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Four-week of local electromyostimulation training on fingerboard increases the isokinetic wrist strength and endurance


Abstract and Figures

Abstract Purpose: Electromyostimulaiton (EMS) has been used for both physical therapy and strength improvements for a few decades. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a four-week local-EMS training performed on a fingerboard (FT) in wrist strength and endurance. Material: Sixteen physically active, non-climber students were divided into EMS+FT and FT groups. Each group performed the same training program about 25 min a day, 3 days a week for four weeks. The EMS+FT implementation was performed with a signal width of 260 ms and a frequency of 60 Hz. Before and after training, isokinetic measurements were collected. The parameters used in the research during flexion and extension at 60 and 180°/sec were; Peak Torque (PT), Peak Torque/Body Weight (PT/BW), and Average Power (AP).Results: The EMS+FT group showed statistically significant alterations in all of the parameters (p<0.01 and p<0.05) except in the left wrist AP during flexion and extension at 180°/sec. However, the FT group showed significant changes in only wright wrist AP during extension at 60°/sec, and wright and left wrist AP during flexion at 180°/sec, and left wrist PT during extension at 180°/sec.Conclusions: Accordingly, it could be inferred that FT done by using EMS for four weeks improve the isokinetic wrist strength and endurance significantly. Muscular fitness has an essential role in climbing performance, and this study points that EMS trainings on fingerboard could be used to enhance the climbing performance.
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Four-week of local electromyostimulaiton training on ngerboard
increases the isokinetic wrist strength and endurance
Dicle Aras1ABCDE, Selçuk Gül2ABDE, Fırat Akça1ABDE, Mehmet Gülü1ABD, Özkan Güler1ABD, Cemil C. Bıldırcın3ABE, Erşan
Arslan4ABE, Güney Çetinkaya5AB
1Ankara University, Turkey
2Erzurum Regional Education and Research Hospital, Turkey
3Çukurova University, Turkey
4Siirt University, Turkey
5Akdeniz University, Turkey
Authors’ Contribution: A –Study design; B –Data collection; C –Statistical analysis; D –Manuscript Preparation; E –
Funds Collection.
Purpose: Electromyostimulaiton (EMS) has been used for both physical therapy and strength improvements for a
few decades. This study aimed to investigate the eects of a four-week local-EMS training performed on a
ngerboard (FT) in wrist strength and endurance.
Material: Sixteen physically active, non-climber students were divided into EMS+FT and FT groups. Each group
performed the same training program about 25 min a day, 3 days a week for four weeks. The EMS+FT
implementation was performed with a signal width of 260 ms and a frequency of 60 Hz. Before and after
training, isokinetic measurements were collected. The parameters used in the research during exion and
extension at 60 and 180°/sec were; Peak Torque (PT), Peak Torque/Body Weight (PT/BW), and Average Power
Results: The EMS+FT group showed statistically signicant alterations in all of the parameters (p<0.01 and p<0.05)
except in the left wrist AP during exion and extension at 180°/sec. However, the FT group showed signicant
changes in only wright wrist AP during extension at 60°/sec, and wright and left wrist AP during exion at
180°/sec, and left wrist PT during extension at 180°/sec.
Conclusions: Accordingly, it could be inferred that FT done by using EMS for four weeks improve the isokinetic wrist
strength and endurance signicantly. Muscular tness has an essential role in climbing performance, and this
study points that EMS trainings on ngerboard could be used to enhance the climbing performance.
Keywords:electrical contraction, isokinetic forearm endurance, isokinetic forearm strength, sport climbing, ngerboard.
Electromyostimulaiton (EMS) has been used for both
physical therapy [1] and strength improvements for a few
decades [2-4].The principle of EMS is to gain muscle
strength through pulsed, repetitive electrical contractions
[5, 6] by recruiting more motor units and muscle bers
which activated with high threshold [7]. Main objectives
of using this kind of equipment in sport is reported
to shorten the training session, and to specialize in
targeted aims for better performance [8]. In recent years,
many reviews have examined the effects of voluntary
contraction with or without using EMS, and EMS training
alone on muscular strength, muscular endurance, power,
jumping, balance, speed, and performance not only in
sedentary adults also in athletes [4, 5, 8-11]. Some general
information from these studies could be summarized that;
EMS training enhances both muscle mass and function
without any change in body fat [12, 13], using EMS is
effective to prevent muscle loss during the rehabilitation
phase [5], and more research is needed to determine
how effective is only EMS training or EMS training +
voluntary contraction for muscle strength development.
While in some studies it was found that EMS training
© Dicle Aras, Selçuk Gül, Fırat Akça, Mehmet Gülü, Özkan Güler,
Cemil C. Bıldırcın, Erşan Arslan, Güney Çetinkaya, 2020
provides equally or even more enhancements in gaining
strength [3, 14], others reported voluntary contraction’s
effectiveness [4, 15]. These articles also show that using
EMS could be varied as locally and whole body. While
whole body EMS allows stimulating several muscle
groups concurrently on a wide electrode area, local EMS
interventions activate a single or small number of specic
muscles. Another suggestion is that while currents with
high frequency are used to gain maximal muscle strength,
low frequency currents are used in order to induce muscle
endurance [8].
It is suggested that to control the wrist efciently
and optimal use of wrist muscles are critical for both
daily activities and sports [16]. Being the most preferred
discipline of rock climbing, sport climbing has become
very popular both as a competitive and recreational
activity [17]. As in all sport branches, special training
is needed also in sport climbing. Due to the complex
structure of sport climbing [18], athletes and sedentary
people who climb recreationally need to improve their
grip performance [19]. Both nger exors’ isometric
strength and endurance are evaluated as the key factor
of bouldering [20] and lead climbing performances [21]
in sport climbing [22]. According to [23] climbers spend
36.3 % of the total time statically during climbing. A
ngerboard, also known as a hangboard, is one of the sport
specic strength training equipment to advance isometric
nger strength in climbing. Some studies observed
about 21.5 % increase in nger strength after four weeks
of ngerboard training [24]. Finger exors’ isometric
contraction is believed as the most used type of muscle
activation during climbing [25], and ngerboard trainings
(FT) provide climbers isometric training opportunities on
several different articial grips [26].
The aim of the present study is to investigate the
inuences of four week local EMS training on wrist
muscular strength and endurance. To our knowledge, this
is the rst study comparing the isokinetic strength and
endurance responses between EMS+FT and FT alone in
sport climbing. In order to achieve this goal, local EMS
electrodes were placed on forearm exors because of the
fact that a ngerboard is used only with arms.
Material and Methods
Participants. A total number of 16 physically active,
non-climber sport sciences students, who had attended a
regular physical activity program for at least six months
prior to this research, participated in the study voluntarily.
Subjects were randomly divided into ngerboard training
group (FT: 4 males and 4 females, the mean age 22.75 ±
1.83 years, body height 173.63 ± 9.84 cm, body weight
59.50 ± 7.75 kg) and EMS+ngerboard training group
(EMS+FT: 5 males and 3 females, mean age 22.38 ± 2.45
years, body height 171.00 ± 8.96 cm, body weight 64.75
± 14.69 kg). Both groups did not take a part in any other
exercise program for the four weeks during the study. The
exclusion criteria were having any previous or current
musculoskeletal injuries in upper body extremities. All
subjects were informed about the study risks and benets,
and after familiarization, each participant was given a
written informed consent form. This study was performed
in accordance with the ethics of World Medical Association
(Declaration of Helsinki, code DoH-Oct2013), and was
approved by Ankara University Ethical Committee on
Human Research (01/13).
Study design. This randomized controlled trial
aims to investigate the effects of four-week local EMS
training performed on a ngerboard on wrist muscular
strength and endurance. To achieve this goal, a total of
four EMS electrodes were placed on the exor digitorum
supercialis (FDS) muscle, two on the right and two on
the left arm. Both FT and EMS+FT groups completed the
same training program about 25 minutes a day, three days
per week for four weeks. All ngerboard trainings were
performed between 4 and 6 pm on non-consecutive days,
and subjects were asked to come to the training as fully
rested. Two days earlier and two days after the four-week
period of the study, participants attended an isokinetic
wrist muscle strength and endurance test.
Procedures. Training process. Participants visited
the performance laboratory for the rst time for
familiarization, and they were informed about the study
design. The ngerboard and its biggest jug hold used in
the current study were shown. They were taught how to
grip the hold and how to endure hanging on at different
angles of elbow. The jug hold allowed participants to wrap
it with their index, middle, ring and pinky ngers. While
thumb was holding the jug with the distal interphalangeal
joint, the other ngers were wrapping it with 90° of
proximal interphalangeal joint. Owing to the fact that
rock climbing requires feet to release from wall during
climbing, all ngerboard trainings were performed with
the feet were in the air.
All subjects were also taught about the EMS
implementation. The EMS practice was performed with
a Bosch TENS+EMS Dual Therapy device (Stuttgart.
GERMANY) with a signal width of 260 ms and a
frequency of 60 Hz. The EMS device was xed subject’s
waist, and its four electrodes were placed on forearms of
both right and left upper extremities. Two of the electrodes
located on exor digitorum superfacialis muscle of the
right arm and other two on the left. Subjects performed
another trial with using EMS.
Table 1. The angle of the elbow and hanging and resting
times of the training protocol.
Angle of the
Hanging me
Resng me
180° 15 15
90° 15 15
45° 15 60
180° 20 15
90° 15 15
45° 10 60
180° 25 15
90° 15 15
45° 5 180
Total me for one circle: 8.40 min
Table 1 shows one circle of the training session. All
participants performed one circle of training without
EMS and another one by using EMS on their rst visit.
After nishing familiarization session, participants were
randomly divided into ngerboard training group, in
which they performed isometric ngerboard training,
and EMS+FT group (EMS+FT) in which they practiced
the same training with using EMS. The number of the
training circle was two for the rst two weeks of the
study, and it was increased to four for the last two weeks
of the study. Each participants had a 10-minute warm-up,
and a 5-minute time resting time procedure before every
training session. Warm-up procedure contained of 5 min
of jogging and 5 min of upper arm stretching exercises.
Isokinetic tests. Participants’ isokinetic muscular
strength and endurance measurements were tested on
isokinetic machine (System 4 PRO model, Biodex Medical
Systems, Shirley, NY, USA) on wrist joint during exion
and extension at 60 °/s and 180 °/s angular velocities. For
5 repetitions at 60 °/s angular velocity Peak torque (PT,
N.m), peak torque/body weight (PT/BW, %) and average
power (AP, W) were collected for muscle strength, and
same parameters were also collected for 10 repetitions at
180 °/s for muscle endurance. The resting period between
tests was 30 seconds. Before testing, participants were
told to warm up at an arm ergometer for four minutes at
between 60-80 rpm. In four minutes of resting time after
the warming up, the test protocol was started. Pre-tests
were taken two days before the study period, and post-
tests were recorded in two days right after the study was
Statistical analyses. In the current study, IBM SPSS
Statistics (Version 23 for Windows; IBM, Armonk, NY,
USA) was used for statistical data analyses. Firstly,
the distribution of data was tested by Shapiro Wilk to
determine the parametric or nonparametric data analyses.
In accordance with the distribution of the data Paired
Sample t-Test or Wilcoxon Test was chosen for pre and
post-test analyses, and Independent Paired t-Test or Mann-
Whitney U Test was used for inter group analyses. Alpha
value was set at 0.05 for all of the statistical analyses.
Pre and post-tests of wrist isokinetic strength and
endurance measurements both at 60 °/s and 180 °/s are
presented in Table 2 and 3 respectively.
Table 2 shows that using EMS while ngerboard
training increases the wrist muscle strength signicantly.
In EMS+FT group, all the PT parameters recorded at
60°/s, developed from 18.77 to 31.57 %. The percentage
of the alterations observed in PT/BW was between 18.61
- 33.02 %, and the highest change was seen in right wrist
AP parameter for EMS+FT group (81.62 %).
When examining the Table 3, it could be seen that
only signicant increases observed in the FT group were
in the right and left wrist AP parameters during exion
(p< 0.01 and p< 0.05), and in left wrist extension PT
parameter at 180 °/s (p< 0.01). However, the EMS+FT
group showed statistically signicant changes in all of the
parameters except in the left wrist AP parameters during
exion and extension at 180 °/s. The alteration rate was
from 17.64 to 42.20 % in PT, 20.98 to 41.60 % in PT/BW.
Besides, similarly to the result at 60 °/s the highest change
observed in right wrist AP parameter (81.46 %).
Another substantial nding of the research was that
both groups showed enhancements in all of the strength
and endurance parameters, even though these alterations
were mainly not signicant in the FT group generally.
The purpose of the current study was to examine the
effects of four-week local EMS training on isokinetic
muscle strength and endurance in wrist, and compare it
with ngerboard training. It is considered that isometric
training might induce more muscle force comparing
with dynamic training [27], and isometric strength and
endurance are more substantial for climbing [28]. It was
reported that climbers’ isometric contraction time ratio
was 4:1 compared with resting time [29]. However, to
transfer the obtained isometric strength and endurance to
all types of movements in climbing requires to perform
the isokinetic training at different angles of the targeted
joint. According to Thompson et al. [30] an isometric
training provides strength improvements only in ± 15°
of the selected joint. Some studies about climbing also
reported that different elbow or shoulder angles cause
unequal strength production in nger exors [31, 32].
Thus, in the present study, different angles of elbow were
chosen to adapt the wrist to be able to generate strength in
Table 2. Isokinetic strength values and their mean differences obtained from pre and post-tests at 60 °/s for both right
and left wrists during flexion and extension.
Parameters FT group EMS+FT group
Pre-test Post-test % Sig. Pre-test Post-test Sig. %
Right wrist during exion at 60 °/sec
PT (N.m) 36.86 ± 11.23 45.11 ± 20.18 22.38 .094 39.74 ± 8.31 50.30 ± 13.53 .038* 26.57
PT/BW (%) 63.44 ± 18.06 75.63 ± 27.40 19.22 .089 62.20 ± 10.42 76.79 ± 14.27 .048* 23.46
AP (W) 13.75 ± 6.21 22.86 ± 12.18 66.25 .123 15.78 ± 4.68 28.66 ± 14.82 .012* 81.62
Le wrist during exion at 60 °/sec
PT (N.m) 40.26 ± 16.27 41.83 ± 14.43 3.90 .779 38.68 ± 14.99 50.89 ± 16.29 .001** 31.57
PT/BW (%) 67.64 ± 18.88 69.77 ± 20.59 3.15 .624 58.48 ± 15.83 77.79 ± 17.14 .001** 33.02
AP (W) 16.93 ± 8.89 18.53 ± 9.10 9.45 .236 18.08 ± 8.74 25.13 ± 8.52 .018* 38.99
Right wrist during extension at 60 °/sec
PT (N.m) 25.80 ± 13.41 28.58 ± 10.08 10.76 .208 23.71 ± 7.75 29.13 ± 8.90 .031* 22.86
PT/BW (%) 43.35 ± 17.86 47.81 ± 12.16 10.29 .197 36.13 ± 7.10 45.00 ± 9.25 .024* 24.55
AP (W) 12.28 ± 4.90 16.21 ± 6.88 32.00 .040* 12.15 ± 4.23 15.89 ± 5.72 .031* 30.78
Le wrist during extension at 60 °/sec
PT (N.m) 25.74 ± 11.23 28.75 ± 9.13 11.69 .194 26.48 ± 8.93 31.45 ± 11.77 .005** 18.77
PT/BW (%) 43.18 ± 14.23 48.39 ± 11.03 12.07 .244 40.56 ± 8.90 48.11 ± 13.47 .006** 18.61
AP (W) 12.75 ± 6.55 14.78 ± 4.26 15.92 .214 15.15 ± 6.15 18.13 ± 7.53 .004** 19.67
Note: PT: Peak torque, PT/BW: Peak torque/body weight, AP: Average power. * p< 0.05; ** p< 0.01
different angles.
It is well known that when the angle of the climbed
surface increases, most of the body weight is moving by
small muscle groups in the upper extremities [28]. This
change is about 44 % as the climbing surface alters 10°
from vertical to overhanging [33]. Since forearm muscles
are the main reason of fatigue and lactate concentration
[29, 34], and forearm muscle strength has a substantial
role during climbing [35], EMS electrodes were placed
on forearm nger exors in the present study. Flexor
digitorum superfacialis and profundus are considered as
the most effective muscles in climbing [28]. The reason of
choosing the hold with the biggest grip on the ngerboard
was to prevent subjects from injury. The wrist strength
is specically investigated in some studies. Chu E et al.
[16] sought the effects of 6 weeks of resistance training
on motor control and wrist strength, and found that both
motor control abilities and wrist strength improve after
six weeks of training. Schweizer et al. [25] investigated
the relationship between some strength parameters and
climbing performance and reported that the only predictor
of the performance in sport climbing was wrist exion.
In the present study EMS+FT group showed from 18.77
to 31.57 % changes on PT, 18.61 - 33.02 % on PT/BW,
and 19.67 to 81.62 % on AP parameters during wrist
exion and extension at 60 °/sec. The observed changes
in muscular endurance during exion and extension at
180 °/sec in wrist were from 17.64 to 42.20 on PT, 20.98
to 41.60 on PT/BW, and 17.71 to 81.46 % on average
power. Increase in muscular endurance of elite climbers
is considered due to improved local vasodilation capacity,
reoxygenation during resting and deoxygenation during
isometric contractions in the literature [36]. Besides, a
rise in arterial blood pressure is also thought to be a factor
to enhance the isometric contraction of hand [37]. The
positive changes observed both in strength and endurance
values in the current study might be occurred by the same
Neural adaptations that occur with both muscle
activation and increased electromyographic activity could
be seen mainly after short EMS training periods [9, 38].
In the present study, positive changes to EMS+FT training
on isokinetic muscle strength and endurance were seen
in four weeks. Besides, along with signicant changes
observed in EMS+FT group, the FT group also showed
statistically signicant or insignicant positive alterations.
They increased PT between 3.90 - 25.82 %, PT/BW 3.15 -
19.22 %, and AP 9.45 - 66.25 % at 60 °/sec. Enhancements
derived from 180 °/sec were between 12.02 - 29.87 % for
PT, 11.94 - 25.55 % for PT/BW, and 8.81 - 56.61 % for
AP. Similarly to EMS+FT group the highest alterations
were observed in average power values. These outcomes
are in line with the literature. A research, in which
isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic training procedures
were compared, showed that most increase in strength
was observed after isometric training implementation
[39], similar study was performed by Medernach et al.
(2015) [26]. Researchers investigated the effects of
4-week ngerboard training with 3 sessions per week in
boulderers. Even though their subjects consisted of highly
advanced climbers, they found signicant changes on grip
strength and endurance level in competitive boulderers.
Several studies examined the effects of EMS training
on some extremities and body parts other than wrist. For
Table 3. Isokinetic endurance values and their mean differences obtained from pre and post-tests at 180 °/s for both
right and left wrists during flexion and extension.
Parameters FT group EMS+FT group
Pre-test Post-test % Sig. Pre-test Post-test Sig. %
Right wrist during exion at 180 °/sec
PT (N.m) 29.16 ± 10.81 36.69 ± 16.88 25.82 .123 25.69 ± 5.61 36.53 ± 6.43 .001** 42.20
PT/BW (%) 49.90 ± 16.16 61.24 ± 21.52 22.73 .223 40.38 ± 8.55 57.18 ± 5.62 .001** 41.60
AP (W) 12.70 ± 6.56 19.89 ± 10.19 56.61 .010** 12.89 ± 5.13 23.39 ± 8.27 .012* 81.46
Le wrist during exion at 180 °/sec
PT (N.m) 30.45 ± 16.10 34.11 ± 15.08 12.02 .208 29.53 ± 9.88 34.74 ± 8.60 .017* 17.64
PT/BW (%) 50.74 ± 19.83 56.80 ± 18.97 11.94 .230 44.88 ± 7.19 52.84 ± 8.43 .039* 17.74
AP (W) 13.94 ± 8.30 18.94 ± 10.75 35.87 .025* 18.33 ± 8.42 22.23 ± 9.05 .141 21.28
Right wrist during extension at 180 °/sec
PT (N.m) 19.75 ± 7.70 25.65 ± 17.98 29.87 .123 17.43 ± 3.96 22.93 ± 4.86 .003** 31.55
PT/BW (%) 33.50 ± 9.18 42.06 ± 23.91 25.55 .123 26.99 ± 2.38 35.69 ± 5.44 .004** 32.23
AP (W) 12.81 ± 4.21 16.65 ± 9.28 29.98 .118 11.36 ± 3.15 16.83 ± 7.01 .037* 48.15
Le wrist during extension at 180 °/sec
PT (N.m) 18.91 ± 8.06 22.31 ± 7.75 17.98 .050* 19.64 ± 5.09 23.79 ± 7.54 .016* 21.13
PT/BW (%) 31.78 ± 9.79 37.75 ± 10.28 18.79 .099 30.51 ± 5.46 36.91 ±
10.12 .021* 20.98
AP (W) 12.03 ± 5.13 13.09 ± 2.89 8.81 .263 15.36 ± 6.45 18.08 ± 8.69 .173 17.71
Note: PT: Peak torque, PT/BW: Peak torque/body weight, AP: Average power. * p< 0.05; ** p< 0.01
instance, Herrero et al. [14] compared the effects of four
weeks weight+EMS training with weight training alone on
knee strength, and found more increase in weight+EMS
group than weight training group alone (40.2 % and
31.4 %, respectively). In another study, effects of EMS,
plyometric training, EMS+plyometric training were
compared on sprint time, jumping ability, and maximal
isometric strength values, and researchers found that
EMS+plyometric training signicantly increases jumping
height and sprint performance. Similarly, Mafuletti et al.
[9] demonstrated enhancements on knee extensor strength
and squat jump performance in basketball players after
four weeks of EMS training. Furthermore, EMS (9.1
%), or EMS+plyometric training (16.3 %) provides
enhancement on maximal strength [40]. Brocherieet
al. [41] investigated the effects of short-term using of
EMS (30 muscle contractions with 4 second duration),
and found improvements on isokinetic strength and
short skating performance in ice hockey players after
three weeks of training. Using EMS on knee extensor,
plantar exor, and gluteus muscles showed signicant
developments on power and muscle strength in Rugby
players after 12 weeks [38]. Silinskas et al. [42] applied
EMS on calf muscles and found about 6 % increase
in right muscle MVC in healthy men, and about 5 %
improvement in 10-m sprint time in trained athletes, only
after 10 sessions of training in three weeks. All these
studies and many others demonstrated positive inuences
of using EMS, and the gains observed in strength and
some performance parameters are similar to the changes
reached in the present study.
The results derived from the current study are
signicant not only for the performance but also for injury
prevention for climbers, due to the fact that the injuries
on wrist usually depend on the lack of strength and joint
control in wrist [43]. Josephsen et al. [44] found signicant
relationship with resistance training and decrease in
injury in boulderers. Some authors [2] reported that most
injuries are observed in hand and ngers in rock climbing
[26, 44, 45]. Therefore, improving the muscle strength
and endurance on these parts of the body is crucial.
A same or similar study could be performed with
any level of rock climbers including advanced or elite
athletes. According to Filipovic et al. [8] even the elite
level athletes should not change the number of training
sessions to improve their strength by using EMS.
Congruently, reported 30 to 40 percent of strength
improvement in trained athletes after using EMS. Besides,
as climbing involves grips in different directions, future
studies could investigate the effects of wrist training at
different directions such as exion-extension, pronation-
supination, and ulnar-radial deviation. It is reported that
strength improves with direction-based strength and
joint training [16]. In the present study, strength training
was performed in vertical axis and on a jug hold for the
subjects consisted of non-climber individuals. Different
grips for advanced or elite climbers could provide them
better strength development at different joint angles, or
using jug holds with different directions could be helpful
with transferring the strength to climbing performance in
Although the participants were physically active
individuals, training on a sport specic plate, such as
ngerboard, improved their wrist strength and endurance
in the both EMS+FT and FT groups. Apart from this,
the EMS+FT group showed signicant increases in
almost all of the parameters. Accordingly, it could be
inferred that ngerboard trainings done with EMS during
three days a week for four weeks improve the wrist
strength and endurance signicantly. Being one of the
basic components of rock climbing, muscular tness
has an essential role in climbing performance. This
study points that EMS trainings on ngerboard could
be used to enhance the climbing performance. Future
studies could include measuring the isokinetic strength
and endurance of muscle groups not placed with EMS
in order to understand whether EMS is effective only
in the muscle groups in which it is placed. In order to
compare the difference between only climbing training to
ngerboard training with EMS, a similar study could be
employed with another experimental group who climbs
only. Additionally, the more functional information about
the effects of EMS could be given using EMS during
climbing training.
Conict of interest
The authors of the article declare that there is no
conict of interest.
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Information about the authors:
Dicle Aras; (Corresponding Author);;; Faculty of Sport Sciences,
Ankara University; Ankara, Turkey.
Selçuk Gül;;; Department of Sports Medicine, Erzurum Regional
Education and Research Hospital; Erzurum, Turkey.
Fırat Akça;; ; Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara University; Ankara,
Mehmet Gülü;;; Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara
University; Ankara, Turkey.
Özkan Güler;;; Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara University;
Ankara, Turkey.
Cemil C. Bıldırcın;;; School of Physical Education and Sports,
Çukurova University; Adana, Turkey.
Erşan Arslan;;; School of Physical Education and
Sports, Siirt University; Siirt, Turkey.
Güney Çetinkaya;;; Faculty of Sport Sciences, Akdeniz
University; Antalya, Turkey.
Cite this article as:
Dicle Aras, Selçuk Gül, Fırat Akça, Mehmet Gülü, Özkan Güler, Cemil C. Bıldırcın, Erşan Arslan, Güney Çetinkaya. Four-week
of local electromyostimulaiton training on ngerboard increases the isokinetic wrist strength and endurance. Physical
Education of Students, 2020;24(3):127–134.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
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Received: 12.02.2020
Accepted: 15.03.2020; Published: 30.06.2020
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İnsan hayatının her aşamasında her şey zihinde başlayarak duygulara ve davranışa etki etmektedir. Doğal olarak yapılan her türlü eylemden biyolojik olarak zihnimiz sorumludur. Elbette stres hayatımızın her aşamasında bulunmaktadır. Ancak spor endüstrisinde stres faktörü daha üst seviyede görülmektedir. Sporda stres sadece sahada veya müsabaka anında olan bir kavram değildir. Aslına bakıldığında sporda stres faktörü yönetimsel boyutta daha fazla olmaktadır. Kitabımızın bu bölümünde spor yönetiminde zihinsel hazırlığın önemini ve spor yönetimi ile olan ilişkisini açıklamaya çalışacağız.
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Besides being an important factor in preventing musculoskeletal injuries in daily life, the sport of rock climbing affects balance as well. Hence, the purpose of the study was to compare the postural balance level between experienced sport climbers and sedentary adults. A total of 10 advanced sport climbers and 10 sedentary adults participated in the study. All subjects performed three balance tasks on a force platform with the eyes open, eyes closed, and during a visual conflict condition. All testing was performed with hands on hips and while barefoot. Subjects were instructed to stand quietly on the force plate for 90-second trials. The ranges, and SDs (standard deviation) of sway in the medio-lateral (ML) and anterior-posterior (AP) axes, and the sway path values [on the ML and AP axes and the general sway (mm)] were recorded. Although climbers had superior scores in all of the balance values, only significant differences were found in the Range-ML with the eyes open condition, and in Range-AP and in SD-AP with the eyes closed. Intragroup analyses showed that both groups had statistically higher scores in Range-AP, SD-AP, Sway path, and Sway path-AP values with the eyes closed condition, and only climbers in Range-ML, and only sedentary group in Sway path-ML again with the eyes closed condition. In accordance with the results it can be concluded that advanced level sport climbers produces significant advantages in the postural balance level. Therefore, sport climbing could be evaluated as a type of physical activity to enhance the balance level.
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Purpose: An advanced system for the assessment of climbing-specific performance was developed and used to: (a) investigate the effect of arm fixation (AF) on construct validity evidence and reliability of climbing-specific finger-strength measurement; (b) assess reliability of finger-strength and endurance measurements; and (c) evaluate the relationship between finger flexor all-out test scores and climbing ability. Methods: To determine the effect of AF, 22 male climbers performed 2 maximal strength and all-out tests with AF (shoulder and elbow flexed at 90°) and without AF (shoulder flexed at 180° and elbow fully extended). To determine reliability, 9 male climbers completed 2 maximal strength tests with and without AF and an all-out and intermittent test without AF. Results: The maximal strength test without AF more strongly determined climbing ability than the test with AF (r2 = .48 and r2 = .42 for sport climbing; r2 = .66 and r2 = .42 for bouldering, respectively). Force and time variables were highly reliable; the rate of force development and fatigue index had moderate and low reliability. The maximal strength test with AF provided slightly higher reliability than without AF (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.94, ICC = 0.88, respectively). However, smaller maximal forces were achieved during AF (484 ± 112 N) than without AF (546 ± 132 N). All-out test average force had sufficiently high reliability (ICC = 0.92) and a relationship to sport climbing (r2 = .42) and bouldering ability (r2 = .58). Conclusion: Finger strength and endurance measurements provided sufficient construct validity evidence and high reliability for time and force parameters. Arm fixation provides more reliable results; however, the position without AF is recommended as it is more related to climbing ability.
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Recently, whole body-electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) has upgraded its functions and capabilities and has overcome limitations and inconveniences from past systems. Although the efficacy and safety of EMS have been examined in some studies, specific guidelines for applying WB-EMS are lacking. To determine the efficacy and safety of applying it in healthy men to improve cardiopulmonary and psychophysiological variables when applying WB-EMS. Sixty-four participants were randomly grouped into control group (without electrical stimuli) or WB-EMS group after a 6-week baseline period. The control group (n=33; female. 15; male, 18) wore the WB-EMS suit as much as the WB-EMS group (n=31; female, 15; male, 16). There were no abnormal changes in the cardiopulmonary variables (heart rate, systolic blood pressure [SBP], diastolic blood pressure, and oxygen uptake) during or after the graded exercise test (GXT) in both groups. There was a significant decrease in SBP and an increase of oxygen uptake from stages 3 to 5 of the GXT in the WB-EMS group. The psychophysiological factors for a WB-EMS group, which consisted of soreness, anxiety, fatigability, and sleeplessness were significantly decreased after the experiment. The application of WB-EMS in healthy young men did not negatively affect the cardiopulmonary and psychophysiological factors. Rather, the application of WB-EMS improved SBP and oxygen uptake in submaximal and maximal stages of GXT. This study also confirmed that 6 weeks of WB-EMS training can improve psychophysiological factors.
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The aim of the study was to determine whether forearm muscle strength correlates with sport climbing performance. Three different movements of the forearm musculature in 25 recreational climbers (performance on sight (os) style mean F7a+, range 6b+ - 7c; red point (rp) style 7b+, range 7a - 8b+) were examined. A special isokinetic device was built to investigate eccentric and concentric isokinetic maximum strength of wrist (wr) flexion, proximal interphalangeal joint (pi) flexion of the middle- and ringfinger and a "rolling in a bar" movement involving both interphalangeal joints and the metacarpophalangeal joint (ro) of all fingers. There was no correlation between absolute maximum strength and climbing performance. Relative strength (strength/body weight) of all three exercises however correlated significantly with climbing difficulty of rp and os style, except pi flexion and os style. Correlation coefficient was highest between rp and concentric wr flexion. Among forearm musculature concentric wrist flexion was the best predictor for sport climbing performance.
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In order to outline the performance limiting factors and to conduct an effective training process in rock climbing a characteristic of the physical activity is needed. On this basis proper training exercises and methods could be designed. Rock climbing has a variable character of the workload, includes many sub disciplines and demands complex development of the motor abilities. Different types of climbing vary in intensity, duration, methods used for protection and terrain. This may set different physical, mental and technical demands and may induce different physiological responses. Nevertheless, the performance limiting factors and training methods may be considered identical. Only the levels and proportions of development of the decisive abilities would be different. A very important characteristic of the workload in climbing is that more than one third of the ascent time is spend in immobilized positions. Climbing involves also sustained intermittent isometric contractions. These characteristics largely explain the nonstandard physiological responses. One unique physiological response is that heart rate disproportionally rises in comparison to oxygen consumption and heart rate could not be used for training guidance. Among the main training goals in rock climbing are: sport-specific strength and strength endurance of the forearm flexors, explosive strength of the arm flexors, strength endurance of the shoulder girdle and core maximal strength. Sport-specific strength is commonly developed through bouldering, hanging on fingerboards, exercising on campus boards and system training. Bouldering as a sport-specific exercise is highly effective for developing strength in unity with sports technique. However, the necessary training load cannot always be achieved due to difficulties of coordinative nature. Thus, special-preparatory strength exercises are widely used. Fingerboard hanging can enhance maximal strength and intramuscular coordination. Campus board training is a proven in the practice extraordinary tool for developing explosive strength, improving rate of force development, as well as intramuscular and intermuscular coordination. System training is a special form of strength training used mainly to improve intermuscular coordination. For endurance training mostly interval methods for developing aerobic and anaerobic capabilities are used in the form of long bouldering or traversing, top rope and lead climbing. As rock climbing has a variable character and many climbing conditions are possible (i.e. route length and inclination, holds' sizes, shapes and situation) it is difficult to standardize training and testing, to evaluate the performance limiting factors and to uncover workload control indicators. Nevertheless, the profound knowledge on different aspects of rock climbing is a precondition for enhancing performance through designing effective training methods which should highly reflect specificity to climbing. Key words: sport climbing, physiological responses to climbing, anthropometric characteristics of climbers, motor abilities in climbing Introduction Rock climbing may be described as a " natural " physical activity, inherent in man as walking, running, or swimming. As modern lifestyle requires much less physical activity than it was necessary several decades ago, many people prefer rock climbing to meet the necessity of workload as an encoded factor for maintaining health status. However, rock climbing outdoors or at indoor artificial structures is practiced not only as a recreational but also as a competitive sport, as well as for non-competitive high performance climbing achievements, which is not typical for other sports. The theory and methodology of sports training is an important issue for elite climbers, competitors and their trainers. A common feature of sport climbing is to climb at the limits of one's own capabilities. This is valid also for recreational climbers. Besides it is in the human nature to seek improvement. Therefore, the interest how to build the training process and which methods to use is great even among less skilled climb
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Bouldering (BL) is an independent discipline of sport climbing, with grip strength and endurance as key factors. Although the sport has grown increasingly popular and competitive, limited research has been conducted on commonly used training methods to maximize BL performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the training effects of 4 weeks of fingerboarding (FB) on grip strength and endurance in competitive BL. Twenty-three highly advanced male boulderers (25.6 +/- 4.4 y; 1.78 +/- 0.05 m; 70.1 +/-5.4 kg; 6.2 +/- 2.8 y climbing; 7b+ Fb mean ability) were randomly allocated to a 4-week FB (n = 11) or BL (n = 12) training regimen. Pre- and posttests (50 min duration) involved (a) handheld dynamometry (GS) to assess grip strength, as well as (b) dead hangs (DH) and (c) intermittent finger hangs (IFH) to assess grip endurance. After the four-week regimen, GS increased significantly in the FB group (2.5 +/- 1.4 kg, P < 0.001), but not in the BL group (1.4 +/- 2.8 kg, P = 0.109). The mean increase in DH ranged from 5.4 to 6.7 s in the FB group and was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that in the BL group (3.0 - 3.9 s). Finally, significantly higher IFH gains were observed in the FB group (P = 0.004), with a mean gain of 26 s, but not in the BL group (P = 0.168). These results suggest that FB is highly effective in increasing grip strength and endurance in competitive BL.
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of different arm positions for finger flexor strength measurement in sport climbers. Forty six climbers completed finger flexor strength measurement on a climbing specific device with four different arm positions: 1 - handgrip, shoulder flexed at 0°, elbow fully extended; 2 - shoulder flexed at 90° and externally rotated, elbow flexed at 90° (position 90/90); 3 - shoulder abducted at 130°, elbow flexed at 50° (position 130/50), 4 - shoulder flexed at 180°, elbow fully extended (position 180/0). Intra-session reliability from 3 trials was assessed by an intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). To assess the criterion related validity repeated analysis of covariance was used (4 x 2 x 2) with the arm position as a within subject factor, sex and climbing ability as between subject factors, and body mass as a covariate. The criterion was represented by self-reported climbing ability. A high ICC was found for all arm positions ranging from 0.95 to 0.98. The highest variability explained by climbing ability in finger strength was found in the 180/0 position (ηp2 = 0.25) and 130/50 position (ηp2 = 0.25). The handgrip test had the lowest validity to the reported climbing ability (ηp2 = 0.05). It was concluded that the positions 180/0 and 130/50 are most suitable to assess finger flexor strength in climbers.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of a 6-week direction specific resistance training program on isometric torque control and isokinetic torque strength of the wrist joint. Nineteen subjects were randomly assigned to either the wrist training group (n=9) or the control group (n=10). The training group performed wrist exercises in six directions (flexion, extension, pronation, supination, radial deviation, and ulnar deviation) while the control group did not. Data were collected on the isometric torque control, one-repetition maximum (1-RM) strength, and isokinetic maximum torque (angular velocity of 60°/s wrist movements) before and after six weeks of resistance training and at two-week intervals during training. The training group showed significant decreases in isometric torque control error in all six directions after 2 weeks of resistance training, while the control group did not show significant increase or decrease. After 4 weeks of training, the training group showed significant increases in maximum strength in all six directions as assessed by 1-RM strength and isokinetic strength tests, while the control group did not show any statistically significant changes. This study shows that motor control significantly improves within the first two weeks of resistance training, while the wrist strength significantly improves within the first four weeks of resistance training. Based on the findings of this study, coaches and trainers should consider wrist resistance training to improve athletes' muscular strength and control of the wrist muscles.
Little research is available to guide training programs for rock climbers. To help meet this need, we sought to determine the relative importance of four muscle groups for rock climbing performance. Eleven male climbers were familiarized with an indoor climbing route before five separate days of testing. On testing days, subjects were randomly assigned to climb with no pre-fatiguing exercise (control climb), or following a pre-fatiguing exercise designed to specifically target the digit flexors (DF), shoulder adductors (SA), elbow flexors (EF), or lumbar flexors (LF). Immediately after the pre-fatiguing exercise, the subject climbed the route as far as possible without rest until failure. The number of climbing moves was recorded for each climb. Surface electromyography of the target muscles was recorded during the pre-fatigue. Fewer climbing moves were completed after pre-fatigue of the DF (50% ± 18%) and EF (78% ± 22% of control) (p < 0.05) compared to the control climb. The number of moves completed following pre-fatigue of the LF and SA were not statistically significant compared to the control climb (p > 0.05). The short time lapse between the end of pre-fatiguing exercise and the start of climbing (transit time) that may have allowed for some recovery was not different among trials (p > 0.05). EMG median frequency was reduced from beginning to end of each pre-fatiguing exercise. These results suggest that among the muscle groups studied in men, muscular endurance of DF and EF muscle groups are especially important for rock climbing on 40 overhanging terrain.