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Echidna: Eective, Usable, and Fast Fuzzing for Smart Contracts
Gustavo Grieco
Trail of Bits, USA
Will Song
Trail of Bits, USA
Artur Cygan
Trail of Bits, USA
Josselin Feist
Trail of Bits, USA
Alex Groce
Northern Arizona University, USA
Ethereum smart contracts—autonomous programs that run on a
blockchain—often control transactions of nancial and intellectual
property. Because of the critical role they play, smart contracts need
complete, comprehensive, and eective test generation. This paper
introduces an open-source smart contract fuzzer called Echidna that
makes it easy to automatically generate tests to detect violations in
assertions and custom properties. Echidna is easy to install and does
not require a complex conguration or deployment of contracts
to a local blockchain. It oers responsive feedback, captures many
property violations, and its default settings are calibrated based on
experimental data. To date, Echidna has been used in more than
10 large paid security audits, and feedback from those audits has
driven the features and user experience of Echidna, both in terms of
practical usability (e.g., smart contract frameworks like True and
Embark) and test generation strategies. Echidna aims to be good at
nding real bugs in smart contracts, with minimal user eort and
maximal speed.
•Software and its engineering →Dynamic analysis
ware testing and debugging.
smart contracts, fuzzing, test generation
ACM Reference Format:
Gustavo Grieco, Will Song, Artur Cygan, Josselin Feist, and Alex Groce.
2020. Echidna: Eective, Usable, and Fast Fuzzing for Smart Contracts. In
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software
Testing and Analysis (ISSTA ’20), July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. ACM,
New York, NY, USA, 4pages.
Smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain [
], usually written
in the Solidity language [
], facilitate and verify high-value nan-
cial transactions, as well as track physical goods and intellectual
property. Thus, it is essential that these programs be correct and
secure, which is not always the case [
]. Recent work surveying
and categorizing aws in critical contracts [
] established that
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ISSTA ’20, July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8008-9/20/07. . . $15.00
fuzzing using custom user-dened properties might detect up to
63% of the most severe and exploitable aws in contracts. This sug-
gests an important need for high-quality, easy-to-use fuzzing for
smart contract developers and security auditors. Echidna [
] is an
open-source Ethereum smart contract fuzzer. Rather than relying
on a xed set of pre-dened bug oracles to detect vulnerabilities
during fuzzing campaigns, Echidna supports three types of proper-
ties: (1) user-dened properties (for property-based testing [
]), (2)
assertion checking, and (3) gas use estimation. Currently, Echidna
can test both Solidity and Vyper smart contracts, and supports most
contract development frameworks, including True and Embark.
Echidna has been used by Trail of Bits for numerous code audits
]. The use of Echidna in internal audits is a key driver in
three primary design goals for Echidna. Echidna must (1) be easy
to use and congure; (2) produce good coverage of the contract or
blockchain state; and (3) be fast and produce results quickly.
The third design goal is essential for supporting the rst two
design goals. Tools that are easy to run and produce quick results
are more likely to be integrated by engineers during the develop-
ment process. This is why most property-based testing tools have
a small default run-time or number of tests. Speed also makes use
of a tool in continuous integration (CI) (e.g., more
practical. Finally, a fast fuzzer is more amenable to experimental
techniques like mutation testing [
] or using a large set of bench-
mark contracts. The size of the statistical basis for decision-making
and parameter choices explored is directly limited by the speed of
the tool. Of course, Echidna supports lengthy testing campaigns as
well: there is no upper bound on how long Echidna can run, and
with coverage-based feedback there is a long-term improvement
in test generation quality. Nonetheless, the goal of Echidna is to
reveal issues to the user in less than 5 minutes.
Fuzzing smart contracts introduces some challenges that are un-
usual for fuzzer development. First, a large amount of engineering
eort is required to represent the semantics of blockchain execution;
this is a dierent challenge than executing instrumented native
binaries. Second, since Ethereum smart contracts compute using
transactions rather than arbitrary byte buers, the core problem is
one of transaction sequence generation, more akin to the problem
of unit test generation [
] than traditional fuzzing. This makes it
important to choose parameters such as the length of sequences
] that are not normally as important in fuzzing or in single-value-
generation as in Haskell’s QuickCheck [
]. Finally, nding smart
contract inputs that cause pathological execution times is not an
exotic, unusual concern, as in traditional fuzzing [
]. Execution on
the Ethereum blockchain requires use of gas, which has a price in
cryptocurrency. Ineciency can be costly, and malicious inputs can
lock a contract by making all transactions require more gas than
a transaction is allowed to use. Therefore producing quantitative
ISSTA ’20, July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA Gustavo Grieco, Will Song, Artur Cygan, Josselin Feist, and Alex Groce
Figure 1: The Echidna architecture.
output of maximum gas usage is an important fuzzer feature, along-
side more traditional correctness checks. Echidna incorporates a
worst-case gas estimator into a general-purpose fuzzer, rather than
forcing users to add a special-purpose gas-estimation tool [
to their workow.
2.1 Echidna Architecture
Figure 1shows the Echidna architecture divided into two steps:
pre-processing and the fuzzing campaign. Our tool starts with a
set of provided contracts, plus properties integrated into one of the
contracts. As a rst step, Echidna leverages Slither [
], our smart
contract static analysis framework, to compile the contracts and
analyze them to identify useful constants and functions that handle
Ether (ETH) directly. In the second step, the fuzzing campaign starts.
This iterative process generates random transactions using the ap-
plication binary interface (ABI) provided by the contract, important
constants dened in the contract, and any previously collected sets
of transactions from the corpus. When a property violation is de-
tected, a counterexample is automatically minimized to report the
smallest and simplest sequence of transactions that triggers the
failure. Optionally, Echidna can output a set of transactions that
maximize coverage over all the contracts.
2.2 Continuous Improvement
A key element of Echidna’s design is to make continuous improve-
ment of functionality sustainable. Echidna has an extensive test
suite (that checks detection of seeded faults, not just proper execu-
tion) to ensure that existing features are not degraded by improve-
ments, and uses Haskell language features to maximize abstraction
and applicability of code to new testing approaches.
Tuning Parameters. Echidna provides a large number of cong-
urable parameters that control various aspects of testing. There are
currently more than 30 settings, controlled by providing Echidna
with a YAML conguration le. However, to avoid overwhelming
users with complexity and to make the out-of-the-box experience
as smooth as possible, these settings are assigned carefully chosen
default values. Default settings with a signicant impact on test
generation are occasionally re-checked via mutation testing [
] or
benchmark examples to maintain acceptable performance. This, like
other maintenance, is required because other functionality changes
may impact defaults. For example, changes in which functions are
called (e.g., removing view/pure functions with no assertions) may
necessitate using a dierent default sequence length. Parameter
tuning can produce some surprises with major impact on users:
e.g., the dictionary of mined constants was initially only used infre-
quently in transaction generation, but we found that mean coverage
on benchmarks could be improved signicantly by using constants
a full 40% of the time.
Before starting Echidna, the smart contract to test should have
either explicit
properties (public methods that return a
Boolean have no arguments) or use Solidity’s
to express
properties. For instance, Figure 2a shows a contract with a property
that tests a simple invariant. After dening the properties to test,
running Echidna is often as simple as installing it or using the
provided Docker image and then typing:
$ ec hi dn a −t e s t C o n t r a c t . s o l −− c o n t r a c t TEST
An optional YAML conguration le overriding default settings
can be provided using the
option. Additionally, if a path
to a directory is used instead of a le, Echidna will auto-detect the
framework used (e.g. True) and start the fuzzing campaign.
By default, Echidna uses a dashboard output similar to AFL’s as
shown in Figure 2b. However, a command line option or a cong
le can change this to output plaintext or JSON. The cong le
also controls various properties of test generation, such as the
maximum length of generated transaction sequences, the frequency
with which mined constants are used, whether coverage driven
feedback is applied, whether maximum gas usage is computed, and
any functions to blacklist from the fuzzing campaign.
4.1 Setup
We compared Echidna’s performance to the MythX platform [
accessed via the
] interface, on a set of reachability tar-
gets. Our experiments are produced by insertion of
statements, on a set of benchmark contracts [
] produced for the
VeriSmart safety-checker [
]. To our knowledge, MythX is the only
comparable fuzzer that supports arbitrary reachability targets (via
supporting assertion-checking). Comparing with a fuzzer that only
supports a custom set of built-in detectors, such as ContractFuzzer
], which does not support arbitrary assertions in Solidity code,
is dicult to do objectively, as any dierences are likely to be due
to specication semantics, not exploration capability. MythX is a
commercial SaaS platform for analyzing smart contracts. It oers a
free tier of access (limited to 5 runs/month, however) and can easily
run assertion checking on contracts via
, which provides
an interface similiar to Echidna’s. MythX analyzes the submitted
contracts using the Mythril symbolic execution tool [
] and the Har-
vey fuzzer [
]. Harvey is a state-of-the-art closed-source tool, with
a research paper describing its design and implementation in ICSE
2020 [
]. We also attempted to compare to the ChainFuzz [
] tool;
unfortunately, it is not maintained, and failed to analyze contracts,
producing an error reported in a GitHub issue submitted in April
of 2019 (
4.2 Datasets
VeriSmart. To compare MythX and Echidna, we rst analyzed
the contracts in the VeriSmart benchmark [
] and identied all con-
tracts such that 1) both tools ran on the contract and 2) neither tool
Echidna: Eective, Usable, and Fast Fuzzing for Smart Contracts ISSTA ’20, July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA
co n t ra c t T E ST {
bo ol fl a g0 ; boo l fla g 1 ;
fu n ct i o n set 0 ( int va l ) public ret u rn s (b oo l ) {
if ( v a l % 10 0 = = 23 ) { fl a g 0 = true;}}
fu n ct i o n s et 1 ( int v al ) public r e tu r ns (b o ol ) {
if ( v a l % 10 == 5 & & f la g 0 ) { f la g 1 = true ;}}
fu n ct io n e ch id n a_ fl a g () public r et u rn s ( b o ol ) {
return( ! fl ag 1 ); }
(a) A contract with an echidna property. (b) A screenshot of the UI with the result of a fuzzing campaign
Figure 2: Using Echidna to test a smart contract
reported any issues with the contract. This left us with 12 clean con-
tracts to compare the tools’ ability to explore behavior. We inserted
statements into each of these contracts, after ev-
ery statement, resulting in 459 contracts representing reachability
targets. We discarded 44 of these, as the assert was unconditionally
executed in the contract’s constructor, so no behavior exploration
was required to reach it.
Tether. For a larger, more realistic example, we modied the
actual blockchain code for the TetherToken contract
, and again
targets to investigate reachability of the
code. Tether is one of the most famous “stablecoins”, a cryptocur-
rency pegged to a real-world currency, in this case the US dollar, and
has a market cap of approximately 6 billion dollars. The contract
has been involved in more than 23 million blockchain transactions.
4.3 Results
We then ran
’s default quick check and Echidna with a
2-minute timeout on 40 randomly selected targets. Echidna was
able to produce a transaction sequence reaching the assert for 19 of
the 40 targets, and solfuzz/MythX generated a reaching sequence
for 15 of the 40, all of which were also reached by Echidna. While
the time to reach the assertion was usually close to 2 minutes with
solfuzz, Echidna needed a maximum of only 52 seconds to hit the
hardest target; the mean time required was 13.9 seconds, and the
median time was only 6.9 seconds. We manually examined the
targets not detected by either tool, and believe them all to repre-
sent unreachable targets, usually due to being inserted after an
unavoidable return statement, or being inserted in the SafeMath
contract, which redenes assert. Of the reachable targets, Echidna
was able to produce sequences for 100%, and solfuzz/MythX for
78.9%. For Echidna, we repeated each experiment 10 more times,
and Echidna always reached each target. Due to the limit on MythX
runs, even under a developer license (500 executions/month), we
were unable to statistically determine the stability of its results to
the same degree, but can conrm that for two of the targets, a sec-
ond run succeeded, and for two of the targets three additional runs
still failed to reach the assert. Running
with the
argument (not available to free accounts) did detect all
four, but it required at least 15 minutes of analysis time in each
case. Figure 4shows the key part of the code for one of the four
targets Echidna, but not solfuzz/MythX (even with additional runs),
was able to reach. The assert can only be executed when a call
has been made to the
function, allowing the sender of
call to send an amount greater than or equal to
, and when the contract from which transfer is to be made
has a token balance greater than
. Generating a sequence
with the proper set of functions called and the proper relationships
between variables is a dicult problem, but Echidna’s heuristic
use of small numeric values in arguments and heuristic repetition
of addresses in arguments and as message senders is able to navi-
gate the set of constraints easily. A similar set of constraints over
allowances and/or senders and function arguments is involved in
two of the other four targets where Echidna performs better.
When using the Tether contract, we again randomly selected 40
targets, and ran two minutes of testing on each with
Echidna. Echidna was able to reach 28 of the 40 targets, with mean
and median runtimes of 24 and 15 seconds, respectively. The longest
run required 103 seconds. On the other hand, solfuzz/MythX was
unable to reach any of the targets using the default search. MythX/-
solfuzz was able to all detect the targets Echidna detected using
the standard search, and detected one additional target. The mean
time required for detection, however, was almost 16 minutes. The
additional target reached by
involves adding an address
to a blacklist, then destroying the funds of that address. Because
an address can also be removed from a blacklist, there is no simple
coverage-feedback to encourage avoiding this, and there are many
functions to test, Echidna has trouble generating such a sequence.
However, using a prototype of a swarm testing [
] mode not yet
included in the public release of Echidna, but briey discussed in
the conclusion below, we were able to produce such a sequence
in less than ve minutes. Even without swarm testing, we were
able to detect the problem in between 10 and 12 minutes, using a
branch (to be merged in the near future) that incorporates more
information from Slither, and uses some novel mutation strategies.
Of the 11 targets hit by neither tool, we manually determined that
all but two are clearly actually unreachable.
As a separate set of experiments, we measured the average cov-
erage obtained on the VeriSmart and Tether token contracts, with
various settings for the length of transaction sequences, ranging
from very short (length 10) to very long (length 500) for runs of 2,
ISSTA ’20, July 18–22, 2020, Virtual Event, USA Gustavo Grieco, Will Song, Artur Cygan, Josselin Feist, and Alex Groce
(a) TetherToken (b) VeriSmart (avg)
Figure 3: Coverage obtained given short runs (2, 5 and 10
minutes) with dierent transaction sequence lengths.
if ( b a la n ce s [ _ fr om ] >= _ am o un t
&& a l l ow e d [ _f r om ][ ms g . s en d er ] >= _ am o un t
&& _ a mo u n t > 0
&& b a l an c es [_t o ] + _ am o u nt > ba l an c es [ _ t o ]) {
ba l an c es [ _ f ro m ] - = _a m ou n t ;
al l ow e d [_ f ro m ][ msg . s en de r ] - = _a m ou n t ;
as s er t ( f al se );
Figure 4: Code for a dicult reachabilility target.
5, and 10 minutes each. Figures 3a and 3b show that the current
default value used by Echidna (100) is a reasonable compromise
to maximize coverage in short fuzzing campaigns. Each run was
repeated 10 times to reduce the variability of such short campaigns.
Echidna inherits concepts from property-based fuzzing, rst pop-
ularized by the QuickCheck tool [
] and from coverage-driven
fuzzing, perhaps best known via the American Fuzzy Lop tool [
Other fuzzers for Ethereum smart contracts include Harvey [
ContractFuzzer [
], and ChainFuzz [
]. We were unable to get Con-
tractFuzzer to produce useful output within a four hour timeout,
and ChainFuzz no longer appears to work. Harvey is closed-source,
but is usable via the MythX [
] CI platform and the
tool. Echidna uses information from the Slither static analysis tool
[10] to improve the creation of Ethereum transactions.
Echidna is an eective, easy-to-use, and fast fuzzer for Ethereum
blockchain smart contracts. Echidna provides a potent out-of-the-
box fuzzing experience with little setup or preparation, but allows
for considerable customization. Echidna supports assertion check-
ing, custom property-checking, and estimation of maximum gas
usage—a core feature set based on experience with security audits
of contracts. The default test generation parameters of Echidna
have been calibrated using real-world experience in commercial
audits and via benchmark experiments and mutation analysis. In
our experiments, Echidna outperformed a comparable fuzzer using
sophisticated techniques: Echidna detected, in less than 2 minutes,
many reachability targets that required 15 or more minutes with
, on both benchmark contracts and the real-world Tether
token. Echidna is under heavy active development. Recently added
or in-progress features include gas estimation, test corpus collec-
tion, integration of Slither static analysis information, and improved
mutation for feedback-driven fuzzing. One future work will add
a driver mode, similar to the swarm tool [
] for the SPIN model
checker [
], to make better use of conguration diversity, includ-
ing swarm testing [
], in order to fully exploit multicore machines.
In particular, this mode will enable Echidna to produce even more
accurate maximum gas usage estimates.
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