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Guided Reflectometry Imaging Unit using Millimeter Wave FMCW Radars

  • Université Bordeaux


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Guided Reflectometry Imaging Unit using
Millimeter Wave FMCW Radars
M. Pan, A. Chopard, F. Fauquet, P. Mounaix*, J.-P. Guillet*
Abstract—Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)
radar systems in the millimeter and sub-millimeter range are
technologically mature for many applicative fields such as au-
tomotive and aerospace industries for imaging and non de-
structive testing. This work reports on a new implementation
of a guided FMCW radar reflectometry unit for sensing and
imaging applications. Only a terahertz dielectric waveguide is
used for signal transmission between the transceiver module
and the sample, thus drastically simplifying the experimental
setup. Compared to continuous wave guided systems, one of
the main advantages granted by the use of FMCW radars in
combination with waveguides, is the differentiation capability
between the reflected signals generated along the wave guide
as parasitic signals or at its probing end as sensing information
and therefore improving the expected signal-to-noise ratio. This
innovative approach is demonstrated by using a dielectric hollow-
core waveguide integrated with two different radar transceivers;
the high-performance, III-V based 100 GHz SynView unit as a
reference system and a compact, low-cost, PCB-Integrated, 122
GHz transceiver developed by Silicon-Radar GmbH. Both 3D
electromagnetic simulations and raster scans are performed to
investigate quantitatively the propagation behaviors including the
coupling capabilities, dynamic range limitations, beam profile and
induced artefacts of the guided FMCW reflectometry system. The
feasibility of a simplified guided terahertz FMCW reflectometry
probing unit is proven. The integration of a solid immersion lens
at the end of the waveguide is also demonstrated for imaging
resolution improvement.
Index Terms—Guided waves, FMCW Radar, Imaging, Tera-
THE scaling down of Si-based transistors and the in-
vestigations into III-V technologies further push up the
operating frequency of solid-state devices towards the terahertz
regime [1]. On this basis, high-speed electronic devices with
low power consumption and better compactness have been
developed in the 100 - 300 GHz range. Being cost-effective
systems supported by continuously improved fabrication tech-
niques, solid-state terahertz devices play an increasingly im-
portant role in academic researches and industrial applications
[2]. Compared to conventional continuous wave systems com-
bined with 3D imaging reconstruction approaches, such as
Shape From Focus [3] or Computed Tomography [4], terahertz
and/or millimeter wave Frequency-Modulated Continuous-
Wave (FMCW) radar systems can natively provide additional
Manuscript received April 09, 2020. The first two authors contributed
equally to this work. Asterisk indicates corresponding authors.
M.Pan, A. Chopard, F. Fauquet, P. Mounaix and J.-P. Guillet are with the
IMS Laboratory, UMR CNRS 3218, University of Bordeaux, 351 Cours de
la Lib´
eration 33405 Talence Cedex, FRANCE
A. Chopard is also with Lytid SAS, 8 rue la Fontaine, 92120 Montrouge.
phase information for further result analysis and simplified
3D reconstructions with suitable resolution, while allowing
further processing for improvement [5]. In particular, exploit-
ing a quasi-optical coupling method (using lenses or parabolic
mirror) with FMCW systems allows in-depth measurements
for non-destructive testing purposes. This technique combines
the high sensitivity of FMCW methods with the penetration
capabilities of millimeter waves. Based on those benefits,
wideband FMCW radars have found suitable application fields
in the automotive and aerospace industries [6], [7] and art-
painting analysis [8] amongst others for their non-destructive
testing capabilities. However, the use of optical components
involves tedious alignment and imposes mechanical restric-
tions along the propagation path. The use of such optical
coupling methods limits the development of compact, portable
and easily-implementable terahertz measurement systems to a
broader scope of applications.
To address this issue, a terahertz waveguide [9] is proposed
as an alternative solution. The guided reflectometry concept
has already been investigated with some continuous wave
sources or pulsed sources [10] in conjunction with different
waveguide conceptions. A variety of geometries have been
assessed, from a rectangular waveguide coupled to a vector
network analyzer at low frequencies for burn damage detec-
tion [11], to higher frequencies tests with low-cost Teflon
waveguides for remote chemical detection [12] or metallic
waveguide for remote endoscopic measurements [13], [14].
Those studies demonstrated the feasibility and the potential of
THz guided reflectometry systems. However, the complexity
induced by the optical coupling setups (beam splitter, lenses,
parabolic mirrors) remains and limits the progress towards
compact guided sensing units.
In our work, the guided reflectometry configuration is
highly simplified by testing compact FMCW transceivers
with a dielectric thin-wall hollow-core waveguide of suitable
dimensions. An optic-free transmission channel between the
transceiver and the sample is then ensured with all the benefits
of the FMCW radar sensing technique. In the following
sections, two guided reflectometry configurations consisting of
different compact FMCW radar units are introduced in order to
demonstrate adequacy and universality of this approach regard-
ing the employed technology and the front-end of the system.
Investigations into the propagation behaviors in the waveguide
and final system performances are given, demonstrated and
further improved with the integration of an extra termination
hemispherical lens.
A. FMCW Radar: basic principle
A simplified architecture diagram depicts, in Fig. 1a, the
typical implementation of a monostatic radar transceiver op-
erating in reflection mode. Driven by a cyclic command
signal, a linear FMCW reference signal is generated at low
frequency by a Voltage Control Oscillator (VCO) or a Phase
Locked Loop (PLL) oscillator, which is then fed into the
frequency multiplication chain, for signal up-conversion, to
reach the desired operating frequency band. A 3-ports coupler
leads this probing signal towards the emission antenna while
redirecting the reflected signal towards the mixing unit for
down-conversion and sampling. Similar bi-static architectures
are also practicable but require a partition between the emit-
ting chain and receiving unit, complicating the system and
impacting its compactness.
As showed in Fig. 1b, the cyclic signal reflected from
the target is delayed with respect to the reference emission
sweep and thus gives rise to a beating frequency fbat the
mixer’s output proportional to the propagation length. Hence
the object’s distance can be expressed as Eq. 1
δres =c0
2n B .(2)
where tis the propagation-induced time delay, nrepresents
the optical refractive index of the propagation media, fb
donates the mixer’s output beating frequency, Tsis the period
of a sweep cycle, and B is the sweep frequency bandwidth.
When multiple targets are involved, each object contributes
as a given distance-related beating frequency fbi, allowing
for differentiation and remote sensing capability through data
processing steps. Nevertheless, derived from Eq. 1, the lon-
gitudinal resolution, δres, is directly correlated to the finite
bandwidth (see Eq. 2).
Mixer’s output
Beating signal
Multiplication Chain
Reference input
-0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5
Reduced frequency
Reduced time
Fig. 1: (a) Simplified architecture of a monostatic FMCW radar transceiver. (b)
FMCW mode of operation: emitted linear frequency sweep reference (solid
line) and delayed reflected signal (dashed line) from a distant single object.
1) Si-Based technologies
From the FMCW mode of operation, the technological
implementation for radar transceiver units has been widely
investigated through two distinct technologies derived either
from silicon-based integrated circuit or from III/V semi-
conductor diode-based components. Thanks to the continuous
improvement of the Si-based transistors processing technology,
a steady decrease have been witnessed in those devices pro-
duction prices. Nowadays, Si-based FMCW radar transceivers
are drawing attention in industrial fields thanks to their high
integration level, low-cost and versatility. As an example,
based on previous generations at 24 GHz, radar designs for
automotive applications [15] have been developed in the 77
GHz band with simple bi-static architectures. With a similar
design, a 122 GHz transceiver based on SiGe technology [16],
[17] is developed by Silicon-Radar GmbH. Apart from the 245
GHz radar unit under development [18], this transceiver is the
only commercially available Si-based unit above 100 GHz on
the market to our knowledge. It offers a 6 GHz bandwidth
through a bi-static geometry based on separated 2x2 patch
array antennas as RX and TX, on an 8x8 mm2QFN (Quad
Flat No-leads) package.
In our work, this 120 GHz Si-based radar transceiver
chip has been integrated amongst the guided radar reflected
measurement unit as a low-cost implementation solution. In
order to push the investigations on the guided reflectometry
unit design, and more especially the coupling capabilities of
the radar units with the waveguide, preliminary electromag-
netic simulations of the radar transceivers are conducted. The
resulting simulated radiation pattern of the Silicon Radar unit,
depicts, as expected, a broad far-field emission profile in nearly
a half space (a maximal directivity of 11 dBi with an angular
width around 47and 48in E and H-plane, respectively),
corresponding to the typical response of such patch array
antennas design.
2) III/V-Based technologies
Compared to Si-based semiconductor technologies, III-V
based transistors show advantages in terms of electron mo-
bility, thermal conductivity and operating voltage. Their max-
imum frequencies have exceeded 1 THz, making it possible
to realize highly integrated, powerful, complex transmitters
and receivers at higher terahertz frequencies. Thanks to the
Schottky diodes implementation, 2 THz frequency multipli-
cation chains are achievable [19]. However, III/V-based fully
integrated MMIC [20] still displays high frequencies imple-
mentation limitations. Hybrid integration is suggested as a
compromise solution for high-end applications. It is imple-
mented through the fine tuning of a succession of components
in discrete waveguide blocks [6], [21]. III-V based radars have
been demonstrated around 100 GHz, 300 GHz and 600 GHz
for different application cases [22], and solutions up to 850
GHz have been developed by SynView GmbH.
A 100 GHz SynView FMCW transceiver, providing 50
dB measurement dynamic range, is as well implemented in
our guided terahertz FMCW reflectometry unit as a reference
system. A mono-static block-integrated architecture in combi-
nation with a conical horn antenna ensures the functionality of
this III-V based transceiver module. For this horn antenna ge-
ometry, the conduction of similar characterization simulations
depicts a much more suitable emission profile with maximum
directivity of 20 dBi, while 14.4angular width is achieved
in the H-plane, and 24.1is obtained in E-plane. Particularly,
such emission profile allows a increased forward and back
signal coupling between the antenna and the waveguide thanks
to the improved directivity.
B. Waveguide for remote sensing
Lying between the microwaves and infrared regions, the de-
velopment of terahertz waveguides benefits from the advanced
technologies in those two domains [9]. However, the absorp-
tion loss in dielectrics and skin effect power losses induced by
metals in the terahertz band limit the performances of teraherz
waveguides. Considering that dry-air is the most transparent
terahertz medium, air-core waveguides with different cladding
structures (simple hollow-core waveguides [23], [24], metal-
coated dielectric waveguides [25] and photonic crystal hollow-
core waveguides [26]), have drawn significant attention. Con-
tinuous effort is being brought to improve the transmission
efficiency through new designs and materials [27], [28]. In
this work, a thin-wall hollow-core Polypropylene waveguide
is selected to be implemented due to its simple structure,
low-loss propagation properties of the cladding material and
availability in the commercial market. This type of waveguide
exploits the anti-resonant reflections as guiding mechanism
[29]. Since the high-index cladding layer acts as a Fabry-P´
etalon, the air core allows terahertz waves to propagate inside
at non-characteristic frequencies. The loose confinement in the
air core gives rise to a low-loss propagation. The cladding’s
characteristic frequencies [23] are defined by:
fm=m c
2tcl pn2
where cis the speed of the light in vacuum, mis an integer, tcl
and ncl are the thickness and refractive index of the cladding
In addition to the suitability of the cladding thickness to
ensure the guiding mechanism, one of the key parameters to
be determined for the selection of such a waveguide, remains
its diameter to establish the optimum power coupling between
the antennas and the waveguide.
Due to the complexity of the involved anti-resonant guiding
mechanism and the irregularities in the emission profiles of the
transceivers, electromagnetic simulations have been conducted
on the two considered radar units to investigate the impact
of the waveguide diameter and positioning on the coupling
capabilities. Similarly to the power coupling with the horn
antenna geometry, and with the same evolution tendency,
the coupling efficiency displays an important dependency on
the waveguide diameter for the RX and TX patch antennas
geometry of the Silicon-radar unit, (see Fig. 2) and displays
a power coupling of 30% for an optimum 2 mm waveguide
Experimentally, a 3 mm radius plastic pipe waveguide with
a cladding thickness of 0.158 mm is chosen thanks to the
market availability and ensures a trade-off between coupling
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 2: Evolution of the simulated forward power coupling efficiency on a
300 mm long guided propagation with respect to the waveguide’s diameter
for the Silicon radar unit frond-end design.
efficiency and expected optical lateral resolution. According
to Eq. 3, with t = 158 µm and n = 1.49 (THz-TDS time-
domain spectroscopy extracted refractive index), characteristic
resonant frequencies of this plastic cladding are expected to be
around 860 GHz and 1.72 THz [10], allowing the waveguide to
support 100 GHz waves’ propagation without significant im-
pacts on the considered FMCW radars bandwidth. Those char-
acteristic non-supported propagation frequencies have been
witnessed through a TDS investigation on the same wave-
guide, demonstrating losses peaks around 840 GHz and 1.7
C. Experimental setup
As a simplified guided configuration, an optics-free single
communication path between the FMCW module and sample
is provided by the previously mentioned hollow-core dielectric
waveguide. In order to ensure an adequate coupling, the
waveguide is properly placed with respect to the transceiver.
No dedicated quasi-optical setup or beam shaping elements are
employed. As a simple optimization, a foam support, acting
as terahertz absorber, is placed nearby the coupling area to
neutralize the reflected parasitic signals induced by the non-
coupled echoes, resulting in a significant signal improvement.
Unlike from guided continuous wave reflectometry mea-
surement techniques, where the detected signal is a super-
position of all the contributions that are generated along the
waveguide, the phase information provided by guided FMCW
techniques unlocks depth sensing capabilities and allows a
differentiation of those contributions. More specifically, be-
side a sensing capability along the waveguide with distance
differentiation, it ensures a drastic improvement of the signal-
to-noise ratio thanks to the selection of the sensing distance,
linked to the desired contributions, while not taking into ac-
count any parasitic signal. This capability represents the main
motivation behind the implementation of waveguides with
millimeter wave FMCW radar units rather than continuous
wave sources, even though, the low longitudinal resolution
of the considered radar units does not allow depth sensing
measurements at the waveguide’s output.
With a purpose of demonstrating the simplicity of this ap-
proach regardless of the operated technology, system emission
frond, packaging, and price, the FMCW guided reflectometry
unit is established with two specifically distinct transceivers.
Implementing the 100 GHz SynView radar head as a
reference configuration (see Fig. 3a), the waveguide is directly
inserted in the horn antenna to maximize the forward-coupled
power while ensuring a proper centering. This symmetric po-
sitioning of the waveguide and the linearly- polarized emission
profile of horn antenna are beneficial parameters to excite the
air-core propagation modes for low-loss transmission along the
As a compact and low-cost approach, the 122 GHz Silicon-
Radar chip displays a full integration with two separated
patch array antennas as TX and RX. Although the coupling
processes are no longer symmetrical due to a 3 mm TX-RX
separation, the positioning of the hollow-core waveguide is
centered on the focal point as defined in [16] , equidistant
from the TX and RX patch antenna arrays, while the foam
absorber is still employed to suppress parasitic non-coupled
signals (see Fig. 3b).
Fig. 3: Guided reflectometry experimental setups : (a) incorporating the 100
GHz SynView unit (1) with the waveguide support (2) and the scanned test
target (3); (b) using compact Si-Radar 122 GHz chip (1), held beside the
cardboard centering ring of the waveguide support (2).
In addition to the experimental setup implementation, 3D
full-wave electromagnetic simulations are performed to in-
vestigate and further characterize the propagation properties
of radar signals in guided terahertz reflectometry systems.
Depending on the employed radar unit, two models in as-
sociation with horn antenna and patch antennas respectively
are constructed. Both are simulated using the 3D full-wave
simulation suite, CST microwave studio, with a time-domain
solver applying finite integration technique while the profiles
of the electric fields are recorded for further performances
evaluations. It should be pointed out that no material losses
(neither in dielectric materials nor in metals) are considered
in those simulations.
A. 100 GHz SynView transceiver reflectometry unit
As shown in Fig. 4a, the simulation model based on the 100
GHz SynView transceiver reflectometry unit is composed of
a typical W-Band conical horn antenna, a 30 cm long plastic
hollow-core waveguide and a 5 cm long air block. The circular
input face of the conical horn antenna is selected as a port for
signal excitation and detection. All the E-field results presented
below are obtained at the central frequency of 100 GHz.
1) Propagation characterisation
Field distribution simulation results, displayed in Fig. 4b
and 4c, provide substantial information concerning the prop-
agation behaviors of guided waves in the system which are
tightly related to the profile of the injection source.
Over the first part of the propagation, a stabilization of the
guided signal is noticeable, while towards the end of the 30
cm waveguide, a steady field distribution is retained which
corroborates the guidance capacity of the waveguide.
However, the field distribution along the waveguide reveals
that not only air-core modes, but also cladding modes are
excited, resulting in the significant field confinement in the
two sides of the cladding in the x-direction. Both the the anti-
resonant reflection and total internal reflection are exploited
as guiding mechanisms. The low effective refractive index,
induced by the thin cladding pipe geometry, still ensures a
low attenuation and prevents any significant back-reflection
from the output waveguide-air interface to restrain the parasitic
standing waves formation along the waveguide. Nevertheless,
with this guide geometry, the field distributions, in Fig. 4d, also
display propagating modes around the cladding. The external
field spillage, induced by the low confinement of this mode,
enables an additional beneficial sensing capability along the
waveguide. Indeed, combined with the high sensitivity and the
phase information natively embedded with the FMCW sensing
method, this external field distribution allows for reflective
sensing and differentiation of inserted perturbations in the
vicinity of the waveguide.
2) Coupling-in issue
As mentioned previously, the coupling is achieved directly
by inserting the waveguide into the conical horn antenna of
the radar unit to get a proper centering and field collection. To
characterize the coupling efficiency of this assembly, due to the
non-controlled multi-mode propagation, the electromagnetic
power is evaluated at different positions along the waveguide,
from integration of the Poynting vector over the surface of
cross-sections. Fig. 5 depicts simulated enclosed power as
a function of the propagation distance. The power features
over the first 30 mm (Phase I), correspond to the excitation
signal confined in the metallic horn antenna. The gradual
decrease (Phase II) is induced by the radiation loss of non-
coupled waves. The stable guided propagation then takes
place along the waveguide (Phase III) where no significant
power losses induced by material absorption or radiation loss
caused by non-guided waves are witnessed. The coupling
Fig. 4: (a) Diagram of the guided reflectometry radar setup using the 100 GHz SynView unit, simulated electric field magnitude profile along (b) the z-y
plane and (c) the z-x plane, (d) xy cut of the electric field magnitude profile at respectively (I) z = 0 mm, (II) z = 30 mm, (III) z = 190 mm, (IV) z = 300
mm and (V) 5 mm, (VI) 20 mm from the waveguide’s output.
efficiency, dictated by Eq. 4, and hereby directly deduced from
the simulation steady state, then approaches 70%. Once the
radar signal propagates out of the waveguide (Phase IV), the
enclosed power reduction occurs due to the beam expansion
in free space.
Fig. 5: Simulation of the enclosed power as a function of the propagation
distance revealing the coupling ratio when reaching guided steady-state, for
the 100 GHz SynView guided module.
3) Dynamic range
For such reflectometry sensing tools, the measurement dy-
namic range of the unit is one of the main performance indi-
cators for sensing purposes. The 100 GHz SynView FMCW
Radar unit itself offers a maximum 50 dB dynamic range when
used in standard quasi-optical imaging configuration. Never-
theless, the implementation of the waveguide will ineluctably
induce a limitation on this dynamic range. Indeed,impacting
the signal as a constant background noise, the unavoidable
signal reflection from the open probing end of the waveguide
will be the main limiting factor for the dynamic range together
with the power loss induced by the imperfect waveguide-
antenna coupling. Appropriate simulations have been con-
ducted to asses this impact via the comparison of the reflected
power for two extreme cases, with first the simulation of the
open-end waveguide as a background signal characterisation
and secondly, the implementation of a perfect reflector for
the assessment of the optimum achievable signal level. A -
28.5 dB amplitude reflection coefficient from the open-end
back-reflection has been deducted from the comparison of the
reflected field amplitude with the simulation input excitation.
Similarly, inserting a perfect reflector at the end of the guide,
a -1.5 dB return signal coefficient has been deducted from
those simulations, mainly impacted by the imperfect coupling
from the horn antenna to the waveguide. A total maximum
achievable dynamic range of 27 dB, dictated by the ratio
between the previous extreme reflection coefficients can then
be expected.
4) Optical resolution and imaging capabilities
The free space propagation behaviors after the waveguide is
of interest to characterize the sensing and imaging capabilities
of the entire system. Indeed, the propagation properties of
radar waves leaving the waveguide determine the optimum
sensing distance as well as the lateral resolution at the probing
point. While the maximum sensing distance is related to
the back-coupling efficiency, the resolution capabilities is
established by the beam profile, the latter being especially
important for imaging purposes. Fig. 4d depicts the simulated
electric field distribution in the xy-plane at different positions.
It can be observed that, although the back-coupling effi-
ciency is optimized in the vicinity of the waveguide’s output,
(Fig. 4d (IV), the beam profiles display 2 main amplitude
lobes confined in the opposite sides of waveguide’s cladding.
This inhomogeneity directly leads to ghost imaging artifacts
causing a duplication of the object when using the system in
such a close configuration.
The impact of this optical profile heterogeneity is noticeable
on the image of a metal-on-PCB USAF resolution test chart,
performed by classical x-y raster-scanning method, resulting
from collected radar data in the waveguide output plane, where
some vertical elements are duplicated (see Fig. 6b). Neverthe-
less, after propagation, the beam profile is then smoothed due
to the spreading of the two electric fields lobes (see Fig. 4d
(V)). It reach an optimum imaging resolution of 4.5 mm at
Full Width Half Maximum thanks to a quite homogeneous
profile at an optimum working distance of 5 mm. Working at
larger distances, the back-coupling efficiency along with the
Mean reflexion Image
0 50 100 150 200
Mean reflexion Image
0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 6: (a) Photograph of test chart. (b) Raster scan acquired image, with
1mm step size, using the guided 100 GHz Synwiew probing system in lens-
less geometry at 1 mm imaging distance. (c) Raster scan acquired image
using the regular far-field 100 GHz SynView unit at NA=0.5 for reference,
with 1mm step size.
resolution will decrease due to the free-space beam spreading,
leading to a trade-off between the back-coupling efficiency
and lateral resolution if larger working distances are required.
For comparative purposes, the far field image obtained with
the classical quasi optical implementation of the 100 GHz
SynView unit is displayed in Fig. 6c.
5) Optical resolution improvement: solid immersion lens
To address the limitations of the imaging resolution linked
to the waveguide’s diameter while avoiding heavy configu-
ration with optical components, an end-of-waveguide solid
immersion lens has been selected as an adequate solution.
Thanks to their specific geometries and materials, typically
hemispherical, hypo or hyper-hemispherical or bullet dielectric
lenses designs, solid immersion lenses allow high Numerical
Aperture (NA) focusing for high resolution imaging and short
working distances.
Max reflexion Image
0 50 100 150 200 250
Fig. 7: (a) Electromagnetic simulations with solid immersion HDPE hemi-
spherical lens : (I) implementation diagram of the guide termination, electric
field magnitude profile (II) in z-y plan, (III) z-x plan and (IV) x-y cut in
the best imaging plan, (V) evolution of the beam diameter and maximum
power density with respect to the working distance. (b) Raster scan acquired
image, with 1 mm step size, using the guided Synwiew sensing unit with
hemispherical HDPE termination lens at 2.5 mm imaging distance.
In the experiment, a 9 mm diameter hemispherical High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE) lens is inserted at the output of
Fig. 8: (a) Diagram of the guided reflectometry radar setup using the 122GHz Silicon radar chip, simulated electric field magnitude profile along (b) the z-y
plan and (c) the z-x plane, (d) x-y cut of the electric field magnitude profile at respectively (I) z = 0 mm, (II) z = 140 mm, (III) z = 180 mm, (IV) z= 300
mm and (V) 3 mm, (VI) 20 mm from the output of the waveguide.
the waveguide (see Fig. 7a (I)). Its relatively low refractive
index induces a moderate unwanted signal return from the in-
terfaces while contact-less sensing is still ensured by the back
working distance linked to its diameter. Indeed, simulating this
lens geometry at the output of the waveguide unit (see Fig. 7a
(II) (III)), a beam optimum spot size of 2 mm at Full Width at
Half Maximum in X and Y directions is obtained at a frontal
working distance of 2.5 mm, along with the optimum power
density observed around this point (see Fig. 7a (IV) (V)) while
residual low amplitude side lobes at -25 dB are induced by
the waveguide spillage. This simulated profile corroborates the
resolution of the raster scan acquired image of a test chart
where we found a 2 mm resolution (group -2, element 1) (see
Fig. 7b) is achieved around the expected simulated optimum
working distance of 2 mm and depicts a drastic improvement
compared to the guided lens-less FMCW implementation or
a classic FMCW far-field imaging setup. Working distances
beyond or closer from this optimum point obviously degrades
the achievable resolution and are drastically impacting the
back coupling efficiency.
B. 122 GHz Silicon radar chip reflectometry unit
Focusing on the low-cost alternative unit, as illustrated in
Fig. 8a, the simulation setup remains similar to the previous
model with a simple substitution of the transceiver module,
which now consists of two 2*2 patch antennas as TX and RX
providing a wide emission pattern. Limited by the simulation
voxel’s size definition and so the calculation capacity, the
transceiver chip is replaced by its equivalent source. All E-
field results presented in the following part are obtained at the
operational bandwidth central frequency of 122 GHz.
Compared to the 100 GHz SynView head, Siliconradar chip
displays a different front-end architecture: patch antennas lead
to a much broader emission pattern. Significant modifications
of the electric field distribution along the waveguide were
expected and is depicted in Fig. 8. Contrary to the symmetrical
integration with a horn antenna, obvious signal reflections on
the waveguide’s cladding can be observed through the oscillat-
ing behavior during the propagation. This can be explained by
the decentering of the transmitter with respect to the waveg-
uide, the excitation conditions not being symmetrical anymore.
It is worth noting that the non-negligible field spillage locating
at the waveguide’s periphery grants the peripheral sensing
Fig. 9: Simulation of the enclosed power as a function of propagation distance
revealing the coupling ratio for the 122 GHz Si-Based radar chip guided
Owing to the wide emission pattern of the patch antenna
design, a considerable power fraction is radiated into free
space rather than coupled into the waveguide. Fig. 9 Phase
I depicts this power loss while phase II indicates that the
radar signal reaches guided power stabilization after a 50 mm
propagation. As a direct consequence, the coupling efficiency
is reduced to 18% and mainly impacted by the near-isotropic
emission profile of the patch antennas, compared to the
previously achieved 70% with the directional emission of the
horn antenna of the former setup. Moreover, based on remain-
ing field energy after open-end reflection and perfect mirror
reflection, the estimated full dynamic range can reach up to
27.6 dB. Although the dynamic ranges of this reflectometry
system are similar in comparison to the SynView 100 GHz
architecture a much larger coupling loss is witnessed in the
system using the 122 GHz integrated radar chip.
An image of the test chart obtained in this reflectometry
configuration is provided in Fig. 10a. The achieved resolution
of 2.8 mm (group -3 element 4), directly at the output
of the waveguide, corroborates the simulated Full Width
at Half Maximum output’s beam diameter, thus reaching a
better resolution level than the previously described reference
system. The atypical coupling-in geometry gives rise to an
asymmetric field distribution at the output of the waveguide,
where the highest electric field is confined at one side of the
core’s cross section (Fig. 8c and d (IV)). Even though an
irregular beam pattern is emitted, the single lobe profile output
field distribution ensures no significant ghost artefacts but the
asymmetry of the emission and the back coupling induce a
shadowing effect, noticeable on the image. In spite of it, within
the longitudinal resolution imposed by the radar bandwidth
the sample support on the backside can be seen in the center
bottom part of the image, demonstrating the in-depth sensing
capability of the system.
Mean reflexion Image
0 50 100 150 200
Max reflexion Image
0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 10: Raster scan images, with 500 µm step size, of a test chart using the
guided 122 GHz Si-radar probing system in two configurations: (a) in lens-
less geometry with an imaging distance of 1 mm and (b) in association with
a hemispherical PE termination lens with an imaging distance of 3 mm.
Similarly to our reference setup, for the sake of imaging res-
olution improvement, a 9 mm diameter hemispherical HDPE
termination lens has been inserted to counteract the free space
propagation beam divergence and reach a better resolved focus
point. Fig. 10b displays the raster scan acquired image of the
test chart in this configuration where a 1.4 mm resolution
is achieved (group -2 element 4) in accordance with the
conducted beam profile simulations, better than the resolution
obtained with the reference 100 GHz guided SynView unit.
Nevertheless ghost artefacts are still noticeable and induced
by beam profile inhomogeneities leading to an improper beam
focusing with non-negligible side lobes, witnessed as well on
those simulations.
In this work, guided terahertz FMCW reflectometry probing
systems have been demonstrated as a low-cost solution where
a polymer pipe waveguide is used to ensure the single coupling
channel to reach a compact and simplified guided probing
unit. Two architectures have been investigated to implement a
high performances unit as well as a low-cost solution. With
the help of the 3D full-wave electromagnetic simulations,
the propagation behaviors in the guided systems have been
investigated to corroborate implementation results. In partic-
ular, a quantitative analysis focused on waveguide coupling
efficiency, expected sensing dynamic range and optical reso-
lution have been performed. Finally, imaging capabilities of
those guided systems are demonstrated by the raster-scanning
method on test charts, which supplement and validate the
simulations as well as the waveguide propagation induced
artefacts. Intrinsically limited by the waveguide’s dimension,
further improvements on the imaging resolution have been
investigated through the implementation of solid immersion
lenses while ongoing work are directed towards the design
and selection of those lenses according to their intended use
as well as the selection of an improved waveguide dimension
for better coupling performances with both systems.
This work was supported in part by the French Ministry
of National Education, Research and Technology. Authors
acknowledge Dr. Damien Bigourd and Dr. Quentin Cassar
for their interesting discussions, advises upon terahertz waveg-
uides and their additional checks of this article.
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Mingming Pan was born in Jiangsu, China, in
1992. She received the B.Sc. degree in electronics
from the University of Suzhou, Suzhou, China, in
2013, and the M.Sc. degree in electronics from
Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France, where she
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
electronics, entitled “Reflectometry in time-domain
for guided terahertz waves. She was involved at
IMS Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5218) on emission
and detection of THz waves techniques.
Adrien Chopard was born in France, in 1993. He
received the Diplome d’Ing´
enieur in optics and pho-
tonics from the Institut d’Optique Graduate School
(IOGS-Saclay), Palaiseau, France, in 2016 and the
M.Sc. degree in engineering specialized in nanotech-
nology from the Royal Institute of Technology of
Sweden, (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. He is cur-
rently working toward the industrial Ph.D. degree in
physics on applicative developments using terahertz
technologies, with the firm Lytid based in Paris and
the IMS Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5218), University
of Bordeaux, Talence, France.
Frederic Fauquet was born in Pessac, France, in
1977. He received the Diplome Universitaire en
Technologie in electronics from Bordeaux Univer-
sity, Bordeaux, France, in 1998. He worked for 14
years with the Observatoire de Physique du Globe
(OPGS UMS 833), Clermont-Ferrand, France, where
he contributed to the development of autonomous
multisensor station. In 2014, he moved to Bordeaux
to join the laser and terahertz team at IMS Labora-
tory as a Research Engineer.
Patrick Mounaix received the Engineering degree
in material science from the ´
Ecole Universitaire
enieur de Lille (EUDIL), Villeneuve-d’Ascq,
France, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in quantum
devices from the University of Lille, Lille, France,
in 1992. He joined CNRS and the High Frequency
Department, Institut d’ ´
Electronique et de Micro-
electronique du Nord (IEMN UMR 8520). In 2002,
he moved to Bordeaux where he developed terahertz
spectroscopy and imaging activities. He is currently
a Senior Researcher with IMS Laboratory (UMR
CNRS 5218), Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France. He has coauthored
more than 210 papers. His current research interests include equilibrium and
time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy techniques for solid and liquid materials
and 3-D terahertz imaging applications, chiefly 3-D computed tomography for
art science and NDE industrial applications. He also works on all dielectric
metamaterials and their applications at microwave and terahertz frequency
range. He has coauthored more than 210 papers.
Jean-Paul Guillet was born in Lyon, France, in
1984. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
terahertz imaging from the IES Lab, Montpellier,
France, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. The topic of
this first research work was terahertz near-field mi-
croscopy using electronics-based components. Dur-
ing his postdoctoral studies, until 2013, his research
focused on imaging and tomography, using fem-
tosecond pulses, frequency-modulated continuous-
wave approach, and a terahertz camera. In 2013,
he was an Associate Professor with the IMS (UMR
CNRS 5218), University of Bordeaux, where he is currently focusing on very
large-scale integration circuits fault isolation laser techniques and terahertz
... In general, the aim is to provide strong guidance of the terahertz waves and at the same time keep radiative losses at an acceptable level. Various approaches exist [13][14][15], where the specific implementation of dielectric waveguides may, for example, be realized in the sense of hollow-core and porous-core fibers [16,17] or as solid dielectric materials, sometimes referred to as ribbons or dielectric rod waveguides or microwires [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] exploiting total internal reflection. Even the combination of dielectric rods with embedded substrate lenses has recently been investigated for integration with antenna emitters [25]. ...
... Dielectric waveguide antennas can be realized in various forms and offer sub-wavelength imaging resolution in combination with relatively simple manufacturing methods and versatile design freedom, depending on the dielectric material. The antennas can be easily integrated into typical waveguide horns of electronic terahertz systems to ensure efficient power coupling to the dielectric [13,16,[19][20][21]. ...
... We will first introduce the FMCW concept and then discuss the implementation of our dielectric waveguide antenna. It should be mentioned at this point that recently, the use of a hollow dielectric waveguide antenna in combination with a comparable terahertz transceiver unit was presented in the literature [16]. Although a slightly different approach was employed there, the reader may find some of the theoretical considerations and simulations on forward power coupling and beam profiles useful for further insight. ...
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Terahertz technologies for non-destructive testing (NDT) are continuing to find their way into the industrial sector in the context of very specific inspection tasks. Part of this development is the capability to adapt terahertz systems in such a way that they can meet the sometimes harsh challenges and requirements of real-world industrial scenarios. One such scenario is the inspection of components with limited available measurement space. In particular, we show here the terahertz NDT inspection of the mica insulation of generator bars of turbogenerators at power plants, where an early on-site detection of defects and cracks in the insulation can be crucial, but where only few centimeters of space between adjacent bars are available. To address this problem, we have developed a measurement system combining a 100 GHz all-electronic terahertz transceiver with a low-loss dielectric waveguide antenna with 90 degree tip. We achieve sub-wavelength image resolution by scanning the waveguide antenna's tip over the surface of the generator bars in a near-field measurement setup. Employing a frequency-modulated continuous wave technique, we obtain depth-resolved, volumetric terahertz images of the objects under test. We discuss here the implementation and performance of the implemented measurement system for terahertz NDT inspection.
... This opens up many applications both for the non-destructive testing of composite materials or polymers and the analysis of rocks [16][17][18][19]. Compact systems now make it possible to develop agile, low-cost systems with the potential for wider integration and distribution, including endoscopic devices [20] and opensource projects like Teragogic [21]. However, these different approaches require a point-to-point scan that is relatively slow and not very suitable for certain experimental situations, for which a portable device and the possibility of having rapid information without contact and scanning can be obtained. ...
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Terahertz imaging is one of the most promising approaches for non-destructive control. An interesting approach to having cost-effective systems is to use frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars with a raster scan configuration. Nevertheless, current systems using linear stages or robotic arms have the disadvantage of being heavy, requiring a long scan and not allowing a direct visualization of the result being measured. In addition, it is complex to evaluate the position of the measuring point on the real object, particularly if it is not flat. Here, we propose to solve these previous challenges with a portable system combining an FMCW radar with an augmented reality (AR) interface using a smartphone. This system achieves two goals: (i) first is to achieve data acquisition in the AR environment and (ii) the second is to make possible the visualization of data, even after post-processing, in the AR environment.
... One solution to overcome these limitations while keeping a high lateral and axial resolution is working at the EHF band (30-300 GHz). Various applications and implementations of systems using frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars within these frequencies have been presented in [17][18][19][20][21]. However, so far, there have been no reports on rock applications. ...
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The detection and quantification of fractures in rocks, as well as the detection of lithological changes, are of particular interest in scientific fields, such as construction materials, geotechnics, reservoirs and the diagnostics of dielectric composite materials and cultural heritage objects. Therefore, different methods and techniques have been developed and improved over the years to provide solutions, e.g., seismic, ground-penetrating radar and X-ray microtomography. However, there are always trade-offs, such as spatial resolution, investigated volume and rock penetration depth. At present, high-frequency radars (>60 GHz) are available on the market, which are compact in size and capable of imaging large areas in short periods of time. However, the few rock applications that have been carried out have not provided any information on whether these radars would be useful for detecting fractures and lithological changes in rocks. Therefore, in this work, we performed different experiments on construction and reservoir rocks using a frequency-modulated continuous wave radar working at 300 GHz to evaluate its viability in this type of application. The results showed that the radar quantified millimeter fractures at a 1 cm rock penetration depth with a sensitivity of 500 μm. Furthermore, lithological changes were identified, even when detecting interfaces generated by the artificial union of two samples from the same rock.
... The current mainstream products are 24 GHz and 77 GHz millimeter wave radar, of which the bandwidth of 77 GHz can reach 4 GHz, the theoretical range resolution can reach 37.5 mm, and the range accuracy is at the centimeter level [2]. At present, the research focus of FMCW millimeter-wave radar is mainly on environmental perception in autonomous driving, including radar imaging [7][8][9][10], pedestrian detection [11], fusion positioning [12], pattern recognition [13,14] and other directions, close to the direction of artificial intelligence. In these application scenarios, centimeter-level accuracy is sufficient. ...
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Aiming at the requirements of short-range, high-precision, and high-speed measurement of coaxial helicopter wingtip distance measurement, a millimeter-wave radar wingtip distance measurement scheme is proposed, and the ranging accuracy of FMCW millimeter-wave radar is improved by optimizing the frequency estimation method and the beat-frequency signal processing process. The multi-antenna data coherent superposition method and the correlation search for the estimated frequency are used to shorten the measurement period, and at the same time, the ranging accuracy of the millimeter-wave radar can be improved, and the single measurement time can be guaranteed. Based on frequency refinement, frequency offset method, phase method, amplitude method and fitted approximation method, the frequency estimation of millimeter wave radar differential frequency signal is combined with the influence of bandwidth, measured target shape and material on ranging to improve millimeter wave radar ranging performance comprehensively. Through simulations and experiments, the accuracy, stability, time consuming and application conditions of the optimized algorithm are comprehensively evaluated, and the feasibility of millimeter wave radar wingtip ranging is verified
... With suitable materials for quasi-optical components, e.g., the polymers PE and PTFE, the radiation can be easily guided and focused according to the specific context of application with quasi-optical lenses [23], typically produced of low-cost materials such as the polymers PE and PTFE, and diffractive elements [24], or with simple metallic mirrors. In addition, guiding and focusing of the radiation with easy-to-fabricate dielectric waveguide antennas has been demonstrated [25,26]. Combining all the above properties and advantages over other NDT techniques, and the increasing availability of sources, detectors and receivers, terahertz technology has today reached a level of maturity to be implemented in industrial production environments or processes of quality control and to offer a valuable benefit in the optimization of these processes. ...
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We present a rotational terahertz imaging system for inline nondestructive testing (NDT) of press sleeves for the paper industry during fabrication. Press sleeves often consist of polyurethane (PU) which is deposited by rotational molding on metal barrels and its outer surface mechanically processed in several milling steps afterwards. Due to a stabilizing polyester fiber mesh inlay, small defects can form on the sleeve’s backside already during the initial molding, however, they cannot be visually inspected until the whole production processes is completed. We have developed a fast-scanning frequenc-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) terahertz imaging system, which can be integrated into the manufacturing process to yield high resolution images of the press sleeves and therefore can help to visualize hidden structural defects at an early stage of fabrication. This can save valuable time and resources during the production process. Our terahertz system can record images at 0.3 and 0.5 THz and we achieve data acquisition rates of at least 20 kHz, exploiting the fast rotational speed of the barrels during production to yield sub-millimeter image resolution. The potential of automated defect recognition by a simple machine learning approach for anomaly detection is also demonstrated and discussed.
The article presents the main research directions of the project implemented by the consortium under the National Defence and Security Program: "Development of modern, breakthrough technologies for state security and defence", codename "SZAFIR". During the implementation of the project, the possibilities of using terahertz radiation will be examined for diagnostic tests of components crucial for defence and security, such as solid rocket fuels, aramid fibre-based composites (bulletproof vests, helmets, pyrotechnic suits), and polymer composites reinforced with glass and carbon fibres (aircraft elements). As a result of research, the interaction of tetheric radiation with materials of these components will be analysed, followed by the development of a methodology for determining their defects. This will result in creating innovative dedicated stations for non-destructive testing of these components. Neural network-based advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence algorithms will be used for automatic diagnostics of key components, improve the process of their control and therefore increase the safety of people and military equipment.
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Developments toward the implementation of a terahertz pulse imaging system within a guided reflectometry configuration are reported. Two photoconductive antennas patterned on the same LT-GaAs active layer in association with a silica pipe hollow-core waveguide allowed us to obtain a guided optics-free imager. Besides working in a pulsed regime, the setup does not require additional optics to focus and couple the terahertz pulses into the waveguide core, simplifying the global implementation in comparison with other reported guided terahertz reflectometry systems. The system is qualified for imaging purposes by means of a 1951 USAF resolution test chart. An image resolution, after a 53 mm propagation length, by about 0.707 LP/mm over the 400–550 GHz integrated frequency band, was obtained, thus providing a promising basis to pursue efforts toward compact guided pulse imagers for sample inspection within the terahertz range.
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A porous core photonic crystal fibre based on conventional hexagonal lattice cladding is proposed for propagating terahertz radiation. The structure is designed and theoretically investigated using full vectorial finite element method. Simulation results show that at 300 µm core diameter, with a high porosity of 85%, and an operating frequency of 1.3 THz, the proposed fibre reduces the bulk absorption loss of cyclic olefin copolymer (TOPAS) by about 81%, which corresponds to an ultra-low effective material loss value of 0.039 cm−1. Furthermore, the proposed fibre shows near zero dispersion coefficient of 0.47 ps/THz/cm with an extremely small variation of 0.05 over a broad 1.3 THz bandwidth; with confinement and bending losses investigated and found to be negligibly low. It is anticipated that the proposed waveguide can potentially be used for short range transmission of terahertz radiation in the communication window.
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Thanks to significant advances in real-time terahertz imaging in terms of resolution and image quality, adapting and extending optical methods for 3D imaging at the millimeter scale is now promising. The shape-from-focus algorithm is a post-processing tool used in optical microscopy to reconstruct the external shape surface of a convex surface object. Images acquired at different distances from the object-side focal plane are implemented in this algorithm. We localize the best focus position in the stack of images for each pixel and then reconstruct the object in 3D due to the short depth of field. In this Letter, we propose an application of this algorithm in active and real-time terahertz imaging. We achieve the experimental reconstruction in 3D with a terahertz waves imaging system composed of a powerful source and a real-time terahertz camera.
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Radomes protecting sensitive radar, navigational, and communications equipment of, e.g., aircraft, are strongly exposed to the environment and have to withstand harsh weather conditions and potential impacts. Besides their significance to the structural integrity of the radomes, it is often crucial to optimize the composite structures for best possible radio performance. Hence, there exists a significant interest in non-destructive testing techniques, which can be used for defect inspection of radomes in field use as well as for quality inspection during the manufacturing process. Contactless millimeter-wave and terahertz imaging techniques provide millimeter resolution and have the potential to address both application scenarios. We report on our development of a three-dimensional (3D) terahertz imaging system for radome inspection during industrial manufacturing processes. The system was designed for operation within a machining center for radome manufacturing. It simultaneously gathers terahertz depth information in adjacent frequency ranges, from 70 to 110 GHz and from 110 to 170 GHz by combining two frequency modulated continuous-wave terahertz sensing units into a single measurement device. Results from spiraliform image acquisition of a radome test sample demonstrate the successful integration of the measurement system.
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A highly miniaturized and commercially available millimeter wave (mmw) radar sensor working in the frequency range between 121 and 127 GHz is presented in this paper. It can be used for distance measurements with an accuracy in the single-digit micrometer range. The sensor is based on the frequency modulated continuous wave (CW) radar principle; however, CW measurements are also possible due to its versatile design. An overview of the existing mmw radar sensors is given and the integrated radar sensor is shown in detail. The radio frequency part of the radar, which is implemented in SiGe technology, is described followed by the packaging concept. The radar circuitry on chip as well as the external antennas is completely integrated into an 8 mm x 8 mm quad flat no leads package that is mounted on a low-cost baseband board. The packaging concept and the complete baseband hardware are explained in detail. A two-step approach is used for the radar signal evaluation: a coarse determination of the target position by the evaluation of the beat frequency combined with an additional determination of the phase of the signal. This leads to an accuracy within a single-digit micrometer range. The measurement results prove that an accuracy of better than ±6 μm can be achieved with the sensor over a measurement distance of 35 mm.
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Art painting diagnostic is commonly performed using electromagnetic waves at wavelengths from terahertz to X-ray. These former techniques are essential in conservation and art history research, but they could be also very useful for restoring artwork. While most studies use time domain imaging technique, in this study, a painting has been investigated using both time domain imaging (TDI) and frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) system in the millimeter frequency range. By applying these systems to a painting of the eighteenth century, we detect and analyze the structure of some defects. This study underlines the differences between FMCW and TDI. We present the advantages and disadvantages of each technique on a real artwork.
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Science and technologies based on terahertz frequency electromagnetic radiation (100 GHz–30 THz) have developed rapidly over the last 30 years. For most of the 20th Century, terahertz radiation, then referred to as sub-millimeter wave or far-infrared radiation, was mainly utilized by astronomers and some spectroscopists. Following the development of laser based terahertz time-domain spectroscopy in the 1980s and 1990s the field of THz science and technology expanded rapidly, to the extent that it now touches many areas from fundamental science to 'real world' applications. For example THz radiation is being used to optimize materials for new solar cells, and may also be a key technology for the next generation of airport security scanners. While the field was emerging it was possible to keep track of all new developments, however now the field has grown so much that it is increasingly difficult to follow the diverse range of new discoveries and applications that are appearing. At this point in time, when the field of THz science and technology is moving from an emerging to a more established and interdisciplinary field, it is apt to present a roadmap to help identify the breadth and future directions of the field. The aim of this roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of THz science and technology in 2017, and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds. To be able to achieve this aim, we have invited a group of international experts to write 18 sections that cover most of the key areas of THz science and technology. We hope that The 2017 Roadmap on THz science and technology will prove to be a useful resource by providing a wide ranging introduction to the capabilities of THz radiation for those outside or just entering the field as well as providing perspective and breadth for those who are well established. We also feel that this review should serve as a useful guide for government and funding agencies.
Traditional THz equipment faces major obstacles in providing the system cost and compactness necessary for widespread deployment of THz applications. Because of this, the field of THz integrated circuit (THz IC) design in CMOS and SiGe HBT technologies has surged in the last decade. An interplay of advances in silicon process technology, design technique, and microelectronic packaging promises to narrow the gap between the requirements and the reality of system cost and performance of THz components. Furthermore, the scalability, reconfigurability, and signal processing features of silicon technol- ogy have initiated research in complex THz ICs that expand the functionality of THz systems; this has enabled new applications, methods, and algorithms. This paper reviews the progress in THz IC research and investigates several realizations of THz imaging and sensing applications with silicon-based components regarding their motivation, system performance, and challenges. THz computed tomography, broadband multi-color imaging, high-resolution FMCW radar imaging, sub-wavelength resolution near-field imaging, and compressed sensing are presented.