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Benign Mixed Tumor of the Upper lip. Report of two cases



Pleomorphic adenoma, also known as benign mixed tumor, is the most common salivary gland tumor, mostly affecting major salivary glands, but also encountered concerning minor ones. The occurrence of this lesion in the skin, known with the term chondroid syringoma, is unusual and considered to be associated with eccrine or apocrine glands. The two lesions demonstrate almost identical histological features with microscopic characteristics of both epithelial and mesenchymal origin. In this article two cases of benign mixed tumor of the lip are presented and their surgical management and histological features are analyzed. Both cases involved the upper lip, one was located in the subcutaneous tissues and the other in the labial mucosa. The proximity of eccrine sweat gland tumors of the skin with the salivary glands of the oral mucosa makes it often difficult to discern the origin of benign mixed tumor. This report discusses the particular characteristics of each pathological entity, the clinical differential diagnosis and the treatment approach chosen accordingly.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Please cite this article as: Danai P et al., Benign Mixed Tumor of the Upper lip. Report of two cases..
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Benign Mixed Tumor of the Upper lip. Report of two cases.
Papavasileiou Danai 1*, Vlachaki Adamantia 1, Chrysomali Evanthia 2, Tzermpos
Fotios 3, Kalyvas Demos 3
1.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of
2.Department of Oral Pathology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
3.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of
Pleomorphic adenoma, also known as benign mixed tumor, is the most common salivary gland
tumor, mostly affecting major salivary glands, but also encountered concerning minor ones.
The occurrence of this lesion in the skin, known with the term chondroid syringoma, is unusual
and considered to be associated with eccrine or apocrine glands. The two lesions demonstrate
almost identical histological features with microscopic characteristics of both epithelial and
mesenchymal origin. In this article two cases of benign mixed tumor of the lip are presented
and their surgical management and histological features are analyzed. Both cases involved the
upper lip, one was located in the subcutaneous tissues and the other in the labial mucosa. The
proximity of eccrine sweat gland tumors of the skin with the salivary glands of the oral mucosa
makes it often difficult to discern the origin of benign mixed tumor. This report discusses the
particular characteristics of each pathological entity, the clinical differential diagnosis and the
treatment approach chosen accordingly.
Keywords: benign mixed tumor, pleomorphic adenoma, submucosal swelling
*Corresponding Author Email:
Received 05 June 2019, Accepted 01 July 2019 104
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Salivary gland tumors are rare lesions consist of 2-6.5% of all head and neck tumors (1).
Intraoral minor salivary gland tumors account for 22% of all salivary gland neoplasms.
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA), also known as benign mixed tumor, is the most common salivary
gland tumor (60-65%), in adult and pediatric population (2, 3, 4, 5, 6). PA is primarily found
in the parotid and submandibular glands, as well as in minor salivary glands. The most common
intraoral site is the palate, followed by the upper lip and the buccal mucosa, whereas other
unusual locations are the retromolar region, the floor of the mouth and the alveolar mucosa (2).
According to the latest World Health Organization, pleomorphic adenoma is defined as a
neoplasm characterized by the presence of benign epithelial and myoepithelial cells and a
mesenchymal component that may contain mucoid, myxoid, cartilaginous, or osseous areas. It
may be completely or partially encapsulated and usually presents as a slowly growing painless
mass, that may recur after excision or transform to a malignant carcinoma ex pleomorphic
adenoma. The lesion is more often encountered in middle-aged patients in the 4th -6th decade
of life and presents a prevalence in the female population (2, 5).
Mixed tumor of the skin or chondroid syringoma (CS) represent the cutaneous part of
“pleomorphic adenoma”. This lesion shows strict histological appearance as pleomorphic
adenoma of salivary glands (7). In 1892, Nasse reported a primary neoplasm of the skin with
microscopic features of both epithelial and mesenchymal origin (8). The term chondroid
syringoma was first proposed by Hirsch and Helwig in 1961, who reported a series of 188 cases
with an invariable presence of sweat gland-like elements and a cartilage-like material (9).
According to their study (9), the upper lip is the most common anatomic location for the
development of CS, after the nose and the skin of the cheek. This rare tumor develops from
eccrine or apocrine glands and although found mostly on the face it may arise in any location,
including pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lacrimal gland, trachea, and mediastinum (10).
Here we present two cases of benign mixed tumor of the upper lip, one of which was located
in the skin on the philtrum and the other in the labial mucosa respectively. Their surgical
management and histological features are also analyzed.
1st case
A 59-year-old man was referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for
evaluation of an asymptomatic swelling on the upper lip, with a duration of 3 years. The
patient’s medical history was unremarkable with no known allergies, non-smoker and no
history of trauma in the area was reported. The clinical examination revealed a round, elastic 105
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
tumor, located on the philtrum. The skin-colored lesion, measuring 1,3x1x1cm, was clearly
demarked from the surrounding skin of the lip and was painless on palpation (Figure 1).
Under local infiltration anesthesia (Articamine 4%, 1:200,000 epinephrine) a cutaneous
triangular incision was performed. The mass was dissected from the underlying muscles and
overlying skin (Figure 2). The architecture of the philtrum and vermillion border was left intact.
The oral mucosa was not involved in the lesion. The excisional biopsy produced a soft, elastic,
nodular mass, of yellowish hue (Figure 3). The surgical specimen was fixed in 10% neutral
formalin and sent for histopathological examination. Microscopically, the lesion was well
circumscribed by a pseudocapsule (Figure 4) and consisted of columnar to cuboid cells with
round to oval nuclei. The tumor cells arranged in cords, islands or duct-like structures which
lined by one or two layers of cells and contained amorphous eosinophilic material (Figures 4,
5). Cystic spaces of varying sizes and keratinous cysts surrounded by flattened cells were also
noticed. The stroma was variable in appearance and partly fibrous showing myxochondroid or
hyalinized hypocellular areas (Figure 4). The tumor did not demonstrate cytologic atypia,
increased mitotic activity, or infiltrative tissue margins. Based on the clinical and
histopathological findings, the diagnosis of a benign mixed tumor of the skin (chondroid
syringoma) was rendered. The patient had an undisturbed healing and no recurrence has been
reported after ten years of follow up.
Figure 1: The round, skin-colored, elastic tumor that located on the philtrum was clearly
demarked from the surrounding skin of the lip. 106
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Figure 2: Cutaneous triangular incision through which the mass was dissected from the
underlying muscles and overlying skin.
Figure 3: The surgical specimen showing a yellowish nodular mass. 107
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Figure 4: Cords and islands of tumor cells as well as duct-like structures can be seen in a
myxochondroid fibrous stroma. The tumor is well circumscribed by a pseudocapsule
(H&E X 250).
2nd case
A 30-year-old man was referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for
evaluation of a raised, dome-shaped, painless, red, submucosal- subdermal nodule on the left
side of his upper lip (Figure 6). The lesion was initially noticed three years ago and remained
stable up to the last two months, when it slowly started swelling.
The clinical examination revealed a 1 cm in diameter, mobile, well circumscribed, painless
mass of firm consistency that was located under the mucosa of the upper lip and caused a
swelling (Figure 7) . There was no history of any other disease, no known allergies, no history
of smoking. There was also no history of trauma, or prior surgeries in the region. Under local
infiltration anaesthesia (Articamine 4%, 1:200,000 epinephrine), a mucosal incision was made
and after careful dissection through the orbicularis oris, the encapsulated mass was totally
excised (Figure 8). The different surgical approach compared to the first case, was preferred
due to the proximity of the lesion to the lip mucosa, as opposed to the upper lip skin.
Haemostasis was achieved and the surgical wound was closed in layers. The surgical specimen
was fixed in 10% neutral formalin and sent for histopathological examination.
Grossly, the excised surgical specimen was in the form of an ovoid well demarcated,
encapsulated, white-brown partly rubbery mass, measuring 1Χ0.5Χ 0.5 cm, with solid cut
surface (Figure 9). The histopathological analysis revealed a well circumscribed lesion, which
consisted of epithelial and stromal component (Figure 10a). The epithelial component was
composed of tubular structures, cords or islands of cuboidal and polygonal cells. The stroma 108
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
showed mainly myxoid appearance, while aggregates of stromal adipocytes were focally
observed as well (Figure 10b,10c) The tubular structures lined by one or two layers of cuboidal
cells with hyperchromatic nuclei in the luminal layer and less hyperchromatic at the periphery
(10e). These structures contained amorphous eosinophilic material, whereas squamous
metaplasia and few scattered keratinous cysts were visible in some areas (Figure 10a, 10d, 10e).
Bone formation was seen in direct contact to stromal fibrocytes without intervening cartilage
(10f). Nuclear pleomorphism or mitotic figures were not apparent. Based on these
histopathologic features and the clinical appearance of the lesion the final diagnosis was
intraoral benign mixed tumor or pleomorphic adenoma. The post-operative course was
uneventful and there is no recurrence after five years of follow up.
Both patients had provided written informed consent for publication of these cases report and
any accompanying images in a scientific journal, after the authors explained the possible
benefits to dental science.
Figure 5: Ductal structures lined by two layers of cells and multiple cystic spaces filled
with keratin (H&E X 250) 109
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Figure 6: A raised, dome-shaped, red, submucosal- subdermal nodule on the left side of
the patient upper lip.
Figure 7: The lesion is prominent through the upper lip mucosa. 110
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Figure 8: Total excision through a mucosal incision.
Figure 9: A white encapsulated nodular lesion of firm consistency. 111
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
Figure 10 (a): the tumor was encapsulated and demonstrated tubules and cords.
Hematoxylin and eosin stain magnification X25 (b): the tubular architecture and the
myxoid stroma of the tumor, hematoxylin and eosin stain magnification X200(c): stromal
adipocytes can be seen, hematoxylin and eosin stain magnification X100 (d): squamous
metaplasia with keratin, hematoxylin and eosin stain magnification X400 (e) tubular
structures lined by double epithelium are apparent in this view X400 (f) stromal bone
formation without intervening cartilageX100.
The differential diagnosis of submucosal or subcutaneous solid, asymptomatic movable
nodules in the upper lip comprises a wide range of lesions inflammatory or neoplastic in nature
including oral cysts (mucous retention phenomenon, salivary duct cyst, nasolabial cyst), or
infection secondary to foreign body’s reaction, tumors of minor salivary glands, mesenchymal
tumors, such as lipoma, hemangioma, neurofibroma or neurilemoma. Among the
aforementioned lesions, the benign mixed tumor of the skin and the labial pleomorphic
adenoma are at the top in the differential diagnosis list (10).
The benign mixed tumor of the skin, or CS presents many similarities with the pleomorphic
adenoma in what concerns its histopathologic features as well as its location and characteristics
in the areas where it is most commonly encountered. The terms pleomorphic and mixed are 112
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
used to describe the characteristic diverse microscopic pattern seen in this tumor, which is
composed of a mixture of glandular epithelium, myoepithelial cells and connective tissue
elements (7,10,11). The proximity of eccrine sweat gland tumours of the skin with the salivary
glands of the oral mucosa makes it often difficult to discern the two pathologic entities. For
this reason it is important to assess all the evidence, clinical and histological so as to decide the
final diagnosis.
The pleomorphic adenoma presents as an asymptomatic firm mass with a long period of slow
growth rate, whereas secondary to trauma the clinical features may also include ulceration, pain
or bleeding. The second most common location for intraoral pleomorphic adenoma is the upper
lip (following the palate), contrary to the lower lip, where it is most rarely found (2,3,12). There
is propensity for benign salivary gland tumors to affect the upper lip compared to the lower lip.
This site prevalence can be explained due to the embryonic development of the upper lip, which
forms with the fusion of three alveolar embryonic processes, thus having a greater possibility
of entrapment of embryonic cell nests. This suggestion is further supported by the fact that the
lesions on the upper lip are often located along these fusion lines (10,12).
The treatment of pleomorphic adenoma consists of surgical excision. Recurrences are not
uncommon and usually concern cases with inadequate surgical removal of the lesion. In the
first case presented, the tumor was completely excised and no recurrence has been reported in
a 10 year follow-up period. The different approach used in the two cases (cutaneous versus
mucosal incision) was selected according to the proximity of each lesion to the lip skin or
mucosa respectively so as to avoid extra trauma to the region.
Malignant transformation of pleomorphic adenoma has been reported and accounts for up to
6.2% of all pleomorphic adenomas (13). The greatest risk factor for malignant transformation
according to the literature seems to be the amount of time elapsed since the tumor formation.
There are three subtypes of malignant PA: carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma,
carcinosarcoma or true malignant mixed tumour and metastasizing mixed tumour (10). Of
these, carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma is the most common. In the case of malignant
transformation the treatment of choice is surgical excision, including 1-2 cm of healthy tissue
borders. In all cases, a follow up of several years is recommended (10).
The CS is an uncommon eccrine sweat gland tumor that may originate from both secretory and
ductal elements of the sweat glands (14,15). The tumor is clinically presented as a small,
painless, dermal or subcutaneous non-ulcerated, well-demarcated, solitary, firm,
multilobulated nodule (16). It has a slow growth for several months or years. The lesion
commonly measures 0.5- to 3-cm diameter. The clinical differential diagnosis includes
epidermoid or dermoid cyst, sebaceous cyst, compound nevus, clear cell hidradenoma, cystic 113
Danai et. al., Br J Med Health Res. 2019;6(07) ISSN: 2394-2967
basal cell carcinoma, neurofibroma, and histiocytoma (dermatofibroma). CS may also mimic
malignant neoplasms such as the nodular basal-cell carcinoma (17).
CSs have been found on most areas of the skin, but the great majority involved the skin of the
face and head, including scalp, auricle, forehead, eyebrow, glabella, upper eyelid, lower eyelid,
nose, upper lip, lower lip, chin, and neck (18). Of these areas, the nose, upper lip, cheek, and
scalp were the areas of predilection. It occurs frequently in male patients and the male: female
ratio is calculated 2.17:1. (19, 20)
Malignant chondroid syringomas (MCS) are exceedingly rare and according to the literature
only 29 cases have been reported (20). In contrast to their benign counterparts, MCS occur
mainly in the extremities (60%). Only 6 cases (20%) occurred on the head or neck with 4 cases
on the scalp, 1 on the ear, and 1 on the neck. The median age of MCS patients is 49 years,
ranging from 13 to 83. There is a female predilection, with the female: male ratio being 1.7:1.
The treatment of choice for such lesions consists of local excision, followed by thorough
histological examination, to confirm that complete excision has been accompliced and that the
surgical margins are clear. Nevertheless, recurrences may occur, owing to the fact that the
tumor is often lobulated, and covered by a pseudocapsule that is usually infiltrated by tumor
cells. When complete excision is performed, follow up can be limited to a couple of years.
Diagnosis of the intraoral or dermal upper lip neoplasms sometimes is challenging due to the
non-pathognomonic clinical appearance and the similarities in histological features. PA and
CS are rare pathologic entities derived from different glands (salivary or non-salivary), which
are developed within the same anatomic region. They share similar biologic behavior with
recurrence potency in cases of incomplete surgical excision. Therefore clinicians, dental
practitioners and oral surgeons should be aware concerning the diagnostic procedure and
management of lip nodules.
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Full-text available
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) as the malignant component of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CXPA) occurring in upper lip is rare.Case report: A 55-year-old male patient presented with an asymptomatic mass of the upper lip that he had noticed 8 years previously. The mass was clinically suspected to be a benign salivary gland tumor based on palpation and magnetic resonance imaging findings. A needle biopsy was then carried out, and the pathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma. The tumor was removed under general anesthesia. Histopathological examination revealed well-demarcated tumor tissues showing typical histologic features of pleomorphic adenoma. However, SCC tissue with several mitotic figures was found in the central area of the tumor tissue. The tumor was finally diagnosed as CXPA. There was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis 6 years postoperatively. This is the first report of CXPA of the upper lip with an unusual malignant component of SCC.
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Pleomorphic adenoma is the benign tumor of salivary glands, which originates from the myoepithelial cells and intercalated duct cells. This tumor is more common in major salivary glands. This case report describes a rare and unusual lesion in a 55-year-old female, which was diagnosed as pleomorphic adenoma of the minor salivary glands in the upper lip. The tumor was a circumscribed, submucosal nodule, about 2.0 cm in diameter and was characterized by slow growth and rubbery consistency. Complete excision was performed and the histopathological analysis showed an epithelial salivary gland tumor with islands of plasmacytoid cells, duct like structures, in a variable stroma with chondroid, fibrous and myxoid appearance. No recurrence was observed 1 year after the surgery.
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Minor salivary gland tumors (MSGTs) are infrequent, representing 10-15% of all salivary neoplasms. Despite this low frequency, MSGTs conform a heterogeneous group of neoplasms characterized by a broad range of histological types. We identified cases of MSGT in a retrospective study of the biopsies made in the period 1997-2007 in the Service of Oral Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain). The data collected comprised patient age and sex, the clinical characteristics and location of the tumor, the duration of the lesion, its size, the treatment provided, and the histopathological findings. Of the 18 cases of MSGT studied, 12 corresponded to women (66.7%) and 6 to men (33.3%). The great majority (94.4%) were benign tumors. The preferential location was the posterior third of the hard palate (33.2%), followed by the soft palate (16.7%) and the mucosa of the upper lip (16.7%). The histopathological diagnoses of our MSGTs comprised 10 pleomorphic adenomas (55.3%), 2 cystadenomas (11.1%), 1 myoepithelioma (5.6%), 1 sialadenoma papilliferum (5.6%), 1 basal cell adenoma (5.6%), 1 Warthin's tumor (5.6%), 1 canalicular adenoma (5.6%), and 1 low-grade polymorphic adenocarcinoma (5.6%). Coinciding with our own results, the literature describes a high recurrence rate for MSGTs (5-30%) when surgical removal is incomplete. Six percent of all benign minor salivary gland tumors are considered to relapse, versus 65% of all malignant lesions. Periodic clinical controls are required, since the possibility of malignant transformation must be taken into account.
Chondroid syringoma is an unusual, benign skin appendageal tumor originating from the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands resembling mixed tumors of the salivary glands. It develops as a slow-enlarging, small, cutaneous nodule or mass. The lesions are usually seen in older men on head and neck. This is a clinical report of a 46-year-old lady who presented with a slowly growing nodular protruding mass in a cheek. The clinical and histologic findings of the tumor are demonstrated. The clinician and the pathologist should take into account the tumor among differential diagnosis not to overlook the lesion. Total surgical excision is needed with a long-term follow-up.
Purpose: Minor salivary gland tumors (MSGTs) constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with great histomorphologic variation. This study reviews a large series of benign and malignant salivary gland tumors of the oral region and determines the incidence and the correlation of the histopathologic features with the clinical characteristics. Materials and Methods: Two hundred thirteen cases of MSGT were retrospectively studied. Hematoxylin-eosin-stained slides were examined in all cases. Special stains and immunohistochemical stains were used in selected cases. Clinical characteristics of the neoplasms were also noted. Results: One hundred nineteen tumors were benign (56%), and 94 tumors were malignant (44%). Pleomorphic adenoma was the most common benign tumor (93 of 119). Canalicular adenoma was the second most common benign MSGT in our series (25 of 119). Of the 94 malignant MSGTs, mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) (45 of 94), adenoid cystic carcinoma (22 of 94), and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (18 of 94) were the most common. Most MECs (34 of 45) were low-grade lesions. Of 5 central MECs, 3 cases occurred in the maxilla and 2 cases arose in the mandible. Conclusions: Benign intraoral MSGTs are slightly more common than malignant MSGTs. Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common MSGT, and MEC is the most common malignant variety. The palate is the most common site for minor gland neoplasms. Benign labial salivary gland neoplasms are more common in the upper lip, and malignant labial tumors are more common in the lower lip. © 2005 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
The pluripotentiality of the cutaneous organ is well illustrated by the many epithelial structures it can form. This is seen not only in normal skin but in cutaneous neoplasms as well.Neoplasms with microscopic features that indicate both epithelial and mesenchymal origin have been referred to as mixed tumors.1 The term has been applied not only to those of the skin but also to many tumors unrelated to skin or to one another, i.e., basosquamous carcinoma, mixed tumors of salivary gland, mixed tumors of kidney, and other tumors with a mixture of cell types.In this paper we are reporting a study of a cutaneous tumor that has been referred to as mixed tumor of skin, salivary gland type. Because the tumor is relatively uncommon, it has not been investigated in all of its aspects. On the basis of a large collection we have been able to evaluate the
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common neoplasm of the salivary glands and is most commonly located in the parotis followed by the submandibular glands. Its localization in the minor salivary glands is mostly reported in the palate. Few publications report pleomorphic adenoma cases located in the lip. We present a 35-year-old male patient with a pleomorphic adenoma located in the upper lip.
Sweat gland tumors are uncommon, and yet the chondroid syringoma (mixed tumor of the skin) appears most frequently on the faces of adults. Clinicians diagnosing and treating diseases of the head and neck should be aware of these tumors. A case of the chondroid syringoma in the upper lip is reported; the clinical features, histology, treatment, and follow-up are discussed.