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Health and fitness is the key to a long, active and enjoyable life. It is correctly stated that Health is the actual Wealth that a person can retain. Teachers assign this topic to their students to enhance their knowledge about staying healthy and fit, and create awareness among others as well. It also results in the development of a healthy lifestyle for children. Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. All of us must strive to achieve wholesome health. Protecting your body from the intake of harmful substances, doing regular exercises, having proper food and sleep are some of the important instances that define a healthy lifestyle. Being fit allows us to perform our activities without being lethargic, restless or tired. A healthy and fit person is capable of living the life to the fullest, without any major medical or physical issues.
ISSN 0975-7732
Asian journal of Physical Education and Computer Sciences in Sports
Vol No.17, No.1.pp:41-45
Journal Impact factor 3.441 (UGC Approved Journal)
A peer Review (Refereed) International Research Journal
Dr.Mohd Akhter Ali, M.Kamraju, M.Vani
Assistant Professor, M.Sc Geography
Department of Geography
Osmania University
Hyderabad, Telangana
Health and fitness is the key to a long, active and enjoyable life. It is correctly stated that Health
is the actual Wealth that a person can retain. Teachers assign this topic to their students to
enhance their knowledge about staying healthy and fit, and create awareness among others as
well. It also results in the development of a healthy lifestyle for children. Being healthy and fit in
simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind
resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the
required energy level to achieve success in life. All of us must strive to achieve wholesome
health. Protecting your body from the intake of harmful substances, doing regular exercises,
having proper food and sleep are some of the important instances that define a healthy lifestyle.
Being fit allows us to perform our activities without being lethargic, restless or tired. A healthy
and fit person is capable of living the life to the fullest, without any major medical or physical
issues. Being healthy is not only related to the physical well being of a person, it also involves
the mental stability or the internal peace of a person. Generally, a healthy diet consists of taking
a proper and healthy food which includes eating green and fresh vegetables, fruits, having milk,
eggs, minerals, proteins and vitamins essential for a human’s lifestyle. Practising Yoga including
regular exercises in your daily routine also help you maintain your desired fitness, blood sugar
and immunity level. Healthy habits improve your physical appearance, mental stability, ability to
perform activities in a better way, which help you lead a stress-free lifestyle, maintaining happy
moods, high energy levels, etc. Each individual should take of one’s health on a priority; no
single day should be skipped for making efforts on maintaining physical and mental fitness.
Being happy is directly related to boosting your mental strength and health, so happiness can be
considered as the result as well as the part of a healthy and fit lifestyle. Health can, generally, be
measured on major three parameters: Physical, Psychological and Nutritional. Physical health
means the physical appearance of a person; Nutritional health means the presence of essential
nutrients in the body to fight diseases with immunity. Psychological health means the ability in a
Dr.Mohd Akhter Ali, M.Kamraju, M.Vani
person to maintain patience, calm and composure in all circumstances of life. Health
professionals consider cancer, diabetes and several other mental and physical health issues such
as depression, lethargic attitude, etc to deficiencies in fitness and well-being of a person.
Unhealthy and unfit lifestyle of a person also results in premature death. Obesity and lack of
physical fitness in young generation sets the stage for diabetes, heart disease, and other serious
health problems. Walking, running, cycling, playing, swimming, gardening, skipping, weight-
lifting and Yoga are some of the important activities which help us maintain fit and healthy
lifestyle. A person who is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and
downs of life, and is not affected by drastic changes in the circumstances. One should also spend
time outdoors in the sun, inhaling fresh air and taking part in healthy activities. Staying active
makes you stay energetic. Out of the several components that affect one’s health, following are
the seven key physical components to ensure the overall good health, fitness and mental well-
1. Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
2. Strength Training and Muscular Development
3. Stretching Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
4. Core Stability Both physical and mental
5. Nutrition and Supplementation Balanced Diet
6. Mental Rest and Relaxation Balanced lifestyle
7. Sleep Regular sleep
Eating healthy and nutrients rich food, exercising, taking sufficient sleep, avoiding intake of
harmful substances are just few simple ways to stay healthy and fit. These are directly related to
our mental, physical and emotional health. Fitness and mental well-being are essential parts of a
healthy life. The benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle are undeniable by all means. Whether
you decide to increase your activity levels slightly or develop and participate in a thorough
fitness plan, it will pay you off in the long run. Exercise is good for your health of various organs
of your body and makes you feel stronger. Nutrition and fitness are essential for a healthy living.
Not only we look and feel good, but by eating the right nutritional food and doing the right
amount of exercise, we could also lower the chances of getting some pretty serious life-
threatening diseases.
Things to be done for maintaining balanced healthy and fit lifestyle:
ISSN 0975-7732
Asian journal of Physical Education and Computer Sciences in Sports
Vol No.17, No.1.pp:41-45
Journal Impact factor 3.441 (UGC Approved Journal)
A peer Review (Refereed) International Research Journal
Keeping body hydrated Drink ample water
Washing hands before and after meals Maintain sanitation
Regular exercise
Intake of nutrients
Regular, sound sleep
Good health helps a person to live one’s life to its fullest potential without being physically or
mentally unfit. Unhealthy lifestyle results in deterioration of one’s well being. Staying healthy
and fit is very important for each generation. Exercising and eating healthy are the best ways to
retain your health both physically and mentally.People, who take their health seriously and are
serious about maintaining their fitness, do exercises on a daily basis, eat a healthy diet, and sleep
well on time for adequate duration. Being healthy and fit allows you to stay active and further
increases your confidence and concentration power. By staying healthy and fit, one can set an
example for others and slowly help others increase their health, nutrition, knowledge, and
consumption of sustainably produced foods.
Major reasons that lead to the deterioration of health are as follows:
Daily stress Students often feel stressed about school work, and exams. Professionals
are also prone to stress with regard to their life and work. Such conditions lead to
imbalanced mental health.
Depression Prolonged stress about something leads to depression and becomes a health
Intake of harmful substances like alcohol, preserved foods, etc, adversely affect the
physical and mental health and fitness.
Lack of sleep People tends to work late at night, constantly use their phones, etc and
forego their destined sleep cycle. As suggested by medical experts, a defined time of
sleep is mandatory for each individual. Lack of sleep results in an unfit lifestyle.
Junk foods Intake of junk foods has replaced the proper nutritional diet that one should
consume. Unhealthy food habits directly create unhealthy wellbeing.
Natural phenomena such as pollution, etc also make us unhealthy and unfit. Proper
preventive measures must be taken to defend ourselves against adverse natural
Following are the things that lead to maintenance of a healthy and fit person:
Dr.Mohd Akhter Ali, M.Kamraju, M.Vani
Regular Exercise routine Each individual should focus on a defined time for daily
exercise, as it directly affects both mental and physical health of a person.
Balanced nutritional food intake One should concentrate on each and every thing to eat
and drink. Having a balanced diet that includes essential minerals, vitamins and proteins
makes a person healthy and fit.
Clean and tidy environment We should make sure our surroundings clean and fit for us
to survive.
Take appropriate amount of sleep. Each individual, as per medical norms, should take at
least 8 hours of sleep.
Drink loads of water, as it helps to release toxins and improve one’s metabolism
Maintain hygiene and have proper sanitation.
Have a positive outlook towards life. For mental health, it is the key to stay fit and
healthy. Positive thoughts should rule the mind in order to stay happy and maintain the
mental and emotional health and fitness.
Staying healthy and fit is not difficult if taken as the foremost priority. By following the above-
mentioned simple steps, each one of us can lead a healthy, fit and fruitful life. Maintaining
balance of thoughts, nutritional diet, rigorous exercise, Yoga, optimum level of sleep are actually
the main contributory factors for our wellbeing and a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Health is the most important thing that a person should take care of. Leading a healthy lifestyle
leads to happiness, success and achievements. Sound health not only means keeping a health
body but it also includes a healthy mental condition. Our health depends upon several factors
such as food, pollution, regular sleeping habits, fresh air, water, sunlight, and healthy mental
condition. Morning walks and physical exercises are very helpful for ensuring the fitness of our
mind and body. We create the conditions that lead to an unhealthy and unfit lifestyle. That’s a
fact. So, we should develop good habits, and become capable of taking the required measures to
lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. The way towards Healthy and Active wellbeing is to focus on
making the healthy choice at any given moment, rather than postponing the things that are must
to be done in the long term.
ISSN 0975-7732
Asian journal of Physical Education and Computer Sciences in Sports
Vol No.17, No.1.pp:41-45
Journal Impact factor 3.441 (UGC Approved Journal)
A peer Review (Refereed) International Research Journal
1. Akhter Ali, Mohd & Kamraju, M.. (2018). Influence of physical education and sports in students life.
2. Anuradha, T., Kamraju, M., Vani, M., & Manisha, P. (2017). Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity:
A Case Study of Nalgonda District Telangana. International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, 70.
STUDY OF WARANGAL DISTRICT. KY Publications, 5, 158-63.
6. Kamraju, M., Kamraju, M., & Vani, M. Village Information System Using GIS: A Case Study of Chilkur Village,
Moinabad Mandal Telangana. Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayani, 3, 21-31.
7. Vani, M., & Kamraju, M. (2016). IMPACT OF URBANISATION ON LAKES: A Case Study of Hyderabad. Journal
of Urban and Regional Studies VOL, 5(1).
... According to Ali, Kamraju and Vani (2017), health is the actual wealth of life. In this modern area, with all the accessible knowledge and information gained, people are now more aware and conscious about their health and well-being. ...
... Health and fitness are one of the keys to living a longer, more active, and pleasurable life, in other words, health is a wealth that each individual can and must preserve [1]. As a result, it is critical to continually keep a healthy body and seek early treatment if any ailment is suspected. ...
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The high incidence of death caused by coronary heart disease has become a global concern in the world of health, where patients with coronary heart disease are no longer only adults and the elderly, yet there are now so many cases of coronary heart disease experienced by underage patients. As a result, it is critical to be able to prevent and reduce the number of instances. One of them is the ability to predict a person's risk of coronary heart disease so that patients can be treated and provided early therapy. The risk of coronary heart disease will be predicted in this study utilizing Stacked long short-term memory algorithms. By appling this algorithm, the accuracy of 81.3% from previous study can be increased to 91.8% by this study.
... According to Ali, Kamraju and Vani (2017), health is the actual wealth of life. In this modern area, with all the accessible knowledge and information gained, people are now more aware and conscious about their health and well-being. ...
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This paper examines the development and characterization of composite cathodes for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) utilizing gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) as the electrolyte material. The advantages of operating SOFCs at low temperatures include increased durability, decreased material costs, and improved startup characteristics. The composite cathodes seek to optimize the electrochemical performance of SOFCs operating at low temperatures. The focus of this study is on combining GDC with other cathode materials to improve the overall efficacy of composite cathodes. Due to its high ionic conductivity at low temperatures, chemical stability, and compatibility with a variety of cathode materials, GDC is chosen as the electrolyte material. Using techniques such as co-precipitation, solid-state mixing, and electrodeposition, composite cathodes are fabricated, and their structural and electrochemical properties are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electrochemical analysis. In low-temperature SOFCs, performance evaluations reveal that composite cathodes with GDC electrolyte exhibit enhanced power density, cell voltage, and stability. Combining GDC with other cathode materials produces synergistic effects that result in enhanced electrochemical activity, reduced polarization losses, and improved compatibility with the low-temperature operation. This study contributes to the development of composite cathodes for low-temperature SOFCs by shedding light on their design and optimization for enhanced performance and durability. Utilizing GDC as an electrolyte material provides benefits in terms of its ionic conductivity and chemical stability. Exploring additional cathode materials and optimizing the composite cathode design for improved performance at low temperatures requires additional research.
... According to Ali, Kamraju and Vani (2017), health is the actual wealth of life. In this modern area, with all the accessible knowledge and information gained, people are now more aware and conscious about their health and well-being. ...
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As Muslims now emphasise the need to consume only what is halal, they might often overlook the 'thayyib' element in the halalan thayyiban. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is one of the most controversial food enhancers, as studies have associated MSG consumption with multiple illnesses. Moreover, the use of MSG is prevalent in the Brunei community. The study aims to assess the knowledge, level of awareness and attitude toward MSG among Muslim consumers in Brunei. This study also aims to know the importance of acquiring knowledge on MSG among Muslim consumers. A questionnaire survey via Google Forms was used for this study. The survey gained 120 respondents and the data were extracted and analysed statistically using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. The findings show that most respondents only acquire a basic knowledge of MSG. Next, most respondents were found to have an average awareness of MSG and a negative attitude towards MSG. Regarding the importance of acquiring knowledge on MSG, the findings show that 81% of the respondents asserted that it is important to acquire knowledge on MSG with the preservation of health as the most prevalent answer consumers give. Based on these findings, recommendations were made for authorities to raise awareness, educate the public on nutrition, ingredients, and labelling, organise educational programs, regulate MSG use in food outlets, and improve halal product labels. Overall, this research has provided valuable insights into the knowledge, awareness, and attitudes of Muslim consumers in Brunei towards MSG for consumers, authorities, policymakers, industry players, and public health.
... According to Ali, Kamraju and Vani (2017), health is the actual wealth of life. In this modern area, with all the accessible knowledge and information gained, people are now more aware and conscious about their health and well-being. ...
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This book is a compilation of articles (Volume 5) produced by the participants who joined the Virtual Innovation Competition 2023 (VIC23). The event has been virtually contested from March to July 2023 and is organized by DIGIT360 and Digital Information Interest Group (DIGIT), in collaboration with Information Science Studies, College of Computing, Informatics and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Branch Branch, Malaysia; Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia; Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Philippines; Asia Research News; Indian Innovators Association, India; The Union Of Arab Academics, Yemen; Indonesian Young Scientist Association, Indonesia; Nusantara Training and Research, Indonesia; Academica Press Solutions; and Laman Teknologi. This collection consists of articles from the social science field and science and technology (S&T) field. It is hoped that the innovations compiled can be an inspiration to all readers.
... The best health is the key to a long, active, and enjoyable life. Even, health is actually a wealth that people can retain (Ali et al., 2017). There is a relationship between mother's knowledge and the habit of children's dental and oral health, where a mother with good knowledge is more aware of the importance of dental and oral health of the children (Moses & Arunachalam, 2018;Shetty et al., 2016). ...
Smoking is a very popular habit, especially for adolescents, to show self-actualization. This situation also shows the need for guidance on awareness and good knowledge about maintaining a healthy body, not to mention dental and oral health as a whole and continuously, through the prevention of smoking behavior as dental and oral health influence the overall health. The aim of this study is to describe smoking in adolescents based on the knowledge level of dental and oral health in East Boroko Village, Manado, Indonesia. The type of research is descriptive research with a survey method. The sample in this study was a total population of 30 adolescent smokers. The data collection technique used primary data. The data was obtained directly by filling out the questionnaire, sending a google form questionnaire link to each respondent, contacting and cross-checking with respondents. The results show overall respondents’ level of knowledge is mostly poor as many as 16 people (53.3%) out of 30 people Meanwhile, the age group of respondents with poor knowledge level is the most in the 15-16 year age group as many as 10 (62.5%) people. Most adolescents do not know the impact of smoking on dental and oral health. In conclusion, the teenage smokers in East Boroko Village are lack of dental and oral health knowledge. Future work should address the causes of adolescents to become a smoker in order to provide precise solutions.
... Effective care and treatment are needed to overcome depression in DM patients, one of the easiest is to adopt a healthy lifestyle by choosing healthy food (Mohd Akhter Ali et al. 2017). Distress and various mental disorders happened in DM patients are closely related to serotonergic malfunctions frequently associated with the ABSTRACT Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) has been linked to depression and lipid metabolism impairment. ...
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Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) has been linked to depression and lipid metabolism impairment. Serotonin (5-HT) has been known to improve lipid metabolism and affect mood. The 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) in banana peel flour (BPF) is a precursor to synthesize 5-HT in the body, which is linked to initiating liver regeneration via HTR2B receptors. The impact of 5-HTP in the diet on HTR2B receptor expression has yet to be thoroughly investigated. We aimed to elucidate the correlation between serum lipid profile and immobility time in Tail Suspension Test (TST) as depressive-like behavior and compare the expression of HTR2B receptor in healthy and diabetic rats. Male Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) rats were assigned to the control and treatment groups in a DM model with streptozotocin (60 mg/kg) injected intraperitoneally, then either fed standard diet or BPF 10% supplemented standard diet for 21 days. Immunohistochemical staining was used to examine the expression of 5-HT, HTR2B receptors. We determined that diabetic rats fed the standard diet supplemented 10% BPF group showed significantly lower concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides compared to diabetic rats fed a standard diet and it was positively correlated between total cholesterol and LDL with the duration of immobility time in TST. The average immunoreactivity score in diabetic rats fed 10% BPF was the highest among the other groups, indicating that the available BPF dose is sufficient for HTR2B activation, which will support the liver cell regeneration process, and should be investigated further.
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A river is a natural waterway, which flows across the landscape from higher to lower elevations, and it is an important component of the water cycle. The rivers are generally fed by precipitation through surface runoff, groundwater and release of stored water in natural reservoirs such as a glacier. But these rivers are also responsible for natural hazards like bank erosion, flooding and lateral shifting. Further, natural as well as anthropogenic factors can alter river channel position and form, flow rate, and bank line characteristics albeit at different spatial and temporal scales. River dynamics is one of the major problems in the Ganga River and is particularly acute in the eastern plains from where some of the most interesting histories of fluvial dynamics have been reported (Gole and Chitale 1966, Wells and Dorr 1987, Sinha 1996, Jain and Sinha 2003, 2004, Sinha 2009,Chakraborty et al. 2010).Various causal factors have been suggested for river dynamics in the eastern Ganga plains ranging from tectonic tilting sedimentological readjustments and hydrological variability. Apart from changes in channel positions, large-scale avulsions also cause extensive flooding in areas which are generally not expected to flood. A large-scale avulsion of the Kosi in August 2008 resulting in extensive flooding in areas as far as 120 km from the present-day channel belt. Such events make the river management rather challenging in this region. The drainage reconstruction of the Ganga River between Rajmahal and Jalangi for the period 1764–2007 and the science–policy interaction of river migration discussion are very important. The river migration in this area is not just a major engineering problem but is a serious social issue impacting land reallocation, population displacement and border dispute.
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Lake and river water is the prime source for drinking, irrigation and other domestic purposes.They are an integral part of urban landscape all over the country and are important aquatic ecosystems, constituting an important source of fresh water. Water bodies served several needs of rural life, serves as water harvesting structure impounding surplus rain water, recharging ground water and feeding wells, providing protective irrigation water, Domestic water supply and drinking water for cattle bathing & washing. In urban context Water bodies recharging ground water, urban water supply, flood control, Water bodies provides recreational activities, provides open space with greenery in urban area. The environmentally & hydrological degradation of water bodies in urban area has badly impact on basic urban needs like domestic water supply, recreational activities & irrigation water. Many times human interface with the water fronts of these water bodies may liable to contamination and pollution. Therefore it is necessary to preserve and develop these water bodies
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The largest known economic impact of climate change is upon agriculture because of the size and sensitivity of the sector. Warming causes the greatest harm to agriculture in developing countries primarily because many farms in the low latitudes already endure climates that are too hot. This paper reviews several studies that measure the size of the impact of warming on farms in Nalgonga District in Telangana State. Even though adaptation will blunt some of the worst predicted outcomes, warming is expected to cause large damages to agriculture in developing countries over the next century. It is a well known fact that the most vulnerable sector to climate change is agriculture and agricultural productivity would be greatly affected by even a slight change in climatic condition. Agriculture is most susceptible to climatic change when compared to other sectors like water resources, forests and other the impact ecosystems. The present study has been undertaken Nalgonda district to analyze the impact of changes in rainfall and temperature on the agricultural productivity at the mandal / district level in this district of Telangana. The analysis included statistical evaluation of rainfall, temperature and other meteorological parameters for a period of ten years.
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Participation in physical activities has been found to be an important factor in contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Research has found strong relationships between participation in regular physical activity and the prevention of disease, while its relationship to the psychological and social dimensions has been neglected. Recently however, several studies have found causal relationships between physical activity and improved mood state, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, and increased social support. Despite this, surveys indicate that participation levels in physical activities are declining among older Indians, with the exceptions of walking and gardening. This paper also examines the constraints to participation in leisure programs, such as lack of time, poor health, and fear of crime, the financial cost and the lack of a partner to participate with. A number of strategies have been suggested to overcome these constraints.
  • M Kamraju
  • M Vani