
Halal Tourism Development Analysis in Lombok Island

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The enormous economic potential of halal tourism has recently begun to be discussed. Crescent Rating data notes that in 2014 Muslims spend about USD126.1 billion globally on Islamic tourism, and Indonesia as the 6th most popular halal tourism site in the world. This potential needs to be cultivated by Indonesia. Lombok Island as one of the most popular Islamic tourism destinations in Indonesia - in 2015 it received two awards (the Best World Halal Tourism Destination and World Best Halal Honeymoon Destination). The governor of Nusa Tenggara Barat Zuelkiflimansyah has expressed interest in further developing halal tourism in Lombok by promoting some additional destinations such as Senggigi Beach, Gili Trawangan, and Rinjani Mountain. This paper offers SWOT analysis of the development of halal tourism on the Lombok island. Keywords: Islamic Economy, Halal Tourism, Lombok Island

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... However, there are many strict rules regarding the use and consumption of it, such as Allah's command to Muslims only to eat halal and tayyib food (Al-Quran, 2015). Thus, consuming and using halal products is an obligation for Muslims (Taqwiem et al., 2020). In Arabic, halal refers to anything permissible under Islamic law (Sharia). ...
... Prophet Muhammad also forbade Muslims to avoid consuming things that are doubtful (doubtful), whether they are halal or haram (Imam Nawawi, Hadith Bukhari and Muslim). These commandments govern the lives of Muslims worldwide, and their observance is obligatory (Rachim & Santoso, 2021;Taqwiem et al., 2020). It is on this basis that encourages the halal industry to continue to grow. ...
... Within the scope of halal cosmetics and personal care products, the concept covers critical aspects of production, such as halal ingredients and the use of permitted ingredients that must be produced, stored, packaged and shipped according to Shariah requirements (Taqwiem et al., 2020). Thus, halal labelling and certification can be essential in convincing Muslim consumers that their products meet the necessary religious requirements and conditions (Putri & Sunesti, 2021). ...
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In recent years, the halal industry has become a trend, this is because the Indonesian people have begun to apply halal culture as a lifestyle. This article aims to determine the factors influencing the purchase intention of halal cosmetics among millennials and generation Z. The author uses the theory of planned behavior to identify factors that encourage a person's intention to buy halal cosmetics among millennials and generation Z. The variables or predictors are attitudes, halal awareness, subjective norms, knowledge, halal labels, buying behavior, brand image, psychological risk, social media, and religiosity. This study has advantages compared to others because it uses a psychological approach in the form of buying and risk behavior and uses the effects of social media. The data was obtained through a survey conducted by the millennial generation and generation Z, who live in the city of Semarang. The sampling method used was non-probability with a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis of this research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) � Partial Least Square (PLS) with WarpPLS application. Testing is done using the measurement, goodness of fit, and structural models. The results showed that the factors influencing the purchase of halal cosmetics are attitudes, subjective norms, knowledge, halal labels, buying behavior, brand image, psychological risk, and religiosity. However, the halal awareness variable, social media, is not a determinant of someone buying halal cosmetics. The results show that the halal awareness of research respondents is still low because they have not fully paid attention to the halal aspect. Currently, social media provides too much information, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is credible or not, so respondents choose other alternatives.
... The emergence of tourism opens up new economic opportunities, new labor force, increases the price of goods/services, increases the income of the community, and helps the community to achieve prosperity (Ivanov andWebster 2007, Ntibanyurwa 2006). This is why many countries have been developing the tourism industry (Kapiki 2012), and that is also the reason of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia developing its tourism resources which cover natural tourism (sea, mountain, forest), cultural tourism, sport tourism, and religious tourism (Taqwiem et al. 2020). ...
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This study aims to map the economic survival strategies of tourism entrepreneurs during the disaster period (earthquake and COVID-19) on Lombok Island. The research methods were documentation, interview, and observation. Documentation used to collect the government's policies in the economic, banking, and financial sectors. Interviews were conducted with tourism entrepreneurs in relation to their economic survival steps and strategies. Observation was used to see the economic survival activities carried out by tourism businesses. In this study found that the Indonesian and West Nusa Tenggara regional governments issued an economic policy in the relation with earthquake and covid disasters. Based on these government policies, tourism sector economic entrepreneurs survive in disaster conditions, and create other sources outside the tourism sector as a source of family economics. The survival economy of tourism entrepreneurs during the disaster period was by changing professions as traders with family savings capital, involving all resources in the family to meet household needs, and utilizing several strategic government economic policies during the disaster time.
... The tourism business, especially in Eastern Indonesia, is growing and developing, such as Lombok Island which has won the first rank of International award in terms of Halal Tourism (Taqwiem et al., 2020), Komodo Island National Park and Sumba Island which have even attracted international tourists like the Beckham family. This condition needs to be supported by the provision of good quality of food and beverage that can be accepted by domestic and foreign tourists because it is hygienic and healthy, and can be consumed directly or as souvenirs when the visit ends (Jaelani, 2017). ...
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In order to ensure good health and well-being in the community during the pandemic, especially in the food business in Sumba, several problems for MSME partners have been identified, namely related to food production, consumption, and misunderstanding of regulations in the food and beverage business which can be a problem for the health community. The solutions offered to overcome these problems are training in webinars and talk shows on Food Business Production Orders; Knowledge of Food Additives; Good Food Production Methods; Household Food Industry Product Licensing (CPPB-IRT); and Simple Marketing for the Food Business. This community service aims to improve MSMEs' quality and business capacity on Sumba Island, which is increasing and has become a model for similar MSME communities because they have not received similar guidance from any agency. The pre and post-test analysis results showed an increase in knowledge, especially on aspects of the types of food that were not allowed to receive SPP-IRT, food coloring, permitted food additives, how to get Halal certification, and spot tests to find out hazardous materials. The implementation evaluation showed that more than 58% stated that the material was acceptable. More than 99% stated that the registration was carried out well. For delivering materials and discussions, 99% said they were delighted. This webinar activity concludes that the material topics have been as needed, there is an increase in partner knowledge, and the implementation has been carried out well, based on pre-post test evaluation data and evaluation of the implementation of activities agency.
... Unsur outreach dalam GMTI telah terpenuhi dengan adanya capaian-capaian yang telah disajikan pada pendahuluan. Lokasi wisata Lombok berhasil meraih dua penghargaan internasional pada tahun 2015 dan secara istimewa diikuti dengan peringkat pertama wisata halal Indonesia tahun 2019 (Puspita, 2019;Taqwiem et al., 2020). Capaian ini telah melambungkan nama wisata Lombok dengan tampilan wisata halal yang disajikan. ...
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ABSTRAK Sektor pariwisata halal kini telah menjadi tren dalam perkembangan ekonomi global yang tidak hanya menawarkan adanya tempat ibadah pada suatu lokasi wisata. Sektor industri seperti restoran, dan hotel tersedia dengan nilai-nilai dan norma islam namun tetap bersifat universal. Lombok dinilai memiliki pengembangan industri parwisata halal yang sangat baik karena telah dikenal sebagai daerah yang lekat dengan nuansa islami. Selain itu Lombok juga menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif menggunakan studi literatur sebagai teknik pengumpulan data melaui buku, jurnal, dan internet untuk mengetahui peran label pariwisata halal sebagai standar dari wisata budaya di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa tingkat kepuasan wisatawan pada pariwisata halal di Lombok masih perlu ditingkatkan dengan beberapa poin sebagai bahan pertimbangan daya tarik wisatawan. ABSTRACT The halal tourism sector has now become a trend in global economic development which does not only offer places of worship at a tourist location. Industrial sectors such as restaurants and hotels are available with Islamic values and norms but are still universal. Lombok is considered to have a very good development of the halal tourism industry because it is known as an area that is closely related to Islamic nuances. In addition, Lombok is also ranked first as the Indonesian Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) in 2018 and 2019. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type using literature studies as a data collection technique through books, journals and the internet to determine the role of the halal tourism label as a standard. from cultural tourism in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. In this study, it was found that the level of tourist satisfaction on halal tourism in Lombok still needs to be improved with several points as a consideration for tourist attraction.
... The development of halal tourism destinations as one of the objects that can be sold to attract tourists is a challenge for each region (Chin, Haddock-Fraser and Hampton, 2017;Taqwiem, Al Rasyid Muhammad and Maulidi, 2020) because conventional tourism already exists first, such as Gili Trawangan, Senggigi Beach, and Kuta Lombok which still dominates tourist visits with Lombok's natural marine beauty and is conventional (Rahmawati et al. 2021). Thus, the innovation model of halal tourist destinations in the countryside and the need for active support and participation from local communities is fundamental and urgent in welcoming the development of halal tourism in Lombok, NTB, Indonesia. ...
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This research aims to describe the development model of Setanggor halal tourism village. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The results showed that halal tourism in Setanggor village was developed through active community participation with the village government through a tourism village model based on community and halal values. The development of halal tourism villages in Setanggor is not able to be separated from religious values. As a result, Community-Based Halal Tourism in Setanggor village combines community-based tourism and halal-based tourism that will eventually serve as a model for community-based halal tourism. The growth of the halal tourism sector in Setanggor village has also provided positive benefits for enhancing the local community's well-being. In addition to the community's active role, the legality of the Setanggor halal tourism village is also supported by the local government of NTB and the Indonesian Council of Ulama.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan model pengembangan desa wisata halal Setanggor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wisata halal di Desa Setanggor dikembangkan melalui partisipasi aktif masyarakat dengan pemerintah desa melalui model “Desa Wisata Halal Berbasis Masyarakat”. Pengembangan desa wisata halal di Setanggor tidak lepas dari nilai-nilai religi. Oleh karena itu, CBT di desa Setanggor yang merupakan gabungan antara pariwisata berbasis komunitas dengan pariwisata berbasis halal pada akhirnya menjadi role model bagi wisata halal berbasis komunitas. Pertumbuhan sektor wisata halal di desa Setanggor juga memberikan manfaat positif bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Selain peran aktif masyarakat, legalitas desa wisata halal Setanggor juga didukung oleh pemerintah daerah NTB dan Majelis Ulama Indonesia.
... The swarming epitokes or nyale (in Sasak, Lomboker tribe language) have been foraged for centuries by coastal communities for their free delicacies. The tradition of bau nyale (foraging epitokes) has been promoted as one of the biggest cultural festivals of Indonesia (Triyanti et al., 2020;Taqwiem et al., 2020) and attracting tens of thousands of visitors. As the peak of spawning occurs in one night, the prediction of the mass spawning is crucial to satisfy the visitors of the annual cultural festival. ...
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Mass spawning dates of nyale worms (Eunicidae) have been scientifically predictable since 2019. The month of spawning is consistently following the pattern of the February full moon, while the date of spawning is consistently on the 20th of the lunar calendar. There are particular years with February only spawning, March only spawning, and split spawning in both February and March. The existing prediction of the split spawning, however, was constructed with very little available data. The present study aimed to revisit the split spawning prediction using the Metonic cycle, a 19-year lunisolar cycle. The results show that the spawning prediction very much follows the Metonic Cycle. There are minor dates on split spawning to be revised, when February full moon rises on 14th February. The revised hypothesis is that split spawning is very likely to occur when the full moon rises between the 7th to 13th of February. When February full moon appears before the 7th of February, single spawning will take place on the fifth day after the March full moon. When February full moon befalls after the 13th of February, single spawning will occur on the fifth day after the February full moon. The revised prediction method has only 2 (two) deviances in 114 years of simulation dates. The present study is the first to suggest the link between Polychaete spawning patterns and the Metonic Cycle.
... These tourist destinations include Kuta Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Tanjung Aan Beach, Bangko-Bangko Beach, Tangsi Beach, Mount Rinjani, Pergasingan Hill, Namada Park, Sade Hamlet, Senggigi Beach, Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Nanggu, Gili Layar, Tiu Kelep Waterfall, and Sendang Gile Waterfall. The fifteen objects are still being developed, especially in terms of providing facilities and infrastructure to support halal tourism activities (Maulidi, 2019;Taqwiem et al., 2020). ...
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Lombok is a tourist destination that presents interesting diversity for tourists. During its development, Lombok has applied the concept of halal tourism which includes services, serving halal food, spiritual needs, communication, and other matters related to ha lal branding. This study focuses on informants' perceptions of the relationship between tourism index, experience quality, and revisit intention of tourist destinations in Lombok. The study was conducted by surveying 87 tourists who came from Indonesia, specifically Muslims, those who have stayed in Lombok and have visited at least in the last 24 months. The most suitable informant unit in the sample is purposive. We use the PLS analysis model to simplify data processing. The findings of the study are divided into 3 hypotheses which explain that the season index has a significant effect on experience quality. Furthermore, experience quality has a significant effect on revisit intention, and the tourism index has no significant effect on revisit intention. The novelty of this study lies in the uniqueness of the object, analysis model, and variables that have been designed so that it is very interesting in its presentation and is a distinct difference from other studies.
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Lombok has become Indonesia’s mainstay halal tourist destination; they proved Lombok won the highest score in the GMTI and IMTI surveys. The label as the best halal tourist destination must be a competitive advantage that can attract Muslim tourists to visit Lombok. This study seeks to explain the effect of the variables Halal Tourism Index, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Experience Quality on Revisit Intention. This study took domestic Muslim tourist respondents aged between 17 to 60 years who had visited Lombok in the last 3 years. With 87 respondents, it processed the data using PLS-SEM. We know the results of the hypothesis test that the Halal tourism index has no effect on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention; the Halal tourism index has a significant effect on Tourist Experience quality. While the Tourist Experience quality variable has a significant effect on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention, and tourist satisfaction influences revisit intention. The limitation of this research is that respondents are not evenly distributed to all regions of Indonesia, and the number is only 87 respondents. This study revealed that the key factor in making domestic Muslim tourists satisfied and intend to visit Lombok is Experience quality.
Global Muslim Tourism Index
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Prospect Business Tourism Sharia
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