Since 1-chloromethyl-1-fluorosilacyclohexane is a newly synthesized molecular compound its structural parameters and conformational stability is unknown. Raman and infrared vibrational spectroscopy methods were employed for analysis of this molecule. IR spectra were recorded for both gas phase and liquid sample, whereas the Raman experiments were performed in the liquid state. Additionally, low temperature matrix isolation infrared spectra were recorded after isolating the molecule in argon and nitrogen matrices. For the assignment of the experimental spectral bands, theoretical DFT/B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ and MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ calculations were performed. From the calculations it was found that 1-chloromethyl-1-fluorosilacyclohexane may exist in twelve different conformational forms out of which the chair axial trans conformer is the most stable form. However, there are three more chair type conformers – equatorial trans, equatorial gauche and axial gauche that are stable enough to be observed in the experimental spectra.