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Explaining grammatical coding asymmetries: Form-frequency correspondences and predictability



This paper claims that a wide variety of grammatical coding asymmetries can be explained as adaptations to the language users' needs, in terms of frequency of use, predictability and coding efficiency. I claim that all grammatical oppositions involving a minimal meaning difference and a significant frequency difference are reflected in a universal coding asymmetry, i.e. a cross-linguistic pattern in which the less frequent member of the opposition gets special coding, unless the coding is uniformly explicit or uniformly zero. I give 25 examples of pairs of construction types, from a substantial range of grammatical domains. For some of them, the existing evidence from the world's languages and from corpus counts is already strong, while for others, I know of no counterevidence and I make readily testable claims. I also discuss how the functional-adaptive forces operate in language change, and I discuss a number of possible alternative explanations.
J. Linguistics (2021), 129. © The Author(s), 2020.
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Explaining grammatical coding asymmetries:
Formfrequency correspondences and predictability
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Leipzig University
(Received 21 December 2019; revised 17 July 2020)
This paper claims that a wide variety of grammatical coding asymmetries can be explained as
adaptations to the language usersneeds, in terms of frequency of use, predictability and
coding eciency. I claim that all grammatical oppositions involving a minimal meaning
dierence and a signicant frequency dierence are reected in a universal coding asym-
metry, i.e. a cross-linguistic pattern in which the less frequent member of the opposition gets
special coding, unless the coding is uniformly explicit or uniformly zero. I give 25 examples
of pairs of construction types, from a substantial range of grammatical domains. For some of
them, the existing evidence from the worlds languages and from corpus counts is already
strong, while for others, I know of no counterevidence and I make readily testable claims. I
also discuss how the functional-adaptive forces operate in language change, and I discuss a
number of possible alternative explanations.
KEYWORDS: asymmetric coding, markedness, morphological universals, predictability,
token frequency
In this paper, I formulate an explanation of universal grammatical coding asymme-
tries in terms of predictability and eciency of coding. I claim that many of the
widespread and systematic coding patterns that we nd in the worlds languages are
due to well-understood functional-adaptive forces, and that there is no need to resort
to markednessor other poorly understood or idiosyncratic mechanisms.
By grammatical coding asymmetries, I mean minimal grammatical oppositions
such as those in Table 1, where one member is typically zero-coded (or shorter),
[1] The support of the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 670985, Grammatical
Universals) is gratefully acknowledged. I also thank the editors and several reviewers, both for
Glossa and the Journal of Linguistics, as well as my colleagues in the ERC project group
(especially Katarzyna Janic, Natalia Levshina, Susanne Maria Michaelis, Karsten Schmidtke-
Bode, Ilja Seržant), for help of various kinds.
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while the other member has an overt coding element or contains more segments.
The table shows only a single example for each opposition type, but the claim is that
all these asymmetries are universal tendencies in the worlds languages. The tables
last column indicates which section of the present article deals with a given
The basic observation is that the zero-coded (or shorter) member of such an
opposition is generally more frequent in language use. For example, singular nouns
are more frequent than plural nouns, and present-tense forms are more frequent than
future-tense forms. This can be related to the general observation in (1).
(1) The formfrequency correspondence universal
Languages tend to have shorter forms for more frequent meanings.
This is an old insight which is uncontroversial for word length (e.g. Zipf 1935:
23), but my claim here is that it is also generally valid for grammatical patterns, as
formulated in (2) (which is just a special instance of (1)). The idea of form
frequency correspondences in grammar can be traced back to Greenberg (1966)
(see also Croft 2003: Chapter 4; Hawkins 2004: Section 3.2.2; Haspelmath 2008a,
b; Diessel 2019: Chapter 11).
(2) The grammatical formfrequency correspondence hypothesis
When two grammatical construction types that dier minimally (i.e. that form
a semantic opposition) occur with signicantly dierent frequencies, the less
frequent construction tends to be overtly coded (or coded with more
segments), while the more frequent construction tends to be zero-coded
(or coded with fewer segments), if the coding is asymmetric.
Since the coding asymmetries illustrated in Table 1 are strong universal tendencies
(sometimes even exceptionless), there must be a highly general explanatory factor.
I claim (in line with the earlier work by Greenberg and others) that the explanation
singular plural (book book-s) §3.1
nominative (A/S) accusative (P) (he hi-m) §3.2
allative ablative (to from) §3.3
positive comparative (small small-er) §3.6
present future ( go will go) §4.1
armative negative (go dontgo) §4.5
inanimate patient animate patient (Spanish Ø la casa ala mujer) §6.1
3rd person 2nd person (Spanish canta
sing(s)) §7.2
2nd person imp. 3rd person imp. (praise! let her praise!) §7.2
attributive adjective attributive verb (small play-ing) §7.3
A = transitive subject, S = intransitive subject, P = direct object, Ø = no marker
Table 1
Examples of universal grammatical coding asymmetries.
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lies in the predictability of frequently used grammatical construction types. The
causal chain is thus as in (3).
(3) frequency of use !predictability !shortness of coding
This is thus a kind of economyexplanation (Haiman 1983): Speakers, and hence
language systems, favour economical patterns, which require a greater amount of
coding energy only for less predictable parts of linguistic messages. Hearers are
more surprised by less frequent aspects of messages and thus need more robust
coding for them. Another way of putting it is that language systems favour ecient
coding (Hawkins 2004,2014), or that they support ecient communication
(Gibson et al. 2019).
This explanation implies that language systems have adapted to the usersneeds.
If language systems are viewed strictly from a synchronic and static perspective, as
is still often the case in theoretical linguistics, this may appear puzzling. But
language systems are exible or malleable, in the sense that system-external
functional-adaptive forces can have minute eects on the behaviour of individual
speakers in individual utterances, which eventually have the cumulative result of
creating ecient systems (Keller 1994). We can get a better sense of these processes
when we consider the diachronic origins of grammatical coding asymmetries
(see Section 8 below).
I thus defend a functional-adaptive explanation of universal coding asymmetries,
but it should be noted that this is not a traditional functional explanation of the type
that establishes a direct link between meaning and form (note Bybees1985 subtitle:
A study of the relation between meaning and form). On the contrary, I reject
explanations of coding asymmetries in terms of iconicity (meaningform matching)
(see Haspelmath 2008a), and I will summarize the arguments briey below
(Section 9.1). Likewise, markedness cannot be an explanatory factor (as argued
by Haspelmath 2006). Instead of linking meanings and shapes directly, the expla-
nation that I defend here makes crucial reference to predictability.
I will say more about the causal chain in Section 9 below, but rst I will explain
the nature of the universal claims (Section 2), and then I will give 25 examples of
universally asymmetric pairs of grammatical construction types. First, there are
13 examples of simple meaning pairs (such as singular/plural and present/future),
both from the nominal domain (Section 3) and from the predicational domain
(Section 4). These are followed by 12 dierential-coding pairs in Sections 57.
DIFFERENTIAL CODING is a term that I use for a situation where a grammatical meaning
is coded in two distinct ways depending on the grammatical or lexical context, as in
dierential object marking in Spanish (Veo la casa I see the housevs. Veo ala
mujer I see the woman, see Section 5). Such situations are quite parallel to simple
pairs of grammatical meanings, and I subsume both under the general notion of
[2] Predictability derives not only from frequency of use but also from presence in the context (see
Section 9.2). The claim here is merely that frequency of use contributes to predictability in such a
way that it inuences grammatical coding.
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(pairs of) construction types. I give six examples of dierential-coding pairs from
the nominal domain in Section 6, and six examples from the predicational domain in
Section 7. Then in Section 8, I consider a number of paths of change that result in
asymmetric coding patterns, and in Section 9, I discuss the nature of the
predictability- and eciency-based explanation in some more detail.
In this paper, I do not have space to justify the universality of all the grammatical
coding asymmetries that I discuss and that I claim fall under the scope of the
explanatory theory. So I refer to the existing literature, which begins with Green-
berg (1963), who formulated the universals in (4).
(4) (a) Greenbergs Universal 35
There is no language in which the plural does not have some nonzero
allomorphs, whereas there are languages in which the singular is
expressed only by zero. The dual and the trial are almost never expressed
only by zero.
(b) Greenbergs Universal 38
Where there is a case system, the only case which ever has only zero
allomorphs is the one which includes among its meanings that of the
subject of the intransitive verb.
Many more universals were stated or implicit in Greenbergs later book (1966),
where he noted that grammatical number, gender, person, case, tense, aspect, mood
and other domains often show asymmetries which he described with the terms
marked/unmarked. He did not provide much documentation for the claims (any
more than he did in his 1963 article), but they were based on his very wide-ranging
knowledge of the worlds languages, and it appears that none of his claims have
been shown wrong.
In general, a universal coding asymmetry involving construction type 1 (e.g.
singular) and construction type 2 (e.g. plural) implies the universal claim in (5).
(5) If a language has an asymmetric coding contrast between construction type
1 (universally more frequent) and construction type 2 (universally less
frequent), then construction type 1 shows a strong tendency to be coded with a
shorter shape than construction type 2, and often by zero.
Thus, the eleven pairs in Table 1 above stand for eleven implicational universals of
the form in (5), and each of the 25 asymmetric pairs in Sections 37corresponds to a
Of course, when I claim that a grammatical coding asymmetry is universal, I do
not mean to exclude the possibility of individual exceptions, and I merely claim that
the asymmetry is found with much greater than chance frequency. This is conveyed
by strong tendencyin (5).
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It should be noted that the grammatical construction types that gure in the
universals are comparative concepts, in the sense of Haspelmath (2010). Thus, there
is no claim that the construction pairs are completely identical across languages, or
that they must instantiate the same innate grammatical features or categories. If one
wanted to explain these universals by biocognitive constraints imposed by an innate
grammar blueprint, then one would expect languages to show the same categories
and features, but for the functional-adaptive explanation that I propose here, all we
need is comparability through clearly dened comparative concepts. For example,
languages may have fairly dierent kinds of passives, and fairly dierent kinds of
ablatives. But if a construction turns the P-argument of the active into the new
S-argument, and the A-argument is oblique-marked and optional or absent, then it
counts as a passive for the purposes of the comparison. And if a case-marker or
adposition expresses a spatial source, then it counts as an ablative marker, whatever
its other properties.
Now of course, not all languages and all grammatical contrasts show asymmetric
coding. For most of the universal coding asymmetries, there are some (and
sometimes many) languages which have symmetric coding, where either both
constructions are equally coded or both are left uncoded. For the simple case of
singular and plural, these two cases can be illustrated by (6ab).
(6) (a) Modern Greek (symmetric overt)
SINGULAR vivlí-o book
PLURAL vivlí-a books
(b) Mandarin Chinese (symmetric zero)
SINGULAR shūbook
PLURAL shūbooks
In languages with symmetric coding, the additional eciency that is provided by
asymmetric coding is not exploited, and a competing constraint takes precedence:
In the case of Modern Greek, it is the general preference to express grammatical
meanings explicitly, and in Mandarin Chinese, it is the general preference to save
coding energy and to leave inferrable meanings unexpressed. We can thus say that
English-type languages have an EFFICIENT coding system at the price of asymmetric
or non-uniform coding, that Greek has a non-ecient but UNIFORMLY EXPLICIT coding
system, and Mandarin Chinese has a non-ecient but UNIFORMLY PARSIMONIOUS
system. All three language systems are optimal in their own way, and the form
frequency prediction is relevant only to cases where the coding is asymmetric.
[3] Of course, one would not normally say that Mandarin Chinese has a singularplural distinction
that happens to be unexpressed; instead, one would say that there is no such contrast to begin with.
But as noted in the preceding paragraph, we are not talking about language-particular analyses
here, but about comparison between languages. From a comparative perspective, Mandarin
Chinese has neither overt singular coding nor overt plural coding.
[4] It would be possible to set up Optimality-Theoretic constraint tableaux, where Parsimony would
be the highest-ranked constraint in Mandarin, Explicitness (or Faithfulness) would be the highest-
ranked constraint in Greek, and Eciency would be the highest-ranked constraint in English. This
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What the implicational universal in (4a) predicts not to occur is an asymmetric
counter-ecient pattern, where the singular has an overt marker but the plural is left
uncoded, as in the Pseudo-Greek pattern in (7), where the plural is uncoded.
(7) (Pseudo-Greek, hypothetical)
SINGULAR vivlí-obook
PLURAL vivlí books
Languages with such a pattern are indeed (virtually) unattested, and similarly for all
the patterns seen in Table 1 and in Section 37below.
Thus, such gaps in attested patterns are our explananda, and I claim here that
formfrequency correspondences and predictability provide the ingredients for an
explanation. The hypothetical diachronic mechanism will be elucidated further in
Section 8 below, but the bulk of the paper will consist of listing and briey
discussing a substantial range of universal coding asymmetries.
As I noted earlier, I do not have the space here to provide documentation for each
of the asymmetric patterns, and in some cases, more thorough documentation is a
task for future research. There is no space here either to justify the claim that one of
the construction types occurs more frequently in all languages, as this would go far
beyond the scope of an article whose goal is to provide an overview of the general
approach. But most of the claims concerning frequency of use are very easy to test,
and should thus not be particularly controversial.
Before I get to the various universal patterns, let us briey consider why the
functional-adaptive explanation is proposed at the level of language universals, not
at the level of particular languages. Shouldnt the explanation work similarly for
language-particular asymmetries? For example, English has two future-tense con-
structions, with will and with going to (or gonna). These are slightly dierent
semantically, and they are formally asymmetric (will is shorter than gonna, three
vs. four segments). Is it claimed that this is because the will-future is more frequent
than the gonna-future? The answer is no. I make no predictions about such cases,
because functional-adaptive explanations only work at the population level
(i.e. they explain tendencies found in populations of languages). Language histories
are subject to a large number of contingencies, and the adaptive forces are relatively
weak. The gonna-future could become popular very quickly for social reasons and
thus more frequent than the will-future (this may well have happened in some
would provide a visualization, but it would also be confusing, because I am not assuming that the
explanation resides in constraints of the standard Optimality-theoretic type (= part of the inventory
of the innate grammar blueprint). Rather, I am proposing functional-adaptive constraints that
operate on language use and inuence grammatical systems in a process of cultural evolution
(language change, Section 8).
[5] A reviewer asks why the present paper does not contain quantitative evidence to support my
claims. The answer is that I concentrate on the more dicult aspects of the overall enterprise here:
presenting the conceptual framework (that is often misunderstood) and bringing together a large
number of phenomena that are usually discussed in isolation from each other. Interested readers
are invited to test the numerous claims that are made in this paper.
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varieties of English). But it would not be an exception to a general trend, because
there is no general trend for languages to have two distinct future tenses of this sort.
It is only when one considers a large enough number of languages that a general
trend can emerge, and for a broadly comparative study, one must generally ignore
subtle meaning dierences such as the dierence between the two English future
forms. Language-particular patterns are often unrelated to any general trend, and
they often arise due to historical contingencies.
In the next two sections (Sections 3 and 4), I give 13 examples of simple meaning
pairs that are universally asymmetric. Then in Section 5, I explain the notion of
dierential coding, and in Sections 6 and 7, I discuss 12 dierential-coding pairs.
3.1. Singular vs. plural vs. dual
The most straightforward example is the singular vs. plural opposition. Greenberg
(1963) observed that plurals tend to be overtly coded and singulars zero-coded (see
Universal 35 in (4a) above), and Greenberg (1966: 32) showed that the singular
tends to be more frequent than the plural, while the dual is the least frequent form.
The asymmetric coding can be illustrated by Hebrew and Khanty (a Uralic lan-
Hebrew Khanty
SINGULAR yom xot
PLURAL yam-im xot-ǝt
DUAL yom-ayim xot-ŋǝn
(Greenberg also included the dual, thus eectively dealing with a triple rather than
with two meanings in opposition; alternatively, the dual could be contrasted with
the plural, but the predictions are not dierent.)
3.2. Nominative vs. accusative
Many languages make a distinction between nominative (for the S/A-argument)
and accusative (for the P-argument), and Greenberg (1963) noted that the nomina-
tive is always at least as short as the accusative (see Universal 38 in (4b) above). The
nominative is also more frequent than the accusative, almost by denition, because
it occurs in both intransitive and transitive clauses, whereas the accusative only
occurs in the latter, e.g.
[6] This is not unlike the situation in other disciplines such as medicine: A particular treatment may be
known to be very eective for any population of patients, but this does not mean that any particular
patient can be predicted to be cured. There may always be contingent factors that lead to a dierent
outcome in specic cases.
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English German Quechua
NOMINATIVE he Herr Kim wasi house
ACCUSATIVE hi-mHerr-nKim wasi-ta
3.3. Allative vs. ablative
Within the oblique case-markers and adpositions, we nd that allative and ablative are
asymmetric, with allatives showing a much greater tendency to be zero than ablatives
(Stolz, Lestrade & Stolz 2014), and if both are overtly marked, the ablative tends to
have a longer shape. Michaelis & APiCS Consortium (2013) provide data from creole
and pidgin languages.
English Sri Lanka Portuguese Japanese
ALLATIVE to Rome maaket to the marketTookyoo e to Tokyo
ABLATIVE from Rome kaaza impa from homeTookyoo kara from Tokyo
3.4. Instrumental vs. comitative
As can be seen in the many examples in Stolz, Stroh & Urdze (2006), comitative
markers are generally longer than instrumental markers when there is a contrast in a
language (see also Maurer & APiCS Consortium (2013) for pidgin and creole
languages). The comitative is also generally less frequent.
Welsh Russian Hungarian
INSTRUMENTAL awithmyš-ju with a mousetol-lal with a pen
COMITATIVE gyda withsmyš-ju with a mousegyerek-estül with a child
3.5. Male vs. female occupational terms
At least in all the languages that I am aware of, female occupational and status terms
tend to be longer than male occupational and status terms. Many languages do not
have such gender contrasts, but when they make them, it seems that the male form is
never longer than the female form. Because special occupational roles (and less
often also special status roles) have long been conned to men, it is clear that the
male terms have traditionally been more frequent.
Latin German Hungarian
MALE rex König király king
FEMALE reg-ina König-in király-nőqueen
[7] Greenberg (1966:3940) briey considers masculine and feminine in adjectives and nds that
masculine adjectives tend to be shorter and more frequent.
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3.6. Positive vs. comparative vs. superlative
In languages that have special comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, the
comparative is always derived by a special marker from the positive, and the
superlative is often additionally derived from the comparative (Greenberg 1966:
40; Bobaljik 2012). It seems that there is no language with a superlative marker that
is shorter than the comparative marker. Greenberg (1966: 41) provides some
frequency data showing that the comparative is less frequent than the positive,
and the superlative is even less frequent. (The Hungarian and French examples have
the same meaning as the English ones.)
English Hungarian French
POSITIVE small kis petit
COMPARATIVE small-er kis-ebb plus petit
SUPERLATIVE small-est leg-kis-ebb le plus petit
3.7. Cardinal numerals vs. ordinal numerals
As has been extensively documented by Stolz (2001: 519), ordinal numerals are
normally derived from cardinal numerals, i.e. they consist of an additional marker.
Greenberg (1966:4243) cites some frequency data showing that they also tend to
be much less frequent.
English Japanese Lezgian
CARDINAL seven nanatsu irid 7
ORDINAL seven-th nanatsu-me irid lahaj 7th
4.1. Present tense vs. future tense
Present-tense forms tend to be much more frequent than future-tense forms
(Greenberg 1966: 48), and they also tend to be shorter (very often zero-marked,
see Bybee 1994).
English Latin Kiribati
PRESENT they praise lauda-nt they praisee taetae he speaks
FUTURE they will praise lauda-b-unt they will praiseena taetae he will speak
4.2. Present tense vs. past tense
Past-tense forms show a similar asymmetry with respect to present-tense forms,
both in terms of frequency (Greenberg 1966: 48) and in terms of coding, though less
clearly so than future-tense forms.
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Greek German Lezgian
PRESENT ksér-is weiß-t či-zwa know
PAST í-kser-es wuss-te-st či-zwa-jknew
4.3. Active vs. passive
Passive verb forms are generally derived from active verb forms, i.e. they contain an
additional marker (Haspelmath 1990).
Italian Turkish Russian
ACTIVE vede gör-üyor vidit sees
PASSIVE èvisto gör-ül-üyor vidit-sja is seen
And even in those few cases where active and passive verbs forms both contain
markers, as in Latin (e.g. lauda-s you (SG) praise,lauda-ris you (SG) are praised;
lauda-tis you (PL) praise,lauda-mini you (PL) are praised), the passive forms tend
to be longer. Passive forms are also generally much less frequent than active forms
(Greenberg 1966: 46).
4.4. Basic vs. applicative
Many languages have applicative verb forms, i.e. forms which contain an additional
marker whose function is to indicate that an argument other than the basic
P-argument becomes the derived P-argument (Polinsky 2005, Peterson 2007).
German Swahili Dyirbal
BASIC fahren driveandika writebalga- beat
APPLICATIVE be-fahren drive onandik-ia write tobalga-ma-beat with
Somewhat like in the case of the passive, it is part of the denition of applicative
that it is marked by a special ax, but the derived P-argument is not the most
frequent type of argument of the basic verbal meaning, so extra coding on the verb is
needed here.
4.5. Armative vs. negative
Negation is virtually always signaled by an overt negator (Dryer 2005, Miestamo
2005), which might seem trivial, but there are also some languages where there is a
special armative marker, and there are quite a few languages where tense markers
cumulate with armative and negative meaning (e.g. Coptic, where the negative
past marker is longer than the armative past marker). Thus, the generally greater
length of negative markers is best explained by the greater rarity of negative clauses.
Hebrew English Coptic
AFFIRMATIVE katavti I wroteI wrote a-f-sôtm he heard
NEGATIVE lo katavti I didnt writeI didnt write mpe-f-sôtm he didnt hear
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4.6. Disjoint anaphoric vs. reexive
Reexive pronouns are generally longer than anaphoric pronouns which are used
when the referent is disjoint from the subject. Again, this can be straightforwardly
linked to the much lower frequency of coreference between the object and the
subject (Haspelmath 2008c).
English Hebrew M. Chinese Japanese
DISJOINT her oto tāØ
REFLEXIVE herself et ʕacmo (tā)zìjĭzibun
So far, we have seen what I have called SIMPLE MEANING PAIRS, where the construction
types in opposition are two contrasting grammatical meanings for which the wider
grammatical context or lexical subclasses are not immediately relevant.
But formfrequency correspondences are also widely found in situations where a
single grammatical meaning is coded dierently in dierent grammatical contexts
or in dierent lexical subclasses. I refer to such situations, where the two construc-
tions in opposition express the same meaning, as DIFFERENTIAL CODING. The best-
known example of dierential coding is dierential object marking (or more
precisely dierential P agging, because the core generalization concerns
P-arguments of monotransitive verbs, and their agging by case-markers or adposi-
tions), as illustrated by the well-known contrasts in Spanish and Hebrew that we see
in (8) and (9).
(8) (a) Veo la casa.
I.see the house
I see the house.
(b) Veo ala mujer.
I.see ACC the woman
I see the woman.
(9) (a) Kani-ti sefer.
bought-1SG book
I bought a book.
(b) Kani-ti et ha-sefer.
bought-1SG ACC the-book
I bought the book.
Here the patient meaning is expressed in two distinct ways, depending on whether
the P nominal is inanimate or animate (in Spanish), or indenite or denite
(in Hebrew). The frequency claim for Spanish concerns the relative frequency of
the patient meaning within the sets of all inanimate nominals and all animate
nominals: The claim that inanimate Ps are more frequent than animate Ps means
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that a greater proportion of inanimate nominals have the P role than of animate
nouns. The analogous situation holds for Hebrew indenite and denite Ps.
Another example of dierential coding comes from the expression of agent
patient coreference. In a variety of languages, grooming (or INTROVERTED) verbs like
washor shaveshow dierent behaviour from other-directed (or EXTROVERTED)
verbs like killor hate, as seen in English (in 10) and Russian (in 11) (Haiman
1983: 803; Geniušiene˙ 1987; König & Vezzosi 2004).
(10) (a) They shaved. (= They shaved themselves.)
(b) They hate themselves.
(11) (a) Oni myli-s.
they washed-REFL
They washed.
(b) Oni ubili sebja.
they killed themselves
They killed themselves.
In these examples, reexive marking is dierential in that it depends on the lexical
subclass (introverted vs. extroverted). The shorter forms (zero-coded in English,
reexive -sin Russian) are used with introverted verbs, because these are more
frequently used with agentpatient coreference than extroverted verbs.
One can distinguish two subtypes of dierential coding: SPLIT CODING is dier-
ential coding that depends on the grammatical context (like dierential object
marking in Hebrew), while SUBCLASS-CONDITIONED CODING is dierential coding that
depends on the lexical subclass (like short reexive coding of introverted verbs in
English and Russian).
The explanation of the coding asymmetry is the same as with the simple meaning
pairs: Since more inanimate nominals have P-function than animate nominals,
hearers are less surprised when they encounter an inanimate P-argument and
therefore have less need for special coding.
Likewise, since introverted verbs
are more often used with agentpatient coreference, hearers are less in need of
special reexive marking than with extroverted verbs.
More generally, in a dierential-coding pair, we are dealing with a USUAL ASSOCI-
ATION of a grammatical meaning with a grammatical context or a lexical subclass.
The claim is that such usual associations need less coding than unusual associations.
In this section, we consider six dierential-coding pairs in the nominal domain,
which will be followed by six pairs from the predicational domain in Section 7.
[8] A reviewer notes that when I say encounterhere, I do not mean overt occurrence, because what
counts is the frequency and the predictability of the grammatical meanings, not of the overt forms.
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6.1. Accusative marking on inanimate vs. animate P-arguments
In many languages, P-arguments are coded dierentially when they are animate,
and as far as I know, the animate P always has a marker, whereas the inanimate P is
uncoded (Bossong 1985,1991; Aissen 2003; Iemmolo 2013).
Spanish Armenian
INANIMATE Øla casa housemek another one (inanimate)
ANIMATE ala mujer womanmek-ianother one (animate)
As is well-known, a very similar cross-linguistic pattern is found with denite
vs. indenite P-arguments, e.g. in Hebrew and Turkish. Some languages, such as
Hindi-Urdu, have special accusative marking of P-arguments when they are ani-
mate or denite. The explanation is the usual association of the P role with
inanimate and indenite arguments (as was clearly stated already by Comrie
1989: 128; Bossong 1991:Sections 2).
6.2. Ergative marking on 1st/2nd person pronouns vs. full nominals
In some languages, A-arguments are coded dierentially when they are 1st or 2nd
person (locuphoric), and this generally means that they lack an overt ergative marker,
in contrast to other kinds of arguments, especially full nominals (Dixon 1994:86).
Dyirbal Georgian
FULL NOMINAL yarra-ŋgu manmama-mfather
This generalization about dierential A marking is somewhat less robust than the
dierential object marking universal, but both belong to a much larger class of role
reference association universals (Haspelmath 2021), which all have the same
explanation in terms of formfrequency correspondences, or more specically in
terms of the usual association of high-ranking roles (agent and recipient) with
referentially prominent arguments (1st/2nd person, animate, denite, topical).
6.3. Locative marking on place names vs. inanimate nouns vs. animate nouns
In a substantial number of languages, locative agging is dierential, such that place
names tend to have the shortest coding (often zero, as in Tswana), and animate nouns
tend to have the longest coding, with inanimate nouns intermediate between the two
(Aristar 1997, Creissels & Mounole 2011, Haspelmath 2019b). In Basque, we see a
three-way contrast, while Tswana exemplies a contrast between place names and
inanimates, and Tamil shows a contrast between inanimates and animates.
Basque Tswana Tamil
PLACE NAME Bilbo-n in BilbaoGaborone at Gaborone
INANIMATE mendi-tan at the mountaintoporo-ng in townN-il
ANIMATE neska-rengan at the girlsN-i_
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Again, this is because place names are usually associated with locative use, while
this is less common for inanimate nouns, let alone animate nouns. The parallels with
dierential object marking are so striking that Haspelmath (2019b) calls this pattern
dierential place marking.
6.4. Plurative and singulative marking on individualist vs. gregarious nouns
In some languages, there is a subclass-conditioned dierence in singular and plural
coding, such that individualist nouns(those that tend to occur with uniplex
meaning) have overt plural (plurative) marking, while gregariousnouns (those
that are usually associated with multiplex meaning) have singulative (overt singu-
lar) marking (-en in Welsh, -ina in Russian). For detailed discussion, see Haspel-
math & Karjus (2017) and Grimm (2018).
Welsh Russian English
INDIVIDUALIST MULTIPLEX cath-od catskoty catscat-s
UNIPLEX cath-Øcatkot-Øcatcat-Ø
GREGARIOUS MULTIPLEX moron carrotskartofelpotatoessalt
UNIPLEX moron-en carrotkartofel-ina potatograin of salt
The sux-en in Welsh is generally regarded as an inectional singulative marker,
while -ina in Russian is treated as derivational. In the present context, this dierence
plays no role, and even the English unit noun grain can be seen as playing the
same role.
6.5. Adpossessive marking with inalienable vs. alienable nouns
In languages where inalienable (kinship and body-part term) nouns behave dier-
ently from alienable nouns in adpossessive constructions, the possessive markers
are shorter (and typically zero) for the inalienable subclass, because of the usual
association of the adpossessive meaning with kinship and body-part nouns
(Haspelmath 2017).
Maltese Jeli
INALIEN id-Ø-i my handSoma Øbuloni Somas arms
ALIEN il-ktieb tiegħ-i my bookSoma ra monbilo Somas car
6.6. Deniteness marking with vs. without possessor
Some languages have dierential deniteness marking, omitting the denite article
in the presence of an adpossessive nominal.
German Hebrew Welsh
POSSESSED mein ØBuch Ø-sifr-i my bookØcar y meddyg the doctors car
UNPOSSESSED das Buch ha-sefer the bookycar the car
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This can be attributed to a formfrequency correspondence as well, as possessed
nouns are usually associated with deniteness so that the denite meaning is
relatively predictable and the extra coding is not required (Haspelmath 1999).
7.1. Reexive marking on introverted vs. extroverted verbs
As already discussed in Section 5, some languages have subclass-conditioned
dierential marking of reexivity, with introverted verbs (those that are usually
associated with coreferential objects) showing shorter coding than extroverted
verbs (those that tend to have noncoreferential anaphoric objects) (Haiman 1983:
Section 1.2.2; Haspelmath 2008c). This is illustrated by the following examples,
which all have the same meaning as the English ones.
Russian Dutch Greek English
GROOMING moet-sja wast zich plen-ete he washes Ø
EXTROVERTED vidit sebja ziet zichzelf vlép-i ton eavtó tu he sees himself
7.2. Addressee and 3rd person marking in imperatives vs. indicatives
There is a usual association of person with mood, in that imperatives tend to have
second person subjects and indicatives tend to have 3rd person subjects. Languages
often have split coding of bound 2nd and 3rd person person forms, and as predicted,
there is a tendency for 2nd person form to be short or zero in imperatives
(Aikhenvald 2010: 46), and 3rd person forms to be short or zero (Siewierska 2010).
Latin Turkish
IMPERATIVE 2ND lauda-Ø(you) praise!bak-Ø(you) look
3RD lauda-to let her praise!bak-sınlet her look
INDICATIVE 2ND lauda-v-isti you praisedbak-ıyor-un you are looking
3RD lauda-v-it she praisedbak-Iyor-Øshe is looking
7.3. Attributive and predicative marking on property roots (adjectives)
vs. action roots (verbs)
Property concept roots tend to occur in attributive discourse function, while action
roots are usually associated with predicative function. Thus, many languages have a
split in how they treat content roots: Property concept roots tend to have short or
zero coding in attributive function, while action roots tend to need overt attributive
markers (participial axes or other relativizers). By contrast, in predicative func-
tion, property concept roots tend to need special marking by a copula, while action
roots do not (Croft 1991: 67).
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German French M. Chinese
ATTR PROPERTY klein-Ø-es Kind petit Øenfant xiăoØháizi small child
ACTION spiel-end-es Kind enfant qui joue wán de háizi child who
PRED PROPERTY das Kind is-t klein lenfant est petit háizi Øxiăothe child is
ACTION das Kind spiel-Ø-t lenfant joue-Øháizi Øwán the child plays
As Croft (2000) emphasized, it is these kinds of coding splits between dierent
semantic types of roots that are the basis for word-class categorizations, and since
they are universal tendencies, the word classes that correspond to the three main
discourse functions can be said to be universal (nouns, verbs, adjectives).
7.4. Causative vs. anticausative marking with automatic vs. costly events
In some languages, there is a subclass-conditioned dierence in noncausal and
causal event coding, such that automaticverb roots (those that tend to occur with
noncausal meaning) have causative marking, while costlyverb roots (those that
are usually associated with causal meaning) have anticausative marking. The basic
cross-linguistic pattern is thus completely parallel to that of plurative and singula-
tive marking (Section 6.4).
French Russian Swahili
AUTOMATIC NONCAUSAL boil (INTR)bouillir kipetcham-k-a
CAUSAL boil (TR)faire bouillir kipjatitcham-sh-a
COSTLY NONCAUSAL break (INTR)se casser lomat-sja vunj-ik-a
CAUSAL break (TR)casser lomatvunj-a
The semantic classes automaticand costlyare similarly ad hoc as the classes of
individualistand gregariousnouns that are used in Section 6.4 for the number-
marking pattern. This is because the cross-linguistic patterns are much less regular
than in other cases, and the splits are rather dierent in dierent languages. Still,
when one looks at a wide range of languages, one sees clear cross-linguistic patterns
which were rst described in Haspelmath (1993) and linked to universal frequency
patterns in Haspelmath et al. (2014).
7.5. Subordinate clause marking with same vs. dierent subjects in want
Wantcomplement clauses tend to have the same subject as the main clause, so
dierent-subject complements (you want me to eat) are rare and unexpected. In
[9] An even bigger picture that also explains the distribution of causatives and anticausatives of
dierent types (in particular, analytic vs. synthetic causatives) in terms of formfrequency
correspondences is presented in Haspelmath (2016).
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accordance with the formfrequency correspondence universal, languages tend to
have special subordinate markers for dierent-subject complements, e.g. dass in
German and -te in Japanese, which are not required in the same-subject situation
(see Haspelmath 2013).
German Japanese
SAME SUBJECT du willst ess-en tabe-Ø-tai you want to eat
DIFFERENT SUBJECT du willst, dass ich esse tabe-te hosii you want me to eat
7.6. Purpose-clause marking with motion vs. non-motion verbs
As noted by Schmidtke-Bode (2009: 94), purpose clauses are particularly common
(i.e. usually associated) with motion verbs in the main clause, so it is predicted that
the purpose-clause marking is generally shorter when the purpose clause modies a
motion-verb clause. Schmidtke-Bode nds that this is generally conrmed, and
German provides an illustrative example (zero marking, or pure innitival marking,
is possible only when the main-clause verb is a motion verb).
MOTION sie geht Øschwimmen she goes to swim
NON-MOTION sie arbeitet, um zu überleben she works to survive
As I noted in Section 1, the functional-adaptive explanation of the universal
tendencies that I propose here relies on the exibility or malleability of language
systems. Our languages are not rigid unchanging systems of rules that we have to
simply obey, but they always have some leaksor variable usage patterns, and they
provide ways of saying things in a novel way. So while the precise pathways along
which they change and adapt are usually hard to elucidate, it can at least be imagined
how this happens: Language change can be seen as (at least partly) driven by the
speakerspreference for user-friendly utterances, and thus ultimately user-friendly
(or adaptive) structures (Keller 1994).
The way in which this works is probably most transparent in lexical change. As I
noted briey in the rst section, lexical items show the same strong tendency to
exhibit formfrequency correspondences (see the universal in (1)): Frequent words
are short, and rare words are long in all languages (e.g. Bentz & Ferrer-i-Cancho
2016). One mechanism by which words that get more frequent are shortened is by
clipping (as originally noted by Zipf 1935). For example, advanced intellectual
concepts with fairly long names such as mathematicsand religioncan become
frequent everyday words when they are school subjects, so in colloquial German,
the abbreviated forms Mathe and Reli for these subjects are very common. Clipping
is not a regular diachronic process, and clipped forms of rarely used words are very
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strongly deviant (e.g. *Topo for Topologie topology,or*Theo for Theologie
theology). Still, when a concept needs to be expressed frequently, it becomes very
useful to have a short form for it, and even forms that sound ill-formed at the
beginning have a good chance of spreading across the population, regardless of
normative perceptions. Thus, usefulness can overcome convention, and new, more
adapted conventions can spread across the community.
Another relevant mechanism of change that has been highlighted particularly by
Joan Bybee is phonetic reduction. Some words are short because of reduction and
overlapping of articulatory gestures, e.g. gonna (from going to), dont(from do not)
(e.g. Bybee 2015:Section 6.6). Phonetic reduction plays a role in explaining coding
asymmetries in some cases, e.g.
(12) (a) English mine (independent possessive pronoun)
my (bound possessive pronoun)
(b) Polish śpiewa-sz [sing-2SG]you sing
śpiewa-Ø [sing-3SG]she sings
In both pairs, the second member is more frequent and shorter and derives from a
former longer form (my <mine;śpiewa < *śpiewa-t), apparently by phonetic
However, neither clipping nor phonetic reduction are the mechanisms of change
in the great majority of asymmetric patterns that we saw in Sections 37and
Sections 67. In most cases, the asymmetries are the result of dierential develop-
ment of a new construction. For example, in the pairs in (13), the rst member of the
pair has a novel element that was created at some point, while the second member of
the pair did not develop a marker for the relevant meaning.
(13) (a) English they will praise (future; will from want)
they Øpraise (present tense)
(b) French se casser (intransitive break;se from (it)self)
Øcasser (transitive break)
(c) Russian vidit-sja (passive is seen;-sja from (it)self)
vidit-Ø (active sees)
In many other cases, we do not know how the marker developed because it is very
old e.g. the comparative marker in small-er (Section 3.6) or the copula in the child
is small (Section 7.3), or the 3rd person imperative marker in Turkish bak-sınlet
her look(Section 7.2). But it is quite likely that these asymmetric patterns, too,
arose by dierential development.
Similar is the situation of dierential expansion of a new marking pattern
(Haspelmath 2008b: 207). The newly developed denite article did not spread to
possessed nominals in German (14a), and the newly developed possessive marker
tiegħ-did not spread to inalienable nouns in Maltese (14b).
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(14) (a) German das Buch the book
mein ØBuch my book
(no denite article, recall Section 6.6 above)
(b) Maltese il-ktieb tiegħ-i [the-book of-1SG]my book
id-Ø-i [hand-Ø-1SG]my hand
(recall Section 6.5 above)
Another possible way in which asymmetric coding may come about is by elimi-
nating a coding contrast only where it is not particularly needed. In Middle High
German, all masculine nouns of the -n class made a nominativeaccusative dis-
tinction, regardless of animacy. In Modern German, this distinction was given up
for inanimates, but not for animates such as Aeape, so that we get a situation with
dierential accusative marking, as seen in (15) (see Nübling 2008: 303306).
Middle High German knote-Øknote-n knot
ae-Øae-n ape
Modern German Knoten Knoten knot
Ae-ØAe-n ape
There are thus multiple ways in which asymmetric coding can come about in a
language. This shows that the asymmetric coding patterns are not due to tendencies
inherent in the kinds of changes that lead to them, but to factors favouring particular
results (see Section 9.4 for more discussion).
In this section, I discuss a few more aspects of the eciency-based explanation of
asymmetric coding tendencies.
9.1. Markedness and iconicity
In earlier work, I examined two alternative explanations for asymmetric coding and
argued that they were less comprehensive or did not provide the necessary causal
In Haspelmath (2006), I argued that markedness does not provide an explanation,
because there is no unitary and generally recognized markedness concept, and if we
adopted a single concept of markedness as a representational feature of universal
grammar, we would not have a causal link. An explanation that provides causal
links is preferable to an explanation that replaces the explanandum by another
unexplained concept elsewhere for which there is no independent evidence.
In Haspelmath (2008a), I argued that iconicity (or the tendency for meaning
form matching) cannot generally work as an explanation of the universals of
asymmetric coding, because in many cases there are no meaning dierences but
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we still nd coding asymmetries. This is the case in all dierential-coding pairs
(Sections 57), where the same grammatical meaning is expressed in both con-
struction types. For asymmetries like accusative marking of animate or inanimate
objects, locative marking on place names and ordinary nouns, and attributive
vs. predicative use of property words (adjectives), frequency-based predictability
makes the right prediction, but iconicity does not seem to make any prediction. And
in the case of positive vs. comparative (Section 3.6), it has often been argued that the
comparative is actually simpler semantically.
Another possible alternative explanation might reverse the causal chain in
(3) (frequency !predictability !shortness) and claim that higher frequency of
use of shorter forms is due to the shortness of the forms. For example, the singular
might be more frequent than the plural because its forms are shorter. This expla-
nation is not only unintuitive (especially for coding asymmetries like armative
negative or positivecomparative), but it makes the wrong prediction that when a
language has symmetric coding (e.g. when it has both a present-tense marker and a
future-tense marker, both equally long), there should be no frequency dierence.
But in fact, the frequency dierences are independent of the coding, as they are
found in all languages, regardless of their coding patterns.
9.2. Coding eciency and predictability
The explanation that I propose relies on the recognition that language systems tend
to be ecient, i.e. they help the users make good use of scarce resources (speaker
articulations) for the desired result of communication (understanding the speakers
intentions). There should thus be a balance between parsimony and clarity: artic-
ulations should be reduced only to the extent that this does not threaten compre-
Such a balance or trade-obetween ease of articulation and ease of decoding has
often been postulated in linguistics, and there should be no need to justify the
general principle here (see e.g. von der Gabelentz 1891; Langacker 1977; Lind-
blom & Maddieson 1988; Fedzechkina, Jaeger & Newport 2012: 1; Gordon 2016:
17; Kemp, Xu & Regier 2018).
Now of course a key factor that aids comprehension is predictability: If the
content of a message is not surprising, the message can be abbreviated. Speakers can
aord to use short shapes or zero coding for predictable meanings, but they have to
make a greater coding eort for unpredictable meanings.
If context is kept constant, higher-frequency meanings are more predictable than
lower-frequency meanings because of their frequency: It is less surprising if my
interlocutor uses a present-tense form than if she uses a future-tense form, just as it is
less surprising if she talks about Mathe(matik) than if she talks about Topologie
(recall Section 7 above). Thus, as was already noted in Section 1, the causal chain
goes from high frequency to predictability, and from predictability to short coding.
The predictability-based explanation is conrmed by considering phenomena
that involve predictability but not (necessarily) high frequency: I mean contextually
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high predictability of meanings.
For example, when an utterance is about a
referent that has occurred just before, it is of course highly predictable
(or accessible, Ariel 1990). In such situations, languages generally use short forms
or zero, as is illustrated by the examples in (16).
(16) Contextual predictability
(a) Short form for predictable referent:
The girl went to the river; she looked for sh.
(b) Zero coding for predictable referent:
The girl went to the river and Ølooked for sh.
In these cases, the counter-ecient pattern, with the short form where the referent is
unpredictable, is impossible (*She
went to the river and the girl
looked for sh).
That personal pronouns and other anaphoric forms are generally shorter than full
nominals is not in doubt but is rarely highlighted, because linguists have not often
considered coding length as an important concept for understanding morphosyn-
tactic patterns. But in the present context, these considerations support the expla-
nation of universal asymmetries in terms of coding eciency and predictability.
The causal chain sketched in (3) can thus be expanded into the chain in Figure 1,
showing two distinct causes of predictability, but a uniform result of predictability.
9.3. What is the ultimate cause?
When presenting the frequency- and predictability-based explanation of coding
asymmetries over the years, I have often heard the comment that frequency cannot
be the ultimate cause of the cross-linguistic patterns. Frequency itself must be
caused by something, and this is not represented in the causal chain in Figure 1.
What is it that causes the higher frequency of use of singular as opposed to plural, of
present tense as opposed to future tense, of armative as opposed to negative, and
so on? What causes inanimate nominals to occur in P function more frequently than
animate nominals? Maybe this factor, whatever it is, could independently cause
both frequency/predictability and shortness of coding, so that the causal chain
would be dierent as in Figure 2, and not as in Figure 1.
This is a possibility that must be taken seriously, but it is quite unclear what this
factor X might be. Mayerthaler (1981: 136140) proposed that markedness causes
both high frequency and shortness of coding, but markedness reversalsshow that
this cannot be the explanation (see Haspelmath 2006: 44), and it is completely
unclear how the abstract feature of markedness would lead to greater frequency of
[10] Some psycholinguists have claimed that contextual or local predictability is a better predictor of a
variety of eects, including word length (e.g. Piantadosi, Tily & Gibson 2011), than frequency of
use. But it seems that the two measures are often highly correlated, and at the level of resolution
needed for explaining cross-linguistic tendencies in grammatical coding, the dierences do not
seem to matter much.
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use. I do not know of any other candidate for such a factor X, so I will not discuss
this possibility further here.
Ultimately, we would of course like to know the causes of frequency asymme-
tries, but the causes seem to be quite diverse. For example, the greater frequency of
present tense vs. future tense seems to have to do with what we know about the
present and about the future: The future is much less certain, so we cannot talk much
about it. The greater frequency of male profession nouns vs. female profession
nouns must have to do with frequency in the world: Male occupations are tradi-
tionally more diversied, so male profession nouns are (or were) used more
frequently. But the greater frequency of singular vs. plural must have to do with
our cognitive preferences it cannot be due to the world (which does not contain
more singular entities than pluralities) or to our knowledge of the world. It seems
that we simply prefer to talk about individual entities.
In contrast to the diverse origins of the frequency asymmetries, their results are
very uniform, and this is what the present paper aims to explain.
9.4. Ways of demonstrating the causal link
The focus of this paper has been on presenting a wide range of phenomena from the
worlds languages, some of which have been studied extensively and are well
known, highlighting that they are all special cases of the overarching form
frequency generalization of (2). I have also discussed a proposed causal link
between frequency and asymmetric coding, in line with some earlier work. In this
section, I will briey consider two points of criticism that were raised by two
On the one hand, one might ask what the evidence is that the disparate kinds of
changes that I surveyed in Section 8 are indeed motivated by a preference for
ecient coding. Cristofaro (2019: 27) thinks that recurrent grammatical congu-
rations do not appear to arise because of principles that that favor those particular
Predictability Shortness of coding
Figure 1
The causal chain leading to shortness of coding.
Shortness of coding
Factor X
Usage frequency/predictabilit
Figure 2
An alternative conception of the causal chain.
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congurations in themselves. And indeed, historical linguists have often attributed
diachronic changes to processes such as analogy, context-driven reinterpretation,
metonymization, or grammaticalization, rather than to ecientizationprocesses.
One might therefore say that the observed outcomes are not driven by functional
adaptation, but by these classical processes and by the properties of the typical
sources (Cristofaro 2017 calls this the source-orientedapproach).
And indeed, language change often appears to be regular, and one might say that
in addition to result-oriented functional-adaptive constraints, there are also MUTA-
TIONAL CONSTRAINTS (constraints on possible changes or possible diachronic sources)
that lead to observed universals (Haspelmath 2019a). However, as we saw in
Section 8, there are a wide range of disparate paths of change that lead to uniform
outcomes. This kind of multi-convergence of diverse changes cannot be explained
by a source-oriented approach. Cristofaro (2019: 38) notes that dierent diachronic
processes can all lead to the same synchronic outcome for dierent reasons, but this
would be an accidental coincidence, and the universal claims of this paper go far
beyond such possible coincidences. It may seem surprising that the resulting cross-
linguistic regularities are unrelated to presumed regularities of change, but I would
point to the analogous situation biological evolution, where functional-adaptive
changes do not arise from regular changes either (but from functional selection; see
Nettle 1999).
On the other hand, one might ask whether we can go beyond observing the
correlations between asymmetric coding and frequency, and test the causal hypoth-
esis experimentally. This has in fact been done in a number of studies using
miniature articial language learning paradigms. Thus, Fedzechkina et al. (2012)
reported that learners restructured an articial language with dierential case-
marking in such a way as to match the cross-linguistically common patterns, and
Kurumada & Grimm (2019) found that learners preferentially produced plural
marking on nouns that are less probable to occur with plural meaning, in line with
the cross-linguistic tendencies (recall Section 6.4 above).
There are also a number
of experimental studies of languages with optional marking that point in the same
direction, e.g. Kurumada & Jaegers(2015) experiments on optional case-marking
in Japanese. These works have not been inuential among linguists who are not
specialized in psycholinguistics, but their results are fully compatible with the
claims of this paper. Of course, there are many new issues that arise once one
considers the precise psychological mechanisms that might be responsible for the
speakersbehaviour (see Jaeger & Buz 2018 for a comprehensive survey). It is
hoped that the present paper will contribute to bringing this line of work from
psycholinguistics more closely together with comparative grammar research.
It is important to keep in mind, however, that even though not all questions about
the causal connections may have been answered, there is no competing theory that
[11] Kanwal et al. (2017) got analogous results when they studied word length in a similar exper-
imental design, supporting Zipfs conjecture that the Principle of Least Eort can explain this
universal feature of word length distributions.
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can lay claim to explaining even a fraction of the phenomena of Section 37.In
practice, the main alternative perspective that this paper argues against is that all
these phenomena should be discussed (and perhaps explained) in isolation from
each other.
The ideas presented here are not quite original, so I will briey relate them to the
most important earlier general work on asymmetric coding in grammar: Greenberg
(1966), Croft (1990,2003), and Hawkins (2004).
Greenberg (1966)wastherst to note that a wide range of simple meaning pairs
(some of which we saw in Section 34)areasymmetricinanumberofways.Hedidnot
mention asymmetric coding in dierential-coding pairs, but instead emphasized the
apparent parallels with asymmetries in phonological segment inventories. He saw both
asymmetric coding (zero expression of the unmarked category) and frequency of use
as manifestations (criteria) of markedness, and did not focus on possible explanations
of the patterns he discovered (much as in his 1963 paper, where explanations were
secondary). However, he briey noted that while the greater frequency of unmarked
phonological segments is the result of their other unmarked properties, theroleof
frequency in grammar-semanticsseems to be primary (Greenberg 1966: 65).
Haimans(1983) paper (see also Haiman 1985) was important because it
discussed a diverse range of phenomena such as adpossessive marking (see
Section 6.5 above), reexive marking (see Section 7.1 above), and causatives
(see Section 7.4 above) in terms of iconicityand economyand highlighted the
role of tradeos(competing motivations).
Croft (1990: Chapter 4) followed Greenberg closely and was inspired by Hai-
man, but in the 2003 version of the book (Croft 2003), he no longer treats frequency
as simply another criterion of markedness. The new version claims that frequency
provides a deeper explanationfor the observed economy and iconicity eects
(where economyrefers to parsimony, and iconicityto explicitness in my terms).
He notes that the explanation is the same as Zipan explanation for the correlation
between shortness and frequency (Croft 2003: 112). He also deals with dierential-
coding pairs at length (Chapter 6), but he discusses these under the confusing
heading of typological prototypes, and the relation between these patterns and
usage frequency does not become very clear. Still, Crofts work is the most
important precursor to the present proposal.
Hawkins (2004: Section 3.2) formulates a very general principle (Minimize
Forms) which makes similar predictions to the explanations of asymmetric coding
that I have proposed here. However, he only discusses case, number and gender
asymmetries, and has almost nothing to say about dierential coding (see also the
summary in Hawkins 2014: Section 2.2).
Outside of the typological community,
[12] He only mentions dierential object marking briey, but his explanation is identical to the one
given here (inanimacy and indenitenes permit the inference to objecthoodbecause of their
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the idea of a tradeobetween speaker eort and robust information transmission
has also been pursued by a number of researchers, e.g. in phonology, variational
corpus linguistics, and psycholinguistics (Aylett & Turk 2004, Jaeger & Tily 2011,
Hall et al. 2018, Gibson et al. 2019, Levshina 2019).
Thus, the ideas and claims summarized in this paper are not completely novel,
and the only claim I make is that this is the right way of explaining a large number of
cross-linguistic patterns that are still often discussed in very dierent terms (appar-
ently because the GreenbergCroftHawkins insights have not become widely
known throughout the discipline yet).
To summarize, I have claimed that when two minimally dierent grammatical
construction types dier in frequency across languages, they will also show a
universal tendency to exhibit asymmetric coding, i.e. the more frequently used
construction will tend to be coded by a shorter form (or by zero), while the less
frequently used construction will be coded by a longer form.
I have listed 25 pairs of construction types for which this claim either has been
substantiated in the earlier literature or seems very plausible. I am planning to
document quite a few further cases of coding asymmetries in future work.
I have proposed that the universal coding asymmetries can be explained as
caused by the functional-adaptive force of coding eciency. This means that
speakers, and therefore also languages, must make a tradeobetween the conict-
ing pressures of parsimony and explicitness. While some languages in some
patterns show fully explicit coding, and some languages in some patterns show
no overt coding (i.e. maximal parsimony), many languages make an ecient
compromise, where only the less predictable information gets overt coding, while
the more predictable information is left uncoded (or is coded with fewer segments).
Counter-ecient patterns are virtually unattested.
The tradeothat languages make can be seen as a consequence of the tradeos
that speakers make in language use, because through language change (a kind of
cultural evolutionary process), languages can adapt to the needs of the speakers.
There are multiple pathways by which ecient coding patterns can arise, which
means that we have convergent cultural evolution.
For quite a few of the individual coding types, there is a rich earlier literature, and
sometimes rather dierent explanations have been proposed. There was no space in
this article to compare my explanation with other explanations, but some of my
earlier papers include some specic comparisons (e.g. Haspelmath 1999: Section 6;
Haspelmath 2008a,2008c: Sections 2 and 8; Haspelmath et al. 2014: Section 3;
frequent association, and this inference permits zero object marking). Hawkins (2004:
Section 3.2.3) is also worth reading because he relates his Minimize Form to the expression
of contextually predictable information (accessibility in Ariels(1990) terms) and to Levinsons
(2000) informativeness principle, as well as Relevance Theory. These further connections are
worth exploring, but beyond the scope of the present paper.
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Haspelmath 2017; Haspelmath & Karjus 2017: Section 3). Here I have limited
myself to a few remarks on iconicity and markedness explanations, but especially
for the domain of argument coding and reexivization, there is also a voluminous
literature from a generative perspective where the attempt is sometimes made to
explain implicational universals. I claim that all these explanations can and should
be replaced by the functional-adaptive explanation in terms of predictability and
coding eciency that I have advanced here,
and I hope that future work will
elaborate further on these ideas.
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... The present study seeks to gain a better understanding of the constraints underlying user-level decisionmaking around coding length, that is, how language users choose between coding options of varying lengths in discourse. Shorter and more frequent forms are generally claimed to be more efficient than longer, less frequent ones (Haspelmath 2021;Zipf 1935). Less predictable (i.e., accessible) information, as determined by contextual factors and frequency of information, tends to be overtly coded, while predictable information receives minimal encoding (Ariel 1990;Haspelmath 2021). ...
... Shorter and more frequent forms are generally claimed to be more efficient than longer, less frequent ones (Haspelmath 2021;Zipf 1935). Less predictable (i.e., accessible) information, as determined by contextual factors and frequency of information, tends to be overtly coded, while predictable information receives minimal encoding (Ariel 1990;Haspelmath 2021). The relationship between coding length and predictable information has been crosslinguistically attested across all levels of language (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax) both in corpus studies and experimentally (e.g., Haspelmath 2021; Kurumada and Jaeger 2015;Marttinen Larsson 2024a, 2024b, 2024cPiantadosi et al. 2011;Tily and Piantadosi 2009). ...
... The encoding of the signal is determined at choice points of language production (for an overview, see Jaeger and Buz 2017). The likelihood of successful transmission of a signal is determined on the basis of the contextual probability (Haspelmath 2021), accessibility (Ariel 1990;Levshina 2022), or information density (Jaeger 2010) of an antecedent or a form. Choosing between longer and shorter coding options in discourse, therefore, involves a trade-off between what is most cost-effective for the speaker and what is most likely to be successfully parsed by the interlocutor. ...
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This study analyzes to what extent communicative accounts, in contrast to production ease ones, can predict the variable coding length of conditional constructions in Spanish. If coding length is determined by communicative efficiency, we anticipate more accessible antecedents to be more parsimoniously encoded and less accessible ones to be more explicitly encoded. Insofar as coding length is determined by production-internal processes, longer coding is expected when speakers experience production difficulties. A Bayesian mixed-effects multinomial regression of 977 conditional constructions indicates that coding length is chiefly regulated by the speaker's communicative goals in that highly accessible antecedents are realized with shorter forms, and more inaccessible antecedents involve longer coding. We propose a speaker-hearer efficiency cline of conditional constructions that ranges from maximally explicit coding, which is less efficient for the speaker but easier to parse for the hearer, to maximally inferential coding, which is more efficient for the speaker but increases the inferential cognitive load of the hearer. Moreover, we find support for the view that pragmatically indirect conditionals are frequently redundantly coded. Because indirect speech act resolution is cognitively heavy for the listener, speakers seem to counterbalance the higher processing costs exerted by them through longer coding.
... The values of NOM and SG, as well as their combination, have long been associated with zero marking in the typological literature (e.g. Croft 2003;Greenberg 1963Greenberg , 1966Haspelmath and Karjus 2017;Haspelmath 2021;Jakobson 1983Jakobson [1939; Koch 1995). Interestingly, there is less discussion in the literature about zero marking of the INDF value, which showed the strongest trend towards zero marking in this study. ...
... Imperatives, especially 2SG forms, have also been mentioned in the literature as being prone to zero marking (e.g. Aikhenvald 2010;Croft 2003;Greenberg 1966;Haspelmath 2021;Koch 1995;Siewierska 2010). The results of the present study thus fit well with the expectations from the literature. ...
... This is evidence against the traditional (implicit) assumption in typology that zero markers behave like short markers in terms of their distribution in language use (e.g. Bybee 2011;Croft 2003;Greenberg 1966;Haspelmath 2021). At the same time, the results from this study confirm previous studies, arguing that coding efficiency and frequency may not be suitable or a sufficient explanation for zero marking in inflectional morphology (Stolz and Levkovych 2019;Guzmán Naranjo and Becker 2021;Bickel et al. 2015;Cysouw 2003;Siewierska 2010;Seržant and Moroz 2022). ...
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This study examines zero marking, i.e. the absence of an overt exponent, in adjectival, nominal, and verbal inflectional morphology across languages. The first part of the study provides an overview of the distribution of zero markers in inflection paradigms using the UniMorph dataset. The results show that there is a general preference against zero marking. The distribution of zero markers varies to a great extent across languages and lemmas, the only robust trend being that they are avoided in cells that express a high number of grammatical values. The second part of this study examines the association between marker frequencies and phonological length, using the Universal Dependencies treebanks. While token frequency is a good predictor for the length of overt markers, it does not account for the occurrence of zero markers. This is taken as evidence to support a differential non-development scenario of zero marking rather than a phonetic reduction scenario.
... The mapping between values and semantic attributes instead looks inconsistent [10,56,46,45]. ...
... In this case, occurrences of a [+Masc] value would correspond to presence of a +male semantic attribute [40]. Then, the uneven distribution of male referents would explain the differences in use [46,45]. Another option is that only the feminine value expresses a +female semantic attribute, while the masculine refers to entities when it is not true, relevant, or possible to specify they are female [56,29]. ...
... Our model does not explain why the underspecified value is consistently masculine across languages, but it predicts that a more frequent value is likely to be interpreted as underspecified. A higher number of male referents denoting human occupations, perhaps due to historical and cultural drivers, can bias the frequency towards the masculine value [45,43]. By satisfying the pressure towards simplicity, the grammatical masculine may then be interpreted and reused as underspecified in the whole system. ...
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Grammatical features such as number and gender serve two central functions in human languages. While they encode salient semantic attributes like numerosity and animacy, they also offload sentence processing cost by predictably linking words together via grammatical agreement. Grammars exhibit consistent organizational patterns across diverse languages, invariably rooted in a semantic foundation, a widely confirmed but still theoretically unexplained phenomenon. To explain the basis of universal grammatical patterns, we unify two fundamental properties of grammar, semantic encoding and agreement-based predictability, into a single information-theoretic objective under cognitive constraints. Our analyses reveal that grammatical organization provably inherits from perceptual attributes, but that grammars empirically prioritize functional goals, promoting efficient language processing over semantic encoding.
... En este trabajo se observó la subordinación desde la noción propuesta por la gramática funcional tipológica (Cristofaro, 2003;Givón, 2001Givón, , 2009Haspelmath, 2016Haspelmath, , 2021Van Gijn, Haude y Muysken, 2011). Primero, se elaboró un criterio de análisis de la subordinación conceptual para el español, proponiendo una recategorización de su codificación en formas típicas y alternativas (Alvarado, 2020;Alvarado y Koza, 2018; Crespo y Alvarado, 2021). ...
... Dialogando con estos antecedentes, interesa aquí describir el desarrollo de la subordinación, pero desde una perspectiva diferente: la gramática funcional tipológica (GFT). Esta corriente de estudio busca describir y comparar lenguas predominantemente no occidentales y minoritarias (Givón, 2001(Givón, , 2009Haspelmath, 2016Haspelmath, , 2021Van Gijn, Haude y Muysken, 2011). Uno de sus temas relevantes ha sido la definición y abordaje de la subordinación en tales sistemas, defendiendo, sobre todo, la naturaleza representacional del fenómeno (Cristofaro, 2003). ...
... En base a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene dos propósitos generales. Primero, se elaborará una taxonomía de formas típicas y alternativas de subordinación basándonos en los criterios de la GFT (Cristofaro, 2003;Givón, 2001Givón, , 2009Haspelmath, 2016Haspelmath, , 2021Van Gijn et al., 2011) y en sus adaptaciones al español (Alvarado, 2020;Alvarado y Koza, 2018;Crespo y Alvarado, 2021). Segundo, se aplicará esta clasificación con el fin de caracterizar el desarrollo de la subordinación conceptual de niños hispanohablantes en diferentes etapas de su vida escolar. ...
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En este trabajo se observó la subordinación desde la noción propuesta por la gramática funcional tipológica (Cristofaro, 2003; Givón, 2001, 2009; Haspelmath, 2016, 2021; Van Gijn, Haude y Muysken, 2011). Primero, se elaboró un criterio de análisis de la subordinación conceptual para el español, proponiendo una recategorización de su codificación en formas típicas y alternativas (Alvarado, 2020; Alvarado y Koza, 2018; Crespo y Alvarado, 2021). Posteriormente, se aplicó ese criterio para analizar las narraciones orales de un mismo grupo de escolares hispanohablantes a los 5, 7 y 10 años. Los resultados permitieron ver que la construcción de instancias de subordinación conceptual se incrementaba significativamente a medida que los niños crecían en edad, y, en esta misma lógica, la proporción de formas típicas seleccionadas aumentaba en desmedro de las alternativas.
... Language is commonly assumed to be efficient, based on the idea that it has evolved to be optimally suited for human communication (overviews in Coupé et al., 2019;Fedzechkina, 2014;Gibson et al., 2019;Haspelmath, 2021;Hawkins, 2014). Many authors argue that efficient communication avoids redundancy, even though this is somewhat controversial and the degree of redundancy found may depend on the population studied (e.g., children vs. adults, Tal & Arnon, 2022) and the definition of redundancy (e.g., compare Aylett & Turk, 2004;Beekhuizen et al., 2013;Levshina, 2021). ...
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In line with the idea that language has evolved to be efficient and to avoid redundancy, syntactic means of marking information structure have been derived from prosodic ones, and vice versa, for many languages. On the basis of crosslinguistic comparisons, prosody-syntax trade-offs have frequently been described for clefts. The present study investigated whether such trade-offs can also be observed language-internally, testing whether clefting reduced prosodic focus marking in production or its effects on perception in Mandarin. A production study found that clefts showed prosodic focus marking equal to or exceeding that found in syntactically unmarked equivalents. In both syntactic conditions, focused constituents had larger f0 ranges, higher f0 maxima and longer durations compared to a broad focus baseline, while post-focal constituents showed lower f0 maxima and minima, lower intensity and, for clefts, shorter durations (28 participants, 937 utterances containing 4466 syllables analyzed in total). A rating study likewise found that the effect of prosody on the perception of information structure was not modulated by clefting, which neither affected ratings nor reaction times (102 participants, 2448 responses analyzed in total). These findings suggest that prosody is integral for marking focus in cleft constructions instead of constituting a redundant cue.
... The general assumption since at least Zipf (1935Zipf ( /1965 has been that token frequency correlates with formal shortness (cf. also Haspelmath 2021). Crucially, this has been established as a cross-linguistically relevant factor in the domain of nominal inflection (Guzmán Naranjo and Becker 2021). ...
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This study explores the phonological structure of affixes based on different parameters. We begin by investigating the common but insufficiently supported claim that affixes tend to be monosyllabic, and we then take up the ideas that prefixes and suffixes differ in terms of size and in their proclivity for allomorphy. Our database consists of affix lists of 25 unrelated languages, which come from all six geographical macro-areas and yield a total of 1,454 affixes (403 prefixes, 1,051 suffixes). The results show that both prefixes and suffixes are most often monosyllabic, but prefixes are still significantly shorter than suffixes in terms of segments and syllables. There is no significant difference in terms of allomorphy. We argue that the monosyllabic tendency emerges as an artifact, given that a monosyllabic affix is long enough to be perceived, short enough to be economical, and compatible even with simple syllable structures. Meanwhile, prefixes are shorter than suffixes because they pose a challenge for comprehension and because syllable onsets in many languages allow more complexity than codas. The overall insight is that syllables are a prominent domain in morphology as well as phonology, even though various factors may undermine the overlap of affixes and syllables.
... Bybee 2002b; Gibson et al. 2019;Haspelmath 2008;Haspelmath 2021;Jaeger 2010;Kurumada and Jaeger 2015;Levshina 2022a;Levshina and Lorenz 2022;Norcliffe and Jaeger 2016;Priva and Jaeger 2018;Wasow et al. 2011). Omitting highly predictable information is communicatively efficient because it complies with the goal of being understood while still favoring ease of production(Jaeger 2010;Kurumada and Jaeger 2015). ...
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This paper scrutinizes the conventionalization of the Spanish expression la de que (‘the amount of that’), a reduced variant of la cantidad de que. The study seeks to determine the diachrony of and mechanisms underlying the emergence and diffusion of the la de que expression and whether it has conventionalized to develop into an independent form-function pairing. A Bayesian mixed-effects logistic regression analysis of approximately 2000 observations of diachronic corpus data tests the influence of the conditional probability of lexemes in the noun slot and the register, which both turn out to have a meaningful effect. It is argued that the initial omission of cantidad can be accounted for by appealing to the notion of probabilistic reduction, whereby omission is feasible in contexts involving a high degree of constructional predictability. In the mapping out of change, conventionalization of the innovative la de que is most observable in contexts involving high constructional predictability and is least prominent in contexts of low constructional predictability. On the grounds that, over time, the la de que progressively has become stylistically divergent from the longer expression, the two constructions are claimed to be functionally distinct.
In the present paper, we discuss the bibliographical limits for commonplace typological studies and address how to estimate the resources available for an in-depth study using a full-text corpus of grammatical descriptions, considering different metalanguages, temporal stages of description, theoretical perspectives, and quality of grammatical descriptions. In a case study on motion, we illustrate the above perspectives and show how computer-assisted sampling using large-scale keyword searches for information-dense descriptions is a time-saving resource for the linguistic researcher to create genealogically independent samples. The measures discussed in this study allow for a better appraisal of the state of existing information for typological studies, but the problem of wider access to rare publications remains a significant challenge.
The structuring and encoding of space through language, the shape of the linguistic inventories found in individual languages, as well as the symmetries and asymmetries manifested by such systems have received a great deal of attention during the last four decades. The vast majority of the relevant studies adopted a purely synchronic perspective and diachronic studies of the relevant phenomena are rare. The aim of this paper is to contribute to this discussion by analyzing the historical development of directional demonstratives in Germanic languages, the structure of the relevant systems at different stages, the reduction and loss of oppositions and the resultant creation of asymmetries. The results of the descriptions will be examined and evaluated from a comparative and typological perspective.
This volume comprises a selection of papers that were presented at the 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24), which took place at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra from 1-5 July, 2019. The volume’s aim is to reflect the breadth of research presented at the conference, with each chapter representative of a workshop or themed session. A striking aspect of ICHL24 was the three-day workshop on computational and quantitative approaches to historical linguistics and two of the chapters represent different aspects of this workshop. A number of chapters present research that explores mechanisms and processes of change within specific domains of language, while others explore interactions of change across linguistic domains. Two chapters represent a common theme at the conference and consider the role of historical linguistics in explaining non-linguistic histories of language diversification.
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Argument coding splits such as differential (= split) object marking and split ergative marking have long been known to be universal tendencies, but the generalizations have not been formulated in their full generality before. In particular, ditransitive constructions have rarely been taken into account, and scenario splits have often been treated separately. Here I argue that all these patterns can be understood in terms of the usual association of role rank (highly ranked A and R, low-ranked P and T) and referential prominence (locuphoric person, animacy, definiteness, etc.). At the most general level, the role-reference association universal says that deviations from usual associations of role rank and referential prominence tend to be coded by longer grammatical forms. In other words, A and R tend to be referentially prominent in language use, while P and T are less prominent, and when less usual associations need to be expressed, languages often require special coding by means of additional flags (case-markers and adpositions) or additional verbal voice coding (e.g., inverse or passive markers). I argue that role-reference associations are an instance of the even more general pattern of form-frequency correspondences, and that the resulting coding asymmetries can all be explained by frequency-based predictability and coding efficiency.
This book presents the first comprehensive typology of purpose clause constructions in the world’s languages. Based on a stratified variety sample of 80 languages, it uncovers the unity and diversity of the morphosyntactic means by which purposive relations are coded, and discusses the status of purpose clauses in the syntactic and conceptual space of complex sentences. Explanations for significantly recurrent coding patterns are couched in a usage-based approach to language structure, which pays due attention to the cognitive and communicative pressures on usage events involving purpose clauses, to frequency distributions of grammatical choices in corpora, and to the ways in which usage preferences conventionalize in pathways of diachronic change. The book integrates diverse previous strands of research on purpose clauses with a thorough empirical analysis in its own right and thus reflects the current state of the art of crosslinguistic research into this distinctive type of adverbial clause. An appendix to A Typology of Purpose Clauses can be found on the author's website:
The markedness principle plays a central role in linguistic theory: marked grammatical categories (like plural) tend to receive more linguistic encoding (e.g., morphological marking), while unmarked categories (like singular) tend to receive less linguistic encoding. What precisely makes a grammatical category or meaning marked, however, remains unclear. One prominent proposal attributes markedness to the frequency or predictability of meanings: infrequent or less predictable meanings are more likely to receive extra linguistic encoding than frequent or more predictable meanings. Existing support for the predictability account is limited to correlational evidence, leaving open whether meaning predictability can cause markedness patterns. We present two miniature language learning experiments that directly assess effects of predictability on morphological plural marking. We find that learners preferentially produce plural marking on nouns that are less probable to occur with plural meaning—despite the fact that no such pattern was present in learners’ input. This suggests that meaning predictability can cause the markedness patterns like those that are cross-linguistically observed.