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Abstract and Figures

In recent years, reversible logic circuits have applications in the emerging field of digital signal processing, optical information processing, quantum computing and nano technology. Reversibility plays an important role when computations with minimal energy dissipation are considered. The main purpose of designing reversible logic is to decrease the number of reversible gates, garbage outputs, constant inputs, quantum cost, area, power, delay and hardware complexity of the reversible circuits. This paper reveals a comparative review on various reversible logic gates. This paper provides some reversible logic gates, which can be used in designing more complex systems having reversible circuits and can execute more complicated operations using quantum computers. Future digital technology will use reversible logic gates in order to reduce the power consumption and propagation delay as it effectively provides negligible loss of information in the circuit. Keywords: Garbage output, Power dissipation, quantum cost, Reversible Gate, Reversible logic
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Special Conference Edition
, November, 2019
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 12(1):
ISSN 2006 – 6996
Department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria)
Department of Physics
Corresponding Author:
rgy dissipation are considered. The main purpose of designing reversible logic is to
rs. Future digital technology will use reversible logic gates in order to reduce the
information in the circuit.
present day technology, Reversible logic has
Applications of the
Reversible circuits can be
(Markle & Drexler, 1996)
itional logic circuits are Irreversible which
result in energy dissipation and
information loss
et al
., 2014)
. Landaurer’s Research has
joules, where is k is
the Boltzmann’s constant
1961; Parhami, 2006). In 1973
, Bennett
reversible circuits (Bennett, 1973)
. The am
computation (Mamataj
et al
., 2014
circuits are those circuits
that do not lose
Reversible logic
gates are required to design
reversible circuits (Biswas
., 2014)
reversible logic
gate has equal input and output
., 2014)
. In reversible circuit there should be
Misra, & Sen, (2017)
invented two kinds of
, November, 2019
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 12(1):
242 - 250
, G.S.M.,
Tijjani, A.
and Ibrahim,
Department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria)
Department of Physics
, Yusuf Maitama sule university, kano.
Corresponding Author:
In recent years, reversible logic circuits have applications in the emerging field of digital
signal processing, optical information processing, quantum computing and nano
technology. Reversibility plays an important role when computations with minimal
rgy dissipation are considered. The main purpose of designing reversible logic is to
decrease the number of reversible gates, garbage outputs, constant inputs, quantum
cost, area, power, delay and hardware complexity of the reversible circuits. This paper
reveals a comparative review on various reversible logic gates
This paper provides some
reversible logic gates, which can be used in designing more complex systems having
reversible circuits and can execute more complicated operations using quantum
rs. Future digital technology will use reversible logic gates in order to reduce the
power consumption and propagation delay as it effectively provides negligible loss of
Keywords: Garbage output, Power dissipation, quantum cost, Reversible Gate, Reversible
present day technology, Reversible logic has
spread its popularity in numerous technologies,
due to their ability to reduce the power
dissipation which is the main requirem
ent in low
power VLSI design (Yelekar & Chiwande, 2011)
Reversible circuits can be
found in the emerging fields of low power CMOS
design, optical information processing, DNA
computing, quantum computing and nano
(Markle & Drexler, 1996)
itional logic circuits are Irreversible which
information loss
. Landaurer’s Research has
proved that the amount of energy dissipated for
every irreversible bit operation is at
least kTLn2
the Boltzmann’s constant
and T is the temperature in Kelvin
, Bennett
that in order to avoid kTLn2 joules of energy
dissipation in a circuit it must be built from
. The am
of energy dissipated in a system bears a direct
relationship to the number of bits erased
., 2014
). Reversible
that do not lose
gates are required to design
., 2014)
. A
gate has equal input and output
in order to have one to one mapping
. In reversible circuit there should be
no fan-out;
that is, each output will be used only
and for each input pattern there should be
unique output pattern.
In the year 2007 (James et al
., 2007)
a low power circuit using reversible logic that
provides single error correction
detection (SEC-
DED). The design was done
using a new 4 x 4 reversible gate called
Hamming Code Generating (HCG)
implementing hamming error coding and
detection circuits. A parity preserving H
Code Generating
(PPHCG) that preserves the
input parity at the output bits is used for
g fault tolerance for the hamming error
coding and detection circuits.
Rashmi, & Tilak, (2011)
invented a reversible
gate known as Binary Coded D
correction logic (BSCL)
. The main purpose of
introducing this gate is either to find correc
logic for BCD subtraction or to pass same data
to the output.
Misra, & Wairya, (2015)
demonstrated a
reversible BCD adder and carry skip BCD adder
circuit based on three new t
ype of reversible
gates, namely;
Full adder subtraction (FAS), Half
adder su
btraction (HAS) and Overflow detection
(OD) gates, to optimize the ad
new type of reversible full adder using FAS gate
is the best circuit in terms o
f quantum cost.
utilizing those three new types of gates,
reversible n-digit BCD adder
and 1
skip BCD adder are proposed with its algorithm.
invented two kinds of
novel error control circuits such as hamming
code, parity generator and checker. To design
the HG-
PP (HG = Hamming gate, PP = Parity
In recent years, reversible logic circuits have applications in the emerging field of digital
signal processing, optical information processing, quantum computing and nano
technology. Reversibility plays an important role when computations with minimal
rgy dissipation are considered. The main purpose of designing reversible logic is to
decrease the number of reversible gates, garbage outputs, constant inputs, quantum
cost, area, power, delay and hardware complexity of the reversible circuits. This paper
This paper provides some
reversible logic gates, which can be used in designing more complex systems having
reversible circuits and can execute more complicated operations using quantum
rs. Future digital technology will use reversible logic gates in order to reduce the
power consumption and propagation delay as it effectively provides negligible loss of
Keywords: Garbage output, Power dissipation, quantum cost, Reversible Gate, Reversible
that is, each output will be used only
and for each input pattern there should be
., 2007)
a low power circuit using reversible logic that
double error
DED). The design was done
using a new 4 x 4 reversible gate called
Hamming Code Generating (HCG)
implementing hamming error coding and
detection circuits. A parity preserving H
(PPHCG) that preserves the
input parity at the output bits is used for
g fault tolerance for the hamming error
invented a reversible
. The main purpose of
introducing this gate is either to find correc
logic for BCD subtraction or to pass same data
demonstrated a
reversible BCD adder and carry skip BCD adder
ype of reversible
Full adder subtraction (FAS), Half
btraction (HAS) and Overflow detection
circuits. The
new type of reversible full adder using FAS gate
f quantum cost.
utilizing those three new types of gates,
and 1
-digit carry
skip BCD adder are proposed with its algorithm.
code, parity generator and checker. To design
PP (HG = Hamming gate, PP = Parity
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
preserving), NG-PP (NG = New gate) are
proposed for optimising the circuits. Based on
the proposed gates and few existing gates, the
hamming code and parity generator and checker
circuits are constructed. The reversible, major
metrics such as gate count, quantum cost, unit
delay, and garbage outputs, uses best
optimisation results compared to counterparts.
They can be utilised as a low power error control
circuit applied in future communication systems.
Bhoi, K.B, & Misra, N.K. (2017) introduced a new
gate named as universal reversible QCA gate
(URQG) is proposed. It is a 3×3 gate that
realizes 13 standard functions with optimal gate
count. 2. The URQG gate is compared with the
existing reversible gates using standard Boolean
equations. The proposed gate outperforms the
existing gates in terms of design cost and
testing overhead. An n-bit comparator, was
synthesised where proposed URQG and existing
Feynman gates are cascaded together.
A function ∈ 
is called reversible if f is
bijective, i.e., if each input pattern is uniquely
mapped to a corresponding output pattern and
vice versa. Otherwise, it is called irreversible.
Clearly, if f is reversible, then its number of
inputs is equal to the number of outputs. In
other words, each reversible function  ∈ 
a bijection that performs a permutation of the
set of input patterns (Abdessied & Drechler,
2016). An irreversible function can be embedded
into a reversible specification by adding extra
variables to achieve a bijective function. An
embedding is not unique and the choice of
embedding can have a very significant effect on
the number of the variables of the resulting
function (Miller
et al
., 2009; Soeken
et al
A reversible logic gate is an n-input n-output
logic device with one-to-one mapping (Yelekar &
Chiwande, 2011), the number of inputs are
equal to the number of the outputs of the gates
in order to have a one-to-one mapping. This
generates a unique set of output vector for each
set of input vector (Biswas
et al
., 2014). This
prevents the loss of information which causes
power dissipation. In reversible logic, fan-out is
not possible and feedback or loops are not
allowed. Some features of a reversible logic
circuit are: Minimum input constants, Minimum
number of reversible gates and Minimum
number of garbage outputs.
A combinational reversible circuit is an acyclic
combinational logic circuit in which all gates are
reversible, and are interconnected without
explicit fan-outs and loops. Boolean functions
can be synthesized to a reversible circuit after
embedding them to reversible functions.
Therefore, in general a reversible circuit contains
n inputs with p primary inputs and c constant
inputs with p + c = n. At the output side, there
are m primary outputs and k garbage outputs
with k + m = n. Figure1 depicts the general
structure of a reversible circuit (Abdessied &
Drechler, 2016). A reversible circuit should be
designed using minimum number of reversible
logic gates, minimum input constant, minimum
number of garbage outputs.
Figure 1: Reversible Circuit Structure
Unwanted output of reversible gate is called
garbage output. The output of reversible gate is
not used as a primary output or as input to
other gates is called garbage output. Garbage’s
outputs are needed in circuit to maintain
reversibility concept. Figure 2 shows an example
of reversible function f=
, the two
unused pins are the garbage outputs (Ankush &
Bhandari, 2016).
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Figure 2: Garbage output
This can be defined as the number of inputs
that are to be maintain constant at either 0 or 1
in order to synthesize the given logical function
(Thapiyal & Ranganathan, 2010).
Quantum cost may be defined as the cost of the
circuit in terms of the cost of a primitive gate. It
is calculated by the number of primitive
reversible logic gates (1x1 or 2x2) required to
realize the circuit. The quantum cost of a circuit
is the minimum number of 2x2 unitary gates to
represent the circuit keeping the output
unchanged. The quantum cost of a 1x1 gate is 0
and that of any 2x2 gate is the same, which is
1(Smoline & David, 1996).
The delay of a logic circuit is the maximum
number of gates in a path from any input line to
any output line. The definition is based on two
assumptions: (i) Each gate performs
computation in one unit time and (ii) all inputs
to the circuit are available before the
computation begins. (Mohammadi & Eshghi,
Hardware Complexity refers to the total number
of logic operation in a circuit. Means the total
number of AND, OR and EXOR operation in a
circuit (Akbar
et al
., 2011).
There are many number of reversible logic gates
that exist in present literature. Some of the
reversible gates are presented by (Ankush &
Bhandari, 2016). In this review we try to show
other reversible gates which are not presented
by (Ankush & Bhandari, 2016) and may be
useful to researchers. The reversible gates are
given below;
SG Gate
SG gate is also known as Sayem gate (Sayem&
Ueda, 2010) is a 4x4 reversible gate. The input
and output vector of this gate are, Iv = (A, B, C,
D) and Ov
The block diagram of this gate is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Sayem gate
BME Gate
BME gate is a 4 × 4 reversible gate
et al
., 2013). The BME gate can be
described as: IV = (A, B, C, D); OV = (A, ABC,
ADC, A’BCD), where IV and OV are input
and output vectors respectively. Quantum cost
of BME gate is five (Garipelly
et al
., 2013).
Figure 4 shows a 4 × 4 BME gate.
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Figure 4: BME Gate
Binary Coded Decimal Subtraction Correction
logic gate is a 6x6 reversible gate. The purpose
of this gate is either to find correction logic for
BCD subtraction or to pass same data to the
output depending on the control signal (Rashmi
et al
., 2011). Here F is the control signal as
shown in the figure if F is equal to 0, A, B, C, D
and E as it is passed to the output P Q R S and
T. If F is equal to 1, then output Q R S and T
depends on the value of E. If E is equal to 0
then Q R S and T is the nines compliment of the
input binary number A B C and D. If E is equal
to 1 then binary number 0001 is added to ABCD
to get the valid corrected subtraction result.
Figure 5: BSCL Gate
PTR Gate
PTR gate is a 4X4 Reversible gate that can work as a reversible full adder
Figure 6: PTR Gate
PAREEK gate is a 4 × 4 reversible gate (Pareek
et al
., 2014). The PAREEK gate can be described
as: IV = (A, B, C, D); OV = (A, A’BAD,
C, B
D), where IV and OV are input
and output vectors respectively. Quantum cost
of PAREEK gate is seven which is illustrated in
et al
., 2014). Figure 7 shows a 4 × 4
PAREEK gate.
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Figure 7: Pareek Gate
Reversible Conservative quantum dot Cellular
Automata gate is a 4 × 4 reversible gate (Misra
et al
., 2018). Quantum cost of 6. This gate is
utilised for Sequential circuit synthesis of
reversible functions
Figure 8: RCQCA Gate
Universal Reversible Quantum dot Cellular
Automata Gate is a 3x3 reversible gate (Bhoi
., 2017). Based on reversibility given the
outputs logic P, Q, R the inputs A, B, C can be
computed. The reversible URQG gate is a
universal gate and can implements 13 standard
functions. By combining two URQG gate N-bit
comparator can designed.
Figure 9: URQG Gate
A 4x4 reversible gate, Hamming Code
Generating gate (James
et al
., 2007) is depicted
in Figure 10. HCG gate is one-through gate
which means that one of the input variables is
also output. Hamming error coding and
detection circuit can be implemented using this
Figure 10: HCG Gate
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Half Adder Subtraction gate is a 3x3 reversible
gate which is helpful for the design of reversible
BCD adder and carry skip BCD adder circuit. The
HAS gate has a quantum cost 5. It consist of
four XOR gates, two controlled-V and one
gate. This gate can implement the
operation of haif adder and full subtraction.
et al
., 2015).
Figure 11: HAS Gate
Full Adder Subtraction gate is a 4x4 reversible
gate. FAS gate can perform the operation of full
adder and full subtraction. The gate has a
quantum cost of 8. It consist of six XOR gates,
two controlled-V and one controlled-V
. (Misra
et al
., 2015).
Figure 12: FAS Gate
Over flow Detection gate is a 5x5 reversible
gate. The OD gate has a quantum cost of 10. It
consist of seven XOR gates, four controlled-V
and two controlled-V
gate. OD gate is used for
overflow detection. (Misra
et al
., 2015).
Figure 13: OD Gate
Parity Preserving Hamming Code Generating
gate is a 4 x 4 Parity Preserving Reversible gate.
The outputs preserve the input parity (James
., 2007).This gate can be used for achieving
fault tolerance for the hamming error coding and
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Figure 14: PPHCG Gate.
The NG-PP structure is utilised of 5-input and 5-
output. The input parity to output parity is
conserved. Hence this gate is a conservative
gate. Further, it holds the bijective mapping, it
also the reversible gate. The QC of NG-PP gate
is 5(Misra
et al
., 2017). It can singly perform the
logic operation of parity generator and checker.
Figure 15: NG-PP Gate
A 5 x 5 conservative reversible logic gate named
HG-PP is shown in Figure16.. It depicts the same
count of 1’s in the output as well as input,
further maintain the bijective-mapping property
of the reversibility. Hence this gate is reversible
as well as conservative. The QC of HG-PP gate is
et al
., 2017). This gate is helpful for the
design of hamming code.
Figure 16: HG-PP Gate
Various reversible gates and different circuits
associated with these gates are discussed here.
And also comparisons have been made among
the existing circuit in terms of various
parameters such as quantum cost, garbage
output, constant input, gate count and delay.
Comparison between existing reversible gates is
shown in Table 1.
Special Conference Edition, November, 2019
Table 1: Comparison between Reversible Logic Gates
Reversible Gates Quantum cost Types
SG Gate(Sayem& Ueda, 2010) Unknown 4x4
BME Gate(Mahfuzzreza
et al
., 2013). 5 4x4
BSCL Gate (Rashmi
et al
., 2011) Unknown 6x6
PAREEK Gate (Pareek
et al
., 2014) 7 4x4
RCQCA Gate (Misra
et al
., 2018). 6 4x4
URQG Gate (Bhoi
et al
., 2017). Unknown 3x3
HCG Gate (James
et al
., 2007) Unknown 4x4
HAS Gate (Misra
et al
., 2015). 5 3x3
FAS Gate (Misra
et al
., 2015). 8 4x4
OD Gate (Misra
et al
., 2015). 10 5x5
PPHCG Gate (James
et al
., 2007) 6 4x4
NG-PP Gate (Misra
et al
., 2017) 5 5x5
HG-PP Gate (Misra
et al
., 2017) 4 5x5
In this paper, a survey of various works is
carried out in the field of reversible logic with
respect to reversible circuits which form the
basic building block of quantum computers. This
paper presents the reversible gates which are
not shown in (Ankush & Bhandari, 2016) and
which are gathered from the literature till now.
The paper can further be extended towards the
digital design development using reversible logic
circuits which are helpful in quantum computing,
low power CMOS, nanotechnology,
cryptography, optical computing, DNA
computing, digital signal processing (DSP),
quantum dot cellular automata, communication,
computer graphics, etc.
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... The qubit representing the color information is encoded with the n-qubit sequence representing the position information. The problems with FRQI is that grayscale information cannot be accurately measured within a limited number of times and some complex color operations cannot be done easily on the basis of FRQI [24]. In 2013, MCQI [17] was proposed which stores the color information of three channels (RGB) for an image of size 2 n × 2 n in three entangled qubits and pixel positions in 2n qubits, but it has high time complexity. ...
... where t l ′ xy represents the quantum sub-operation defined in Eq. (24), to store the color information of channel t ∈ {R, G, B} for a pixel at location (x, y) in l th bit-plane and l ′ denotes the ancillary bit. ...
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Quantum computers can be used for efficient storage, processing and transmission of digital images. It involves exploitation of quantum properties to represent and process the images in a quantum computer. The first important step to process images in a quantum computer is the representation of images in quantum states. In this paper, we introduce two efficient implementation of algorithms to store the bit-planes of an image in quantum states, one for grayscale images and other for color images. The proposed implementations can be used to improve the effectiveness of image processing algorithms such as color complement operation, edge detection, image compression and so on. The proposed implementation has 10% less quantum cost and four times less time complexity compared to BRQI model for greyscale images, and 30% less quantum cost and four times less time complexity compared to QRCI model for color images.
... The quantum cost of the HG-PP gate is 4. The number of 1's in input and output are the same. HG-PP gate is used to design the hamming code [78,80]. Its block diagram is shown in Figure 41 [75]. ...
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Logic computing around quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) has emerging area of high-speed nanoelectronics. We implemented the synthesis of the reversible comparator circuit in QCA regime that employs minimum primitives results. This paper presents a universal reversible quantum-dot cellular automata gate (URQG) and its implementation in QCA technology. The efficiency of the proposed gate in designing reversible circuits is validated by implementing the QCA standard benchmark Boolean functions. We also synthesize n-bit comparator, where proposed URQG and existing Feynman gates are cascaded together. Finally, in a QCA paradigm, we designed layout for the 1-bit and 2-bit comparators, and prove the better primitives results over existing layouts. Synthesis results indicate that the proposed 1-bit reversible comparator has achieved 75% improvement in delay and 95% improvement in quantum cost compared to existing design. The proposed gate currently aims the testability world such as cell deposition and HDLQ that test suite. The authors also show the energy dissipation results for existing benchmark reversible gates introduced in state-of-art technology and URQG gate that proposed herewith. QCADesigner tool is used to design and verify the functionality of the proposed designs. QCAPro tool is used for energy dissipation analysis of the proposed gate.
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Reversible logic has various applications in various field like in Nanotechnology, quantum computing, Low power CMOS, Optical computing and DNA computing, etc. Quantum computation is One of the most important applications of the reversible logic.Basically reversible circuits do not lose information & reversible computation is performed only when system comprises of reversible gates. The reversible logic is design,main purposes are-decrease quantum cost, depth of the circuits & the number of garbage output. This paper provides the basic's of reversible logic gates & its implementation in qca.
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Reversible logic represents the basis for many emerging technologies and has recently been intensively studied. However, most of the Boolean functions of practical interest are irreversible and must be embedded into a reversible function before they can be synthesized. Thus far, an optimal embedding is guaranteed only for small functions, whereas a significant overhead results when large functions are considered. In this paper, we study this issue. We prove that determining an optimal embedding is coNP-hard already for restricted cases. Then, we propose heuristic and exact methods for determining both the number of additional lines as well as a corresponding embedding. For the approaches we considered sums of products and binary decision diagrams as function representations. Experimental evaluations show the applicability of the approaches for large functions. Consequently, the reversible embedding of large functions is enabled as a precursor to subsequent synthesis.
Conference Paper
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Many reversible circuit synthesis procedures have been proposed. A common feature of most methods is that the initial specification must be a completely-specified reversible function. However, often the desired functionality is a, possibly incompletely-specified, irreversible function. In this paper, we consider how to fully automate the process of synthesizing a reversible function given an irreversible specification with particular emphasis on how to embed an irreversible function into a reversible specification. Systematic procedures are presented and results for benchmark problems show the methods produce very good results compared to earlier methods.
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Reversible logic has shown potential to have extensive applications in emerging technologies such as quantum computing, optical computing, quantum dot cellular automata as well as ultra low power VLSI circuits. Recently, several researchers have focused their efforts on the design and synthesis of efficient reversible logic circuits. In these works, the primary design focus has been on optimizing the number of reversible gates and the garbage outputs. The number of reversible gates is not a good metric of optimization as each reversible gate is of different type and computational complexity, and thus will have a different quantum cost and delay. The computational complexity of a reversible gate can be represented by its quantum cost. Further, delay constitutes an important metric, which has not been addressed in prior works on reversible sequential circuits as a design metric to be optimized. In this work, we present novel designs of reversible sequential circuits that are optimized in terms of quantum cost, delay and the garbage outputs. The optimized designs of several reversible sequential circuits are presented including the D Latch, the JK latch, the T latch and the SR latch, and their corresponding reversible master-slave flip-flop designs. The proposed master-slave flip-flop designs have the special property that they don't require the inversion of the clock for use in the slave latch. Further, we introduce a novel strategy of cascading a Fredkin gate at the outputs of a reversible latch to realize the designs of the Fredkin gate based asynchronous set/reset D latch and the master-slave D flip-flop. Finally, as an example of complex reversible sequential circuits, the reversible logic design of the universal shift register is introduced. The proposed reversible sequential designs were verified through simulations using Verilog HDL and simulation results are presented.
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Today, reversible logic is emerging as an intensely studied research topic, having applications in diverse fields, such as low-power design, optical information processing, and quantum computation. In this paper, we have proposed two reversible Wallace signed multiplier circuits through modified Baugh–Wooley approach, which are much better than the two available counterparts in all the terms. The multiplier is an essential building block for the construction of computational units of quantum computers. Besides, we need signed multiplier circuits for numerous operations. However, only two reversible signed multiplier circuits have been presented so far. In the first proposed architecture, our goals are to decrease the depth of the circuit and to increase the speed of the circuit. In the second proposed circuit, we aimed to improve the quantum cost, garbage outputs, and other parameters. All the proposed circuits are in the nanometric scales and can be used in the design of very complex systems.
It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. This logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility and requires a minimal heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. This dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations.
Conference Paper
Reversible hardware computation, that is, performing logic signal transformations in a way that allows the original input signals to be recovered from the produced outputs, is helpful in diverse areas such as quantum computing, low-power design, nanotechnology, optical information processing, and bioinformatics. We propose a paradigm for performing such reversible computations in a manner that renders a wide class of circuit faults readily detectable at the circuit's outputs. More specifically, we introduce a class of reversible logic gates (consisting of the well-known Fredkin gate and a newly defined Feynman double-gate) for which the parity of the outputs matches that of the inputs. Such parity-preserving reversible gates, when used with an arbitrary synthesis strategy for reversible logic circuits, allow any fault that affects no more than a single logic signal to be detectable at the circuit's primary outputs. We show the applicability of our design strategy by demonstrating how the well-known, and very useful, Toffoli gate can be synthesized from parity- preserving gates and apply the results to the design of a binary full-adder circuit, which is a versatile and widely used element in digital arithmetic processing.