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On Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal Electrical Conductivity Oscillations in Narrow-gap Electronic Semiconductors

  • Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan.
  • Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology
  • Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology


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Vol. 12 No 3, 03012(5pp) (2020) Том 12 3, 03012(5cc) (2020)
2077-6772/2020/12(3)03012(5) 03012-1 2020 Sumy State University
On Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal Electrical Conductivity Oscillations
in Narrow-gap Electronic Semiconductors
G. Gulyamov2, U.I. Erkaboev1,
, R.G. Rakhimov1, J.I. Mirzaev1
1 Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 160115 Namangan, Uzbekistan
2 Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, 160103 Namangan, Uzbekistan
(Received 08 November 2019; revised manuscript received 15 June 2020; published online 25 June 2020)
Oscillations of longitudinal electrical conductivity, oscillations of magnetic susceptibility and oscilla-
tions of electronic heat capacity for narrow-gap electronic semiconductors are considered. A theory is con-
structed of the temperature dependence of quantum oscillation phenomena in narrow-gap electronic semi-
conductors, taking into account the thermal smearing of Landau levels. Oscillations of longitudinal electri-
cal conductivity in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors at various temperatures are studied. An integral
expression is obtained for the longitudinal conductivity in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors, taking in-
to account the diffuse broadening of the Landau levels. A formula is obtained for the dependence of the o s-
cillations of longitudinal electrical conductivity on the band gap of narrow-gap semiconductors. The theory
is compared with the experimental results of Bi2Se3. A theory is constructed of the temperature depend-
ence of the magnetic susceptibility oscillations for narrow-gap electronic semiconductors. Using these oscil-
lations of magnetic susceptibility, the cyclotron effective masses of electrons are determined. The calcula-
tion results are compared with experimental data. The proposed model explains the experimental results
in p-Bi2 xFexTe3 at different temperatures.
Keywords: Oscillations of electronic heat capacity, Oscillations of magnetic susceptibility and oscillations
of electrical conductivity, Electronic narrow-gap semiconductors, Cyclotron effective mass.
DOI: 10.21272/jnep.12(3).03012
PACS numbers: 71.20. b, 71.28. + d
It is known that, using quantum oscillation phe-
nomena it is possible to determine the basic physical
quantities (longitudinal conductivity, magnetic suscep-
tibility, thermoelectric power and other transport phe-
nomena) in electronic and nanoscale semiconductors. In
particular, oscillations of longitudinal electrical conduc-
tivity and oscillations of magnetic susceptibility provide
valuable information on the energy spectra of free elec-
trons in electronic semiconductor structures. In a
strong magnetic field, the longitudinal conductivity is
determined using the following expression [1]:
2 2 3
/2 / 2
( ) ( )
(2 ) 1
( ) ( )
zz c Z N Z c c N
f E f E
e m e
k E dk E N E dE
m E E
Here, N is the number of Landau levels,
c is the cyclo-
tron frequency,
N(E) is the relaxation time, E is the
energy of a free electron in a quantizing magnetic field,
f0(E)/E is the energy derivative of the Fermi-Dirac
function, which takes on the character of a delta func-
tion at low temperatures. From formula (1) it is seen
that the effective mass is a constant, that is, this ex-
pression is applicable only for the parabolic dispersion
law. But, if the dispersion law is nonparabolic (Kane’s
dispersion law), then the effective mass is strongly
dependent on energy (m(E)). It is known that, just in
narrow-gap electronic semiconductors, the effective
mass depends on the energy (m(E)) [2-4]. Recently,
many experiments have been performed on oscillations
of longitudinal electrical conductivity and oscillations of
magnetic susceptibility in narrow-gap electronic semi-
conductors [5-8]. In these works, quantum oscillation
phenomena at a constant temperature were studied.
However, until now, the theory of temperature depend-
ence has not been developed for these processes in nar-
row-gap electronic semiconductors. The study of quan-
tum oscillation phenomena associated with equilibrium
and nonequilibrium quantities allows us to identify
new properties of massive, low-dimensional, and elec-
tronic semiconductors. Such values include longitudinal
magnetic susceptibility, electronic heat capacity, ther-
modynamic potential, electrical conductivity, and oth-
ers. In a quantizing magnetic field and at low tempera-
tures, such quantities oscillate. All quantum oscillation
phenomena depend on the spectral density of energy
states in semiconductors. The spectral density of states
in semiconductors is determined by the energy spec-
trum of electrons and holes. As experiments show, the
density of states depends on temperature. The temper-
ature dependence is explained by thermal broadening
of discrete levels in the sample. As shown in [9, 10], the
density of states at low temperatures from a continuous
spectrum turns into a discrete one. This is because, at
low temperatures the thermal broadening of the dis-
crete levels decreases, disappears, and the continuous
spectrum turns into discrete levels. The temperature
dependence of the spectral density of states in a quan-
tizing magnetic field was considered in [9, 10]. It is
shown that with increasing temperature, the density of
states in a strong field turns into a continuous spec-
trum of the density of states of electrons in the absence
of a magnetic field. In this case, with increasing tem-
perature, in the collision of electrons, the thermal mo-
tion smears the discrete Landau levels and turns them
into a continuous spectrum of density of states. The
discontinuous nature of the function, the spectral den-
sity of states near the points E (N + 1/2)ћ
leads to
significant features of the phenomena of transport and
magnetic susceptibility with the parabolic dispersion
law. In works [11-13], oscillations of the longitudinal
magnetic susceptibility were observed in wide-gap and
narrow-gap semiconductors at constant temperatures.
And also, in these works the temperature dependence
of the oscillation amplitude of the longitudinal magnet-
ic susceptibility was considered in a strong magnetic
field. However, in the above works, a concrete theory of
oscillations of the longitudinal magnetic susceptibility
in narrow-gap semiconductors, taking into account the
temperature dependence of the spectral density of
states, was not constructed.
The aim of this work is to construct a theory of the
temperature dependence of the oscillations of longitu-
dinal electric conductivity and oscillations of the mag-
netic susceptibility in narrow-gap electronic semicon-
ductors, taking into account the thermal broadening of
the Landau levels.
2.1 Dependence of Oscillations of Longitudinal
Electrical Conductivity on the Band Gap in
Narrow-gap Electronic Semiconductors
Let us consider oscillations of longitudinal electrical
conductivity in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors.
In a quantizing magnetic field, the electron energy of
the conduction band is determined by the following
expression [1]:
2 2 2 2 2
N g g c
Ek g H
E E E N m
where EN is the electron energy of the conduction band
in a quantizing magnetic field with a nonparabolic
dispersion law, Eg is the band gap of narrow-gap semi-
We define kz from formula (2) excluding spin. From
here, we find kz2 and determine the wave function
along the Z-axis with the nonparabolic dispersion law:
z N c
k E N
Differentiating formula (3), we obtain the following
expression and we determine the expression for the
longitudinal conductivity in narrow-gap electronic sem-
(2 ) 1
1 ( )
zz c N c N
me E N E dE
Now, let us analyze the longitudinal conductivity
oscillations for various narrow-gap electronic semicon-
ductors with a nonparabolic dispersion law. Formula
(4) allows to graphically analyze the dependence of
zz(E, H, T, Eg(T)). Fig. 1 shows the dependence of the
longitudinal conductivity oscillations on a strong mag-
netic field in InSb. Here, T 1 K, Eg 0.234 eV and the
number of Landau levels in the conduction band is
N 10 [14, 15]. As can be seen from Fig. 1, with in-
creasing magnetic field induction, the amplitudes of
oscillations of the longitudinal conductivity increase. It
can also be seen from the figure that the amplitude of
the conductivity oscillation is 10. Each oscillation of the
amplitude of the longitudinal conductivity corresponds
to one discrete Landau level.
With the help of formula (4), we compare the oscil-
lations of the longitudinal electrical conductivity for
various values of the band gap. In Fig. 1, oscillation
phenomena are presented for InSb and InAs at a con-
stant temperature. Here, Т 4 K, Eg 0.234 eV [15] for
InSb, Eg 0.414 eV [15] for InAs and the number of
Landau levels in the conduction band is equal to
N 12. As can be seen from Fig. 1, with an increase in
the band gap, one can observe a downward movement
of the oscillation graph. For example, longitudinal elec-
trical conductivity at Eg 0.234 eV, B 0.5 T, T 1 K is
equal to
zz 0.266 (Ohmcm) 1. Longitudinal conduc-
tivity at Eg 0.414 eV, B 0.5 T, T 1 K is equal to
zz 0.246 (Ohmcm) 1. It follows that with the help of
the band gap of narrow-gap semiconductors at constant
temperatures, it is possible to control the oscillations of
longitudinal electrical conductivity. Thus, from Fig. 1, a
strong dependence of the longitudinal electrical conduc-
tivity on the band gap in narrow-gap semiconductors is
seen. But, as can be seen from formula (1), for a spec-
trum with a parabolic dispersion law, the longitudinal
electrical conductivity oscillations do not depend on the
band gap.
Fig. 1 Longitudinal electrical conductivity oscillations in
narrow-gap semiconductors at T 1 K calculated by formula
(4): 1 for InSb; 2 for InAs
2.2 Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal
Conductivity Oscillations in Narrow-gap
Electronic Semiconductors
Let us consider the temperature dependence of the
longitudinal electric conductivity oscillations in nar-
row-gap electronic semiconductors. The graphs in Fig. 1
are obtained at low temperatures and strong magnetic
fields. In this case, the Landau levels are manifested
sharply and the thermal broadening is very weak. The
broadening of the discrete levels is described by the
derivative of the Fermi-Dirac energy distribution func-
tion f(E,
, T)/E. To take into account the tempera-
ture dependence of the longitudinal conductivity oscil-
lations, we expand
zz(E, H, T, Eg(T)) in the derivative
of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function f(E,
, T)/E.
Then the longitudinal conductivity oscillations will
depend on the temperature. As known, the band gap of
semiconductors is highly dependent on temperature
(Eg(T)) [15, 16]. The temperature dependence of the
band gap of semiconductors can be determined using
the empirical relation of Varshni [15, 16] or the analyt-
ical expression of Feng [16] and other relations. Hence,
we obtain the temperature dependence of the longitu-
dinal conductivity oscillations in narrow-gap semicon-
ductors in the presence of a strong magnetic field:
1/ 2
2 3 2 2
( , , )
(2 ) 1
( , , , ( )) 1 2
(0) (0)
zz g c N c
fE Т
E H T E T E E N dE
Thus, it becomes possible to calculate the longitudi-
nal conductivity oscillations in narrow-gap semiconduc-
tors at various temperatures.
We plot the graph of the
zz(E, H, T, Eg(T)) depend-
ences with the help of formula (5). Fig. 2 shows the
oscillations of the longitudinal conductivity in InSb at
temperatures T 1 K, 25 K, and 77 K. It can be seen
from Fig. 2 that at a temperature of 77 K, the ampli-
tudes of the longitudinal electrical conductivity oscilla-
tions are practically unnoticeable and coincide with
zz(E, H, T, Eg(T)) in the absence of a magnetic field.
2.3 Investigation of Magnetic Susceptibility
Oscillations in Narrow-gap Semiconductors
at Various Temperatures
Let us consider the temperature dependence of the
longitudinal magnetic susceptibility oscillations in
narrow-gap semiconductors taking into account the
temperature dependence of the density of states. For
narrow-gap semiconductors, the spectral density of
states is determined by the following expression [10]:
, (6)
where NS(E, H) is the spectral density of energy states
with nonparabolic dispersion law. Integrating formula
(6), we obtain the total number of quantum states per
unit volume. In quantizing magnetic fields, the free
energy of electrons without taking into account spin is
expressed in terms of the total number of quantum
states in the following form [1, 14]:
( , , ) ( ) 1 exp
( ) 2
m eH E eH E
F E H T n E N dE
c E mc kT
where, n is the concentration of charge carriers,
is the
Fermi level. Differentiating (7) with respect to H we
find dF(E, H, T)/dH, and differentiating again with
respect to H we obtain d2F(E, H, T)/dH2:
22 3
1 3 1
( , , ) 1
,, 4 ( ) 11 exp
eH E
mc E
d F E H T e m
E H T dE
dH c E
E eH
E mc
 
 
(E, H, T) are magnetic susceptibility oscilla-
tions in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors. Thus,
using formula (8), one can calculate the temperature
dependences of the magnetic susceptibility oscillations
in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors. Now consider
the numerical calculations using the computer program
Using formula (8), we construct a graph of the de-
pendence of the longitudinal magnetic susceptibility
oscillations on the strong magnetic field strength in n-
Bi2Te2.85Se0.15 (Fig. 3). Here, Eg(0) 0.18 eV [17], mag-
netic field strength B 0.1 3 T (or H 1 30 kOe) at
T 2 K. From Fig. 3 it follows that with an increase in
the magnetic field induction, the oscillation amplitude
of the longitudinal magnetic susceptibility increases
Fig. 2 Temperature dependence of the longitudinal electrical
conductivity oscillations in various narrow-gap electronic
semiconductors calculated by the formula (5): 1 for InSb and
2 for InAs
Fig. 3 Dependence of the magnetic susceptibility oscillations
on temperature and magnetic field in n-Bi2Te2.85Se0.15 calculat-
ed by formula (8)
significantly. At low temperatures, the discrete Landau
levels manifest themselves sharply and the thermal
broadening of the discrete levels is not felt. Thermal
broadening of the levels in a strong magnetic field leads
to smoothing of discrete levels.
2.3.1 Influence of Temperature on Electronic
Heat Capacity Oscillations
One of the methods for the determination of the
spectral density of energy states oscillations of semi-
conductors in a strong magnetic field is based on meas-
urements of oscillations of the electronic heat capacity. In
the works [12, 13], oscillations of the electron specific heat
in semiconductors at low temperatures were studied.
However, in these works, the temperature dependence of
the oscillations of the electronic heat capacity for narrow-
gap semiconductors was not considered.
Now, we consider the oscillations of the electronic
heat capacity in narrow-gap semiconductors at various
temperatures. For a degenerate electron gas, the deriv-
ative of the Fermi-Dirac temperature distribution func-
tion has the following form:
,, 1
1 exp
f E T kT
T kT E
 
Using formulas (6) and (9), we obtain the following
analytical expression for the temperature dependence
of oscillations of the electronic heat capacity in a quan-
tizing magnetic field:
,, 21
(2) () 1 exp
C E H T E dE
 
Here, C(E, H, T) are electronic specific heat oscilla-
tions for narrow-gap electronic semiconductors. Thus,
with the help of the formula (10), it is possible to calcu-
late the oscillations of the electronic heat capacity in
narrow-gap semiconductors at various temperatures.
In the work [18], the de Haas-van Alphen effect in
magnetic semiconductors was observed. The magnetic
susceptibility oscillations in p-Bi2 xFexTe3 were obtained
at T 2 K, x 0 [18] and Eg(0) 0.2 eV [17]. Fig. 4 pre-
sents the theoretical and experimental graphs for
p-Bi2 xFexTe3 (x 0) at T 2 K. Using formula (8), a theo-
retical graph is obtained. As can be seen in this figure, the
amplitude of the Landau levels on the theoretical curve is
observed much higher than on the experimental graph.
With the help of formulas (8), one can plot the graph of the
magnetic susceptibility oscillations for p-Bi2 xFexTe3 at
various temperatures. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that at
high temperatures, the oscillation amplitudes erode, and a
strong magnetic field is not felt. This is due to the fact that
the thermal broadening of the Landau levels is enhanced
at high temperatures.
Let us analyze the longitudinal conductivity oscilla-
tions of specific narrow-gap electronic materials in a
quantizing magnetic field. For a unit volume of semi-
conductors, the following condition is satisfied:
( , , , ( )) ( , , , ( ))
( , , , ( ))
zz g zz g
zz g
Fig. 4 De Haas-van Alphen oscillations in p-Bi2 xFexTe3 at
T 2 K and x 0: 1 experiment [18], 2 theory calculated by
formula (8)
Here, Rzz is the longitudinal magnetoresistance.
In Fig. 5, the results of theoretical calculations are
compared with experimental data for Bi2Se3 [8] at a
measurement temperature of T 4.2 K, Eg(T) 0.15 eV
and in the magnetic field induction range B 0 ÷ 32 T.
The theoretical curve for Rzz(E, H, T, Eg(T)) is obtained
with the help formula (11). As can be seen from this
figure, discrete Landau levels are not observed in the
range of the magnetic field induction B 5 ÷ 10 T in the
experimental graph. But, oscillations of the longitudi-
nal magnetoresistance in the theoretical curve are
manifested precisely in this interval of the magnetic
field induction. Using formula (11), we can calculate
the oscillations of the longitudinal magnetoresistance
in Bi2Se3 at various temperatures. As can be seen from
Fig. 5, the theoretical curve and experimental data are
in good agreement.
Fig. 5 Magnetoresistance oscillations in Bi2Se3 at T 4.2 K:
1 theory calculated by formula (11); 2 experiment [8]
Based on the study, the following conclusion can be
made: for the first time, the theory of the temperature
dependence on the longitudinal electrical conductivity
and magnetic susceptibility oscillations in narrow-gap
semiconductors was constructed taking into account
the thermal smearing of Landau levels. Generalized
mathematical expressions were obtained for the mag-
netic susceptibility, longitudinal electrical conductivity
and electronic specific heat oscillations for narrow-gap
electronic semiconductors in quantizing magnetic
fields. The theory is compared with the experimental
results of Bi2Se3 and p-Bi2 xFexTe3. Using these oscilla-
tions of magnetic susceptibility, the cyclotron effective
masses of electrons are determined.
This research has been supported by the Ministry of
innovative development of the republic of Uzbekistan
(Grant No. OT-F2-70).
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Про температурну залежність поздовжніх коливань електричної провідності
в вузькозонних електронних напівпровідниках
G. Gulyamov2, U.I. Erkaboev1, R.G. Rakhimov1, J.I. Mirzaev1
1 Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 160115 Namangan, Uzbekistan
2 Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, 160103 Namangan, Uzbekistan
Розглянуто коливання поздовжньої електричної провідності, коливання магнітної сприйнятливо-
сті та коливання електронної теплоємності для вузькозонних електронних напівпровідників. Побудо-
вана теорія температурної залежності явищ квантових коливань у вузькозонних електронних напівп-
ровідниках з урахуванням термічного розмивання рівнів Ландау. Досліджено коливання поздовжньої
електричної провідності у вузькозонних електронних напівпровідниках при різних температурах.
Отримано інтегральний вираз для поздовжньої електропровідності у вузькозонних електронних напі-
впровідниках з урахуванням дифузного розширення рівнів Ландау. Знайдена формула залежності
коливань поздовжньої електричної провідності від ширини забороненої зони вузькозонних напівпро-
відників. Порівняно теорію з експериментальними результатами для Bi2Se3. Побудована теорія тем-
пературної залежності коливань магнітної сприйнятливості для вузькозонних електронних напівпро-
відників. За допомогою цих коливань магнітної сприйнятливості визначають ефективні циклотронні
маси електронів. Результати розрахунків порівнюються з експериментальними даними. Запропоно-
вана модель пояснює результати експериментів у p-Bi2 xFexTe3 при різних температурах.
Ключові слова: Коливання електронної теплоємності, Коливання магнітної сприйнятливості та ко-
ливання електропровідності, Електронні вузькозонні напівпровідники, Ефективна циклотронна маса.
... In the proposed mathematical model, N SS (B) cannot fully explain the temperature dependence of the densities of surface states according to Eq. (21). Because at low temperatures N SS (B) according to (21) practically does not change. ...
... In the proposed mathematical model, N SS (B) cannot fully explain the temperature dependence of the densities of surface states according to Eq. (21). Because at low temperatures N SS (B) according to (21) practically does not change. That is, the value of α 1 is about 10 − 4 for all materials, while α 2 can only be obtained at higher temperatures, such as 100 K, according to [43]. ...
... Among them are thin films, nanotubes and two-dimensional (2D) structures [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. In particular, quantum oscillation effects under the influence of a magnetic field and electromagnetic waves (light) have been observed in several new classes of narrow band quantum well heterostructures, for example, oscillations of transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistance, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effects [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. In works [21][22][23], the effect of temperature dependence of magnetoresistance oscillations, magnetic susceptibility oscillations, and quantum Hall effects in bulk and nano-scale semiconductor structures on external factors was investigated. ...
... However, the effect of light on magnetoresistance oscillations for materials with quantum well heterostructures has not been studied in these works. In these works [13,27,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34], the effect of light on the magnetoresistance oscillations of heterostructures with narrow band quantum wells was experimentally applied. That is, it was observed that magnetoresistance oscillations under the influence of light significantly shift compared to darkness. ...
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of smallscale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expressions have been found to represent the temperature dependence of transverse differential magnetoresistance ossillations in dark and light situations, taking into account the effect of light on the ossillations of the Fermi energy of small-scale semiconductor structures. A mathematical model has been developed that determines the light dependence of the second-order derivative of the transverse magnetoresistance oscillations of p-type semiconductors with quantum wells by magnetic field induction. A new theory is proposed, which explains the reasons for the significant shift of the differential magnetoresistance oscillations along the vertical axis measured in the experiment for dark and light conditions.
... Among them are thin films, nanotubes and two-dimensional (2D) structures [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. In particular, quantum oscillation effects under the influence of a magnetic field and electromagnetic waves (light) have been observed in several new classes of narrow band quantum well heterostructures, for example, oscillations of transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistance, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and quantum Hall effects [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. In works [21][22][23], the effect of temperature dependence of magnetoresistance oscillations, magnetic susceptibility oscillations, and quantum Hall effects in bulk and nano-scale semiconductor structures on external factors was investigated. ...
... However, the effect of light on magnetoresistance oscillations for materials with quantum well heterostructures has not been studied in these works. In these works [13,27,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34], the effect of light on the magnetoresistance oscillations of heterostructures with narrow band quantum wells was experimentally applied. That is, it was observed that magnetoresistance oscillations under the influence of light significantly shift compared to darkness. ...
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of small-scale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expressions have been found to represent the temperature dependence of transverse differential magnetoresistance oscillations in dark and light situations, taking into account the effect of light on the oscillations of the Fermi energy of small-scale semiconductor structures. A mathematical model has been developed that determines the light dependence of the second-order derivative of the transverse magnetoresistance oscillations of p‑type semiconductors with quantum wells by magnetic field induction. A new theory is proposed, which explains the reasons for the significant shift of the differential magnetoresistance oscillations along the vertical axis measured in the experiment for dark and light conditions.
... And also, experimental values were established for the quantum pit GaAs, under the illumination of microwave radiation. In the works [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] various experimental techniques have been developed for determining the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haase oscillation in heterostructures with quantum wells with parabolic and non-parabolic laws of dispersion. For example, in the work [6], quantum oscillation phenomena were observed in Regular Paper d v a n c e P u b l i c a t i o n heterostructures with quantum wells Ga 1−x In x N y As 1−y using magnetotransport measurements. ...
... Now, based on Eqs. (12) and (13), let's consider the dependences 2d ? ðE; B; T; dÞ and 2d ? ...
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For the first time, the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations of heterostructured semiconductors based on quantum wells was determined by temperature variation of the two-dimensional energy state density. A new analytical expression was developed to calculate the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of the quantum well. A mathematical model has been developed that determines the temperature dependence of the first and second order differential magnetoresistance oscillations due to magnetic field induction. Using the proposed model, dissociation of continuous ρ⊥2d(E, B, T, d) at constant low temperatures into amplitudes of quantum oscillations is substantiated based on the proposed model. It has been observed that the results of experiments on ∂(ρ⊥2d(E, B, T, d)/∂B obtained at consistently low temperatures of a narrow band quantum winding (InxGa1−xSb) are transformed into a continuous energy spectrum in the dynamics of high temperatures. Fullsize Image
... Here, s 0 ¼ c n N C is a constant coefficient. From (23) and (24) we determine q E SS ; T; t ð Þ : ...
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In this article, the physical properties of the surface of the CdS/Si(p) material under the influence of a magnetic field were studied. The dependence of the density of surface states of the p-type Si(p) semiconductor on the magnetic field and temperature has been studied. For the first time, a mathematical model has been developed to determine the temperature dependence of the density of surface states of a semiconductor under the influence of a strong magnetic field. Mathematical modeling of processes was carried out using experimental values of the continuous energy spectrum of the density of surface states, obtained at various low temperatures and strong magnetic fields, in the band gap of silicon. The possibility of calculating discrete energy levels is demonstrated.
... For example, light can be sent from a distance. This is of great importance for modern integrated optoelectronic connection circuits that are precisely controlled, fast switching and consume very little energy [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. ...
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In the fabrication of 3D p-n junctions, doping or surface modification caused by ion injection changes the electrical properties and crystal structure of the semiconductor. In addition, as the size of the semiconductor device decreases, various quantum effects are gradually appearing in them. This shows that the scope of application of classical device theory is now limited. In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) materials with amazing atomically fine properties have attracted great interest. The electrostatic field properties of some 2D p-n junctions, such as WS2, MoS2, MoSe2, WSe2, and black phosphorus (BP), open the door to new possibilities for semiconductors. Changes in the diffusion capacitances and differential conductance's of 2D p-n junctions under the influence of an microwave field, and the diffusion capacitances and differential conductance's of 2D and 3D p-n junctions the change of conductivities under the influence of microwave field is compared.
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of small-scale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expressions have been found to represent the temperature dependence of transverse differential magnetoresistance ossillations in dark and light situations, taking into account the effect of light on the ossillations of the Fermi energy of small-scale semiconductor structures. A mathematical model determining the light dependence of the second-order derivative of oscillations of transverse magnetoresistance of p-type semiconductors with quantum wells on magnetic field induction is developed. A new theory explaining the reasons for the significant shift of oscillations of differential magnetoresistance along the vertical axis measured in the experiment for dark and light conditions is proposed.
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a quantum well. For the first time, a mechanism has been developed for oscillating the transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a quantum well from the first-order derivative of the magnetic field (differential) at low temperatures and weak magnetic fields. The oscillations of electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a narrow-band quantum well with a non-parabolic dispersion law are investigated. The proposed theory investigated the results of experiments of a narrow-band quantum well (InxGa1-xSb).
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a quantum well. For the first time, a mechanism has been developed for oscillating the transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a quantum well from the first-order derivative of the magnetic field (differential) ∂(ρ⊥2d(E,B,T,d))∂B at low temperatures and weak magnetic fields. The oscillations of electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a narrow-band quantum well with a non-parabolic dispersion law are investigated. The proposed theory investigated the results of experiments of a narrow-band quantum well (InxGa1-xSb).
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This article investigated the temperature dependence of the width band gap in In x Ga 1-x As quantum well in the presence of a transverse strong magnetic field. A new method was proposed for determining the width band gap of GaAs/In x Ga 1-x As heterostructures based on a In x Ga 1-x As quantum well in the presence of a magnetic field and temperature. An analytical expression is obtained for calculating the width band gap of a rectangular quantum well at various magnetic fields and temperatures.
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Simulation of the temperature dependence on the microwave magnetoabsorption oscillations in electronic semiconductors is conducted using the Gaussian function and derivative of the Fermi-Dirac function by energy. Gaussian distribution function and derivative of the Fermi-Dirac function by energy are compared at different temperatures. It is shown that the distribution of the Gauss function is much more efficient and more rapidly tends to an ideal Dirac δ-function than the derivative of the Fermi-Dirac function by energy. The temperature dependence of the spectral density of states in semiconductors is calculated at quantizing magnetic fields. An analytical expression is obtained for the density of states in a quantizing magnetic field for narrow-gap semiconductors. Graphs of the temperature dependence of the density of states for InAs are constructed in a quantizing magnetic field. Oscillations of the absorption of microwave radiation in semiconductors are considered at different temperatures. A new mathematical model has been created for microwave absorption oscillations in narrow-band semiconductors. Using this model, the dependence of quantum oscillation phenomena on microwave absorption and temperature is calculated in electron gases. Graphs of oscillations of the derivative of the absorbed power by the magnetic field strength are obtained for InAs. A three-dimensional image of the absorption of microwave radiation for semiconductors has been constructed with the Kane dispersion law. The microwave magnetoabsorption oscillation was calculated in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors at different temperatures using the Gauss function. Formula for the dependence of the microwave magnetoabsorption oscillations on the electric field strength of an electromagnetic wave and temperature is obtained with the parabolic and Kane dispersion law. The calculation results are compared with experimental data. The proposed model explains the experimental results in HgSe at different temperatures.
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Mathematical models for the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in semiconductors are obtained at the microwave-radiation absorption and its temperature dependence. Three-dimensional image of microwave magnetoabsorption oscillations in narrow-gap semiconductors is established. Using a mathematical model, the oscillations of the microwave magnetoabsorption are considered for different values of the electromagnetic field. The results of calculations are compared with experimental data. The proposed model explains the experimental results in HgSe at different temperatures.
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The influence of pressure on the oscillations of Shubnikov-de Haas (ShdH) and de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) in semiconductors is studied. Working formula for the calculation of the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the Landau levels of electrons is obtained. The temperature dependence of quantum oscillations for different pressures is determined. The calculation results are compared with experimental data. It is shown that the effect of pressure on the band gap is manifested to oscillations and ShdH and dHvA effects in semiconductors.
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For nonparabolic dispersion law determined by the density of the energy states in a quantizing magnetic field, the dependence of the density of energy states on temperature in quantizing magnetic fields is studied with the nonquadratic dispersion law. Experimental results obtained for PbTe were analyzed using the suggested model. The continuous spectrum of the energy density of states at low temperature is transformed into discrete Landau levels.
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We report on the direct probing of the Fermi surface in the bulk of the electron-doped superconductor Nd2-xCexCuO4 at different doping levels by means of magnetoresistance quantum oscillations. Our data reveal a sharp qualitative change in the Fermi surface topology, due to translational symmetry breaking in the electronic system which occurs at a critical doping level significantly exceeding the optimal doping. This result implies that the (pi/a, pi/a) ordering, known to exist at low doping levels, survives up to the overdoped superconducting regime.
The density of energy states were obtained in a quantizing magnetic field at different temperature and for nonquadratic dispersion law. The dependence of the density of energy states on temperature in quantizing magnetic fields is studied with the nonquadratic dispersion law. The continuous spectrum of the energy density of states at low temperature is transformed into discrete Landau levels. The theory of the temperature dependence of the oscillation Shubnikov–de Haas in semiconductors with a nonparabolic dispersion law is constructed, taking into account the thermal broadening of the Landau levels. The cyclotron effective mass of the electrons is determined from the Shubnikov–de Haas data. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data in Bi1.99Tl0.01Se3.
AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures are investigated by magnetotransport experiments in high magnetic fields tilted with respect to the sample normal at low temperatures. The spin splitting is observed at high filling factors. For some particular tilt angles when the spin-splitting energy is close to a half of the cyclotron energy ℏomegaC , it is found that there is a crossover from even-integer-dominated Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) minima at low magnetic fields to odd-integer minima at high magnetic fields. The zero-field and exchange enhancement of the Zeeman spin-splitting effects can hardly interpret the abnormal SdH crossovers. We believe that large variation in the effective mass in the tilted magnetic field contributes to the crossovers.
The determination of the effective mass of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and nonparabolicity effects in modulation-doped In0.65Ga0.35As/In0.52Al0.48As single quantum well were investigated by temperature-dependent Shubnikov–de Haas (S–dH) measurements and fast Fourier transformation (FFT) and the inverse FFT (IFFT) analyses. The result of the angular-dependent S–dH measurements clearly demonstrated the occupation of two subbands in the quantum wells by the 2DEGs. The electron effective masses determined from temperature-dependent S–dH measurements and the FFT and IFFT analyses were 0.05869 and 0.05385me for the first and zeroth subbands, respectively. The electron effective masses obtained from the S–dH measurements and the FFT and IFFT analyses measurements qualitatively satisfy the nonparabolicity behavior in the In0.65Ga0.35As single quantum well. The electronic subband energies, the subband energy wavefunctions, and the Fermi energy in the In0.65Ga0.35As single quantum wells were calculated by a self-consistent method taking into account the exchange-correlation effect, the strain effect, and the nonparabolicity effect.
In single crystals of copper-doped and undoped Bi2Te2.85Se0.15 solid solutions with an electron concentration close to 1 × 1019 cm−3, the temperature dependences are investigated for the Hall (R 123, R 321) and Seebeck (S 11) kinetic coefficients, the electrical-conductivity (σ 11), Nernst-Ettingshausen (Q 123), and thermalconductivity (k 11) coefficients in the temperature range of 77–400 K. The absence of noticeable anomalies in the temperature dependences of the kinetic coefficients makes it possible to use the one-band model when analyzing the experimental results. Within the framework of the one-band model, the effective mass of density of states (m d ≈ 0.8m 0), the energy gap (εg ≈ 0.2 eV), and the effective scattering parameter (r eff ≈ 0.2) are estimated. The obtained value of the parameter r eff is indicative of the mixed electron-scattering mechanism with the dominant scattering by acoustic phonons. Data on the thermal conductivity and the lattice resistivity obtained by subtracting the electron contribution according to the Wiedemann-Franz law are presented.
The directional, density-of-states, and carrier-concentration effective masses of light, heavy, and split-off holes have been calculated for strained Si1−xCx alloys on Si (001) substrate. The results for the directional effective mass show that the effect of strain makes the constant energy surface of light holes near the band edge more symmetric than that in pure silicon. The effect of strain on the heavy and split-off hole bands is rather regular; up to 7% of carbon concentration the strain effect monotonically reduces the density-of-states effective mass for the two bands at energy values within energy interval of 0.4 eV below the valence band edge. This reduction is obtained for the carrier-concentration effective mass at temperatures from 0 to 600 K. The strain effect on the light hole band is less trivial; at nonzero carbon concentrations the strain effect influences the density-of-states and the carrier-concentration effective mass in a similar way as it does to the heavy and split-off bands but irregular behavior shows up in the energy interval of 0.02 eV below the valence band edge and at the temperature range from 0 to 140 K. At 7% of carbon doping the total density-of-states effective mass for holes at 77 and 300 K are almost the same, namely, the values are 0.39 and 0.40 in units of free electron mass, respectively.