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Efficient, Customizable and Edge-Based WebGIS System


Abstract and Figures

Nowadays there is a wide range of applications for WebGIS which can add great value to modern economic, and building WebGIS system for specific scenarios is the common requirement of the industry. While currently separate WebGIS systems are deployed at different sites and operated by different owners, each of which has the whole set of functionalities of WebGIS, and thus introduce high cost of development and maintenance, which is a waste of resources as most of the functionalities are the same or similar. An edge computing based WebGIS architecture is proposed in the paper to meet the need of customization by applying the idea of SaaS. In this distributed architecture, the resource load is reasonably balanced between the server and the browser, which improves the overall performance of the system. Also it utilizes edge computing to reduce the pressure on the server by sharing map tiles among WebGIS clients. The proposed WebGIS system can not only be well customized and personalized as it is edge computing base, but also be well usable for large number of visits due to its distributed feature. The experiments show 5 concurrent requests per second, as well as response speed increases by more than 38.6% against traditional deployment.
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... The success of WebGIS applications is intrinsically linked to their design and implementation [3,4]. The current literature describes several WebGIS architectures, including client-server architectures [5][6][7][8], designed to reduce server load and provide cross-browser compatibility [9,10]; serviceoriented architectures (SOAs), for interoperable and modularized geospatial services [11]; and cloud computing [12,13], for storing, processing, and combining data services from multiple providers over the Internet [11,14]. These architectural structures reflect the diversity of the approaches used to optimize the functionality, interoperability, and efficiency of geographic information systems in web environments. ...
... This is achieved by leveraging technologies, such as web services [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and open standards [11,[23][24][25], which enables widespread access [26][27][28] to geospatial information on various computing devices, including tablets and mobile phones, provided that a stable Internet connection is available. By integrating with the cloud and employing advanced analysis techniques, contemporary WebGISs offer scalability [9,14,20,29], high performance [9,20,30], processing capabilities [25,31,32], and interactive visualizations of large datasets [33,34]. These online applications not only provide immediate access to geographic information but also facilitate well-informed decision-making in various traditional application fields, such as forest conservation, climate change [35][36][37][38], risk management [39][40][41], urban planning [17,42,43], education [11,[44][45][46], and health, specifically in case studies of COVID-19-related events. ...
... This is achieved by leveraging technologies, such as web services [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] and open standards [11,[23][24][25], which enables widespread access [26][27][28] to geospatial information on various computing devices, including tablets and mobile phones, provided that a stable Internet connection is available. By integrating with the cloud and employing advanced analysis techniques, contemporary WebGISs offer scalability [9,14,20,29], high performance [9,20,30], processing capabilities [25,31,32], and interactive visualizations of large datasets [33,34]. These online applications not only provide immediate access to geographic information but also facilitate well-informed decision-making in various traditional application fields, such as forest conservation, climate change [35][36][37][38], risk management [39][40][41], urban planning [17,42,43], education [11,[44][45][46], and health, specifically in case studies of COVID-19-related events. ...
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Geographic information systems (GISs) based on WebGIS architectures have transformed geospatial data visualization and analysis, offering rapid access to critical information and enhancing decision making across sectors. This study conducted a bibliometric review of 358 publications using the Web of Science database. The analysis utilized tools, such as Bibliometrix (version R 4.3.0) and Biblioshiny (version 1.7.5), to study authors, journals, keywords, and collaborative networks in the field of information systems. This study identified two relevant clusters in the literature: (1) voluntary geographic information (VGI) and crowdsourcing, focusing on web integration for collaborative mapping through contributions from non-professionals and (2) GIS management for decision making, highlighting web-based architectures, open sources, and service-based approaches for storing, processing, monitoring, and sharing geo-referenced information. The journals, authors, and geographical distribution of the most important publications were identified. China, Italy, the United States, Germany, and India have excelled in the application of geospatial technologies in areas such as the environment, risk, sustainable development, and renewable energy. These results demonstrate the impact of web-based GISs on forest conservation, climate change, risk management, urban planning, education, public health, and disaster management. Future research should integrate AI, mobile applications, and geospatial data security in areas aligned with sustainable development goals (SDGs) and other global agendas.
... ey clearly know that if they want to survive and develop well, they must move towards informatization. Only in this way can they improve the competitive strength of enterprises [10]. Yonghui (1) e overall level is not high. ...
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In order to solve the problem of green urban garden landscape design, a green urban garden landscape design method based on GIS system is proposed. This method introduces component GIS and compares three AO-based GIS secondary development modes. Based on the developed solution, comprehensively considering the index evaluation of urban landscaping and its influencing factors, the functional structure of the GIS-based landscaping management information system is designed, and the system requirements are analyzed in detail. It solves the problem that the cost of traditional green urban garden landscape design is too high, and the experiment proves that improving the landscape environment of urban public space has practical value for the research of urban landscape system. Combined with practical application, it is found that the intervention of rainwater landscape can effectively improve the aesthetics and artistry of urban rainwater public facilities. At the same time, the development of GIS and its related technologies (such as database technology and network technology) has also promoted the construction and development of urban landscaping system, which has a great effect on the beautification of the environment, which verifies the validity of the experiment.
... 7 requisitados pelos usuários (ou clientes). Convencionalmente, estes são conhecidos como os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) dispostos na rede mundial de computadores, os SIG-Webs ou, no inglês, WebGIS (Honglei & Wenming, 2020). ...
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A deposição de sedimentos nos corpos d’água, gerada pelos acelerados processos erosivos, é um dos principais problemas de qualidade da água superficial da bacia hidrográfica do rio Doce. Entre as variáveis que causam os processos erosivos, tem-se a erosão pluvial, que pode ser acentuada pelas características de intensidade de chuvas. Buscando caracterizar o potencial erosivo das chuvas em cada município mineiro da bacia do rio Doce, este trabalho utilizou o programa netErosividade MG. Para tal, foram selecionados os 190 (cento e noventa) municípios mineiros da bacia do rio Doce e obtidos seus valores de erosividade das chuvas. Os dados foram tabulados por Unidade de Gestão de Recursos Hídricos e organizados de forma descendente. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que a unidade de gestão com maior média do potencial erosivo, por município, foi a do rio Piranga, com 6928,61. Outras duas próximas ao valor da primeira, em potencial, foram as dos rios Piracicaba (6761,94) e Manhuaçu (5884,3), que também apresentaram médio potencial. A sub-bacia com menor potencial encontrado foi a do rio Suaçuí, com valores de baixo potencial erosivo, em torno de 3417,59 . A partir dos dados gerados, foi possível desenhar o gráfico da distribuição do potencial erosivo durante um ano hidrológico para cada sub-bacia. Mediante tais resultados, espera-se que as tabelas, os gráficos e o web map produzidos sejam capazes de auxiliar os atores na tomada de decisão de políticas públicas voltadas para a gestão de recursos hídricos da bacia hidrográfica do rio Doce.
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Geographical Information System (GIS), as an Information System (IS), helps public/private organizations represent changes in natural/human context and discover patterns/relationships for social and economic progress through the examination of spatial/non-spatial data. In GIS applications, like smart communities services, rapid updating of great amount of data and expenditure of resources (hardware, human, financial) are significant, making traditional analysis on a single computer impractical due to computing limitations. Over the years, GIS has transformed from a tool that merely visualizes data to one that can model future scenarios. So, at first Cloud Computing (CC) emerged as an Internet-based paradigm offering dynamic and scalable solutions. Then, a new ecosystem has been defined Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), enabling CC capabilities and Information Technology (IT) services environment to the edge of the network, running applications, and performing related processing tasks closer to the customers. In this way network congestion is reduced and applications perform better. Therefore, a transition from CC to MEC is recommended for GIS. In this survey we provide a clear and structured overview of GIS applications proposed to date, who is using GIS and for what, to take advantage of its capabilities from integration with emerging technologies, CC first and MEC later, critically considering the problems, strengths and challenges inherent in these approaches, to support intelligent resource management and to fully grasp the opportunity offered by fifth-generation (5G) connectivity. The survey concludes by presenting some recommendations and future research directions.
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On the Ground •Spatial data is valuable to researchers for locating studies that occur in a particular area of interest, or one with similar attributes. •Without a standard in publishing protocol, spatial data largely goes unreported, or is difficult to find without searching the publication. •Assigning location data and displaying points on a public web map makes locating publications based on spatial location possible.
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Multi-access edge computing (MEC) has recently been proposed to aid mobile end devices in providing compute-and data-intensive services with low latency. Growing service demands by the end devices may overwhelm MEC installations, while cost constraints limit the increases of the installed MEC computing and data storage capacities. At the same time, the ever increasing computation capabilities and storage capacities of mobile end devices are valuable resources that can be utilized to enhance the MEC. This article comprehensively surveys the topic area of device-enhanced MEC, i.e., mechanisms that jointly utilize the resources of the community of end devices and the installed MEC to provide services to end devices. We classify the device-enhanced MEC mechanisms into mechanisms for computation offloading and mechanisms for caching. We further subclassify the offloading and caching mechanisms according to the targeted performance goals, which include latency minimization, energy conservation, and enhanced security. We identify the main limitations of the existing device-enhanced MEC mechanisms and outline future research directions.
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In the last few years, Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Edge computing, and Fog computing have gained a lot of attention in both industry and academia. However, a clear and neat definition of these computing paradigms and their correlation is hard to find in the literature. This makes it difficult for researchers new to this area to get a concrete picture of these paradigms. This work tackles this deficiency, representing a helpful resource for those who will start next. First, we show the evolution of modern computing paradigms and related research interest. Then, we address each paradigm, neatly delineating its key points and its relation with the others. Thereafter, we extensively address Fog computing, remarking its outstanding role as the glue between IoT, Cloud, and Edge computing. In the end, we briefly present open challenges and future research directions for IoT, Cloud, Edge, and Fog computing.
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Systems based on fog computing produce massive amounts of data; accordingly, an increasing number of fog computing apps and services are emerging. In addition, machine learning (ML), which is an essential area, has gained considerable progress in various research domains, including robotics, neuromorphic computing, computer graphics, natural language processing (NLP), decision-making, and speech recognition. Several researches have been proposed that study how to employ ML to settle fog computing problems. In recent years, an increasing trend has been observed in adopting ML to enhance fog computing applications and provide fog services, like efficient resource management, security, mitigating latency and energy consumption, and traffic modeling. Based on our understanding and knowledge, there is no study has yet investigated the role of ML in the fog computing paradigm. Accordingly, the current research shed light on presenting an overview of the ML functions in fog computing area. The ML application for fog computing become strong end-user and high layers services to gain profound analytics and more smart responses for needed tasks. We present a comprehensive review to underline the latest improvements in ML techniques that are associated with three aspects of fog computing: management of resource, accuracy, and security. The role of ML in edge computing is also highlighted. Moreover, other perspectives related to the ML domain, such as types of application support, technique, and dataset are provided. Lastly, research challenges and open issues are discussed.
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Urban geological information management systems based on a B/S structures are an inevitable trend in the development of smart geology and big data. Such systems are important platforms for promoting the sharing of data and services among different city entities. It is necessary to overcome the limitations of C/S or partial B/S structures and establish an urban geological information management system based on a comprehensive B/S structure, which is currently rare. According to the above questions, this paper focuses on three types of technical tasks to construct an urban geological information management system based on a B/S structure. In terms of data management, we leave many functions to the server, and group data by type. In terms of data application and sharing, we quickly query and graphically display the data from massive data sets, and perform collaborative analyses of different professional data. In terms of 3D geological modelling and analysis, in order to efficiently provide large-scale 3D geological model analysis in the browser, we explore a new data structure and algorithm for optimization modelling to reduce the amount of model and the number of calculations. Using the above technical methods, we develop a geological information management system for a city in eastern China. The system realizes the "One Map" function for land and resources, creates a platform for the sharing of geological data and services among different entities, and provides technical support for the construction of "smart cities".
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While the usage of smart devices is increasing, security attacks and malware affecting such terminals are briskly evolving as well. Mobile security suites exist to defend devices against malware and other intrusions. However, they require extensive resources not continuously available on mobile terminals, hence affecting their relevance, efficiency and sustainability. In this paper, we address the aforementioned problem while taking into account the devices limited resources such as energy and CPU usage as well as the mobile connectivity and latency. In this context, we propose an ad-hoc mobile edge cloud that takes advantage of Wi-Fi Direct as means of achieving connectivity, sharing resources, and integrating security services among nearby mobile devices. The proposed scheme embeds a multi-objective resource-aware optimization model and genetic-based solution that provide smart offloading decision based on dynamic profiling of contextual and statistical data from the ad-hoc mobile edge cloud devices. The carried experiments illustrate the relevance and efficiency of exchanging security services while maintaining their sustainability with or without the availability of Internet connection. Moreover, the results provide optimal offloading decision and distribution of security services while significantly reducing energy consumption, execution time, and number of selected computational nodes without sacrificing security.
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With the rapid development of intelligent transportation, various applications which have millisecond delay requirements appear in the vehicular heterogeneous network. Offloading these delay-sensitive applications into edge nodes is a trend and direction of development. However, with the increase in the number of vehicular applications, the conventional methods of distance-based edge node workload allocation make the workload allocation unbalanced, causing some edge nodes to be overloaded, resulting in response time of corresponding application being too long to meet low delay requirements. In this paper, we tackle the problem of edge node overload and propose a multipath transmission workload balancing optimization scheme, which uses multipath transmission in the edge computing architecture as the transport protocol support for the communications between the vehicles and the edge nodes and the real-time virtual machine (VM) migration happens between the edge nodes. First, the application is assigned to the edge node closest to each vehicle. When the workload of the edge node exceeds its capacity, the scheme iteratively selects the application with the longest response time. Second. if its response time exceeds the response time passed to the cloud computing center, it is assigned to the cloud computing center for processing; if not, it is reassigned to the standby edge to minimize its response time until all vehicle applications cannot find a better edge node. Then, computing resources are allocated to each edge node, and resources of different sizes are allocated to different types of VMs in each edge node through convex optimization. Finally, the extensive simulation results illustrate that the multipath transmission workload balancing optimization scheme can effectively reduce the average response time of the vehicular applications compared to existing schemes.
Conference Paper
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The collaboration among mobile devices to form an edge cloud for sharing computation and data can drastically reduce the tasks that need to be transmitted to the cloud. Moreover, reinforcement learning (RL) research has recently begun to intersect with edge computing to reduce the amount of data (and tasks) that needs to be transmitted over the network. For battery-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the energy consumption in collaborating edge devices emerges as an important problem. To address this problem, we propose an RL-based Droplet framework for autonomous energy management. Droplet learns the power-related statistics of the devices and forms a reliable group of resources for providing a computation environment on-the-fly. We compare the energy reductions achieved by two different state-of-the-art RL algorithms. Further, we model a reward strategy for edge devices that participate in the mobile device cloud service. The proposed strategy effectively achieves a 10% gain in the rewards earned compared to state-of-the-art strategies.
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The state-of-the-art technologies in new generation information technologies (New IT), greatly stimulates the development of smart manufacturing. In smart manufacturing environment, more and more devices would be connected to the Internet, so that a large volume of data can be obtained during all phases of product lifecycle. Cloud based smart manufacturing paradigm facilitates a new variety of applications and services to analyze a large volume of data and enable large-scale manufacturing collaboration. However, different factors, such as the network unavailability, overfull bandwidth, and latency time, etc., restrict its availability for high speed and low latency real time applications. Fog computing and edge computing extended the compute, storage, and networking capabilities of cloud to the edge, which will respond to the above issues. Based on cloud computing, fog computing, and edge computing, in this study, a hierarchy reference architecture is introduced for smart manufacturing. The architecture is expected to be applied in the digital twin shop floor, which opens a bright perspective of new applications within the field of manufacturing.