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Learning reflection through the context of Central Java historical building



This study aims to produce a learning trajectory by using the context of Central Java historical building in helping students to understand the concept of one of material in geometry transformation that is reflection. The approach used in this research was Realistic Mathematics Education, in Indonesian version is called by PMRI. Subject of this study was the third grade students of Junior High School 6 Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The methodology used was a design research consisting of three phases, namely the preliminary design, the design experiment, and the retrospective analysis. However, this study only shows the results at the design experiment phase, in particular on a pilot experiment. Data collection was done through several techniques, namely: video recordings, photograph, students work result, and students interview during learning process. Student learning activities consist of four activities, namely: observing the video of Central Java historical building, determining, drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection in cartesian coordinate system, determining, drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection by the line which parallel to x -axis and y -axis, and solving problem related to reflection. The results of this study indicate that through a series of activities that have been designed could help to stimulate students understanding of reflection concept by using the context of Central Java historical building.
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Learning reflection through the context of Central Java historical building
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6th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2019)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2020) 022095
IOP Publishing
Learning reflection through the context of Central Java
historical building
F Nursyahidah*, B A Saputro and I U Albab
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education and Information Technology,
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author e-mail:
Abstract. This study aims to produce a learning trajectory by using the context of Central Java
historical building in helping students to understand the concept of one of material in geometry
transformation that is reflection. The approach used in this research was Realistic Mathematics
Education, in Indonesian version is called by PMRI. Subject of this study was the third grade
students of Junior High School 6 Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The methodology used was
a design research consisting of three phases, namely the preliminary design, the design
experiment, and the retrospective analysis. However, this study only shows the results at the
design experiment phase, in particular on a pilot experiment. Data collection was done through
several techniques, namely: video recordings, photograph, students work result, and students
interview during learning process. Student learning activities consist of four activities, namely:
observing the video of Central Java historical building, determining, drawing, and finding
formula of the shape result of reflection in cartesian coordinate system, determining, drawing,
and finding formula of the shape result of reflection by the line which parallel to x-axis and y-
axis, and solving problem related to reflection. The results of this study indicate that through a
series of activities that have been designed could help to stimulate students understanding of
reflection concept by using the context of Central Java historical building.
1. Introduction
One of the important areas in mathematics is Geometry [1] and it is also the oldest parts of mathematics
and its sources can be kept track through cultures and society [2]. Reference [3] stated that through
sketching, displaying, measuring, and matching, the students evolve spatial perception and find the
correlation between geometric shapes. One of the material learned in geometry is transformations that
consist of reflection, translation, rotation, and dilatation. Furthermore, according to [4], there are three
main rational the importance of learning transformations geometry in mathematics, namely giving
chance to students to reflect the significant of concept (e.g. function, symmetry), providing situation
which is be able to see mathematics as a knowledge that related to each other, and giving opportunities
to students to undertake in doing thinking efforts in high level using some representation skill.
On the other hand, [5] stated that students got problems in perceiving concept and differenciate in
solving and pinpointing transformations which are translation, reflection, rotation, and the combination
of some kinds of transformation. In addition, the difficulties of the students in learning transformation
is when they found the transformation problem for the complex shape [6]. Besides, the students also got
difficulties in forming transformation prove in algebra and determine the result of transformation of the
shape in cartesian coordinate system [7]. Former study also show that, both students and teachers have
6th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2019)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2020) 022095
IOP Publishing
problems in comprehending the transformation subject because this is a little more theoretical than the
other subjects [8].
According to [9], there are some factors causes the failure of comprehending of students in studying
geometry, these are viewing capabilities, geometry language, and ineffectual teaching. In addition, [10]
emphasize that if students are taught theoretical concepts excluding signification, this might not evolve
their comprehending. In addition, if an idea becomes more complicated for the teacher, they seem to get
problem with their own content knowledge [11]. That also often becomes an obstacle to students’
comprehending. Therefore, the importance thing needed before doing learning process in classroom is
designing the instruction [12]. But, in fact there are some teachers who still did not design their
instruction so that the learning goal cannot be reached optimally [13].
In curriculum 2013, the learning process need to be enjoy, effective, and significant, so that the
students should be engaged actively, because they are center of learning. Furthermore, in accordance
with the background mentioned, designing of educational material using proper approach and using a
suitable context should be required in order to assist students’ comprehending the geometry concept,
particularly in reflection in transformation that is learned in the third grade of junior high school
students. One of proper approach that can be used is Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) or in
Indonesia it is named as PMRI by using folklore as a context. Prior study stated that the utilization of
proper context for studying provide a positive impact on learning mathematics that can enhance students'
comprehending of mathematical ideas learned [14-20]. In addition, the use of PMRI approach can
provide enjoyable and meaningful learning [21-22]. In line with this, there are two principal of Hans
Freudenthal’s ideas about RME, namely “mathematics must be connected to reality, and mathematics
as a human activity" [23]. So that, the students is not as a passive receivers of ready-made mathematics
PMRI starts from the context in the students’ daily life toward formal mathematics [25-27].
Furthermore, an appropriate context is needed to be applied in PMRI learning process. One of them is
local wisdom that has been familiar to the students and it can be modified based on where the school is
located [28-29]. In this study, Lawang Sewu was used as a starting point in learning Transformation
since some parts of that historical building can represent the material of reflection particularly.
To implement the study, the author used design research method that consist of three stages, namely
preliminary design, design of the experiment (pilot experiment and teaching experiment), and
retrospective analysis. But, this current research was limited to the pilot experiment phase. From the
above discussion, the researchers conduct this study with the aim of developing a hypothetical learning
trajectory to support students to comprehend the idea of the reflection in transformation using Central
Java historical building.
2. Material and Methods
The methodology used in this research is design research that comprised of three phases, namely
preliminary design, teaching experiment (pilot experiment and teaching experiment), and retrospective
analysis [30]. This research is limited to pilot experiment phase which was conducted on July-September
2019. The subjects in this research were the third grade students of junior high school (SMPN) 6
Semarang. The purpose of design research is to develop a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT),
which can be developed and polished within the study process. In this research, there is a learning track
on the subject of reflection in transformation as a series of students’ works comprised of conjecture and
mind tactics that be able to be modified and developed within the teaching experiment. So that the
enforcement of the design research comprised of some phases which is a cyclical process of thought
experiments and instruction experiment [31]. The data that was compiled in this research were written
and audio-video data.
3. Result and Discussion
On the basis of the study that has been conducted, especially in pilot experiment phase, it can be achieved
that students' comprehending of the concept of reflection in transformation can be assisted from various
6th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2019)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2020) 022095
IOP Publishing
activities designed, namely: observing video of central java historical building, determining, drawing,
and finding formula of the shape result of reflection in cartesian coordinate system, determining,
drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection by the line which parallel to x-axis and y-
axis, and solving problem related to reflection. Moreover, results and discussion of it can be explained
as follows.
3.1. Activity 1: observing video of Central Java historical building
In this activity, students were introduced some kinds of transformation by observing video of Central
Java historical building as a context. The researcher used that context because the parts of that building
can represent the kinds of transformation which was learned. Besides that, it also has been familiar
among students in Semarang. The teacher gave question to the students, “who have been there? How
many times you visited that place? Explain your answer”, “Do you find any parts of this building that
represented transformation?” This questions made students answer the given problem with high
enthusiasm. Furthermore, figure 1 presents that activity.
Figure 1. Students observed video of Central Java historical building
Furthermore, teacher can investigate the activity outcome of observing learning video about Central
Java historical building to lead students to reinvent concepts of transformation. By using this context,
students were expected to find and also tried to draw some parts of that building that represent some
kinds of transformation namely reflection, translation, rotation, and dilatation. The teacher asked to
students to discuss some problem on the students worksheet with their group. After completed the
discussion, they were requested to display the result in front of the class in order to make all students
comprehend the idea learned in this activity which is the kinds of transformation. Furthermore, figure 2
shows the result of students work in this activity.
Figure 2. The student answer on the first activity
Based on the figure 2, it can be seen that the students can determine the parts of the historical building
that represent each transformation and draw it. Furthermore, to find out more clearly about the students
comprehending, the teacher interviewed the students. From the result of the interview, it can be
concluded that students could determine some kinds of transformation including reflection. From the
written result and interview it was shown that the purpose of this activity was achieved.
6th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2019)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2020) 022095
IOP Publishing
3.2. Activity 2: Determining, drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection in cartesian
coordinate system
In the second activity, students were requested to find result of reflection by drawing it and then
determine the properties of reflection. After that, the students also were requested to find and sketch the
result of reflection on cartesian coordinate system with some kinds of axis which are x-axis, y-axis, the
origin (0,0), line y=x, and line y=-x, then found the formula of each. Furthermore, the result of students
answer in this activity can be seen at figure 3 below.
Figure 3. Students work in drawing and determining formula of the shape result of reflection in
cartesian coordinate system
Figure 3 indicates student work in students worksheet. It can be regarded that by discussion with
their group the students could solve the given problem on students worksheet. From the result of the
interview, it can be concluded that students could find, draw, and determine the formula of reflection on
cartesian coordinate system with some kinds of axis which are x-axis, y-axis, the origin (0,0), line y=x,
and line y=-x. From the written result and interview it was proven that the purpose of this activity 2 was
3.3. Activity 3: Determining, drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection by the line
which parallel to x-axis and y-axis
In the third activity, students were requested to determine result of reflection by drawing it and then
determine the formula of reflection on cartesian coordinate system with some kinds of axis which are
parallel to x-axis and parallel to y-axis, y-axis. Furthermore, the result of students answer in this activity
can be shown at figure 4 below.
Figure 4. The student answer in drawing, and finding formula of the shape result of reflection by the
line which parallel to x-axis and y-axis
Based on the figure 4, it can be obviously seen that by discussion with their group the students could
solve the given problem on students worksheet on the third activity. From the result of the interview, it
can be concluded that students could find, draw, and determine the formula of reflection on cartesian
coordinate system by the line which parallel to x-axis and y-axis. From the written result and interview
it was proven that the purpose of this activity 3 was achieved.
6th International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICMSE 2019)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1567 (2020) 022095
IOP Publishing
3.4. Activity 4: Solving problem related to reflection
In this activity, students were questioned to solve problems related to the reflection. Students were able
to solve the issue with the concept learned in previous material. Furthermore, the result of the student’s
respond of this activity can be viewed at figure 5 below.
Figure 5. The student’s answer from given problem
It can be obviously observed from figure 5 that students have comprehended the concept of reflection
so they could solve the given problem correctly. The results are consistent with the plan of hypothetical
learning trajectory.
From the result of this study, it can be known that by designing material using PMRI approach can
stimulate student’s activity and help them understanding the concept learned by finding their own
concept by guidance from the teacher. This outcome is in accordance with the outcome of several
previous studies [13,14,15,16] stated that applying PMRI in instructional design by using appropriate
context can support students understanding the concept learned. By using context of Central Java
historical building which the students have been familiar with and it was packaged in interactive video,
made the students be more active and enthusiastic in studying process thus they can comprehand the
idea of reflection in transformation deeply and more meaningful.
4. Conclusion
The hypothetical learning trajectory resulted in this study composed of four activities, that is: observing
the video of Central Java historical building, determining, drawing, and finding formula of the shape
result of reflection in cartesian coordinate system, determining, drawing, and finding formula of the
shape result of reflection by the line which parallel to x-axis and y-axis, and solving problem related to
reflection. The result of this research specify that through a series of activities that have been designed
could support to excite the students comprehending of concept of reflection by the use of Central Java
historical building context.
Researchers expressed acknowledgment to KEMENRISTEKDIKTI-Indonesian Ministry of Research
and Technology of Higher Education that has funded research this grants of national competitive
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... Matematika memiliki berbagai cabang diantaranya aljabar, geometri, kalkulus, statistik, dan lain sebagainya. Geometri merupakan ruang lingkup yang penting untuk dipelajari (NCTM, 2000;Schwartz, 2010;Darwish, 2014;Nursyahidah et al., 2020). Geometri adalah salah satu materi yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan dan bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (Nadhifa et al., 2019). ...
... MAJT merupakan masalah kontekstual yang familiar di kalangan siswa dalam kehidupan seharihari. Penelitian ini sejalan dengan beberapa penelitian sebelumnya yang sudah mengaplikasikan konteks dalam proses pembelajaran matematika diantaranya adalah cerita legenda (Triyani et al., 2012), makanan tradisional , rumah adat (Lisnani et al., 2020), tradisi masyarakat (Nursyahidah et al., 2020), bangunan bersejarah (Fahrurozi et al., 2018), cerita pewayangan (Risdiyanti & Indra Prahmana, 2020) ...
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Materi bangun ruang sisi datar merupakan salah satu materi yang masih dirasa sulit dalam pembelajaran geometri. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep luas permukaan dan volume bangun-bangun tersebut, termasuk limas. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang aktivitas pembelajaran siswa yang menekankan pada pemahaman konsep dengan menggunakan pendekatan dan media yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang lintasan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu siswa memahami konsep luas permukaan dan volume limas dengan memanfaatkan konteks Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (MAJT) di kelas VIII. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode design research yang terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu desain pendahuluan, desain eksperimen, dan analisis retrospektif. Penelitian ini terutama membahas hasil pilot experiment pada tahap percobaan desain. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Islam Moga sebanyak 6 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui rekaman video pembelajaran, observasi, wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Jalur pembelajaran ini terdiri dari 4 kegiatan yaitu: mengamati video interaktif Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (MAJT) untuk menemukan sifat-sifat limas, menemukan konsep luas permukaan limas dengan jaring-jaring kardus, menemukan ide volume limas dengan bantuan kubus berongga, dan pemecahan masalah kontekstual yang berkaitan dengan limas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lintasan belajar yang diperoleh dapat membantu siswa memahami luas permukaan dan volume limas dengan lebih mudah dan bermakna.
... Based on research done by Zanthy (2020), it can be concluded that students cannot work on math problems due to a lack of understanding of concepts. Nursyahidah (2020) states that students have difficulty understanding the concept of transformation, including translation, reflection, rotation and combination of transformations. In addition, students often experience difficulties related to the direction of transformation. ...
The purpose of this study is to develop an e-LKPD using a Live Worksheets with GeoGebra-assisted for geometric transformations, especially translation. The translation sub-topic was chosen because many students still need help finding translation concept. The type of research carried out in development research to produce e-LKPD using the ADDIE method consists of stages Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The test subjects in this study were 15 students with high, medium, and low math ability categories. Subjects are divided into three categories to determine students' understanding of the e-LKPD so that they are able to achieve learning mastery. Students from junior high school (SMP Negeri 39 Surabaya) were selected as subjects because they had never used GeoGebra-assisted e-LKPD. The data collection instruments in the study consisted of validation sheets, learning outcomes tests (THB) and student response questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the validation results with an average score of 3.73, which means that the e-LKPD on translation is included in the very valid criteria and is feasible to use. The analysis of the use of e-LKPD shows that the average student response is 3.39, which means e-LKPD is positive and practical. Based on the test scores for learning outcomes, 14 of the 15 research subjects scored pass the KKM, so using e-LKPD can help students learn about translation materials. Thus the translational e-LKPD using a GeoGebra-assisted Live Worksheets are valid, practical and effective. Keywords: e-LKPD, Geometry Transformation, Translation, Geogebra, Live Worksheets.
... : "dari menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari LAS ini Bu kami bisa menemukan rumus translasi ini " Dari hasil jawaban dan wawancara tersebut membuktikan bahwa siswa dapat memahami sifat-sifat translasi, menggambar bayangan hasil translasi dan menemukan rumus translasi dengan berlandaskan sifat-sifat translasi. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya juga telah menggunakan konteks lokal dalam pembelajaran matematika yaitu motif kain batik Sidoarjo (Lestariningsih, 2017), bangunan bersejarah (Fahrurozi, et al., 2018;Nursyahidah, Saputro, & Albab, 2020), dan tradisi masyarakat (Aisyah, Nursyahidah, & Kusumaningsih, 2020;Nursyahidah, et al., 2021). Oleh karena itu, lintasan belajar dengan menggunakan konteks Klenteng Sam Poo Kong Semarang dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam pembelajaran refleksi dan translasi. ...
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Reflection and translation material are critical to be mastered by students in learning transformation material. However, reflection and translation material are still difficult for students to understand. Therefore, this study aims to develop a learning trajectory that will assist ninth-grade students of Junior High School in grasping the notion of reflection and translation in the context of the Sam Poo Kong Temple in Semarang. The research used the design research method, which consisted of three stages: the preliminary design, the design experiment (pilot experiment and teaching experiment), and retrospective analysis. The PMRI approach was used to develop learning activities in this research. This study involved 32 ninth-grade students at a junior high school in Semarang city. The results of this study is a learning trajectory that includes a series of learning processes in four activities. These are observing the Sam Poo Kong Semarang video and analyzing the properties of reflection, finding the reflection formula, analyzing the properties of translation, discovering the translation formula, and solving contextual problems related to reflection and translation. The activities conducted can enable students to develop a better understanding of material reflection and translation. The research's findings indicate that using the Sam Poo Kong Semarang temple context can equip ninth-grade students to comprehend the concept of material reflection and translation. Additionally, the outcome of this study offers additional local wisdom options that can be used as a context in mathematics.
... Moreover, in-class discussion, students often can convey their views more effortlessly. It is also premised on PMRI's characteristics, which is to suggest, interactivity, meaning that the learning process is indeed a process of individual learning as well as being a process of social learning (Zulkardi et al, 2002;Prahmana et al, 2012;Nursyahidah et al., 2013Nursyahidah et al., , 2014Nursyahidah et al., , 2018Nursyahidah et al., , 2020. ...
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Angle is one of the important materials to be studied because it is basic in learning geometry and many applications in life. However, students still have difficulty in learning angles. Therefore, it is necessary to design learning with the right context and approach to overcome the difficulties. This study aims to produce a learning trajectory that will help students for understanding angles. The activities were designed based on IRME with Joglo Traditional house context as the starting point. A design research method is used has three stages: preparing for the experiment, design experiment, and retrospective analysis. This study’s subjects were 6 students from SMP Negeri 1 Juwana with different abilities: high, medium, and low abilities. The result of this study was Learning Trajectory which consists of learning processes in four activities: observing the video of the joglo traditional house for understanding the concept of angles, drawing and measuring the angles; categorizing the angles types; solve contextual problems related to angles. In this study, the design experiment stage was limited to the pilot experiment stage. This study shows that learning design using the context of a traditional house can help students to understand the angle and can be an inspiration to explore local wisdom to introduce mathematics topics.Sudut merupakan salah satu materi yang penting dipelajari karena merupakan dasar dalam pembelajaran geometri dan juga banyak aplikasinya dalam kehidupan. Namun, siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari sudut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang pembelajaran sudut dengan konteks dan pendekatan yang tepat untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan lintasan belajar yang membantu siswa dalam memahami sudut. Semua kegiatan didesain berbasis PMRI dengan konteks rumah adat joglo sebagai starting point. Metode design research digunakan terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu preparing for the experiment, design experiment, dan retrospective analysis. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 siswa dari SMP Negeri 1 Juwana dengan kemampuan yang berbeda yaitu kemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Hasil dari penelitian adalah lintasan belajar yang terdiri dari serangkaian proses pembelajaran dalam empat aktivitas yaitu mengamati video rumah adat joglo untuk memahami konsep sudut, menggambar dan mengukur besar sudut; mengkategorikan jenis-jenis sudut; dan menyelesaikan masalah kontekstual yang berkaitan dengan sudut. Pada penelitian ini, tahapan design experiment hanya terbatas tahap ujicoba pilot. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan konteks rumah adat membantu siswa untuk memahami sudut dan dapat menjadi inspirasi untuk menggali kearifan lokal untuk memperkenalkan topik matematika.
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Set is an important topic to be mastered by students because it influences the development of mathematics in daily life. However, many students still have difficulty learning the topic. Therefore, it is necessary to design a learning trajectory using the appropriate approach, context, and media. This research resulted in the learning development using Sedekah Laut context to create meaningful learning and increase students' understanding of sets. The method used in this study was design research proposed by Gravemeijer & Cobb with three stages: preliminary design, experimental design (pilot experiments and teaching experiments), and retrospective analysis. However, this article only presented the results from the Preliminary design stage. The participants involved in this study were 7th-grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Semarang. The resulting hypothetical learning trajectory consists of a series of learning processes: observing context videos to find the concepts of sets, non-sets, empty sets, universal sets, and Venn diagrams; explaining the properties of the set; defining set operations; and solving problems related to sets.
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Geometry is an essential subject for students. However, geometry, especially the cone, remains a challenging material for students. Besides, we need the proper media and context for learning mathematics on cone material. This research aims to develop a learning trajectory that utilizes the Megono Gunungan tradition as a context in the learning process using the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach. The research method used is Design Research, which consists of three phases of the study: preliminary design, experimental design, and retrospective study. This study's outcome is designing a learning trajectory on cone material using the Megono Gunungan tradition. This learning trajectory comprises four activities, including observing the interactive video of the Megono Gunungan tradition to discover cone elements, finding the concept surface area of a cone using origami paper, and grasping the cone concept volume with magic seeds, and solving contextual problems related to the cone. Studies have shown that using the Megono Gunungan context could help students improve their understanding of the cone concept. Furthermore, this study hoped could be an inspiration for exploring another local wisdom that can be a context in learning mathematics.
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This research aimed to develop a media uno stacko mathematics based on a realistic mathematical approach to improve students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. The development model used was ADDIE with the pretest and posttest research designs in the control and experimental classes. The instruments used in this study were documentation, tests, and questionnaires. The analysis showed that students have problems in understanding the concepts and need engaging learning media. Then we think to design a media uno stacko mathematics. After that, media and learning tools that have been made subsequently validated by media experts, material experts, and learning design experts, each of whom with an average validation result in the very high category. In its implementation in the field shows that this media is effectively used for learning by obtaining an average N-Gain in the experimental higher than the control class with a significant difference. Furthermore, the practicality questionnaire showed that the media unomat based on a realistic approach to practical mathematics was used to obtain very good results. Based on data obtained, it was concluded that the uno stacko mathematics media was valid, effective, and practical.
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This research aims to create a learning trajectory by using Ramadhan tradition in Pemalang as a context to assisting students in recognizing the concept of sine rule. The approach used in this research was Realistic Mathematics Education. The subject of the study is the tenth-grade students of SMA N 1 Belik, Pemalang, Jawa Tengah, with six student participants who have been chosen as heterogeneous students. The methodology used is design research consisting of three stages, namely preliminary design, design experiment, and retrospective analysis. Nonetheless, this analysis only shows the results of the design experiment stages, in particular, the pilot experiment. Data collection was carried out using a variety of methods, namely: video recordings, photos, student work results, and student interviews during online learning. Student learning activities comprise three activities: observing night market video to find facts about the triangle, observing Takbir keliling video to find the concept of the sine rule, and solving a contextual problem related to the sine rule. The results of this study show that a series of activities designed could help students understand the concept of sine rule by using skype as a media and Ramadhan tradition in Pemalang as a context.
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The deaf-mute students have limited communication and knowledge, which result in their limitations in learning mathematics. This study aims to determine the development of the deaf-mute student in learning mathematics, especially about a fraction. The method used is the Single Subject Research (SSR) by implementing the Indonesia Realistic Mathematics Education (IRME) Approach by using the context of pipettes. Data collection techniques used are video recordings, documentation, and written data. This research instrument uses videos to see the learning process and when students work on the given problems, photos to refer the results of student work, and written test in worksheets to get the data on student’s work. The data analysis technique used is analyzed in conditions and between conditions with A-B research design. The research results show that the implementation of IRME approach using the pipette context can improve the understanding of fraction concepts and the learning outcomes of the deaf-mute student. All intervention and student’s strategy in learning process would be described in this paper.
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This study aims to: 1) analyzing the effectiveness of learning materials that developed through realistic mathematics education with Malay culture context (RME-MCC); 2) analyzing the improvement of students mathematical communication ability by using learning materials that developed through RME-MCC; 3) analyzing the attainment of self-efficacy students by using learning materials that developed through RME-MCC. This research is a development research conducted in two stages, namely the first stage of developing learning materials through RME-MCC using a development model 4-D, and the second stage testing the learning materials through RME-MCC developed in classes VII-1 and VII-2 SMPN 2 Talawi. Learning materials generated from this study are: lesson plans, teacher books, student books, worksheet, and mathematical communication ability tests. From the results of trial I and trial II, it was obtained: 1) the learning materials through RME-MCC met the valid and effective criteria; 2) there is an increase in students mathematical communication ability by using learning materials through RME-MCC, in the trial I obtained an average score of pretest 53,13% and a score of posttest 68,75%, and in the trial II with an average score pretest 65,63% and score posttest 87,50%; 3) the attainment of self-efficacy of students taught using learning materials through RME-MCC in the trial I obtained an average of 81,34% and in the trial II 86,59%. Based on the results of the study it was suggested that mathematics teachers seek mathematics learning using learning approaches and learning materials that integrate local culture in mathematics learning.
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The aim of this research is to know the students' understanding of linear equation system in two variables using Ethnomathematics and to acquire learning trajectory of linear equation system in two variables for the second grade of lower secondary school students. This research used methodology of design research that consists of three phases, there are preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. Subject of this study is 28 second grade students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 37 Semarang. The result of this research shows that the students' understanding in linear equation system in two variables can be stimulated by using Ethnomathematics in selling buying tradition in Peterongan traditional market in Central Java as a context. All of strategies and model that was applied by students and also their result discussion shows how construction and contribution of students can help them to understand concept of linear equation system in two variables. All the activities that were done by students produce learning trajectory to gain the goal of learning. Each steps of learning trajectory of students have an important role in understanding the concept from informal to the formal level. Learning trajectory using Ethnomathematics that is produced consist of watching video of selling buying activity in Peterongan traditional market to construct linear equation in two variables, determine the solution of linear equation in two variables, construct model of linear equation system in two variables from contextual problem, and solving a contextual problem related to linear equation system in two variables.
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The aim of this research is produce a set of PISA-like mathematics task with Indonesia natural and cultural heritage as context which are valid, practical, to assess students’ mathematics literacy. This is design research using type of development research with formative evaluation. A total of 20 students of SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. Beside, 10 experts were involved in this research to assess the feasibility of prototyping in terms of content, context and language. Walk through, documentation, questionnaire, test result, and interviews are way to collect the data. This research produced a PISA-like math task is as many 12 category of content, context, and process valid, practical and has potential effect. The validity came empirical evaluation of validation and reliability testing during small group. From the field test, we conclude that the tasks also potentially effect to the students’ mathematical literacy in activating the indicators of each Fundamental Mathematical Capabilities.Keywords: development research, PISA task, mathematics literacy, fundamental mathematical capabilities DOI:
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The topic of Geometric transformation is topic number 10 out of 11 topics on the national ordinary level mathematics syllabus. It involves both analytic and algebraic geometry. Analytic because it can be approached using the graphical perceptive, and algebraic because matrix theory can be applied. It requires learners to have a good grasp of a number of skills, the so called assumed knowledge. Thus Teachers of mathematics before designing, selecting and implementing a lesson, ought to understand the knowledge that their students already have (or do not have). This is because one mathematical topic depends on another, early strengths support later progress while earlier weaknesses compound into greater debility. Such information is extremely useful for planning instruction. Assumed knowledge base covers topics such as vectors, construction of shapes, symmetry, properties of shapes, Cartesian equations and graphs, similarity and congruency, etc. Because of such demands learners are found wanting especially where it involves deciding the type of transformation. It is thus the thrust of this paper to approach transformations first by using graphs. Such an approach may cause understanding and enjoyment amongst teachers and learners in the topic. This approach aims at exposing the student to real practical experiences with transformations. Brief synopses on issues of the subject content are provided.
Salah satu tujuan desain pembelajaran adalah untuk menghasilkan rancangan pembelajaran (kegiatan, program atau perangkat) yang relevan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu dengan memperhatikan secara komprehensif faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan yang cukup tentang teori-teori terkait dengan desain pembelajaran agar dapat menghasilkan rancangan pembelajaran yang baik. Untuk maksud tersebut, buku desain pembelajaran ini dihadirkan dihadapan pembaca yang ingin memahami lebih jauh mengenai desain pembelajaran di sekolah ataupun di perguruan tinggi. Buku pedoman desain pembelajaran ini dirancang dengan fokus utama adalah integrasi DESIGN RESEARCH sebagai alternatif metode dalam desian pembelajaran. Buku ini terdiri dari 4 bagian. Bab pertama mengupas tentang latar belakang pentingnya desain pembelajaran, yaitu mendiskusikan tentang desain pembelajaran sebagai kompetensi pendidika dan hubungan antara perubahan orientasi pendidikan dengan desain pembelajaran. Bab kedua mendiskusikan tentang dasar-dasar pembelajaran dan hubungannya dengan desain pembelajaran. Diskusi ini menyangkut implikasi dari konsepsi tentang belajar, definisi belajar, pengajaran atau pembelajaran dan perancangan pembelajaran. Pada bab selanjutnya, yaitu bab ketiga, memaparkan metodologi desain pembelajaran, yaitu menyangkut Urgensi Desain Pembelajaran, Definisi Desain Pembelajaran, antara Desain Pembelajaran atau Pengembangan Pembelajaran, Tahapan Desain Pembelajaran dan Asusmsi Dasar tentang Desain Pembelajaran. Fokus diskusi pada bab terakhir adalah tentang DESIGN RESEARCH sebagai alternatif metode dalam desian.
The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the knowledge pre-service elementary school teachers have about geometric transformations; (2) the kinds of interactions pre-service teachers display when using dynamic geometry computer software; and (3) the changes that occur in pre-service teachers' knowledge regarding geometric transformations during or after instruction using dynamic geometry computer software. Four female pre-service elementary school teachers enrolled in their fourth year of a five-year elementary teacher education program at a public university were the participants in this qualitative study. Each student was interviewed prior to and then following three instructional sessions with The Geometer's Sketchpad. All interviews and instructional sessions lasted approximately one and one-half hours and were audio- and videotaped. During these interviews the participants completed a series of geometric transformation tasks. Some of the tasks had been developed for use in previous research while others were specifically developed for this study. Individual case studies for each participant were developed. These case studies detail each participant's knowledge exhibited while solving geometric transformation tasks during their pre-intervention interviews, an account of their interactions with The Geometer's Sketchpad during their instructional sessions, and the improvements they demonstrated when completing the analogous post-intervention interview tasks. The major findings included: the participants' vocabulary became more sophisticated, incorporating formal mathematical terminology; all participants were able to construct the reflected image of a figure and a line of reflection based on the properties of reflections; participants were more knowledgeable with the use of a vector to represent a translation's direction and magnitude; participants were able to identify the center and angle of a single rotation to map a figure with its rotated image; The Geometer's Sketchpad's immediate visual feedback aided the participants to conjecture, test and revise their solutions; and participants were able to use several transformation and non-transformation Sketchpad features to solve tasks in connection with the geometric properties of the transformations known to them. Findings of this study have implications for teacher educators in their instruction about geometric transformations with their pre-service teachers, as well as mathematicians teaching mathematics content courses for elementary school teachers.
This study investigated the nature of students’ understandings of geometric transformations, which included translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations, in the context of the technological tool, The Geometer’s Sketchpad. The researcher implemented a seven-week instructional unit on geometric transformations within an Honors Geometry class. Students’ conceptions of transformations as functions were analyzed using the APOS theory and were informed by an analysis of students’ interpretations and uses of representations of geometrical objects using the constructs of drawing and figure. The analysis suggests students’ understandings of key concepts including domain, variables and parameters, and relationships and properties of transformations were critical for supporting the development of deeper understandings of transformations as functions.
as abstract and unconnected,to the real world. Over the past twenty years, there has been a movement in the United States to make,algebra more concrete. Specialized manipulatives have been invented in order to provide “hands-on” materials for students to use. Algebra tiles, positive and negative counters, and balance apparatuses, to name a few, are commercially available materials for “concrete learning” of algebra. Although concrete materials may be helpful for students to learn algebra, it is not the materials themselves that provide algebraic meaning or understanding. Some educators assume that from the use of hands-on materials, students will automatically jump to abstract understanding of algebra. Research informs us that this is not the case. Physical knowledge,is knowledge,of objects observable in external reality, while mathematical knowledge is the mental relationships students construct in their heads. The source of mathematical knowledge,is thus in the student [Kamii and DeClark 1985]. It is equally true that if students are taught abstract ideas without meaning, there will be no understanding. Students need experiences with a concept to develop meaning,for themselves. If we want students to know,what mathe- matics is as a subject, they must understand it. Knowing mathematics — really knowing,it — means,understanding it. When we memorize,rules for moving In the United States, algebra is often taught in two year-lon g courses called Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. 163 164,DAVID FOSTER symbols around on paper we may be learning something, but we are not learning mathematics,[Hiebert et al. 1997].