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As hydro-meteorological hazards are predicted to become more frequent and intense in the future, scholars and policymakers are increasingly concerned about their security implications, especially in the context of ongoing climate change. Our study contributes to this debate by analysing the pathways to water-related conflict onset under drought conditions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region between 1996 and 2009. It is also the first such analysis that focuses on small-scale conflicts involving little or no physical violence, such as protests or demonstrations. These nonviolent conflicts are politically relevant, yet understudied in the literature on climate change and conflict, environmental security, and political instability. We employ the method of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to integrate quantitative and qualitative data at various scales (national, regional, local) for a sample of 34 cases (17 of which experienced conflict onset). Our findings show that pre-existing cleavages and either autocratic political systems or cuts of the public water supply are relevant predictors of nonviolent, water-related conflict onset during droughts. Grievances deeply embedded into socio-economic structures in combination with a triggering event like a drought or water cuts are hence driving such water-related conflicts, especially in the absence of proper political institutions. We thus argue that drought–conflict links are highly context-dependent even for nonviolent, local conflicts, hence challenging determinist narratives that claim direct interlinkages between climate change, hydro-meteorological disasters and conflict.
Pathways to water conflict during drought
in the MENA region
Tobias Ide
University of Melbourne & University of Hamburg
Miguel Rodriguez Lopez
University of Hamburg
Christiane Fro
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
¨rgen Scheffran
University of Hamburg
As hydro-meteorological hazards are predicted to become more frequent and intense in the future, scholars and
policymakers are increasingly concerned about their security implications, especially in the context of ongoing
climate change. Our study contributes to this debate by analysing the pathways to water-related conflict onset under
drought conditions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region between 1996 and 2009. It is also the first
such analysis that focuses on small-scale conflicts involving little or no physical violence, such as protests or
demonstrations. These nonviolent conflicts are politically relevant, yet understudied in the literature on climate
change and conflict, environmental security, and political instability. We employ the method of qualitative com-
parative analysis (QCA) to integrate quantitative and qualitative data at various scales (national, regional, local) for a
sample of 34 cases (17 of which experienced conflict onset). Our findings show that pre-existing cleavages and either
autocratic political systems or cuts of the public water supply are relevant predictors of nonviolent, water-related
conflict onset during droughts. Grievances deeply embedded into socio-economic structures in combination with a
triggering event like a drought or water cuts are hence driving such water-related conflicts, especially in the absence of
proper political institutions. We thus argue that drought–conflict links are highly context-dependent even for
nonviolent, local conflicts, hence challenging determinist narratives that claim direct interlinkages between climate
change, hydro-meteorological disasters and conflict.
climate change, Middle East, North Africa, protest, rainfall, security
Over the coming decades, ongoing climate change is
likely to increase the frequency and intensity of hydro-
meteorological events like droughts and floods even
under moderate greenhouse gas emission scenarios. At
the same time, both the number of people living in areas
vulnerable to such events and the value of assets located
there is increasing (IPCC, 2018). A case in point is the
2006–09 drought in north-eastern Syria, which had
devastating impacts on local livelihoods due to a combi-
nation of rainfall scarcity, a history of state-driven
Corresponding authors:,
Journal of Peace Research
ªThe Author(s) 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022343320910777
agricultural expansion (leading to a degradation of land
and groundwater resources), the presence of relatively
large and poor populations, the termination of subsidies
for fuel and fertilizer, and a lack of external support (de
ˆtel, 2014; Selby, 2019).
In this context, researchers and policymakers alike
have frequently speculated about a link between
climate-related disasters and an increasing risk of violent
conflict (Peters, 2018). Former UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-Moon, for instance, warned: ‘[e]xtreme weather
events continue to grow more frequent and intense, in
rich and poor countries alike, not only devastating lives
but also infrastructure, institutions and budgets – an
unholy brew that can create dangerous security vacuums’
(United Nations, 2011).
A number of studies have picked up and tested such
claims. Eastin (2018), Nardulli, Peyton & Bajjalieh
(2015) and Schleussner et al. (2016), among others, find
a statistically significant correlation between climate-
related disasters and armed conflict occurrence. Other
scholars, by contrast, are unable to find such a link in
large-N, cross-case studies (e.g. Ghimire, Ferreira &
Dorfman, 2015; Omelicheva, 2011; Slettebak, 2012).
Droughts hold special importance within this debate.
Several articles have been devoted to studying the impact
of drought on violent conflict in particular. These articles
often focus on hazards (in the form of exogenous weather
events, mostly unusually low rainfall) rather than disas-
ters (the societal impacts of hazards). However, they still
provide important insights into disaster–conflict links as
they focus on societies vulnerable to hazards-turning-
into-disasters (for instance due to insufficient water
infrastructure and high agricultural dependence).
Some of those studies provide evidence for an impact
of drought on conflict risk (Maystadt & Ecker, 2014;
Raleigh, Choi & Kniveton, 2015; von Uexkull, 2014),
2014; Salehyan & Hendrix, 2014; Yeeles, 2015). This
divide is largely mirrored by qualitative research, which
controversially debates the role of rainfall deficits for
large-scale violence in Syria (Gleick, 2014; Selby et al.,
2017), Darfur (De Juan, 2015; Selby & Hoffmann,
2014) and northern Kenya (Adano et al., 2012; Schilling
et al., 2014), for example.
In recent years, a number of nuanced studies using
improved methods and datasets seem to indicate that
hydro-meteorological hazards increase the risk of violent
conflicts under certain conditions. Von Uexkull et al.
(2016) find that droughts during the growing season
make armed conflicts in Africa and Asia more likely, but
only among agriculturally dependent and politically
excluded groups. According to Detges (2016), the pres-
ence of road and water infrastructure is crucial in
accelerating or mitigating drought–violence links in
sub-Saharan Africa. Besides, Ide (2015) shows that
renewable resource scarcity, often a consequence of
hydro-meteorological hazards, facilitates violent conflict
escalation under conditions of negative othering, rela-
tively equal power balances between the groups in con-
flict, and acute political change. Similar conditional links
are also highlighted by Feitelson & Tubi (2017), Ide et
al. (2020) and Schleussner et al. (2016). Most often
these studies provide stronger and more robust results
for low-intensity violence causing only a small number of
fatalities (when compared to full-blown civil wars).
These findings are in line with early qualitative research
results claiming that environmental conflicts ‘tend to be
subnational, diffuse and persistent’, and only occur if
certain scope conditions are present, such as lack of
ingenuity and pre-existing cleavages (Homer-Dixon &
Blitt, 1998: 11).
However, with the exception of a few studies employ-
ing political ecology approaches (e.g. Bassett, 1988; Ben-
jaminsen, Maganga & Abdallah, 2009), the literature has
paid little attention to small-scale conflicts involving lit-
tle or no physical violence (henceforth: nonviolent con-
flicts) in the face of hydro-meteorological hazards or
disasters. While such conflicts have less impact on
human security and development when compared to
armed clashes or even civil wars, they are worth studying
for at least three reasons.
First, nonviolent conflicts can be a driver of emanci-
pation and social change. Civil resistance, for example,
has effectively challenged dominant and unequal politi-
cal power structures (Stephan & Chenoweth, 2008), for
instance in Georgia (2003), the Ukraine (2004/5) and
Egypt (2011). Second, nonviolent conflict episodes such
as demonstrations or sit-ins can be a starting point for
conflict escalation, eventually leading to violent confron-
tations (Bartusevic
ˇius & Gleditsch, 2019). When over-
whelmingly peaceful protests against the Assad regime in
2011 were met with repression, for example, an escala-
tion process towards a devastating civil war started (Selby
et al., 2017). Finally, nonviolent conflict can be an indi-
cator for legitimate grievances, which should be taken
seriously by political institutions and, if applicable, exter-
nal mediators, peacebuilders and development workers.
This does not imply that all demands articulated during nonviolent
conflicts are legitimate (think of neo-Nazi demonstrations, for
2journal of PEACE RESEARCH XX(X)
As discussed above, the recent literature largely agrees
that disasters triggered by hydro-meteorological hazards,
and especially droughts, increase the risk of small-scale
violent conflict events in certain contexts. From a theo-
retical point of view, such a link should be even more
pronounced for nonviolent conflict events. When con-
fronted with water scarcity during a drought or unequal
vulnerability to a flood, for instance, especially poor and/
or marginalized groups might lack the financial or
administrative capacities to stage a violent confrontation
¨hlich, 2016; Tarrow, 1998). A relatively strong gov-
ernment, the urgent need to sustain livelihoods (and to
care for disaster victims), social and/or moral stigmatiza-
tion of violence, and the considerable risks involved in
violent activities might further discourage such conflicts
(Collier, Hoeffler & Rohner, 2009; Salehyan, 2008).
Nonviolent activities like demonstrations or sit-ins, by
contrast, require fewer financial and organizational
resources, and are at least in some contexts associated
with lower personal risks. Due to their higher perceived
legitimacy, they can also be supported much more easily
by ‘external’ actors like political parties or (international)
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
Indeed, the qualitative literature provides numerous
studies of cases where protests or demonstrations, often
specifically concerning water issues, were initiated after
hydro-meteorological disasters. When Hurricane Mitch
and a number of droughts had reduced water availability
in the municipality of Cordega (Nicaragua) during the
late 1990s and early 2000s, disadvantaged households
pressed influential community members to stop illegal
water appropriation by rich cattle owners (Gomez &
Ravnborg, 2011). In the Ferghana Valley, drought fre-
quently ignites intercommunal water disputes – includ-
ing demonstrations, threats and scuffles – along ethnic
cleavages (Bichsel, 2009). In Yemen, drought has been
proven to accelerate competition over already scarce
water resources, often resulting in protests and court
cases against rural-to-urban water transfers (Weiss,
2015). But a systematic, cross-case analysis of such con-
flict cases is not yet available.
In this article, we present the first study on nonviolent
conflict onset in the context of hydro-meteorological
hazards. Specifically, we investigate the conditions of
nonviolent, water-related conflict onset under drought
conditions in the Middle East and North Africa
(MENA). Although the MENA region as a whole has
been extensively studied in the climate-conflict litera-
ture, our study provides new evidence for countries so
far hardly investigated, such as Algeria, Jordan and Tur-
key (Adams et al., 2018). Methodologically, we employ a
qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), thus combining
quantitative and qualitative data to disentangle complex
causal pathways for a medium number of cases (Schnei-
der & Wagemann, 2012).
This article proceeds as follows. In the next section,
we introduce our theoretical framework before outlining
our research design. Subsequently, we present and dis-
cuss our results and conclude the article by reflecting on
policy implications and further research tasks.
Drought and water-related conflict
In this study, we understand conflict as a situation in
which at least two social groups (i) perceive their interests
as mutually incompatible and (ii) act based on these
perceptions (Ide, 2016). Our definition hence only cap-
tures manifest conflicts that are articulated by concrete
actions, while latent or structural conflicts might be pres-
ent quite some time before or after manifest actions, or
even without them at all. Nonviolent conflicts here refer
to small-scale, often local conflicts which involve no or
very limited physical violence. As discussed above, the
organizational requirements and opportunity costs
involved in joining a nonviolent conflict are low com-
pared with armed conflicts or civil wars, hence making
the former more prevalent. Typical examples of nonvio-
lent conflicts (on which we focus in this study) include
protests and demonstrations. Conflicts that are handled
by the national political systems (e.g. through electoral
competition) or the formal judicial system, however, are
not included in our definition, because their local nature
and/or small-scale repertoire of actions can be contested.
We consider conflicts to be water-related if at least one
party explicitly articulates demands or grievances about
water access, water availability and/or water infrastruc-
ture (Houdret, 2012).
Along with almost all other environmental security
scholars, we reject determinist positions, hence assuming
no direct link between drought and water-related, non-
violent conflict (henceforth: water-related conflict).
Rather, we hypothesize that the occurrence of water-
related conflict during drought is conditional on a num-
ber of contextual factors. Four of these are considered in
further detail here.
First, water-related conflicts rarely occur in a political
vacuum. This is especially the case as the comparatively
low economic value of water and the availability of tech-
nological solutions (e.g. obtaining water from tankers,
buying virtual water in the form of food) render intense
disputes about water cost-inefficient (Selby & Hoff-
mann, 2014). Rather, socio-environmental conflicts
Ide et al. 3
often overlap with existing grievances, hence forming
subdimensions of broader societal conflicts (Homer-
Dixon & Blitt, 1998). The water conflict between Israel
and Palestine, for instance, is deeply embedded into the
broader material and discursive structures of the Israeli–
Palestinian conflict (Fro
¨hlich, 2012). Similarly, the
nonviolent water conflict between highland and lowland
dwellers in Thailand is also the result of existing tensions
between ethnic Thai valley populations and margina-
lized, supposedly ‘foreign’ hill tribes (Ide, 2016). Thus,
we assume that the occurrence of water-related conflict
under drought depends on the presence of pre-existing
grievances in the form of cleavages. These exist if the
groups in question have been engaged in broader conflict
prior to the start of the drought.
However, cleavages exist in all societies, but rarely
transform into open (though nonviolent) conflicts
(Fearon & Laitin, 2003). Social movement studies have
demonstrated that protests are most likely to occur when
people feel that their legitimate grievances cannot be
successfully articulated and dealt with by the existing
political or juridical system (Benford & Snow, 2000).
Autocratic political systems that allow for little demo-
cratic participation are particularly likely to ignite such
feelings (Geddes, Wright & Frantz, 2018).
The per-
ceived corruption of the political elite, the lack of proper
responses by state institutions and the inability to change
this situation through elections, for example, made
forest-dependent communities actively protest large-
scale logging in Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the reign
of Suharto (Barber, 1998). We therefore hypothesize
that the presence of an autocratic regime is an important
context factor for the onset of water-related conflicts.
One should note, however, that autocracies might also
discourage nonviolent conflict actions because risks can
be high (due to potential repression and punishment)
while the gains might be low (as elites are not accoun-
table to the broader public). Yet many cases in our sam-
ple are protests by ‘ordinary’ local people (often
coordinated by local networks or well-respected individ-
uals) who might have few other options to express their
political demands, and who consider non-action in the
face of rising grievances and/or livelihood insecurity not
to be an option (Tarrow, 1998).
In addition to grievances and the lack of effective ways
to articulate them, the occurrence of a conflict event is
also dependent on the presence of sufficient opportuni-
ties. Even spontaneous, bottom-up protests are often
coordinated and led by local elites such as traditional
authorities or urban middle classes with considerable
social capital (Tarrow, 1998). Conflicts are also more
likely to occur in areas with a high population density,
as more people can be mobilized and logistical con-
straints are less challenging (Dixon, 2009). It is no coin-
cidence, for example, that the anti-regime protests in
Syria in 2011 mainly occurred in (peri-)urban areas and
were led by young, well-educated and well-networked
people (Fro
¨hlich, 2016). We therefore assume that better
opportunities for mobilization make the onset of water-
related conflicts more likely.
Specifically, we propose that high nightlight emissions
are a well-suited indicator for mobilization opportuni-
ties. Nightlight emissions refer to the light intensity of a
certain area during the time when no daylight is present.
High nightlight emissions are indicative of three condi-
tions, all of which facilitate mobilization of social move-
ments: (1) a high electrification rate (indicating a certain
level of development, hence allowing people to allocate
time to conflict activities), (2) a continuous supply of
power (thus enabling people to organize via digital
and (3) a high population density (and there-
fore a larger group of persons that can potentially join a
movement) (Segerberg & Bennett, 2011; Shortland,
Christopoulou & Makatsoris, 2013).
Finally, even with grievances and opportunities pres-
ent, conflicts are usually ignited by a trigger, that is, by a
specific event taking place at a certain time that causes at
least one party to take action in order to pursue its
interests (Hendrix & Glaser, 2007). The escalation of
Hindu–Muslim conflicts in Gujarat (India), for instance,
was triggered by the burning of a train, some of whose
passengers were Hindu nationalists (Chatterjee, 2012). A
drought in itself can also be a trigger, as hydro-
meteorological hazards lay open and reinforce
(perceived) societal contradictions and inequalities
´pez, 2018). But droughts are slow-onset
events that gradually unfold over longer periods, and
therefore might be less suitable to trigger conflicts (at a
certain point in time). We therefore add another trigger-
ing factor to the analysis: water cuts, defined as interrup-
tions of the regular water supply provided by state or
Having said that, perceptions of a non-accountable political system
which is only accessible for a small elite also play a key role for the
growth of populism and anti-governments protests in Western
Which, however, requires other conditions to be present as well,
such as high literacy and internet access rates.
4journal of PEACE RESEARCH XX(X)
private actors. In particular, water cuts that go beyond
short-term interruptions (lasting just a few hours) or
regular interruptions (which happen in areas with insuf-
ficient supply and/or infrastructure and to which locals
are usually well adapted) can put significant strains on
livelihoods and cause grievances related to disappointed
expectations. We thus hypothesize that during droughts,
such water cuts trigger the onset of water-related
The following section (and particularly the subsection
‘Data and calibration’) provides further information on
the operationalization of these four factors highlighted
by our conceptual framework.
Methods and data
In order to analyse the factors driving water-related con-
flicts under drought conditions, we employ the method
of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). In a nutshell,
QCA is a set-theoretic method based on Boolean algebra
that is able to detect (combinations of) conditions suffi-
cient and/or necessary for a given outcome (Schneider &
Wagemann, 2012). Implicit to this is a weak under-
standing of quasi-necessity and quasi-sufficiency as there
are no perfect (deterministic) predictors of the human
behaviour and social interactions (Legewie, 2013). The
method of QCA has been successfully used in environ-
mental security research (e.g. Bretthauer, 2015; Hossu
et al., 2018; Ide, 2015, 2018) and is particularly suitable
for our research design for three reasons.
First, one of the core assumption of QCA is ‘conjunc-
tural causation’ (Schneider & Wagemann, 2012: 78),
that is, a given outcome can be the result of a complex
interaction of several factors. The QCA algorithm is
geared towards detecting such INUS conditions (insuffi-
cient but necessary parts of an unnecessary but sufficient
condition for a given outcome). It hence mirrors our
theoretical assumptions, which highlight context depen-
dence and the interaction between different conditions.
Second, QCA is able to integrate quantitative and
qualitative data in a single analysis. For this, it employs
a calibration procedure which determines for each case
whether it is in (1) or out (0) of the set of cases to which a
certain condition applies (for instance, in or out of the set
of democratic states). While partial set-membership
scores are possible, we opt for a binary (crisp-set) QCA
because the outcome relevant to this study can only have
two values (occurrence or absence of water-related con-
flict), hence making a fuzzy-set analysis mathematically
infeasible (Ragin, 2009).
Finally, and relatedly, QCA serves as a bridge between
quantitative and qualitative analysis (Schneider & Wage-
mann, 2012). On the one hand, it is able to process
qualitative data derived from a deeper knowledge of par-
ticular cases and contexts, and on which no quantitative
information is available. This enables us to include vari-
ables like cleavages and water cuts in our analysis that are
rarely considered by quantitative approaches. But on the
other hand, QCA produces generalizable findings for a
medium number of cases and employs reproducible
mathematical procedures that can also be subjected to
robustness tests (Skaaning, 2011; Vis, 2012). As research
on environmental security and climate-conflict links is
often criticized for fierce debates between or mutual
ignorance of quantitative and qualitative approaches
(Ide, 2017; Scheffran et al., 2012; Solow, 2013),
employing such an integrated research design promises
to shed new light on debates around climate-related
hazards and conflict.
Case selection
In order to draw our sample, we utilized the PRIO-
GRID dataset (Tollefsen, Strand & Buhaug, 2012),
which projects a raster of cells with an edge length of
0.5(*55 km at the equator) over the world map.
Afterwards, we identified those cell-years that suffered
from a meteorological drought in the recent past. Spe-
cifically, we included all cell-years into the sample with a
Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration
Index (SPEI) of 0.0833 or higher, indicating that at least
one of the previous 12 months was characterized by an
unusually severe drought (SPEI1 > 1.5) when compared
with historical averages. Such a drought hazard can be
considered very severe and likely at least partially exceeds
the coping capacities of local societies, hence resulting in
a (small-scale) disaster. The comparative advantage of the
SPEI data is that it measures drought against historical
averages (hence being a good proxy for extreme events)
and that it includes temperature and evapotranspiration
in addition to precipitation as drivers of drought (hence
measuring conditions on the ground more adequately)
(Almer, Laurent-Lucchetti & Oechslin, 2017).
The resulting cell raster was merged with the Water-
Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC)
dataset. WARICC is a comprehensive event dataset
This is not to say that QCA is without weaknesses. Compared to
large-N studies, generalizability is limited and no substantive effects
of individual factors can be estimated, while single or small-N
qualitative studies can dig deeper into their particular cases.
Ide et al. 5
containing information on water-related conflict and
cooperation for several states in the MENA region for
the time period 1996–2009 (Bo
¨hmelt et al., 2014).
selected all conflict events which took place in a cell-year
characterized by drought. In order to make sure that the
analysis would focus on somewhat sustained conflicts
about water at the local level, we excluded international
events (scale value of 4), low intensity events (WES val-
ues of 1 and 2, which often simply refer to the existence
of local water problems or rather mild verbal state-
) and events where water was not the object of
As WARICC codes all events with an unknown
location in the country as having taken place in the
capital, we also excluded conflicts in capitals unless
the description explicitly referred to the capital city.
By doing so, we yielded a sample of 17 water-related
conflicts, of which ten were described as protests, five
as demonstrations (including sit-ins and road
blockages), and two as riots (see Online appendices
violent in the sense that they included no or only very
limited physical violence
against humans (although
property was actively targeted in some cases), and no
casualties occurred.
These conflict events were matched by a further 17
non-conflict cases. Selecting such cases is no easy task, as
the absence of an entry in WARICC can indicate either
that the cell-year is free of water-related conflicts or that
the respective conflicts have not been reported. Indeed,
studies have shown that news media from which data-
bases like WARICC draw their information substan-
tively underreport local-level conflicts, and speculated
whether such false negatives impact the validity of
cross-case analyses (Funder et al., 2010; Ide & Scheffran,
In order to determine our set of non-conflict cases, we
thus selected cell-years characterized by cooperative
events according to WARICC. However, our study does
not deal with water-related cooperation, and most coop-
eration cases recognized by WARICC in fact do not
represent water-related cooperation between distinct
groups in the narrow sense of the term.
Rather, we use
the presence of a cooperative event in the WARICC data
as an indicator for media attention to a given region
during a particular period of time. This minimizes the
risk that intense (yet nonviolent) water-related conflicts
occurred, but were not covered for the respective cell-
year. Using instances of cooperation is therefore a pro-
mising strategy to reduce potential reporting biases in the
sample of non-conflict cases.
Again, we excluded events on an international scale or
with significant international involvement, events with
an unclear spatial (capital) coding, and events that may
have occurred simultaneously with and masked local
conflicts (e.g. opening of a new dam). We also made
sure that the Environmental Justice Atlas does not reg-
ister a conflict for the respective cell-year in any of the
non-conflict cases (Temper, del Bene & Martinez-Alier,
Figure 1 provides an overview about the 34 cases
under study. One should note that while we used
PRIO-GRID’s cell-years to generate the sample and
extract quantitative data, WARICC’s geo-coordinates
and event descriptions (along with the available litera-
ture, see below) enabled us to work on a more fine-
grained level of analysis including specific villages, towns
or districts.
Data and calibration
The previous subsection has already explained datasets
used and the calibration procedure for the outcome of
the analysis (water-related, nonviolent conflict onset). As
discussed in the second section, we assume that four
variables are relevant as necessary, sufficient and/or
INUS conditions for the outcome.
Firstly, as an indicator for grievances, we calibrate
whether cleavages between social groups existed in a
location prior to a drought (cleavages ¼1) or not (clea-
vages ¼0). We do so based on qualitative information
for each case, collected from academic books and journal
articles, news media reports identified via the Factiva
database (Dow Jones, 2018), the Environmental Justice
Atlas (Temper, del Bene & Martinez-Alier, 2015) and, if
appropriate, additional websites. Especially for Gaza,
Israel, Turkey and the West Bank, we also consulted
with country experts to gain a deeper knowledge of the
cases. Online appendix 2 provides summary descriptions
of all cases, along with complete lists of the sources used.
Data are available for these countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
By contrast, we included WES values of 3 (large-scale opposition
towards water-related policies or actions) and 4 (actions related to
events that could deteriorate water quality/quantity at the regional
Such as police forces dispelling a demonstration.
Example include water infrastructure construction work or water-
related awareness campaigns.
6journal of PEACE RESEARCH XX(X)
Secondly, quantitative data on the regime type cur-
rently in power are obtained from Autocratic Regime
Data, which is currently the most widely accepted data-
set on the presence or absence of autocratic regimes
(Geddes, Wright & Frantz, 2014). If the case is located
in a country-year classified as autocratic by this dataset,
we consider it as autocratic (auto_reg¼1); if not, as dem-
ocratic (auto_reg¼0).
Thirdly, PRIO-GRID supplies information on night-
light emissions based on data collected by NOAA and
Figure 1. Location of the cases under study
Ide et al. 7
DMSP (Tollefsen, Strand & Buhaug, 2012). We used
the calibrated mean values which are standardized
between 0 and 1, as these are most suitable for cross-
regional and cross-temporal analyses. As no theoreti-
cally meaningful cutoff point is available, we follow
established procedures and use a natural gap in the data
to calibrate the nightlights condition (Schneider &
Wagemann, 2012). Cases with a normalized value
below 0.112 are calibrated as having low night emis-
sions (nlight ¼0), while cases with a normalized value
(nlight ¼1). We perform various tests to check the
robustness of this calibration decision (see next section
and Online appendix 1).
Lastly, we rely on the qualitative information col-
lected (see above) to calibrate whether the cases experi-
enced longer interruptions of the regular water supply
prior to the conflict onset (water_cuts ¼1) or not
(water_cuts ¼0).
Conditions for water-related conflicts under
In a first step, we perform an analysis of (quasi-)necessary
conditions for the onset of water-related conflicts during
drought. The relevant measurehereisconsistency,
which indicates the degree to which the presence of a
condition overlaps with the outcome (hence indicating
the potential strength of a causal link between them). A
score of 0.9 or above is the generally accepted threshold
for considering a condition necessary (Schneider &
Wagemann, 2010). The consistency scores for the pres-
ence of cleavages (0.82), of an autocratic regime (0.71),
of high nightlight emissions (0.71) and of water cuts
(0.77) are below this threshold, hence indicating that
there are no necessary conditions for water-related con-
flict onset under drought conditions. Similarly, none of
the conditions used for robustness tests (see below) come
close to being a necessary condition.
When it comes to sufficiency, we prefer the parsimo-
nious solution of QCA, which is considered to be most
robust (Baumgartner & Thiem, forthcoming). The
QCA identifies two (quasi-)sufficient pathways for the
onset of water-related, nonviolent conflicts as depicted
by Table I. The first pathway (middle column) high-
lights the simultaneous presence of an autocratic regime
and pre-existing cleavages, and has a perfect consistency
score of 1.0 (indicating that every time this pathway was
present, conflict onset occurred). Its raw coverage is
0.53, meaning that 53% (nine out of 17) of the conflict
onset cases are explained by this pathway, and 18% of
the cases are only explained by this pathway (unique
coverage of 0.18; the respective cases are underlined in
the fifth row). The second pathway (right column)
emphasizes the simultaneous presence of water cuts and
pre-existing cleavages. This pathway still has a very high
consistency score (0.91) as well as slightly higher raw
(0.24) and unique coverage (0.59, explaining ten conflict
cases) scores. Both pathways reappear in all of the robust-
ness tests conducted.
The resulting solution formula can hence be read as
follows. The combined presence of pre-existing cleavages
and either an autocratic regime or water cuts is a
(quasi-)sufficient condition for the onset of water-
related, nonviolent conflict. The consistency (0.93) and
coverage (0.77) values of this solution are well above
established thresholds for sufficiency analyses in QCA
(0.8 for consistency, around 0.6 for coverage) (Legewie,
2013; Schneider & Wagemann, 2010). The solution
explains 13 of the 17 conflict cases and 16 of the 17
non-conflict cases analysed, which is a high explanation
rate (> 85%) when compared to other applications of
QCA and statistical approaches (Schneider & Wagemann,
Table I. Results of the QCA
causal pathway auto_reg*cleavages water_cuts*cleavages
consistency 1.00 0.91
raw coverage 0.53 0.59
unique coverage 0.18 0.24
cases covered AinBerda
El Burullus
Ouargla City
El Burullus
El Chatt
solution formula cleavages*(auto_regþwater_cuts) !
solution consistency 0.93
solution coverage 0.77
cases not covered Al-Ramah, Bouhenni, Jordan Valley 2,
contradictory cases Rafah
*¼and, þ¼or, sufficient for. Underlined cases are explained
solely by the respective pathway. Signs follow the predominant cur-
rent conventions.
8journal of PEACE RESEARCH XX(X)
2012). As Table I shows, there are four deviant cases with
regard to coverage (conflicts unexplained by the solution),
while one further case is deviant regarding consistency
(Rafah is covered by the solution formula, but experienced
no conflict). The possible reasons for the deviant cases are
discussed in further detail below.
Interestingly, high nightlight emissions, which we use
as an indicator for mobilization opportunities, does not
appear as a relevant necessary or INUS condition in the
QCA analysis. While it is not uncommon for hypothe-
sized causal conditions to turn out insignificant in the
analysis, we discuss the possible reasons for this in the
subsequent section.
Before the results are substantively interpreted and
discussed, we check their robustness. The literature
recommends performing five types of robustness tests:
(1) alternative frequency thresholds, (2) alternative con-
sistency thresholds, (3) alternative sets of cases, (4) alter-
native causal conditions, and (5) alternative calibration
decisions (Cooper & Glaesser, 2016; Schneider &
Wagemann, 2012; Skaaning, 2011). We perform 20
alternative runs of the QCA covering all five types of
robustness tests (see Online appendix 1 for a full descrip-
tion). All tests yield solutions that are in a sub- or super-
set relation with the solution formula of the main
analysis (and thus do not contradict it), hence increasing
our confidence in the results. The pathway auto_reg*
cleavages is exactly yielded by 18 out of 20 robustness
tests, while the pathway water_cuts*cleavages is still
exactly yielded by 12 out of 20 robustness tests.
QCA results are hence considered robust.
The presence of pre-existing grievances or cleavages is
part of both pathways to nonviolent, water-related con-
flict onset under droughts. As hydro-meteorological
hazards are predicted to get more frequent and/or intense
with ongoing climate change, this echoes claims that
climate change is a ‘threat multiplier’ (Okpara, Stringer
& Dougill, 2016: 90), but is hardly the main driver of
conflicts (Brzoska, 2018). But pre-existing cleavages
alone are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition.
Only their combined presence with either water cuts or
an authoritarian regime is considered to trigger water-
related conflicts during droughts, again highlighting the
strong context-dependence of environment-security lin-
kages (Ide, 2015; Raleigh, Linke & O’Loughlin, 2014;
Scheffran et al., 2012).
Both pathways are plausible in the context of our
theoretical expectations discussed above. In the first
pathway (auto_reg*cleavages), an already ongoing conflict
cannot be articulated or mediated due to the presence of
an authoritarian regime. The drought might add further
grievances, for instance due to decreasing water access
and increasing livelihood insecurity, or it heightens the
(perceived) discrimination of certain groups, for example
regarding water access or resources for disaster relief. In
this pathway, drought thus functions as a trigger which
ignites pre-existing conflicts that are not articulated
within or mediated by existing political structures. While
fear of repression and punishment by the regime could
theoretically inhibit protests, the affected groups often
either have longstanding tensions and a history of con-
flict with state institutions, or feel that their livelihoods
are so severely affected that the costs of non-action would
be too great (Le Billon & Duffy, 2018; Tarrow, 1998).
As scholars of social movements have repeatedly shown,
‘the diffusion of grievances, the structural availability of
protesters, and especially the embeddedness of protesters
in pre-existing networks of civic associations’ are the
main explanatory variables for protests in autocratic
regimes (Brym et al., 2014: 286).
This reading of the QCA solution is further backed
up by the qualitative evidence we gathered on the cases
(see Online appendix 2 for full case descriptions with
references). Ouargla City in southern Algeria, for exam-
ple, has been characterized by intense tensions between
Arab and Berber populations, as well as by grievances
about marginalization vis-a
`-vis northern Algeria. These
grievances could not be effectively articulated to or even
mediated by the authoritarian political system. They
were further fuelled by sinking groundwater tables,
caused by, among others, the local petroleum industry
(which generated few benefits for the inhabitants of the
region). When sinking water tables combined with a
drought to put further strain on agricultural and
tourism-related livelihoods, inhabitants of Ouargla City
and the surrounding villages engaged in riots and road
blocks on 29 February 2004, to protest against the water
situation (Recioui et al., 2018).
Similarly, the city of Guercif in northern Morocco is a
regional commercial centre, yet economically and in
terms of livelihoods strongly dependent on agriculture.
Due to the dry climate, groundwater is highly important
for agriculture. But safe access to freshwater and
This is mostly because the only deviant case regarding consistency,
Rafah, affects this pathway and destabilizes (but never contradicts) it
in several robustness tests. When the case is removed from the
sample, the pathway is more stable (although its higher explanatory
power vis-a
`-vis auto_reg*cleavages is lost).
Ide et al. 9
groundwater is unequally distributed, mostly along
socio-economic lines, which is a source of longstanding
tensions. Although elections were held, the political sys-
tem remained essentially autocratic and provided few
opportunities to deal with these issues. When a drought
further worsened the situation and national elections
provided a symbolic context to articulate demands, local
citizens organized protests about inadequate access to
and unequal distribution of basic services such as water
on 28 September 2002 (MAP, 2002).
For the second pathway (water_cuts*cleavages), pre-
existing cleavages play an important role as well. They
combine with drought-related livelihood insecurity (and
often poverty) to produce widespread grievances. This
results in high levels of instability and structural con-
flict, which are ‘ignited’ by water cuts, possibly because
they make (perceived) inequalities (regarding water
access) more visible, or because they aggravate percep-
tions of indifference by the state, or because they esca-
late livelihood insecurity and the associated grievances.
Democratic institutions (if existent) are presumably not
sufficient to mediate in such situations, especially as
they are relatively weak in many of the cases covered
by this pathway (Lust, 2011), and therefore the pres-
ence (or absence) of an authoritarian regime plays no
explanatory role.
This interpretation of the QCA results is again sup-
ported by qualitative evidence from cases. For instance,
the Aidah refugee camp close to Bethlehem, just like
other parts of the Palestinian West Bank, is strongly
affected by the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the
respective cleavages are hence very strong. The Israeli
occupation and a lack of proper maintenance of the
existing infrastructure frequently cause problems regard-
ing water supply and quality. Aidah suffered from water
cuts during a drought in summer 2008. The cuts were
ascribed to conscious decisions by Israeli authorities to
prioritize their own people’s water needs, and democratic
means to contest these decisions were not available. In
consequence, the camp inhabitants protested against
their water situation on 10 September (Crump et al.,
Also, the poor, predominantly agricultural village of
El Chatt in northeastern Algeria is characterized by grie-
vances related to its inhabitants’ marginalization and
tensions between Arabs and Berbers. In the face of a
severe drought and ensuing freshwater cuts that lasted
for around a month, pre-existing tensions intensified in
early 2003. On 15 January, people started protests
against this situation which quickly escalated into riots
(Le Matin, 2003).
Interestingly, opportunities for mobilization, for
which we use nightlight emissions as a proxy, do not
emerge as part of the solution formula. This might be
due to two (interrelated) reasons. First, the nonviolent,
often short-term and small-scale conflicts we study are
not as dependent on mobilization opportunities as large-
scale, sustained and/or armed conflicts. People can
gather relatively spontaneously or coordinate by word-
of-mouth, especially when facing common hardship
(such as water scarcity) in a familiar setting. Second, the
presence of widely accepted opinion leaders or traditional
institutions might be more relevant than population
density, wealth and electrification (Ratelle, 2013), espe-
cially with regard to small-scale protests. A case in point
is the pivotal role that women’s networks played in initi-
ating water protests in the Turkish town of Diyarbakır
(the case with the 9th lowest nightlight emissions in the
sample) in June 2006 (Al Jazeera, 2008).
Deviant cases
Discussing deviant cases regarding coverage (conflict
cases not explained by the QCA solution) and regarding
consistency (non-conflict cases covered by the QCA
solution) is helpful to identify omitted conditions, cali-
bration errors and tasks for future research (Schneider &
Rohlfing, 2013).
Of the four deviant cases regarding coverage, three are
characterized by the presence of an authoritarian regime
and water cuts, but the absence of cleavages. The two
Jordanian cases (Al-Ramah and Jordan Valley 2) are very
low-intensity conflicts even in the context of our sample.
In both cases, a small number of locals publicly expressed
concerns about water cuts. It is hence possible that for
such small-scale conflicts, prior cleavages are not essen-
tial. Alternatively, neoliberal policies of the Jordanian
regime since the 1990s, namely the cutback of farming
subsidies in the Jordan Valley and the partial privatiza-
tion of the water sector in Al-Ramah, could have been a
source of grievances prior to the onset of the conflicts (in
2002 and 2009). Such longstanding structural issues
could also help to explain why locals (mildly) challenged
the Jordanian state despite the potential of authoritarian
backlash. However, this issue is not discussed in the
academic sources and media reports we could access.
The Algerian case of Bouhenni also experienced water
cuts and an authoritarian regime, but no pre-existing
cleavages. In contrast to the two Jordanian cases, how-
ever, the water-related conflict in 2005 was rather
intense, as the police had to forcefully remove a road
blockade after mediation failed. But according to the
10 journal of PEACE RESEARCH XX(X)
sources we consulted (Liberte
´, 2005), the town suffers
from very high unemployment rates and insufficient
provisions of public services, which might have been a
source of grievances about the central government, espe-
cially among young people, who also were the main
instigators of the conflict. But again, these social prob-
lems are not explicitly linked to grievances and conflict in
the sources we use.
In the Turkish city of Van, water-related protests
occurred in 2006. Grievances were present (mainly in
the context of the larger Turkish–Kurdish conflict), but
no water cuts were reported and a democratically elected
regime was in power. Yet, it is still possible that the
inhabitants of the city saw little chance in pursuing their
water-related claims through the political or legal system,
given the widespread discrimination of the Kurdish
minority (which could then be considered a functional
equivalent to auto_reg) (Yegen, 2010).
The only deviant case regarding consistency is the city
of Rafah, located in the Gaza Strip, in early 2005.
Despite the presence of a drought, strong cleavages
(mainly between Israelis and Palestinians) and water
cuts, no conflict about water has been reported. This is
presumably due to the reduction of conflict and fighting
activity in 2004, the corresponding improvement of the
water situation, and the fact that inhabitants preferred to
protest against other, presumably more important issues
such as Israeli military violence (Moore & Guy, 2012).
Overall, the analysis of the deviant cases supports the
results of the main analysis, as Rafah can be considered
an exceptional case, while Van and Bouhenni would be
covered if equivalents of the relevant conditions auto_reg
and cleavages are considered. The two Jordanian conflicts
are likely either special cases (due to their low intensity)
or characterized by existing grievances (about neo-liberal
water policies) not covered by the literature we con-
sulted. However, the potential relevance of neoliberal
policies, ethnic discrimination and socio-economic mar-
ginalization in the cases not covered by the solution
formula highlights the need to pay additional attention
to these factors in future analysis, even if they are directly
translated into political grievances (see also Selby &
Hoffmann, 2014).
This study aimed to disentangle pathways to small-scale,
low-intensity conflicts about water during droughts. It
fills an important gap in the literature on environmental
security, natural hazards, climate change and conflict,
which largely focuses on violent disputes causing 25 or
more battle-related deaths. However, analysing less
intense conflicts is important, as they can be a driver
of social change, a starting point for violent escalation,
and an indicator for legitimate grievances.
Our findings show that the combination of pre-
existing cleavages and either an authoritarian regime or
water cuts facilitates the onset of nonviolent, water-
related conflict during droughts. This is in line with
theoretical expectations (formulated in the section
‘Drought and water-related conflict’) stating that such
conflict onsets are driven by (i) grievances (in the form
of cleavages, sometimes accelerated by droughts), (ii) a
lack of effective means to articulate these grievances in a
given legal or political system (authoritarian regime), and
(iii) a specific trigger (drought or water cuts). In terms of
policy, this implies that in regions that are confronted
with a combination of intense drought and pre-existing
tensions, politicians and development workers should
make sure to avoid water cuts and to give inhabitants
the opportunity to articulate their grievances within the
existing political and/or legal system.
Our study contributes to wider debates in a number
of ways. First, it supports claims that climate change,
when resulting in a higher frequency or intensity of
droughts, can indeed be linked to increased conflict risks
(Brzoska, 2018; Sakaguchi, Varughese & Auld, 2017).
While we do not treat drought as a causal condition in
the QCA, the causal pathways detected together with
qualitative evidence from the 34 case studies indicate
that droughts can multiply the risk of conflict onset.
Second, however, our analysis makes clear that such a
link is strongly conditional on the presence of a number
of context factors, thus lining up with a number of recent
studies drawing similar conclusions (e.g. De Juan, 2015;
Ide et al., 2020; Schleussner et al., 2016; von Uexkull
et al., 2016).
Third, we add to a growing literature on low-intensity
conflicts (e.g. Bartusevic
ˇius & Gleditsch, 2019; Day,
Pinckney & Chenoweth, 2015). We do so by shedding
light on some of their so-far unexplored drivers, such as
droughts and water cuts, but also by showing that certain
opportunities for mobilization (specifically those indi-
cated by our nightlight emissions condition, such as
population density and access to electricity) perhaps play
less of a role for small-scale conflict onset than previously
assumed (Coscieme et al., 2017). We also introduce a
novel procedure to address the issue of false negatives,
particularly acute in the study of low-intensity conflicts,
by using reported cooperation as a proxy for media
Ide et al. 11
Fourth, we demonstrate how our method, QCA, can
be used to bridge the divide between qualitative and
quantitative approaches in environmental and climate
security research (Ide, 2017; Solow, 2013), as well as
in peace and conflict studies more broadly (Wood,
2017). Using a medium number of cases, we integrated
data on the national (e.g. on regime type) and the local
level (e.g. on water cuts), as well as qualitative (e.g. on
pre-existing cleavages) and quantitative information (e.g.
on nightlight emissions).
In this context, our study also illustrates pathways for
future research. Water cuts, which we identified as a
crucial triggering factor, have so far hardly been dis-
cussed in the relevant literature. Their interactions with
drought response policies and broader inequalities
might be particularly relevant here (Carse, 2017). Dif-
ferentiating more strongly between completely nonvio-
lent conflict and conflicts which contain some minor
forms of violence (such a physical violence against prop-
erty) would be another step forward, especially with
regard to policy relevance. The question of when and
why people protest against authoritarian institutions
despite limited prospects and a risk of repression also
require further attention.
Further, as we have illustrated in our discussion of
deviant cases, factors like neoliberal policies and socio-
economic marginalization likely play a crucial role for
water-related conflict onset, yet often remain understu-
died. Addressing them more thoroughly would also
enable environmental security scholars to link up closer
with political ecologists, who have worked on the inter-
section between environmental degradation, inequality
and neoliberalization for quite some time (Abrahams &
Carr, 2017; Le Billon & Duffy, 2018). In the end,
cooperation between scholars using different theoretical
and methodical approaches is key to study, and eventu-
ally address, intertwined global problems such as exclu-
sion, poverty, climate change and conflict.
Replication data
A description of the robustness tests for the QCA, the
full dataset for the QCA and qualitative descriptions of
all cases, as well as the Online appendices can be found
Research for this study was funded in part by the Aus-
tralian Research Council (DE190101268) and the Ger-
man Science Foundation’s (DFG) Clusters of Excellence
‘CliSAP’ (EXC177) and ‘CLICCS’ (EXC2037).
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of Geography, University of Hamburg (2009– ); head of
Research Group Climate Change and Security at CliSAP/
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Ide et al. 15
... Within the broader QCA methodology, fuzzy-sets analysis is especially powerful as it allows assessing the varying degrees of membership in a well-defined set, between inclusion and full exclusion (Ragin, 2008). QCA is suited for our analysis because it focuses on assessing the effect of different conditions, independently or together in a configuration, on the outcome (Manuamorn et al., 2020;Ide et al., 2021). This analysis involves two parameters of fit that measure the strength of the empirical support for set-theoretic relationships of necessity and sufficiency: (1) Consistency assesses the degree to which cases that share a specific combination of conditions (configurations) also show the outcome of interest; (2) Coverage indicates how much of the outcome can be explained by the conditions, i.e. how relevant the conditions or the conjunctions of conditions are for the outcome indicating the relation in size of the overlap between the condition set and the outcome set (Ragin, 2008;Schneider & Wagemann, 2012;Ide & Mello, 2022). ...
... Regimes were selected based on data access following political ethnography desiderates. Since QCA does not establish causal mechanisms, although the configurations suggest causal relationships (Arts & De Koning, 2017;Ide et al., 2021), qualitative case studies were performed for each selected Fig. 1 Geographical coverage of the selected cases regional regime (references will be provided after the review process for anonymity). While nine cases are generally considered a small-N for QCA, systematic cross-case analysis does not require large samples of cases since cases are especially relevant from a policy perspective (Ragin, 1987(Ragin, , 2008. ...
... A preliminary long list of factors and their indicators with assessable sub-indicators was reviewed and reduced through a consultative process based on feedback from data contributors resulting in a questionnaire to assess the three defined conditions and the outcome. The number of conditions was low, following the suggested ratio between the numbers of conditions and the number of cases (Ide et al., 2021). ...
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International regimes, defined as sets of norms and rules around which members’ expectations converge, are providing structures for facilitating cooperation in a given issue area. Two main lines of environmental regime scholarship prevailed thus far: one on structural design aspects of international institutions and one on their effects and effectiveness. However, questions on how such effects are achieved in detail largely remain unanswered. Against this background, this study aims to analyze the institutional design conditions under which regional regimes produce strong or weak policies. We do so by qualitatively comparing, using a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), nine regional regimes across the world towards their ability of producing regime forest policies as an illustrative issue area. Three structural conditions were identified as being influential on regime policy: (i) The degree of formalization (ii) The existence of hegemonic/powerful member state(s) and (iii) Scope or issue specificity bearing the identity of a regime. Our results showed that no one condition on its own was necessary to produce either strong or weak regime forest policy. However, all three conditions, through three different configurations, created a robust pathway for producing strong regime policy. In addition, the combination that showed the presence of all three conditions was related to weak regime policy. These results open several prospects for future research on the relationship between regimes´ structures and regime policy.
... Some cases like the drought preceding the Syrian civil war [13], the drought-extremism link in the Lake Chad region [14], and floods during the Taliban insurgency in Pakistan [15] have drawn particular attention and remain contested in the literature. There are also several cross-case studies claiming an impact of disasters on conflict risks (e.g., [16][17][18]), while other authors remain sceptical (e.g., [19,20]). Several scholars even argue that events like earthquakes or tsunamis can in certain contexts decrease conflict risks, for instance, by constraining armed conflict parties [21] or by facilitating cooperation and solidarity between the survivors [22] With both interest in and research on the topic burgeoning, it is important to take stock of existing work, point out areas of scholarly consensus, and identify biases and knowledge gaps. ...
... Protests refer to collective, public actions by a group (or coalition of groups) to influence political decisions or opinions. Common forms of protest include demonstrations, riots, and civil disobedience [18]. Finally, support for violence is defined as an individual's disposition to support or accept the use of violence to achieve political goals during a conflict [51]. ...
... The resulting frustration can cause tensions and even the willingness to use violence. Examples in the literature we survey include (a) grievances about slow and/or unequal disaster responses by a government and (b) community competition over scarce resources (like water or relief goods) after a drought, earthquake, or storm [18,62,63]. (2) Ethnic fractionalisation, just like relative deprivation, refers to disaster-related frustrations. ...
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The potential impacts of climate change on violent conflict are high on the agenda of scholars and policy makers. This article reviews existing literature to clarify the relationship between climate change and conflict risk, focusing on the roles of temperature and precipitation. While some debate remains, substantial evidence shows that climate change increases conflict risk under specific conditions. We examine four key pathways through which climate affects conflict: (i) economic shocks, (ii), agricultural decline, (iii) natural resources competition, and (iv) migration. Key gaps include limited long-term data, insufficient integrated studies, and the inadequate understanding of causal mechanisms, necessitating transdisciplinary research that addresses social vulnerability and underlying pathways.
Drought dynamics can be significantly influenced by conflicts, while drought itself has the potential to generate or exacerbate conflicts between parties involved. Interest in researching the dynamics of drought amidst conflict has significantly grown within academic circles, even though the existing literature remains fragmented regarding definitions, measurements, and the variables that influence this concept. Consequently, there is a necessity to consolidate existing knowledge in these areas and organize them systematically to establish a solid foundation in this field. I implemented a meticulously organized systematic review approach with content analysis. This study provides (1) a comprehensive summary of the literature on drought dynamics under the pressures of conflict spanning from January 2014 to May 2024, encompassing 46 articles, and (2) particular emphasis, within that summary, on mainly developing countries. I identify and analyse the conceptual, empirical and methodological approaches utilized in the examined literature, then integrate the overarching findings of the research. The primary research inquiries centre around uncovering significant findings and patterns from previous reviews, examining the geographical regions most explored in the context of drought-conflict interactions, discerning similarities and disparities in findings across regions, and pinpointing deficiencies in the literature alongside areas necessitating additional exploration or theoretical advancement. A significant proportion of authors attribute drought primarily to climate change rather than human activities, while most scholars perceive drought as a catalyst for conflict rather than the reverse. Many researchers opt to utilize the terms ‘Drought’ and ‘Conflict’ in their studies over alternative options. The majority of studies focus on specific countries, with a noticeable increase in publications over recent years, particularly in the last 4 years. However, there remains a gap in geographical studies, with several countries receiving relatively fewer research endeavours.
Experts increasingly agree that the impacts of climate change are likely to create new violent conflict risks and exacerbate existing ones. However, the extent of this link and the specific causal pathways are much less clear, and the role of gender in this process is under-examined. This paper theorizes that gendered norms, especially the expectations of how men perform their masculinities, are an intervening variable that might explain some of this relationship. In doing so, it engages with the emerging debate around the extent to which climate change influences the evolution of violent conflict, theorizing with an illustrative observation of the events of the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Syria. I find that there are plausible explanations for climate–conflict links involving gendered expectations of men’s behaviour serving as an intervening variable between climate change and violent conflict and discuss the implications of this for moving away from securitized approaches, future study and peacebuilding work.
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Environmental change and armed conflict are major challenges of the 21st century. Meanwhile, scholars and practitioners increasingly recognize the environment and natural resources as not only sources of conflict and violence but also as potential means for peacebuilding. While research on both fronts is rapidly progressing, the literature on the climate–conflict nexus and environmental peacebuilding has remained disconnected, although climate conflicts will (and already) require peacebuilding efforts. We address this gap by identifying overlaps that open opportunities for an integrated research agenda. Particularly, we call for a deeper exploration of the local dimensions of climate-related conflicts and environmental peacebuilding. Local actors, knowledge, networks, and identities shape peacebuilding outcomes and are key in building climate-resilient peace. However, romanticizing the local sphere might also mask significant inequalities, power differences, and ethical concerns.
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Despite significant milestones in armed conflict research generally and climate security research specifically, methodologically tight explanation of naturally caused armed conflict still leaves much to be desired. In this article we unpack the black box of the climate-security nexus and advance causal modelling of armed conflict. To infer effects of natural causes on armed conflict outcomes, we apply recent advances in causal methods to conflict outcomes that have been non-experimentally observed across Iraqi municipalities. Retrieval of an entire empirical causal structure of climate-conflict pathways allows us to corroborate the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship between climatological, environmental, and demographic variables and armed conflict. We confirm that soil temperature, population density, and variability of latent energy cause an increase in fatalities, while rice production decreases fatalities. We discuss our findings, their limitations, and future research directions, and reflect on their relevance for policy interventions.
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Climate-related disasters are among the most societally disruptive impacts of anthropogenic climate change. Their potential impact on the risk of armed conflict is heavily debated in the context of the security implications of climate change. Yet, evidence for such climate-conflict-disaster links remains limited and contested. One reason for this is that existing studies do not triangulate insights from different methods and pay little attention to relevant context factors and especially causal pathways. By combining statistical approaches with systematic evidence from QCA and qualitative case studies in an innovative multi-method research design, we show that climate-related disasters increase the risk of armed conflict onset. This link is highly context-dependent and we find that countries with large populations, political exclusion of ethnic groups, and a low level of human development are particularly vulnerable. For such countries, almost one third of all conflict onsets over the 1980-2016 period have been preceded by a disaster within 7 days. The robustness of the effect is reduced for longer time spans. Case study evidence points to improved opportunity structures for armed groups rather than aggravated grievances as the main mechanism connecting disasters and conflict onset.
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Purpose of Review Summary of research on the consequences of extreme weather events, which manifest themselves as disasters, for collective violence as well as on policy measures to mitigate such negative effects. Recent Findings A growing, but contested, majority of studies indicate a slight increase in the likelihood of the occurrence, escalation, and prolongation of collective violence in the wake of disasters. The identification of conditions and mechanisms, some of which increase the likelihood of violence and some of which have the opposite effect, helps us to understand the diversity of outcomes. This includes the consequences of political and humanitarian interventions prior to, during and after disasters, which can overlay local processes. Summary Conditions and mechanisms shaping the link between disasters and collective violence provide opportunities for policy interventions that are already, or can be, taken to mitigate the consequences of extreme events, increasing or reducing the likelihood and level of collective violence.
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Conflict is at the core of many political ecology studies. Yet there has been limited engagement between political ecology and the field of peace and conflict studies. This lack of connection reflects in part the broader disciplinary context of these two fields. Whereas political ecology research mostly comes from disciplines that eschewed environmental determinism, such as human geography, much of peace and conflict studies is associated with political science using positivist approaches to determine the causal effects of environmental factors on conflicts. Yet greater connections are possible, notably in light of political ecology's renewed engagement with 'materialism', and peace and conflict studies' increasingly nuanced mixed-methods research on environment-related conflicts. Furthermore, political ecology's emphasis on uneven power relations and pursuit of environmental justice resonates with the structural violence approaches and social justice agenda of peace and conflict studies. This article provides an overview of the differing conceptualizations and analyses of environmental conflict under the labels of political ecology and peace and conflict studies, and points at opportunities for closer connections.
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We present a two-stage approach to civil conflict analysis. Unlike conventional approaches that focus only on armed conflict and treat all other cases as “at peace”, we first distinguish cases with and without contested incompatibilities (Stage 1) and then whether or not contested incompatibilities escalate to armed conflict (Stage 2). This allows us to isolate factors that contribute to conflict origination (onset of incompatibilities) and factors that promote conflict militarization (onset of armed violence). Using new data on incompatibilities and armed conflict, we replicate and extend three prior studies of violent civil conflict, reformulated as a two-stage process, considering a number of different estimation procedures and potential selection problems. We find that the group-based horizontal political inequalities highlighted in research on violent civil conflict clearly influence conflict origination but have no clear effect on militarization, whereas other features emphasized as shaping the risk of civil war, such as refugee flows and soft state power, strongly influence militarization but not incompatibilities. We posit that a two-stage approach to conflict analysis can help advance theories of civil conflict, assess alternative mechanisms through which explanatory variables are thought to influence conflict, and guide new data collection efforts.
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Critics have argued that the evidence of an association between climate change and conflict is flawed because the research relies on a dependent variable sampling strategy1–4. Similarly, it has been hypothesized that convenience of access biases the sample of cases studied (the ‘streetlight effect’⁵). This also gives rise to claims that the climate–conflict literature stigmatizes some places as being more ‘naturally’ violent6–8. Yet there has been no proof of such sampling patterns. Here we test whether climate–conflict research is based on such a biased sample through a systematic review of the literature. We demonstrate that research on climate change and violent conflict suffers from a streetlight effect. Further, studies which focus on a small number of cases in particular are strongly informed by cases where there has been conflict, do not sample on the independent variables (climate impact or risk), and hence tend to find some association between these two variables. These biases mean that research on climate change and conflict primarily focuses on a few accessible regions, overstates the links between both phenomena and cannot explain peaceful outcomes from climate change. This could result in maladaptive responses in those places that are stigmatized as being inherently more prone to climate-induced violence.
Unlike political or economic institutions, social movements have an elusive power, but one that is no less real. From the French and American revolutions through the democratic and workers' movements of the nineteenth century to the totalitarian movements of today, movements exercise a fleeting but powerful influence on politics and society. This study surveys the history of the social movement, puts forward a theory of collective action to explain its surges and declines, and offers an interpretation of the power of movement that emphasises its effects on personal lives, policy reforms and political culture. While covering cultural, organisational and personal sources of movements' power, the book emphasises the rise and fall of social movements as part of political struggle and as the outcome of changes in political opportunity structure.
Since climate change was included on the United Nations Security Council's agenda in 2007, there has been much debate about whether or not it has been securitised. This paper starts from the premise that climate change has undergone a partial securitisation—that is, a gradual process wherein political choices are made to frame certain issues in particular ways. Climate change has been reframed from a purely developmental and environmental concern to one that impels foreign policy and security domains. This paper makes a novel contribution to disasters, climate change, and security studies by arguing that explicit and implicit links to natural hazard‐related disasters have been employed as part of a gradual process of securitisation, or, more specifically, the partial securitisation of climate change. This is demonstrated by drawing on two cases: United Nations Security Council debates between 2007 and 2017; and the United Kingdom's security policy between 1997 and 2017.
Cambridge Core - Comparative Politics - How Dictatorships Work - by Barbara Geddes
This article is the second in a series on the alleged links between climate change, drought and the onset of Syria's civil war. In a previous article it was argued that there is little merit to the Syria-climate conflict thesis, including no clear evidence that drought-related migration contributed to civil war onset. Building on this earlier work, the present article investigates an issue which was not fully analysed in the previous one: the nature and causes of the pre-civil war agrarian crisis in Syria's northeast Jazira region, and especially in the governorate of Hasakah. This crisis is usually represented as rooted essentially in a severe multi-year drought which, it is claimed, led to multiple crop failures and in turn large-scale migration. Here it is argued, by contrast, that the central causes of Hasakah's agrarian crisis were long-term and structural, involving three main factors: extreme water resource degradation; deepening rural poverty; and underpinning these, specific features of Syria's and Hasakah's politics and political economy. The article contends, most notably, that the exceptional severity of Hasakah's crisis was a function of the nationwide collapse of Syria's agrarian and rentier model of state-building and development, combined with Hasakah's distinctive political geography as an ethnically contested borderland and frontier zone. I thus conclude that rather than supporting narratives of environmental scarcity-induced conflict, the Syrian case actually confirms the opposite: namely, political ecologists’ insistence on the centrality of the political, and of conflict, in causing environmental scarcities and insecurities.
Hurricane Maria has had devastating impacts in Puerto Rico. Yet this catastrophe has not been felt equally by all. The vulnerability to impacts and ability to recover from hurricanes and other disasters are directly shaped by existing socioeconomic and racial inequalities. The situation post-Maria in Puerto Rico has been labeled a clear case of environmental injustice. This article documents the hurricane's nexus with environmental justice (EJ). It discusses EJ impacts related to toxic pollution, water, energy, and food, and connects these impacts intersect with multiple layers of pre-existing injustices. It then discusses how these impacts have been magnified by the national and federal government's inept and unjust responses, and by histories of unjust planning and colonial-neoliberal institutions. The article concludes with some positive outlooks of how the hurricane has also opened a window to "rethink" Puerto Rico and to self-organized initiatives for enacting a different, more just, and ecological country.