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Screening or Not Screening? Unresolved Debates on the Use of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire in Routine Screening



The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is a landmark study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was the first large scale, non-clinical study to document ten categories of adversity in childhood (covering both child maltreatment experiences and household challenges) and to assess their relationship with health outcomes in adulthood. The objective of this information sheet is to summarize recent findings presenting the benefits and limitations of using the ACE questionnaire as part of routine screening in community and clinical samples.
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Information Sheet #202E
Screening or Not Screening? Unresolved
Debates on the Use of the Adverse
Childhood Experiences Questionnaire in
Routine Screening
Delphine Collin-Vézina, Denise Brend & Barbara Fallon
July 2020
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is a landmark study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was the first large scale, non-clinical study to document ten
categories of adversity in childhood (covering both child maltreatment experiences and household challenges)
and to assess their relationship with health outcomes in adulthood. These categories were sexual, physical, and
psychological abuse; physical and emotional neglect; parentsmental illness and substance abuse issues;
parent’s incarceration; domestic violence; and divorce.
About 17,000 adults took part in the initial study and reported retrospectively their experiences before the age
of 18 about these 10 conditions (Felitti, Anda, & Nordenberg, 1998). Key findings were:
- ACEs occur frequently: two-thirds of participants had experienced at least one ACE category and one
in eight individuals had experienced four or more ACEs.
- The higher your ACE score, the higher the likelihood of developing long-term mental and physical
health problems, as well as social and relational challenges.
These findings have led to the adoption of the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire (ACE
questionnaire) as part of routine screening and assessment in various health and mental health settings. While
this practice appears well aligned with recommendations put forth by leading mental health organizations (e.g.
SAMHSA) on the importance of recognizing trauma, there is an ongoing controversy regarding this practice.
Between November 2019 and February 2020, several papers were published commenting on this debate. The
objective of this information sheet is to summarize recent findings presenting the benefits and limitations of
using the ACE questionnaire as part of routine screening in community and clinical samples.
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Studies highlighting benefits of using the ACE questionnaire in
routine screening
Kia-Keating, Barnett, Liu, Sims and Ruth (2019) conducted a study that focused on
implementation processes, and facilitators and barriers to ACEs screening. More specifically, it
examined the feasibility and acceptability of a parent and child screening questionnaire among
predominantly low-income, Latinx patients in four community-based health clinics in California.
This project was part of a larger initiative that aimed to assess the impact of screening for ACEs
in pediatric settings in order for wellness navigators to assist families to connect to resources, when
parents reported two or more ACEs for themselves or one ACE exposure to their infant.
Feasibility was assessed based on information gathered from parents of infants 4-12 months old
who were visiting the clinics for the first time and completing the ACE questionnaire to report on
their own adverse experiences and the ones their infants had been exposed to since birth. In order
to examine the acceptability of the tool, service providers participated in semi-structured
interviews about their receptivity, experience, and problems or benefits with the addition of the
ACE screening in the pediatric clinics.
Feasibility: Out of 164 parent-infant dyads that were recruited, 151 completed the parent and child
versions of the ACE questionnaire. The mean age of infants was 5.8 months and 50.3% were
females. Over three-quarter of this sample (76.8%) identified as Latinx. Parents’ age and gender
were not presented in the article. A first indicator of feasibility that the authors noted was the high
percentage (92.1%) of all patients recruited who agreed to complete the questionnaire. They also
noted that 39.1% of parents reported two or more ACEs and 18.6% of infants were exposed to one
or more ACEs since birth, according to their parents. In total, 47% of parent-child dyads met the
criteria for service referral (2 ACES for parents and/or 1 ACE for infants) through the wellness
navigator service in these pediatric clinics. Of those, the majority (77.4%) consented to receive
services. In total, this process allowed 55 families out of 151 to be screened for ACEs and to be
referred to services, which according to the authors lend support to using this questionnaire in
routine assessment.
Acceptability: Nine service providers participated in semi-structured interviews: three
pediatricians, three medical assistants, two wellness navigators, and one licensed clinical social
worker. Participants’ demographics were not presented in the article. Data was analyzed using a
‘rapid qualitative analysis approach’, which involved the research team in reviewing all interview
transcripts and producing a matrix of common themes. Screening benefits identified by the
providers included: (1) facilitating a deeper alliance with patients through acknowledging their
own path and life challenges; (2) helping to draw connections between health and mental health
issues that patients were presenting with; and (3) highlighting the necessity to adopt a holistic,
whole-person approach. Some of the challenges identified included: (1) feeling nervous about
asking these sensitive questions, (2) having to make it fit in an already long assessment process,
(3) recognizing the needs for further training to be offered to staff in order to maintain best
practices for introducing and discussing ACEs with patients. The findings also suggested that
acceptability improved over time and that practitioners shifted their attitude which was
ambivalent to begin with towards a stronger acceptance of the process as they observed the
positive impact on their relationship with patients.
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Overall, this study is suggesting that there are potentials benefits to include the ACE questionnaire
as part of routine screening in health care settings both from a feasibility and acceptability
perspectives. Limitations of the study include: small sample sizes, both for parent-infant dyads and
for service providers; the limited information on participants’ demographic; the absence of a robust
qualitative method used to analyze the interview data; the lack of findings’ generalizability to other
social contexts and service settings; and the lack of information on whether the service referral
was effective in preventing the sequelae of trauma.
Choi, Wang and Jackson (2019), examined whether exposure to adverse childhood experiences
(ACEs) by the age of three among children living in poverty resulted in behavioural problems at
ages three, five, nine and fifteen; after controlling for mothers’ socioeconomic status and their
children’s characteristics. The long-term effects of ACEs when poverty and ACEs co-occur is less
known. The sample of children consisted of 2750 children and their parents from the Fragile
Families and Child Wellbeing study. The study was limited to low-income families that had
experienced poverty at any time during the first three years of a child’s life. Logistic regression
modelling was used to obtain odds ratios of ACE categories predicting behavioural problems after
accounting for family socioeconomic position.
The findings indicated that experiencing ACEs in early childhood was significantly associated
with later behavioural outcomes from children to adolescence. Exposure to multiple ACEs before
the age of three was significantly associated with the top-risk behaviour group at age five and at
both ages nine and fifteen, children experiencing two or more ACEs had 1.9 to 3.2 times higher
odds to be placed in the top 10th percentile of behaviour problems. Among covariates, mothers’
education, race and children’s gender and temperament were identified as significant factors to
determine behaviour problems. The researchers noted that their findings support policies and
programs for families with children who have experienced economic disadvantages and early
childhood adversity, and government responses that aim to mitigate child poverty are critical and
should be encouraged.
There are several limitations noted by the authors. Sexual abuse was not included because of low
frequency. Cumulative risk scores may not reflect distinctive experiences. Family processes such
as supportive co-parenting, parenting efficacy, and the quality of care were not included in this
study. These protective factors may mitigate the negative effects of ACEs on child behaviour
problems. Sibling and peer victimization, property crimes, parental death were also not assessed.
Studies pointing to limitations of the ACE questionnaire in
practice and research
McLennan, MacMillan and Afifi (2020)’s commentary offers insights regarding four psychometric flaws of
the10-item ACE questionnaire. The first problem they highlight pertains to the tool’s item coverage. Although
the ACE questionnaire covers 10 types of adverse childhood experiences that are widely accepted as potentially
detrimental to the well-being of children and youth, it fails to include other types of victimization that have
garnered much attention in the past decade, including peer and community violence, that have been shown to
predict poor adolescent health (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2015). The ACE tool does not capture
the impact of exposure to poverty, which is an important marker of child and youth well-being. McLennan and
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Information Sheet #202E
colleagues question the use of single items to measure each of the 10 adverse childhood experiences that are
complex and multifaceted.
The second problem they discuss relates to the item construction. The authors question the use of a
dichotomized ‘yes-no’ response options that do not allow for severity ranges. In addition, several of the 10
items include double-barrelled questions, that make the ‘yes-no’ response options difficult to interpret. For
example,did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often ... Swear at you, insult you, put you
down, or humiliate you? or Acting a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?’ An additional
concern is the lack of contextual information that the authors argue should precede the asking of sensitive,
potentially triggering questions. The preamble that has been added to the children and youth version of the
ACE questionnaire comments on the link between stressful events and physical and mental health. These
critiques lead the authors to have concerns about the validity, reliability and response interpretation of the tool.
The third concern relates to item scoring. McLennan and colleagues highlight that summing responses by
giving equal weight to each item may be erroneous. They advocate for a more sophisticated approach for the
interpretation of the ACE item score that is applicable at the epidemiological level and an individual level.
Indeed, although it is well established that higher scores on the ACE questionnaire leads to poorer outcomes, it
is yet to be determined whether any combination of the 10 items produce the same negative impact.
The authors conclude with their concerns about the lack of rigour in the instrument development. They
highlight that other tools developed in recent years have gone through rigorous evaluations of their
psychometric properties and could be considered for screening. They conclude that the ACE questionnaire
continues to be used due to its simplicity despite lacking some of the most basic quality criteria that are expected
in psychosocial measures and should not be used in clinical practice and research.
Using an interview grid rather than the original ACE questionnaire, Negriff (2020) examined more
closely the relative contribution of the household dysfunction items versus the childhood
maltreatment items for predicting adolescent mental health outcomes, and the utility of a cut-off
score for ACEs in predicting mental health. Data were from the fourth assessment in a longitudinal
study examining the effects of maltreatment on adolescent development. The maltreatment group
(n = 219) was recruited from active cases in the Children and Family Services agency of a large
American city. The comparison group (n = 128) was recruited from school lists of children’s names
in the same 10 zip codes as the maltreated sample. At Time 4, the participants (n = 347) were a
mean age of 18.49 years (SD = 1.41), approximately evenly split between males and females, and
primarily African American (43%) or Latino (34%).
Individual ACE items were assessed using the Comprehensive Trauma Interview (CTI; Noll et al.,
2003). Items from the CTI were mapped onto the original ACEs items, parental mental health was
dropped as there was no approximate item on the CTI. This resulted in a total of nine items on two
subscales. The Household dysfunction subscale included: divorce, household member
incarceration, witnessing domestic violence, and household member substance use (range 04).
The maltreatment subscale included: sexual abuse, physical abuse, physical neglect, emotional
abuse, and emotional neglect (range 05). Four mental health symptom types were measured: 1.
Depressive symptoms, using the 27-item Children's Depression Inventory about their feelings in
the past two weeks (Kovacs, 1981, 1992); 2. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, using the
Youth Symptom Survey Checklist (Margolin, 2000); 3. Anxiety, using the 39-item
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Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (March et al., 1997); 4. Externalizing problems,
using the Youth Self Report (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001).
MANCOVA and Sidek were used to account for correlations between the four outcomes in mental
health symptoms for those endorsing versus not endorsing each ACEs item, controlling for age,
sex, race/ethnicity, household income, and maltreatment group status (maltreated versus
comparison). Independent main effects of household dysfunction, child maltreatment, and ACEs
total score on the four mental health outcomes were then estimated using linear regression.
Interaction effects were tested using the nested χ2 difference test comparing each parameter set to
equality versus freely estimated across groups. Lastly, to examine the support for an ACEs cut-off
score, four different categorical groupings were created based on prior research with ACEs scores
and MANCOVA was used to examine the group differences.
Maltreatment items and witnessing domestic violence were found to be the best predictors of the
mental health outcomes they measured. They also found the more expansive definition of
emotional neglect used by the CTI to be a better predictor of mental health than the original ACE
item. Their results did not support the use of a cut-off score for clinical decision-making or referral
to mental health treatment. Based on their findings they advocated for witnessing domestic
violence to be adopted as a maltreatment factor and noted the importance of further work to gather
more complete evidence on the impacts of each ACE on diverse outcomes (e.g., physical health,
substance abuse, sexual risk-taking). The absence of a parental mental illness item, the use of the
CTI rather than the original ACE questionnaire, the measures being self-report, and the limited
scope of symptoms addressed are the acknowledged limitations of this study.
Opinion papers making specific recommendations
Racine, Killiam and Madigan (2020)s opinion paper highlightsscreening for ACEs is only appropriate if a
TIC approach to patient care is implemented (p.6)’. They suggest that filling out an ACE questionnaire or a
similar tool without organizational and systemic structures to prevent and intervene on ACEs is not
Lacey and Minnis (2020) echo this recommendation and suggest areas for improvement for the future of
ACEs research and its application to practice and policy. They can be summarized as follow:
- To be clear and specific on the definitions of ACEs that are used in research rather than to refer to this
broad term without specifying which ACEs are considered or not.
- To consider including other ACEs, such as poverty.
- To use alternative approaches that go beyond summing up items: clustering, weighing, recording
severity and developmental period when the adversity occurred.
- To favor longitudinal studies to assess impacts of ACEs over the life course.
- To assess cost-effectiveness and safety impacts of routine screenings for ACEs.
These authors also recommend practitioners remain cautious when generalizing population-based research
data to individual riskalthough research has shown that more ACEs lead to poorer outcomes, this may not
translate directly to one client’s risk and individual challenges. They also urge practitioners to consider larger
systemic and structural causes of ACEs and determinants of health, such as poverty, when developing practice
and policy initiatives.
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Information Sheet #202E
Twenty years of research using the ACE questionnaire has allowed the field of childhood trauma
to gain significant momentum and social recognition. Studies using this questionnaire have
confirmed the high prevalence of childhood adversities in various populations, and their short and
long-term impacts on people’s physical and mental health. This is an important legacy to celebrate
and acknowledge.
However, there have been growing concerns expressed by researchers, practitioners, and policy-
makers regarding the use of the original ACEs questionnaire for routine screening. The aim of this
paper was to review recent papers that studied and discussed the benefits and drawbacks of its use
in clinical and community settings. On the one hand, Kia-Keating and colleagues (2019)’s study
suggests that routine screening of adversity leads to service referral and that these needs could have gone
undetected. Choi et al. (2019) also showed that screening before the age of three could facilitate detection of
high-risk children and early service provision to support effective policies and programs to prevent negative
outcomes across the lifespan. On the other hand, McLennan et al. (2020)’s commentary offers insights
regarding four psychometric flaws in the ACE questionnaire: the lack of full coverage of potential childhood
adversity; weaknesses in item construction; lack of sophistication regarding item scoring; and lack of rigour in
the instrument development. Negriff (2020)’s study also points to issues regarding item scoring, even when
using instruments other than the original ACE study, and suggests that maltreatment items, including exposure
to domestic violence, have unique and more detrimental impacts on individual well-being than household
dysfunction items, including substance abuse, parent’s incarceration, and divorce.
Racine and colleagues (2020)’ and Lacey and Minnis (2020)’ opinion papers both emphasize the importance
of considering the use of the ACE questionnaire in routine screening alongside a broader societal discussion
on structural factors that influence childhood adversity’s exposure and its impact on individuals over their
lifecourse. There is a clear call to refine our use of the ACE questionnaire and other childhood adversity
detection tools to go beyond simply documenting the hardships children encounter, and preferably to use this
information as a leverage to create a true societal TIC movement whereby childhood adversity will be fully
addressed and, hopefully, prevented in the first place.
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Information Sheet #202E
Choi, J.-K., Wang, D., & Jackson, A.P. (2019). Adverse experiences in early childhood and their
longitudinal impact on later behavioral problems of children living in poverty. Child
Abuse & Neglect, 98, advance online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104181
Felitti, V., R. Anda, & Nordenberg, D. (1998). Relationship of childhood abuse and household
dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood
Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14, 245-258. DOI:
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, Hamby, S. (2015). A revised inventory of adverse childhood
experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect, 48, 13-21. DOI:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.04.011
Kia-Keating, M., Barnett, M. L. Liu, S. R., Sims G. M., & Ruth, A. B. (2019). Trauma-responsive care in
pediatric settings: Feasibility and acceptability of screening for adverse childhood experiences.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 614, 286-297. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12366
McLennan, J.D., MacMillan, H.L., & Afifi, T.O. (2020). Questioning the use of adverse childhood
experiences (ACEs) questionnaires. Child Abuse & Neglect, 101, advance online publication. DOI:
Negriff, S. (2020). ACEs are not equal: Examining the relative impact of household dysfunction versus
childhood maltreatment on mental health in adolescence. Social Science & Medicine, 245, advance
online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112696
Lacey, R.E. & Minnis, H. (2020).Practitioner review: Twenty years of research with adverse childhood
experience scores Advantages, disadvantages and applications to practice. Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry, 61, 116-130. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.13135
Racine, N., Killiam, T., & Madigan, S. (2020). Trauma-informed care as a universal precaution: Beyond the
Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire. JAMA, 174, 5-6. DOI:
Suggested Citation: Collin-Vézina, D., Brend, D., & Fallon, B. (2020). Screening or Not
Screening? Unresolved Debates on the Use of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
in Routine Screening. CWRP Information Sheet #202E. Toronto, ON: Canadian Child Welfare
Research Portal.
... Their findings draw attention to the complex relationship between adverse childhood experiences and harm to self and others, which supports the adoption of screening and assessment strategies in mental health settings that take into account childhood traumatic experiences. Their study contributes to contemporary debates on the use of systematic trauma screening in health settings (see Collin-Vézina, Brend, & Fallon, 2020, for a review) and highlights the importance of rethinking these procedures alongside a strong paradigm shift towards trauma-informed patient care. Along the same lines, Lowenthal's review paper presents a broad summary on trauma-informed programs implemented in child and youth serving sectors, which brings essential information on the extent of implementation and the characteristics of existing programs, as well as promising findings and noted roadblocks. ...
Full-text available
Twenty years ago, findings from the Adverse Childhood Experience study revealed that experiences of child maltreatment and family dysfunction were far more prevalent in the general population than previously known. It also drew attention to the impact of these experiences on later health, mental health and functional impairments in adulthood, which increased with each additional adverse childhood experience exposure (Felitti et al., 1998). Finkelhor and colleagues expanded the types of adverse events examined to include victimization experiences outside the home (Finkelhor, 2008; Finkelhor et al., 2011), and showed that, at levels past a certain threshold, these events increased post-traumatic stress symptoms and functional impairments, as well as risk of exposure to future victimization (Finkelhor et al., 2007). A relative consensus now exists among leading trauma experts that chronic, cumulative interpersonal maltreatment, neglect and/or violence occurring early in life can disrupt all aspects of normative development: cognitive, biological, neurological, emotional, relational and behavioral (Briere & Spinazzola, 2005; Cloitre et al., 2009; Courtois, 2008; van der Kolk et al., 2005). The term “complex trauma” refers to both the exposure to chronic, interpersonal experiences for children and youth, and the constellation of possible sequelae causing significant impairments across the lifespan (Cook et al., 2005). Despite recent enhancement of our social responses to child and youth trauma through research, practice and policy, misconceptions about trauma-informed practices continue to permeate mental health services and hinder true paradigm shifts from occurring (Sweeney & Taggart, 2018). Consequently, many children and youth presenting with complex trauma continue to suffer unnoticed, without receiving necessary resources and support. There is an urgent need to provide children and youth impacted by trauma in childhood with resources and support that are trauma-informed, resilience- and healing-centered and culturally relevant (Collin-Vézina, Brend, & Beeman, 2020). This thematic section intends to move this field forward by highlighting important practice and policy-driven scholarly work. It hopes to be a source of influence to learn, grow and contribute collectively to improve the wellbeing of children and youth impacted by trauma. As we readers of the International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience know, strengthening individual and community resilience, by unifying and enhancing social responses to trauma through research, practice and policy, is paramount to the wellbeing of children and youth. Steward and colleagues’ paper confirm, among a large sample of children and youth receiving mental health services, that childhood traumatic experiences are far too common and lead to severe negative outcomes. Their findings draw attention to the complex relationship between adverse childhood experiences and harm to self and others, which supports the adoption of screening and assessment strategies in mental health settings that take into account childhood traumatic experiences. Their study contributes to contemporary debates on the use of systematic trauma screening in health settings (see Collin-Vézina, Brend, & Fallon, 2020, for a review) and highlights the importance of rethinking these procedures alongside a strong paradigm shift towards trauma-informed patient care. Along the same lines, Lowenthal’s review paper presents a broad summary on trauma-informed programs implemented in child and youth serving sectors, which brings essential information on the extent of implementation and the characteristics of existing programs, as well as promising findings and noted roadblocks. These reflections are essential to inform future research in the area of trauma-informed practices and organizational policies. Alie-Poirier and colleagues, as well as Hébert and colleagues, tackle the important trauma-related social issue of sexual victimization. The former paper explores the impact of cumulative trauma beyond sexual abuse in a sample of children and youth under the care of child protection services. This study highlights four profiles that are linked with cumulative traumas and the number of years in the child welfare system, and sadly confirms that many of these children and youth present with severe complex trauma symptoms or dissociative-type profiles. The latter manuscript offers insights on how to adapt the well-known, internationally recognized Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy intervention program (TF-CBT; Cohen et al., 2012) to sexually abused children and youth who present with complex trauma profiles. This paper goes beyond describing and empirically testing hypotheses on the link between trauma and mental health, by offering concrete, practice-driven tools to better respond to the needs of this highly vulnerable population and, thus, promote their resilience. In the same vein, Bruneau-Bherer and colleagues’ and Brend and colleagues’ papers offer insights on innovative approaches with complexly traumatized children. The first paper focuses on mindfulness strategies and presents a newly developed yoga-based program, called Namasté, that shows promising results in supporting regulation and development among children served by child protection services. Specifically designed for children in group home settings, the second paper presents a trauma-informed training program for child protection staff, called Penguin, for which initial evaluation findings suggest positive changes over time with regards to professionals attitudes towards trauma-informed care and less punitive measures adopted in group homes to deal with clients’ challenging behaviors. Maurer’s paper contributes theoretically to the field of resilience by applying a biopsychosocial process definition of resilience to in-depth interviews with youth regarding their affect regulation when experiencing high affect arousal. These young people, who have all experienced family violence, describe both their internal turmoil and great need for support, which reinforces the importance of adopting a whole-person, system-wide approach that goes beyond pathologizing mental health challenges displayed by youth and, rather, focuses on improving access to resources in their environments. This broader, system-wide perspective is also emphasized in Brend and Sprang’ paper on child welfare professionals’ well-being. The authors bring attention to the importance of ‘taking care of the carers’ so these adults can be fully prepared and equipped to act as positive agents of change for children and youth presenting with complex trauma. Their paper, which focuses on child protection settings more particularly, recommends organizational strategies to promote workers’ well-being and, thus, to enhance positive work climates. These findings are particularly important in light of Doucet’s paper that draws attention to the vital importance of young people in care establishing meaningful relationships and building trust in self and others. Young people interviewed remind us of the importance of building supportive community organizations and training workers to be culturally responsive, as a means of responding to their needs while in care and when exiting care. Taken together and informed by guidelines put forth by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, 2014), the papers included in the thematic section invite all of us to take part in a societal transformation that aims to bring awareness to childhood trauma and to shift practices to recognize the prevalence and the impact of trauma in many peoples’ lives. They also call upon us to show courage in adapting our interventions and policies to better respond to the needs of traumatized children and youth, and to make every effort necessary to build societies that no longer perpetuate maltreatment and violence.
Full-text available
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is a landmark study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was the first large scale, non-clinical study to document ten categories of adversity in childhood (covering both child maltreatment experiences and household challenges) and to assess their relationship with health outcomes in adulthood. The objective of this information sheet is to summarize recent findings presenting the benefits and limitations of using the ACE questionnaire as part of routine screening in community and clinical samples.
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Background Adverse childhood experience (ACE) scores have become a common approach for considering childhood adversities and are highly influential in public policy and clinical practice. Their use is also controversial. Other ways of measuring adversity ‐ examining single adversities, or using theoretically or empirically driven methods ‐ might have advantages over ACE scores. Methods In this narrative review we critique the conceptualisation and measurement of ACEs in research, clinical practice, public health and public discourse. Results The ACE score approach has the advantages – and limitations – of simplicity: its simplicity facilitates wide‐ranging applications in public policy, public health and clinical settings but risks over‐simplistic communication of risk/causality, determinism and stigma. The other common approach – focussing on single adversities ‐ is also limited because adversities tend to co‐occur. Researchers are using rapidly accruing datasets on ACEs to facilitate new theoretical and empirical approaches but this work is at an early stage, e.g. weighting ACEs and including severity, frequency, duration and timing. More research is needed to establish what should be included as an ACE, how individual ACEs should be weighted, how ACEs cluster, and the implications of these findings for clinical work and policy. New ways of conceptualising and measuring ACEs that incorporate this new knowledge, while maintaining some of the simplicity of the current ACE questionnaire, could be helpful for clinicians, practitioners, patients and the public. Conclusions Although we welcome the current focus on ACEs, a more critical view of their conceptualisation, measurement, and application to practice settings is urgently needed.
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are increasingly recognized as important predictors of poor health outcomes. In response, there is increasing application of ACEs questionnaires in clinical practice and population health surveys. Such efforts are often justified as approaches to identify ACEs, components of trauma-informed care, and/or measures to determine prevalence within epidemiological research. Unfortunately, such measures are often used without evaluating the strengths and limitations of the measures themselves. One of the most commonly used ACEs questionnaires is a ten-question version (ACEs-10), that is composed of two clusters - one asking about different types of child maltreatment, and the other asking select questions about household challenges. Unfortunately, both this questionnaire and its derivatives have substantial drawbacks that warrant careful consideration about their use. Problems include limited item coverage, collapsing of items and response options, a simplistic scoring approach, and the lack of psychometric assessment. These deficiencies are inconsistent with the standards expected for use of measures in healthcare services and research. Given these deficiencies, we recommend that these limitations are addressed before further use of ACEs-10, and its derivatives, for either clinical or research purposes.
Rationale: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have shown substantial effects on health across the lifespan. However, many studies on this topic discount the individual items as well as the distinction between household dysfunction and maltreatment experiences. Objective: The current study examined individual ACEs items as well as the relative contribution of the household dysfunction scale versus the childhood maltreatment scale for predicting mental health outcomes in adolescence. Lastly, we examined the utility of a cut-off score for ACEs in predicting mental health. Methods: Data were from Time 4 of a longitudinal study of the effects of maltreatment on adolescent development (n = 352; Mean age = 18). Self reported ACEs were assessed via structured interview and mapped onto the original ACEs questionnaire (Kaiser-CDC). Mental health outcomes were symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and externalizing behavior. Results: MANCOVA showed few mean differences between those endorsing 'yes' versus 'no' for the household dysfunction items, with the exception of witnessing parental Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Those who endorsed witnessign IPV reported more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and trauma. On the other hand, all of the maltreatment items were asscociated with significantly higher scores on at least three of the four outcomes for those endorsing versus not. Sexual abuse and physical abuse were associated with symptoms of depression, trauma, and externalizing behavior. Neglect was associated with depressive, trauma, and anxiety symptoms. Emotional abuse and emotional neglect were both associated with all four mental health outcomes. When household dysfunction and maltreatment sum scores were entered into the model together, maltreatment primarily accounted for mental health symptoms. Finally, our results did not indicate a meaningful cutoff for the number of ACEs needed to predict mental health outcomes. Conclusions: Our findings support the assessment of maltreatment events as more salient than household dysfunction in mental health treatment and caution health providers against only using the total ACEs score in clinical decision-making.
Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are an identified risk factor for the social and emotional development of children. What is less known is the long-term effects of ACEs when poverty and ACEs coincide. Objective: Using longitudinal cohort-panel data, we examined whether exposure to ACEs by the age of three among poor children would longitudinally result in behavioral problems at ages three, five, nine, and 15, after controlling for mothers' socioeconomic status and their children's characteristics. Participants and setting: We used a subsample of 2750 children and their parents living in urban poverty from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study. Methods: Logistic regression modeling was used to obtain adjusted odds ratios of ACE categories predicting behavioral problems after accounting for family socioeconomic position. Results: Our findings indicate that experiencing ACEs in early childhood was significantly associated with later behavioral outcomes from childhood to adolescence. Exposure to multiple ACEs before the age of three was significantly associated with the top-risk behavior group at age five; the odd ratios were 2.0 (CI = 1.3-3.1) and 2.9 (CI = 1.8-4.6) for two ACEs and three or more ACEs, respectively. At both ages nine and 15, children experiencing two or more ACEs had 1.9 to 3.2 times higher odds to demonstrate more the top 10th percentile of behavioral problems. Among covariates, mothers' race and education, and children's gender and temperament were identified as significant factors to determine behavior problems. Conclusions: The findings support policies and programs for families with children who have experienced economic disadvantages and early childhood adversity.
Highlights This study focused on implementation processes, and facilitators and barriers to ACEs screenings. There was high feasibility and acceptability of ACEs screenings at infants’ pediatric visits. Almost half of families at well‐child pediatric visits indicated positive for ACEs. A majority of families with ACEs accepted prevention services in the pediatric setting. Wellness navigators provided a cultural bridge and service access in integrated behavioral health.
The relationship of health risk behavior and disease in adulthood to the breadth of exposure to childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and household dysfunction during childhood has not previously been described. A questionnaire about adverse childhood experiences was mailed to 13,494 adults who had completed a standardized medical evaluation at a large HMO; 9,508 (70.5%) responded. Seven categories of adverse childhood experiences were studied: psychological, physical, or sexual abuse; violence against mother; or living with household members who were substance abusers, mentally ill or suicidal, or ever imprisoned. The number of categories of these adverse childhood experiences was then compared to measures of adult risk behavior, health status, and disease. Logistic regression was used to adjust for effects of demographic factors on the association between the cumulative number of categories of childhood exposures (range: 0-7) and risk factors for the leading causes of death in adult life. More than half of respondents reported at least one, and one-fourth reported > or = 2 categories of childhood exposures. We found a graded relationship between the number of categories of childhood exposure and each of the adult health risk behaviors and diseases that were studied (P < .001). Persons who had experienced four or more categories of childhood exposure, compared to those who had experienced none, had 4- to 12-fold increased health risks for alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, and suicide attempt; a 2- to 4-fold increase in smoking, poor self-rated health, > or = 50 sexual intercourse partners, and sexually transmitted disease; and 1.4- to 1.6-fold increase in physical inactivity and severe obesity. The number of categories of adverse childhood exposures showed a graded relationship to the presence of adult diseases including ischemic heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, skeletal fractures, and liver disease. The seven categories of adverse childhood experiences were strongly interrelated and persons with multiple categories of childhood exposure were likely to have multiple health risk factors later in life. We found a strong graded relationship between the breadth of exposure to abuse or household dysfunction during childhood and multiple risk factors for several of the leading causes of death in adults.
A revised inventory of adverse childhood experiences
  • D Finkelhor
  • A Shattuck
  • Turner
  • S Hamby
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, Hamby, S. (2015). A revised inventory of adverse childhood experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect, 48, 13-21. DOI:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.04.011
Trauma-informed care as a universal precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire
  • N Racine
  • T Killiam
  • S Madigan
Racine, N., Killiam, T., & Madigan, S. (2020). Trauma-informed care as a universal precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire. JAMA, 174, 5-6. DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.3866