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Abstract and Figures

BACKGROUND Nicarbazin is an anti‐coccidial product sometimes used as a contraceptive to reduce the size of feral pigeon populations. However, its effectiveness in reducing pigeon population size in cities has caused some controversy. Here, we evaluate its effectiveness in the city of Barcelona. RESULTS In 2017, the Barcelona City Council set 23 feeding stations with nicarbazin and ten with placebo (untreated corn). Censuses were undertaken before and after one year of treatment, within a 200‐m radius around each feeder. We also censused 28 circles of 200 m radius distributed randomly 200 m from the feeders and 28 circles > 500 m from the feeders, which acted as controls. Population size across the whole city was also evaluated pre‐ and post treatment. We found that feral pigeon density did not change after one year of treatment, either in the circles around feeding stations with nicarbazin or in the areas around control stations at 200 and > 500 m from the feeders. Population size in placebo circles rose after a year by 10%. A pigeon census for the whole of Barcelona showed a 10% increase. CONCLUSION Overall, our results indicate that the nicarbazin treatment had no effect on feral pigeon population size, and we advise against its use as a pigeon control method, at least in large cities.
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Research Article
Received: 1 April 2020 Revised: 6 July 2020 Accepted article published: 11 July 2020 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 3 September 2020
( DOI 10.1002/ps.6000
Nicarbazin has no effect on reducing feral
pigeon populations in Barcelona
Juan Carlos Senar,a
Helena Navalpotro,aJordi Pascuala,b and
Tomás Montalvob
BACKGROUND: Nicarbazin is an anti-coccidial product sometimes used as a contraceptive to reduce the size of feral pigeon
populations. However, its effectiveness in reducing pigeon population size in cities has caused some controversy. Here, we eval-
uate its effectiveness in the city of Barcelona.
RESULTS: In 2017, the Barcelona City Council set 23 feeding stations with nicarbazin and ten with placebo (untreated corn). Cen-
suses were undertaken before and after one year of treatment, within a 200-m radius around each feeder. We also censused
28 circles of 200 m radius distributed randomly 200 m from the feeders and 28 circles >500 m from the feeders, which acted
as controls. Population size across the whole city was also evaluated pre- and post treatment. We found that feral pigeon den-
sity did not change after one year of treatment, either in the circles around feeding stations with nicarbazin or in the areas
around control stations at 200 and >500 m from the feeders. Population size in placebo circles rose after a year by 10%. A
pigeon census for the whole of Barcelona showed a 10% increase.
CONCLUSION: Overall, our results indicate that the nicarbazin treatment had no effect on feral pigeon population size, and we
advise against its use as a pigeon control method, at least in large cities.
© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: feral pigeon; Columba livia; nicarbazin; contraceptives; population size control
Feral pigeon (Columba livia var. domestica) is one of the many spe-
cies affected positively by human activity. High reproduction rates
determined by the availability of unlimited food and suitable
nesting sites near humans enable feral pigeon populations to
thrive in urban environments, causing problems such as a major
disease risk and damage to buildings.
These issues require gov-
ernments to use control methods against the species.
In Barcelona (northeast Spain), pigeons have traditionally been
caught and removed from places where high densities were a
public health problem.
However, this method was not effective
in the short-term due to rapid colonization by young pigeons into
areas where birds were removed.
After 2006, mass captures were
undertaken and the population was successfully reduced,
controversy surrounded the ethics of this method and pushed
Barcelona Council to look for alternative and ethical methods of
pigeon control.
One of these methods is the administration of an anti-fertility
drug that reduces breeding success. Nicarbazin is the contracep-
tive product most commonly used. This ingredient was originally
used to treat coccidiosis in birds.
Nicarbazin is an equimolar com-
plex formed by 4,40-dinitrocarbanilide (DNC) and 2-hydroxy-4,-
6-dimethylpyrimidine (HDP). The function of the HDP is to
increase absorption of the substance in the intestine, while the
DNC is the active anticoccidial drug.
8, 9
Nicarbazin has the ability
to reduce egg production because it interferes in cholesterol
metabolism, which affects formation of the vitreous membrane,
destroying the separation between egg yolk and egg white.
10, 11
We refer to the product based on nicarbazin, used in Europe to
control pigeon populations, as NP1 (see Material and Methods).
NP1 consists of corn seeds covered with nicarbazin (800 ppm)
and a water-repellent lm. However, there has been controversy
regarding its effectiveness. In studies with captive pigeons, Mar-
telli et al.
reported a high degree of success of nicarbazin (not
NP1) in reducing the fertility of pigeons under highly controlled
conditions. Meanwhile, Giunchi et al.
reported very low effec-
tiveness for NP1, which was attributed to the low palatability of
the product. Results of eld studies have also been unconvincing.
Some studies comparing the abundance of pigeons before and
after treatment found a reduction in the population.
14, 15
ever, these results may not be reliable because control parcels
were not considered. In addition, the two censuses were carried
out at different times of the year, a factor affecting pigeon
*Correspondence to: JC Senar, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona,
Castell dels Tres Dragons, Parc Ciutadella, Barcelona, 08003, Spain.
aMuseu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Castell dels Tres Dragons, Parc
Ciutadella, Barcelona, 08003, Spain
bAgencia de Salut Publica de Barcelona, and CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud
Pública, Pl. Lesseps, 1, Barcelona, 08023, Spain
Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry
detectability and density.
5, 1618
In another study in the city of
Modena, control zones were not considered and restriction of
nesting sites was applied over the same period.
This made it
impossible to discern the effects of nicarbazin from those of nest-
ing site limitation, which we know from other cities to have an
In a study carried out in the large city of Genova, controlled
areas were considered, but pigeons were counted only around
The reduction in pigeon numbers observed may have
been due to loss of interest in the feeders or other collateral factors.
In summary, the effectiveness of NP1 in reducing feral pigeon
populations, especially in large cities, remains unclear.
Our aim was to use the setting by the City Council of NP1
feeders in Barcelona city to analyze the effectiveness of NP1 as a
pigeon control method in a large city, where the species main-
tains very high densities.
4, 22
To avoid the above-mentioned
methodological problems, we established different levels of study
to take into account the evolution of the population over time and
space. Temporary effects were tested by comparing censuses
from before and after NP1 treatment. Spatial effects were ana-
lyzed by comparing censuses carried out in circles located at dif-
ferent distances from NP1 dispensers. An additional control
treatment included feeders providing placebo food (i.e. non-
treated corn), which when compared with the experimental cir-
cles, should allow us to discern the effect of nicarbazin from the
effect of corn provision.
Considering that our main objective was to determine whether treat-
ment with NP1 had an effect on the total population size of pigeons in
Barcelona, a simultaneous global census was carried out before and
after NP1 treatment. The census employed the same methodology
and sampled the same areas as in previous years.
4, 17, 23, 24
Our main null hypothesis was that treatment with NP1 would
reduce the feral pigeon population size and density, and that this
effect should be mainly seen within a radius of 200 m from NP1
dispensers, since pigeons in Barcelona generally seem to move
less than this distance.
5, 25
According to this hypothesis, and in
accordance with the experimental design used, we predicted
that, after one year of treatment with NP1:
(1) Experimental circles with NP1 treatment should show a reduc-
tion in population size.
(2) By contrast, placebo circles baited with untreated corn should
show an increase in population size.
(3) Population size decrease should be higher in experimental cir-
cles than in control circles located at increasing distances from
(4) Global population size in the whole city of Barcelona should
decline from the rst to the second census.
In Europe,the product based on nicarbazin is Ovistop© (ACME S.r.l.,
Cavriago, Italy),
which despite not having been approved in
Europe as a biocide, is commonly used as an anti-fertility drug
to control pigeon populations. We refer to it here as NP1. The
American counterpart is Ovocontrol©,
and we refer to as NP2.
The study was carried out in Barcelona during 2017 and 2018.
From March 2017 to February 2018 (treatment period), 23 feeding
stations (i.e. dispensers) provided NP1 and ten provided placebo
(untreated corn) in different districts of Barcelona. The company
Zooethics (Odena, Spain) (previously Ambiens) installed the
feeders and was in charge of the maintenance of the dispensers,
and the supply and control of the consumption of the drug, fol-
lowing the Ovistop guidelines. The Servicio de Ecopatología de
Fauna Salvaje (SEFaS -UAB) supervised technically all the opera-
tion. An unbalanced design favoring stations with treatment was
chosen to increase the chances of sterilization of the population.
Dispensers were located in areas of high pigeon density (Fig. 1),
Figure 1 Map of Barcelona showing feeding stations with dispensers (black circles with white dots show nicarbazin feeders, light grey circles with black
dots show placebo feeders) and the different treatment circles (solid line, area around feeders; dashed line with dark grey circles, circles 200 m from
feeders; dotted line with white circles, circles >500 m from feeders). JC Senar et al. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137
determined from previous knowledge on the distribution and
density of pigeons in the city. Assignment of dispensers with
and without (placebo) treatment was random. Dispensers were
110 cm high and 45 cm in diameter, and were shaped like a typ-
ical paper bin. Each dispenser held 30 kg of corn. Dispensers
automatically released 1 kg of food each day, 23 m around
the feeder. The time taken to release the food was <5s.Food
was released at 08:00 h from March to June, and at 07:00 h in
other months of the year. See Ovistop guidelines
and Lavín
and González-Crespo
for more details on the dispensers and
their operation. There was one feeder per feeding station,
except in the case of eight NP1 feeding stations in areas with a
high density of pigeons where two feeders were placed to pro-
vide a greater amount of treated food. Pigeons were baited with
untreated corn from 16 February to 26 March to acclimatize
them to the feeders. We estimate that during the study period
9000 kg of treated corn and 4000 kg of untreated corn were
released into the city.
To determine the effect of NP1, we censused the pigeons inside
circles located at different distances from the feeding stations, in
pre- and post-treatment periods. Censuses were carried out in cir-
cles of 200 m radius around each feeder. In stations with two
feeders, there were two circles centered on each feeder drawing
an eight-sided polygon. The area of the circles was 12.5 ha
(greater in eight-sided polygons). Hence, we censused 23 treat-
ment circles (eight of them eight-sided) and ten placebo circles.
We also censused 28 circles distributed randomly 200 m from
the treatment feeders and 28 circles distributed randomly
>500 m from the treatment feeders (Fig. 1). The number of cen-
suses was therefore 89 in 2017, and the same circles were cen-
sused in 2018. Censuses were carried out from 18 November to
15 February, a period when pigeon breeding activity is lowest.
SEFaS and Zooethics changed the exact location of some of the
feeders just prior to the study period, to better accommodate
the urban setting, with feeders moved between 5 and 184 m from
their original locations. We therefore had to repeat the census in
these newcircles, which delayed the end of censuses to
22 March. To remove any possible seasonal effect, pre- and
post-treatment monitoring in each circle was carried out during
the same Julian dates in 2017 and 2018.
Estimations of the total pigeon population size in Barcelona
(with an urban area of 64.57 km
) were made using the square
count method,
30, 31
following the methodology used in 1991,
2007, 2011, 2015 and 2017.
4, 6, 17, 32, 33
We divided the city into
200 squares of 550 ×550 m
6, 17
(i.e. total census area: 60.5 km
excluding Collserola and Zona Franca due to their very low pigeon
In the previous census, starting in the 1980s, we used
a map of Barcelona on which the squares were drawn by hand. In
this study, we took advantage of GIS and drew squares using
QGIS; this resulted in one of the squares on the right side of the
map being outside Barcelona, when in the past there was some
overlap with the city. We chose not to exclude this square, as this
would cause a mismatch in comparisons with the previous cen-
sus. We should also note that the square was not actually cen-
sused, but only forms part of the layout of the city. The pre-
treatment global census was carried out from 16 November
2016 to 7 February 2017 (hereafter, the 2017 census), and the
post-treatment global census was carried out on the same dates
of the following year (hereafter, the 2018 census). Each square
was censused in the two years on the same Julian date (±1 day)
to avoid biases from seasonal or other effects. We monitored
67 randomly selected squares covering 33.5% of the total census
area (Fig. 2).
To obtain a more accurate estimation, we followed
a simple random stratied sampling
by classifying squares in
three strata
: S1, peripheral areas of the city with low pigeon den-
sities; S2, areas with medium densities; and S3, old town areas
with the highest pigeon densities (Fig. 2). This method allowed
us to improve the precision of our estimates.
Sampled circles and squared areas were surveyed by walking
along all streets, roads and parks counting all visible pigeons in
Figure 2 Map of Barcelona showing the sampled squares (striped, N=67) classied in different strata according to feral pigeon density: S1, low density in
light gray; S2, medium density in gray; and S3, high density in dark gray.
Nicarbazin has no effect on reducing feral pigeon populations in Barcelona
Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry
the shortest time. Censuses were carried out between two hours
before and two hours after noon (solar time), the time corre-
sponding to peak pigeon activity.
Although this higher activity
increased the likelihood of double counts, it also increased the
probability of detection. To reduce the probability of counting
the same pigeons (i.e. double counts), censuses were carried out
by walking in one direction.
To avoid underestimation caused by undetected birds, we
applied to squares a correction factor of 3.5 to the sum of pigeons
counted, which is a robust factor of detectability obtained in three
different studies (Pavia,
and Barcelona in 1991
and 2011
Pigeon density inside each square was calculated by counting
the number of observations, multiplying by the correction factor
and dividing by the sampled area. The area of squares was
30.25 ha (smaller in squares partially on the coast). This procedure
additionally allowed us to compare current census data with
values obtained from the previous census in Barcelona.
4, 17
correction factor was not used in the case of circles, because we
were only interested in relative counts.
For statistical analysis, we used the program Statistica (StatSoft Inc.,
DELL Inc. Round Rock, Texas, USA). The density of pigeons for all cir-
cles was compared between the different treatments (experimental,
placebo, control 200 and control 500) and between the pre- and
post treatment. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance
(ANOVA). We compared the same circles pre- and post treatment
using a paired analysis (repeated measures ANOVA). Pigeon density
in 2017 and in 2018 were considered dependent variables, whereas
treatment was a categorical factor. Planned comparison (PC) tests
were used to test predictions related to variations in pigeon density
according to different treatments (see Introduction). Data on pigeon
density in the circles showed asymmetry to the right (skewness),
assimilating to a Poisson distribution (distribution tting: X2
P<0.01). Logarithm transformation over-corrected the data,
which still did not t to a normal distribution (ShapiroWilk test;
2017: W=0.973, P=0.07; 2018: W=0.967, P=0.02), and Leveneʼs
test for homogeneity of variances was still signicant (2017:
=2.93, P=0.04; 2018: F
=3.42, P=0.02). In these cases,
square root transformation is advised.
The square root trans-
formed data t to a normal distribution and showed homogeneity
of variances (ShapiroWilk test, 2017: W=0.983, P=0.33; 2018:
W=0.979, P=0.16; Leveneʼs test, 2017: F
=0.43, P=0.73;
2018: F
=0.04, P=0.99), and thus we used this transformation.
Previous work to validate the effect of NP1 used pigeon counts in
the area just around each feeder.
At the time of our study, Lavín
and González-Crespo
analyzed the abundance of pigeons at the
feeding stations by counting the number of pigeons seen around
the dispensers just before releasing the food, when the corn was
released, and afterward. They used the highest these three counts
as count data (see Lavín and González-Crespo
for more details).
Initial pre-treatment counts at the different experimental and pla-
cebo feeders were carried out from 15 February to 26 March
2017, when untreated bait was distributed to acclimatize birds to
the feeders (see above).
Final post-treatment counts were carried
out from 1 to 30 November 2017. We correlated data from our cen-
sus in 200-m radius circles around each feeder with counts at the
feeders reported by Lavín and González-Crespo
for both pre-
and post-treatment periods. If counts at feeders truly reected
pigeon population size, the two values should be correlated.
Total pigeon population size in Barcelona was estimated by
using the average number of pigeons per square for each strata,
multiplying it by the correction factor (3.5) and extrapolating it
to the 200 squares into which the Barcelona urban area was
divided. The density of pigeons per square was also compared
between the two years of the study using repeated measures
ANOVA analysis, hence using a paired analysis approach. Pigeon
density in squares adjusted to a normal distribution (X2
P=0.14), and hence no transformation was needed.
Analyses showed that overall, and after one year of treatment, the
density of pigeons in the circles slightly increasedby 10% [from7.7
±0.59 (SE) to 8.6 ±0.79 (SE) individuals per ha; repeated measures
ANOVA, Factor year: F
=5.90, P=0.02; Treatment: F
P<0.001; Year ×Treatment: F
=1.97, P=0.13]. Pigeon popula-
tion size in experimental circles remained the same after one year
of treatment with NP1 (PC: F
=1.41, P=0.24) (Fig. 3). The same
was found for control circles at 200 m (PC: F
=0.80, P=0.37) and
at >500 m (PC: F
=0.21, P=0.65). The interaction Year ×Treat-
ment, considering these three treatments, was not signicant
=0.76, P=0.47), which means that circles treated with NP1
behaved in the same way as control circles with no treatment. How-
ever, in the placebo circles, where untreated corn was provided,
pigeon population size increased by 10% (PC: F
P=0.01) (Fig. 3). Pigeon density was higher in feeding station cir-
cles (nicarbazin and placebo) than in control circles (Factor Treat-
ment, PC comparing feeding circles versus control circles:
=40.40, P<0.001) (Fig. 3), because feeding stations were a
priori placed in the areas of the city with higher densities.
Pigeon counts pre- and post treatment at NP1 feeders showed a
25% reduction in the number of pigeons feeding (2017: 117 ±12.4,
2018: 87 ±11.2; PC from repeated measures ANOVA for NP1
feeders: F
=16.22, P<0.001; data from Table 7 Lavín and Gon-
). Counts at placebo feeders did not change (2017:
97.5 ±18.8, 2018: 100.5 ±16.9; PC from repeated measures
ANOVA for placebo feeders: F
=0.03, P=0.87). However, pigeon
counts obtained from census data in circles around each feeder
were not correlated with count data taken immediately around
each feeder, both for pre-treatment (r=0.10, t
=0.58, P=0.56)
and post-treatment data (r=0.29, t
=1.67, P=0.10).
The global population size of pigeons in the city of Barcelona
increased by 9.5% after one year of treatment, from 103 226
±14 353 individuals in 2017 to 113 048 ±13 957 individuals in
Figure 3 Mean (±SE) pigeon density, square root transformed, in circles
of 200 m radius according to year of census (pre-treatment, 2017; and post
treatment, 2018) and different treatments (placebo, nicarbazin, control at
200 m and control at 500 m from feeders). JC Senar et al. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137
2018 (95% condence intervals). The increase in pigeon density
within each square was signicant (repeated measures ANOVA:
=0.09, P=0.02) and was independent of the strata (interac-
tion Year ×Strata: F
=0.04, P=0.96). This latter nding is inter-
esting, because pigeon density varied greatly according to the
strata (repeated measures ANOVA: F
=13.5, P<0.001), implying
that the increase in pigeon density was not inuenced by the initial
density of pigeons and the geographical area of the city.
Results show that none of the predictions supporting the effective-
ness of NP1 in reducing feral pigeon population size hold. One year
of treatment with NP1 in experimental circles did not reduce feral
pigeon density. Because experimental and control circles (at 200
and >500 m) behaved in the same way, we can stress that NP1
had no effect on pigeon density. The global increase (9.5%) in
pigeon population density over the whole of Barcelona again con-
rms that NP1 was ineffective in reducing pigeon densityacross the
city. This increase, when compared with the previous increase in
the population size observed from 2015 to 2017 (17%), stresses that
the pigeon population size in the city increased continuously after
the cessation of mass captures in 2015.
This increase is probably
the result of high food availability in the city, in part provided by
the public,
such that pigeon population size has not yet attained
its carrying capacity. In 2006 the feral pigeon population size in Bar-
celona reached 256 000,
stressing that population size could still
increase in the coming years. Here, we should also stress that
pigeons living in a city are a single management unit
3, 5, 41
and thus
a local reduction in density would be compensated for by incoming
pigeons that will rapidly colonize the area.
Our prediction related to placebo circles, where untreated corn
was provided, was upheld, because the population density
increased by 10%, a similar value to the increase estimated for
the pigeon population size of all Barcelona.
It could be argued that one year of treatment is not enough to
detect a reduction in population density because during the rst year
pigeons could be attracted in the surrounding areas of the new food
supply (i.e. NP1 feeders)(magnet effect).
However, the fact that
population density behaved in the same way in experimental and
control circles (with no feeders), coupled with the fact that no change
in population density was found at the treatment sites, but a 10%
increase in the placebo sites, makes us reject this possibility.
Pigeon counts pre- and post treatment at NP1 feeders showed a
25% reduction in the number of pigeons feeding. However,
pigeon density in 200-m circles around each feeder did not corre-
late with counts at feeders, suggesting that they were poor den-
sity estimators. The suggestion in previous tests of NP1 that a
reduction over time in bird counts at experimental feeders
reected a reduction in population size
21, 28
was therefore likely
wrong. This result cautions against the use of counts at feeders
to test the effectiveness of contraceptive food.
Reductions in count data at feeders could simply be measuring a
decreased level of interest in the feeders among pigeons. NP1 is
made of corn seeds covered with nicarbazin and coated with a
water-repellent external lm, which seems to make this food unpal-
atable to birds.
The nding that captive birds fed with NP1 declined
in physical condition as a consequence of avoiding the food
ports this view. Because pre-treatment counts were carried out when
providing untreated corn as bait, whereas post-treatment counts
were made when providing NP1, the lower palatability of the latter
product could easily explain a reduction in count data at feeders.
NP1 treatment may not have had an effect on pigeon density
due to both to its unpalatability and a lack of effectiveness of
the nicarbazin per se. This effectiveness was rst evaluated in cap-
tivity by Martelli et al.,
who reported that at nicarbazin concen-
trations of 400 ppm, pigeon fertility declined to zero. In addition,
Avery et al.
achieved a 60% reduction in the number of chicks
produced by applying nicarbazin concentrations of 5000 ppm.
However, Giunchi et al.
achieved only a 13% reduction with
NP1 (800 ppm), whereas they achieved a 48% reduction with pel-
lets with the same concentration of nicarbazin (but higher palat-
ability). This indicates that nicarbazin provided with palatable
food (but not with NP1) can be effective in captivity situations in
which animals are forced to ingest it.
Because the lack of effects of NP1 on pigeon density in Barcelona
cannot be tied to the effectiveness of nicarbazin per se,theremaybe
issues related to the implementation of this product in cities. The
lower palatability of NP1 compared with naturalfood
could pre-
vent females from reaching the nicarbazin blood levels needed to
reduce fertility.
On the other hand, the timing of NP1 release in dis-
pensers (just before sunrise) could prevent females from eating
enough of this food, because in Basel females were found to remain
in the nest until mid-morning.
Clearly, more exhaustive and indi-
vidualized monitoring of the pigeon population is needed to under-
stand in detail the effect of nicarbazin and how it should be
provided. We advise, for example, an analysis of nicarbazin blood
levels of male and female adult pigeons feeding at and around the
feeding stations, and tracking of their movements with GPS devices.
Based on our results, we consider NP1 an inappropriate product
to control the Barcelona feral pigeon population. Another anti-
fertilizer drug like NP2 may function better given its greater palat-
ability and higher nicarbazin dose. However, this control method
is very costly because application must be permanent to be effec-
In some models, it was estimated that when treatment with
nicarbazin is interrupted, the capacity of the population to
recover is very high.
13, 44
The use of nicarbazin in urban environ-
ments could additionally entail side effects in the urban food
chain if consumed by non-target species.
Consequently, pigeon control methods based on reducing the car-
availability of food and nesting sites
1, 3, 13, 46
should be prioritized. In
Barcelona, a program of public education intended to reduce the
availability of food provided by humans to pigeons was carried out
in 2009. After one year, the pigeon population in the experimental
area was reduced by 40% compared with the control zone.
same method was used in the 1990s in Basel with similar results.
In some respects, this method works as a contraceptive because
reducing food availability signicantly reduces breeding success.
breeding holes for pigeons.
This method obtained good results
in Pavia,
where rehabilitation programs in the oldest suburbs of
the city reduced the pigeon population.
A combination of the
two methods would therefore provide a good approach.
Our results suggest application of nicarbazin across a large spatial
area was ineffective at controlling feral pigeonpopulations. Alterna-
tive ethical methods currently exist that appear to be more effec-
tive, efcient, and sustainable for controlling feral pigeon
population size in large cities. However, as reviewed by Giunchi
et al.,
an effective management policy for controlling feral pigeons
should consider a balanced integration of different control
Nicarbazin has no effect on reducing feral pigeon populations in Barcelona
Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry
methods, proper monitoring, and reliable modeling, with a strong
emphasis on reducing the carrying capacity of the population.
This study was funded by the Ecology Commissioner (Comissionat
dʼEcologia), Barcelona City Council. We thank Dimitri Giunchi and
an anonymous referee for very helpful comments on an earlier
version. We are grateful to Santiago Lavín and Carlos González-
Crespo for their cooperation throughout the study. We also thank
Victor Peracho, from the Agencia de Salut Pública de Barcelona for
his continuous support and help.
1 Johnston RF and Janiga M, Feral Pigeons. Oxford University Press,
New York (1995).
2 Haag-Wackernagel D and Moch H, Health hazards posed by feral
pigeons. J Infect 48:307313 (2004).
3 Giunchi D, Albores-Barajas YV, Baldaccini NE, Vanni L and Soldatini C,
Feral pigeons: problems, dynamics and control methods, in Inte-
grated Pest Management and Pest Control - Current and Future Tac-
tics, ed. by Soloneski S. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 215240 (2012).
4 Senar JC, Carrillo-Ortiz J, Arroyo L, Montalvo T and Peracho V, Estima de
la abundancia de Palomas (Columba livia var.) de la ciudad de Barce-
lona, 2006 y valoración de la efectividad del control por eliminación
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Nicarbazin has no effect on reducing feral pigeon populations in Barcelona
Pest Manag Sci 2021; 77: 131137 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry
... In Barcelona, Spain, 23 stations were set up to dispense Ovistop ® and 10 stations with untreated corn to serve as controls (Senar et al. 2021). The researchers found that feral pigeon density did not change after 1 yr at treatment sites and population sizes increased by 10% at control sites (Senar et al. 2021). ...
... In Barcelona, Spain, 23 stations were set up to dispense Ovistop ® and 10 stations with untreated corn to serve as controls (Senar et al. 2021). The researchers found that feral pigeon density did not change after 1 yr at treatment sites and population sizes increased by 10% at control sites (Senar et al. 2021). They concluded that the feral pigeon population overall rose by 10% by the end of the study and subsequently advised against the use of Ovistop ® as a pigeon control method in large cities, attributing the reduction in populations at feeders to poor palatability of Ovistop ® (Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The researchers found that feral pigeon density did not change after 1 yr at treatment sites and population sizes increased by 10% at control sites (Senar et al. 2021). They concluded that the feral pigeon population overall rose by 10% by the end of the study and subsequently advised against the use of Ovistop ® as a pigeon control method in large cities, attributing the reduction in populations at feeders to poor palatability of Ovistop ® (Senar et al. 2021). ...
Full-text available
Pigeon (Columba livia) abundance in urban environments can result in human-wildlife conflicts such as excrement exposure, disease risk, and nuisance behaviour. Traditional methods of pigeon control (i.e., netting, spikes, lethal control, flying raptors) rely on exclusion and removal principles, which are not effective in the long-term.
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
... The primary difficulty with toxicants is establishing a delivery system that avoids negative impacts on nontarget animals while attracting target birds, especially where alternative food is abundant (Linz and Bergman 1996;Avery and Shiels 2018). Although prototype devices for excluding nontarget birds have been tested on parakeets and are operational for rock doves (Tillman 2016;Senar et al. 2021;Anderson 2022b), public sentiment and the inability to lure target birds and deter nontargets to bait limits effectiveness. As a result, exclusion of nontarget animals and reduced environmental impacts are primarily achieved through label use restrictions limiting the type of use sites, timing of bait applications, and requiring the monitoring and cleanup of use sites by certified applicators. ...
... Nicarbazin is the only contraceptive currently registered in the United States for birds and it can be used to target rock doves, European starlings, and common mynas (Avery et al. 2008a;USEPA 2022). Nicarbazin is effective in aviary settings for rock doves (Avery et al. 2008a) and eared doves (Olivera et al. 2021) but varied in its ability to reduce feral rock dove populations (Giunchi et al. 2007;Albonetti et al. 2015;Senar et al. 2021). ...
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Invasive birds cause damage to economies, natural resources, and human safety across the globe. In the United States, rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri), monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus), European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), common mynas (Acridotheres tristis), rock doves (Columba livia), Eurasian collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto), and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) are among the invasive and often harmful small-bodied birds inhabiting periurban habitats. The destructive nature of these species warrants a review of methods to reduce or eradicate populations along with methods to reduce damage when population eradication cannot be achieved. We reviewed damage management literature from these species’ native and introduced ranges. Additionally, we used the behavior and ecology of these species to inform tool recommendations and potential efficacy under various damage scenarios, while being sensitive to cultural preferences and location of implementation (residential, commercial, and agricultural). Although this review focuses on invasive birds in the United States, it is applicable to other pest species across the globe. Our review highlights areas where research is needed to validate promising damage management methods (lethal control, fertility control, habitat modification, exclusionary methods, frightening devices, and chemical repellents). Where birds are invasive, integrated pest management techniques should focus on eradication or population reduction (toxicants, shooting, and trapping) to keep populations at levels where nonlethal tools can reduce damage. We acknowledge the efficacy of an eradication campaign depends on biological, environmental, and economic factors, along with social license for lethal removal. We recommend integrated pest management strategies including lethal and nonlethal tools specific to the damage problem. Sustained efforts to reduce invasive populations should be used along with integrated deterrent strategies for short-term damage relief.
... 100,000 and ca. 8000 individuals, respectively (Senar et al. 2021a). ...
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Due to their large population sizes, synanthropic birds, including native and invasive species, can transmit pathogens to other vertebrates, and even humans. In particular, Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause lethal infections in a wide range of avian species as well as mild infections in humans and other non-avian hosts. In this study conducted in Barcelona, Spain, we assessed the seroprevalence of NDV in three synanthropic species comprising one native species (feral pigeon, Columba livia var. domestica; N = 16) and two invasive parrots (monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus, N = 50; and rose-ringed parakeet, Psittacula krameri, N = 23). These species are considered to have played important roles in the introduction and spread of NDV due to their high population densities, gregariousness, and prolonged viral shedding through faeces. We found a high seroprevalence of NDV in the feral pigeon (56%) and monk parakeet (38%) but a low seroprevalence in the rose-ringed parakeet (4%). These differences may be explained by the frequent interactions among feral pigeons and monk parakeets in their daily lives facilitating viral transmission from the former to the latter, because the feral pigeon is a well-known NDV reservoir. By contrast, the low seroprevalence of NDV in rose-ringed parakeets could be explained by its less frequent contacts with other urban bird species. The high seroprevalence of NDV in feral pigeons and monk parakeets provides new insights into the roles of novel interspecific relationships in the transmission and spread of NDV, and the risk of these synanthropic species as a source of NDV in urban environments. Finally, our findings highlight the need to monitor NDV in both native and non-native birds to prevent its spread to poultry, wildlife, and humans.
... Despite their origin and ongoing introgression from domestic pigeons 28 , the feral pigeon, in most cases, operates in free-living populations under natural selection 29 . Nowadays, feral pigeons are able to dwell in large cities under extreme local densities (often considered to require pest control 30,31 ). Due to its abundance, tameness and resilience, this species can be used as a suitable model to study processes of successful urbanization and life-history trade-offs within urban populations (e.g. ...
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Thriving under high population density is considered a major feature of urban exploiter species. Nevertheless, population density appears to be a surprisingly overlooked factor in urban ecology studies. High population numbers observed in urban species might promote pathogen transmission and negatively affect health or condition, thus requiring investments in immunocompetence. The feral pigeon Columba livia domestica is an example of a successful city-dweller, found in great abundance in large cities across the globe. We investigated the effects of population density on induced immune response (phytohaemagglutinin skin test) and body condition (blood haemoglobin concentration and size-corrected body mass) in 120 feral pigeons, captured along population density gradient in Łódź (central Poland). We found that stronger immune response was associated with higher population density, but was not related to physiological condition and physiological stress (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio). Moreover, condition indices were not associated with population density. However, since pigeon population density was highly correlated with the level of habitat urbanization, we cannot exclude that any density-dependent effects may be mediated by habitat variation. Our results indicate that urban environment, via population density, might exert different selective pressures on immunocompetence and body condition in this successful urban exploiter.
... A previously published study [30] was performed to evaluate the effect of the treatment in areas surrounding the AHFs after one year of treatment. The interpretation of the results by the authors, stating no effect was registered, may not be appropriate, as their results indicated a different trend and statistical differences in the number of pigeons due to the treatment between test and control areas. ...
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This study describes a three-year evaluation (2017–2019) of a fertility control protocol using nicarbazin (Ovistop®) to reduce the abundance of the most conflictive colonies of feral pigeon, Columba livia var. domestica, in Barcelona, Spain, as a long-term strategy based on animal welfare. The treatment was supplied to 34 pigeon colonies by automatic hopper feeders installed in public areas. A superiority study and a population monitoring study were carried out to evaluate differences in the abundance of the colonies, as well as the proportion of juveniles, the possible intake of nicarbazin by non-target species and the movement of individuals among colonies. The results showed statistical differences in the population trends between the test (−22.03%) and control (+12.86%) groups, and a significant steady decreasing trend in the pigeon abundance (−55.26%) was registered until the end of 2019. The proportion of juveniles was significatively lower in the test colonies, and a non-target species (Eurasian collared doves, Streptopelia decaocto) was observed consuming in a residual form. The protocol using nicarbazin is able to both control the abundance of pigeons, with no impact over non-target species, and respond to the public interest about animal welfare by providing an ethical method to manage overabundant and/or conflictive populations.
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The problem of the excessive abundance of the urban pigeon Columba livia population in the city of Modena has been solved thanks to the cooperation between the Modena Municipal authority and the Local Veterinary Service (AUSL). They have followed an integrated program that contains the following points: use of an oral veterinary licensed drug (Ovistop®, ACME, 1997-2002) in order to limit the pigeons fertility; use of architectural devices in order to limit the access of the pigeons in private and public structures, periodic monitoring of the colonies of pigeons and public information regarding the treatments and the integrated program. In the year 2008 Modena Municipality started the restoration of the Ghirlandina Tower. The above-mentioned authorities decided to exclude the pigeon population from the many scaffold holes existent on the tower. However, rather than completely remove all the scaffold holes to limit the pigeon reproduction, they decided to reduce the size of the scaffold holes, to allow access only to smaller animals, like Common swifts Apus apus and bats. In conclusion, the Modena Municipal Authority and the Local Veterinary Service have reached two important results: the first one was the effective reduction in the number of urban pigeons and the second one was the preservation of some animal species that are essential components of biodiversity in the city of Modena.
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Feral Pigeons Columba livia are highly adapted to urban environments and are thus often abundant in cities. This can lead to various problems, including fouling of building facades and pavements, transmission of allergens and pathogenic micro-organisms, and infestations of ectoparasites derived from breeding sites. To develop effective, long-lasting and humane control strategies, it is necessary to understand the demography of Feral Pigeons. Although food shortage is a major source of reproductive failure in Feral Pigeons, it is still unclear at which phase of the reproductive cycle this reduces overall reproductive success. Here, we assess the effect of a sudden reduction in the food base on the reproduction of a well-studied Feral Pigeon breeding colony. The findings of this study suggest that the number of broods per pair decreases significantly during food scarcity, and that although hatching success remains constant, a significantly greater number of nestlings die during the rearing phase. This suggests that the high energy demand of Feral Pigeon nestlings could not be met under conditions of food scarcity, which reduced the total number of fledged young by more than half and led to a reduction in the colony size. These results have important implications for selecting suitable, durable and humane control strategies for the management of large Feral Pigeon populations in urban environments.
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Background: Since feeding by humans is one of the main food resources to pigeons (Columba livia), there is general agreement that public education that aims to reduce the food base may be the most feasible way to reduce pigeon abundance. However, except for the classic example of Basel, the method has rarely been tested or implemented. We provide results from a one-year study in the city of Barcelona where we tested the effect of public education on pigeon population abundance and composition. Results: The quantity of food provided by people to pigeons was significantly reduced during the study. Feral pigeon density was reduced by 40% in the two experimental districts, but no variation was detected in the control district. Detailed analyses in one of the districts showed that the reduction was mainly related to the reduction in food availability but not to culling. Pigeons captured at the end of the experiment were larger than at the start of the study but body condition was reduced. Conclusion: Results show the effectiveness of public information to manage feral pigeon populations in a large city and that control operations can exert important selection pressure on the population leading to changes in population composition.
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Este libro es destinado para el uso por biólogos del campo y otras personas, incluso biólogos de campo en el futuro que podrían estar en un curso de la universidad y trabajando en estudios y conservación de animales. Nuestro objetivo es que los biólogos usen este libro como (haciendo apología a nuestro colega Evan Cooch) una “introducción suave” al campo de la ecología cuantitativa. Esperamos convencer a los lectores que los métodos y aproximaciones del libro no son solo para los matemáticos, estadísticos y programadores de computadoras, sino que de hecho son herramientas esenciales para practicar la conservación en el siglo veintiuno. Queremos que el libro sea usado. Leido, escrito, portado al campo. Queremos que sea consultado antes de coleccionar los datos del campo, para motivar y diseñar sus monitoreo y programas de investigación (Parte I) y después para analizar e interpretar los datos de manera apropiada, que ya han sido (esperanzadamente) coleccionados apropiadamente (Parte II). Especialmente en la Parte II esperamos que esta introducción provea los biólogos de campo las herramientas básicas y confianza suficiente para leer los libros especializados que citamos en este libro. Ponemos énfasis especialmente a la Parte III, donde tratamos la toma de decisiones estructurada y el manejo adaptativa. En principio sugerimos a los lectores que pasen a esta sección y se acostumbren con las ideas básicas de la aplicación de modelos de toma de decisiones. Luego, que regresen a las Partes I y II para los detalles de cómo construir los modelos, coleccionar y analizar los datos tomados a campo. Esto puede mantener el enfoque donde queremos – en las aplicaciones prácticas de los métodos para resolver problemas reales en conservación. Proveemos un sitio del web para el libro y vamos a reactualizar el sitio de vez en cuando para hacer correcciones y poner nuevos desarrollos en el campo. El sitio provee acceso fácil a todos los ejemplos de los cuadrados en el libro, con mucho más detalle del que permite un libro impreso. En esta dirección, hemos provisto enlaces en internet software y otros recursos, la mayoría gratuitos. El sitio es un recurso esencial para el libro, por eso sugerimos a los lectores usarlo para reproducir los análisis en el libro y como plantillas para hacer análisis con sus datos propios. Finalmente, no intentamos que este libro sea un reemplazo para otros libros más comprensivos, especialmente Williams et al. (2002). Para mantener un tamaño razonable y quedar accesible a los lectores menos cuantitativos, hemos decidido no tratar todos los métodos disponibles y no hemos provisto en profundidad referencias más avanzados tal como en Williams et al. (2002). Así que, por ejemplo, solo describimos brevemente las aproximaciones importantes como los modelos de la simetría temporal de Pradel, los modelos de recaptura-recuperación de Barker y Burnham y los modelos de multi-estados (Capítulo 12).En cambio, hemos provisto un contexto dentro del cual los lectores puedan decidir si estos modelos resultan útiles en sus aplicaciones y hemos referido los lectores a las referencias y software apropiados. Asimismo, hemos dado un tratamiento mínimo al Diseño Robusto (Capítulo 12), pero proveemos un ejemplo que debe dar a los lectores una buena idea del poder de ésta aproximación. Aquí en cambio, hemos puesto énfasis en las aplicaciones prácticas y ejemplos, y de nuevo rogamos a los lectores usar el sitio del web ( para obtener el beneficio máximo del libro.
Feral pigeons are among the most familiar and abundant birds in the world, urban creatures living in close association with humans yet possessing the characteristics of highly adapted wild birds. However, they are seldom studied, even though the domesticated pigeon has long been one of the major bird models for laboratory research. This definitive monograph focuses on the population, biology, and behavioral ecology of feral pigeons, including a thorough listing of primary references of U.S. and European scholarly literature. Professional and amateur ornithologists, pigeon breeders, and students will find this an invaluable and fascinating study of a species that has evolved from familiar breeds of domesticated birds.
1. Introduction 2. Estimation 3. Hypothesis testing 4. Graphical exploration of data 5. Correlation and regression 6. Multiple regression and correlation 7. Design and power analysis 8. Comparing groups or treatments - analysis of variance 9. Multifactor analysis of variance 10. Randomized blocks and simple repeated measures: unreplicated two-factor designs 11. Split plot and repeated measures designs: partly nested anovas 12. Analysis of covariance 13. Generalized linear models and logistic regression 14. Analyzing frequencies 15. Introduction to multivariate analyses 16. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis 17. Principal components and correspondence analysis 18. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis 19. Presentation of results.