The innards of the male and female Neopetrolisthes maculatus were used for the analyses of the proximate, minerals and vitamins compositions,as well as calculations of mineral ratios and mineral safety index (MSI).Total ash and crude protein were high at corresponding levels (g/100g) of 10.8-13.0 and 55.5-56.8. Crude fibre and carbohydrate were low(g/100g):1.60-1.80 and 3.80-3.90 respectively. Crude fat was average at 11.8-12.5g/100g. Samples were good sources of energy with total metabolizable energy of 1.45-1.49MJ and also very high levels of utilizable energy due to protein (60% utilization) with values of 38.8 – 39.1. These mineral parameters were high (mg/100g):Cu17.4-18.6),Mn (5.32-8.53), Ca (428-446), Mg (594-614), K (280-322), Na (349-390) and P(969-1144) but low in Fe, Zn, Se, Cd, Pb and Ni. The mineral were more concentrated in female than the male by a level of 13/14 or 92.9%. The following mineral ratios were lower than the reference balance (ideal) and also lower than the minimum in the acceptable ideal range:Ca/Mg, Na/K, Ca/K, Na/Mg, Zn/Cu, Ca/P, Fe/Cu, Zn/Cd, Fe/Co and K/Co whereas Ca/Pb and Fe/Pb were thousands of levels higher than the standards; this could be due to very low level of Pb (0.0005 – 0.0006 mg/100g). In the MSI, the following minerals were lower than the standard values (hence, no deleterious action is expected from them): Fe, P, Zn, Se and Na whereas Mg and Cu were higher in both sexes. The total vitamins content ranged from 11.7-13.1mg/100g with B3, vitamin C and E predominating and slightly followed by B6,B5. Results were significantly different at r=0.01 in proximate, metabolizable energy, minerals MSI and vitamins.