... Berghoff and Hamilton, 2000;Clyde, 1994;Dyson, 1986;Gallas, 1994;Harste et al., 1984;Hubbard, 1989;Lancaster, 2001;Kress, 1997;Rowe, 1994;Newkirk, 1989;Upitis, 1992). Most often described have been authoring practices that combine writing, art, and oral language (Hubbard, 1989;Newkirk, 1989;Olson, 1992), but researchers have also noted children's connections between writing, music, dance, dramatic play, and drama (Dyson, 1989;Gallas, 1994;Rowe, 1994;Rowe et al., 2001;2003;Upitis, 1992). They argue that multimodal authoring practices allow children to draw on meanings formed in a variety of sign systems and to gain access to authoring events using nonlinguistic forms of communication (Clyde, 1994;Harste, 2000). ...