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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex for fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomised controlled trial with 6-months follow up


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a chronic pain disorder with poorly understood pathophysiology. In recent years, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been recommended for pain relief in various chronic pain disorders. The objective of the present research was to study the effect of low frequency rTMS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on pain status in FMS. Methods: Ninety diagnosed cases of FMS were randomized into Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS groups. Real rTMS (1 Hz/1200 pulses/8 trains/90% resting motor threshold) was delivered over the right DLPFC for 5 consecutive days/week for 4 weeks. Pain was assessed by subjective and objective methods along with oxidative stress markers. Patients were followed up for 6 months (post-rTMS;15 days, 3 months and 6 months). Results: In Real-rTMS group, average pain ratings and associated symptoms showed significant improvement post rTMS. The beneficial effects of rTMS lasted up to 6 months in the follow-up phase. In Sham-rTMS group, no significant change in pain ratings was observed. Conclusion: Right DLPFC rTMS can significantly reduce pain and associated symptoms of FMS probably through targeting spinal pain circuits and top-down pain modulation . Trial registration: Ref No: CTRI/2013/12/004228.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
of the prefrontal cortex for fibromyalgia
syndrome: a randomised controlled trial
with 6-months follow up
Suman Tanwar
, Bhawna Mattoo
, Uma Kumar
and Renu Bhatia
Objectives: Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), is a chronic pain disorder with poorly understood pathophysiology. In
recent years, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been recommended for pain relief in various
chronic pain disorders. The objective of the present research was to study the effect of low frequency rTMS over
the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on pain status in FMS.
Methods: Ninety diagnosed cases of FMS were randomized into Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS groups. Real rTMS (1Hz/
1200 pulses/8 trains/90% resting motor threshold) was delivered over the right DLPFC for 5 consecutive days/week
for 4 weeks. Pain was assessed by subjective and objective methods along with oxidative stress markers. Patients were
followed up for 6 months (post-rTMS;15 days, 3 months and 6 months).
Results: In Real-rTMS group, average pain ratings and associated symptoms showed significant improvement post
rTMS. The beneficial effects of rTMS lasted up to 6 months in the follow-up phase. In Sham-rTMS group, no significant
change in pain ratings was observed.
Conclusion: Right DLPFC rTMS can significantly reduce pain and associated symptoms of FMS probably through
targeting spinal pain circuits and top-down pain modulation .
Trial registration: Ref No: CTRI/2013/12/004228.
Keywords: Neuromodulation, Chronic pain, Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, Non-invasive therapy, Nociceptive flexion
reflex, Oxidative stress
Fibromyalgia affects nearly 2.10% of the worlds popula-
tion [1]. The etiopathogenesis of FMS is largely un-
known, although tender points all over the body suggest
a peripheral pathology, but a considerable amount of
data also points towards the sensitization of central pain
processing pathways [2], dysfunctional pain inhibition
[3] and abnormal cortical excitability [4]. Keeping in
view the variable pathophysiology, the management
strategies recommended for FMS include; pharmaceuti-
cals, behavioral interventions, physical therapy, exercises
along with other complementary and alternativemedic-
inal approaches [5]. However, no single treatment mo-
dality has been able to alleviate the full range of FMS
symptoms. Hence, it is pertinent to search for effective
alternative methods of therapy.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive
brain stimulation technique which is being used to man-
age psychiatric cases, several movement disorders and
chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia [68].
Recent study has shown that rTMS of the DLPFC in-
duces changes in the activity of a network of structures
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* Correspondence:
Department of Physiology, AIIMS, New Delhi 110029, India
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Advances in Rheumatolo
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34
involved in the integration and modulation of pain sig-
nals, including the thalamus, brainstem, insular and cin-
gulate cortices [9]. A previous study by our group
observed beneficial effects of low frequency rTMS and
established the role of DLPFC modulation in chronic
tension type headache [10]. However, the substrates of
the analgesia and its longevity remains to be unravelled.
We hypothesized that TMS of the right DLPFC using
low-frequency rTMS could relieve pain and associated
symptoms of fibromyalgia. The objectives (primary and
secondary) of the study were to investigate the effect of
rTMS on FMS pain and related symptoms and explore
the mechanism of analgesia by recording the nocicep-
tive flexion reflex (NFR); an objective marker of pain.
Further, in order to understand the effect of right-
DLPFC rTMS on descending pain inhibitory pathways,
we assessed the diffuse noxious inhibitory controls
(DNIC) system. To further substantiate the literature
suggesting the role of oxidative stress markers in FMS
[11,12], we assessed the levels of thiobarbituric acid re-
active substances (TBARS) and F2-isoprostane in our
FMS patients before and after rTMS therapy.
Materials and methods
Ethical considerations and trial design
The study was conducted at the Pain Research and TMS
Laboratory, Department of Physiology, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, India. Human
Ethics committee of the AIIMS, New Delhi (Ref No:
IESC/T-251/15.06.2013) approved the research protocol
in 2013. The study was also registered in ICMR-CTRI;
India (Ref No: CTRI/2013/12/004228). The study was a
randomized, parallel group, placebo controlled trial.
Randomization was performed through a computer gen-
erated random number table and concealment was done
with sequentially numbered, sealed, opaque envelopes.
Block randomization design used was to ensure equal
sample size between two groups over time. The patients
were blinded to the block size as well as to the treatment
allocations. Participants were free to withdraw from the
study at any stage. All the participants were enrolled
only after obtaining the ethical approval and a duly
signed informed consent form.
Study protocol
Participants were randomly assigned to either the Sham
or Real rTMS group. Subjective, objective assessment of
pain and estimation of oxidative stress markers were
done at baseline and post-Sham/Real rTMS. Immedi-
ately post-rTMS, the patients were followed up to a
period of 6 months, at the three time points; 15 days
Post-rTMS, 3-months and 6-months after the therapy.
During follow-up, subjective evaluation using specific
questionnaires was done for a period of 6 months while
NFR and DNIC were performed at post-rTMS and 15th-
day post-rTMS (Fig. S1).
Sample size calculation
According to a preliminary study on fibromyalgia [13],
NPRS ratings were 5·60 (1·85) at baseline which were re-
duced to 3·99 (1·90) after Real rTMS, while in Sham
group, baseline and post treatment values were 5·34 (1.82)
and 5·07 (1·89) respectively. Using this data, we required
41 cases per group to detect a significant difference
between sham and real rTMS treatment in a 5% two sided
t-test with 90% power. Assuming a 10% loss to the follow
up, we required 45 patients of FMS per group. Accord-
ingly a sample size of 90 patients (45 on sham treatment
and 45 on real rTMS treatment) was decided.
Recruitment of FMS patients
Female patients with FMS (age, 1850 years) having
regular menstrual cycle were recruited from the
Rheumatology Clinic, Department of Rheumatology,
AIIMS, New Delhi; after establishing the diagnosis by a
Rheumatologist. The diagnosis was based on the Ameri-
can College of Rheumatology criteria, 2010 for the clas-
sification of FMS [14]. Only those patients, who gave
written informed consent, were enrolled for the study.
The record of rescue analgesics was also maintained.
The details of medication used by patients (NSAIDs, an-
tidepressants and opioids, etc) before and after the treat-
ment with rTMS have been given Table 1. FMS patients
were excluded from the study, if they had following
conditions: i) unable to give written informed consent
form ii) History of seizures iii) History of seizures in
first-degree relatives iv) History of any illness involving
the brain v) Consumption of medications (like tramadol,
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, anticholinergics, anti-
emetics, antihistamines, baclofen, ß-blockers, cephalo-
sporins, cyclosporine etc) known to lower the seizure
threshold vi) History of tinnitus vii) History of bipolar
disorder viii) having implants of defibrillators or neuro-
stimulators or cardiac pacemakers ix) pregnant or lactat-
ing x) having chronic systemic disease, inflammatory
joint diseases, secondary FM, history of trauma xi) with
a concomitant diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome
and/or any psychiatric disorder xii) currently undergoing
Protocol for real/sham rTMS
MagPro R100 (MagVenture, USA) transcranial magnetic
stimulator was used for repetitive magnetic stimulation
of the brain. Real rTMS was administered using a
butterfly coil (MCF-B70, MagVenture, USA). For selec-
tion of the optimal scalp area on the right motor cortex;
resting motor threshold (RMT) was determined using
single-pulse stimulation over the right primary motor
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 2 of 11
cortex (M1) and systematically moving and adjusting
until each pulse resulted in an isolated movement of the
right thumb at rest (abductor pollicis brevis muscle).
The machine output was adjusted to the lowest intensity
that reliably induced thumb movement [15]. The RMT
was defined as the lowest stimulus intensity could elicit
at least five twitches in abductor pollicis brevis muscle
(Motor Evoked Potentials) out of ten consecutive stimuli
given over the motor hot spotat M1.
During real and sham stimulations, the TMS coil
was aligned in a parasagittal line (stimulation coil was
held at a 45° angle off the midline, with the handle
pointing in the posterior direction) 5 cm (right
pollicis brevis muscle movement for resting motor
threshold testing [8](Fig. S2). Stimulation was given
at a pulse frequency of 1.0 Hz over the right DLPFC
at 90% of resting motor threshold. rTMS was given
in 8 trains of 150 pulses/train at inter train interval
of 1 min. Total of 1200 stimuli were given during
each session which lasted for 27 min. There were 5
sessions (Monday through Friday) per week and
rTMS therapy was given over 4 consecutive weeks
(20 sessions). During Sham (placebo/inactive) stimula-
tion, an inactive rTMS coil (MC-B70, MagVenture,
MagPro, Denmark) was used and placed over the
same area as the active coil. The sham coil produced
similar sound as the real coil but without active
stimulation of the brain.
Primary outcome
The primary outcome was defined as a reduction in pain
intensity. This was assessed with the help of Numerical
Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), an 11-point numerical scale
ranging from 0representing No painto 10repre-
senting Pain as bad as you can imagineor Worst pain
Secondary outcomes
We assessed Pain related depression, anxiety, impact of
pain and quality of life, as secondary outcomes using
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) [17]; Hamilton De-
pression Rating Scale (HDRS) [18]; Hamilton Anxiety
Rating Scale (HARS) [19] and WHOQOL-Quality of
Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire [20]. The
other secondary outcomes assessed were, the NFR, pain
modulation (effect of cold pressor test; CPT on NFR)
and estimation of oxidative stress markers.
In the present study, NFR was recorded according the
method described by Willer and colleagues [21]. Further
details of the NFR are mentioned in our research article
[22](Fig. S3). Pain modulation was assessed by observ-
ing the effect of cold pressor test (CPT) on NFR parame-
ters according to methods shown by Sandrini et al. [23]
(Fig. S4). For biochemical estimation, blood samples
were collected in heparinzed BD21q vacutainer collec-
tion tubes. The samples were centrifuged at 1500 rpm
for 15 min at 4°C. The plasma was separated and trans-
ferred to the microcentrifuge tube and stored at 80 °C
till further analysis. Urine samples were also collected
and stored at 80 °C until further analysis. Both, blood
and urine samples were collected at two time points i.e.
pre rTMS and immediately post rTMS. To assess the
oxidative stress, plasma levels of TBARS (Quanti-
ChromTM TBARS Assay Kit (DTBA-100), USA) and
urinary levels of F
-isoprostane (Elabscience Biotechnol-
ogy Co. Ltd. (Elabscience®, China) were estimated with
commercial kits.
Statistical analysis
All the analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statis-
tics version 22.0 (IBM Statistics for Windows, Chicago,
IL, USA) and graphs were created using Graph Pad
Prism 5.01 for Windows, (GraphPad Software, San
Diego, California, USA). Baseline scores of the parame-
ters between FMS Sham-rTMS and FMS Real-rTMS
groups were compared using paired t test/ Wilcoxon
Signed Rank test. The difference between FMS-Sham
and FMS-rTMS was analyzed using unpaired t test/
Mann-Whitney U test. p< 0.05 was considered statisti-
cally significant. Analysis of follow- up data was done by
Table 1 General characteristics and medication details of FMS
Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group
Parameters FMS Sham-
(n= 41)
FMS Real-
(n= 45)
Age (year) 39.05 ± 7.12 41.54 ±
Height (cm) 158.13 ±
157.17 ±
Weight (kg) 61.80 ± 7.54 62.73 ±
Pain duration (Yrs) 7.63 ± 4.65 8.0 ± 5.11 0.73
Medication used
Analgesics % 7 9
Opiates % 4 5
Antidepressants % 3 4
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) %
24 22
Anxiolytic % 8 9
Sedatives % 4 4
Gastrointestinal % 12 21
Thyroid % 3 0
Multivitamins % 34 26
Data is expressed as Mean ± SD
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 3 of 11
paired t tests/ Wilcoxon Signed Rank test examining
follow-up scores relative to post-rTMS (immediate after
completion of therapy). Repeated Measures ANOVA
was applied to assess the statistical significance within
the group between two subsequent time points after
Bonferroni correction.
After Real/Sham rTMS, Follow-up (FU) was done at
three time points i.e. 15 days post-rTMS (FU-1), 3
months post-rTMS (FU-2) and 6 months post-rTMS
(FU-3). At the end of follow-up, 41 subjects in Sham-
rTMS while 45 subjects in Real-rTMS group were ana-
lysed (Fig. S5). The data is presented as Mean ± SD and/
or Median (25Q-75Q). Age, height, body weight and
other general body parameters were comparable be-
tween Sham and Real-rTMS group (Table 1).
Primary outcome
A decrease in NPRS ratings due to rTMS treatment was
observed in the Real-rTMS group immediately post-
rTMS (p= 0·001) which was sustained through 6 months
(Fig. 1). In the Sham-rTMS group no significant change
in pain ratings was observed.
Secondary outcomes
The ratings of affective-motivational components of pain
were reduced post-rTMS (p= 0·001) and were main-
tained even at 6 months when compared to its baseline
value (Table 2). The results of other components of
MPQ ratings have been presented in Table 2. The HDRS
and HARS ratings of Real-rTMS group decreased, post-
rTMS and the changes were maintained through 6
months of therapy (Figs. 2and 3). WHOQOL-BREF rat-
ings were significantly increased post-rTMS when
compared to baseline in Real-rTMS and through 6
months of therapy (Table 2).
In Real-rTMS group, the threshold (volts, V) of NFR
post-rTMS and 15 days post-rTMS was higher, com-
pared to the baseline (p= 0·001) as well as from the
Sham-rTMS group (Fig. 4). No significant change was
observed in other parameters of NFR (latency, duration
and amplitude) between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS
group (Table 3).
A sustained improvement in NFR thresholds (V) in re-
sponse to cold noxious stimulus (4-5 ºC) during DNIC
paradigm was observed in Real-rTMS group post-rTMS
which was maintained 15 days post-rTMS also compared
to the baseline (Table 3). NFR latency (ms), amplitude
(μV) and duration (ms) did not change significantly in
response to CPT (DNIC paradigm) in Real-rTMS or
Sham-rTMS group during post-rTMS and 15 days post-
rTMS. Plasma levels of TBARS were comparable in
Real-rTMS group at baseline and post-rTMS (Real) (p=
0·12). Urinary levels of F2-isoprostane levels, did not
vary significantly between groups at baseline and post-
rTMS (Table 3).
Side effects due to sham/real rTMS
During the entire study period no serious side effects of
rTMS were observed. However, two Real-rTMS allo-
cated patients complained of headache; two Sham-rTMS
allocated patients complained of neck pain while another
patient reported mild dizziness.
Selection of low frequency right DLPFC rTMS
In the present study, low-frequency rTMS (1 Hz) of right
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was selected as low fre-
quency is safer and, previous studies targeting DLPFC
have shown its beneficial effects in relieving chronic pain
Fig. 1 :Effect of rTMS on subjective pain rating scores in FMS. Subjective pain assessed by numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) in Sham (n= 41)
and Real-rTMS (n= 45) group at each time points;pre, post and follow up (FU-1 = 15 days, FU-2 = 3 months and FU-3 = 6 months post-rTMS). Hash
(#) symbol indicates within group pvalue. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMSgroup. *por #p< 0.05; **por
##p< 0.01; ***por ###p< 0.001
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 4 of 11
and depression in fibromyalgia [8,25]. According to an
earlier research, chronic pain is known to be closely as-
sociated with depression and anxiety, in fact the disabil-
ity felt by the patient due to chronicity of pain and the
existing poor quality of life, could be a contributory cause
of depressive symptoms [26]. A reduction in both pain
and depression/anxiety has been observed by targeting
(reducing the activity) of DLPFC via transcranial direct
current stimulation [27]. Low frequency TMS causes
long-lasting inhibition of cellcell communications
or long term depression; whereas high-frequency TMS
can produce long term potentiation [28,29]. Neuro-
imaging studies have also affirmed that the DLPFC may
have a role in topdown mode of inhibition through de-
scending fibres from the prefrontal cortex (PFCx) which
may modulate pain perception [30,31]. The findings of
an fMRI research suggested that interhemispheric
DLPFC connectivity can affect pain tolerance by altering
interhemispheric inhibition [26]. Low frequency rTMS
stimulation of right DLPFC possibly causes the removal
of transcallosal inhibition, allowing an enhanced de-
scending inhibition from the left hemisphere [10].
Effect of rTMS on subjective pain assessment
We observed a significant decrease in the pain ratings
(NPRS) in Real-rTMS group compared to Sham-
rTMS group which was sustained till 6 months of fol-
low up period. Our findings are consistent with previ-
ous studies which reported reduced pain ratings after
rTMS therapy and showed that rTMS performed sub-
stantially better than placebo, in management of FMS
[25]. Pain related depression and anxiety ratings were
also reduced in Real-rTMS group, this is consistent
with the previous reports of right DLPFC TMS stud-
ies in chronic pain [8,25]. We also recorded an im-
provement in pain scores in the Sham-rTMS though
not statistically significant suggesting some placebo
effect may exist for such therapies. Similar results
have been reported with placebo type sham manoeu-
vres [32]. Our findings are supported by recent study
from our group which has assessed the effect of low
frequency rTMS on the right DLPFC in chronic ten-
sion type headache and reported a beneficial effect on
pain and related symptoms [10].
Effect of rTMS on objective pain measures and pain
Ours is amongst the first few studies to report the effect
of rTMS on threshold of NFR. NFR is a spinally medi-
ated withdrawal response that has been used to assess
pain objectively. NFR was recorded at baseline and post
rTMS to assess the pain objectively. In our FMS patients
NFR thresholds were significantly lower indicating an
exaggerated response to painful stimuli or hyperalgesia
[22]. However, at the end of real-rTMS treatment, there
was an increase in NFR threshold which was maintained
during follow-up i.e. 15 days post-rTMS. Considering
the intricacy of the procedure and time involved, NFR
was not recorded at the 3 and 6 months follow-up time
points. In contrast, a previous study which administered
a single rTMS session, observed no significant effect of
rTMS on threshold or recruitment curve of NFR in
healthy subjects [33]. The contrasting results may be
due to difference in study population and the rTMS
protocol (single session of rTMS). The mechanisms that
are thought to contribute to the pain-relieving effects of
rTMS in experimentally induced and chronic pain lie
within the medial or the lateral pain pathways and the
descending pain inhibitory systems, modulating the pain
perception [34].
In our study, descending pain inhibitory pathways
were assessed by recording the effect of CPT on NFR.
Fig. 2 : Effect of rTMS on pain related depression in FMS. Depression assessed by Hamilton depression rating scale (HRDS) in Sham (n= 41) and
Real-rTMS (n= 45) group at each time points;pre, post and follow up (FU-1 = 15 days, FU-2 = 3 months and FU-3 = 6 months post-rTMS). Hash (#)
symbol indicates within group pvalue. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group. *por #p< 0.05; **por
##p< 0.01; ***por ###p< 0.001
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 5 of 11
Table 2 Comparison of subjective pain measures in FMS Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group
Pre-rTMS Post-rTMS Follow-up
FU-1 (15-days) FU-2 (3-months) FU-3 (6-months)
MPQ: Sensory
Sham 23.0 (17.026.5) 20.0 (17.024.5) 22.0 (20.023.0) 22.0 (21.023.0) 22.0 (20.024.0)
Real 23.0 (21.026.0) 23.0 (18.326.8) 21.0 (18.026.0) 22.0 (18.025.5) 22.0 (18.028.0)
p* 0.40 0.29 0.89 0.72 0.74
MPQ: Affective-motivational
Sham 8.0 (4.59.0) 7.0 (4.08.0) 6.0 (4.08.0) 6.0 (4.08.0) 6.0 (5.07.5)
Real 7.0 (5.08.0) 3.0 (3.04.0)## 4.0 (3.04.5) 4.0 (3.05.0) 4.0 (3.05.0)
p* 0.10 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
MPQ: Evaluative
Sham 3.0 (3.03.5) 3.0 (2.03.5) 3.0 (2.03.5) 2.0 (1.03.5) 3.0 (2.04.0)
Real 3.0 (3.04.0) 2.0 (1.02.0)## 2.0 (1.02.0) 2.0 (1.02.0) 2.0 (1.02.0)
p* 0.33 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.001
MPQ: Miscellaneous
Sham 9.0 (4.2510.75) 7.0 (5.08.0) 7.0 (4.09.0) 7.0 (5.09.0) 7.0 (5.09.0)
Real 7.0 (4.09.0) 6.0 (4.09.0) 5.0 (3.09.0) 6.0 (3.59.0) 7.0 (4.010.0)
p* 0.34 0.33 0.51 0.45 0.95
MPQ: Total score
Sham 39.0 (36.044.0) 39.0 (33.045.0) 38.0 (34.041.5) 39.0 (34.541.0) 38.0 (32.541.0)
Real 39.0 (36.044.5) 20.0 (16.029.5) ## 20.0 (17.030.0) 20.0 (17.030.0) 21.0 (18.029.0)
p* 0.87 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
MPQ: Present pain intensity
Sham 3.0 (2.03.0) 2.0 (1.02.0) 2.0 (2.03.0) 2.0 (2.03.0) 2.0 (2.03.0)
Real 3.0 (2.04.0) 1.0 (1.02.0)## 2.0 (1.02.0) 2.0 (1.02.0) 2.0 (1.02.0)
p* 0.60 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Sham 38.0 (38.044.0) 43.0 (38.050.0) 44.0 (38.047.0) 44.0 (38.050.0) 44.0 (38.047.0)
Real 38.0 (31.050.0) 44.0 (38.056.0) #47.0 (40.062.0) 44.0 (40.056.0) 44.0 (38.056.0)
p* 0.59 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
WHOQOL-BREF: Psychological
Sham 56.0 (38.069) 59.0 (38.075.0) 44.0 (44.069.0) 56.0 (38.069.0) 56.0 (44.075.0)
Real 56.0 (44.056.0) 69.0 (56.075.0) #69.0 (56.075.0) 58.0 (56.069.0) 69.0 (56.069.0)
p* 0.74 0.002 0.004 0.04 0.05
Sham 44.0 (44.056.0) 50.0 (44.056.0) 44.0 (44.056.0) 44.0 (43.056.0) 50.0 (44.056.0)
Real 50.0 (31.069.0) 56.0 (44.069.0) #56.0 (53.069.0) 56.0 (47.069.0) 56.0 (50.069.0)
p* 0.57 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.02
WHOQOL-BREF: Environmental
Sham 56.0 (44.069) 56.0 (47.069.0) 56.0 (44.072.0) 56.0 (44.069.0) 56.0 (44.069.0)
Real 69.0 (56.069.0) 56.0 (53.075.0) 56.0 (53.069.0) 49.0 (56.072.0) 56.0 (48.569.0)
p* 0.06 0.28 0.91 0.28 0.94
Sham (n= 41) and Real (n= 45); Data is presented as Median (25Q-75Q); MPQ: McGill Pain Questionnaire; WHOQOL-BREF: WHO-Quality of Life questionnaire.;
Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group. Hash (#) symbol indicates pvalue within group. *por #p< 0.05; **por ##p< 0.01;
***por ###p< 0.001.
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 6 of 11
In our patients, pain tolerance time to noxious cold water
was lower indicating diffuse hyper-excitability and
sensitization of the nociceptive system which is also
shown by earlier reports on fibromyalgia [35]. After rTMS
therapy, we found an increase in threshold of NFR during
CPT and pain tolerance for CPT suggesting that rTMS
has alleviated the diffuse hyper-excitability and
sensitization of the nociceptive system associated with
FMS. Findings of this study are consistent with previous
research suggesting that low-frequency (1 Hz) rTMS of
the right DLPFC could increase cold pain tolerance [36].
Our results of pain modulation paradigm are also in ac-
cordance with a recent study on chronic myofascial pain
syndrome which found that rTMS enhanced the cortico-
spinal inhibitory system (41.74% reduction in quantitative
sensory testing and conditioned pain modulationand a de-
crease of 23.94% in the intracortical facilitation) [37].
rTMS and oxidative stress markers
Recently, oxidative stress has been implicated as an im-
portant factor in the pathogenesis of FMS [11]. Al-
though, we did not find any difference between levels of
oxidative stress markers (TBARS and F2-isoprostane)
before and after rTMS. To the best of our knowledge,
no published report is available on effect of rTMS on
TBARS and F2-isoprostane in FMS. The literature offers
limited information about oxidative stress in FMS. It has
been reported that malondialdehyde (MDA), which is an
indicator of lipid peroxidation, increased [11,12] and
vitamin E, which prevents lipid peroxidation, is de-
creased in FMS patients [11].
Proposed mechanism of action rTMS in fibromyalgia
The possible mechanism of relief in pain and associated
depression and anxiety after DLPFC stimulation could be
Fig. 3 :Effect of rTMS on pain related anxiety in FMS. Anxiety assessed by Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HARS) in Sham (n= 41) and Real-rTMS
(n= 45) group at each time points;pre, post and follow up (FU-1 = 15 days, FU-2 = 3 months and FU-3 = 6 months post-rTMS). Hash (#) symbol
indicates within group p value. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMSgroup. *por #p< 0.05; **por ##p< 0.01;
***por ###p< 0.001
Fig. 4 : Effect of rTMS on spinal nociception (NFR) in FMS. Central nociception assessed by nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) thresholds in Sham
(n= 41) and Real-rTMS (n= 45) group at each time points;pre, post and follow up (FU-1 = 15 days, FU-2 = 3 months and FU-3 = 6months post-
rTMS). Hash (#) symbol indicates within group pvalue. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group. *por #p<
0.05; **por ##p< 0.01; ***por ###p< 0.001
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 7 of 11
through top-down modulation by rTMS. As DLPFC is as-
sociated with other brain areas such as rostral anterior cin-
gulate cortex (which has been known to play an important
role in pain processing [3] and bilateral amygdala and
contralateral anterior insula (where an increased neuronal
activity is observed in association with depressive symp-
toms) [38], it can potentially modulate this nexus. Recent
studies have also observed decrease in regional cerebral
blood flow (rCBF) in the bilateral medial prefrontal cortex,
bilateral premotor area, bilateral anterior insula, right anter-
ior and posterior insula, left anterior cingulate, right sub-
genual cingulate and right frontal cortex after right DLPFC
rTMS. These studies have also reported a correlation be-
tween therapeutic efficacy of rTMS and decreased rCBF in
bilateral frontal white matter [3942]. Another study re-
ported a significant decrease of activation in the bilateral
middle frontal gyrus with right DLPFC-rTMS in rTMS re-
sponders [43]. Therefore, improvement in depression and
anxiety after therapy suggests that rTMS of right DLPFC
positively influences the brain regions responsible for such
In our study, improvement in quality of life with rTMS
indicates that right DLPFC stimulation may also have
positive effect on the limbic system (right medial
temporal cortex, involved in modulation of the emo-
tional aspects of pain) [44] and superior temporal sulcus
(involved in the social cognition and perception under-
lying social functioning of quality of life) [4547], as
neural connections have been reported between these
areas and the limbic system [48].
The mechanisms that are thought to contribute to the
pain relieving effects of rTMS of the motor cortex in ex-
perimentally induced pain and in chronic pain are the
modulation of pain perception within the medial or the
lateral pain pathway and the modulation of the descending
inhibitory systems [34,49]. In the present study, increased
NFR threshold during CPT and the enhanced pain toler-
ance (during CPT) suggest that rTMS of DLPFC indirectly
modulates nociception through its association with the
cingulate cortex and medial thalamus which are known to
be involved in nociceptive modulation [5052]. The
DLPFC is a highly integrated area with the affective cir-
cuit[53] i.e. ventral and anterior division of the anterior
cingulate cortex including the hypothalamus, amyg-
dala, orbitofrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and
other limbic structures [54]. Therefore, the positive
effects of rTMS on pain and associated symptoms are
probably due to modulation of right DLPFC which
further modulates the brain areas related with this
affective circuit(Fig. 5).
To sum up, decrease in ratings of pain and related
symptoms, increased NFR threshold and the enhanced
pain tolerance during CPT suggests that rTMS of
DLPFC modulates nociception, associated with the
cingulate cortex and medial thalamus which are
known to be involved in such type of nociceptive
modulation [50,51].
Strengths and limitations of the study
There are many strengths of our study. Based on the
published literature on the effect of rTMS in FMS symp-
toms, this is the first study which shows long term bene-
ficial effects of rTMS (6 months follow-up). Most of the
previous rTMS studies have reported 12 weeks of
follow-up, and some have also followed their patients till
1 month or 3 months. Moreover, in earlier studies num-
ber of rTMS sessions were less as compared to our
rTMS protocol and continuity of the sessions was also
lacking in these studies [25,45].
Table 3 Comparison of objective pain measures and oxidative
stress markers between FMS Sham-rTMS and Real-rTMS group
Pre-rTMS Post-rTMS Follow-up
FU-1 (15-days)
NFR: Latency (ms)
Sham 105.0 (95.0124.4) 105.0 (90.0120.0) 102.0 (87.6104.0)
Real 110.0 (95.5137.8) 106.5 (97.6120.8) 105.0 (97.3120.0)
p* 0.41 0.06 0.05
NFR: Duration (ms)
Sham 42.5 (40.047.5) 42.5 (40.045.5) 45.0 (40.050.0)
Real 40.5 (38.345.25) 40.0 (38.6545.0) 42.3 (40.045.0)
p* 0.52 0.06 0.07
NFR: Amplitude ((μV)
Sham 294.0 (273.0312.0) 287.0 (263.3297.0) 284.5 (260.8298.5)
Real 281.6 (260.5 ± 314.3) 276.0 (234.5311.5) 276.0 (243.8295.2)
p* 0.42 0.28 0.35
DNIC: Threshold (V)
Sham 21.0 (18.524.5) 21.0 (20.024.0) 22.0 (19.025.0)
Real 22.0 (18.025.5) 27.0 (25.034.0) ## 29.0 (25.039.0)
p* 0.75 0.001 0.001
Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; TBARS (ng/ml)
Sham 0.88 (0.112.3) 0.90 (0.222.11)
Real 0.97 (0.232.1) 0.78 (0.181.6)
p* 0.71 0.07
-isoprostanes (pg/ml)
Sham 209.8 (135.8317.4) 183.9 (123.6251.4)
Real 180.4 (78.35243.8) 181.9 (89.4315.3)
p* 0.14 0.19
Sham (n= 41) and Real (n= 45); Data is presented as Median (25Q-75Q); NFR:
Nociceptive flexion reflex. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates pvalue between Sham-
rTMS and Real-rTMS group. Hash (#) symbol indicates pvalue within group.
Hyphen-minus () symbol indicates that the data not recorded. *por #p<
0.05; **por ##p< 0.01; ***por ###p< 0.001
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 8 of 11
This is the first study which has tediously explored the
effect of low frequency right DLPFC rTMS on subjective
and objective pain parameters, descending pain modula-
tion and oxidative stress markers in FMS patients.
Although, we have extensively studied the role of rTMS
applied over DLPFC on pain status in FMS, yet there are
some limitations that need to be addressed. We identified
hotspot for rTMS therapy by using abductor muscle
twitch. This method of getting hotspot has limitations , as
far as targeting the actual area of stimulation is concerned.
Recent research has recommended MRI based neuro-
navigational techniques to localize the DLPFC thereby de-
creasing the inter-subject variability [55]. The exact mech-
anism of action of low frequency on pain modulation and
central neurotransmitters involved could not be ad-
dressed. This could be due to inter-subject variability. Our
study is a single blinded trial, although the participants
blinding was meticulous, yet the rTMS administrator bias
cannot be disregarded.
Future directions
Further studies should investigate the consistency of
structural and functional DLPFC abnormalities in
chronic pain conditions utilizing neuroimaging tech-
niques; compare low frequency right DLPFC rTMS with
other administration protocols or other novel paradigms
in FMS patients. Future research should also assess the
effect of rTMS on the levels of central neurotransmitters
which play predominant role in endogenous pain facili-
tatory and inhibitory pathways. For oxidative stress
markers, more studies may be designed with assessment
at multiple time points during progression and post
therapy, including follow-up period in FMS patients.
Fig. 5 : Putative mechanism for the effect of low frequency right DLPFC in fibromyalgia syndrome. Proposed mechanism for effect of Rt DLPFC
rTMS on pain and related symptoms of FMS. (rDLPFC = right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; rVMPFC = right ventromedial prefrontal cortex; ACC =
anterior cingulate cortex; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; rCBF = regional cerebral blood flow). Skull with TMS coilimage was adapted from Diana
et al., [24]
Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 9 of 11
Findings of our 6-months follow-up study suggest that
right DLPFC rTMS can significantly reduce pain and as-
sociated symptoms of FMS and preferentially targets
spinal pain circuits and top-down pain modulation with
no effect on oxidative stress markers.
Supplementary information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Study protocol. Figure S2. Patient
receiving rTMS therapy. Figure S3. Nociceptive Flexion Reflex recording
set up. Figure S4. Set up for DNIC study (NFR recording during cold
pressor test; CPT). Figure S5. CONSORT flow diagram
Authors acknowledge FMS patients for participation and technical staff of
Pain Research and TMS laboratory, AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
Renu Bhatia takes responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from
inception of idea to final manuscript. Suman Tanwar, Uma Kumar and Renu
Bhatia made primary contributions in study design, data acquisition, analysis
and interpretation of data and preparing of the final manuscript. Bhawna
Mattoo made notable contributions in data acquisition, analysis,
interpretation and preparing of the final manuscript along with its critical
revision. All authors have discussed the results and gave final approval of the
version to be submitted for publication.
Research work was supported by University Grant Commission (UGC), New
Delhi. SumanTanwar was awarded by UGC-Junior/Senior Research fellowship
grant for her doctoral research by UGC, New Delhi, India.
Availability of data and materials
The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are
available within the article and additional information can be provided if
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was conducted at the Pain Research and TMS Laboratory,
Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New
Delhi, India. Human Ethics committee of the AIIMS, New Delhi (Ref No: IESC/
T-251/15.06.2013) approved the research protocol in 2013. The study was
also registered in ICMR-CTRI; India (Ref No: CTRI/2013/12/004228). All proce-
dures performed during study involving human participants were in accord-
ance with the ethical standards of the Human Ethics committee of the
AIIMS, New Delhi. All the participants provided written informed consent. All
the participants were enrolled only after getting ethical approval.
Consent for publication
Consent to publish was also obtained from all the participants included in
the study.
Competing interests
Authors declare no competing interests concerning the work reported in
this manuscript.
Author details
Department of Physiology, AIIMS, New Delhi 110029, India.
Department of
Zoology, Govt. College for Girls, Sec-14, Gurugram, Haryana 122001, India.
Department of Rheumatology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS,
New Delhi 110029, India.
Received: 10 February 2020 Accepted: 28 May 2020
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Tanwar et al. Advances in Rheumatology (2020) 60:34 Page 11 of 11
... Clinical pain conditions included (n¼ number of studies) chronic neuropathic pain (n ¼ 4), 29-32 chronic low back pain (n ¼ 1), 33 fibromyalgia (n ¼ 5), 34-38 chronic headache/ migraine (n ¼ 2), 39,40 and knee osteoarthritis (n ¼ 1). 41 Of the included studies, 6 explored the effect of tDCS, 31,33,34,[36][37][38] 6 explored the effect of rTMS, 29,30,32,35,39,40 and 1 investigated tACS. 41 Pain threshold was assessed in the form of pressure pain threshold (n ¼ 5), 29,31,33,36,41 heat pain threshold (n ¼ 7), 29,30,[37][38][39]41 and cold pain threshold (n ¼ 2). ...
... 34,37,41 Two studies included measures of NFR. 35,40 Six studies explored CPM paradigms, 32,33,35,38,40,41 and 2 examined TS. 32,33 Follow-up assessment was conducted in 3 studies: 1 at 2 weeks, 33 1 at 15 days, 35 and 1 at 6 months 36 after the intervention. A summary of these assessment protocols is included in Table 2. ...
... 34,37,41 Two studies included measures of NFR. 35,40 Six studies explored CPM paradigms, 32,33,35,38,40,41 and 2 examined TS. 32,33 Follow-up assessment was conducted in 3 studies: 1 at 2 weeks, 33 1 at 15 days, 35 and 1 at 6 months 36 after the intervention. A summary of these assessment protocols is included in Table 2. ...
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Background Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) has been investigated increasingly as a means of treating pain. The effectiveness of NIBS in the treatment of pain has traditionally focused upon protocols targeting the primary motor cortex (M1). However, over time, the effectiveness of M1 NIBS has been attributed to effects on interconnected cortical and subcortical sites rather than M1 itself. While previous reviews have demonstrated the effectiveness of non-M1 NIBS in improving subjective reports of pain intensity, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying these effects remain incompletely understood. As chronic pain is associated with pain hypersensitivity and impaired endogenous descending pain modulation, it is plausible that non-M1 NIBS promotes analgesic effects by influencing these processes. Objective The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was therefore to evaluate the effect of NIBS over non-M1 sites on quantitative sensory testing measures in clinical pain populations. Methods A systematic search of electronic databases was conducted from inception to January 2024. Included articles (13trials, n = 565 participants) were appraised using PEDro and GRADE and a random effects model was used to meta-analyse outcomes where possible. Results A small number of studies found that NIBS applied to DLPFC may improve pain modulation in patients with fibromyalgia, and that stimulation of the posterior superior insula and prefrontal cortex could improve pain sensitivity in chronic neuropathic and osteoarthritic pain, respectively. However, findings varied between studies and there remains a paucity of primary research. Conclusion This review indicates that current literature does not provide clear evidence that NIBS over non-M1 sites influences pain processing.
... There is no standard protocol of rTMS for the treatment of FMS. In various previous studies, the researchers have employed high-frequency rTMS on the left DLPFC [17] and low-frequency rTMS on the right DLPFC, [6] with variable responses on pain and associated symptoms of FMS. Based on these previously used rTMS protocols as references, we conducted this randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of rTMS in people with FMS by comparing the response of low-and high-frequency stimulation with a parallel sham-controlled group. ...
... [23] The underlying mechanism of prefrontal rTMS might consist of the release of endogenous opioids and modulation of the frontolimbic network. [24] Researchers have reported that low-frequency stimulation of DLPFC could significantly reduce pain and related symptoms by targeting spinal pain circuits and top-down modulation, [6] whereas high-frequency stimulation might achieve direct antinociceptive effects by activating descending pain inhibitory controls. [25] In this randomized, sham-controlled study, we found that both low-and high-frequency rTMS at DLPFC are effective and safe for the management of pain, depression, and anxiety, thereby improving the QoL in people with FMS. ...
... [27] Also, a low-frequency (1 Hz) rTMS in the right DLPFC is reported to be effective in reducing pain and associated symptoms of FMS. [6] Studies have demonstrated that the brain matrix involved in the modulation and processing of pain includes DLPFC, anterior cingulate, primary somatosensory and motor cortex, insula, striatum, thalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus. [6] Modulation of these cortical areas by both low-and high-frequency rTMS leads to relief of pain and associated symptoms of FMS. ...
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Background and Objective Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease characterized by widespread, persistent musculoskeletal pain in association with impaired health-related quality of life. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is an emerging tool for the management of fibromyalgia. There is no standardized protocol of rTMS for the treatment of FMS, and both low- and high-frequency stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) are described in the literature with variable efficacy. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rTMS in people with fibromyalgia and compare the response of low- and high-frequency stimulation with sham stimulation. Materials and Methods This study was a single-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Ninety patients with the diagnosis of FMS were randomly allocated into one of the following three groups: low-frequency (1 Hz) group, high-frequency (10 Hz) group, and sham group. Pain, depression, anxiety, and quality of life were measured using the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), and Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR) immediately following treatment as well as at 1 and 3 months after treatment. The data was statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 23 software. P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Intergroup analysis revealed a significant improvement in NPRS, HAM-A, HDRS, and FIQR scores in both low- and high- frequency groups immediately following treatment and for 3 months after treatment. No significant difference in the efficacy of low- and high-frequency stimulation was noticed. Conclusions rTMS is an effective mode of treatment in people with FMS. Both low and high frequencies of stimulation at DLPFC are equally effective in reducing pain and associated symptoms.
... This was followed by studies by Bilir et al. [65] and Guinot et al. [66] ( Figure 4). In contrast, two other RCTs by Tanwar et al. [67] and Izquierdo-Alventosa et al. [68] did not employ such neuronavigation techniques. All of these studies have contributed to a systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by Su et al. of 18 RCTs [69]. ...
... Table S1, List of clinical trials regarding repetitive trancranial magnetic stimulation in fibromyalgia patients. References [44,45,[48][49][50][51][53][54][55][56]59,60,[62][63][64][65][66][67][68]78,80,90,91] have been cited in the Supplementary Materials. ...
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Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis are among the most prevalent rheumatic conditions worldwide. Nonpharmacological interventions have gained scientific endorsements as the preferred initial treatments before resorting to pharmacological modalities. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is among the most widely researched neuromodulation techniques, though it has not yet been officially recommended for fibromyalgia. This review aims to summarize the current evidence supporting rTMS for treating various fibromyalgia symptoms. Recent findings: High-frequency rTMS directed at the primary motor cortex (M1) has the strongest support in the literature for reducing pain intensity, with new research examining its long-term effectiveness. Nonetheless, some individuals may not respond to M1-targeted rTMS, and symptoms beyond pain can be prominent. Ongoing research aims to improve the efficacy of rTMS by exploring new brain targets, using innovative stimulation parameters, incorporating neuronavigation, and better identifying patients likely to benefit from this treatment. Summary: Noninvasive brain stimulation with rTMS over M1 is a well-tolerated treatment that can improve chronic pain and overall quality of life in fibromyalgia patients. However, the data are highly heterogeneous, with a limited level of evidence, posing a significant challenge to the inclusion of rTMS in official treatment guidelines. Research is ongoing to enhance its effectiveness, with future perspectives exploring its impact by targeting additional areas of the brain such as the medial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and inferior parietal lobe, as well as selecting the right patients who could benefit from this treatment.
... The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has a central role in pain processing and modulation (15). Low-frequency stimulation of the DLPFC has been successful in providing sustained pain relief for chronic pain conditions of neuropathic origin, like fibromyalgia (16). However, there is a lack of data investigating the efficacy of low-frequency rTMS of the DLPFC for PLP. ...
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Background: Phantom limb pain (PLP) is a prevalent and distressing occurrence in 60-80% of individuals who have undergone amputations. Recent research underscores the significance of maladaptive cortical plasticity in the genesis of PLP, emphasizing the importance of targeting cortical areas for therapeutic interventions. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a noninvasive tool for cortical stimulation, demonstrates effectiveness in treating various chronic pain conditions of neuropathic origin. Nevertheless, there exists a limited body of research investigating the application of rTMS as a therapeutic intervention specifically for managing PLP. Notably, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) plays a crucial role in central pain processing, suggesting its potential as a key therapeutic target in PLP treatment. There is a lack of adequate data regarding the effectiveness of DLPFC-targeting rTMS in alleviating the pain experienced by PLP patients. Objective: In this study, our aim was to investigate the impact of 10 sessions of DLPFC-targeting rTMS on the pain status of individuals experiencing PLP. Study design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: Traumatic amputees reporting to the tertiary care center with PLP. Methods: The study was approved by the Institute Ethics Committee (IECPG-299/27.04.2022) and registered in the Clinical Trials Registry of India (CTRI/2022/07/043938). Nineteen patients suffering from PLP were recruited and randomized into real or sham rTMS groups. In the real rTMS group, patients received 10 sessions of rTMS at the DLPFC contralateral to the amputation site. The rTMS, administered at 90% of the resting motor threshold (RMT), was delivered as 8 trains of 150 pulses per train at the rate of one Hz and an inter-train interval of 60 seconds. The total number of pulses per session was 1,200. The sham group received 10 sessions of sham rTMS through the perpendicular placement of an rTMS coil over the DLPFC. These sessions lasted for the same duration and included the same sounds as the real group but involved no active stimulation. The patients' pain status was evaluated using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) at baseline, at the end of each session of real or sham rTMS and at the 15th, 30th, and 60th day after the the completion of real or sham therapy. Results: A significant decrease in VAS scores was noted after 10 sessions of real rTMS that targeted the DLPFC, in contrast to the sham rTMS group. The real rTMS group's reduction in VAS scores also persisted during the follow-up. Limitations: A few patients had to drop out due to physical restrictions and financial constraints. Consequently, only a small number of individuals were able to complete the study protocol successfully. Conclusion: A regimen of 10 sessions of real rTMS of the DLPFC was associated with significant pain relief in patients with PLP, and the effects were sustained for 2 months. Therefore, the present study shows that rTMS of the DLPFC has potential as an effective therapeutic intervention for sustained pain relief in PLP patients.
... Furthermore, a review of 11 articles mentioning the FIQ score [48][49][50][51][52] indicates that FIQ scores after treatment were significantly lower after active rTMS (DLPFC) than sham. In a previous study by Tanwar et al. [53], the rTMS of the right DLPFC improved quality of life as evaluated by the FIQ, suggesting that stimulating the right DLPFC may positively impact the limbic system, particularly the right medial temporal cortex (involved in regulating the emotional aspects of pain) and the superior temporal sulcus (involved in social cognition and perception that underlies social functioning and quality of life), which also have connections with the limbic system. ...
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Few randomized controlled trials have reported that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has controversial results for managing multiple domains of fibromyalgia-related symptoms. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of low-frequency rTMS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal area (DLPFC) on the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) concerning psychiatric and cognitive disorders. Forty-two eligible patients with fibromyalgia (FM) were randomized to have 20 sessions of active or sham rTMS (1 Hz, 120% of resting motor threshold with a total of 1200 pules/session) over the right DLPFC. All participants were evaluated at baseline, post sessions, and 3 months after sessions with the FIQ, Hamilton depression, and anxiety rating scales (HDRS and HARS), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), Tower of London test (TOL), the Trail Making, and Digit Span Tests. Both groups showed improvement in most rating scales at 1 and 3 months follow-up, with greater improvement in the active group, with significant correlation between FIQ cognitive rating scales, including RAVLT and TOL. Twenty sessions of low-frequency rTMS over the right DLPFC can improve FIQ scores regarding the psychiatric and cognitive symptoms of medicated patients with FM to a greater extent than sham. Changes in RAVLT and TOL correlated with changes in FIQ results.
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INTRODUCTION: Despite being considered least important for clinical practice in the pyramid of evidence for recommendations, sometimes scientists' expert opinions could help to better understand the summarization of updated publications. OBJECTIVE: To provide a major summarized update about brain imaging and stimulation of the nervous system in health and disease. METHODS: Comprehensive review developed by experts in each subarea of knowledge in neuroimaging and non-invasive stimulation of the nervous system. A team of researchers and clinic experts was invited to present an update on their area of expertise. RESULTS: In basics on brain imaging techniques, we approach general and quantitative electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, functional near-infrared spectroscopy, and experimental paradigms in brain imaging studies. Were included associations between transcranial magnetic stimulation and electromyography, electroencephalography, and functional near-infrared stimulation to evaluate brain activity. Furthermore, we showed several actualized central and peripheral neuromodulation techniques. And finally, we presented different clinical and performance uses of non-invasive neuromodulation. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is a major summarized and concentrated update about brain imaging and stimulation that can benefit neuroscience researchers and clinicians from different levels of experience.
Background Fibromyalgia syndrome is a widespread chronic pain condition identified by body-wide pain, fatigue, cognitive fogginess, and sleep issues. In the past decade, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has emerged as a potential management tool.. In the present study, we enquired whether repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation could modify pain, corticomotor excitability, cognition, and sleep. Methods Study is a randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind, clinical trial; wherein after randomizing thirty-four fibromyalgia patients into active or sham therapy (n = 17 each), each participant received repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. In active therapy was given at 1 Hz for 20 sessions were delivered on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (1200 pulses, 150 pulses per train for 8 trains); while in sham therapy coil was placed at right angle to the scalp with same frequency. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to identify the therapeutic site. Pain intensity, corticomotor excitability, cognition, and sleep were examined before and after therapy. Results Baseline demographic and clinical parameters for both active and sham groups were comparable. In comparison to sham, active repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation showed significant difference in pain intensity (P < 0.001, effect size = 0.29, large effect) after intervention. Other parameters of pain perception, cognition, and sleep quality also showed a significant improvement after the therapy in active therapy group only, as compared to sham. Conclusions Findings suggest that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation intervention is effective in managing pain alongside cognition and sleep disturbances in patients of fibromyalgia. It may prove to be an important tool in relieving fibromyalgia-associated morbidity.
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Background & objectives: Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most common type of primary headache disorder. Its chronic form is often the most ignored and challenging to treat. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a novel technique in the treatment of chronic pain. The aim of this pilot study was to explore the effect of low-frequency repetitive TMS (rTMS) on pain status in chronic TTH (CTTH) by subjective and objective pain assessment. Methods: Patients (n=30) diagnosed with CTTH were randomized into rTMS (n=15) and placebo (n=15) groups in this study. Pre-intervention detailed history of patients was taken. Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) for Pain and questionnaires [Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6), McGill Pain Questionnaire, Pain Beliefs Questionnaire, Coping Strategies Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and WHO-Quality of Life Questionnaire-Brief version] were filled, and objective assessments such as nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) and conditioned pain modulation were done. The tests were repeated after 20 sessions (5 days/week). In the rTMS group, 1200 pulses in eight trains of 150 pulses each were given at 1Hz over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (RDLPFC). In the placebo group, the rTMS coil was placed such that magnetic stimulation did not reach the cortex. Results: The NRS score decreased significantly (P<0.001) and NFR thresholds increased significantly (P=0.011) in the rTMS group when compared to placebo group. Interpretation & conclusions: Subjective improvements in the NRS, HIT-6, McGill Present Pain Intensity, trait of anxiety and psychological pain beliefs were observed. The increase in the thresholds of NFR served as an objective marker for improvement in pain status. Further studies need to be done to confirm our preliminary findings.
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Substance use disorders (SUDs) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In spite of considerable advances in understanding the neural underpinnings of SUDs, therapeutic options remain limited. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as an innovative, safe and cost-effective treatment for some SUDs. Repetitive TMS (rTMS) influences neural activity in the short and long term by mechanisms involving neuroplasticity both locally, under the stimulating coil, and at the network level, throughout the brain. The long-term neurophysiological changes induced by rTMS have the potential to affect behaviours relating to drug craving, intake and relapse. Here, we review TMS mechanisms and evidence that rTMS is opening new avenues in addiction treatments.
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Background: High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has shown significant efficiency in the treatment of resistant depression. However in healthy subjects, the effects of rTMS remain unclear. Objective: Our aim was to determine the impact of 10 sessions of rTMS applied to the DLPFC on mood and emotion recognition in healthy subjects. Design: In a randomised double-blind study, 20 subjects received 10 daily sessions of active (10 Hz frequency) or sham rTMS. The TMS coil was positioned on the left DLPFC through neuronavigation. Several dimensions of mood and emotion processing were assessed at baseline and after rTMS with clinical scales, visual analogue scales (VASs), and the Ekman 60 faces test. Results: The 10 rTMS sessions targeting the DLPFC were well tolerated. No significant difference was found between the active group and the control group for clinical scales and the Ekman 60 faces test. Compared to the control group, the active rTMS group presented a significant improvement in their adaptation to daily life, which was assessed through VAS. Conclusion: This study did not show any deleterious effect on mood and emotion recognition of 10 sessions of rTMS applied on the DLPFC in healthy subjects. This study also suggested a positive effect of rTMS on quality of life.
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Chronic neuropathic pain is estimated to affect 3%-4.5% of the worldwide population. It is associated with significant loss of productive time, withdrawal from the workforce, development of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, and disruption of family and social life. Current medical therapeutics often fail to adequately treat chronic neuropathic pain. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) targeting subcortical structures such as the periaqueductal gray, the ventral posterior lateral and medial thalamic nuclei, and the internal capsule has been investigated for the relief of refractory neuropathic pain over the past 3 decades. Recent work has identified the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) as a new potential neuromodulation target given its central role in cognitive and affective processing. In this review, the authors briefly discuss the history of DBS for chronic neuropathic pain in the United States and present evidence supporting dACC DBS for this indication. They review existent literature on dACC DBS and summarize important findings from imaging and neurophysiological studies supporting a central role for the dACC in the processing of chronic neuropathic pain. The available neurophysiological and empirical clinical evidence suggests that dACC DBS is a viable therapeutic option for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain and warrants further investigation.
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The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is a common target for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in major depression, but the conventional "5 cm rule" misses DLPFC in >1/3 cases. Another heuristic, BeamF3, locates the F3 EEG site from scalp measurements. MRI-guided neuronavigation is more onerous, but can target a specific DLPFC stereotaxic coordinate directly. The concordance between these two approaches has not previously been assessed. To quantify the discrepancy in scalp site between BeamF3 versus MRI-guided neuronavigation for left DLPFC. Using 100 pre-treatment MRIs from subjects undergoing left DLPFC-rTMS, we localized the scalp site at minimum Euclidean distance from a target MNI coordinate (X - 38 Y + 44 Z + 26) derived from our previous work. We performed nasion-inion, tragus-tragus, and head-circumference measurements on the same subjects' MRIs, and applied the BeamF3 heuristic. We then compared the distance between BeamF3 and MRI-guided scalp sites. BeamF3-to-MRI-guided discrepancies were <0.65 cm in 50% of subjects, <0.99 cm in 75% of subjects, and <1.36 cm in 95% of subjects. The angle from midline to the scalp site did not differ significantly using MRI-guided versus BeamF3 methods. However, the length of the radial arc from vertex to target site was slightly but significantly longer (mean 0.35 cm) with MRI-guidance versus BeamF3. The BeamF3 heuristic may provide a reasonable approximation to MRI-guided neuronavigation for locating left DLPFC in a majority of subjects. A minor optimization of the heuristic may yield additional concordance. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fibromyalgia is an idiopathic chronic condition that causes widespread musculoskeletal pain, hyperalgesia and allodynia. This review aims to approach the general epidemiology of fibromyalgia according to the most recent published studies, identifying the general worldwide prevalence of the disease, its basic epidemiological profiles and its economic costs, with specific interest in the Spanish and Comunidad Valenciana cases. Fibromyalgia affects, on average, 2.10% of the world's population; 2.31% of the European population; 2.40% of the Spanish population; and 3.69% of the population in the Comunidad Valenciana. It supposes a painful loss of the quality of life of the people who suffer it and the economic costs are enormous: in Spain is has been estimated at more than 12,993 million euros annually.
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is implicated in pain modulation via multiple psychological processes. Recent non-invasive brain stimulation studies suggest that interhemispheric DLPFC connectivity influence pain tolerance and discomfort by altering interhemispheric inhibition. The structure and role of interhemispheric DLPFC connectivity in pain processing has not been investigated. The present study used dynamic causal modeling (DCM) for fMRI to investigate transcallosal DLPFC connectivity during painful stimulation in healthy volunteers. DCM parameters were used to predict individual differences in sensitivity to noxious heat stimuli. Bayesian model selection results indicated that influences among the right and left DLPFC are modulated during painful stimuli. Regression analyses revealed that greater right DLPFC→left DLPFC couplings were associated with higher suprathreshold pain temperatures. These results highlight the role of interhemispheric connectivity in pain modulation and support the preferential role of the right hemisphere in pain processing. Knowledge of these mechanisms may improve understanding of abnormal pain modulation in chronic pain populations.
Unlabelled: Chronic myofascial pain syndrome has been related to defective descending inhibitory systems. Twenty-four females aged 19 to 65 years with chronic myofascial pain syndrome were randomized to receive 10 sessions of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) (n = 12) at 10 Hz or a sham intervention (n = 12). We tested if pain (quantitative sensory testing), descending inhibitory systems (conditioned pain modulation [quantitative sensory testing + conditioned pain modulation]), cortical excitability (TMS parameters), and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) would be modified. There was a significant interaction (time vs group) regarding the main outcomes of the pain scores as indexed by the visual analog scale on pain (analysis of variance, P < .01). Post hoc analysis showed that compared with placebo-sham, the treatment reduced daily pain scores by -30.21% (95% confidence interval = -39.23 to -21.20) and analgesic use by -44.56 (-57.46 to -31.67). Compared to sham, rTMS enhanced the corticospinal inhibitory system (41.74% reduction in quantitative sensory testing + conditioned pain modulation, P < .05), reduced the intracortical facilitation in 23.94% (P = .03), increased the motor evoked potential in 52.02% (P = .02), and presented 12.38 ng/mL higher serum BDNF (95% confidence interval = 2.32-22.38). No adverse events were observed. rTMS analgesic effects in chronic myofascial pain syndrome were mediated by top-down regulation mechanisms, enhancing the corticospinal inhibitory system possibly via BDNF secretion modulation. Perspective: High-frequency rTMS analgesic effects were mediated by top-down regulation mechanisms enhancing the corticospinal inhibitory, and this effect involved an increase in BDNF secretion.