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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Migrating large codebases to C++ Modules
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ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
Migrating large codebases to C++ Modules
Y Takahashi 1, O Shadura2and V Vassilev3
1University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan
2University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 68588, USA
3Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
E-mail: yukatkh@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Abstract. ROOT has several features which interact with libraries and require implicit header
inclusion. This can be triggered by reading or writing data on disk, or user actions at the
prompt. Often, the headers are immutable, and reparsing is redundant. C++ Modules are
designed to minimize the reparsing of the same header content by providing an efficient on-disk
representation of C++ Code. ROOT has released a C++ Modules-aware technology preview,
which intends to become the default for the ROOT 6.20 release.
In this paper, we will summarize our experience with migrating C++ Modules to LHC
experiment’s software codebases, particularly for CMS software (CMSSW). We outline the
challenges with adopting C++ Modules for CMSSW, including the integration of C++ Modules
support in the CMS build system and we will evaluate the CMSSW performance benefits.
1. Introduction
In High Energy Physics (HEP), experiments such as CMS, produce a large amount of data each
second, and we expect to have even more data generated during the Hi-Lumi LHC [1] era. Thus
software for HEP is always striving to archive better performance, which could improve the
users data analysis as well the cost optimisation for the HEP resources used in the data centers.
ROOT [2] is a core software used in HEP not only for data analysis but also as a backend for
LHC experiment’s software such as CMSSW. Thus the performance improvement in ROOT will
result in also improving performance of the experiment’s software, which requires more resources
than ROOT itself.
C++ Modules [3] has been supported in ROOT since version 6.16, in order to improve its
performance. The cost of header re-parsing can be negligible in small to medium size codebases,
but can be critical in larger codebases. In this case compile-time scalability will be affected,
even though it will not affect the programs at runtime. However, ROOT is different – its C++
interpreter Cling [10] processes code at program execution time and avoidance of redundant
content re-parsing yields better runtime performance.
2. Background
2.1. C++ Modules in ROOT’s Dictionaries
C++ Modules represent the compiler internal state serialized on disk and deserialized on demand
to avoid repetitions of parsing operations, as we have described in [4]. There are different
implementations of the concept in Clang, GCC, and MSVC. ROOT uses Clang through its
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
interpreter Cling and adopts its C++ Modules implementation, which is one of the most
sophisticated on the market as of today.
Many operations in ROOT require loading a shared library and its corresponding header
files. For example, when we serialize or deserialize a ROOT file, ROOT needs to know which
library contains how to stream its object. This meta information is widely known as ROOT
”dictionary” information. The dictionary is generated by a platform-independent tool, rootcling,
which processes ROOT-aware code and produces a C++ source code file with a prefix G. The
file is later compiled and linked into the library it describes.
Generally, there are two ways to load a library: implicitly or explicitly. Both models require
the library description to be available before or no later than library loading time. That is,
all header files describing the library should be processed by the interpreter blindly without
knowing if they will be used. This is a severe performance bottleneck which ROOT addresses
with several technologies: ROOTMAP s, RDICT s, and a PCH. The ROOTMAP file represents
a lightweight version of the library descriptor containing forward declarations and their mapping
to the corresponding library. The RDICT file represents a cache of a subset of TClass objects
which will be created when the library is loaded. The PCH file contains almost all of the headers
in ROOT in an optimized form which is loaded at startup to avoid header re-parsing.
The ROOTMAPs and RDICTs are home-grown fixes to the inherent PCH problem – it
is impossible to extend a PCH without fully recompiling it. C++ Modules are the industry
solution to this problem – they represent composable PCH files called PCM s.
A PCM is generated by rootcling using a special file containing the mapping between a
header file and the module to be created, called a modulemap file. It describes how a collection
of existing headers corresponds to the logical structure of a module. It is important to note
that transitive includes not present in a modulemap file are persisted multiple times. That is,
if A.h includes C.h,B.h includes C.h and the modulemap maps A.h to module Alpha and B.h
to module Beta, the content of C.h will be duplicated in both Modules. Such duplication can
reduce performance (increasing parsing time) dramatically and should be avoided at almost any
cost. This important detail suggests that ”modularization” should be done bottom-up, namely,
starting from external dependencies onward.
2.2. C++ Modules in CMSSW
C++ Compiler
rootcling CMS Dictionaries
CMS Libraries
Figure 1: Dependency Graph of C++ Modules in CMSSW
CMS [5] is one of the largest experiments in LHC and performance improvement of its software
is crucial for the coming HL-LHC. CMS experiment develops its software stack called CMSSW
(CMS SoftWare) which uses ROOT as its backend.
CMSSW utilizes their own build system, SCRAM [6]. SCRAM is a configuration management
tool, a distribution system, a build system, and a resource manager, with local resources and
applications managed transparently.
As shown in Figure 1, the SCRAM build system resolves library dependencies and executes
genreflex and C++ compiler such as gcc. Genreflex is a wrapper of rootcling, which supports
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
legacy interface for experiments using ROOT. Rootcling generates CMS dictionaries such as
rootmaps and RDICTs, as it was in ROOT. Simultaneously, C++ Compiler compiles CMS
C++ files and generates CMS shared object libraries and CMSSW executable. Generated CMS
libraries and dictionaries are being loaded at CMS Runtime.
We added C++ Modules to the existing CMS system, shown in Figure 1. Rootcling generates
CMSSW PCMs using a modulemap generated by SCRAM, and they will be used at CMS
Runtime to save its parsing overhead.
3. Migrating CMSSW to C++ Modules
Modularizing CMSSW requires two steps: generating a modulemap file and enabling C++
Modules in genreflex(rootcling). The generation of modulemap file happens at configuration
time where we produce a file describing each library as a module and each library header file
as a submodule. This can be subtle in some build systems as it requires tracking of header files
which usually is not required. SCRAM already supports this and it was trivial to synthesize
that description. Enabling C++ Modules in rootcling is done by adding an extra –cxxmodule
flag. We started doing that gradually library-by-library to avoid unnecessary complications.
The mixed mode support ensures an incremental migration path to C++ Modules while
having a stable system throughout the migration period. For instance, the dictionaries of
CMSSW may use the old dictionary system while the dictionaries of ROOT use the new
technology. Ultimately, the mixed mode will not manifest into performance improvements
because the C++ Modules technology intends to address dictionaries outside of the ROOT
PCH, namely, in third-party software.
This section describes the steps taken in CMSSW in order to migrate to C++ Modules.
3.1. Header Sanitizing
In most cases, a module corresponds to a single dictionary or a library. Each module enumerates
every header file in a submodule. Each submodule needs to be able to compile in isolation.
Illustratively, a separate compiler instance is run on each header file. This assumes that every
header file should be able to compile on its own. Standalone header files include what they use
and are resilient to configuration macros.
CMSSW codebase had a lot of header files inaccuracies thoroughly described in the GitHub
C++ Modules Meta Issue [7]. The issues can be classified into the following categories:
•Incomplete headers – header files which do not include what they use. They are easy to fix
because the C++ Modules system usually is able to suggest which are the omitted header
•Broken headers (unnecessary headers) – header files which were never compiled. Those
header files were never included in any translation unit but were ”part” of a library. They
are easy to deprecate and remove;
•Cyclic headers – header files which include graph contains a cycle. For example, header
Aincludes header Bwhich includes A. Header Ais in module Alpha and header Bin
Beta. Usually this is a signal for a layering violation – concepts from one library depend on
another an vice versa. In many cases, using forward declarations of such entities resolves the
problem. In some cases more sophisticated engineering techniques are necessary, such as,
refactoring, moving the two dependent headers together or splitting the common dependent
logic into its own library and module. In rare cases, if the mutual dependence of headers is
by design they have to be in a single submodule.
•Macro headers – header files which contain predominantly macro definitions which can be
expanded differently in each translation unit. For example, <assert.h>which conditionally
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
defines the assert if NDEBUG is not defined. Macro headers are meant to be always
textually included and they should be marked as textual headers in the modulemap file.
•Token generating headers – header files which enable preprocessor metaprogramming should
be excluded from the modulemap file.
After sanitizing the header files, a toolchain to protect regressions can be introduced. In
CMSSW every header in a pull request is checked for the aforementioned issues. This is done
by precompiling each header on its own. In future, we will deploy the include graph sanitization
tool which we used to detect include cycles [8].
3.2. Modularizing External Dependencies
In order to fully see the expected performance benefits, we should modularize external
dependencies as well. An external dependency should be modularized if a module transitively
includes it. For example if header Afrom module Alpha includes directly or indirectly <vector>,
the external library, libstdc++, containing that file should be modularized.
It can be challenging to modularize external dependencies. On one hand, it may be difficult
to know what its modulemap file should contain, on the other hand, external dependencies can
be located in non-writable locations on the file system. We have prepared a set of modulemap
files for all external dependencies of CMSSW [9]. The second challenge is solved by a file which
instructs rootcling to pretend that the modulemap file is located at the non-writable folder in
the file system. The virtual file system overlay file (VFSOF is programmatically synthesized by
3.3. Automatic Generation of Modulemap Files and Virtual File System Overlay File
As was mentioned in the section 2.1, one of the important features to be adjusted is generation
modulemaps. Well-behaved header files are trivial to enumerate in the modulemap file, as
illustrated in Listing 1. The modulemap file syntax allows easy automation and most of its
content can be generated by a build system. In CMSSW, modulemap autogeneration was simple
due to its build system and header files structure. The codebase has the library interface headers
files in a separate folder. We automatically generate the modulemap by iterating through those
interface headers. It is expected that the modulemap is generated at configuration time but it
must be generated no later then the first invocation of rootcling.
module DataFormatsTrackerCommon_xr {
module "TrackerTopology" {header "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h" export *}
module "TrackerDetSide" {header "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerDetSide.h" export *}
module "ClusterSummary" {header "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/ClusterSummary.h" export *}
export *
Listing 1: An example of a C++ Module definition in the CMSSW modulemap file.
The process of modularization subsumes external dependencies such as libc,libstdc++ and
libxml. Usually, external libraries do not ship with modulemap files. Listing 1 demonstrates that
the header location is relative to the include path in modulemaps. However, system headers are
located in non-writable areas and modulemaps are impossible to be placed in order to access
the headers with relative paths, unless super user privileges are granted.
Figure 2 shows the organization of the C++ Modules infrastructure together with the module
map system. Blue rectangles describe the physical directories, and purple rectangles describes
the physical files. Black thick arrows denote physical files and dashed lines show the virtual file
system relationship.
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
usr/ include/ c++/
builddir/ include/ somedir/ *.h
stl.modulemap libc.modulemap module.modulemap
Figure 2: Modulemap directory physical vs virtual structure.
{ 'version': 0,
{ 'name':'/usr/include/c++/', 'type':'directory',
{ 'name':'module.modulemap', 'type':'file',
'external-contents':'/builddir/include/stl.modulemap' }]},
{ 'name':'/usr/include/', 'type':'directory',
{ 'name':'module.modulemap', 'type':'file',
Listing 2: An example of a VFSOF for libc.modulemap and stl.modulemap.
Modulemap files for libc and stl (libstdc++) need to be present in /usr/include and
/usr/include/c++ respectively. Listing 2 illustrates how the VFSOF instructs the infrastructure
to consider libc.modulemap and stl.modulemap as if they were physically present in the expected
folders. This approach allows us to ”mount” modulemap files anywhere on the system enabling
full software stack modularization.
The pre-configured VFSOF did not match the deployment process of CMSSW due to its static
nature. The PCMs became non-relocatable from build directory as the path was hardcoded to
PCMs. A more dynamic, on-memory representation of VFSOF was introduced to solve the
problem. As it is a flexible virtual file on memory, paths do not need to be hardcoded at the
configuration time, and thus it can determine header paths at runtime after the binary was
4. Preliminary Performance Results
The mixed run mode in ROOT allows us to make partial performance studies to assess the
impact of this technology. The performance study was conducted on the CMSSW build server,
where all the CMS software is continuously integrated. As CMSSW is large and there exist huge
variations of possible physics workflows, we measured realistic CMS workflow tests which were
expected to represent the actual code that physicists would run for their analysis.
Figure 3 shows the benchmark of CPU time and RSS memory usage. On every plot, ROOT
Master is the case where ROOT and CMSSW built without C++ Modules, and serves as a
baseline. CMS PCMs is the configuration where ROOT (96 pcms) and CMSSW (25 pcms),
which are both built with C++ Modules. Although CMSSW has over 200 libraries, we have
modularized only 25 out of them at this point of the study.
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Performance results: (a) shows EventSetup GetLock() run time (RT) measurements
for the fast simulation test. (b) shows virtual memory measurements for the fast simulation test.
(c) shows RSS measurements for the fast simulation test. (d) shows the total job measurements
for the the fast simulation test.
Figures 3c and 3d show the improvements for run time measurements, particularly for the
event preparation phase (ESetup GetLock()). Figure 3d proves the absence of performance
degradation, which was the intent of the study at this stage of CMSSW modularization. Figures
3b, 3c with memory measurements don’t show the expected improvements. We miss memory
performance improvements mainly due to two reasons: the incomplete modularization (only 15
% of CMSSW libraries were modularized) and the preloading of all modules at startup time
in sparse workflows, which is a reason why CMS PCMs use more RSS memory (see Figure
3d). Error bars are caused by using different set of the events for CMSSW tests and possible
fluctuations due to inconsistent CPU load of computing nodes used for tests.
5. Conclusion
We have shown the current advancements in the modularization of the CMSSW codebase.
Despite the partial migration, we already observed some improvements. We are working towards
modularization of the rest of the CMSSW components and external dependencies. We have
implemented tools to aid this process and we are working on a further RSS memory reduction
by avoiding preloading of all modules at startup time. It requires global module content indexing
and loading the corresponding modules on demand. We expect more sophisticated benchmarking
to be done, improving the coverage of many more workflows.
ACAT 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1525 (2020) 012051
IOP Publishing
6. Acknowledgments
This work has been supported by an Intel Parallel Computing Center grant, by U.S. National
Science Foundation grants PHY-1450377, ACI-1450323 and PHY-1624356, and by the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Science.
The authors are thankful to Shahzad Malik Muzaffar and Mircho Rodozov from the CMSSW
development team, CERN/EP-SFT and the ROOT team.
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