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JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
JIOS, VOL. 44, NO. 1 (2020) SUBMITTED 10/19; ACCEPTED 01/20
Machine Translation System
for the Industry Domain and Croatian Language
Ivan Dunđer
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Machine translation is increasingly becoming a hot research topic in information and
communication sciences, computer science and computational linguistics, due to the
fact that it enables communication and transferring of meaning across different
languages. As the Croatian language can be considered low-resourced in terms of
available services and technology, development of new domain-specific machine
translation systems is important, especially due to raised interest and needs of industry,
academia and everyday users. Machine translation is not perfect, but it is crucial to
assure acceptable quality, which is purpose-dependent. In this research, different
statistical machine translation systems were built – but one system utilized domain
adaptation in particular, with the intention of boosting the output of machine translation.
Afterwards, extensive evaluation has been performed – in form of applying several
automatic quality metrics and human evaluation with focus on various aspects.
Evaluation is done in order to assess the quality of specific machine-translated text.
Keywords: statistical machine translation, domain adaptation, automatic quality
metrics, human quality evaluation, error classification, Croatian language, information
and communication sciences
1. Introduction and motivation
Multilingual communication has become a top priority in today’s globalized world.
As human translation is a time-consuming, expensive and non-efficient way of
satisfying the needs of the translation industry, one of the possible solutions to this
problem is to apply the paradigms of automatic machine translation. Automatic
machine translation systems today exist for widely spoken languages, while for less
spoken languages they are less developed. As Croatia has recently joined the
European Union, development of such systems and resources is of significant
importance for inclusion into European research projects, academic cooperation and
The main goal of this research was to set up three different machine translation
systems that are capable of translating from English into Croatian (EN>HR). Despite
the recent advances in neural machine translation (NMT) [1], the author decided to
build statistical machine translation systems (SMT) – more specifically, phrase-based
UDC 005.336.3:004.912=163.42
Original Scientific Paper
Open Access
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
statistical machine translation systems. Such systems segment source sentences into
phrases, translate each phrase, reorder every phrase and compose target sentences
from these phrase translations [2].
The foundations of statistical machine translation and the corresponding methods
and techniques [3] originate in the studies of, mainly, statistics, artificial intelligence
and natural language processing, and are therefore, also applicable in higher education
and for purposes of academic curricula – especially in selected courses in information
and communication sciences, computer science and computational linguistics, that
deal, among others, with machine translation in general, translation memories and
digital resources, various aspects of natural language understanding and generation,
computational language analyses, knowledge and information extraction, intelligent
machine behavior, human-computer interaction etc.
In this research, machine translation trials were conducted on the general domain
and the industry domain, so-called in-domain, which in this case considered specific
content regarding development and use of various computer software. Also, the
following research questions were raised:
• How good are English-Croatian (EN>HR) statistical machine translation
systems developed in this research for the general domain and the in-domain in terms
of automatic quality evaluation scores and human judgment?
• Are the relatively small datasets used in this research enough to build well-
performing English-Croatian (EN>HR) statistical machine translation systems?
• Do multiple phrase translation tables improve machine translation system
2. Related work
Extensive research in the field of statistical machine translation with focus on the
Croatian language, and especially with regard to domain adaption techniques has been
done by [4].
Another research applied additional morphological knowledge in form of pseudo-
lemmatization in a Croatian-English statistical machine translation system [5].
As Croatian can be considered a low-resource language with an evident lack of
massive high-quality corpora, one research has focused on providing more resources
with help of digitization and subsequent linguistic description [6].
Another research tried a gamification approach in order to increase user
engagement in a specially built crowdsourcing platform for collecting parallel corpora
for Croatian [7].
Evaluating sentence alignment has also been shown to be important, as
demonstrated on an example of Croatian-English parallel corpora [8].
Also, various obstacles in the process of obtaining high-quality sentence-aligned
English-Croatian parallel corpora were identified and analyzed [9].
One paper tried to combine automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine
translation in the business correspondence domain for the English-Croatian language
pair [10].
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
Evaluation of machine translation has been done in many different research
papers. One paper focused on applying automatic quality metrics on machine
translations in the sociological-philosophical-spiritual domain [11].
Another paper demonstrated the use of automatic and human evaluation on
English-Croatian legislative tests [12], also with special focus on the BLEU metric
Automatic and human evaluation of online machine translation services has also
been done for English/Russian-Croatian [14], [15].
3. Research
The following subsections describe the chosen and analyzed dataset, applied
methodology for conducting experiments and the available experimental resources.
The first subsection deals with the quantitative examination of the dataset and the
preprocessing phase. All of the research steps derive from the field of natural language
processing (NLP), and can be employed in higher education and for purposes of
academic curricula, e.g. for efficient data analysis training, teaching information
extraction from specific corpora and subsequent analyses etc. Natural language
processing, if applied correctly, can be used for various objective, precise and cost-
effective analyses.
The second subsection discusses the applied research approach and methods for
building different solutions, i.e. machine translation systems for the English-Croatian
(EN>HR) language pair. Here the author concentrates mainly on exploring the
possibilities of utilizing domain adaptation in form of multiple phrase translation
tables for the purpose of increasing machine translation quality for the Croatian
The third subsection presents the computational and human resources that were
used in this research.
3.1. Dataset
The statistical machine translation systems were trained on two different parallel
corpora, which were obtained from the internet: a general domain parallel corpus and
an industry-specific domain (in-domain) corpus. All datasets used in training (training
set), tuning (development set) and testing (test set) processes derived from the
collected parallel corpora.
The general domain dataset did not contain any dominant content – on the
contrary, it consisted of subtitles from a collection of movies, covering a variety of
different types of terminology, such as professional and everyday communication,
human interaction, weather, sports, jurisdiction, weaponry, food, slang etc.
Furthermore, the general domain dataset did not consist only of Croatian sentences,
but also of Bosnian, Slovenian and Serbian sentences, which induced noise in the
training process, due to differences in diacritics, vocabulary, morphology etc. Also, a
lot of sentences were written in Serbian Cyrillic letters. Very poor translations were
also represented, often with certain parts missing in the translation or without any
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
diacritics. However, nothing was excluded from the original collected corpus, as the
intention of the author also was to examine the impact of low-quality corpora on
machine translation output.
The domain-specific dataset (in-domain corpus) belonged to the computer
software domain, consisting of technical documentation and user guides, various
manuals covering specific terminology, such as graphical user interface elements,
keyboard shortcuts, information technology acronyms and technological terms.
All datasets were in parallel corpus (paragraph) form, stripped of any text
formatting, and in raw plain text format with UTF-8 file encoding, which was used in
order to ensure that the whole dataset was saved and represented in a correct manner.
The datasets were computationally analyzed and processed with Python and Perl.
Table 1 shows that a relatively small amount of data was used in the machine
translation experiments, due to the lack of large and freely available (domain-specific)
English-Croatian parallel corpora on the internet.
Language Sentences Words
of unique
Training set for general domain machine translation system
English 289080 2105795 94647 220 7.28
Croatian 289080 1633166 185281 64 5.65
Initial in-domain dataset
English 20118 210182 15673 86 10.45
Croatian 20118 194321 23609 73 9.66
Training set for in-domain machine translation system
English 18118 196559 14988 86 10.85
Croatian 18118 181910 22498 73 10.04
Tuning set for general and in-domain systems
English 1000 4661 1445 27 4.66
Croatian 1000 4265 1818 21 4.26
Test set for general domain, in-domain and combined systems
English 1000 8962 2028 39 8.96
Croatian 1000 8146 2686 36 8.15
Table 1. Statistics of the used datasets.
Tuning and test sets were extracted and excluded from the initial in-domain
corpora: the first 1000 sentences for the development set, and the last 1000 sentences
for the test set – this was chosen completely arbitrary. The remaining sentences
constituted the training sets. In order to preprocess and prepare datasets, standard
natural language processing (NLP) steps were applied: data was tokenized and
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
truecased, while sentences exceeding 80 words in length were removed from the
3.2. Experiments
The author chose a phrase-based approach [2] for building statistical machine
translation systems for generating English-Croatian (EN>HR) translations. Also, the
author focused on domain adaptation [4] as a means of increasing the quality of
machine translation system output.
The first statistical machine translation system was trained using the general
domain dataset, after which it was tuned with in-domain data (tuning set) in order to
fine-tune the weights of the different system models [3] towards the in-domain
The second statistical machine translation system was trained with domain-
specific data (in-domain corpus with computer software content) and tuned afterwards
with the very same tuning set, as used in the first statistical machine translation
system, i.e. in the general domain experiment.
The third machine translation system was a combined machine translation system,
i.e. a combination of the two earlier mentioned machine translation systems. Namely,
both phrase translation tables (general domain + in-domain) were used for scoring,
which means that every translation option was collected from each phrase translation
table and scored by each phrase translation table. All other machine translation system
model features [3], e.g. weights of the reordering model were based on the in-domain
machine translation system settings. Also, a model back-off approach was used
(“decoding-graph-back-off”) [16], so the in-domain phrase translation table was
preferred, while the general domain phrase translation table was used only if no
translations (for unigrams) were found in the in-domain phrase translation table. In
addition, an experiment without “decoding-graph-back-off” was carried out, so that a
log-linear interpolation of both (general domain + in-domain) phrase translation tables
(with alternative decoding paths) was performed [3].
In all of the machine translation systems in this research, the n-gram language
models were trained with the IRSTLM toolkit [17] with the order set to 3, and
smoothing with improved Kneser-Ney [3] was applied. In all cases, GIZA++ [18] was
used for word alignment, while the “grow-diag-final-and” algorithm [19] was used as
the symmetrization method for obtaining word alignments from GIZA++ output.
Machine translation system training, i.e. phrase extraction and scoring, generating of
phrase translation tables and lexicalized reordering tables was done with Moses [16].
The machine translation systems were always tuned using Minimum Error Rate
Training (MERT) [20], in order to increase the BLEU score [21] (based on n-gram
precision and brevity penalty) for the given development set, and consequently, the
test set.
All three systems were tested using the same test set (see Table 1).
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
3.3. Resources
The author of this paper decided to deliberately conduct the experiments on an
ordinary low-resource, but out of date personal computer with dual-core CPU, only 6
GB of RAM, no GPU and Ubuntu 12.04 operating system.
The process of data preprocessing and preparation took about 3 hours, training
and tuning of machine translation systems took about 35 hours, experimenting with
the combined machine translation system took cca. 5 hours, whereas automatic and
human evaluation of machine translation quality took about 15 hours. Human
evaluation with focus on adequacy and fluency was done by a native Croatian speaker
and included also an analysis of error typology.
4. Results and discussion
This section deals with the experiment results and discusses the various experimental
aspects. This part of the paper analyses not only the quantitative aspects of the
resulting machine translations, but also evaluates the machine translation output on a
qualitative level.
Namely, here the author presents the results of the automatic and human machine
translation quality evaluations. In addition, the author presents and discusses the
different obstacles and drawbacks of the conducted experiments, as well as its
implications. In the third subsection some machine translation examples are shown in
order to point out the various downsides and limitations of the experiments.
4.1. Automatic machine translation evaluation
As human evaluation is time-consuming, expensive and subjective, automatic quality
evaluation metrics try to approximate human evaluation as much as possible.
Automatic machine translation evaluation is based on machine translation system
output, i.e. so-called hypothesis sentences, and reference sentences, i.e. correct
translations, which are regarded as the so-called “gold standard”.
In this research, automatic evaluation of machine translation output was
performed using four different metrics: BLEU [21], METEORex [22], GTM-1 [23]
and TER [24]. Automatic evaluation metrics differ in many ways, but, basically, the
more similar a hypothesis sentence is to the correct translation, the better the
translation is scored. The results are presented in Table 2.
Automatic evaluation metrics
domain EN>HR 0.053 0.097 0.286 0.821
in-domain EN>HR 0.319 0.290 0.622 0.483
EN>HR model back-off approach (“decoding-graph-
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
domain +
0.102 0.132 0.357 0.774
log-linear interpolation of two phrase
translation tables
0.311 0.283 0.612 0.492
Remarks: * higher is better, ** lower is better
Table 2. Results of automatic evaluation of machine translation quality.
Table 2 shows that the general domain machine translation system scored very
low (BLEU score of 5.3). This might be due to the initial observation that the
corresponding training data induced a lot of noise in the system training process. Also,
the diverse nature of training (general domain) and tuning sets (in-domain, i.e.
computer software content) implies a high rate of out-of-vocabulary words (OOV),
rarely seen words and different word alignments, large vocabulary in general, and
differences in sentence length.
Moreover, the Croatian and English language have significant structural
differences, which do also influence the quality of machine translation from English
into Croatian. Croatian is a morphologically rich language with flexible word order,
whereas English follows a certain “SVO” (subject-verb-object) linguistic pattern with
fairly fixed word order and simple morphology. The “SVO” pattern is the most
common pattern in Croatian, but other aesthetic or archaic patterns are also common,
especially in certain literary styles, such as poetry. For example, the “SVO”
construction Marko čita novu knjigu (Eng. Marko reads a new book) is relatively
freely transformed into the less common “OSV” (object-subject-verb) construction
Novu knjigu Marko čita (Eng. A new book is read by Marko). In other words, whole
phrasal categories (NP, VP, PP etc.) are easily reordered without changing the
meaning of a sentence. Such inversions and other types of permutations are
characterized as stylistic, but possible due to morphological richness of Croatian. In
fact, Croatian words are highly inflectional and have declensional endings, indicating
number, case, gender, direct and indirect objects. Still, a syntactic category, i.e. part
of speech (noun, verb, preposition etc.) that appears at the beginning of a sentence is
more emphasized. Put differently, translating from a less linguistically complex
language (here, EN) to a more complex language (here, HR) should also be accounted
for low quality of machine translations, as issues with addressing the necessary
reordering produce low scores in the different statistical machine translation systems.
The in-domain system gave the best results in terms of all automatic quality
metrics, i.e. BLEU, METEORex, GTM-1 and TER score. High quality and
homogeneity of training and tuning datasets contributed to the evaluation results of
machine translation system output. This confirms that with even such a small training
dataset good translations can be generated, which is also reflected in the error typology
analysis (see Table 4).
The combined system (general domain + in-domain) showed an improvement in
machine translation quality when compared to the general domain system, regardless
the fact that the combined system’s components were not separately tuned, i.e. tuning
weights of the general and the in-domain machine translation systems were used. The
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
model back-off approach (“decoding-graph-back-off”) did not perform as expected.
In contrary, due to the fact that the training sets of the general domain and in-domain
systems were so dissimilar, giving preference to in-domain translation options was
not considered suitable for boosting translation quality, i.e. doubling BLEU score (see
Table 2). Also, log-linear interpolation of two phrase translation tables (general
domain + in-domain) in the combined system experiment did not outperform the in-
domain system but did much better than the model back-off approach – i.e. BLUE
score was tripled. Therefore, for later-stage human evaluation only the combined
machine translation system with log-linear interpolation of two phrase translation
tables was considered.
Obviously, the worst results with regard to BLUE, METEORex, GTM-1 and TER
are scored for the general domain machine translation system, whereas the combined
system (with both trials: model back-off approach and log-linear interpolation of two
phrase translation tables) scored better, but much lower than the in-domain system
(except log-linear interpolation). Still, such an approach showed that combining two
(and possibly more) phrase translation tables can increase machine translation system
performance for the English-Croatian language pair.
4.2. Human machine translation evaluation
Human quality evaluation was conducted in terms of fluency and adequacy [4] on the
first 200 machine-translated sentences from the test dataset, by one native speaker of
the Croatian language.
Fluency captures to what extent the translation is well-formed grammatically,
contains correct spelling, adheres to common use of terms, titles and names, is
intuitively acceptable and can be sensibly interpreted by a native speaker [25].
Adequacy captures to what extent the meaning in the source text is also expressed in
the translation [25].
This means that adequacy measures how much meaning is transferred from the
source sentence to its translation, while fluency indicates how natural the machine
translation sounds to a native speaker of the target language.
Both fluency and adequacy were scored on a [1, 4] scale (more is better), and a
general average score was also calculated for each machine translation system. The
results of fluency and adequacy evaluation are shown in Table 3.
Human evaluation: fluency
domain 2 21 7 87 85
in-domain 4 78 62 50 10
2 49 26 72 53
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
domain + in-
Human evaluation: adequacy
domain 2 25 43 71 61
in-domain 4 120 53 21 6
domain + in-
4 68 38 59 35
Table 3. Results of human evaluation of fluency and adequacy.
In terms of human evaluation of fluency, the in-domain system scored best. Table
3 indicates that in this system incomprehensible sentences appeared only 10 times
(5%) in the evaluated test set (out of 200 sentences), whereas flawless sentences
appeared 78 times (almost 40%).
The general domain system scored worst: 85 sentences were rated as
“incomprehensible” (42.5%), whereas as “flawless” only 21 times (10.5%). The
combined system scored relatively well when compared to the general domain system:
“flawless” and “good” sentences amounted to 37.5%, whereas “disfluent” and
“incomprehensible” to 62.5% of all evaluated hypothesis sentences.
In terms of human evaluation of accuracy, the in-domain system scored best
again: in 86.5% of all cases, “everything” and “most” of the meaning in the source
sentence was also expressed in the corresponding translation, indicating high quality
of machine translation for the computer software domain. Again, as expected the
general domain machine translation system scored worst with regard to accuracy.
Furthermore, an error typology analysis was conducted in order to count the
different types of machine translation errors, according to the machine translation
error classification taken from an analytic metric [25] (see Table 4).
Incorrect interpretation of source text
– mistranslation
Incorrect/misunderstanding of
technical concept
Ambiguous translation
Omission (essential element in the
source text missing in the translation)
Addition (unnecessary elements in
the translation not originally present
in the source text)
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
100% match not well translated or not
appropriate for context
Untranslated tex
Grammar – syntax: non-compliance
with target language rules
Punctuation: non-compliance with
target language rules
Spelling: errors, accents, capital
Non-compliance with company
Non-compliance with 3rd party or
product/application terminology
Non-compliance with company style
Inconsistent with other reference
Inconsistent within text
Literal translation
Awkward syntax
Unidiomatic use of target language
Ambiguous translation
Units of measurement
Phone numbers
Zip codes
Shortcut keys
Cultural references
Tone …
Table 4. Machine translation error classification.
The results of the error typology analysis, as presented in Table 5, show that the
general domain system was rated worst: almost 600 errors were detected, out of which
364 (61.6%) were accuracy errors. In the evaluation of the combined system, accuracy
errors (298) were mostly represented, followed by language errors (48). In total, more
than 240 errors were found in the evaluation set of the in-domain system: 106
language errors (44%), 84 accuracy errors (35%), 29 country standards errors (12%),
14 style errors (5%) and 10 terminology errors (4%).
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
Human evaluation: error typology
cy Language Termi
nology Style Country
domain 364 138 43 21 25 591
in-domain 84 106 10 14 29 243
domain +
298 48 15 11 25 397
Table 5. Results of human evaluation of error typology.
The most prominent errors in total were accuracy errors (54%), followed by
language errors (24%), which pointed out the difficulties with processing
morphologically rich languages like Croatian. These two error categories had the most
effect on the perception of translation quality.
4.3. Machine translation examples
Some examples of machine translations generated by the three different machine
translation systems are shown below (Table 6).
No. Machine translation
system Sentence
Source (English) move to next search result and highlight
it in the document
Reference (Croatian)
premještanje na sljedeći rezultat
pretraživanja i njegovo isticanje u
se sljedeći pretražiti rezultat i highlight
to u dokumen
in-domain prešli na sljedeći rezultat pretraživanja i
ga istaknuli unutar dokumenta
domain +
sljedeći pretražiti da move rezultat i
highlight ga u document
2 Source (English) move bookmarks out of a nested
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
Reference (Croatian) premještanje knjižnih oznaka iz
ugniježđenog položaja
domain se bookmarks iz nested položaj
in-domain premještanje knjižne oznake izvan
ugniježđenog položaj
domain +
move van bookmarks od nested položaj
Source (English) you can use http , ftp , and mailto
protocols to define you
link .
Reference (Croatian) da biste definirali vezu , možete koristiti
protokole http , ftp i mailto .
moћeљ koristiti http , ftp , i mailto
protocols da definirali tvoj kariku .
in-domain možete koristiti http , FTP i mailto
protocols da
iste definirali vaš vezu .
domain +
možete upotrijebiti http , FTP i mailto
protocols da definirali vaš link .
Table 6. Translation examples for each machine translation system.
The source sentence represents the English input that was used for generating
machine translations, whereas the reference sentence represents the correct (desired)
translation, i.e. the “gold standard”. A hypothesis sentence corresponds to the
generated machine translation system output in the Croatian language.
Here, three hypothesis sentences per translation example are shown – one
hypothesis sentence for each machine translation system. Here, the in-domain
machine translation system produced the best output for all translation examples in
terms of quality when compared to the corresponding reference translation.
5. Future research and additional directions
In order to increase the quality of machine translation, and due to the fact that data
sparsity severely affects the system output, more training data of high quality is
required for machine translation research that involves morphologically rich and
syntactically complex languages, such as Croatian, and should therefore be crawled
from the internet or other sources.
More extensive human evaluation on a larger test set should be done, possibly in
combination with a more detailed evaluation framework, such as Multidimensional
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
Quality Metrics (MQM) [26]. Also, other automatic quality metrics should be
examined, especially rank-based metrics.
Furthermore, experiments shall be repeated, but for the Croatian-English
(HR>EN) language pair, using same or different parameters. Different types of
domain adaptation should also be tested. Training of higher order n-gram language
models should be performed as well.
Experiments with machine translation systems trained on concatenated datasets
(general domain and in-domain content) might also give valuable insights. Joint
parallel corpora consisting of texts written in different Slavic languages, but in Latin
script might also be used for system training and comparison of combined systems
with emphasis on post-processing techniques and effort.
Experiments with neural machine translation are also planned. Benchmarking of
developed machine translation systems against general domain systems, like Google
Translate or Yandex.Translate should be conducted, as this always represents valuable
Possibilities of using placeholders during training and decoding processes should
also be investigated. This might be particularly useful for domain-specific corpora
(like computer software domain) where shortcuts, numbers, tags, acronyms and
abbreviations are encountered very frequently, and which induce noise in the machine
translation model. In order to perform statistical significance testing, bootstrapping
for NIST or BLEU confidence intervals should be utilized.
When it comes to additional suggestions and directions for future research, some
of the possible research tasks related to machine translation are: enhancing the
machine translation system model with supplementary features, such as word
embeddings in form of vector representation of words [27]; integrating machine
translation into a Croatian speech synthesis system [28] with additional word-level
evaluation [29] or domain-specific evaluation [30]; analyzing the affective states of
machine translation output in comparison to the emotions expressed in the
corresponding reference translations by applying sentiment analysis [31]; generating
concordances from machine translation output using a novel concordance search
algorithm [32], and analyzing the resulting concordances computationally [33];
extracting key terminology out of machine translation output and creating new
resources using language-independent methods, which could then be used for e.g.
rule-based machine translation (RBMT) [34], [35]; or computationally analyzing
domain-specific word occurrences and distributions [36] in machine translation output
with regard to more than one reference translation for one hypothesis sentence.
6. Conclusion
In this research, the author experimented with phrase-based statistical machine
translation for the English-Croatian (EN>HR) language pair. The processes of data
preparation, system training and tuning, testing and evaluating took about 60 hours.
Quality of parallel corpora, heterogeneity of data used for training and morphological
richness of the Croatian language had large impact on the quality of machine
translation and its perception.
JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
This is especially reflected in the general domain system experiment. Namely,
this system scored worst in all aspects of evaluation. The in-domain system scored
best in terms of automatic and human evaluation. The machine translation trials
clearly showed that the in-domain statistical machine translation system is capable of
producing good-quality English-Croatian (EN>HR) translations for the computer
software domain, despite the lack of large parallel corpora: according to human review
on a translation sample, 40% of all sentences were rated as flawless with no post-
editing required, while in 86.5% of all cases there is no loss of information in
translations. The combined system that used log-linear interpolation of two phrase
translation tables showed a quality improvement when compared to the general
domain machine translation system. Most frequent types of errors were inaccurate
translations and language errors, which is mainly due to language complexity of the
target language.
The author is convinced that the applied research methodology can be adopted in
various scenarios and for different purposes, and that machine translation of Croatian
has a huge potential, especially since numerous problems and experimental drawbacks
have been identified, out of which all can be taken into consideration in future
research. Despite the relatively low results of the chosen domain adaptation approach
in this research, the results still look promising. Further investigation should yield
definitive conclusions on what domain adaptation method is appropriate for
translating industry-specific texts, from English into Croatian, and vice versa.
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JIOS, VOL. 44. NO. 1 (2020), PP. 33-50
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