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Banyan tree-the sacred medicinal tree with potential health and pharmacological benefits



Ficus bengalensis or Banyan tree is a perennial plant, which belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). Around 800 species of Ficus are present. This tree is native to the India and old world tropical areas. It has been cultivated throughout the world and used for thousands of years as ornamental plant and in traditional medicine. It contains flavonol, querecitin-3-glactoside, β sitosterol and rutin. The extent of each of these chemical constituents varies depending on the type of species, cultivars as well as cultivation conditions such as soil type, weather and pH of soil where it grow. Banyan is an essential plant for several pharmaceutical industries. The roots of Ficus bengalensis are used for obstinate vomiting and infusion. The bark is considered as a tonic and astringent. It is also used in diarrhea, dysentery. In Ayurvedic system, the bark is used in the treatment of diabetes. It is necessary to intensify the studies on Banyan, especially the chemical composition and to conduct in-depth studies at the molecular level both in vitro and in vivo to reveal the action mechanisms of this traditional plant.
IJCBS, 13(2018):52-57
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Banyan tree-the sacred medicinal tree with potential health and
pharmacological benefits
Abdalsalam Kmail1, Farwa Asif2, Rafia Rahman2, Shafaq Nisar2*, Muhammad Idrees Jilani2
1Faculty of Science, Arab American University, Palestine, P.O. box 240, Jenin Palestine and 2Department of Chemistry,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Ficus bengalensis or Banyan tree is a perennial plant, which belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). Around 800 species of
Ficus are present. This tree is native to the India and old world tropical areas. It has been cultivated throughout the world and used
for thousands of years as ornamental plant and in traditional medicine. It contains flavonol, querecitin-3-glactoside, β sitosterol
and rutin. The extent of each of these chemical constituents varies depending on the type of species, cultivars as well as
cultivation conditions such as soil type, weather and pH of soil where it grow. Banyan is an essential plant for several
pharmaceutical industries. The roots of Ficus bengalensis are used for obstinate vomiting and infusion. The bark is considered as
a tonic and astringent. It is also used in diarrhea, dysentery. In Ayurvedic system, the bark is used in the treatment of diabetes. It is
necessary to intensify the studies on Banyan, especially the chemical composition and to conduct in-depth studies at the molecular
level both in vitro and in vivo to reveal the action mechanisms of this traditional plant.
Key words: Moraceae, Flavonoids, Derivatives, Jaundice, Medicines
Full length article *Corresponding Author, e-mail:, Tel: +923237628206
1. Introduction
Banyan (Ficus Benghlensis L. (FB) is a large plant
and is a member of the family Mulberry (Moraceae). It has
been used for thousands of years and has become an
essential plant in the medicinal field. Banyan varies in
morphology, growth habit, flower color, leaves, stems, and
chemical composition. It is available throughout the year in
different regions of the world. It grows in evergreen except
in some dry areas where it remains leafless for a very short
time due to dryness and shortage of water. FB (Banyan
tree), Ficus carica (Anjir tree) and Ficus Religiosa (Pipal
tree) are species that are common in the genus Ficus, which
is classified in the family Moracea [1]. FB has different
names depending on the region of the world where it is
existing. In English, FB typically is called Banyan, the
common name is Bohr. In India, specifically, Hindi native
speakers, it is called Bargad. In different places of India it
has different names such as, in Punjab it is known as Bera,
in Bengali it is known as Bar, in Malayalam it is called
Vatam, in Gujarati it is commonly called Vad, in Kanarese
it is famous by the Ala name , in Marathi it is called Vada,
in Sanskrit it is called Bahupada, in Tamil it is called Alai
and in Telugu it is called Peddamarri [2]. Probably, the
most famous characteristic of banyan is its beautiful flavor.
FB has a wide range of varieties and cultivars, varying in
flavor and uses. The popular example includes F.
macrophylla, F. microcarpa and F. pertusa. The shortleaf
fig plant (Ficus citrifolia) is native to different region of the
world such as southern Florida, South America, south to
Paraguay, the Caribbean Islands and Central America. But
among these spices, the most common is banyan tree.
Banyan has an epiphytic nature. It has large spreading head;
it can grow 20 - 30 meters or more. Flowering occurs from
May to August. The banyan tree has leaves, which are very
large, glossy green, leathery and elliptical in shape. Young
leaves seem to be an attractive reddish tinge. FB fruit color
at ripening time change from orange to red. It is also used as
ornamental plant in different regions of the world [3].
The essential oil, which extracted from FB has
different compounds such as sesquiterpene and
monoterpene, as well as α-cadinol, γ-cadinene, α-muurolene
and germacrene-D-4-ol. FB also has tannins, sterols,
phenols, ß flavonoids and saponins in large amounts. Some
compounds such as aromatic acids, triterpenoids, mucilage,
carbohydrates, gums and volatile oils are totally absent in
the leaf extract of this plant [4].
2. History/Origin
FB is native to a wide area of Asia from India
through Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Malaysia, Southern
China and Southeast Asia. The name; F. benghalensis was
International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences
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Kmail et al., 2018 53
originated in India. In the Gujarati language, banya”
means "grocer or merchant", which is not "tree". The
Portuguese used this word to show the Hindu’s merchants,
and it entered into English as early as 1599 with the same
meaning and became popular. In 1634, English writers
started to call the banyan tree as a tree. Under the shade of
this tree, Hindu merchants sat and offered their business.
Villages meetings also held under the shade of this tree.
Eventually, "banyan" became the name of the tree itself [5].
In Australia Banyans also commonly endemic, also it can be
found in different areas such as raintree and rainforest in
Queensland's far north [6]. Some people are being scared
from Banyan tree and called it the vat Vriksh, others
believed that the God Shiva was always descend quietly and
stood under the tree on his feet.
3. Demography/location
FB needs moisture for its proper growth. However,
the plant is a drought tolerant; it can grow in sun and also in
partial shade. Banyan tree is easily damaged by frost;
therefore, it grows better in warmer climates. As said before,
this plant is native to the Asia-Pacific subcontinent, it is a
widely distributed all over India as well as in southern
China, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Malaysia. Globally
it is distributed in Miami, Florida, Guam, Fiji, Queensland,
Northern Mariana Islands, and French Polynesia [7].
4. Botany, Morphology, ecology
FB is a huge evergreen tree, its height ranges from
20 to 30 m. It has large spreading branches supported by
aerial roots, later on it forms accessory trunks extending to a
large area and stout, softly branchlets and leaves have green
color. FB tree has simple, alternate, 10-20 cm long leaves.
Its leaves are 5-12.5 cm broad, orbicular-ovate oval, ovate to
oblong, the leaves are coriaceous, obtusely cuspidate,
glabrous or pubescent beneath, base rounded, sub cordate or
acute. Basal veins are strong, lateral veins have 7-8 pairs,
the veins are also reticulate. Petioles are 1.2-5 cm long,
while stipules 1.8-2.5 cm long. FB has minute and unisexual
flowers of 3 kinds; both male and female flowers are
present, in addition to the imperfect females (gall flowers)
which are crowded along with bracteoles in the inner walls
of fleshy receptacles. Fleshy receptacles are sessile, globose,
about 1.8 cm in diameter; these are arising in axillary pairs.
Basal bracts are present profusely in the tree. Male flowers
are present near the mouth of the receptacles, as well as the
non-reproductive perianth and stamen filaments that are also
existing in the tree. Female flowers are also having perianth
but that are shorter than the male perianth. The ovary is
superior and unilocular with a single pendulous ovule,
straight or oblique with eccentric style, the stigma is very
simple. Fruits of FB have fleshy pericarp with achenes
embedded in them [8]. Figs globose are depressed-globose
and reach a size of 15-2.5cm, the fruits color is dish-red [9].
FB is best cultivated in wet habitats and on well-
draining sandy loam soils. It grows best in sandy soil
whereas it is drought-resistant. The banyan tree grows
effectively in moderate bright light, it also maintain indoor
temperatures around 70 F during summer days (at least
temperature which it bears is 55-65 F). It grows well in soil
which has pH in the range between 5.5 and 7. Even so, it
can tolerate pH ranges from 4.5 to 8.5.
5. Chemical composition
FB has a green pale, fine and odorless powder
which is slightly acrid and sweetish in taste. The
microscopic powder shows the presence of trichrome and
fibers. Many qualitative chemical analysis tests on FB were
done, the ethanolic extracts indicates the presence of sterols,
flavonoids, phenols, tannins, and saponins in large amounts
[10]. Extracts of the stem bark showed that various chemical
components are present such as methyl ethers of
leucodelphinidin rhamnoside, leucopelargonidin
rhaamnoside, lecocyanidin, galactosylcellobioside,
pentatriacontan-5-one, tetratriacont-20-en-2one,
heptatriacont-6-en-10-one, beta-sitosterol glucoside and iso-
inositol. However the main chemical compounds that were
found in the essential oils of the banyan are, sesquiterpene
α-cadinol (25.1%), germacrene-D-4-ol (14.9%), γ-cadinene
(11.8%) and α-muurolene (9.6%) [4].
5.1. Chemical composition in low quantities
FB has low fat content; it has also low amounts of
Mg and Ca. The leaves have little amounts of stored crude
protein, fibers, calcium oxalate, CaO and phosphorous, the
flavonols are also identified in leaves, as well as quercetin-
3-galactoside and rutin. FB yields latex which contains
sugar caoytchoue (2.4%), resin, albumin, cerin and malic
acid [4].
5.2. Phytochemistry
Studies revealed that leaves of FB plant contain
quercetin-3-galactoside, rutin, friedelin, taraxosterol, lupeol
(Figure 1), β-amylin, psoralen, bergapten, β-sisterol, and
quercetin-3-galactoside. The latex contains the caoytchoue,
resin, albumin, cerin, sugar, and malic acid [10]. The bark of
FB have 5, 7 dimethyl ether of leucopelargonidin-3-0-α-L
rhamnoside and 5, 3 dimethyl ether of leucocynidin 3-0-α-D
galactosyl cellobioside, beta sitosterol-alpha-Dglucose, as
well as meso-inositol. Earlier, glucoside, heptatriacontene-
10-one, tetratriaconthene-2-one, 6-heptatriacontene-10-one,
βsitosterol-alpha- Dglucose, andmeso-inositol,
leucodelphinidin derivative, bengalenoside, aglucoside,
leucopelargonin derivative, leucocynidin derivative, and
glycoside of leucopelargonidin.[11]. FB is unusual rich
source of oil containing fatty acids which can be used for
industrial utilization. Usually, GC-MS analysis is used to
find out the chemical profile of seed oil [12-14], which was
showed to contain vernolic acid (8.2%), malvalic acid
(3.7%) and sterculic acid (1.6%) along with the other normal
fatty acids like linoleic acid (15.4%) lauric acid (1.5%),
myristic acid (1.3%), oleic acid (20.3%), palmitic acid
(35.2%), stearic acid (4.2%), and linolenic acid (8.7%) in
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addition to vernolic, malvalic, sterculic and some other
normal fatty acids.
6. Harvesting and extraction
The aerial roots and stem parts are best to be
harvested on January [15]. The isolated stem bark is dried in
shade and converted into powder until use for various
applications. The extract of the FB leaves can be prepared
by maceration at room temperature, then the plant material
soaked successively in petroleum ether, chloroform and
methanol. The solvent removed by the use of a rotatory
evaporator to give different sticky crude extractions which
can be used in various applications [15].
Figure 1: Structure of Lupeol
8. Additional value
FB trees are planted for soil conservation and to
save it from scattering. Woods of the trees are used to make
strong curbs, furniture, and in the paper pulp manufacture.
Leaves are used in the fodder (i.e. Crude protein 9.63%).
Fruits are used to make traditional Sherbet [16]. Besides,
bark is used in traditional medicine as an antidiabetic and
antidiarrheal therapy.
9. FB and medicine
Banyan parts are used as a medicinal plant in
different traditional medicines. The plant has the capability
to produce variety of chemical compounds that are used in
different significant biological activities. It provides a shield
against attack from predators such as insects, fungi and
herbivorous mammals. Most phytochemicals in banyan
shows significant effects on long-term health when
disbursed by humans, and could be used effectively to treat
human disorders. The plant has chemical compounds which
arbitrate their properties on the human body through
processes alike to those already known in the manufactured
drugs. People prefer to use medicines of herbal origin
compared with modern drugs because of their minimal side
effects [17].
9.1. General uses
Many of the therapeutic properties of FB have been
attributed to the diverse compounds of polyphenols.
Bioactive peroxides are used as anticancer, antiviral [12-18-
19], antidiabetic, and against malaria, as well as cardio-
protective, hepato-protective, and neuroprotective effects.
According to Ayurvedic system of medicines, bark, fruits,
and aerial roots of FB are used for the curing diabetes.
Leucopelargonin are flavonoids which are used as worthy
hypoglycemic agents and as antioxidants. The bark of FB
antipyretic, antiseptic, and vermicide activity, decoction of
the bark is used to cure different skin disorders and ulcers. It
is used as a plaster in the inflammatory swellings. It is
effective in the curing of asthma, piles, dysentery,
gonorrhea, hemoptysis and also in urinary disorders [20].
The decoction of leaf, buds, and aerial roots of Nyagrodha
were mixed with honey and used for the treatment of
vomiting and thirst. The leaves are used for ulcers, leprosy,
burning sensations, allergic situations of skin and abscesses.
The buds are used in diarrhea and dysentery. The latex is
used in neuralgia, otorrhagia, lumbago, bruises rheumatism,
nasties, ulitis, odontopathy, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, and
inflammations. For some skin disorders, it is widely used in
cracks of the sole [21].
9.2. Biological activities
In traditional system of medicine, different parts of
FB plant, such as, stem bark, root bark, leaves, vegetative
buds, fruits and latex are used to treat dysentery, nervous
disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, and
acerbic [22-23]. In Ayurvedic system of medicine, FB is
used in wound healing [24].
9.2.1. Antioxidant
Ficus compound shows significant antioxidant
effects which may due to their Polyphenolic content [25].
Antioxidants content and activity were studied by different
methods; hydrogen peroxide activity, hydroxyl radical
scavenging activity, 1,1 diphenyl and 2 picryl hydroxyl
(DPPH) radical scavenging activity, reducing power and
total phenolic content. The aqueous extracts showed a
maximum scavenging of DPPH radical (96.07%) at the
concentration 250μg/ml. Its activity is higher than hydrogen
peroxide which was (69.23%) at the concentration
1000μg/ml. The extract of banyan showed the best outcomes
when compared with other standard compound such as
ascorbic acid [26].
9.2.2. Antitumor
In another study, FB fruit extracts exhibited
antitumor action. In Aryuvedic system of medicine, banyan
plant is used as an antitumor agent. The extracts of the four
confirmed ficus species (Ficus thonningii, F. saussureana,
F. exasperata and F. sur) has important antibacterial
activity, but with no significant antifungal effect. These
experiments supports the traditional use of these plants in
folk medicines as an antitumor remedies [16].
9.2.3. Anthelmintic
It was found that methanolic, chloroform and ether
extracts of the FB roots has an effective anthelmintic action
when compared to that of conventionally used drugs. It was
analogous to typical Anthelmintic drug [27].
9.2.4. Anti-inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory effects of ethanolic and
petroleum ether extracts of the bark of banyan were
measured in different animals. The animals were given
orally doses of 300 and 600 mg/kg/day of body weight to
the dietary fiber content of foods namely, khejri (prsopsis
IJCBS, 13(2018):52-57
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cinceria), peepal banti (Ficus religiosa), banyan (Ficus
bengalensis), gullar (Ficus glomerata) and tents (Capparis
decidua) mottled from 38.5% to 55.7%. Fibre from all these
plant foods, fed at the 10% dietary levels to rats. Results
showed that banyan extract were of high potential anti-
inflammatory activity [28].
9.2.5. Immunomodulatory
The aerial parts of FB showed to have
immunomodulatory activity. The immunomodulatory action
of the aerial roots has effects on both specific and non-
specific immunity. Methanolic extract of the root was found
to exhibit prominent increase in the fraction of phagocytosis
[29]. In another study, it was proven that the extract
exhibited a significant increase in the percentage of
phagocytosis in human neutrophils. It was found that the
extract can elevate hypersensitivity reactions in a dose
dependent manner, it also resulted in a connotation
elevation in the antibody titer value [30].
9.2.6. Wound healing
The reason of the efficacy of FB plant to heal the
wounds remains unknown for a long time. In this case,
chemical components responsible for the wound healing
were unknown. But later on, after the identification of
chemical components responsible for the wound healing, it
was found that FB also contains that chemical constituents
and is an effective wound healing agent [31].
9.2.7. Antistress and antiallergic
Different extracts of FB bark were used as an
antiallergic and antistress therapy. The extracts were given
to patients with asthma in milk resulting in leucocytosis and
eosinophilia. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts revealed that
there is a prominent decrease in the amount of leucocytes
and eosinophils. While petroleum ether and chloroform
extracts were proved to be inactive. Hence, bark work as
anti-stress and anti-allergic agent in asthma [32].
9.2.8. Hypoglycemia
In many studies, the hypoglycemic effect of bark
which is isolate from FB was evaluated. It was found that
bark has antidiabetic properties. The hypoglycemic
consequence of the bark was demonstrated in alloxan
diabetic rabbits for first time and then in human beings [33].
9.2.9. Antipyretic activity
The antipyretic action of bark from banyan was
studied in the Brewer’s yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. The
analgesic effects of different bark extracts of banyan might
be due to the flavonoids and phenolic compounds. It was
concluded that the various extracts of the bark of FB show
analgesic and antipyretic effects which may due to the
presence of bioactive components in the extract [34].
Furthermore, it was also tested by some research by using
acetic acid induced twisting model on rats, it showed
significant analgesic activity [35].
9.2.10. Antidiabetic
One of the most important medicinal applications
of banyan is its antidiabatic activity. Different aerial parts of
FB were comparatively used for their activity on blood
glucose down regulation. Fruits lowered the blood glucose
concentration more beneficial than the root or bark. The
antidiabetic effects of aqueous extract of aerial roots of FB
is due to the presence of specific glycemic element (calcium
and magnesium) in high concentrations [36].
10. Summary
Banyan tree is a perennial plant belonging to the
mulberry family (Moraceae). It has been of cultivated
throughout the world and used for thousands of the year for
ornamental plant and in traditional medicine. Mostly banyan
contains flavonol, querecitin-3-glactoside, β sitosterol and
rutin. The extent of each of these cheimcal constituents
varies depending upon the type of species or cultivars as
well as cultivation conditions such as soil type, weather and
pH of soil where it grow. Bioactive peroxides are used as
anticancer, antiviral, antidiabetic, and against malaria, as
well as cardio-protective, hepato-protective, and
neuroprotective effects. In Ayurvedic system, bark of the
trees was used as a remedy for the treatment of diabetes.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the efforts of
Prof. Bashar Saad from Arab American University for help
in making this review article look better with his scholarly
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... Its activity is higher than hydrogen peroxide which was (69.23%) at the concentration of 1000μg/ml. The extract of banyan showed the best outcomes when compared with another standard compound such as ascorbic acid [14]. ...
... The extracts of the four confirmed ficus species (Ficus thonningii, F. saussureana, F. exasperata, and F. sur) have important antibacterial activity, but with no significant antifungal effect. These experiments support the traditional use of these plants in folk medicines as antitumor remedies [14]. ...
... Results showed that banyan extract was of high potential anti-inflammatory activity. [14] 4. Immunomodulatory: ...
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Ficus is one of the largest genera in the plant kingdom that belongs to the Moraceae family. This review aimed to summarize the medicinal uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological actions of two major species from this genus, namely Ficus benghalensis and Ficus religiosa. These species can be found abundantly in most Asian countries, including Malaysia. The chemical analysis report has shown that Ficus species contained a wide range of phytoconstituents, including phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, glycosides, sugar, protein, essential and volatile oils, and steroids. Existing studies on the pharmacological functions have revealed that the observed Ficus species possessed a broad range of biological properties, including antioxidants, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antitumor and antiproliferative, antimutagenic, antimicrobial, anti-helminthic, hepatoprotective, wound healing, anticoagulant, immunomodulatory activities, antistress, toxicity studies, and mosquitocidal effects. Overall,the review discussion on the importance of Ficus benghalensis as the herbal property in the aspect of the greater therapeutic response, as well as also balancing the oxygen level in the environment.
... The Banyan tree is known for its expansive canopy, aerial prop roots, and longevity, symbolizing strength and endurance (Rajkumar et al., 2021). Its selection as the national tree reflects its integral role in India's natural and cultural heritage, embodying the country's rich biodiversity and deep-rooted traditions (Kmail et al., 2018). Accompanying this unique trait is the banyan tree's expansive canopy, comprised of large, elliptical, glossy leaves that offer substantial shade Zubair and Arshad (2021). ...
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A comprehensive survey was conducted during March 2022– October 2023 in various forest areas including Pusa Hill Forest, Alipur City Forest, and Jahanpanah City Forest, New Delhi, India to study Oxyrachis tarandus, cow horn bug or treehopper on Ficus benghalensis. This study utilized both morphological and molecular techniques for accurate species identification, revealing a significant association between O. tarandus and F. benghalensis. Morphological identification relied on established criteria, which included measurements of adult insects and the observation of distinctive features such as wings and horns. On the other hand, molecular identification involved DNA extraction from collected specimens, followed by PCR amplification targeting a fragment of the MT-COI gene. This approach facilitated precise species identification and allowed for the construction of a phenogram to analyze genetic relationships within the studied population. Phenogram construction and analysis were conducted to further validate species identification and explore genetic relationships. The treehopper’s feeding behaviour, oviposition habits, and ecological interactions were thoroughly documented, highlighting its potential impact on the banyan tree’s health and ecosystem dynamics. This information underscored the necessity for ongoing monitoring and development of effective pest management strategies to conserve India’s national tree and forest biodiversity. The study revealed the critical need for ongoing research and conservation efforts to address pest-induced threats to iconic tree species like F. benghalensis, thereby ensuring the long-term health and resilience of forest ecosystems.
... F. religiosa is a deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves, while F. benghalensis is evergreen, with leathery and ovate leaves. In the Indian traditional system of medicine (Ayurveda), different parts of these trees are used to treat cough, asthma, heart diseases, nose bleeding, diabetes, toothaches, constipation, fever, jaundice, wounds, gonorrhea, and skin infections [23][24][25]. These trees present a wide range of promising bioactive compounds, such as phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, sterols, anthocyanins, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, and vitamins, possessing a wide range of biological properties. ...
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Ficus religiosa (Bo tree or sacred fig) and Ficus benghalensis (Indian banyan) are of immense spiritual and therapeutic importance. Various parts of these trees have been investigated for their antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hepatopro-tective, dermoprotective, and nephroprotective properties. Previous reviews of Ficus mostly discussed traditional usages, photochemistry, and pharmacological activities, though comprehensive reviews of the neuroprotective potential of these Ficus species extracts and/or their important phy-tocompounds are lacking. The interesting phytocompounds from these trees include many ben-galenosides, carotenoids, flavonoids (leucopelargonidin-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside, leucopelargo-nidin-3-O-α-l-rhamnopyranoside, lupeol, cetyl behenate, and α-amyrin acetate), flavonols
The complications associated with diabetic wounds make their healing process prolonged. Hydrogels could be ideal wound dressings therefore present research was conducted to prepare silk sericin (an adhesive protein polymer) based hydrogels in combination with plant extracts and to evaluate its effectiveness against wound healing process in mice with alloxan induced diabetes. Excision wounds were formed via a biopsy puncture (6 mm). Experimental hydrogels were prepared and applied topically on the diabetic wounds. All the hydrogel treatment groups showed significantly higher (P < 0.001) percent wound contraction from day 3 to day 11 as compared to the negative diabetic control group. The serum level of anti-inflammatory cytokine (Interleukin-10) and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase (TIMP) was significantly higher (P < 0.001), while the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α, Interleukin-6) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, MMP-9) was significantly lower (P < 0.001) in hydrogels treatment groups as compared to diabetic control group. Although all the hydrogels showed effective results, however the best results were shown by 4 % sericin+4 % banyan+4 % onion based hydrogel. It can be concluded that Sericin based hydrogel enriched with banyan and onion extracts can be used as an effective remedy for the treatment of diabetic wounds due to their high healing and regenerative properties.
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The paper deals with the review of pharmaceutical properties of species of Ficus L. occurring in India.
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The micropropagation of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. was achieved by culturing nodal explants in MS medium through adding growth regulators: 6-benzylamino purine (BAP), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) alone or combined in order to initiate shoot bud. Shoot proliferation was induced by the mean of MS medium containing different concentrations of BAP (1or 2 mg L-1) alone or in combination with IBA (0.25 or 0.5 mg L-1). Shoot buds were also placed on MS medium and added with IBA (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg L-1). During rooting stage, grown shoots were placed in a medium containing IBA at different concentrations (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg L-1). The results showed that supplementation of the culture medium by 1.0 mg L-1 of BAP exhibited the highest percent response (100%) for shoot bud initiation. During the multiplication stage, the medium containing (1 mg L-1) BA and (0.25 mg L-1) IBA was the most effective treatment to promote shoot multiplication. However, the number of shoots produced is relatively low represented by 1.4 shoot per nodal explants. For this reason, adding IBA only to MS medium was crucial to produce a single shoot with several nodes. Therefore, the supplementation of the culture medium by 1.0 mg L-1 of IBA induced the highest mean length of shoots per explants (3.75cm) and number of nodes per shoot (6). Concerning rooting potentiality, the addition of 0.5 mg L-1 IBA to MS medium showed 100% rooting percentage. Rooted plantlets were transferred and successfully acclimatized in greenhouse. The micro-propagated plantlets appeared morphologically similar with the mother plants.
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Antibacterial and antifungal activities of 110 medicinal plants most commonly used in Pakistani medicine were determined by zone inhibition method. The essential oils from medicinal plants were extracted using CO2 supercritical fluid extraction technology. The oils were subsequently purified under reduced pressure to avoid degradation of their components. Strongest Bacillus subtilis inhibition was shown by Petrocarpus santalinus, Valeriana officinalis, Caryophyllus arometicus, Trapa bispinosa and Mentha arrivensis. Whereas, strongest Ganoderma luciderm inhibition activity was shown by Mentha arrivensis, Hibiscus esulentus and Acacia concinna. Many medicinal plants have not shown any inhibition activity against Bacillus subtilis and Ganoderma lucidum. Results of the present study can be very helpful in evaluating the mechanism of action of essential oil extracted from medicinal plants using CO2 supercritical fluid extraction technology.
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The characterization of the leaf essential oil of Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae) was performed by gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Monoterpene compounds (5.9%) are less common in the oil while the sesquiterpene compounds accounted for 85.8% of the total oil content. The main constituents of the oil were the sesquiterpenes α-cadinol (25.1%), germacrene-D-4-ol (14.9%), γ-cadinene (11.8%) and α-muurolene (9.6%). This is the first report on the volatile constituents of F. benghalensis. Aims: To report the compounds identified in the hydrodistilled leaf oil of Ficus benghalensis grown in Nigeria. Study Design: The design of the study involved the distillation of essential oil from air-dried leaf of F. benghalensis and subsequent analysis of the constituents. Original Research Article Adebayo et al.; EJMP, 9(2): 1-6, 2015; Article no.EJMP.18803 2 Place and Duration of Study: Leaf sample of F. benghalensis were collected from Omileye area, Ore Town, Odigbo Local Government, Ondo State, Nigeria, in March 2013. Methodology: The air-dried and pulverized leaf of F. benghalensis was subjected to hydro distillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus for 4 h. The constituents of the distilled oil were analyzed by using GC and GC/MS. Results: The main constituents of the oil were the sesquiterpene α-cadinol (25.1%), germacrene-D-4-ol (14.9%), γ-cadinene (11.8%) and α-muurolene (9.6%). Conclusion: Although, this is the first report on the volatile constituents of F. benghalensis, the observed compositional pattern was found to vary from data obtained from previously analyzed oils from other member of the genus Ficus grown in Nigeria.
Ficus plants are found throughout the world as moderate woody plants or trees. It has a vast traditional role in indigenious system of medicine like ayurveda, siddha, unani and homoeopathy. Ficus species, namely F. racemosa,, F. religiosa and F. benghalensis, are important ingredients in many Ayurvedic and traditional formulations. The barks,leaves,fruits and latex are considered to be very effective in various treatments, such as diabetes, skin diseases, ulcers, dysentry, diarrohoea, stomachache, piles and as carminative,astringent, anti inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer agent. The present review is therefore, an effort to give a detailed survey of the literature on its phytochemical and pharmacological properties.
Interest in medicinal plants as a re-emerging health aid is gaining more importance day by day due to modern concepts like healing naturally, functional foods and the bio-prospecting of new plant-derived drugs. Based on current research and financial investments, medicinal plants will, seemingly, continue to play an important role as an important health aid. In this regard present study was undertaken to determine the mineral contents and proximate composition of fourteen plants extensively used as condiments in the diet of people of South Asian region to evaluate their nutritive value Medicinal plants contain high proportion of Na (1711.21 ± 14.49-7510.80 ± 20.01 mg/Kg), K (11.74 ± 1.02 ∼ 9462.12 ± 1725 mg/ Kg), total carbohydrate (54.13 - 77.79 %) and cellulose (65.11 ± 2.45 - 85.23 ± 2.95 %). Low levels of Li (1.10 ± 1.49- 15.06 ±2.31 mg/ Kg), Cu (20.90 ± 2 14 - 41.45 ± 2.45 mg/ Kg). Co (8.45 ± 1.03 - 85.40 ± 2.52), Mn (0.8 ± 0.01 - 9.55 ± 0.46 mg/ kg) and Pb (0.25 ±0 11 - 1 98 ± 0 16 mg/ Kg) are present in these plant materials. All elemental analyses were performed using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) except Na, K and Li, which were determined by flame photometric analysis. Tannin content in food condiments ranged from 0.15 ± 0.05 - 2.5 ± 0.14 mg/ g. All materials were low in, moisture (0.75 ± 0.26 - 10.60 ± 0.87 %) and ash (2.14 ± 0.26 - 15.01 ± 0.75 %) contents. Significant differences were observed in the amounts of Ni (1.70 ± 0.94 - 27.40 ± 3.17 mg/ Kg), Ca (413.80 ± 14.18 - 1930.80 ± 14.02 mg/ Kg). Mg (97.00 ± 7.49 - 157.95 ± 8.49 mg/ Kg), Crude proteins (3.13 ± 0.95 - 19.94 ± 1.26 %) and Lipids (5.11 ± 1.67 - 25.48 ±1.21 %) present in different plant materials However, all condiments are energy rich materials (335.29 - 493.07 Kcal/ 100g). Results of present study could be very helpful to design daily dietary intake of food condiments of individuals to fulfill daily intake limits.