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Analysing the Use of Mathematics Apps in Elementary School Classrooms


Abstract and Figures

Limited research has been conducted on the use of mathematics apps in elementary school environments. The purpose of this study was to examine student (n = 127) and teacher (n = 6) attitudes toward the use of constructive-based, mathematics apps in Grades 4-6 and to explore what factors influence learning performance. Students rated the design and engagement value of mathematics apps high and the learning value moderately high. Teachers were neutral about app design but rated the engagement and learning value high. Student learning performance increased significantly after using mathematics apps for remembering, understanding, applications and analysis-based tasks. Student gender, ability, attitudes and age had no significant impact on student learning performance. On the other hand, teacher gender and strategies had a significant impact on student learning performance. Students scored 13% higher with female teachers, 24% higher when students used apps in pairs and 21% lower with a teacher-led strategy.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Analysing the use of mathematics apps
in elementary school classrooms
Robin H. Kay a
Faculty of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 11 Simcoe St. North,
Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7L7, Canada
Suggested Citation:
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary
Educational Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
Received from November 15, 2019; revised from December 10, 2020; accepted from April 22, 2020.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ozcan, Ondokuz Mayıs University,
©2020 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.
Limited research has been conducted on the use of mathematics apps in elementary school environments. The purpose of
this study was to examine student (n = 127) and teacher (n = 6) attitudes toward the use of constructive-based, mathematics
apps in Grades 46 and to explore what factors influence learning performance. Students rated the design and engagement
value of mathematics apps high and the learning value moderately high. Teachers were neutral about app design but rated
the engagement and learning value high. Student learning performance increased significantly after using mathematics apps
for remembering, understanding, applications and analysis-based tasks. Student gender, ability, attitudes and age had no
significant impact on student learning performance. On the other hand, teacher gender and strategies had a significant
impact on student learning performance. Students scored 13% higher with female teachers, 24% higher when students used
apps in pairs and 21% lower with a teacher-led strategy.
Keywords: Attitudes, elementary school, learning performance, mathematics, mobile apps
*ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Robin H. Kay. Faculty of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 11 Simcoe St.
North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7L7, Canada
E-mail address: / Tel.: +1-905-721-8668
Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal
Volume 10, Issue 2, (2020) 68-78
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
A number of research studies have suggested that students (An et al., 2015; Clark & Luckin, 2013;
Riconscente, 2013; vanDeusen et al., 2014) and teachers (Clark & Lucking, 2013; Freebody et al., 2007;
Kay & Knaack, 2008) have positive attitudes about using tablets in the classroom and that this use can
lead to significant gains in learning (Kumi-Yeboah & Campbell, 2015; McKenna, 2012; Pitchford, 2014).
The success of tablets, though, is largely dependent on the quality of implementation and software
used (Clark & Luckin, 2013; Freebody et al., 2007; Keengwe, 2013). Consequently, the focus of
research has shifted away from focusing on the tablet technology to targeting the use and quality of
educational mobile apps. An educational mobile app is an interactive tool that supports learning by
enhancing, amplifying and/or guiding the cognitive processes of learners (Kay & Knaack, 2008). In the
domain of mathematics, there are at least two types of apps: Practice-based and constructive.
Practice-based apps are designed to improve math fluency with basic facts and skills (Hawkins, 2017;
Riconscente, 2013) whereas constructive apps support exploration, investigation, constructing
solutions and manipulating virtual parameters. Some advantages of using mathematics apps include
allowing students to work at their own pace and level, receiving frequent formative feedback, learning
in a relatively risk-free environment with multiple opportunities to test their knowledge and
connecting visual to symbolic representations (Chang et al., 2013; Moyer-Packenham & Westenshkow,
2013; Zhang et al., 2015). There are at least three gaps in the research conducted on mathematics
apps. First, limited systematic research has been conducted on elementary school student and teacher
attitudes toward mathematics apps. Second, while a number of studies have examined the impact of
mathematics apps on general learning, no studies have examined the impact on acquiring specific
types of knowledge (e.g., remembering, understanding, applying and analysing). Third, minimal
research has been conducted on factors that might influence the impact of mathematics apps on
student learning. The purpose of this study, then, was to investigate student and teacher attitudes
toward mathematics apps and to explore what factors influence learning performance.
1.2. Students attitudes toward mathematics apps
At least three factors have been examined with respect to elementary school student attitudes
toward mathematics apps: Design, engagement and learning. Regarding design, several studies
reported that students found the apps they used to be well designed (Kay & Knaack, 2008) or easy to
use (Freebody et al., 2007; Reimer & Moyer, 2005). With respect to engagement, researchers noted
that students were engaged, interested and enthusiastic about apps and wanted to use them again
(Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008; Reimer & Moyer, 2005; Riconscente, 2013). Finally, several
papers indicated that students found apps helpful with respect to learning (Freebody et al., 2007; Kay
& Knaack, 2008; Reimer & Moyer, 2005; Riconscente, 2013). Overall, only four studies have examined
have specifically examined elementary student attitudes toward mathematics apps and only one study
(Kay & Knaack, 2008) used a multidimensional, systematic assessment approach.
1.3. Teacher attitudes toward mathematics apps
Only two studies could be found that investigated elementary school teacher attitudes toward apps
(Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008). Kay & Knack (2008) reported that teachers rated the
design value highly for a series of mathematics and science apps used by elementary school students.
Teachers also rated the engagement value of elementary level mathematics apps highly in at least two
studies (Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008). Finally, with respect to learning, teachers claimed
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
that apps helped support the learning of factual content, labelling and definitions, the explorations of
and connections and with the application of concepts (Freebody et al., 2007). More specifically
teachers believed that the immediate feedback and multiple opportunities to attempts tasks helped
students obtain mastery (Kay & Knaack, 2008). Clearly, more research is needed to understand
teachers’ attitudes toward mathematics apps and their possible impact on student performance.
1.4. Learning performance with mathematics apps
At least nine studies have been conducted on the impact of mathematics apps on student learning
(Bulut et al., 2015; Burns et al., 2012; Kong & Kwok, 2005; Moyer-Packenham & Suh, 2012; Nurmi &
Jaakkola, 2006; Reimer & Moyer, 2005; Riconscente, 2013; Thambi & Eu, 2013; Zhang et al., 2015). All
studies used a pre- and post-test, quasi-experimental design to examine the impact of practice-based,
game-based or constructive apps. Mathematics concepts address included place value, fractions,
ordering decimals, multiplication and graphing. Regardless of app type and concept taught, all studies
reported significant increases in student performance with a large average effect size of 0.74.
However, no studies examined the impact of apps on different levels of mathematics knowledge such
as remembering, understanding, applying or analysing (Krathwohl, 2002). It is conceivable that
mathematics apps might influence different kinds of mathematical knowledge.
1.5. Factors affecting learning performance
1.5.1. Student factors
Only two student factors have been formally examined with respect to the use of mathematics apps
in elementary school classrooms: Student ability and gender. With respect to student ability, at least
five studies have indicated that students at-risk or with low mathematics ability show significantly
higher gains after using apps than students with higher math abilities (Burns et al., 2012; Nurmi &
Jaakkola, 2006; Moyer-Packenham & Suh, 2012; Pitchford, 2014). One study reported no significant
difference in learning gains among students with different ability levels after they used mathematics
apps. Another study noted that students with higher math ability showed significantly higher gains
compared to students with lower ability after using apps.
Regarding gender, a recent Common Sense Media Report (2015) noted that girls used social media
more often than boys and boys played games more often than girls. It is possible that gender
preference might alter the impact of certain mathematics apps. However, Moyer-Packenham &
Westenshkow (2014) reported that there were no significant gender differences in learning when
mathematics apps were used.
No research has been conducted on the impact of grade level (age) or student attitudes on the use
of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. It is possible, though, that older students might
be better able to handle the independent learning typically encouraged with constructive-based apps.
It is also reasonable to assume that students with positive attitudes toward mathematics apps would
perform better than students with negative attitudes.
1.5.2. Teacher factors
An et al. (2015) claim that a teacher’s instructional approach is the most important benchmark for
student success when using mobile apps. It is not surprising, then, that the most frequently examined
teacher factor regarding app use is teaching strategy. There is considerable variation in how teachers
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
choose to use mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms (Freebody et al., 2007; Kay &
Knaack, 2008). The most common approaches are teacher-led (An et. al., 2015; Freebody et al., 2007),
pair-based (Clark & Luckin, 2013; Freebody et al., 2007) and individual use of apps (Burns et al., 2012;
Moyer-Packenham et al., 2008, 2013; Nurmi & Jaakkola, 2006; Reimer & Moyer, 2005; Zhang et al.,
2015). To date, no research has been conducted on which of these strategies might work best in terms
of student performance. Furthermore, no research could be found regarding the impact of teacher
experience and teacher attitudes on learning performance after mathematics apps are used. It is
reasonable to assume, though, that either of these two factors might influence student success with
1.6. Research questions
Four research questions were asked in this study:
1. What are elementary school student and teacher attitudes toward the design, engagement and
learning value of mathematics apps?
2. What is the impact of mathematics apps on remembering, understanding, applying and
analysing mathematical concepts at the elementary school level?
3. What student factors (gender, ability level, grade level and attitudes) influence overall student
learning with mathematics apps?
4. What teacher factors (strategy, gender, experience and attitudes) influence overall school
students learning with mathematics apps?
2. Methodology
2.1. Participants
Students in this study lived in a suburban region (650,000 people) in Ontario, Canada. One hundred
and twenty-seven students (67 males and 54 females) between 9 and 11 years of age, 127 students
participated in the study. Students were enrolled in Grades 4 (n = 30), 5 (n = 64) or 6 (n = 43). Most
students (n = 92, 88%) agreed or strongly agreed that they were comfortable using computers (M =
4.3 out of 5, SD = 0.7). Almost 60% of the students (n = 54) agreed or strongly agreed that they were
good at doing mathematics, however, one-third were neutral about their mathematical ability (M =
3.7 out of 5, SD = 1.0).
Six teachers (3 males and 3 females) with 323 years teaching experience participated in the study.
Three teachers were born between 1946 and 1964 (Baby Boomers, Tapscott, 2009) and three teachers
were born between 1977 and 1990 (Net Generation, Tapscott, 2009).
2.2. Description of mathematics apps used
Five mathematics apps were selected from the Explore Learning Collection
( and focussed on fractions, decimals, percent, probability and stem and
leaf plots. Links to the actual apps used and support materials are available at
MathAppList. All apps were exploratory in nature and supported a constructive approach to learning.
Each app came with a student exploration sheet to guide student learning.
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
2.3. Data collection
2.3.1. Attitudes
Student attitudes were assessed using a survey based on the research of Kay & Knaack (2008; 2009)
and consisted of 10, five-point Likert scale items focussing on app design (n = 3 items and r = 0.73),
engagement (n = 4 items and r = 0.85) and learning (n = 3 items, r = 0.83). Internal reliability estimates
were considered acceptable for measures used in social sciences (Kline, 1999; Nunnally, 1978).
Teacher attitudes were also assessed based on surveys developed by Kay & Knaack (2008; 2009) and
assessed design (n = 5 items), engagement (n = 4 items) and learning (n = 6 items). Internal reliability
for the teacher scale could not be determined because of the small sample size. Student learning
performance was determined by pre- and post-tests developed by the instructor or provided by the
app. The content of each question was rated based on four Bloom’s taxonomy levels (remembering,
understanding, application and analysis) (Krathwohl, 2002).
2.4. Procedure
All teachers participated in a half-day workshop focussing on the selection, evaluation and use of
mathematics apps. All teachers (n = 6) agreed that they were properly trained. The extra time required
to prepare for app lesson ranged from 0 to 13 min with an average of M = 2.9, SD = 5.1. All teachers
had students use the guides provided by the app. In a typical lesson, a pre-test was given, students
used an app with the student guide for 2090 min (M = 46.7, SD = 24.0), then a post-test was
3. Results
3.1. Student attitudes toward mathematics apps
Sixty to 70% of elementary school students agreed that the mathematics apps were easy to use and
included good graphics and colours (Table 1).
Table 1. Primary school student attitudes toward app design
% Disagree2
% Agree3
The app was easy to use.
The graphics in the app were good.
The colours in the app looked good
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
Approximately two-thirds of the elementary school students agreed that mathematics apps
made learning fun and interesting and that they would like to use the apps again (Table 2).
Table 2. Primary school student attitudes toward the engagement value of apps
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
Mean (SD) 1
% Disagree2
% Agree3
The app made learning fun.
3.8 (1.3)
The liked using the app.
3.9 (1.1)
The app made learning more interesting.
3.8 (1.1)
I would like to use apps again.
3.8 (1.3)
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
Almost two-thirds of the elementary school students believed that the mathematics app helped
them learn, however, only four out of ten students believed that the graphics and animations helped
improve learning (Table 3).
Table 3. Primary school student attitudes toward the learning value of apps
Mean (SD) 1
% Disagree2
% Agree3
The app helped me learn
3.7 (1.2)
The graphics and animations from the apps
helped me learn
3.2 (1.2)
The app helped me understand the topic we were
learning better
3.7 (1.3)
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
3.2. Teacher attitudes toward mathematics apps
Most teachers in this study rated the design of apps highly. The average score ranged from 4.0 to
4.7 out of five for the five design features rated (Table 4).
Table 4. Primary school teacher attitudes toward app design (n=6)
The app was well organised
The app was easy to use
Instructions for using the app were clear
The app graphics were attractive
The app looked like it was professionally designed
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
Ratings for the engagement value of apps were similar to the design value with teacher ratings
ranging from 4.0 to 4.7 (Table 5).
Table 5. Primary school teacher attitudes toward engagement value of apps (n=6)
The app was engaging for my students
The app made learning fun for my students
The app was interesting for my students
My students were on task when the app was used
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
Teachers also rated the learning value of apps high with the average score ranging from 3.5 to
4.7. Feedback offered by the app was the only area of uncertainty for two teachers (Table 6).
Table 6. Primary school teacher attitudes toward learning value of apps (n=6)
Mean (SD) 1
The app helped my students learn
4.5 (0.5)
Graphics/animations from the app helped
my students learn
4.7 (0.7)
Feedback from the app was helpful for my
3.5 (0.8)
My student appeared to understand
concepts better because of the apps
4.0 (0.0)
The app was an effective learning tool for
my students
Overall, the app-enhanced student
learning in my class
4.5 (0.5)
1Based on a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
2Combined Disagree and Strongly Disagree
3Combined Agree and Strongly Agree
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
3.3. Student learning performance
Significant differences between pre- and post-test scores were observed for remembering (61%
increase), understanding (29% increase), application (23% increase) and analysis (30% increase)
questions. Effect sizes ranged from 0.54 to 1.87 reflecting a large difference between pre- and post-
test questions (Cohen, 1988). See table 7.
Table 7. Learning performance before and after using apps
Learning Activity
% Pre-Test
Mean (SD)
% Post-Test
Mean (SD)
% Change
Cohen’s d
34.8 (43.8)
95.7 (14.4)
60.9 (45.1)
6.47 (22) *
39.0 (37.0)
59.6 (38.3)
20.6 (33.4)
5.99 (93) *
44.6 (45.1)
67.8 (40.4)
23.1 (41.5)
4.03 (51) *
33.3 (20.4)
62.5 (20.9)
29.1 (24.6)
2.91 (5) **
*p < 0.001
**p < 0.05
Factors affecting student learning performance
3.3.1. Student
Four student factors were examined that might affect student learning performance. Gender, math
ability, grade level and student attitude were not significantly related to learning performance.
3.3.2. Teacher
Five teacher factors were assessed that might influence student learning performance. Teacher
experience and attitude were not significantly related to learning performance. Choice of teaching
strategy did have an impact on student learning. Students who worked in pairs when using apps (M =
37.7% and SD = 32.9%) showed significantly higher percent gains in learning performance than
students who did not use this strategy (M = 14.0%, SD = 22.3%) (t(92) = 4.10, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d =
0.84). In addition, students who did not experience teacher-led use of apps (M=30.8% and SD=30.8%)
showed significantly higher percent gains in learning performance than students who were taught
with this strategy (M = 10.0% and SD = 23.7%) (t(92) = 2.85, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.76). Finally,
teacher gender was significantly related to learning performance. Students who had female teachers
(M = 32.1% and SD = 34.8%) displayed significantly higher percent gains than students who had male
teachers (M = 19.4% and SD = 23.4%) (t(92) = 2.10, p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.43).
4. Discussion
4.1. Student attitudes toward mathematics apps
Limited systematics research has been conducted on elementary school student attitudes toward
mathematics apps (Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008; Reimer & Moyer, 2005; Riconscente,
2013). This study looked at three distinct attitude constructs: Design, engagement and learning.
Students were relatively positive about all three constructs, a result that is consistent with the
previous research. However, there were differences among the three constructs. Students rated
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
design and engagement higher than learning. Specifically, students were neutral about the
effectiveness of graphics and animations to help their learning. Future researchers might investigate
the specific reasons for these rating using focus group or interview data.
4.2. Teacher attitudes toward mathematics apps
Only two previous studies examined elementary teachers’ attitude toward mathematics apps
(Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008). Teachers rated the design, engagement and learning
value of mathematics apps high in the current study. These results are consistent with the previous
research, although they are more specific. Of note is teacher ratings were consistently higher, on
average, then the student ratings. The impact of mathematics apps may have been somewhat lower
than the perceived impact reported by teachers. Clearly, it is important to gather this data from both
students and teachers. Future research could employ a more qualitative approach to understand
attitude differences between students and teachers.
4.3. Impact of mathematics apps on student learning performance
Numerous studies have examined the impact of mathematics app on the learning performance of
elementary school students on a wide variety of concepts. Tall studies showed significant gains in
learning based on pre- and post-tests. The key difference in this study, is that four different kinds of
mathematical knowledge were looked based on Bloom’s taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2002). Student
performance for understanding, application and analysis tasks increased 2330%, whereas
remembering tasks increased by 61%. Given that the apps were designed to help construct
knowledge, it is somewhat surprising that remembering was the knowledge category that improved
the most. A more detailed qualitative analysis involving observational data might be useful in linking
knowledge gains to specific mathematics app activities.
4.4. Factors influencing learning performance after using mathematics apps
Limited research has been conducted on student factors that might influence learning performance
when mathematics apps are used. In this study, gender, grade level, math ability and students attitude
had no apparent impact on student learning. One way of interpreting this is that mathematics apps
are relatively unbiased and useful for a majority of students.
It is worth mentioning that the results in this study differed from the previous research on student
ability (Burns et al., 2012; Nurmi & Jaakkola, 2006; Lin et al., 2011; Moyer-Packenham & Suh, 2012;
Pitchford, 2014) where students with the lower ability benefited more than students with the high
ability when mathematic apps were used. This discrepancy may partially be explained by the type of
mathematics apps used. Based on students and teacher ratings, the apps in this study were of high
quality. Furthermore, they focused on helping student constructing knowledge, a task that would
equally challenge all math ability levels.
The previous research has not looked at teacher factors that might influence the impact of
mathematics apps on learning. It is somewhat surprising that students with male teachers were at a
significant disadvantage in this study. However, the sample size was small, so more research is needed
to confirm these results. Further research is also needed to examine the specific behaviours of male or
female teachers that might influence learning impact.
Considerable variation exists with respect to the strategies used by elementary teachers when
integrating mathematics apps (Freebody et al., 2007; Kay & Knaack, 2008). A pairs-based strategy was
Robin H. Kay (2020). Analysing the use of mathematics apps in elementary school classrooms. Contemporary Educational
Researches Journal. 10(2), 68-78 DOI: 10.18844/cerj.v%vi%i.4732
significantly more effective than a teacher-led strategy when mathematics apps were used with
elementary school students. This result is not surprising given that constructive-based apps are
designed to help students build knowledge and working in pairs aids in the social construction of
knowledge. Demonstrating a mathematical app in front of a class turns a potentially constructive
activity into a passive one.
5. Conclusion
This study used a systematic approach to assessing attitudes and learning performance when
constructive mathematics apps were used with elementary school students. The results suggested
that both students and teacher had positive attitudes toward the design, engagement and learning
values of apps, although students were somewhat less enthused. Furthermore, short-term student
performance increased for remembering, understanding, application and analysis-based tasks,
however, gains for remembering were at this twice as high as the other three knowledge areas. In
addition, using constructive-based mathematics apps appeared to be universally effective for all
students regardless of gender, grade level, attitudes toward apps and ability level. Finally, using apps
in student pairs worked significantly better than demonstrating apps in front of the class. Future
research needs to use a more qualitative approach to links specific app features and activities to
attitude and learning differences.
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This study determined the relationship between the utilization of mathematical apps and websites and the mathematics achievement of Grade 10 students in the new normal. It utilized a descriptive correlational method. The respondents were 82 Grade 10 students from the three identified private high schools in Cebu. A modified standardized survey questionnaire was used to get the data for the utilization of math apps and websites and a standardized achievement test was used to identify the math achievement of the respondents. The frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Chi-square test were used to treat the data. Most parents were college graduates with a combined monthly income of above 30,000 pesos. Furthermore, most of the respondents were using WIFI and smartphones. It also revealed that the extent of using the mathematical apps and websites was interpreted as utilized. The math achievement of the respondents was very satisfactory. Using the statistical treatment, it was found that there is no significant relationship between the demographic profile variables and the extent of utilization of math apps and websites. However, only the combined monthly income posed a significant relationship with the math achievement of the respondents. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the utilization of math apps and websites and the math achievement of Grade 10 students. It was concluded that the utilization of math apps and websites affects the math achievement of Grade 10 students. The researchers recommend that the strategic intervention material be used and monitored.
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This study determined the relationship between the utilization of mathematical apps and websites and the mathematics achievement of Grade 10 students in the new normal. It utilized a descriptive correlational method. The respondents were 82 Grade 10 students from the three identified private high schools in Cebu. A modified standardized survey questionnaire was used to get the data for the utilization of math apps and websites and a standardized achievement test was used to identify the math achievement of the respondents. The frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Chi-square test were used to treat the data. Most parents were college graduates with a combined monthly income of above 30,000 pesos. Furthermore, most of the respondents were using WIFI and smartphones. It also revealed that the extent of using the mathematical apps and websites was interpreted as utilized. The math achievement of the respondents was very satisfactory. Using the statistical treatment, it was found that there is no significant relationship between the demographic profile variables and the extent of utilization of math apps and websites. However, only the combined monthly income posed a significant relationship with the math achievement of the respondents. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the utilization of math apps and websites and the math achievement of Grade 10 students. It was concluded that the utilization of math apps and websites affects the math achievement of Grade 10 students. The researchers recommend that the strategic intervention material be used and monitored.
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The current study offers a formative analysis of the impact of learning objects in middle school mathematics and science classrooms. Five reliable and valid measure of effectiveness were used to examine the impact of learning objects from the perspective of 262 students and 8 teachers (14 classrooms) in science or mathematics. The results indicate that teachers typically spend 1-2 hours finding and preparing for learning-object based lesson plans that focus on the review of previous concepts. Both teachers and students are positive about the learning benefits, quality, and engagement value of learning objects, although teachers are more positive than students. Student performance increased significantly, over 40%, when learning objects were used in conjunction with a variety of teaching strategies. It is reasonable to conclude that learning objects have potential as a teaching tool in a middle school environment. L’impacte des objets d’apprentissage dans les classes de mathématique et de sciences à l’école intermédiaire : une analyse formative Résumé : Cette étude présente une analyse formative de l’impacte des objets d’apprentissage dans les classes de mathématique et de sciences à l’école intermédiaire. Cinq mesures de rendement fiables et valides ont été exploitées pour examiner l’effet des objets d’apprentissage selon 262 élèves et 8 enseignants (414 classes) en science ou mathématiques. Les résultats indiquent que les enseignants passent typiquement 1-2 heures pour trouver des objets d’apprentissage et préparer les leçons associées qui seraient centrées sur la revue de concepts déjà vus en classe. Quoique les enseignants aient répondu de façon plus positive que les élèves, les deux groupes ont répondu positivement quant aux avantages au niveau de l’apprentissage, à la qualité ainsi qu’à la valeur motivationnelle des objets d’apprentissage. Le rendement des élèves aurait aussi augmenté de façon significative, plus de 40%, quand les objets d’apprentissage ont été exploités avec une variété de stratégies d’enseignement. Il serait donc raisonnable de conclure que les objets d’apprentissage ont un potentiel comme outils d’enseignement à l’école intermédiaire.
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The aim of this study is to examine the effects of GeoGebra on third grade primary students’ academic achievement in fractions concept. This study was conducted with 40 students in two intact classes in Ankara. One of the classes was randomly selected as an experimental group and other for control group. There were 19 students in the experimental group, while 21 students in control group. The matching- only posttest- only control group quasi-experimental design was employed. As a pretest, student’s first term mathematics scores were used. Data were collected with post-test about fractions. The post-test consisted of 22 short ended questions. Thanks to the scores weren’t violated the normality, independent t test was employed. The findings of the study showed that there were significant differences in favor of the experimental group. According to findings of this study, it was recommended that GeoGebra supporting teaching methods can be used on teaching fractions in third grade.
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In the 21st century, tablets have become one of the leading instructional technology devices used for instructional delivery in K-12 schools. The emerging use of tablets in K-12 schools include iPads, Android, Google Earth, Diigo, Blogger, GRiDPad, Modbook, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Nook, Web 2.0 tools, Google Apps, iBook Author, iTunes U, the Apple iPad 2, Kindle Fire, Asus Nexus7, Galaxy, and smart board. Integration of tablets used in K-12 environments has proven to help students navigate their own learning, but its impact is not fully utilized in classrooms. It is common for students to own and use tablets in the teaching learning process because they are empowered to navigate, strategize, and create avenues for self-directed learning. Yet to date, not much is known about the increasing uses of tablets in the classroom setting, instructional implications on students and teachers, and its challenges in K-12 schools. This chapter addresses the emerging trend of tablet usage in K-12 schools, benefits of tablets in K-12 schools, instructional implications of tablet usage on student learning, and challenges facing teachers with regards to the use of tablets in the classroom. Recommendations for future studies and a conclusion are discussed.
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Recent years have seen a quick expansion of tablet computers in households and schools. One of the educational affordances of tablet computers is using math apps to engage students in mathematics learning. However, given the short history of the mobile devices, little research exists on the effectiveness of math apps, particularly for struggling students. To fill in the gap, an exploratory study was conducted in an inclusive fourth grade classroom, in which about half of the students were either at-risk or had disabilities. The students used three math apps that employed different scaffolding strategies to support learning of decimals and multiplication. Pre- and post-tests showed that use of the math apps improved student learning in mathematics and reduced the achievement gap between struggling students and typical students. More studies should be conducted to identify effective math apps.
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In the Netherlands, six primary schools recently participated in a pilot program, creating an educational environment in which children use a tablet PC. In these six schools, two studies are conducted. The first study highlights the process by which primary schools adopted tablet PCs by means of interviews based on diffusion of innovation theory. All stages are discussed: Knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Two tablet systems are considered: closed and open systems. In the second study, a questionnaire was administered among primary school children in the pilot schools. Factors that affected the general attitude towards tablet PCs are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, interest in the task and independence. Social influence and prior experience with tablets did not affect the overall attitude. The results of both studies provide several recommendations on how tablet PCs can contribute to educational improvements.
The purpose of this study was to determine variables that predict performance when virtual manipulatives are used for mathematics instruction. This study included the following quasi-experimental design features: 1) a large number of students (N=350); 2) within-class random-assignment to treatment groups; 3) retention effects measured by post-test and delayed post-test; 4) fidelity of instructional treatments documented through observations; and, 5) instrument development for the unit of study. This design was used to determine variables that predict student performance on tests of fraction knowledge for third- and fourth-grade students in two treatment groups: classroom instruction using texts and physical manipulatives (CI), and computer lab instruction using virtual fraction applets (VM). The Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2 measured learning and retention of fraction concepts. Observation ethograms documented representation use. The results revealed that fewer demographic predictors of student performance (e.g., socio-economic status, English language learner status, and gender) exist during fraction instruction when virtual manipulatives were used. When instructors used virtual manipulatives, there was an equalizing effect on achievement in third and fourth grade classrooms, in that fewer demographic factors were influential for VM groups compared to CI groups.
Research findings support the use of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) as a curriculum supplement for improving math skills, including math fact fluency. There are a number of websites and mobile applications (i.e., apps) designed to build students’ math fact fluency, but the options can become overwhelming. This article provides implementation guidelines to help teachers plan for CAI, including criteria for selecting a program and recommendations for monitoring student progress. In addition, free resources for CAI are discussed.
This exploratory case study reports on the ways in which iPads are currently being used in New Jersey public schools, with a focus on the effectiveness of three different implementation approaches: 1) "ubiquitous approach," 2) "classroom approach," and 3) "sign-out approach." This study also examines how K-12 teachers and students perceived of iPads as teaching and learning tools. Findings indicate that the teachers and students viewed iPads as valuable tools for teaching and learning, yet there were also several perceived challenges. The results of this study have implications for practitioners involved in the implementation of iPad initiatives.
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of incorporating Magic Board in the instruction of concepts related to area. We adopted a non-equivalent quasi-experimental design and recruited participants from two classes of third-grade students in an elementary school in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. Magic Board was used as a teaching aid in the experimental group, and physical manipulatives were employed as teaching aids in the control group. Both groups took the Basic Area Concept Test as a pretest, followed by the Area Concept Test to evaluate retention two weeks later. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of Magic Board over that of physical manipulatives on three subscales of immediate learning performance and all four subscales of retention performance. We also discuss the implications of these results and provide recommendations for future research. © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS).
The purpose of this study was to research how two elementary school classrooms used iPads to enhance student learning and achievement. Participants were two first-year teachers' classrooms in a small one-school school district in Central California that was comprised of 38 students. Each classroom contained a classroom set of iPads used during English Language Arts and Mathematics lessons. The experimental research design study was conducted over a 3-month period beginning in January 2011. Two sets of groups—a control group and an experimental group—were given both iPad and non-iPad lessons. Data was collected for both groups and analysed. Findings included small increases in both classrooms in reading and math when iPads lessons were compared with lessons that were conducted in a traditional non-iPad method. It was concluded that the use of iPads enhanced student learning and achievement and served as another learning modality for elementary school students.