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Design of a MAPK signalling cascade balances energetic cost versus accuracy of information transmission

Springer Nature
Nature Communications

Abstract and Figures

Cellular processes are inherently noisy, and the selection for accurate responses in presence of noise has likely shaped signalling networks. Here, we investigate the trade-off between accuracy of information transmission and its energetic cost for a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade. Our analysis of the pheromone response pathway of budding yeast suggests that dose-dependent induction of the negative transcriptional feedbacks in this network maximizes the information per unit energetic cost, rather than the information transmission capacity itself. We further demonstrate that futile cycling of MAPK phosphorylation and dephosphorylation has a measurable effect on growth fitness, with energy dissipation within the signalling cascade thus likely being subject to evolutionary selection. Considering optimization of accuracy versus the energetic cost of information processing, a concept well established in physics and engineering, may thus offer a general framework to understand the regulatory design of cellular signalling systems.
Negative feedback regulators improve accuracy of input estimation and information transmission a Dose dependence of pathway activation, measured using activity of a PFUS1-GFP pathway reporter, for wild type (black) and strains deleted for negative regulators (colours as indicated). Data were collected between 140 and 210 min after pheromone addition, using time-lapse microscopy (see “Methods”), in two independent experiments (shown with different symbols). Dashed lines connect means for both experiments and serve as a guide to the eye; shaded areas centred on those lines show cell-to-cell variabilities (s.d.) across the cell populations, again averaged over both experiments with at least 300 cells per point and experiment. b Pathway noise, calculated as the coefficient of variation of PFUS1-GFP levels across the population, in the individual experiments (symbols as in a), plotted against the PFUS1-GFP output. Dashed lines connect the means of noise and PFUS1-GFP output for both independent experiments. c, d Fisher (c) and mutual (d) information, calculated as described in “Methods” independently for both experiments (symbols are as in a). Notably, although mutual information was calculated between the pheromone input and the pathway output, it was plotted against the pathway output at a particular pheromone input for better comparison between strains that have different sensitivities to pheromone. Dashed lines connect means for both independent experiments. Fisher and mutual information are not shown for sst2Δ strain. Insets in a–d show results of stochastic simulations using a simplified mathematical model of the pheromone pathway (see main text). e Aggregated, i.e. summed up over the whole output range, Fisher (left) and mutual (right) information, with individual contributions at different output levels shown in different shades of grey. Aggregated information was calculated from means for both independent experiments. Edges of bars are coloured according to the strains as indicated in a.
Induction of negative feedback regulators may balance accuracy versus energy investment a Simulated dependence of pathway accuracy (information) on sensitivities of SST2 and MSG5 induction. The heat map shows total Fisher information of active Fus3 (Fus3-PP) over the same 5 × 10⁶ range of stimulus strength (see main text and Supplementary Fig. 8 for details) for varying binding affinities (KD) of Ste12-P to SST2 and MSG5 promoters. b, c Simulated energy (ATP+GTP) consumption rates as a function of relative active Fus3 (Fus3-PP normalized to maximum per plot) for different induction sensitivities of SST2 (b) and MSG5 (c). Binding affinities of Ste12-P to SST2 and MSG5 promoters were changed individually while keeping affinity to the respective other promoter fixed at 8 nM. d Simulated dependence of information per energy on sensitivities of feedback induction. The heat map shows total Fisher information per energy (see text for details) simulated as in a. e Cartoon illustrating difference between energetic costs of negative feedback regulation at two stages of a simulated signalling cascade. Here, activities of two consecutive positive regulators (X and Y), indicated by filling heights of the respective circles, are determined by the influx (e.g. phosphorylation) and outflux (e.g. dephosphorylation) rates of energy. Influx rates at the upper (lower) level depend on the signal strength (e.g. pheromone stimulation) and activity of the upstream regulator, respectively. Outflux rate constants (rX, rY) correlate with the activities of negative regulators (e.g. phosphatases). Red colour indicates increase in quantities compared to the initial situation (upper panel). In order to sustain constant cascade output Yactive while increasing rx (middle panel), the increased outflux requires compensation by higher influx into X (i.e. stronger stimulation is required to achieve the same output). In this case, increased flux of energy solely at the affected level is sufficient for compensation. However, when increasing rY (lower panel), the compensatory higher influx into Y additionally requires an increase in Xactive, which in turn requires higher influx into X. Thus compensation of increased rY entails increased energy fluxes on both cascade levels.
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Design of a MAPK signalling cascade balances
energetic cost versus accuracy of information
Alexander Anders1,2,4, Bhaswar Ghosh1,2,3,4 , Timo Glatter1& Victor Sourjik 1,2
Cellular processes are inherently noisy, and the selection for accurate responses in presence
of noise has likely shaped signalling networks. Here, we investigate the trade-off between
accuracy of information transmission and its energetic cost for a mitogen-activated protein
kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade. Our analysis of the pheromone response pathway of
budding yeast suggests that dose-dependent induction of the negative transcriptional feed-
backs in this network maximizes the information per unit energetic cost, rather than the
information transmission capacity itself. We further demonstrate that futile cycling of MAPK
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation has a measurable effect on growth tness, with
energy dissipation within the signalling cascade thus likely being subject to evolutionary
selection. Considering optimization of accuracy versus the energetic cost of information
processing, a concept well established in physics and engineering, may thus offer a general
framework to understand the regulatory design of cellular signalling systems. OPEN
1Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, 35043 Marburg, Germany. 2LOEWE Center for Synthetic Microbiology (SYNMIKRO), 35043
Marburg, Germany.
Present address: International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India.
These authors contributed equally:
Alexander Anders, Bhaswar Ghosh. email:;
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | /10.1038/s41467-020-17276-4 | 1
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Living organisms have the ability to sense cues in the external
and internal environment in order to initiate appropriate
cellular responses. Inherent stochasticity of events involved
in sensing and downstream transmission of signals may lead to
noise, which is manifested as the variability in signalling outputs,
e.g. morphological changes or reporter gene expression, across a
population of clonal cells, leading to loss of information about
the strength of the input14. While heterogeneity within a cell
population can be benecial in some cases5, typical signalling
pathways rather evolved to transmit information precisely in
order to enable reliable input-dependent cellular responses.
The precision of signal decoding by cellular networks can be
estimated using information theoretic approaches611. As the
input (e.g. concentration of a chemical stimulant) varies and this
change is transmitted via a signalling pathway, the change in the
output (e.g. stimulated expression of a gene) carries information
about the input variable. In general, the precision with which the
input value can be estimated from measuring the output
improves with larger changes (i.e. dynamic range) of the output
and with lower output noise. According to CramėrRao
inequality, the error in estimating the input from the output is
bounded by the Fisher information12,dened as the relative
entropy change of the output distribution for an innitesimal
change in the input around a given input value.
Furthermore, information transmission capacity of signalling
systems can also be estimated by calculating the mutual infor-
mation2,13, which is increasingly being used to characterize bio-
chemical signalling networks1,6,811,14. The mutual information
measures the mutual interdependence between the input and the
output distributions by calculating the relative entropy of the
output distributions conditioned on the input with respect to the
unconditioned output distributions. In both cases, more infor-
mation can be extracted about the input from the output dis-
tribution if the relative entropy change is large.
Cells apparently evolved several strategies to improve infor-
mation transmission in the presence of the stochastic noise, using
multiple genes2or multiple time points (i.e. time-averaging)15 for
readout or by actively suppressing noise16,17. The latter includes
utilization of negative feedbacks, which have been shown both
theoretically and experimentally to reduce signalling noise and
therefore to enhance the information transfer1618. Furthermore,
negative feedbacks can reduce basal activity (i.e. activity in
the absence of signal) and/or the activity of fully stimulated
networkwhich can, dependent on the system, either increase or
decrease the output range and thus information transfer2,13.
Although increasing the accuracy of signalling typically imposes
additional energetic cost1921, to which extent this fundamental
trade-off between information and energy is reected in the
properties of cell signalling networks remains largely unclear.
We address this question by focusing on the negative feedback
regulation within the pheromone response (or mating) pathway in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the most studied examples of
eukaryotic signalling. This pathway mediates communication and
ultimately mating between two haploid mating types of S. cere-
visiae,MATaand MATα, which secrete a- and α-pheromones,
respectively. Each pheromone is sensed by the opposite mating
type, whereby perception of pheromone by a G protein-coupled
receptor (Ste2 in MATa) stimulates the canonical mitogen-
activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, leading to activation
of the MAPKs Fus3 and Kss12224. Fus3, the major MAPK of the
mating pathway, induces cell-cycle arrest, mating-specic changes
in cell morphology and, via activation of the transcriptional acti-
vator Ste12, expression of mating genes including genes that
encode components or regulators of the MAPK cascade2529.
Previous studies demonstrated that the pheromone pathway
transmits information with high precision, as exemplied by a
linear relationship between receptor occupancy and downstream
responses (doseresponse alignment)30 and by a uniform mor-
phological transition of cell population into a mating-competent
state (shmooing) at a critical pheromone concentration27,31.
Such uniformity in the output implies existence of, likely multiple,
mechanisms to improve precision of information transmission
within the pathway. Indeed, the negative feedback within the
pheromone pathway provided by Sst2, a GTPase-activating pro-
tein (GAP) for the receptor-coupled G protein α-subunit, appears
to full such function30,32.
Here, we primarily investigate the feedback regulation by
Msg5, a dual-specic phosphatase for Fus3. Our experimental
and computational analyses show that the pheromone-dependent
transcriptional induction of Msg5 reduces variability and
increases the dynamic range of the pathway output, hence
increasing information transmission. Selection for increased
accuracy could thus explain the presence of negative feedback
regulation mediated by phosphatases as a common feature of the
MAPK pathway topology. We further investigate the sensitivity
of induction of the negative feedback provided by Msg5, which is
activated at much higher pheromone dose than the upstream-
acting negative feedback provided by Sst228,29. We demonstrate
that, while the precision of input estimation could be signicantly
enhanced by articially increasing the sensitivity of MSG5 gene
induction, the naturally observed regulation appears optimal
when considering energy investment into operation of the sig-
nalling pathway. We argue that such regulatory design, with
lower induction sensitivity of the downstream feedback, might
in general (optimally) balance accuracy of signalling against
the energetic cost of pathway operation. Finally, we conrm
experimentally that the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation
cycle at the core of the MAPK signalling pathway has measurable
tness cost, thus likely placing it under evolutionary selection
MSG5 and SST2 are induced at different pheromone doses.
Since we were interested in feedback regulation within the
S. cerevisiae pheromone pathway that could be provided by
transcriptional induction (i.e. transcriptional feedback regula-
tion), we rst determined which pathway-associated genes, and at
what dose, are activated by the pheromone stimulation using
transcriptomics (see Methods). Here, we exclusively focused on
the branch of pheromone signalling mediated by MAPK Fus3, by
utilizing strains devoid of the functional Kss1. Furthermore, all
strains used for quantitative measurements of the α-pheromone
responses were deleted for the α-pheromone-protease gene BAR1
and for α-pheromone genes MFα1and MFα2to respectively
avoid pheromone degradation or possible self-stimulation due to
background expression of α-pheromone by MATacells.
We nd that, of the core pathway and regulatory components,
expression of genes encoding the receptor Ste2, the GAP of
the receptor-coupled Gαprotein (Sst2), the kinase Fus3, its
phosphatase Msg5 and the inhibitor of transcriptional activator
Ste12 (Dig2) were upregulated (Supplementary Fig. 1), in a
general agreement with the previous reports28,29,33. This suggests
that the pheromone pathway is regulated by at least two pairs of
positive/negative feedback loops, respectively, at the upper and
lower levels of the cascade (Fig. 1a). We quantied induction
sensitivities to pheromone of feedback regulators by determining
values, i.e. pheromone concentrations for achieving half-
maximal induction (Fig. 1b). Notably, while both positive
feedbacks (Ste2 and Fus3) and the upstream-acting negative
feedback mediated by Sst2 become induced already at the low
pheromone dose, the downstream-acting Msg5 negative feedback
2NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | https://d | www.nature.c om/naturecommunications
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was upregulated only at much higher pheromone levels (Fig. 1b
and protein colouring in Fig. 1a).
Negative feedbacks improve information transmission.We
subsequently investigated the role of the negative feedbacks and
their different induction sensitivities in the regulation of the
pathway output. Since negative regulation by Sst2 has been
already shown to suppress noise in the pheromone pathway32,we
focused on the negative feedback regulation by Msg5. To examine
the noise-suppressing capability of Msg5, we measured the output
uorescence of the pheromone-responsive P
-GFP reporter in
individual cells by uorescence microscopy (see Methods).
Indeed, we found that in the absence of either Sst2 or Msg5 the
reporter output became more sensitive to low doses of pher-
omone (Fig. 2a). Moreover, the intercellular variability of the
output in the populationtotal noise (η
), determined as the
coefcient of variation (CV) of reporter activitysignicantly
increased (Fig. 2b). While the effect of MSG5 deletion (msg5Δ)
was mild compared to sst2Δ, it was further unmasked by deletion
of phosphatase Ptp3. Ptp3 thus seems to partly compensate the
loss of Msg5, although it is not transcriptionally induced by
pheromone (Supplementary Fig. 1A) and in itself had nearly no
impact on pathway response and noise (Fig. 2a). Another phos-
phatase, Ptp2, that was induced by the pheromone (Supplemen-
tary Fig. 1B) had virtually no effect on pheromone signalling
(Supplementary Fig. 2). Besides increasing output noise, absence
of either Msg5 or Sst2 lowered the threshold of pheromone
stimulation and also elevated the basal pathway activity. Since
the maximal output responses remained nearly unaffected, these
deletions thus effectively reduced the output range.
In order to quantify signalling accuracy in wild type and
mutant strains, we invoked an information theory approach. As
mentioned above (see Introduction), both output range and
pathway noise impact the signalling precision and amount of
information that can be transmitted through a signalling
pathway2,13,16,30. Precision in the input estimation can be
characterized locally (i.e. at different pathway outputs) by the
Msg5 Fus3
Sst2 Gpa1
1 10 100
[-pheromone] (nM)
Normalized RPKM
Relative EC50
Fig. 1 Activation of the pheromone response pathway induces multiple
feedback loops. a Simplied depiction of the pathway and its feedback
regulators. Activation of the pheromone receptor Ste2 leads, through a
signalling cascade, to activation of MAP kinase Fus3. Fus3-dependent
phosphorylation of transcriptional activator Ste12 stimulates the expression
of Ste2 and Fus3 as well as of two negative pathway regulators: Sst2, a
GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Gαprotein Gpa1; and Msg5, a
phosphatase for Fus3. These upregulated components are coloured
according to relative EC
values (normalized to the lowest value,
approximately 4 nM for STE2) of their mRNA dose responses; mRNA levels
of pathway components in white boxes were not upregulated. Black arrows
denote transcriptional feedback regulation, green (dashed) arrows denote
(indirect) activation and red blunt-end arrows indicate inhibiting activity.
bDose dependence of pheromone activation for the indicated genes
encoding pathway components. Shown are normalized RNA levels as
measured in two independent RNA sequencing experiments (symbols with
and without frames, respectively) at 60 min after addition of respective
dose of pheromone in a strain deleted for α-pheromone protease gene BAR1
(Supplementary Table 1). Lines are ts with a sigmoidal function used to
infer EC
values, used for the colour scale in a,b.
0.02 0.06 0.10
Mutual information
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
0.02 0.06 0.10
Fisher information
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
0.02 0.06 0.10
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
[α-pheromone] (nM)
0 0.01 0.1 1 10
Wild type
0.01 0.1 1 10
0.60.4 0.8 1.0
Fisher information Mutual information
00.51 21.5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 2 Negative feedback regulators improve accuracy of input estimation
and information transmission. a Dose dependence of pathway activation,
measured using activity of a P
-GFP pathway reporter, for wild type
(black) and strains deleted for negative regulators (colours as indicated).
Data were collected between 140 and 210 min after pheromone addition,
using time-lapse microscopy (see Methods), in two independent
experiments (shown with different symbols). Dashed lines connect means
for both experiments and serve as a guide to the eye; shaded areas centred
on those lines show cell-to-cell variabilities (s.d.) across the cell
populations, again averaged over both experiments with at least 300 cells
per point and experiment. bPathway noise, calculated as the coefcient of
variation of P
-GFP levels across the population, in the individual
experiments (symbols as in a), plotted against the P
-GFP output.
Dashed lines connect the means of noise and P
-GFP output for both
independent experiments. c,dFisher (c) and mutual (d) information,
calculated as described in Methodsindependently for both experiments
(symbols are as in a). Notably, although mutual information was calculated
between the pheromone input and the pathway output, it was plotted
against the pathway output at a particular pheromone input for better
comparison between strains that have different sensitivities to pheromone.
Dashed lines connect means for both independent experiments. Fisher and
mutual information are not shown for sst2Δstrain. Insets in adshow
results of stochastic simulations using a simplied mathematical model of
the pheromone pathway (see main text). eAggregated, i.e. summed up
over the whole output range, Fisher (left) and mutual (right) information,
with individual contributions at different output levels shown in different
shades of grey. Aggregated information was calculated from means for
both independent experiments. Edges of bars are coloured according to the
strains as indicated in a.
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Fisher information12,34 (see Supplementary Note 1 for more
details). Fisher information was indeed signicantly higher,
virtually over the whole range of pathway outputs, for the wild
type as compared to msg5Δor msg5Δptp3Δstrains (Fig. 2c).
Consequently, aggregated Fisher information was highest for the
wild type, too (Fig. 2e, left). In order to distinguish respective
contributions of increased output range and decreased noise to the
Msg5-mediated improvement of information transmission, Fisher
information was also calculated when projecting noise levels of the
wild type onto msg5Δdose responses and vice versa. We found that
individual contributions of the output range expansion and noise
suppression by Msg5 to the improved information transmission
were roughly equal and synergistic (Supplementary Fig. 3).
Thus negative feedbacks improve accuracy of input estimation by
both expanding the dynamic range of the output and lowering the
output noise.
To conrm these results obtained using Fisher information, we
also calculated mutual information, another frequently used
measure of information transmission35. To directly compare these
two measures of information transmission, mutual information was
calculated locally at a particular level of pathway stimulation, as
done previously14 (Supplementary Note 1). Relative differences in
transmitted mutual information between strains were comparable
to those observed for Fisher information (Fig. 2d, e, right panel).
Notably, similar differences between strains were observed at other
time points of stimulation for both Fisher and mutual information
(Supplementary Fig. 4).
Finally, we tested whether it is the negative transcriptional
feedback or simply the negative regulation of the pathway that are
important for enhanced precision, by constitutively expressing
MSG5 under control of a doxycycline-inducible promoter. Such
constitutive Msg5 production could only partially rescue the
output range, noise suppression and precision (Supplementary
Fig. 5), implying that pathway-dependent induction of the
transcriptional feedback is indeed crucial.
Sensitized MSG5 induction improves information transmis-
sion. Although both Sst2 and Msg5 negative feedback regulators
improve information transmission, they display different induc-
tion sensitivities, with Sst2 that acts upstream in the pathway
being induced at lower dose than the downstream-acting Msg5.
In order to study the impact of the dose dependence of feedback
induction in silico, we constructed a simplied mathematical
model of pheromone signalling that consists of a two-step
phosphorylation cascade activated by pheromone at the upper
level and incorporates two negative (Sst2 and Msg5) as well
as two positive (Fus3 and Ste2) feedbacks (Supplementary
Fig. 6A, see Methodsand Supplementary Note 2 for details).
Simulations of this model qualitatively conrmed that negative
feedbacks reduce basal activity and noise of the pathway output,
therefore enhancing Fisher and mutual information (Fig. 2ad
We then used this model to investigate the dependence of the
signalling accuracy on induction sensitivity of the Msg5 feedback
by systematically varying K
value that quanties binding
strength of active Ste12 (i.e. phosphorylated Ste12-P) to MSG5
promoter and calculating resulting dose responses to pheromone,
output noise and Fisher information (Fig. 3a, Supplementary
Fig. 6B, C). Interestingly, simulations predicted that maximum
information would be transmitted by the pathway at the highest
sensitivity of MSG5 induction (Fig. 3a), in contrast to the
experimentally observed low induction sensitivity.
To test this model prediction experimentally, we replaced the
native promoter of MSG5 with P
promoter that is induced
by lower levels of pheromone (Supplementary Fig. 1). The
modied induction of MSG5 both decreased basal pathway
activity and improved suppression of noise, particularly in the
lower range of activity (Fig. 3b, c), similar to the results of
model simulations (Supplementary Fig. 6B). Consequently, the
overall information transmission increased, while its range
slightly shifted to lower activity as compared to the wild type
(Fig. 3d), again conrming model predictions. We obtained
similar results for high-sensitivity induction of MSG5 by other
pathway-dependent promoters, in these cases measured using
ow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 7). Notably, our analysis
showed that both lowered basal pathway activity and reduced
noise at low pathway activity contributed to the observed
increase in Fisher information (Supplementary Fig. 8).
Sensitive feedback induction maximizes information. We next
systematically investigated the dependence of information trans-
mission through the pathway on the induction sensitivities of
both negative feedbacks, Sst2 and Msg5. Since in our simulations
information transmission to the downstream transcriptional
0 0.1 101
ab c d
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
FUS1 promoter output
Simulated information
Fisher information
[-pheromone] (nM)
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
0.05 0.10 0.15
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
Fisher information
FUS1 promoter output (A.U.)
0.05 0.10 0.15
Fisher information
Wild type
Fig. 3 Sensitized MSG5 induction leads to improved input estimation. a Dependence of simulated Fisher information on sensitivity of MSG5 feedback
induction, altered by adjusting the parameter dening binding afnity of active Ste12-P to the MSG5 promoter (K
). For simulation of the wild type in
Fig. 2,K
was 700 nM. bdEffect of sensitized MSG5 feedback induction on dose dependence of the pathway response (b), noise (c) and Fisher
information (d). MSG5 induction was sensitized by replacing its native promoter with P
promoter that responds with higher sensitivity to pheromone.
Data were acquired between 110 and 170 min after pheromone addition in two independent experiments (shown with different symbols in bd). Dashed
lines serve as guides to the eye and connect means for both experiments; shaded areas in bcentred on those lines show cell-to-cell variabilities (s.d.)
across the cell populations, again averaged over both experiments. Similar results were observed when MSG5 induction was sensitized using other
promoters (Supplementary Fig. 6). Inset in dshows aggregated Fisher information calculated with means for both experiments.
4NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | https://d | www.nature.c om/naturecommunications
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reporter is reduced by saturation of the phosphorylation and
DNA-binding functions of Ste12 (Supplementary Fig. 9A),
we calculated total information (i.e. information averaged over
all simulated inputs) based on active Fus3 (i.e. double-
phosphorylated Fus3-PP) as the output. Also at this level, the
information transmission was reduced in the absence of negative
feedback regulators Sst2 and Msg5 (Supplementary Fig. 9B).
Consistent with simulation of the transcriptional output (Fig. 3a),
maximal aggregated (total) transmission information contained
in Fus3-PP was observed at similarly high induction sensitivities
(i.e. low K
values) for Msg5 and Sst2 (Fig. 4a, Supplementary
Fig. 10). Notably, similar to our experiments, varying K
in the simulations not only changed the sensitivity of induction
(i.e. EC
value) but, at the same time, also altered dynamic
ranges of the analysed output.
Information transmission is balanced by energy consumption.
Since both experiments and modelling suggest that induction
sensitivity of the Msg5-mediated negative feedback in the
pheromone signalling pathway may not to be optimized for
maximizing information transmission, we asked in which respect
the naturally observed design might be superior to a potential
information-maximizing design. While having the capacity to
reduce noise and/or increase the output range, negative (feed-
back) regulation requires energy. In the cases of Msg5 and Sst2
feedbacks, this means consumption of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) in cycles of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
(subsequently simply referred to as phosphorylation cycles) and
increased consumption of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) for
activation and de-activation cycles of receptor-coupled G protein,
respectively. Generally, maintaining a given pathway output in
the presence of negative (feedback) regulation entails higher
energy consumption than its absence, which might constrain
optimization of negative feedback regulation. We estimated that
the rate of ATP consumption that is required to maintain half of
total Fus3 molecules phosphorylated36, ~104molecules/cell at full
pathway induction, amounts to 0.2% of total cellular energy use
in rich medium (Supplementary Note 5). Thus the cost of energy
investment in operating the MAPK signalling pathway might be
Relative active Fus3 (–)
0.01 0.05 0.20.02 1.00.1 0.5
Relative active Fus3 (–)
0.01 0.05 0.20.02 1.00.1 0.5
ATP+GTP cons. rate (nM/s)
Information/energy (nM/s)
Information per energy
Energy consumption (KD PSST2)
Total Fisher information
Quantity compared to initial situtation
Unchanged Higher
Increase of rX
Increase of rY
Energy consumption (KD PMSG5)e
Xactive rX
Yactive rY
Initial situation
ATP+GTP cons. rate (nM/s)
Fig. 4 Induction of negative feedback regulators may balance accuracy versus energy investment. a Simulated dependence of pathway accuracy
(information) on sensitivities of SST2 and MSG5 induction. The heat map shows total Fisher information of active Fus3 (Fus3-PP) over the same 5 × 106
range of stimulus strength (see main text and Supplementary Fig. 8 for details) for varying binding afnities (K
) of Ste12-P to SST2 and MSG5 promoters.
b,cSimulated energy (ATP+GTP) consumption rates as a function of relative active Fus3 (Fus3-PP normalized to maximum per plot) for different
induction sensitivities of SST2 (b) and MSG5 (c). Binding afnities of Ste12-P to SST2 and MSG5 promoters were changed individually while keeping afnity
to the respective other promoter xed at 8 nM. dSimulated dependence of information per energy on sensitivities of feedback induction. The heat map
shows total Fisher information per energy (see text for details) simulated as in a.eCartoon illustrating difference between energetic costs of negative
feedback regulation at two stages of a simulated signalling cascade. Here, activities of two consecutive positive regulators (Xand Y), indicated by lling
heights of the respective circles, are determined by the inux (e.g. phosphorylation) and outux (e.g. dephosphorylation) rates of energy. Inux rates at the
upper (lower) level depend on the signal strength (e.g. pheromone stimulation) and activity of the upstream regulator, respectively. Outux rate constants
) correlate with the activities of negative regulators (e.g. phosphatases). Red colour indicates increase in quantities compared to the initial situation
(upper panel). In order to sustain constant cascade output Y
while increasing r
(middle panel), the increased outux requires compensation by higher
inux into X(i.e. stronger stimulation is required to achieve the same output). In this case, increased ux of energy solely at the affected level is sufcient
for compensation. However, when increasing r
(lower panel), the compensatory higher inux into Yadditionally requires an increase in X
, which in
turn requires higher inux into X. Thus compensation of increased r
entails increased energy uxes on both cascade levels.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | /10.1038/s41467-020-17276-4 | 5
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sufciently high to affect cellular tness. This estimated cost of
continuous phosphorylation cycle of Fus3 is comparable to the
cost of cellular investment into the biosynthesis of signalling
proteins (Supplementary Note 5), reminiscent of signalling in
bacterial chemotaxis19, and thus, indeed, might be subject to
evolutionary optimization.
Consequently, in our model simulations, we took into
consideration the energy consumed during the signalling process,
GTP at the upper level and ATP at the lower level. Intuitively, in
order to maintain a given pathway output, higher activity of a
negative regulator requires stronger pathway activation by the
pheromone, which increases turnover of GTP and/or ATP.
Induction of a negative feedback regulator already at low levels of
pathway stimulation should result in increased energy consump-
tion over a wide range of pathway activities. This effect is indeed
apparent when varying induction sensitivities of both SST2
(Fig. 4b) and MSG5 (Fig. 4c). However, while the increase in
energy consumption with increased sensitivity is relatively
modest for SST2, it is much more pronounced for MSG5.
To take into account both information transmission and energy
consumption in our simulations, we calculated integrated
information per energy37, or energy efciency, for different
sensitivities of feedback induction:
Efficiency ¼Zθ2
Here, F(θ)is the Fisher information, E(θ)is the energy expenditure
and P(θ)is the probability of the input (Supplementary Notes 1
and 4). This denition is convenient in restricting our energy
calculation to the range of pathway stimulation that contains
information. In contrast to the maximal information transmission
(Fig. 4a), maximal information per energy was obtained at high-
sensitivity SST2 and low-sensitivity MSG5 induction (Fig. 4d and
Supplementary Note 4), which is consistent with our experimental
observations. This nding indicates that the natural design of the
MAPK pathway might be tuned to balance the precision of
information transmission with energy investment needed to
enable high precision. More generally, our analysis suggests that
for signalling cascades that include negative feedbacks acting at
different levels of the cascadea common feature of eukaryotic
signalling38,39induction of downstream-acting regulators
with lower sensitivity than those acting upstream might be
fundamentally benecial from an energetic perspective (Fig. 4e,
see Discussion).
Cycling of MAPK phosphorylation reduces growth tness.
While theoretically deducible, the effect of energy consumption
within the signalling cascade on cellular tness has not been
shown experimentally. Given its small cost in comparison to total
cellular energy consumption, direct measurement of the
phosphorylation-cycle effect on cellular energy turnover would
not be feasible. However, the effect could become measurable
as growth disadvantage under long-term competition with
continuous activity of the phosphorylation cycle. We hence per-
formed such experiment by using two different enzymatically
inactive Fus3 variants, one of which could, however, still be
phosphorylated (Fus3-K42R) while the other could not (Fus3-
KTY) (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 11A)40. Since the back-
ground strain used for our experiments lacks functional Kss1 (see
above), replacement of wild-type Fus3 with these inactive variants
completely abolished transmission of the pheromone signal fur-
ther downstream (Supplementary Fig. 11B, C). Thus comparing
growth of strains expressing either of the two Fus3 variants along
with mNeongreen or mTurquoise to allow their discrimination
enabled us to selectively assess the effect of pheromone-
dependent Fus3 phosphorylation cycle.
To conrm that Fus3-K42R becomes phosphorylated in a
pheromone-dependent manner in vivo40, we identied the
corresponding phosphorylated peptide using mass spectrometry
(Supplementary Fig. 12). Indeed, the degree of phosphorylation
of this peptide was higher in the presence of pheromone
(Supplementary Fig. 12). Moreover, the phosphorylation was
also elevated in the absence of Msg5, suggesting that K42R is
dephosphorylated by Msg5.
When the MAPK pathway activity was stimulated by
pheromone, the relative abundance of strains carrying Fus3-
K42R steadily decreased in the co-culture with Fus3-KTY-
expressing cells (Fig. 5b, see Supplementary Fig. 13 for individual
experiments). The rates of growth divergence were, depending on
growth conditions, between about 0.02 and 0.07 per day (insets in
Fig. 5bd). Assuming a constant doubling time of 100 min, and
thus a growth rate of approximately 10 day1, this translates into
about 0.20.7% growth tness defect of Fus3-K42R- compared to
-KTY-expressing cells in the presence of pheromone. This
decrease did not depend on which of the strains was labelled
with mNeongreen or mTurquoise, conrming that labelling itself
introduced no bias in growth (also apparent in the co-culture of
two differently labelled fus3Δstrains, Fig. 5a). Furthermore, we
performed control experiments to assess whether experimental
results were in line with our interpretation that indeed
phosphorylation cycle of Fus3-K42R was causing the observed
pheromone-dependent growth decit. Under this assumption, we
expected (i) absence of phosphorylation cycle with deletion
of Fus3-phosphorylating kinase Ste7 and thus equal growth of
strains expressing Fus3-K42R and -KTY in the presence of
pheromone and (ii) slow-down of phosphorylation cycle in the
absence of phosphatase Msg5 due to decreased dephosphoryla-
tion rates and thus reduction of growth difference between
Fus3-K42R and -KTY cells compared to competition between
Msg5-expressing cells. We tested both predictions and indeed
could conrm them experimentally (Fig. 5c, d). Taken together,
we hypothesize that pheromone-dependent growth deciency of
cells expressing Fus3-K42R is caused by the energetic burden
of its phosphorylation cycle and, consequently, that energetic cost
of enhanced information transmission was subject to evolu-
tionary selection, shaping the negative feedback design of the
yeast MAPK pathway.
Cells need to reliably respond to the external cues in spite of the
inherent stochasticity of the events involved in sensing and
downstream signalling. This stochastic noise may lead to the
intercellular variability of responses, and single-cell measure-
ments indeed revealed that expression of the same gene can be
highly variable across apparently homogeneous cell popula-
tions3,4. Besides intrinsic stochasticity of individual processes, the
observed variability in gene expression might also have extrinsic
sources, e.g. variable levels of global transcription and translation
Negative feedbacks have been shown to reduce cellular noise
and thus enhance information transmission capacity of sig-
nalling pathways1618. This includes noise suppression through
negative feedback regulation provided by Sst2 within the yeast
pheromone signalling cascade30,32. Furthermore, negative
feedbacks can suppress pathway activity both in the absence
and/or presence of stimulation2. Dependent on the specic
parameters of a signalling pathway, suppression of the basal
activity can lead to enhanced response output range and thus
information transmission2,13.
6NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | https://d | www.nature.c om/naturecommunications
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In general, negative feedback regulation entails dissipation of
energy and energy requirements for accurate information trans-
mission in signalling cascades have been emphasized in several
studies1921,4244. Nevertheless, the trade-off between potentially
conicting optimization of negative feedbacks for energy dis-
sipation and for information transmission remained unexplored.
In this study, we demonstrate that negative feedback mediated by
the phosphatase Msg5 reduces the pathway noise and amplies
the response output range, thus improving the precision of input
estimation and the information transmission capacity of the
signalling cascade, as measured by Fisher and mutual informa-
tion, respectively.
We observed that, whereas Msg5 at a lower level of the cascade
complements the Sst2 negative feedback at the upper level, MSG5
transcription is induced at much higher dose of the input signal
than that of SST2. This seeming correlation between the order of
negative feedback induction and the cascade stage could not be
simply rationalized in the context of information transmission,
since both our simulations and experiments showed that similar
and sensitive induction of both SST2 and MSG5 improves the
information capacity of the cascade. Furthermore, according to
our simulations, information was largely symmetric regarding the
induction order of both feedback regulators, meaning that the
precision of input estimation was virtually the same regardless of
SST2 being induced with higher sensitivity than MSG5 or vice
versa. However, a striking difference between high- and low-
sensitivity induction of MSG5 was observed when energy con-
sumption during signalling was additionally considered in our
mathematical model, with the latter conguration consuming less
energy for achieving the same output. Thus both high-sensitivity
induction of both negative feedbacks as well as a reversed order of
induction are energetically inferior to the observed induction
order. More generally, our analysis indicates that, for signalling
cascades that include negative feedbacks acting at different levels
of the cascade, induction of downstream regulators might be
generally energetically more expensive than those acting more
upstream (Fig. 4e). Notably, we further demonstrate experimen-
tally that futile cycling of Fus3 phosphorylation and depho-
sphorylation indeed can bear measurable tness cost. Thus
dissipation of energy at this step likely resulted in evolutionary
selection for trade-off optimization between information and
energy consumption.
Notably, instead of using the more conventional method of
calculating channel capacity over all possible inputs2, here we
used metrics that enabled us to quantify information at every
input, which was necessary for dening the cost of energy con-
sumption for information transmission at a particular input. We
hence primarily used Fisher information, since it is naturally
Time after mixing (days) Time after mixing (days) Time after mixing (days)
Log (growth divergence
+/– pheromone)
rate (day–1)
wt ste7wt
Divergence rate
KTY vs. K42R (day–1)
Log (growth divergence
+/– pheromone)
Fig. 5 Continuous dephosphorylation/phosphorylation of enzymatically inactive Fus3 lowers competitive growth tness. a Schematic depiction of
employed Fus3 variants. A single amino acid replacement renders Fus3-K42R and -KTY enzymatically inactive and thus incapable of transmitting the
signal. Fus3-KTY additionally carries amino acid replacements at both phosphorylation sites. bFitness cost of phosphorylation cycle, monitored over time
as the ratio between mNeongreen (Ng)- and mTurquoise (Tq)-expressing cells grown in a co-culture in the presence of pheromone (20 nM), normalized
to the corresponding ratio in absence of pheromone. Different colours depict co-cultures of competing strains that carry different fus3 alleles and
uorescent markers: fus3Δ+Ng vs. fus3Δ+Tq (black), fus3-K42R+Ng vs. fus3-KTY+Tq (green) and fus3-KTY+Ng vs. fus3-K42R+Tq (blue). For each pair,
four co-cultures per genotype with independent transformants were tested. Co-cultures were grown for several days with re-inoculation twice a day and
ow cytometric measurements once a day to determine ratios of Ng- to Tq-expressing cells. Combinations of fus3-K42R- and -KTY-expressing cells were
analysed in two independent experiments (depicted by different symbols), while control of fus3Δvs. fus3Δwas analysed in one experiment. Lines are linear
ts for individual co-cultures. Slopes derived from these ts quantify the rate of divergence of Ng/Tq ratios between co-cultures grown in the presence and
absence of pheromone (Inset). Centres and boundaries of boxes in the Inset depict means +/s.d.; colouring for different co-cultures is according to the
main plot. In pairwise comparisons using two-sided ttest, pvalue was 7.08e5 with 95% condence interval (CI) ranging from 0.0169 to 0.0338 for
fus3Δ-fus3Δ(black, n=4 biologically independent samples) against K42R-KTY co-cultures (green, n=4 biologically independent samples examined over 2
independent experiments) and pvalue was 9.0e4 with CI from 0.0287 to 0.0105 for fus3Δ-fus3Δ(black) against KTY-K42R co-cultures (blue, n=4
biologically independent samples examined over 2 independent experiments). cFitness of mutants with reduced dephosphorylation rate (msg5Δ, left) or
abolished phosphorylation (ste7Δ, right) compared to wild type. Wild-type pairs (wt, symbols and colours as in b, dashed lines for linear ts) in co-cultures
were same as in b. Each of those strains was subjected to gene deletion and the resulting deletion strains (one and two clones per parental strain for msg5Δ
and ste7Δ, respectively) were grown in co-cultures (diamond symbols, solid lines for linear ts) in a competition experiment alongside parental/wild-type
co-cultures. Insets show divergences of ratios between fus3-KTY- and -K42R-expressing cells between co-cultures grown in the presence or absence of
pheromone, as derived from the slopes of linear ts shown in the main gures. Centres and boundaries of boxes in the inset depict means +/s.d. In
pairwise comparisons with two-sided ttest, pvalue was 4.62e5 with CI from 0.0198 to 0.0429 for wild type (n=8 biologically independent samples)
against msg5Δ(n=8 biologically independent samples) co-cultures and pvalue was 4.32e12 with CI from 0.0445 to 0.0577 for wild type against ste7Δ
(n=16 biologically independent samples) co-cultures. To increase throughput, co-cultures were grown here in 96-well plates without shaking, which might
explain slightly higher absolute divergence rates in these experiments compared to bwhere co-cultures were grown in 24-well plates with shaking.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | /10.1038/s41467-020-17276-4 | 7
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dened for a particular input. Nevertheless, we also calculated
local mutual information as done previously14, thus allowing us
to conrm that both information metrics give qualitatively similar
Here, our analyses focused on Msg5 and, to a lesser extent, on
Sst2, the two major negative transcriptional feedback regulators in
the pheromone signalling pathway. Although Dig1, an inhibitor
of Ste12, has been previously reported to suppress noise in basal
pathway activity45, we observed no pheromone-dependent tran-
scriptional induction of DIG1 and thus did not consider it as a
bona de negative transcriptional feedback. And, while closely
related regulator Dig2 was indeed transcriptionally induced at
high levels of pheromone stimulation, its exact role in the path-
way regulation remains unclear.
Taken together, our analysis provides evidence that evolu-
tionary selection on signalling networks not only maximizes
precision of information transmission but also minimizes the
corresponding energy investment. Such trade-offs between mul-
tiple (conicting) objectives may be the fundamental principle in
many biological system designs46. Although individual details of
the cost-accuracy trade-off will likely depend on the importance
of signalling accuracy for tness in a specic system, this trade-off
is likely to play a major role in the evolution of signalling and thus
to shape the architecture of cellular signalling networks.
Strains and growth conditions.S. cerevisiae strains used in this study are of
mating type MATaand derivatives of SEY6210a (MATaleu2-3,112 ura3-52
his3Δ200 trp1Δ901 lys2-801 suc2Δ9). Notably, this strain caries loss-of-function
mutations in the kss1 gene (our unpublished data), allowing us to exclusively
analyse the major, Fus3-mediated signalling branch of the pheromone pathway.
Generally, strains used for quantitatively measuring responses to α-pheromone
were deleted for α-pheromone-protease gene BAR1 and α-pheromone genes MFα1
and MFα2. All strains are listed in Supplementary Table 1.
Generally, the synthetic dened media (SD or LoFlo-SD) for growing yeast in
liquid were composed of yeast nitrogen base (YNB, Formedium) or low-
uorescence YNB (LoFlo-YNB, Formedium) with complete supplement mix
(Formedium) and 2% glucose. Routinely, cells in liquid media were incubated
overnight in an orbital shaker at 200 rpm, diluted 1:50 to 1:100 into fresh media the
following morning and grown to mid-exponential phase prior to starting the
For RNA sequencing experiments, strain yAA95 was grown in 500 ml SD at
30 °C. At mid-exponential phase (OD
approximately 0.5), pheromone
stimulation was initiated by transferring aliquots of the suspension into separate
asks with prepared stock solutions of synthetic α-pheromone (Sigma). After
incubation for 60 min, cells were harvested by transferring 5 ml of suspension into
15-ml tubes containing 5 ml ice and mixed to immediately cool down the
suspension. Further steps were carried out on ice or at 4 °C. After centrifugation
and removal of supernatant, cell pellets were re-suspended in ice-cold water and
transferred to 2-ml Eppendorf tubes. After another centrifugation step, the
supernatant was carefully removed, and the cell pellets were stored at 20 °C until
further processing. For the time-course experiments, the harvesting procedure was
repeated at different time points.
For microscopic experiments, cells were grown in LoFlo-SD with 2 µM casein at
25 °C. Where applied, doxycycline was already present during overnight growth
and was kept at the same concentrations for day cultures and during microscopy.
Note that addition of casein results in higher apparent sensitivities of cell responses
to pheromone likely due to prevention of pheromone adsorption to surfaces47.
Thus absolute sensitivities reported here are higher for microscopy compared to
RNA sequencing experiments.
For growth-competition experiments, growth media were composed of LoFlo-
SD (experiment 2 in Supplementary Fig. 13) or SD (all other experiments) with
2 µM casein and supplemented with 20 µg/ml doxycycline and/or 20 nM α-
pheromone where applicable. Cells were grown in 24-well plates (Greiner Bio-One)
in 1 ml medium at 30 °C with shaking at 200rpm and diluted twice a day (in the
morning and evening) 1:50 into fresh medium of the same composition. For
higher-throughput experiments with wild type and deletion strains (Fig. 5c), cells
were grown in 96-well plates (Greiner Bio-One) in 250 µl medium at 30 °C without
shaking. Again, cells were diluted twice a day 1:50 into fresh medium.
Fluorescence time-lapse microscopy and analysis. The microscopic assay48 is
illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 14. Briey, images were acquired on a wide-eld
uorescence microscope (Nikon Ti-E) equipped with a solid-state white-light light-
emitting diode source (Sola SE-II), a motorized stage, a ×40 dry objective (Nikon
Plan Apo ×40 Lambda, 0.95 N/A), a sCMOS camera (Andor Zyla) and an incu-
bator with heater controller (Digital Pixel). The green uorescent protein (GFP)
signal was acquired using a 470/40 nm excitation lter and a 525/50 nm emission
lter, and the mCherry signal was acquired with 575/25 nm and 647/57 nm,
respectively. Cell suspensions were transferred to a 96-well glass-bottom plate
(Greiner Bio-One) coated with type-IV Concanavalin A (Sigma-Aldrich), and
addition of α-pheromone stock solutions was performed after allowing cells to
settle down for approximately 30 min. Image acquisition was started immediately
after addition of pheromone and repeated periodically at dened time intervals
over the course of several hours at 25 °C.
Single-cell median values of uorescence intensities were extracted from the
images with the freely available software CellProler version 249 by performing cell
segmentation on the bright-eld images and using the dened masks for measuring
intensities in the corresponding uorescence images. Raw data extracted by
CellProler were further processed using the statistical software R version 350.
Upper and lower three percentiles per eld of view and time point in either
uorescence channel were routinely removed from further analysis. Fluorescence
intensities of GFP-only and mCherry-only expressing strains were used to correct
uorescence intensities of single cells for autouorescence and bleed-through
between the uorescence channels. The corrected values were used for further
analysis. The nal number of analysed cells per well and time point was between
300 and 4000. Original images and tables containing single cell data are available
on request.
Flow cytometric measurements. Cell suspensions were injected from a 96-well
plate (Greiner Bio-One) with a high-throughput sampler into an LSR Fortessa
Special Order ow cytometer (BD Biosciences). Fluorescence was measured with
lasers of different wavelengths: 488 nm for GFP, 447 nm for mTurquoise (Tq),
561 nm for mCherry, and 514 nm for mNeongreen (Ng). Using the BD FACS
DIVA software (BD Biosciences), cells were gated in a FSC-A/SSC-A plot to
exclude debris. Ten thousand cells from within the gate were acquired per sample.
For growth-competition experiments, cells were gated in a Ng/Tq plot to determine
the relative amounts of Ng- and Tq-expressing cells in the co-culture.
RNA preparation and sequencing. Frozen cell pellets were re-suspended in 500 µl
ProtK buffer (100 mM Tris/Cl pH 7.9, 150 mM NaCl, 25 mM EDTA, 1% sodium
dodecyl sulfate) with freshly added 100 µg/ml Proteinase K (ThermoFisher). Five
hundred microlitres of glass beads were added, and cells were disrupted by strong
vortexing for 5 min. The resulting lysateglass bead mixture was incubated for
60 min at 37 °C. The RNA was isolated by 25:24:1 aqua-phenol:chloroform:isoamyl
alcohol (Carl Roth) extraction followed by a chloroform extraction and precipitated
with ethanol. The RNA pellet was washed once with 75% ethanol, re-suspended in
water and treated with RNase-free DNaseI (Roche Life Science) according to the
manufacturers protocol. After another precipitation/wash step, the RNA was
dissolved in nuclease-free water and analysed for integrity on a formaldehyde/
agarose gel. The RNA was depleted of ribosomal RNAs with the Ribo-Zero Gold
rRNA Removal Kit (Illumina) and reverse-transcribed with random hexamers at
the deep-sequencing facility at BioQuant, Heidelberg. Sequencing was performed at
the GeneCore facility at EMBL Heidelberg, with 50 bp read length, single-end re ads
and 9 samples per lane, by Illumina (Solexa) sequencing.
Analysis of RNA sequencing data. Sequence reads were mapped onto the yeast
genome (ensemble S. cerevisiae genome) with Bowtie 251. The resulting strand-
specic read densities were used to calculate the RPKM (reads per kilobase of
transcript, per million mapped reads) values for all annotated genes (ensemble S.
cerevisiae genome). A threshold of twofold higher (lower) expression than in the
non-pheromone-treated sample was used for designating genes as being induced
(repressed) genes. The doseresponse curves were generated from the RPKM
values at different pheromone concentrations, and EC
values were determined by
tting the doseresponse curves using a sigmoidal function.
Calculation of noise and information. Time-lapse single-cell measurements of the
-GFP reporter were used to calculate the CV, used as a measure of the total
noise of gene expression. The accuracy of signal transduction was determined using
Fisher information, which was calculated by smoothing the dose dependence of the
response and of standard deviation with a spline interpolation in order to obtain
the derivatives of the log-likelihood function at different inputs. The distribution of
the outputs at each input was assumed to be normal to numerically calculate the
integral for taking average of the derivatives over the distribution function (Sup-
plementary Note 1). Information transmission was further quantied by calcu-
lating mutual information at every input by taking a sliding window of three
inputs. Mutual information within this window was estimated by binning the
distribution of the output values in 20 bins to calculate the conditional and
unconditional entropy (Supplementary Note 1). Numerical integration for the
Fisher information and the entropy calculation for the mutual information were
carried out using the Package entropy and the spline function in R software.
Mathematical model of the pheromone response pathway. We considered a
two-step phosphorylation cascade model of the pathway (Supplementary Fig. 6A),
8NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2020) 11:3494 | https://d | www.nature.c om/naturecommunications
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where the receptor Ste2 activates kinase Fus3 and the activated Fus3 further
induces the activity of the transcription factor Ste12, which in turn stimulates the
transcription of the FUS1 gene. The system is modelled as a set of ordinary dif-
ferential equations (ODEs; Supplementary Note 2)32,39,52,53, and noise is intro-
duced by randomly selecting production rates as well as initial concentrations of
the pathway components from a log-normal distribution of values. The simulations
were performed by solving the ODEs using CVode54 interfaced with MATLAB in a
population of 500 cells for 1000 s. By default, simulations covered a pheromone-
concentration range of 314-fold with serial 3-fold increases, usually starting with
104nM and leading up to approximately 480 nM. Noise, Fisher information and
mutual information were calculated from the simulated data following the same
methods as in the case of the experimental data (see above). We considered that
energy is consumed in signal transduction at two levels: at the receptor level in the
process of GTP hydrolysis during inactivation of the receptor by Sst2 as well as in
the two-stage phosphorylation reactions (Supplementary Note 2). Simulations with
different feedback strengths were carried out by varying the parameters quantifying
binding strengths of active activator Ste12 (Ste12-P) to the respective promoters.
Reporting summary. Further information on research design is available in
the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
RNA sequencing data have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
database under accession code GSE151729. Further data supporting the ndings of this
study, including raw images, tables with single-cell data and ow cytometric data, are
available upon request from the corresponding authors.
Code availability
The code for simulations is available on request from the corresponding authors. Custom
scripts for CellProler, MATLAB and R used for the analysis of data are likewise
available upon request.
Received: 20 March 2019; Accepted: 22 June 2020;
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We thank Pieter Rein ten Wolde, Giulia Malaguti and Sean Murray for insightful
comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by grant 294761-MicRobE from
the European Research Council.
Author contributions
A.A., B.G. and V.S. conceived experiments; A.A. performed experiments; B.G. and A.A.
analysed the data; B.G. performed computational modelling; T.G. performed mass
spectrometric experiments; B.G., A.A. and V.S. wrote the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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... Thus, accurate estimation of the environmental signal is crucial for the cell to avoid such undesirable outcomes. However, it is also generally established that improving accuracy in input estimation will in turn impose extra burden by enhancing energy dissipation [3,24,29,44]. In fact, the general principle of thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) postulates the need for higher entropy production to improve accuracy by reducing fluctuation in the current in a random walk scenario [17]. ...
... In fact, the studies also reinforce the fact that the memory storage through the negative feedback imposed extra energetic cost and cell anchors the feedback loop in order to optimize the energy-accuracy trade-off in scenarios of energy budget constraints [24]. The requirement for optimal resource allocation due to the energy-accuracy trade-off in signaling systems is emerging as a crucial design principle for biological signaling systems in multiple studies [10,3,38,18,39]. Thus, it should be kept in mind that memory operations would not be attained without an extra resource burden. ...
... The accuracy [29,3] is the fisher information with respect to the input α and if we assume that total number of the sensing molecule X T is large (Supplementary information), it can be shown to be given by , ...
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Biological systems in general operates out of equilibrium which demands the requirement for constant supply of energy due to nonequilibrium entropy production. The thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) essentially imposes a bound on minimum current fluctuation the system can have given a entropy production rate. The fluctuation eventually impacts the signal to noise ratio imposing an upper bound on information transmission accuracy. In this study, we explored the role of TUR on the information transmission capacity of a set of cellular signaling systems using a coupled mathematical and machine learning approaches to experimental data in yeast under several stress conditions. Cell signaling systems are involved in sensing the changes in environment by activating a set of transcription factors which typically diffuse inside the nucleus to trigger transcription of the required genes. However, the inherent stochasticity of the biochemical pathways associated with signaling processes severely limits the accuracy of estimating the environmental input by the transcription factors. Application of TUR reveals a general picture about the working principle of the transcription factors. We found that the the activation followed by biased diffusion of transcription factors (TF) towards the nucleus triggers entropy production which amplifies magnitude of the overall TF currents towards the nucleus as well as reduces the fluctuations. These outcomes significantly improve the accuracy of information transmission carried out by the transcription factors following the bound imposed by TUR. Thus, experimental observations coupled with TUR based theoretical models demonstrate the role of thermodynamic fluctuation and entropy production on cellular information processing.
... Fus3, the major MAPK of the mating pathway, induces cell-cycle arrest, matingspecific changes in cell morphology by expression of mating genes including genes that encode components or regulators of the MAPK cascade 20 . Previous studies demonstrated that the pheromone pathway transmits information with high precision, as exemplified by a linear relationship between receptor occupancy and downstream responses 21 ("dose-response alignment") and by a uniform morphological transition of cell population into a mating-competent state ("shmooing") at a critical pheromone concentration 12,22,23 . Such uniformity in the output implies existence of, likely multiple, mechanisms to improve precision of information transmission within the pathway like noise reduction 24 . ...
... For practical purposes h is chosen in the order of 10−5 while obtaining the simulated dose-response curve. By substituting the result of Equation 15 in Equation 12 we obtain the accuracy for each dose. ...
... Consideration of only information transmission does not fully explain low values of activation/deactivation rates. Although the fraction of energy investment in the signaling cycle is small, previous experiments have demonstrated that this small amount of cost can have significant consequences for growth of single Optimization of Information Transmission through Noisy Biochemical Pathway cell organisms in evolutionary time scales 12,36 . The role of energetic cost in cellular signaling systems has been implicated in previous studies 12, 36-38. ...
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Living organisms are required to sense the environment accurately in order to ensure appropriate responses. The accuracy of estimating the environmental input is severely limited by noise stemming from inherent stochasticity of the chemical reactions involved in signaling pathways. Cells employ multiple strategies to improve the accuracy by tuning the reaction rates, for instance amplifying the response, reducing the noise etc.. However, the pathway also consumes energy through incorporating ATP in phosphorylating key signaling proteins involved in the reaction pathways. In many instances, improvements in accuracy elicit extra energetic cost. For example, higher deactivation rate suppresses the basal pathway activity effectively amplifying the dynamic range of the response which leads to improvement in accuracy. Higher deactivation rate also enhances the energy dissipation rate. Here, we employed a theoretical approach based on thermodynamics of information to explore the role of accuracy and energetic cost in the performance of a Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase signaling system. Our study shows that the accuracy-energy trade-off can explain the optimality of the reaction rates of the reaction pathways rather than accuracy alone. Our analysis elucidates the role of interplay between accuracy and energetic cost in evolutionary shaping of the parameter space of signaling pathways.
... Fus3, the major MAPK of the mating pathway, induces cell-cycle arrest, mating-specific changes in cell morphology by expression of mating genes including genes that encode components or regulators of the MAPK cascade 20 . Previous studies demonstrated that the pheromone pathway transmits information with high precision, as exemplified by a linear relationship between receptor occupancy and downstream responses 21 ("dose-response alignment") and by a uniform morphological transition of cell population into a mating-competent state ("shmooing") at a critical pheromone concentration 12,22,23 . Such uniformity in the output implies existence of, likely multiple, mechanisms to improve precision of information transmission within the pathway like noise reduction 24 . ...
... The phosphorylated Fus3 finally activates the transcription of a set of mating specific genes and FUS1 is one of the genes which is used as a reporter for the pathway activity. To estimate the parameter values of the simple model, we utilized a previously published experimental data set 12 . In this experiment, the pathway activity at the single cell level was measured through a GFP tagged FUS1 promoter using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. ...
... Consideration of only information transmission does not fully explain low values of activation/deactivation rates. Although, the fraction of energy investment in the signaling cycle is small, previous experiment has demonstrated that this small amount of cost can have significant consequences for growth of single cell organisms in evolutionary time scales 12,26 . The role of energetic cost in cellular signaling systems has been implicated in previous studies 12, [26][27][28] . ...
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Living organisms are required to sense the environment accurately in order to ensure appropriate responses. The accuracy of estimating the environmental input is severely limited by noise stemming from inherent stochasticity of the chemical reactions involved in signaling pathways. Cells employ multiple strategies to improve the accuracy by tuning the reaction rates, for instance amplifying the response, reducing the noise etc.. However, the pathway also consumes energy through incorporating ATP in phosphorylating key signaling proteins involved in the reaction pathways. In many instances, improvements in accuracy elicit extra energetic cost. For example, higher deactivation rate suppresses the basal pathway activity effectively amplifying the dynamic range of the response which leads to improvement in accuracy. Higher deactivation rate also enhances the energy dissipation rate. Here, we employed a theoretical approach based on thermodynamics of information to explore the role of accuracy and energetic cost in the performance of a Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase signaling system. Our study shows that the accuracy-energy trade-off can explain the optimality of the reaction rates of the reaction pathways rather than accuracy alone. Our analysis elucidates the role of interplay between accuracy and energetic cost in evolutionary shaping of the parameter space of signaling pathways.
... In the transmission of open electronic information, information intercommunication is a prerequisite for realizing different business applications [1][2][3]. Due to the limitation of the environment of electronic information communication transmission, the objects of current electronic information exchange and the means of communication are relatively single [4][5]. ...
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With the rapid development of the economy and society, information has become an essential social resource and creates wealth continuously. However, open electronic information can be easily lost during transmission control. In this paper, the state of the information network is determined through a series of indexes based on the GABP neural algorithm. At the same time, the rate of information transmission is adjusted based on the state of the information network through self-adaptation, and the integrity of information transmission is controlled by the genetic particle swarm algorithm. Based on reasonable control of the integrity of information transmission, the research on the automatic control technology of open electronic information transmission integrity is accomplished under the condition that the bandwidth and response delay indexes are meeting. The study results indicate that the neural algorithm based on the GABP network can automatically control the electronic information transmission integrity and improve the reliability of information transmission effectively.
... In addition to the exchange of matter, cells also carefully orchestrate flows of information, by tying their internal chemical state to changes in the environment [2]. Typical examples include the chemotaxis network of E. coli, where information about chemoattractant gradient is detected by receptors at the cell surface and transduced to the motors driving the flagella [3], and MAPK signaling pathways in yeast, where information propagates through phosphorylation in a cascade of signaling molecules before affecting gene expression [4]. Chemical modifications at the heart of these pathways consume ATP and are thus intrinsically kept far from equilibrium. ...
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Models of transcriptional regulation that assume equilibrium binding of transcription factors have been very successful at predicting gene expression from sequence in bacteria. However, analogous equilibrium models do not perform as well in eukaryotes, most likely due to the largely out-of-equilibrium nature of eukaryotic regulatory processes. These processes come with unavoidable energy expenditure at the molecular level to support precise, reliable, or fast gene expression responses that could correspond to evolutionarily optimized regulatory strategies. Unfortunately, the space of possible non-equilibrium mechanisms is vast and predominantly uninteresting. The key question is therefore how this space can be navigated efficiently, to focus on mechanisms and models that are biologically relevant. In this review, we advocate for the normative role of theory - theory that prescribes rather than just describes - in providing such a focus. Theory should expand its remit beyond inferring models from data (by fitting), towards identifying non-equilibrium gene regulatory schemes (by optimizing) that may have been evolutionarily selected due to their favorable functional characteristics which outperform regulation at equilibrium. This approach can help us navigate the expanding complexity of regulatory architectures, and refocus the questions about the observed biological mechanisms from how they work towards why they have evolved in the first place. We illustrate our reasoning by toy examples for which we provide simulation code.
Cellular responses to pheromone in yeast can range from gene expression to morphological and physiological changes. While signaling pathways are well studied, the cell fate decision-making during cellular polar growth is still unclear. Quantifying these cellular behaviors and revealing the underlying physical mechanism remain a significant challenge. Here, we employed a hidden Markov chain model to quantify the dynamics of cellular morphological systems based on our experimentally observed time series. The resulting statistics generated a stability landscape for state attractors. By quantifying rotational fluxes as the non-equilibrium driving force that tends to disrupt the current attractor state, the dynamical origin of non-equilibrium phase transition from four cell morphological fates to a single dominant fate was identified. We revealed that higher chemical voltage differences induced by a high dose of pheromone resulted in higher chemical currents, which will trigger a greater net input and, thus, more degrees of the detailed balance breaking. By quantifying the thermodynamic cost of maintaining morphological state stability, we demonstrated that the flux-related entropy production rate provides a thermodynamic origin for the phase transition in non-equilibrium morphologies. Furthermore, we confirmed that the time irreversibility in time series provides a practical way to predict the non-equilibrium phase transition.
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Cell-cycle arrest and polarized growth are commonly used to characterize the response of yeast to pheromone. However, the quantitative decision-making processes underlying time-dependent changes in cell fate remain unclear. In this study, we conducted single-cell level experiments to observe multidimensional responses, uncovering diverse fates of yeast cells. Multiple states are revealed, along with the kinetic switching rates and pathways among them, giving rise to a quantitative landscape of mating response. To quantify the experimentally observed cell fates, we developed a theoretical framework based on non-equilibrium landscape and flux theory. Additionally, we performed stochastic simulations of biochemical reactions to elucidate signal transduction and cell growth. Notably, our experimental findings have provided the first global quantitative evidence of the real-time synchronization between intracellular signaling, physiological growth, and morphological functions. These results validate the proposed underlying mechanism governing the emergence of multiple cell fate states. This study introduces an emerging mechanistic approach to understand non-equilibrium cell fate decision-making in response to pheromone.
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Models of transcriptional regulation that assume equilibrium binding of transcription factors have been less successful at predicting gene expression from sequence in eukaryotes than in bacteria. This could be due to the non-equilibrium nature of eukaryotic regulation. Unfortunately, the space of possible non-equilibrium mechanisms is vast and predominantly uninteresting. The key question is therefore how this space can be navigated efficiently, to focus on mechanisms and models that are biologically relevant. In this review, we advocate for the normative role of theory – theory that prescribes rather than just describes – in providing such a focus. Theory should expand its remit beyond inferring mechanistic models from data, towards identifying non-equilibrium gene regulatory schemes that may have been evolutionarily selected, despite their energy consumption, because they are precise, reliable, fast, or otherwise outperform regulation at equilibrium. We illustrate our reasoning by toy examples for which we provide simulation code.
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Organisms acquire and use information from their environment to guide their behaviour. However, it is unclear whether this information quantitatively limits their performance at behavioural tasks. Here we relate information to the ability of Escherichia coli to navigate up chemical gradients, the behaviour known as chemotaxis. First, we derive a theoretical limit on the speed with which cells climb gradients, given the rate at which they acquire information. Next, we measure cells’ gradient-climbing speeds and the rate of information acquisition by their chemotaxis signalling pathway. We find that E. coli cells make behavioural decisions with much less than the one bit required to determine whether they are swimming up the gradient. Some of this information is irrelevant to gradient climbing, and some is lost in communication to behaviour. Despite these limitations, E. coli cells climb gradients at speeds within a factor of two of the theoretical bound. Thus, information can limit the performance of an organism, and sensory–motor pathways may have evolved to efficiently use information acquired from the environment.
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Living cells use readout molecules to record the state of receptor proteins, similar to measurements or copies in typical computational devices. But is this analogy rigorous? Can cells be optimally efficient, and if not, why? We show that, as in computation, a canonical biochemical readout network generates correlations; extracting no work from these correlations sets a lower bound on dissipation. For general input, the biochemical network cannot reach this bound, even with arbitrarily slow reactions or weak thermodynamic driving. It faces an accuracy-dissipation trade-off that is qualitatively distinct from and worse than implied by the bound, and more complex steady-state copy processes cannot perform better. Nonetheless, the cost remains close to the thermodynamic bound unless accuracy is extremely high. Additionally, we show that biomolecular reactions could be used in thermodynamically optimal devices under exogenous manipulation of chemical fuels, suggesting an experimental system for testing computational thermodynamics.
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Animals are known to adjust their sexual behaviour depending on mate competition. Here we report similar regulation for mating behaviour in a sexual unicellular eukaryote, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate that pheromone-based communication between the two mating types, coupled to input attenuation by recipient cells, enables yeast to robustly monitor relative mate abundance (sex ratio) within a mixed population and to adjust their commitment to sexual reproduction in proportion to their estimated chances of successful mating. The mechanism of sex-ratio sensing relies on the diffusible peptidase Bar1, which is known to degrade the pheromone signal produced by mating partners. We further show that such a response to sexual competition within a population can optimize the fitness trade-off between the costs and benefits of mating response induction. Our study thus provides an adaptive explanation for the known molecular mechanism of pheromone degradation in yeast.
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Neural responses are known to be variable. In order to understand how this neural variability constrains behavioral performance, we need to be able to measure the reliability with which a sensory stimulus is encoded in a given population. However, such measures are challenging for two reasons: First, they must take into account noise correlations which can have a large influence on reliability. Second, they need to be as efficient as possible, since the number of trials available in a set of neural recording is usually limited by experimental constraints. Traditionally, cross-validated decoding has been used as a reliability measure, but it only provides a lower bound on reliability and underestimates reliability substantially in small datasets. We show that, if the number of trials per condition is larger than the number of neurons, there is an alternative, direct estimate of reliability which consistently leads to smaller errors and is much faster to compute. The superior performance of the direct estimator is evident both for simulated data and for neuronal population recordings from macaque primary visual cortex. Furthermore we propose generalizations of the direct estimator which measure changes in stimulus encoding across conditions and the impact of correlations on encoding and decoding, typically denoted by Ishuffle and Idiag respectively.
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By its very nature, the second law of thermodynamics is probabilistic, in that its formulation requires a probabilistic description of the state of a system. This raises questions about the objectivity of the second law: does it depend, for example, on what we know about the system? For over a century, much effort has been devoted to incorporating information into thermodynamics and assessing the entropic and energetic costs of manipulating information. More recently, this historically theoretical pursuit has become relevant in practical situations where information is manipulated at small scales, such as in molecular and cell biology, artificial nano-devices or quantum computation. Here we give an introduction to a novel theoretical framework for the thermodynamics of information based on stochastic thermodynamics and fluctuation theorems, review some recent experimental results, and present an overview of the state of the art in the field.
Gene expression noise arises from stochastic variation in the synthesis and degradation of mRNA and protein molecules and creates differences in protein numbers across populations of genetically identical cells. Such variability can lead to imprecision and reduced performance of both native and synthetic networks. In principle, gene expression noise can be controlled through the rates of transcription, translation and degradation, such that different combinations of those rates lead to the same protein concentrations but at different noise levels. Here, we present a “noise tuner” which allows orthogonal control over the transcription and the mRNA degradation rates by two different inducer molecules. Combining experiments with theoretical analysis, we show that in this system the noise is largely determined by the transcription rate whereas the mean expression is determined by both, the transcription rate and mRNA stability and can thus be decoupled from the noise. This noise tuner enables twofold changes in gene expression noise over a fivefold range of mean protein levels. We demonstrated the efficacy of the noise tuner in a complex regulatory network by varying gene expression noise in the mating pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which allowed us to control the output noise and the mutual information transduced through the pathway. The noise tuner thus represents an effective tool of gene expression noise control, both to interrogate noise sensitivity of natural networks and enhance performance of synthetic circuits.
Gene expression is a stochastic, or "noisy," process. This noise comes about in two ways. The inherent stochasticity of biochemical processes such as transcription and translation generates "intrinsic" noise. In addition, fluctuations in the amounts or states of other cellular components lead indirectly to variation in the expression of a particular gene and thus represent "extrinsic" noise. Here, we show how the total variation in the level of expression of a given gene can be decomposed into its intrinsic and extrinsic components. We demonstrate theoretically that simultaneous measurement of two identical genes per cell enables discrimination of these two types of noise. Analytic expressions for intrinsic noise are given for a model that involves all the major steps in transcription and translation. These expressions give the sensitivity to various parameters, quantify the deviation from Poisson statistics, and provide a way of fitting experiment. Transcription dominates the intrinsic noise when the average number of proteins made per mRNA transcript is greater than similar or equal to 2. Below this number, translational effects also become important. Gene replication and cell division, included in the model, cause protein numbers to tend to a limit cycle. We calculate a general form for the extrinsic noise and illustrate it with the particular case of a single fluctuating extrinsic variable-a repressor protein, which acts on the gene of interest. All results are confirmed by stochastic simulation using plausible parameters for Escherichia coli.
Stochasticity inherent to biochemical reactions (intrinsic noise) and variability in cellular states (extrinsic noise) degrade information transmitted through signaling networks. We analyzed the ability of temporal signal modulation--that is, dynamics--to reduce noise-induced information loss. In the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), calcium (Ca(2+)), and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) pathways, response dynamics resulted in significantly greater information transmission capacities compared to nondynamic responses. Theoretical analysis demonstrated that signaling dynamics has a key role in overcoming extrinsic noise. Experimental measurements of information transmission in the ERK network under varying signal-to-noise levels confirmed our predictions and showed that signaling dynamics mitigate, and can potentially eliminate, extrinsic noise-induced information loss. By curbing the information-degrading effects of cell-to-cell variability, dynamic responses substantially increase the accuracy of biochemical signaling networks. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Significance Cells continually have to sense their environments to make decisions—to stay put or move, to differentiate or proliferate, or even to live or die. However, they are thwarted by noise at the cellular scale. Cells use signaling networks to filter this noise as much as possible and sense accurately. To operate these networks, resources are required: time, protein copies, and energy. We present a theory for the optimal design of cellular sensing systems that maximize sensing precision given these resources. It reveals a new design principle, namely that of optimal resource allocation. It describes how these resources must be allocated so that none are wasted. We show that the chemotaxis network of Escherichia coli obeys this principle.