Glomus tumors are very uncommon neoplasms arising from glomus bodies. They differ in the proportion of components, i.e. smooth muscle tissue, vessels and glomus cells. The most common location of this kind of tumor is the subungual area of digits. In other locations, glomus tumors are very rare but have been reported, among others, in bone, lungs, trachea and stomach. Glomus tumors are often misdiagnosed because of diverse clinical presentations. They can be asymptomatic, may lead to cosmetic discomfort, but clinical presentation often involves pain, tenderness and cold hypersensitivity. We present a case of multiple glomus tumor in the foot of a 41-year-old woman. After several surgical consultations, she had been referred for further surgery including possible amputation, which she declined. Simultaneous multiple excisions of the tumors resulted in complete symptomatic relief. This case confirms that glomus tumors should be considered in a patient with multiple lesions producing excruciating pain.