii. Sincy V: Field monitoring of lakes, carrying out experiments, data analysis and result interpretation and paper
iii. Asulabha KS: Lake monitoring, water quality analysis, data analysis and interpretation and paper writing.
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... In Bangalore city, the water quality results reveal that 90% of lakes are fed with sewage and only 10% are devoid of sewage (Fig. 7). Assessment of water quality in 105 lakes in Bangalore revealed that about 25 lakes were found to be in a very bad state (lakes had little or no water) 32,65,68 . ...
... The emphasis of the current rejuvenation endeavor is on converting the lake to a "cement bowl" rather than restoring the ecology and improvement of hydrologic regime. The creation of jogging paths and beautification rather than ecological restoration contributes to the challenges faced in lake rejuvenation 65 . Appropriate ecological restoration strategies based on natural principles are crucial to restoring and safeguarding physical, chemical, and biological integrity of wetlands. ...
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Wetlands (lakes, tanks, ponds, etc.), transitional lands linking hydrologically the terrestrial ecosystem with aquatic ecosystems with biophysical interactions, are the most productive and diverse ecosystems and provide numerous ecological, economic, and social benefits for human well-being. These vital ecosystems sustain ecological processes to provide services such as nutrient cycling, water purification , reducing pollution, carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, provision of fish, fodder, fuel, and water, flood reduction, erosion control, aquatic biota habitats, education opportunities, aesthetics, and recreation. However, due to globalization, these fragile ecosystems are vulnerable to unplanned developmental activities and rapid urbanization, leading to large-scale land cover changes and hydrologic regimes. The sustained inflow of untreated wastewater (from the industrial and domestic sectors) into wetlands has altered the chemical integrity, which necessitates inventorying, mapping, and regular wetland monitoring to evolve conservation strategies. Integrating spatial and non-spatial data, analysis , and visualization with decision models through decision support systems enables informed decisions. In this context, the Bangalore Lake Information System (BLIS) is designed with information on water quality , biodiversity (microalgae, zooplankton, ichthyofauna, macrophytes, and birds), threats (encroachments, inflow of untreated sewage, etc.) and ecosystem services of lakes in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. Rapid large-scale land use changes have resulted in an alteration in the hydrologic regime, the loss of habitats, and the disappearance of native species. BLIS empowers decision-making through knowledge of lake distribution in terms of the physical, chemical, and biological aspects and the value of ecosystem services, which is crucial for evolving strategies for prudent management of water bodies in Greater Bangalore.
... In Bangalore city, the water quality results reveal that 90% of lakes are fed with sewage and only 10% are devoid of sewage (Fig. 7). Assessment of water quality in 105 lakes in Bangalore revealed that about 25 lakes were found to be in a very bad state (lakes had little or no water) 32,65,68 . ...
... The emphasis of the current rejuvenation endeavor is on converting the lake to a "cement bowl" rather than restoring the ecology and improvement of hydrologic regime. The creation of jogging paths and beautification rather than ecological restoration contributes to the challenges faced in lake rejuvenation 65 . Appropriate ecological restoration strategies based on natural principles are crucial to restoring and safeguarding physical, chemical, and biological integrity of wetlands. ...
Wetlands (lakes, tanks, ponds, etc.), transitional lands linking hydrologically the terrestrial ecosystem with aquatic ecosystems with biophysical interactions, are the most productive and diverse ecosystems and provide numerous ecological, economic, and social benefits for human well-being. These vital ecosystems sustain ecological processes to provide services such as nutrient cycling, water purification, reducing pollution, carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, provision of fish, fodder, fuel, and water, flood reduction, erosion control, aquatic biota habitats, education opportunities, aesthetics, and recreation. However, due to globalization, these fragile ecosystems are vulnerable to unplanned developmental activities and rapid urbanization, leading to large-scale land cover changes and hydrologic regimes. The sustained inflow of untreated wastewater (from the industrial and domestic sectors) into wetlands has altered the chemical integrity, which necessitates inventorying, mapping, and regular wetland monitoring to evolve conservation strategies. Integrating spatial and non-spatial data, analysis, and visualization with decision models through decision support systems enables informed decisions. In this context, the Bangalore Lake Information System (BLIS) is designed with information on water quality, biodiversity (microalgae, zooplankton, ichthyofauna, macrophytes, and birds), threats (encroachments, inflow of untreated sewage, etc.) and ecosystem services of lakes in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. Rapid large-scale land use changes have resulted in an alteration in the hydrologic regime, the loss of habitats, and the disappearance of native species. BLIS empowers decision-making through knowledge of lake distribution in terms of the physical, chemical, and biological aspects and the value of ecosystem services, which is crucial for evolving strategies for prudent management of water bodies in Greater Bangalore.
... There have been many studies on the role of rejuvenation of water reservoirs such as lakes (Ramachandra et al. 2020) and rivers (Sarker 2021;Sarkar et al. 2023) in dealing with climatic variations. Gao et al. (2022) analyzed some fragile locations where dams were made on the Mekong River Basin, which flows through China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, etc. and has become a topic of concern for environmentalists. ...
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Inland water bodies are observed as major sources of the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) including carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), and nitrous oxide (N 2 O). This study shows that these entities (e.g. wetlands, constructed wetlands, reservoirs, lakes, ponds, and rivers) have a major contribution in GHG flux. However, understanding of the carbon dynamics of these water bodies is not well described. It was noticed that the emissions of GHGs from inland water bodies is a result of heavy supply of organic matter into them. Approximately 2.2-3.7% of the Earth's non-glaciated land area and inland waters are having almost similar amounts of carbon emission as also observed in the case of both net terrestrial productivity and net oceanic uptake. Wetlands and lakes are among the most studied water bodies. However, efforts should be made to understand the emission dynamics from ponds and rivers as recent studies say these are also among the potent sources of GHG emissions in the atmosphere. This review paper aims to highlight and give an elaborate insight into the contribution of inland waters to the global carbon cycle along possible remediative measures.
... Lakes in Bangalore city are consistently undergoing degradation due to the sustained disposal of large volumes of raw or partially treated sewage, municipal solid waste (including construction and demolition debris), untreated industrial effluents, and the encroachment of storm water drains and lake beds, etc. Degradation of ecological conditions in lakes is evident f rom e u t r o p h i c a t i o n a n d h e a v y m e t a l contamination of biota (Ramachandra et al., 2020a). Water pollution significantly impacts wetland goods and services due to declining fish productivity and food quality, impacting the livelihood of dependent populations, which necessitates an immediate restoration of ecological status by decontaminating lakes and regulating pollutants entry to the lake to enhance the ecological quality of lakes and ensure favourable habitat conditions for native aquatic species to maximize aquatic biodiversity and livelihood prospects in fragile lake ecosystems (Ramachandra et al., 2020b). ...
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Aquatic ecosystems provide a wide range of ecological services, such as the provision of food, fodder, and water, remediating contaminants, moderating microclimate, providing cultural services, etc., which sustain the livelihoods of dependent populations. However, aquatic ecosystems are in peril throughout the world due to unplanned developmental activities leading to changes in land cover, sustained inflow of untreated or partially treated domestic sewage and industrial effluents, climate change, introduction of exotic or alien species, overexploitation, habitat modification, and degradation. Native fish species production in inland wetlands has been significantly contributing to the regional economy through food security, nutrition, employment creation, and the reduction of poverty. The fisheries sector significantly contributes to global food security, nutrition, and livelihoods, ensuring economic prosperity, sustainable food systems, and biodiversity as per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, the current research presents fish diversity along with the water quality in the urban lakes of the Bangalore city. The linkages between fish diversity and water quality parameters were assessed through canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The study reveals that the degradation of aquatic habitats has affected native species' fish diversity and production, which has impacted the livelihood of the fishing community due to impaired ecosystem services. Hence, there is an urgent need to formulate strategies for promoting conservation to sustain fish diversity and productivity and support the livelihood of people.
... Wetland ecosystems, including lakes, are vital for ecological sustainability, with their integrity directly linked to watershed health. However, rapid urbanization and unplanned anthropogenic activities globally have severely impacted these ecosystems, necessitating lake restoration efforts to address issues such as water pollution, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss, crucial for human health and environmental well-being [5]. ...
Evaluation of water quality of three lakes viz. Matabodi, Padampur and Risama in Amgaon town, Gondia district, Maharashtra, India under the ‘AmrutSarovar’ scheme, focusing on their suitability for beautification and recreational purposes. The lakes exhibit compromised water quality due to various contaminants. The presence of free ammonia found to be 3.9 to 4.5 mg/L which exceeds permissible limits as defined by CPCB standards. The lakes also show contamination with total coliforms and fecal coliforms. Phytoplankton analysis reveals the prevalence of cyanobacteria species, which can produce harmful toxins. The phytoplankton diversity index suggests moderately polluted waters. The Shannon Wiener Diversity Index of 1.4 to 2.1 and Palmer Pollution Index of 14, 7 and 6 indicating mildly to moderately polluted water. Zooplankton assessment shows the presence of rotifers and daphnia indicating certain ecological disturbances. Further efforts are required to restore and maintain the water quality of these lakes for beautification and recreation.
... The structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems are being altered due to anthropogenic activities, evident from the deteriorating physicochemical conditions, sustained inflow of nutrients through untreated wastewater, eutrophication, declining vegetation cover in the catchment, increased grazing pressure, etc. (Ramachandra et al., 2020). Microalgae, being the primary producers or autotrophs, are crucial for aquatic ecosystem stability, and the composition of species indicates the ecological health of waterbodies as an ecological indicator. ...
... However, the conservation of these fragile ecosystems is a challenge considering the burgeoning population, urbanisation, infrastructure development, untreated sewage (raw sewage released from dwellings, industries, and agricultural run-off), and solid waste dumping in and around wetlands. These anthropogenic activities have altered the physical and chemical integrity of wetlands, altering the biological integrity evident from the profuse prevalence of invasive exotic species and the disappearance of native flora and fauna (Ramachandra et al., 2020;Akhtar et al., 2021;Haidary et al., 2013;Byomkesh et al., 2009;Xu et al., 2022). Deterioration of water quality is evident from recurring episodes of fish mortality due to oxygen deprivation and toxic algal blooms . ...
Full-text available
Wetland ecosystems provide diverse services to sustain livelihoods, which include the provision of food, fish, water, etc. (provisioning services), moderation of microclimate, carbon sequestration, groundwater recharge, remediation (regulating services), and aesthetic, spiritual, recreational, and information (cultural services). Despite being one of the most productive ecosystems, wetlands are being mismanaged due to a lack of knowledge of ecosystem services and economic worth. This necessitates the valuation of ecosystem services for valuable insights into their economic and ecological worth, which would help evolve appropriate policy initiatives for sustainable management and conservation of fragile lifeline ecosystems at decentralised levels. In this context, an attempt has been made to value the ecological and economic worth of four wetlands in Bangalore City through standard protocol by computing the total ecosystem supply value (aggregation of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services: TESV) and the net present value (NPV). The Hebbal wetland has the highest amounts of TESV (INR 51.20 million/year) and NPV (INR 1317.48 million) compared to Nagavara, Sankey, and Mathikere. The major contribution is from the regulating services, and the economic worth assessment highlights the vital role played by wetlands in sustaining the livelihood of the local people and the urgent need for prudent management of wetland ecosystems, involving all stakeholders to ensure cooperation and active participation in the conservation endeavour.
... In light of this, it is critical to begin lake conservation and rejuvenation actions for the sustainable water resource management. This can be accomplished efficiently by field surveys, inlake treatments, shoreline management, and conservation measures (Ramachandra et al., 2020). ...
In recent decades, rural areas in the surroundings of metropolitan cities have undergone substantial development in India. This has resulted in changes in land use and land cover (LULC) patterns having a significant impact on hydrological processes and climate change. Therefore, comprehending such modifications is critical for the decision-making process, and the development of a sustainable environment. The current study focused on comprehending the spatio-temporal dynamics of LULC changes and their repercussions on variations in Land Surface Temperature (LST) profiles over a two-decade period in the Dodballapur Taluk, Bengaluru Rural District of Karnataka State in India. The study also investigates the relationship between LULC changes, Land Surface Temperature (LST), and spectral indicators such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Landsat 7 ETM + satellite images acquired in the years, 2001, 2010, and 2019 were used in the study. The Supervised Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) technique was adopted to classify images and assess spatio-temporal LULC changes and analyse transformations of several LULC classes viz. barren land (BL), built-up land (BUL), crop land (CL), pasture (P), uncultivated land (UCL), shrub land (SL), and water bodies (WB). The accuracy assessment ensured the veracity of the image classification. The results showed that a) built-up, crop, and shrub land have been increased by 75.54%, 38.18%, and 52.57% respectively, b) barren, pasture, and uncultivated land have been increased by 22.94%, 4.89%, and 50.62% respectively; and c) the area covered with surface water bodies has been significantly reduced by 635.58%. The analysis of LST changes revealed a 2.09 °C increase in mean LST with a variance of 2.75 °C, showing considerable fluctuations in cold and hot weather conditions. The regression study of scatterplots for LST-NDVI revealed triangular space (R² = −0.234), LST-NDBI revealed right-angled triangle space (R² = 0.567), and LST-NDWI also exhibited right-angled triangular space (R² = −0.533). Intriguingly, the relationship between NDVI and NDBI exhibited a crescent shaped scatterplot with R² value of −0.448. The findings of the study can assist policymakers and decision-makers in developing and implementing policies for sustainable rural development and water resource management.
Urban blue-green spaces (UBGS) significantly mitigate the adverse effects of urbanization on city dwellers, especially when easily accessible. UBGS relieves urban stressors, improves air quality, and reduces stress levels among urban dwellers. These spaces develop a sense of community engagement and encourage social-cultural interaction among the region’s residents. However, India’s rapid urbanization and population pressure have deteriorated such spaces. Most Indian cities have failed to meet the recommended standards and guidelines provided by the Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI), which suggests 10–12 m2 of open spaces per individual. The Indian cities are facing increased rural-to-urban migration, with urbanization rates soaring, further exacerbating the problem. To solve issues related to the availability and accessibility of UBGS, the concerned authorities are focussing on optimizing these spaces to accommodate the growing population. Achieving Target 11.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to make green spaces universally accessible by 2030, requires integrating UBGS into city climate plans. This chapter explores the necessity of enhancing UBGS accessibility in Howrah municipality through satellite imagery, field surveys, and interviews with locals and officials. It also underlines the multidimensional role of UBGS in ecological conservation, stormwater management, economic empowerment, and the overall well-being of communities. The study will contribute to understanding the region’s issues, developing appropriate policy frameworks, installing amenities, and working on blue-green network ideas.
Wetlands are productive ecosystems providing an array of services that sustain the well-being of dependent biota. The industrialization and globalization era witnessed a spurt in anthropogenic activities, leading to the degradation and decline of fragile ecosystems, affecting the livelihood of the dependent population. This necessitates the conservation of vital ecosystems through sustainable management tenets, which requires an understanding of the livelihood support of ecosystems. Now, many wetlands are degraded due to increasing pollution and a lack of awareness among the public about the economic value of wetland ecosystems. Thus, the current chapter focuses on the valuation of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services through the residual value and resource rent method and the benefit transfer method from aquatic ecosystems in Karnataka, India. The value of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services provided by freshwater lentic ecosystems in Karnataka are 50, 197, and 38 billion rupees/year, respectively. The total ecosystem supply value (TESV) provided by the freshwater ecosystem of Karnataka is 285 billion rupees/year, and the net present value (NPV) amounted to 7321 billion rupees. Similarly, the value of services provided by the estuarine ecosystem in Karnataka are 5, 10, and 1 billion rupees/year from the provisioning, regulating, and cultural services, respectively. The TESV provided by the estuarine ecosystem of Karnataka is 16 billion rupees/year, and NPV amounted to 411 billion rupees. The total value of provisioning, regulating, and cultural services considering both freshwater and estuarine ecosystems was 55 billion Rs/yr (183,328 Rs/ha/yr), 207 billion Rs/yr (691,577 Rs/ha/yr), and 39 billion Rs/yr (130,686 Rs/ha/yr), respectively. The total ecosystem supply value of Karnataka aquatic ecosystem was 301 billion Rs/yr (1,005,591 Rs/ha/yr) and the net present value amounts to 7732 billion rupees. This highlights the importance of wetlands in ecological, social-cultural, and environmental aspects. Appraisal of ecosystem services (ES) allows for adjusted national accounts, which reflect the output of ecosystem services as well as the depletion of natural resources and the degradation costs (externalized costs of the loss of ecosystem services) of ecosystems in economic terms, which will help raise awareness and provide a quantitative tool to evaluate the sustainability of policies toward prudent management and conservation of fragile livelihood supporting ecosystems. The monetary valuation of ecosystem services can help in building a better understanding of their influence on well-being and can further facilitate information-driven decisions and policy reforms that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the wise use of natural resources. Natural capital accounting research, involving the quantification of services provided by wetlands and insights into economic values, would help in devising prudent policies for wetland restoration, conservation, and management. This will, in turn, aid in the sustainable development of a region through the wise use of natural resources.
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Unplanned urbanisation lea ds to haphazard growth a ltering the local ecology, hydrology a nd environment. Sewage generated in urban households is either untreated or partially treated, which is finally let into water bodies through trunk sewers and storm water network. Although sustained inflow of sewage into water bodies has maintained the water levels in the system of interconnected lakes but it has also contributed to the contamination of surface as well as groundwater sources. This study explores the feasibility of bioremediation pat h to treat wastewater for reuse and mitigate the water crisis in the city. Innovative path of wastewater bioremediation includes integrated wetlands system consisting sewage treatment plant, constructed wetlands (with location specific macrophytes) a nd algal pond integrated with a lake. Integration of the conventional treatment system with wetlands [consisting of reed bed (with typha etc.) and algal pond] would help in the complete removal of nutrients in the cost effective way.
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Urbanization and industrialization are generating huge quantities of untreated wastewater leading to increased water pollution and human diseases in India. The textile industry is one of the leading polluters of surface water and consumes about 200–270 tons of water to produce 1 ton of textile product. The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the pollution potential of textile industry effluent draining into Buddha Nallah stream located in Ludhiana, Punjab (India), and determine the seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters (pH, water temperature, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of Buddha Nallah water. During summer months, for Site 1 and Site 2, the value of pH was in the alkaline range of 8.78 ± 0.47 and 8.51 ± 0.41, respectively. The values of pH in the rainy season were found to be in the range of 7.38 ± 0.58 and 7.11 ± 0.59 for Site 1 and Site 2, respectively. In the autumn and winter seasons, the average pH values were found to be in the range of 8.58 ± 1.40 and 8.33 ± 0.970, respectively. The maximum mean temperature in summer was recorded as 41.16 ± 4.99 °C, and lowest mean temperature in winter was recorded as 39.25 ± 2.25 °C at Site 2. The suspended solids were found to be highest (143.5 ± 75.01 and 139.66 ± 71.87 mg/L) in autumn for both the sites and lowest (86.50 + 15.10 mg/L) in the rainy season for Site 1. The values of BOD and COD of the textile effluent of both sites during all the seasons ranged from 121–580 to 240–990 mg/L, respectively, much higher than WHO water quality standard of 30 mg/L for BOD and 250 mg/L for COD. The present study deals with the collection of textile industry effluent and its characterization to find out the physicochemical load being drained by the effluent generated from textile industries, on the natural wastewater streams.
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Forests and streams provide valuable ecosystem services. In this study, the physico-chemical characteristics of 13 streams in various kans and non-kans of Central Western Ghats were monitored. The values showed both spatial and seasonal variations. All the values were below the permissible limits except turbidity which indicates good water quality prevailing in these kan and non-kan forests. PCA analysis revealed that VK, VNK, YK and YNK are influenced by TDS, EC, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium and salinity. KK2, KK5 and HK are influenced by BOD, COD and potassium. The cluster analysis grouped the kans and non-kans to three different groups based on their physico-chemical characteristics. Furthermore, WQI was also conducted to find out the potability of these select streams. According to WQI results, Torme kan (TK) and Hulkod kan (HK) has excellent water quality whereas KNK (Kodkani) has very poor water quality. The pollution load was high in post-monsoon compared to monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons. Thus, WQI helps the public and decision makers in better understanding of water quality data and adopting appropriate conservation measures.
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The presence of diarrhoeagenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli in drinking water indicates faecal and sewage contamination. Testing the microbial quality of drinking water at source (n = 29) and households (n = 43) of 29 peri-urban villages of Bengaluru city, indicated that 80% and 93% of samples respectively were unfit for human consumption as per WHO standards, i.e. nil E. coli in 100 ml sample. This also indicated that water gets contaminated further at the point-of-use when compared to the source. Forty-one per cent of the source drinking water samples had high E. coli counts which in turn means that the residing population face moderate to high risk of diarrhoea. A longitudinal study of the microbial quality of drinking water at source of supply (n = 45) was undertaken five times over an eight-month period in a subset of eight villages. Only around 18% of the total samples were microbially safe with nil E. coli/100 ml. Microbial contamination was found to be lower in January and March (< 30 CFU/100 ml E. coli) when compared to December, May and September (> 150 CFU/100 ml). Samples from Chikkakuntanahalli and Kodiyalakeranahalli had ≥1000 CFU/100 ml E. coli. Total dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity and hardness in source drinking water of eight selected villages were beyond acceptable levels. The nitrate levels were consistently high and beyond WHO permissible levels. Alarming levels of microbial and chemical contamination of drinking water from the sites press for appropriate remedial measures to reduce health threats, particularly among vulnerable population.
Eutrophication is one of the main causes of the degradation of lake ecosystems. Its intensification during the last decades has led the stakeholders to seek for water management and restoration solutions, including those based on modelling approaches. This paper presents a review of lake eutrophication modelling, on the basis of a scientific appraisal performed by researchers for the French ministries of Environment and Agriculture. After a brief introduction presenting the scientific context, a bibliography analysis is presented. Then the main results obtained with process-based models are summarized. A synthesis of the scientist recommendations in order to improve the lake eutrophication modelling is finally given before the conclusion.
The attempts to restore Lake Wolsztyńskie, by direct dosing to the water iron sulphate (PIX 113) and chloride polyaluminium (PAX 18) in 2005–2006, and then iron chloride to the lake's bottom sediments in 2012–2013, resulted in only short-lasting improvement of water quality. In 2016, the physicochemical and biological parameters have shown that the lake should be classified into eutrophic and even hypertrophic, primarily because of the high concentrations of phosphorus and chlorophyll a as well as low visibility. Although in theory, the methods of restoration were selected correctly, in practice, the improvement of water quality in a flow-through lake without eliminating the influx of water from allochthonous sources of pollution was impossible. The total load of nutrients arriving in Lake Wolsztyńskie from the direct catchment, that is point and atmospheric sources, was 1877 kg P and 17 137 kg N, respectively. At the moment, the actual load of phosphorus in Lake Wolsztyńskie is about 12-fold higher than the one deemed as tolerable by the ecosystem. About 86% of the phosphorus load is delivered from the main river (Dojca River), thus, elimination of this source of pollution is the necessary condition for attaining lasting improvement of the water quality in this lake. Analyzing the hydrological conditions, landscape relief as well as economic and environmental conditions, a possible solution of cutting the Dojca River waters from Lake Wolsztyńskie was given. © 2018 European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Bielsko Lake is large (257.9 ha) and deep (max. depth 23 m, mean depth 6.2 m) lake, located in the Pomerania Region, serving as a receiver of treated municipal sewage as well as stormwater, from the town of Biały Bór. Deterioration of water quality has been observed in recent years – the lake was still a in moderate state (III class) in 1997, but now it is in a poor condition (IV class) with low Secchi depth (to 0.3 m), high chlorophyll-a content (up to 153 μg dm⁻³) and cyanobacterial water bloom in summer, dominated by Planktothrix agardhii, Aphanizomenon gracile, Planktolyngbya limnetica and Pseudanabaena limnetica. External nutrient load exceeds 3.4 times the permissible TN load and 2.4 times TP load, according to Vollenweider's criteria. To improve the ecological state of Bielsko Lake protective measures against pollution have been proposed. Treated municipal sewage should be diverted from the lake by the transport to specially prepared filtering fields, which will drain the sewage into the ground. Stormwater should be treated in a sedimentation and biofiltration system before being discharged to the lake. As internal loading from bottom sediments is very high, sustainable restoration was also proposed. Soluble reactive phosphorus in the water column could be inactivated using small and accurately calculated doses of iron sulfate and magnesium chloride. A cascading effect of trophic interactions of the food web on phytoplankton could be obtained using piscivorous fish stocking (biomanipulation method).
Accelerated eutrophication and requirements of the Water Framework Directive impose searching for effective restoration methods Recently positive effects are achieved by means of sustainable restoration methods that are cheap because they are limited to activities initiating natural changes in the ecosystem. Despite previous research, there is still not enough accurate data on ecosystem response (i.e. changes in the physico-chemical variables and phytoplankton composition in shallow lakes) to the sustainable restoration based on simultaneous application of several methods The restoration of shallow urban hypertrophic Swarzędzkie Lake started in autumn 2011. Three methods: were applied: (i) aeration of waters above the bottom sediments using a wind-driven aerator, (ii) phosphorus inactivation in water column using small doses of iron sulphate and magnesium chloride and (iii) biomanipulation with cyprinids catching and pike fry stocking. The aim of the study was to analyse the phytoplankton succession as well as physico-chemical variables of water quality in a shallow urban lake as a response to restoration measures. Samples were taken monthly from 2012 to 2014 at the deepest place of the lake, every 1m in the depth profile. Due to the restoration process, the Secchi depth increased to 1.00m. The oxygenation improved, as the anaerobic period in the deep water layer shortened to one month. The concentration of nutrients slightly decreased (mainly total nitrogen, from 5.5 to 4.0 mg N l⁻¹), especially above the bottom. These changes had an impact on phytoplankton, which decreased twofold. The dominating cyanobacteria was eliminated or reduced and an increase in the number of chlorophytes, chrysophytes and cryptophytes has been observed. Nevertheless, the observed changes were not stable yet, so the restoration process should be continued to achieve permanent improvement.
Heavy metals are one among the toxic chemicals and accumulation in sediments and plants has been posing serious health impacts. Wetlands aid as kidneys of the landscape and help in remediation through uptake of nutrients, heavy metals and other contaminants. The analyses of macrophytes and sediment samples help in evaluating pollution status in aquatic environment. In this study concentration of six heavy metals (Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn)) were assessed in sediment and dominant macrophyte samples collected from Bellandur Lake, largest Lake of Bangalore, India. Sediment samples reveal of heavy metals in the inlet regions and shore samples. The accumulation of metals in sediments were in the order of Zn > Cu > Cr > Pb > Ni > Cd. All metals exceeded the critical limits of metals in the sediment. Concentration of different metals in the macrophyte samples ranked as: Cr > Cu > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cd. Chromium and Copper were found to be more than critical range. Typha angustata had the higher accumulation of all metals except chromium.