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Food Sci Nutr. 2020;8:4009–4016.
Received: 23 December 2019
Revised: 10 April 2020
Accepted: 13 Ap ril 2020
DOI: 10.10 02/f sn3.1620
Moringa oleifera Lam.ameliorates the muscles function recovery
following an induced insult to the Sciatic nerve in a mouse
Aroona Razzaq1 | Shoaib Ahmad Malik2 | Farhan Saeed3 | Ali Imran3 |
Azhar Rasul4 | Muhammad Qasim5 | Shamaila Zafar1 | Syed Kashif Shahid Kamran1 |
Javeria Maqbool1 | Muhammad Imran6 | Ghulam Hussain1 | Muzzamal Hussain7
1Neurochemicalbiology and Genetics Laboratory (NG L), Department of Physiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Government College University, Faisalabad,
2Depar tment of Biochemistr y, Sargodha Medic al Coll ege, Universit y of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
3Instit ute of Home and Food S ciences, Facult y of Life Sciences, Gover nment College University, Faisalabad, Pakista n
4Depar tment of Zoolog y, Faculty of L ife Scie nces, G overnment College University, Faisalabad, Pakis tan
5Depar tment of Bioinformatic s and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Science s, Government C ollege University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
6Faculty of Allied H ealth S cience s, Unive rsity Instit ute of Diet and Nutr itional Sciences, The University of L ahore, Lahore, Pakistan
7University of Gambia, S errekunda, G ambia
This is an op en access arti cle under the ter ms of the Creative Commons Attribution L icense, which pe rmits use, dis tribu tion and reprod uction in any med ium,
provide d the original wor k is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Food Science & Nut rition pu blishe d by Wiley Periodicals LLC .
Ghulam Hussain, Neurochemicalbiology
and Genetics L aboratory (NGL), Physiolog y
depar tment , Liaqu at Block, 1st Floor,
New Campus, Jhang Road, Faculty of Life
Science s, Government C ollege University,
Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
Emails:, gh_
Muzzam al Hussain, Uni versit y of Gambia,
Serrekunda, Gambia.
Funding information
The curr ent work was suppo rted by t he
Higher Education Commission of Pa kistan,
grant No. (7612/Punjab/NRPU/R&D/
HEC/2017) to G. H .
Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) is an incapacitating situation and has no effective ther-
apy until now. We examined the possible role of crude leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam .
at 200 mg/kg body weight in accelerating the functional regain in the sciatic nerve
lesion induced mouse model (Adult male albino mice (BALB/c). Motor functions were
evaluated by using the sciatic functional index, muscle mass, and muscle grip strength
measurement, whereas the sensory functions were evaluated by using the hot plate
test. Blood glucose levels and blood cell composition were also analyzed. We found
that the Moringa oleifera crude leaves endorse the sensory and motor functions rec-
lamation following the PNI with a statistically significant difference (p < .05). It also
revitalizes the gastrocnemius muscle by mass restoration with glycemic management
perspective. Conclusively, the crude powder of Moringa oleifera leaves exhibited a
function restoration boosting property and further detailed studies for its applica-
tion as a therapeutic agent are strongly recommended.
blood glucose, Moringa oleifera, motor and sensory functional recovery, peripheral nerve
injury, phytochemicals
RAZZAQ e t Al.
Peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) is ver y common and complex and
impeding health fac tor in our society and remains incurable up to
now. It may result from road traffic accidents, sharp lacerations,
gunshot wounds, and various other physical traumas. Consequently,
the affected nerves undergo an intricate pathological sequence and
associated compromised sensor y and motor functions. Though the
peripheral nervous system is capable to exhibit a regenerative ca-
pability following the PNI, this phenomenon is quite slow and the
impending muscular atrophy exacerbates the situation before the
targeted organs’ re-innervation (Aziz et al., 2019; Imran et al., 2019;
Rasul et al., 2019) Despite incredible treatment approaches, com-
plete functional retrieval still remains as a challenge to be resolved.
The sluggish regeneration rates and the threatening muscular atro-
phy are the primary limitations in developing any novel therapeutic
interventions against PNI. In order to cope with this need, scientists
are exploring effective and affordable remedies to accelerate func-
tional reclamation and endorse axonal regeneration (Hussain, Rasul,
et al., 2018; Hussain, Zhang, et al., 2018). Meanwhile, plants and
plant-derived compounds are getting more consideration because
of their health-promoting properties (Hussain et al., 2019; Hussain,
Rasul, et al., 2018; Hussain, Zhang, et al., 2018), as naturally occur-
ring compounds present auspicious substitute therapeutic strategies
for affected individuals.
Medicinal plants and herbs are a source of a plethora of phy-
tochemic als that are demonstrated to be beneficial and ef fective
in preventing, treating or improving different diseases and health
conditions. Moringa oleifera Lam. (M. oleifera) is one of the richest
sources of vitamins and minerals from the Moringaceae family.
Moringa has been widely utilized as folk medicine owing to its rich
phytochemistry with special reference to various phytoconstituents
such as alkaloids, saponins, tannins, steroids, phenolic acids, glu-
cosinolates, flavonoids, and terpenes. However, the presence of
phenolic acids, glucosinolates, and flavonoids are responsible for
its anticancer, neuroprotective, and antioxidant potential through
various mechanistic routes. It is a native plant of some regions of
the Himalayan mountains found in northwest Pakistan and India
(Fahey, 2005). The extracts from M. oleifera evince various nu-
traceutical and pharmacological properties such as anti-oxidant,
anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective and have
been traditionally found to be a promising drug for various dis-
orders such as cancer and liver diseases (Abdull Razis, Ibrahim,
& Kntay ya, 2014; Kooltheat et al., 2014). Interestingly, it miti-
gates memory impairment, age-related dementia, neurodegen-
eration, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease (Ganguly
& Guha, 20 08; Sutalangka, Wattanathorn, Muchimapura, &
Thukham-mee, 2013). Moreover, M. oleifera exhibits neurotrophic
and neuroprotective properties as its leave extract stimulates and
promotes neuronal outgrow th and survival both under normal toxic
cond iti ons (Han nan et al. , 2014 ). Howe ve r, the ev ide nce con cer nin g
the effects of M. oleifera leaves in crude or extract forms on the
nerve regeneration after an injury is scarce until now. Therefore,
this study aimed to evaluate the potential role of crude leaf pow-
der of M. oleifera in promoting the motor and sensor y functions re-
trieval following a mechanically induced injury to the Sciatic nerve
in a mouse model.
2.1 | Animals and study design for the experiment
Adult male albino mice (BALB/c) (n = 10) of th e same weig ht (3 0 ± 4 g)
and age (5–6 weeks) were provided by the department of physiolog y
(Government College University Faisalabad). The mice were sepa-
rated into two groups (Control group n = 5, Treatment group n = 5).
All mice were given standard conditions of living with ad libitum
food and water. They were housed in separate rodent plastic cages
at ambient temperature and light/dark cycle as (24 ± 2°C; dark/light
cycle). The study was approved by the Institutional Animal C are and
Ethics Committee (ERC 254).
2.2 | Plant collection and preparation
The leaves of M. oleifera were purchased from the local market of
Faisalabad and identified by the botanist from the Department of
Botany, Government College University Faisalabad. The leaves
were shade dried and ground into powder as already described
(Priyadarshani & Varma, 2014). Then, leaves powder was mixed in
the normal chow diet of treatment group mice at the dose given in
the literature as 200 mg/kg of body weight. The mice were given the
privilege to consume an average diet intake of 5 g/animal; required
to produce the biological effect according to the dose of M. oleifera.
The average weight, drink, and food intake were measured through-
out the period of the experiment (pre and post to the sciatic nerve
injury) by adapting the standard procedures.
2.3 | Sciatic nerve compression injury
The mice were subjected to the nerve crush after the acclimatiza-
tion of one weak. For the purpose, they were anesthetized through
intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (100 mg/kg BW) and xylazine
(5 mg/kg BW) mixture (Ma et al., 2013). The incision site was shaved
smoothly, and a fine cut over an extent of 2 cm along the proximal
half of the fleck between the trochanter major and the knee joint
was induced. The sciatic nerve was compressed (constant pressure)
for 15 s by using a pair of forceps. It was made sure by visual obser-
vation that the nerve was perfectly compressed and the epineurium
remained intact. Then, skin suturing was done (4-0 stitches) and mice
were permitted to recover (Halter et al., 2010; Hussain et al., 2013;
Imran et al., 2019). After the induction of injury, mice were divided
into two groups; the control group (n = 7) and the treatment group
(n = 7).
RA ZZAQ e t Al.
2.4 | Behavioral analysis
2.4.1 | Sciatic functional index
On all mice, walking track analysis was performed throughout the
study as three times prior to surger y and then every third day after
surgery. The plantar surface of mice was painted with the non-
toxic ink and they were allowed to walk along the wooden track
(50 cm × 7 cm). Approximately, five notable footprints were taken
and the sciatic functional index (SFI) was measured with the follow-
ing formula.
In the above formula, the distance between 1st and 5th toe is toe
spread (TS), Print length (PL) is the distance from the top of the 3rd
toe to heel, and the distance between 2nd and 4th toe is intermedi-
ary toe spread (IT ) (Navarro, 2016).
2.4.2 | Muscle grip strength
Muscle grip strength measurement is an optimal parameter while
assessing the motor functional recovery following the sciatic
nerve lesion. It allows encountering the in vivo muscle strength
force of mice and associated ner ve regeneration capabilit y as
motor functions rehabilitation is indirectly associated with the
rate of nerve regeneration. An average value of three readings
was recorded by using muscle grip strength meter (Bioseb) for
both hind limbs (Ipsilateral and contralateral). The results of the
control and treatment group were compared with ensure the
functional recovery.
2.4.3 | Thermal withdrawal threshold (hot plate
The regain of sensory functions was evaluated by using the ther-
mal th re sho ld with the hot pl at e ap par at us (SCI LO GE X MS7-H550 -S
LED di git a l 7 × 7 Hot pla te st irr e rs). Th e hot plat e tes t was pe r fo r med
by following the procedure as given previously (Aziz et al., 2019). In
brie f, the mouse wa s ad apted to the non fu nct ionin g ho t plate dev ic e
for one mi nu te before the actu al exp eri me nt . The n, each mou se was
adjusted in such a way that their operated hind paws were exposed
to the hot sur face of th e funct ionin g ho t plate device (56 ± 2° C) . The
mouse was observed to elicit any response of jerk or lick in result
to the thermal stimuli and this time was recorded as the hot plate
latency. An average of three readings was taken as a final reading.
Following such a response, the mouse was immediately removed
from the device to aver t any pathological intervention to the organ
2.4.4 | Muscle weight
The gastrocnemius muscle mass was measured in order to explore
the extent of muscle atrophy as it is one of the most significant con-
tributors in delaying the functional escalation. Following the mus-
cle harvesting, the muscle mass of both groups (Ipsilateral legs) as
normal chow group and M. oleifera chow group were measured and
compared (Li et al., 2013; Tuffaha et al., 2016).
2.4.5 | Random blood glucose
Random blood glucose was measured in order to assess the con-
tribution of glucose levels in exacerbating the pathological condi-
tion following the sciatic nerve injur y. As a higher level of blood
glucose initiates metabolism-related pathological pathways at
the site of PNI. A glucometer (Accu-chek) was used to assess the
blood glucose levels in both groups at different time intervals in
the study according to the given procedure of (Asmat, Abad, &
Ismail, 2016).
2.5 | Blood cells composition analysis
The blood cell composition was measured by a hematological ana-
lyzer to evaluate the levels of various blood cell count either altered
by the PNI or improved by the M. oleifera treatment.
3.1 | Effect of M. oleifera on body weight and food
Body weight and food intake were measured in both groups, that
is, normal chow group and M. oleifera chow group (Figure 1a,b)
throughout the period of the experiment (pre and post to the sciatic
nerve injury). We observed no statistical change (p = .461) in the
diet intake and body mass in both groups even after the addition of
M. oleifera in the mice diet and sciatic nerve le sion induction. Hence,
it is speculated that M. oleifera did not modif y the taste of diet and
hence not hampered the diet intake.
3.2 | Effect of M. oleifera on motor functions
retrieval (SFI & Grip strength)
Following the sciatic nerve injury, there is a complete functional
loss of motor neurons. Functional retrieval is directly connected to
the rate of ner ve regeneration, which is usually slow under ordinar y
situations. The SFI and Grip strength (% of initial force) were meas-
ured to evaluate the motor functional recovery. We found an early
motor function recover y in the M. oleifera chow group (Figure 2a,b)
−38.3 ×−
109.5 ×
13.3 ×
RAZZAQ e t Al.
with statistically significant differences (p < .05). Furthermore, the
development of muscle atrophy is noteworthy, as shown by the de-
creased muscle mass, in normal chow group indicates the muscle
denervation, whereas the muscle mass of Gastrocnemius muscle
was recovered significantly in the M. oleifera chow grou p (F ig ure 2c).
3.3 | Effect of M. oleifera on sensory
functions retrieval
Following the sciatic ner ve injury, both motor and sensory func-
tions are compromised since the sciatic nerve is a mixed type of
nerve. Therefore, measuring the sensory function is also equally
important. The sensory function retrieval following the sciatic
nerve lesion was evaluated by using the hot plate test (Figure 3).
In the hot plate test, the paw withdrawal latency is indicative of
nociception ac tivit y (Ra su l et al ., 2019). We fo un d a n early highly
significant paw withdrawal response (p < .001), which shows
sensor y functions recovery, in the M. oleifera chow group. This
ultimately indicates the effectiveness of M. oleifera in acceler-
ating the rate of nociceptive activity retrieval after the sciatic
nerve lesion.
3.4 | Effect of M. oleifera on random blood
glucose and blood cell measurement
The peripheral ner ve function is affected by higher levels of blood
glucose as deranged glucose metabolism initiates many pathological
sequelae at the site of PNI. Therefore, measuring blood glucose levels
is very effective while assessing the functional reclamation following
the sciatic nerve injury (Nascimento, Pupe, & Cavalcanti, 2016). We
found that random blood glucose levels were significantly reduced
(p < .05 ) in the M. oleifera chow grou p (Figu re 4a). M. oleifera has been
previously found to enhance the platelet count, and here, we found
that platelet level was also up-regulated, though the result s were
not significant (Figure 4b). This might indicate the attenuation of an
underlying pathological pathway of nerve injur y, and thereby, it ac-
celerates its regeneration.
This study was considered to inspec t the possible role of M. oleifera
as a novel agent in accelerating the ner ve regeneration rate and as-
sociated functions regain in a mouse model of PNI. We observed
FIGURE 1 Effect of Moringa oleifera on body mass and food int ake. (a): Time course of body mass in mice fed on normal chow (blue line,
n = 5) and M. oleifera chow group (orange line, n = 5). Independent Student's t-test showed the nonsignificant effect of time, nonsignificant
effects of diet on the body mass. The statistical analysis is given as p = .421 at p = .005, SD = 3.74, SEM = 1.67 for normal chow group and
p = p = .421 at p = .005, SD = 2.40, SEM = 1.07 for M. oleifera chow group with the confidence interval of 0.811–9.98. (b): Time course of body
mass in mice fed on normal chow (blue line, n = 5) and M. Oleifera chow group (orange line, n = 5). Independent Student's t-test showed the
nonsignificant effect of time, nonsignificant effects of diet on food consumption. The statistical analysis at p = .005 is p = .300, SD = 2.74,
SEM = 2.7 for normal chow group and p = .300, SD = 3.40, SEM = 5.0 for Moringa oleifera chow group with the confidence interval of
0. 2 11–9.78
RA ZZAQ e t Al.
FIGURE 2 Effect of Moringa oleifera on motor func tional recovery. (a): Time course of muscle grip strength (% of initial force) in mice
fed on normal chow group (blue line, n = 5) and mice fed on M. oleifera chow group (red line, n = 5) af ter sciatic nerve crush. Measurements
were acquired from both hind limbs as Ipsilateral (solid lines) and contralateral (dotted lines) to the mechanical insult of the sciatic ner ve.
Independent Student's t-test showed a significant ef fect of time, significant effects of diet on muscle grip strength force. The statistical
analysis is given as p = .0 02 at p = .005, SD = 9.34, SEM = 10.67 for normal chow group and p = p = **.002 at p = .005, SD = 4.40, SEM = 2.07
for M. oleifera chow group with the confidence interval of 18.811–10.98. (b) Time course of Sciatic functional index (SFI) in mice fed on
normal chow group (blue line, n = 5) and mice fed on M. oleifera chow group (red line, n = 5). Measurements were acquired from both hind
limbs as ipsilateral and contralateral to the mechanical insult of sciatic nerve. Independent Student's t-test showed significant effect of time,
significant effect of diet on SFI. The statistical analysis is given as p = **.029 at p = .005, SD = 10.54, SEM = 4.71 for normal chow group
and p = **.029 at p = .005, SD = 11.29, SEM = 5.04 for M. oleifera chow group with the confidence interval of −34.0 8 to −2.37. (c): Time
course of muscle mass restoration in mice fed on normal chow group (blue bar n = 5) and mice fed on M. oleifera chow group (red bar n = 5).
Measurements were acquired from both hind limbs as Ipsilateral and contralateral (muscle mass ratio of both legs) to the mechanical insult of
the sciatic nerve. Independent Student's t-test showed a significant effect of time and a significant effect of diet on muscle mass restoration.
The statistical analysis is given as p = *.04 at p = .005, SD = 1.54, SEM = 3.41 for normal chow group and p = *.04 at p = .005, SD = 1.29,
SEM = 9.4 for M. Oleifera chow group with the confidence interval of 12.08 to −5.47
RAZZAQ e t Al.
that body mass and food intake were not altered in response to the
addition of M. oleifera and induction of sciatic nerve lesion through-
out the experiment. Moreover, we found that M. oleifera has the
capability of promoting the motor and sensor y functional recover y
after the induction of sciatic nerve lesion to the mice. Based upon
the severity and nature of the ner ve injury, sensory and motor func-
tions might compromise partially or completely. As the functional
reclamation is directly associated with the nerve regeneration rate
which is usually quite sluggish under conventional conditions. Here,
we reported that M. oleifera causes an early reclamation of sensory
and motor func tions as shown in results with significant differences.
The motor functions were found to be significant as measured by
SFI (p = **.029) and grip strength (p = **.002). Whereas, the sensory
functions, as measured by hot plate test (p = ***.000), were found to
be retrieved earlier in the M. oleifera chow group. Fur thermore, poor
communication of the muscle due to the absence of basal stimuli
causes the target muscle to undergo muscle atrophy. This phenom-
enon possesses additional burden at the site of nerve injury and
thereby further decreasing the chances of functional retrieval (dos
Santos et al., 2016). Meanwhile, the muscle atrophy also causes an
additional delay in the regeneration of injured neurons as it halts the
production of trophic factors and associated poor functional recov-
ery (Li et al., 2013; Navarro, 2016; Tuffaha et al., 2016). Here, we
FIGURE 4 Effect of Moringa oleifera on
blood glucose and blood cell composition.
(a): Random blood glucose levels in mice
fed on normal chow group (blue bar, n = 5)
and mice fed on M. oleifera chow group
(red bar, n = 5) after sciatic ner ve crush.
Independent Student's t-test showed
a significant effect of time, significant
effects of diet on blood glucose levels. A
significant difference was found between
both groups as p = .003, SD = 4.53,
SEM = 2.7 for M. Oleifera chow group with
the confidence interval of 10.0 0–5.054.
(b): Blood composition of both groups,
normal chow group (n = 5) and M. oleifera
chow group (n = 5). The 1st set of bars
shows white blood cells level (103 μl) of
both groups; statistically nonsignificant
at (p = .161), 2nd set of bars show red
blood cells level (106 μl) of both groups;
statistically nonsignificant at (p = .386),
3rd set of bars show hemoglobin level
(g/dl) of both groups; statistically
nonsignificant at ( p = .408), and 4th set
of bars show platelets level (103 μl) of
both groups; statistically nonsignificant at
(p = .455)
FIGURE 3. Ef fect of Moringa oleifera on motor functional recovery.
(a) Time course of hot plate test (thermal nociception) in the mice
fed on normal chow group (blue bar, n = 5) and the mice fed on
M. oleifera chow group (red bar, n = 5) after sciatic nerve crush.
Measurements were acquired from both groups’ operated hind
limbs (Ipsilateral) before and after mechanical insult to the sciatic
nerve. The hot plate test (Hot Plate Latency) results are expressed
in seconds on different days (day −2, day 2 and 8). Independent
Student's t-test showed a significant effect of time, significant
effects of diet on thermal nociception activity in the hot plate
test. A significant difference was found between both groups as
p= ***.000 at p = .0 05, SD = 0.78, SEM = 0.35 for M. Oleifera chow
group with the confidence interval of 18.811–10.98
RA ZZAQ e t Al.
found that the muscle atrophy in gastrocnemius muscle mass was
reserved with a significant dif ference in the M. oleifera chow group
(p = . *04) following the sciatic nerve injury. Taken altogether, these
findings suggest that M. oleifera can accelerate the rate of function
regain following an injury to the peripheral nervous system as well
and these findings concomitantly endorse the already reported
data regarding its benefits for the central nervous system (Singh &
Navneet, 2018). It is already well documented by recent investiga-
tions that the neuronal dysfunctions and neurodegeneration could
be improved by flavonoids intervention (Hussain, Rasul, et al., 2018;
Hussain, Zhang, et al., 2018), we assume that the function promoting
effects of M. oleifera might be attributed to the flavonoid class, but
that requires fur ther investigation.
Furthermore, in our study, we established that M. oleifera ex-
hibits glucose-lowering effects, which might be attributed to the
anti-diabetic effects of M. oleifera already reported (Patel, Ayaz, &
Parikh, 2015). Thus, we hypothesize here that different phytochem-
icals in the M. oleifera modify the glucose metabolism machiner y at
cellular levels which eventually recovers the rate of nerve regenera-
tion. Meanwhile, the higher levels of blood glucose cause additional
pathological features at the PNI site by disturbing the physiological
glucose metabolism and also imitates several pathological features
[29]. Similarly, the hyperglycemic induces oxidative stress which is a
well-known factor as a dynamic power for the initiation of frequent
clinical problems. This balance of anti-oxidative and oxidative stress
is very much sensitive to the glucose level since the minor elevated
glucose level affects the entire oxidative system of the biological
system. Here in PNI, this oxidative stress might serve as a key regula-
tor in delaying functional retrieval (Asmat et al., 2016; Latini, Pereira,
Couture, Campos, & Talbot, 2019; Menon et al., 2004), which could
be overcome by the addition of M. oleifera extract in the diet. In this
scenario, M. oleifera leaves cont ain flavonoids, such as quercetin and
kaempferol, as the most potent antioxidant s as well (Hussain, Rasul,
et al., 2018; Hussain, Zhang, et al., 2018).
To sum up, this study provides evidence of the effectiveness of the
Moringa leaves in the crude form against traumatic nerve injury.
Based on the present findings and previous data, it can be suggested
that this plant can prove an interesting and valuable target for the
discovery of effective and affordable intervention against periph-
eral nerve injuries. Moreover, this study shows that oral administra-
tion of crude of M. oleifera does not affect the eating behavior as
the body weight and eating pattern remained unmodified. Although
these preliminary results are impregnated with positivity, however
the further investigations to identify the actual bioactive constitu-
ent and its characterization is strongly recommended alongside
the long-term human-based clinical trials ought to be conducted
to apprehend the impac t of these bioactive moieties and their pos-
sible mechanistic concerns in actual setting and their commercial
No conflict of interest stated from authors.
The study design and use of the animal model (Mouse) for the cur-
rent project were approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
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How to cite this article: Razzaq A, Ahmad Malik S, Saeed F, et
al. Moringa oleifera Lam.ameliorates the muscles function
recovery following an induced insult to the Sciatic ner ve in a
mouse model. Food Sci Nutr. 2020;8:4009–4016. ht t p s :// d oi .
org /10.10 02/fsn3.1620
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