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Lärm im Kindergarten


Abstract and Figures

The effect of noise on preschool teachers was investigated in 9 private preschools in Vienna using a multi-method approach: Heart rate variability (24-hour ECG), sound level measurements, observation protocols, questionnaires (stress, well-being, noise exposure). The results provided indications of physical exposure of kindergarten teachers to noise (changes in cardiovascular activity). Measures to reduce noise exposure are proposed. (in German)
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In the course of social changes a crisis of helping professions becomes visible that is reflected individually in stress and burnout. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of concepts of burnout known so far. After screening relevant research on stress and burnout in the helping professions and based on concepts of clinical as well as occupational psychology the authors suggest an integration of previously known burnout models into an action theoretical approach.
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Zusammenfassung. Der “Perceived Stress Questionnaire“ (PSQ) von Levenstein et al. (1993), ein Instrument zur Erfassung der aktuellen subjektiv erlebten Belastung, wurde in einer deutschen Fassung an N = 650 Probanden teststatistisch uberpruft (n = 249 stationar psychosomatische Patienten, n = 81 Frauen nach Fehlgeburt, n = 74 Frauen nach komplikationsloser Entbindung, n = 246 Medizinstudierende). Faktorenanalytisch finden sich - abweichend vom Original - 4 Faktoren (Sorgen, Anspannung, Freude, Anforderungen), die sich in 4 Skalen mit je funf Items uberfuhren lassen mit internen Konsistenzwerten zwischen Cronbachs Alpha = .80 und = .86. Der ursprungliche Umfang wurde von 30 auf 20 Items reduziert. Interkorrelationsmuster und Gruppendifferenzen legen nahe, das die ersten drei Skalen die interne Stresreaktion des Individuums abbilden, wahrend die Skala “Anforderungen“ die Wahrnehmung auserer Stressoren fokussiert. Fur die Konstruktvaliditat sprechen Zusammenhangsmuster mit Merkmalen der subjektiven Lebensqua...
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This paper reviews epidemiological studies, human experimental studies, and animal research on the non-auditory effects of noise on health. The following topics are covered: vegetative responses (e.g., blood pressure, digestion), biochemical effects, excretion of catecholamines, sleep, physical illness, subjective annoyance, and mental health. Combined effects of noise and other occupational health hazards on physiological functioning and health are also reviewed. Overall, the results suggest that there are non-auditory health effects. However, these require confirmation in prospective, longitudinal studies with interventions reducing noise levels.
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Objectives To investigate the effects of cognitively demanding work tasks and office noise on heart rate variability (HRV), cardiovascular responses and electromyography (EMG) activity in the trapezius muscles. Methods Ten female volunteers were exposed to simulated open-plan office noise for 35 min (Leq 65 dBA), while engaged in cognitively demanding tasks. Task performance, self-rated stress and energy, affective state, perceived exertion in the shoulders and in the head, EMG in the left and right trapezius muscle, blood pressure, heart period length, HRV, and salivary cortisol were measured. Results Cognitively demanding work tasks were associated with changes in HRV, systolic blood pressure and EMG that reflects increased sympathetic activity in the autonomic nervous system. No effect of noise was observed, except for a higher rating of perceived exertion in the head and, contrary to expectations, a 4% lower diastolic blood pressure in the noise conditions. Conclusions Psychophysiological measures reflected the mental load imposed by cognitive work tasks. Short-term exposure to office noise resulted in increased ratings of perceived exertion in the head, but not in physiological stress reactions.
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In Europe, the proportion of the population exposed to environmental noise above 65 dB(A) has increased during the past decade from 15% to 26%. While the acute effects of such noise exposure are well accepted, firm conclusions about long-term consequences for health are still hampered by inconsistent results. Apart from methodological shortcomings, lack of conceptual clarity in research designs has been blamed for the inconsistencies, but rarely has it been addressed. This paper illustrates the major conceptual models (general stress model, individual-situational difference model, transactional, and contextual model) applied in non-auditory health effects research. It discusses the inherent limitations of these models and evaluates their potential contribution to overcoming the conceptual deficiencies. The integration of physiological, psychological, and ecological approaches within a combined transactional-contextual research perspective provides the best available framework for future studies and reanalysis of earlier studies given the necessary information is provided.
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This study sought to define the effects of age and gender effects on the normal range of time domain heart rate variability (HRV) over nine decades in healthy subjects. Low HRV is considered an independent marker of mortality risk. However, the age-related decline in HRV may limit its predictive value, particularly in the elderly. Delineation of the range of HRV in healthy subjects over the life span is needed. Gender-related differences in HRV also need clarification. We determined, according to decade, 24-h heart rate (HR) and HRV of 260 healthy subjects (10 to 99 years old; 112 male, 148 female) by means of five standard time domain measures: standard deviation of all normal sinus RR intervals over 24 h (SDNN), standard deviation of the averaged normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-mm segments (SDANN), mean of the standard deviations of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-min segments (SDNN index), root-mean-square of successive normal sinus RR interval difference (rMSSD) and the percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals >50 ms (pNN50). 1) HRV decreased with aging, the pattern of change being measure dependent. HRV (SDNN and SDANN) decreased only very gradually, reaching 60% of baseline (second-decade values) by the tenth decade. With the SDNN index, HRV decreased linearly with aging, reaching 46% of baseline by the tenth decade. Using pNN50 and rMSSD, HRV decreased most rapidly, reaching 24% and 47% of baseline, respectively, by the sixth decade and then stabilized. 2) Using the SDNN index, rMSSD and pNN50, HRV of subjects >65 years old fell below published cutpoints for increased risk of mortality in 25%, 12% and 4%, respectively. 3) At age <30 years, HRV for all measures was lower in female than male subjects. Gender differences decreased at age >30 years and disappeared at age >50 years. 4) HR also declined with aging but much more slowly. HR at age <50 years was faster in female than in male subjects. Gender differences disappeared thereafter. 1) Using all measures, HRV of healthy subjects declines with aging, with measure-dependent patterns. 2) Using the SDNN index, rMSSD and pNN50, HRV of healthy subjects, particularly those >65 years old, may decrease to below levels associated with increased risk of mortality. 3) Gender influences HRV. Gender differences in HRV are age and measure dependent. 4) Age and gender also affect heart rate.
The study of the Weinstein Noise Sensitivity Index, a method for determining noise sensitivity, is discussed. It was found that the people who were noise sensitive (NS) were friendly, generous and sociable and very much aware of their environment. It is suggested that the noise management should include an effort to inform the NS population before they move into a noisy neighborhood. It is also suggested that using the Weinstein Noise Sensitivity Scale, emphasizing the positive side of being NS persons and avoiding mention of the statistical association with neuroticism, it will be possible to educate NS persons.
Eine Arbeitsunfähigkeitsanalyse bei der Stadt Kassel [1] ergab, dass mit 2910 Arbeitsunfähigkeitstagen je 100 Versicherter in den Kindertagesstätten die Arbeitsunfähigkeit um 12% über dem durchschnittlichen Wert der Stadt Kassel lag. Dieses problemaufweisende Instrument [15] bildete den Ausgangspunkt für die Arbeit eines Gesundheitszirkels der städtischen Kindertagesstätten. Auf dessen Initiative hin wurde von uns eine Analyse der physikalischen, organisatorischen und sozialen Belastungsfaktoren und -größen der Arbeitstätigkeit von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern in Kindertagesstätten (im folgenden Erzieherinnen genannt) sowie deren Auswirkungen durchgeführt. Aus den Ergebnissen wurden Arbeitsgestaltungsmaßnahmen abgeleitet, die exemplarisch umgesetzt und evaluiert werden konnten 1