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Validity of an ultra-wideband local positioning system to assess specific movements in handball


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to examine the concurrent validity of the Kinexon local positioning system (LPS) in comparison with the Vicon motion capture system used as the reference. Five recreationally active men performed ten repetitions of linear sprints, medio-lateral side-to-side and handball-specific movements both in the centre and on the side of an indoor field. Validity was assessed for peak speed, peak acceleration and peak deceleration using standardised biases, Pearson coefficient of correlation (r), and standardised typical error of the estimate. With the exception of peak decelerations during specific movements in the centre and peak acceleration and deceleration during linear sprints on the side of the field, the standardised typical error of the estimate (TEE) values were all small to moderate (0.06–0.48), standardised bias ranged between 0.01 and 2.85 and Pearson coefficient values were all > 0.90 for all variables in all conditions. Peak acceleration and deceleration during linear sprints on the side of the field showed the largest TEEs and the greatest differences between the two systems. The ultra-wideband based (UWB) local positioning system had acceptable validity compared with Vicon to assess players’ movements in handball with the exception of high accelerations and decelerations during linear sprints on the side of the field.
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 37 No4, 2020 351
Validity of the local positioning system Kinexon
In elite team sports, daily monitoring of aplayer’s physical load is
needed to optimize the periodization of training, prevent injuries and
organize the player’s return to play[1,2]. Over the past two decades,
the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) has grown exponen-
tially to measure players’ external load using mainly locomotion-re-
lated variables (e.g. distance travelled, speed and acceleration of
locomotion)[2–5]. However, while GPS systems offer the great ad-
vantage of being portable and non-invasive, they remain unusable
in indoor conditions.
For indoor sports, many other technological solutions are now
available to monitor player ’s movements using for example local
positioning systems (LPS). Many of them (e.g., radio frequency iden-
tication, wireless local area network or Bluetooth) are unfortunate-
ly not suitable for precise position measurements due to alack of
accuracy, instability or interference issues[6]. Recently, new tools
based on ultra-wideband technology (UWB) have been developed
specically to track players’ position indoor. However, the validity of
the different tools using this technology is still questionable. Two
groups of researchers examined, in indoor conditions, the concurrent
Validity of an ultra-wideband local positioning system
to assess specic movements in handball
AUTHORS: Antoine Fleureau1,2, Mathieu Lacome1,2, Martin Buchheit1,2, Antoine Couturier2,
Giuseppe Rabita2
1 Performance Department, Paris Saint Germain, Saint-Germain-En-Laye, France
2 Research Department, Laboratory Sport, Expertise and Performance (EA 7370), French Institute of Sport (INSEP),
Paris, France
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to examine the concurrent validity of the Kinexon local positioning
system (LPS) in comparison with the Vicon motion capture system used as the reference. Five recreationally
active men performed ten repetitions of linear sprints, medio-lateral side-to-side and handball-specic movements
both in the centre and on the side of an indoor eld. Validity was assessed for peak speed, peak acceleration
and peak deceleration using standardised biases, Pearson coefcient of correlation (r), and standardised typical
error of the estimate. With the exception of peak decelerations during specic movements in the centre and
peak acceleration and deceleration during linear sprints on the side of the eld, the standardised typical error
of the estimate (TEE) values were all small to moderate (0.06–0.48), standardised bias ranged between 0.01
and 2.85 and Pearson coefcient values were all>0.90 for all variables in all conditions. Peak acceleration
and deceleration during linear sprints on the side of the eld showed the largest TEEs and the greatest differences
between the two systems. The ultra-wideband based (UWB) local positioning system had acceptable validity
compared with Vicon to assess players’ movements in handball with the exception of high accelerations and
decelerations during linear sprints on the side of the eld.
CITATION: Fleureau A, Lacome M, Buchheit M et al. Validity of an ultra-wideband local positioning system
to assess specic movements in handball. Biol Sport. 2020;37(4):
Received: 2020-04-01; Reviewed: 2020-05-11; Re-submitted: 2020-06-09; Accepted: 2020-06-12; Published: 2020-07-05.
validity of the ClearSky LPS based on UWB technology (using 10 or
20Hz sampling frequency) using amotion capture device (100Hz
motion capture system, Vicon or Qualisys) as the reference criteri-
on[7, 8]. The system was assessed during linear movements at
different speeds and successive 45° changes of direction. The main
results of the Serpiello et al. study[7] were that the LPS had accept-
able validity for evaluating locomotor patterns of indoor sports com-
pared to motion capture systems. Differences vs. the Vicon were in
the range of 0.2–12.0%, with atypical error of the estimate (TEE)
between 1.2 and 9.3% for distance, mean/peak speed, and mean/
peak acceleration. Luteberget et al.[8] showed LPS measurements
to be more representative of the player’s position and displacements
in the centre of the playing eld than on the sides. There were sub-
stantial differences in comparison to the criterion for both distances
travelled and average speed, which were greater on the side of the
court (15–30%) than in the centre (1–3%). However, it was con-
cluded that the ClearSky system could be considered as valid from
those later studies. Another LPS system, Kinexon (Kinexon GMBH,
Munich, Germany) may be preferred for various reasons including
Original Paper
Key words:
Concurrent validity
Indoor sport
Corresponding author:
Antoine Fleureau
Performance Department, Paris
Saint Germain, Saint-Germain-
En-Laye, France
E-mail: antoine
Antoine Fleureau et al.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the concurrent
validity of the UWB Kinexon positioning system during arange of
handball-specic movements in comparison to the Vicon motion
capture system used as the reference. The effect of the eld location
(centre vs. side) was also examined.
Participants and experimental overview
Five recreationally active male subjects (age: 29.2±4.1 years,
height: 1.76±0.11m, and body mass: 77.0±8.0kg) volunteered
to participate in this study. The participants were informed of the
purposes, procedures, and potential risks of the study and provided
its supposed better ability to measure acceleration and decelerations
and the reduced size of the chips worn by the athletes in comparison
with the ClearSky system. The validity of the Kinexon LPS UWB-
based system, studied by Hoppe et al.[9], was in fact shown to be
better than that of two other GPS systems, which were previously
considered as ‘valid’[5,10–13]. The main result of this study was
aTEE for the distance covered of 1.0–6.0% for the LPS system
versus 1.6–8.0% and 3.0–12.9% for the two GPS systems. Unfor-
tunately, in this latter study, locomotor patterns (including maximal
velocity, acceleration, or deceleration) were only examined using
overall distance covered and timing gates. Furthermore, they did not
test the effect of the eld location (centre vs. side) on this validity.
FIG. 1. A: Position of the Vicon camera on conguration for sprints (̶ ̶ ̶); B: Position of the Vicon camera on conguration for lateral
and specic movements (̶̶ ·· ̶); C: Schematic position of the Kinexon antennas and position of testing zones on the eld; D: Position
of Kinexon antennas; E: Position of the Vicon reective marker on the Kinexon tag
Biology of Sport, Vol. 37 No4, 2020
Validity of the local positioning system Kinexon
consent of their approval to participate. All the procedures were
conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Experimental protocol
Arst session was carried out in the centre of an indoor handball
playing eld during which the participants performed three types of
movements, as described below. Two days after, asecond session
was carried out with the same protocol located on the side of the
Locomotion activities
Participants performed three different activities repeated ten times
in the following order:
S: Maximal acceleration over alinear course of 25mwith astand-
ing start. After 20m of running, participants had to decelerate
over 5mand stand still (Figure 1.A).
L: Lateral movements in the form of medio-lateral side-to-side
movement over 3m(Figure 1.B)
H: Handball-specic movement in the form of engagement-disen-
gagement in an interval of 2m, followed by areengagement out
this interval nished by aone-legged jump (Figure 1.B)
The validity of the Kinexon (Kinexon GMBH, Munich, Germany) was
examined while comparing the raw data collected with those obtained
using the Vicon. For each test session, two congurations of the Vicon
were used, one for lateral and specic movements (Figure 1.A) and
one for the sprints (Figure 1.B). In all trials, participants wore simul-
taneously both areceiver tag connected to the Kinexon antennas and
apassive reective marker to be detected by the motion Vicon cap-
ture system.
Kinexon Ultrawide band system
The system used in this study consisted of 14antennas positioned
around the handball playing eld (i.e., Coubertin Indoor Stadium,
Paris) at three different heights, as shown in Figure 1.C&D. The tag
was placed in the centre of the upper back using the manufacturer
harness. The data were collected at 20Hz and processed via the
specic Kinexon Software. The signals were transmitted to the anten-
nas using UWB technology in afrequency range of 4.25–7.25GHz.
The eld position of the tag was calculated by aproprietary algorithm
based on acombination of different methods such as Time Difference
of Arrival, Two-Way Ranging and Angle of Arrival[14].
Vicon motion capture system
A12-camera Vicon motion analysis system (Vicon Nexus T40, Vicon
Motion Systems, Oxford Metrics, UK) was implemented in the two
congurations shown in Figure 1.A&B. Data were collected at 250Hz.
Only one 14mm reective marker (B&L Engineering, Santa Ana,
USA) was placed on the Kinexon tag as shown in Figure 1.E.
FIG. 2. Synchronized position data of the two systems (Kinexon and Vicon) both in the centre and on the side of the court, for each
type of movement.
Antoine Fleureau et al.
of position data. Peaks in speed, acceleration and deceleration were
calculated from the raw data and utilised for the analysis. They were
respectively computed as the maximum mean speed, acceleration
and deceleration over a500ms window[10,15,16].
Statistical analysis
The Hopkins spreadsheet[17] was used to compare the agreement
between the two systems by linear regression. We compared the
Kinexon system (practical) with the Vicon (criterion) while computing
the mean and standardised bias, the Pearson correlation coefcient
and the typical error of the estimate (TEE) expressed rst as the
absolute value, then normalized and as acoefcient of variation (CV),
provided together with a 90% condence interval. The following
criteria were adopted to interpret the magnitude of the correla-
tions: 0.01, trivial; >0.1, small; > 0.3, moderate;>0.5,
large;>0.7, very large; and>0.9, almost perfect. Half the thresh-
old of the modied Cohen scale was used to interpret the standardised
TEE:> 0.01 (trivial)> 0.1 (small),> 0.3 (moderate),> 0.6
(large),>1.0 (very large), and>2.0 (extremely large)[17]. Regard-
ing standardised bias interpretation, threshold values were the
modied Cohen scale: 0.01 (trivial);>0.2 (small);>0.6 (moder-
ate);>1.2 (large);>2.0 (very large);>4.0 (extremely large)[17].
The data obtained from the three-dimensional marker position
were used for further analysis. The loss of the marker signal was
never longer than 25successive images (i.e., 0.1s) and automati-
cally extrapolated with the Vicon 3D software using the marker po-
sition immediately before and after the loss.
The average Vicon calibration errors (Image and World Error, re-
spectively) for the two test sessions were 0.09 and 0.17mm for
data collected in the centre of the eld, and 0.08 and 0.16mm for
those collected on the side of the eld.
Data processing
Figure 2illustrates, for one trial, the position signal obtained from
both systems. The original datasets from Kinexon were oversampled
from 20 to 250Hz for subsequent ne synchronization with Vicon
data. Signals from both systems were then ltered using a3rd order
zero phase shifting low pass Butterworth lter with a10Hz cut-off.
Each pair of Kinexon and Vicon data sets for each movement repeti-
tion was manually synchronized to determine acommon start and
end. The distance travelled was then calculated as the sum of the
instantaneous positions in the horizontal plane (x, y). Velocity and
acceleration data were obtained by successive derivation and low
pass ltering (10Hz, 3rd order zero phase shifting Butterworth lter)
TABLE 1. Comparison of peak speed, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration between Kinexon and Vicon during three different
locomotion activities performed in the centre of an indoor court.
Mean Bias
ised Bias
ised TEE
(%) ± CI
(r) ± CI
Centre of the eld
Peak Speed
Peak Acceleration
Peak Deceleration
Note: SD: Standard deviation, CI: 90% Condence Interval, TEE: Typical Error of the Estimate, CV: Coefcient of Variation
Biology of Sport, Vol. 37 No4, 2020
Validity of the local positioning system Kinexon
Table 1presents mean and standard deviation of peak speed, peak
acceleration and peak deceleration in the centre of the playing eld
during sprints, lateral and handball-specic movements, as well as
the respective bias, TEE and correlations between values obtained
from practical (Kinexon) and criterion (Vicon) systems. Standardised
biases were small to moderate for all variable for all movements and
trivial for deceleration during the specic movement. The standardised
TEEs were small to moderate for all variables during all movements,
except for peak deceleration during specic movement, which was
only very large. The magnitude of the correlations was almost perfect
for all analyses except for peak deceleration during specic move-
ments, which was only large.
Table 2presents the results from the data recorded on the side
of the eld. Standardised biases were also small to moderate for all
variables (peaks in speed, acceleration, and deceleration) during
lateral movement. During specic movements biases were small to
moderate only for acceleration and deceleration peaks and large for
peak speed. During the sprint, standardised biases were extremely
large for peak deceleration and moderate for peak speed and ac-
celeration. Standardised TEEs were small to moderate for all variables
for lateral and specic movements and for peak speed during sprints.
They were very large for peak acceleration and deceleration during
sprints. In the same way, the magnitude of the correlations was almost
perfect for all variables during lateral and specic movements and
for peak speed in sprints. The correlation was only small for accel-
eration and deceleration during sprint.
The purpose of this study was to assess the concurrent validity of
the Kinexon LPS UWB based system in comparison to the Vicon
motion capture system during sprints, lateral movements, and hand-
ball-specic drills. The present results suggest that the LPS Kinexon
validity may be considered as acceptable to assess indoor locomotor
movements. The magnitude of the correlations between the two
systems was almost perfect (>0.90) for all variables during all types
of movements, except in three particular cases: i) peak decelerations
during specic movements in the centre of the eld, ii) peak accel-
erations during linear sprints on the side of the eld and iii)peak
decelerations during linear sprints on the side of the eld.
As shown in Table 1, in the centre of the playing eld, the stan-
dardised TEEs of peak speed and peak acceleration for sprints, lat-
eral and specic drills were trivial to moderate (CV 0.3±0.1 to
2.8±0.9%). These results were similar to or even better than both
those reported by Serpiello et al. (2017) for LPS (CV<3.5%) and
Scott et al. (2016) for GPS (peak speed CV: 5.4 to 20.6%). Regarding
TABLE 2. Comparison of peak speed, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration between Kinexon and Vicon during three different
locomotion activities performed on the side of an indoor court.
Mean Bias
ised Bias
ised TEE
(%) ± CI
(r) ± CI
Side of the eld
Peak Speed
Peak Acceleration
Peak Deceleration
Note: SD: Standard deviation, CI: 90% Condence Interval, TEE: Typical Error of the Estimate, CV: Coefcient of Variation
Antoine Fleureau et al.
suring peak acceleration and deceleration in sprints (CV>5%)[18,20].
In comparison to the ClearSky system examined by Luteberget et
al.[8], the Kinexon system is likely more accurate to measure peak
speed anywhere on the eld (r: 0.91–1.00 versus 0.37–0.98 and
standardised TEE: 0.06–0.47 versus 0.19–2.54). Everywhere on the
eld, Kinexon measurement of peak speed and acceleration is likely
as effective as the LPS system examined by Serpiello et al.[7], and
better for measuring peak decelerations. Moreover, our results dem-
onstrated that changes of direction, including handball-specic move-
ments, were correctly detected and measured by the Kinexon system
for all variables in all conditions in comparison to Vicon (CV: 0.3–2.8%),
with the exception of peak deceleration in the centre of the eld (CV:
5.0%). These results were better than those observed by Serpiello et
al.[7] for LPS (CV: 2.1–5.3%) and by Vickery et al. (2014) for GPS
(CV: 20.0%) during successive 45° and 90° change of direction and
random movements including change of direction.
The results of the present study reect the specic conguration of
the UWB-based LPS Kinexon in our indoor stadium (i.e., Coubertin
Indoor Stadium, Paris). In fact, the effect of the position of the anten-
nas in the stadium is important, particularly when distances between
the eld of play and the walls are small. It seems that when the
heterogeneity in the distance between the receiver tag and some of
the antennas is too great (i.e., very close to the tag for some anten-
nas, very far for others), the quality of peak acceleration and decel-
eration measurement is impaired.
This study did not investigate the validity of the Kinexon system
near the penalty spot even though some players spend more time
near this position than anywhere else on the playing eld. However,
for medio-lateral side-to-side and specic movement, our results did
not show asignicant difference between the centre and the side of
the playing eld. In consequence, it could be assumed that the valid-
ity would have been similar in this specic spot in comparison to the
one calculated for the two tested areas.
Practical applications
This study demonstrated that 20Hz LPS Kinexon units can measure
the fundamental handball movement demands in terms of peak
speed, peak acceleration and peak deceleration with an acceptable
level of error, especially in the centre of the eld. Practitioners may
however need to treat some of the data with more care, such as peak
accelerations and decelerations of wing players, which were shown
to have alower level of precision.
To conclude, the UWB-based Kinexon system has an acceptable
validity compared with the Vicon to assess handball-specic locomo-
tor patterns. Care should however be taken when monitoring ac-
celerations and decelerations on the side of the playing eld during
linear sprints (e.g., wingers’ counterstrike).
peak deceleration in both linear sprints and lateral movements, stan-
dardised TEEs were also small to moderate (1.5 ± 0.4 and
2.0±0.5%). Those results were better than those obtained by Ser-
piello et al. (2017) (CV>10%). For peak deceleration during spe-
cic movements, however, the standardised TEE was very large
(5.0±1.6%). There were also almost perfect correlations of the data
between the two systems (r>0.9) during both multidirectional (spe-
cic movements) and unidirectional movements (sprints and lateral
movements), except for peak decelerations during specic movements
(r: 0.61±0.26). In comparison with the results obtained in the
various GPS or LPS validity studies[5,7,9], the Kinexon system
seems to be more effective for measuring peak speed, accelerations
and decelerations during handball-specic movements. It also seems
more effective at measuring high acceleration and deceleration peaks
during sprints performed in the centre of the playing eld (CV<5%)
than the other positioning system already tested (CV>5%)[7,18].
As shown in Table 2, on the side of the playing eld, peak speed
standardised TEEs were small to moderate regardless of the type of
movement (0.7±0.2 to 2.1±0.6%); in contrast however, stan-
dardised TEEs for peak accelerations and decelerations were small
to moderate for lateral and handball-specic movements (1.9±0.5
to 5.5 ±0.7%). During the sprint, extremely large standardised
TEEs could be found for peak accelerations and decelerations
(5.4±2.6 to 9.4±2.6%). The large TEE reported and the mea-
surements errors of the Kinexon system on the side of the playing
eld mirrored the poor correlations observed in terms of peak ac-
celerations and decelerations during linear sprint (r: 0.36±0.30
and 0.25 ±0.33). This measurement error may be due to the
method used to obtain the acceleration signal, which was derived
twice from the position signal. However, deriving the signal likely
multiplies the possible measurement errors. For this reason, even if
speed measurement was very precise (r: 0.97±0.02, standardised
TEE: 0.26± 0.09), it still contained some errors that were likely
increased by the derivation process. This problem did not occur in
the centre of the playing eld since the agreement was almost perfect
for sprinting speed (r: 1.00±0.00, standardised TEE: 0.06±0.02);
the measurement error was too small to affect the correlation after
derivation. Moreover, the standardised bias was greater on the side
of the eld (0.84±0.08) than in the centre of the eld (0.38±0.03).
These results were similar to or even better than those presented by
Luteberget et al.[8] when examining the ClearSky system on the
side of the eld. The current results demonstrated that when the
distance between the receiver tag and the antennas is not homoge-
neous, the accuracy of acceleration and deceleration measurements
decreases. GPS validity studies also showed an overall inability to
correctly measure accelerations and decelerations on the side of the
playing eld in a stadium covered with aroof, but this was more
likely here due to alimited number of connected satellites[19].
The Kinexon system seems to be more accurate than GPS, which
is generally less reliable for measuring multidirectional movements
(CV>10%) than unidirectional movement (CV<5%), and for mea-
Biology of Sport, Vol. 37 No4, 2020
Validity of the local positioning system Kinexon
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Accuracy and Reliability of GPS Devices
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19. Williams M, Morgan S. Horizontal
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Concurrent validity and test-retest
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... The findings demonstrate that UWB technology offers a high level of precision, with an ICC (2,1) of 0.913, indicating almost perfect agreement. This aligns with previous research highlighting UWB's potential in sports tracking [37]. However, significant exercise-dependent variations in measurement accuracy were observed. ...
... Environmental factors, including electromagnetic interference and antenna placement, further impacted measurement quality. Additionally, manual segmentation of tasks introduced human error [37], and the fixed arm-mounted position of the UWB device contributed to discrepancies during dynamic movements, such as rapid direction changes. The natural swing of the arm and early hip rotation amplified these errors, particularly in tasks like spider run and tactics, where unpredictable movements are prevalent. ...
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Player-tracking systems provide vital time–motion and tactical data for analyzing athletic performance. Ultra-wideband (UWB) systems are promising for racquet sports due to their accuracy and cost-effectiveness compared to GNSS and optical systems. This study evaluated the accuracy of a UWB tracking system (GenGee Insait KS) for tennis-specific movements by comparing it with an optical motion capture system (VICON). Ten amateur players (International Tennis Numbers: 2–5) participated, performing seven exercises, including warm-up, agility drills, and tactical drills, with and without racquets. Raw data from both systems were processed to calculate the distances traversed. The average root mean square error between the two systems was 0.65 m (X-axis) and 0.76 m (Y-axis). Significant measurement discrepancies were observed (standardized mean difference: 0.86–1.95), except for jogging and walking exercises (p > 0.05). The overall percentage error was 16.29%. The intraclass correlation coefficient for distance measurements was 0.91, indicating good reliability. Tasks involving rapid acceleration and directional changes, such as the spider run, exhibited larger errors (mean bias: 4.13 m, effect size: 1.03). While the UWB system demonstrated acceptable accuracy for steady movements, it showed notable discrepancies during high-speed, tennis-specific activities. Overestimation due to arm movement and hip rotation suggests caution when applying arm-mounted UWB devices in training and competitive settings.
... This combination of IoT and Big Data is particularly effective in high-density competition periods, offering a comprehensive perspective on player fatigue and recovery that can significantly inform coaching strategies and enhance team performance. has been validated by previous studies [10,11] and proven to be highly effective for handball, significantly enhancing the reliability and precision od data regarding players' physical performance and physiological states. ...
... The device provides 9-axis inertial data (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer) capable of recording accelerations/decelerations, rotations and orientation angles with a refresh rate of up to 60 Hz. The device has been validated [10] and used for handball movement time analysis in handball [1,8,9]. The Kinexon system works by triangulations between 9 antennas located around the handball court and connected to a server, and 10 reference antennas acting as anchors. ...
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The quantification of physical demands placed upon handball players, segmented by their specific roles and duration of play, is crucial for sustaining high performance and minimizing the risk of injury. Leveraging advanced inertial measurement units, this investigation captured and analyzed the external load data of athletes participating in the EHF Women’s EURO 2022. The aim of this study was to provide coaching staff with information on fatigue development during periods of high match density. The study evaluated the effects of playing position and cumulative playing time on external load metrics, using linear mixed models that treated individual players as random effects. The study employed a cutting-edge computational framework integrating sensor network technologies, Local Positioning Systems (LPS), and Big Data Analytics within a descriptive analytics methodology. From over half a billion raw records, we distilled 1,013 data entries from 47 matches for analysis. The findings reveal that the wings demonstrated the highest levels of total and high-speed running distances, though they sustained lower PlayerLoad relative to backs. Interestingly, cumulative playing time did not markedly alter load profiles, which may be attributed to strategic substitution decisions by coaches and the players’ own pacing strategies. Notable discrepancies within positional demands were observed over time, such as centers displaying increased distance coverage within the 2–3 hour play interval. This study underscores the efficacy of strategic load management and tailored pacing in sustaining player performance throughout high-stakes tournaments. It elucidates the relationship between managerial tactics and player-specific characteristics in the context of external load distribution.
... Each device, a sensor (player tag) whose dimensions were 49x33x8 millimeters (height/width/depth) and weighed 14 grams, was fitted to the back of each player with an adjustable vest. LPS Kinexon units can measure the fundamental handball movement demands in terms of peak speed, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration (Fleureau, Lacome, Buchheit, Couturier, & Rabita, 2020). ...
... For this study, 485,806,812 records were analyzed regarding accelerations, decelerations, body contacts and jumps. Kinexon system has been validated against well-known systems such as GPS, showing proper between-device reliability (coefficient of variation around 5%) (Blauberger, Marzilger, & Lames, 2021;Fleureau, et al., 2020;Hoppe, Baumgart, Polglaze, & Freiwald, 2018). ...
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The present study aimed to analyze the external load put on elite male handball players during the 2020 European Championship differentiated by playing positions. A system based on three phases was designed: 1) information capture of game events through sensor networks, LPS system and WebScraping techniques; 2) information processing based on Big Data Analytics; 3) extraction of results based on a descriptive analytics approach. Results showed that wings (Ws) and center backs (CBs) performed more accelerations and decelerations than the players in other positions in the entire match and attack. In defense, wings showed higher values than the rest of the players, followed by line players (LPs). In regard to body contacts, the positions that received more average number during the whole match were the CBs and LPs, with the CBs presenting the highest values in offense and the LPs in defense. Finally, backs were the ones performing more total jumps per game and in offense. In defense, LPs and left backs presented the highest values. It is necessary to monitor individual high intensity events to develop individual training programmes for different playing positions. High-intensity decelerations should be specially considered since they enlarge injury risks.
... To measure Ac/Dec effectively, sports performance analysis relies on automatic position detection using global (GPS) [16] and local (LPS) [17] systems. These tools determine movement patterns during matches and training sessions [15,[18][19][20], guiding decisions based on player-tracking metrics [15,21,22]. LPS, unlike GPS, utilizes a local infrastructure [21], providing advantages such as the following [17,20,23]: (a) higher sampling rates, enhancing validity and reliability for team sport-specific movement patterns; (b) indoor and large stadium compatibility; (c) improved accuracy in player position detection; (d) device miniaturization, potentially enabling ball tracking; and (e) facilitating tactical analyses. ...
... These tools determine movement patterns during matches and training sessions [15,[18][19][20], guiding decisions based on player-tracking metrics [15,21,22]. LPS, unlike GPS, utilizes a local infrastructure [21], providing advantages such as the following [17,20,23]: (a) higher sampling rates, enhancing validity and reliability for team sport-specific movement patterns; (b) indoor and large stadium compatibility; (c) improved accuracy in player position detection; (d) device miniaturization, potentially enabling ball tracking; and (e) facilitating tactical analyses. Kinexon Perform LPS is a widely used sports tracking system [17] which has been used at the World Cup in Qatar (FIFA, 2022) and assessed by Blauberger et al. [21], confirming its outstanding accuracy for player and ball tracking in team sports. ...
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The main objective of this study was (1) to analyze the patterns of acceleration (Ac) and deceleration (Dec) during football matches in elite youth football, both within and between different segments of the match; and (2) to investigate the impact of ball possession and various playing positions on these acceleration and deceleration patterns. To provide a broader explanatory context, the influence of tactical space management was assessed in terms of depth and width. A descriptive comparative design was used, and data were collected during two friendly matches. Player and ball tracking data were collected using a local positioning system. In the attack phase, differences were obtained in the average Ac (first half: 0.42 ± 0.06 m·s −2 , second half: 0.38 ± 0.07 m·s −2 ; p = 0.021, d = 0.50) and average Dec (first half: −0.44 ± 0.09 m·s −2 , second half: −0.36 ± 0.08 m·s −2 ; p = 0.001, d = 0.84). Wingers in the attack phase obtained higher values in maximum Ac (1.65 ± 0.65 m·s −2 ; p = 0.007, η 2 = 0.03), and in the total number of both Ac (68.7 ± 45.22; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.10) and Dec (70.6 ± 45.70; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.10). In the defense phase, fullbacks obtained higher values in average Ac (0.53 ± 0.17 m·s −2 ; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.07) and average Dec (−0.49 ± 0.18 m·s −2 ; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.05) and wingers in the total number of Ac (43.9 ± 27.30; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.11) and Dec (43.8 ± 28.60; p = 0.001, η 2 = 0.10). In young football players, Ac and Dec do not follow a decreasing end throughout the match, and their behavior is uneven depending on ball possession and the position assigned to the player, with the highest demands on Ac/Dec in winger and fullback positions.
... In this sense, the assessment and quantification of the physical and mechanical demands during official matches provides valuable information for designing short-term and long-term training programs to optimize performance, reduce injury risk, and minimize the risk of overtraining (25,31). For this purpose, local positioning system (LPS) with ultra-wideband technology or inertial measurement units (e.g., accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope) is an effective device with a good level of validity (6,14) and reliability (27) for monitoring and measuring different external load variables in real-time. ...
The aim of this study was to explore the external load experienced by female handball players according to the time played in official matches (≥40, <40, and ≤20 minutes) and in relation to playing positions (backs, pivots, and wings). Twenty-two female players from the Spanish second Division were monitored across 13 matches. Total distance covered, high-speed running distance (HSR), accelerations, decelerations, and PlayerLoad were collected in absolute and relative values using a local positioning system (WIMU PRO, Realtrack Systems SL, Almería, Spain). One-way ANOVA with partial eta-squared and Cohen's d were used to determine the differences between playing time groups and between playing positions. This study revealed that players with more match playing time had a higher absolute values in all external load variables (p < 0.001; very large effects), except in HSR where only wings showed higher values according to the time played (p < 0.001; very large effects). However, these differences between playing time groups disappear when the external load values were normalized according to the effective playing time (p > 0.05). In relation to playing positions, wings covered more HSR/minutes than the other playing positions regardless of the playing time (p < 0.05; large effects). In addition, backs performed more ACC/minutes than wings in the high playing time group and more than pivots in the low playing time group (p < 0.05, moderate effects). In addition, backs performed more DEC/minutes than wings in the low playing time group (p < 0.05, moderate effects). Therefore, handball coaches should consider the playing time as an effective tool to optimize the weekly load distribution.
... Therefore, analysing the physical performance of the players during official matches provides many advantages for coaches and practitioners to: (1), design short-and long-term training programmes to maximize performance, reduce injury risk and minimize the risk of overtraining (2) adapt and periodize weekly training loads to manage stress and recovery, (3) design physical training interventions during the microcycle considering the player role in the match (starter vs. non-starter), and (4) develop and implement individualized physical training programmes for each playing position [1,4]. To accomplish this purpose, technical staff and sports scientists can use new monitoring tools with a good level of validity [5,6] and reliability [7], such as a local positioning system (LPS) ...
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The purpose of this study was twofold: to analyse physical performance fluctuations throughout match play in women’s handball; and to investigate whether physical performance fluctuations are affected by contextual factors (i.e., level of the opponent and playing positions). Twenty-two female players from the Spanish 2nd Division were monitored across 13 matches. Each match was divided into 5 min fixed phases. Total distance (TD), high-speed running (HSR) and PlayerLoad (PL) were collected using a local positioning system. The highest values of TD, HSR and PL were registered during the first 5 min phase of the match (p < 0.05, moderate-large effects), while the lowest values of TD and PL were registered in the last phase of the first half and for HSR in the last phase of the match (p < 0.001, large effects). Regarding level of the opponent, low-level teams elicited higher TD in the first 10 min of the match (p < 0.05, moderate effects). Conversely, matches involving high-level teams registered more TD and PL in the last phase of the match (p < 0.05, moderate effects). In relation to playing positions, wings showed the highest physical performance in all 5 min phases of the match, whereas the pivots showed the lowest physical performance. In the present study the physical performance decreased throughout the match and the fluctuations were strongly affected by the level of the opponent and playing positions. Therefore, handball coaches should incorporate strategies to mitigate fatigue within and between halves.
... It is worth noting that the LPS validity studies, in indoor conditions, reported better results than the GPS positional data in outdoor conditions, thus constituting a viable system (Alt et al., 2020;Bastida-Castillo, A., 2018;Fleureau et al., 2020); however, it should be taken with precautions as the position recording accuracy may be affected as the instantaneous velocity of the device increases (Luteberget et al. 2020). An inter-device reliability preliminary study was conducted in the hall where the games were recorded and the median coefficient of variation for the x and y-axis displacement was 4.42% and 4.64 %, respectively, demonstrating a 'good' inter-device agreement (Crang, Z. L. et al., 2022). ...
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Exploración de las métricas de carga externa en el balonmano de equipo: Un estudio del Campeonato Europeo Masculino Sub-20 Abstract The objective assessment of external physical loads has become promising in better understanding players' match loads and responses. However, there is a lack of consensus on the metrics used along with limited information on this topic in elite handball. This study investigated differences in conventional and novel external load metrics according to playing positions. Methods: 27 matches of EHF Euro M20 2022 were used, with a total of 711 player match observations recorded. The data series were collected using a local positioning system (LPS) integrated with inertial measurement unit (IMU) devices. Kinematic variables: match-jerk, match-Dynamic Stress Load (match-DSL), distance covered, distance covered at high speed (HSR distance). Despite the lack of handball-specific validation, differences between studied positions were found in all variables. Greater sensibility seems possible based on the match-DSL compared to match-jerk. Accordingly, Backs exhibited the highest match-DSL values. Divergently, the Wings covered more distance at total and high-speed running while showing lower match-DSL relative to the Backs. The Line Players had similar HSR distances to Backs while covering lower total distances. Future studies are needed to explore the validity of the available metrics and arbitrary parameters, as well as comparing those variables with internal-load variables. Resumen La evaluación objetiva de las cargas físicas externas se ha convertido en algo promisorio para mejor comprender la carga y la respuesta de un jugador. Sin embargo, hay una falta de consenso sobre las métricas a utilizar junto con información limitada sobre este tema en el balonmano de élite. Este estudio investigó las diferencias con métricas tradicionales y nuevas de carga mecánica externa según las posiciones de juego. Métodos: se utilizaron 27 partidos de la EHF Euro M20 2022, con un total de 711 muestras de jugadores registradas. Data series se recopiló con un sistema de posicionamiento local (LPS) con dispositivos de unidad de medición inercial (IMU) integrados. Variables cinemáticas: match-jerk, match-Dynamic Stress Load (match-DSL), la distancia recorrida y la distancia recorrida a alta velocidad. A pesar de carecer de validación contextual en balonmano, se encontraron diferencias entre las posiciones estudiadas en todas las variables. Parece posible una mayor sensibilidad basada en el match-DSL en comparación con el match-jerk. Los jugadores de primera línea y pivotes exhibieron los valores más altos de match-DSL. De forma divergente, los extremos cubrieron más distancia en carrera a alta velocidad mientras mostraban un menor match-DSL en relación con la primera línea. Las variables de locomoción proporcionan ventajas prácticas en comparación con match-DSL y match-jerk. Futuros estudios son necesarios que exploren la validez de las métricas y parámetros establecidos arbitrariamente y comparen estas variables de carga externa con las de carga interna.
... It is worth noting that the LPS validity studies, in indoor conditions, reported better results than the GPS positional data in outdoor conditions, thus constituting a viable system (Alt et al., 2020;Bastida-Castillo, A., 2018;Fleureau et al., 2020); however, it should be taken with precautions as the position recording accuracy may be affected as the instantaneous velocity of the device increases (Luteberget et al. 2020). An inter-device reliability preliminary study was conducted in the hall where the games were recorded and the median coefficient of variation for the x and y-axis displacement was 4.42% and 4.64 %, respectively, demonstrating a 'good' inter-device agreement (Crang, Z. L. et al., 2022). ...
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The objective assessment of external physical loads has become promising in better understanding players’ match loads and responses. However, there is a lack of consensus on the metrics used along with limited information on this topic in elite handball. This study investigated differences in conventional and novel external load metrics according to playing positions. Methods: 27 matches of EHF Euro M20 2022 were used, with a total of 711 player match observations recorded. The data series were collected using a local positioning system (LPS) integrated with inertial measurement unit (IMU) devices. Kinematic variables: match-jerk, match-Dynamic Stress Load (match-DSL), distance covered, distance covered at high speed (HSR distance). Despite the lack of handball-specific validation, differences between studied positions were found in all variables. Greater sensibility seems possible based on the match-DSL compared to match-jerk. Accordingly, Backs exhibited the highest match-DSL values. Divergently, the Wings covered more distance at total and high-speed running while showing lower match-DSL relative to the Backs. The Line Players had similar HSR distances to Backs while covering lower total distances. Future studies are needed to explore the validity of the available metrics and arbitrary parameters, as well as comparing those variables with internal-load variables.
Wearables quantify the activity in team sports and indicate that players experience peak physical loads during competitions. Accordingly, players with limited court time in competitions will miss important training stimuli. The present study aimed to quantify these gaps in physical load in professional handball players. Activity of all players competing in the 2021/2022 Bundesliga (Germany) was tracked using Kinexon LPS sensors. Gaps in physical load were quantified comparing the 25% of appearances with the highest (HIGH; 51.8 ± 5.2 mins) and lowest court times (LOW; 10.1 ± 4.3 mins). Distances, accumulated acceleration, jumps, sprints, impacts, accelerations, and decelerations were analysed as absolute and relative (per minute) outcomes. Players were grouped into wings, backcourts, and pivots. Unpaired t-tests between HIGH and LOW were performed (p < .05), and effect sizes were calculated (Cohen´s d). Analyses revealed significant effects of court time on activity. While absolute activity increased for HIGH, relative activity increased for LOW (p < .05). In addition, effect sizes revealed position-specific gaps in physical load, particularly for acyclic activities (jumps, accelerations). Gaps in physical load resulting from limited court time are highly position-specific. Our observations may provide benchmarks for the position-specific calibration of compensatory training.
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Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the validity of position, distance traveled and instantaneous speed of team sport players as measured by a commercially available local positioning system (LPS) during indoor use. In addition, the study investigated how the placement of the field of play relative to the anchor nodes and walls of the building affected the validity of the system. Method: The LPS (Catapult ClearSky T6, Catapult Sports, Australia) and the reference system [Qualisys Oqus, Qualisys AB, Sweden, (infra-red camera system)] were installed around the field of play to capture the athletes' motion. Athletes completed five tasks, all designed to imitate team-sports movements. The same protocol was completed in two sessions, one with an assumed optimal geometrical setup of the LPS (optimal condition), and once with a sub-optimal geometrical setup of the LPS (sub-optimal condition). Raw two-dimensional position data were extracted from both the LPS and the reference system for accuracy assessment. Position, distance and speed were compared. Results: The mean difference between the LPS and reference system for all position estimations was 0.21 ± 0.13 m (n = 30,166) in the optimal setup, and 1.79 ± 7.61 m (n = 22,799) in the sub-optimal setup. The average difference in distance was below 2% for all tasks in the optimal condition, while it was below 30% in the sub-optimal condition. Instantaneous speed showed the largest differences between the LPS and reference system of all variables, both in the optimal (≥35%) and sub-optimal condition (≥74%). The differences between the LPS and reference system in instantaneous speed were speed dependent, showing increased differences with increasing speed. Discussion: Measures of position, distance, and average speed from the LPS show low errors, and can be used confidently in time-motion analyses for indoor team sports. The calculation of instantaneous speed from LPS raw data is not valid. To enhance instantaneous speed calculation the application of appropriate filtering techniques to enhance the validity of such data should be investigated. For all measures, the placement of anchor nodes and the field of play relative to the walls of the building influence LPS output to a large degree.
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This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of global (GPS) and local (LPS) positioning systems for measuring distances covered and sprint mechanical properties in team sports. Here, we evaluated two recently released 18 Hz GPS and 20 Hz LPS technologies together with one established 10 Hz GPS technology. Six male athletes (age: 27±2 years; VO2max: 48.8±4.7 ml/min/kg) performed outdoors on 10 trials of a team sport-specific circuit that was equipped with double-light timing gates. The circuit included various walking, jogging, and sprinting sections that were performed either in straight-lines or with changes of direction. During the circuit, athletes wore two devices of each positioning system. From the reported and filtered velocity data, the distances covered and sprint mechanical properties (i.e., the theoretical maximal horizontal velocity, force, and power output) were computed. The sprint mechanical properties were modeled via an inverse dynamic approach applied to the center of mass. The validity was determined by comparing the measured and criterion data via the typical error of estimate (TEE), whereas the reliability was examined by comparing the two devices of each technology (i.e., the between-device reliability) via the coefficient of variation (CV). Outliers due to measurement errors were statistically identified and excluded from validity and reliability analyses. The 18 Hz GPS showed better validity and reliability for determining the distances covered (TEE: 1.6–8.0%; CV: 1.1–5.1%) and sprint mechanical properties (TEE: 4.5–14.3%; CV: 3.1–7.5%) than the 10 Hz GPS (TEE: 3.0–12.9%; CV: 2.5–13.0% and TEE: 4.1–23.1%; CV: 3.3–20.0%). However, the 20 Hz LPS demonstrated superior validity and reliability overall (TEE: 1.0–6.0%; CV: 0.7–5.0% and TEE: 2.1–9.2%; CV: 1.6–7.3%). For the 10 Hz GPS, 18 Hz GPS, and 20 Hz LPS, the relative loss of data sets due to measurement errors was 10.0%, 20.0%, and 15.8%, respectively. This study shows that 18 Hz GPS has enhanced validity and reliability for determining movement patterns in team sports compared to 10 Hz GPS, whereas 20 Hz LPS had superior validity and reliability overall. However, compared to 10 Hz GPS, 18 Hz GPS and 20 Hz LPS technologies had more outliers due to measurement errors, which limits their practical applications at this time.
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The validity of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) positioning system was investigated during linear and change-of- direction (COD) running drills. Six recreationally-active men performed ten repetitions of four activities (walking, jogging, maximal acceleration, and 45o COD) on an indoor court. Activities were repeated twice, in the centre of the court and on the side. Participants wore a receiver tag (Clearsky T6, Catapult Sports) and two reflective markers placed on the tag to allow for comparisons with the criterion system (Vicon). Distance, mean and peak velocity, acceleration, and deceleration were assessed. Validity was assessed via percentage least-square means difference (Clearsky-Vicon) with 90% confidence interval and magnitude- based inference; typical error was expressed as within-subject standard deviation. The mean differences for distance, mean/peak speed, and mean/peak accelerations in the linear drills were in the range of 0.2–12%, with typical errors between 1.2 and 9.3%. Mean and peak deceleration had larger differences and errors between systems. In the COD drill, moderate-to-large differences were detected for the activity performed in the centre of the court, increasing to large/very large on the side. When filtered and smoothed following a similar process, the UWB-based positioning system had acceptable validity, compared to Vicon, to assess movements representative of indoor sports.
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Athlete tracking devices that include global positioning system (GPS) and micro electrical mechanical system (MEMS) components are now commonplace in sport research and practice. These devices provide large amounts of data that are used to inform decision-making on athlete training and performance. However, the data obtained from these devices are often provided without clear explanation of how these metrics are obtained. At present, there is no clear consensus regarding how these data should be handled and reported in a sport context. Therefore, the aim of this review was to examine the factors that affect the data produced by these athlete tracking devices to provide guidelines for collecting, processing, and reporting of data. Many factors including device sampling rate, positioning and fitting of devices, satellite signal and data filtering methods can affect the measures obtained from GPS and MEMS devices. Therefore researchers are encouraged to report device brand/model, sampling frequency, number of satellites, horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) and software/firmware versions in any published research. Additionally, details of data inclusion/exclusion criteria for data obtained from these devices are also recommended. Considerations for the application of speed zones to evaluate the magnitude and distribution of different locomotor activities recorded by GPS are also presented, alongside recommendations for both industry practice and future research directions. Through a standard approach to data collection and procedure reporting, researchers and practitioners will be able to make more confident comparisons from their data, which will improve the understanding and impact these devices can have on athlete performance.
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In recent years, indoor positioning has emerged as a critical function in many end-user applications; including military, civilian, disaster relief and peacekeeping missions. In comparison with outdoor environments, sensing location information in indoor environments requires a higher precision and is a more challenging task in part because various objects reflect and disperse signals. Ultra WideBand (UWB) is an emerging technology in the field of indoor positioning that has shown better performance compared to others. In order to set the stage for this work, we provide a survey of the state-of-the-art technologies in indoor positioning, followed by a detailed comparative analysis of UWB positioning technologies. We also provide an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to analyze the present state of UWB positioning technologies. While SWOT is not a quantitative approach, it helps in assessing the real status and in revealing the potential of UWB positioning to effectively address the indoor positioning problem. Unlike previous studies, this paper presents new taxonomies, reviews some major recent advances, and argues for further exploration by the research community of this challenging problem space.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the concurrent validity of data from two different global positioning system (GPS) units for obtaining mechanical properties during sprint acceleration using a field method recently validated by Samozino et al. Methods: Thirty-two athletes performed maximal straight-line sprints, and their running speed was simultaneously measured by GPS units (sampling rate: 20 Hz or 5 Hz) and either a radar or laser device (devices taken as references). Lower limb mechanical properties of sprint acceleration (theoretical maximal force, F0; theoretical maximal speed, V0; maximal power, Pmax) were derived from a modeling of the speed-time curves using an exponential function in both measurements. Comparisons of mechanical properties from 20 Hz and 5 Hz GPS units with those from reference devices were performed for 80 and 62 trials, respectively. Results: The percentage bias showed a wide range of over or underestimation for both systems (-7.9-9.7% and -5.1-2.9% for 20 Hz and 5 Hz GPS), while the ranges of its 90% confidence limits for 20 Hz GPS were markedly smaller than those for 5 Hz GPS. These results were supported by the correlation analyses. Conclusions: Overall, the concurrent validity for all variables derived from 20 Hz GPS measurements was better than that obtained from the 5 Hz GPS units. However, in the current state of GPS devices accuracy for speed-time measurements over a maximal sprint acceleration, we recommend that radar, laser devices and timing gates remain the reference methods for implementing Samozino et al.'s computations.
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The use of global positioning systems (GPS) has increased dramatically over the last decade. Using signals from orbiting satellites, the GPS receiver calculates the exact position of the device and the speed at which the device is moving. Within team sports GPS devices are used to quantify the external load experienced by an athlete, allowing coaches to better manage trainings loads and potentially identify athletes who are overreaching or overtraining. This review aims to collate all studies that have tested the validity and/or the reliability of GPS devices in a team sport setting, with a particular focus on 1) measurements of distance, speed, velocities and accelerations across all sampling rates and 2) accelerometers, player/body load and impacts in accelerometer-integrated GPS devices. A comprehensive search of the online libraries identified 22 articles that fit search criteria. The literature suggests that all GPS units, regardless of sampling rate, are capable of tracking athlete's distance during team sport movements with adequate intra-unit reliability. 1Hz and 5Hz GPS units have limitations in their reporting of distance during high intensity running, velocity measures and short linear running (particularly those involving changes of direction), although these limitations seem to be overcome during measures recorded during team sport movements. 10Hz GPS devices appear the most valid and reliable to date across linear and team sport simulated running, overcoming many limitations of earlier models, while the increase to 15Hz GPS devices have had no additional benefit.
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Abstract During the past decade substantial development of computer-aided tracking technology has occurred. Therefore, we aimed to provide calibration equations to allow the interchangeability of different tracking technologies used in soccer. Eighty-two highly trained soccer players (U14-U17) were monitored during training and one match. Player activity was collected simultaneously with a semi-automatic multiple-camera (Prozone), local position measurement (LPM) technology (Inmotio) and two global positioning systems (GPSports and VX). Data were analysed with respect to three different field dimensions (small, <30 m(2) to full-pitch, match). Variables provided by the systems were compared, and calibration equations (linear regression models) between each system were calculated for each field dimension. Most metrics differed between the 4 systems with the magnitude of the differences dependant on both pitch size and the variable of interest. Trivial-to-small between-system differences in total distance were noted. However, high-intensity running distance (>14.4 km · h(-1)) was slightly-to-moderately greater when tracked with Prozone, and accelerations, small-to-very largely greater with LPM. For most of the equations, the typical error of the estimate was of a moderate magnitude. Interchangeability of the different tracking systems is possible with the provided equations, but care is required given their moderate typical error of the estimate.
With the ongoing development of (micro) technology, player tracking has become one of the most important components of load monitoring in team sports. The three main objectives of player tracking are the following: i) better understanding of practice (provide an objective, a posteriori evaluation of external load and locomotor demands of any given session or match), ii) the optimisation of training load patterns at the team level and iii) decision making on individual players training programs to improve performance and prevent injuries (e.g., top-up training vs. un-loading sequences, return to play progression). This paper, discusses the basics of a simple tracking approach and the need for the integration of multiple systems. The limitations of some of the most used variables in the field (including metabolic power measures) will be debated and innovative and potentially new powerful variables will be presented. The foundations of a successful player monitoring system are probably laid on the pitch first, in the way practitioners collect their own tracking data, given the limitations of each variable, and how they report and utilize all this information, rather than in the technology and the variables per se. Overall, the decision to use any tracking technology or new variable should always be considered with a cost/benefit approach (i.e., cost, ease of use, portability, manpower / ability to impact on the training program).
The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and reliability of 5, 10 and 15 Hz global positioning system (GPS) devices. Two male subjects (age: 25.5 ± 0.7 yr; height: 1.75 ± 0.01 m; body mass: 74 ± 5.7 kg) completed ten repetitions of drills replicating movements typical of tennis, cricket and field-based (football) sports. All movements were completed wearing two 5 Hz and 10 Hz MinimaxX and two GPS-Sports 15 Hz GPS devices in a specially designed harness. Criterion movement data for distance and speed was provided from a 22-camera VICON system sampling at 100 Hz. Accuracy was determined using one-way analysis of variance with Tukey's post-hoc tests. Inter-unit reliability was determined using intra-class correlation (ICC) and typical error was estimated as coefficient of variation (CV). Overall, for the majority of distance and speed measures as measured using the 5, 10 and 15 Hz GPS devices, were not significantly different (p>0.05) to the VICON data. Additionally, no improvements in the accuracy or reliability of GPS devices were observed with an increase in the sampling rate. However, the CV for the 5 and 15 Hz devices for distance and speed measures ranged between 3-33%, with increasing variability evident in higher speed zones. The majority of ICC measures possessed a low level of inter-unit reliability (r=-0.35-0.39). Based on these results, practitioners of these devices should be aware that measurements of distance and speed may be consistently underestimated, regardless of the movements performed.